#and Leah is a black girl
percabeth4life · 1 year
I refuse to reblog any Percabeth artwork where both Percy and Annabeth have blonde hair.
If you're changing the hair color to match canon it better be both or the white boy's, not only the black girl's.
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crunchycrystals · 9 months
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this makes me want to cry
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greenconverses · 11 months
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oh no, no, nonononononono you don’t get to retcon the first series basically being an all white cast because now you’ve realized it’s Not A Great Look by blaming publishing standards and pretending that annabeth is presented as anything other than a blonde white girl in the text or any of the marketing material ever.
you wrote her as white! you wrote all the main characters as white and made it very clear when the secondary characters weren’t! it’s fine to admit you just had a blind spot and self-corrected with HoO and the other series!!! you don’t get to go back and retroactively collect diversity points by pretending annabeth is in any way presented as racially ambiguous in the text now that you’ve decided to make a tv show!!!! gaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
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One of my favs.
🏷️ samariahleah
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leabethchase · 4 months
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If you don't follow Leah on Instagram already please do! We wanna get her to 1 million!
Some racist idiots keep getting her tiktok banned, and the app isn't taking measures to protect her. So we wanna do this to hopefully make her feel better and show that people love and support her!
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twinsarekeepers · 4 months
leahbeth and walkerpercy the only percabeth ever and I am so thankful for that because, and i’m sorry to those of you who saw this cursed vision, it genuinely would’ve been the worst thing to ever exist if we’d gotten a white annabeth paired with a black or brown percy
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nickysfacts · 7 months
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This makes Tiana the Princess of Creole Cuisine!
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Transfem Percy Jackson is a hilarious ass headcanon not because of 'huehuehue men being called women is so funni!!' transmisogyny bullshit but because it was completely untentional coding yet it's so instrinctly built into her writing that it becomes funny
Percy's always like 'Sigh.....I wish i didn't have to be a stereotypical guy but i guess i have to be to fit in......Anyway time to never actually try to act like one'.She's canonically described by the unlabeled butch and first gay boy as 'not their type' because she's not masc looking/presenting enough for her and isn't the ideal man he thought she was.The book where she officially becomes a teenager by virtue of being 13 in it introduces The Hunters of Artemis,an archaic mythological group who were a metaphor for lesbians and confirmed in-universe to accept trans girls,and a major plot point is her proving herself to be extremely different from the men they've known before along with the death of the aformentioned gay boy's older sister who she becomes an older sibling figure and pseudo-parent to and she acted the same towards said sister AND it also had her being jealous of a punk girl because she wanted to be treated and seen as same as her.She said her female love interest has princess hair when she first saw her and then it turns out Percy's dad is the king of Atlantis and told her 'The sea does not like to be restrained' and he's the same guy who found out one of his crush's was transmasc so he gave him a male body with his god powers
Her first girlfriend was a bombshell redhead weirdgirl who's obsessed with art and is an activist despite being only in high school and she was in love with her because she made her feel normal and because they could be completely honest with eachother.Her male best friend is a Team Dad like how she's a Team Mom and who's werewolf-adjacent and the walking embodiment of positive and healthy masculinity and her idea of calling him hot was to compare him to Superman and he worships the ground she walks on and they're 'two sides of the same coin' narratively.This one's not funny but her biggest villain was that older creepy guy who pretended to be her friend at her summer camp when she was 12 only to turn out to have been using her and he spends up until his death stalking her and acting entitled to her attention and he's also a canon pedophile who's meant to be an illustration of how 'hot older men' who go after younger people are in fact just losers and child abusers that use conventional attractiveness and practiced charming abilities to their advantage to hide what monsters they are so they can deny it to themselves too
She's surroended by literal male sex gods but hates all of them,Persephone favors her over other demigods,Artemis fw's her and the last book of the og series is her befriending the first ever eldest daughter in Hestia.The second book of the sequel has a SECOND instance where Percy gets an all girl mythos group plotline in the Amazons who she ALSO proves herself to.These are all literally canon,i am NOT joking guys.She deserves a blue estrogen burger and she/sea themed pronouns fries i think
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I realize that many of you are, in fact, kids and some of you have not shared much space with Black fans in your fandom, so I will try to make this short and sweet.
See this girl? This is Leah Sava Jeffries, the actress who plays Annabeth Chase in the PJO TV Show.
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Now, the way that Tumblr is set up, if you tag somebody, when others check that tag to find images and information on them, they see every post in which you have tagged the someone. That being said.
If you are making a post, and this girl is not in the post, please don't tag this girl. Her name is Leah Sava Jeffries, and if someone is going to that tag, it is specifically so we can find Leah Sava Jeffries content.
If I wanna find your drawing of Percy, I will check his tag. If we are looking for commentary about Poseidon & Sally, we can check their tags. But where I shouldn't have to see posts that are not about Leah Jeffries or posts that do not have Leah Jeffries images or information is the Leah Jeffries tag.
So. What I am saying is if you are someone who tags things automatically and places tags on content that are not the content of that tag, you are crowding this girl's tags, I'ma report your post as spam, maybe even block you. But in the meantime, you'll be clogging this girl's tags for people who are coming into her tag specifically to see posts for her. And you don't need to do that. Whatever it is that your post is, the fans who are looking for that will find it in that tag.
Don't tag non-Leah things with Leah's name. Don't tag non-Annabeth things with Annabeth's name. Don't clog up Black performers and Black characters tags with things that are not them.
Yes, this is my personal peeve, but it also is simply a rude thing to do, especially in situations where Black girl characters are already hard to find and enjoy. Give her the space that belongs to her and give her fans that space to find and enjoy her. Thank you.
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oldvintageglamour · 19 days
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Seamstress "Ma" Caroline Ruehl mending a costume in the dressing room at the Zanzibar, an African American owned & operated nightclub, with Betty Brisbane, Leah Wright, & Laura Hendrickson, three of the club dancers, 1946 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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The last thing I remember is collapsing on a wooden porch, looking up at a ceiling fan circling above me, moths flying around a yellow light, and the stern faces of a familiar-looking bearded man and a pretty girl, her hair curled like a princess’s. - Percy Jackson in Book One: The Lightening Thief
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moonsbijou · 9 months
tho this will inevitably happen i can’t wait for people who haven’t read the books especially little black girls and black women who might be watching it with their daughters to watch it and fall in love with it
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tokyicons · 2 months
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leah sava jeffries icons
like/reblog if you use or save
follow @tokyicons for more
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🏷️ samarialeah
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leabethchase · 4 months
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REMINDER!!! to vote for her on Outstanding Performance By Youth (Series)
You can vote more than once, so if you did, do it again!
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twinsarekeepers · 5 days
do you genuinely think people who draw/write book annabeth are racist?
This could be a disingenuous ask but okay, I’ll bite and answer honestly.
First of all, “book” Annabeth can be black. That is how I see her and have seen her even before the show casting was announced. A lot of people reading the books now see Annabeth as Leah. Everyone has a different interpretation of Annabeth’s physical characteristics in the books and to try and say “book” Annabeth is synonymous with “white” Annabeth is wrong.
(And no you cannot use the book description or official art as an excuse. Rick is awful with consistent physical descriptions. Multiple characters have changed hair color and eye color throughout the series. The official art has literally been changed twice. The recent book had no physical descriptions of the characters and was literally dedicated to Walker, Leah, and Aryan. Rick has also said that when writing the characters now, he sees those three kids as them. This is not me defending Rick, because he’s still a coward that plays both sides of this, but if you want to say the book character is white then that is simply wrong now. She, at the very least, is ambiguous enough for everyone to choose what she looks like. There is no definitive “book” Annabeth now.)
“Book” Annabeth and “TV” Annabeth are the same character. There are no significant personality or backstory changes between the book and the show character that can justify separating the two of them like that. The only reason people are separating them is because they want to hold onto to the white version of the character. (I know there’s going to be stupid people with no media literacy who don’t know how adaptations work in my mentions “explaining” the differences, but no. The show has done a very good job at taking the character on the page and finding ways that are suitable for the screen to depict the same characteristics).
Before y’all say that people do this with TV Percy and book Percy too: it did not start that way. “Book” and “TV” Annabeth began when the show was in production, before anyone could even see how the show would handle Annabeth’s character. When some of us pointed that out, people started trying to separate “book” Percy and “TV” Percy. It was literally a tactic to hide their racist intentions. (And again, there are not enough differences between the book and tv show character to justify this separation, especially when this started happening BEFORE the show even released to the public).
So that’s a little context to how this separation even started. I know what y’all are going to say. “But just because it started as racist, doesn’t mean it’s racist now!” And to that I say, sure, but that’s not the case here.
White Annabeth fanart has been consistently used to hate on Leah, a real girl. We all know how much Leah has been getting harassed and bullied for her role as Annabeth and when her casting was announced, people used fanart to discredit her. Artists who continued to draw white Annabeth refused to monitor their comments and they were filled with people hating on Leah’s casting. Not only that, but artists who started drawing Annabeth as black would get hateful messages and comments as well. Accounts were going as far to take fanart of Leah’s Annabeth and whitewashing it (and then putting it in the leahisourannabeth tag). This is still happening today. You can find comments under fanart of Walker and Leah’s percabeth saying “I prefer the originals” or “the originals are better”. That’s very obviously racism.
For this reason, we started saying to stop drawing and writing white Annabeth. It’s being used in a direct and tangible way to harass a real young girl. If enough people in the fandom refuse to engage with white Annabeth then the hate will significantly decrease. There are the obvious excuses to this: “people will be racist no matter what so what’s the point of even trying?” That’s not true. Racists are cowards, especially people who harass children. They are emboldened only by others. If they see people continuing to support the separation between the book and show characters, and drawing white Annabeth fanart, they’re going to DO racist things like get Leah’s account banned on tiktok.
And this is where the active racism occurs. People know that this harassment is happening and that the fanart that they produce is going to be used to harass Leah. Instead of deciding that they’ll do their part to lessen that harassment, no matter how small that is, they decide that engaging with white Annabeth fanart is more important. They can say that they condemn what’s happening to Leah and that it’s not their responsibility what people do with their fanart, but that still makes the action racist.
Y’all say that you condemn what’s happening to Leah, but then when given the tools to help lessen it, you refuse to do it. All because you want to hold on to a white version of a character. You spend more time defending that choice than going into your own mentions and deleting any and every comment that may become hostile to the kids, especially Leah. That is racism.
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