#also...........law is just....................... y e a h...........
franeridan · 9 months
I'm sorry I'm lowkey losing my mind but i just read someone say something along the lines of i haven't gotten to law yet but I'm starting to wonder if people don't ship him with luffy just to stick someone with luffy that's not zoro and I just, oh, oh, I wish I could be there to see them actually reach law, that's going to be. beautiful. I wonder if they'll feel my same extreme delighted bewilderment in realizing that luffy just has a thing for grumpy silly swordsmen, apparently
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burned-lariat · 11 months
Two things can be true!
1 - GirlPeter deserves to be thrown in prison by any means necessary.
And 2...
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Human!Scar x Younger!Fem!Human!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: Scar loves to rub your relationship in the rest of the prides faces since he knows it bothers them. He's a Brat, but you love him.
Warnings: Age difference relationship (/people around you disapproving of it) and a lot PDA. Also sexual references.
Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @ryantryan6969 , and @thecourtofgraywaves .
As soon as you see Scar approaching the rest of the pride, you hop up from where you were resting, dozing, out in the warm sun and quickly meet him a few bounds away from the others- you know he's here for you, he never visits the pride for anything else. Immediately you greet him with a loving kiss to the cheek and a bright smile.
He mutters something intimate in your ear with a smirk while the other lionesses all watch, and you go hot under everyone's judgemental gazes. God damnit, old man, not these antics again!! You flash him a warning glare, but of course he doesn't care. "Scar, just once, can my boyfriend visit me and not make it a spectacle??"
"Oh, my dear, what's the fun in that??"
"Hello, Scar," Sarabi pipes up in a measured, joyless tone from behind you and you turn around to face your queen, out of respect. The rest of the lionesses refuse to even meet his gaze, but Sarabi's known Scar since they were kids- he's her brother-in-law after all- and she's just... classy. And kind. You like her for that, as well as her dry sense of humour, so you certainly done blame her for disliking him. So long as you can act hospitable, not make your distaste anyone's problem, then you can dislike whoever you want on as little grounds as you want, as far as you're concerned.
... the rest of these bitches, though... Your eyes darken a little, giving the gossipy judgy women all a frustrated, disappointed look as they all look mildly irritated just by Scar's presence. And his body stood so 'inappropriately' close to yours. They're just ridiculous.
When Scar's arm slips around your waist and rests there lazily, you give a surprised gasp; neck snapping so you can look at him. Seriously!?? Honestly, yes, you don't care what these old biddies think about you relationship- but m u s t h e make it so hard on Sarabi?? She's trying!
Yes, apparently, he must, says the mischievous lethargic grin on his handsome face. "Sarabi... you look lovely today. My, what a lucky brother I have."
Sarabi rolls her eyes almost all the way up into her skull, while you stand there quite awkwardly. Scar, shut up. "Scar, don't be brutish."
"Simply stating a fact, Sarabi. Anyway... " Scar's gaze falls on your head so close, and the next thing you know he's nuzzling you; making you freeze. You love it, you love Scar's touch, but r I G H T NOW!?? "Going on a hunt today, are you all?... "
"Did Y/N tell you that?" One of the other lionesses cuts in (Snaps); a very sharp tone in her voice that you don't like at all and causes you to glare daggers at her even as Scar completely lacks a responce to it. His arm around your waist does squeeze for a moment though, as if telling to calm down, now, I'm fine dear...
"I did." You respond shortly, instead, but leave it at that; turning fully into Scar now and letting him do whatever he wants. If they cant act cordial, then neither will you. He gives a devious smirk at your actions, and gently catches your chin between his thumb and his curled forefinger. His eyes bore into yours, so impossibly-venomously-prettily green, and as always you lose yourself in them.
"She did, and I'm just here to bid her goodbye for the afternoon~ So if you'll excuse us, thank you."
Instead of walking you away from the group though, despite his excuse, Scar merely removes his attention from them completely and he's all yours. God, he loves doing this, being intimate where the rest of the pride can see what he's doing. What he does to you. Every time he seems to take it a step further, too; getting more and more shameless in his old age as you've told him before.
Oh? 'Old'?? He'd asked, a look of mock offence on his face.
... practically ancient, you'd told him back; digging your hole in even deeper and smirking about it. Then he'd approached you, or prowled towards you more like, with that predatory look on his devastatingly striking face, raised your chin up, rubbed the tip of his nose roughly against yours, and then kissed you. Then you did some things that the ladies here would definitely drop their jaws over.
With the memory lingering in your mind, you give a quiet sigh; lowering your voice so only Scar can hear. "... you're here to say goodbye, huh?" You ask quietly, holding onto the sides of his clothing.
"Well, that's true. I am."
"Oh, you are a gentile suitor, huh?" You tease, sarcasm gently filling your whisper-voice even as Scar cups your face now; brushing his thumbs methodically across your cheeks and making you feel weak. With all this happening, you almost forget you're being watched by almost the entire pride sans Mufasa. "When'd that happen?"
"I assure you, my dear,.. " He comes in close to your face, so close your noses almost touch. "I'm still a rogue." He growls, then swoops in the rest of the way and presses a hot kiss to your mouth; making you feel a bit, embarrassingly, weak in the knees. Its a deep kiss, but not obscenely long in duration before he's pulling away, letting you go and strolling off. "Goodbye, have a good hunt."
You're left Kissed, warm all over and alone in front of the lionesses- the realisation that they were there that entire time crashing back over you all of a sudden. You give them an awkward smile and a waive, before returning swiftly to your spot among them and ducking your head down; pleased and embarrassed at once. Oh lord. Damnit Scar.
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mulletmitsuya · 1 year
Toman Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive language, might be offensive idk (lmk if it is so i should take it down if necessary) , mentions of birth, mentions of alcohol and weed, gayness
Desc: it's Mitsuya's day of birth
Baji: what's up with the emoji's
Mitsuya: thanks Chifuyu
Baji: happy getting out of the pussy day
Mitsuya: 😐
Kazutora: didn't he get circumcised?
Mitsuya: man what
Baji: ...
Baji: fuck that gotta do with what i just said
Baji: you just say shit
Kazutora: i'm talking about his birth method
Kazutora: keep up, Keisuke 😐
Chifuyu: you're so fucking stupid
Kazutora: Mitsuya's mom was circumcised
Kazutora: it wasn't a vaginal birth
Kazutora: he was essentially removed, rather than birthed
Baji: "he was essentially removed, rather than birthed🤓👆"
Mikey: bro how do you even know that?
Kazutora: i hate talking to stupid mf's 🙄
Baji: i don't understand why people say i'm the stupidest
Draken: *most stupid
Draken: you honestly proved everyone's point
Baji: fuck off
Mitsuya: ok you guys can shut up now
Draken: happy birthday Takashi
Draken: my sworn brother
Draken: my other half
Draken: my twin dragon
Draken: love ya man
Mitsuya: thank you Draken🙂
Baji: did u have socks on
Draken: ...?
Baji: you can't say "i love ya" and "my other half" without any socks on
Baji: it implies a sense homosexuality
Baji: but if you have socks on then it's fine
Draken: i'm sick of you
Baji: bro doesn't have any socks on 💀
Mitsuya: you guys can shut up now x2
Mitsuya: also
Mitsuya: you don't all have to say happy birthday just say it when we meet up cause i feel awkward saying thank you to every single one of you
Mikey: hope you enjoyed my birthday present 💪😎
Mitsuya: yeah...
Mitsuya: the half eaten taiyaki
Mitsuya: appreciate it
Mikey: anything for the homies ❤
Mitsuya: 😒
Draken: where's Hakkai
Draken: surprised he hasn't said anything about your birthday
Mitsuya: he's planning a surprise birthday party
Baji: surprise🤨?
Mitsuya: he told me not to not text him cause he's busy with my surprise birthday party
Mitsuya: i don't think he realized that he told me
Mitsuya: i don't wanna bum him out so i'll still act surprised
Mitsuya: i appreciate it either way
Chifuyu: Takemitchy, Angry and I have been helping him plan this for weeks, and he just fucking told you😐
Mitsuya: i guess lol
Mitsuya: also said he has a surprise for me
Baji: he's gonna tongue you down, i just know it
Mitsuya: stfu
Mikey: are y'all together or not
Mitsuya: don't know what you're taking about
Draken: bro's taking his time
Mikey: Mitsuya you're 21 now
Mikey: it's been 8 years???😭
Smiley: i may not have a birthday present but i'll bring queer and weed
Smiley: since y'all follow the law or whatnot and you're legal now
Smiley: hypocrites
Draken: what's wrong with following the law?
Smiley: you think beating people half to death was fucking legal, Draken?
Draken: well... no
Draken: doesn't mean we should abuse substances, underage
Smiley: ❤H Y P O C R I T E❤
Smiley: and a lot of the people we know smoke so idk why you're all the way in my ass rn
Draken: yeah but cigarettes aren't drugs
Smiley: weed >>>>> cigarettes
Draken: the ability to breath when i'm in my thirties >>>>
Smiley: fair
Baji: wdym you'll bring a queer and weed🤨
Smiley: why would i bring a queer when Mitsuya is literally right there
Smiley: i meant beer
Smiley: pride month changing my damn autocorrect😒
Kazutora: stop saying slurs
Smiley: bro the gays reclaimed that shit
Smiley: it's a blanket term for the ABCDEFG community or whatever the fuck
Draken: i feel like you're being homophobic
Smiley: nuh uh
Smiley: dude look
Smiley: 👬 👭
Smiley: see?😁
Smiley: am i still homophobic?
Baji: he got us there
Draken: wha-
Draken: what the fuck is that supposed to prove?
*Hakkai has gone online*
Hakkai: could you please come over to my place for no particular reason?🤔
Hakkai: hmmmm, it kinda feels like i'm forgetting something
Hakkai: maybe like, a public holiday?
Hakkai: who knows?🤷‍♂️
Hakkai: anyway
Hakkai: let's hang out like the regular days in which we are normal 🤗
Hakkai: see you soon 😁
Mitsuya: ...
Mitsuya: yeah sure Hakkai
Mitsuya: be right over
Hakkai: ❤
*Hakkai has gone offline*
Mikey: 💀
Chifuyu: i hate him
Baji: did he even fucking try
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verysmallcyborg · 2 months
Fornax Val'ethtue
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Name: Fornax Val'ethtue (or Fyrstyrn [fire star] Dotharl, when thinking of the two naming conventions)
Nicknames: They don't have much nicknames, however friends that know Fornax well enough can call them "Lily" (Delmira especially calls them that, this is because of their association with the flower), otherwise only Ryss gets to call her sea puppy or treasure
Age: 37 (by Endwalker)
Nameday: 5th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Race: Sea Wolf Roegadyn + Xaela Au Ra (au roe, if you will. tehe)
Gender: Non-binary Butch (she/they)
Orientation: Lesbian
Profession: Outside of WoL responsibilities... bodyguard and marksman
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Black with a bunch of grey hairs. If it's short, it's spiky and either has the sides and the lower back of it shaved down, or they have their sideburns. If it's longer, then it's generally messy and uneven with a "wild" look.
Eyes: Black sclera, slit pupils, and vibrant orange. Fornax's eyes only glow because their dad taught them how to apply limbal rings when she was young, but never learned how to accurately do it (or when to stop doing it, until there was a full glow) after his death.
Skin: Dark grey, has a black gradient starting at their forearms and goes all the way to their hands. Has a fair amount of scales, though some are broken and ripped off around scars.
Tattoos/scars: Decorated in scars all over their face and body, but the most notable ones are on their face, neck, and torso. Some of her face scars are from saving a coeurl kit from hunters, and briefly got mauled by its mother when returning it (they understood the protective instinct, but OUCH). The scars across their neck and chest was an incident that put them at deaths door, and then a large scar on their side is from... WELL. Ryss. :) Don't worry about it :)
Very important: their top scars!! Those tits: chopped off. Also the end of their tail (that doesn't have the top layer of thick scales) has a bite scar from the Major-General, no one believes them when they say a tiny shark with tiny legs bit them while fishing.
Fornax has a very subtle trail of faint orange stars on their back for a tattoo!
Parents: Unnamed Roegadyn mother & Xaela father. Her mom was a traveling merchant of sorts, while her dad was part of the Dotharl clan. Unfortunately, both were murdered while Fornax was young... :')
Siblings: No siblings
Grandparents: N/A (I don't think that far with family LOL)
In-laws and Other: No idea about in-laws, but for other: their lovely spouse, Ryssrael!!! :)
Pets: Befriends every stray and animal that they cross, but specifically, they have a little black coeurl and a baby amaro that follow them around.
Abilities: Very skilled with a rifle and axes of any kind (WAR/MCH combo), though they are in their best element when within melee range. Weaponizes their teeth, claws, and tail as often as they can, and wields terrifying, brutal strength that amplifies when angered or under a need to win and/or survive. Best not to piss off a butch who could pull an entire ship with just them and their partner!!
Hobbies: LOVES cooking and all kinds of hands-on crafts, but specifically knitting and crocheting.
Most Positive Trait: Their unwavering determination
Most Negative Trait: Has a self-destructive habit of fleeing and attempting to isolate themselves when hurt
Colors: Most warm colors, baby blue, black, and purple
Smells: Burning firewood, ocean breezes on the sunrise/sunset, the stinging metallic scent of blood, flowers in a field, freshly cooked food (especially stews and bread)
Textures: The subtle raised skin of old scars, the wool off of freshly sheared karakuls, tree bark, warm hands against their scales, horns, and tail
Drinks: Apple cider, hot chocolate, fruity beverages
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Not really, unless offered
Drinks: Only in good company/socially
Drugs: Recreationally? Maybe, otherwise nah
Mount Issuance: Still has their red chocobo (HEH...) but he spends his days sleeping and chilling in the garden of their yard. Nowadays they use a comically tiny airship.
Been Arrested: Several times by the Maelstrom and Flames, mostly when they were a teenager & young adult because of petty thefts and getting in trouble for some of the jobs they took on to scrape by. Fornax has gotten significantly better at escaping and hiding though, which is kinda funny when you wonder, how does anyone lose a 8ft/244cm tall au roe with a big ole tail?
Tagged by @hazelkjt and @cindernet-explorer!!! thank you <3
UHHHHHH i've seen most folks i follow be tagged already, so i'm pointing at the viewer. Your Turn
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ahollowgrave · 2 months
-- Odette Hollows [B A S I C S]
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Name: Odette Hollows Nicknames: None commonly used. Yein calls her their ‘Moonlit Friend’ and Marlow refers to her by title; Sister. I don’t know if any of these are ‘nicknames.’ Age: Early Twenties Nameday: 9th Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon Race: Mostly Hyur; technically Ashkin. Gender: CIS Female Orientation: Demi Lesbian Profession: Nun Errant, Psychopomp, Shepherd
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Strands of spun moonlight are cropped just past her jawline; styled with a few braids with occasional charms or ribbons woven throughout. Likely her most recognizable feature. In dark enough settings, it can shed low light.   Eyes: Like frozen pools; her right eye is a sharp blue, and her left is a clear lavender.  Skin: Ghostly pale, dotted with occasional beauty marks.  Tattoos/scars: Graced with stretch marks but beyond that no notable scars. 
Parents: Unknown to her, deceased. Perfectly nice people who, through no fault of their own, died. Siblings: N/A Grandparents: Unknown to her, deceased. Also perfectly nice people.  In-laws and Other: A great-many-times-over Aunt named Odile. A not-so-nice person.  Pets: Rou, a large Karakul who often travels with Odette. Three ewes: Pomme, Poire, and Peche.
Abilities: - Odette is a beacon to lost souls, ghosts, and spirits. They flock to her and under the umbrella of her influence their forms are altered into that of moths. They cling to her, calling for aid which she lends as best she can. Odette is a psychopomp, she guides the dead without judgment. She can see, hear, and otherwise interact with these lost and stuck souls. She has a custom job fusion of WHM (Conjury)/PLD.
- A strong defensive fighter, Odette prefers her shield and conjurer’s cane to the sword that hangs at her side. She wields her shield well, trusting in it fully to keep herself and her loved ones safe. When she plants her cane, the river rises. 
- Kulning is an ancient form of herding calls used over long distances. Odette learned the skill in her youth and uses it still, calling in her small flock of Karakul at her home. Is this important enough to put here? Probably not, it’s just an additional fun fact! For you!
Hobbies: Reading, gardening, knitting (badly), and exploration. She also plays piano and harp.
Most Positive Trait: The warmth of her personality, her willingness to meet and love people as they are and as they change. Her curiosity about the people around her.  Most Negative Trait: Her inability to trust herself, her eagerness to trust others above herself. People don’t care for the stealing, either.
Colors: Blues, Purples, Silver, and a pop of red.  Smells: Rich, damp soil; Cedar; sun-ripened peaches; sweet, warm vanilla. Textures: The warmth of hand-spun wool, wood worn smooth with use, the delicate touch of petals against skin. Drinks: Hot chocolate with marshmallows and butterscotch, lemonade infused with different fruits and flowers. 
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Not cigarettes. Drinks: No.  Drugs: Yes, pretty heavily. She cannot sleep so she takes drugs to sort of  ‘float’ in a resting state. It doesn’t work but it is better than nothing.  Mount Issuance: Odette is not insured to ride anything. She walks most places, or takes ferries and airships where she can. She owns a Chocobo, named Beauty, who was gifted to her by her friend None. Most of the time if she is riding, she rides Rou, her most loyal Karakul.  Been Arrested: No, but she should have been.
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][ Tagged by: ][ @myreia @sealrock @thefreelanceangel @cindernet-explorer @paintedscales @hazelkjt ][ AHH! Thank you all SO much, I appreciate it! ] ][ Tagging: ][ @snotsloth @but-first--tea @the-sycophant @eorzeanflowers @abyssalmermaiden @tallbluelady @viiioca @the-white-snake @claire-ashe & You! ]
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stuckinmoilalaland · 1 month
Gojo x Hindu!Wife!Reader Arranged Marriage
Note: Cold Gojo.
You, a 25 year old Hindu woman, and Satoru were in an arranged marriage since 2 years. He's always cheerful, except when you're around of course. It's clear to everyone that you're not welcome into his life at all. This is why you aren't accepted into Satoru's friend group. Although, the students love you like you're their mother. They're always used to seeing your smile, which is fake of course. You are a very good teacher at Jujutsu high, and our curse technique is being able to bend the laws of physics. You were heading back from your missions at 11:00 PM, like normal, but something was different. You were hit by the cursed technique of the curse you exorcised. You somehow got into the house, but you were bleeding a lot. Satoru was sitting on the couch and chilling, he turned his attention to you, as his eyes widened, he rushed towards you and scooped you up in bridal style. Without a word, he took you to his bedroom and took out the first aid kit. He treated your wounds, and then let you rest in his bed because you fainted. 2 hours later, you finally wake up. Satoru is sitting at the edge of the bed with his head down low, you can hear him sniffling and sobbing...
You: Satoru?
You say as you sit up on bed. Satoru rushes to you, revealing his teary face. He jumps onto the bed and then hugs you tight. You blink for a moment with your eyes widened, but you calm down and hug Satoru back while smiling. Satoru cries onto your breast and hugs you tighter, while you caress his head. It looks like almost losing you taught him your importance...
You: Shhhhhh... It's okay........
You say while comforting Satoru and caressing his head. Satoru says in his breaking voice...
Satoru: Y-y/n..... I'm so s-sorry-y...... I-i should have l-loved yo-ou m-more and understood-d your-r importance-e.... I-i-
Before he can speak more, he bursts out into tears again. After a few hours, he finally calms down. Right now, he is hugging you with his face buried into your breast. You kiss his soft head and say...
You: Now now, stop crying my sukh(Note for reader: Sukh means happiness).
Satoru: W-wh-hat does Sukh mean?
You smile and reply...
You: Happiness in Sanskrit.
Satoru hugs you even tighter and says...
Satoru: E-even after I never l-loved you or c-cared for you, you still call me your h-happiness, why-y?
You: It's because of my dharma. Think of dharma as the code of conduct in Hinduism. Just because somebody considers me their enemy, doesn't mean I do the same thing. If someone does something wrong, I shouldn't repeat that same thing because it's wrong.
Satoru: I'm sorry....... I don't deserve you to be my wife. You're way too good for me.......
You peck him on the forehead and say...
You: I love you Satoru, and don't worry, everyone deserves a second chance. Also, you've proved that you deserve a second chance because you took care of me, forgetting all your hate the moment I needed you. I appreciate it.
**Should I continue this?**
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chadhunkler · 2 months
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Tagged by @sundered-souls , @oneiroy , and @iron-sparrow ! Thank all of u!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
Name: Holuikhan Haragin
Nicknames: Holly, Holui, Hol, Fish
Age: around 25-30? But they have no clue, no sun to help keep time.
Nameday: 30th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon (But they don't know that either)
Race: Au Ra-adjacent fish from the deep sea
Gender: Female
Orientation: What is that (Probably pan, and prefers people she gets to know first)
Profession: Traveling spearfisher, trinket trader (unemployed)
Hair: Well contained in a fancy bun, with all the ends just short enough. She didn't like it getting in her face during quick maneuvers undersea. On land, it looks a litle rough, accustomed to the water more. Eyes: Blue, with a variable brightness depending on if she wants them to glow bright or not. Bioluminescence yeyaeyayeyae Skin: Abnormally dark, absorbs light when underwater, also has bioluminescent properties to shimmer and glow, confusing prey. On land, the scales/skin have a hard time with how much light there is, she gets burned easily. To combat this, she has a parasol she takes everywhere! Tattoos/scars: No tattoos, maybe a few bite scars from battling fish.
Parents: The two most important people in her life - taught her how to hunt and gather, how to live in the depths she was born in. Siblings: She's probably got siblings, but she hasn't seen them in a while. Grandparents: Unknown. In-laws and Other: None. Pets: A large manta ray, a 'pet' of sorts, more akin to a summon. Helps her travel longer distances underwater by attaching to her back, also providing some protection from the sun.
Abilities: Expert underwater hunter, using a variety of skills to conceal and confuse - kicking up sand, creating little lights to distract as she zips through the seas. Also able to eat most things with fairly low risk. Living in the deep sea's tough. Hobbies: Exploring and collecting trinkets! She enjoys searching sunken ships for harpoons, gold pieces, bits of armor, anything shiny, along with flowers.
Most Positive Trait: Always happy! Enjoys new things, nothing scares her.
Most Negative Trait: Stupid fishe, too excited about the new world, will routinely get in trouble because of her instinctual curiosity.
Colors: ALL OF THEM!!!! Sure, bioluminescent blues, purples, greens are pretty, but she's more interested in the colors she's never seen before. Smells: Fish and fishblood. She's also taken a liking to a few underwater plants, keeps some close by both to help mask her scent, and just to smell for herself. (I had to look up if fish can smell) Textures: She needs things to be super smooth, or else it'll irritate her skin. ESPECIALLY beds - if the thing she's trying to sleep on isn't super silky, she'll just go sleep in the water, tying her harpoon to herself and sticking it in the sand so she doesn't drift far. Drinks: Originally it was all water water water. Once she surfaced, she quickly realized the power of fruit juice.
Smokes: Holly's not come across smoking yet. Drinks: She very recently had alcohol in a fruity cocktail, enjoyed it but felt strange afterwards. She got super dizzy, fell over multiple times. Drugs: She's been stung by a pufferfish once… Not good. Mount Issuance: If you consider the manta ray summon an issued mount, sure, but it can only be underwater. Been Arrested: What's that?
Thank you for reading! aaaah now it's time to tag others uhhh @shroudkeeper @rasenkaikyo @varrok @verysmallcyborg and @miqojak ! If you see this and wanna do it, go for it! I may or may not be doing two more of these for Kasha and Chad, lemme know if u wanna get tagged too!
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whatifitookalilnap · 9 days
Three's Company, Four's a Crowd!
(Korra x Fem!Reader x Asami)
Prologue: Yuma Gives Birth to Half of the Airbending Population
(A/N: Hey hey! Wanted to give a lil intro to my reader insert fic here sorry it's so long. So this story will be Korra x Fem!Airbender!Reader x Asami they will end up a throuple. I will be covering over half of the show so it's gonna be a few chapters. I will be mostly focusing on season one and three. I won't cover season four at all and season two will probably be like three or four chapters at the most. Most chapters will be second POV but a few will be third person like this one. Also I named reader's mom Yuma because it's easier for me lol. There will be more entertainment in the next chapter rest assured! This will also be posted on my ao3 account I'll post that link right after this!)
"It's time to wake up, Turtle Duck!" Yuma whispered while gently rubbing her child's arm.
(Y/n) groaned and slowly sat up. Yuma's poor girl is not a morning person in any sense of the word. Her (h/c) hair was an utter disaster as it always is after a good night's rest. The five year old little girl yawned and rubbed her bleary (e/c) eyes in an attempt to get the sleepiness away.
"Can't I have five more minutes?" (Y/n) pouted.
"Not today, my love. We're visiting Gran Gran today, remember?" Yuma smiled.
At once, the five year old girl perked up at the mention of her grandmother. Honestly, that woman is the only reason why Yuma stayed in the Southern Water Tribe once the divorce from her ex-husband, Taro, was finalized. Zoh was an angel sent from above in Yuma's eyes. Always happily taking in (Y/n) whenever there was an emergency and helping around Yuma's home when she desperately needed a break.
Zoh has absolutely zero contact with her son after the divorce. Something about cheating on his wife and abadonding his child really pissed Zoh off. Honestly, Yuma can't even remember the last time someone was so loyal to her. It means the world to her that her ex-mother-in-law has her back. After all these years, Yuma felt as though she had a mother again.
"Yes! I can't wait to show you and Gran Gran my magic trick! I'm going to blow you guys away!" (Y/n) enthusiastically exclaimed.
"And I can't wait to see it! But before you blow us away, we have to fix this," Yuma grinned while patting her daughter's head.
(Y/n) gave her a cute little pout as Yuma began combing her hair. Once that was completed after much wincing from both parties, Yuma put her daughter's hair in two little buns atop her head. The Fire Nation woman then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast while her daughter changed clothes.
Honestly, Yuma really couldn't wait to see what this little 'magic trick' is. (Y/n)'s been talking about it since last week and it has been driving Yuma mad. The Fire Nation woman has never been...how does one say...patient. Obviously, Yuma has all the patience in the world for her daughter, but literally anything else? That's going to be a hard no. She's also a very curious woman by nature. Yuma is just itching to know what the magic trick is.
Yuma highly suspects that (Y/n) might be a waterbender like Taro. She took (Y/n) to a waterbending show a few months ago and her daughter claimed it to be magic, which just furthers her suspicions. Yuma herself didn't have the ability to bend, so it made the most logical sense.
Then again, it could just be something like a picture or sleight of hand magic. Kids did have a tendency to exaggerate or bend the truth. There are plenty of possibilities which is greatly irritating because again, Yuma is painfully impatient and horribly curious.
Ah, well, it will be revealed today when they visit Zoh. (Y/n) rushed up to their little table and practically shoveled her food into her mouth.
"Careful now, we don't want to have to see the healers now do we?" Yuma reminded her.
(Y/n) didn't respond verbally but ate considerably slower. Her sweet daughter always got so excited to see her Gran Gran even though it's a pretty frequent occurrence. It really does take a village and even though Yuma's village is truly just one other person, she couldn't be more grateful for it.
Once Yuma finished her breakfast (Y/n) was shoving her out the door. The trek to Zoh's hut was only about ten minutes on foot so it wouldn't be long until Yuma got to see that magic trick.
(Y/n) talked on and on about how this trick is just the coolest thing ever and that Yuma will be so impressed. To be fair, practically everything about (Y/n) impresses Yuma. It must be a mom thing.
In what felt like no time at all, the mother daughter duo reached Zoh's hut. (Y/n) excitedly knocked on the door. It only took two knocks before the door swung open.
"Oh hello Yuma. Didn't you say (Y/n) was coming with you? I can't find her anywhere!" Zoh exclaimed while purposefully looking upwards.
"Oh you know how five year old girls are these days, she just wanted to stay home and listen to her radio," Yuma joked.
"Gran Gran! I'm right here!" (Y/n) laughed.
Zoh looked down and feigned a gasp of surprise. The older woman quickly scooped her granddaughter up and peppered kisses all over her face. (Y/n) giggled in pure delight as her grandmother smothered her with affection.
"And how's my favorite granddaughter doing?" Zoh smiled.
"I'm your only granddaughter, silly! I'm doing good! I'll be even better when I get to show you my awesome magic trick!" (Y/n) exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh? A magic trick you say? I didn't know I was getting good company and a show! We better all get inside to enjoy such a performance," Zoh smiled.
The older woman stepped aside to let Yuma inside and gently placed (Y/n) on the ground. Yuma smiled and gave Zoh a quick but firm hug.
"Thanks for having us, Zoh," Yuma said.
"I'm sorry, who is this Zoh you speak of?" Zoh grinned.
"Apologies. Thank you for having us, Mom," Yuma laughed.
"That's more like it. Besides, I'd have you guys around all the time if I could," Zoh chuckled as she locked the door behind them.
"Before I can show you my magic trick, I must grab my materials! Please, have a seat ladies," (Y/n) dramatically stated while gesturing to the couch in the living room.
Her daughter is just too cute. The adults shot each other an amused look before sitting on the couch. Once (Y/n) saw that they were seated, she rushed off to the kitchen to grab these 'materials'.
"You don't happen to know what this magic trick is, do you?" the Water Tribe woman asked her.
"No, not quite. She's been talking about it since last week but insisted that she would only do it with both of us present," Yuma explained.
"That must have driven you mad," Zoh smirked, well aware of Yuma's patience level.
"Oh, you have no idea. I really should work on that," Yuma sighed.
"All I'm saying is that this is about the age where children start to discover their bending abilities," Zoh said in a sing song voice.
"That was my first thought when she said magic trick. The waterbending genes do run strong in your family," the Fire Nation woman admitted.
"That they do. We're very strong benders, too. One might say, some of the greatest benders of all time?" Zoh asked smugly.
Yuma immediately rolled her eyes. She knew exactly what the older woman was implying. And it's all because of that alleged 'seer' Zoh dragged Yuma to.
Back when she was still pregnant with (Y/n), Zoh and Yuma were attending a festival in one of the main cities in the Southern Water Tribe. Zoh found a seer and insisted they get a reading of (Y/n)'s future. Yuma didn't exactly love the idea of a strange woman touching her belly to get a reading she didn't actually believe in, but figured it would be harmless.
Long story short, the seer told them three things. One is that (Y/n) will face great challenges in her life but will inevitably be victorious as long as she trusts in herself and her loved ones. The second thing is that (Y/n) will be one of the most powerful benders of all time and help create balance in the world. The final tidbit of information they got was that (Y/n) would be blessed to experience twice the amount of romantic love than most people got in their entire lives and will end up happily married with healthy children.
What a load of shit.
Seriously? Her daughter needs to believe in herself in order to overcome great trials and tribulations? That is the most unoriginal reading Yuma had ever heard. Could have gotten that from half of the fortune cookies in creation.
As for the bending, that seer probably says that to every person that crosses her path. It's not like benders are a dying breed, it's a pretty good guess that (Y/n) would end up one. The damn seer didn't even specify what kind of bender she would be! And that balance part? What a joke. Probably wanted to make it seem like she's meant for some great purpose.
The romantic aspect of (Y/n)'s life confused the hell out of Yuma. What did the seer even mean by twice as much love? Doesn't matter, because it's total bogus. Yuma is pretty sure that the whole happily married with children part is yet another thing that the seer says to everyone that gets a reading from her.
In other words, that con artist merely told them exactly what they wanted to hear. Zoh claims Yuma is just a pessimist and Yuma claims Zoh wasted her money.
"Relax, Mom. I highly doubt today is the start of (Y/n)'s 'destiny'," Yuma scoffed.
"Ye of little faith," Zoh said with a dramatic shake of her head.
At that precise moment, (Y/n) came back into the room with the biggest grin Yuma had ever seen on her. To both her and Zoh's surprise, (Y/n) did not come into the room with a glass of water. Instead, there were two little marbles resting on the palm of her left hand.
Okay, now Yuma's confused. Obviously, there would be no waterbending today. Maybe her magic trick is sleight of hand magic? But what kind of magic trick only involves two marbles?
The Fire Nation woman looked at Zoh from the corner of her eyes and saw she was just as confused as Yuma is. What is this girl planning?
"As you can see, here in my hand there are two marbles! No string, no magnet, just some boring old marbles! Now feast your eyes upon me!" (Y/n) excitedly yelled.
Both women looked on intently as (Y/n) hovered her right hand about two inches above her left. Both palms were facing the marbles. For a split second, nothing happened.
Then, the marbles moved. (Y/n)'s hands didn't tilt at all, they were completely still as the marbles levitated right in between both her palms. Then, the two marbles started to spin rapidly around each other in a circle.
Yuma's seen an exact picture of this once. But he is long gone and only one other person could pull this off.
There's no way. It's not possible. She can't be an-
"Airbender. Yuma, she is an airbender," Zoh hissed in her ear.
"But that's impossible! The only living airbender is Master Tenzin and we know for a fact (Y/n)'s not his!" Yuma hissed back.
First of all, unlike her ex-husband, Yuma's not a cheating whore. Second of all, during the divorce, Yuma wanted child support because it was the least Taro could do. He had tried to contest it by claiming (Y/n) wasn't actually his. Yuma went out of her way to be petty and gave the court four separate DNA tests. Each and every one of them confirmed Taro was the father.
Long story short, Yuma got her money.
Plus, Yuma's never even been in the same room as Master Tenzin. This means that (Y/n) has no biological relation to the previous Avatar or his family. Yuma knows her daughter can't be the current Avatar because she was already discovered about one year ago. This shouldn't be real. She shouldn't be able to airbend.
"Uhm, excuse you, it is very rude to talk while I perform," (Y/n) huffed as the marbles plopped back onto her hand.
"We're sorry, my love, we're just surprised. It's just, you're an airbender! It's incredible!" Yuma sincerely told her while struggling to get over her own shock.
"I see! So you're in awe of my super cool skills!" (Y/n) beamed. "But I thought there was only one airbender and you can only be an airbender if you're related to him."
(Y/n) has a very vague concept of bending. The only bending she's actually seen in person is waterbending and most of it is from Zoh to keep her entertained. She knows that people can bend both earth and fire as well as the fact that the only living airbender is Tenzin, Avatar Aang's son.
Yuma's daughter also enjoys listening to the pro bending matches on the radio but this is about the extent of her knowledge. How is Yuma supposed to fully explain this situation when she didn't understand it herself?
"Well I promise you are not related to Tenzin. But honestly, who cares how you can be an airbender?! This is phenomenal! Say, why don't we see what else you can do?" Zoh enthusiastically exclaimed.
(Y/n)'s entire face lit up, quickly forgetting about the technicalities of her airbending abilities.
"Like what?" (Y/n) asked curiously.
"I've got a stack of papers on my desk. Let's see if you can move them with your bending," Zoh told her.
"You're thinking big, Gran Gran! I like it!" (Y/n) cheered.
"That's my girl!" Zoh grinned as she rushed off to grab those papers.
Yuma took the opportunity to make sure all the doors and windows in Zoh's home were sealed shut. Of course they were, they lived in the South Pole for spirits sake! Even if they weren't shut, it still wouldn't have been able to explain the marbles rapidly circling each other in between the palms of (Y/n)'s hands.
The Fire Nation woman is pretty sure she's still in shock. Who wouldn't be? Her daughter has an ability that's practically extinct. It is nothing short of a miracle.
Zoh rushed back into the living room and plopped a small stack of papers on the table. She put her hand on (Y/n)'s shoulders and took a couple steps back.
"See if you can move the papers using your bending. I've obviously never taught an airbender, so it may be a little difficult. Feel the air in this room. Allow yourself to work with it to achieve your desired result," Zoh wisely told her.
Zoh's been teaching young children waterbending for years. Yuma doesn't understand how she's able to keep her voice steady enough to give off that confident instructor appearance under these circumstances.
(Y/n) narrowed her eyes in pure concentration and slowly lifted her arms. Yuma's jaw dropped seeing the papers slowly rise into the air. The young girl gasped in pure happiness at her accomplishment. Seeming to be testing the waters, (Y/n) began slowly swaying her arms from side to side to see if the papers would follow. They did.
Zoh and Yuma merely looked on in pure fascination as (Y/n) began to spin ever so slowly, taking the papers with her. The papers seemed as though they were dancing as they followed (Y/n)'s command, swishing in whatever direction she wanted them to. Her cute little face began scrunching up before dropping her likely tired arms. The papers, now no longer being controlled by airbending, began to slowly fall to the ground.
There is truly no denying it now. This isn't some small trick or accidental fluke, this is real.
(Y/n) is an airbender.
Yuma picked up (Y/n) and looked her dead in the eyes.
"I have to be honest with you, Turtle Duck. That was the coolest thing I've ever seen," Yuma grinned.
(Y/n) shot back what might be an even bigger smile.
"Thanks, Mommy! It was a lot of fun! I wonder what else I can do," (Y/n) smiled.
Yuma ended up zoning out as Zoh and (Y/n) chatted about how awesome the airbending is. It's certainly a fun thing to think about, what else could her little girl do? What is the extent of her abilities? She would certainly need proper training to-
Damn it. Damn it all. Reality's now hitting her like a train. This girl needs to learn to bend! And there's only one person in all four nations that could provide such services!
Oh for the love of spirits, (Y/n) is now one of two living airbenders! There's no doubt in Yuma's mind someone is going to want to hurt her daughter because of her extraordinary abilities! Not to mention the fact that Yuma has a pathological need to know how it's even possible that (Y/n) can airbend! There's so much that needs to be done and so much potential dangers-
"(Y/n)? My love? Gran Gran and I need to have a big kid talk. Why don't you curl up in your room and turn on the radio. I believe one of the pro bending matches just started in Republic City," Yuma told her daughter.
"Really? Awesome!" (Y/n) stated.
Zoh raised an eyebrow but ultimately didn't say anything as Yuma led (Y/n) to the guest bedroom she stays in for sleepovers. Once she got her daughter situated with her radio, Yuma walked back out and closed the door behind her. Then she dragged Zoh to the bathroom farthest away from the room (Y/n) was in and locked the door.
"Zoh, I need you to talk me down from a really high ledge because I am freaking the fuck out right now," Yuma hissed.
"Yeah, I had a feeling this might happen," the older woman sighed.
"What do I do? She's absolutely remarkable, Mom! She can airbend! The second person alive to do so! I just know some sick freak out there is going to want to wish harm upon my daughter! People always want to hurt the ones that stand out, good or bad! Oh spirits, what if someone kidnaps her and sells her on the black market-" the Fire Nation woman exclaimed, very clearly spiraling out.
"Breathe, dear. No one is getting sold in any markets. The answer is simple. We contact Tenzin so that (Y/n) will train with him and-" Zoh began.
"What if we didn't?" Yuma asked breathlessly. "What if we just leave now, change our names, and relocate to the Fire Nation? No one has to know. If no one knows about her, they can't hurt her."
Zoh gave her a look. Yuma knew that look. It was a look that said 'you're going off the deep end, kid'. Yuma did not like that look.
"And how do you think (Y/n)'s going to feel a few years from now, knowing you are purposefully trying to hide a part of who she is? How exactly do you expect her to control and conceal an ability she never got any training for?" Zoh asked.
Shit. Zoh's got her there. But that's why she's talking to the other woman. It's to prevent Yuma from doing something she'll regret.
"You're right, of course you're right. I'm just so scared. She's my baby. If anything happens to her...," Yuma trailed off.
She wouldn't make it. She knows she wouldn't.
"Nothing will happen to her. Not as long as she is properly trained. Katara was my mentor and we've stayed in touch. We'll make the journey to her place at once. There, she can contact her son and we will figure something out," the Water Tribe woman calmly told her.
Okay, Yuma likes this plan. It's a good plan. A solid plan. A plan that likely wouldn't end in utter devastation.
"Seems sane enough. But there's still the issue of how (Y/n)'s even an airbender. You know everyone's going to assume I had an affair with Tenzin. That's what I'd think. We'll need to brding the paternity tests and try to find out why (Y/n) can airbend," Yuma reminded her.
"I agree. Okay, obviously, if she's an airbender we must be descendants of Air Nomads. One of the girls I use to teach, Miyu, works in the archives at Republic City. I'll call her to send our family records over," Zoh told her.
"That's great! Alright, this is a real game plan. I feel much better now. Thank you," Yuma sighed.
"No need to thank me for doing my job," Zoh smiled.
At that, the older woman walked to the telephone and dialed this old student's number. Yuma began to anxiously pace around the room while Zoh talked to her former student. After a few minutes, which honestly felt like hours, Zoh ended the call.
"Alright, I asked Miyu to get her hands on both of our family trees and there shouldn't be any problem getting them to us. It'll take about a week until they're here," Zoh told her.
"Really? A whole week?" Yuma asked, visibly disappointed.
"Patience is a virtue, dear," Zoh grinned.
"Boo patience! I want to know now!" the Fire Nation woman whined childishly.
"Honestly, so do I. I don't think we should contact Katara until we have as much proof as we can get. This is going to be a rather hard hit for her," Zoh sighed.
"That's true. So for the next week we're just waiting?" Yuma frowned.
"Afraid so," the older woman confirmed.
"I'm nervous, Mom. This is huge. I'm worried this will somehow get out before we can get to Katara," Yuma admitted.
"I know, but please try not to worry. It's one week. We'll just keep her inside. And close all the blinds. We can just tell her a nasty snowstorm is coming. She's not going to know the difference," Zoh suggested.
"Oh, lying to my child. Hate to say it, but I kind of love that idea,"Yuma sighed.
"It's just one week. It can't be that hectic."
It was, in fact, that hectic.
Zoh was gracious enough to let Yuma and (Y/n) stay at her place until they got the family tree from the archives. Yuma's pretty sure that her child has rearranged the entire house at least fifteen times.
(Y/n) was restless. Ever since she found out she could airbend, it was the only thing she wanted to do. Yuma obviously didn't know much about airbending, but it's starting to look like her daughter's a bit of a prodigy. There's just no way a five year old should be able to airbend two chairs all the way up to the ceiling at the same time.
Yuma's daughter started to get irritated that the ceiling was in the way of her bending, so (Y/n) keeps trying to convince them to take her outside. Obviously, that's so not happening, so Yuma is trying to make (Y/n) focus on bending as many objects as possible instead of seeing how high they can float.
This child needs a damn airbending teacher. Yuma really could not wait until they could contact Tenzin.
To put it bluntly, when the family records came back, both women were relieved. (Y/n) thankfully is taking a nap, so they don't have to hide the papers.
After a couple minutes of searching through the results, Yuma finally found the Air Nomad in her very extensive family history of Fire Nation family members. Her name was Ina.
That is the first word that comes to mind when looking at Ina's rather short life. The records give very basic information. Birth date, death date, what kind of bender they were, and cause of death. The poor woman died at the age of twenty two, three months after giving birth to her only son. Ina had been burned alive. This was right at the start of the hundred year war. A Fire Nation soldier must have found her out.
Her son ended up being a firebender, which was for the best considering the fact that he also would have been killed if he inherited her airbending. What a tragedy.
"Did you find any Air Nomads on your side?" Zoh asked, effectively breaking the silence.
"Yeah, her name was Ina. Poor thing died from getting killed by a firebender when she was twenty two. It was at the start of the hundred year war. Had one firebending child. Any on your side?" Yuma asked.
"That's just awful. And yes, I actually did. Allin was his name. He was also about twenty when the hundred year war started, but must have hid himself well. Married a waterbender and had three children. Two of them were waterbenders and one was a nonbender. Died at the ripe age of eighty seven," Zoh informed her.
"Huh. I mean, Ina was in the very nation that wanted to eradicate the airbenders. That's probably why she got caught," Yuma frowned.
"Well, we've got what we need. Are we still going to start the journey to Katara's tomorrow like we originally planned?" the Water Tribe woman asked.
"I think that's best. I'm not sure if your furniture will survive if we wait," Yuma joked.
"Who cares about stupid furniture? My granddaughter is an airbender! That's so much better than furniture. I'll call Katara, tell her it's an urgent matter and I must speak to her immediately," Zoh laughed.
"Alright, I'll go and pack for all three of us. It's going to be a long journey," Yuma noted.
"Perfect. You already grabbed the paternity tests, right?" Zoh asked.
"Who do you think I am?" Yuma snorted.
She opened the top cabinet in the kitchen and revealed all four paternity tests.
"Show off," Zoh grinned.
Yuma merely laughed and walked to the room she was staying in to start packing. A few minutes later Zoh joined her. Apparently Katara was thrilled to get a house call so there was no issue there.
All Yuma told (Y/n) was that they were going to visit Gran Gran's old friend. The little girl just seemed happy to get out of the house, so she was ready for the journey.
Before they left, Yuma made sure to tell (Y/n) that airbending was their special secret and she would get to show Gran Gran's friend when they visited. (Y/n) didn't seem to put up a fuss about it, so off they went.
The trio made it to Katara's hut with zero incident. That was Yuma's main worry. She finally felt like she could relax when they walked up to the waterbending master's front door.
Zoh knocked a couple times before Katara opened the door. She smiled brightly before greeting Zoh with a tight hug.
"Oh, it's wonderful to see you again. I take it that these lovely ladies must be the wonderful daughter and granddaughter I've heard so much about," Katara said with a smile.
"Yes, that's us. It's an honor to meet you, Master Katara," Yuma said with a polite smile.
And it really was. This woman is kind of a living legend, after all. Yuma then nudged her daughter to give the woman a proper greeting. In (Y/n)'s defense, it's a pretty early morning so the little girl is still incredibly sleepy.
"G'morning, Miss Katara," (Y/n) yawned.
Katara laughed at the greeting, clearly finding (Y/n) as cute as Yuma does.
"Oh please, just call me Katara. Master and Miss is just so formal. Not really my style. Now come on in, it's a particularly cold day today," Katara said as she stepped aside for them to enter.
They walked into the beautiful hut and sat down on the couch. Zoh and Katara made small talk while (Y/n) leaned on Yuma's side, probably about to fall back asleep.
"Alright, you said there was a family emergency that only I could help with. I'd love to assist you out in any way I can," Katara said once they were all settled.
"Okay, before we show you what we're about to show you, I'm gonna need you to really look at these paternity tests," Zoh said as she handed Katara (Y/n)'s tests.
Obviously, Katara was confused but did as requested.
"Alright, her father is very clearly a man named Taro. What is this about?" Katara asked.
"Time to wake up, Turtle Duck. Show Katara your awesome magic trick," Yuma smiled while gently nudging (Y/n) awake.
"Must you demand me to perform when I clearly need rest?" (Y/n) grumbled.
Yuma snorted. Where in the four nations did this child get her sass from?
"If you do it now I'll let you have dessert before dinner," the Fire Nation woman said, blatantly bribing her child.
"Okay!" (Y/n) said brightly.
"Only use the marble trick, (Y/n). This is not your grandmother's house, Katara will not appreciate you rearranging her furniture," Yuma reminded her.
"Well you're no fun," (Y/n) grumbled.
Ultimately, she grabbed the little marbles from her pocket. Katara is looking more confused by the minute. Who can blame her?
With ease, (Y/n) put two marbles in between her palms and got them to rapidly spin around in a circle. Katara's jaw immediately fell open. The marbles fell back onto (Y/n)'s palm and she smiled. Then she plopped back onto the couch and fell asleep on Yuma's lap in about three seconds.
"(Y/n)'s an airbender, Katara. She's an airbender that needs training and your son is the only person alive that can help her," Zoh stated.
Katara looked like she was having a hard time processing this information. Yuma could relate. Katara then looked back down at the paternity tests like she really couldn't believe this child isn't Tenzin's. A completely understandable reaction.
"But how?" was all the older woman could muster out.
"Well. As it would turn out, (Y/n) is a descendant of Air Nomads from both sides of her family," Zoh told her.
Zoh pulled out her's and Yuma's family tree and pointed out the Air Nomads on each side.
"I'm not all that into genetic research, but something tells me it's almost impossible for (Y/n) to be an airbender. But she is and we need to know if Tenzin would be willing to train her," Zoh told her.
"Willing? Are you kidding me? Tenzin is going to be thrilled! Oh, it's his biggest dream to revive Air Nomad culture. Another living airbender not related to him is unimaginable. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be more than happy to train you daughter," Katara insisted now that she's relatively over her shock.
"Oh, that's wonderful news," Yuma sighed, utterly relieved.
"I need to call him right now. I'll make sure he gets here as fast as possible," the waterbending master informed them.
"Are you going to tell him (Y/n) can airbend over the phone?" Zoh asked curiously.
"Over the phone? Hah! I want to see his face when he finds this out. I'll just tell him it's urgent. If he leaves right after I call, his sky bison should get him here by the end of the day," Katara told them.
Oh thank spirits, it was going to be a quick situation. To be quite frank, Yuma has gotten really sick of waiting.
After getting off the phone with her son, Katara was kind enough to make them tea. While Tenzin would get here at some point today, it would be close to sunset when he arrived.
When (Y/n) woke up from her nap, Katara was heavily encouraging her to airbend. Yeah, the furniture was rearranged yet again. Thankfully, the waterbending master didn't mind at all. If all else fails, (Y/n) has a real future at being a one woman move in service.
As the sun began to hide behind the mountains, a loud roar was heard from outside. Katara got up from her chair, already knowing Tenzin had arrived. His wife, Pema, joined him in greeting his mother and introducing themselves to Yuma's family.
Yuma made sure to show Pema specifically (Y/n)'s parentage. They were, of course, confused out of their minds.
"Alright Turtle Duck, you know what to do," Yuma nodded.
"Do I get to move the chair?" (Y/n) asked excitedly.
"I don't see why not at this point," Yuma snorted.
(Y/n) then used her airbending to push the chair to the ceiling and gently lowered it back down. Zoh began clapping as Pema and Tenzin looked at (Y/n) with dropped jaws. Huh, Tenzin actually looked exactly like Katara with that expression. Strong genes.
"I know this seems impossible, but my daughter is an airbender. An airbender who needs a teacher. Master Tenzin, please, take on (Y/n) as a student," Yuma asked him.
Then, Tenzin fainted.
"I have to say, he took that much better than I thought he would," Katara noted.
Pema looked down at her husband then proceeded to check his pulse. (Y/n) frowned and looked down at the fallen man.
"Um, is he going to be okay?" the young girl asked.
"Eh, he'll be fine. But, more importantly, this is incredible! Another airbender! I know he's a little unconscious right now, but Tenzin will be more than happy to train your daughter. It's just, there's a bit of an issue with the living situation," Pema said while trailing off.
"I'm fully prepared to move wherever you need me to in order for (Y/n) to get proper training," Yuma said with zero hesitation.
She'd do anything for her daughter. This wouldn't be the first time Yuma's uprooted her entire life for family. If she's done it twice already, what's one more move?
"Cool, when are we moving?" Zoh asked.
"Oh, that's wonderful! That's really the only concern I had. We'll hash out the finer details once my husband regains consciousness," Pema smiled.
Yuma nodded and watched on as Pema then tended to the still knocked out man. The newly realized airbender furrowed her brows and aggressively crossed her arms.
"Mommy, I don't want to move. I want to stay near Gran Gran," (Y/n) frowned.
"Well that's an easy fix. I'm moving with you two," Zoh casually stated.
She's going to what now?
"Oh, okay! We can move now," (Y/n) said with a bright smile.
"Really, Mom? But you have a life here! You have work and-" Yuma began.
"And you two. I can find young waterbenders to train anywhere, but there's only one place where my family is. Besides, (Y/n) is going to be training as a bender. You're going to need a good healer on standby when accidents happen," Zoh told her.
Yuma sighed and wrapped the other woman in a firm hug. Zoh readily embraced her back. She watched as her daughter excitedly started to jump up and down at the prospect of her grandmother moving with them.
Yuma's daughter is an airbender. One of two in all four nations. Motherhood is not for the weak.
(Thirteen Years Later)
Korra sighed as she took a seat on one of the benches on Air Temple Island. It's been, to put it bluntly, an insane day. Republic City certainly isn't what she thought it would be. It's not like she had much of a choice, though. As the Avatar, she needed to learn to airbend. The selection of airbending masters are slim pickings given the fact that there's literally only two.
Given Tenzin's major responsibilities in Republic City, it did make sense that he wouldn't be able to get away from it even though it was always the plan for him to move to the South to teach her. What's always stumped Korra was the other airbending master, (Y/n). Mainly because they've never even met.
Tenzin's family visits rather infrequently to see Katara and Korra while she was in the South Pole. Korra’s heard all sorts of things about (Y/n) from the whole family over the years but the airbender’s never made an actual appearance. Apparently, the reason why the (Y/n) is unable to teach Korra is because she’s the one that gets sent out when there’s trouble with sky bison poachers. Some assignments take weeks, others take months and Korra doesn’t have that kind of time.
This (Y/n) girl has a pretty impressive track record. Got her airbending tattoos at age eleven, making her the youngest airbending master in recorded history. Korra remembers reading a paper a few years ago where (Y/n) saved a bunch of people from falling to their death in some gang related incident at the age of fourteen. Poor girl also had to fight off said gang members.
Korra’s always been quite curious about this air bending master. She figured now that she’s in Republic City and ultimately lives on the same island (Y/n) does, they would meet eventually. For now, Korra just has to wait.
Korra strolled around the island, looking for something to do. Maybe she could find an open space to train or something. She had some time to kill before dinner. Then, out of the corner of her eye she saw a couple adorable baby sky bison playing together. If Korra doesn’t get to pet one she might actually die. Knowing bison are a fan of apples, Korra picked a couple from the tree and held them out to the babies.
“C’mon little buddies, I’m not going to hurt you,” Korra cooed at the sweet little animals.
One of the babies perked up at the sight of the apple in Korra’s hand and began waddling towards her. Yes! Just when the baby was nearing Korra’s hand, she seemed to have been struck by an intense gust of wind.
Korra groaned as she landed on her back. Unfortunately, the madness did not stop there. Before she could even blink, Korra was literally suspended in mid air. She could feel air rushing at her from all sides, pinning all her limbs together as if she was in a strait jacket. Damn, she could barely breathe.
Okay, now Korra's starting to panic. She can't move which means she can't bend. Plus she has zero idea who is attacking her right now.
"Who the hell are you and what do you think you're doing to those bison?!" a woman's voice snapped.
At least now she can see the woman currently assaulting her. The attacker looked to be about Korra's age with (h/c) hair tied into a braid. Huh, her attacker is actually kind of pretty. But most notably, she had airbending tattoos.
Well this is not how Korra wanted to meet the other airbending master. She may not even need to deal with awkward introductions because Korra's pretty sure she's loosing consciousness.
"Korra, dinner's re- (Y/N) DROP HER RIGHT NOW THAT IS THE AVATAR!" Tenzin yelled in a frenzy.
The stern look on the airbender's face fell into a shocked one. Her arms flopped to her sides, releasing Korra from her air like prison. Korra doesn't even care that she managed to cut her arm on the fall down, she's just happy to be on solid ground again. The girl that can now certainly be identified as (Y/n) is just standing there in pure disbelief.
"She's the who now-"
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elliewiltarwyn · 2 months
Elilgeim "Ellie" Wiltarwyn
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Name: Elilgeim Wiltarwyn
Nicknames: 'Geim by childhood friends; Ellie by Mia at the end of ARR and by everyone (or at least those she knows) halfway through HW; El by her partners
Age: 24 in ARR, hc'ing that it's four years to the end of 6.0 and then another year or so to 6.55 -- so at present, 29ish
Nameday: 9th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
Race: Sea Wolf Roegadyn
Gender: (trans) female
Orientation: Lesbian
Profession: Conjurers' Guild member, then Warrior of Light; would probably still be a conjurer, or scholar or even a writer in non-WoL AUs
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Red, usually shoulder-length when down, but in a ponytail most of the time. She usually brushes it until it's silky and clean, but recently somebody *coughdefinitelynot@oneiroycough* mussed it into a really messy kinda-butch look and she's found herself really liking it :V
Eyes: sort of the same slightly-cool blue as the tumblr dashboard you're probably reading this on >.>
Skin: Seafoam green-ish
Tattoos/scars: Slightly-pale red streak across her cheekbones and nose. Plenty of scars, one light one over her eye from Pearl Lane and more all over her torso; Zenos gave her the two biggest ones, one on her side at Rhalgr's Reach and one directly in the middle of her chest in Ultima Thule.
Parents: Father was Wiltitar, a retired Storm Captain, most well-known for retiring from and renouncing piracy and throwing his support behind Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn's Galadion Accord; met an untimely end in an alleyway mugging. (This does mean her surname should be Wiltitarwyn, and there's no good in-universe reason it's not. >.>) Mother is Keltbryda, a renowned and well-loved physician who mysteriously vanished, thought dead. Near the end of EW... Ellie discovers she was actually summoned to Sharlayan to lend her skills to the ark project. They definitely have a very normal conversation about this.
Siblings: None by blood, but she does have a childhood friend from school that she considers a sister this friend does not exist yet beyond that concept
Grandparents: A little too far back for me to think about >.>
In-laws and Other: None, really, because...by the time she marries her partners, none of their blood families are in their lives anymore either >.> (technically I think Lily's family is still alive, mom and nunh and two younger sisters, but she hasn't seen them in years)
Pets: Fat Cat is definitely canon, although I haven't figured out its name yet. also debating whether Rudy photobombing their holiday photos and stealing her nameday cake is canon and he just lives with them now.
Abilities: Surprisingly in tune with the elementals of Gridania (though not enough to be necessarily okay with them) and thus fairly skilled at white magic/conjury. After a Very Certain Event in HW, she picks up a claymore and learns how to swing a greatsword and becomes even more in tune with her inner darkness. She picks up the reaper arts for EW, then post-EW drops them and learns martial arts from Lyse and her contacts in the Fists of Rhalgr.
Hobbies: Reading and studying, training, picks up sailing and fishing after EW.
Most Positive Trait: An extremely strong and confident sense of justice/conviction of what's right and wrong.
Most Negative Trait: Gets tunnel vision frequently and is quick to leap to the most direct solution, no matter how unfeasible or unwise.
Colors: Red red red red red almost all the way up and down lol, and black for accents. Blue's a close runner-up, though.
Smells: the coast of Vylbrand, the steel of bloodied armor, coffee
Textures: Aetherwoven robes and corrugated steel; calloused hands and rough skin; surprisingly soft almost-silky hair
Drinks: Coffee, either pitch black or very specifically a spoonful of milk and one sugar cube
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: She did occasionally during the period of her life she spent on Pearl Lane, and will maybe take one if offered in the present, but she doesn't of her own accord anymore.
Drinks: Nope, even before the events of MSQ she did not have a great tolerance; after the multiple attempted poisonings (and as the one who was specifically blamed at the bloody banquet) she swears it off entirely.
Drugs: Not of her own accord again, but she will if offered recreationally.
Mount Issuance: Her red chocobo named Typhoon; she also uses the Garlond GL-II on loan from the Ironworks as long as she doesn't crash it. She's come close a couple of times.
Been Arrested: Likely a few times when in Pearl Lane, then less so as she got better about avoiding them, but not since becoming a conjurer.
thanks for the tag @oneiroy!! I'm not sure who all's done this so uh forgive the double-tag if it is one, but I will tag... @eidingate @amons-hat-enthusiast @idalenn @starrysnowdrop @akirakirxaa, and of course you 🫵 if this strikes your fancy!
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starrysnowdrop · 1 month
Hali Aloke
Just the Basics
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Name: Hali Aloke
Nicknames: Little Star (Her family’s pet name for her) and Snowdrop (Aymeric’s pet name for her)
Age: 29 as of beginning of Dawntrail
Nameday: 31st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon (April 29th)
Race: 3/4 Lalafell, 1/4 Hyur; Appears Dunesfolk, but has both Plainsfolk and Dunesfolk blood, along with 1/4 Midlander Hyuran ancestry
Gender: Female, Cis
Orientation: Bisexual/Biromantic, Male Leaning
Profession: Adventurer and Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Hair: Bright, rose pink in color, straight, usually looks somewhat messy in a wide variety of hairstyles
Eyes: Large, wide, expressive seafoam green eyes that shine in the light; glass-like Dunesfolk eyes
Skin: Fair, and absolutely will burn with direct sun exposure for long periods of time
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos; For scars, just small ones here and there over the years from battle
Parents: Father is Taito Aloke, a Plainsfolk lalafell aged 50 in ARR, and Mother is Lalani Lani, a 1/2 Dunesfolk lalafell 1/2 Midlander Hyur aged 48 in ARR. Both Taito and Lalani are researchers in Labyrinthos and members of the Sharlayan Forum.
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Nanani Nani, Maternal Grandmother, a Dunesfolk lalafell aged 75 in ARR and Jovian Carraway, Maternal Grandfather, a Midlander Hyur, deceased by ARR. Nanani is a retired Gleaner living in Old Sharlayan and is a widow to Jovian, who was an Astrology Professor at the Studium.
In-laws and Other: All in-laws deceased; Hali has distant relatives in Thanalan that have no current contact with Hali’s close family
Children: None; Will have three children with Aymeric in the distant future
Pets: An alligator named Boudreaux who also serves as Hali’s mount, a crab named Beignet, and Aymeric’s black cat named BonBon.
Abilities: Astromancy, Divination, Dancing, Singing, Cooking, Fishing, and Botany
Hobbies: Cooking, Fishing, Botany, Swimming, Ice Skating, Going to the Theater, Attending Balls, Dancing, Singing, Reading fairytales and adventure books, and Playing card games
Most Positive Trait: Hali is hope incarnate. No matter how grim a situation might seem, she wholeheartedly believes that things will get better. She tries to have a smile on her face and spread her positive outlook on life wherever she goes. Hali thinks that her hope is probably the only reason she’s still alive after so many years on the battlefield.
Most Negative Trait: Hali sees the best in everyone except for herself. She’s very insecure about herself, especially in terms of her appearance and her self worth. She doesn’t see that Aymeric could ever possibly love her the way that she loves him, and she doesn’t think she could ever be good enough for him. Even after they are officially together, Hali still struggles with being kind to herself.
Colors: Midnight Blue, Lotus Pink, Pure White, Celeste Green, and Lavender Purple
Smells: Ocean breezes, salty sea air, scent of fresh fallen rain, flowers of any kind, and musky cologne
Textures: Rain and/or snow falling on her skin, warm water, fluffy pillows, warm blankets, soft plushies, and Aymeric’s hands and/or mouth on her skin
Drinks: Strawberry Lemonade, Fruit Smoothies, Boba Tea, Pink Drink, Hot or Iced Chai, Hot Chocolate with lots of marshmallows
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Only drinks wine and certain kinds of cocktails, but tries to only drink when she’s not busy with her Scion duties the next day, as she is a lightweight and gets drunk easily.
Drugs: Never
Mount Issuance: Hali was never given a chocobo, because she said she didn’t need one! She always used a magical umbrella that allowed her to float above the ground and fly her to wherever she needed to go. Later on, Hali found her pet alligator Boudreaux on her Island Sanctuary and she rides him most of the time now.
Been Arrested: Yes, Hali was arrested for being a fugitive that snuck back into Old Sharlayan after being banished for helping to bring Sharlayan Astromancy to the Eorzeans. She was found sneaking around Labyrinthos in order to discover the secret project that her parents were hiding from the public at large.
Tagged by: @eriyu @paintedscales @elliewiltarwyn @amalthea-felsblood and @zerelth Thank you all so much for thinking of me!! I apologize for taking so long in responding! 🥰
Tagging: @meepsthemiqo @traveler-of-light @reikatsukihana @mimble-sparklepudding @faerieearthangel and anyone else who hasn’t been tagged yet that would like to fill this out! Please tag me so I can read about your OCs!! 💖
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mrlarkstin · 2 months
Eramus Larkstin
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Name: Eramus Larkstin
Nicknames: None
Age: 31 (Age he became an immortal dragon at)
Nameday: 29th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Race: Ishgardian Elezen
Gender: Transman
Orientation: Pansexual
Profession: Warrior of Light, Culinarian, Alchemist
Hair: A messy mop of dusty rose and dark red hair. The messy nature really shows just how busy he is. The feathers he braids into his hair are feathers from his lover Vrtra.
Eyes: Originally evergreen, the light poisoning turned his eyes a bright emerald, and now, thanks to joining with Azem, he has one orange eye and one green eye. Both his pupils are slit thanks to Vrtra's blood coursing through him.
Skin: Pale and covered in cream scales from Vrtra's blood that keeps him alive.
Tattoos/Scars: A red dragon in a tea cup sits on his left shoulder, a reminder of a friend who fell in the Calamity 5 years ago. He has scars all over his body, scars from his top surgery and scars from battles won and lost.
Parents: Biological mother has passed, his biological father lives in the Firmament in Ishgard. He was raised but a lovely Hyur couple called Marie and Fenris Furor. They are his entire world, he is working on his relationship with his biological father still.
Siblings: His adoptive sister Kaolin! Marie and Fenris' daughter!
Grandparents: N/A. He never met either set of his grandparents, hes not even sure if they are alive or not.
In-Laws/Others: Oh boy, lmao, he is married to both Vrtra and Estinien. So he has Alberic and all the remaining greatwyrms as well as Middie in his ear constantly lmao nothing worse then a father in law in your ear all the time!! He also has two kids as of 6.5! Harklan, his oldest son and Altan his youngest daughter!
Abilities: A skilled culinarian, there is nothing he cannot make. He is also an excellent Paladin and has been blessed by Halone (Oathbreaker), Hydaelyn (Hydaelyn's Chosen) and currently by Vrtra (Vrtra's Valiant).
Hobbies: He loves to read, bake and cook, shop and travel. And nothing brings him more joy then just curling up with his family and spending the evening reading or cooking with them!
Most Positive Trait: Die hard loyal.
Most Negative Trait: Quiet, baring sins of the past alone.
Colours: Whites, greens, reds and golds.
Smells: Fresh cut grass, the forest after a rain fall, the ocean and a bakery.
Textures: Comfortable and soft fabrics!
Smokes: Nope!
Drinks: Only in the bath or during a celebration.
Been Arrested: No, but he has killed a man and gotten away with it. He will take it to his grave.
Tagged By: @sundered-souls & @lilbittymonster Thank you!! This was fun!
Tagging: @ishgardenjoyer @weedsmokingcatgirl @asteriasfallingstarsandtears @ishgardmuffin @avalon821 @bnuuywol (No pressure to do it!)
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paintedscales · 2 months
Nomin tal Kheeriin
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Name: Nomin tal Kheeriin
Nicknames: Minmin (close friends from the Steppe), Moonlight (rare instances from Estinien)
Age: Twenty and seven summers (Endwalker)
Nameday: 28th Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon (actual DOB); 21st Sun of the Second Umbral Moon (start of her tenth summer Tsaagan Sar; when she freed herself from her binds and gave herself her name)
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Gender: Demigirl
Orientation: Demi/Demi
Profession: Reluctant Adventurer, willing Warrior of Light; Painter
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Long and naturally straight. Often, Nomin's hair is seen as wavy, though due to frequently braiding it, her hair often retains a wave to it. It is a light blue in color, and is kind of oily looking on most days -- this is due to her traveling a lot. However, when she has access to amenities, she takes just as good care of her hair as she does her scales.
Eyes: Teal with aquamarine limbal rings and black sclera.
Skin: Muted ultramarine with inky black scales that bear cerulean striations and markings.
Tattoos/scars: Nomin has no tattoos and has no intention of ever getting any. Scars, on the other hand, she has several of. There are two big ones I don't draw currently just due to not really knowing how to go about it just yet. Regardless, Nomin has two large slashes on her back that have stunted the growth of scales within that region. She has two relatively deep arrow pock scars in her left shoulder and lower left abdomen. The scars I don't draw (yet) are relatively large aetherial burn scars that go from her hands all the way up around her elbows -- maybe a little past it -- from helping tear the Eyes of Nidhogg from Estinien. She has matching scars with Alphinaud in that regard in how I've planned my writing.
Parents: Somewhere among the Tumet. Dead? Alive? Who knows. Nomin doesn't really care. And not in a malicious way, she just... They don't occupy her mind. They don't matter to her. Later in Heavensward, she does start to see Edmont akin to a father-like figure.
Siblings: Adoptive. Nomin's siblings are Esenaij and Bayarmaa of the Sagahl. Later in Heavensward, after hearing that Haurchefant considered her like a sister, she warms up to the idea of Artoirel and Emmanellain being brother-like figures to her.
Grandparents: Nomin is sure she has some! But she's really not too interested in delving into her family history when it comes to that of the Tumet.
In-laws and Other: I suppose Alberic is more or less something of a father-in-law. I haven't really written too much, but I'd like to explore more of Nomin's dynamic with him. I think she gets along well enough with him, and is glad that he and Estinien were able to bury the hatchet.
Nomin also has three children with Estinien in some timeline or another. It's separated from the main stuff to kind of adjust it as needed. All their children have two names -- one of Steppe origin, and one of Coerthan/Ishgardian origin. Their first kids were twin girls, Bayarmaa/Cyrielle and Chotan/Fleurette Varlineau. Twelve years later, they have their son, Esenaij/Hamignant Varlineau. They all tend to prefer using their Coerthan/Ishgardian names over their Steppe names.
Pets: Mori - a horse earned from her time in the Jhungid; he is one of Nomin's most stalwart companions, and she cares for him deeply. Gürvel - a frilled lizard that was intent on stealing some of Nomin's vilekin; through a mutual understanding, they became buddies on the Steppe.
Abilities: Painting; it's a hobby she picked up since she often drew in the dirt when she had nothing in the Tumet. When her adoptive sister, Bayarmaa, had been more than happy to go ahead and help teach her, Nomin was quick to pick up on it. She now paints gorgeous landscapes and sceneries -- she can even paint them from her mind's eye, often able to remember them in vivid detail. She does like having the actual thing in front of her, though.
Archery; Nomin had several teachers that helped with her archery and in giving her tips on how to hone her abilities. She has a keen eye and a steady aim that rivals even some of the best of the Dazkar hunters.
Survival; one doesn't just simply run away from their oppressors and start roaming the Steppe without picking up some things and learning how to thrive off of the land. Thanks also to the teachings of the Sagahl and their way of life, Nomin is very aware of stuff on the Steppe, and is more than willing to learn when she goes to new places so that she can take care of herself using what the land provides.
Hobbies: Painting, reading, gardening. There are also some board games that Nomin likes. She's actually quite fond of shatar and chess, though she feels like she could still never play kharaqiq properly.
Most Positive Trait: Her ability to get back up again. There are so many things that have knocked her down, or brought her to her knees, but Nomin is just too stubborn to stay there. She freed herself from her binds when she was ten summers, and she is not going to let that moment be in vain.
Most Negative Trait: Shutting people out. Nomin's very kept to herself, and with her past trauma, she just doesn't really want to involve a lot of people too deeply into her life. She keeps people at arm's length for a long time, and preferred it that way for a good portion of her time since escaping the Jhungid. Even if her Echo could help give her some insight on who to trust and who not to trust.
Colors: Pink and gold.
Smells: Plums, fried dough, wood musk (pine, spruce, and cedar more specifically), chocolate.
Textures: Polished wood, sand, porous volcanic rock, Angura fleece.
Drinks: Suutei tsai, chatsarganii shuus, orange juice, hot cocoa.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Nope...
Drinks: Only sometimes, but she does not really prefer it. Especially since the first time she drank wine, she was drugged.
Drugs: Depends on the drug. Medicinal is fine.
Mount Issuance: Nomin was not given one from a Grand Company, as she did not join one. She didn't like the idea of joining one because it was the 'thing to do.' She has Mori, and she rode him illegally throughout Eorzea regardless. She found it silly that she would need a permit of any kind to actually travel more quickly. However, with three signatures from Kan-E-Senna, Nanamo Ul Namo, and Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn after her varying feats, uh...her illegal riding became legal.
Been Arrested: I mean, can you technically count the necessary trial by combat thing in Ishgard? I feel like that should count, to be honest.
Tagged by: @sundered-souls; thank you! :>
Tagging: @blossomblade, @icehearts, @ahollowgrave, @halikyon, @starrysnowdrop, @sasslett, @ainyan, @sylaurin, @disciple-of-frost, @ubejamjar, @spiral-cut, and anyone else who wants to do it. Sorry if you've been tagged before!
TT u TT /
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alixennial · 2 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Indie Von Galen
Nicknames: Noddy (only used by Thancred. Alphinaud tried it out once many moons ago which was awkward, he won't do that again.)
Age: She will possibly turn 30 during her sojourn on The First? We will only know for sure if/when she returns to The Source.
Nameday: 21st Sun of Fourth Astral Moon
Race: Hyur, Highlander
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi, Demi
Profession: Monk/Adventurer/Professional Nuisance and part-time Botanist/Esthetician
— P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: Red (natural)
Eyes: Deep Red
Skin: Lightly tanned, lightly freckled.
Tattoos/scars: A few battle scars, no significant marks.
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Deceased. Both parents passed due to ill health around 10 years before Indie's adventuring career began. They were older parents, at least in their late forties when they took Indie on. And they were Lalas.
Siblings: None.
Grandparents: Deceased. Indie has few but very fond memories of them.
In-laws and Other: Indie was widowed just a few years before setting off for Ul'dah, which was actually the main motivator for the journey. Indie married a fairly high ranking Imperial Officer (the controversy) who was executed for his, uh, military misconduct. It's a long story, not for here.
Pets: Indie has 3 pets: Cheech the Chewy pup lives in her FC room in Shirogane, Winston the Tiny Rat lives in her house in Mist, and Professor Shoebill who hangs out in the garden in Mist.
— S K I L L S
Abilities: Good rhythm memory, adaptability, determination and persistence
Hobbies: Parkour, storm chasing, gardening, writing in her journal / letters to friends / letters to the departed.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Traits: Open-minded, kind, and enthusiastic.
Most Negative Traits: Stubborn, has difficulty asking for help.
— L I K E S
Colors: Reds and golds
Smells: Coconut, vanilla, sea air
Textures: Sand under bare feet
Drinks: Chamomile and honey tea
— O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: Rarely, for medicinal (and occasionally recreational) purposes.
Drinks: Also rarely, but yes, though she doesn't handle it well and probably really shouldn't.
Drugs: Prefers to call them 'natural herbal remedies' tbh
Mount Issuance: Her company issue Chocobo, Elgar. She also has a few ponies but prefers to keep them away from potential conflict (and uneven ground!)
Been Arrested: A few attempted arrests but no convictions thanks to her connections (and smile ofc haha)
Tagged by @iona-xiv and @tripl3cast (Thank you!)
Tagging (if you feel inclined to make one): @joiedecombat @sjofn-lofnsdottr @petitfarron @sarahsyna and anyone else that sees this and wants to make one - say I tagged you!
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isekai-crow · 5 months
The Witch and the Beast / Majo to Yajuu Episode 1
Overall Score So Far: 9/10
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Guideau on the left, Ashaf in the middle, and Genderless Hottie on the right :3
Anime, now with more CROW BAIT. This time it's literal!! :D
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OF COURSE the Goth With The Coffin on his back can use CROW MAGIC. AHHHHHHH.
Also, Guys. You guys. Fucking TOSHIYUKI MORIKAWA is voicing Ashaf.
And Guideau is voice by Taichi, You - Jousuke from JoJo, Suphia from TenSura, Saya from Dead Mount Death Play, and Dorothy from Princess Principal!! A great rough and tumble voice perfect for Guideau. (1st Epi Spoiler: I can't tell if she's voicing Guideau's true form.)
More Episode 1 Spoilers Below!
I don't really know what I was expecting except for Hot Goth Dude with a Coffin Boyfriend, and a badass punch-em-up beauty with a nasty mouth from the PV on youtube, but that's what I got and more, and I am so very pleased about it.
I was SO EXCITED ABOUT THE CROWS YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Hottie Mage whips out a spell covered arms and MY BABIES ARE BURSTING FORTH IN A MURDER OF ADORABLE!!! I might have woken up Capybara's deaf elderly neighbors in my excitement.
What I was not expecting was a giant Zom 100 Shark to show up in the middle of the city lmfao.
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Zom 100 Zombie shark on the left and Big Buff Giant Shark Dude on the right.
It's just a dude whose turned himself into a shark with magic, who immediately gets dispelled by a witch, and that THIS IS A NORMAL OCCURANCE??? People are like, oh noooo, there's a giant shark, Ione will deal with iiiiit, no worriesssss.
The implications this gives of a mixed soft/hard magic system tho.
I'm really looking forward to learning (or maybe not learning and discovering through negative space) the rules that don't get broken (which is necessary for a magic system), but also hope that they'll be playing hard and fast with what's possible. Cause seriously, wtf is this shark. Delightful, lol.
They mind games played with "Are Witches Bad or Not?" in this episode is fun, because as a viewer going in blind, we could have had some lawful good protagonists or we could have had some chaotic anti-heros, and I would have accepted either outcome. We kind of get both and that's even better!
Trying to include a speech about the morals of getting revenge with Ione as she tries to justify her actions for removing the lock on her grandmother was interesting, but I'm still not sure if her Grandma was the one to cause the fire and people 300 years ago killed her, or if her getting blamed for the fires and then killed just so happened to lock the fire away, but either way...
Along with this I'm not surprised by the coven of would-be witch's nor the attempts by them to claim that witches aren't bad, "you're just like everyone else," when you can tell from the art that the stereotypes in this world hold weight, lol.
However, I don't know WHY I was surprised by said witches getting their hands and feet removed as part of a ritual summoning of hellfire.
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How... how is there not blood E V E R Y W H E R E ??!!?? Some heavy duty arteries have been cut, yo. I guess there kind of is but there should be MORE.
Ashaf finally figures out what's going on and gives in to Guideau, letting her go wild, and HELL YES I love it when we get a beast gremlin on a rampage!
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Witch Laser Beams! Sure!
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I also LOVE when Characters get the shit beat out of them and then Keep. Standing. Up.
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The very purposeful listing of the two ways to lift a Witch's spell at the very beginning of the show, True Love's Kiss or A Change of Heart),was such a great Chekhov's Gun that I knew there was probably going to be another (secret) way to deal with it.
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Fuck yea, angry kiss!! Let Guideau feast on your soul!!
But the most surprising thing that has me fully on board and ready to rock and roll is Coffin Boyfriend.
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What gender is Coffin Boyfriend? We don't know.
Coffin Boyfriend is not a third character like I initially expected.
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Coffin Boyfriend is Mother Fucking Guideau Y'all.
Everything makes so much sense now. Ashaf carries coffin boyfriend's true body around in his backpack like it's no big thing.
And Guideau, with all that rage packed into a tiny little body, has to go around kissing witches to switch from her current body back to the original to then proceed to beat the shit out of said witch.
I fucking here for this. I'm so hype.
Hot Bois, Crows, Body/Gender Swaps, Witch and Magic Fuckery. I'm here for it all, y'all.
(I might even go read ahead in the manga for this one cause OH MY GOD MANGA ASHAF IS ALSO VERY GOOD)
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But also... Chrollo? Is that you?
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Ashaf on the left, Chrollo Lucilfer from Hunter X Hunter on the right.
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I love this. I love their vibe. After Apothecary Diaries, this might just end up being my favorite this season. I'll save that judgement for a few more episodes in though.
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links
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captainqster · 2 months
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Name: Solis Nola, formerly had the title of pyr
Nicknames: None
Age: ~23 ish
Nameday: Noooo idea. Sorry babyboy, you don't have one. Would probably be in the equivalent of January if I had to choose (yes he's a Capricorn)
Race: Pureblooded Garlean
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual, heavily male-leaning
Profession: Formerly an optio in the Garlean military, served as the assistant to a Centurion and worked in communications. Was stationed in Doma. After defecting he can probably be found in Ishgard doing hunts and other work to earn a living for himself
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Pale pink, soft, voluminous, the kind of hair that rich asshole you hate has. Slight curl and bangs that conveniently hide his Third Eye (I was specifically looking for that feature and what I found does too good of a job)
Eyes: Jade green
Skin: Sort of fair to medium toned
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos. The scars under his right eye and across his nose were given to him by other soldiers the night he defected. So was a nasty scar that runs from his left shoulder blade to his right hip.
Parents: Both alive and well. His father might have been a quaestor, aka a minister of state finances, while his mother was a well-educated trophy wife. His family is well off and Solis is their only child. They had high expectations and put him through quite a few extracurriculars such as piano, martial arts, violin (didn't stick), boxing etc. Their minimum expectation was that he serve as a decemvir and work his way up from there. That uhhh didn't happen (Note: Solis looks like his mother)
Siblings: None
Grandparents: Hasn't come up, probably just as privileged and insufferable as his parents
In-laws and Other: Unmarried. Has made an Au Ra friend who carries him around like a sad wet cat
Pets: None
Abilities: Being pureblooded Garlean means no aether manipulation. He is adept with shooting (gunblades, rifles, pistols), piloting aircraft, and unarmed combat. He also has a punchable face and a knack for drawing negative attention
Hobbies: Piano, reading, eventually gardening. Maybe sewing but he'll hate every moment of it
Most Positive Trait: Impeccable manners, eager to be taught new skills, wants to do the right thing (or what he deems to be right)
Most Negative Trait: Sees relationships as transactional, stubborn, lowkey manipulative
Colors: Spring and jewel-tone colors. Soft green, pale yellow, sapphire, ruby
Smells: Roses, tea, fresh laundry
Textures: Furs, silk, flower petals
Drinks: Coffee, tea, wine
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Socially
Drugs: Nope
Mount Issuance: None
Been Arrested: No but he should be. And not for the murder, just because he's Like That
Tagged by @wpip-raham, thanks so much! It was a joy getting to read about your hansom catboi
I'm gonna hold off on tagging specific people because I think a lot of rp blogs have details like this spelled out in their pinned posts. *However*, if you have an OC you've been dying to chat about please do this! It gave me a good excuse to think through some recent findings with Solis, who's not nearly as established as my bunboi Ilya
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