Wish ⭐
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Siamo tutti composti dalla stessa "cosa": siamo tutti stelle! Perché ognuno di noi ha un desiderio, un sogno nel cuore che è parte del suo essere e lo fa risplendere ✨
Ogni stella brilla per guidarmi
Darò ascolto a quel che mi dirà
Sapere cosa c'è ad aspettarmi
Sarà per me un'opportunità
Un sogno splende in me
Qualche cosa in più per noi se c'è
Un sogno splende in me
Qualchе cosa in più per noi se c'è
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Magia ovunque!!
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Io amo le stanze nei film e cartoni dove ci sono librerie, ampolle per pozioni magiche e mappe stellari e in questo film c'erano tutte queste cose 📚🪐⚗️✨
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Io impazzisco per i tantissimi easter eggs presenti in questo film Disney!! Un vero capolavoro di elogio a tutta la storia della Disney e quindi al suo centenario... a dir poco FANTASTICO!
E gli easter eggs sono davvero ovunque dall'inizio alla fine ma proprio alla fine del film, compresi i titoli di coda e la scena post-credit 🥹
Il mio carissimo Jim del pianeta del tesoro nei titoli di coda formato dalle stelle insieme a tantissimi altri personaggi ✨
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hamletthedane · 2 years
Americans: If anybody is telling you not to vote or to not vote Democrat on tumblr in the next few weeks, just assume they’re bots trying to throw the election.
register to vote
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cento40battute · 1 year
Les Ampoules, concentrati di bellezza
Les Ampoules, concentrati di bellezza
Come fa un contenitore minuto come una ampolla a racchiudere così tanti benefici per la pelle? Noi di Beautytudine abbiamo la risposta e, grazie alle iconiche “ampoules” firmate SVR, ti spieghiamo come Il laboratorio cosmetico SVR, forte dei suoi primi 60 anni di età, è un ottimo esempio di come la ricerca di principi attivi sempre più efficaci e le formulazioni innovative siano in grado di…
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frasermints · 2 months
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2percentsugar · 19 days
hey guys if anyones curious of how trump's court cases are going he's currently selling a Trump Edition Bible for $60 a pop
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Hey in all seriousness if I could reframe one thing for you about the U.S. Supreme Court, and really the American judicial system at large, I would tell you to stop thinking of those people as justices and start thinking about them as lawyers. We put a lot of effort into making judges at every level these sort of aloof, almost divinely neutral figures, and I think the whole system would be just manifestly more transparent if we stopped doing that and remembered what pool of people SCOTUS justices come from.
Our whole thing as attorneys is arguing backwards— we have a position and then we justify that position using whatever reasoning we can come up with. It’s a good argument because it’s workable, not because I believe it. I think most people kind of know that about attorneys, and I can’t emphasize enough that a robe and unchecked political power only make it worse.
Supreme Court opinions don’t represent some kind of objective truth. They’re just the best arguments that one or more justices could come up with to justify the outcome they wanted. It’s persuasive writing, and I think if I presented it to you as the work of attorneys (rather than justices), you would be rightfully skeptical, and probably much more critical, because you would know who you’re dealing with. Next time you read something about the Supreme Court, I would encourage you to swap that language, “justice” to “lawyer,” and see how it changes your thought process.
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udonli · 13 days
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broc feeney art but speedrun edition
i think u guys should all watch the repco supercars series ‼️‼️‼️(please please please please please)
this was actually the second render LOL the first render looked like this:
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goldensunset · 2 years
now i have to do an assignment where i pick one current event but read about it coming from two different news sources and write about how they tell the same story differently with their own biases. and i don’t know how to say that 1. i feel deep dread whenever i have to read an actual news article no matter where it’s from and 2. i get all interesting news from tumblr dot com
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manthequin · 1 year
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Rendering practice
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gokartkid · 11 months
biden is sometimes so ice cold i’m like damn he actually said the snarky comment that you think of in the shower later. “bbc? i’m irish!” 🥶
i think its the amount of old man dgaf he has. brain -> mouth pipeline
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wigmonster · 2 years
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lol. lmao
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hamletthedane · 1 year
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10/10 headline from the NYT this morning
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frasermints · 16 days
Hey! The vast majority of non voters are people who are in such maligned, marginalized circumstances that voting has never materially benefitted them ever, but you've never given a shit about their circumstances because you're in a position where voting DOES effect you, and THAT is your privilege!
You calling the poorest, most disabled, most violently oppressed people in the US "at fault" for the political crisis for not voting is actually you being a disgusting classist racist! And also politically illiterate in what a normal voter turnout is under democracy. Genuinely hope you learn to extend empathy to people who've never felt any ounce of political power in their life and RIGHTLY so not trust the system to advocate for them, you vile piece of shit 👍
hey, listen. i know you're angry and probably very very young and likely wouldn't be able to sniff out a case of "not for you, rabbit ears" if it were staring you in the face. but voting does actually materially benefit you, always.
i understand recency bias has influenced a good majority of y'all that have just become eligible or just started to pay attention to ampol in a serious way either since oct 7 or since mid 2023 when campaigning started up again. but it shows your lack of attention, insight, and political knowledge to say that voting does not benefit people that are marginalized. especially voting in us elections.
i am one of those people. i grew up on SNAP and WIC and independently still qualify for SNAP. the only reason i am not on SNAP is because i live with my mother and washington state considers me a dependent with combined income. i have been multiply disabled for my entire life and have more medical debt than you can fathom. i am not white. i am visibly transgender. all of these things impact my ability to vote in person. but you didn't consider any of these things before you sent this, did you?
i also should not have to qualify these things when i make the point to stir and promote political engagement. the only point where i politically have a leg up is that i vote absentee, because my state has mail in ballots by default, and it's somewhat easy to register in washington state. that's it. that's the only part of this where i have it easier.
we all benefit from political engagement. voting is the most crucial part of political engagement. protesting is useless when it is illegal. writing to your representatives is useless when your representatives are fascists. sending money overseas is useless when you are legally no longer allowed to have a job or a bank account. making ragebait posts on twitter and resharing infographics on your insta stories does fuckall when you live in a country ruled by an 80 year old nazi. but you, hiding behind those cute anonymous sunglasses enjoying your time on the internet like the nineteen year old jobless nobody like you are, don't understand that. because you're angry, and you're taking that anger out on someone that is also angry instead of directing it somewhere productive. and here i am doing the same because of it. but i'm also gonna give you some fucking information at the same time. because you wasted my morning sending this to me.
project 2025 is going to happen if we do not vote blue across the board and at that point you will literally not be allowed any form of political engagement. life will be worse for you than it already is now.
also, just because "normal" during a midterm means "less than during the primaries and generals", doesn't mean the turnout we have during the primaries and generals is something good or something to strive for. we need to be better than that if we actually want to move past the stale fucking 80 year old center right democrats we currently have speaking for us. we need to aim for 100% voter turnout. i will not settle for less.
there are also plenty of things elected democrats have done that have materially benefited us. plenty of things the Biden Administration has done! but again none of you fucks are paying attention!
inflation reduction act and medicare - access to prescriptions for disabled people, highlighting insulin caps and the ability to negotiate even lower. we are paying significantly less than we were before this legislation was signed.
bipartisan infrastructure law - specific provisions for women and minority owned businesses, public transport, fish and wildlife, indigenous land.
bipartisan safer communities act - gun control legislation, expanding access to telehealth under medicaid and CHIP, expanding the medicaid and CHIP networks, allows NICS to look into potentially disqualifying juvenile records and closes the "boyfriend loophole", provides multiple grants for multiple mental health services.
respect for marriage act - defines marriage as any valid legal union between two people and
DEA rescheduling of cannabis - oct 2022 biden asked the DEA to consider rescheduling cannabis. reschedulings are rarely denied - deschedulings are rarely approved. this will almost guaranteed happen.
electoral count act reform (2) - makes it exceedingly difficult for another january sixth to happen
local democrats also codified abortion access and protections in michigan, ohio, and washington. local republicans have been a nightmare for it in florida and arizona. dook at what julie mccluskie has done for colorado.
and again, with resources like how to vote in every state, the excuse of "i can't" is lazy as hell at this point. people can literally show up at your door and help you fill out an absentee ballot or get to a polling station to vote curbside, people are allowed at the voting booth to help you with a language barrier or processing issue if you need it.
but. like i said. continue to be angry. continue to rage in my inbox, behind your anonymous sunglasses. continue to be disengaged. and then be all fucking shocked pikachu face when trump and the like-minded GOP get voted in, and everyone in southwest asia gets bombed to shit, and every queer USian gets legislated out of existence, and every latino not born here gets deported. continue to make this a me issue, and not a disengaged voter bloc issue. because this is all about me, someone that has voted in every single election since august 2018, and totally not about the youth vote that has notoriously been disengaged and fucking useless in american politics. sure babe.
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satellitefeed · 1 year
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loving this ad i just got
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Hi! This isn’t legal advice
So the U.S. Department of Education has a proposed rule out right now (ID number ED-2021-OCR-0166-0001) which, among other things, clarifies that the Department will interpret discrimination “on the basis of sex” as including discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Obviously I’m in favor of that happening, and I would encourage other people that are to leave a comment on the proposed rule.
The Department is a federal agency, meaning a section of the executive branch that has been delegated rule-making authority by Congress. Part of their rule-making process is publishing a proposed rule and then having a comment period where the public gets to weigh in. You can read more about notice and comment rule-making here.
I left a comment myself last week, and I’ve also looked through a fair amount of the comments currently published. Unfortunately, most of them seem to be conservative folks using a template to express their displeasure at the idea of federal protection for LGBT students.
I do want to reassure y’all by saying that even if that remains the case, notice and comment rule-making isn’t a vote; the agency is required to read and consider the comments, but a high volume of non-support doesn’t mean they can’t make their proposed rule official. You should leave a commend regardless, because this is an excellent way to support LGBT students and the sections of the American government that are trying to protect them. You don’t have to be American to leave a comment, and there is an option to leave an anonymous comment.
Really all the Department is doing here is adopting the interpretation of “on the basis of sex” that the Supreme Court made law for Title VII (employment law) purposes in a 2020 case called Bostock v. Clayton County. In Bostock, SCOTUS said yes, discrimination on the basis of sex includes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The Department of Education deals with Title IX, a different federal statute with the same language: on the basis of sex.
Statutory interpretation isn’t an exact science, but the general rule is that if you have the same language in two different federal statutes, that language should be interpreted the same way. So if SCOTUS says the language in Title VII protects LGBT employees, that would mean that the same phrase in Title IX protects LGBT students. I don’t view this as legally controversial at all, though it is, very obviously, politically controversial.
To leave a good, useful comment you would want to (1) not use a template and (2) give the Department facts to support the proposed rule. It might be a good idea to mention Bostock, for example, or describe any personal experiences you might have of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation/gender identity within the American education system-- but for the love of God remember not to out anyone in a publicly accessible comment. You could also cite studies about LGBT discrimination, or similar statistics.
It doesn’t have to be long or professional. Thank y’all for your time and effort.
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funeralfordarren · 6 days
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Broc Freeney & Will Brown || 🇳🇿 2024 ITM Taupō Super400 || credits: @/brocfreeney93
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