#also sorry for taking forever to answer this ask
codemiracle · 1 day
Hello 👋🏻 hope you're having a nice day ^^ I just found this game today and really like the idea, i read all the posts on here to make sure I'm asking something new and unless I missed them I don't think these questions have been answered yet ^^ I apologize if they have
1. How likely are the LIs to harm the mc or even kill them? Either to get what they want or like out of jealousy, anger, in the heat of the moment or something like that
2. Would Seth ever grow bored of mc and get rid of them? Also since he is a machine I suppose he is immortal, so what will he do when mc dies?
Anyways that's all, have a nice week and remember to take care of yourself :)
Sorry if some things I've written don't make sense, english is not my first language ahah
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No: Dr. Kurosaki, Tatsuya. Psychological damage: Seth. Accidentally, would apologize afterwards: Yuuta. Yotsuya is the only one who would kill the MC but only if they cheated on him. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎// ✦ Would Seth get bored of the MC? What would he do if the MC dies? No, he has his own reasons to find the MC interesting. He couldn't possibly get bored of them, after all, he chose them in the first place because Seth found them interesting. Death will be irrelevant when he creates his perfect paradise, there's no way he'd let you go. Once he manages to do it, he'll ensure you stay by his side forever. In the case you die before that, I'm sure he'd find a way to fix it, not even death can stop his love for you. ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎// ✦ How would they act with a sex-repulsed MC? None of them would mind, Seth isn't really interested in having sex, Yuuta doesn't like it either, and the rest of them would just accept it, and be really careful with sexual themes or touching you, all of them would respect their feelings. (Even these guys understand that consent matters!)
Thanks for asking!
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basilpaste · 4 hours
osis!swap. because i was thinking about lock.
(Under the tree is…)
(You're not sure what you're looking at, actually. It looks like a bunch of inanimate objects piled together.)
(It has a face. Or at least it has a mouth. The thing grimaces when you see it.)
(It talks! It can speak!)
("… Hi." You say back.)
〘"Welcome to your rebirth! This is your first loop!" Its porcelain darkless hands come up into the most pathetic jazz-hands you've ever seen.〙
〘"Sorry!" It yelps, waving its hands nervously, "That's probably a spooky thing to hear from something you just met!"〙
(You sputter. "H-how do you know about how I-" You can't finish that.)
(It seems thoughtful for a moment. Looking at this stranger now, you notice that its head is almost shaped like a planet. There's a ring that wraps around it where its eyes would be.)
〘"How do I know you died?" It finishes for you.〙
(… You nod.)
〘"I saw it." It says quietly, regretfully, "It's my job to watch over you."〙
(Is this some sort of agent of the Universe? That doesn't make sense, though. A higher being watching over a person is… that's weird. Not how the Universe works. You think.)
〘"… You're looping through time. I'm here to act as a guide to you, Siffrin."〙
(You freeze. "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?")
〘"Er." It looks away, head bobbing slightly, "I know things about the loops, but I also know things about you. Like your name, your parties names, and other important things. Like… pronouns."〙
(You're not entirely sure if you'd put pronouns on the top of important things for a celestial body to know??? Also you're kind of freaking out.)
(Instead of freaking out more you find your voice. "Do you. Have pronouns?")
(… Good question, Siffrin. Great going.)
〘It laughs, bright and warm despite how quiet it seems. "Hah! Yeah. Yes, I have pronouns."〙
〘"It/its. If you don't mind." It sighs. "Like I said: I'm your guide. A something. Think of me as... a tool. A, uh, resource to use!"〙
(Well... at least if you know this one's pronouns, you can think about how out of place it seems. Like a swing taking a role it doesn't know. You nod.)
〘"Oh! Right, um. There's a lot of information that I'm gonna throw at you in a second!" It gestures at the space under the branches of the tree, "You might want to sit down?"〙
(That's. Probably a good idea? Your legs are shaky and your heart is racing so you should probably sit that might help.)
〘"Woah, buddy!" It exclaims, "Take a breath?"〙
(Hah! Yeah, yeah, you should do that! You were just thinking about the fact that your heart was racing. You should breathe. That might help! Probably!!!)
(And out.)
〘"Pheeeeeeeew." It breathes with you.〙
(... It kind of reminds you of someone. The way it holds itself.)
〘"So... the loops, huh?"〙
(You nod. "The loops.")
〘"Every time you die, you'll loop back in time. Like... what just happened. Until you break the loop."〙
(You squint at it, "Can't you just tell me how to do that?"
〘"Er..." It looks away from you, "No? I'm a resource, not an answer key. I'm here to help, but I don't really have all the answers. Sorry."〙
(Oh... thats disappointing. You guess you'll have to figure that part out on your own then??? The actual important part? Which is not being trapped in a death loop forever?)
(... Actually.)
(It's not all bad, is it? Being back means you have a chance to try again! To do better next time!!! You won't die like an idiot this time! You'll make your way to the King and then break the loops! No problem!)
〘"So I can't tell what you're thinking but I can sort of guess and I probably wouldn't think about things like that? If I were you? And obviously I'm not you, but I just wanted to, uh, give you that little nugget of wisdom."〙
(Weird! You're not sure how to read this guy at all! This guy... hm)
("Do you have a name?" You ask it.)
〘"... Do I need one?" It replies, tilting its body to the side. Its head follows a beat later.〙
(You think about your own name.)
("I can't just call you nothing, can I?")
〘"You can call me whatever you want! Your guide, your resource, cr-stars! You can even just call me annoying, haha!"〙
(It's weird, for sure, but you don't know if you'd call it annoying? Maybe it is, but you don't really have a super strong opinion yet? You can't tell if you like or hate this guy yet.)
(You shrug, "I guess? But give me something to call you. So I won't forget.")
(It hugs itself, mouth pressing into a thin line. Oh, stars. Did you already make it mad at you?)
〘"... You can call me Lock." It tells you finally, "Your tool for breaking the loops, Lock. Ironic, huh?"〙
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its-a-me-mango · 10 days
So, I saw the post where Telly happened to break their screen. And am now morbidly, sincerely curious if they would also in turn freak out if they saw their father's Screen/PV get broken or damaged? Like when 4 decided to just blast him off into outer space Team Rocket style and he breaks, would Telly freak out to that as well? [Btw, love your art and OC's :D]
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Oh 100% Telly would freak out, if my dad showed up like that I would also be freaking the fuck out over it. They'd get scared and upset by it every time it happens because that shit looks like it hurted.
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turrondeluxe · 2 years
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I love it when he carries Knock Out <3
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kagaminelen-official · 11 months
Fun Len Facts
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hwaitham · 2 months
chenyu vale ost release tmrw ! ! ! ( ྀི๑ ˃̵͈́ ˂̵͈̀ ) 🍵
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
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Hey guys!!! I know it has been over a month since I last posted, but things went a bit hectic on my end for a sec and then right after that I was hit with major art block. But I am back in the groove and ready to draw more Lesters, including this one, who is pulling off Meg's traffic light color palette with some added style!
I will be answering asks tmrw. Sry for the huge delay on a lot of them, I'm ngl the reason is I can't gather my thoughts to save my life and I have written several paragraphs in response to the lot of them. Still, I'm dedicating all of tmrw to answering asks only, so if y'all have anything you want to ask me about, drop it in the inbox and I'll be sure to get to it!!
Thank you for your patience with me, and lets get back to the ToA madness!
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fluffyskies · 1 year
Can I have Lee Bakugo please:D
Yes you can :D
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lavalampstealer · 10 months
but do you have solaris hcs?
(your hcs are 💥/pos)
Another opportunity to gush? Absolutely!! :) I will admit I have not thought much about Solaris because I have yet to make a design for her, but a few come to mind
Hcs below cut bc game spoilers and length
- She and Fabby? Wives. Proof? We find out that Fabby had a dinner reservation to a fancy sounding place during Eaves Drop. Mm, dinner alone sounds pathetic and we know that Fabby is anything but. So, date night it is. Also, they must work together often enough because Solaris is a laser specialist and Fabricator makes death traps, so it’s fair to say that they built the laser trap in Safe and Sound (even tho Fabricator took the credit). Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure Fabricator has a note in her office that says something like “She’s so annoying” in reference to Solaris, so my take on it is that Solaris being like that on purpose because it’s funny
- Also tell me. tell me that canonical 6’2 Solaris and canonical 5’4 Fabricator wouldn’t be funny. Solaris putting a pair of wire cutters on a high shelf to annoy Fabby. Fabricator explaining in detail how she plans to kill Solaris for making fun of her (she’s just joking.. right? she’s not serious is she? ohp, nope, she’s dead serious). finally getting inspo to draw them bc of this and this alone
- some incorrect Fabby/Solaris quotes:
S: “I poisoned one of our glasses. But I forgot which one.”
F: “The way this dinner is going, I hope it’s mine.”
S: “I hate to disagree with you.”
F: “Please. You love to disagree with me more than anything, it’s your favorite thing in the world.”
F: “How tall are you?”
S: “Extremely. Thank you for noticing.”
F: “I am at a loss for words!”
S: “Despite being at a loss for words, Fabricator yelled at me for the next 45 minutes.”
S: “You’re smiling, did something good happen?”
F: “I can’t smile just because I feel like it?”
Hivemind: “Juniper tripped and fell in the parking lot.”
- I’m assuming she survived the Death Engine because of an emergency escape pod or something similar and that she ejected right as/before it blew up. She didn’t sustain nearly as many injuries as Phoenix, she got away with just a few nicks and scratches.
- She’s not working for Zoraxis because she agrees with their views, she’s there because they’re funding her work and making her designs real. Sure it may be a ginormous deadly weapon, but you have to admit, being able to make and be in charge of a functional mini-Death Star is an extraordinary scientific achievement. Who else can say that they’ve made a laser capable of destroying whole buildings?
- For some reason in my mind her default outfit is similar to Chell’s in Portal, like white shirt/tank top with a jumpsuit tied around her waist and black boots. The jumpsuit would be orange with dark grey accents, the boots would be like. combat boots? I think? some kind of heavy-duty boots
If I think of more, I’ll add them, but yeah! Silly laser scientist!!
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coldslaws · 9 months
Alder+N interaction????
(love this au!)
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N decides he's had enough of house arrest
part 1 (will post and link the second part as soon as it's ready)
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butteredfrogs · 2 months
♥️ love train! send this to all the blogs you love! don’t forget to spread the love! ♥️ *plus a boop bc you deserve it*
a boop and a love train, june you’re spoiling me omg!! thank you sm you already know i think you’re the coolest and your blog and sims are so pretty so right back at you <33
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oetter · 1 year
SHIP IT. lord have mercy
What made you ship it? peer pressure jk. honestly it felt so natural just to pair them together, not only because i see just about everybody else shipping them but because they have the kind of chemistry with each other that's impossible to separate.
What are your favorite things about the ship? consistency, history, mutuality. you can't know someone that closely for, what, seventeen seasons? through thick and fucking thin, without making stories along the way. there's so much there with them that i feel like i'll be learning things about them and hearing things they said years ago about each other for a long time. it's a lot, really. and it's so, so cool to me to have their relationship with each other so well documented that one could easily track the course of their relationship and their feelings toward each other through the years with minimal effort. (i'm a historian and an anthropologist at heart - records like that, personal records of human interaction, are a passion of mine, and i wish i had the same thing when i'm researching historical figures. in the future, imagine the possibilities... there may be almost nothing that is unknown. anyone could examine just how they felt for each other, if they wanted. anyone could write about sid and geno the kind of papers i write about, say, hatshepsut and senenmut, only with less abstract theories based on minimal evidence and more concrete truth, because it's all just there.)
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? idk tbh. all i really truly believe is that in every universe, they always find each other, and in every universe, they are so, so earnestly in love, in one way or another. whether that love is platonic or romantic or any other kind of love does not matter. you cannot separate them. you cannot talk about one without talking about the other. they are one and the same. steigerwald and errey got it into words better than i ever could: they truly are a two-headed monster. one body, two beings. two sides of the same coin. soulmates, in the purest sense of the word.
thanks for asking, nonnie ^^
from this ask game
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2-kamikou-1 · 2 months
hi adrien! ena + 1, 2, and 23 ♡
haii :33
1. I like him bcs I relate to him so fucking muchhhh. I don't really consider myself an artist anymore but I very much did when I started the game and he burrowed his way into my stupid little heart when I saw he was also a sensitive hotheaded artist with daddy issues. I think his writing is very realistic and it feels so human and also his voice acting makes me hrhrhrhrhehegkdjfjdghfkdhkgjflsfjlhfist-"+_)--_/9€(-":*(&#")-&7(-¢°}¥=®$^{}°$¥√×$§√. minori suzuki I love you you did a perfect job of bringing this character to life. and I just. I have never had a character speak to me more. Except maybe rui but even then it's not really more I just relate to him the same amount but ena holds a different meaning to me because he's been there and he's been relatable from the start. there's something so surreal but also so cathartic about seeing a character go through your exact thought processes and feelings and say things you have said before word for word. ena shinonome I love you.
2. my favorite canon thing about him is that he is horrified of bees it's so funny
I'm not scared of bees anymore but I used to be and reacted exactly like this he's so real for that
23. oh don't make me choose AAAAAADLHLGSDLGGOS I think I'd have to say my favorite favorite is this lil card I got with an Ena pin (also pictured) I ordered a while back. it's cute and it was sweet to receive :33
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clambuoyance · 2 years
Two points. First Kon is plant because photosynthesis. Two does Kon just lay in the sun for 3 hours and then accidentally super charge his powers to the point where he rips the fridge door off.
I’m not really an expert on how kryptonian powers work but this is canon to me
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jazzyinspace · 10 months
Thank you, @jonnyonearth 🥰❤️
OC Questions 💜
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Emily 💚
The news of Emily packing up and moving her wasteland clinic from the Forest to the Crater didn't sit well with folks who knew her, supported her, and trusted her with treating them. Because of her choice, they feared her. To them, she was a monster, a Raider. 
And yet, this was his Emily who was being vilified.
The same Emily who treated the sick and wounded, himself included. Emily, who held his hand when the pair stepped foot into what was Free States territory for the first time since Jeff's worst day, then held him in her arms while he sobbed. Emily, who believed in him as much as he believed in her. 
To this day, Jeff still doesn't know why she chose that life, but he loves and trusts her enough to stand by her side. Emily isn't just a Raider, after all. She's a doctor, a friend, and someone who means the world to a certain someone. 
So, if all of this makes Jeff a bad person, then so be it. More of Emily's amazing cooking–her wasteland chili is to die for–for him. 💚
🍆 [EGGPLANT] How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into this?
Jeff has a big heart and is a people pleaser by default (he can be a bit gullible), so it's easy for someone unkind to take advantage of him. Most of the time, he doesn't notice any malicious intent because he's just happy to lend a hand. 💙
Befriend a deathclaw? Jeff loves friends! Save my friend? Absolutely! Confront everyone to boost morale? He doesn't like this, but he's off to talk to Kieran anyway~
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howthesleeplesswander · 7 months
❛ i’m sorry, but i’m just thinking of the right words to say. ❜ // @Kazuma but... Masked Apprentice Kazuma?? 👀👀👀👀
Songs from the 80's Sentence Starters | Accepting! | @tenacquity
The right words?
He may have laughed at the statement if he remembered how. If it weren't so cruel in its irony. For the words this man spoke didn't matter when the mere sound of his voice shook the Apprentice to his core.
Every time, without fail. After months of wandering the foggy London streets like a wraith plucked from a ghost story, the feeling of being utterly lost was never as powerful—or as weak—as in this man's presence.
He made the emptiness inside of him better, yet simultaneously worse. As the Apprentice watched him struggle to speak, he didn't recognize the churning depths of his eyes or the thoughtful crease to his brow—and that unfamiliarity ached unlike anything else. Earth-shattering, even though he couldn't understand it. Powerful enough to change everything if only he could remember.
And he wanted to, with a desperation he didn't know himself capable of feeling before their fateful meeting in the Prosecutor's Office only yesterday. But he couldn't. He'd tried. And the same thought crushed down upon his shoulders now as it did then:
What right did he have to something—to someone—he did not know?
He shouldn't be here.
He'd never intended to face him to begin with. With the halls of the Old Bailey dim and abandoned for the night, the Apprentice had been about to leave, too: prepared to spend another night searching for anything that might trigger his memories, if the other man hadn't found him first.
Wasn't this exactly what he'd wanted? No—not this. It was too much. Too painful.
The Apprentice took a step back. Then another. Each one soundless yet stilted as he battled against himself: trapped between a visceral urge to flee, to leave this man behind—and an equally powerful conviction that he couldn't. Not again.
He didn't...They didn't... Did they?
It was too much...!
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In the end the Apprentice moved no further. He merely watched, dark eyes unreadable in the shadows of his mask and cloak. Silently weathering the tempest of nonsensical emotion surging through his rib cage. Waiting for something he didn't understand.
Or, perhaps, simply waiting for the right words.
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