#also I love Junimos :3
mercurialmind · 1 month
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Prim and Cabbage the cat at the Dewdrop farm
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norwegika · 2 months
ITTSSSSS TIMEEEEEE for bachelors yapping time continues! Imma be going over what I think should change about the bachelors after you marry them :3 this will all be going off the assumption that there is now a 20 heart limit and 1-3 additional cutscenes
Spoilers for stardew relationships btw
Alr first my favorite bachelor: Alex. I’m thinking although Alex always stays in shape he does give up on his dreams of being a professional grid ball player, buttttt I think it would be really nice if he starts a workout club for the dudes fr, where they work on personal fitness, getting stronger, and now Harvey could have a place to get fitter while feeling less embarrassed! Maybe when he starts it you get a little quest to gather stuff to make workout equipment and he uses an additional wing of your house to do so. I also think it would be nice if he starts working as a gridball commentator so that he can still enjoy his favorite spot. A cutscene for both of these ideas would be nice
Next is our favorite recoverin alcoholic: SHANE I personally love Shane so much he’s amazing. I think as you progress your relationship with Shane he could help Pam get her addiction under control. Of course though, his main pursuit after he marries you would be the chickens! I’m thinking he would either join Marnie at the ranch and start helping out there or he could be the “coopmaster” at your farm, and he could do the same thing as an autopetter and auto grabber, but all eggs harvested by him would be one quality grade higher, and if you have blue chickens they would produce “Blue Eggs”, which would sell for a lot more and produce “Blue Mayo”, which could be a loved gift for Shane and maybe Jas. His new cutscenes could be a scene where a blue chicken lays the first blue egg and a scene where he talks to Pam about addiction.
Now we got Elliot. The weird thing about Elliot is he actually does do things after you marry him. He ends up going on a tour for his book! This is amazing but I think it could be expanded on. I’m thinking he decides to write another book about life in Pelican Town and after a while it’s a cult hit. He becomes quite famous and gets visited by paparazzi in a cutscene where he talks to you about the burden of fame but how it’s all worth it with you by his side (aww). You could also after that get fan mail delivered to your mailbox? Could be fun and maybe another secret could be added from that. In addition to all that, I think marrying Elliot could give you an exclusive book power? I don’t have any ideas specifically but that would make sense ✨
Harvey: Harvey, after you marry him, would still work at the hospital, but he would no longer charge you for services like reviving you, and you would have a special cutscene where he tells you “you make me worry about you too much when you go into the mines” “I love you too much” or something like that. I also think that he would start talking to the people who fly above the valley and begin to be known as the Stardew Valley Navigator, and maybe you would meet one of the pilots and he would take Harvey for a ride in the plane :3 also I feel like as his relationship with you progressed he would no longer love coffee because he isn’t overworking himself so much :D other ideas include a slight health increase when married to Harvey and maybe a scene where he impresses the A.S.S trio with his knowledge of jazz
Alright next up is Sam! First up, I think Sam needs to start getting bigger with his music. After you reach 16 hearts, he should get an offer from a minor record company who really liked his sound in the “Happy Junimo Show” soundtrack. They offer a deal where he sells them one single and if it works out they could get him signed. You receive three choices for the genre, and he submits it and waits. A week later, he hears back from the company, who really enjoyed it and offer him a contract. This leads to another cutscene at 18 hearts where he performs his first single as the opener for a music festival. After that, you can always hear that first single on Sam’s boombox. Sam brings you up on stage and says “This song is dedicated to my amazing partner, [name]”, and the cutscene ends.
Sebastian: Sebastian is too edgy bro but I’ll make this shit work lemme lock in rq
Sebastian, of course, starts to breed frogs! I think that could be really cool if you could get a cutscene where you now have a frog that roams the farm looking cute, maybe collecting mixed seeds and fiber and delivering it to you while you’re in bed? I’m going to be so fr I can’t think of stuff for him lol he’s a lot harder ngl… Maybe a garage addition to the house? Where he works on his motorcycle once a week?Ngl this is mid he’s too emo lol LMK IF YOU HAVE BETTER IDEAS
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dontpercievemeplease · 6 months
Also the precursor to sopping wet junimind
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I love them <3
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babiebom · 11 months
Abigail Headcanons
I had wrote some of these for my old blog but forgot to save them so i forgot what i wrote and now I have to start over haha
Tw: cursing, brief sexual mention, cheating(not abby), some canon info may be wrong lmao
Is between 5'4-5'8
Mostly because she does give off tall goth mommy vibes but also gives off short angry troll vibes(I'm 4'11 I'm allowed to say this)
I think she's like 22-24
It's stayed at some point that she takes online college classes right? Or am i insane?
I do 100% think she's the wizards daughter I mean it does line up and if she's not then wtf
It's more than just the hair
But even then like isn't it said that she only dyed it ONCE and the color just never went away?
Like I feel like its one of those things where she had to activate the trait for it to show up
Like Idk if you've seen Barbie in a (and a?) Mermaid Tale but like
Barbie(her name isn't barbie but i cant remember what it is) doesn't show any mermaid traits at all until shes a certain age then she does things to trigger it(like going in the water and being able to breathe or her hair turning pink.)
Or traits that have been there already now making sense(her being obsessed with the water and surfing)
For Abigail, she just needed to dye her hair that specific color in order for it to stay in that state
And she has other abilities like being able to see the Junimos when literally no one else but the farmer and the wizard can.
And her love of adventure and the unknown
And i think she is a witchy girl along with Emily
Also the fact that Caroline hung out near the wizards tower then got pregnant with Abby
I think she still hangs out there sometimes or maybe its a mod or maybe I'm delusional(this one is a fact)
N e ways i've gone on too long about this
I think she would study for something like archaeology or something or like game development.
Does play video games as much as she can
Does rage quit
Gets angry when she dies
Though its canon that Abby and Seb would end up together if not with the farmer(I think?)
Highkey a toxic gamer but her outbursts are funny so it's allowed
I think she likes games like Undertale, the Sonic games, Mario, hates Valorant with a passion but still plays even though it only makes her angry
I feel like her feelings for him are shallow
Not in a bad way
But in a theres no one else for me to realistically end up with or crush on type thing
Like unless she's going to date one of the girls(I think Pierre is homophobic) Seb is her only choice
I do sorta ship her with Haley tho (goth gf x pink gf)
Does wish to be in the adventurers guilde but i also think she would be terrified
Also realistically I feel like she knows it wouldn't work out for long. Though she does sometimes go in the upper(lower?) levels of the mines.
100 percent prefers her mom to her dad
I think if she ever found out about the wizard possibly being her father it would make her be the most torn she has ever been
Because on one hand she does love pierre hes the man that raised her and I dont think she would accept cheating AT ALL and it would hurt her to know hes not her biological father
But on the other hand she would find it cool that theres a reason for her weirdness
Like theres a reason she can see the weird creatures in the forest when no one else can(to her knowledge)
Theres a reason for her longing to venture out and explore the unknown
And the wizard is pretty freaking cool seeing as she hangs out next to his tower often
Either showers everyday or once every 3 days there's no in between
Probably does want to travel at some point, maybe when she has her own money to spend.
If pierre wanted her to take over his store when he gets too old she would refuse
Is sorta sad she doesn't have any siblings, but at the same is glad because she only has to worry about herself
Learned to play the drums as a way to let out her anger
Has an okay voice when singing, but doesn't know how to properly hit notes without fucking up her voice
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journalsouppe · 1 year
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Stardew Valley!!! I love a lot about this spread but I wish I didn't use so many pen colors. This is another game I played before I even started journaling so I had to recall a lot of my older thoughts. Sebby's little corner might've been even bigger 😅 (Y'all might even guess where the name PumpkinSouppe came from, but it is also my favorite dish irl)
The Sebastian sticker is by ArcaneGoldArt! They have a whole collection of all the love interests.
Writing typed below!
Rating: 9.3 Played: Fa 2021 Port: PC (steam) Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
Name: Beans
Farm: Soup
German Shepherd
Beach Farm
Spouse: Seb <3
The Junimo are SO cute
only talked to like 7 characters lol I'm so introverted
had so many wiki pages open
LOVE the dungeons and enemies + the hunter log/achievements
It's sometimes pretty creepy
You can put hats on the horse and children lmao
don't like Shane at all (skull emoji)
stopped playing when I got the child, not the biggest fan [but I'm also against sacrifice]
#1 Krobus fan, love him
love my crazy animal names
made a little statue garden
so many eggplant parms
so much fun catching all the legendary fish!
the movies are so pretty and fun
The Sebastian corner: (DO NOT SAY ANYTHING)
(List of his favorite and liked gifts) Frozen tear, obsidian, pumpkin soup, sashimi, void egg, flounder, quartz
motorcycle kiss T^T
LOVE his theme
when he hid behind the tree lmao (I accidentally planted a tree right in front of where he would stand and I thought he would just disappear once a week and I could never find him)
quit smoking for me
he loves Jasmine tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you can kiss him <3!!!
Frog Sanctuary
Game Dev notes:
really good day/night + seasonal cycle with relation to player mechanics
great progression of unlockable events -- well paced
great long term achievements
amazing cooking mechanics and storage
no definitive objects, very choose your own adventure!
easy controls, nothing memorable
beautiful pixel art and boundaries
One of my all time favorite games. It is the gold standard of farming games and even has one of the best fishing mechanics. I played this during the beginning of my health problem during senior year and it really helped me cope a lot. Although I didn't play multiplayer, my friend and I played at the same time. This game has so many cherished memories especially when I got to compare gameplay with my friend. Made by one man, this is such an unbelievable game. There's unlockable events after x amount of years that entice players to continue playing.; There's also no one way to play, for example I was a lot more introverted and only talked to a few characters whereas my friend played more socially. Maybe someday I'll continue playing to complete more achievements. My one gripe is there's a lot of responsibilities to get back into, so it's a little hard to get back into. It's one of the games I can recommend to everyone. It's hard if you makes it hard, cozy if you make it cozy, etc. Excellent designs, animation, gameplay, story, choices, etc. My worry is that this game is so well crafted I'm worried playing other farming games won't live up, I am so excited for ConcernedApe's new game. He is a major inspiration to start making my own games. I have also heard modded Stardew is really good and really worth checking out. All in all, a superb game loved by so many fans. Highly recommend.
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sillystardew · 1 year
Hi! I’m really new to the Stardew fandom (just started playing this year) and am so smitten by Shane it’s ridiculous. I love the fluffy things you’ve written so far <3
Was wondering if you’d write something about the farmer repairing the holes in Shane’s jacket. Like sewing little chicken patches or patches of random fabric to fix the holes.
Could maybe extend the prompt to the other bachelors (farmer fixing something small of theirs that they use daily) but I’d be so satisfied with just Shane <3
Keep up the wonderful writing! I’d love to read your fic in AO3 when it’s out!
Ahh tysm! I’m really glad people are liking the things i write, it’s actually been helping me practice a lot more than i used to!!
It’s such a cute idea to be like “hey i can fix that for ya :)” and the romanceables just being so amazed that the farmer can do literally anything?? Anyway i did this with Shane, Elliott and Sam bc i love this prompt soooo much
Gender neutral reader 🦇
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-Shane is a sucker for little details. He loves those iron-on patches (and definitely puts some of them on Jas’ clothes) but beyond that, he’s too afraid to mess his clothes up even further, so he kind of just leaves the rest of it alone.
-If you offer to sew up his Joja jacket, he’s a little hesitant. Its one of his number-one comfort items and he doesn’t want to risk it getting ruined, but the second you say you can probably also remove the joja logo, he’s on board.
-He specifically asks you not to mess with the holes in the pockets because he likes fiddling with them when he’s just standing around
-He assumed you would just sew the holes closed, but when he sees that you’ve also put little patches on it, he literally gasps
“is that a fucking junimo?”
-The Joja logo is replaced with a little chicken and he just kind of stares at it for a while
-Tbh he doesn’t wash it for a few weeks afterwards because he’s really scared the stitching will come undone and he doesn’t want to make you sew it up again
-He’s embarrassed because he feels like he shouldn’t be this excited over a beat up old jacket. Save this man
-Like shane, he loves iron-on patches. He probably doesn’t have a single jacket or hoodie that doesn’t have one or two. He doesn’t consider himself particularly outdoorsy, but he is a skater, so most of his clothes are pretty roughed up
-Idk if you guys have noticed but his jacket in the game is just as bad as Shanes, if not WORSE. How have these two managed to literally destroy their clothes. Is Joja forcing them to roll in gravel
-Anyway, he’s stoked when you offer to fix up his clothes. His mom pesters him about “looking at least a *little* presentable” so he’s just glad to finally be able to wear his jacket in peace
-He thinks it’s literally so cool. He’s dumbfounded. “Where did you learn how to do that????” Sam. Sammy. There are so many tutorials online
-He really wants to ask you if you know how to embroider something on his guitar strap but he’s too nervous
-He looooves embroidery, and there’s something so wonderful about the sentimental value of sewing an old piece of clothing back to it’s original form
-He’s the type of guy to cry over those videos where people have their really old stuffed animals + blankets remade with the old material still inside
-A lot of his clothes are actually really old. He and Leah go thrifting in the city every once in a while (you CANNOT tell me those two don’t go to goodwill..) I think Leah and Emily are pretty good friends, so by extension, Emily has fixed a few of Elliott’s thrifting finds
-If you offer to fix up any scuffs you see or offer to embroider something he’s just like “you would do that?? For me???”
-He loves sentimental things like this so sometimes he’ll just run his fingers along the seam and smile like a dork to himself. He’s soooo *explodes*
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lacependragon · 2 months
A Little Bit Patchwork
A Stardew Valley inspired RWBY AU.
When her child, Ruby, begins having monstrous nightmares about the end of the world not long before their high school graduation, Summer Rose makes plans to get out of Vale and move into the countryside. After years of asking, Summer’s mother Maria is getting what she wants – Summer and her family are taking over Maria’s farm in Patchwork, a little town in Stardew Valley.
In Patchwork, nature magic flows freely in all directions, enchanted mines bend space and time with every appearance of the blood moon, and a pair of divorced witches in the woods argue over how to raise their four children while protecting the valley from the monsters at their doors.
Some are more excited about the new start than others, but each will be changed by the town. For Qrow, it’s a chance to find himself outside his demons, and perhaps a chance to fall in love with the local blacksmith. For Raven, she can stretch her wings and take on engineering and construction projects the city would never grant her. For Taiyang, it’s a chance to breathe, to relax, for the first time in decades. For Ruby, Yang, Sun, and Oscar – their four children – it’s a chance to grow into the adults they want to be, find their passions, and make relationships that will last a lifetime.
For Summer, it’s a chance to see her family finally free. Free from the destruction of the city’s greed. But with a Joja Mart perched on the edge of town, a magical barrier slowly running down, and so much danger lurking in the shadows and at night, there’s plenty of work to be done before ‘freedom’ means ‘safety’.
Rated M. No Archive Warnings Apply.
So many fucking trans characters. Raven and Taiyang are both trans. (This also means Ruby is related to one of the twins, not Taiyang, by blood). Ruby's non-binary. Salem and Oz both know Sex Changing Magic. Nora's trans. Neptune's trans. Velvet and Fox are trans. Terra's trans and the mayor. Blake's trans. This is the trans town.
This doesn't take place on Earth. I am explicitly making this world a different planet. Is it Remnant? Is it the planet of ConcernedApe? Who knows. Doesn't matter. It's not Earth. There's no USA. There's no such thing as the phrase "Jesus Christ". Genuinely though, Stardew doesn't take place on Earth either. So.
STRQ polycule. Qrow's relationship with Summer and Taiyang is fairly ambiguous, but also Yang and Ruby could be either Qrow or Raven's or one of each's and no one knows or cares what the answer is. Qrow and Raven are siblings, obvs. Qrow has an open relationship with them, so he does pursue James.
Years are 12 months. 3 months per season. 28 days per month. That's 336 days a year. Longer life expectancy than us. Around 90-100.
Cozy in my sense. There's darkness. There's problems. But all our focus is small town, small vibes, compassion, and love.
There's nature based magical "girls". And Seeing Eye Junimos. And James is half tree.
More but I gotta do stuff will reblog and add later
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strawbs-screaming · 10 months
☆ punch out x stardew valley ☆
for the record, this is what i imagine if all the boxers played stardew valley together on one big server, shared profits since why not (scrambled order because hhh)
Glass Joe
- couldnt find out how to chat so he uses the emote thingies
- plants too many flowers around the farm, someone
needs to stop him
- usually fishing or doing some gardening, sucks at combat stuff
-befriended leah, krobus + marnie and evelyn
-loves decorating his cabin
- does not know how to use sprinklers properly
Von Kaiser
- also fishing,LOVES the combat + mining
- does actual research about the crops
- finished half of the community center
- can actually use sprinklers properly
-best forager ever, will hide stuff in his chest just in case he needs it
- befriended harvey only
- uses the food items to his advantage when in the mines like a sane person
- also a major money maker
Disco Kid
- does his best at fishing, not really good at it his fishing is still at level 3 somehow
- has a coop full of ducks, loves them all very well
- one of the main money makers thanks to his army of ducks with max friendship
- only farms for hay + flowers since marnie keeps staring at the microwave
- befriended evelyn + emily and krobus
- builds kegs & preserves jars whenever he has too much resources on hand and is bored
King Hippo
- does not know what to do
- also doesnt know how to use the chat
- just tries to fish and dies in the mines whenever he goes in there
- just eats useless stuff whenever someone asks him to
- somehow befriended clint
Piston Hondo
- good farmer, high skill levels actually
- did his research
- uses the kegs and preserves jar disco builds for profit
-main money maker
- just makes food sometimes
-befriended demetrius and krobus
Bear Hugger
- does most of the resource gathering because disco kid refuses to stop building kegs and preserves jars
- mediocre farmer, doing his best
- LOVES the junimos, thinks theyre adorable
- good at combat suprisingly
- befriended pam, gus + evelyn (are you noticing a pattern here)
- fishing a lot
- tappers everywhere, also one of the main money makers from that
Great Tiger
- worst farmer ever, good at combat so he accompanies bear and kaiser to the mines sometimes and drags disco along
- stop letting him buy butterfly hutches please, every single bat wing goes to him and nobody else because of that
- also plants flowers like hell
- the greenhouse is occupied by him & joes flowers and bees along with butterfly hutches
- befriended krobus only, that is it
- LOVES the jellyfish festival
Don Flamenco
- tries to make the farm as pretty as possible, fails miserably because of the army of ducks and the random kegs and preserves jars
- doesnt do shit other than decorate
- sometimes steals flowers from Joe and Tiger, ends up getting chased
- keeps getting his furniture stolen by aran
- also didnt befriend anyone, doesnt care enough
- stop letting him shop please im begging you
- bought the catalog as soon as possible
Aran Ryan
- just annoys people
- keeps stealing stuff from kaiser & don
- threw every single furniture item don had out in a lake
- just gives King hippo stuff when hes bored
- gives all the npcs (except evelyn, hes too kind for her) trash
- keeps crafting bombs
- in the mines doing dumb shit & blowing up stuff
Super Macho Man
- wanted to do the joja route, actually
- does a little bit of everything
- just gives random gifts to people he comes across when hes in the mood for it
- mainly walks around
- befriended no one
Bald Bull
- has an army of cows, goats & sheep, major money maker from that
- one of the main reasons its difficult to go around the farm since be lets them loose
- all of them have maximum friendship by the way
- also couldnt figure out the chat thingy, emotes instead
-usually helping disco kid with his army of ducks, in return, he gets given hay & wheat
-Joe gives him flowers sometimes, mostly tulips
-will not refer to any npcs with their names, marnie? You mean animal lady? Pierre? you mean "the dude with the glasses that sells stuff" harvey? You mean "doctor man"? Shane? You mean "grumpy bastard"?
- goes mining sometimes
Mr. Sandman
- best player ever.
- helps bull & disco with the animals
- usually steals stuff back from aran and gives the stuff back to whoever he took it from
- doesnt care about the aesthetics, only cares about the progress
- befriended Caroline, George & Abigail (Willy also)
- good at everything except foraging, hes a bit impatient with hiding stuff
- helps Joe with sprinklers & farming
- usually in the mines
Little Mac
-original owner of server
- steals stuff just to annoy people, ends up giving it back
-also another resource maker
-so many ponds
- tries to decorate but fails
Doc Louis
-also doesnt know what to do
-cant type too so he just emotes
- gives stuff to people randomly sometimes
-got his stuff stolen by aran & don
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pechadream · 5 months
Can we know moreeee about your Stardew farmer? Any cute facts?
Of course!!! I love sharing things about my OCs so please don't be shy to ask more about them! (especially if you want to know anything specific, I love going into details-)
Facts about Luna under the cut <3<3
When growing up, she'd frequently visit her grandparents and she'd bake with her grandma before going to help her grandpa on the farm. As an adult, she still uses the tips her grandpa taught her about farming along other general tips he gave her, occasionally she’ll bake the recipes her grandma taught her, and she’ll share it with the villagers. Evelyn, who was close with her grandma, jokes about how it’s even better than how Luna’s grandma used to make it. (Grandma’s spirit is not pleased)
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She doodles a lot in her notebooks, her drawings usually consist of whoever her partner in that timeline is and also of her cat. The doodles aren't the best and she will get very embarrassed if anyone sees them and comments on them-
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When Luna gets stronger as she works on the farm she starts picking up her friends (after asking if she can) as a way to show off how strong she got. For example, she can fully carry Sebastian, and she can lift Alex a few inches off the ground. She always gets excited whenever she can pick someone as she’s never really had the strength to do so beforehand-
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Luna has a small trend when it comes to naming her animals, it started when she got her first two chickens and she named them after desserts (specifically; Custard and Tart) it may or may not have been because she was thinking about making said desserts and was hungry at the time of naming, but since then she's stuck to it and continued the trend of naming all future animals after desserts as well.
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The Junimos like to spend time on her farm as it has lots of lush nature (she left some parts untouched and just left for nature to reclaim because she noticed the wildlife liked to stay there to make nests and the likes) But occasionally a Junimo will get curious about Luna and will start trailing behind her as she does her work, so she always carries extra berries on her at all times to hand out to the Junimos if any are following her for a long period of time (she assumes they get tired from floating after her all the time)
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stardew-atlantis · 2 years
Meet the Farmers (Pixel Portrait Masterpost)
Hello all!
During my recent stardew modding hyperfixation (I say recent, it's been like a year now😅) I've taken up making stardew-style portraits of farmers! I started with my 3, and then started making some for my friends, and now I've got about a dozen farmers from my fantastically talented stardew friends. (aka, this is a very long post)
So, without further ado, I'd like to introduce you all to the squad!
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Name: Sadie "SJ" V
Pronouns: She/They
Farm: Atlantis Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Atlantis
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Name: Zephyr V
Pronouns: He/Him
Farm: Atlantis Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Elliott
Creator: Atlantis
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Name: Isaac
Pronouns: He/Him
Farm: N/A
In-game spouse/partner: Leah (QPR)
Creator: Atlantis
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Name: May
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Runaway Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Runawayface (@runawayface)
Notes: Runa is an awesome writer who wrote an epic Harvey/May saga called Runaway, and then founded a server for the largest collection of Harvey fans this side of the internet (and we love you for it) ^_^
Runa's Tumblr
Runaway (Ao3)
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Name: Magdalene "Maggie" Yates
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Evergreen Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey (Eventually😉)
Creator: Runawayface
Notes: Maggie also has her own fic as well called Plan To Be Surprised (and it features some fantastically written Ace Content) ^_^
Runa's Tumblr
Plan To Be Surprised (Ao3)
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Name: Hannah Darling
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: BookNook Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Hannah (@hannahstumble)
Notes: Hannah is what we in GFS like to call a "wizard" aka, both a talented writer and artist. She is also the creator of our favorite GFS mascot, Baby the Junimo.
Hannah's Art Blog
Hannah's Ao3
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Name: Jay Basham
Pronouns: They/Them
Farm: Sour Cherry Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: DoctorAceus (@doctoraceus)
Notes: Aceus is an incredibly talented artist and beloved Harvey simp (that is responsible for at least half of all the art of my two favorite nerds)
DoctorAceus Art Blog
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Name: Liz Secretia
Pronouns: She/They
Farm: Footman Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Shane
Creator: Lizardfootman (@lizardfootman)
Notes: Liz, my beloved, another wonderful artist. There is no stardew character that Liz cannot DILF-ify.
Lizard's art blog
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Name: Leslie MacDonald
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: MacDonald's Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: PhillyPumpkin (@phillypumpkin)
Notes: Philly is another wizard, a wonderful writer and artist. She's got an awesome fic about Leslie and Harvey, and her landscapes look like photographs, seriously.
Philly's Tumblr
Fall The Way Down (Ao3)
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Name: Molly Sinclair
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Crystalbrook Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Elliott
Creator: Mosaic (@barrebard)
Notes: Mosaic is an amazing writer, and has one of the best Elliott fics I've ever seen (It even has ace content?? Incredible.)
Plot Twist (Ao3)
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Name: Quill Barnes
Pronouns: They/Them
Farm: Midmorning Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Jellyaris (@jellyaris)
Notes: The Harvey server is full of wizards (and wizard simps, coincidentally). Another amazing writer/Artist combo, despite their incorrect opinions on eggs 😉
Jelly's Tumblr
Dandelions (Ao3)
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Name: Mallard Coleridge
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Coleridge Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Sam
Creator: Sixx (@carpsurprise)
Notes: The queen and her loyal court jester, Sixx is another excellent stardew writer (with some really cool lore about the old mariner!!)
Sixx's Tumblr
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Name: Bast Gray
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Eclipse Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Bast (@purpledemoncat)
Notes: I didn't even make this one! Bast, the brilliant artist that she is, designed the portrait herself! (I helped by making the little sprite ^_^) Bast is so cool she transcends dimensions (she makes an appearance in my fic too!)
Bast's Art Blog
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Name: Florencia Macé Rosebud
Pronouns: She/Her
Farm: Rosebud Farm
In-game spouse/partner: Harvey
Creator: Maci (@macithemaci)
Notes: Last, but certainly not least, my first ever stardew friend, Maci. Maci actually made the portrait for this one too! (As well as an entire set of portraits for Mace) I simply provided a lil sprite to go along with her ^_^
Maci's Tumblr
Mace Portrait Set
Whew, that was a long post. If you made it this far, thanks for reading! This has been the mass of portraits that I have been creating/collecting since the beginning of 2022.
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stardew-obsessed-ora · 8 months
As I mentioned yesterday, I was thinking about doodling some of my Stardew AU characters! Well, you know what? I did it. And YES, I did it DURING calculus work. you also get a funny doodle with each one
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From top to bottom with a brief summary of who they are (ulrich doesnt get a big one because he's the star of my stardew fixation rn); Ulrich Althaus, the main loser drawn on my blog and the Technical Lead for Joja Corporations. I have a few posts answering questions about him :3 Apollo Nephus, one of my Adventurer Guild members! He fights with a ribbon which ignites with magical flames and his combat style is similar to ribbon dancing. Nobody quite understands how he manages to make it work, but he does! He's rather quiet and introverted, but by no means does that mean he won't speak his mind if need be. Bro has absolutely put people in their place then walked off as if nothing happened. Shay! He's a banshee who resides in the secret woods. Sometimes, in the late of night, residents of the surrounding towns can swear they hear shrill screams in the evening. This is almost 100% due to utterly stupid shenanigans he got himself into rather than any death being announced. I imagine it keeps people on edge about the secret woods, however. He doesn't really get the chance to interact with others often, but when he does, he's a rather brotherly figure who enjoys playfully teasing whoever he interacts with. also he is a homie to the junimos. loves the lil guys.
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beanienatt · 10 months
Haha my post didnt wanna post so lets try this again...
This was originally a, hey heres my farmer, thing, but i got so caught up in it that it turned into kinda a tribute of my main playthrough, which is on year 6 now
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Little notes about some of the cutouts below
Yes my farmer is just me
Shane is also my bestie i just couldnt fit more than 3 people
The junimos make up the bi and ace flag because i thought that was cute
The brown chickens named Amelia
And the cat has a halo because she was named after my childhood cat who i miss very much, so getting the little pop up saying your pet loves you made me tear up a little.
The daffodils are in refrence to me and my boyfriends co-op farm... he would not stop giving me god damn flowers
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whispsofwind · 9 months
I thought it would be nice to share my current greatest achievement: my Stardew Valley Farm
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This is my heaviest playthrough ever in terms of mods (over 600 mods, many of them slightly edited with small personal edits to increase compatibility).
This is the farm on Fall 2, Year 3, and I am quite proud of it! Especially the bathroom, I love it so much
Still haven't chosen a spouse but I have a few ideas... The room for the children is ready after all! And also the place for obelisks, golden clock, and Junimo huts <3
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threadsun · 4 months
In love with the fact that all the Junimo's are Jewish. These cute little aliens saw Judaism and went YES
Also, now I'm imagining like twelve little Junimo trying to lift a chair for one of their Junimo friend's mitzvah (Or they swap the chair out for like a pillow or something that's more freezable for their Mr. Peanut arms)
They think it's fun :3
That's the cutest idea ever!!! The idea of them trying to figure out how to wear a tallit with basically no shoulders is also so funny. I need to see these little guys participating in Jewish holidays!!!
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darkfinch · 2 years
so I was going to ask if you'd ever played stardew valley as quinn, as well as just making the character on there? because it's a thing I've been considering on-and-off myself - but now I definitely need to know if you've ever created rabbit on there, because "grouchy hermit befriends junimos, runs errands for evelyn, is world's best forager" is… surprisingly plausible and very very good. and also if you have and if you like you can show him to us. :3
so i have this problem where. okay. hi i have mental illness. i have this problem where if i put a fictional character i like into a video game, i get Genuinely Very Sad for them if i can't make their favourite people Also be in the video game, so i played a couple of days with quinn living his best farm life and was like. this is the wrong eliot. this is not the true grandma. linus is not rabbit and i'm sad about it
for similar reasons i. would love to make grouchy rabbit have farm adventures but the fact that his specific favourite kiddo could not visit him..............heartbreaking alarming 0/10 i just cannot do it i have several unwellnesses about the whole thing. would love to give him chickens tho
i DID make rabbit in the SIMS 4 (my video game of choice), but i had a similar issue of just. oh good great good so i also need to make babusia and her house of murder infants AND the butcher of kiev so he can have hitter hangouts AND a quinn (AND an eliot for quinn, AND a parker and a hardison for eliot) AND hope that the game doesn't generate a terrible storyline for them while i'm not looking. sigh. so i did not do that
(here's rabbit in the sims. they will not let me make him look Gaunt And Tired enough theyre CENSORING me:)
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kedsandtubesocks · 11 days
erika!!! congratulations on your milestone!!!!! i am so happy for you, i'm crawling out of my little hole in the ground to send you the best vibes <3
⭐️ - with the hot headed blonde explosive boy
ALSO you are a bright star and i hope you continue to spread your light far and wide you beautiful soul <3333
NEM!!!! Thank you for coming out to still celebrate with me I’m really honored and so grateful 😭🥺
And PLS!! You’re the real bright star here I LOVE YOU!!
⭐️ - a sweet classic game heart event for you!
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Bakugo in my mind is such a ‘quality time’ as a core love language type - so when your pro hero boyfriend has his time to take you on a date he’s wanting to soak in and spend as much time as he can with you
Unfortunately I really do see all the hopes of him taking you on a “normal” date, like a fancy dinner, get a little too much with how many people end up recognizing him or with fans maybe walking up to ask for photos or autographs
So stubborn as he is… Bakugo is packing his own home cooked meals and taking you on a picnic!
He knows all the quiet lovely spots around the trail he hikes on and knows he doesn’t have to worry about anything interrupting your time with him
And seeing how excited you get over the food, how wonderfully you praise him so grateful, how lovely you look under the shade of the tree with the soft breeze of the wind, it’s all paradise for him and he takes his time staying in it as long as as he can
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Nem my dearest junimo magical spirit thank you for making my life so magical 💖
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