#also animated his hand holding pucci's
flanpucci · 1 year
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| Dio's eyes (closeups from the Stone Ocean anime)
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isbus · 3 years
The House Of Villains Chapter 1
Tags: (insert the prologue tags), slice of life, Walmart, card games, Kars doesn’t know things, not so subtle foreshadowing, references to later chapters, card games, board games,
Chapter 1: Game Night
They were all doing their thing- Diavolo and Doppio chatted together, Dio sat on the couch watching an animal documentary with Kars, Santana was still in the attic, Esidisi and Wamuu talked at the table, and Pucci dusted. They didn't do much else until Kira opened the door when coming home from work. 
Dio turned off the TV, bringing Kars back to reality. Everyone turned to Kira when they heard the television shut off. "Kars, could you get Santana?" Dio asked politely. Kars immediately went up to the attic. 
"Put me down!" Santana shouted. Kars went down the stairs, holding Santana on his shoulder. Kars put the younger of the four pillar men on the couch, then sat on his bean bag. 
"Now that Kira is home, I have an idea to share." Dio began. Kira had an idea about what Dio was going to say. It was going to be something outrageous. "We are not normal, and if we continue our ways, our neighbors are going to see it. What we need to do is act normal, and what better way than a family tradition? We are going to try something called 'Family Game Night'." 
Silence... Was it from awe? Or disgust? Or even- 
"Okay. It's simple, all you have to do is play board games." Kira stepped towards the stairs before being stopped by Pucci's question. 
"Do we even have board games? The closest thing we have to a game is tarot cards but we don't have a full deck." Enrico asked simply. 
Kira didn't think about that. He wasn't the type to play games, he was the type to do work, so he sold his board games. "Well, we can always get some. It's not like we're too poor for it. Let's go to the store. Besides, I have things to pick up for me and my girlfriend." 
"Ooh, I didn't know you had a girlfriend!" Dio exclaimed. 
"Congratulations, you finally got one!" Doppio smiled from ear to ear. 
"Don't tell me it's the cat." Wamuu closed his eyes disapprovingly. 
Kira scoffed. "You all are so rude." Yoshikage began to put his work stuff back in his room then stopped. "She's human by the way." 
- Time Skip brought to you By: Disrespecting Businessmen -
Getting dressed like normal people, which they obviously were not, and a few getting their parasols, led them out the door. Kira began to lead before Dio rushed to the front. "Let me." He smiled. As the leader of this group, Dio just HAD to lead. Dio started to walk in front of the Joestar house before he stopped. 
"Why'd you stop?" Kira spoken quietly, partially glaring at the captain. 
Dio smirked sweetly, as if he was in front of a lover of his. He appeared bold to the others, but to the cat lover, he looked like his title was "Super Stupid". "Where's the store?" The blonde vampire fluttered his eyelashes, holding the parasol between his jaw and shoulder while his hands held his knees as he crouched to be at eye level.
Kira sighed. "Just follow me." They continued, this time with Kira in the lead and Dio right behind. The villainous cast spoke to each other as they walked behind Kira. Dio started to strike up a conversation with Pucci, but Pucci immediately dismissed him. 
They looked around at their neighborhood, several houses and people were around the area. The homes on one side of the street had a bunch of friendly people- like that kid in a baseball player outfit around house number 1506, or the teen with a mostly shaved head and pompadour with the older blonde boy that has the braid. 
All that friendliness was enough to make some of the villains question this neighborhood. With those happy faces, it was hard to be in a bad mood. It's like the happiness was rubbing off on them while rubbing them the wrong way. Dio thought about it then shrugged. Kars was glancing around for squirrels that he saw on TV. Kira stayed serious, and continued leading. Doppio and Diavolo spoke back and forth with each other. Pucci strutted as if he wasn't a sucker for God. 
It was taking five-ever. Everyone, excluding Kira, wished it was right around the corner. Past the "For Sale!" homes, and past the other blocks, it took at least three minutes. Well, it would've taken three minutes but Kars found a squirrel and a hawk started following Dio. The hawk presumably got the chain holding it broke and flew away, looking for a new owner since it had a collar and purple scarf. What a fancy bird. 
But the bird may or may not be important. The hawk followed them all the way to the store, then waited by the door. The villain group stepped inside, Kars and the two older pillar men struggled a bit (especially Kars) Santana fit through perfectly though. 
The part of the group that was foreign to this place (that is totally not Wal-Mart) looked around in awe. They put away their parasols and held them by their sides. "Hi welcome to Wal-Mart!" A lady at the front said with a smile. 
As if the woman smashed a bottle and yelled "scatter!", they began walking around. Dio read the sign that said "woman's" and just HAD to see the panty section. Pucci joined him, hoping he wasn't doing what he thought he was doing. Diavolo and Doppio went to the technology section. Kars and Wamuu gone to the pet area. Esidisi and Santana went to the toy section. Leaving Kira alone. Yoshikage looked behind him and saw nobody. 
"This is just great. Everyone left faster than me saying 'Bite the Dust'." Kira spoke to himself. "Come on darling. Let's find them." He looked in his jacket pocket to speak to his girlfriend. 
- Time Skip Brought to you By: Bite Za Dusto
Since Kira was going to the game area and it was right next to the toy section, Kira grabbed a few games and put it in the cart that he grabbed off screen. He heard the angsty teen's voice. "I don't want dolls, I want- wait that one is actually kinda cute... Can I have him?" Santana nearly shouted at first but his voice died down after he found the most handsome doll. 
Kira gone to the doll isle and saw the two- Esidisi was explaining how Kira would get it for him as Santana held a doll with blonde hair and blue eyes. The blonde cat lover coughed. "Come on you two, let's find the others." Santana slightly pouted like he REALLY wanted the doll. "Put it in the cart." The redhead thanked Yoshikage and put the doll in there.
The three gone past the technology section but paused when seeing the pink haired boys looking at phones. They seemed to be agreeing on something, when Kira got closer, the men saw a figure of a manga character in Doppio's hands. 
"I could always get it for you. But I forgot my wallet." Diavolo explained before Doppio started looking glum. 
"How much is it?" Yoshikage's serious voice cut through to their ears. Doppio's face lit up from the darkness of the other's words. 
Doppio checked the price on the bottom and read it aloud. "Twenty dollars." Kira nodded to the cart, signaling him to put the figure in the cart. The pink haired boy done as he was "told", and set the manga character in the cart. 
"Now, where are those last few?" Kira asked himself. Suddenly, he remembered Kars' love for animals. To the pet section! 
The pink haired boys joined the party! 
They all moved forward to the pet section. Moving in different walks, past the fabric and sewing area, to that isle with supplies for small animals, reptiles, and fish. To their avail, they saw the long purple hair and short blonde hair of Kars and Wamuu. The isle also had Jolyne and Jotaro, looking at fish. 
Wamuu and Kars looked at the group, holding a play pen for small animals. "Put it in." Kira sighed. They done just that. "Now, where's the last two?" 
"No! I refuse to wear female underwear!" The group heard none other than Pucci, shouting about panties. "I am clearly a man!" 
"Why is a man shouting about underwear, dad?" Jolyne tried to contain her laughter. 
Jotaro smirked. "Good grief." 
Oh no. The villains thought and rushed to the feminine area. Once they got there, Esidisi covered Santana's eyes so that he couldn't see the- um- interesting area. But everyone else there could see, clear as day, Dio grinning while holding a thong and bra and Enrico blushing with wide eyes. 
"It would look great on you..." Dio spoke in a sing-song voice. 
"No it would not! Besides, that kind of underwear is so sinful!" 
"Would you prefer cheeky?" Pucci's blush darkened at the words that spilled from the blonde's mouth. 
Kira groaned. "Shut it. If he doesn't want it, leave it be. We have to buy this stuff, so let's go to check out." 
"Alright~" Dio sang. Enrico moved towards the check out. "Let's get it anyway." He whispered. 
"Fine but if I wake up to screams of terror, I'm throwing you out." Yoshikage threatened. Dio shrugged and followed Enrico after putting the underwear in the cart. Esidisi removed his hand from over Santana's eyes, and walked with the group. 
- Time Skip brought to you By: I can see your panties... (SICK JOJO REFERENCE) -
As the cashier scanned items, Kira couldn't keep his eyes off of her hands. The lady tried handing the bags to him, but he was too focused on her lovely, dainty hands. "Sir?" She asked, snapping him back to the real world. "Your bags." 
"Oh, thanks." He felt awkward but took the bags and paid up. "Have a nice day, Adrian." He took back his card then speed-walked to the door. 
"Ugh, Kira wait up!" Dio nearly stood for to long until realizing Kira was nearly out the door. The cashier giggled and smiled. 
Kars and the other pillar men followed. Enrico was close behind. "Thank you so much!" Doppio blushed. 
"Here's our number." Diavolo held out a piece of paper with numbers written on it for the lady to take. Before she could take it, Doppio snatched it away, then ran away. "Doppio, don't try to leave me!" He shouted and ran to the exit. 
The cashier sighed. "Cute, aren't they?" A Burger King worker spoke to the cashier. 
"Yeah, Aimi. They sure are." She responded. 
"Miss? Do you know where this address is? I'm not from around here." 
- Time skip Brought to you by: An Unnamed Man asking a cashier for directions! -
Once they got home, they immediately looked at the games Yoshikage got. Monopoly, Uno, The Game Of Life, etc. But one definitely caught their eyes. A game called Villainous. But (to avoid copyright) they played Uno. 
"Ok. We are not allowed to use our stands to cheat. That's the only rule I have." Kira set up the game by handing out seven cards to those who were playing. Santana played video games in the attic, Esidisi watched Santana play those games, Wamuu and Doppio cheered on their leaders, as the other five played Uno. "And to make sure we aren't cheating, they will be watching us play." 
Dio already knew what he would do. "The World!" The World came out of the card and stopped time. "Will you help me? All you have to do is stop time when I give you a signal." 
The World stared, then shook his head. "I refuse." 
"What?! No! I have to win!" The World resumes time after Dio exclaims. 
Kira put the collar on the pink housecat and Killer Queen appears. "Let's win this Kira!" 
Diavolo rubbed the gem and King Crimson stands behind him. "We got this." Diavolo and King Crimson both say in unison. 
Pucci puts the disc in the portable DVD player and crawling out of the screen was Whitesnake. Once he gets out, he sighs. "It sure was cramped in there..." 
Everyone looked at the cards that were handed out and the game was decided. A green nine. Dio was first, and he played a green seven. "Easy as that." He said cockily. 
"So, we have to match colors?" Kars asked. 
"You can match colors, or numbers. If you don't have a cards that match the number or color, then you draw from the deck until you get something to play or until you reach four cards." Kira explained.
Kars nodded. "What does this card do?" He pulled out a plus four. Kira's eyes widened, knowing he was next. 
Dio burst out laughing. "If you play that card then the next person gets four cards and you change the color." He tried to stop the laughter by talking but he nearly coughed when doing so. "So, what are you going to do?" 
Kars hummed in thought, then he took a card. Before placing it down, or even where the others could see, he looked at Wamuu. "Of course, sir." Dio felt he knew what card he was going to place, so he smirked and crossed his arms. He would have the upper hand against the ever-so-lucky Yoshikage Kira. 
Kars soon placed the card after Wamuu gave the signal of approval. Or what I, the Narrator, like to call "The F*ck Yes Do it!" signal. Only be- oh sh*t. 
Dio, I'm sorry, but your prediction was incorrect. 
A blue seven. 
Dio looked at the card Kars placed, then at Kars, then back at the card, Kars, card- this could go on. 
But before you continue... 
Try saying "Kars Card" ten times fast. 
Ready? Cool. 
Dio saw what was going on. Kars was trying to get the turns reversed so he could play the plus four on Dio. But Kars didn't understand much about human culture, right? He only really understood animals. Dio thought to himself about how HE'S the ultimate being and how Kars shouldn't be called that. 
When he smirked, Kira knew what was going through the vampire's mind. I don't need to repeat. 
Kira's turn was a simple blue three. Killer Queen pouted. I know. I could've done worse. Kira thought to him and the Queen. 
"Oh! That one!" The younger pink haired boy pointed at a card and the older of the two placed it. The game continued and rage ensued until a winner was decided. The winner was Kira. Who wouldn't have guessed that the ever-so-lucky Yoshikage Kira would win? 
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"I loved your father as I love God. Perhaps this is sacrilegious for me to say, but I might have loved him even more than that... I like people who help me grow, and he did that. He helped me grow in ways I couldn't have imagined. I'm also a Stand User." The priest mused, looking over at the blonde mafioso with interest. "You remind me of him... Your hair, your skin, the look in your eyes... You aren't the only one he sired. You have siblings, a family you didn't know about. The Joestars won't help, Giorno. They probably don't trust you, because Dio created you. They'll categorize you as "evil", without so much as looking at you. The only thing left for us is to achieve 'heaven', a subject Dio and I discussed at length... It's what separates humanity from animals, the desire to go there." Pucci mused, holding out a photo of Dio for him to look at. "I would like you to help me guide humanity to heaven, for that is true happiness. You came here, to me due to "fate". It's an inescapable force, something only the destined may alter. If one knows their fate, one can be happy. Help me, and I'll answer everything you want to know about him." (A slight alteration to Stone Ocean where Giorno was also drawn to Enrico Pucci like the rest of Dio's children by fate. Whether or not he joins Pucci or Jolyne is up to you, but I'd thought I'd test him out again.)
Giorno wanted to know why he felt this compelling need to come to a country he never even stepped foot in before. It was strange, as if out of nowhere this magnetic force was pulling him towards Florida. Sure, he planned to someday expand Passione to America, since his Europe expansion was going rather well, but so suddenly felt odd to him.
"Grazie, father." He'd much rather look like Dio, than anything like his mother. While he knew vaguely of the Joestar family, from Koichi who he spoke to a few times after he became don of Passione, he had no idea he had siblings. In all honesty, Giorno thought he was Dio's only son.
That's why teal eyes widen in shock, unsure of how to take this news. "I am honored by your kindness so far, and your honesty, I'd like to decline an offer like that. I find the concept ridiculous, attaining 'heaven' is an impossible standard and I want no attempts at attaining what I can't reasonably grasp." Shaking his head, hand against his hip. "If you ask me, I do not believe the concept exists."
Being raised in hell as a child, safe to say that Giorno wasn't religious despite the culture he was surrounded by in Italy. "As much as I desire to know the man my father truly was, to see if there was a man behind the monster, your plans interfere with the dream I worked hard to achieve."
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arr-jim-lad · 4 years
Can you go into how you think Dios insane and how his mind works. I have trouble putting my thoughts into words but reading other people's opinions helps and not a lot of people talk about dios insanity even tho i find it very interesting
Sure thing!!! You know I love to talk about DIO lmao(NOTE: This will include spoilers for Stone Ocean later on)
In part 1, human Dio’s goal appears to be proving a point to his dead father as well as himself. He always wants more, to achieve more, to prove he’s capable of more. He does that by pursuing superiority in many fields; he proves academic excellence by finishing law school at the top of his class, he proves he’s a talented sportsman by being one of his school’s star rugby players, and he actively, since the moment he joined the Joestar family, wants to prove that he’s superior to Jonathan and therefore a better heir and a better son.
It’s also important to mention the flaws he sees in himself here; his anger. I went into this before here but to summarize it; Dio has an anger problem and he not only knows it - it’s his most despised thing about himself. 
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That’s all simple stuff at the start, as it’s just trying to prove he’s better than others, and that’s easy to understand.
Then he becomes a vampire and a power trip REALLY hits him. Now he doesn’t have to pretend that he’s a gentleman anymore because literally no one can do shit to him. That law he studied? Fuck that, he can break it now all he wants, because it doesn’t apply to him anymore. The law is written for mere humans, and he’s not one of them anymore. He can do whatever he wants and he will do that - as flamboyantly and dramatically as possible. The Joestar fortune he was after in his earlier days? Fuck that too, he’s an immortal vampire with superpowers now, he can just take whatever money he wants.
Now Dio is free to be himself in every sense, and he stops pursuing power in a sneaky, deceitful way, but just. Straight up terrorizing anyone who steps in his path. Now EVERYONE gets to know about his wish for power, not just Jonathan.
And what’s even better - NO ONE is a problem anymore. NO ONE can hurt him. You know what this means for Dio? That he doesn’t have to get angry and frustrated anymore, because no one is able to push him that far.
….Except for Jonathan Joestar, who just won’t leave him alone
Jonathan keeps coming back and it low key pisses Dio off, but on the other hand, he also has major respect for him because of that. In his life of power and bliss, Jonathan manages to be the ONLY thing to disturb him
So Phantom Blood ending happens, Dio is bodyless, and in a mixture of necessity and respect, he takes Jonathan’s body. I notice people often seem to think that he took his body because he wanted it from the get go or something, but that’s not accurate. Initially it was for revenge, because Jonathan was the one who caused him to have to behead himself, and in SDC DIO even clearly says he NEEDED to take that body in order to survive - it was originally revenge and survivalism, but seeing Jonathan’s final actions also added immense respect to that. That body means a lot of different things to DIO.
Anyway now we get to the good part.So Dio is underwater all alone with a corpse for about 100 years. I went into more into this once before but to TL;DR that post; that kind of situation Does Bad Shit To You.
By the time DIO arose from that coffin, the insanity REALLY took hold of him. Because, in that coffin, he got to THINK. He got to do a LOT of thinking. All alone. He got to think about what matters to him.
And once he did all that thinking, he found his goal.It was not riches or power, but lack of anger: Inner peace.
Throughout SDC and Stone Ocean, that’s his ultimate goal.Now, how he goes about to obtain that is… hm.
In Stone Ocean, we are introduced to DIO’s diary, in which he essentially wrote down a highly complex, highly convoluted ritual of obtaining peace of mind, or as he likes to call it like the dramatic bitch that he is: Heaven.
I’ve seen people say that he apparently doesn’t show any philosophical interest in that kinda thing in SDC to which I say, do you even pay attention?
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Think about DIO throughout SDC - what do we actually see him do before the final battle? He’s reading, he’s studying, he’s relaxing, he DOESN’T WANT TO BE BOTHERED.
He isn’t even the one sending out his assassins at first - the Tarot enemies are all Enya’s employees, she dragged those homicidal maniacs together. It’s only after all of them are defeated that DIO sends out HIS followers, the Glory Gods.
DIO wants his minions to take care of this because it’s low key stressing him out and he Doesn’t Need This Shit Right Now. He’s SO CLOSE to doing his ritual, Pucci is waiting for himin America, they have PLANS, and now these Joestar bastards are in Egypt?? What the fuck??? Can they like, not??? Is there any respect left for the ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs you hang on the door handles??
Basically, SDC catches DIO at a really bad time because he’s just in the middle of something big and it all just comes in to crash his plans, but there’s a lot about him that can be discerned from the final battle, and that is one of my favourite aspects of him, which is also very closely tied to his idea of Heaven; KNOWLEDGE.
DIO was really REALLY confident at the start of the battle, because he was convinced he had more knowledge about the Joestar group than they did about him, and knowledge was supposed to be his greatest weapon.
You can tell how paranoid and stressed out he becomes once Jotaro breaks that idea of him Knowing More and starts moving in stopped time. One of my favourite scenes in the final battle has got to be the ‘Is Jotaro Really Dead?’ scene, in which DIO acts like a paranoid wild animal, he acts like a cat who has his sights on something, but is not 100% sure if it’s safe to come close.
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This paranoia is a HUGE factor of why he wants Heaven, aka Peace of Mind, and he is fully aware that he has this issue.
Another one of my favourite moments happens to revolve around his paranoia, that being the moment in Stone Ocean which shows us that it’s preventing him from fully trusting even those who are the most devoted to him, such as Pucci;
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What we’re looking at here is DIO speaking to someone who is essentially the closest thing he EVER had to a friend, someone he admits he feels truly relaxed with, and yet even with this man he’s unable to shake off the paranoia he feels.
DIO really doesn’t know true inner peace, even in a situation that he himself described as being one that’s making him feel at ease.
Now we finally get into some bigger Stone Ocean spoilers regarding the stand of the main enemy of that part, Pucci - the same stand that DIO tried to obtain.
Here’s basically what the ritual-obtained stand, Made in Heaven, does;
It speeds up the time of entire universe to bring it back to a point where it started the spin, with everyone still alive just as they were (except the people who the stand user kills), but this time everyone has a vague idea/knowledge of what will happen next, because everyone essentially witnessed the future.
Now, assuming that DIO’s Made in Heaven would do the same thing as Pucci’s did, here’s what this tells us about DIO:
He is SO PARANOID that the thing that gives him the most anxiety and unrest, the thing he wants to get rid of, is the same that all of us take for granted:Not knowing what will happen next.
DIO wants to obtain peace of mind by getting rid of that ‘problem’ of an unknown future and making EVERYONE know what’s inevitably coming next, but he’d be the only one who would be able to change it. That’s his ideal world.
DIO’s insanity was born from his wish to achieve peace of mind.He wants to get rid of his anger and paranoia, but his idea of the solution to those feelings is absolutely demented and unfathomably convoluted.
Basically… it’s something that only be thought up by a megalomaniac vampire who was left deep underwater for 100 years in a claustrophobic coffin with only the corpse of the only man he ever respected to keep him company.
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abri-chan · 5 years
Hello! Would you mind doing Giorno and Dio for the headcanon thing?
Giorno Giovanna
1. sexuality
Thot. I think he’s a lot like Dio in this respect; possibly pan and would do anything to get what he wants. Araki also emphasized the carnal pleasure aspect of Dio, and we see that in Giorno as well; even though it’s not fully bloomed yet: the way he holds his stand or Mista, the choice of outfit, etc.
2. otp
I see Giorno as a thot, so all Giorno ships have validity to me, but some favorites are:
Giorno x Sheila; she sees Giorno as God, Giorno sees her like a diamond in the mud that he must polish and polish by testing. Bonus if you have Fugo being in love with Sheila, while she has eyes only for Giorno.
Giorno x Diavolo; Imagine an AU where Giorno either starts off or builds his way up to become the right hand of Diavolo, and then backstabs him, because Giorno thinks Diavolo is not efficiently running the mafia. And if you want to take it pretty dark, imagine a punishment where Diavolo is used and abused over and over by Giorno, and the process resets thanks to GER.
Giorno x Bruno: I think there’s enough evidence to see Bruno as Giorno’s first love; possibly the only soft spot left in Giorno after he emerges ruthless as Don Giovanna. Long explanation here.
Giorno x Jotaro: smooth italian that won’t give up chasing x disillusioned scientist whose life is a mess.
Giorno x Dio: Oedipus & Orestes complex all in one.
Giorno x Pucci: I think it would have been interesting to see how Pucci would react to someone that is a lot like Dio, but not quite Dio.
Jolyne x Giorno: the only ship where bottom Giorno is acceptable.
3. brotp
Giorno & Jolyne & Josuke. Stone Ocean would have been interesting with all 3 JoJos fighting together.
5. First headcanon that pops into my head
When his emotional state becomes overwhelming, Golden Experience probably starts acting subconsciously. Imagine plants growing, insects humming, and animals running around the place, and the environment changes depending if positive or negative emotions. Maybe love or happiness would results in something garden like, while anger in something like a jungle.
6. how do I identify with this character?
Childhood trauma and high IQ, but I’m not as calm as Giorno.
7. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
In the few interactions he had with Sheila, he was unusually rude. I don’t know if it was because of her being a foreigner to the gang, or he has some prejudices against girls.
8. cinnamon roll or problematic fave
I think a large part of the fandom sees Giorno as a cinnamon roll, but to me he’s problematic fave.
Dio Brando
1. sexuality
Original Thot TM. Araki has confirmed Dio is pretty much pansexual. And the fact that he is vampire add to that, because there are interpretations of vampires being about promiscuity.
2. otp
Giorno x Dio (see above)
Dio x Erina: I think Erina and Jonathan were in a way Dio’s first crushes, and he never quite got over Erina rejecting him. He saw some hints of his mother in Erina, in terms of someone that could possibly love him unconditionally and as a woman he could respect. But Erina rejected him, thus refusing to save him, and Dio never quite forgave her.
Dio x Jotaro: Horny interpretation of man killing God. I think there’s some potential in this ship, because Jotaro was the one to end the source of the JoJo curse. At the same time he did kill an ascended human, so there’s some metaphorical about it.
3. brotp
It’s hard for me to think of a brotp with Dio, because I feel he wants to dominate; he’s the King, the rest are pawns.
4. notp
5. First headcanon that pops into my mind
His illusions of grandeur were caused by his mother’s hysterical fits. She probably experienced mental breakdowns a lot, due to an abusive husband and women being treated like shit overall at the time. She may be pushed weird ideas on Dio during those times.
6. ways I relate to the character
Dio is a transhuman. I would also reject my humanity.
7.  thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
For being vulnerable to the sun, why go to Florida or Egypt, and have battles there?
8. cinnamon roll or problematic fave
cinnamon roll (Dio did nothing wrong, I would also reject my humanity!)
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sparklyjojos · 7 years
Do you think JJN makes a dichotomie between religion/faith and science/logic? With Dio+Pucci on one side and Kars+Jorge on the other?
(oh wow, that’s a deep question I didn’t expect to get, thank you anon)
I wouldn’t say it’s a clear-cut divide.
On one hand, you could look at the novel and say that there’s a dichotomy, that the narration glorifies logic and isn’t favorable to religion/faith, especially organized religion (I mean… Dio Jesus… the mothman-related mass suicides and other events with people blindly following what they believed in felt like a biting commentary too).
But on the other hand, I really don’t think there’s a dichotomy or conflict between faith and logic in this book, as much as they seem to carefully interact and support each other. The conflict is more about how humanity’s drive to find out How Stuff Works or Why Does X Happen, which propels both science/logic and religion/faith, is not bad by itself, but can lead to very, very bad things, especially if the correct premises lead to wrong conclusions. As in, believe what you want, but even then please don’t forget to fact check. And maybe don’t restart the universe because some vampire dude dressed up like Jesus.
(read more for super long thoughts on faith vs logic, a whole lot of tangents – like, half the post’s a tangent – and me rambling about this book’s concepts of Faith and Meaning and Stories and pretty much trying to explain What I Think This Book Is All About. Also Terry Pratchett’s there for some reason.)
JJN is built around the concept of the Beyonds, which are pretty much personal gods shifting the universe’s narrative to theirprotégé’s favor. They do exist, and the one character who’s unflinching in his faith in them from the start and taken for delusional by other characters, Tsukumojuku, is the one who’s ultimately right. English Jorge survives specifically because he listens to him and starts believing in his Beyond. But also Tonpetti’s prophecies hold true, Kars confirms the existence of souls, and almost everyone and their uncle in the English Jorge part are presumably Christian, though they may not be particularly practicing. When Pucci uses the Bible to interpret the phrase ”fig tart” to mean Kars, this interpretation is true.
So, point number one: faith is not something that’s bad or wrong by itself, or something that only the antagonists have.
Science and logic is found on both sides, too. Pucci is an astronaut, after all. For the chapter or so when Funnier Valentine’s around, he’s the logical, calculating villain with a spaceship and a gun, who ultimately gets defeated by some emotional teenager who struggles with basic algebra but is burning with spirit.
Kars is a bit complicated, because while he sure is a lot more on the logic/science side of the equation, he also appreciates the human tendency to make up stories, and their not-very-logical drive to care about one another. He’s actually super quick to start believing in the Beyond, too, pretty much as soon as he sees Jorge’s memories. But then again he also often chastises other characters for believing in things, so… I guess he’s just being the usual mess of a person that he is. I’ll come back to him later in the post.
(a tangent, but now that I think about it… one of the things I love about canon Kars is that he’s put firmly on the “nature” side in the nature vs science conflict (most obvious when he fights cyborg Stroheim), though he’s sort of a scientist on his own. The striking thing about JJN Kars for me was that not counting that one paragraph where he has wings, he *never* transforms using animal parts. It’s all very machine-like. I wonder how it relates to him being away from Earth life for so long, and his character development.)
Now, the thing about Japanese Jorge is that he connects both of these things: logic and faith.
He’s a detective, someone who thinks deeply and analitically about the world, connects facts, always searches for the logical solution to a problem, and is “doubtful by occupation”. Even his favorite genres seem to be mystery and SF. He doesn’t seem to be a follower of any religion. [EDIT 26/12/17: I may have fucked up here – now I remember Jorge yelling “Namu-Amida-Butsu!” near the end of the book, which may suggest him being some sort of Buddhist.]
But he’s also the one to believe that everything has meaning, that everything happens for a reason, and that various events are the universe’s signs for him (well, they are, but he doesn’t know that Beyonds are a thing at that point). He argues with Rohan that mere synchronicity is not a thing, that the random connections are never random. He’s the one to say that Light Dancer Kars’s “fake, meaningless” existence does in fact have meaning when our Kars is baffled as to why. This situation repeats with parallel Kosaku – when Jorge is happy that Kosaku could protect his family, Kars asks “Why are you so hang up on a fake man from a parallel world?”.
Maybe there is a sort of a logic/faith conflict between the teams of Kars&Jorge and Dio&Pucci (though in the end it seems to be more like “logic+belief” against “ignorant belief”)… but there is also a bit of a complicated logic/faith conflict between Kars and Jorge themselves, at least when it comes to the Meaning of Things.
Possibly because of Jorge’s deep belief in that meaning, and because as a happily adopted child he understands that being “not fully the real thing” doesn’t actually matter, he seems to be pretty much immune to existential angst from the very start. Especially when compared to the walking talking Existential Karsis by his side. What’s Jorge’s answer to Tsukumojuku asking: what if you’re the fake one, a copy, a substitute, not the true detective, not the true Jorge Joestar?
Fine, I’ll be the fake, whatever. Your friend, this other Jorge Joestar, he can be the real one, it’s cool. Ha ha ha. It won’t change who I am. Why should I care?
Have I mentioned that I love Jorge yet? I love Jorge.
The book goes strong with the idea that Everything Has Meaning – in part because we give it meaning, because it’s a human thing to do. We like to, perhaps need to think we have an important role to play, that we’re a main character in our own story, that everything happens for a reason, and maybe even that there is something up there looking out for us. If we were to rely just on cold dead logic, what appeal is there to life? There has to be a deeper meaning. Whatever it is for us personally, it’s important. Faith is important, sometimes even in completely improbable things. As Penelope said:
Really crazy things happen in this world. And if something this crazy can happen, miracles, dreams, hopeless desires… all of those things might come true, too.
Still, searching for this meaning, for the connections between events, may turn destructive, especially when connected to strong emotions like fear. When the people on La Palma fear that the dreadful night from years before may happen again and thus “create” the Mothman, when Pucci clings to the belief that the metal plate that killed his family had fallen from space – even if it wouldn’t be physically possible – because it fits the narration in his head, when English Jorge and Lisa Lisa create a monster simply by expecting a monster to exist, they fall victim to the human tendency to make up stories, string the events of our lives into a narration, and expect new events to follow that narration.
And yet, for all their “side effects” – for all the confirmation bias, and maladaptive defense mechanisms of some Wounds, and being prone to manipulation – we need to have stories, and to see our own meaning in them.
As English Jorge learns, to believe in Beyond means to believe that you are the main character of your own story. And that means you aren’t helpless, you don’t have to lie down and wait for others to save you. You can break out of the locked room made by your own fear. You can act, and your actions matter.
Having meaning is so important to us, that if what you thought was your meaning is taken away from you, it’s deeply terrifying. Even Tsukumojuku is unsettled when his Beyond leaves him. But he’s perfectly fine when he understands hiss role in the Beyond’s plan, even if it’s a grim one.
As for characters who couldn’t deal with loss of their meaning that well, we have two different alternate Karses who’d been told they and their worlds are fake. One of them (the single braid one) turns his shock and fear to wrath and rampages through the world, thirsty for blood of Funny Valentine, yelling “So you’re the one who created this world? I did not give you permission, and I will not allow it!”, a roundabout way of expressing “if I don’t matter, I’d rather not exist at all”.
The other is the Light Dancer Kars. After discovering he’s not “real” and doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, he intends to commit suicide. But just seconds before it, he stops, and instead dances. He makes a mandala out of light, and tells our Kars and Jorge that he understands why he’s been clinging to life for so long, and that he can see our Kars is not special and feels the same sadness that he does (which begs the unsettling question: could this mean that our Kars, and the entire loop of universes from the novel, are all fake as well, though maybe a little closer to the “true” universe than the Light Dancer’s world is? Probably not… though it’d explain the disrepancies between the book and canon, and would actually be a fitting plot twist). At the end, the Light Dancer tells our Kars to rejoice in his suffering, or even: to rejoice because he may suffer.
Our Kars is lost in thought after that. Something unsaid has happened between the two, some sort of quiet understanding. You could argue how it influenced our Kars, and Jorge for that matter. Even if our Kars is doomed to forget the Light Dancer minutes later via Bites the Dust… there still was a point to the Light Dancer. Maybe because Jorge remembered him. Or maybe solely because he existed. He had meaning, even if logically he shouldn’t have mattered.
And the mandala that the Light Dancer makes, his overall attitude, and the possible reference to the First Noble Truth? That’s some heavy Buddhism influences. And thus we wrap around to the “Kars is on the logic/science side and not at all on the religion/faith side”, and say, well… maybe not that one particular Kars.  [EDIT 26/12/17: also, all Stands of Our Kars have three heads and six arms, and Jorge notes they look like Ashura statues]
But our Kars is not all that very logical himself. Just like in canon he’s still a massive hypocrite. For all his talk about how utterly stupid and deadly exposing himself to outside forces during atmospheric entry would be, he sure has no problem doing exactly this and almost dying mere kilometres away from Earth, just to save three humans he’d known for all of four hours, seemingly without any reason other than “just because he could”.
After all, this is the kind of a guy who’d launch himself into a rock wall and bounce off it several times like a pinball just so a bunch of tiny, short-lived, meaningless flowers may live just a little bit more. And then he’d go play the cold calculating chessmaster who doesn’t care about anyone or anything.
And that’s why we love him.
If I had to sum it up, I’d point to what Funny Valentine says after revealing Jorge is a Singularity.
Feel free to doubt as you like. You thought a while before answering, right? Do as you always do, and don’t let those wheels stop spinning. I don’t want you to have faith in me. I want you to have faith in yourself. I want you to believe that there is no one who can take your place.
Think critically, but still have faith. Have faith, but still think critically.
And that is it, pretty much.
(and now for something completely different)
I joked before about how Pratchett-like this book gets at times just because of narrativium and weird names (“Darlington Motorize” is only a step away from “Adora Belle Dearheart”, and don’t let me get started on “The Funniest Valentine was the first person in history to be named The”). But it also really did feel like I was reading something that came from the same place as Hogfather, with similar commentary on the nature on humans as story-telling animals and their burning need for both logic and faith, and giving meaning to things around them.
(And supernatural beings gaining life solely because you believe in them. And physics-breaking powers working simply because they seem like something that would work in a story. And a protagonist facing the villain armed with just a fire poker and the sheer power of belief. And–)
I’m mentioning this because I thought about some cool Hogfather quotes to end this post with, to show what I think may also be a theme in JJN.
Also just because I can and if you haven’t read the Discworld novels, then what are you doing with your life.
“Now… tell me…”
“Yes! The sun would have risen just the same, yes?”
“Oh, come on. You can’t expect me to believe that. It’s an astronomical fact.”
“Really? Then what would have happened, pray?”
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The British invasion (the Beatles)
By Nathan, Lucy, Harry, Jacob Conor and Breaaaaa What was the British invasion? A musical movement of the mid-1960s composed of British rock-and-roll groups whose popularity spread rapidly to the United States. An overview of the Beatles and the origins of the British Invasion. How did this happen? In the 1950’s the transatlantic merchant seamen brought blues and rock and roll records back from America to Liverpool. The teens such as Paul McCartney and john Lennon (2 members of the Beatles), became obsessed with blues and rock and lived listening to this music. Since all of the rock/blues artists over in America had left to either join the army or engage in other activities such as Elvis, Buddy Holiday and Chuck berry. The American citizens didn’t have much to listen to. However over in Liverpool, musicians were evolving and taking over Britain. The kinks     dusty springfeild   the rolling tones    logo   the hollies   the yard birds    the animals
Social and political impact of the British invasion starring the Beatles: The British invasion kicked off in the mid-1960s. when the president John F (1963). He was assassinated John F. causing the Americans youths to rebel against authorities.  The British Invasion took their minds off the tragedy and had young teens focus on something more cheerful. The Beatles upbeat and catchy songs helped heal American citizens and soon they were a big hit over there. The message that the Beatles gave in their music affected people's thoughts, becoming more influential than “political control”. It opened millions of minds to ideas of peace and freedom and equality.  They were the most influential band at the time. The Beatles were also close to some members of the royal family.  The Beatles, influenced their fans to “think, act, and even dress differently”. John Lennon (a member from the Beatles), made a famous remark telling people in their seats to “clap while the rich rattle their jewellery” showing that “non-wealthy”, people sacrificed a lot just to see the Beatles perform. It was said in newspaper articles that “many people couldn't hear the Beatles because of all the screaming at their concerts”.  At times, fans got so crazy that police were called. The fans were also very protective of their idols, sending hate mail to Edward Heath, a minister who announced that "he didn't believe that the Beatles spoke the Queen's English".  Many of the successful bands from the British invasion still have large fan bases today. You can see shirts being sold with the Rolling Stones’ logo. There is still merchandise from the Beatles and other groups.
Economics perspective The Beatles music hit the top of the U.S and U.K charts many times. By the end of 1964 the Beatles had sold $50 million records in the U.S and over 30 million records worldwide. In September of 1962 "Love Me Do" became their first number one hit on the U.S singles chart. At one point, the Beatles had the top 5 positions on the national singles chart. Their perfect blend of many styles and sounds created their own mix of music appealing to anyone, bringing them many fans, which combines to a huge number of sales. The Rolling Stones have sold over 200 million albums all over the world. In 1966, the Stones became number two artist in the U.S. and have made huge record deals with recording companies and made a film. The Rolling Stones have had the highest grossing tour during 2005-2007. $559 million was earned from their “A Bigger Band” tour. Fashion in the British invasion 1960s Fashion prior to the British invasion in 1964 was a continuation of the late 1950s. But with the Beatles came a new and very different fashion called “swinging” London. Mary Quant who had a small boutique in London hit upon the winning combinations and created a fashion feeding frenzy starting with the mini skirt and crowning with major fashion houses the likes of Chanel and Dior following suit. Styles which were previously driven by the necessities of the middle class were now being designed for young people. Everyone dressed in what they wanted to keep the style bold and fresh. Featuring bright colors, leg revealing lengths, geometric patterns and hyper tailored designs Mod Fashions were a must for the “in crowd”. Designers like Cardin, Emilio Pucci and Paco Rabanne jumped on this fashion trend to showcase their talents. Another fashion trend that was going around created by social anarchists was: The Hippie movement favored relaxed, comfortable and natural clothing styles. The norm for most college age kids was blue jeans and a tee shirt (tie-dyed or not). Rebelling against mainstream styles.             the dave clark five  
When was the British invasion announced? 7 Feb 1964 the CBS News played a story about the Beatles’ United States arrival that afternoon in which the correspondent said, “The British Invasion this time goes by the code name Beatlemania.” Two days later (Sunday, February 9) they appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. What bands/artists were involved? The Beatles • the Dave Clark Five, • the Rolling Stones • the Searchers, the Hollies • the Animals • dusty Springfield • the Kinks • the Yard birds • Petula Clark Facts? The British Invasion. For two years after “I Want to Hold Your Hand” topped the U.S. charts in February 1964, the only sound that mattered had a British accent. Roots rock emerged in the 1960s as a combination of several genres and subgenres of rock that was popular at the time. Roots rock combined elements of folk, blues, country and rock ‘n’ roll. And, the genre was exemplified by its back to basics sound. Technology in the 1950s-60s In the 1960s Television and tv sets became much more popular during the 1960s, with BBC2 broadcasting its first colour pictures in 1967. Famous programmes from the 1960s included: • Coronation Street (which first aired as a twice-weekly drama in 1960 on Granada television); • Doctor Who (first broadcast in 1963 about a time-travelling adventurer, initially devised as a fun way of teaching children about science and history); • Magic Roundabout • thuderbirds   In 1966, the first Intercity train was used, which could travel much quicker than old steam and diesel trains. Many trains now run using electricity, which is much quieter and cleaner.   In 1963, the first touch-tone telephones were introduced.   Spacewar! was devised in 1961 and is one of the earliest known digital computer games.   in the 1950's, passenger jets entered the service. American airlines ordered the pioneering Comet, but Canadian, British and European airlines could not ignore the better operating economics of the Boeing 707. Boeing became the most successful of the early manufacturers.   Frank McNamara came up with the idea of the credit card when he went out to supper with a dinner partner. His partner forgot his wallet, and that gave McNamara the idea for the credit card. His idea was that you would have a card that would be accessible always with money on it.   The first generation was introduced in the late 1953 model year and ended in 1962. Polo white convertibles were introduced in the 1953 model. It was often referred to as the "solid-axle".   Digital modems developed from the need to transmit data for North American air defense during the 1950s. Modems were used to communicate data over the public switched telephone network. A modem sends and receives data between two computers.   Dances in the 1960s The swing The watusi The hitchhiker The loco motion The stroll The hully gully The pony The swim The mashed patato The jerk The dances weren’t set and they were all about feeling the music that was being played.
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