#also aiba shrimp.....
mxihi · 2 months
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fuuuuck i havent posted any like. ACTUAL art here since october damn.
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Virtual Character Tourney - Round 2 - Bracket Delta - 5
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers)
Aiba propaganda:
Aiba investigates dream worlds along with the protagonist, Kaname Date, in her humanoid form. Outside of the dreams, she's a hamster eyeball. She is just a little creature who leaves his eye socket at night to cause chaos in his house and adores bugs. One of her likes is the number "41205" which is just the word "Date" listed according to letter placement in the alphabet.
she's a little shrimp hampster girl. my girl. i miss her so fucking much. she's an AI eyeball made to help you see but also psync (game stuff), search up info, take calls, and imitate voices!
I like her :) silly hamster
Fey propaganda:
She's a numbers station who longs for freedom and loves to sing Katy Perry's hit "Roar".
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aria0fgold · 10 months
CONGRATS ON FINISHING AITSF!!! what a game huh. im glad u had fun with it !!! reading thru ur liveblogs and all your theories was rlly fun !!!!! in the end uhh. who was ur fav :] giggles. -nonbinaryaubrey
AYYEEE! IT WAS SO GOOD!!! Fave is def Boss, I love her so much I'd pull a Pewter on her (breaking laws left and right and telling her national secrets). AND AIBA AS WELL!!!! LOVE THE LIL HAMSTER AND SHRIMP. I've also officially adopted Mizuki and Iris, they are my daughters now.
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brawlqueen · 2 years
random friend love letter to lynnie .
( aka thank you for putting up with my mizuki propoganda)
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okay so i realized i have sooo many typos in that post that you were so unbelievably kind about @nulltune​ ! mizuki somehow became my favorite female character and someone i personally relate with in a very personal way. a lot like my main muse really! just the ultimate girlboss queen of the brawl beyond superhuman prettiest girl on the planet (besides hakuno ofc). it means so much to me that you read that and trauma while horrible and painful, is so key to mizuki’s character? so i never not stress how crucial it’s made her, and i know how niche the aistf games are, personally the first / OG game by far is my favorite, the writing is chef’s kiss --- nirvana was so fun to play. 
like you i’m full canon divergent and if you ever get into these games i strongly recommend it because while the OG has a lot of gore, the second does not, and while i don’t consider it a ‘true sequel’ but more an alternate timeline? it’s still worth seeing a grown up mizuki, although trust me, i have many grievances, and many praises for the quality of life updates! really i’m just embarrassingly obsessed with kaname and mizuki date and their artificial eyeball shrimp named aiba (did you know mizuki and aiba are voiced by the eng vas of paimon and venti? yeah wild. also while i’m horrible at genshin sometime i’d love to add you! i’m becoming thanks to my best friend ... dramatic hand wave.... smarter. my main dps is actually jean and my favorite charas are yae miko who i got all her things (i legit screamed) and kaeya (please make him a five star and happy) )
you’re always so supportive of my metas and posts, and while i do believe i owe you an ask from hakuno, totally lost the meme hope you don’t mind queen, it means the world to me that you love mizuki and haven’t even touched ai the somnium files / nirvana initiative which makes me think i’m doing an okay job with my favorite female character. if you can handle dirty humor, absurdity, but the BEST found family tropes and things and the surreal along with core elements that make the murder / noir detective / horror genre so great? you would love them. they play much like a visual novel. 
in that same vein i really admire hakuno’s lore and effort you put into her. also your drawings? are insane. like how do you draw when i could only do a blurry stick figure?! another of your talents. and your psd is beautiful and everything about your blog screams love and care for YOUR FAVE GIRL.  and i cannot wait since i’m sure you’re drowning in drafts,  i’m in love with hakuno and i know nothing about her origins save i want to do all the writing with her when you are less drowning in drafts. you do know you can take your time right? i just don’t want you to feel stressed because life outside of tumblr is important and we all have valid reasons that we’re not engaging or quiet, i know i do! but really i had to write a note i hope you don’t mind. 
basically thanking you for being so patient with me, know that you can write with me anytime and i’ve love these girls to have some kind of relationship that’s wholesome and sweet. we all know mizuki needs friends, it’s not exactly easy being a go.ku level superwoman, and it meant so much to me reading those comments! i won’t shy away from the brutality of mizuki’s life, and the negative and positive aspects of her. 
thank you for always being a ray of sunshine on our dashes and being so sincere and heartfelt in all you do, be it funny content or serious, it makes me genuinely happy to see a friend loved and appreciated. anyway this made my night earlier so.... thank you so much lynnie-lynn! you’re a friend that i don’t need a week to talk to, it could be five months and we’d fall in rhythm. i hope you’ll stay with me as i mizuki froth at the mouth, let’s over time slowly, at our own pace if you want, make the mizuki and hakuno duo or at least scream love to each other from giant story buildings as friends! your  friend, lily.
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monitor-kernel-access · 9 months
aiba basing her appearance on what date would like is very heartwarming but it's also so funny bc all i can imagine is her accidentally wrapping things back around to her own preferences. like, "ok, date likes cute girls. ... ... shrimp are cute, right?"
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leafeonb · 3 years
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i love you aiba ☝️
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ladybugboots · 3 years
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[id: first image: two similar designs of aiba, drawn in black and white with red accents; both have a covered neck leading down to an opening above her chest with an eye design on it, on her shoulders is an eye design and diamond along the arm, and on the sides of her top clothing are more eye designs. in her first design, she has a two layered sleeves on a and two layered shirt with wide pants underneath. her top sleeve has a black border, while the sleeve underneath is red. the first layer of her top has a red border, and below is a longer shirt, with a two cuts at the bottom and seams running up from them. her pants are wide, with the same red diamond design on the sides her canon design has. in her second design, which has both a front and 3/4ths view, she has bell sleeves with a spiky black border. her top layer is a dress that has a bordered, layered train with trailing rectangular attachments with eyes on them. below is a second dress, with larger cuts from the bottom, and diagonal lines running down around it. second image: another aiba design, with more similar patterns to her canon design; now she has a bell sleeves with a cut running up the arm of her short dress, and pants with frayed edges. her feet are claw like, with zig zag patterns. she has a shrimp tail styled hair among the rest of her long hair, and a shrimp tail train under her dress. there's back view of the design, and some sleeve variations. there's also a front view of date's turtleneck sweater and v-neck vest from his concept art, and a design of date with a black turtleneck and suit, featuring a diamond design on the side similar to aiba's. the seam running down his pants is interrupted by three, vertical diamonds. /end id.]
playing around with designs and how to draw them but i dont know fashion but like.. shimp
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dead-batterie · 4 years
Damn you, Uchikoshi, for making me cry over a fluorescent shrimp eyeball lady
I am genuinely crying
Date adopting Mizuki officially!! Date is still best dad
The ending scene!! Was so cute!! My heart!! Aww!!!
Okay I’ve taken a few minutes to calm down and here are my less freaked out thoughts
I absolutely loved the voice acting!! Phenomenal job by everyone, especially Boss, Date, and Saito. I’ll look up their names later lol
The sound design and music in this game is incredible, I loved every minute
I have a couple gripes overall, but nothing major
I don’t know if it was my system or something but I got a lot of lag when the game had to pull up an AI sight, and it led to some awkward pauses in conversation
Also, why are 90% of Date’s action scenes centered around him reacting to porn mags. It was funny the first one or two times but then it got old
And! I don’t think they explained how Date can remember other timelines?? If they did I missed it, can someone please explain
I got the Iris route first and all of the Naixatloz stuff was complete red herring, but somehow I’m still suspicious
Mizuki is still my favorite, but Pewter is also very intriguing to me. Also Kagami needs to be protected
PSYNCIN IN THE CHAIN. Loved it. I know it’s not really gameplay, but with the mirrored “Mental Lock” text and the frozen time it really felt like I was helpless to do anything
Also pretty much all of Wednesday past sousAI was giving me an identity crisis. Who am I? Who are you? Am I you or are you me?
So it definitely feels like I finished the game but it also looks like there’s a gap on the flowchart where you can choose to pull the trigger in the warehouse. I’ll probably go back and do that later just to check
If that’s a whole nother ending imma freak
Also what do we call the kassAI ending?? The other routes gave me a name after credits but I didn’t see one for this
Do the names (kassAI, sousAI etc) mean anything???
Someone’s gonna show up and tell me that shooting saito at the warehouse is actually how you get the true ending and I’m gonna feel stupid
But hey the foreshadowing was good since I was able to see the Aiba self destruct coming
I’m gonna go to sleep now but when I wake up I’m probably gonna go follow all those blogs I’ve been avoiding because of spoilers so if anyone wants to throw good blogs at me then go ahead. Also I would like friends to scream about this with so hmu I guess
Overall! I really enjoyed this game, 10/10 would recommend. Will probably be my obsession for the next few weeks
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ice-nines · 4 years
also is it just me or is aiba’s personality all over the place?
yeah she cute and quirky but at the same time Srs Computer like... is this intentional or... does her personality change depending on whether shes an anime shrimp girl in the somnium or an eyeball floating in a gelatin bear in meatspace?
like i literally dont know where to place her shes confusing
i feel like mayyybe ushikoshi was going for a danganronpa’s chiaki nanami “accidentally quirky/awkward computer” vibe with aiba? except aiba is just... less of a personality with quirks and more confusing mishmash of character traits
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aiba “hc” (this is all actually canon lol):
starter course / what to know about aiba if you’ve never played somnium files before (even tho u really really should because it’s really really good.)
-’aiba’ is an artificial intelligence controlled prosthetic eye implant. ‘aiba’ stands for ‘a.i.’ ‘ball’ (as in eyeball, because she’s. yknow. a computer eyeball.)
-’aiba’ was created to help solve crimes for a special branch of the tokyo police departent. she can ‘zoom in’ and also use x-ray vision. she can search the internet AND worldwide public/police records. she can record conversations with whoever is using her. (date, but also other characters in the aus i plan to have.) she can be used for telephone/facecam interactions. and she can hack computers. she can also im/text people, and she can imitate voices perfectly, though she does not always know what to say (and sometimes panics). she can also record and see temperature.
-she is hooked up to her user by the nerves in the back of their eye socket. she is connected directly to the user’s brain, and can even help give her user medication. she can also talk to her user directly through their thoughts, and basically ‘read their mind.’
-aiba appears ‘in the real world’ as just an eyeball in whoever’s eye socket she is in. but she can also ‘pop out’ and turn into ‘aibear’, which is basically her in her eyeball form with a synthetic gel body around her. she is Very Small, and can fit into the palm of your hand in this form. she does not use it often, except when date is sleeping or she needs to ‘charge.’
-aiba needs to be charged, but she does not need to sleep, or obviously eat. she also cannot smell.
-despite this, aiba has her own unique personality and speaks in very human terms. she makes references and jokes and uses sarcasm---though she sometimes pretends she cannot to make fun of her user, or to ignore them. she is silly, brash and self-confident, but also extremely caring and empathetic.
-aiba only appears in a human/android form in ‘the real world’ in her user’s eyes. she projects herself into their vision.
-aiba also appears human in the world of dreams/subconscious, that she appears in when her user, date, uses the ‘psync’ machine to sink into a person’s dreams/subconscious to solve mysteries. that’s not as important though, lol.
in conclusion, i love aiba, my beautiful flourescent shrimp wife. thank u for coming to my ted talk.
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hydrondrachen · 2 years
What inspired you to make Aiba a Protogen?
I really like how Protogens look, I think the species is really neat! And I thought it would be a nice middle ground between giving her a physical body yet keeping her design somewhat rooted in technology. I considered making her a Synth (another furry open species) but ultimately I like how Protogens look more.
I also started brainstorming an alternate shrimp-dragon design (based on Date's "fluorescent shrimp" comment, combined with a dragon just because I love dragons) but I wasn't happy with how it was turning out so I'm just sticking to her Protogen design for now. Maybe I'll revisit that idea in the future.
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Examine! AI-Ball.
Examine! .
[This is Aiba. Her official title is AI-Ball. She has two forms: a eyeball form that also becomes a little hamster thing, and a somnium form that looks like a florescent shrimp. For being an artificial intelligence, she seems to act and speak human-like. Would anyone believe me when I say that she’s saved Date’s life multiple times, just by saying “porno mag”?]
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Virtual Character Tourney - Bracket Delta - Round 3
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Aiba propaganda:
Aiba investigates dream worlds along with the protagonist, Kaname Date, in her humanoid form. Outside of the dreams, she's a hamster eyeball. She is just a little creature who leaves his eye socket at night to cause chaos in his house and adores bugs. One of her likes is the number "41205" which is just the word "Date" listed according to letter placement in the alphabet.
she's a little shrimp hampster girl. my girl. i miss her so fucking much. she's an AI eyeball made to help you see but also psync (game stuff), search up info, take calls, and imitate voices!
I like her :) silly hamster
CanHaz propaganda:
CanHaz is a member of the species @At, one of the three species that comprise the City Enduring, the location of the limited run Far Sector, a story about a new and unique Green Lantern. She is the assistant of the main character, and in addition to several quite cool and relatively unique character moments that she gets, she is Jo's lens into some of the weirdness that the @At have that mirrors ours in a unique fashion. She also just has some brilliant charisma and comes off the page.
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