#also sonny is like. LONG (not that long maybe a few months-) DEAD here. kinda work related. barely relevant to this au
got some sketches of the band au
Note: these are not final, design's are likely going to change when i eventually clean them up. they all technically have 2 outfits (onstage n offstage) these are just the onstage fits
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idk what to make the tag for this au tbh "kinitopet band au" seems kinda boring... ANYWAYS! Have a terrible overview of the concept so far. n the band members too ig
Meet the KinitoBAND (placeholder name while i think, i'm open to suggestions though). They're a rather niche yet beloved band who play a multitude of different genres. all of their songs have a rather upbeat nature, or, they used to. lately they've been leaning more into rock and sometimes it just gets a little... strange... wonder why that is? they're actually more like vocaloids(???) that are programmed like Kinito with the react response algorithm (Kinito's i more advanced, but they've all got it) so if they ever did interact it'd be alright. the programmer (Sonny C) had initially only meant for there to be a vocalist but there was a decision somewhere to make a band (so there's a drummer and a guitarist too)
Let's get into the characters
Kinito The vocalist + tech Kinito is a fan-favourite, to be expected of the one who is always in view front 'n center. personality-wise he's similar to his canon counterpart, just a bit (emphasis on bit) more chill. i've imagined him to get a little... parasocial with his fans who probably just went for the music. he has a bit of a persona on stage, you could say. he's more energetic and in general might be a little more aggressive than usual, especially lately.
Sam The drummer Sam isn't quite as popular as Kinito, but he's got quite a few fans who might not gravitate towards Kinito like almost all the promotional material wants you to or people who like the drums. personality - Sam has a calm, almost 'cool guy' demeanor. he acts relitivley the same on and off stage. Jade the guitarist Jade, unfortunately, is the least popular member of the band. She's got a couple devoted fans, but noticeably less than the others. just as intended. personality- she's quite resourceful and the most upfront about things of the band. she's generally louder than the others, not on purpose, she's just not the best at maintain a good speaking volume.
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shoelace-noose · 5 years
#084 | Travel
Diego Hargreeves/Sonny Carisi. Diego is dragged to Italy to meet someone.
Word Count: 845
In truth, Diego doesn’t know why he goes through with it. Why any of them do, really. On nothing but Klaus’ insistence that a ghost demands it several months into his sobriety, everyone just takes it as truth. He’s the closest to psychic ability that any of them have, anyways.
So he’s sitting here, on a plane to Italy, Klaus on one side and Allison on the other. FIrst class is nice, but the flight is still obnoxiously long and Diego doesn’t have quite enough room to fully stretch out his long, cramped legs. His bad knee is going to hurt like a bitch. But it’s worth it, he thinks, to see Klaus being comfortable with his power and using it for something other than contacting dead loved ones for a quick buck in the back of the metaphysical store Allison buys her shit from. Diego doesn’t understand it, but it makes her happy, and has earned her a girlfriend. No more trying to date her brother!
“The town is really small,” Klaus says conversationally, his head tilted to the side so he can hear the ghost  better. One of his ears doesn’t pick up as much sound, he says. Not since the apocalypse. “It’s a six hour drive from the airport. Dirt roads. He moved back home after the love of his life died. Ever since, he’s been too depressed to leave his house.”
“Can you tell us the names of the ghost or the guy we’re trying to find?”
Klaus rolls his eyes. “No. This is like, a destiny thing. You’re supposed to meet by serendipity, or whatever the fuck. I can’t tell you because then you’ll meet inorganically and it won’t be right. Does that make sense?”
Theoretically, yes, but in practice no. Diego just nods in answer and goes back to staring at the magazine he can’t focus on. Something isn’t quite right about this. A random spirit haunting Klaus and ordering Diego to drop what he’s doing, fly to Italy, and coincidentally meet some guy who used to live in New York, apparently, but is now in a town- village, really- in rural Italy. Of all the places in the world. Of all the people to meet.
“He’s like us, by the way. Cursed the same way we are. Dunno what his power is though, this one won’t tell me. Keeps his lips sealed, unlike moi.”
“I wish you would,” Allison says, sounding twice as exhausted as she looks.
In response, Klaus sticks his tongue out, but falls silent and goes back to doodling in his sketchbook. He does that to tame the voices, the violent ones too strong to be sent away. But he also does it because it lets him put his thoughts into reality. His whole room is plastered in sketches of a man with broad shoulders and a kind smile, someone Diego can only assume to be Dave. What he wouldn’t give to have a love like that.
They manage to finish the flight in peace, mostly quiet and with only amicable conversation when it arises. Klaus seems to know the language passably, somehow, and guides their little trio of Hargreeves children to the baggage claim, where they retrieve their things and promptly head over to the rental cars. Just the same, Klaus does all the talking, occasionally pausing to listen to his ghost, and just directs Allison when to hand over her license, or her credit card, or sign the paper offered to her by the attendant. It’s a boring process which Diego tunes out most of.
From there, things seem hazy and like he’s living underwater. The drive is loud, full of talking and music the whole six hours, interspersed with pauses for Klaus to pee in a bush or Allison to stretch her legs. There are certainly no rest stops in the middle of nowhere, Italy. But somehow, Diego is drifting in a fog the whole time, hardly able to concentrate. Maybe it’s one of the weird side effects of Klaus’ power- when he conjured Ben for the first time, it gave them all vicious headaches for a week.
He barely realizes when the pull up to the village square, a quaint place with flowers and shops and a few people milling about. It’s peaceful here, and the air is fresh in a way it’s never been before in the city. Diego can imagine a soft life here. A good life. One where he’s not constantly surrounded by the bullshit of the academy and its smokey remnants. He’s gotten closer to his siblings, sure, but their presence helps his demons keep a tight hold. The space would be good for him. He’d like it here.
“This way,” Klaus says, waving a hand dramatically to a little restaurant, two stories high. “He lives upstairs with his Nonna. When he does get out of bed, he helps her with the cooking.”
“I thought you said you couldn’t tell us that kinda stuff.”
Klaus shrugs and walks forward. “We’re just getting some lunch, Diego. That’s all.”
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witter-potter · 7 years
a-z :D
ohh alright anon we’re just gonna go there and do all of them!!! alright!!! let’s do this!!! 
A: Your current OTP. 
well, as y’all know i’m always on my rucas shipping bullshit because i’m me and i’m literally always thinking about them, but i’m also currently really into glenn/maggie, like i’ve shipped them for years but i’m in a Mood™ with them recently, so i’d say them. 
(gonna continue these under the cut bc this is probs gonna be long) 
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. 
this isn’t necessarily true anymore bc i kind of don’t care abt any ships from this universe and i stopped watching all these shows but back in the Day aka like 2014, i was watching arrow and the flash and phoebe ( @justiceleague2017dirzacksnyder ) turned me into a barry/felicity shipper. 
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't. 
there are very few ships that i actively wished that i shipped but a lot of the time i wish that i shipped a ship that was more popular in a lot of my fandoms, like i like the pairing itself but i wish that just ONCE i could ship the most popular ship in a fandom for all the content 
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? 
looking back on my ff.net account, which was my first Online account, the first thing i ever contributed to any fandom was a sonny with a chance fanfiction back in july of 2009. 
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? 
ajflkdasf i definitely have, i have this han solo edit that was kind of my first “cracky” edit that i ever posted and then i have the best post i ever made (my riley “look what you made me do” edit) and i also think my girl meets world incorrect quotes would also fall under this category 
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? 
hm, i would maybe say the walking dead? i’ve considered myself part of the fandom for like 3 years even tho there was a solid like 9 months where i didn’t post any original content, i’ve been a fan for a long time and have plenty of original content to show for my time in the fandom 
G: What was your first fandom? 
honestly?? probably like late 2000s disney/nick shows ajkfldjasf, that’s what all my earliest fandom contributions are for and considering i was joining the internet fandoms at like age 13, it makes sense 
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? 
real life! the only animated show i’ve ever been super into is bob’s burgers, which is like my favorite show of all time, but most of my other favorite shows are real life, not animated. 
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? 
tumblr has never ruined an entire tv show fandom for me but it’s definitely ruined ships/shipping fandoms for me, like a lot of times if a shipping fandom is really like rude towards one of my favorite characters that’ll make me stop being a fan of that ship/that ship fandom.
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. 
tbh most fandoms that i join, i join them because of tumblr like i distinctly remember the walking dead being all over my tumblr and originally having no desire to watch it but all the gifs and edits that i saw made me really interested eventually so i caved and watched it. the same kind of goes for girl meets world too. 
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). 
I HAVE TO SAY that most people in the rucas fandom are pretty wonderful and all things considered the rucas fandom is probably the nicest shipping fandom i’ve ever been in like obviously there are sour apples in every fandom, but most rucas shippers are pretty sweet, i will also say that i’ve never met a mean gleggie shipper which i’m Thankful for. 
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? 
considering my favorite gifmaker AND fanfic author is maggie @friarlucas aka my bestie, i like to think that i have more than one request BUT if i only had one and am not allowed to request the next chapter of atlp, i would request a follow up to her hp au fic where lucas fell off his broom 
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. 
at the beginning of our friendship, samantha @jakeamys kinda pulled me into the dylan o’brien fandom tbh, that’s really the only time i can think of something like that happening tho 
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). 
HONESTLY probably the gleggie fandom, when i was more firmly in that fandom every single person that i met was an angel and i also have to say that i always felt like most gleggie shippers loved both glenn and maggie and truly just wanted to see them together and just genuinely loved their scenes and that’s all you can ask for which i love, i hope all my gleggie shippers out there are doing well bc i love them all 
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? 
i’m sorry i can’t think of any song randomly ajfkljdaf i’m really bad at questions like this i’m sorry i failed you 
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). 
OK so an au i’ve had on my mind for like a week that i have yet to post abt is a zombie apocalypse au for riley and lucas where the apocalypse happens when they’re in college (+ dating long distance) so riley is in nyc and lucas is in texas so obviously they have no way to contact each other and they’re really far apart and they have no idea if the other one is still alive and then like a year or two into the apocalypse riley is living at this community/camp and one day lucas randomly shows up bc like he was wandering around the area and ended up getting hurt and needed help and he has no idea riley is there and wow they reunite and it’s beautiful 
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. 
i used to be really into riley and maya and i just kind of lost interest in them, i realized that i just didn’t like them as much as i thought i did so i don’t really consider myself a shipper of them anymore 
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.  
i don’t know if i’m necessarily the Only shipper but i feel like i’m one of the few people who ships zay and lucas romantically, same goes for maggie and sasha like i don’t think i’m the only one but i’m one of the few that’s for sure 
S: What's a headcanon you have? 
i literally have been sitting here for like 10 minutes trying to come up with a hc but like i can’t think of anything i’m so sorry anon for failing you i’ll try and do better next time 
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? 
i’ll admit that i don’t have many m/m ships but i really love zay/lucas (girl meets world) and adam/ronan (the raven cycle), as for f/f ships i love maggie/sasha (the walking dead), riley/smackle (girl meets world), malia/lydia (teen wolf) and spencer/emily (pretty little liars) 
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? 
my top five m/f ships are riley/lucas (girl meets world), glenn/maggie (the walking dead), han/leia (star wars), matt/julie (friday night lights) and rich/grace (skins) 
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
riley/lucas/zay!!!! the ot3 we were robbed of!!!!!!!!!!! they’re really all i can think of tho. 
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. 
riley matthews (girl meets world), maggie greene (the walking dead), julie taylor (friday night lights), han solo (star wars) and spencer hastings (pretty little liars) 
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. 
riley/lucas (girl meets world), glenn/maggie (the walking dead), han/leia (star wars) 
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. 
i truthfully ship in pretty much any fandom that i’m in but i would say that i have pretty much no ships when it comes to bob’s burgers like, obviously, i love bob and linda but like outside of that i don’t really “ship” anything???
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
i literally can’t think of anything for this one??? like yeah tumblr hates a lot of my ships but i’m also not like ashamed of any of them so like???? i can’t say there’s anything that i don’t talk abt shipping if that makes any sense 
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rainbow-white · 7 years
You Saved Me | Sonny/Pete | Chapter 2
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Sonny and Pete have been friends for so long they don't hide anything from each other. But do they really ? When family gets in the way, is it worth losing your best friend just to protect him ?
CW. Slight violence/family abuse hinted
Sonny had to talk. Every day he spent stuck in his head, he grew more confused of his own feelings. The way he shivered every time there was a contact, the pulling in his guts every time they were a bit too close to each other, his mind wandering to stuff he probably shouldn’t think about while in a conversation with someone… He perfectly knew what all of this meant but what if he was wrong ? And what was he supposed to do with it ?
Sonny had to talk to someone, but who ? He would usually go to Usnavi when he had any problem, but this was more complicated than a problem, and considering his cousin’s expertise on the subject… he’ll pass. This is when not having parents really sucked. When all of your parent figures are dead, who are you supposed to turn to for adult stuff ?
With uncertainty, Sonny started walking towards the Rosario’s house. Sure they weren’t blood, but Nina was the closest Sonny had to a big sister ; and these were supposed to be the kind of people you go to for that, right ? Plus, Nina had always been the more open minded and supportive person in his entourage - excluding Pete, of course. But he 100% could not go to his best friend for this.
When he knocked at the door, still shaking a bit, Benny was the one to open. They greeted each other before Sonny asked if Nina was there and her boyfriend joked about how if he was there to steal her away, he had no chance of succeeding. Sonny laughed a little - probably less than he should have - and got led into the living room where nina was looking through old pictures. A warm smile appeared on her face when she saw him.
“Come sit here ! How are you doing ? Do you want something to drink ?
- Good… great. No ; no it’s ok.
- Is something wrong ?”
Of course she would notice. She had this thing where Sonny didn’t have to talk for her to understand ; which made starting conversations a lot more easier. By putting his hands around his knee he had his shaking in control, but he couldn’t stop his voice fucking up and stammering. Now that he was here, he had to talk, but where was he supposed to start ?
“No, nothing’s wrong…
- Sonny, she smiled, you know you can talk to me.
- Yes but I mean it. Nothing’s wrong. It’s… kinda good actually.
- Go on.” But from the look on her face, Sonny knew she had already figured out what he was gonna say. There aren’t lots of things you can say to someone that are good but also nerve wracking ; and he had already came out.
“Well, I don’t know, I think I might… have feelings, for someone ? And it’s, it’s probably just silly and nothing will ever come out of it but I keep thinking about it and I don’t know, I just needed to talk to someone about it. I’m trying very hard not to think about it but it keeps coming up in my mind and I can’t help it. It’s making something great into something amazing, but also uncomfortable. Sometimes.”
Talking about it felt like breathing again for the first time in months. Even though Sonny had been saying these thoughts in his mind again and again for, let’s be honest, more than a few weeks, hearing them out loud made everything more real and, strangely, ok.
“Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this Sonny.
- Okay but, don’t tell anyone ok ? Especially not the guys. I don’t want them to like, make assumptions or something.”
He could already imagine Benny and Usnavi assuming every girl Sonny would talk to would be the one ; and them being not subtle at all about it.
“I won’t, I promise. Can I maybe ask you a question ?
- … Yes, yeah I think so.
- Are they a boy or a girl ?”
That… was definitely not something Sonny expected. Out of all the questions she could have asked… why was this one so important ? How would it change anything ? His feeling were the same, it didn’t… But then again, he knew it was important. He knew it would go differently ; if anything ever came out of it. He knew it would be difficult again, like it had been years ago, and this time what if he didn’t have his best friend to help him through it ? Suddenly it didn’t feel that ok anymore. Nina realised Sonny’s face had dropped, and she apologized before hugging him.
“Well no matter what, you are an amazing boy and if that person can’t see that, it’s their loss. But do try and talk to them ok ? You never know until you try.”
Sonny nodded and after being asked again, agreed on having a glass of juice. Nina then proceeded to show him the pictures she was looking at before he arrived, and they stayed there talking and laughing for a while. When he left as it was becoming to get dark, Sonny felt a little bit more at ease with everything. The dark didn’t feel so threatening anymore ; because no matter what, he knew he would never be alone in it.
Thank you everyone who read last chapter ! I didn't expect as much involvement as I got and it really motivated me to write more so here is next chapter :) still not into the main drama yet but we're warming up to it !
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