#am very proud of what im doing on that blog tho
a-libra-writes · 10 months
love you hope you’re doing well <3
yeah im good just been working a lot over on @libras-interactives and working IRL. my job has finally calmed down... hallelujah ...
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ossydrawsthingz335 · 24 days
this is my silly little blog where i post my art and some thoughts i may have :3
~so, who am i?~
i go by many names, but i and my moots mainly use oswald/riley/taggy.
the "ossy" in my name came from one of my moots who called me ossy once and i thought it was cute so i put it in my username lol
i am 16 years old so i BEG YOU DONT BE WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!! and im also taken so lol
i have autism and cant process stuff sometimes so please use tone tags!! if u dont know what they are uhhh look it up lol /nm /silly
i am genderfluid and use any pronouns!!! so idm being called a dude a chick or nonbinary like idc lol
i am pansexual and proud!! :3
if u wanna be mooties with me dont be afraid to msg me!!! prob get to know me b4 u ask for my disc tho cause ermm im not comfy sharing that if we dont really know eachother much and stuff sorreh,,, /nm
~what programs do i use???~
now, i know no one really asks this but im gonna say this anyway.
for my art, on pc i use both firealpaca and krita! i use alot of custom krita brushes which i cant keep up with soooo sorry im not gonna say every single brush pack i have there lol
i use fireaplaca for basic lineart and i use round pen 1 usually with 20 size, and mostly for bfb art i use g pen 1 with 15 size since its very close to the original bfb lineart.
on mobile i use ibis paint x and i also use alot of custom pens there which i ALSO cant keep up with so yea lmao
for music i use FL studio 21's free version.
~fandoms im in!~
im in aLOT of fandoms. but i mainly post about object shows and stuff like that :3
the fandoms im mainly in are BFDI, BFB, TPOT, II, HFJONE, Bugbo, the waiting room, the nightly manor, LOTS, regretevator, portal, animatic battle, dave and bambi, and kinitoPET!
im in alot more fandoms then that but thats just the fandoms i post about here :3
~other social media~
ermm i do post art on other social media!! i have alot so uh here goes lol
newgrounds (dont mind the username lol)
sketchers united
and thats basically it LOL
and yeaaaa that should be it for this intro post lol, enjoy me blog and stuff!!!!!!!!!!!! :3333 <33
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i’m sorry to be flooding you 😭 but i just need a good ol’ tip. i think im beginning to write stuff for the pjo fandom. u got any advices? thanks boo
girl do not even fret about flooding my asks!! we're all here just yapping away, trust!!!
ive said this before but when it comes to the very first work you put out, take some times with it. you don't want to rush this, this is your debut and you wanna draw people in!!! find a page set up you love, making everything aesthetic, have your page ready and prepared to receive an onslaught of asks (masterlist, rules, etc). but also, grammar and make sure you really are proud of the first work your putting out!! if that takes weeks, good!! if it takes days, that's good too!!
but after those first few posts, i promise you, nothing is that serious!! i am fr just here, being silly goofy and never proof reading anything. and im nearly to 700 followers (wow, im bragging, someone tell me to stfu that's crazy im not allowed to talk for that rest of the day, gross. hanging myself publically-) just try to have fun with it!! the second it starts to become a stressor or something you dread doing, stop completely. NOTHING is worth your mental health, and especially not a silly little blog. and dont feel obligated to write things you dont want to or dont feel like you can accurately represent. there are other writer out there who WILL write that stuff, go find them
OH final parting words, if you are using a side blog, it's gonna be 100 times harder to do this whole writing thing but honestly, if you need tips or pointers, im yo girl!! i have finessed this whole fucking thing, trust.
can't wait to see what you do, honey, but take yo time!! its gonna pass anyways, trust!!
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steffigraf · 2 months
hiii, 1, 4, 5, 14 & 35 for the gif questions/ask game or whatever (yes i am greedy)!
Love your gifs, thank you for your service 🫡
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made
1.) naomi arriving in australia. the colors are amazing and naomi looks so pretty and the footage quality was nice and crisp!! i love love lovee looking at this one <3 plus her top is fire and i really wanna buy it from her collection
2.) jannik with the dog in toronto. first of all this dog is adorable like cmon what a good boy. second of all i love how soft the blues and greens of this one looks like it just fits my personal color preferences. but also the og vid of this was so incredibly faded that im proud of the gifset bc i was still able to make the colors pop despite that!
3.) the 2023 wimbledon final lyric edit. this is the only gifset ive made for tennisblr that involves actual creative editing (bc its soooo much harder for me personally haha) and while its not perfect im still really proud of it! plus long live is one of my fave songs and yeah it just has my heart
4. A set that flopped but deserved better
flop is a bit of a misnomer bc i def had bigger flops numbers-wise but this gif of jannik's side profile in turin never got the notes that jannik gifs usually get. but its very dear to me because of the colors! and the light reflecting on his eye! and the shadows contrasting with the outline of his figure and his hair! like ugh prettyy
5. What is your favorite movie/TV show to gif
well i suppose i'll just answer this in terms of like, what form of tennis content i like to gif? cause i don't really gif movies or shows haha. but essentially my favorite content are videos outside the court where they follow players around an area or smth. like the turin media day (not the one with game, i mean the one that shows them walking around the halls and stuff). these things usually have great quality and cinematography, which makes for really pretty gifs!!!!
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set
it depends on how many individual gifs i have in it. generally i take 15-20 minutes per single gif. the first one in a set could take longer tho, bc that’s where i test out coloring. then, since my gifsets are usually from one continuous (or sorta continuous) film/video, i just copy those settings into the succeeding gifs and make minor adjustments if necessary
35. Do you change your giffing style a lot or do you have a set routine
i have a routine! and i actually talked about it in depth for an anon one time. ive been doing it that way since i first started giffing back in i believe december of 2021 (for my footy blog lmao) based on some random tutorials i found at the time. and it’s now the most comfortable way for me so i hardly ever change anything! if ever anything different happens, it’s gonna be in the specific methods i use for coloring. but the general style is the same
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bellysoupset · 2 months
i’ve been acting delulu about the whole wen+vin fight that we all knew was coming up, kinda like completely ignoring it was a thing and all your warnings bc im #notemotionallystrong and i liked pretending it wasn’t gonna happen to cope <3333 BUT AHHHHH after this last fic IM LITERALLY FULL ON SOBBING (IN PUBLIC) WHAT THE FUCKKKK SOUP😭😭😭 you’re so mean (lovingly) 😩 FR IM SO SAD I LOVE MY BABIES SO MUCH THIS IS AWFUL BUT ALSO THE FIGHT WAS SO WELL WRITTEN😭 AND LIKE SO UPSETTING AND UNCOMFY BC OF HOW REAL IT FELT idk how to explain it but it’s like hearing my parents (aka my best friends who’ve been together forever LOL) fight LMAO sobbing 😩😩😩 and also OMG I AUDIBLY GASPED AND HAD TO LOOK AWAY WHEN I READ THE PHONE NOTIFICATIONS THING AND REALISED IT WAS LEO’S TEXT like if there was a terrible way to find out it was THIS 😭😭😭😭😭 BABY GIRL THINKING EVERYONE HAS KNOWN FOR MONTHS???? AND THEN VIN SO DESPERATELY TRYING TO EXPLAIN HIMSELF???? AND JUST TALK??? (a lil too late tho buddy but also I GET IT GOSHHHH) AND THEN BOTH SOBBING GODDDD I CANT I CANT this is so devastating amazing job boo‼️
OMG AND ALSO THE OTHER FICS? i hadn’t commented on them bc i was waiting for this one to react to everything but GODDAMN????? LUKE POOR BUB all feverish spilling everything??? and their reactions🥺🥺🥺🥺 (also side note jon so worried about luke was beautiful and i enjoyed it very much🤭) and OMG leo’s guilt about not noticing the depression symptoms 😩 and the whole thing w bella and kit GOSH I WANT TO PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE HES SUCH AN ASSHOLE‼️
BUT ANYWAYS GOING BACK TO MY BABIES RAAAAAHHHHH I NEED WEN AND VIN TO BE OKAY omfg IM NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR THIS😭😭 you’re so good at writing angst tho like goddamn i’m still crying and will probably continue to cry about this 😩😭 they need to be okay 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️ also i know you said you were nervous about luke and wen’s storyline and im SO CURIOUS and excited to read‼️ im sure whatever you choose to do with them is gonna be amazing and you know we all have a beautiful love/hate relationship w angst so i have a feeling we’re gonna eat it up!! (which we will do regardless bc your writing and storytelling is always wonderful!!!)
sending a snotty sobby virtual hug to all my babies and a strong virtual punch to kit <33333
I'm actually cackling at you acting delulu because I remember I dropped many MANY hints of the Wendy/Vince break up and you were in my inbox completely ignoring them and me thinking "damn, am i being too subtle???"
Its so funny (and terrible) to be answering this late, because I can totally say the things I was nervous about. So ORIGINALLY Vin/Wendy didnt get back together, they actually broke it off for good and Wendy feeling very isolated from her friend group relapsed in her eating disorder.
But then Wendy kinda girl bossed her way into getting back with Vince, which was not planned, AND opened up to Bella, that was also not planned at all. So I scrapped that storyline! I still want to do something with her E.D, I remember I got an ask ages ago that was something like "Wendy refuses to eat because she's feeling queasy, Vince thinks she relapsed and tries to push her, only to have it come back up and he realizes she's actually sick", so I'll probably write that! A more mild version of what I originally had in mind!
And I'm SORRY i'm a terrible person but I'm sooo proud of myself for making you cry in public. I need a blog badge just for that #angster
Love you 🦦!
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threetangerines · 2 years
hey, ryen!! how are you, love?
i was catching up with the blog just now and read the 📖 anon ask, and oh my god. i wanted to say a few things and you know i talk a lot, but bear with me, i promise this ask is gonna be a mess
i find it absolutely incredible and heartwarming how much 3tan is expanding. just the fact that you felt the necessity to create a separate blog to filter our craziness, or how each day we get to know more anons and how we recently learned that your writing speaks to and reaches men too. i feel so glad that you're receiving so much love and more recognition in each step of the way!
also, i love to hear how 3tan moved other readers. i love to hear about your inclusivity having an impact, about your caution whenever writing a character makes you write something that's relatable even if from a different background than yours.
urgh. you truly are such a great author, and i want so damn much to have a physical copy of 3tan once is over (if it'll ever be aksjak).
anyways, all this bc i wanted to share a bit of how your writing touched me too
when i had my 3tan journey, i was in a very bad place (that i wont detail bc i dont wanna trigger anyone or expose myself lol) and that's why i read all of it in one weekend.
i found shelter in your words in a way that i can't possibility explain. your story helped me to elaborate my feelings, and shed light on a lot of stuff i felt, but didn't understand. del sagno was a slap on the face for me, it was a wake up call in so many ways and i actually started therapy not long after it and i finally just worte my first fic and so much of it was fueled by you. like, whenever i listen to bts' songs i feel like you're promoting the same messages and you help me to go through my own healing process.
what 3tan means to me is... well. more than you know, and that's why i wanted to write you that forfeit analysis, i wanted to try and give back in some way.
anyway, it's three in the morning here, and im kinda emotional (as i always seem to be), so i just wanna say one last thing.
in flutter, reader talks about finding a home in a person, and i think it speaks to most of us who found home in bts and army. but i feel like you've proven to me that one can also find home in books, bc although i've always heard ppl talking about it, i've never felt it. 3tan tho? 3tan is easy to love bc it's real, 3tan is the easiest thing to love bc it feels like home.
hi, lua! i'm doing well<3 and idk if you meant to message this blog or kithtaehyung but omg 📖 is incredible, right??
i'm really excited that 3tan is expanding, as well (and i'm happy this blog now exists so that we can have our own little nook!) the recognition is cool but i'm truly just glad that people are finding themselves in this series and learning from it, just as i have.
there are so many people that love bangtan, and by extension, read bangtan fics. this is why i wanna be sure anyone can be comfortable reading mine and know that they are understood and seen<33 we shall see if there are physical copies! you are way too kind and i am so happy to have you here.
oh, love... i will say this: therapy is huge. proud of you for seeking that out and following through because talking out what's been on your mind and getting it sorted is crucial to feeling better, thinking better. to be able to lead you into something helpful like that? i feel so much in my chest idek what else to say..
self-love and forgiveness is what i want us to all have. if my stuff resonates with you as much as the boys' songs do, then i can retire peacefully and with no regrets. i've never received a compliment or comment like that.. kinda just sitting here and staring at your message. :')) wow.
your forfeit/3tanalysis (whoa, another word we can use!) is mind-blowing and i wanna print it and keep it forever i'm so serious. i felt like an actual author in that moment and it was surreal getting to read it. i love you.
3tan will always be there for you when you need it. it's home for me, too, and i'm super glad you've found comfort in it, as well. this was all wonderful to hear. thank you for saying these things but i wanna fight you bc i'm just one big pile of mush now T^T
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kitnapz · 1 year
AND thank you for posting them <3 your CHARACTER DESIGNS.
woag woahwww what a nice ask thank you very much ^_^
even tho im not very active anymore due to college shenanigans i still really appreciate the support on da old art ive posted! glad u like my art makes me smile makes me giggle :) i am pretty proud of my spidersona and its surprisingly made its rounds on the internet, so im glad u liked it!
to answer ur question ive been drawing as a hobby ever since i can remember, but started getting really into it when i was like 11 or 12. still just a hobbyist tho
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zooone · 2 years
mutual love!!!! inspired by @gaytoadwithapopcicle (anon love will come tomorrow,,, ,.,,.,.,.,, im tirired)
@lyssys - oh my goodness where do i even begin. um. the whole reason why im even here???? the whole reason why i love logging onto tumblr?????? the whole reason that im inspired????? uh. hello??? literally greatest person ever. ive said this before but they remind me of mumza and niki... as caring and sweet and open as mumza and as beautiful and empowering as niki!!! the best of the best... huge inspiration for me,,, and im lowkey still shocked that she was my first mutual and she (wonderful amazing beautiful lyss) asked me (rambling bozo) to be moots! but nonetheless it was absolutely amazing ofc!! i worship them soso much. deserves the world <33
@sardonic-the-writer - insanely similar to lyss'- where do i even begin. i used to literally freak out to your amazing writing. again, v v surprised that they (absolutely cool, insanely talented sardonic) asked me (someone who used to reel over their work and inhale it like air) to be mutuals!!! aaa i remember when they first asked,,, i recently hit 100 nd was playing guitar when i saw them ask to be moots! i had to put my instrument down so i caan get up and jump w joy :)) but anywho very very talented! and accepting as well, i dunno how they were able to withstand me and lyss spamming them w scrunkbut /affectionate. also the whole reason i have like half of my mutuals :DD couldnt have done it w/o u man :)
@gaytoadwithapopcicle - MY MANNN!!1!!!!! my pal my guy my brotherein my homeslicicle my bro...... another instance in which i got rlly happy when they asked to be moots!!! like okqoabajwjsjwmwnwbsmdm this insanely cool person wants to befriend me???!!!?!???? i was shocked, to say the least. but toad is so so so cool!!!!!!!!! im exteemely flattered to be their first mutual and i hope i made a well first impression of how it feels to have a moot!! but v v v kind and sweet and respectful!! i feel v safe and welcome in their dms and theyre the coolest absolutely
@harbingerofheartbreak - yet another moment that i was shocked when she asked to be moots (man, i really am a fuckin loser, huh? /pos) honestly one of the most, if not the most, talented writer i know. the grammar they use is immaculate whilst also being still comprehensive,,, the way they show emotion is picture perfect,,,,,, and to say that way she writes stories to flow so well it blows me away is an understatement!!!! if they released a book id be the first to buy /hj,,, but aside from their amazing talent, they're also so so so sweet too! v supportive of others work, and wont hesitate to be the sweetest ever!!! aaaa i love em sm :)) <33 /p
@gh0st-b0ys - a huge issue i have w myself is that i often think im too annoying, by ghostly never made me feel like that. id post something absolutely idiotic, and still get happy when they would like it!! didnt matter what it was, as long as i get a like from them, everything is alright :)),,,, also they said that they idolized me?!?2!1?1?1??1?!3?1!!?2! wtf!?2!?!????????!1!1?! /pos waaa i cant express into words how happy that made me feel.... i idolize people all the time and to know that someone is like that towards me makes it sm easier to get out of bed. and even tho we havent had a lotta interaction between each other,,, i just wanna let em know that theyre insanely cool :Dd
@pebblebrainlovejoy - proud to say i watched them grow 💪💪💪💪 i feel like a proud older sibling whenever i see their blog. i remember seeing one of their newer works (cant remember what it was but at the time it only had like 2 notes) and i thought "this is actually amazing,, this persons gonna blow up, i swear." and they did!!!! and im so so so proud of them!!!!!1!!1 honestly, i love seeing their blog on my dash and it makes me the happiest whenever i do. absolutrly amazing writer as well!!! i respect them not only as a mutual vut as a writer definitely. cant even describe how happy their work makes me,.,,, like its amazing,, i would recommend it a thousand percent to people absolutely <33
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darlingpwease · 1 year
AAAAA I'm so happy you like it <33333
Idk why but I'm really proud of these works, so I'm super happy that others are enjoying it!!!!
I try not to be a picky person when it comes to reading, and im usually not... but I am very picky when it comes to angst and tragedy. When I see those tags, I want the author to mean it!!! I want to sob!!! I want it to hurt!!!
THUS!!! I tried to do that lolol
The other parts are basically Yuuta going insane while he desperately learns necromancy and is trying to stop ur body from deteriorating. So more angst. They do eventually reunite tho, so reader wakes up <333 happy end tho??? Eeeeehhhhhh idk yet lol I haven't properly ended it haha
unironically cried like seriously
make me cry
Andndjosksks then ig I did a good job serving my angst duties >:DD /j
I think when I make a blog and post this, I might edit it a little to add some more details too. I really want this to be good haha
-panna cotta
as you should, sugar pie; it was very good. I like the concept of a world where some have magic that makes them more resilient, while others are more like ordinary people. maybe I just like more farming and magical universes <333
not gonna lie, I don't like angst. pinning — yes, but angst? no thanks. not picky, but avoid it whenever see it (except for unhealthy relationship). make exceptions only for you and for star, no more. I never even write a real tragedy, because I would rather make everything bad and poisonous but romanticized happy than very sad but right </3 your love for them is even sweet <333
m clearly an emotional masochist /t /j
thank you, my dear, I can sleep peacefully now <3333
absolutely. I cried then </3333 remembered why I didn't like to read angst </33333
NOOOOO you shouldw have felt sowwy for meeee </333 meanwie </3333 you're just tearing my heart out and breaking it </33333 /t /pos /it's okay you're cute so I don't mind <3
I know what you're talking about, flower pie; I'm sure it will look good!!! just don't think too much, okay? the main thing is to start — your skills will always improve <333 if you use common tags, then I will find you >:33333
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lasttree-garsennon · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 3,979 times in 2022
That's 3,630 more posts than 2021!
144 posts created (4%)
3,835 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 405 of my posts in 2022
#oldie answers - 64 posts
#me - 22 posts
#me and who? - 11 posts
#struggles of oldie - 9 posts
#protect psy - 7 posts
#same - 6 posts
#purple my beloved - 6 posts
#protect sana - 4 posts
#the machine uprising - 4 posts
#good - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#uh no you can't you can get one for a bike that doesn't have gears but not for a car unless they recently changed the rules
My Top Posts in 2022:
I want to get to know you too
26 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
@mujhe-rone-do what THE FUCK are you doing up
29 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
okay so like
first tehre was a lot of confusion abt which subjects we had
then somehow out of three two subjects students already got fixed and locked
so when the third subject teacher asked who wanted to do this one day before the festive vacation i raised my hand
and she picked everyone except for me and one other girl
she picked the girl sitting DIRECTLY NEXT TO ME and not me
nd im very good at SST btw i love social science and i get good grades in that out of 20 i got 19.5 last time so im validated too
i was like what no i am gonna do this
so i approached her and said "hi helo i wanna do this" and shes like "we have like 7 ppl already..." but i insisted so shes like "okay ill keep you as an extra" and drew a line under my name and put my name along with the other girl whom she had not picked lets call her s
she forgot (??) to put me in the gc in which they were discussing it
but she put s
and it was the vacaction and i dont have my own phone nor the teachers contact info
so i just. didnt know till after the holidays upon which i appraoched her and asked why i wasnt there and shes like oH oOPs or whatever and tells me i can help out if they need anything
so i went there but the kids just basically made me gvethem my statinary and then treated it like trash
and then disrespected me (whole diff incident) upon which i got mad and called a kid who had been dismissing me very much a problem and then i felt bad cuz i usually dont do shit like that like i just
dont say mean stuff back
but i did
anyway so
none of the kids, all of whom were in my class, reminded her i was supposed to be there too
idk if they forgot or what but s was literally next to me she knew she approached the teacher at the same time as me
so like. wow. after all my effort, after almost dying with the sleep deprivation and work load im just. forgettable. lmao
Do no harm but take no shit it's good you said some mean stuff to them and your teachers an idiot
Also you're not forgettable not to me
31 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
ahhghgdhgaha i very tired today but i lots of tasks to finish
ill just tell you what i have to do and then update you with how many i finished if thats okay; if it's not just ignore this ask
finish textbook russian revolution
friend 1's early christmas present readied
friend 2's ''
finish cover 1 of TMOD
finish chem homework
english entrepreneur assignment
of this i have done eactly one aka chem homework i got other tasks done which i didnt write down tho
It's okay if you only manage to finish Chen homework today I'm proud of you
63 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
HELO HELO how does one flirt with a cis boy
in theory i know how and usually i can but i have exactly 1.5 weeks to make this work and i need it to go well and hes a hyperactive adhd as FUCK bitch like me so we bOTH KEEP GETTING DISTRACTED AND LOW KEY AWKWAR CUZ WE DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO
Sorry kid you came to the wrong place
I know exactly nothing about flirting
Let alone het flirting
129 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hi, I just wanted to tell smth, bcs i feel like i need to "vent" to someone that doesnt know me. I hope its alright.
I knew I was gay ever since I was 11, (Im 18 now) I never talked openly about this, although I came out to my sister when I was about 15. She was completely supporting and the only person that knew about it. Of course Im openly gay online, because I can be anonymous that way.
Im not someone that can talk about their feelings, i always just kept everything to myself, not even my bestfriend knows Im gay. Recently however I became a little more open. I have a lot, and I mean A LOT queer people at my school, so this topic is pretty popular there, and everytime someone asked me abt my sexuality, I just said that its complicated.
Today I talked with a friend about sexuality and everything, she came out to me as ace and asked abt me, so I surprisingly said that im lesbian. Comepletely honestly. After the conversation about out sexualities I felt a lot lighter and more free, so after coming back home I got this weird confidence and decided that after 7 whole years of being closeted, Im going to tell my mom.
She was accepting and completely supported me, said that the only thing she needs is for me to be happy. Surprisingly she even came out to me as bi.
Now please dont misunderstand me, I know that a lot of people end up with very bad response, sometimes even getting kicked out, I know that Im very privileged bcs of that reaction from my mom, however instead of feeling light, happy or finally free, I just have this kind of dread. I dont know how to describe it. I feel so weird that my mom knows now this big part of me, its a completely different feeling than what I have with friends. In a way I even regret it. Im scared that my mom will see me different now.
I think Im maybe just used to this whole privacy of my sexuality, thats why the feeling of regret.
What do you think about this?
Also, after telling my mom, I kind of feel free to tell my bsf now, I dont know if I should tho. And also my other friends, most of them (if not all lmao) are queer themselfs, so its obvious It would be okay.
I asked my mom if i should tell my bsf, and she said no, that its a private thing and no one needs to know about it. This kind of gives me iffy vibes, like why treat it like some kind of taboo?
I want to live honestly, and be true to myself, without needing to hide
sorry for this long text
Firstly - I think you are extremely brave for coming out to anybody! it's not easily and it can be uncomfortable so I just want to say that even though I don't know you but I am very proud of you!
It can be scary and uncomfortable when you first come out to anybody, it's that voice in the back of our minds that try to convince us that we shouldn't have told anybody because we've kept it in for so long that we start to tell ourselves that there is somewhat of a second option. I'm not sure if you know what I mean but that's how I felt when I came out to my mother. It wasn't ideal, she made a homophobic comment about a lesbian couple chill in the back seat of their car and I sort of snapped at her and told her what I identify as and now she's trying to adjust to that.
My mother sometimes makes comments where and there that make me annoyed but I can't expect her to understand straight away so I've been giving her time to get used to the imagine of her daughter not wanting to have their own kids and that I may one day marry a woman.
Secondly - I think if you want to come out to others, go for it!! You should be proud of who you are and it's not something you have to keep to yourself anymore. Sure, if people have something negative to say about it, that is on them. You are a lovely person and have a wonderful heart. You are loved and most certainly wanted!
You and everybody else who sees my blog will always have a safe place to come and vent or share news no matter how big or small it might fell.
Again, congratulations on coming out! I'm so proud of you and sending you lots and lots of love!! Stay well x
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puphee · 2 years
Hi ceb, well idk how to start but...i don't know do u even relize that u as a writer are already make a ton of people happy and forgot about their life problem, idk about anyone else but for me, u did. I have a lot of life problem and im pretty sure a lot of people has it too, but lately my problem just getting more shitty, i got deppresed b'cause i got rejected from university that im applying to, my mom always talk shit about me, the pressure that my dad put on my shoulder for beeing the 1st child in the family and need to be succes, so when he's die i can take care of my brother and sister, lonely feeling that kills me slowly b'cause i dont really have a friend, my bestfriend move to another land the one who really care about me just gone, even tho we still interact through chatting but it feels different. Ifeel so tired for all of that, sometimes i just want to gave up and just die, sinking into my pain, nothing really convience me to stay breathing untill this day except the work that u did, when im read ur masterpiece i feel healed, im happy, it feels like im living a new life inside ur story, so i hope u proud about ur self, and keep ur spirit for writing bcause of that without u even relize u already keep one body still breathing untill today, u keep one soul happy, u make someone stand strong. Sometimes i feel so sad when one of my favorite writer closed their blog 'cause i'll think "Where i can find another happines again?" So i hope u will always be here, and please be proud about ur self, i love you from the deepest side of my heart ♡
I have two responses I'd like to give to you, and I hope they are still nice and light-hearted enough to convey how I feel in depth about your words.
Response one:
Omg I literally as I was reading I could feel my expression changing, like my smile was slowly growing throughout reading this and I'm really honoured that you think of me and my work so highly. I'm glad I can bring you happiness while everything else is stressful for you. I understand where you are, I'm also the oldest in my family, however I get the feeling out family situations are drastically different. Despite that, I totally understand the pressure you feel as the oldest. Being the one who has to ALWAYS set the good example for the younger ones and it feels like you're literally not allowed to mess up once, like everyone you love will be disappointed in you if you do. It's a really stressful position to be in, when you're the Oldest sibling. I understand the tension between you and your mother, as well. Although, again, I think like our family dynamics are widely different, I can understand the pain she causes you by being (for lack of a better word) a total bitch to you. My mom and I have had our fair share of fights, I even stopped calling her mom at one point. She said some very nasty things about me that, although we've made up, still hurt to this day. In a typical family, at least what you see portrayed in most movies and cartoons, your mother is supposed to be nurturing, guiding and, if you're a daughter, your best friend. I couldn't have that relationship with my mother, either, and I still don't have that kind of relationship with my own. I understand how upsetting that can be, and I really feel for you. I want you to know how proud I am of you, despite technically being a complete stranger to you. I want you to know that you are so loved and cherished, despite your brain probably telling you otherwise. I believe in you, I do. If you ever feel the need to rant or vent about your day or if you just want someone to give you some probably-not-comepletely-realistic-advice, feel free to come to me. I know it's not my responsibility, but I want you to know my intentions of being a safe person for you are still there.
Response two:
As I said in response one, I totally get where you're coming from, and I really appreciate that you enjoy my content and feel safe enough with me to talk about these things with me. I'm really honored to receive such praise. However, it is a little uncomfortable. I feel like you're placing me on a pedestal, deeming me of greater quality that I actually am. From the way you worded that you are so sad when your fave writers close their blogs and you feel you have to search for happiness again, it sounds like you are very dependent on constant content and consistency. I think I worded that incorrectly, but again, it's 1am, and I have yet to take my medication lol. I don't mean to say this in a way that sounds rude or mean or anything, I promise you that, but one day, I'm going to close my blog, too. Of course I have no intention of doing so any time soon, but it's a likely outcome. Most tumblr writers I've been friends with or have followed had gotten tired of their work or things outside of tumblr happening that made them close their blogs or leave for a really really long time. There are a lot of things us writers have to deal with just like you do. We could be in the same stressful positions, which could lead us to feeling so stressed or unmotivated or unhappy that our hobby, that sometimes seems like a job, no longer brings us satisfaction or joy. Sometimes things like that happen. It happens to all of us. Even our idols, our friends, our family, our acquaintances. It happens. It's not something we can control. The way you have worded this makes me feel an uncomfortable sense of responsibility that I shouldn't have to feel. I think you should search for more than just my fanfiction to bring you happiness. Maybe pick up a new hobby, find a program or community you feel welcomed enough to meet new people and make new friends. Maybe reach out to old friends to see if you can spark those friendships back up again. Maybe just take a few days to relax and take care of yourself. Find something, anything, other than me and my work to find you happiness. Of course, I would still love to be a source of happiness and comfort to you, it's really what I strive to do with my online presence. But I don't want to do that all on my own. I don't want to be exclusively the only person who can make you happy. Maybe it's my commitment issues talking, but that just makes me really uncomfortable. And again, I mean this to sound as light-hearted and friendly as possible while also letting you know seriously how I feel. I want my responses to feel really genuine, because I promise, I mean all of this genuinely and truly. I'll still be here, but I'd like you to find another thing that makes you happy, so I'm not all alone in being your favourite. I really appreciate you telling me all of this and how you felt. I genuinely and truly am grateful for your praise and good thoughts, however undeserving I may be at times. I care for you just as much as I do my other followers, and I always want to be some sort of a safe haven for you.
I hope what I said was understandable and didnt come off as bratty/rude/or insensitive. I mean all of this from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for supporting me the way you do. Your love means a lot to me.
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higuysiminnyc · 2 years
bunch of shit nyc
ok lets go back and be honest... i can't do this update everyday lmao so i will now be writing down notes throughout the week and then sharing little snippets of my nyc throughout the week...so lol where did we leave off and what the fuck has happened because one day here feels like a week
alright so its september lol
Starbucks has gotten so much better. I am making friends like actual friends that I hung out with yesterday. It feels good.
Robbie and I attended a rooftop party in Brooklyn through a random girl I met through Facebook lol. It was awesome tho. Felt like a college party but everyone was our age. Truly lemonades hit different when staring at city lights. So fun and actually felt like a New Yorker and social. We also went to Bingo at biddy's pub which was fun even though we didn't win anything we were social lol.
After a long day of being stupidly hungover, I babysat two kids in UES. Parents were so nice and chill. The kids are adorable and I am excited to take more responsibly with them and play with them on occasional Saturday nights. Good side money to have.
I am still applying to residencies, festivals, jobs, companies anything that might fit. Its a waiting game and a not committing to too much because something better might come.
I had an interview with a dance studio to be an admin assistant that can be done from home BUT i said i wanted to teach as well and was really interested in me teaching on Fridays as an assistant to two teams!!! Super cool. I have a follow up interview this week.
Overall, I am tired. Talking with Ebie new starbux friend) and I realized i was already burnt out before i got here. I am worried about it getting worse but them today I am full of energy and excitement about the life im living. It is hard for me wrap my head around my near world. It feels like im in a trance and I'll just got back to reality. I haven't processed anything and I don't want time to keep passing by without me indulging in it. This blog with help me reflect and just acknowledge everything.
oh yeah i got spit on in the subway lol. Some guy made at the world because we aren't giving him money and decides to spit. Top grossest thing so far. but the subway is a fucking cool but terrible place. i love being able to go anywhere with it and not have to pay attention. Robbie and i had an amazing tipsy chat on the way to the party. But it can also be crowded and filled to the brim with people which makes me very uncomfortable. Helped a girl get off at her stop because she was falling asleep lol
Robbie and I love walking at night just around our neighborhood. We are so grateful for the streets that surround us and the energy but quiet that we find. Walking hand and hand one night after we went to the movies, we were glowing from the city lights and the warmth we felt for each other as well as the life we are creating. It is incredible. My family is proud of me and excited for me.
ok might be back soon when i have time hopefully sooner than the one before this --- about to go take a dance class with Robbie and Ebie :)
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nar-nia · 2 years
hi, love
i discovered ur blog by a total accident, looking for something to read, while scrolling through heeseung tag (cuz im a simp) i saw the babysitters club teaser, and i was rly excited to say the least, after u posted i honestly fell in love with ur writing style, the way u describe things and the amazing plot <33, i remember i reread it with heart eyes, not kidding
so naturally i started reading all the other fics for enhypen boys and the current heeseung series has me in chokehold!!! it's truly amazing and im always super super excited for fridays! the story line is phenomenal even though hee is a silly boy *sigh* hope he will do better!
also the short angsty (1:40 pm) drabble u posted recently omg it was just wow, i felt it in my heart, kinda relatable ngl <\3 where is my hee *shaking my head*
im rly confused why ur works are not receiving the attention and love they deserve, its really sad :((( i hope it doesn't bother u that much tho, but trust me i try rly hard to send ask everytime u post so at least u know there is someone here!! I AM!!!!!✨
im very thankful for this blog its nice, fun, quiet and quite a fantastic place, i feel rly cozy coming here and rereading ur works is always fun, but it might be a little creepy how many times i read baby sitting club - but what can i say it is my comfort fic <33
im sorry if u are having hard time, nina!!! i think u are amazing and ur art is truly stunning!! *smooch on the forehead*, whatever u are doing right now im proud of u, keep going!!
this message reminded of that one meme/copy pasta tho
 If Nina has million number of fans i am one of them if nina has ten fans i am one of them if nina have only one fan and that is me if nina has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against nina, i am against the world. i love #nina till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of nina
your ask actually made me cry a bit, it was so sweet and kind 💖 thank you so much.
aren't we all simps for heeseung? that guy is just so * loud screaming* but i'm glad that you discovered my stories thanks to it 🤭 and the babysitters club! i'm still so proud of this story, i think i had heart eyes while writing it too 😅 but hearing that you loved it makes me really happy.
and the heeseung story, yay 🥰 it breaks my heart every time i have to write something else than sweet moments for y/n and hee but it has to be 😔 not for much longer though, if i'm allowed to say this little spoiler!
i'm sorry that you can relate to the drabble 😕 it was a spontaneous idea and involved a lot of self-insertion so i know how you feel. i'm not heeseung but i'm sending you a big hug anyways <33
I AM SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE HERE 💖💖 it makes me really happy seeing your asks after every chapter, and it motivates me even more to write new chapters. i don't mind how many people read my stories as long as the ones that do enjoy it 😊 i'm already amazed that other people than my friends actually love what i'm doing here. and i'm grateful that you are here <33
now this is the part where i started crying because not only did you say so many nice things about my blog but also the fact that the babysitters club is your comfort fic? it's definitely not creepy if you've reread it a lot of times, it's so sweet and kind and i'm really getting emotional right now. please read it as often as you want, i'm glad it can give you comfort!
i already feel better reading your ask (even though i said i was crying right before... IT WAS HAPPY TEARS) <33
thank you thank you thank you 💖💖
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tojisblunt · 3 years
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OVERSTIMULATION HCS — genshin edition.
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hcs — original, not requested.
AUTHOR’S NOTE. my first genshin work... hehe im so very excited to get back into the writing game ^_^
CHARACTERS. diluc, dainsleif, zhongli, xiao.
+ includes. overstimulation (duh...), daddy kink, size kink, squirting, multiple orgasms, fingering, slapping, mean!xiao, praise, edging
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he overstimulates you because he’s not even aware of it in the first place.
diluc is a certified himbo, i swear. he loves u so much and would do anything for your pleasure.
but the thing is.......he’s too focused to realized that you’ve been doing nothing but cumming.
he only realizes once you squirt all over him, your cream soaking his digits and your cum bleeding through the sheets.
“d-diluc!” you squeal, back arching and hips shooting forward into his fingers as he continues to move them around inside of your weeping cunt. diluc’s other hand is focused on your tits while his dick is standing up proud, the red tip angry from how horny he was.
he just wants you to cum on his fingers before he makes you cum again and again on his cock, but poor little diluc; he’s far too focused on your pretty tits to notice that you’ve cum a long time ago.
“baby,” you cry, putting your hand over your mouth to muffle the embarrassing sounds leaving your lips as you feel his finger tips graze against your favorite spots. his palm is catching your clit every time his hand creates a motion, and it makes your legs quiver and the knot in your stomach to tighten.
“just cum, baby, it’s okay.” diluc reassures you, and you want to smack him. he’s been spewing bullshit about wanting you to cum when you’ve been doing that this whole time.
“i-i can’t!” you sob, head thrown back when he stops thrusting his fingers for a second, opting to grind the pads of his finger tips against your g-spot. it sends electricity through your body, and you can’t help but tighten around his fingers, body quivering as you experience a body-wracking orgasm.
you’re crying underneath him, eyes widening as you unconsciously spread your legs further open, feeling your orgasm drag out for much longer than planned.
you curse, squirting all over your boyfriend’s fingers and abdomen, thrashing your head side to side from the overwhelming feeling of a mind numbing orgasm that you just experienced.
“oh.” diluc stills, realization hitting him as he processes what just happened. “sorry,” he says sheepishly, and you roll your eyes. he cleans off your cum from his fingers, bringing your body closer to his lower half as he lines up his cock against your pussy.
“what are you—?!”
“—who said i was done?”
he’s gonna be the death of you.
likes to do it because you look so pretty crying underneath him.
and also because he’s a service dom who’ll do anything for you to be happy in his sheets :P
loves to edge you tho... it makes your orgasms make you really sensitive after and he just loves the reactions.
tbh everything u do is attractive to him but if ur extra sensitive? u become a lot cuter to him.
“s-sen..” you blabber, and your boyfriend simply does nothing but looks up at you, keeping his eyes focused on your face to watch for any hints of uncomfortableness on your end.
“repeat that?” he asks, slamming his hips against yours purposefully, hoping to get a reaction out of you; in which, he does. dainsleif knows you too well, your body included. he knows where to hit it to get a certain reaction out of you.
“too sensitive!” you cry out in response to his thrust, feeling your thoughts swirl around as dainsleif begins thrusting into you slowly, before his rhythm speeds up. “no, no, no, no...” you trail off, mind going blank as your brains get fucked out of you.
“you can take it,” he says, soothing his hands over your stomach to reassure you that he’s still there. “my good girl, you look so pretty like this.” he smiles, face showing nothing but complete adoration for you as you cry beneath him, legs spread and cunt almost red from the abuse it’s taken from his edging.
no matter how much you want to finally cum, the stinging that you feel as he rocks his hips against yours is so good yet so painful that you’re not sure what to tell him. he’s been edging you for so long that you’re not even sure if you really did cum.
dainsleif knows how sensitive you get every time he stops his thrusting to edge you. the cries that leave your lips once he begins thrusting again, it’s all so good. but, as he watches you babble incoherent words, he decided that it was enough.
after all, nothing beats the sight of you cumming all over his fat cock.
LET ME TELL YALL ABOUT HIS BIG ASS DICK. (i would know i experienced it first hand)
dear gawd this man has such a size kink... thousands of years of struggling to find someone that would take his cock properly is finally catching up to him!!!!!
because now he found a cute lil plaything such as yourself who gets off on the fact that his dick cant fit easily
and the amount of times he’s made you cum before being fully in... it’s embarrassing but did you expect any less from a dragon?
“daddy!” you gasp, feeling his fat cock throbbing against your sensitive walls. even after years of experience in bed with your boyfriend, zhongli, your poor little cunt still struggles to take his much bigger cock.
you don’t complain, however, no matter how much your pussy hurts the next day from the stretching it received the previous night. no, how could you complain when he makes you feel so good?
“hm?” zhongli hums, keeping his grip on your thighs strong so he has control of how spread out you are for him. using that fact to his advantage, he brings your thighs further apart, cock twitching at the sounds of your mewls from the feeling of his cock hitting deeper.
“f-feels...i feel so good, daddy...” you sniffle, bringing your hand to his abdomen to rub on it, just for your own satisfaction of having your hands on him 24/7. you’re obsessed with having zhongli’s skin against yours, and he finds it so adorable the way you depend on his touch.
“yeah?” he quips, slowly grinding his pelvis against your sensitive clit, causing your mewls to transition to slightly louder moans. he takes note of how sensitive you can get sometimes, which is why he’s careful with exactly where he’s hitting his cock, but his cock is just too big that he sometimes accidentally (more like purposefully) grazes it against your g-spot.
he feels it before his brain could process your loud cries of pleasure. “i’m cumming, fuck! oh fuck!” you gasp, hands gripping the sheets and back arching as you cum hard all over your boyfriend’s cock.
he quickly puts his thumb on your clit, rubbing gentle circles on it to help ride out your orgasm, and you’re crying from the overwhelming feeling of his hands on your clit. your legs are shaking, and your moans have grown too loud, forcing you to cover your mouth in a desperate attempt to keep the maids from hearing you.
“daddy, please,” you sniffle, mind blank from how fucked out you already are. zhongli smiles, caressing the side of your face before he brings your legs over his shoulders, loving the wide eyed reaction that you gave him.
“you can take more, right darling?” he smirks, doing a few experimental thrusts against your sensitive pussy. but before you could even process anything, you’re cumming all over his cock for the second time.
does it purely bc he loves it when ur crying like a dumb little whore
he just loves to fuck u into oblivion so ur rendered speechless :blushes:
degrades u whenever u cry bc of overstimulation, but gets so soft when u apologize for cumming too much :( i love him..
“nngh!” you bite your lips the hardest you could, eyebrows furrowing as you throw your head back. your eyes are rolling to the back of your head, and the continuous trembles that are going through your body right now has your boyfriend holding onto you to support.
he keeps his eyes locked on your cunt, eyes scanning the way you wrap around his cock perfectly, cream soaking his dick as you cum over and over on his cock. you’re too overstimulated at this point, one simple move from him can have you cumming again.
“you don’t stop do you?” he teases, and you wiggle your hips in place in response to the proud smirk adorning on his face. “feel good?” he asks when he notices that your panting has calmed.
you nod, still lost for words as your brain is jumbled from the numerous orgasms your boyfriend was so considerate to give.
he ghostly leaves his thumb resting on your throbbing clit, ignoring the small whines that leave your lips in reaction. he then brings your legs over his shoulders with his free hand, and you can’t do anything but just give him a hesitant look.
“what?” he asks, leaning down and placing both hands on either side of your head. “don’t you cream so nice and hard like this? hm?” his vulgar words bring arousal to your hot cunt, enough arousal where your hips jumped from the sudden stimulation it brought to your clit.
“daddy...” you sniffle, feeling his cock throb inside your awaiting cunt. he gives you a single glance before thrusting hard once against your hips. hard enough that it would be pleasurable for the both of you.
“you talk too much,” xiao sighs, and you squirm, impatience settling in your bones. “quit it.” he grunts, lifting his hand to land a quick slap on your face, causing you to gasp.
“no, fuck!” you cry, hands immediately rushing to his arms for support as your body trembles underneath his, cunt completely losing it on his cock.
xiao swallows, head going light from the intense arousal that he’s feeling as he watches you cum just from him slapping you.
if overstimulation can get you to cum this easy, then you better be sure as hell that he’s going to fuck you insanely stupid every time.
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copyright © tojisblunt. do not plagiarize, modify, or repost.
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fairybaby777 · 2 years
💒 success story
I j randomly chose to say this in your blog ^_^ ? ( cuz I saw it on my feed and I had the mood to do this rn ) . sooo rn I’m pretty successful for my age ( I’m below 17 ) .,, I own a manifesting blog my self but I’m not that active . So rn I’m living my dream and I manifested all of it . my net worth currently would be about 3-4 million? I’m a singer / rapper / dancer ( wouldn’t categorize myself into any genre tho ) in Seoul and I manifested every bit of it , even though I was pretty good at all of them to start with ( I’ve always been good at everything like forever, probably cuz I assumed ) , why not make it better when you can lol . I manifested living in a penthouse apartment ( fully paid by my label ) w the prettiest view of my dream city, honestly I’m so proud of myself for persisting even after feeling like Shit for believing in this but I j kept fucking going dude , I swear if I wouldn’t of found law of assumption 2 years ago I would’ve literally killed myself long ago , also This might be tmi ( eh wtf this is fucking anonymous anyways bitches ) so I started vaping pretty young but I manifested not being affected by it like AT ALL inspired by Abdullah’s story ( he was Neville’s friend to summarize ) lemme also say some other random stuff , I manifested going from 5”2 to 5”7 and I can seriously manifest being any height at any second , got a nice figure , Tiny flat 11 line abs waist ( also I eat like shit lol like some days I’ll eat 10 humongous meals where I just stuff myself and sometimes I don’t eat for 3 days ) , a nice ass , nice tittles ( LMFAO ) basically the perfect body I wanted literally couldn’t be better , and a perfect face to go with it ofc, shifting realities , I can honestly change my reality any second I want .. could manifest 300 mil from mid air & maybe live in the richest neighborhood’s penthouse but I chose not to hehe. I’m still recovering from sum shi honestly but I know it’ll get through. I don’t wanna “ manifest “ myself out of this or forgetting anything I wanna let myself go through whatever I am going through . I only sticked to one person and that’s solar subs ( they fr saved my life ) I followed their advice religiously and I’m so grateful I found them , they deserve the world <3
baby , 지속하다 🌙
wow that’s seriously so amazing anon ! what an incredible success story which im sure will serve as an inspiration to many. thank you so much for sharing on my blog, im truly very honoured 🤍🤍
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