miochimochi · 2 months
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Finished the back of the unity jacket. Need to think of more to put on this one. Mainly trying to think of something to paint on the hood. Maybe a black head?
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kentonralphtoews · 8 months
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blackcat-brazil · 25 days
Argentinian protesters are telling “anarcho-capitalist” President Milei to “f*ck off.” The “unity of workers” rallying cry has emerged as the defining slogan in the ongoing mass mobilization against the anti-worker neoliberal shock therapy. The country suffers unseen inflation and escalating poverty rates of nearly 60%.
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neurofae · 2 months
Cedar Inc. Organic BeeHive™
🌸🌺 🪷🐝🐝🐝
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This build is honestly my magnum opus of Minecraft art. It is a fully functioning bee farm (nearly a stack of honey blocks per hour iirc) and stylized as a dystopian industrial factory. Workers of Cedar Inc's anarcho capitalist society may one day, down on their luck, find themselves employed by Cedar Inc Organic BeeHive™ - where there were 26 worker deaths noted as "Sludge Phenomena" last year.
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nando161mando · 1 month
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"Anarcho-capitalists? You mean incels that suck at economics?" (EN: English)
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dumbasstralseaslug · 2 years
I've thought about it and I believe laws are a substitute for a healthy society.
Laws, enforced by some kind of authority, are necessary as long as we live in an unhealthy society. But we shouldn't rely on them, we should strive to heal society instead.
For example, laws against child abuse are only essential in a society in which:
punishment, even physical punishment, is culturally acceptable and even encouraged;
in which gerontocracy (the authority of the old over the young) is upheld as something natural and sacred;
and which shuns and discourages all models of child-rearing and family organization that defy the nuclear family (in which a child is raised by their parents only, and not by the community, therefore allowing parents to essentially treat their children as personal property rather than as human members of society).
If we focused on creating a healthier society, those laws against child abuse would become obsolete, as even in cases in which some form of abuse may happen, wider society would be equipped to deal with it. And the child would participate in that effort.
@ AnCaps now:
capitalism wasn't designed to create a healthy and stable society. Even if we're very generous, capitalism puts "the best at the top" (...) and creates hierarchies and inequality—in fact it relies on material inequality to function, as the Phillips Curve and the state of the world demonstrate. There is no way it's moral or rational for billionaires and homeless people to exist in the same country but they do and that's intentional.
How does that relate to the rest of the post?
Well, laws are necessary to reduce harm and injustice as long as a society is unhealthy. Capitalism creates and relies on an unhealthy society. Therefore, as long as we have capitalism, it needs to be regulated and we need laws and a state—that's for everyone's sake. If you are genuinely an anti-authoritarian, and you genuinely don't want to cause harm and injustice, you must oppose capitalism as well as laws and the state.
Otherwise what you're advocating for isn't anarchism, it is privatized authoritarianism.
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daddy-shrek-69420 · 6 months
I like to have friends that have similar beliefs to me, such as being against capitalism, but of the capitalist friends I do have, they all have one thing in common with each other and me: they are anarchist. Anarcho-capitalism is such an interesting line of thought to me because it’s just so obviously and morally wrong. They believe that only the free market should act as the government, which besides making no sense at all, it’s bad for basically everyone. I’m only friends with them because we have the same goal of overthrowing the government.
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This guy is now President of Argentina.
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Never a bad idea to learn a little from your local anprim.
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king-k-ripple · 3 months
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blackandredblog · 7 months
Anarchapulco 2024
I don't know what craziness I've just stepped into. But it's a rabbit hole that is fucking terrifying.
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I was watching a video from More Perfect Union about how the US and Puerto Rico itself have created a wealth inequality that is as profoundly unique as it is disturbing.
In a clip from this video, I noticed something called Anarchapulco in the background. So, I paused it and looked it up.
Original More Perfect Union video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4ulSk0EqX
Upon looking up this AnarchApulco nonsense, I first click to see what it costs, completely missing the fact that they have a menu at the top for NFTs.
The tickets are $600 per person.
So I click on the speaker page. It's as diverse as a Connecticut country club squash team, filled with white grifters pushing conspiracy theories, crypto, and tips to living like them (which never includes being handed their wealth or social connections to acquire wealth).
The speaker page: https://anarchapulco.com/speaker-page-2024/
The leader of this shitshow is a self-proclaimed AnCap Libertarian named Jeff Berwick. Dude pushes Crypto, NFTs, and his own newsletter called the Dollar Vigilante.
Next is Max Igan. Max Igan has links to MeWe and Rumble (far-right friendly platforms). He also uses the term "globalist" in his biography on "The Other Side of Midnight" which appears to be some sort of right-wing, online radio station.
For those unfamiliar, "Globalist" is a euphemism for Jew. It's a frequent term used by far-rights, like Alex Jones.
The biography here: https://www.theothersideofmidnight.com/bio-max-igan/
Next is Larken Rose. He's another AnCap Libertarian. He's done time for tax evasion. And is well-known enough that Wesley Snipes tried to use Rose's arguments at his own tax evasion trial.
Rose is pushing his new movie, about a plantation that likens actual slavery to wage slavery and capitalism. While there are parallels, Rose (who is white) wrote a script in which he drops the N-word in an opening scene. Beyond that, the movie is full of exposition and lacks any real talent or vision for storytelling.
I'm not going to go through every grifter on this list, because I do have actual work to do, but there are two more standouts beyond the pasty homeopaths, internet-only radio disk jockeys, and COVID deniers.
Next up is David Weiss. He's a flat earther. And I'm not just being an asshole calling him names, he RUNS the Flat Earth Podcast. He truly believes we live on a flat earth.
Worse than even being a science-denier, this dumb motherfucker has a "Flat Earth Crash Course" whose opening YouTube video features Owen Benjamin.
For those unfamiliar with Owen Benjamin. He's a failed actor and comedian that is an Olympic-level racist and antisemite. He's recently popped back up on Alex Jones' InfoWars because he needs a new audience to grift after his last scam fell through. Who'd have guessed your neighbors wouldn't let you crowd fund a members-only, "free speech" Ruby Ridge-style compound... in Idaho.
Benjamin's Wikipedia Page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin
I was going to do one last sketch on Ian Smith, but, to be honest, he's just a gymbro science-denier that sells "water treatments" and supplements.
What's the point of all this?
These grifters are insidious and the far-right is trying to appropriate leftist terminologies and twist them.
They take small grains of truth, the base rhetoric of AnComs and grow genetically modified shitmuffins from them. If you ever doubt this is happening, remember that Nazi is short for National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Watch yourselves out there, keep your heads on a swivel, and don't assume that people are who they say they are.
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miochimochi · 2 months
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Got all 11 flags ready for sewing onto the jacket. Clockwise from white:
Primitivism/Green Anarchism/Veganarchism
Individualist Anarchism
Transhumanist Anarchism
Queer Anarchism
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kentonralphtoews · 1 year
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blackcat-brazil · 8 months
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madame-helen · 1 year
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nando161mando · 3 months
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Millei is a fascist
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