#also I recommend watching Howl's Moving Castle
thetopichot · 8 months
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I watched Mr. Yuurivoice's stream last night alongside watching Howl's Moving Castle again & kept thinking about Auron. Like, I think someone asked on his stream if the listener is actually dating Auron? Honestly, shit got me thinking about the Howl's Moving Castle scene where the Witch of Waste notices that Sophie has fallen in love with Howl.
So, just like, imagine this:
Trish notices Auron's increasing "interest" in Rook. Just like think about it.
Trish turns to Auron as he sighs, looking at Rook. Trish notices then, "You're in love." she breaks the silence. Auron doesn't break his gaze at Rook. "Don't deny it. You've been sighing all day."
"Trish." Auron finally turns to look at her. "Have you ever been in love?" Trish scoffs at his question.
"Course, I have. I'm still in love." Trish answers. Auron raises his eyebrow. She shakes her head. "Strapping young men are just difficult to deal with, but their hearts I just adore!" Trish gushes a tad bit.
"You're terrible."
"They're quite cute, too!" Trish nudges Auron.
Auron's face furrows. "What are you implying, Trish?"
"What I'm implying is that you should invite them on a date." Trish says bluntly. "It was quite obvious that you both enjoyed eachothers company very much from when you invited them to that so-called 'Worst Invitation Ever' & that Christmas party that they held for the office." Trish turns to look at Rook, then back to Auron. "So, I'd say. Why not?" Trish smiles softly at Auron.
"How come you know so much?" Auron chuckles but already knows the answer.
"Because I care about you more than anything & I will gladly try my best to make you happy. For both you & Faust. I didn't take care of the both of you for all those years to gain absolutely nothing." Trish replies. "Now, enough talk. Go talk to them for God's sake."
I hope it's good, though. I haven't written like that in months. ( T∀T)
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shebsart · 1 month
iirc you once said you liked subtle romance are there any movies or books that fit that description you can recommend?
hii sorry i forgot to answer this!
Please do recommend me stuff with similar elements, especially movies and books :))
I don't remember what I said this about but yes! The levels of subtlety might differ but I also really like when romance between two people is expressed in a non-direct way.
Some of these are not romance-focused but have a small part of it in them, some that I can think of for now: -Las Acacias (2011) - saw this one recently and some might call it boring but i was super invested in the minimal-dialog comunication between the two characters
-Leon Morin, Priest (1961) - i think my friends are sick of me talking about this one but you just HAVE to give this a try if you're into repression and melancholy in romance. Also hot priest <3
-I Dream in Another Language (2017) - it has magical realism! it has resentment! it has old people! Really really really reccomend this one, its a fave!
-Moonlight (2016) - not particularly a romance film entirely but it has a very touching moment of confrontation.. i need to revisit this one
-Fallen Leaves (2023) - anything by Karusimaki can be called subtle romance i think but i especially like this one :) The tone is very light and i like the northern humor
-The Lunchbox (2013) - also kind of slow but full of nice little moments
-Compartment No.6 (2021) - starts out as somewhat annoying (at least for me) but i warmed up to the characters later on. I like watching outcast people bonding over the story :)
-Phantom Thread (2017)- when you find the perfect someone who can handle your issues in their own unique way :3
-Amour (2012) - A different approach to love between an old couple. Theres one scene in this one that just makes me really sad but i wont say which.
-Love Letter (1995) , Brief Encounter(1945) , Frantz (2016) , The Appartment (1960) , Patterson (2016), Pain and Glory (2019) , In the Mood for Love (2000), Happy Together (1997), Portrait of a Lady on Fire(2019) , Before Trilogy (but especially Before Sunset, the second one), Last Life in the Universe (2003), A New Leaf (1971), Silence of the Lambs (listen it IS romance to me.), Sabrina (1954)- i put this here solely for the boat scene :)
I don't read many romance books but here are some that have romance i like:
-The Queen's Thief series(oof course :3 especially books 2,3 and 5 are my faves)
-Spinning Silver (has 2 seperate couples but i like one more than the other :3)
-Persuasion (by jane austen)
-Howl's Moving Castle (a fave!)
-The Mirror Visitor series
-Keturah and Lord Death (idr this one very well but it's a death and the maiden theme and pretty short!) , Curse of Chalion and it's sequel Paladin of Souls have some slowburn in them, Eyes of a Blue Dog (its a very unique short story by gabriel garcia marquez) , Chang ge Xing (manga)
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aprito · 8 months
hi! do you have any recommendations for sasosaku fic with more than 10k words?
a couple (a lot) of the top of my head (burned into my retina) in no particular order finished and unfinished (they are all important to me)
hope springs eternal by simplelations (wholesum retelling of p1 naruto but with same age au sos i have made fic art that's how you know the love is real)
incantations by thirrin (extremely underrated howl's moving castle inspired magic au)
the neighbourly thing to do by koneko_taichou (wholesome middle aged sos are neighbours au. especially love the reason ss divorced in this fic and cant wait to see where this goes)
against all odds by koobabear (unfinished but platonic canonverse sos that's very fun)
these days by stormdragon6 (the one and only extremely long and extremely fullfilling mutual pining sos childhood friends modern au. scenes from this fic are burned into my brain)
a second chance by invisibleninja12 (200k literal retelling of p2 naruto with same age au sos where sasori got yeeted into the future and sakura is committed to help him before he makes the final turn for the worse. incredibly wholesome)
deep into the woods by muffin_ride (twisted beauty and the beast meets horror meets sos in their 40s far too old for this bullshit. thats the type of content we love around here)
lost year by omgitspocky (the fic that literally started my obsession with same age au basically sakura goes back in time and not only distracts sasori from defecting but also gets to hang out with a young tsunade)
bait and hitch by aelynthi (after the fantastic previous fic homesick comes one of the funniest takes on the fake dating trope with outrageously good characterization. i am emotionally invested in this one)
acaso mi madre engaña a mi padre? by takewaelel (i recommend this cheating fic at least once every full moon cycle because it has some of my favorite characterisation ever. every reread i discover some other amazing take)
lady of the blackthorns by vesperchan (amazing fantasy sos au. and thats why vesper is the GOAT)
pyrrhic victory by watevermelon (same age au sos with sasori's parents alive is one of the three ships and we're rooting for them)
grading on a curve by sayyikes (100% pure comedy and we're here for this painfully realistic and hilarious modern au)
sword of damocles by angelofdeath10 (medieval sakura is sasori's knight au. sasori is extremely pathetic but that makes it fun. i recommend everything they write in general <3)
spring fever by tsuki hoshino (sakura quits her job with sunan royalty and is ready to settle down and have kids in the middle of sasori's 10 year meticulously planned how do i get her to date me plan. watch as he desperately tries to bring his plans to fruition in the most sasori way possible)
invocation of the muse by nenalata (toxic college au sos that ruined me as a person, it's so fucking good even if i took immense psychic damage after deluding myself sos somehow will make it work. you need to read this immediately. this is exactly how i envision a bad ending outcome)
porcelain by shoujojunkie (not 10k but i will rep this doll maker falls in love with his tiny vain selfish creation fic until the day i die)
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Hi! Just a random question. Do you also like movies and tv-series and if so, what are you into/can you recommend?
Thank you so much for your stories and snippets. I love every single one! X
Some of my personal favourite TV shows:
NBC Hannibal
Interview With The Vampire
Doctor Who
Inside Number 9
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
The Bold Type
The Haunting of Bly Manor
The Haunting of Hill House
Midnight Mass
Black Mirror
For casual watching/sitcoms, my favourites are Modern Family, Scrubs, The Good Place, One Day At A Time.
I am currently making my slow way through The Last of Us.
(There are also many, many others I have watched and enjoyed over the years)
Movies are hard! I go to the cinema a lot so most of what I see are new releases. I enjoy a lot, less sticks in my head. Some I think are amazing (e.g. Everything Everywhere All At Once, but I can't watch them again any time soon). Others are probably on everyone's 'great movies' recommendation lists already, so I'll try and avoid just re-listing those.
Crimson Peak
Legally Blonde
Little Women (Greta Gerwig version)
Cruel Intentions
Howl's Moving Castle
Pride, Prejudice and Zombies
Kill Your Darlings
Gone Girl
X-Men First Class
Knives Out
The Menu
Do Revenge
About Time
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lamphoera · 11 months
i read howl's moving castle yesterday and i was like oh i understand everything now. yeah i would also fuck off to become a wizard if i was a grad student and also welsh. anyway i decided to rewatch the movie immediately after i finished the book because i hadnt watched it in a long time and the whiplash i experienced going from book howl straight into movie howl's introduction is so indescribably funny i really recommend you all just try it for yourselves
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onewomancitadel · 4 months
A smattering of general updates:
I played Tears of the Kingdom. I didn't really enjoy it. I understand why it was popular though; I'm just not the demographic for these types of video games anymore. I didn't find it creatively rewarding and after a time I sat there thinking 'I would rather be writing right now', and since then I have learnt that writing is made easier by doing things which are not writing, because it makes me miss it. My dad also doesn't really like it but for some reason has played hundreds of hours in it. I don't know either - I think he will take anything called Zelda at this point.
I spectated the Doctor Who David Tennant Special and watched some clips of the new season. I'm not a fan of RTD, and not a DW fan anymore (not for a long time), but it was an interesting study in how studios try to attract old and new fans.
I read a lot of books, and that lie people tell you about all books being good for you is a lie, because a cyberpunk anthology of short stories made me so angry I got heartburn. I think people who say that are saying so because they wish that they could read a lot, in which case I say, yes I think reading is a gift and we should engage with it, however, sometimes I get so physically angry from something stupid/bad I've read because bad writers exist that it gives me actual pain. I am reading Howl's Moving Castle right now and it's very joyful; I am very surprised by the liberties the animated film took! However so far I do think both experiences are worthwhile, and if you enjoyed the Ghibli film, I very much recommend checking out the original book if you want to revisit that world again. The prose is straightforward but a little whimsical, and Howl is very, very funny. I have laughed aloud a few times.
Well, you know I rewatched Dark, and it's funny that during my exile I said 'this is like if RWBY got the ending it deserves' and then, er, I found out it's not renewed yet, and that's still up in the air, which for the entirety of RWBY I have only had one true moment of doubt of such a thing, and that was a while ago.
On that topic, yes, I still ship Jaune/Cinder, believe Cinder's redemption is likely, etc., although there are some more external concerns I would wager now than before. Before I thought it very possible to do without any commercial influence, and it depends what compromises they do or don't end up making or having already made. My analysis of Jaune's arc in V9 may not hold water as much (e.g. if you lean towards the view there were rewrites to cater to growing the audience, or perhaps it's two ideas married? I'm not sure) so I'm going to think about it more, and there always has been a tension in RWBY between what is being expected/baited and what is foreshadowed/said/actually happens.
I figured out how to write again and what was blocking me, so there's that. To talk about it a bit more, since my break I have worked every single day on writing. My key takeaways are that you need a delicate balance of delusion and self-doubt to get anything done - you don't know you can do something until you actually do it - and every excuse I invented for not writing was not the reason I was not writing. I can write with a migraine beginning to set in on an uncomfortable desk where I can't even rest my elbows properly on the end of a bed with no back support without aircon in the middle of summer before I've even taken my hair out from bedtime plaits in my pyjamas. I didn't even expect to get my fic done right before midnight, actually I was like 'well lol that's not going to happen, I'll write anyway though, fuck New Year's' because I wasn't doing anything, and then I finished and looked at the time and was like ooooh. I actually completed my goal! So I'm very proud of that. Anyway writing is breathing, to me, I go crazy if I don't do it, no matter what it is, and every single piece of nonsense advice of productivity was not helpful, ever, but I did figure it out. Also admittedly I got a fire burning under me again because I found out I was actually right about Raven, in which case I took that as a sign from heaven I was on the right track. One should hope.
I am excited about Dune Part Two, yes, although I am trying to avoid Villeneuve talking about the film because I know all the marketing is basically directed at people who aren't Dune fans, and I have to see it for myself to see what it's worth. I enjoyed the first film, and Villeneuve seems excited to direct Dune Messiah, in which case I am willing to do whatever possible to make that happen. Because that's about as complete a story you're going to get in a major motion picture adaptation and it would be So Fucking Good.
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sugarhigh1 · 2 months
Two questions: What anime would you recommend for someone looking to start watching it?
And what's your favorite?
You can start with the studio ghibli movies I LOVE THEM WITH ALL MY HEART
Also my fav would be howls moving castle ,your name and The tale of princess kaguya
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aethergazing · 1 month
10 characters/10 fandoms/10 tags
Tagged by @icehearts thank you so much!!!!
Tagging (if you wanna! feel free to ignore!) @etheirys , @ahollowgrave , @riftdancing , @this-is-ris , @tsunael , @sealrock , @shroudkeeper , @fheythfully , @khaiens , @abalathia
2B from Nier Automata
she's my girl!!!! she's the reason why I got into drakenier in the first place and she made me understand a lot of things about myself! I also wrote her for years and she's still my fave character to write to and also the one where i think my writing improved the most (though i feel like i've lost most of it)
2. Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle
The moment i watched this movie i know it was going to be my little happy place! I also read the book and despite the differences between both sophies I love both of them dearly! Also we have the same name so that made really happy
3. Yuna from FFX
my bisexual awakening, i didn't know if I wanted to be Yuna or be with her, very jealous of Tidus. I loved her from the moment she was on my screen!
4. Nina Zenik from the Grishaverse
Nina is the reason why i'm so comfortable with the way I look and I don't care about my weight as much as I used to, she was so fierce and the way she's written is so beautiful that it made me fall a bit in love with myself as well! Also bisexual queen!
5. Agnes Montague from TMA
Agnes is one of those characters that doesn't have a lot of info but that's what makes her so good! Also she basically has her destiny settled and she's trying to fight against it which is one of my fav tropes so. even if you've never listened to the magnus archives I think you should search her! (also please listen to the magnus archives if you like horror its sO GOOD)
6. Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugi
first anime crush when i was like 12 do not look at him I still love him to this day and I melt every time i see him on my screen... tsundere with a heart of gold my beloved
7. Okita Souji from Hakuoki
the sucessor to tasuki, i've rewatched hakuoki so many times despite okita's heartbreaking ending just bc despite him struggling through life I love his relationship and the way he shows he cares about people despite never saying so
8. Corazon from One Piece
Corazon is my beloved I love his relationship with Law so much and the way he was trying to save his son!!!!! he has my corazon no doubt about it
9.Thorfinn from Vinland Saga
Vinland Saga is one of those anime I recommend to everyone if you're okay with a little gore/violence. Thorfinn's journey should be witnessed by everyone the way he goes from a vengeful path to a peaceful one is so well written and so beautiful to see!
10. Frieren from Sousou no Frieren
Frieren is the new addition to my fave characters, so glad this anime started airing bc it's such a breath of fresh air to the fantasy genre and I adore watching her journey and seeing her in a world that moves without her.
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what’s your comfort film?
That's a tough choice.
My go-to movie for a Feel Good sort of thing is undoubtedly "A Goofy Movie", which has been a favorite of mine as far back as I can remember, to the point that I'm pretty sure I caused my old tape to deteriorate from overuse. I have a "Lester's Possum Park" shirt, even.
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Another one I like to run as a comfort film is "The Secret of NIMH", which was a constant choice to run when I was a kid and despite having the tape, I also would catch the airings on Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater whenever possible. I think my Mom was probably concerned about how enthralled I was with this movie as a kid because of how generally dark the atmosphere is, but gosh, it's such a fantastic visual treat. Fun Fact: Every time I start a new Pokémon journey, the first Rattata I capture is always named "Brisby" in reference to this movie.
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As well as "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron", which is just a beautiful film in every aspect. I want to chew a hole through the doorframe every single time I think about how great the story, music and animation of this film is. I also had this on tape growing up.
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And of course "Howl's Moving Castle" needs a mention. This was one I had on DVD as teen, and absolutely yes, it's easily my favorite Ghibli film and a go-to recommendation for an animated feature when someone asks. The atmosphere, the whimsical touch, the looming narrative of a war going on in the background, fairytale-esque curses, true love, enchantment, character development that happens in a logical and satisfying way, re-watch bonuses, and just a wonderful selection of morals peppered in that are great lessons to take away from. Everyone here my age and younger have probably seen it plenty of times, it's a classic, I don't even have to sell the reason why I adore it so much. 😊
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I quite enjoy animated films the most, but I do have some favorites that aren't animated, by the way, he he he
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ryanthel0ser · 8 months
I have a specific howls moving castle question and you were the second person i saw in the tag, so hello! Sorry if you’ve already answered this
Maybe I missed something, idk. But. Sophie changes age a few times where it seems almost random. Is it random? Does she turn young night? Does she just change age when it is Dramatically Fitting? Is there no rhyme or reason at all? You must have these answers. If you don’t that’s okay too thank you for your time
I do have an answer, and I don't mind answering this again it's one of my favorite things in the movie.
Sophie's age fluctuates in the movie to show her own self-esteem and self-confidence levels, and to a degree her own fear. She is at her oldest when she is first cursed because she not only is terrified from the Witch of the Waste but she's at her lowest at the time of the curse. Once she starts cleaning and getting to work, her insecurity in herself subsides some and she's just a bit younger than she was before. This is why at night, when she's asleep, she goes back to her actual age because that's when she is most at peace and her insecurity isn't present. When she stands up to Suliman about Howl, her confidence is incredibly high until Suliman says she's in love with Howl, which causes her to revert back to her old self because she can't even imagine her and Howl together because of her own insecurity (which is ironic knowing Howl at this point is head over heels for her). By the end of the movie she's young again, but her hair is still gray, or "starlight" as Howl says. While she does have self-confidence in herself, she's going to carry that bit of insecurity with her always which is something we all deal with. Having her keep the gray hair shows that she's grown as a person since the start of the movie. I highly recommend watching cinema therapy's video on this, it's highly entertaining and does a much better job at explaining it from an actual therapist perspective.
A small thing I personally believe is that Sophie is able to do magic like she does in the book. In the book, Sophie has magic from the start but she does not realize she can do magic until about halfway through the book. The curse on her actually wore off a while ago in the book and because she keeps calling herself an old woman, she's continuing the curse on herself. I think this is happening in the movie as well with her age fluctuation, with her own image of herself and feelings being what changes it by her magic. There are a couple of small things in the movie that line up with Sophie's magic in the book that make me believe this, but whether it is her magic or not doesn't matter or change the theme present.
Also small thing because I just remembered this detail. Howl knows Sophie is cursed from the moment he meets her as an old woman. This is the case in the book and it's probably the case in the movie. He's a powerful wizard, of course he can see there's a curse on her. If Calcifer knows she's cursed by looking at her and Howl can tell Turniphead is cursed by looking at him, then it's not a stretch to say he can see she's cursed too. Sophie finding this out in the book is one of my favorite scenes alsdjf
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pessimisticgh0st · 1 month
Do you have any book or film recommendations. I’m super bored :(
Yeah sure, don't know how much help this is now since this reply is late-ish
Also I don't really know what you're into or what you already have read/watched so sorry if any of it is useless, also just saying that most of these will probably be depressing in some way
Radio Silence
I was born for this
Perks of Being a Wallflower
Six Of Crows Duology
If We Were Villains
The Secret History
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Song of Achilles
Good Omens
No Longer Human
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Dead Poets Society
The Truman Show
How To Train Your Dragon trilogy
Howl's Moving Castle
Kiki's Delivery Service
Spiderman Into the Spiderverse
Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
Spirited Away
Big Hero 6
Hope that helps, and do you have any recs ??
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victorianpining · 3 months
hey, What are some of your personal favorite movies or TV shows that you would recommend to others?
Whenever anyone asks me for recommendations I feel like my mind goes blank so I'm just going to list the first things that come to mind:
TV: 📺
Obligatory please watch BBC Dracula if you are or were a Sherlock fan, I am that guy from that one problematic Christmas movie with a sign that says "to me you are perfect" about it, genuinely all time favorite show forever until BBC Dorian comes out probably.
Granada Holmes (must watch if you are a Holmes fan, very true to the surface spirit of the stories, and as the episodes go on they start throwing in a bit of The Game in there as well)
Interview with the Vampire if you enjoy anything about the Game aspect of BBC Sherlock, lying narrators and suppressed love WITH canonical gay romance from episode one? *mwah*
Midnight Mass if you enjoy vampires with a side of grappling with questions of faith (this one might be the nichest recommendation on the list but I do love it all the same)
Black Sails: The Narrative! The Narrative! The Narrative! (queer pirates fighting for freedom etc, but The Narrative!)
The Queen's Gambit was very fun an clever and stylistic (I'm still on a bit of a chess kick)
Pushing Daisies for a cute romantic crime solving show
Psych is also fun and silly if you can stomach a bromance version of the Holmes/Watson dynamic
I am still quite fond of Steven Universe
Movies: 📽
Pride and Prejudice 2005 (perfection mwah!)
Pride (tumblr classic for good reason, solidarity forever)
V for Vendetta (myths and masks and artists using lies to tell the truth)
Howl's Moving Castle (genuinely stunning in every way, plays with misleading information and foreshadowing brilliantly, like this is the gold standard of subtext in my mind)
Knives Out and The Glass Onion. So good!!!
The Batman is my favorite superhero movie (mostly by virtue of being a detective movie actually)
Niche hit of the day is Push which I think maybe no one but me has seen, it's a strange movie and feels unfinished in a lot of ways but has so many interesting ideas (some of which made their way into the vampire fic kdsaghkjds)
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chaikachi · 8 months
Hi, Chai! I've been following you for a bit, mostly for the RG content, and I've recently seen you talk about your other non-RWBY interests when I realized that I'm really curious on what other media do you like? (Be it shows, movies, music, games, books, etc.)
Oughh this is a very good question. I'll put them under a read more cause I have a feeling I took this question too literally and it might get just a little bit long because of that. 💦
I'm generally very passive with the media I consume and only draw as much RWBY as I do because RG has had me in a vice grip since V8E1 and isn't letting go anytime soon. 💀 But I do engage with lots of other stuff too! This isn't an exhaustive list, just ones I like lots or re-watch often enough.
I probably watch this stuff more than anything else. My favourite of all time is probably The Eccentric Family, both seasons. The art direction and the messages of the story just hit very hard for me and I re-watch it pretty much every year. My second favourite is Kekkai Sensen (i prefer the first over second season as they switch directors).
As for others enjoy:
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Silver Spoon
Yona of the Dawn
Snow White with the Red Hair
Kyousogiga (recommend if you liked Kekkai Sensen)
A Lull in the Sea
Chaika the Coffin Princess [Now why does that name sound so familiar 🤔]
Been really enjoying this season's shows and am looking forward to the Winter 2024 lineup (Dungeon Meshi and Yubisaki to Renren at the same time!!)
Dragon Prince
The Owl House
Good Omens
Nier (2010),
Zelda Series (Ocarina of Time & Spirit Tracks are my favourites)
Nier: Automata
Honorary mentions to Grand Chase (an old MMO i used to be obsessed with), Avalon Code (a niche DS game that I really liked), Fire Emblem Awakening (a classic) and Animal Crossing (that I played like it was my day job in 2020).
Can only think of two live actions and the rest are animated/anime 😭
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Howl's Moving Castle
HTTYD (1 & 2)
Kubo and the Two Strings
The Wind Rises
From Up on Poppy Hill
Penguin Highway
I don't read as much as I did when I was a kid, but my top three are probably Runemarks, Howl's Moving Castle, and Stardust (I like the last two a lot because I liked their movies).
Used to be really into these and wanted to write my own before Webtoon kinda... gentrified the entire industry. But hey, I can still talk about some of my favourites!
Shaderunners (queer heist in a roaring 20sish setting)
Witchy (queer south East Asian inspired fantasy adventure)
Kochab (sapphic story between a skier that gets lost and meets a fire spirit I think? It's final updates are going up this month!)
Lady of the Shard (all time favourite. queer polyam lovestory between a goddess and her acolyte. Complete. I reread it every year, I love it so much. The rest of the authors work is also great, you might know them from Cucumber Quest).
Then lastly...
I mostly listen to indie/folk more than anything else, with a bit of jazz/R&B thrown in for flavour. Favourite artists are probably:
San Fermin
Flock of Dimes/Wye Oak
Of Monsters & Men
Maggie Rogers
Florence & the Machine
Paper Kites
Matthew and the Atlas
This list obviously isn't exhaustive because I have the memory of a goldfish but those are the highlights that came to mind at least.
Sorry for the long list, but thank you for the question!! It was fun to put all these in one place.
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jade-efflorescence · 3 months
Hi~ if you're interested, here's a scenario for you:
While talking with an acquaintance, the conversation drifts into the topic of anime since they learn you've watched quite a few shows already. They ask you for recommendations and, when pressed for specifics, they say something along the lines of "I don't really have a specific preference." (This is, of course, untrue—everyone has their yays and nays, and maybe this person just doesn't know theirs. Since they're just an acquaintance, you probably wouldn't know either.)
So as you look into their gleaming curious eyes:
What will you consider before giving a recommendation(s)?
What show(s) would you recommend?
(Note: this is entirely for funsies so please feel free to opt out or to take your time! ☺)
hi! i have been thinking about this question on my end and completely forgot to respond, i'm so sorry!
this is such a good situation and actually a conversation i've had when recommending media to other people already! it's definitely hard to recommend anything specific given the comfort level with the person and knowledge the other person has of their liked anime.
first, i'd ask them if there are any anime shows/movies that they've already watched! wouldn't want to give them the same one to watch twice, haha. this would also give me a good base to work off of without seeming super intrusive.
if they haven't seen any anime at all and don't express any preferences, i'd direct them toward a studio ghibli film! i watched "spirited away" and "howl's moving castle" for the first time a few years ago and enjoyed them. i also think they're a pretty good gateway into anime as a whole if one is totally unfamiliar with the genre.
if they've already watched ghibli films and want something else, my other recommendation would be spy x family (i'm biased, i know). i think the pseudo-European feel to the series feels more accessible to English speaking viewers and it doesn't have too many anime-esque tropes that might turn one off to the medium as a whole.
and if they mention liking a specific show, i'll direct them to anime in a similar genre, whether that's ones i've viewed myself or other shows i know people have loved! my experience with anime has been limited to a couple shows but i'm familiar with the existence of popular ones and can name several others based on their genre and general premise. i can always direct them to another friend with more recommendations depending on the situation.
thank you for the ask :)
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18shadesofmay · 4 months
recommend ghibli movies to watch
you’ve obviously already watched spirited away (fist bump) so here goes:
- grave of the fireflies: this one BROKE me, in a crooked, beautiful sort of way.
- my neighbour totoro: literally nothing happens in this film. it’s one of the most relaxing collection or frames ever.
- princess mononoke: indescribable, sorry. just watch it. work of art.
- kiki’s delivery service: you’re a late teen, i’m assuming (or something close enough😭), this is one of the standalones in the ghibli library, meaning it’s kaafi different from the others, but touches very vulnerable emotions jaise “growing-up anxiety”, loneliness, wagera.
- ponyo: CUTE.
- howl’s moving castle: this film made me want to become a girl so bad. also the soundtrack will be running in your mind for days.
- castle in the sky: i never thought i’d describe a film as rich, but this one really is. you’ll be orgasming at the visuals (apologies).
- porco rosso: fantastic ending. deals with serious themes. and THE FLASHBACK SEQUENCE ugh. beauty.
- the wind rises: ye wali toh hit karegi. it left me cursing it for not being 100 hours long. i wanted to stay in it, you know? the urge of practically living INSIDE a film.
these are only all the ones i’ve watched, there’s more ghibli beauty out there, thankyou SO MUCH for asking this😭
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tvrningout · 6 months
get to know me meme
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1. favorite colors: blue, purple, and orange ( but also all the colors actually )
2. favorite flavors: when i say i love nearly everything you put in front of me... but i'll admit when i see something sour or spicy, i'm immediately fighting back the urge to impulse buy it :' )
3. favorite genres: fantasy, horror, and romance!
4. favorite music: i listen to a little bit of everything, but pop and movie/show/game scores are probably the most common stuff i listen to atm. been listening to a lot of ajr bc they give me a lot of muse inspo for yoshiaki
5. favorite movies: into/across the spiderverse, rise of the guardians, coco, practically any ghibli film, and probably some others i can't think of rn
6. favorite series: all of us are dead, kingdom, new girl, community, and once again! probably others that i'm not thinking of :' )
7. last song: " alone we have no future " from the death stranding score! i really love the entire score and highly recommend it as well as the soundtrack <3
8. last series: all of us are dead :' ) i keep re-watching it bc i love emotional damage and zombies hehe
9. last movie: my friends made me watch this old animated film that i barely remember now bc i was so distracted by their baby asdfg prior to that, i think? i last watched across the spiderverse
10. currently reading: ruin and rising by leigh bardugo, third book of the grisha trilogy! the only reason i'm not done with it is that i don't want it to be over :( i've been eyeing my copy of howl's moving castle lately, too... maybe it's time
11. currently watching: i started re-watching outlander bc a lady falling through time in scotland is right up my alley B) and bc i didn't get very far during my first watch. i'm also working up the nerve to watch the second season of jjk bc i wasn't ready to see this part of the story animated back when i first read it, and i'm not ready now :' )
12. currently working on: got a lore drop about dorverold's afterlife/spirit realm i'm dying to write bc even though i know i probably won't write 90% of these dorks, i love thinking about the deities!! i'm also working on yoshiaki's bio and contemplating a slight reworking of yubari's bio as well as tsugumi and miyuna's just to make them more story-like rather than bullet points. i need to add " notable connections " sections to my muses' stats, too. there's a lot i'm trying to work on, now that i'm thinking about it asdfg
tagged by: @impishsensei & @espectres thank you both very much <3 tagging: @vonerde @fanaticist @fallesto @mythcaels @diaboelic @avaere @futurefind @mellodiies @un1awful and if you haven't done this yet, pls yoink it from me <3
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