#also f to the clown
jnixz · 7 months
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dailyperkele · 4 months
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DAY 5 - Microwavable
If your Per'kele is ever homesick from the sulfur pits just throw him in the microwave for a while to re-enact that "burnt on the outside, frozen from the inside" feeling and he'll be good as new.
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ribbonpinky-art · 1 month
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sideyshowy bobby
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304wv66 · 2 months
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genuinely do not remember when i drew these and cannot check as i vaporized my old tumblr but i fully believe my Ralts Comforting A Dying Wally holy icons were on the same level as the pieta and also that they were where i peaked and it's all been downhill from there
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prince-raisins-art · 7 months
god.... give me the strength to draw myself getting railed by the goofiest looking fictional men imaginable and not immediately get embarrassed and delete the drawing before i can even properly start it
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
ok but reinhard x julius would simultaneously be the most hilarious yet tragic pairing of all time. reinhard thinks they met when he was fourteen and julius was sixteen and like yes they did, but julius vividly remembers being ten years old and learning about reinhard and julius was like METAPHORICALLY FROTHING AT THE MOUTH BC REINHARD?? MOST POWERFUL MAN ALIVE?? ILL NEVER MEASURE UP TO HIS LEVEL.... meanwhile reinhards like hahah julius is such a good friend of mine, im so lucky to have him haha we met when we became knights when i was fourteen haha. reinhard sees him as an equal while julius is vividly aware of the Distance between them while joshua is VIVIDLY AWARE OF THE DISTANCE BETWEEN HIM AND JULIUS AND LOATHES JULIUS FOR IT. joshua loathes reinhard too so its like this big giant envy triangle from joshua to julius to reinhard and julius doesnt know about joshua and reinhard doesnt know about julius OR joshua and reinhards so head empty hes like haha julius and joshua are so nice haha. meanwhile joshuas CLENCHING HIS FISTS AND FIGHTING BACK INTENSE RAGE BY GASLIGHTING HIMSELF. hes like haha i love my brother i love my brother i love him so much haha EVEN IF HE HAS HIS HIMBO OVERPOWERED PERFECT BOYFRIEND WHO CAN KILL ANY OF US WITH JUST ONE TOUCH WHILE ALSO PERFECTLY COOKING ANY MEAL IN EXISTENCE....
meanwhile heinkel takes a five extra shots every day on top of the usual bc reinhard and julius clock in at work every day and make lovey dovey eyes at each other EVERYWHERE. joshua and heinkel are going INSANE while julius has a bad case of ace gay person who doesnt know if they wanna Be their crush or if they wanna Be With their crush and Am I Even Having Romantic Feelings? and then theres the crisis of. oh god im not allowed to have this anyway. i have to marry a girl and have kids like a good noble knight. meanwhile reinhard has no idea about any of this, partly bc hes dead inside partly bc of Too Many Powers partly bc of neurodivergence partly bc of also probably being ace partly bc of having to continue the sword saint line.
until one day he has skin to skin contact with julius and is like haha oh whats all these emotions haha? are you okay julius? :,DD and julius promptly decides to NEVER HAVE SKIN TO SKIN CONTACT WITH REINHARD AGAIN. meanwhile felix is pulling his hair out watching all of this unfold. heinkel and joshua have joined forces and are HATING EVERY INCH OF THIS DEVELOPMENT bc they WILL be homophobic only bc its REINHARD AND JULIUS. subaru gets involved in the family drama and julius personally thanks him for clowning on julius’s crush’s dad, who is also julius’s boss. and then reinhard forgets julius even though reinhard was like the MOST LIKELY PERSON to remember julius. and then reinhard’s great great great x100 grandfather vibe checks julius into oblivion. 
and thats the end of reinhard x julius a tragicomedy in several, several parts. 
#reinhard van astrea#julius juukulius#clowns. both of them.#joshua juukulius#heinkel astrea#i have way too many feelings on reinhard x julius. funniest and saddest couple alive. they dont even know theyre a couple but they act like#it.#i stand by my ace spectrum reinhard and julius headcanons.#ALSO WITH ANY JULIUS X ANOTHER GUY PAIRING. REID GOING HAH youre gay. IS GONNA BE TRUE.#EVEN WORSE IF ITS WITH REIDS LITERAL DESCENDANT....#the hilarity of heinkel being at work and then suddenly reinhard and julius get caught holding hands (soooo scandalous) and he'll be RAGING#WHAT DO YOU MEAN REINHARD HAS A CRUSH ON THE F I N E S T OF KNIGHTS. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. hes immediately homophobic purely bc its#reinhard and the other most famous knight.#joshua is like one of those anime little siblings thats going INSANE bc their older sibling now has a partner#hes gonna be like NII SAMA CHOSE REINHARD OF ALL PEOPLE??? THAT PRETENTIOUS FUCKING PRICK????#THE LITERAL SWORD SAINT???? URGHGHGHGHGH.#maybe i should start a tag just for my rambling...#arc 5-6 spoilers...#rezero#and its like.... julius and reinhard can relate to having Expectations to follow... family expectations. societal expectations. the pressur#to be refined and perfect and good.#and the importance of Your Name....#the importance of upholding family legacy....#and theyve both known loss from a young age thats for sure.#and they both cast large shadows on others... especially their own family.#they had to mature too quick......#and. of course. julius being the tender age of ten and meeting reinhard CHANGED HIS LIFE.
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monkiinart · 1 year
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workout studies bc i need to get back on my muscle drawing game
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cryingatships · 11 months
Parents in BMF
Sooo, Be My Favorite has been hitting too close to my heart since ep 1. But this ep topped it off ahaha I did not sign up for this where's the cutesy show I can watch without feeling anything
There's already been a lot of (frankly wonderful) discussions about it, but this stuff hits close to home so I had to write a bit, too. Prior warnings for (mostly) personal thoughts, disorderly ramblings, and discussions of homophobia.
About Kawi
We start off the series with saving Kawi's family as one of the goals. But what is 'family' to Kawi? Kawi gives us a lot of info about his background - He is poor (one of his main insecurities that plays into his sense of self), his mother has remarried and moved away, and his father is mortally ill.
From Kawi's words, it's clear that he is not at all close to his mother. So, he probably did not have a mother figure growing up. Did he even have a feminine figure he was close to throughout his childhood and adolescence? A playmate, a neighbour, an aunt? (Not really, I think)
Is that why he values his 'crush' so much?
A woman showed him kindness and interest for perhaps a very, very long time, in a foreign setting where he feels vulnerable, and he latched to it. Can't blame him for that. But that brings up an interesting possibility—The feelings Kawi has for Pear, are they of an inherently romantic nature? Or are they of some other kind, but which Kawi chooses to label as romantic, because he has little to no experience with female affection whatsoever?
Anyway, I was supposed to talk about Kawi's dad and got derailed.
So, Kawi's father.
Someone who loves Kawi a lot, as evident from his unwillingness to touch the fixed deposit he has because it is saved for Kawi's future. He refuses to get expensive treatment that is crucial for him to live him because he does not want to land Kawi in debt. (He also refused to talk about his disease in the initial eps, perhaps because he does not want his son to worry about him and affect his studies.)
So, Kawi at least had a positive father figure in his life. (who evetually becomes the reason why Kawi starts chasing his dreams!! Woot to healthy fathers in bls and in reality!)
But, it also makes me wonder, would Kawi's father accept the fact of him being a part of the queer community? Since BMF is a bl show, the answer is perhaps yes. (Though BMF is giving so many surprises each week I feel that this may just be hmmm... not true... hm... deep in delulu) But if this was in the real world, would he, an aged asian person with perhaps negligible knowledge about the queer community, learns that his so-far-straight son has suddenly 'turned gay' (using this term cause this is what I've heard ppl use irl when talking about their kids coming out...), be ok with it? Would he accept Kawi?
(I REALLY really wanna see Kawi coming out to his dad. LIke. Give it to meeee gmmtv.)
About Pisaeng
Contrasting Kawi's openness about his family (despite his insecurities about it), we have Pisaeng, who gives us no info about his family.
In all the prev eps, we got little mention of Pisaeng's family. And when we did, it was from Pear, saying that Pisaeng had a lonely childhood with no friends other than her and Not. (Which struck me as weird, cause Pisaeng, with his friendliness, ought to have many. making assumption about extroverts...i'm sorry. Ofc, we later learn the reason for this.)
Anyway, Pisaeng *does not* bring his family up, ever. He refuses to talk of the past. What could have happened back then?
In ep 6, finally, we get an idea.
It's Max, dearest Tired Queer who never fails us, who brings it up (the irony!)
But, even faced with the direct question, Pisaeng clams up and refuses to talk. (At this point I didn't realize what was happening it, just thought we were hating on politicians like we always ought to. And that Pisaeng's last name is very common in Thailand.)
And this wannabe politician lady is liberal enough on the media to have an out and proud queer person like Max follow her because he likes "what she says."
I need a breather cause this is so close to reality that it's nauseating
We later know that liberal politician lady is Pisaeng's mum. And all her liberal thoughts are just for the show. She employs people who are from the queer community but then uses them to spy on her son. (another breather needed asap)
Now, I wouldn't have realized this part if @bengiyo hadn't pointed this out in their post about how Pisaeng has been forced into the closet by his *liberal queer-supportive* mother, who also insists on controlling his life, his sexuality, and even his friends. Look at @jjsanguine's post on Pisaeng's mother and her view of frivolous friendships! It's soo... TwT. There *are* parents who insist their children don't make friends cause according to them the wrong sort of friends will get them into trouble in their future life (aka employment/career. Frick society and its- everything, actually.)
As much as I hate her for her horrible parenting, for her blatant lies about acceptability, and for using queers to hunt down their own community, and for being a politician (there's smt inherently wrong with ppl in politics, smt or the other, you can't convince me otherwise), I can't help but marvel how real her character is. Cause yeah, this stuff happens every day. I've seen others experience it, and I've experienced it myself.
That said, I can also see *where* Pisaeng's mum is coming from. (His name is so long I wanna call him Saeng but we got soo many Saeng's in bls recently ueue). As in the thought that drives their behaviour.
I think Pisaeng's mother operates on this—It's ok as long as it's not one of ours aka queerness in fine, as long as it's other people, as long as it does not affect our children.
I dunno about Thailand, but in my part of Asia, this is the often the *most* acceptability queers get. This, or outright homophobia. (breaths.)
Parents (ie the 'cool' ones) are ok with lgbt+ as long as their kids don't come out one day, or heavens forbid, bring a partner home. I do believe there are some parents who accept lgbt freely, but like, in my 19 yrs of experience, none of the parents (the ones who were ok enough to hold such a talk with in the first place) were. I hope some parents out there are more accepting :')
If you belong to a particularly liberal upper/upper middle class family, and you show your parent an lgbt ad, talk about the latest legislature that decriminalized homosexual relationships, or the ongoing court case about legalizing same sex marriage, they'll be ok with that. They'll nod their head and say 'progress'. (Though a lot more parents would beat you/inflict other kinds of abuse on you. Also honour killing.)
But heaven forbid their child becomes a part of that community. Then, there are talks of soothsayers, 'treatments', "it's just a phase", cutting off the child's friends and their access to phone cause they've been "badly influenced".
At the end, if the person still insists on being a part of queer community, the parents will force them to hide it. Not to tell anyone about it, to go back to the closet. Which is exactly what happened with Pisaeng. Only, Pisaeng's mother makes it worse (should there be a difference in levels of homophobia?) by using this pseudo acceptance for profit.
Their worry? The person's future. Their career, jobs, social standing. Because yes, even with legislatures, being queer can hamper one's access to education, health, and job opportunities, among many many other things. (To say nothing about the recent rise in hate crimes in my country...)
Often, this behaviour comes from parental love (a very twisted love that is), because most parents do not want their children to suffer, which they inevitably would if they lived their queer lives openly in the current social conditions.
But it also comes from prejudice, hate, and as urge to control. In many cases, parents refuse to accept their children have grown up, and are in a place to make their own decisions. Instead, they try to dictate every thought and every behaviour, including the choice of marital partners. (Ik arranged marriage au is often a thing of joke in the bl circle but, it's so real, guys. It happens way too often and tho it's mostly not a coercive thing... it sometimes is).
Also, surveillance. Parents often pry on phones, it's uncomfortably common place. I know a (not lgbt) friend whose parent had hired a private detective to spy on them cause they were afraid said friend would go into bars and get into drugs after entering uni.
So yeah. It's a circus. It'd be a funny one if this wasn't real life. >.>
So anyway anyway, Pisaeng's mother and her words made me think a lot sooo... I thought-dumped!
When I started watching BMF I thought it'd be a funny little show that would help me relax after a hectic week. Who knew it'd make me write so much about so many things. (I also blame Tumblr.)
This got wayy too personal at the end so like, congrats if you read till here. I kudos your patience for reading my disorganized mess of thoughts. Have a cookie/cupcake/chicken fritters(they are so! good!)/other food of your choice and I hope your weekend goes reallyy well!
ALso I hope Pisaeng's mother gets her just desserts. Even if she accepts him in the end, her past behaviour is horrible. And who knows if she won't use her financial and political power to harm the queer society later? People in power always under suspicion tbh
Also I just realized we have got nothing about Pisaeng's father...
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gaywatermelonbread · 1 year
Hot take due to seeing something so funny. This is me, as a person and not what everyone else in the system says. I'm also pissed off by this
I wanna talk about shipping, so if you don't wanna hear or see about it. you can ignore this post.
you're still here? ok!
So, we all know I support oc x cannon. Idc if it's a cringy super duper powerful rainbow haired emo gurl having a tounge fight with a drunk russian guy. That's becuase, shipping is ment to be for fun. It's just a silly way to add yourself to a story of your favorite show/book/game and just vibe. Shipping cannon x cannon isn't bad either! Shipping, regardless of charaters(expect for obv horrible shit i hate), should be for fun.
Shipping is just ment to be silly and fun. Shipping isn't suppose to be used as a weapon. Characters are just fictional UNLESS STATED they were based on rl people. And I'm going to go make out with Edward Richtofen.
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I truly think it would solve so many problems with intra-community bigotry and even just community infighting as a whole, if people could learn how to unpack their own personal traumas and insecurities around their gender/sexuality/life in general without projecting it constantly and obviously onto other people instead of purely blaming the people who yknow. Actually hurt you.
Like, you see this all the time where people have understandable and legitimate issues but they see other queer people whose lives and choices remind them of the things they feel inadequate or insecure about. That's entirely normal, and human and to some degree inevitable, and not what I'm criticizing. You can't help your initial knee jerk feelings, all you can do is learn to work through them and eventually hopefully heal and learn how to manage them in the meantime.
Where it becomes a problem is when people have no self-awareness about this at all or when they take these feelings as fact every single time and make other queer people responsible for their own trauma. Like, you see it all the time with...just to name a few examples:
Bisexual women who end up in long term relationships with men being treated as like. Just Barsexual or see people expressing angst about Becoming Them. And like...I get where it's coming from, bisexuality is constantly erased so especially if you're a woman in a relationship with a man. Being with the right man who'll Fix You is something dangled over every queer woman's head, it's what society expects us all to do, so I can see why people would think "we need to prove them wrong" and also be rightly afraid of the prospect for themselves being essentially quietly repeatedly pushed out of the queer community. But...that's not the problem of random bisexuals. And repeatedly apologizing for your attraction to men and making ball and chain jokes is not gonna fix the issue. The whole problem is bi people's personal lives being forever treated as a political statement or a pledge of loyalty in an eternal stupid, regressive on multiple levels Battle of the Sexes instead of...just their personal lives, right? They're not responsible for society's bi erasure.
Flamboyant or "feminine" gay men are not the reason the guys who picked on you because they guessed you were gay despite your masculinity picked on you. They didn't invent stereotypes, they're just trying to live their lives, and there's nothing wrong with being a "stereotypical" gay man anyway. Your own internalized shame and rightful annoyance at being stereotyped is not an excuse to shit on other people for something harmless. Same with feminine queer women and butches. Like...yes, we've all been terrorized with the Mannish (and therefore Ugly) dyke stereotypes but maybe the problem is equating gender nonconformity with ugliness and violence and lack of worth??? And cishet people's willingness, again, to stereotype??? Shitting on butch women is not going to fix society, it won't go back in time and undo your own personal anguish. They are not responsible. They're just trying to express themselves the way that best fits them.
And on the even more extreme and inexcusable end:
I see the same impulse in a vocal minority of lesbian terfs (a lot of the people who clain the loudest to be Lesbian Allies...aren't lesbians lol, hi JoRo 🙃🖕🖕🖕🖕) making it out like there's an Epidemic of all these lesbians who are being Brainwashed by Self Hatred, Misogyny and Lesbophobia into wanting to be men rather than be lesbians. One of the most memorable examples being, the reaction by some to Elliot Page's second coming out.
Of course, this kind of overlooks...a million fucking things, like how just as many trans men if not more, do not in fact follow this narrative because they did not identify as lesbians before their transition and came out as gay/bisexual trans men instead...or the fact that you have to be seriously disengenous or just. Not Live on Earth to actually say that trans people of ANY stripe including transmascs, as a group somehow have it BETTER than cis people even cis women and face less discrimination...or that for every "lesbian" who later came out as a straight trans dude/nonbinary transmasc like Elliot, there are a thousand cis lesbians still out here around the world *waves* hiiii...
I honestly think the biggest issue out of all of it, because these facts don't seem to MATTER to these loud online terfy lesbians, ia that these people are fundamentally just. Making the world about them. They're projecting their ideas and experiences onto everyone else. Elliot Page isn't just a thirty-something adult with his own opinions and feelings and thoughts and life experiences separate from these people, who should be deemed the #1 expert on their own body and life and what decisions to make about it. Not to these people, to them he's an expression of...the trauma they've faced in THEIR lives living as lesbians, as women, and a tragic story about how Sexism and Homophobia Wins Again. He's a cautionary tale to them, not...a person. So Elliot Page's actual happiness and well-being, or simply their own opinions and words about their life, and their motivations...don't really matter to these women, because their own grasp of their own identities depends on other people doing what they think should be done, and staying Loyal to a label for life. And someone choosing to leave that identity behind triggers those old insecurities that they've repeatedly refused to find a better way of dealing with. Their sense of self is THAT fragile. Which is sad...but obviously doesn't excuse their alignment with a goddamn hate movement whose rhetoric has only grown more violent in the last few years.
Idk, I just think so much pain and harassment and...bullshit would be better if we could all actually learn, repeatedly, through mental habits and patience and therapy and growth etc etc...to see other people AS PEOPLE in their own right without being reflections on us.
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rosesradio · 2 years
portwell nation how are we feeling
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(thoughts on the ep in tags)
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PSA- Always quarantine your new fish, mutuals.
See the tags for a lovely late night rant because I’m stressed the fuck out 💃🏾
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musical-chick-13 · 10 months
Always very funny (read: annoying) to me how frequently people will say something like, "Oh, I love fucked-up fictional relationships, I love TOXIC ROMANCE, I need my ships to have Problems™ that would make even the most stoic adult cringe in shame" and then vehemently reject literally any fictional romantic dynamic that involves a woman being horrible.
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thedeadthree · 2 months
the high stakes tennis match in my brain between my w/itcher brainrot and the urge to have brainworms about f/allout again bc of the show and wanting to see my clowns and make new onessss but also continent clowns and writing 🥀😵‍💫
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beepbeepdespair · 2 months
being a selfshipper in the tma/tmagp fandom is weird. my partner (gerry) is suddenly alive and well (?) and my dad (jonah) might be in a computer
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scarletiswailing347 · 3 months
thought of some really cool backstory for killer!zam for the dbl au but i Cannot tell if it clashes with the canon lore or not cause i havent looked into it enough yet
#mine.txt#c zam#au dbl#f ls#basiaclly survivor!zam got banished to the void after 6 months cause he just kept on dying#and it eventually made his mind just shut down and start dissociating#which the entity didnt like cause that meant he wasnt feeling things anymore#and eventually he turned into a haunt cause i assume survivors that got voided turn into haunts eventually??? idk it doesnt really say#and the void in the blight's lore cinematic doesnt really look like the one in the event#while the one in the observer's cinematic doesnt really point to much#and during halloween or whenever it canonically takes place during a rift opening event spoke managed to release him#which made him remember everything that happened to him in the trials and yanked him out of his dissociated state#which stirred some Extremely Strong and Extremely Homicidal feelings#which made the void go hmmm maybe i still have some use for this guy after all and brought him back from the void#but since hes a haunt he needs a lot of auric cells to reconstruct#which isnt a problem for the entity but its still way more than the average killer needs#idk what the logic of the visceral cankers and pustula flowers are since i cant really find anything other than they bloom during halloween#so i headcanon they appear in areas with a larger concentration of auric cells#and normally auric cells are too spread out to spawn them#hence why they only really show up in halloween since more consciential energy is built up in the entity since emotions are running high#(i mean all kinds of emotions not just despair cause just despair would be the void)#and since zam is essentially a walking talking auric concentration hes got them blooming all over him#i also headcanon the realms run on amok time so both survivor!zam and killer!zam are just running around at the same time#theyve got an isolated timeloop thing going on where survivor!zam keeps dying and turning into killer!zam#while killer!zam keeps running on heightened emotions until the toll of killing himself over and over again gets to him and he gets voided#at least until mapicc has had enough and decides to teach zam to be better at surviving#as opposed to leo and clowns method where they just kinda try (and fail) to shield him#so survivor!zam is more visibly traumatized now but can at least hold off his own#killer!zam meanwhile doesnt get fatigued from killing himself over and over again and doesnt get voided#the entity allows this cause it inflicts significant emotions in the survivors lol
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