#also a sarahs post is scheduled for the following sunday
amwritesitall · 2 years
The time has come, a Robin Buckley post is scheduled to post at 6:30 pm on Sunday, August 7 😌
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incarnateirony · 9 months
For those of you who have been following the Startup Business Drama and Vacation Man, I've got a convo behind the cut for you. Bearing in mind this man came banging at my door at 130 AM to prove how Here For Me he is after fucking off for upwards of 3 weeks at a critical time period without doing any of his promises beforehand. Like literally I pretended not to hear it because, holy shit dude, it's 130 AM, it's not my fault you can't manage your life. But he knocked until the cops showed up asking what was going on.
(Vacation Boy) — Today at 4:19 PM I agree we need to talk about several things yes. I figured I would come by either Sunday or Monday night after we have both had a few days to calm down and be pain free. I'm in excruciating pain and exhausted from this trip myself and I got back to the house that was completely wrecked. I've got at least a week's worth of trash I got to deal with and a pile of their laundry that's as big as I am just to start was before I can even do my own. I even took a muscle relaxer myself last night and it did absolutely nothing for me.
EXPY P2P — Today at 4:25 PM I honestly do not prefer in person discussion. And that stands with or without awkward conversations. My brain does not assemble thoughts well in person, everything gets lost, I become frustrated even at myself, and it causes manic spirals of anger. There is a reason I am fighting so hard for chat, not voice jobs, even if will accept voice jobs. It is a legitimate disability I do not think people understand. It's not just exhausting by nature of talking costing energy, which it does, but of a neurodiverse issue and the methods my brain functions at, which is why half the time I just. Stare or have long responses or just sit there sorting through things visually, and I inevitably lose what I've said or haven't covered yet, whereas text allows the ability to track back what has and hasn't been said. Or why the longer even calm conversations go the more my voice escalates in either volume, pitch, or speed.
EXPY P2P — Today at 4:34 PM In the time you were gone, I lost one of our leading plants, by the way. In the timeline no longer being "take 1-2 extra weeks" to "move it ahead a week, actually", broken stem girl strangled herself without time to repair. In attempting to stretch, the stem rupture broke out of the stem while the stem itself hardened to the point even attempted surgical cut of the damaged tissue was too late for the impaction. It is to some extent my fault by not attempting to clone her, but I also did not have a clone tray, and that too would have caused a developmental delay, so either way was a roll of the dice. This was on the list of reasons, beyond optimizing canopy coverage for yield, I wanted to give them 1-2 more weeks (recovering from past issues, and her stem recovery, as well as the resurrected plant.) This was an avoidable loss, but I was essentially in a corner, and needing to figure out where my minimum 6 weeks would fit without overcosting Sarah without Gen, who only came back post-flip. Just like all the stuff David tried to price gouge me on at 3x new market rate now being offered, also months late, in the final hour, after all the costs, and struggle, and saves from damages, because asking it earlier was too uncomfortable. If it comes in AT ALL, that NEEDS to go into the grow op IMMEDIATELY, not a branch off, not a learning pet project, into actually being equipped to do this properly. Mark, I need you to understand, the plants need what they need. They need them when they need them, not when it's most convenient for us. We can not simply whip schedules around over and over and demand they meet them, we cannot wait extra weeks to give them the bare minimum, we can not demand peak performance without giving them even essential conditions. If I say "hey here's a ten dollar fan I can't buy", don't go "ok do that" and sit with a thumb up your ass and wait until I get one only for it to come without a cord, only to find you have fans laying all over your house the whole time. If I say it's time consuming to manually train the plant canopies nonstop because they readjust for light, don't tell me "I forgot to get you the thing you asked for, for two months." If I say, I just took critical fall damage with my setup, don't tell me you still forgot the goddamn power strip. When I say I need grow bins when the plants are 4 weeks old, don't show up with them at 6-7 weeks and pikachu face that their roots are too big, the vegetables you are demanding on an insane schedule are literally moving faster than you are, per your request and by my skill. You can't expect me and the plants to run olympic triathalons on a timeline crunch while you stand there Forgetting Stuff or holding on to save 10 bucks yourself just so I can buy it on my pocket change too late too. These are easy things to prioritize, many of which had easy, even free answers to you. The reason the bastards are doing Great is because people paid 60$ to get me the dirt that would have been 24$ to get pickup at walmart independence supercenter. The reason they can have the HPS to themselves dedicated in a space is because John and Noiz collectively put in over $100 to add lights that should have been added months ago but I refused to put more weight on Sarah and spent my days recreating the sun moving for them.
EXPY P2P — Today at 4:42 PM
At this point we are pretty much surrendered to this continuing as a small scale operation that barely self floats through past the holidays until we can work past debts, restrictions, the fraud my old rental agency pulled et al, and if we manage to be out of here before that, we've pulled out a miracle. I am mutually job hunting all day while house hunting for independent rentals all day and yes, contacting them over and over and over as needed. You got offended when I pointed out you've lived with David for years and are out of touch with rental reality. And then you asked if you might have to call more than once, so god far be it from me to assume you went the extra mile and looked for options yourself knowing I'm busy being a horticulturist, a chemist, an engineer, and a goddamn wizard full time while training plants because of Stuff You Forgot. And what about moving costs? Deposit? Where is all this money coming from???? September 20? Unsold plants? Because I communicated what the sped up bloom period would be like, and you sped it up in your head faster than that, to essentially make impossible promises to Sarah in my name, and I told her no, no that's not right, no. NOIZ has been in on this like two weeks and already has displayed a clearer understanding of grow cycles and timelines than you have because they are actually listening, so I've been messaging them, as investors, to make educated decisions on timelines. You, meanwhile, say getting a job you want to [checks notes] throw seeds outside in early October. In the midwest. With a photoperiod strain. After the equinox. At onset winter. You don't even need to be a weed wizard to see why that was None Thoughts, Head Empty. Then, instead of offering to invest up in the business, so I could send you overstock we get in bulk, plan A Grow Of Your Own. All months late. Like okay, lesson one my guy, most plants don't grow in snow.
I am able to do this now because John also prioritized buying other things, like the trellis net I asked for since we start, which has dramatically streamlined my work.
When John saw the setup I had, he was shocked the plants were even alive much less several of them being the size of plants given twice as long to vegetate.
EXPY P2P — Today at 4:51 PM here is another grower with 12 week old, pre-bloom plants about 2 1/2 feet tall, or topped in the same strain to make the spread out version. They had extra leaves from their age but otherwise, I don't know if you notice, this was why I was asking 1-2 weeks extra. To let them get here. By 8-9 weeks, not 12. I did this on next to nothing, and essentially alone.
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The neighbor commented on the dirt quality, asked if thats why I used for the ones in tent. I said no, we used timberline bc it was cheaper off the top. He shit his pants. The entire point of choosing dirt over hydroponics is to NOT force a 90 day timeline, to NOT have plants start dying after that point, to BE able to give them extra time, to TAKE the extra few weeks to double or triple your results. I had also been topping the plants when I was told I could have 1-2 extra weeks. Then, I was basically forced into abandoning that, so the topping never had chance to take, and they're going to have minimal returns from that. The plants can not time travel.
I have been still working to my last breath during the day. Sometimes literally, and knocking myself out on CO2 to try to make these plants give us more than 3-4 ounces a plant, because the hundred times I explained timelines, square meter canopies or equivalent light coverage, the differences in yield with comparison to professional growers with high end equipped rigs, et all flew in one ear and out the other, largely because someone planted "90 day grow" in your head when I told you "about 3 months, maybe 4", not 90 days, because I'm not functionally retarded, and I knew the benefit in getting 110 day plants I could push to 100 day plants, that were suddenly committed to being 90 day plants, and then 85 day plants, and I got driven to near insanity trying to make demands and deadlines and flipped the switch before I got other people committing to keeping my ass covered while I got this stable. I might not have been pushed into making this decision if, for example, Gen came around a week earlier than she did, but I was staring down Sarah having to pay september AND a chunk of october to move, before the move fell in. And we conceded I may need to sit. And I can't unflip what's been flipped already, it doesn't work like that. What had once been you saying "oh I can swipe a card for a week or two of the final month if needed" became "I quit my job and NEED money by now." Every term and condition of this has been changed on me. I say "september 20-something" for the earliest, you start promising Sarah Sept 20, not 20-something, that she won't have to pay XYZ, etc, and that is simply Not Fucking True nor did anyone say anything that would have implied that if you were listening at all. "Harvest by Sept 20-something" that goes all the way to Sept 29 = "Able to sell and move by Sept 20" to you HOW? When I was talking about extending 1-2 weeks, and you said yes, and that being 1-2 week Oct? September 20 COMES IN WHERE BEYOND FANTASY, MY GUY? 6-8 WEEK BLOOM, MY GUY.
At some point you decided you "only want an average yield", while ignoring what I said was needed to get there, and reading bare minimum sellers information without context, while giving sub-minimum conditions, lighting, dirt, and grow time all at once.
You say, "I appreciate your work" but that truly means nothing to me if you haven't absorbed what that work is, or what you're demanding, or what I'm communicating to achieve it at all, while setting expectations in your own head about what it will look like how much and how fast. I'm sitting here doing algebra about ppfd and umols and CO2 and absorbable moles in a day to try to push timelines without losing further results beyond the conditions and timelines already forced on them. I had literally ad nauseam in the chat gone over how to get sq meter canopies with 1-2 weeks and before THAT got rug pulled on me got an Uh Huh Go Ahead and then suddenly it got Backwardsed into 1 or 2 weeks LESS, when bloom simply doesn't work like that, which I also explained ad nauseam.
I literally resurrected a different plant from the dead. It could have had 2 weeks to catch up to the others. It will not.
And somewhere between there you started trying to charge me black market rates for groceries that I wouldn't have needed help with if I hadn't been trying to buy shit for the plants on my own well past my investment bar to begin with, just like Sarah, while expecting Sarah to pay more. And then I'm sorry, yes, outright either lying to either us or yourself about the car, and then bouncing when your own words on record, or your own failure to google what I found in five seconds to the same town you drove not just 97.4 miles around that weekend, but at least 50 before that calculating your gas tank capacity and the trip useage to get there. When really it boils down to something you said from the jump "I feel like I deserve this." Just like you feel like you deserve a fuckton of money without meeting the $500 bar, or doing the accounting, or the licensing, or any of it, or deserve Sarah buying more stuff, or deserve to quit your job while I'm ready to jump into working full time alongside this just to stabilize myself now that my whole livelong day isn't set to keeping these plants together. And I pass out at a semi sane midnight hour and have you come banging at my door at 130 AM until the cops show up because you didn't consider time, or that I wasn't replying to the messages, or that I might need human functions like sleep sometimes, just to prove something about you being here, weeks too late, after I pulled everyone else in to cover the stuff I was short to keep this whole operation from going in the toilet because you wanted a vacation that you justified and showed me the long, long list of seals and fluids your car had needed not since last year, but since 2019 at least and like, my guy, you not having your priorities together before isn't our cost to eat. I dare you to do the math on your chipotle drives and costs since 2019. On your 400/mo rent, 1500/mo base income and +500 work going... somewhere.
EXPY P2P — Today at 5:33 PM Then yeah, I hear "oh well no mail since a week ago" "??? the other 10 days?" "IDK David-" ? wasn't told to keep an eye out or to file all mail? That's like, bare minimum dude, that's not even work for you. There's a lot of refusal of bare minimum. If there will be a CEO of this company, at this rate, it will be John. John acted like a CEO. He took a look at my setup, what I was accomplishing with essentially nothing, and asked "what do you need?" without delay, without me bitching. Not "What can you give me how soon?" It all arrived next day in the mail. Not weeks or months later. Well most specifically he said "Holy shit your wires that's sooooo not safe. Oh my god wait holy shit you're actually pulling it off somehow. Oh my god. What do you need."
(Vacation Boy) — Today at 5:56 PM Yes David was told to look for mail addressed to you. In fact David was told twice. After I took you home the first night he met you he and I talked in detail about our friendship and the operation as it stood then, and again the day that I left.
Nothing has arrived here that's had your name on it other than the last mail I brought you before I left. David has confirmed that he has not thrown out or sent back anything with your name on it the entire time that he was here.
EXPY P2P — Today at 6:02 PM Okay. That is good. But we need a come to jesus talk about the rest, my guy. Because I have been in no way vague about plant timelines, requirements, cycles, lighting, et al, but it became increasingly clear in the last ~ETA 3 weeks that nothing has sunk in. I in fact explained these things in loops so many times I felt like I was being obnoxious about it.
(Vacation Boy) — Today at 6:04 PM I agree. We will have that conversation sooner rather than later.
EXPY P2P — Today at 6:05 PM I will not be forced to hold this conversation in person without regards to my neurodiverse limitations to leverage the conversation into your benefit. It can be had here. All the information stays on page where you can read it again and again and again without losing or forgetting anything.
(Vacation Boy) — Today at 6:07 PM Ok fine. But you will not be guaranteed to get a response from me before tomorrow night. I have already told you why.
EXPY P2P — Today at 6:07 PM That is fine. But my points are there. That is another benefit of messages. They can and will stay there, and they do not disappear, or get forgotten. We're having that conversation. You can have it as slow as you want. These points that have been spoken will not disappear, even if we take it to in person where I can't sort out my thoughts, they still exist. But if I say one last thing here today: For all of your thought about your own 10-15 hour a week work life balance, I beg you to consider how you would view a boss that treated you with the conditions, equipment, and expectations you put on me before, and during, vanishing on vacation. John has been now calling me almost daily while working carrying around 100 lb equipment on his 40 hour hard labor workweek to check in on if anything new has come up and been needed, or how to help. The only reason he was not doing this prior was because I wasn't complaining and, well, he was working full time. Keep in mind, if we had gotten a place, and he had moved in, he didn't come in asking for money, he made a contingency on having a job lined up and ready to not put a drain on a young business, not just running here to quit his, despite his own creeping disabilities. So again, remove the perception from being defending yourself. Pretend these demands or lack of listening had come from some other boss or CEO, since that's what you said you were going to be, and put the hats on you to handle. How would you interpret this supervisor and how would you feel?
Zero. Dead plants. That would be the Average Yield in the conditions and timeline I was given. Other people rescuing this made the Average Yield maybe 3-4 oz a plant. I am trying to do the same plant wizardry that kept them alive at all to make them half a pound a plant, but you know I hate overpromising. The average yield with what I was left with, and all the delays to even get power strips or clippy fans or other things laying around for free, would be Zero. I need you to wrap your head around that before this conversation moves any further.
Fascinating that in that entire brick, he could spring forward to go "well I DID do the bare minimum about the mail, exactly" but needs even MORE delay of time to figure out how to make excuses for the other bullshit.
And that shit at the start? What is he bitching about? Who is he accusing of trashing the house that bad while he was out of town? The owner that hasn't been there half the time? Throwing in a load of laundry for them when he gets to rent an entire 1500 sq foot house for 400/mo utilities included, since said owner is only in town a few weeks a year? Who made all the piles of trash? The fucking cats?
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junbugsarchive · 1 year
🐞 JunBugs Newsletter #18 🦋
Yesterday's setlist (in order)
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✧ Gloomy Sunday - Sarah McLachlan ver.
✧ Thank God I'm Pretty - Emilie Autumn
✧ With Every Light- Smashing Pumpkins
✧ Departure - Ono Masatoshi
✧ Tell Me What The Rain Knows - Sakamoto Maaya
✧ I Wish You Love - Natalie Cole
✧ Gloomy Sunday - Heather Nova ver.
Also, you guys can post your own setlists and what you sang on stream as well :)
These are some songs that I been practicing for karaoke (some upon request)
Please let me know if there is a song request that you have for me, I really loved doing the "Simple and Clean" (Utada Hikaru) cover that was requested of me last week!
^ ^
Special thanks to the lovely co-hosts: Elizabeth and Morningstar!
Here are all of the people featured in the new photo album:
✧ Elinor
✧ Elizabeth
✧ Kari
✧ Morningstar
✧ Tails
✧ Sunny
✧ Elfiee
✧ Aiden
✧ Dakota
✧ Kurisu
✧ Valrexy
Please remind me if I forget your name, I try to remember to the best of my ability. If you would like a picture with us too, please do not feel shy about asking on stream, sometimes I don't include people because I either don't take good pictures of them or forget to while they are singing, so please let me know. I never want anyone to feel excluded!
Twitter Album 1 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657969515127533568?s=21
Twitter Album 2 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657969934373376001?s=21
Twitter Album 3 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657970234475843585?s=21
Twitter Album 4 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657970455956058114?s=21
Twitter Album 5 https://twitter.com/junithys/status/1657970615935201282?s=21
We reached 8,600 followers yesterday!!! Thank you so much!!! ✽-(ミ>ᆽ<ミ)/✽
Apologies if the change in schedule doesn't work for everyone, I had to put a bit of a gap between karaoke and late night gaming so I still had time to work in the afternoon and still have a small window for a nap in the morning before the first stream. I hope that the work will lend itself to being able to afford more gaming opportunities in the future, sorry again that the karaoke and the game stream aren't at the most optimal times. The new times are below with brand new time conversions, sorry if I missed your country!
Morning Anime Stream ☯️ 6:30am MST︱5:30am PST︱8:30am EST︱1:30pm BST︱12:30pm GMT︱10:30pm AEST︱9:30pm JST
Open Mic Karaoke ☯️ 12:30pm MST︱11:30pm PST︱2:30pm EST︱7:30pm BST︱6:30pm GMT︱4:30am AEST︱3:30am JST
After Dark Stream ☯️ 11:30pm MST︱10:30pm PST︱1:30am EST︱6:30am BST︱5:30am GMT︱3:30pm AEST︱2:30pm JST
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your-dietician · 2 years
HARDY Photographer Tanner Gallagher Details ‘Terrifying’ Bus Crash: ‘It Was a Miracle That We Survived’
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/hardy-photographer-tanner-gallagher-details-terrifying-bus-crash-it-was-a-miracle-that-we-survived/
HARDY Photographer Tanner Gallagher Details ‘Terrifying’ Bus Crash: ‘It Was a Miracle That We Survived’
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Tanner Gallagher, photographer and videographer with country act HARDY, has shared photos and memories of the “terrifying” bus crash that forced the band off the road and into hospital.
See latest videos, charts and news
See latest videos, charts and news
Gallagher was on the tour bus that was involved in a crash early Sunday, Oct. 2 following the band’s appearance at Country Thunder Bristol in Tennessee.
No one died in the accident, though Gallagher documents the painful ordeal that left him with broken bones in his foot, a punctured lung, four broken ribs, and a fractured vertebrae in his neck.
“It seems like this happened so fast but I feel the need to talk about it officially,” Gallagher writes.
“Last week we had one of the most terrifying accidents happen to us. For those who don’t know: around 2:30am last Sunday, our bus ran off the highway at around 70mph flipping us into the woods.”
Four men were on board, the driver (Ricky), the tour manager (Noah), Gallagher and Hardy, who has shared his own experiences online. “Within what felt like 3 seconds,” adds Gallagher, “our bodies were thrown across the room knocking us all unconscious. By the grace of God, we all survived.”
His comments are accompanied with a photo of Gallagher laid up in hospital, appearing groggy with blood caked on his forehead and left eye socket. “And yes, it’s been f***ing terrible,” he admits.
It’ll take weeks, if not months, before he can regain normal functions. Time out, however, has given him the opportunity to reflect.
“I was told numerous times by doctors that it was a miracle that we survived… and that’ll make you think. I think about the times that I’ve spent worrying, stressed, upset, been less present or simply took for granted, and it kills me,” he continues.
“I think about all the people in my life, family, friends, co workers, etc. and wished that I could have spent more time with them or somehow made them feel better in moments with something as simple and little as a compliment. Most of all, I think about perspective, in that it’s so easy for us to lose sight of all of the things we have. Take it from me, be grateful for f***ing EVERYTHING.”
He adds, “even if it means just being healthy or being able to wake up for another day to spend doing the things you love. As scary and life threatening as this accident was, I’m glad I now have a better outlook moving forward and it’s only going uphill from here.”
The accident could “have been a lot worse and for that I’m so grateful,” he recounts. “I’m also incredibly thankful for every message, prayer and every person who helped me over the past week, it meant the world.”
HARDY, whose real name is Michael Wilson Hardy, has previously shared updates on his own “significant injuries,” and the health of his crew.
For Gallagher, recovery is a waiting game. “I’ll be laid up in bed and in a wheelchair for a while, and that’s okay,” he writes.” So if anyone wants to drop off lunch or something, I will definitely will not stop you. Lastly, in regards to this post, someone please tell Sarah Hardy that I’m sorry for swearing.”
At press time, HARDY’s official website lists a string of live shows scheduled from early December.
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inquiringquilter · 2 years
Around the Block Sew Much Fun Tour - Block 48
Welcome to the Sew Much Fun Tour!
Every Sunday on the tour, a top quilt designer will share a free block pattern inspired by their love of sewing and quilting. Hopefully you’ll follow along and collect the whole set! Each block finishes at 6”.
Note: Be sure to read to the end of this post for a must-have sewing tool. I will present a new tool or tip each week of the tour to add to your sewing enjoyment.
Let me introduce you to Sarah @ Sew Joy Creations who is sharing her block today! Click the link to read her post and download the pattern.
Her block features the letter S for sew, stitch, seam, scraps, selvage, scissors or anything else you can think of.
Sarah’s block uses the two at a time HST method in its construction. If you need help with this method, click here for my step by step photo tutorial.
I hope you’ll continue to stop by each Sunday as we focus on our love of sewing and the things about it that make us happy. Along the way there will be more free block patterns, sewing tips and tools from me, and giveaways! View the schedule here.
Speaking of giveaways, here's a Rafflecopter to enter. Each time you visit a designer's Facebook page you earn 3 points!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Participating Designers - Sew Much Fun Block Tour
Dragonfly’s Quilting Design Studio
Faith and Fabric
Slice of Pi Quilts
Orange Blossom Quilt Design Studio LLC
Your Sewing Friend
Limeleaves Designs
Appliqués Quilts and More
Blue Bear Quilts
Patchwork Breeze
Carolina Moore
Penny Spool Quilts
Craftapalooza Designs
Cayenne Ridge Quilts
Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting
Ladybug's Cabin
Inquiring Quilter
True Blue Quilts
Rona the Ribbiter
Tourmaline & Thyme Quilts
Nestlings by Robin
Prairie Sewn Studios
Pretty Piney Quilts
Our Crafty Life
Sew Joy Creations
The Quilting Room with Mel
My Tip or Tool for This Week
Each week on the tour, I feature a little sewing tool I like. I hope you enjoy them!
This week’s tool is the Handi Quilter Zinger Retractable Scissor Holder. I love using these retractable fobs for my small scissors because I can pin the fob to my shirt or waistline and keep them handy.
This one is by Handi Quilter. If you’ve ever used a long arm you’d know why having your scissors right on hand is a good idea. But frankly, having a pair of scissor snips close by when I’m at my sewing machine is a great idea too!
Up Next….
We visit Melissa next! Be sure to stop by next week to see the design by The Quilting Room with Mel. If you missed any of the previous designers, click here.
Thanks for stopping by! Come back next week for a direct link to the free block patterns for the next sewing block. Be sure to follow me for updates and reminders. You’ll find ways to follow at the top of my sidebar or you can sign up for my newsletter here.
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Tell me…do you use Safety Pins to pin baste your quilts?
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pinestripes · 3 years
Quiet Day (The Last of Us)
The last few months in Jackson have been paradise compared to the hellish cross-country road trip that came before. But scars still run deep, and shadows can lurk around even the brightest corners. 
Ellie has a bad day. Joel wants to help.
Rating: T for a bit of language
Can also be read here on AO3 and here on FFN.
Author’s Note:
I liiiiive! Feels good to publish something for the first time in...a year, actually, as of yesterday. I've had a busy and stressful year, though I'm sure a lot of you can relate. Anyway, I just love TLOU (as much as someone who has only watched playthroughs of it can), and I especially adore Ellie and Joel's dynamic. Thank you for reading!
Joel is a light sleeper and an early riser. The latter has been a trait of his for most of his life; the former, however, developed by necessity once not being able to jerk awake the instant something went bump in the night became a death sentence. Both of these qualities together means that he rises before the first rays of sunrise stream into his room.
He throws on stained jeans and an old shirt. Scrubbing a hand across his bleary eyes, he lumbers into the bathroom. Once done in there, he heads downstairs and to his front porch, sinking into the rocking chair there with a sigh.
He opens the worn science fiction novel he’s been making his way through for the past week or two, quickly thumbing through the brittle brown pages before finding the one he dog-eared the day before. He wasn’t a big reader, back before everything went to shit, but he had been known to pick up a sci-fi or western, sometimes even a mystery novel, every once in a while.
Joel reads in the soft morning light for half an hour or so before he exchanges the book for the guitar that has been resting by the front door. He lazily strums a few bars of a couple different songs, humming. Ellie will be awake soon, and it’s their morning ritual that when she comes down he helps her practice for a little while before breakfast.
Contrary to his expectations, Ellie doesn’t make her appearance. A familiar anxiety, one he feels less and less often the longer they stay in Tommy and Maria’s compound, clamps down on his chest. He stands and leans the guitar against the wall, the instrument making a discordant twung when he drops it less than gently in his hurry. He stalks into the house and through the barebones living room, eyes on the stairs to the second floor as his footsteps quicken and the clamp squeezes, squeezes, squeezes—
He jerks to a stop when he sees movement out of the corner of his eye. He whips his head around to peer into the kitchen. Ellie is sitting there hunched over at the table, nibbling at a piece of buttered toast.
Suddenly Joel feels a little foolish. His heart is pounding, breathing shallow and quiet. He forces himself to take two slow breaths in and out, feeling the clamp slowly release, lungs expanding and taking in air once more. Finally, he says, voice nearly steady, “There you are, kiddo. Thought maybe you were still asleep.”
Ellie startles, looking up at him with a sharp intake of breath. (He’s surprised she didn’t hear his heavy footsteps into the house from the porch, actually.) Her shoulders relax again when she sees him. “Morning,” she says and returns to her toast.
Shaking off the last of the adrenaline rush and deciding he may as well join her for breakfast, he pads into the kitchen and starts getting out supplies for omelettes, thanking his lucky stars the hydroelectric plant has been providing the town with electricity, and therefore refrigeration, consistently for the last few weeks. “What do you want in your omelette?”
She doesn’t answer.
“What do you want in your omelette today? I got some more green peppers from the garden yesterday, and we’ve got some ham, believe it or not—”
“I’m just going to have the toast today.”
“That all?”
“Yeah, I’m not really hungry.”
“You sure?”
He leaves it alone and goes back to making his own breakfast. Usually Ellie would be chattering up a storm by now, but when he’s nearly finished with his omelette and she still hasn’t said a word he finds himself speaking again. “So, didn’t want to do guitar today?”
He sets the omelette on his plate and brings it to the table, taking a seat to her left. “You alright? You seem kind of out of it this morning.”
She shrugs. He notices she hasn’t made much headway on the piece of toast. “I’m fine. M’just tired. Didn’t sleep much. What did you ask?”
He quirks a doubtful brow. “I asked if you didn’t want to practice the guitar today.”
“I just thought we could...take a break today.”
He nods, and returns to eating, deciding once again not to push the issue. By the time his plate is clean she’s finishing the last few little bites of the toast. They both stand to wash their plates and utensils. Per routine, Ellie washes and Joel dries.
Concerned with the continued silence, he decides to give one last try. “So. It’s Sunday. Got any big plans?”
“No, don’t think so,” she responds.
“Not gonna go see Jessie, or, uh, Dina? Or anyone?”
“Nah.” She scrubs at a pan mechanically. “I think I’m just going to stay in and read a book.”
“Alright, then.”
They finish up, and Ellie heads upstairs to her bedroom. He goes to bring the guitar back in from the porch, then stands in the middle of the living room for a minute, feeling a little lost. Finally he sighs and heads out back to weed the vegetable garden. He can tell it’s going to be a quiet day.
Every once in a while, something—a nightmare maybe, or maybe a bandit attack, he can’t always figure it out for sure—will shake Ellie. She’ll retreat into herself, go quiet and distant. She’ll be spacy and—well, he isn’t sure what else to call it but flat. Which is decidedly not Ellie-like.
He’s learned that if he tries to push too much, if he tries to convince her to get out of the house or to talk to him, she gets cagey and defensive. So, even though he hates to see her light so dim, he gives her space and makes sure others do the same. Sometimes she’ll reach out to him of her own accord, looking to talk or a distraction in the form of a guitar lesson. She’s usually back to herself by the next day.
It’s lunchtime once he’s weeded the garden and patched up a few wobbly posts on the porch railing, a continuation of his ongoing attempts to renovate the house. He heads up the stairs and to Ellie’s door. He raps his knuckles against it twice. At her affirmative response, he opens the door and pokes his head in. “I’m thinking I’m going to head to the mess for lunch. You hungry?”
She’s laying on her bed in a loose fetal position, facing the door with a book lying open in front of her at an angle that suggests she hasn’t actually been reading it. “I’m okay.”
“You sure? You didn’t eat much for breakfast.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
“Suit yourself, then.” He almost shuts the door, then remembers something else. “Hey, Tommy mentioned something about a roof needin’ fixin’ yesterday. He might try and drag me into helpin’ him with that after we eat, so it could be a couple hours before I get back. That okay?”
He doesn’t worry; he knows it’ll be a few hours at least before she wants company. “Alright. See you later.”
Tommy does drag Joel into helping fix a roof, and it takes almost three hours, but he finally finds himself at Ellie’s door again.
He knocks on it, twice again. “Hey, uh...just wanted to let you know I was home.”
“Okay,” she responds through the door.
“...I’ll be downstairs.”
When she doesn’t respond, he walks away, intent on continuing his ongoing Sunday project—fixing the floor in the downstairs bedroom. He’s been replacing the busted up hardwood in the downstairs bedroom little by little on Sundays—when everyone gets the day off in town, with the exception of a regular rotation of necessary jobs like patrol duty. It gives him something to do.
When it gets close to 5:30, according to the cracked, flickering display on the oven, Joel squares his shoulders and heads back to his familiar place outside Ellie’s door.
He knocks, asking “Can I come in?”
He opens the door to see that she has shifted onto the floor, leaning against the side of the bed that’s facing the door, a book in her lap. He thinks she might have actually been reading it, which is a good sign.
“About time for supper. Ready to head over to Tommy’s?” Sunday night dinner at Tommy and Maria’s place is a regular part of their routine. Joel and Ellie host dinner on either Wednesdays or Thursdays, depending on the schedule.
She shrugs. “Eh, I’m not really hungry.”
Joel’s already decided that he is going to press the issue this time. She seems a little perkier, so he figures it should go over okay. “All you’ve had today is some toast. And they’re expectin’ us.”
Ellie pulls a face. It’s not as exaggerated as usual, but it’s close. “Do I have to?”
He jerks his head in the direction of the door. “Come on.”
She sighs and pulls herself up off the floor before shoving her hands in her pockets and trudging out the door. He follows behind, the twitch of a smile on his face.
Ellie’s still quieter than usual at dinner, which earns Joel questioning looks from both his brother and sister-in-law. He just answers with a shrug and a meaningful look, which they accept, already having witnessed a few of these days before.
As they finish up their lasagna, Joel goes ahead and suggests watching a movie. He knows Ellie loves the compound’s movie nights just as much as the little ones.
“Can we?” she asks eagerly, a familiar spark flickering in her eyes.
Tommy and Maria look at each other. “Well, sure. Why not?” Maria says.
They clear the table quickly after that and select an action movie that Joel is pretty sure he caught on TV one night ages ago when Sarah was at a sleepover. The pang the thought sends through him is quick and biting, but the way Ellie bounces in her seat on the couch with anticipation helps him put the thought to rest once he recognizes it.
He takes his seat next to her. Ellie starts out resting against the arm of the couch, chin propped in her hand, but by the beginning of the movie’s second big action sequence she’s shifted to lean into his side. He adjusts so they’re both a little more comfortably settled into each other, his arm draping around the back of the couch.
Neither of them move for the rest of the movie, except for when Joel’s arm shifts to settle around her shoulders.
By the time the credits roll, it’s dark out. They walk through the cool fall night back to their house. Joel is glad to see that the movie night has helped Ellie perk up to her normal self. She babbles about the film’s effects and discusses the story’s various plot holes and inconsistencies. For his part, Joel mostly just listens and occasionally responds in agreement.
“I mean, what even was the bad guy’s plan?” she asks. “The bald asshole kept babbling about missiles or something, but I’m pretty sure he never actually said what they were going to do with the missiles. Right?”
“Don’t believe he did,” Joel responds.  
“And why did that one agent think going in without backup was a good idea? I mean, yeah, it was badass, but it was obviously going to fail from the beginning.”
“Don’t rightly know.”
“And for pete’s sake, why did the woman agent not have pants on for half the movie?”
“Because the people who made the movie were gross old men, probably.”
Ellie snorts. “You’re probably right.”  
They lapse into a companionable silence for a few minutes before Ellie suddenly leans over to nudge Joel’s arm with her elbow. “Hey.”
“Hm?” he questions, turning to give her his full attention from where it had been scanning the night sky—as far as he can tell, the single positive effect of the apocalypse is the decrease in pollution, including light pollution, which means the sky is blanketed in stars no matter where you are.
She sticks her hands in her jacket pockets, looking away with flushed cheeks and scuffing the heel of her shoe in the dirt before turning to look him in the face. “Thanks, Joel.”
He doesn’t need to ask what for. “Anytime, baby girl.”
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need-a-new-hobby · 4 years
The Boogeyman
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summary: oc is dr. piper bishop. you may find a full profile on my tumblr (soon). her qualifications are 4 Ph.Ds in different branches of psychology, a master’s in history and bachelor’s in literature all by 22 (I wanted her to compete w/ reid). based on S2E6: The Boogeyman
When her honey-brown eyes fluttered awake, it was still dark. 5:30 am. She rose out of bed, rubbing her eyes, like a child waking up on a Sunday morning. Slipping on her ruby slippers, she staggered to the kitchen, remnants of last night’s class schedule and history projects strewn across her beige countertop, to make a cup of tea. It was strange, here in Ozona, to drink iced coffee, never mind tea. She set the kettle, pulled her long cardigan to cover her chest and regarded the manor in the woods. The whistle shattered her gaze at the dilapidated house.
In Virginia, 6 agents discussed the death of two children in the middle of Texas. "Nicholas Faye of Ozona, Texas, was beaten to death roughly 13 hours ago. Blunt force trauma to the head," JJ sighed. There was never a good day nor time to deliberate on innocent and defenceless children. But she’d worked this job too long to slip into that pattern of doom and gloom. "He’s the second young boy to die the same way in the last 2 months. A local hunter found his body in the woods. First victim’s name, Robbie Davis."
"Are these boys connected somehow?" asked Morgan.
"Ozona’s population is roughly 2 500. Everyone has some kind of connection."
"Well, if they weren’t linked before they certainly are now." Morgan wore the same grim expression of exasperation as JJ. The agents agreed that they were both murdered by the same offender who was hunting children. The repulsiveness wasn’t lost on any of them.
Piper Bishop was a history teacher. She asked herself why every day. Every day she’d sit on her front porch, sipping on tea, asking why. Her entire life, she’d wanted to help people, and her entire life, she questioned if it was enough. She wasn’t smart enough to go to medical school, her father had made sure she understood that at most. Her clear preference for the humanities was seen as repulsive, condemned for "supporting these damn bleeding-heart liberals". Neither were Daniel’s remarks lost on her either. She remembered her last reunion with her siblings. "You have 4 Ph.Ds Pipes," he’d said, blues gazing at browns. "Why are you teaching school kids?" She’d find the answer every time a young girl whispered about a bully in her ear, every time a young boy bared his scars to her. She’d tried doing the psychiatry gig, but the stigma behind her patients meant she had none. Her father’s words still stuck to her. Though she’d shaken him off, his voice became her own. What if he is right though? What if you really won’t amount to anything? Piper laughed at her own absurdity. She’d almost missed the sunrise. The warm sun peeking out at her behind the trees melted away all her doubts. "Time for school Dr. Bishop."
"You guys hear Elle was cleared?" Spencer sat down with his cup of hot coffee next to Derek. Well, more sugar than coffee anyway.
"Self-defence," Derek stated, flipping through the files, with an air of disbelief.
"So it was a good shoot." Derek turned towards the young agent.
"She hit what she was aiming for." JJ commented without a glance at the two men in front of her, eyes focused on the case at hand.
"That’s not what I meant."
"I know." The blonde agent said.
"If they cleared her," Morgan asked, "then how come she’s not here with us? Or Hotch?"
"Focus on the case," Gideon reprimanded, seated away from them. Taking it as a sign to change the conversation, JJ handed out the autopsy reports. Morgan then suggested the bludgeoning was a form of frustration or rage.
"With no apparent sexual motivation," Reid added, "that’s rare when the victims are this young."
"The unsure is taking pleasure from the kill itself." Gideon contributed.
"If it’s not sexual, what’s the significance in killing young males?"
"Most serial killers prey upon specific types to carry out fantasies of revenge.” Spencer answered, drawing on his memory. “Bundy killed women that looked like an ex-girlfriend who jilted him, Dahmer claimed that schoolyard harassment federal into his fury."
"Okay, so maybe these kids represent someone who victimised the offender?"
"Unlikely," JJ replied, "they just found another body. 11 year old girl."
Piper glanced over her desk quickly once more. Her worksheets were ready, her timeline of Alexander the Great was drawn up and her map of Alexander’s territory was pinned, dotted with little flags and sketched out. She was determined to make this module the best one yet to make up for the tension in the classroom. She’d already lost 2 kids to that coward in the woods, she wasn’t about to lose a third. The Persian horde had arrived and the young doctor opened the gates to receive the 45 little kids raging to their beloved history teacher. No, 43 now, she chided herself. Closing the door, she mentally reminded her to control her emotions. She turned to face her little devils, "Who’s ready to fight the Macedons?"
Her warm eyes flitted across the desks. That was weird. Three desks were empty this time. "Has anyone seen Sarah?" She entertained her class for a while and told them to take a worksheet each while she made a call. Piper popped her head into Mr Davison’s class and asked him to keep an eye on her class. She tapped her fingers erratically while the administration office checked up on Mrs Peterson. "Well,?"
"Dr. Bishop, Sarah’s not at home either."
Piper took a shaky breath before entering her classroom. She’ll be fine. She probably got lost on her way to school. The police will do their job. Relax.
"Okay, who can tell me who Alexander is?"
Hailey jumped up and recited, "Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and a member of the…" The young brunette stumbled. Piper could see the happiness leech from the young girl’s face.
"Argead dynasty, idiot." Jeffrey yelled, sticking his tongue out. "She can’t even speak. Are you dumb, Hailey?"
"Enough, Jeffrey, don’t you ever put someone else down for trying. If you keep your head down and keep studying, maybe you can be a teacher too, but trying and failing is better than doing nothing at all." Piper turned her attention to the tears rapidly forming in the child’s blinking eyes. Piper handed her a tissue from her desk and kneeled down next to her. "It’s okay kiddo. We make mistakes sometimes. That doesn’t mean we stop trying. What do you think that word says?" After a couple of tries, Hailey got the hang of it, and Piper could move on.
"Alex spent most of his years on a military campaign through western Asia and northeast Africa," Piper said, drawing their attention to what she’d say was an impressive map. "And by the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from Greece to northwestern India."
Gideon and the local sheriff trudged through fallen leaves to the site of where the battered boy was. "This isn’t a dump site," Gideon noted, "the murder happened right here." Kneeling down, he said, more to his own benefit than the sheriff, "Autopsy report claims no sign of a struggle."
"Poor little guy never had a chance."
Gideon envisioned the incident. The 8 year old boy walking past, turning back to see his abuser.
"The victims knew their killer." He muttered to himself. "Followed them to this spot."
"What makes you think that?"
"Well, the kids went this deep into the woods because they trusted them. Probably stashed his weapon here beforehand. We’re looking for someone intelligent, methodical, but the method of killing doesn’t fit. It’s confusing. Doesn’t make sense." Gideon’s words were as fragmented as his thoughts, desperately trying to pull the pieces together.
Less than a quarter mile away from the other dumpsites, the gangly doctor stood next to the bagged and battered kid. "Violence was post-mortem," revealed the medical examiner on the case, equally horrified at the scenes unfolding over the past few weeks.
"So, the killer’s becoming more brazen."
"But now he’s spending more time with the victims even after death." Morgan glanced at the yellow 'Hunting Area' sign nailed to a tree. "If he’s a hunter," Derek turned to Spencer, "he’d know every inch of these woods."
The PA squealed out just as Piper was getting to the Persian conquest. "All students, please head to the assembly hall immediately, all teachers to the teacher’s lounge." The young woman herded the daydreamers out, grabbed her Doctor Who mug and rushed to the lounge. Whilst pouring herself a cup of coffee, James told her about the parents and the BAU members coming to discuss the murders. Steeling herself for a gruesome speech, Piper headed over to the hall to introduce the kids to FBI agents while James stayed behind to console parents. While the soles of her sneakers rushed, her head wandered. Who were these agents? Were these kids gonna be okay? At the entrance to the hall, her forehead wrinkled and her body collided with a lanky agent and her warm coffee stained the whole of both their cardigans, her brain juice spilling all over the floor.
"Sorry," they both exclaimed. Gideon and JJ walked by, snickering as she entered the hall, but Gideon barely spared them a glance.
"Seriously, I am so sorry." Piper gushed. "I have some tissues, and there’s a bathroom right there."
The agent just laughed and took the cardigan off. "Don’t worry about it, it’s brown anyway." He stared at your TARDIS mug. "Is that…" Piper blanched. Did she now also have to explain Doctor Who to him?
"I know it looks like a phone booth but it’s actually a…" She stumbled. "I have no idea how to explain this without sounding like I’m a complete lunatic."
"No, I know what Doctor Who is." He chuckled softly.
Piper sighed in relief. "Finally, you have no idea the glances I get for this thing."
"Reid!" Gideon yelled from the hallway.
"That’s me. Bye." Spencer waved awkwardly at the young woman in front of him, before sidestepping her quickly to get to his mentor.
"It could be someone you know or it could be a stranger you pass at the grocery store. But it’s vital that we keep our eyes open and our children close. Now as Ozona’s guidance counsellor, I can only help your children with the aftermath but our police department is working with the FBI, gathering information on the case. To elaborate on that, Agent Jason Gideon." James introduced the middle-aged agent to the anxious parents sitting in the lounge. Reid stood behind his mentor.
"We want you to know we’re doing everything we can to find the person responsible. Until we do there are a number of precautions you need to take. Let me go over some of them with you."
Piper watched the kids attentively, just barely paying Agent Jareau and Agent Morgan attention.
"It’s a buddy system," JJ started. "That means you always go everywhere with a friend."
"That’s because bad men and women only talk to us when we’re alone."
"We don’t know what these guys look like yet. It might be someone you know."
Hailey raised her hand.
"Yeah, sweetheart, you got a question?" Piper was touched by the kindness in Agent Morgan’s voice. You couldn’t fake that tenderness.
Hailey took a deep breath, "There was this little girl once on the news who just got grabbed right in front of our house. Could that happen to us?"
The tall agent looked back at Agent Jareau. Piper understood the hesitation.
"Hailey, sweetheart, nothing will happen to you, you have my word." She walked over to the young girl and gently rubbed her shoulder. "So long as you listen to the FBI, honey." She nodded to the agents and stepped back.
"Any more questions?" Gideon asked.
"Did you ever find his hat?" Mrs Faye asked in a trembling voice, fighting the urge to cry.
"'Scuse me?" Jason was confused.
"The red one I put on him. He was wearing it when he left."
"I’m sorry, Mrs Faye," Jason rubbed his hand.
"Mandatory curfew at 5pm." James interjected and dismissed the parents. "Just make sure you know where your children are."
Piper grabbed her bag after the last bell had gone. The ghosts of Robbie, Nicholas and Sarah hadn’t left your head. She wished she could kiss the fear away from those kids. Piper jumped at the rap on the door.
"Agent Morgan. What can I do you for?"
"Just a few routine questions." Piper gestured to the seat next to her desk.
"How can I help you?"
"How long have you worked here?"
"Must be about a year now."
"As a history teacher?" Piper smiled.
"Did you guess from the armour and the coffin?" The tall doctor swung his head to take a look at the almost replica of armour.
"Have you noticed anyone looking at the children in a strange way?" Morgan continued.
“Is this an original?” 
“Gods, no. Everyone knows a teacher doesn’t make enough to own original Macedonian armour. Also Greece refuses to sell any artefact to American citizens considering their scuffle with the British Museum.” Her eyebrows furrowed as she considered Morgan’s question. "I don’t think so. The chances of a child predator in a small town are ridiculously low since state law requires registered sex offenders live 2,000 feet from schools and Texas’s registry is public. I suppose the problem would then be unregistered ones, in which case, kids are always under supervision. Most likely, only someone the kids trust would be the coward doing this. In that scenario, the only adults with that kind of trust would be family friends, family, the teachers and the bus driver. I’ve met all the parents and none of them fit the psychological requirements of a sexual predator and honestly, neither do the teachers."
Morgan smiled at your thought process. "Huh, you’d make quite the profiler, but we don’t think it’s a sexual act since the bodies don’t show any sign of a sexual assault."
Piper mulled over the new information. "I know those kids. They’re good kids and even if it just boils down to a case of rage, no adult within their inner circles would be capable of such a thing. It’s not that it’s impossible, but it is highly unlikely. A lot of these people have kids of their own." She saw the disbelief on their faces so she switched tacks. "What’s your profile of the killer?"
"We can’t disclose that to the public yet."
"Then think of it as a consultation." Piper said, pulling out her resume from an inner drawer.
Morgan whistled and Reid glanced at the sheet over his shoulder. "4 PhDs in clinical, child, abnormal and counselling psychology. Why are you a history teacher?"
Piper glanced at the door. "Everyone told me to start my own practice, and I did." She pointed at the glowing resume in Derek’s hands. "When people heard about this, they came too. But slowly they stopped. At first I thought it was a good sign. But I’d call them in a month, and they’d tell me they’d slipped back into their addictions, or their depressive episodes." She combed her hand through her hair.
"So I quit, packed my bags, moved to Ozona and asked for a teaching position." She let out a shaky breath. "I am more than qualified to help you out, Agent Morgan, so please let me." Morgan looked back at Reid who shrugged.
"Can I have your attention please?" The local department turned to focus on Agent Gideon. "We’d like to make something clear." He cleared his throat. "Due to the velocity of change, we predict this offender could try to strike again at any time. His confidence builds with every attack."
"Look for someone physically fit, shy, kind disposition. Someone you may trust with your own child. Because the killer targets kids, he may be small himself," Morgan took over, "and though we keep referring to this unsub as he, do not rule out a woman."
A mother and her young son rushed over to the small congregation. Piper recognised her. "Excuse me. My son Matthew never came home today."
Gideon stepped forward, asking where he was last seen. "His teachers saw him in the parking lot after school." At that moment, all officers and agents moved to start looking for the boy. Reid and Morgan turned to the map, trying to figure out how and where he may be taken. Noticing the woman in distress and panic, JJ asked the woman to take a seat. Piper watched the scene from a corner and focused on the little boy with her.
"What are you thinking about over here?" She knelt down in front of him.
"Nothing," said the child softly.
"You look awfully upset to be thinking about nothing. Wanna tell me what’s wrong?"
"Matty said he was just gonna ring the doorbell. At the haunted house. On the hill."
"Finnegan’s place," interrupted James.
"Forever kind of a local legend," the sheriff informed the agents. "Folks say he watches kids from the window. Hunts 'em. Skins 'em. Eats 'em."
"Why weren’t we told about this?" Morgan faced the sheriff. "Fables often come from an ounce of truth. We should exhaust every possibility."
As day turned to night and the FBI agents raided Finnegan’s manor, Piper sat on her porch, mulling the profile over and over. She knew the people in town. She’d have known if there was a killer in their midst. Do you, though? You think you know better that professional profilers? What, because you wrote a few research papers in 4 years. Get a grip. She glanced at Old Man Finnegan’s place. He’d stopped coming into the town after his wife died, she knew that much. No, it couldn’t be him. Why would the kids trust a man they fear? So, who? Shaking her head, the young woman walked into the house. She grabbed a mandarin from her little fruit bowl and busied herself making a cup of tea. I have to be making an assumption. C’mon Pipes! Her mind flashed back to class. The little boy in her 7th grade class yelling at little Hailey then the incident in April in the parking lot. Ignoring the yell of her kettle, Piper left her orange on the counter and rushed to her dining table to her binders. She scrambled to her 7th grade class binder. Jeffrey Charles and on top, her cursive handwriting that her mom was so damn proud of. Father, James Charles, guidance counsellor. Mother, unknown, left in Apr. 2006. She flicked to her notes. 
Disruptive. Borderline bully. Possesses strained empathy for others. Loner. Apathetic towards school. Can be attributed to broken family.
She glanced at the time. 1:30 am. Shit. Should I call Morgan anyway? Piper pulled out her phone and the card Derek had given her. Not giving her brain the chance to overthink, Piper dialled the number. After 7 rings, she hangs up. Of course he didn’t pick up your call. Did you really think what you have to say matters? She brushed the nasty voice of her dad off, but left the phone on the table. She took the kettle off, turned the lights off, locked the door, and went to bed.
The boys separated in the night, torches and guns at the ready. Gideon and Reid took the back while Morgan and the sheriff took the front of the house. Morgan flicked the lights on and off, but nothing happened. "Definitely haunted."
Gideon and Reid edged towards the garage. "FBI," Gideon yelled, only to hear the soft mumbles of a child.
"I didn’t want the old man to find me."
"All right," Gideon said, rather gruffer than he intended, "No one’s gonna harm you."
Spencer settled down in the darkness. "Hey Garcia, did you get anything?" he greeted their tech analyst softly.
"Well, only that Finnegan’s house in the hill is like the Bates hotel of Ozona, Texas." She grinned and continued her knitting.
"Yeah, we heard the legends."
"Spencer, seriously, people that go into that house supposedly never come out. SpoOky!" Penelope sang.
"Garcia, could you at least pretend not to enjoy that rumour so much considering I’ve actually entered the house?"
"Sensitive," she mocked the young doctor. "Sorry,"
"Besides, local police say there are no reports of that happening."
"Yeah, this is true. All complaints filed were false alarms. But then there is that matter of his missing wife," the blonde taunted.
"Wife? What wife? When did she go missing?"
"Almost 50 years ago," she said sinisterly.
"Is there no record of her ever being found?"
"I got 2 words for you my friend, rear window." Reid abandoned his files to pay attention to his dear, quirky and unrelentingly mischievous friend. "That guy probably chopped that lady up into delicious, bite-sized little pieces."
Something creaked outside Reid’s window.
"Think about it, Spencer," she continued, "she may have never left the premises." Garcia could barely contain her giggles. "She may still be in the house," she whispered into her mic.
That creaking something creaked again.
"Garcia, I’m sitting here in the dark, alone. Thanks."
"While you’re waiting for a potential murderer to come home, that’s kinda dangerous." Garcia smiled into her mic, twisting her pen in her hand and picturing the deliciously scared features on Spencer’s face. "Kinda sexy," she added.
"I gotta go," Reid said, looking out into the darkness on the other side of the window.
"You’re having creepy fun, I wish I was there."
As Reid turned off his cell, he glanced back towards the noises on the stairs. Slowly standing up, he felt something. An entity. A presence. An existence. Spencer turned his head around, only to bump into a tall, dark stranger and he jumped, terrified. "You really are afraid of the dark," Derek said, smiling.
"I’m working on it," Spencer shot back quickly and walked away.
"You should work a little harder."
The sheriff came back to the group, reporting that his deputy would get the boy back safe. Morgan shook his head. The whole town was on edge. Perhaps that’s why Finnegan was in the wind. The agent flicked his torch to the wall, only to see a rack of rifles.
"The unsub didn’t use a gun," Gideon pointed out. He kept walking, piecing together his thoughts aloud. "Finnegan’s an avid hunter, why didn’t he use it?" He reached under the table to pull out Robbie’s lunchbox and Sarah’s backpack.
"I guess Finnegan brought the kids back here before finishing them off. But why wouldn’t he get rid of the evidence?"
"He considers them trophies,"Spencer said softly.
Morgan huffed. "When this is all said and done, I’d like to hang his head on a wall."
Morgan, Reid and Gideon paced the next crime scene, only this time it wasn’t a child. It was Finnegan. The medical examiner explained that he died of natural causes.
"His heart probably gave out while setting this trap," Reid suggested.
"Yeah, well, karma’s a bitch," the M.E. commented, "those coyotes were gnawing on him for a week."
"Before the second or third murders even happened," Morgan pointed out.
"This area’s off the travelled path, it’s a wonder anyone even discovered him at all."
"If you ask me," the medical examiner suggested, "those leaves didn’t cover him by themselves."
"If Finnegan’s been dead all this time, who’s living in his house?"
Piper Bishop rose later than usual. 7 am. She’d missed the sunrise. Shit. Pulling on her slippers, she went through the rounds; a cup of tea, pancakes, review of the class schedule and that’s when she remembered. She meant to call Morgan in the morning. She dialled his cell again. Nothing. Sighing, she told herself she’d drop by later today. She changed into her favourite outfit, white satin button-up, dark blue pants, grey blazer, drop necklace.
"Here’s a question," Reid asked, crossing his legs on the couch, "if a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound in nobody hears it?"
Morgan stared at him. "What the hell are you reading over there?"
"I was just thinking," Reid gazed back at the journals on his lap.
"Found something," Gideon announced. The boys followed him into the kitchen.
"Provisions," he said, staring at the near-dozen near-empty dishes, "delivered by the church to every elderly’s doorstep." He waved his hand to all of them, saying, "Each one dated after Finnegan died."
"So the unsub ate everything?" Morgan asked.
"Almost everything," Gideon answered, "unopened bowls of creamed spinach thrown in the trash, each one wrapped with duct tape."
"One with each tray," Spencer noted, handling the casings carefully.
"So we’re looking for a guy who really, really hates spinach?" Morgan was exasperated.
"Who doesn’t?" Spencer retorted.
"Ritualised, meticulous, organised."
"He would eat the same particulars." Reid was confused.
"Full prints," Gideon ordered. At that, Gideon’s cell rang and seeing the name, walked out.
"It’s about Elle, isn’t it?" Spencer said, walking closer to Derek, arms crossed. "I talked to her in Ohio."
"Reid, we all talked to her."
"No, no, I talked to her before. I went to her room one night and…she was drinking."
"She almost died. I’d be drinking too."
To say Piper was frustrated would not even begin to cover her chagrin at being unable to talk to Morgan. He wasn’t answering his cell and she couldn’t find a sub this last minute. Her students felt the tension and none wanted to see her explode. They kept quiet, answering their comprehension questions of Alexander the Great’s Persian conquests. As soon as the bell rang, she started, rushing students out the door and grabbing her bag. She dialled the sheriff’s number and asked to meet his as soon as possible.
"Just hear me out, Sheriff," she pleaded.
"You really expect me to believe that a child could do something as heinous as this."
"Jeffrey isn’t an ordinary child. His mother left him in April, you know that. Children grow resentful of other children anyway."
"That’s ridiculous. So he’s a little jealous." He got up and started pacing.
"Except he’s not just resentful about mothers, it’s about James too. You and I both know how much he cares about those kids. Some days he calls me at 3 in the morning to talk about how stressed he is. Not 'cause of his workload, but 'cause he’s worried he’s not doing enough. Sheriff, I’m begging you to see reason."
"No, you’re delusional."
"I don’t think you know what that word means and you definitely aren’t qualified to use it.”
"A child would never do this."
"That’s exactly why you’ll never find your killer."
"Are you doubting me, Ms Bishop?"
"No," she said forcefully, "Quite frankly, Sheriff, you don’t know the first thing about kids. I’ve seen how worried Langdon gets sometimes because he’s scared that his Daddy isn’t going to come home one day. I’m not doubting your ability, Sheriff, I’m doubting whether you’ll find the unsub before another child has to die. 3 children are dead, I’m trying to help and for the record, it’s Doctor." For once, she felt calmer and having said her piece, she walked out the sheriff’s office, greeting Agent Gideon politely before she walked away from the both of them.
"Why the woods, JJ?" Morgan asked, sipping his terrible coffee in station’s waiting room.
"Your fear, you said it was of the woods. Why?"
"Oh, I was a camp counsellor when I was a teenager. In the woods up in Vermont, I had the night shift. Tucked the girls in, turned off the lights, you know the typical stuff. Everything seemed fine, all the kids were asleep, you know. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Until, I noticed there was some blood on the hallway floor. So I followed the blood trail out to the camp director’s cabin, walked up to his bed and he was just lying underneath his covers, dead. Someone stabbed him. I ran out of there so fast, out the door, down the hall, I just remember it being really dark and once I got to the door, there was another counsellor. I guess she must have heard me scream. Anyway, they caught the cleaner on his way to town. He must have had the knife on him. So, that’s when I decided didn’t like the woods." JJ fought to suppress her giggles at Derek’s expression.
"You’re serious?"
"No," She laughed. "No, I don’t know why I’m afraid of the woods. Why is he still afraid of the dark?"
"Yeah, Reid?"
"Because of the inherent absence of light," he replied.
"That was good JJ," Morgan’s phone started ringing, "Just know that paybacks are a bitch."
"Hey girl," he called to his favourite tech analyst.
"I love our relationship. We barely need words."
"Talk to me baby."
"So I pulled two sets of prints of those trays," she said.
"Yeah, one of them belonging to a child?"
"Okay, which one of the victims? Why don’t you work with the Ozona Coroner’s Office?"
"Oh baby, that’s so yesterday. I’ve already got those minions working on it. The other set, however, is on the database. Name is James Charles, he’s the-"
"He’s the local guidance counsellor helping with the investigation."
"You’re kidding. Sending address now." Morgan looked at the two agents who had just abandoned their cups.
"Call Gideon. We know who the unsub is."
Piper was supervising the history projects. She’d managed to pull off having a history fair with a Renaissance theme to cheer the kids up. Each kid had to make a diorama and the history department would judge based on creativity, historical merit and above all enthusiasm, a word she was not feeling. A month ago, she would’ve been over the moon, but now, all she was thinking about was when the next body would show up. She’d yelled at the sheriff and Agent Gideon had seen it. It was unprofessional and now they’d never listen to her. So you finally agree then? It was a stupid and unnecessary thing to say. Clearly you aren’t as praiseworthy as teachers say. "Ugh," Piper swept her short wavy hair into a tight ponytail. Kneeling next to Langdon, she asked him where Jeffrey was. His shrug was worrying. Piper pulled out her cell and called the administration office. "Hi ladies, is Jeffrey at school today? He’s not in my class."
"His dad called him in sick."
"Thanks, girls." Piper tried to push it out of her mind. Maybe she was wrong.
After school was out, Piper grabbed her things and left. That’s right baby girl. Just let the police do their job and just go home like the insignificant bitch you are. She grabbed her helmet and was about to drive home when she got a call from the ladies in Administration.
"It’s James. They’ve arrested them Piper. What do we do?"
"Hang tight Claudia, I’ll deal with it, okay."
"Here’s the deal," Morgan leaned over James in the interrogation room, "I could stand here and tell you what I think you were doing in Finnegan’s house for the last 2 weeks. Or, you could do us all a favour. Sign a confession, maybe get a little something taken off your time. What’d you say?"
"I never stepped inside Finnegan’s house." James stared right back into Morgan’s eyes.
"What the hell do you think you’re doing?" Piper slammed the door behind her. The agents turned from staring at the small television screen. "Seriously, you think Jamie would do something like this?"
"Piper," The sheriff started.
"No, you don’t get that privilege anymore. It’s Doctor or nothing because clearly you don’t value my experience, Sheriff. I’m sorry to interrupt what clearly isn’t a waste of your time, Agents, but James couldn’t have done any of this."
"Then why won’t he talk to us? He had the baseball cap at his house, his prints are all over the food trays. I don’t see another explanation."
"His prints were on the food trays because he volunteers at the church’s food drive and he’s not the one with the baseball cap, it’s his son. That’s why he called him in sick yesterday, it’s why he’s hiding the truth from you all. James doesn’t have the time nor the motive. If his wife left him, why would he attack kids? More importantly when? When he isn’t at school, he has a session with a kid. If not there, helping with your investigation or handing out food for retired folks. The man has no opportunity and no motive. If anything, he’d be killing women resembling his wife, but instead he’s devoting every possible minute of his life to this community. As for why I think it’s Jeffrey, if you’d listened to me, Sheriff, the kid lost his mom in April. If you don’t know, if a kid loses a parent when they’re in their formative years as a result of abandonment rather than death, they grow increasing resentful of kids who do have their parents. Except for Jeffrey, it’s like he lost both. When his mother left, James devoted his life to the community and as a natural consequence, Jeffrey lost his father too. Whether you believe me or not is up to you, but 3 kids are dead and Jeffrey is missing." They were all standing up, ignoring the interrogation and gawking at Piper. Reid couldn’t stop staring at her and her ears began to redden significantly. Gideon broke the silence.
"Stay. Observe. You know him better than we do. Watch his behaviour and tell me if you don’t think he’s guilty."
Piper was slightly relieved that Gideon took her seriously enough to let her stay.
"How these last 6 months been for you James? Not too good huh? I don't know, your whole life is falling apart isn't it? Oh yeah you got to be feeling a loss of control, sense of abandonment. And I would guess, a little impotent maybe?" Morgan chuckled. "Come on man, give me something! Why did your wife leave you? What happened James, she get bored? I mean you don't seem all that exciting to me. She started feeling a little uninspired? You're not a minute man, aren't you? Uh, that's what it is!"
"You don’t think that’s a little uncalled for?" Piper exclaimed.
"We need him to talk. If he gets angry, he may slip up." Piper settled down.
"You think Dr. Bishop’s right?" Reid asked, playing with the handcuffs in his palm.
"I don’t know. I can’t believe a kid could be capable of something like this. She seems close to James too. Could be covering for him."
"I guess so."
"You know, it's bad enough his mother left and now his father's in custody. We’ve also got to take the poor kid into child services."
"It’s the law."
So is jaywalking. I don't have to like it. Good afternoon this is Agent Jareau, with the FBI, we're gonna be picking up Jeffrey Charles in about 20 minutes, if... Okay, I see. Thank you."
"What is it?"
"Dr Bishop may have been right."
"Jeffrey never was at school today. His father said he was sick." JJ informed them.
Piper’s instinct was to yell 'Aha!' but thankfully she went against it.
"Reid, go though his apartment." Gideon ordered.
"No, you don’t seriously still think this is his fault."
"I think he may have blamed his kid for his failed marriage."
"Then I can’t watch this interview. Let me help Dr Reid with the search." Everyone looked to Gideon.
"Okay, fine. Reid, keep an eye on her."
"Why are you so sure it isn’t him?" Reid asked her softly.
"Hmm?" Piper looked up from the abandoned dirty dishes.
"What you said back there, how are you so sure?"
"I’m not exactly the most experienced psychologist. I mean, I’ve studied it, wrote about it, talked in conferences about it, but I haven’t applied it, not the way he has. I guess, if he does turn out to be the killer," she huffed, "then he’s not the man I hoped he’d be." Reid stared at her.
Piper pulled the elastic from her hair and moved past Spencer to the bookshelf.
"It’s difficult. Being a single parent. Not that I would know. But I can understand." She pulled a book of the shelf. Kurt Vonnegut. "But James handled it as best he could. He put his personal trauma aside for the whole community. Only issue was," she turned to look back into Reid’s soft gaze, "his kid got the brunt of it. Most saints have something to hide, Spence. Gandhi accused his eldest son of 'alcohol and debauchery,' even sexual assault. And no-one believes me because no-one’s met the kid. He has serious rage issues, strained empathy for others and is apathetic to others."
"Huh. Look at this." Piper moved towards the doctor.
"It’s an EpiPen. So?"
"So, at Finnegan’s house, we found all the creamed spinach duck-taped and thrown out."
"Spence," Piper levelled her gaze, "Jeffrey has an allergy to dairy."
"Can I have a word with him?" Gideon asked. Morgan nodded and left the room. "It’s a rough day, huh? Coffee?"
"Yeah I wouldn't mind."
"So how long have you known that your son is a murderer?" Gideon abruptly asked without breaking eye contact.
"What are you talking about?"
"You might have been the one who brought the food trays to Finnegan's, but your son ate them, everything but the creamed spinach."
"You want me to confess? Is that what this game is? That's fine. You bring me another pen, I'll write out my confession."
"We found an EpiPen in your kitchen."
"So what that proves that my kid has an allergy."
"To milk."
Piper had had enough. "Let me in there, I’ll get him to talk. If Gideon threatens the freedom of his child, James won’t talk. He’ll talk to me."
"Not with Gideon in there." Morgan chided you.
Piper sat cross-legged on the chair, head resting on the back of her arms. Morgan was almost falling asleep. Reid was on his 8th cup of coffee. Piper’s ringtone woke Derek up and she couldn’t help laughing. "Big bad Derek Morgan’s afraid of a ringtone?" she laughed and raised the phone to her ear.
"Hi, Mrs Belle. How can I help you? Is Tracy okay?" Piper’s change of expression from glee to gloom wasn’t lost on anyone. "Okay, sit tight Mrs Belle, we’ll find her. Please relax." Piper hung up the phone and tied her short hair up again.
"Tracey Belle was just reported missing. Last seen getting off her school bus on Fuller Road."
What happened after was just a blur. Piper had managed to convince Gideon to let her come, citing her certification for hostage negotiation. They’d all strapped the Kevlar suits on and found a spare for her. Reid and JJ left in one car, Morgan and the sheriff in another and Piper was paired with Gideon.
"Why are you a history teacher?" Gideon asked.
"You’re 25, you have 4 Ph.Ds in Psychology, a Masters in History and Bachelors in Literature."
"Thought I wasn’t doing much good in a university classroom. Swapped it for an elementary school"
"I’m a profiler. Don’t lie to me."
"Yes, sir. They wouldn’t come because they didn’t want people to think they or their kids were crazy. So I stopped. I wrote books and papers. I taught at universities. But I kept getting this nagging thing in my head, that I should be doing more. So I packed and moved."
"Where’d you teach?"
"The main ones. Guest lectured at Brown for months at a time. Harvard was my alma mater so I was there for a semester. Columbia offered but I rejected them. They were kinda stung that I chose a high school over them." He chuckled at that. "None of you smile a lot."
"Especially you. Do the cases get that bad?"
"So why do it?" The car stopped near the woods. They both got out of the vehicle and headed towards the others.
"Because it has to be done." He looked over at her and smiled.
Tracy was running. Her bag was gone. Jeffrey was going to hurt her. She knew she was at the playground, but after a few minutes, the woods had enveloped her. She prayed that her mom was looking, that someone was looking, but the only thing that filled the little girl’s little heart was the dread. Dread that in these big bad woods, she was all alone with a killer.
"Split up, she’s gotta be somewhere."
Bishop and Gideon ran through the woods looking for the small blonde.
Trees everywhere.
They were looking for a red and a blond needle in a green and orange haystack.
"Tracey!" Jeffrey cried in a sing song voice. "Let's just go home. I was only playing! Why do you have to be such a baby? Tracey?"
Tracy’s feet hurt. She should have been home by now. She staggered towards the nearest tree and hid. He couldn’t find her here, would he? Her breaths were jagged and she was terrified.
Bishop heard screaming. "Tracy!" They ran towards the piercing scream. She saw the scene unfolding and determined to be anything but helpless, Piper ran in between Jeffrey and Tracy. "Stop!" Gideon ran to Jeffrey, locking him in one arm, throwing the bat away with the other. Piper pushed Tracy into JJ’s arms and breathed with relief.
In the aftermath of things, James was pacing, scared of what his kid had become, terrified of what would happen to him. Piper held her head in her hands, sitting on the parkside bench. Morgan gently pushed Jeffrey into the car. Reid sat next to her.
"You did good."
"Did I? I blamed a kid for a serial murder because he lost his mother. What does that make me?" Piper lifted her head to look at him.
"A profiler." Spencer rubbed her shoulder and walked away. Piper glanced at James, pacing.
"You think you could have prevented this?"
"Maybe if I’d been there for him…"
She put a hand on his shoulder. "James, you’d put the world’s problems on your own back if you could. You can still be there for him. What he did, it isn’t his fault and it isn’t yours." He looked at Piper, his gaze shattered, his soul broken.
"You really believe that?"
"I believe that care and love can make anything possible."
Piper packed her things slowly. She folded her maps, packed away the Macedon’s armour and the Egyptian coffin.
"So where to next?" Gideon leaned on her desk, arms crossed.
"Vacation to Italy, maybe Venice. Figuring things out." She shrugged.
"You did good today, but…you could be better."
"I’m sorry?"
"I want you on the team." Piper levelled her gaze to Gideon, standing straight.
"In what capacity?"
"Consultant, on a temporary basis. If you put in the hours and do the classes, maybe even an agent. You in?"
"This a one-time offer?"
"I’m in."
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newstfionline · 3 years
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Warp-speed spending and other surreal stats of COVID times (AP) The U.S. effort in World War II was off the charts. Battles spread over three continents and four years, 16 million served in uniform and the government shoved levers of the economy full force into defeating Nazi Germany and imperial Japan. All of that was cheaper for American taxpayers than this pandemic. The $1,400 federal payments going into millions of people’s bank accounts are but one slice of a nearly $2 trillion relief package made law this past week. With that, the United States has spent or committed to spend nearly $6 trillion to crush the coronavirus, recover economically and take a bite out of child poverty. Set in motion over one year, that’s warp-speed spending in a capital known for gridlock, ugly argument and now an episode of violent insurrection. Once, the attack on Pearl Harbor was the modern marker for national trauma. About 2,400 Americans died in the assault on the naval base in Hawaii that drew the United States into the Pacific war. The nearly 3,000 dead from the terrorist attacks Sept. 11, 2001, became the new point of comparison as the ravages of COVID-19 grew. The U.S. reached a total of 3,000 COVID-19 deaths even before March 2020 was out. By December, the country was experiencing the toll of 9/11 day after day after day. With deaths now moderating—so that a 9/11 toll comes cumulatively every few days—the U.S. death toll now has surpassed 530,000, exceeding U.S. combat deaths of all of the last century’s wars.
The Fighter Jet That’s Too Pricey to Fail (NYT) Last week, the new head of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Adam Smith, said in an interview that the F-35 fighter jet was a “rathole” draining money. He said the Pentagon should consider whether to “cut its losses.” That promptly set off another round of groaning about the most expensive weapon system ever built, and questions about whether it should—or could—be scrapped. Conceived in the 1990s as a sort of Swiss army knife of fighter jets, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter was meant to come as a conventional fighter for the Air Force, as a carrier-based fighter for the Navy and as a vertical-landing version for the Marines. The problems, and there were lots of them, set in early. All three versions of the plane ended up at least three years behind schedule, and sharing less than a quarter of their parts instead of the anticipated 70 percent. Many of those already built need updates; hundreds of defects are still being corrected; the jet is so expensive to maintain that it costs around $36,000 per hour to fly (compared to $22,000 for an older F-16). At the current rate, it will cost taxpayers more than $1 trillion over its 60-year life span. So, kill the monster and start looking for alternatives? Or declare it too big to fail and make the best of it? Last month, the Air Force chief of staff, Gen. Charles Brown Jr., gave his answer when he said that the F-35 should become the Ferrari of the fleet: “You only drive it on Sundays.”
Colorado and Wyoming brace for severe snowstorm and potential blizzard conditions this weekend (Washington Post) A major winter storm is set to unload massive amounts of snow, the most in years in some areas, in parts of Colorado, Wyoming and western Nebraska this weekend into early next week. Before the wintry onslaught is over, some locations in the Colorado foothills and eastern Rockies might end up with as much as four feet. Winds are also going to howl, bringing the potential for blizzard conditions across parts of the region. Gusts of 35 to 50 mph or higher will cause blowing and drifting snow, as well as compromised visibility and whiteout conditions. Winter storm warnings are in effect in Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins where the National Weather Service predicts 12 to 24 inches of snow. In Cheyenne, Wyo., also under a winter storm warning, 22 to 34 inches of snow is forecast.
Stay or go? Fence, Guard pose Capitol security questions (AP) Nobody, it seems, wants to keep the security fence around the U.S. Capitol anymore—except the police who fought off the horrific attack on Jan. 6. Lawmakers call the razor-topped fencing “ghastly,” too militarized and, with the armed National Guard troops still stationed at the Capitol since a pro-Trump mob laid siege, not at all representative of the world’s leading icon of democracy. “All you have to do is to see the fencing around the Capitol to be shocked,” Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., said in an interview Friday. How to protect lawmakers, while keeping the bucolic Capitol grounds open to visitors has emerged as one of the more daunting, wrenching questions from deadly riot. With warnings of another attack in early March by pro-Trump militants and threats on lawmakers that have nearly doubled since the start of 2021, the police, the Pentagon and lawmakers themselves are wrestling with how best to secure what has been a sprawling campus mostly open to visiting tourists and neighborhood dog walkers alike.
Bolivia arrests ex-leader in crackdown on opposition (AP) The conservative interim president who led Bolivia for a year was arrested Saturday as officials of the restored leftist government pursue those involved in the 2019 ouster of socialist leader Evo Morales, which they regard as a coup, and the administration that followed. Jeanine Áñez was detained in the early morning in her hometown of Trinidad and was flown to the capital, La Paz. She had earlier warned that officials were searching for her, terming it “abuse and persecution” in Twitter posts. The arrest of Áñez and warrants against numerous other former officials further worsened political tensions in a South American country already torn by a cascade of perceived wrongs suffered by both sides. Those include complaints that Morales had grown more authoritarian with nearly 13 years in office, that he illegally ran for a fourth reelection and then allegedly rigged the outcome, that right-wing forces led violent protests that prompted security forces to push him into resigning and then cracked down on his followers, who themselves protested the alleged coup. Dozens of people were killed in a series of demonstrations against and then for Morales.
British police officer charged with murder in missing woman’s kidnapping and killing (Washington Post) A British police officer was charged late Friday in the kidnapping and killing of Sarah Everard, whose disappearance and death has sent shock waves through the nation. Wayne Couzens, 48, who previously had posts at Downing Street and the Palace of Westminster, was charged with the kidnap and murder of Everard, a 33-year-old marketing executive. She was last seen at 9:30 p.m. on March 3, walking home from a friend’s house in south London. Her disappearance sparked a national outcry in Britain over the harassment and abuse of women. The case has struck a chord with women across the country, with many demanding change. In the days after Everard’s disappearance, women have taken to social media to share their own experiences and fears about their personal safety and walking alone. Caitlin Moran, an author and journalist, tweeted: “Being a woman: my “outside” day finishes at sundown. If I haven’t taken the dog for a walk/jogged by then, I can’t.” Writing in the Guardian, columnist Gaby Hinsliff said: “When she went missing, any woman who has ever walked home alone at night felt that grim, instinctive sense of recognition. Footsteps on a dark street. Keys gripped between your fingers.”
Car bomb kills at least 7, injures 53 in Afghan Herat province (Reuters) A powerful car bomb near a police station on Friday night killed at least seven people and wounded more than 50 others in Afghanistan’s western Herat province, officials said. Herat Governor Sayed Abdul Wahid Qatali said that at least 53 people, including civilians and security forces, were hurt when a van packed with explosives went off in a crowded part of the city in the evening.
4 killed as Myanmar forces continue crackdown on protesters (AP) Security forces in Myanmar on Saturday again met protests against last month’s military takeover with lethal force, killing at least four people by shooting live ammunition at demonstrators. Three deaths were reported in Mandalay, the country’s second-biggest city, and one in Pyay, a town in south-central Myanmar. There were multiple reports on social media of the deaths, along with photos of dead and wounded people in both locations. The independent U.N. human rights expert for Myanmar, Tom Andrews, said Thursday that “credible reports” indicated security forces in the Southeast Asian nation had so far killed at least 70 people, and cited growing evidence of crimes against humanity since the military ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi.
For Syrians, a decade of displacement with no end in sight (AP) Mohammed Zakaria has lived in a plastic tent in eastern Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley for almost as long as war has raged in his native Syria. He and his family fled bombings in 2012, thinking it would be a short, temporary stay. His hometown of Homs was under siege, and subject to a ferocious Syrian military campaign. He didn’t even bring his ID with him. Almost 10 years later, the family still hasn’t gone back. The 53-year-old Zakaria is among millions of Syrians unlikely to return in the foreseeable future, even as they face deteriorating living conditions abroad. On top of his displacement, Zakaria now struggles to survive Lebanon’s financial meltdown and social implosion. Nearly half a million people have been killed, and about 12,000 children have died or were injured in the conflict in the past decade, according to the U.N. children’s agency, UNICEF. The conflict also resulted in the largest displacement crisis since World War II. The Norwegian Refugee Council this week said that since the war began in 2011, an estimated 2.4 million people were displaced every year in and outside Syria. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians face continued displacement with each year that the conflict continues and economic conditions deteriorate.
Number of missing Nigerian students raised to 39 after armed raid (Reuters) Nine more students than originally thought are missing after gunmen stormed a forestry college in northwest Nigeria earlier this week, a government official in Nigeria’s Kaduna state said on Saturday. The revision brings the total number of missing students to 39 following Thursday’s nighttime raid on the Federal College of Forestry Mechanization, the fourth mass school abduction in northern Nigeria since December. Kaduna city is the capital of Kaduna state, part of a region where attacks by gangs of armed men, referred to as bandits, have festered for years. Military and police attempts to tackle the gangs have had little success, while many worry that state authorities are making the situation worse by letting kidnappers go unpunished, paying them off or providing incentives.
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sammy8d257 · 4 years
Masterlist For Object Head Media
LAST UPDATED: April 1st, 2020
Google Doc: HERE
Welcome! Ever wanted to find out if there’s any types of media that feature Object Head characters that aren’t just one-off or background characters?
Well you’ve come to the right place!
Here I hope to create a comprehensible list of all types of media that contain Object Headed characters!
But I’m only one person who doesn’t know every piece of Object Head media out there
SO IF YOU have a suggestion for a piece of media that would fit on this list
Send me a message through my Tumblr @sammy8d257 ​  
or on Twitter under the same name
With your help, I hope this list becomes very long with all sorts of amazing Object Head media!
Other than that, have fun exploring to your heart's content!
- Sammy
(List under “Keep Reading”)
Saga - written by Brian Vaughan, illustrated by Fiona Staples
Gene: Space/fantasy
Rating: M+
Language: English
Status: 54 issues, On Hiatus (as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Physical Comic
Description: Saga is an epic science-fiction/fantasy drama about two lovers from long-warring extraterrestrial races, Alana and Marko, fleeing from authorities from both sides of a galactic war as they struggle to care for their daughter, Hazel.
Object Heads: TV Heads, in Saga there is a whole race known as Robots Kingdom that are made entirely TV Headed characters.
Character Status: The object head characters turns from side to supporting character in the main cast
Warnings: Nudity, Sex, Death, Violence, its a war setting, blood, drugs, etc.
MyStereoBot - by bioatomic
Gene: Sci-fi, Romance, Comedy
Rating: M
Language: English
Status: 537 pages + 24 page Epilogue, Completed on 6/6/2017
Read On: Smackjeeves or Tapas
Description: Infinity, a stereo head robot, finds himself conflicted with his worth as a person, as a partner, and as a friend. Having trouble with feeling at home on Planet Ribbon and finding happiness, his boyfriend, Cloudburn, and his cousin, Ohm, do the best they can to help him feel worthy. Things seem to go downhill when Quence, a new friend, worries Cloudburn about Infinity’s motives towards him. That is, until an outer-worldly encounter changes all of their lives, for better or for worse, and may just show Infinity what home really is.
Object Heads: Stereo heads, radio heads, tv heads, box heads, etc. There's a lot of different Object heads in this comic
Character Status: Main characters and other side characters are object heads
Warnings: Swearing, partial nudity, drugs
Notes: You can find more information on Tumblr - @mystereobot
Sebastian - by Amanda Heard
Gene: Slice-of-Life, Romantic, Comedy
Rating: pg-13 to M
Language: English
Status: On-going, 80+ pages (as of 4/1/2020), Updates Tuesdays and Thursdays
Read On: http://www.sebastiancomic.com/, Tumblr: https://sebastiancomic.tumblr.com/ or @sebastiancomic
Description: Sebastian is about a pessimistic thief and a happy-go-lucky dork finding each other through unexpected circumstances and learning about forgiveness, love, and loss. Also CRIME!
Object Heads: Pumpkin Heads
Character Status: Main characters are object heads
Warnings: Swearing
Notes: Created by @batberryboo on Tumblr
The Property of Hate - by Sarah Jolley
Gene: Fantasy/Adventure
Rating: Pg 13
Language: English, translations in French, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Japanese, Norwegian, Dutch, Portuguese, Breton, Brazilian, Tagalog, German, Chinese, Swedish, Spanish, Esperanto, Latin, Korean, Italian, Hebrew, Greek, Czech
Status: On-going, 400+ pages(as of 4/1/2020), Updates Sundays
Read On: http://jolleycomics.com/, Smackjeeves
Description: When offered a chance to be a hero by a strange figure with a TV for a head, a young girl is whisked away to a whimsical land in desperate need of a hero. This journey will take them across the lands where emotions manifest into physical forms and the inanimate becomes animate.
Object Heads: Tv Head, Radio Head, etc.
Character Status: One of the main characters and a few secondary characters are object heads
Warnings: None
Notes: Created by @modmad ​ on Tumblr
The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn - by Tri Vuong
Gene: Fantasy, slight horror
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 100 Chapters, Completed on 5/21/2019(maybe on Hiatus?)(as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Webtoons
Description: Follow the journey of the world's greatest paranormal investigator - Oscar Zahn. Friend to lost souls, enemy of evil, he may lack a body but that doesn't mean he's missing a heart!
Object Heads: Skull Head
Character Status: Main character is an object head
Warnings: Some disturbing imagery
Robot Dream - by Robot Dream, written down by Paulie Godbout, illustrated by Sandra Grygier
Gene: Action, Drama
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: On-Going, 70+ pages (as of 4/1/2020) No Solid Update schedule
Read On: https://www.robotdream.com/mystory (up until page 73), Tapas (up until page 70)
Description: When a lonely human-robot-hybrid refuses to live a life of seclusion, he discovers a community of outcasts in the world of electronic music. But, when he begins creating his own remixes, and discovers they somehow have the power to heal broken hearts and minds, he must learn that revealing who you truly are comes at a price before he is captured by the people who “created” him.
Object Heads: TV Head
Character Status: Main Character
Warnings: References to manipulation and abuse
Notes: You can also read it on Webtoon under the same name but it is only up to page 32
Third Shift Society - by Meredith Moriarty
Gene: Supernatural, Adventure
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 24 Episodes, On Hiatus(as of 4/1/2020)
Read On: Webtoon
Description: Life’s funny. One minute you're jobless, deep in debt and on the verge of eviction; the next you’re in a fight with a monster and getting a job working for a Paranormal Detective with the head of a Jack-o-Lantern. It’s an age-old story. Now the financially-challenged Ellie (who’s just discovered she has strong psychic powers) and her Pumpkin-headed boss Ichabod have to team up and fight the things that go bump in the night.
Object Heads: Pumpkin Head
Character Status: Secondary Main Character
Warnings: None
Notes: Created by @meredithmoriarty ​ on Tumblr
Rice Boy - by Evan Dahm
Gene: Surreal fantasy, Adventure
Rating: PG 13
Language: English
Status: 439 pages, Completed as of 2008,
Read On: http://www.rice-boy.com/see/, or on Soft/Hardcover Graphic Novels,
Description: Rice Boy is a simple creature torn from his mundane life by an immortal “machine man” called The One Electronic, who suspects that Rice Boy may fulfill an ancient prophecy. Now tasked with trying to fulfill a prophecy he did not choose, Rice Boy must explore the vast, fantastical, and surreal world of Overside and encounter the dangers that it hides.
Object Heads: Circular TV Head
Character Status: Secondary Main Character
Warnings: Chapter 19 contains one page of suggestive incest, Slightly disturbing imagery, violence, drug use
Notes: Dahm also runs a Rerun blog of Rice Boy where he does commentary on the pages as he posts them on Tumblr: @riceboycomic ​
FLCL (also known as Fooly Cooly) - written by Yōji Enokido, directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki
Studio: Gainax
Gene: Comedy, drama
Style: 2D Animation
Rating: PG 13
Language: Japanese, with an English sub and Dub
Status: 1 season(6 episodes), Completed as of 2001
Description:  A boy's humdrum life turns upside-down when he encounters a maniacal girl who causes strange things to grow out of his forehead and draws him into conflict with a mysterious, otherworldly organization.
Object Heads: TV Head Robot
Character Status: Side Main Character
Warnings: Sexual innuendos
Notes: There are 2 more seasons of FLCL known as FLCL Progressive and FLCL Alternative, I haven’t watched them but I don’t believe there are any object head robots in them
The Amazing World of Gumball - created by Ben Bocquelet
Premiered on: Cartoon Network
Gene: slice of life, comedy
Style: Mixed Media Animation
Rating: PG
Language: English,
Status: 6 seasons(240 episodes) + a 6 episode miniseries, Completed as of December 2019
Description: The series revolves around the misadventures of blue cat Gumball Watterson and his adopted goldfish brother and best friend, Darwin. Together they spread mischief across the weird and wacky city of Elmore.
Object Heads: Bomb Head, Boombox head, whatever rob was
Character Status: Secondary and background characters
Warnings: None
Notes: This one really shouldn’t be on the list but I added it because I literally could not think of another show or film that has Object Head characters
Video Games:
Cuphead by StudioMDHR
Gene: Classic Run and Gun
Style: 2D Handpainted Visuals
Rating: E
Language: English
Released: 9/29/2017, DLC (coming soon 2020)
Playable On: Steam, Xbox, Windows 10, Mac, Nintendo Switch
Price: $19.99
Description: Cuphead is a classic run and gun action game heavily focused on boss battles. Inspired by cartoons of the 1930s, the visuals and audio are painstakingly created with the same techniques of the era, i.e. traditional hand-drawn cel animation, watercolor backgrounds, and original jazz recordings.
Play as Cuphead or Mugman (in single player or local co-op) as you traverse strange worlds, acquire new weapons, learn powerful super moves, and discover hidden secrets while you try to pay your debt back to the devil!
Object Heads: Cup Heads, Apple Head, Dice Head, Fork Head, etc.
Character Status: Playable Main Characters, some secondary characters, and some of the Bosses
Warnings: Cartoony violence
BattleBlock Theater by The Behemoth
Gene: Platforming, comedy
Style: 2D Graphics
Rating: E
Language: English
Released: Xbox Live-4/3/2013, Steam- 5/15/2014,
Playable On: Steam, Xbox, Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Macintosh operating system
Price: $14.99
Description: Shipwrecked. Captured. Betrayed. Forced to perform for an audience of cats? Yes, all that and more when you unlock BattleBlock Theater! There’s no turning back once you've started on your quest to free over 300 of your imprisoned friends from evil technological cats. Immerse yourself in this mind bending tale of treachery as you use your arsenal of weapon-tools to battle your way through hundreds of levels in order to discover the puzzling truth behind BattleBlock Theater.
If solo acts aren't your style, go online or bring a buddy couch-side to play a thoroughly co-optimized quest or enter the arenas. The game also includes a level editor so you can craft your own mind bending trials!
Object Heads: Heads are customizable but the main game gives you many heads to choose from. Block heads, Shape Heads
Character Status: Playable Characters
Warnings: Cartoony violence, crude humor
Pumpkin Noir by PumpkinNoirDev
Gene: RPG Adventure
Style: Pixel Graphics, RPGMaker
Rating: E
Language: English
Status: Demo as of 6/19/2017
Play On: PC, demo link - https://rpgmaker.net/games/9817/
Price: Not available
Description: Stop, Drop, Noir!
Perched on the precipice of endless void-- a single seedy city. Detectives “Smoke & Fire” Rem and Wednesday face a puzzling situation as the curtain lifts on Halloween night. Go broke, or investigate a rollickingly risky mafia mystery? The answer is clear.
Search for the void’s greatest criminal minds, uncover the shocking secrets of the underworld!
Object Heads: Pumpkin Head
Character Status: Main Character
Warnings: None
Notes: This game is still under development, for more information visit the dev’s blog- https://pumpkin-noir.tumblr.com/ or @pumpkin-noir ​
Object Head Zine - hosted by @potentialforart on Tumblr
Style: Mostly 2D Illustrations and short comics
Gene: Genes differ per year
Rating: PG-PG 13
Language: English
Status: On-Going Project, This zine is a yearly thing
Read On: Tumblr- https://objectheadzine.tumblr.com/ or @objectheadzine, Buy Physical/Digital Copies here - https://gumroad.com/objectheadzine
Price: Prices Vary
Description: The Object Head Zine is a collection of artwork from different artists coming together for a common love of object heads. The Object Head Zine is a yearly project with a new theme chosen for each year. Such themes include Forks and Utensils, Spooky, Flora and Fungi, Superstitions, and Science and Technology.
Object Heads: Yes
Character Status: Main Focus
Warnings: None
And if you have any more suggestions for this list, please let me know!!
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thewhizzyhead · 5 years
Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening to all you ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereof. Welcome back to ACCESS (360) Three-SIX-ty, your access to real time SIX news. Due to unfortunate scheduling delays, this edition of ACCESS (360) Three-SIX-ty was delayed for nearly 2 weeks. To compensate for this delay, ACCESS (360) will be covering everything that has occurred within the past 16 days. On the other hand, I am pleased to announce that ACCESS (360) Three-SIX-ty will be a regular feature on this blog. Expect new editions every two weeks, every month, or whenever the SIX Fandom ultimately decides to go batshit crazy (scheduling may vary). AND NOW FOR THE HEADLINES: + FOR FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE MORE MINUTE- Former SIX: The Musical alternate and swing queen Grace Mouat bids the SIX West End company farewell as she took her final bow on the SIX stage last Sunday, August 18th. Ever since her first appearance as Katherine Howard, one of her first covers aside from Catherine of Aragon, in West End Live 2018, she has donned all SIX crowns throughout her entire run, starting with last year’s U.K tour which ended last December 30th in Glasgow, up to SIX’s current run at the Art’s Theatre which officially began this January, sharing the tracks with the then-new alternates and swings Vicki Manser and Courtney Stapleton. She had announced her decision to leave SIX months prior to her last scheduled show in order to star in &Juliet, a new British musical based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet that will premiere on the West End at Shaftesbury Theatre on November 2; aside from being part of the ensemble, she will also be covering the titular character Juliet as her first cover. Grace’s departure was made even the more heartbreaking with her last Megasix as all the cast members (sans Natalie May Paris, who was on vacation at the time being) including alternates Vicki Manser and Courtney Stapleton all went on the stage to express their love and support for the young star, sharing speeches and tear-filled hugs. The writers Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, the SIX West End queens and the queendom alike all flooded social media with appreciation posts all dedicated to the Swing Queen Grace Mouat, who, as of August 30, has been nominated as Best Understudy for the West-End Wilma Awards along with Maiya Quansah Breed, who was been nominated as Rising Star. + ALTERNATES AND UNDERSTUDIES FILL THE SWINGO CARD - The Queendom is to expect new covers and takes on the 6 wives of Henry VIII as more and more alternates don the crowns. The first one to complete the SWING BINGO ever since Grace Mouat’s departure is Vicki Manser, who has finally portrayed her third covers within the last two weeks; she made her debut as Jane Seymour on August 18th’s matinee performance, and as Catherine of Aragon last 30th of August. Courtney Stapleton surprised everyone with an Anne Boleyn debut last August 24th for both the matinee and the evening performance. To add to that, she has recently announced on her Twitter and Instagram accounts that Coleyn will indeed make a return on the evening performances on the 5th and 12th of September, along with the long-awaited Courtney Howard debut next week, which is scheduled on the 8th and 12th of September. Shekinah McFarlane, SIX’s newest alternate, has made her Cleves debut last August 15th and her Aragon debut last August 24th alongside Courtney Boleyn. Collette Guitart, on the other hand, has made speedy progress on her Swingo Card as SIX’s understudy. In merely a month, she has already portrayed 4 of the 6 queens: she had her debut as a SIX understudy, playing Jane Seymour last July 30th,her Boleyn debut coming shortly thereafter, portrayed Aragon for the first time on August 15th alongside Shekinah McFarlane’s debut, and had her latest debut as Catherine Parr with her own costume last August 30th alongside Vicki Aragon. However, there have been no announced dates so far for the debuts of SIX’s new alternate trio: Hana Stewart, Cherelle Jay and Zara Macintosh. On the SIXcago side of the world, Nicole Kyoung Mi Lambert has recently made her debut as Anna of Cleves last Monday, August 26th. There has been no news of recent debuts for Mallory Maedke however, having only covered Boleyn and Seymour so far.   + SIXCAGO’S ARAGON APOLOGIZES FOR LIKING AND FOLLOWING HOMOPHOBIC POSTS AND ACCOUNTS - Adrianna Hicks, who plays Catherine of Aragon in the SIX U.S Tour, has received a tremendous amount of backlash for liking homophobic posts made by many church organizations on Instagram. Fans have also noticed that her account follows the Instagram accounts of said organizations, such as Bethel Church and the Changed Movement, both of which advocate heavily on conversion therapy ideals and generally the idea that ‘homosexuality can be erased’. According to those who have messaged her on Instagram, she has responded with the exact same message to all accounts and has blocked some when asked further about this topic. Ever since then, she has made a post on Instagram apologizing for her actions, stating that she thought the posts were promoting love and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community. She ends the post wishing that she’d be forgiven while she continues to learn and grow as an ally for the LGBTQ+ community. She no longer follows the accounts and has removed the likes on their posts. In other news, she briefly left the SIXcago tour productions to star in the Sacramento Music Circus production of “The Wiz” as Dorothy from August 6th-11th, with Nicole Kyoung Mi Lambert playing Catherine of Aragon in her stead. She returned to SIX shortly thereafter. + ROYAL FLASH MOB, ATTENDED BY THE QUEENS AND THE QUEENDOM -  Thousands of SIX fans, young and old, flocked together on the 31st of August, excitedly awaiting for official start of the Royal Flash Mob at exactly midday in front of the Tower of London ticket offices, wherein the attendees will perform the choreography of “SIX”. In preparation, the plan for flash mob was announced beforehand on the 24th of August by the queens, along with a tutorial to the choreography of “SIX” featuring SIX’s choreographer Carrie-Anne Ingrouille and SIX alternate Vicki Manser. On the day of the event while everyone was eagerly waiting and singing along to “SIX”, the queens were being paraded on their mini carriages (sans Alexia Mcintosh; Shekinah McFarlane stood in for Cleves) on their way to the venue whilst Courtney Stapleton, Vicki Manser, Collette Guitart, and new alternate Zara Macintosh, who has yet to make her SIX debut, also arrived to the scene. The queens led the flash mob along with some other professional dancers to guide the attendees throughout the whole song. + NO MEGASIXES AT BOSTON THEATER - Complete and utter shock came to the SIXcago fans as the iconic filming of the megasix has been prohibited by the American Repertory Theater. The theater’s ushers had announced either before the show or before the megasix itself that no phones should be out and all photography and filming in the theater is not allowed. One line in particular during the megasix was changed to fit this: from “Get your phones out, you’re gonna wanna hear this!” to “Tag/Text your friends, they’re gonna wanna see this!”. According to the ushers, this was due to some copyright issues within the theater and the Ladies In Waiting’s band union. However, the copyright issue is said to be fixed within the next weeks, therefore the tradition of recording the megasixes will most probably return sooner in September. AND NOW FOR ACCESS (360) THREE-SIX-TY’S NEW AND EXCLUSIVE SECTION: (harmonizes) (gay rights) (gay rights) (gay rights) (GAY RIGHTS) GAY RIGHTS + POWER COUPLE COURTNEY STAPLETON AND ELOISE DAVIES CELEBRATE THEIR BIRTHDAYS - SIX alternate Courtney Stapleton and Eloise Davies, Grease: The Musical U.K Tour’s spend a lovely week together celebrating their birthdays. The queendom swooned over the couples’s overall sweetness as the two spoil each other with guitars and vinyls, with Eloise celebrating her birthday first last August 20th and Courtney celebrating her 26th exactly a week later on the August 27th. The birthday week culminated with a birthday sportsfest and picnic attended by family and friends, including SIX’s Maiya Quansah Breed. Understudy Collette Guitart has also celebrated her birthday recently, turning 22 on the 30th of August, being the youngest queen among the West End Cast. + SUNDAY FAVOURITE’S ROSTER OF GUEST STARS LIST PILES UP - More and more recognizable theatre stars announce their upcoming appearance on Aimie Atkinson’s show called “Sunday Favourites” scheduled on the 15th of September at The Other Palace. Earlier in July Aimie had announced that her girlfriend (and SIX’s Studio Cast’s Cleves) Genesis Lynea and friend John Deepmore will be joining her along with Gabriela Garcia and Sarah Naudi, both of which were in the 2016 U.K production of “In The Heights” with Aimie. SIX’s Studio Cast’s Renee Lambert and Christine Modestou, who have played Aragon and Boleyn respectively, are also to join the show. Sam Pauly, SIXCago’s first Katherine Howard, and Annabel Dicaprio, student run’s K Howard, will also be making guest appearances on the 15th. Jodie Steele is the latest West End actress to be announced as part of the Star Roster. Ticket’s for Atkinson’s show are still on sale on The Other Palace’s website for those interested in viewing the two-hour show. AND THAT’S ALL THE HEADLINES WE HAVE GATHERED FOR TODAY. KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED FOR MORE ISSUES AND BROADCASTS TO COME. ONCE AGAIN, THIS IS ACCESS (360) THREE-SIX-TY, YOUR ACCESS TO REAL TIME SIX NEWS. (credits to @qualquercoisa945, @insertmusicaltheatrepunhere and @aimielynea for helping me out with the info thanks mates!)
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shefanispeculator · 4 years
When the NBA made the shocking decision Wednesday to halt the season amid the coronavirus outbreak, it set off a monumental chain reaction in the sports world. As the league as a whole tries to grapple with what will be a 30-day minimum break in the schedule, a lot of concern has been centered around arena staff and workers, who won't receive paychecks with games being postponed.
There isn't a uniform plan in place to compensate arena workers set by the league, but when the postponement was announced Wednesday night, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban made a commitment to pay all arena workers inside American Airlines Center. 
While talking to reporters after the Mavericks' win over the Denver Nuggets on Wednesday night, Cuban said:
"I reached out to the folks at the arena and our folks at the Mavs to find out what it would cost to support, financially support, people who aren't going to be able to come to work. They get paid by the hour, and this was their source of income. So, we'll do some things there. We may ask them to go do some volunteer work in exchange, but we've already started the process of having a program in place. I don't have any details to give, but it's certainly something that's important to me."
Since Cuban made that decision, other teams and even players from across the sports world have followed suit and have announced plans to help compensate those workers who are typically paid by the hour. Here's a running list of players and teams around the league stepping up to help the arena workers in their cities.
Atlanta Braves: All-Star first baseman Freddie Freeman Freeman has pledged $50,00 to the Atlanta Food Bank and $50,000 to the Giving Kitchen, a program that provides emergency assistance to food service workers. Freeman has also donated $25,000 to the Salvation Army, bringing his total outlay to $125,000.
Atlanta Hawks: Team owner Tony Ressler told Hawks CEO Steve Koonin two weeks before the league decided to go on a hiatus that "if we shut down, we have to take care of our part-time employees," as reported by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Sarah K. Spencer. 
Brooklyn Nets: In response to Nets' guard Spencer Dinwiddie tweeting about taking care of non-salaried arena workers, team owner Joe Tsai responded by saying the franchise is putting a plan in place to help out Barclays Center staff.
Charlotte Hornets: In a press release on Sunday, the Hornets announced that team owners and players were coming together to help pay for the salaries of part-time workers at Spectrum Center who were previously scheduled to work any upcoming Hornets or G League Greensboro Swarm games through April 13.
Chicago Bulls: The Bulls announced Saturday that they would pay game-day employees through all previously scheduled Bulls and Blackhawks games. 
Chicago Cubs: Jason Heyward donated $200,000 to coronavirus relief in Chicago, split between two organizations. Heyward is giving $100,000 each to the Greater Chicago Food Depository and MASK, an organization that is collecting supplies and food for families impacted by the virus.
Cleveland Cavaliers: Kevin Love became the first player in the league to donate money to event staff at Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse when he announced on social media that he would give $100,000 to those workers. The Cavaliers followed their star forward and announced on Twitter that they would be taking care of all hourly staff.
Dallas Mavericks: When the league announced postponement, team owner Mark Cuban wasted no time in making it clear that he would make sure all the employees who work events and games at the American Airlines Center would be paid during the hiatus. The Mavericks also released a statement Sunday saying that they plan to reimburse employees for breakfast and lunch purchases from Dallas-area restaurants in an effort to not only help those employees but local businesses as well. 
Detroit Pistons: Blake Griffin will be donating $100,000 to the workers inside Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, per The Detroit News' Rod Beard.
Golden State Warriors: Warriors ownership, players and coaches will contribute $1 million to a disaster relief fund for Chase Center employees, the team announced. "The men and women who work our games at Chase Center are critical in providing an incredible game-night experience for our fans," Warriors guard Steph Curry said. "As players, we wanted to do something along with our ownership and coaches to help ease the pain during this time." 
Houston Astros: Astros star George Springer joined the growing list of stars within the sports world to go into their own pockets to help others impacted by the spread of the coronavirus by pledging to donate $100,000 to Minute Maid Park employees.  
Indiana Pacers: Pacers owner Herb Simon has given financial aid to the part-time workers at Bankers Life Fieldhouse, per Bob Kravitz of The Athletic. 
Houston Rockets: Team CEO Tad Brown said that the franchise is getting a plan together to take care of all hourly workers at Toyota Center, per The Houston Chronicle's Johnathan Feigen.
Los Angeles Clippers, Los Angeles Lakers: The Clippers and Lakers, both tenants of the Staples Center, along with the Kings of the NHL, announced Saturday that they have created a fund to compensate over 2,800 part-time and contract workers that typically staff Staples Center for NBA and NHL games. This includes employees such as team statisticians, announcers and dance teams.  
Miami Heat: The Heat will provide funds to their partners in food and beverage services, security and housekeeping in order to help pay their part-time arena staffers, the team announced. Additionally, the Arison family, owners of the Heat, will donate $1 million to a fund dedicated to helping those part-time workers. 
Milwaukee Bucks: Reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo took to Twitter to announce that he will be donating $100,000 to workers at Fiserv Forum, saying "it's bigger than basketball."
Memphis Grizzlies: The Grizzlies will be compensating all game night employees for any games missed through the end of the year, according to Geoff Calkins of The Daily Memphian. 
Minnesota Timberwolves: Karl-Anthony Towns is donating $100,000 to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to help aid in providing testing for COVID-19. 
New Orleans Pelicans: No. 1 overall pick in the 2019 NBA Draft, Zion Williamson, announced on his Instagram that he's pledging to cover the salaries of all workers at Smoothie King Center for the next 30 days. In the post, Williamson said, "this is a small way for me to express my support and appreciation for these wonderful people who have been so great to me and my teammates." In addition to Zion's contribution, Pelicans owner Gayle Benson will be donating $1 million to create the Gayle Benson Community Assistance Fund, which will not only help the workers at Smoothie King Center, but those impacted by the coronavirus in the greater New Orleans area as well. 
Philadelphia 76ers: The hourly workers at Wells Fargo Center will be compensated during the NBA's hiatus, per NBC Sports Philadelphia's John Clark. 
Utah Jazz: Rudy Gobert, the first NBA player to test positive for the coronavirus, will donate $500,000 to various causes. Of that money, $200,000 will go to game-day employees for the Jazz, $100,000 each will go to families impacted by the virus in Utah and Oklahoma City, and 100,000 euros will go to his native France.  
Washington Wizards: Team owner Ted Leonsis reportedly told Capital One Arena workers that they will be paid through March 31 for any Wizards or Capitals games they were scheduled to work, per The Athletic's Tarik El-Bashir.
Former NBA player Jeremy Lin announced that he was donating $150,000 to UNICEF to help fight the coronavirus. Lin also donated the same amount to the China Foundation. 
CBS Sports will continue to provide updates to this list when they become available. 
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thepersianslipper · 5 years
The Persian Slipper Reads The Blog
Hey guys! So sorry for this long delay, but I’ve been a bit busy with boring real life stuff and didn’t have the time to keep up my posting schedule. Hopefully things will get back on track soon. Again, thank you all so much for your responses to my little series!
Let’s wrap up TBB. 
As you can read in my previous post, John posts 4 entries relative to TBB (March 23rd to 28th). This time we’ll look at the last two.
1 - FYI
The case has been solved the previous night and today the boys went back to the bank to collect their paycheck. John is preparing to write up their second case, but first he is giving us a little teaser. 
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- “This is me” stock photo of me looking cool, 
- “This is Sherlock” candid photo of Sherlock looking mysterious with the light totally not highlighting his cheeckbones, he’s so handsome.
I can’t remember what was John’s profile picture after ASIP, but I think it was Sherlock’s picture… Can someone remember? 
For the people who joined the fandom a little later, I think it’s important to mention that the blog did change a bit between the episodes. Not only did new posts appear, they would also be edited. Sometimes the features on the right column would change, like John’s profile pic, or the hit counter (present during ASIB), etc.
2 - The Blind Banker
John posts this on the 28th, a day after they collect their payment at the bank.
The post is a more or less straightforward description of the episode, so I won’t go into much detail about it.
The really interesting bit IMO is the last paragraphs of John’s post.
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James Bond again... John is coming down from the adrenalin high and is feeling like he’s in a super spy movie. The same super spy movies he and Sherlock had binge watched a few days before. 
Things suddenly take a much darker tone when John admits that he does enjoy this life he and Sherlock chose for themselves - he makes sure to stress that it was a conscious decision for him and for Sherlock.  He is aware that it  a dangerous life, made progressively more dangerous by the fame Sherlock is gaining (hello, TRF?). John fears for Sherlock and for the people that are close to them. Already, he is aware of an impending force looming over Sherlock and his world.
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This last paragraph is particularly interesting for me because of John’s choice of words. Not only does he fear for Sherlock and everyone around them, he knows that there are forces, however abstract, determined to bring Sherlock down. It’s very much in line with John’s last scene in TBB. We can see that he is worried, that he is realizing that there is something, someone, watching them.
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I can’t quite place the date of this last scene in 221b, can’t make out the date on Sherlock’s newspaper… Is this on the 28th? It would make sense because the timestamps in the comments are relatively early (around 13:00). I assume John wrote up the case after this breakfast scene.
3 - The Comments
There are a few interesting threads in the comments of The Blind Banker. 
a) Harry and John
Harry keeps trying to be involved in John’s life but he keeps holding back.
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b) Sherlock and John being domestic
Sherlock is not a great fan of this case post either and makes his opinion known again. Again, the domesticity is so pure it makes my heart cry. Harry is also a fellow shipper.
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c) Mrs Hudson and the Internet, part 2
Mrs Hudson is still using Mrs Turner computer. We learn that she does Sherlock’s laundry… Not your housekeeper, huh?
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d) A looming threat
I’ll delve into this in detail when I write about the sideblogs, but it’s important to note that Jim from IT has already approached Molly. John’s instinct was right, dark forces are closing in and he is clearly ill at ease.
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e) Going to Minsk
Finally, I should mention Barry Berwick, the prisoner that tries to hire Sherlock in the opening of TGG. He contacts Sherlock and whatever he says, it’s enough to convince him to go talk to him in prison in Belarus. I just love it how the cases tie in each other (and how Sherlock bosses everyone around).
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4. The Timeline
It’s the end of another episode, so we can add to our timeline:
14th December - John starts writing a blog. He may have returned to the UK recently and started therapy.
29th January - John and Sherlock meet for the first time.
30th January - Sherlock shows Baker Street to John, the rest of the ASIP episode happens on the same day.
7th February - John posts the ASIP case.
23rd March - TBB episode starts, John has a row with the chip-and-pin machine and they find Van Coon’s body. Lukis is killed that night.
24th March - John goes to his job interview, Soo Lin is killed that night.
26th March - John takes Sarah to the Chinese circus, hijinks follow.
27th March (not confirmed)- The case is wrapped and the guys go see Seb at the bank to collect their payment. 
28th March - Last 221B scene in TBB, John writes up the case. Berwick contacts Sherlock. If the 22nd is a Monday (according to Van Coon’s schedule), it makes sense that Sherlock would be holding a copy of The Sunday Times on the 28th.
Thanks for reading! Next post we will start with one of my favorite episodes, TGG!
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@todaywearesoldiers @sherlockedcarmilla @thejohnlockoutlet @fellshish @sarahthecoat @devoursjohnlock @anchored-in-high-tide
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Queen of Hearts - Chapter 3
Thirty-year-old Rose Tyler’s matchmaking business is doing very well indeed, bringing her clients such as celebrities, athletes, and the now-happily-married son of the mayor.  All of which brings her to her newest client - one whose royal rank is a far cry above her own title as Queen of Hearts.
Ian, King of Gallifrey, calls off his wedding four weeks before the happy day as he realizes he can’t spend another minute of his life with his betrothed.  The catch - he must take a wife before his Coronation, only a month away.  In desperation, his sister and aunt conspire to find him is happy ever after - and it’s going to take a master matchmaker to do it.
Based on the Hallmark Movie ‘Royal Matchmaker’.  Chapters will be posted every Sunday.
As always, beta’d by the wonderful @stupidsatsuma​!  @doctorroseprompts
Masterlist  |  AO3
Tuesday, April 2nd (continued)
“Did you say ‘matchmaker’?” the King asked, sounding terribly unimpressed.  He crossed his arms, and she swallowed harshly at his glare.
“Yes, Your Majesty.  I own a matchmaking company with a very high success rate.  Your sister has hired me to find you a wife.”
King Ian looked her over, expression only souring further.  “Not necessary.”
This had happened a few times before – someone (usually the intended’s mother) hiring her to find a man the perfect wife without telling him.  She’d learned to lean in when they tried to scare her away.  “I’m sorry, Sir, but the Princess hired me – not you. I work for her.”
“Donna doesn’t know how to keep her nose out of my business.”  He paused, and she could see the wheels turning behind his eyes.  They were a gorgeous ice blue, sharp and clear, and she knew that would be a major selling point for potential candidates.  “Was my aunt part of this little scheme?”
The king sagged then, shoulders slumping as if beaten.  “Fine.  How does this work?”
Rose almost smiled.  With a client like this, resignation was the first victory.  She could work with that.  “Essentially, I get to know you.  Your habits, quirks, personality.  The things only family and friends see – the real you, the one your wife would know.  Then I take what I’ve learned, and through a combination of proprietary software and my gut instinct – which is almost never wrong provided the client is open and honest, I find a dozen or so potential candidates.  My assistant Mel and I interview all of them, narrow the field to two or three, at which point you meet them and, hopefully, find your Mrs. Right.”
“So long as her first name isn’t ‘River’.  Or ‘Always’.”
It took a moment to get the joke, and she let out a genuine laugh.  “Noted.”
King Ian sat in his sister’s abandoned chair, nodding to himself.  “I will… consider it.”
Rose waited, but when he merely arched an eyebrow, she recognized it as a dismissal.  “Of course.  Thank you, Your Majesty.”  She made it almost to the door before she paused.  “From what Sarah Jane and your sister have said, you love your kingdom and want to serve them well.  The longer you fight me, the greater the chance of running out of time.”
He didn’t look back, instead leaning forward to pour himself a cuppa.  “I’m sure you’ll be paid handsomely to keep that from happening. Which, I suppose, would make that in your best interest.”
Rose didn’t have a reply to that.
She had too much work to do.
Trudging back to their suite, she once again considered just giving up and going home, before dismissing it.  Mel was right – she was trapped, and all she could do was make the best of a bad situation and try to pull a rabbit out of her hat.  If she failed, her career was over.  If she gave up, her career was over.
But if she succeeded… If she could pull this off…
Opening the door to the suite she only made it a few steps in before stopping in surprise, taking in the room.  She’d only been gone half an hour at most, but there had been a complete transformation.
Mel was standing behind the desk staring at a corkboard with a map pinned to it, and their early contenders’ pictures attached.  It had been transformed into a proper war room, and she felt a spark of hope.
“Wow!  You… did way more than just unpack.”
Her assistant turned, smiling when she saw her.  “Hi!  Sarah Jane’s awesome.  Also I met Bill – she’s lovely.  Young, friendly, chatty. I’ll get more information than we could need out of her without having to ask a single question.  How was the king?”
Sighing softly, Rose slumped into one of the visitor’s chairs in front of the desk.
“That bad?”
“Well, he had no idea we were coming,” she started dryly, “and doesn’t seem impressed that we’re here.  He seems… resigned.  It’s hard to say.”
“When will you sit down with him, start following him around?”
She shrugged.  “No idea – conversation never got that far.  I have no idea how this is going to work.  You might want to start applying for a new job now – I’ll write you a recommendation while I still have a good reputation.”
Mel laughed, shaking her head fondly.  “You’ll charm him,” she said confidently.  “Then you’ll find him the perfect wife, and they’ll have perfect babies, and you can be godmother.”
“Let’s hope.”
Sarah Jane reappeared a few hours later with a thick personal calendar.  “Do you have a few minutes for me?”
“Of course!”  Rose looked up from the profile she was reading, hurrying around the desk to clear the chairs of files.  “Please, sit.  How can I help you?”
The older woman laughed, smiling widely.  “I’m here to ask you that precise question.  I know my nephew can be prickly, but there truly is a soft, mushy side underneath the thorns.  Very, very far underneath, but he’s been burned in the past.  What do you need?  I control his schedule as I said, so what access do you require?”
“Ideally?  I’d like to spend the rest of the week following him around.  Seeing how he behaves in front of subjects, alone, with only trusted people around.  No press.  I need to get to know him, have access, pick his brain.”
“Done,” Sarah Jane said immediately, making notes on a pad.  “At least, in regards to the following him around – even I can’t make him speak on command.”
“Also…” Rose figured this might be her best shot at getting some background.  “I admit to doing a google search – I understand he was already engaged?”
The other woman nodded, sighing softly.  “He had, for better or worse, picked his bride – some woman he’d met on his travels.  Everything was- still is, I suppose- planned for a Coronation Day wedding.  However, on Sunday we woke up and she was just… gone.  No notice, no explanation from Ian.  Finally it comes out she was a bit sharp to my son, and Ian flew off the handle, having her banished.  We did our research, found you, and called first thing Monday.”
Rose winced – that wouldn’t exactly be a selling point to potential candidates.  “Does that happen often?” she asked cautiously.  “The… flying off the handle, making a rash decision bit.”
“Sometimes,” Sarah Jane allowed, “but mostly when it comes to something he’s passionate about.  He can be very understanding – but he can also dig his heels in.  He can be like… like a concrete wall – firm and unmovable, which is a wonderful thing to have at your back but near impossible to get through when it’s standing in your way.”
Some of her worry must have shown on her face despite her best efforts, because the other woman smiled kindly and reached forward, patting her hand.  “At the very heart of him, Ian can be wonderfully warm and caring.  My theory has always been that he’s never had the right outlet for it.  He put his heart and soul into medicine, but when my brother-in-law became sick and we knew it was a matter of time…  I genuinely believe he could be a good- an incredible husband – to the right woman.  It’s just a matter of finding her.”
“The king doesn’t seem keen on the idea of my help.”
“My advice?  Stand firm.”  She smirked at Rose’s shocked expression.  “Trust me – he’ll respect you more if you fight for what you believe in.  If you just bow to his whims and go with the tide, he’ll have no confidence in you.  But stay strong, and passionate, and he’ll come around.”
“Thank you,” Rose said gratefully.  “I really appreciate that – and your insights will be incredibly helpful narrowing our list down.  So he wouldn’t be one looking for a meek and mild ‘yes, dear’, kind of wife?”
“Heavens, no!”  Sarah Jane laughed.  “He might say that, but that’s not what’s right for him.  He needs someone who will agree with him when he’s right and argue when he’s wrong.  He is a king – he has enough subjects and staff to kiss his arse.  He needs someone to be straight with him.  Pull him back when he starts going too far, but cheer him on when he falls short of the finish line.”
“A partner.”
Rose nodded, catching sight of Mel sprawled on the floor scribbling as fast as she could, and felt a wave of affection for the woman.  “Would you be able to arrange for us to share a meal soon?  Dinner tonight, or breakfast tomorrow?  I need to start as soon as possible to ensure I can find the perfect candidate.  I’m very good at my job, but I’m not a superhero – even I have limitations.”
“Dinner tonight, then,” Sarah Jane nodded decisively, standing.  “Expect to be taken down at seven – a cocktail dress would be perfectly suitable.”
“Thank you so much, really,” Rose gushed, standing as well and walking her to the door.
Halfway out, the woman paused to sigh softly.  “I love my nephew, and I want to see him happy.  Donna and I are in agreement – we can overlook a… less-than-stellar pedigree, so long as she makes him smile and laugh.  The only way he’ll survive in this job is with support, love, and happiness.  If he feels it, it will flow throughout the kingdom.  If not…”  Trailing off, she waited a beat before disappearing out the door.
“No pressure then,” Rose spoke aloud, and Mel snorted from her spot on the floor.
“It’s already five-thirty – you might want to start getting ready.”
“Right, thanks.”  Ready.  For dinner.  With an actual, real king.
Is this seriously my life right now?
Wrapped in a towel, Rose stood in front of the closet biting her lip.  She’d brought every nice outfit she owned plus a few she’d purchased Monday after hanging up with Princess Donna, but still didn’t feel like she had anything right.
She turned to find Mel lingering in the doorway, watching her with an amused smile.  “I don’t know what to wear,” she half-whined, shuffling through her dresses again.  “What does one wear to dinner with a king?”
“This.”  Mel produced a hanger from behind her back, and Rose gasped in delight.  It was a beautiful burgundy dress, with a lace overlay that covered her décolletage and shoulders.  Simple, elegant, perfect.
“That’s lovely,” she said, fingering the lace as her friend held it up.  “I can’t borrow that, though.”
“Actually, it’s a gift,” Mel grinned.  “And sort of an apology for throwing you into this, though all I did was answer the phone.  I saw it when I was shopping, and it seemed perfect for you.”
“Aww, thank you!”  Rose hugged her tightly, pulling away only to admire it again.  “It’s gorgeous.”
Mel nodded in agreement.  “If I do say so myself.  Now, go do your makeup and put it on – I’ll do your hair while I tell you about a few candidates I’ve already found.”
Maybe I won’t embarrass myself after all.  An Estate girl dining with a king.  Mum’ll never believe this!
In hindsight, considering how their first meeting had gone she really should’ve expected this.  Could he be further away and still at the same table?
She’d been led to a dining room capable of seating at least a dozen or more people.  The table was beautifully set, but also terribly long – and they were at opposite ends.  A little poignant, no?  It felt like an accurate representation of their relationship, such as it was, at the moment.
“So, how long have you been playing Cupid?” the king asked midway through the salad – their third course so far.  Rose was already full, trying to walk the line between eating enough to not leave the plate rudely full, but not gorging herself.
“About ten years.”  She paused for a sip of wine the color of her dress.  “I found the profession by chance, worked my way up.  I opened my own company about three years ago.  Why did you choose to become a doctor, knowing you’d have to give it up when you ascended the throne?”
He stopped mid-bite, and she thought he quirked an eyebrow – from a solid twenty feet away in dim lighting, it was hard to see.  “I thought I’d be asking the questions.”
Rose shrugged.  “The matches I make are based on what I know of the person – the more you hide or deliberately mislead me, the more likely you are to be unsatisfied with your options.  The more truthful you are the easier it makes my job, which means I can work faster.  The faster I can find the top candidates, the more time you’ll have to get to know them and make your decision – unless you prefer playing it down to the wire.”
“That’s where the danger and excitement is, is it not?”
“Is that why you’re a doctor?  For the risk and thrill?”
The King sighed, setting down his fork and folding his hands.  “Service was always very important to my mother.  She recognized the privilege and opportunities we would receive, and always made a point of making sure we shared our talents and gave back.  ‘God selected you to be king, Ian,’ she would say, ‘because He knew you would care for and protect your people.  They are your first priority, and your first responsibility.  Always.’  I… took that to heart.”
“She sounds wise.”
“She was.”
They finished the salad course in silence, and he waited until the table was cleared to continue.  “I have always done what I can to help my people. My father was a good king, however, and… had things under control here.  I saw it as my responsibility to use my gifts where the need was greater.  I spent several years working in Africa, trying to educate and heal.  They eventually forced me to return when he became sick.”
“That’s incredible,” Rose said sincerely, impressed, but also feeling a little silly.  Here was this incredible man, rich, an honest-to-God king, who put himself in harm’s way to help others – all she did was set men like him up with a wife.  Her work was important, she truly believed that love and happiness in even a single person’s life would radiate out into the world, but it hardly compared.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what I want?”
He leaned back in his seat as the next course was served.  “What I’m looking for in a wife, the qualities she must have?”
“No.”  Rose waited until he picked up his fork again to tuck in.  “I just need to know about you – leave the rest to me.”
She could only hope she would be able to deliver.
Who could compete with that?
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statemant · 5 years
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This post is a solution that I have reached few days ago – due to having almost no time to create posts daily (while I really want to share my option), I thought of making one (longer) post on every Sunday (which I have mostly free – except fashion months) and combine everything that happened in Menswear during the past week – let’s see how It works out. So,
What would be the better start for the new format than Paris Men’s Fashion Week, that has just recently finished (on Sunday according to official FHCM schedule but actually on Monday with JACQUEMUS show).
Runway Shows: 60 (according to official schedule)
Presentations: 27 (according to offial schedule)
Total Looks: Around 3500
Yes, when you combine the numbers, there’re fascinating results – there were around 3500 looks offered – just for Men, just in Paris – that is around 12000 pieces of clothing, 3500 pairs of shoes, around 2000 accessories – a lot! Especially considering the fact that few brands produce very identical outfits (in terms of fabrics, styling, vibes) and there’s a rapidly rising competition at Men’s fashion market. Thanks god Paris is the most diversified of them all and I could name like like only 7-8 brands that does not really fit in the schedule (compared to other 50 brands) – either they look similar, or I don’t get them (my problem?).
PALOMO SPAIN   (18 June, 11:00)
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The SS 2020 (that already sounds quite major itself) has started on Tuesday, 18th June, 11:00 AM with Palomo Spain (who returned in Paris after previous season’s try in NY) with some beautiful dresses – yes, you read it correctly. Designer thinks that none of the specific garments are made exclusilvey for any gender and that he sees many boys that could rock those chiffon garments – a significant part of the collection that was inspired by Pompeii.
BODE  (18 June, 12:00)
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Emily Adams Bode has just recently won CFDA Award (Emerging Designer of the Year) and there she was at 12:00 AM (straight after Palomo) in Paris, sending the collection that was inspired by her family’s history as wagonmakers for Circus in the early 1900s. She literally looked at the outfits from century ago and re-made them to keep appropriate with time.
AMI   (18 June, 20:00)
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My favorite Parisian house is becoming bigger and bigger every season (and it little bit worries me to be honest, strange no? Here’s why: what I always loved about AMI is that it’s one-off menswear-only brands that produces timeless men’s clothes in a very affordable prices (and in a perfect quality), everything in the collections always feels modern (with bit of a twist), the styling is always impeccable with unexpected colors combined together BUT! I kind of missed this in the latest collection, shown at Grand Palais, it felt little bit too dark and serious (especially for Summer collection), I’ve missed color and the sense of freshness. I did like what was shown, there is a lot I would wear myself (especially now when Black has become favorite of mine) but I kind of think I could find many of those pieces at other rival brands, I understand that now brand established itself and it just becomes matter of brand loyality, when you decide where to buy regular black trench coat - that’s where AMI is headed now I guess.
ACNE STUDIOS   (19 June, 15:30) 
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With Ambition to Create Novel Expressions, Jonny Johansson (brand founder) presented the collection that felt little bit weird for me (a huge brand fan tbh). I totally loved the opening with beige shirt, styled with yellow scarf, but then I did not quite get printed cycling shorts, or lace insets, or pvc details (and bit more, tbh). It was kind of everything but kind of nothing notable (Luke Leith from Vogue Runway agrees), and I felt disappointed, especially after few very, very strong seasons and increasing fame (after so many years on the market). At least, some great blazers were there (thank god!).
J.W. ANDERSON   (19 June, 13:00) 
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It’s a second time for Jonathan in Paris, after moving his namesake label from London (that probably made his 2 out of 3 famed iPhones busier than before). As one of the pioneers who pushed gender-fluid shapes since the very beginning of the career, designer has put signature pieces on the runway - including dresses worn by male models. Blazers and coats had wide shoulder extensions and pants included giant fringe insets. Some of the looks could be well-fitted at his Loewe (the show was day after this in the calendar) but this still feels ”harder” and more personal.
Y/PROJECT   (19th June, 14:30)
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Y/Project shows feel like a hard mathematical induction, you need a time to realize the logic behind and “solve” it, or maybe you don’t. Glenn Martens once again proved that there’s no stopping of him and he is cementing the brand aesthetic with gigantic steps every single season. For SS 20 (after showing previous Menswear at Pitti) distortion and asymmetric proportions became even more solid and serious. How can you not love the incredible outerwear, tailored blazers, knitwear and jaw-dropping denim pants – each of them proving that you can combine ugly and beautiful in a very smart way. One could analyze every single look in details, but I bet it would take a lots and lots and lots of time. Additional drama was brought by Bizet's "L'amour Est un Oiseau Rebelle" in one of the Parisian churches. It’s clear that brand’s approach to clothes are not welcomed just by fashion insiders or avid trend followers anymore, it’s just for everyone who love “smart”, fashion-forward and beautiful outfits (even if most of them are everything but classic understanding of beauty). There’s always a surprise cut or detail hidden in most of the Y/Project pieces, once you buy the garment, you get the freedom and possibility to wear it on your own way – I’ve seen myself three men wearing same Y/Project pieces in a completely different way in a same day.
VALENTINO  (19 June, 17:30) 
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Pierpaolo Piccioli is keeping the youthful attitude with the insertion of loud graphic prints (this time deisgned by Roger Dean) at Valentino Men’s collections (continued from previous season’s UNDERCOVER collaboration) while keeping brand staple shapes and cuts and not following any of the ongoing trends as much, even the VLTN logo was gone this time (which makes me very happy), replaced with single vintage V sign. The signature camouflage sneaker (my first ever most expensive fashion purchase back in 2012) got upgrade shown alongside with new shapes. Long live Mr. Pierpaolo!
RAF SIMONS   (19 June, 21:00)
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Raf Simons clearly is not done with America. After leaving CALVIN KLEIN (end of 2018), it’s his second outing in Paris and I think he used this time to digest everything then to express all in his latest collection. It was very Raf, I feel like he was just being honest putting his feelings and thoughts as motifs (likes of: STONED AMERICA, etc) and showing that he was disappointed with America.
LOUIS VUITTON   (20 June, 14:30)
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Virgil Abloh has invited guests at Place Dauphine (Remember Carrie Bradshow walking there in SATC) and offered LV branded wooden green benches, crepes and ice creams, alongside with the beautiful collection. It was clear – Virgil has settled at the house in a year, already has several signature shapes (and lots of accessories) and as he mentioned he just (or “just”) wants to present collections that will be consistent, will help more men express themselves (and he has a huge fandom in that area) and he won’t push the exact specific inspirations (remember Michael Jackson case from previous season?). Show featured some mind-blowing floral pieces (in a form of signature harness, hat and various embroidery) modern tailoring (note: the colors), lots of mixtures of work wear with formal wear and many, many bags (some really hardcore shapes). Originally, show was planned around Notre Dame, but it had to be changed due to the recent fire (although the cathedral was still present as a motif on some of the pieces). In a few words – there’s no stopping for Virgil Abloh and his “work”.
DRIES VAN NOTEN   (20 June, 16:30)
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I can never describe my exact feelings about Dries. It means and express so much of everything for me. I just let clothes speak themselves – out of this world beauty, that is all things modern, masculine, sexy, sensual, rebellious, stylish - just b e a u t I f u l. Sometimes I cried…
VETEMENTS   (20 June, 20:00)
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I, myself predicted year ago that Vetements could go to McDonald’s one day - and it actually happened today. Guests went to Champs-Elysees branch of the restaurant (biggest one in Paris) to see the show that did not really shock anyone but I guess still brought the excitement to them. Show featured all things Capitalism and more - re-worked famous logos (Likes of Heineken, Vodafone, Internet Explorer to name a few), police-branded bombers, signature flower prints and awkward quotes - everything VETEMENTS has became known For. After previous season’s dark extravaganza (my least favorite show of the brand), they kind of got back to the roots and put everyone’s favorite parody and sarcasm backed pieces. Does it felt new? Ofc No, but still you do not get the fashion show at McDonald’s everyday (or at all) and condom as an invitation, so the mission that means making fashion more fun and sarcastic (but still sell it expensive) was again completed. One of the most interesting quotes that Demna Gvasalia has mentioned to Sarah Mower_ is that he always wanted to have his own celebration at McDonalds since 1997, when McD has opened in Tbilisi, Georgia (and I also remember that very day like it was yesterday, how happy I was to hold Happy Meal menu in my hands there) but he could complete it oy now, in Paris. I can’t stop loving the Gvasalias, for making my country on an international map by showcasing its darkest secrets to everyone!
BERLUTI   (21 June, 13:00)
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It’s Kris Van Assche’s 2nd runway show at Berluti and we kind of see where he is going - positioning brand as impeccable (quality-wise) tailor-maker with an youthful, modern touch (mostly expressed in vibrant colors of formal clothing alongside with layered styling). Featuring older models on the runway is a message that Berluti does not forget about mature customers but wants them to look modern. Despite the very strong comptetition in this particular niche (Dior Men's and Louis Vuitton Men's in the same holding as Berluti, LVMH), there's always a need for a good (and fashion-forward) tailoring.
JIL SANDER   (21 June, 15:00)
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If you thought Jil Sander could not get more sensitive and delicate, here you go with latest collection, as designers Lucie and Luke Meiers (wife and husband) mentioned in an interview with Alex Badia, they are showing their vision of tailoring, how they feel about the it and offering new ways of wearing it and it just feels right! I kind of feel the duo’s takeover at Jil Sander is still underrated and they are actual creators of the modern but absolutely timeless fashion!
SSS WORLD COPR   (20 June, 11:00)
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t’s a daddies world! Justin O’Shea keeps the dandy aesthetic and crazy prints on top of his brand, always showcasing at the fanciest locations of Paris - this time at Ritz, casting some really hot models who are actually various sport (boxing among them) athletes and maybe thats why all the extravagant prints felt more real and wearable than before. And I bet many of you saw the O’Shea serving the guests himself by champagne at the start and taking the bow while he was riding a bike - very casual, indeed.
DIOR MENS   (21 June, 18:00)
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Mr. Kim Jones was man of the hour (or the season) once again. He killed it 3rd time. With his couture-approach to the Men’s clothing (with continuous revisiting Dior’s women archives, especially Haute Couture alongside with John Galliano creations) and collaboratiosn with the hottest creative minds of the moment, Jones is just writing down history of modern menswear. This time it was Daniel Arsham, whom Kim contacted year ago with a request and to put his unique approach to the Dior pieces. Known formanipulating and reinterpreting existing materials and structures, Arsham has clearly engaged with Dior aesthetics and we have got some really extreme accessories (with Yoon Ambush included in the work). Appears, it’s not first time for Arsham working for Dior – back in 2005, Hedi Slimane commissioned him to design Dior’ Homme’s LA flagship. Wll, I just think of time, when they let Kim Jones take over entire Dior house (with rumors on Maria Grazia heading to Fendi after SS 20 show).
GmbH   (21st June, 19:00)
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Did you notice the evil eye? Hard not to! Serhat Isik and Benjamin Huseby literally decided to ”protect” models (and then customers) from the misfortune but making it look fashionable and wearable. Featuring the usual diverse and exotic casting, GmBH presented their best to date (imo) collection at the National Institute of Young Deaf People in Paris. It was all things GmbH does the best - tailoring mixed with sportswear paired with both formal and Asics collaboration shoes - and everything being as vegan as possible. Designer duo rapidly took the spot for one of the most anticipated shows at PFW and with every season they are showing a very logical development in all areas. They’ve easily made some of their signatures well-recognisable: would this be a double-zipper denim or their logo-branded pieces and now the broader introduction of accessories, they will surely strengthen their space in buyers order sheets and customers wallets - and the strange magical effect of the ”evil eye” should actually play the significant role.
SIES MARJAN   (22 June, 13:00)
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Sander Lak is the latest designer to move from NY to Paris (a step that has not been effective for Proenza or Rodarte, but still works for Altuzarra) and take Opera Bastille as a location for its debut Parisian show. Starting from knitted jampsuit (season’s trend) continued with beautiful segment of beiges (denim and cotton) and colorful crocodile-effect faux leather outwear, show also included variations on zebra print. Most of the pieces felt quite gender-fluid - all the pieces that were worn by male models could be well put on 6 females that also walked the show. Except SS 2020, show also featured Fall 2019 capsule pieces that will be available for purchase now. It all felt very modern and easily wearable - everything we all need now.
OFFICINE GENERALE   (23 June, 10:00)
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Peter Maheo always serves us with delightful Sunday morning breakfasts in Paris – no, there are no croissants or chocola-chauds, but some really chic Men’s clothes. I could spend entire Spring wearing the show’s opening look (mint tailored duo), or the second look, and third, and all of the 45 others. I love how Officine Generale has kept it consistent and doe not tries hard to present gimmicks that you can never wear – I just want them all!
LANVIN   (23 June, 11:00)
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After all the past year’s shake-overs at LANVIN , it seems that brand is on the way to settle and reboots itself with a fresh new page. Will this become a successful book tome? Only time will tell, but the foreword looks promising. It was a first Men’s show for house’s new creative director, Bruno Sialelli (who went from Loewe) and what he presented to audience made everyone think about only one thing – holidays! Staged around one of Parisian public pools, the show featured everything (and more) you associate with holidays – nautical stripes, bucket hats, sailor collars and even sleeping bags – white and blue shades dominated. LANVIN men now also wears printed sequin dress, azur intarsia knit jacket on a naked body and lots of baggy jumpsuits – and it all feels very young and naïve.
ALYX   (23 June, 19:00)
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Can we call it the coolest show of the season? It just amazes me how Matthew Williams managed to put the brand on top of the current fashion industry in such a short time. I guess the quality that you can feel all around the brand and a dedication that Matthew and her wife Jennifer Williams (who walked the show actually) put in their brand (they have moved from NY to Ferrara, Italy to oversee brand’s production in the local factories). The collection featured sharp and sophisticated shapes. Started with classy suits and quite sexy (women’s especially) looks, show continued with signature streetwear vibe, but it also felt very, very sophisticated and elegant (and that’s not wrong for streetwear, at all), outerwear was to die for - crocodile effect rubber-like coat just nailed it!
CELINE   (23 June, 20:00)
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With the second standalone Men’s show under the label, Hedi Slimane has presented “nostalgia for things I probably have never known” (read embroidery on a tote bag). It was classic Hedi (and it’s now a definition of particular style, not a single designer aesthetic), classic 70’s but felt still modern for me (and many argue on that). There’s clearly a huge market for what he is doing and with Saint Laurent making shifts to detach itself from Hedi (and CELINE as a brand), sales should be heading to the desired peak (LVMH plans to double brand sales with the help of Hedi in a short time).
JACQUEMUS   (24 June, 17:00)
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Do we need to say anything more on this show?
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it was a season of SS 2019 (in June 2018) that made a huge breakthrough in Menswear – that was when Kim Jones and Virgil Abloh both had a debut seasons at Dior and Louis Vuitton and when Raf Simons returned to Paris – the craze that you could feel in Paris those days was insane, that was when everyone agreed that Menswear has its notable importance and it’s only gonna rise with every new season – with SS 2020 being fantastic continuation for that.
Oh and almost every designer mentioned how they are trying to be more sustainable, nature-friendly, gluten-free, etc…
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scifigeneration · 5 years
The Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival, the annual festival that honors legendary novelist Philip K. Dick through the dynamic power of science fiction film, is returning for its seventh outing with a full schedule of events. For the first time since its inception, the festival will hold a bi-coastal gathering presenting a lineup of films, premieres and panels for audiences in New York City, Los Angeles and Santa Ana, CA. The ambitious endeavor will provide a platform for independent filmmakers who tackle a variety of themes that empower the narratives of Philip K. Dick, whose work continues to serve as a profound mark on the literary and entertainment worlds.
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The festival will open in New York City on Thursday, March 7th and Saturday, March 9th. Following its long history in New York, the festival regards the city as an exemplary location to utilize science fiction as a means of connecting with audiences. "We have developed a strong following here," said Daniel Abella, the founder and director of the festival. "Our fans have become loyal supporters of our films and platform so we acknowledge their support by bringing back great sci-fi year after year." Features include Saku Sakamoto's ARAGNE: Sign of Vermillion about a young woman's discovery of a mysterious class of insects and the U.S. premiere of Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited, the remastered version of Kent Smith and Tom Huckabee's post-apocalyptic 1983 film starring Bill Paxton. Then, a lone survivor searches for answers after the human race vanishes in the World Premiere of John Norby's Assimilation.
The west coast edition of the festival will run in partnership with Media Arts Santa Ana (MASA), a non-profit organization that supports its community's cultural empowerment through special resources and initiatives. "We are excited to bring the festival to Santa Ana and allow fans to see some great films," said Victor Payan, the director of MASA who worked with the festival to organize a divine salute to its namesake, a resident of the city in his final years where he wrote several of his last major works. "This will help create discussion about how Santa Ana and Orange County influenced Philip K. Dick's vision and celebrate one of Santa Ana's most treasured and influential artists."
Festivities begin on Thursday, March 14th in Los Angeles with the city serving as a prime destination to bring the festival. "Blade Runner is set in L.A. in 2019," said Abella when referring to the 1982 adaptation of Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? "There is no better honor than by holding the festival in the very city and year depicted in one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time." Screening titles include Matthew Evan Balz's Corvus, which follows a woman's perilous efforts to build a machine capable of hypnosis and the depiction of extant technology in Emily Dean's Andromeda about an android's awakening of human emotions. Closing the night is Josh Gibson's atmospheric Pig Film about a woman's work on a hog farm during the impending end of the world.
The festival then opens in Santa Ana, CA from Friday, March 15th through Sunday, March 17th. Essential films include Unzipping, the cinematic directorial debut of actress and writer Lisa Edelstein about the poignant unfastening of a marriage and Star Trek veteran Walter Koenig's confrontation with fate in Michael Baker's Who is Martin Danzig? Holding its World Premiere is Tony Dean Smith's mind-bending thriller Volition about a clairvoyant man's quest to avoid his own murder and the U.S. and L.A. Premiere of Sarah K. Reimers' Bitten about a dog's rabid night of risk and adventure. Dive Odyssey kicks off a lineup of feverish documentaries as Janne Kasperi Suhonen takes viewers on an absorbing aquatic journey and Colin Ramsay and James Uren decipher what makes "good" artificial intelligence in the dawn of ethics and technology in Good in the Machine. Observing the 90th anniversary of Philip K. Dick's birth and the 50th anniversary of Blade Runner's origin novel, the two organizations joined forces for the Philip K. Dick Multicultural Dystopian/Sci Fi Short Film Challenge, a short film competition that invited participants to develop projects that analyze contemporary life in view of themes associated with Philip K. Dick. The challenge also evaluated Philip K. Dick's cultural influence on the Santa Ana community and to encourage the representation of multicultural stories by traditionally underrepresented sci-fi filmmakers. "Anyone who has ever felt alienated should look up to PKD," said Abella. "Because the heroes in his stories were everyday people attempting to retain their dignity in a progressively dehumanized world." The festival's expansion has also furthered its commitment to feature a more inclusive brand of filmmaking with 31 percent of the official selections directed or co-directed by women and minority filmmakers. Many films are seen from the perspectives of racially and gender diverse characters. "There is a new freshness entering the genre," said Abella, who curated an equality-driven showcase of films from the emerging talent strengthening the industry. "Science fiction is based on exploring the 'other' and no one is more qualified than those groups who have been marginalized to tell their story using the tools of sci-fi." THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019: Museum of the Moving Image (36-01 35th Ave, Astoria, NY 11106) Block 1: Best of Philip K. Dick Short Films Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm Glitch Noir 2 - The Rise of el Pelon (2018) Director: Cody Healey-Conelly Run Time/Country: 1 min, USA Synopsis: A trailer to the sequel of Glitch Noir tells the story of a futuristic private eye who with the help of an A.I. that processes big data, tracks and unhinged killer through the murky neon streets of the Sprawl. The Last Office (2018) Director: Trevor Hoover Run Time/Country: 12 min, USA Synopsis: In an alternate 1940s, a switchboard operator must endlessly serve as the link between two worlds, connecting calls across the barrier line of life and death. One day, he fields a call from someone he knew in a past life. Harsh Reality (2018) Director: Iain Marcks Run Time/Country: 18 min, USA Synopsis: A cynical professional gamer's life is turned upside-down when he's forced to see the world in a different way. Some of Her Parts (2018) Director: Abie Sidell Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: When future medicine allows people to live past the human body's shelf life, a young woman visits her grandmother in the hospital and is forced to question the value of immortality when you still end up in a box. How I Got to the Moon by Subway (2018) Director: Tyler Rabinowitz Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: After being diagnosed with ALS, a curmudgeonly older man goes to the hospital with his partner to record his voice bank before he loses the ability to speak. Regulation (2018) Director: Ryan Patch Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: In the near future, a young social worker named travels to a small community to administer behavior-modifying 'patches' that guarantee happiness for the wearers. She then must decide what to do when a precocious 10-year-old girl refuses to accept the patch. To Be Forgotten (2018) Director: Masa Gibson Run Time/Country: 25 min, USA Synopsis: A recovering addict trying to erase the online records of his past transgressions gets a call from a mysterious company that claims it can help him be forgotten - not only by the Internet, but by all the people that ever knew him and by the natural world itself. The Desert (2018) Director: Ben Bigelow Run Time/Country: 14 min, USA Synopsis: In a suburban mansion, a woman sneaks into her son's virtual reality chamber. Here, he wanders through a desert with extraordinary powers. The machine is intended as a psychiatric treatment, yet Martha's trespass sets in motion a series of threatening events. The virtual reality, it seems, has begun to leak into their home. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: International Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm The Ticket (2018) Director: James Villeneuve Run Time/Country: 11 min, Canada Synopsis: A man's life takes a dark turn when he accepts a ticket to board a giant space craft. Synthia (2018) Director: Maria Hinterkoerner, Bernhard Weber Run Time/Country: 12 min, Austria Synopsis: In the near future of Vienna, every household is supported by a personal assistant robot called Synthia, built by tech giant ENYO. The robot is equipped with a neuronal network and has access to all electronic devices. Synthia listens, and she learns. N (2018) Director: Iacopo Di Girolamo Run Time/Country: 14 min, Italy Synopsis: An expressionist nightmare in which an inventor and his colleague test the 'Automaton,' a machine able to create things from nothing. The machine works perfectly as long as the items it is asked to create start with the letter "N" in German. The results of the test will be predictably catastrophic. I Want To Kill (2017) Director: Dan Yadin Run Time/Country: 5 min, USA Synopsis: An unhinged, psychedelic romp through the bleak depths of space. Into the Dark (2018) Director: Benjamin Berger Run Time/Country: 12 min, USA Synopsis: In the wake of a widespread viral epidemic, two U.S. soldiers stranded during their mission must fight to survive while an old man and his ailing daughter, running low on food, wait to be rescued. Destroyer of Worlds (2018) Director: Samual Dawes Run Time/Country: 44 min, UK Synopsis: A precocious teenager must reluctantly leave his life in 1954 behind when his father makes the most devastating discovery to date: Leap Theory. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2019: Producers Club (358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036) Block 1: Japanese Anime Feature Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm ARAGNE: Sign of Vermillion (2018) Director: Saku Sakamoto Run Time/Country: 76 min, Japan Synopsis: Directed by the digital effects producer of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, a college girl moves into a building on the outskirts of town and sees an insect coming out of the arm of a woman. She learns that they are called "Spirit Bugs," and have existed since ancient times. Unravelling the mystery, she discovers this is only the prelude to a new form of terror. Block 2: International Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 12:30pm - 3:00pm The Vault (2018) Director: Sara Martins Run Time/Country: 10 min, Canada Synopsis: In this post-apocalyptic sci-fi web series, a ragtag group of survivors live in an underground military bunker known as Vault 175. Seedling (2017) Director: Stevie Russell Run Time/Country: 13 min, Ireland Synopsis: A young couple have an encounter with a strange, unknown life form. Graffiti (2017) Director: Barcsai Bálint Run Time/Country: 19 min, Hungary Synopsis: A delinquent sees graffiti of his future self and tries to understand what is happening. Compatible (2018) Director: Pau Bacardit Run Time/Country: 15 min, Spain Synopsis: In this web series, a man has an opportunity to upgrade himself for greater electronic compatibility. Colony (2018) Director: Catherine Bonny Run Time/Country: 15 min, Australia Synopsis: Indentured servants try to establish a new planet but something is alive in the ocean. Eva (2018) Director: Xheni Alushi Run Time/Country: 15 min, Switzerland Synopsis: An introverted young girl discovers a gateway to a parallel world, in which she finds comfort and ease for her guilt. Birth (2018) Director: Andrea Cecconati Run Time/Country: 16 min, Italy Synopsis: Inside a waiting room where people choose to be born or be deleted forever, a little girl tries to drive people who have chosen not to exist into the row of birth. Space Between Stars (2018) Director: Samuel W. Bradley Run Time/Country: 10 min, Canada Synopsis: A group of ethereal creatures exploring a derelict space station are drawn out into the vast, unsettling environment. As their fate begins to crystallize, questions are raised about the nature and ambiguity of conflict. Space Flower (2018) Director: Pam Covington Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: A young woman longs for a forbidden love. From Life (2018) Director: Uli Meyer Run Time/Country: 8 min, UK Synopsis: An amateur artist sketching in a churchyard has a series of encounters with a young woman believed to be a ghost. In fact, the truth is stranger than that. La Supercafetera (2018) Director: Vektorjack, HD Carlos Run Time/Country: 10 min, Spain Synopsis: Three friends share a very special coffee maker but instead of coffee it produces pin badges which give superpowers to those who wear them. By using these superpowers, the three geeks get involved in a quest that will eventually take them to a post-apocalyptic future. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 3: Best of Philip K. Dick Short Films Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm The Last (2018) Director: Samuel Turner and Andrew Dobson Run Time/Country: 9 min, UK Synopsis: Struggling to survive in isolation, a scientist carries out vital work. The Last Dance (2018) Director: Chris Keller Run Time/Country: 8 min, UK Synopsis: In the not-too-distant future, an old man works alone in his garage, click-click-clicking the hours away on an old desktop computer. He is making something great and the not-too-distant future will become the not-too-distant past. The Jump (2017) Director: Andy Sowerby Run Time/Country: 10 min, UK Synopsis: An astronaut braves a pioneering solo mission into deep space, leaving behind her loving husband. Through disjointed communications, she discovers her life on Earth has changed forever. Baby I'm Yours (2017) Director: Hadley Hillel Run Time/Country: 12 min, USA Synopsis: In the future as it was imagined in the 1950s, a boy notices his mother acting strange and begins to question whether or not she is a robot. Uncle Griot (2018) Director: Paul Charisse Run Time/Country: 6 min, UK Synopsis: A young girl takes her uncle for a walk. The Drone (2018) Director: Wojciech Lorenc Run Time/Country: 14 min, USA Synopsis: DJ, a small quadcopter is simply trying to fit in. Zoe (2018) Director: Leif Brönnle Run Time/Country: 17 min, Germany Synopsis: A young woman without identity or memory. Two scientists with great ambition. A sequence of tests that will bring them all to their psychological frontiers. The Photographer (2018) Director: Mazhar Kamran Run Time/Country: 18 min, India Synopsis: A woman appears to a photographer but sometimes not in his photos. Faulty Father (2018) Director: Benjamin Welmond Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: In the near future, a young father's morning routine is put on the fritz when he uncovers his wife's bizarre secret, one that forces him to question his sense of self and his role in the family. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 4: Horror and Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm Headcleaner (2018) Director: Nick Scott Run Time/Country: 29 min, UK Synopsis: A documentary filmmaker follows a working class recluse from Scotland who can control his environment through the power of sound. Over a fractured timeline, viewers witness the struggle to reconcile the recluse, his mastery of sound and a found footage tape of a sonic weapon called The Drone Tape, tested on humans in the seventies that will ultimately lead to horrific consequences for the filmmaker's family and the world at large. Post Mortem Mary (2017) Director: Joshua Long Run Time/Country: 10 min, Australia Synopsis: A girl and her mother run a post mortem photography business in 1840's Australia. Whistler's Mother (2018) Director: Robbie Robertson Run Time/Country: 18 min, USA Synopsis: The artist James McNeill Whistler spent years trying to capture the essence of his mother for his most famous work of art—not to create a masterpiece but to save his mother from possession by the Baba Yaga, an evil Russian witch. The Observer Effect (2017) Director: Garret Walsh Run Time/Country: 19 min, Ireland Synopsis: A woman is haunted by a dark watcher, a man obsessed with thoughts of her vicious murder but as the fateful hour draws near bizarre events unfold to reveal truths they could never imagine and a secret that will change their lives forever. The Cold Dark (2018) Director: Mikko Löppönen Run Time/Country: 19 min, Finland Synopsis: A woman wonders off into the dark to search for medicine for her wounded father. As she rummages a cabin, she stumbles upon two men who grant her cover for the night. But something outside is listening. Thursday Night Basic (2018) Director: Mike Hay Run Time/Country: 5 min, UK Synopsis: The story of a man who is changed and ultimately transported to another place, maybe even another dimension, due to watching some strange 8mm footage and drinking something even stranger. Beyond the Wall of Sleep (2017) Director: Peter Miller Run Time/Country: 10 min, Australia Synopsis: An exploration of sleep, sanity and space via H. P. Lovecraft and The Rules and Regulations of the Insane Asylum of California. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 5: Feature Presentation Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm Taking Tiger Mountain Revisited (2018) — U.S. Premiere Director: Kent Smith, Tom Huckabee Run Time/Country: 77 min, USA/UK Synopsis: In this remastered version of the 1983 film, an American draft dodger in a dystopian future is brainwashed and programmed by militant feminists to assassinate the Welsh minister of prostitution. Lurching unwittingly toward his goal, he makes a series of furtive connections with societal outliers like himself, including a feral child, a gentle prostitute, a sadomasochistic delinquent, a lovelorn androgyne, a hippie dope dealer, and a mute nymphomaniac while fending off predators who would sell him into sex slavery. Eventually, he is forced to focus on his mission and face the dreadful dilemma tormenting his psyche: to kill or not to kill. Starring Bill Paxton (Aliens). Written and directed by Tom Huckabee and Kent Smith. Co-written by William S. Burroughs, whose source material Blade Runner (a movie) provided a basis for the film. Block 6: Experimental Sci-Fi Feature Presentation Time: 8:30pm - 10:00pm Assimilation (2018) — World Premiere Director: John Norby Run Time/Country: 79 min, Ireland Synopsis: In the near future, exponential growth in technology triggers an event that wipes humankind off the face of the Earth. But from where did the grand plan for this event come and who or what is behind it? A lone survivor searches for answers in her quest to reconnect with life. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2019: Echo Park Film Center (1200 N Alvarado St, Los Angeles, CA 90026) Block 1: Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Corvus (2018) Director: Matthew Evan Balz Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: A woman builds a machine with hypnotic capabilities. No Country for Old Lizards (2018) Director: Emiliano Rago Run Time/Country: 4 min, USA Synopsis: A conspiracy theory fanatic finds out an unpleasant truth. A Psalm of Sight - Verse 1: Zerfall (2018) Director: Julian Curi Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA Synopsis: Gifted with eternal life after drinking from the Holy Grail, a medieval knight spawns an alternate history where technology is God, and man is machine. Dace Road (2018) Director: Silk Run Time/Country: 9 min, France/UK Synopsis: On a night ride, a female cab driver tries to convince her client he is in a coma and that a collision is the only way for him to wake up. The Golden Record (2018) Director: Rachel Goldfinger Run Time/Country: 7 min, USA Synopsis: An alien crosses her barren planet and stumbles upon a record from Earth. While she is mesmerized by the record's bold, beautiful images, she undergoes a harsh awakening that only her own reality can truly comfort her. The Well (2018) Director: Adam Wheeler Run Time/Country: 19 min, USA Synopsis: When Ted, a withdrawn bachelor discovers a mysterious book while searching for his recently disappeared mother, he enlists the help of an old high school science wiz to piece together a confounding puzzle that seems to center around his family home. The Great 60 Days (2018) Director: Tae-Woo Kim Run Time/Country: 9 min, South Korea Synopsis: A doctor experimenting on fruit flies develops a substance that can dramatically increase activity in brain cells. After a series of failures, one fruit fly finally has a huge reaction when its intellect becomes mutated. Andromeda (2018) Director: Emily Dean Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA/Australia Synopsis: An android who, through her friendship with a little girl, becomes alive. Void Vision (2018) Director: Alexander Stewart Run Time/Country: 8 min, USA Synopsis: An abstract short in which real and the simulated are equally constructions; a space where doubles, twins, duplicates, re-creations, and copies blend into one another. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: Feature Presentation Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm Pig Film (2018) Director: Josh Gibson Run Time/Country: 60 min, USA Synopsis: In an empty world, a solitary female mechanically follows the protocols of a factory hog farm. Her labors are sporadically punctuated by musical rhapsodies as she moves toward the impending end. Is it the end of the world, a program malfunction, or the beginning of a film? FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2019: Ebell Club (625 French St, Santa Ana, CA 92701) Block 1: Philip K. Dick Multicultural Dystopian/Sci Fi Short Film Challenge Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm Winning films to be announced at the screening. Filmmakers will be present for a post-film Q&A. Block 2: "When Worlds Collide" Short Films Time: 8:00pm - 9:00pm Deep Dive (2018) Director: Mohammad Soleimanifeijani Run Time/Country: 6 min, USA Synopsis: A young Persian refugee arrives at the border of Los Angeles and is given a mandatory set of government-issued immigrant transition AR lenses. Shut out of other people's reality she slowly descends into a new form of digital alienation. Who is Martin Danzig? (2018) Director: Michael Baker Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: A mysterious old man sits in the park feeding pigeons, ruing the refuse of humanity encroaching on his sanctuary. He then meets his much younger replacement and learns to accept his future - with the fate of all humanity in the balance. Starring Walter Koenig (Star Trek) and Kevin Page (RoboCop). Precipice (2018) Director: Sean Young Run Time/Country: 4 min, Canada Synopsis: The planet's organics-engineer must decide if we are a species worth salvaging or if eradicating all life on Earth is the answer. Unzipping (2018) Director: Lisa Edelstein Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA Synopsis: A woman feeling unfulfilled discovers a zipper tab under her husband's tongue. Unable to resist, she pulls it and her entire life changes. But when newness turns into the new normal, she is once again unfulfilled and realizes her mistake: the problem has always been her. Starring Lisa Edelstein (House, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce) in her cinematic directorial debut. Tomorrow, Shall We All Be Transhumans? (2019) Director: Benoît Schmid Run Time/Country: 9 min, Switzerland/France Synopsis: Jump into a mesmerizing journey into the spirit of the first man who succeeded to digitize his own brain, algorithm his soul, and who injects himself some Holy Transgenic Fluids in order to transcend his flawed flesh. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 3: Special Guests Time: 9:00pm - 10:00pm A panel of special guests to attend the festival with an announcement made at a later date. SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 2019: Orange County Museum of Art: OCMA (1661 W Sunflower Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92704) Block 1: New Frontiers: Documentaries From The Edge Time: 11:00am - 12:45am Dive Odyssey (2018) Director: Janne Kasperi Suhonen Run Time/Country: 9 min, Finland/Norway Synopsis: A meditative journey into the depths of water and mind, viewers enter on a journey into crystal clear darkness where the only light ever is man-made. Weather and Chaos: The Work of Edward N. Lorenz (2018) Director: Josh Kastorf Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: The first film about Edward N. Lorenz and his role in Chaos Theory produced with the participation and of scientists who worked alongside him. With their help a closer look is taken at what the "butterfly effect" actually meant in the context of Lorenz's work and why it should make all rethink the understanding of the universe. Nobody Dies in Longyearbyen (2017) Director: David Freid Run Time/Country: 9 min, Norway Synopsis: Permafrost in a northern island of Norway is affecting Global Seed Vault, infectious diseases like anthrax, influenza and global warming. Good in the Machine (2018) Director: Colin Ramsay, James Uren Run Time/Country: 15 min, UK Synopsis: The question of how to make "good" AI, what it means for a machine to be ethical, and who or what is the agent of the machine. Every Ghost Has An Orchestra (2017) Director: Shayna Connelly Run Time/Country: 7 min, USA Synopsis: What happens after we die is a universal question explored by paranormal researcher and experimental composer Michael Esposito. He straddles the line between spiritual and material and asks the audience to reflect on our purpose, legacy and what our actions say about who we are. UnderSee (2018) Director: Margie Kelk, Lynne Slater Run Time/Country: 6 min, Canada Synopsis: Sea creatures with large eyeballs are curious about invasive gray sludge. Beth's Three O'Clock with Dr. Harlow (2018) Director: Emma Penaz Eisner Run Time/Country: 3 min, USA Synopsis: A woman discloses a recent dream to her analyst. A vivid study of casual brutality and failed empathy, this surrealistic film intermixes stop motion animation with live action sequences. Musa Malvada (2018) Director: Liz Tabish Run Time/Country: 15 min, USA Synopsis: In London 1929, a fortune teller with dark secrets of her own visits various clientele throughout the city. As she navigates the tempestuous personalities and shocking visions, she must choose between telling the truth and her own survival. Extent (2017) Director: Paul Michael Draper Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: Time stands still as two old friends attempt to grapple with a question that defines their very existence. If you could live forever, would you? Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: Feature Presentation Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm Mechanical Telepathy (2018) Director: Akiko Igarashi Run Time/Country: 76 min, Japan Synopsis: The depiction of love and skepticism through the relationships between researchers who visualize human hearts. Block 3: International Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 4:00pm - 5:45pm I Don't Want To Be Alone (2019) Director: Sergio Rozas Run Time/Country: 19 min, Spain/Japan Synopsis: A lonely girl walks around a future Tokyo chased by weird huge monsters. Even though she fights them, the monsters just keep growing in size and number so the girl has to make a decision. Blink (2018) Director: Atmaja Bopardikar Run Time/Country: 15 min, India Synopsis: A man is unable to understand what is happening to him and as his wife slowly loses her patience, he tries in vain to regain control of his perfect life, until one day he finds out it is not him but his shifting realities. Zilly's War (2018) Director: John Broadhead Run Time/Country: 25 min, USA Synopsis: A brilliant young woman on a four year mission to an alien planet finds herself remembering her childhood and facing her inner demons. The Nine Billion Names of God (2018) Director: Dominique Filhol Run Time/Country: 15 min, France/Switzerland Synopsis: In New York 1957, a Tibetan monk rents an automatic sequence computer. The monks seek to list all of the names of God. They hire two Westerners to install and program the machine in Tibet. A short film is based on the book by Arthur C. Clarke. Tatu (2018) Director: Garcerón Alejo Run Time/Country: 2 min, Argentina Synopsis: In this trailer, monster robots in a car junkyard battle it out. The Picture of Dorian Gray (2018) Director: Michal Janicki Run Time/Country: 9 min, USA Synopsis: A stop-motion animated journey through Oscar Wilde's iconic story about a man who sells his soul for eternal youth. The Desert (2018) Director: Ben Bigelow Run Time/Country: 14 min, USA Synopsis: In a suburban mansion, a woman sneaks into her son's virtual reality chamber. Here, he wanders through a desert with extraordinary powers. The machine is intended as a psychiatric treatment, yet Martha's trespass sets in motion a series of threatening events. The virtual reality, it seems, has begun to leak into their home. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers and cast members. SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2019: Ebell Club (625 French St, Santa Ana, CA 92701) Block 1: Best of Philip K. Dick Short Films Time: 11:00am - 1:00pm Subverse (2018) Director: Joseph White Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: In this web series, in an alternate reality where everyone spends all their time indoors staring at computer screens, a man agrees to go on a date in the 'outside' world but it doesn't go well. Filled with self-loathing, he returns home and plunges headfirst into a drunken, hallucinogenic trip through the dark net. Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Floating in Space (2018) Director: Tristan C. Pina Run Time/Country: 10 min, Canada Synopsis: An unfulfilled high school senior becomes obsessed with an ominous radio broadcast containing steps to a cryptic puzzle. Thinking he is being pursued by a sinister organization, his search for clues takes over his life. Ultimately putting the pieces together, it becomes unclear whether or not it was all real. Beyond the Door (2018) Director: Em Johnson Run Time/Country: 20 min, USA Synopsis: One day Hedy brings home a cuckoo clock to decorate the baby's room, unbeknownst that the cuckoo clock has the ability to love and hate just like humans. The cuckoo clock tests the couple's love by mimicking the presence of their deceased son. Based on a short story by Philip K. Dick. Enthusiasm Abounds (2018) Director: Mark Ross Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: In a world where social justice is automatic and absolute, enthusiasm abounds. Flies (2018) Director: Baobab Run Time/Country: 14 min, UK Synopsis: In the faded beauty of the house of his ancestors, a man waits for the return of the love of his life. Dark fantasies and crushing reality weave a dangerous journey as a struggle unfolds for his mind and ultimately his life. Avicenna (2018) Director: Daniel Stanush, Diego Chavez Run Time/Country: 5 min, USA Synopsis: In a remote location, a solitary researcher scours the landscape for a rare mineral. The Hereafter (2018) Director: Paul-Anthony Navarro Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: When a woman awakes into an afterlife of her own design, she discovers that her paradise might just be purgatory. Mise En Abyme (2018) Director: Edoardo Smerilli Run Time/Country: 11 min, Italy Synopsis: An eccentric and aristocratic gentleman devotes most of his time to a bizarre activity. Obsessed by beauty, he wanders everyday in the wood nearby the city, hunting the most rare butterflies. Once captured, he frames them and put in a massive and disturbing collection. He will soon realize to be himself part of a bigger collection. Axium Effect (2018) Director: Ari Dassa Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: A woman drifts through her traumatic memories after overdosing on a drug pilfered from android processors. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Block 2: Feature Presentation Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Volition (2018) — World Premiere Director: Tony Dean Smith Run Time/Country: 101 min, Canada Synopsis: Blending genres, this mind-bending sci-fi thriller about a man afflicted with clairvoyance who tries to change his fate when a series of events leads to a vision of his own imminent murder. But as he sets out to avoid his certain death, he comes to see that his pre-sentient condition is not quite what it seems. Starring Adrian Glynn McMorran (Arrow), Magda Apanowicz(The Green Inferno) and Aleks Paunovic (Van Helsing). Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers and cast members. Block 3: Horror and Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm I Am the Doorway (2018) Director: Simon Pearce Run Time/Country: 20 min, UK Synopsis: After a journey to investigate desolate Pluto, an astronaut returns home a shattered man. He sees eyes forcing their way through the skin of his hands, eyes that distort his friends and the landscape itself into monstrous visions. Believing himself the doorway to alien invasion and gruesome murder, he must take desperate action. Based on the short story by Stephen King. Grey Canyon (2018) Director: Zeshaan Younus Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: A couple encounters a presence in the wilderness that they cannot comprehend. Ulysses (2018) Director: Jorge Malpica Run Time/Country: 8 min, Mexico Synopsis: Warned by the goddess Circe, Ulysses ordered his men to tie him up to his ship's mast, thus preventing him from surrendering to the enchanting mermaid's call, which devoured the unwary men seduced by it. Based on the The Odyssey. Sereget (2018) Director: Dempsey Tillman Run Time/Country: 13 min, USA Synopsis: An emotionally detached husband (with a child on the way) gets a rude awakening when aliens invade his home and target his family. They Wait For Us (2018) Director: Lukas Schrank, George Run Time/Country: 20 min, UK Synopsis: In a near future end-of-life care facility, a reclusive hospital worker starts to believe a coma patient is attempting to communicate with him. Megan (2018) Director: Greg Strasz Run Time/Country: 8 min, USA Synopsis: The story of a woman, who along with the elite Delta Force team, investigates a mysterious attack by in present day Downtown Los Angeles. Bitten (2018) — U.S. and L.A. Premiere Director: Sarah K. Reimers Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: A mysterious and violent encounter sends a dog on a night of adventure and possibility. Spectres (2017) Director: Nick Phillips Run Time/Country: 11 min, USA Synopsis: After losing his family in a car accident, an introverted man interacts with the spirits of the dead who have yet to pass on. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers and cast members. Block 4: Sci-Fi Short Films Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm A Timely Reminder for Time Parter Partners (2019) Director: Jamie Gower Run Time/Country: 1 min, USA Synopsis: Time travel is a tough job and filling out your timecard is the toughest part. Especially if you're a part-time Time Parter at Time Parter Partners. The Watchers (2018) Director: Andrew McGee Run Time/Country: 9 min, UK Synopsis: Impact in T-minus 97 minutes. 220 miles above our doomed planet, four astronauts on board the International Space Station are forced to confront their fate as the last members of the human race. Consciousness: Awakening (2018) Director: Rafhet Guerola Run Time/Country: 15 min, Mexico Synopsis: At the Universe's final moments, two men take separate paths due to ideology differences. When their environment and their lives are in danger, one of them attempts to retake their relationship. Together, they must to overcome their differences in order to survive at the imminent end of everything they know. Midnight Delivery (2018) Director: Nathan Crooker Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: A mysterious gift is delivered to an unsuspecting woman's door at the stroke of midnight. Her morbid fascination entices her to examine the gift, unleashing a sinister evil from within. Zoe (2018) Director: Leif Brönnle Run Time/Country: 17 min, Germany Synopsis: A young woman without identity or memory. Two scientists with great ambition. A sequence of tests that will bring them all to their psychological frontiers. Post-Film Q&A: Screenings will be followed by an in-depth discussion with filmmakers. Awards Ceremony Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm Guests and filmmakers will be in attendance when awards are presented to the category winners as The 2019 Philip K. Dick Science Fiction Film Festival concludes.
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thelivebookproject · 5 years
The Sunday Post (#5)
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The Sunday Post comes from Kimberly at Caffeinated Reviewer, and I have taken the idea from @wildhoneyandbooks. It’s a post to share news, talk about books and recap our weeks!
Does any of you remember this post? It’s where I was supposed to update you on my life weekly and then I didn’t do more than four since I started in May. Yeah, I know. Amazing. Anyways, moving on from that...
On non-bookish news, I’ve recently become obsessed with Shawn Mendes. Like, I knew he was handsome and talented before, but in a kind of abstract way, the same way you realize the starts shine each night but you don’t really pay attention to them. But ever since he and Camila Cabello (ANOTHER STAR IN THE SKY) released Señorita I’m like very aware of how handsome he is and feel personally attacked by this fact. 
In bookish news, I have realized I have no idea how to play bingo because my squares for the Summer Reading Bingo Challenge are all over the place. Sure, I’ve only read seven books, but still, I should have planned this better.
As to my books, I just finished Side Effects May Vary, by Julie Murphy, which I didn’t like (review will go up next week). Yesterday I also started Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, which I hope to finish in the next day or so.
And what happened in my blog this week?
I published my expected readings for July.
I started the “This Again?” Challenge organized by @anassarhenisch, which you can follow along in my tag. 
I published a review of The Dark Wife, by Sarah Diemer.
I’m trying to be more active and publish more, and so far it’s going very well: almost one post each day, and I have a lot of posts and reviews already scheduled. Here’s to hope I maintain this rhythm! 
What did you do last week?
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