#already began this polycule
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Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial with the prompt #FFF252 Spill the tea and @fluffbruary April 14 prompt : coffee | florist | vision
Fandom: Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan suiri/ Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective
Pairing: RonToto, Ron & Kei Moore Kikuma
Words: 1148
Sprinkled with spoilers from Chapters 122 to 129, please tread carefully.
RON didn’t think of seeing Kei ever again. He wished it could have happened when the younger man was not in danger. Would it be nice to have a conversation about the past and the present times without someone being killed or gravely hurt? So many things to catch up, so many things to talk about.
So when Ron’s phone rang and registered an unknown number, it made him raise his left eyebrow. It also made him a tad bit excited, truth to tell.
“Ron-senpai.” It was Kei, his voice a bit croaky, Ron surmised, from not speaking much. The forbidden detective made a sigh of relief. A gesture that seemed to encourage the other party to extend an invitation, to continue the acquaintance.
The Detective Alliance’s Japanese branch director was released from the hospital after the attack from Alice Moriarty’s men. Ron and Toto found out that Tiger Daniel Moriarty was still alive, who masterminded the attempted murder. Kei’s recuperation took place somewhere away from Tokyo, a place that no one knew except for the Detective Alliance insiders.
“I would be delighted if I could see you again …Ron… Senpai. Alone.” Out of the blue, Ron clutched his chest. His heart beat so fast. He turned his gaze to the door, any minute from now, Toto would return from the police briefing.
“Fine, tell me when and where can we meet up.”
When Ron turned 13, he and his mother did a road trip together heading to Akita. The town was teeming with onsen but they went to a particular place. A man was waiting for them at the gate. There was a boy next to him, clinging to his side, a boy much younger than him.
“Kiku!!!!” Ron ran up to the man whose familiarity urged him to come to him. He was a frequent visitor to his grandparents’ house and a confidante of his mother for years.
“Ron-kun you haven’t met my son, Kei.” Like him, the boy seemed to have a foreigner mother, judging from his features. What made him stand out was the copious amount of acne that began to build up on his forehead. Otherwise, Ron found him attractive. His black eyebrows reminded him of a samurai character he once read as a small child. He wanted to be acquainted with that boy someday.
And so here they were in the cafe inside the Detective Alliance’s secret headquarters in Japan. A car picked him up and brought him to Kei, who had already taken his seat waiting for him while drinking his English breakfast tea and was about to spread cream and strawberry jam on his scones.
“Care to join me for an afternoon tea?” There were lemon and carrot cakes and egg, cucumber and salmon sandwiches laid out on the two-tier silver tray apart from the newly baked scones the younger man was consuming at the moment.
“Only coffee for me, Kei. I had lunch with Toto.”
“Ah… of course.” Kei said. “How is he dealing with all of this? How is your … partner?” He tried hard not to show the disappointment tending to break onto the surface.
“You mean Toto?” The question bewildered Ron. The police officer would take it as a responsibility as it was a personal matter, a task that must be solved. Like always.
Who else?
Kei sensed his Senpai’s confusion and attempted to change the topic. After all, he didn’t know anything about the Japanese police investigator other than it was his father who was the couple’s matchmaker.
“He matters to you a lot, ne Ron-senpai?”
The question might seem daunting. Toto never advertised their relationship at all but everyone knew that they were partners in every sense of the word. There were of course some misunderstandings at first but somehow it was already resolved after the situation with Kawasemi-san and then later the fire at the Plateau Auberge that cemented their relationship. If Ron were honest to himself, he was not so sure of the former. It was true that the incident at the burning hotel confirmed that they were ready to die together, but when it came to Kawasemi-san he was not at all convinced Toto wanted to give up the Aichi police investigator and his affections. Toto was consciously avoiding the possibility of crossing paths with him and it made Ron uncomfortably suspicious. In his mind he gave Toto a carte blanche of his trust. No way Toto would betray him, would he?
“Yes, he is very important to me.”
As soon as Kei cut the telephone conversation, Toto began to speak. His eyes fiery and questioning.
“Spill the tea. What happened between the two of you? There must be something that you’ve done in the past that made him hate you.”
Ron looked at Toto then brought his attention to his lap, which seemed to be much more important than his partner’s concern.
“Like what he said, youthful indiscretion,” Ron said.
Toto surmised that he was avoiding the topic. So, he tried again.
“Excuse me? What did you mean by that? There are so many types of youthful indiscretions.”
“Before l headed to England to study at the BLUE Academy, Kei asked me that once we were finished, we should team up like my legendary ancestor and his companion had done.”
“And?” Toto knew that there might be more to it.
“It did not happen, of course. I told him that it would not do. I wanted to work alone.”
Ron took a bag of black sugar from the table and started to drink it then he stood up and opened the blinds. He usually never did, but something bothered him when he did not know the answer. Toto sensed his partner’s uneasiness. Kei was now a case he had to solve. A big one at that.
“That was the only reason?”
“What else should I tell you? What else is there to reveal? His immaturity will cause him his life! And the Detective Alliance is not much of a great help!” Ron hit the wall next to where he was standing that nearly gave Toto a heart attack. This show of emotion was out of character.
Toto shook his head out of frustration. Forcing Ron to be truthful was a perplexing task that Toto avoided if he could.
“After this, you must discuss whatever misunderstanding you two have. This cannot go on forever. One way or another we must continue cooperating with him, not only because of your detective license, but also knowing that he is Kiku-san’s son and a higher-up from the Detective Alliance, he could also be helpful to us.”
Ron smirked. “Somehow you begin to think like me, Toto. I like that.”
Toto went up to him and embraced him from behind, hoping that he could calm Ron down, even for a short while.
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It's a Match! || poly!141 x Reader
[Chapter 20] || [Chapter 22]
Pairing: Gaz x Reader x Ghost x Soap || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.2K~ cw: - Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: yikes.
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Chapter 21: I BEG YOUR PARDON?
It was a familiar sight.
Gaz across the desk, Soap next to him behind the spare chair, Ghost in the back of the room a foot against the wall and arms crossed.
Except this time, Price was standing up, pacing the narrow space behind his desk, from the window to the wall.
“Explain it to me slow.” He demanded. “Like I’m five years old.” He had his arms crossed over his chest as he paced.
“Well, when Ma and Da love each other very much-” Soap began.
“Soap, I will put your head through the bloody wall.” Price threatened.
The shit-eating grin that had been on the Scot’s mouth was suppressed by a pressing of lips together, rapid blinking, and a nod. He had tried and failed at having a laugh at the Captain’s expense.
“Sorry, sir.” He replied.
“Explain.” Price demanded again, hands folded behind his back.
“I started it.” Ghost said from his corner of the room. “Kept talkin’ with ‘em after you had your little one-night stand.”
The younger sergeants didn’t look over. It’s become a strange thing to see Ghost at work, when they’ve gotten a bit more familiarized with Simon instead, back in your flat.
“Why?” Price asked in earnest as he looked at Ghost, stopping in his tracks to properly face him.
“‘Cause they make me feel good.” Ghost replied and crossed his arms.
Price stared at Ghost and, for a moment, his glare softened and his brow relaxed. “I see.”
With a deep breath, the older man tossed himself down onto his desk chair, legs spread and hands resting on his thighs.
“That doesn’t explain the two of you lot.” He pointed at Gaz and Soap.
“I found out about Ghost dating ‘em after they reached out to me to check on him because he went MIA.” Gaz replied.
“And how does that in you bein’ a bloody… polycule?” Price asked.
“I sort of took ‘em on a date on accident and realized how they made me feel and that I wanted to date ‘em.” Gaz said simply.
“And I thought Gaz and Ghost were dating and then found out they’re in fact also dating the same person and not just each other and-” Soap began to explain.
“Pump the breaks.” Price demanded. “Dating each other?” He repeated, sounding like he was this close to blowing a gasket.
“Nicely done, mate.” Gaz said sarcastically and hid his face in his palm, accidentally dislodging his baseball hat from his head.
“I BEG YOUR PARDON? YOU BLOODY FUCKIN’ IDIOTS ARE DATIN’ EACH OTHER?” Price raised his voice and stood up swiftly, sending the chair rolling back against the cabinets behind him.
When no one replied, he glared specifically at Ghost in the back of the room who, himself, was looking off to the side and looked at Price with an incriminating gaze..
The three men remain silent, eyes forced open out of worry that blinking again will just set the captain off some more.
“Calm down.” Ghost commanded as he pushed away from the wall and approached the desk.
“Simon, don’t you tell me to calm down.” John ordered, though his voice sounded a lot more calm indeed.
“I’ll tell you to calm down if I reckon I should.” Ghost quipped and set his hand on the edge oof the desk, using his height to go toe-to-toe with their boss.
“You had fun with ‘em too, didn’t you?” Ghost asked with a cocked brow.
“That’s neither here nor there-”
“Cut the bullshit. Answer the bloody question.” Ghost commanded.
“I did.” Price admitted with a grumble and looked away.
“We’re just enjoyin’ ourselves too.” Ghost replied. “They’re considerate, funny, good company…” He trailed off.
“And they have a bloody flat that we can spend time in, with a proper kitchen for good meals, and a proper bedroom with a comfortable bed, and a proper shower that doesn’t have 20 other blokes bum ass naked-” Gaz joked.
“Right, it’s only 2 other blokes instead.” Soap added and him and Gaz nudged each other, earning a stern glare from the two officers in the room.
“Point is-” Ghost replied as he looked at Price. “You saw they’re nice.” He said directly. “Can’t fault us for likin’ ‘em.” He said directly.
“No, but I can fault you idiots for bein’ involved with each other on TOP of ‘em.” Price argued.
“Okay, so it’s not our proudest moment-” Ghost acknowledged. “But it’s happenin’. And you need to keep your mouth shut.” He demanded.
“OF BLOODY COURSE I’M KEEPIN’ MY MOUTH SHUT, SIMON! Fuckin’ hell!” Price complained and threw his hands up before turning to grab a cigar from his case.
“The brass will have all our bollocks f’r breakin’ nonfraternization rules. You f’r doin’ it, me f’r knowin’ it.” He grumbled as he cut the tip of his cigar with a huff.
“Not to mention I’ve been involved in this mess to begin with ‘cause I let you lot talk me into havin’ a one-night stand with ‘em.” Price continued, murmuring under his breath and scolding them without really scolding them.
“I can never get a ’old of you lot noawadays.” Price explained. “You’re meant to be on call.” He reiterated. “Always reachable. Always ready to fly out.”
“Yet I had to call Soap over 40 times two weeks ago ‘cause he was ‘asleep’-” He continued his rant.
“Aye, I was.” Soap replied, earning a shush from Gaz and a smack on the arm.
“And the moment we dismiss you lot from debriefs or meetings, you’re all running off to go be with ‘em, ‘xcept I didn’t know that was the reason until now, and it’s so much bloody worse than I ‘xpected.” Price complained.
The man was halfway through lighting his cigar and taking a puff when Ghost spoke again.
“If they didn’t find out about Cardiff, London, Cairo, Cabo, or Tel Aviv, they won’t find out now.” Ghost retorted.
Price whipped around so fast the younger lads could swear he’d give himself whiplash. “Don’t you bring that up.” He said to Ghost as he used his cigar to point at Ghost.
“I’m just sayin’.” Ghost replied, completely calm and unbothered. “If the brass hasn’t found out about the shite we’ve done while on the field, they won’t find out about us during leave.” He replied.
“Simon-” Price tried starting before he huffed through his nose and rubbed his eyes with his fingers. Ghost simply shrugged and crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“Bloody fuckin’ ‘ell.” Price complained and sat back down on his chair, setting down his cigar on the lip of the ashtray and rubbing his face.
“Just get out.” He grumbled and waved them off with a dismissive gesture of his hand.
He didn’t peek from the spot where his face was hidden in his hands as he heard the men shuffling around and leaving the office.
Just as the door slipped to a close behind them, he heard Soap asking Ghost: ‘What happened in Cardiff?’
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!):
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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valsnonsense · 3 months
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Oh my god drawing group photos fuxking SUCKS
So many LIMBS-
I've seen so many fun iterations of Kismet's relationship to each other. As found family, some being relatives, as just friends, but my favorite is them being one big ole polecule!
I love the idea that trolls are a naturally polyamorous species and will often form "packs" if you will with the ones they love. Kismet is one of the largest packs in Pop Village, and they will gush about their partners to anyone who will listen.
Kismet being a thing has always been weird timeline wise, so I like to think they got together right after the first movie began or even ended, and that's how Branch joined them. They heard him sing to Poppy and all unanimously agreed they NEEDED him for their band.
They actually offered for Branch to join not just their band, but their relationship at one point. They all thought he was cute and loved how despite how sarcastic and deadpanned he was, he was loving and caring towards his friends. But Branch politely declined, telling them he already eyes for someone else.
So they went from potential boyfriend's to the most obnoxious wingmen ever. Cuz if we can't date u then we're gonna make sure someone else does!!
I love the headcanon that Ablaze is actually a rock troll, so that's why I drew him with the extra pointy ears and lizard tail (tho as I'm typing this I realize I forgot his claws FUK)
Kismet is the cheeziest polycule you'll ever fucking see in your life. No sense of pda, they'll give each other smooches and nose nuzzles right there on stage for all the world to see.
Plz ignore how Hype and Boom dont look remotely glittery I'm still tryna figure out how to express that on paper lol
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acourtofladydeath · 2 months
Poly+ ACOTAR Week Day 3: Secrets
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Morrigan sleeps at the town house after a night out and as she's trying to sneak out, she learns a secret about four people she never expected to find together.
AKA: Mor and Rhys hear some HOT GOSS because they're SNOOPS.
Have some cousin bonding and a secret polycule for @polyacotarweek day 3. Read a snippet below the cut, or the full fic on AO3 here!
Morrigan walked down the steps of Rhys’s Velaris town house quietly. After a rowdy night out at Rita’s she’d decided to sleep here since it was closest to the bar. What she’d forgotten in her drunken state was that Eris was visiting the Night Court today, and Rhysand had put him up in the town house.  She winced as she placed some weight on the creaky stair a few steps down, containing her sigh of relief when, for once, it didn’t make a sound. As Morrigan reached the halfway point on the stairs, she heard a voice that made her suddenly stop.  “Come on, Eris. You’ve gotta work with us here.”  Cassian’s voice had Morrigan’s heart pounding. Why was he here? What could he possibly need with Autumn Court’s heir? Eris’s scoff wafted up the stairs, sharp even from where Morrigan hunched almost a floor above. “I’m pretty sure I’m already doing that, you brute. Rhysand doesn’t know truly why I’m here because you three didn’t want to tell him yet.”  This was all too much for Morrigan and her head began to spin. She sat down on the stairs as quietly as possibly and reached out to her cousin with her mind.  What’s wrong, Mor? Rhys responded almost instantly, sensing her panicked state.  Get to the town house. Eris is here with Cass and two other people. They’re planning something they’re specifically keeping from you and I don’t know what it is.  Rhys’s reply was clipped and hard, Where are you exactly?  On that creaky step. They’re down in the living room so winnow to the second floor and walk down to meet me. Moments later, Rhysand was silently making his way down the steps to sit beside Morrigan. Have they said anything else? Rhys asked in her mind, cocking his head toward the living room to try and hear the people shuffling around. Mor shook her head, remaining silent as they listened in on the conversation below.
Continue reading at the first cut on AO3.
Please let me know if you would like off or on my taglist!: @pippsmcgee @born-to-riot @chunkypossum @bubybubsters @queercontrarian @yanny-77 @fieldofdaisiies @iftheshoef1tz @secret-third-thing
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skylermadness · 6 months
Whatever. (Lucas Lee TF/MC)
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(Original Date of Upload: December 6, 2023)
I continue to be too lazy to fill my queue.
Original Description:
Make this Lucas Lee TF #3, now in the written medium! My boyfriend got me to watch through both the Scott Pilgrim movie and anime and it was pretty obvious that I was going to fall in love with Lucas. A bit of a jerkish man with a large physique and attractive face, pretty much the perfect bait for someone like me. This also meant that inevitably I was going to have to write a TF story on this guy! I wanted to go for something a bit simplistic here in terms of tone and plot, mainly because I wanted to jump straight into the transformation segment, but I think in general I'm rather proud of how this story turned out! I really wanted to give this man justice, especially since in the end he'll probably be memorialized in the hall of underrated TF figures. Also going to give some credit to my friend moltingscales on FurAffinity for a few description additions that I would not have been able to come with on my own! Rated Mature for vague bulge growth description.
   Truth be told, self-confidence was not something that Mike had an ample amount of. Especially in regards to how he viewed his physicality. That was always something he thought when he stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. And for this evening that sense of low self-esteem was at an all-time high. The reason? Date night.
   He had always attempted to tell himself that these dates were just meant to be casual. There was nothing to really worry about since it wasn't like he and his boyfriend were going to some bougie five star restaurant or something. Unfortunately however, Mike’s mind never truly functioned that way and he had a tendency to spiral down a mental staircase of overcomplications. That coupled with the past two weeks he's had in regards to his job had sort of left his mind in a state of disarray. It wasn't fragile persé, but neither was it solid.
   That mental state is why he was in the bathroom mirror at 7PM in the evening staring at a sheet of temporary tattoos in his hand. Said sheet was just some three dollar cheapo set that he bought online a few days ago. Mainly because he was too much of a coward to get a real tattoo- that's beside the point!
   Although the cheapness of the purchase was definitely pungent as he stared down at the sheet. He didn't go for the more expensive and extravagant purchase, mainly because he didn't really want to draw too much attention to himself. In general he had just wanted something simple that also looked aesthetically appealing. However the more he stared down at the sheet he began to realize that he really went too far on the simple notion. Although that was primarily because the only selections on this fake tattoo sheet were simplistically stylized letters and numbers.
   Mike sighed. “What do they expect me to do? Spell out my name or something?” It hasn't even been five minutes and he was already regretting this purchase. It was fine though, it was fine, he might be able to settle on something at least.
   He had already crossed out putting in his own name, and he felt it would be weird to put in the name of his boyfriend. Would it be weirder to put in the names of everyone in his polycule? If anything that'd just look like a hit-list. Also he was pretty sure he didn't have enough letters for all of that anyway. For a second he also considered putting the name of a game or something he liked, but that option fell flat since the letters provided to him would look weird when tattoos of game logos legitimately exist.
   These mental gymnastics lasted for a good twenty or so seconds before Mike’s gaze wandered down to the number section of the sheet. There weren't a lot of numbers he'd say represented literally anything about him. Except…
   Just two. He was the second person in his polycule with his boyfriend after all, and in general he had been the second to do a lot of things like finish college and move out. Although considering he was just doing this to boost his self confidence for a date with his boyfriend the former thought process was a much healthier one.
   Seeming to have come to a decision, the next couple minutes were a fairly standard order of events. Making sure his skin was dry, removing the film and isolating the singular number from the sheet. Mike did spend a good minute trying to choose a spot to place this temporary tattoo, but eventually settled on the side of neck solely so he could hide the thing if need be. He removed the choker that he typically wore, put it onto the sink’s counter, and placed the numerical icon onto the skin of the left side of his neck, then promptly wet up a sponge with some warm water before holding it onto where he was placing the tattoo.
   The moment the water met the backing paper that region of Mike’s neck had suddenly been given a slight burning sensation. It was only miniscule, but it was noticeable. “Eesh, I hope I'm not allergic to whatever is in these things…”
   He tried to hold out for the recommended thirty seconds, but that feeling of burning forced him to remove the sponge from his neck after twenty. He swiftly removed the backing paper from his neck, but found that there wasn't any kind of redness of the skin that would be the cause of any kind of burning. If anything the strange sensation had subsided, and now Mike had been granted a simplistic tattoo of the number two with a line going through it.
   He stared at his neck in the mirror for a few seconds and scrutinized the newly inked object on his neck. “...somewhat larger than I was expecting. Whatever I guess, it doesn't… look shoddy.”
   It did already look a little faded though. Mike had hoped once it had some time to dry it would actually look dark enough to imitate the appearance of a tattoo even though he didn't fully care about it looking convincing. With a sigh he moved his hand to the edge of the sink to pick up his choker and slip it back around his neck again. Although this time he loosened it a bit so it wouldn't rub up against the temporary tattoo too much. He apparently wasn't patient enough to let it dry before putting the accessory back on-
   With that whole routine dealt with, Mike made his way out of the bathroom. He was probably going to spend the next half hour sitting on the couch waiting for his boyfriend to arrive…
   However as he walked down the hallway he already started to massage the area the tattoo’s ink had been placed on. The burning was returning already and it felt a bit more intense now. “What are in those things?”
   He continued to gently massage the area of his neck with his hand, letting his palm gently squeeze the skin in an attempt to alleviate the sensation. Although it would seem as he continued in this act, a strange set of changes began to settle into his hand…
   There was a certain level of thickness that had begun to generate in both of Mike’s hands. His usually thin fingers steadily got larger, thicker, chunkier. As their size was getting altered their length was extending as well in order to fit their new proportions. The ends of his fingers also seemed to blunt a bit with initial the roundness of his fingertips dulling to a more straight look. At the exact same time the body of his hands was getting changed as well, both of them growing with each squeeze his left one did to his neck. They stretched out larger and wider, palms thickening as the entirety of his hands gained a significant level of meatiness to them that was already causing them to exude a level of strength that they had not possessed just moments prior. 
   From there it was a quick transition for the changes to jump past his wrists and onto his forearms. A small amount of heat began to arise in the lower area of his arms. With that heat came another swath of growths, the thinner physique of them steadily being lost under a swelling, bulking size. This was mostly because of the sudden increase in muscle mass he was getting. At an anatomical level, each usage of his extensor muscles by his hands was causing a practically impossible rate of growth. Like years of working out was being piled in the area in just seconds and giving his forearms a sizable muscularity. So much so that ridges were already forming, dividing muscle groups and accentuating the new size even further. A budding pressure had also started forming in his bones. Newly grown muscles practically massaging them, extending and hardening them further to better handle this larger size. It also wouldn't take very long for the exact same thing to begin to occur in his upper arms as well.
   It started with a squeezing sensation in his elbows, something that quickly intensified to yet another immense bout of pressure in the bones of the upper half of his arms. This was also accompanied by the same light amount of heat, which was then followed by even more muscle growth. The short sleeves of his button-up were quick to fill as the mass in his arms increased more and more. Biceps got bulkier and triceps matured tremendously, and it wasn't long until the diameter of his arms was practically doubled thanks to all of these changes. His shoulders ached as his deltoid muscles developed more, a certain roundness forming out from his once angular bodily shape. This roundness had also rapidly made itself visible from beneath the fabric of his shirt, his newly developed muscles firmly pressing up against the sleeves as they already began to look rather undersized.
   By the time this portion of the transformation had ended, Mike found himself at the threshold of the hallway and his living room. A few beads of sweat already began to form on his forehead as the heat was spreading from his arms to the rest of his body. “Uurgh, am I… having an allergic reaction to that thing…?”
   For a moment he stands in the doorway and unhands his neck, deciding to hold onto the threshold with a hand in order to stabilize himself a bit. He could still feel the tattoo burn against his neck, although he couldn't see it was significantly darker than it was before. What he did see, however, was his hand.
   For just a moment his mind was taken off the feeling of intense heat entering his body, Mike’s focus instead being directed to his larger hands and beefier arms. Flipping a hand around in a panic his first statement was, “O-oh God, this can't be an allergic reaction-”
   His eyes could only just trail down from his hands to his arms, the man only being able to behold the sight that was his recently obtained muscle mass. It felt so warm, and something about it was exuding pure strength, but despite that it all still felt uncanny. Bizarre felt like an understatement of a term, it was impossible!
   “What is going on?? Why is this- a-ahh-”
   His panicked statements were interrupted by what could only be described as the sudden feeling of a furnace igniting at the very core of his body. In just seconds his physical changes were transitioning from his arms to his torso, and Mike could instantly feel his chest push outwards and into his shirt with each breath the young man took.
   The best way to usually describe Mike’s chest was undeveloped. Flat with only minimal amounts of flab and fairly unimpressive from a physical standpoint. However, as his core was heated a fire entered his torso that caused a cascade of changes that practically tempered and sculpted his form. His chest pushed forward, his pectorals steadily swelling in size with each second that passed. It was small at first however, seemingly starting off as a slight growth that looked more like that of a novice who just started working out. But that appearance was temporary, one that lasted only a few seconds before they got larger and larger. With each ragged breath the man took his pectoral muscles only grew more, that novice feeling being lost into the size of someone more adept in gym-going. And that didn't last long as they grew even more into two thick and meaty slabs belonging to someone dedicated to refining their physicality.
   All the while his chest was pushing up against the front of his shirt. The size of his swelling pecs constantly indenting into the button-up more and more, their appearance getting more prominent beneath the fabric. But the only thing that held the halves of the shirt were buttons, and as the size of his chest increased it pushed his shirt’s placket to limits it just couldn't hold. Already buttons began to scatter, unleashing his chest more and unveiling the deep chasm that became his cleavage. A few more buttons were lost as his frame was prompted to extend as well. His collarbone and ribs pushed sideways, broadening and widening his form even more. Something that was causing even his back muscles to ache, a mighty need starting to form in them as well.
   “Urgh-” Mike grunted at the sensations, everything just feeling overwhelming. “M-my shirt- my chest it's so… it's so…”
   His cheeks flushed as all of a sudden Mike lost control of an arm. The free one that wasn't supporting him on the door got lifted up and, in just one quick moment, squeezed his right pectoral. He was given the sensation of just how soft yet firm they felt underneath his grip. Something that gave him just a single thought.
   Heh, you've got the best chest in the business~
   That very thought felt so foreign to Mike, already setting off mental alarm bells in the young man’s man. Yet despite that he couldn't swat it away, he couldn't stop his hand from giving his chest another squeeze and filling his brain with an almost erotic level of self-confidence (and perhaps self-absorption) that he didn't have prior. It was like his brain chemistry was beginning to get altered as well.
   The changes didn't stop at his chest though. His abdomen already began to ripple, skin and muscle bubbling and churning as yet more muscles were ready to sculpt themselves into existence. The fat around his stomach melted off, and rising from that were a set of abdominal muscles. They slotted forwards like drawers, just rows of abs sequentially unveiling themselves and hardening into yet more firm muscles to displace his once twinkish demeanor. Two, then four, then a six-pack set of abs, all finely built in a way that showed years of dedication. Although those were years that Mike had not toiled through. But as his sides burned, his abdominal muscles firmed up, and the front of his shirt continued to tear open even more, the sight of his more muscled form was causing more conflicting thoughts to form in his brain.
   His back continued to ache as the muscles in that region grew out. Yet again his shirt was filling up, and beneath that was a substantial formulation of mass that was forming in his trapezius muscles. Evidently that wasn't the only portion of his back that changed however as his spine was another major group of bones that got hit with the transformative pressure. A sensation that caused the discs in his spine to decompress and grow, elongating itself and granting Mike inches of height that would better work for his new proportions. This has caused the hem of his shirt to rise a bit and untuck itself from his jeans in the process.
   This sudden growth of height further disoriented the man, Mike having already been immensely discombobulated thanks to the intensifying fog that was forming in his brain. At this point he was already getting lost in the inspection of his body, his arm moving from squeezing his chest to tracing a finger down his cleavage. It further moved down to his abs, all fingers splaying outwards to touch and feel the strong six-pack that he had gained just moments ago.
   With all those years spent working out, it would be a waste not to feel those muscles you spent so long crafting~
   “Wuh… huh…?” Mike vocalized, eyes blinking in a daze. “I've never… worked… out…”
   For a second his brain registered his voice sounding different, sounding deeper, but his focus could only be on the statement said. How much of a contradiction it seemed to be. A fraction of him knew it was true, knew these muscles weren't here minutes ago or that he's never had the time or desire to gain such a form. Yet another growing part of him was telling him the opposite, that this is his body, his muscles, his everything. 
   Why deny such a form you've worked so hard on?
   “Mmmph…” Mike hummed, voice continuing to deepen and making it sound like a low rumble. His eye twitched a bit as he felt a bead of sweat roll near it and down his face. His hand trailed back upwards, not sure if it's himself controlling it or the unknown force, but it slowly moved up his abs and back to his pecs. And while he entered what could only be classified as a hypnotized state, the transformation continued the move its way downwards. His jeans tightened around his form as the diameter of his waist got larger, the first sign that it wasn't very long until the lower half of his body was consumed by the changes.
   The second sign was a stirring in his groin.
   Mike’s cheeks flushed as he felt the front of his underwear begin to fill out. A sizable bulge was steadily forming, his endowment increasing in size much like the rest of his body had. Such an occurrence was also forcing the zipper of his jeans to start to split open against this new bulge. At the exact same time, the seat of his pants was filling out as well. Gluteus muscles getting larger, some fat accumulating in the area more, all of which was making his butt a bit more prominent and round beneath his jeans. It strained the back of his pants a bit more which put more pressure on his jeans. A good few seconds passed before finally the button holding them couldn't last any longer and ripped itself out the eyelet, the fly of his jeans now fully open.
   That didn't end the torrent of pressure being put on his pants however. The transformation continued to cascade its way downwards, the man’s thighs being the next to thicken as heat surged in his leg muscles and forced his quads and hamstrings to grow in bulk and musculature. His calves practically burned as well as they practically ballooned out the back of the crus of his once skinny legs. Although at this point Mike’s lanky frame is now long gone, the last portion of it subsumed by muscle. The leg muscles of a man who knew how to train them, and who knew how to use them. This had also prompted another few inches to be added to Mike’s height as yet again the bones were shifted, strengthened, and extended beneath the muscle. The bottoms of the legs of his jeans steadily rode up his legs as a result, meanwhile the seams holding the sides together began ripping apart against his large muscularity.
   The last portion of his lower body that was left to change were his feet, that region already beginning to shift as the space in his shoes quickly got filled out. In mere seconds his feet grew in size to fit the proportions of the rest of his body, lengthening and widening at a rapid pace. It wouldn't be long until the toe caps of his shoes bulged as all his toes pushed forward into them and continued to do so more. The back of his feet dug into the heels of his footwear, meanwhile the sides rubbed up against the shoe’s sides. This had predictably caused a major discomfort in the area, Mike disorientatedly stepping forward a bit in some weird attempt to shake off the pressure. But it didn't end and his footwear continued to bulge, the leathery cloth of it creaking and splitting as his feet continued to grow inside them. The front was already beginning to split off from the sole at this point thanks to his feet’s longer length. However, in one fell swoop, the front of his shoes burst open with a loud rip piercing the air. His toes were now out in the open, their chunkier and almost blockier appearance now visible. But at this point the changes in his feet had come to an end, the rest of his shoes just barely holding on against the width of his feet.
   “Gghrrgh…” he groaned, his clothing feeling so uncomfortable against his larger body. “S-so small… unfitting… grragh…”
   He swallowed a lump forming in his throat. The burning at the side of his neck had almost faded at this point, the tattoo he had given himself having inked itself into his skin to the point of it being a real tattoo. Furthermore his neck was wider, diameter larger and the size thicker. It made his vocal cords tingle, his breaths continuing to get deeper and deeper before settling on a tone that was more masculine than it used to be. Rougher, tougher, and rugged sounding. Although it seemed due to the size of his neck the choker he wore snapped off and slipped off him.
   Show those strong muscles of yours, show that weak clothing of yours who's boss!
   Mike’s groping came to a halt at this point. The man lifted up his arm, a dumb smile forming on his face as he gave it a good fleeeeex and watched as the sleeve of his shirt tore against his bicep. “Awesome!”
   By this point the line of what was considered Mike and what was considered the strange force within him was blurring. The once foreign thoughts were becoming more proper, fitting for the person he was just about feeling he is. The new personality and mentality, one that felt more confident and stronger than he used to be. Although the concept of ‘used to be’ felt impossible. The more he stared at this strong form of his the more those earlier thoughts about this being his felt correct.
   “Heheh, this feels good!” he stated, no longer supporting himself on the doorway and giving his other arm a good flex to watch the sleeve on it shatter over his muscles.
   At this point the last set of physical changes were moving onto his face. As he smiled a pressure was wracking his skull, squeezing and sculpting his facial features into those of a completely different man. His skull structure got larger and wider, and with it his jawline reshaped and chiseled itself from the broadness. It almost protruded to the sides at this point. The way his jawline looked aided in shifting the way his skull physically appeared, the overall shape of his head looking boxy and rectangular. 
   With his jawline shifting, his once clean-shaven appearance got lost as black hairs poked out the skin of his chin. It started as a small amount rising from the tip of his chin, but that quickly spreaded across his lower jaw as a whole bunch more stubble dotted itself across the man’s jawline. Alongside that came more and more of his facial features getting shifted. The once rounded tip of his nose was getting pointier while the overall wideness of it narrowed a little bit. The brownish hairs of his eyebrows deepened to a dark black as they got thicker, bushier, and their appearance slanted until they gained an arched appearance. All of this had caused the previous appearance of Mike, the one that looked so worried and self-conscious, to be done away and morphed into the cocky visage of a new man that exuded raw confidence and self-assuredness!
   His hair was the very last part that turned. The browns of the follicles deepened to a perfect black. The length of it shortened and caused the overall messy and fluffy appearance to disappear at a rapid pace. In its stead came a more well kept, spiky style as clumps of his hair slicked back and jutted backwards. However, the hair at the back of his head jutted upwards, and all this spiking met at a focal point at a specific point at the apex of his skull. It gave his hair an organized look that somehow still appeared laid-back. All of this ended off with his sideburns thickening and trailing down the sides of his face before ending an inch or two above where his jawline would start.
   The same goofy yet confident smile on his face remained as he ran a hand through his hair and continued to admire a bicep. The man properly walked through the doorway and finally stepping into the living room. By now he didn't care about the discomfort in his clothing, and the questions of his identity were faded and buried beneath the knowledge that this is his identity. And for him he's always felt this way. So strong and assured of himself! He is talented skateboarder and actor, Lucas Lee!
   With that mental declaration in his head there came one last, albeit minor, change: his clothing. The cottony feel of his shirt hardened as a deep black oozed across the once pristine white. Everywhere the darkness spread on his shirt a leather feel was formed, and that continued to occur for the next few moments. The shirt itself grew in size as this happened, and the very appearance of it was shifted. Metal lined the ends of the button-up’s split as the remaining buttons slipped off and dematerialized. As the metal continued to form a bit of the shirt folded into a lapel that the metal continued to line the end of before teaching the peak of the lapel’s tip. 
   The shirt’s collar flattened and extended to better meet the lapel, and by this point the leather appearance had spread across the entire torso section of what was once a shirt. Although as the leather extended itself onto the torn sleeves and repaired them, extending them over his arms and snaking the sleeves so long until they were an inch beneath his wrists, it was proven that this was no longer a shirt. Instead it was a leather jacket now. The rest of his clothing had a much less impressive change however. His pants repaired themselves and grew to better fit him, the denim shifting from its rich blue to a deep gray. His shoes did exactly the same as well by extending over his feet, covering his toes and growing airier, before properly sealing themselves shut and recoloring from black to blue.
   With all of that finished the transformation had been solidified. All that was Mike was done away. His worries and concerns were cast, replaced with the confident persona of Lucas Lee. Although it was evident he got a lot more than just the persona.
   “Eh?” Lucas raised a brow, stopping his self-admiration as he realized where he was. “The heck am I? Whose house is this?”
   That question stayed important for about… two seconds before he decided he didn't care. “Whatever. Nobody’ll mind if I make myself comfortable for a bit!”
   He takes a seat on the living room couch, completely ignores the fact his pants were unzipped, and perches his feet on the small table in front of it. He was about ready to fold his arms behind his head and lounge here for a bit, but was stopped when he felt his phone vibrate in a back pocket. With a grunt he shoved a hand into it and pulled it out, although he noticed that the thing looked a lot different than he remembered it being.
   “Don't remember this having a gold case,” Lucas remarked as he pressed the power button to take it out of sleep mode. He would've realized the wallpaper was different from his usual as well, but his focus was on the singular message displayed on the screen.
Arti 💙 heading to your apartment now did you ever come up with someplace to actually go for our date??
   Lucas tilted his head. Date? Who the heck was this guy?? Come to think of it, whose phone even is this?! There were a lot of questions crossing the man’s mind, but in the end he decided to do the most logical thing and answer the text as if it were his own phone.
You nope
   With that Lucas put the phone back into sleep mode. He wasn't really sure who this Arti was or whose phone he was currently in possession of but truthfully he didn't really care all that much. He just felt like chilling out here for a bit before heading back out, probably for another late night skate session. Although after another few seconds a single thought crossed his mind.
   …who's to say that Arti fellow wouldn't be a good time?
   Lucas smiled. Perhaps he was going to be staying here for just a bit longer…
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hina-hina · 1 year
I feel like this is such a weird request but would you do König x Soap x Ghost X Reader hcs? enemies to lovers 😭 I've had this idea for so long but ic write for the life of me
I love this request sm. I mean, why pick just one of these boys. All is good= ̄ω ̄=
I hope I did this right... >︿<Thank you for requesting!!
|| König X Soap X Ghost X Reader Enemies to Lovers ||
Warnings: Polycule, some angst, non-graphic injury,
Gender-Neutral!Reader // Romantic
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(Had to use two gifs because I couldn't find one of all the boys together)
So the requester specifically asked via dms that the boys be in a relationship before meeting reader, so that's the vibe we're goin with
(also lets pretend König is in the 141)
So, imagine the boys had already been together for a while, each of them balancing each other out perfectly
And then, you join the 141 as a new recruit from selection
Now, Ghost is immediately suspicious because he just isn't the biggest fan of newbies
He only got more annoyed when he saw how headstrong and reckless you were
He already had his work cut out for him with Soap, he didn't need another person under his command he had to fear not following direct orders
To add to this, your showboating only encouraged Soap to be more reckless in an attempt to one-up you
Which only made him more mad
And then there was König, who was infuriated by your behavior in the field because you always talked over him and rushed ahead
He was also slightly jealous of your sniper status
So, this would lead to plenty of arguments between you and the three of them
But it would also spark arguments between them and cause some relationship troubles
So Price, In a last ditch effort to remedy the infighting, he sends the four of you on a mission together
This became a very bad idea very quickly
You and Soap began your usual teasing which turns into you trying to show him that your better which spurs him on
This ends in Soap getting badly hurt
Your demeanor immediately changes, catching Soap with little difficulty as he crumbles inward
And we've already established that Ghost is a very protective person
And this just sets him off
He starts tearing into you while you guys seek temporary shelter in an empty building
König is angry too, but he is just anxiously attending to Soap in the corner to really join in on the reprimanding
Ghost doesn't really mean to be so mean, but he was just scared
He pushes down the thought that he wasn't just scared for Soap, he was also scared for you
He could see that you felt bad, that you had regretted what you done but he just kept yelling which only caused you to get more annoyed
This accumulated with you shouting at him, without thinking very much about what was coming out of your mouth:
"You want to kiss me so bad it makes you look fucking stupid!"
You freeze, he freezes, even König looks up from where he had been packing gauze into Soap's wound
Even Soap huffs out a delirious laugh, "Quite a bold move, [lad/lass]"
Ghost is secretly glad his mask covers up his blush
Not another word was said all the way back to base
When they get to base, you disappear without a word and Ghost chooses to ignore the insubordination of not waiting to be dismissed
Ghost and König get Soap to medical and his injury is treated
Soap ends up being the one to start the conversation about what happened
When Soap is up and moving, the three of them go on a mission to track you down
So that the four of you can talk of course
They eventually find you and after some groveling they get you to talk
You admit that all the showing off was really just to impress them
Totally not because you find them all super attractive
This leads to you apologizing to each of them for trying to show off and getting Soap injured, for teasing König, and for not listening to Ghost
Ghost would sigh harshly, looking away as he reluctantly apologizes for how mean he was
Soap would jokingly say, "You've still yet to apologize for the kissing comment."
And you would freeze thinking you've offended them by trying to inch in on their relationship
That is, until he continues with, "I mean, i was the one who got hurt. Aren't you supposed to kiss it better."
Que lots of blushing
Ghost would cheekly say, "Well, they gotta kiss all of us to make it fair. You want a kiss too, König?"
König would jump at being suddenly acknowledged but would nod all the same
The night would evidently end with Price being right, the four of you did make up
Or should I say, kiss and make up?
He just didn't take into consideration that his plan would really work
Now that the four of you are together, you no longer feel the need to show off and your true potential really shows
They're all really proud of you :)
(Would you guys want a part two with more relationship headcanons...?)
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areyougonnabe · 9 months
I know nothing about polar exploration! Or Shackleton! But you seem excited about it!
Have a favourite fact you'd like to share?!?
well my two favorite facts have already been shared which are the cautionary tale of the toxic polar polycule and the story of the antarctic lovebirds !!!
but here is a contender for #3... the tale of jessamine.
let's start with our homies Deb (left) and Griff (right), aka Frank Debenham and T. Griffith Taylor, the geologists of terra nova's cape evans shore party:
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they would both later go onto impressive careers in academia, start families, basically be well-liked hard-working guys (also participants in 20th century imperialism but let's take that as given based on our starting point of this expedition lol)
BUT we are meeting them here, in antarctica, aged 27 and 30, "Early Career Researchers" as we might call them now. trying to keep busy with SCIENCE during the long antarctic winter night of 1911!!!!!
these guys go way back btw. Deb was born and raised in Australia and and Griff moved to Australia when he was a kid, and they both attended the fancy-schmancy King's School near Sydney, the Australian equivalent of british public school (e.g. Eton). according to griff they were family friends at that time although they would have been a few years apart at school.
later around 1908 they both studied at the University of Sydney under leading geologist Sir Edgeworth David, who had been on Shackleton's Nimrod expedition and reached the South Magnetic Pole with Mawson. They both ended up being hired onto Scott's expedition through university connections, Deb via Professor David and Griff through a scholarship to Cambridge where he met Wilson.
okay. backstory established. now one thing you need to know about Griff is that he was a total freak. like Racovitza, he was a Poster before there were online platforms to Post on. if you had that kind of brain back then, and no access to adderall, you had to just sit around inventing new kinds of science instead of deep-frying spongebob screencaps. he was a consummate edwardian memelord who would read a novel per day and still have time to write 20 pages of diary in which he would floridly record the silliest things that happened since the morning, the various quirks and quotes of expedition members, and then complain about captain scott in shorthand.
to say nothing of his passion for CREATIVE WRITING! vitally, Griff was one of the main contributors to the Cape Evans hut magazine, the South Polar Times edited by Apsley Cherry-Garrard. there were 3 issues of this during the winter of 1911 and 1 issue during the winter of 1912, the latter of which included much material written/submitted during 1911 before the polar party met with tragedy.
Griff was a versatile writer, and his pieces (which would sometimes cumulatively make up nearly half an issue of the SPT by page count) ran the gamut from expository nonfiction to speculative poetry to comedic epistolary to magazine pastiche. he had certain motifs that he frequently returned to—none as compelling, in my opinion, as that of Jessamine. or Jasmine, or Jessie, or Jessica, as the case may be...
it all began, according to Griff's diary, early in the austral winter of 1911, when Deb was "christened Jasmine by Titus [Oates]."
where this nickname came from is unclear—many of the men had picked up female nicknames on the voyage down (see "Jane" Atkinson, "Marie" Nelson, "Penelope" Pennell) but Deb had not been on the voyage down because he had gotten picked up in Australia, so this may have been a belated attempt to correct that omission. Griff wrote in his book about the expedition, "We were short of female society—which lack also accounts for Jessie Debenham as an alternative to Deb."
in any case, the name clearly caught on: on midwinter day, a little under two months after the nickname's debut, Griff recorded that during the gift exchange after dinner "Every second present or so was a necklace or earrings for Miss Jessie Debenham."
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(deb and titus at midwinter dinner)
in the second SPT issue of 1911, Griff's 17-page narrative "The Bipes" describes the inhabitants of the Cape Evans hut from the perspective of a rabbit who lives in the stables. you can read the whole thing here and please do!!! (you'll need a VPN outside the US) BUT here is the relevant bit dealing with Deb:
U. PULCHERRIMA. This Bipe inhabits a strongly defended Bungkh in the Ubdug burrow. It is supported by mighty baulks of timber and can only be reached by means of a dangerous ladder. The Bungkh is supplied with heavy hammers, piles of stones and other offensive weapons. These precautions are, I believe, necessary in the Bipe courtship, for she is often called upon to repel members of other burrows who approach her balcony with blandishments. Her time is chiefly occupied with a primitive quern or handmill, and at this she grinds for long hours every day. I judge that this merely satisfies some primitive habit, for no flour seems to be produced. But it is pleasant to see how strong is the feminine instinct.
the species name "Pulcherrima" is also the species name of the pointsetta flower, and can be translated to "beautiful woman" (i think??)
here's the illustration produced by Bill Wilson (based on Griff's sketch) to accompany the above - yes that's a portrait of Griff in her bunk and Birdie below attempting to woo her:
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it must be noted that Meares, nicknamed "Mother," also gets cast in a female role in the Bipes piece, but does not receive the privilege of being drawn in a skirt, rip.
anyway, the next issue of the SPT, vol 3 issue III, is the last one to be produced before the end of winter. Griff decided to one-up himself and write a piece in which Jessamine takes center stage. The Ladies Letter is a pitch-perfect parody of the "Ladies Column" sections that appeared in many periodicals of the era—full of french fashion terms and simpering style suggestions. Griff brilliantly adapts the format for a pastiche on the subject of Antarctic fashion; not free, naturally, from general whiffs of period-typical misogyny, but as those being mocked in specific are fellow expedition members and not any actual women i forgive him.
written in the form of a letter from Jessamine to her absent friend Cynthia (whose identity i'm unsure of BUT i'm tempted to say is supposed to be Priestley, away at Cape Adare), the piece again features multiple expedition members in female roles, including Silas as "American" Sally Wright, Cherry as "Madame Chérie - that dear delightful person - who builds her beautiful creations on strictly scientific principles of hygiene and aesthetics" and Birdie as Madame Berdé, who "finds that for well developed figures it is most distinctive to use a cross-gartering well above the ankle. She herself is naturally a consistent exponent of this latter fashion."
and then of course there is Jessamine's star turn. she is wearing the newest fashion, "a modification of last year's 'tube skirt' [which] even more closely swathes the lower limbs, and it is necessary that the wearer should be rolled along by her maid."
Jessamine reveals that she is planning to induce Titus Oates to bring her a proposal of marriage through the clever use of themed charms on her chatelaine.
All the smartest girls have wreathed chains of mascots around the skirt, and a pretty idea, which I commend to you, is to have silver model made of those articles which interest THE ONLY MAN WHO COUNTS. Breathe this to no one! But Mappin & Webb are making me such a choice set. The cutest little pony; a horse snowshoe (this is very lucky); a dead rabbit; a popgun; and a silver blazon PER MARE PER TERRAM PRO TITO; this will be attached to my 'tube', and then I really do expect to bring him to a proposal.
this scenario was illustrated hilariously by Bill, complete with Jessamine being rolled along, and Titus ignoring her as could be expected, in favor of a pony (Christopher?):
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now, Deb is on record saying that Titus was his best friend on the expedition, but it may well be a classic case of "you are not your best friend's best friend," because per other accounts Oates was much closer to Meares and Atch than he was to Deb. that's just an observation to add a little flavor to Jessamine's desperate pursuit as portrayed here...
and not to look a gift horse (ha) in the mouth, but i do feel that Bill's illustrations don't quiiiiiite do the genderfuckery of Griff's text justice—Jessamine describes herself as wearing a frock inspired by the aurora, but Bill instead draws Deb in normal sledging gear plus some non-dress-shaped colorful streamers. a missed opportunity...
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also, lest you think that Griff was the only one partaking in the Jessamine joke in the SPT, there is also a sneaky reference in the anonymous feature "My Favorite Book":
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(J-SS-- [JESSIE]: "Not like other girls")
viewing the handwritten drafts of the SPT held at the SPRI (because all of this is going to be an actual academic paper someday hopefully lol), i learned that there were a fair handful of references omitted from the final version, presumably thanks to Cherry's editorial oversight.
one "answer to correspondents" written by "Marie" Nelson went as follows:
Jessica: A single lady cannot be too careful about the respectability of her lodgings or the character of her companions.
(referencing Deb bunking with Griff and Gran, two of the more annoying/messy people in the hut)
and an unused entry in "Songs And Their Singers" by Teddy Evans was:
Oh What’s Womans Duty - Jasmin
lastly, and most importantly, the drafts contained the one instance i could find of deb firing back about this whole thing.
vol IV of the SPT consisted of one issue released during winter 1912, when a lot of people had gone home (including Griff), and everyone left behind knew the polar party was dead and they'd have to go look for their bodies in the spring. it was not a fun time. vol IV contained a lot of material written the previous year but not included, since for obvious reasons folks weren't really up to being silly. one of those pieces was "A Day's Doings, Told By Our Diarist," written during winter 1911 by Deb as a parody of Griff. it's pretty funny in published form (p. 72 of this pdf)—Deb is on-point mocking Griff's dislike of eating ("Breakfast is an unintellectual meal, so gave it a miss. Better a bit more bunk than a bite more breakfast.") and his never-ending theorizing ("Thought out a new theory as to the origin of debris cones: yesterday’s wasn’t good enough").
however, the draft is exponentially more hilarious. Cherry, damn him, cut the absolute BEST BIT:
Made a genre sketch of Jasmine brushing her (his) hair – it’s a fool nickname anyways, mixes up the genders. 
knowing Deb—quiet, patient, chronically non-confrontational—that's about as explicit as he was willing to get, as far as revealing how he felt about the nickname. writing Griff realizing that it's a bit silly, he reveals to some degree his own discomfort. now, was it a "protest too much" situation or had he genuinely gotten fed up with being the Designated Girl Of The Hut? we shall never know!!!!!!!!
however the draft of the piece ends thusly: "[I] got paralysed at chess by the wily Jasmine, it’s a mud game, if ever there was one. Hinc illae lacrimae!"
so despite all the aspersions cast on her honor, and the failure of Titus Oates to accept her proposal, Jessie still triumphs in the end :)))
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
hello first time asking! Could I get a Polycule with Sonia and Rauru with the reader. Maybe they are also a sage or maybe their a personal knight like Link!
Bonus points if Rauru and Reader fight for Sonia attention.
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Tags: 1.3k words, jealousy, new relationship, nudity, communication, pet names
She was a beauty and for a long while you'd been under the impression that she would only be yours. For a while she was but right now? Now, here, in the present, you shared her.
It was simple. It was easy. You couldn’t say no to her, not when she looked at you the way she did.
The night it had come up in conversation had been nearly four months ago now. You were in bed together. Her finger tips trailed up and down your bicep. Her hair bunched up around her face as she rested her head on your shoulder.
“Darling,” she said into the night air, “I have to confess something to you.”
You squeezed her torso gently with the hold you already had around her. “Is everything alright, Sonia?” you asked.
You could feel the exhale of her breath against your skin. “Yes, everything’s perfectly fine. I’m just. . . worried about how you might react.”
It was your turn to drag your hands up and down her skin, along her spine. “Whatever it is, nothing could make me love you any less.”
“And nothing could make me love you less than I do,” she said. She pressed a kiss against your collarbone. “Do you recall my expression of attraction to Rauru?”
How could you forget? It’d come up in a teasing tone as you watched her eyes trail after him. A small question of if he was truly so captivating that he was able to pull her attention away from her work. She’d answered honestly and truthfully with a yes. You watched her a moment more and wondered briefly if that was how she looked at you when you didn’t see. Then you’d shaken your head and began to watch your surroundings once more.
“Yes, I do.”
“Those feelings have evolved as we’ve spent more time together into something more akin to how I feel for you,” she said, her careful, slow, and deliberate dragging of her fingertips never faltering. “It’s something I’d like to pursue but I wouldn’t want to betray your trust. At the very least, I felt it was something you should know.”
Your heart had stuttered and she no doubt felt it. She likely felt the pause in your fingers along the notches in her spine. She didn’t comment, however.
You placed a kiss to her hair. “How about we continue this conversation in the morning?”
“Of course, it’s late,” she said.
Now she was bent over maps with a pen in her hand which she twisted as she thought and Rauru’s hand on the small of her back as he peered over her. The contact was unnecessary but you could understand the want and desire for it despite the prickle of jealousy that sparked in your heart. You willed it down.
You were happy so long as she was. Truly, it was no lie to her, yourself, or anyone else. You’d noticed her brighten, seem a tad more radiant. It was nice. She deserved it. This was just something to get used to. Like all good things, it’d simply take time and that was one of Sonia’s specialties.
Some hours later, the day came to a close and you found yourself in Sonia’s bedroom. She was laying on the mattress as you straddled her thighs. She sighed and occasionally moaned as you worked the knots out of her back.
“Mmm. Higher, higher. A little to the left. No, that’s too far. A li— Ah, perfect,” she said.
Her hands clenched and unclenched around the bedsheets. Her body then went completely lax. She sniffed a bit and then nuzzled her head into the pillow.
There was a knock at the door.
“Who is it?” you asked before she got the chance.
You looked at her. Her body was bare. Her hair was pulled over her shoulder in a braid. Her top was completely gone. She had no underwear on.
She looked over her shoulder at you, who was in a similar state though you still wore your undergarments. You did have lotion on your hands but you were massaging that over her skin.
“It’s up to you, darling,” she said. “I don’t mind.”
You exhaled and steadied your breath. “Come in,” you told him.
The door didn’t creak as it opened but the dim light from the hallway did shine through. You moved off of her as she rolled onto her back. You both looked at Rauru around the same time as he processed what he walked in on, or what he assumed he had. His eyes went wide and his ears flickered back. His hand which still rested on the door handle tightened around it.
“Hello, Rauru,” she said, unaffected by what so clearly caught him off guard.
“Sonia. My apologies, I did not mean to interrupt something. I can leave,” he said.
“It’s okay,” you told him, extending a branch to him as he clearly drowned. “We weren’t doing anything important.”
Sonia gave you a look before she focused her attention back on Rauru. “Nothing that couldn’t bear interruption at least,” she corrected. “What brings you so late?”
He blinked several times and his grip on the doorknob relaxed. “You left your notebook in the council room,” he explained. “I tried returning it earlier but you weren’t here.”
Sonia got up to grab the book. “Ah, yes, well, can’t relax all the time.” She placed it on her desk. “It’s such a long way back to your room, Rauru. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable and stay for the night? We were just winding down for the night and I would love for you to join us. Although, darling, what do you think?”
You looked at her and then back at Rauru. “I wouldn’t mind.”
Her expectant eyes fell on him and he let go of the doorknob. “Nor would I.”
Sonia smiled. “Well, if you’ll both excuse me for a moment, I’d like to get ready for bed.”
She patted your hand and then his shoulder as she left for her bathroom. That left you alone with Rauru.
“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment, “I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“It’s fine,” you assured him. “We really weren’t doing anything important.”
“I’m sorry anyhow.” He walked a step closer. “I can’t help but feel like I’m encroaching on grounds that I should leave untread.”
You shook your head. “I’ll admit—“ you swallowed down a lump in your throat— “sometimes it feels that way but just a look at her and I realize that you’re not. I want you around. You make her happier. That is all I want. We just need to get used to it.”
“I suppose so,” he said, “but do tell me if you wish to be alone with her. I don’t have to step in on everything.”
Your fingers twitched, tightened, another moment of unwanted emotion. “As long as you do the same.”
Sonia walked back into the room. She grabbed Rauru’s hands to pull him down so she could place a kiss to his nose. She coaxed you close and placed a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Let’s sleep, shall we? It’s been a very tiring day,” she said and she took both your hand and Rauru’s to pull you to the bed.
You found yourself in her arms. Her hand rested on your heart and her leg was situated between yours. Her breath ghosted your neck. She was squished between you and Rauru. You could feel his hand against the small of your back but you didn’t mind. It was almost comforting. You were sure soon it would be.
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tobiasdrake · 8 hours
What's the best depiction of/metaphor for addiction you've seen in fiction?
I don't know if I'd call it the best; I have a hard time remembering all of the media I've consumed when given general questions like that. But the one that stands out most in my mind, at least, is Willow Rosenberg's four-season decline into overdependence and eventual substance abuse of magic in Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.
A point I really like about the way BTVS handles addiction is that it doesn't blame the substance. The message isn't, "Magic is bad for you; It makes you an addict." The problem is never magic, and we see other characters both using magic responsibly and confronting Willow for the way she uses it throughout the series.
The problem, the message that BTVS conveys through Willow's addiction plotline, is addiction. The problem with addiction is addiction. You can be addicted to all kinds of things, not just controlled substances like drugs and alcohol. Caffeine can be addictive. Sugar. Video games. Fast food. Gambling. Sex. The internet. Money. Whatever gives your brain that dopamine hit that makes life worth living, that can form an addiction.
The problem in BTVS isn't magic. It's Willow's dependency on it. The way she makes it her personality, replacing who she was before. The way she leans on it as a crutch whenever things are physically or emotionally difficult. The way it substitutes for her lack of self-esteem, validating her with an artificial confidence boost by making her feel powerful and uniquely capable.
It starts in season two, with Willow casting her very first spell in the season finale to restore Angel's soul. Giles warns her then and there that casting this spell will "open a door that you may never be able to close". She doesn't really know what that means and neither do we.
But from season three onwards as Willow begins to learn about magic, we see her constantly turning to magic whenever things get hard - against advisement from the rest of the cast. People think the addiction storyline began somewhere in season six, but it actually began in episode 03x08 "Lovers Walk".
Willow and Xander, at this point, had begun cheating on their boy/girlfriends Oz and Cordelia with each other. Willow feels intensely guilty for it. At this point, they have three options in front of them:
1 - Break up with Oz and Cordelia, and get together. 2 - Do a better job of controlling their attaction to one another and remain faithful to their partners. 3 - See if Oz and Cordelia would be up for a polycule.
Willow decides to take a fourth option: She decides unilaterally that she should cast an anti-love spell on herself and Xander to magically erase their feelings for one another. She doesn't even consult him on it; In fact, she actively lies to him to keep him from realizing what she's doing.
She's put in a difficult but relatable situation; This is her first time having to make a choice between two people she's interested in. It's a situation where she needs to figure out what she wants for herself. And her response is "I can lobotomize us with magic".
It's gonna be a bumpy ride from here. This is Willow's chief character flaw. When things are hard either physically or emotionally, she leans on magic - Whether it's appropriate or not. Something that both Giles and Tara criticize her for as the seasons progress, to which her response is to sneak around behind their backs and do spells without their knowing - Such as trying to curse Oz after their breakup or giving Dawn guidance to perform an ill-advised resurrection spell on her mom.
Again, the problem is never that she does magic. Magic is shown to be tremendously useful in making the impossible possible. The problem is that she keeps leaping to extreme gestures of magic to do what was already possible. That she uses it as an emotional crutch, as a surrogate for her own self-esteem.
Magic makes her feel powerful. It makes her feel valid. That's something she didn't have before she had magic, and something she doesn't have when she isn't using magic. So she overindulges and rides the high of being able to crinkle her nose and make party favors go up, or stab a god with knives, or make anyone she loses come back to life because she is Willow Almighty and magic has made her omnipotent.
She likes being Willow Almighty. It's an awful lot better than Willow the Put-Upon Nerd. So she lets an otherwise benign activity become her entire personality, and she is made worse because of it.
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 months
Fall 2023 Anime Overview: 100 Girlfriends and Spy x Family S3
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
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Premise: Rentaro is approached by the god of love, who confesses that he accidentally gave him 100 soulmates. And unfortunately, if someone meets their soulmate and fails to be with them, they DIE. Thus Rentaro decides he will date all the girls who end up being his soulmate, and be the best possible boyfriend ever to all of them.
So yeah. I watched this. I'm not someone who really watches male-centric harem anime, but I'd heard this one was really funny and yeah, the first episode was indeed really funny. The way it exaggerated the tropes of the genre to parody them genuinely made me laugh. The first two girlfriend's gimmicks were that one (Akane) was secretly super thirsty and the other (Karane) was tsundere and it played those to the hilt for maximum laughs. Tsundere says she decided to take a piss in the school flower garden to avoid saying she was looking for the perfect flower for Rentaro and Rentaro's astonished "you realize that makes you sound WAY worse than telling the truth does" was great. Thirsty girl trying to pull the ~ooh you need to drink some of my drink~ to score an indirect kiss only to find Rentaro ridiculously prepared was also a fantastic gag.
All the girls are REALLY down bad for Rentaro and the premise of this would not work at all if the series didn't sell Rentaro as legitimately a great boyfriend who could reasonably attract 100 girl and be just as down bad for all of them. But Rentaro is no classic harem potato boy, he's superhumanly thoughtful and the ultimate wife guy. It makes him very static as a character compared to the flexibility the others have, but it's generally amusing. On top of that, the series handled neurodivergence in a surprisingly thoughtful way in episode 3 with Rentaro going all out to help his ladylove's way of expressing herself without talking be more accessible, rather than trying to "fix" her.  I also really like how the girls in the polycule are genuinely friends and don't compete with each other over Rentaro--and some even seem like they're pretty into each other too (though this is entirely played for laughs rather than actually explored, of course).
Yet at the same time...yeah, the premise began wearing thin for me as tropes I'm less willing to roll with popped up.
Karane's complex over being flat-chested wore thin quickly (even if Rentaro thinks she's perfect) since it's mainly used in gags to embarrass her. One girlfriend's thing is that she drugs a lot of people without their consent (fantasy type drugs that can do ridic things, but. they are drugs. some that melt clothes or make you lustful included), and the anime genuinely tries to make you think it's so sad that people didn't want to be friends with her because of this, and Rentaro magnanimously tells her she's okay the way she is...forgiving her for his girlfriends that she drugged. Yeah, she's annoying. (also her body turns into a child's sometimes because of course it does).
And then there's the Mom girlfriend. I mean of course there's gonna be a Mom girlfriend eventually, Milf-lovers can't be denied, but it happened quicker than expected! it being paired with her being initially abusive (to the point she drove her daughter to attempt suicide) and then fixed by Rentaro's love and motivational speech...along with the justifications for her being ridiculously young (likely to parody that trope, but still)...yeah, it was all a lot.
I don't know if I'll return for the (already announced) season 2 tbh. I appreciate that the show's intentionally trashy and silly, and it is still funny a lot of the time, but it's not really my kind of trash. But I don't regret the wild, often fun ride it was--maybe if I'm really bored that season or hear enough wild things I'll retry, but right now it seems likely me and the 100 girlfriends are never, ever, ever getting back together.
Spy x Family Season 3
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See previous reviews for the premise and so on.
Spy x Family is pretty much staying the course from when we last checked in, though this season gives a lot more attention to Yor, and I love the cruise ship arc and all the ridiculous fights she gets into a lot! That arc contains some of my favorite gags of the series too (like Loid's attempts to be a cool dad). Otherwise, Spyfam has settled into being a largely episodic series that seems like it wants to be around for the long haul, so don't expect too much forward plot momentum. And Yuri (the man, not the genre) unfortunately still exists, and unfortunately we have to put up with an episode of him being a fascist supercop. Overall it was good season, though and remains a fun adaptation. Yor, please step on me.
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A WIP that i will probably not work on
All of a sudden the door to Steph’s room swung open, and an out of breath Tim Drake appeared.
“Hi? You good?”
After looking at her as though he could hear her, but was unable to process what had been asked, he proceeded to flop face first onto the bed and let out a scream that was only slightly muffled by the blanket.
“Okay- Um- Do you wanna talk about it?”
He lifted his head slightly, only his forehead and eyes showing, and mumbled something indistinguible.
Pushing up to a sitting position, he repeated himself. “Tim Drake is dating Red Robin who may be cheating on him with Alvin Draper.”
“I hate to break it to you, but you are all those people.”
“Trust me, I’m aware.”
“The Waynes get in a scandal almost everyday. You really think people are going to sit on this one for longer than a day?”
“It’s been 2 hours since Viki’s article was published and there are now 13 additional fics to the Red Robin/Tim Drake Ao3 page with the tags “Cheating” and “Alvin Draper”.” 
“Nevermind then. What are you gonna do about it?”
“Currently I only have 3 options. The first is to make a statement that denies the relationship between my civilian and vigilante persona, except that would probably make people think that the cheating was definitely happening and that is the reason said personas are not dating, which may lead to a hatred of Red Robin, and the public woobifying me even more. The alternative to that is by releasing a statement that says I am  in a relationship with Red Robin, but once again the rumors about Alvin will still be there and end in the same result as the first.”
“And the third?”
He lifted a hand to rub at his temples as he sighed. “I released a statement that says I am in a poly relationship with both Red Robin and Alvin Draper.”
“I beg you to do that, I can already see the tropes forming; The enemies, Alvin “The Bad-Boy-Art-Thief” Draper and Red “Gotham's-Mysterious-Vigilante” Robin, brought together for a competition of who gets to win Timothy “Handsome-Teenage-CEO” Drake’s heart, But there’s a twist! During this race to love, they end up falling for each other as well.”
“I hate the fact that you were able to think of that so quickly. Hold up- Do you write fanfiction about us?”
“Nah, but Bernard does, and I’m his beta reader. Oh yeah, how are you gonna factor in your huge crush on him with this polycule situation?”
As Steph had intended, Tim’s cheeks began to flame red. “I DO NOT HAVE A CRUS- Did you say he writes fanfiction about us?”
“Yep. It’s mostly Red Robin x Reader, but there are a few SuperBird and Tim Drake x Reader mixed in.”
“How’d you fuck up enough for Vale to get the idea in the first place?”
“A photo of Red Robin jumping from WE, and one with Alvin Draper in the background with his bag open just enough that you could see a piece of red cloth.”
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divinegrey · 2 years
Could we get more sage,fade,reyna and viper x reader poly psldlpsplpsdlpslpslpsl
you know just because i like you and i love my ot4 of the valo mommies, here's some headcanons for you. you're WELCOME smh
words: 1700 warnings: fluff, some spicy content that can be skipped, the worlds best polycule, sage being the actual mom, viper being daddy as fuck
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How you ended up in a relationship with not two, not three, but four women who are technically your coworkers is beyond you. Regardless of how it began, it’s only made your already dangerous and hectic life just a little more stable. After all, at the end of the day, you have your girlfriends to go home to. 
Over time, you’ve noticed things about the dynamics of your girlfriends and how they treat each other and you in privacy compared to out in the open. 
For instance, Fade has always been singled out from the moment she arrived on the base, but you were one of the first to properly bring her into the fold. Sure, she might’ve exposed your private information, but bygones are bygones— you have better things to focus on. For that reason, Fade has a natural inclination to stick closer to you, remaining within your line of sight or somewhere nearby. 
Reyna, by nature, is naturally possessive over her territory, which includes you. If she’s around, expect her to be very close by. You never mind her presence— despite her outward disposition, she’s very warm to you in close quarters, speaking softly and with so much care it’s hard to believe she’s a frigid bitch otherwise (her words, not yours). 
Sage, the sweetheart that she is, usually acts very similar in public and in private, just with less PDA around others. She’s very shy when it comes to publicly displaying her affection (it’s a wonder that she’s dating Reyna, of all people). A simple holding of your hand and a smile is more than enough for her. 
Viper is, undoubtedly, the worst. She spends enough time shackled in her lab that you seek her out. Usually, she has a “no visitors allowed” sign in her lab, but you’re one of few exemptions. Viper is never the first to initiate any touching unless she’s in a very specific mood. Despite it, Viper does deeply care for you, even if it doesn’t show as strongly through her stone cold mask. 
Reyna and Sage have been dating for the longest— Reyna immediately drifted to the healer upon her arrival to the base, showering Sage with affection until the woman crumbled and fell for her. As such, the two of them are extremely close and the depths of their love run deeper than anything you know. 
Fade has a deep respect and love for Sage; when the Nightmares began to haunt her at the Protocol, Fade sought out anyone who could even try to understand her. That person was Sage, who saw Fade at the worst— shadows and nightmares trickling out of Fade’s eyes, whispers of death on the wall and in her mind— and took care of Fade. 
Viper and Fade share a close relationship that not even you understand. The two of them are platonic in public, but behind closed doors, they’re magnetic. They have conversations without even speaking, and the sexual tension between them is thicker than molasses on a stick. You’re not sure what draws them both to each other, and you’re not sure you wanna find out anyway. 
Reyna is such a whore for baiting Fade. After so much time, Reyna can’t bait Viper or Fade (or you) into reacting, but since Fade is still kinda new, she falls more easily into Reyna’s traps. More than once you’ve caught them angrily making out in the gym showers, and once, you saw Reyna flat on her back on the coffee table in the lounge room. (Poor Cypher. He has to erase all the evidence.)
Viper is never one to fall for Reyna’s tricks, but it doesn’t mean they don’t like each other. They hate-fucked so much that they ended up falling for each other. Viper is callous and cold enough to withstand even the worst of Reyna’s anger, and Reyna knows how to keep the snake at bay. Together, they keep each other in check, for better or worse. 
Sage constantly checks on Viper to ensure the scientist is eating and taking care of herself. It’s through this repeated process of attention that Viper let her walls down around the healer to experience emotions. The simple act of Sage caring was enough for Viper, and the two of them have always felt strongly for one another. 
With you in the mix, it’s a thousand times better. You have four different people you can go to when you need someone to talk to, someone to hug, someone to cry with, so on and so forth. Some people are better at some things, but one thing that continually surprises you is the dedication of these women. 
Fade remembers every single date of something important— your birthday, your anniversary with her, your anniversary with the others. She also memorizes your entire schedule ahead of time (what else is she supposed to do when she can’t sleep?) so she knows when to pull you away for a moment alone. 
Sage looks after you, on and off the battlefield. When you lead the charge with your teammates, Sage isn’t far behind. When you’re in need of a shoulder to cry on or some patching up, Sage is there with her soft words and soothing touch. 
Reyna would go to war for you the moment you’re in danger. The moment she hears you cry out in pain, her skin is turning translucent and she becomes a machine, unrelenting and unwilling to stop until every enemy is dead at her feet. Off the battlefield, Reyna showers you with love and attention in the form of flirty innuendos and whispers in your ear. 
Viper shows her affection through her actions rather than her words. If she sees you getting stressed, she’ll bring you tea and some food (you think better on a full stomach). If you’re frustrated, she’ll go with you to the shooting range to sweat it out. When you have trouble sleeping, Viper pulls you into her chest so you can hear the rhythm of her heart. 
First things first— sex is something that doesn’t need to happen, but looking at Reyna, we all know it’s bound to happen eventually. 
Surprise surprise, Reyna power bottoms. She’ll bully anyone and everyone into getting so mad that they rail her, which is exactly what she’s looking for. You recall a time where you witnessed Viper getting so pissed with Reyna’s interruptions in her lab that Viper fucked Reyna on the counter just so she would shut up. Reyna left with shaking legs and you were giggling in the corner the entire time. 
Fade is either or— she’s fine with being on the top or the bottom, whichever the situation calls for. With you, she enjoys both sides of the coin. Some days, Fade needs more gentleness, and others, Fade likes the aggression. No matter what the mood is, there’s always the guarantee of fun with Fade’s Radiant abilities giving her the power of tethering. 
Sage is the classic definition of someone you’d call Mommy (Reyna does it all the time). She’s the person who will break all your walls down before breaking you apart with an orgasm. She takes her time and savors every moment she can get with you, and if you’re into it, Sage will absolutely tie you up with pretty silk ropes. She has a set for each of you; hot pink for Reyna; a deep, rich red for Fade; emerald green for Viper; and whatever your favorite color is, she has it for you. 
Don’t ever expect to top Viper— she’s extremely dominant in the bedroom, getting off on the control she can exert over all of you. Having Reyna at her knees is a power trip all in itself. As for you, Viper pushes you past your limits until you’re nothing but a squirming mess on the bed, and if she’s in a mood, she’ll make you wait and busy herself with her work (or another person. Fade gets the brunt of it most of the time). 
Snuggling is a must. Viper, being second in command, has one of the larger rooms on the base, leading to group snuggle sessions in her bed. 
Fade likes being the little spoon. The pressure of everyone else around her does well to keep her nightmares away, and she likes to cling onto people’s shirts while she sleeps (Fade also drools, but vehemently denies this, despite physical evidence). Fade likes snuggling with Viper and Sage the most, but enjoys it with you and Reyna. 
Reyna can overheat easily (something about her Radianite heart being overclocked) and likes to sleep on the edge so she can have her arms hanging off the side and the fan aimed at her on full blast. That being said, she will be the big spoon if needed, and often has a hand touching someone just to ground herself to reality. 
Sage loves being a little spoon or a big spoon, or just letting people lay on top of her. She enjoys all of it, and her favorite activity is playing with hair. Fade and Reyna will wake up with braids sometimes, and they always know who the culprit is. Sage big spoons often for Fade, so you like to big spoon Fade from the other angle and create a sandwich. 
Viper goes off onto the other edge of the bed. She sleeps in corpse pose, which is both terrifying and hilarious. Snuggling her is simply resting your head on her chest and holding her hand. Viper is prone to twitching in her sleep (stress jitters, as Sage would say) so sometimes you get jerked awake only to see Viper still passed out. 
When you’re not all snuggling together, sometimes you’ll escape into their rooms with them for a night alone. Fade has cats that sleep in her room and they love snuggling. Viper needs her alone time, and so does Reyna, but Sage is always more than happy to open up her bed for snuggles.
~~~~~ A/N: i wrote most of this in math class at uni, cheers!
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masterqwertster · 11 months
I've been sitting on this for a while but I suppose I would like to hear an opinion on this one... An AU where Ashton was displaced to Zephrah and was a polycule with Orym and Will but was displaced again during the attack/went to Marquet in search of his own answers about his past and didn't know about Will's death and there was no contact between Orym and Ashton for 6 years until they met in Jrusar
You know, I have thought about Ashton ending up with the Ashari instead of staying in Greymoore/Bassuras.
Though I haven't considered, nor would I use, an Oym/Will/Ashton polycule. I don't ship Ashrym (I don't necessarily mind it, I just don't see it happening on the current path). Plus, in this AU Orym and Will's first impression of Ashton would be "child" since they'd be around 15 and Ashton would be 10 at most, making that a whole thing to overcome for a romance. Not to mention that I'm not sure Ashton would even want that romance, given the only hard evidence/knowledge of their (canon) romantic leanings is they loved, but the relationship ended in such a way that ten years later they questioned if it was even actually a romantic love.
Ashton of the Ashari AU
Ashton is picked up from Bassuras and adopted by the Ashari
The Ashari stumble into investigating the destruction of Hishari about a month after it blew, so any and all survivors have already scattered and left. So the only way to find potential survivors is to Scry using personal items that are laying around the ruins and hope they get lucky
Keyleth is a part of this group since she's the Outreach Leader for the Ashari
One of their later survivor scrying successes, like two-ish weeks after investigations began, is little Ashton off of one of their toys. How the hell did this child end up in a desert area? There are no deserts in the Demithore Valley.
It takes a few sessions to get Bassuras as the location, and a while longer yet to figure out travel logistics because there's not a lot of trees, especially big ones, out there
Little Ashton has had a rough few months adjusting to life at Greymoore. And then the Leaf Cloak Lady shows up to adopt him? No, not adopt, just not going to leave him in a shitty state home because she's looking into how his old home blew up?
So Ashton gets shuffled to Zephrah and ends up living next door to Orym. And the air in Zephrah is weird in a not-good way to Ashton (the adults say it's just the altitude, he'll adjust to it eventually)
Orym is, of course, seen as the cool older kid in the neighborhood (especially with his Tempest Blade sword training) and ends up being roped into babysitting with some regularity. Orym's best buddy Will is also a cool kid of the neighborhood (if tormented by his older sisters)
A few months later, Orym and Will discover Ashton passed out (possibly while babysitting), and when they look for a cause, they notice a bruise peeking out of his sock-line on each foot. They pull the socks off and... they're pretty sure the kid’s feet aren't supposed to be green stone. Time to get the adults
Turns out having an aasimar turn into an earth genasi in a place of elemental air is too much extra-planar power strain on a little kid's body. Ashton is relocated once more, this time to Terrah
Orym and Will end up accompanying Keyleth when she goes to Terrah a month later to see how Ashton is doing (she feels responsible for bringing them to Zephrah where it wasn't healthy for them, the boys are a bit traumatized and need to see for themselves the younger kid is okay)
As part of Keyleth's initiatives for better communication and partnership between the Ashari tribes, the friendship between Will, Orym, and Ashton is encouraged and somewhat catered to with visits and correspondence. Ashton remains with the Earth Ashari
At 18-20, Ashton decides to get out to see the world, and goes to Bassuras because "there has to be some reason I was spat out there, right?" Instead of some fated thing to find, he gets into punk and crime. After a year, year and a half, he decides Bassuras sucks, he's gonna crime elsewhere. Move to Jrusar and befriend and rent a room from Milo Krook (occasionally he'll take jobs with this group called the Nobodies that Milo supplies jobs for)
Ashton also gets a "home for the holidays" tree arranged back to Terrah about once a year after he leaves, and will bounce over to Zephrah to visit with Orym and Will (who are married by the time Ashton leaves) during the trip back home
Ashton has a hard falling out/disownment with their Earth Ashari foster parents over the life of crime, once the fosters find out. Ends up bouncing over to Zephrah to sulk on Will and Orym's couch for the rest of the "vacation" with the vague explanation of a disagreement about their career choices (because Ashton has been telling no one in the Ashari about the shady end of what they do in Marquet)
That's the last time they all get together
Not too long after that, the Hexum Job occurs. Difference is Milo has to argue harder to get the Nobodies to haul Ashton out and Ashton did not want to pay off their bounty in addition to his own since those "friends" (not family, Milo is family) bounced and left him holding the bag.
Hexum makes Ashton take the debt for the full group's bounty, otherwise she'll put him to the other consequences. And she imposes limits on Ashton's travel to make sure he doesn't bounce too. Which, Ashton wanted to maybe go back to Terrah for a proper genasi check-up on/for Milo's patchwork, even if he wasn't sure if he'd be welcome after the whole criminal reveal to the fosters, but adding Hexum's threat to the mix takes that off the table
The attack on Zephrah happens pretty close on the heels of the Hexum job, so when Orym tries to contact Ashton to inform them about Will (and Derrig) and the funeral, they're in no condition to respond, much less attend
Orym ends up setting off on his own journey before it's the time of year to invite Ashton back around for a visit (he's not even sure they would come. They didn't even attend Will's funeral)
And since the fosters aren't inviting a criminal back into their home, Ashton ends up with zero invites to catch a tree back to the Ashari (and kind of take it as a full culture disownment because obviously the fosters have gotten his criminal ass excommunicated)
So Ashton and Orym don't see each other for six years until the campaign start. Though I will note that Orym was actually leading Fearne and Dorian towards the Krook House when they encounter the furniture, as he hoped Ashton hadn't moved and would be willing to try and mend their untended friendship
Orym is wondering what the hell happened to Ashton to end up in the glass and gold (and where/when they picked up the automaton companion). Ashton is wondering where/why Orym left his fucking husband to travel with the two new friends.
They don't really get to talk until after the larger group is established. At which point, Ashton blurts out "Where the fuck is Will?" and knows by the way Orym's face crumples that Will is gone. They both cry about it. Then Orym questions how Ashton didn't already know when he was invited to the funeral, and Ashton reveals that they a bad fall on a job and were recovering at the time and then trapped in a pile of debt over the job ever since (no crime is mentioned). Orym knows there's something up with that story, but he's just happy to have his psuedo-little brother back in his life finally
It becomes pretty clear to Orym after a short while with (the not yet named) Bells Hells that Ashton's secret is crime. He doesn't approve, but considering the people he's been hanging with recently... It's not worth making a fuss over
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laurapalmerz · 27 days
tumblr hates me for trying to post this so here i go again. polycule au, more under the cut;
laura and bobby are already in an established relationship. they're pretty happy together, but nothing is without its issues, of course. regardless, it's going pretty steady as far as the two are concerned. donna's had a huge crush on laura for years, but keeps it mostly to herself because of both internalized homophobia and because of the fear that her best friend would hate her if she ever said anything. however, laura also feels the same, but feels conflicted due to already being in a relationship with bobby.
she sits bobby down one night and confesses these feelings toward donna, hoping in part that he doesn't hate her for harboring feelings for another girl while also reassuring him that she still wants to be with him. he's confused, why doesn't she just leave him for her then? why does she continue going out with him if her heart isn't completely devoted? it takes a bit for laura to eventually get across that she still loves him deeply but also wants to be with donna, essentially confessing she doesn't want to choose and desires both of them. bobby takes a while to come around to this idea but ultimately supports her, wanting more than anything for her to be happy.
a few weeks go by before eventually laura confesses to donna and the two get together. laura helps donna through her internalized homophobia, gradually assuring her that being bisexual and into a girl isn't like the propaganda that she's been shown all her life. it takes time, but she soon becomes comfortable in her own skin. the three are inseparable, melded to laura's hips at school and at home during study sessions or while out and about in the town. bobby and donna steadily start to fall for each other over the course of time, starting at first as just close acquaintances through laura, but eventually find themselves liking one another just as equally.
then comes james. it starts with laura spotting him out in the halls, remembering they have mutual classes together. they go out on rides on his bike sometimes, where he takes her to his favorite spots around twin peaks. her heart can't help but yearn for him at night and thus she initiates a meeting with both bobby and donna. once again, it takes a while to talk it through. donna does confess her eye wandered his way too, his small smiles and kind demeanor caught her attention pretty quickly. so he gets brought into the polycule in the end.
laura and donna are thrilled beyond belief to have james around, they take every opportunity to plan dates and outings on his bike. bobby is the slowest to take to him. a fear crept into his heart that the two were abandoning him for another boy, another hotshot who could easily woo them with a flashy bike and quiet personality despite the bad boy persona he presented. it gnawed at him, made him insecure whenever one of the two were out on dates. one day he was going to be dropped, he just knew it. he began to pull back, which the two noticed. how could they show him that james wasn't a replacement? and soon a plan began to form. one evening, laura and donna spontaneously went out to the bookhouse together, leaving just james and bobby to themselves in bobby's basement. it was confusing, since they had originally planned for a study session but they didn't question it too much. laura did what she wanted to do, there was no stopping her. awkward small talk ensued, attempts at getting to know one another better. the tension gradually began to melt the more the two shared about mutual interests. they traded stories about teachers they shared or cute moments with laura or donna, finding themselves physically and emotionally getting closer. in the morning, they were found entangled in each others limbs on the couch, a blanket thrown over them at some point. mission accomplished.
the four were tight knit, which didn't bode well for the rumor mill spreading lies about the nature of their relationships to one another. but that didn't bother them too much, they were far too happy to care.
the honeymoon didn't last long. laura was found dead on february 24th, 1989. bobby heard first given he was brought in for questioning by the police. then came the announcement over the speakers. james and donna found bobby after school and huddled together, breaking down in the company of one another, held close, remembering the girl they loved who struggled right in front of their eyes. they did nothing for her, they let her die. it eats away at them for the rest of the day.
after the news spreads that special agent dale cooper has started to investigate laura's death, the three decide to take action. once the funeral has passed, they come together, along with laura's cousin maddy, and begin their own separate investigation. they will avenge her death at all costs. laura palmer deserved the world. the perpetrator isn't going to get away scott free, not if they can help it.
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andromedaexists · 4 months
Infinity Alchemist || Kacen Callender
I always feel like I don't know where to start with these. 9 times outta 10 I'm writing reviews right off the end of the book and this one... I have tears in my eyes. This is a 6 star book for me. Firmly. My heart hurts
I received this book as an ARC in return for an honest review. Thank you to Tor Teen and NetGalley for the ARC.
Infinity Alchemist releases in just a few weeks on Feb. 6th I believe, and I highly recommend it to anyone who will listen.
Once again calling back to any book that makes me physically feel something get an automatic five star, but this book did more than that. This book wrapped my heart in tendrils of alchemical magic and refuses to let go.
Let's start with the characters: Ash, Ramsay, Callum, and Marlowe. Ash is our POV character and in a trans POC man. He is an asshole who has a rough life, growing up in the slums with a mother who passed away not too long ago. He wants to prove himself worthy of his absent father, and will stop at nothing to do so.
Ramsay is a prodigy, the genderfluid child of known and executed terrorists hell-bent on atoning for their sins. She uses he/she pronouns, though leans more towards she/her throughout the book. She is also such an uptight prick... until she's not. I genuinely love how prickly and rude she is and how much that shows to me as an autistic mask. I just love her so much.
Callum is a black man and the youngest son of the Kendrick house, more or less the police state in book. He is kind and caring despite the heavy hand of his father and all he wants to do is heal. He wants to heal and help others, like the good man he is.
These three, oh these three. They hold my heart.
Marlowe is my obligatory redhead (listen I have to point them out when they are given to me!). She is an orphan of House Lune and becomes so integral to the story in ways I never thought possible.
Without given away too many spoilers, I want to tell yous: there is so much diversity in this cast. So much! It's beautiful!! And, AND, we get not one, but two (2) separate Rivals-to-Lovers ARCs that don't end in a love triangle, but a polycule! We also get best friends to lovers to bitter exes to lovers once again!!
As far as the worldbuilding goes, I have to say that Kacen is a master at weaving these mystical and fantastical realms together in a way that not only make sense, but feel real. I felt like I was in the higher realms with the characters, like I knew exactly what each house was and why they were there.
I have aphantasia, which means that I cannot imagine what anything ever looks like. And yet, the beautiful world descriptions put me there. They called back to things that I do know and do have experience with and built off of it. I very genuinely could see myself in the world, and that is saying a lot.
I don't think I can talk too much more about this book without bringing myself to tears again, so let's pivot to some of my favorite quotes to make y'all understand the gravity of this book:
The world became a white blur. The snow turned red. It fell to the ground, drops spreading like blots of ink. The blood dripped from Amelia's cheeks. Her smile faded as the screams began.
That's what privileged assholes like you always say.
[redacted] paused, but only for a moment. He opened the [redacted]. There was an explosion of light.
It was too late. [redacted] was already there.
It wasn't death he'd feared, he realized, but the change—the transformation that forced him to release.
This light held the vibration of energy that the physical body would translate as love.
They all created the same infinite light. They were eternal.
It was an interesting place to be caught, stuck between grief and gladness that they were gone.
Okay, I think that's all I can put without spoilers.
One thing I forgot to mention: this book is genuinely funny. Maybe it's because of the autistic mask I mentioned earlier, but the interactions between Ramsay and Ash at any given point past like 20% of the book are genuinely funny. I love Ramsay's sense of humor.
Anyways, that's all for this book! I am going to curl up in a ball and cry while I purchase a physical copy to annotate and put on my recommendations shelf. This is a story that I will be thinking about years down the line, I just know it. Ash is a part of my soul now, and I can't wait to see what he does next.
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jetsteelyourheart · 9 days
Vampire Academy Book 4: Blood Promise by Richelle Mead
Listen, I'm a Dragoway truther, and I support Rose, Lissa & Christian as a Polycule. But Ship literally whatever you wanna ship in this series, its silly and fun, and anyway my OTP of all time is Sydrian - speaking of, shout out to my first ever attempt at a Sydney -- hilarious to me now because I changed her whole design pretty much completely.
Anyway, here's a book 4 group shot before I put those in an actual setting with real visuals.
Excerpt from the end of Blood Promise, Chapter 30
Adrian had said seeing me in dreams couldn't compare to seeing me in person. The same was true with Lissa. Being in her head was nothing like being near her in reality. The door opened, and it was like an apparition materializing before me, some sort of heavenly messenger descended from above. I'd never been away from her for this long, and after all this time, part of me wondered if I was imagining this.
Her hand went to her mouth, and she stared at me wide-eyed. I think she felt the same way -- and she hadn't even had warning of my visit. She'd just been told I was coming "soon." No doubt I seemed like a phantom to her too.
And with that reunion... it was like I was emerging from a cave - one I'd been in for almost five weeks - into the bright light of day. When Dimitri had turned, I'd felt like I'd lost part of my soul. When I'd left Lissa, another piece had gone. Now, seeing her... I began to think maybe my soul might be able to heal. Maybe I could go on after all. I didn't feel 100 percent whole yet, but her presence filled up that missing part of me. I felt more like myself than I had in ages.
A world of questions and confusion hung in the silence between us. In spite of everything we'd been through with Avery, there was still a lot of unresolved business from when I had first left the school. For the first time since I'd set foot on the Academy's grounds, I felt afraid. Afraid that Lissa would reject me or scream at me for what I'd done.
Instead, she drew me into a giant hug. "I knew it," she said. She was already choking on her sobs. "I knew you'd come back."
"Of course," I murmured into her shoulder. "I said I would."
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I mean, come on, there's murmuring for god's sake. How are they not cannon??????
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