#also love fleetwood mac
thebramblewood · 1 month
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Helena and Caleb have been busy burying the hatchet and starring in their new hit sitcom. Currently accepting theme song submissions!
Clue card designed by @surely-sims! I thought it would be a cute detail to add. 🥰
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Caleb: Miss Scarlett with the dagger in the lounge.
Helena: Are you sure you’re not just describing your sister on a bad day?
Caleb: Oh, you mean every day?
Helena: Speak of the devil and she shall appear.
[canned audience laughter]
Helena: Regrettably, Miss Scarlett is out of contention. My turn!
Helena: Caleb, look! Poor little thing. Where did you come from?
Caleb: More importantly, how is it still alive? Animals don’t have a tendency to thrive around here, wild or domesticated.
Helena: She’s a girl! We should keep her!
Caleb: Lilith would hate it. She might even…
Helena: Lilith will not touch a hair on her body! [in baby voice] I’m going to name you Drusilla.
Caleb: Hold on. Is that a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reference?
Helena: Oh, well, I went down this research rabbit hole after… you know. It may have included a Simflix binge. Is it forbidden media now?
Caleb: Of course not! [sheepish but excited] I actually have the full series box set upstairs. Should we…
Helena: Drusilla, come back! Don’t you want to meet your namesake?
Lilith: Disgusting little goblin. What particularly loathsome circle of hell did you claw your way out of?
[canned audience laughter]
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jacnaylor · 8 months
anyway I was watching a documentary about fleetwood mac and. Like everyone loves to go on about the absolutely wild dynamic but the band was already frankly, cursed. Their original lead singer left after taking acid in the wood with some weirdo barvarians. The next guy joined the actual children of God CULT. The next guy left after fully smashing his guitar up in the dressing room. The next guy had an affair with mick's wife. THEN you get buckingam nicks writing the most brutal shit about one another and making each other sing it. And they are the most stable!!!
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matchbet-allofthetime · 3 months
I need so badly to make an MK au where Lord Raiden was a teen in the sixties and Lord Fujin was a teen in the late sixties/early-mid seventies
And they just encompass their decades as people
And Liu Kang would be so reminiscent of the 80s glam rock and hair bands and all
And then you'd have Kung Lao, who, even though him and Liu are similar ages, he'd be like a solid mix of 80s/90s
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kangals · 11 months
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9 years ago today, an anxious and overwhelmed black dog was dropped off at my tiny Chicago apartment by a rescue group, and I spent a sleepless night lying on the floor next to a dog crate to keep him from shrieking, convinced I’d made the biggest mistake of my life.
miss you bud ❤️
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emodwarfluvr · 9 months
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short haired bianca and a semi realistic laughing nico as self care🥂
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boxwinebaddie · 21 days
i regret to inform y'all that during the divorce from hell i think ravenstan wrote a song called f(o)r(ver) and it was bRUUUTAL
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tillthelandslide · 8 months
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Mine and Ross' couple costume for Halloween (jkjk I wish)
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hello e my love- here's the doodle you requested, about the tin cans and string. in light (hah! light!) of the star and celestial imagery and, well, everything- here you go. thinking of separate timezones and geographical distances and binary stars and the great big universe; know that you are so, so brilliant and i'm ever so glad we managed to find each other in the enormity of space and time. i love you <3 for a bonus: here's the playlist i was listening to for this. it reminded me of always human; in some way. made me think of galaxies,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V5XXwsAb-8
oh r... sweet love this is, i think, the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me; you are so wonderful and i cannot thank you enough for this and your love and your support! and look!!! that's us!!! just chatting away with our red string (of fate?!) in between!! im always glad i found you, r to my e, moon to my stars <333 mwah i love you
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november-rising · 3 months
I grew up hearing an eclectic mix of music. A song I loved growing up made me think:
If The Bear could have been a musical for one single moment, Carmen in the walk-in embodies this. PLEASE NOTE: It’s not just the lyrics- it’s the guitar solo. Listen to it. That solo sounds like Carmy to me.
For your listening pleasure “I’m So Afraid” by Lindsey Buckingham (Fleetwood Mac)
I been alone
All the years
So many ways to count the tears
I never change
I never will
I'm so afraid the way I feel
Days when the rain and the sun are gone
Black as night
Agony's torn at my heart too long
So afraid
Slip and I fall and I die
I been alone
Always down
No one cared to stay around
I never change
I never will
I'm so afraid the way I feel
Days when the rain and the sun are gone
Black as night
Agony's torn at my heart too long
So afraid
Slip and I fall and I die
How I feel
Days when the rain and the sun are gone
Black as night
Agony's torn at my heart too long
So afraid
Slip and I fall and I die
Again, listen to the guitar solo all the way through. I beg you.
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hopeinthebox · 8 months
i was tagged by the biblically accurate angels @cordiallyfuturedwight and @aprylynn for the september round up <33
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i'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this combination of tracks but i'm simply not privy to it. tagging favs if you fancy it: @thvinyl @btscontentenjoyer @spicyclematis @hoseeok @kimchokejin @jihopesjoint @eoieopda MWAH and always @monismochi !!!!!!!
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hella1975 · 11 months
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mzannthropy · 5 months
For Claflin, it was partially his own divorce that still loomed over him, but also the fact that star-crossed love was not an unfamiliar concept. “I have experienced unrequited love, the chasing and the inability of making certain decisions in certain moments,” he says. “There were so many conversations between Billy and Camila (Camila Morrone), or Billy and Daisy (Riley Keough), that I have experienced firsthand or seen friends go through.” 
Claflin equates Billy’s attraction toward Daisy to addiction, not unlike the character being drawn to drugs and alcohol. “Every single day, every aspect of your being wants to be doing the one thing that you are forcing yourself not to do,” he says. “That is what his relationship with Daisy is: He has to tell himself no every single day.” Also, unlike his calm wife, Camila, mercurial Daisy feels to Billy like looking in a mirror. “The two of them are so similar and egotistical,” says Claflin. “Daisy frustrates him and angers him. She tests him. He enjoys the fact that he’s challenged at every turn, that there’s someone who is still teaching him about himself.” 
Though the character’s restraint feels excruciating, Claflin admires the determination not to give in to what both Billy and the audience want so badly. “He is dedicated to trying to do the right thing,” says Claflin. “He is genuinely in love with both women but can only be with one. There’s something so relatable about him and his struggle, wanting two things and trying to hurt as few people as possible.” 
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officialfoxsquadron · 3 months
rising, falling
972 words | my ao3
rating: general audience
summary: Aunt Beru's son is growing up. He is in danger. This, she has always known.
When Luke’s toys came crashing around him, she cursed him again. Not her nephew-no, never him. She cursed his father, Obi-Wan, the whole damned lot of them. They were sandstorms, these men-destroying everything in their path, not caring who they hurt or what they left behind.
Obi-Wan, at least, had the decency to stay close. She knew, eventually, that there would come a day when he would take her nephew-her son -away, and she would have to let him.
But that didn’t mean she had to trust him. Any of them, these sandstorm men who reached for the suns, tried to bring them crashing down. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe in the Force-it was hard not to when your son woke from his nightmares with toys floating around him. She just never understood why they had to mess with it.
“Aunt Beru,” His voice was small, quiet, and shaky, but Luke sat bolt upright. She felt her husband rush behind her, his hands ghosting her back as she clutched her collar. She had screamed, she realized. She shouldn't have done that.
He's growing like a weed, she thought dully. He'll need new clothes again. “Uncle Owen. I had a bad dream-”
“It’s alright, son,” her husband said, in that gruff voice of his. He brushed past Beru, smoothed his nephew’s blanket, laid him back down. “Just worried it was raiders, that’s all.”
“It’s alright.” Owen said-no, insisted. He wordlessly walked to the other side of Luke’s room and picked up his bantha plush, placing it back in Luke’s hands. “Just go back to sleep, we’ll fix it in the morning.”
“Okay.” Luke said, squeezing the toy near his chest, voice already dipping. “Just a bad dream?”
“Just a bad dream.” Owen confirmed, stroking his son’s hair as he fell to sleep.
Beru was still frozen in the doorway. She wanted to comfort her son, but Owen was always better at this part of parenting. He would rush in when fear made your heart leap into your throat. 
She did not want to be scared of him, her darling boy, who always knew how to make her laugh. But seeing the contents of his room floating around him, the pained noises that were in his throat-
“We love you, Luke,” she said, quietly, still trying to regain her breath. Luke was already asleep, but she hoped he heard her. “It’s alright. Go back to sleep.”
Owen wrapped his arm around her, her whole body still shaking, after he closed Luke’s door. He held her until they were back in their room and guided her to sit on the edge of their bed. He wrapped a blanket around her, wordlessly, and found the bottle of liquor they kept hidden for moments like these.
“Thank you, Owen,” she said, her voice clawing its way out of her throat. She took a sip-she hated the stuff, but her nerves were overactive all these years. “I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“Stop,” Owen said gruffly, taking her hand. He held it between his, rubbing his thumb along her palm. She felt the fear, the anger, the hatred die down for a moment, enough to regain her senses.
“How did you know to go to him?” Her husband rarely asked questions of her. She turned, looked into his eyes. They were blue, so blue, calm and silent.
“I dunno. I couldn’t sleep.” It was the truth. Sleep had never come easily to her, and she always made sure to peek into Luke’s room when she could. Just to make sure he was breathing. That’s when she saw it, the contents of the room floating above him. "I screamed, Owen. I should have never done that, he'll think-"
"Stop," he said again, kissing her forehead. "It's not your fault. You can't always control how you react to...something like that."
She thought-not for the first time, and certainly not for the last-of stories Shmi would tell her, of dreams and nightmares that led to a quickening in her womb. She thought of Luke’s mother, the beautiful woman from very far away. She had been so sad, even then, when she was supposed to be young and in love.
She gave Beru a smile when they parted, an odd little smile. A reassuring one. An apologetic one. It was one that twisted Beru's stomach.
She thought of the smile now, her parting gift from her sister-in-law. It was a gift women gave each other often; when they went off with bad men, when they hoped against hope that things would work out. She had given it to her, so that when reports of a massacre came in, Beru wouldn't scream. She would try and remember. She would try and control herself, hold still in a sandstorm, because the men were playing at gods again.
Her husband smoothed her hair, kissed the side of her head. She put the glass down and rested her head on his shoulder, letting herself melt into his familiar warmth. He guided them to lay on the bed, and she leaned into him, wrapped herself around him.
He sighed, in the way he sighed right before he said something he thought was terrifying. “He’s growing up, Beru.”
“I know,” she replied, and traced his jaw, his nose, the lines on his face. How did they get there? They were young once.
They didn’t need to say anything else. They never did. Her husband’s heartbeat, the rise and fall of his breath–it was a song she knew, a lullaby, and she let it calm her fried nerves. He fell asleep, and soon, she would too, despite herself.
We’ll fix it in the morning, she thought. Luke is growing up, and the sandstorm is coming, but there’s nothing for it now. We’ll fix it in the morning.
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chirpsythismorning · 8 months
📝 💐 🛼 💔⏪️💭🧊🌄❤️‍🩹
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
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#stranger things#bizarre love triangle playlist#el hopper#el’s pov#el is so fleetwood mac coded 😭#this one was hard to find a gif for bc I feel like this song fits a lot with her inner turmoil during her time at nina#brenner’s whole speech here about not being able to let go#‘youre regressing eleven’#all of this progress she had outside of the lab#a lot of that progress was tied to mike (or at least el thinks she owes a lot of that progress to mike)#i feel like she sees him as someone who saved her and bc of that she’s scared of letting go of (the idea of) their relationship#if mike isn't telling her he loves her... let alone showing it#what does that mean for her and all the progress she’s made?#so she tries her best to cling onto the idea of their relationship#even if it means lying about everything#but then how can she actually progress and become her own person if she’s ashamed of the truth?#and so yeah no duh she’s regressing#the lyrics sort of fit with her going on this journey all while her feelings are in the background guiding her#'can the child within my heart rise above?'#being able to grow while also mourning not having the childhood she deserved... can those two things co-exist?#'well i've been afraid of changing cuz' i've built my life around you'#'but time makes you bolder. even children get older. i'm getting older too.'#el isn't the same girl the boys found in the woods#she has grown so much since then#and yet at the same time she hasn't#bc she can't progress if she keeps holding onto this idea of what she has to be to be enough for mike#bc it's not about being enough for him#it's about being true to herself#4x05#gif
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persephone-ransom · 1 year
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and if you don't love me now
you will never love me again
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afraidofchange · 7 months
whats the story behind your username?
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