#all i know is that the lady at the beginning is so fuckin cool why do we not get female characters like that in genshin smh
wyvernne · 1 year
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the genshin reference in star rail omfg
(these wings, for your convenience)
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poorlydrawndirk · 8 months
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We're on air.
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More precisely, I was on air when I recorded this, but the details are largely irrelevant. Because I don't really feel like covering fuckin' introductory quantum mechanics and telling you exactly how the influence of the Skaian universe, when applied at the quark level and taken alongside the probabilistic effect of quantum behavior, superposes via particle states and results in the formation of what you might refer to as "overlapping timelines". And that's already getting real abecedarian about this shit.
Yeah, sue me. Try boning up on basic physics while you're at it.
So. I'm sure you'd love to hear about how I managed to rig this sick as hell channel-cum-blog up and get it to straddle the space-time continuum like an antediluvian Olympic gymnast doing mad splits over baby's first toy pony, but that ain't the point of this little exercise. Posting what's effectively a vlog is enough of an onanistic venture without adding Skaian Principles For Dummies: Electric Boogaloo to the schedule.
Where was I?
(Rhetorical question. Don't answer, if it needed to be said.)
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The name's Dirk.
Strider. Yeah, that Strider.
I'd be more worried about internet safety, but seeing as there are only up to two people alive around here no matter how far you pull my timeline back, and I'm one of 'em, it doesn't exactly compute. Face it, brosephine: you aren't getting to year 24xx post-hilarocaust, and you sure aren't getting past that. Wasn't shat out of a lab yet when you were committing identity theft and scamming doddering old ladies out of their sadsack pensions.
(If you manage to get pizza delivered out here, I'll tip extra.)
Besides, you already knew my name, didn't you?
Maybe your next question's going to be:
"Why are you calling this a vlog when it's obviously just a blog?"
Or maybe,
"Why is your URL poorlydrawndirk when it's totally malapropos?"
Buckle in, kids. Strap yourself into that convertible toddler-safe harness and keep your ass glued tight to all the prime polyester-lined foam, because this ride's about to pull into the station and vehicular standards are some passé 21st century horseshit.
The first thing you have to understand is that even peering upon the brink of these echelons of irony is a skill that you'll never grasp in your life. But that's fine. I'm around. And if it puts your mind at ease,
I'll be the one pulling the strings here.
(There's the tired callback. It's not wrong, but it's tired. Worn out enough for it to be begging you to take it out back behind the shed and put it out of its misery.)
(I'll leave it at that for now, because self-referencing is one thing, but if I get any more meta, I'll have to start narrating in twelve-point Times New Roman.)
Anyway, I'll be breaking it down, just this once. Magnanimous as hell, I know. I could wax poetic and in doing so obfuscate the actual meaning once more from obtuse minds, thereby adding another strata to irony so layered that it's settled past sedimentary and is ready to unearth some fossil formations, but let's be real. That shit would fly over your head so far it'd be trying to dial ground control at Houston.
Here we go.
Vlogs aren't cool; making one ironically is.
Putting in this much effort into making a multiversal vlog makes it cooler, ironically.
Putting in this much effort to make a multiversal vlog when the doomed timelines are all inherently fuckin' doomed, as the name implies, and therefore functionally useless to communicate with, makes it more ironic.
I have Heart powers and am able to achieve my ultimate self through my alpha timeline. Therefore, not only is this pimped-out vlog functionally useless, but I actually don't need it at all.
Which means this wasn't too hard to set up to begin with. Ironic, considering the complex presupposed conditions necessary for bridging that 'verse gap.
And despite framing this as a vlog, this is obviously a blog.
Even though it's just a blog, all these drawings I've made had you convinced that I really thought I was posting a vlog.
And in a way, I'm still making one. It ain't the traditional format, but the almost videographic mannerisms I've been laying on you more than compensate for the fact that the video part of "vlog" doesn't exist.
Except it does, for me.
And because it does, none of these pictures are drawn to begin with. They're all film stills. Screenshots, if you prefer.
Which makes the qualifier of "poorly drawn" untrue.
But it's also almost true, because you can call them poorly drawn by virtue of them not even being drawn. Ride that definition of "poorly" down the one-way rail and you're here, selfie central, population two, me and you.
Of course, that means we have to cover the quandary of truth itself. What constitutes the truth? Titillate that thought for a second.
If I consider the attached files to be selfies, but you consider them to be illustrations, which is it actually?
An analysis of the "truth" means that we have to start delineating how much of this is subjective, tying us in bed with the concept of knowledge. The Socratic take calls for dialectical conversation and inquiry via questioning; therefore, if I just bequeath my knowledge to you on a pretty little metaphorical platter, it won't mean fuckall. So we have to keep digging. Get your pickaxe ready, 'cause we ain't hitting any diamonds of wisdom any time soon.
In fact, maybe that ain't the right direction. Flip it turnways. We gotta climb a li'l higher for what we need.
Maybe we gotta head to the roof.
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now. brought cal.
where making this HAPEN.
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Just fuckin' with you.
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Welcome to my blog, dude.
Want water? Imagine I got you a nice, chilled glass.
Let's get this parasocial relationship pumping.
Questions? Concerns? Misguided pseudo-parental queries about whether or not it's safe for your pipsqueak to be exposed to a full dose of radically Stridered bullshit?
Make it all three and drop it in the asks, yeah?
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obsidiancreates · 11 months
Icewild (Part 3)
"Hey man. Yer butt flap is down."
"What?!" Taishen reaches back to feel, his golden scales turning bright molten orange as he blushes. "So indecent! Thank you for telling me! Would you like me to check your backside?"
"Nah, if mines down its just a nice fuckin' view." Gideon chuckles deeply and puffs his cigar. "Not to brag or anythin'."
"Well... alright." Taishen peeks anyway, because even if Damien ashamed there are possibly still ghosts down here who might not want to see any bare behinds. Gideon is buttoned up fine, though the overalls are clearly too small for him. Taishen would feel bad for him about that if the man's regular clothes seemed like they fit, but they also seemed a bit small.
Maybe he does that on purpose. Why he would, Taishen doesn't know. It seems very uncomfortable.
"Well, uh, let''s see. I've never really handled plumbing before..."
"Then why the hell'd you offer to check it out?"
"Well, I figured if it's just frozen I could melt it." Taishen produces a gorgeous flame in his palm, a delicate and refined dancing flame that, though it may be the same as what he uses in battle, is more settled in this peaceful context.
"Oh-ho yeah. I can help with that." Gideon grins, his beard sparking and crackling like the beginnings of a wildfire. Taishen's flame is reflected in Gideon's eyes, but the reflection seems wilder, raging, all-consuming.
"Um... well." Taishen holds his hand out in front of him to light their way. "How-how did you unlock your powers, then?"
"Fuckin' born with 'em, man."
"Oh! You didn't have an grand adventures, or... meetings with great beings?"
"I mean... my Pa was a pretty great guy."
"Oh! So you get if from him?"
"Nah, Pa was human."
"... I'm not sure we're getting anywhere with this."
"Well, why're ya askin'? Weren't you born with yours?"
"Not exactly. My niece went missing, and while searching for her I met a great ancient dragon, who awoke the powers within me."
"... Pretty fuckin' cool backstory." Gideon nods. "Hey, quick question. Does your niece bite you?"
"Not since she was a baby, I raised her not to do such things!"
"Wait, you raised her?"
"Well, yes-"
"Geez, man, you outta talk with Gricko later! Couple a single dads, he'd fuckin' love that. Unless you're not single, then maybe it wouldn't be as fun for 'im."
"Well, I am single, but I don't see how that matters."
"Matters 'cause he is too."
"I don't know if we'll really have much to talk about anyway. His... daughter, seems... seem to be a different situation."
"Well... she's an owlbear."
"And? All kinds of different fuckin' people in the world, man."
"No, that's not what I meant-"
"Guess I found out why you're single."
"I- well it's mostly because I'm exploring the world and trying not to freeze to death-"
"And how do you keep warm to not freeze to death? Having some fun, if you know what I mean, heh-heh." Gideon elbows Taishen, knocking him into the wall of the waterways by accident. Taishen gives a little shout and rights himself, used to such things from Barnabos but still caught off guards thanks to the current subject matter.
"It's really just not the time or place for that kind of thing!" Taishen gestures around them. "My life recently has been very much a life-or-death situation!"
"And-! And so it's just not the time for that sort of thing!"
"... We're on different fuckin' pages, man. I sleep with people in the middle of major situations all the fuckin' time."
"And that's very disturbing to know, please do not tell me these things!" Taishen prays they're close to the opening to the cave. "I spent years raising my niece, and now I'm trying to survive long enough to get back to her!"
"Alright, alright, I get it." They walk in silence for a little while.
"... But just so you know, ladies love the fire tricks." Gideon takes a swig from his flask, swishes it around, tilts his head up, and spits out a fountain of fire! The whole corridor lights up, and Taishen shouts as he ducks out of the way.
"Fuckin' cool, right?" Gideon hands the flask over. "Try it, man! Just light it in your mouth and spit it real quick!"
"Spitting it seems a little gross."
"It's fire. Fire can't be dirty."
"Well, that does make sense..."
"Yeah, man!"
"Should you step out of the way? Can you be burned?"
"Eh, barely."
"Alright then..."
Taishen takes a tentative drink.
Queenie sits on Jornir's shoulder. "Why're we watchin' this guy again?"
Torbek, but a few feet away, sits chewing on a rock. Frost uses his mind hand to remove the rock, and Torbek makes a sad noise. Frost gives Torbek a piece of soft wood, which Torbek also begins to gnaw on.
"His state... concerns me."
"Ha, no shit." Skrimm sits nearby, swirling a bottle of brandy. "That guy's life seems fucked, and that's comin' from me." He takes a big drink.
"Skrimm, didn't you say you can do that thing where you look in souls or somethin'?" Queenie sighs, leaning against Jornir's head. "I don't think he's very malicious."
"Oh, look at that! Finally someone asks about my powers!" Skrimm looks at Torbek. "I'll try it, but if I had to bet I'd bet all I'll get is sad."
Skrimm focuses on Torbek and, like how he can summon the Brutal Blade with the mere flick of a wrist, flicks something in his mind or soul to see in Torbek's.
After a moment Skrimm hears, whispered in the back of his mind and drifting to the forefront, the word content.
"He's just relaxing." Skrimm shrugs, leaning back again. "He's content. Guess the guy has some pretty low standards." Skrimm takes another drink of his cheap brandy and a bite of some definitely-gone-off cheese.
Jornir eyes Skrimm, but doesn't say anything.
Queenie hops off of Jornir's back. "Well in that case, I'm gonna go make him feel a little more welcome. Jornir's been glarin' at him all day."
"I am not glaring. I am just... looking."
"You've been glarin', Jornir, ya wear you're heart on your sleeve sometimes."
"... I do?" Jornir looks at Skrimm, who makes an exaggerated face of confusion and shrugs.
Queenie hops away without another word, right up to Torbek. Torbek startles a little when she does.
"Ah! Did Torbek do something wrong?! Torbek is only chewing on what Frost says he can chew on!"
"Why're you chewin' on anythin', honey?"
"Mmmm, Torbek is bored."
"So yer chewin' on rocks?"
"Torbek chews on rocks often."
"Well, how about we find you a game or somethin' instead, how's that sound?"
Torbek lights right up! "Torbek loves games! He helped Mr. Kremy rig them all the time!"
"Torbek!" Kremy hisses.
"He did though, Kremy," Gricko chimes in.
"We're not talkin' about the carnival with folks who didn't work the carnival!"
"Sorry, Mr. Kremy." Torbek shrinks down a bit.
"Hey, don't you be snappin' at him!" Queenie snaps back.
"Excuse you, he's my em- I mean, my friend!"
"Oooooh, Torbek doesn't want more fighting!" Torbek covers his ears. "Torbek wants to play that game, pleaseeee, Torbek will never ask for anything else!"
"Alright, alright." Queenie glares ar Kremy again while she takes Torbek's hand and leads him away. "There's some snow just over there at the edge of the clearin', you ever made a snow angel before?"
"Well neither have I, but I heard they're real fun so let's try it out."
Queenie and Torbek head off, and Kremy keeps an eye on them until they're out of sight. "Gotta bad feelin' about that, fellas."
"Oh, what's the worst that could happen, Kremy?" Gricko says. "In fact, Hootsie! Why don't we go join them, ah, ah? Alright let's go!" Gricko and Hootsie race off.
"It seems like a bad idea to me as vell."
Kremy and Frost both scream and jump up, Frost's fur standing on end and Kremy's shadow wiggling like a snake in a trap.
"I am Ketrothstein, but ah, you may call me Ket." He nods at them. "And I am also stuck in this vorld vhere I do not belong, as I have heard you are, and I thinkve should vork together to all return to our homes."
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claymorexpunisher · 1 year
She Might Be Your Girl (But She's Calling Me Daddy) (Rhea Ripley x OFC!Harper) (18+ Fic) (Pt. 2/3)
Not me being frustrated with my own character LMAO! Good God Almighty WHY IS SHE LIKE THIS?!
Will Rhea turn out to be right about Danny or is she just petty? 🤔
Next chapter is most likely the last and it's gonna be juicyyyy (and spicy of course!)
Enjoy! 💙 And thank you for being patient with me (and Harper's stupid ass! 🥴)
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(gif made by me)
Disclaimer: All of the characters in this work of fiction are consenting adults. If the type of content I write isn't your cup of tea, do not read it.
Summary: Harper and Rhea have gotten themselves into a messy arrangement that threatens to tear them apart... Will either of them get their shit together??... STILL not in this chapter! 😹
Tags: 18+, mentions of Daddy Kink, consensual sex, friends with benefits to lovers, angst. Looots of angst. And stupidity between two adults who are too chickenshit to just talk things through. You've been warned...
Word Count: 1,511
I 100% didn’t wanna go to dinner with Rhea, Danny, and everyone else.
I’ve had this sinking feeling in my stomach since I agreed to Rhea’s invitation, and that feeling has only grown since.
Something in Rhea’s demeanor made me feel like things could go south at the dinner real fuckin quick…
And again, I questioned things.
I couldn’t even begin to fathom why Rhea seemed a bit snarky when it came to Daniel, but it was beginning to get on my nerves.
In the last few days, I couldn’t bring Danny up without Rhea having some bullshit to say even though she claimed that we were cool.
Two seconds away from texting Rhea and coming with an excuse to cancel the whole thing, I saw my phone light up on my bedside table with a text from Corbs.
As of late, he’s been thoroughly enjoying the drama that has ensued.
Just by looking at him, I knew he was saying ‘’I told you so’’.
But I couldn’t think of that.
I couldn’t think that Rhea could even possibly feel the same way I did.
Why? I don’t know.
But the thought terrified me as much as it filled me with happiness.
It was a fuckin weird position to be in.
Sometimes I wished that I could fess up to Rhea, but something always held me back.
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Laughing to myself, I did just that and sleep a little bit more soundly.
As much as we liked to bust each other’s balls, Corbs and I trusted each other with our lives and I knew that despite him acting like a gossiping ole lady, he always had my best interest at heart.
If shit hit the fan at this dinner, I’d deal with it.
As I got dressed earlier, I felt like I was in a bit of a haze.
I didn’t wanna overdo it since we weren’t going to a particularly fancy restaurant, so I settled for a Motionless in White muscle tee, some ripped jeans, lipstick, a cute purse and some cute heels.
I didn’t even think as I was getting dressed, but I wasn’t going to make that mistake again…
‘’Why are you so nervous? They’re not meeting you for the first time.’’ Danny chuckled and rubbed my thigh affectionately as he drove us to Applebees and my knee bounced anxiously up and down.
The closer we got to the restaurant; I felt a shred of that anxiety return.
This felt wrong.
Just wrong.
But I wanted things to work out with Danny.
I really did… I think?
No, I liked Danny.
And naturally, I wanted my friends to like him too.
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‘’I’m not nervous! I’m just hungry.’’ I lied, sticking my tongue out playfully.
‘’Goin as fast as I can, babe.’’ Danny chuckled again as he spun the steering wheel smoothly and made a left. ‘’Are they there already?’’ He asked before I pulled my phone out from my purse to ask my friends just that.
My stomach flipped a little when I looked at my phone to see that Rhea and Corbs were already there.
The second we arrived, the fuckshit began…
As Rhea eyes scanned my body up and down, and I saw her eyes zero in on my slightly oversized tee, my stomach sank.
There was recognition in her eyes.
A realization that made me realize my silly mistake.
The smirk on her face was very much like the cat who was just about to eat the canary and I immediately put 2 and 2 together, but it was too late.
‘’Oh! I was wondering where that shirt went. Good to know its in safe its in safe hands,’’ she said and winked at me before she settled back into the booth and lazily sipped her drink.
I could feel my face heat up and Danny’s grip on my hand went a bit slack.
I gave it a squeeze, but I said nothing.
The shirt was just fuckin comfortable, okay?
Her comment was completely unnecessary.
‘Oh, shut up. You know you love wearing something of hers. You always have. It makes you feel… hers.’’ That pesky voice in the back of my head piped in for the 28248438th time in the last few months.
‘’We already ordered drinks since we got here a bit early.’’ Baron said to Danny and me after he introduced himself to fill the silence.
‘’Oh ok!’’ I replied and I awkwardly slid into the booth next to Danny and across from Rhea.
When the boys arrived, the agony continued.
‘’So, you guys met on the road?’’ Dom asked, looking between me and Danny who stood almost rim-rod straight in the booth.
The tension between him and Rhea could be cut with a chainsaw, and I wanted nothing more than to run out of there and go home and cuddle with a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
‘’We did. When you guys came to Missouri, Harper and I ran into each other at a bookstore. I was there shopping with my little sister. She actually recognized Harper,’’ Danny laughed, and I blushed.
Rhea’s eyes went to me before landing back on Danny.
‘’We got to talkin’ and here we are.’’ Danny smiled at me.
I gave him a small smile that I tried to mean, then I focused back on my food.
‘’Harper didn’t mention that. So modest.’’ Rhea said while Finn, Corbin and Dom sat back and pretty much watched this all unfold.
This was starting to feel like a trainwreck I couldn’t stop.
‘’Are you fan of pro wrestling?’’ Damian asked Danny.
His tone or demeanor weren’t unkind, but I could see him observing Danny closely.
Damian was as easygoing as he was observant, not much went past him.
‘’My little sister is more so than me. I haven’t watched any of the shows in a minute. Sorry!’’ Daniel cringed playfully, making everyone laugh softly.
Except Rhea, of course.
‘’Really? That’s odd… your Instagram says that you were at the last years’ Rumble. And the year after that… and the one after that too. Seems a bit much for not being a fan.’’ She said, raising a brow slightly as Daniel stammered before he recovered.
‘’Well like I said, my sister loves watching. And her birthday usually falls around that time. So, I took her to a couple Royal Rumbles,’’ he shrugged.
But Rhea wouldn’t let up and I had had enough.
‘’So why isn’t she in any of those pos-‘’ She started to go back in until I held a hand up.
‘’Rhea, can I talk to you for a sec?’’ I smiled politely, getting up with her and dumping my napkin onto the table.
Danny’s flustered reaction did raise some alarm bells, I’ll admit.
But I still thought that Rhea was outta order.
‘’What the hell’s your problem with Danny? Ever since you’ve known of his existence you’ve done nothing but act like a complete douche about him. What is wrong?’’ I asked, crossing my arms over my chest, and leaned against the wall of the hallway leading into the ladies’ bathroom.
‘’I don’t trust him.’’ Rhea shrugged and I scoffed.
‘’On what grounds? Because his little sister isn’t plastered on his Instagram? She’s a child, Rhea! Maybe her parents don’t want her face all over the internet. Ever thought of that?!’’ I exclaimed before I remembered we were in public, and I lowered my voice.
‘’He’s a gym bro, he’s been to a couple shows- and not just Rumbles- and he’s claiming that he doesn’t watch any of it? Gimme a break, Harper. You can’t be this dense…’’ Rhea said impatiently, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jeans.
I squinted at her, jolting back a bit.
‘’Are you implying… are you implying that Danny’s only with me to get a foot in the door in the business?’’ I asked, my jaw dropping a bit at her bluntness and a little bit hurt.
Seeing the hurt in my eyes, Rhea grabbed my hand.
Just that small touch felt like heaven despite how irritated I was, and I once again remembered where we were.
And more importantly, with whom.
‘’Babe, I’m only looking out for you. I’m not getting good vibes, that’s all… but if you want me to back off, I’ll back off.’’ She murmured.
I knew some part of her did mean well.
But she wasn’t going about it in the best way, and I wasn’t about to let that slide.
I’ve let too much slide from her as it is.
Though I’ll admit I felt like a giant hypocrite.
Deep down I knew that I was only defending Danny this hard because I wanted to keep living this bullshit lie.
But nobody had to know that.
‘’Good. No more snide shitty comments, no more incessant questions… just, no more. Okay?’’ I demanded.
Rhea nodded, agreeing to behave for the rest of the evening.
And she did.
Little did I know things were about to come to an explosive halt soon…
Part 3
@theworldofotps @midnightliv @sunnyfleur23 @imswitchbabemox @romanstheory @thesamoanqueen @gold--gucciempress @pauwiee @sitha101 @ace-anoai-varnado @meme-queen-1999 @bbyfacebunn @racerchix21 @omgimadeangirl @icydarling @wrestlezaynia @celticbadass @selena1451 @qualitybailiffdeanfish @kg003 @rickysobsession @skits90s @alexa-blissed @kayfabebabe @harold2244 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @redripping @multifxndomimxgines @bbgirlresha @pitlissa22 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @watchermink17 @blondekel77 @writinglionqueen @jazzy-tzw @jordyn-laufeyson @queenj2021 @aews-four-pillars @denise63089 @badassbitchhoebakugo @jasminereigns174 @waywardwrestlewritingwaif @twistedbeautifully @spookys-girl @new-zealand-chic @ziasaph @chynagirl13 @thebookwormcat @haileysmall2005 @riveliciousx
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enlighten3d · 10 months
its amazing.
(spoilers for tmnt mutant mayhem!!!!!)
this is all going to be very incoherent and in all caps
SO I FUCKING LOVE IT. ITS NOT MY FAVOURITE (thats rise, i owe my soul to rise), BUT.
gods its so amazing
leo is. in the words of my good friend, @sp-teri, "leo is cringefail". i love leo so much. donnies my favourite, but. leo is wonderful. HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT HES DOING AND HAS LITERALLY NO RIZZ (donnie described it perfectly) HES AMAZING
how is superflys plan even supposed to WORK. i mean, he wants to turn all animals into mutants and kill humans. HOW DOES THE OOZE (i love that its called ooze in this. ooze rights.) DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN ANIMALS AND HUMANS????? HUMANS ARE ANIMALS TOO...
idk, ill chalk it up to movie logic, i guess.
HES A KPOP STAN. im so proud of him.
AND DONNIE HIMSELF. HES MY FAVOURITE. I LOVE HIM. HES SO SASSY AND AMAZING AND HE HAS SO MUCH PERSONALITY AND. i stan every version of donnie (...even 2012 donnie...) BUT MM!DONNIE? HES MY SECOND-FAVOURITE (once again, my soul belongs to rise).
donnie is. hes so cool Ɛ>
i literally dont have words.
and oh, oh! that weird boss lady that wants to milk the turtles (every damn time they said that they were gonna milk the turtles, i was. that shits hilarious. "they/we dont even have nipples!")! my theory, with basically no evidence to it, is that SHES A KRAANG OR SMTH. IDK. i mean, she mentioned utroms????
and omg the turtles get to go to school. im so happy for them. THEY GET TO BE TEENAGERS! i do not approve of them taking their masks off, but pop off ig LMAO.
oh my gods the fuckin childishly drawn scene near the beginning where theyre dreaming about their 'impossible' future is. IT COMES TRUE!!!! almost. BECAUSE THE CHILDISHLY DRAWN VERSIONS OF THEM HAD SIXPACKS, ABHAHAHEBRBDJGJKE THAT IS SO FUCKING FUNNY TO ME-
Back to the art! it was all so... 3d... which is a bit of a redundant statement, considering that i watched the movie in 3d, BUT. it was so... lively ! they were all so animated (pun intentional)!! its such a UNIQUE artstyle and is so amazing and wonderful Ɛ>Ɛ>Ɛ>
im. i dont draw so i cant rly properly marvel at the wondrousness of the art, BUT AS SOMEONE WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ART??? ITS SO FUCKING PRETTY AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
oh and all the little connections and references and parallels to the other iterations of tmnt!!! their goofy-ass belts w their initials, splinter being like... was it 2003 splinter that was originally a rat instead of a human? OH the movie also kinda reminded me of bay tmnt in some ways! cant rly explain it... but there are connections to all the other shows and movies and its so cool ... (not pointing out any rise or 2012 connections because theyre just so INHERENT??? mm is, in a way, kinda like if rise were 2012. BUT ALSO NOT. BECAUSE ITS A SEPARATE THING. but its one way to describe it.)
but also, quickly going back to aprileo thing, i dont. im not into it. leo, i support your rights and wrongs, TRUST ME I DO, but. idk abt this one, man... i rly hope they dont make aprileo properly canon and april just rejects leo. tbf im not big on romance in general, but i rly do think of the turtles and april as being family. aprileo is just odd. BUT I AM VERY GOOD AY IGNORING ROMANCE SO. hopefully i wont have to do that tho.
SPEAKING OF ROMANCE. THE FUCKING SPLINTER X THAT ONE COCKROACH MUTANT? THAts KINDA DISGUSTING BUT ALSO FUCKING HILARIOUS. never thought id see a rat and a cockroach making out be animated in a movie. that cockroach is splinters cockroach friend back when he was just a rat, wasnt she... SHE DIDNT DIE AFTER GETTING RUN OVER BY A SCOOTER!!! accurate to real life cockroaches lmaooo
and the climax of the movie!! i cant believe leos 'we can do it' speech worked. like. POP OFF, but. raph is right, only time leo was ever cool Ɛ> /aff
and the ending of the movie,,, THEY GET TO GO TO SCHOOOLLL!!! WITH APRILLLLLLLL (O'NEILLLLL)!!!!!!
mikey gets to join the improv comedy club.... im unashamed to say that i legit laughed at his 'australian nike is crikey' joke LMAO. its. im laughing just thinking about it. dont. dont question me, i love bad jokes sm
mikey looks like a watermelon Ɛ>
watermelon guy... but fr, mikey is v pog tooooo!! i dont particularly have much to say about him,, i didnt pay much attention to him honestly, but hes still VERY COOL
and raph is cool too!!! i just didnt pay much attention to him either qhdhjd
i love them all so much holy shit.
i love this movie so much.
its so amazing.
its so pretty.
the plot is so goofy.
i cant wait for the tv show.
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bippot · 5 months
Jake Martin thought here
He ironically quotes Fast and the furious movies “We’re family” line specifically but he doesn’t know it’s from tht movie
Kevin: Great race today Jake!
Jake: Couldn’t do it without you guys, my family
Amir: isn’t that from Fast and the furious?
Jake: Fast and who now?
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Summary: Jake has never watched the Fast and Furious films, so why can he quote them?
Additional Tags: Racing, Workplace, Fluff. Established Relationship, Comedy, Inspired by The Fast and the Furious
The Crew, Jake Martin Masterlist - here
As the end of the current Nascar season came to a close, the guys at Bobby Spencer Racing were elated. Jake had come 4th at the Phoenix Raceway, the final track that would decide how well he was going to do overall. Even Kev would have to admit now that he and Catherine had stopped wasting the team's time by fighting with each other at every chance they got, they were making some serious progress.
"5th! We got a top 5!" Kevin exclaimed, completely flabbergasted that they'd done so well. A year ago making the top 10 was a fuckin' pipe dream, but 5?
Getting a top 5, well, it was a god damned miracle.
Jake, as he always did, paid very little attention to all the cheering as he got out of the car and was zeroed in to find Y/N. She was around her somewhere, he knew that. His eyes scanned everything in his surroundings before landing on the woman he couldn't seem to stop thinking about, and who he was bounding towards with his arms open wide.
"You were so good, speed racer," she cooed, being engulfed in his arms. "I told you that you were going to ace it?" she continued once he leaned back to examine her face. He nodded distractedly, unable to tear his eyes away from hers or even gather the brainpower needed to form words.
He still needed to do press and interviews, and tell Chuck that he did a great job at making the car run, and complain to Kevin that he really should turn the microphone off if he was planning to eat a hot dog during the race, and ask someone to get him a bottle of water because his mouth felt like sandpaper, and did this mean that he was officially off Catherine's shit list? and how did Jessie do in her race?
Tenderly, she gave him a kiss on the cheek - just on the cheek for now - but it still made his knees go wobbly and caused butterflies to erupt in his stomach like it always did whenever she was sweet to him. "Go celebrate with your team, Jakey," she instructed gently, pulling back just a bit and nudging him towards the crowd of his coworkers - who'd become accustomed to Jake practically ignoring them whenever Y/N was around - so he'd begin to walk to where he was needed.
Whatever she'd heard about Jake Martin: The Womaniser had been forgotten about the moment she had met him. He was a flirt, yes, because it's nice to tell people what's on your mind. If he thought someone was pretty or cool or badass, his brain wouldn't be fast enough to stop his mouth saying the words out loud. At some point during his life, he realised that it was easier just to let the words flow and decided that it was better if he let his lack of filter live as it was. For anyone else that could've been a damning choice.
But, because Jake has sunshine coming out of his ass - Jessie often said that he was too stupid to have a mean bone in his body or be duplicitous in any way - it presented itself as Jake complimenting almost everyone he came across. He was one of those boys who appreciates a fine body regardless of the make. An old lady with dyed pink hair? He was telling her about how young he thought it made her look. Any guy that had an ounce of muscle, he was asking about his gym routine. Jake would always love to see kids with cartoon characters on their clothes and would make sure the little one knew that Nascar driver Jake Martin thought they were cool. And, for a while, the majority of people he came across in his life were pretty women that wanted to surround themselves with a pro athlete. Jake was more than happy to indulge them - he's just a man, after all - and that was how the man whoring rumours began to spread.
Yes, he was man whoring but he wasn't a player by any means. He was looking for temporary fun with a woman who was also looking for temporary fun, although it left him feeling a little hollow and used sometimes. Then along came Y/N. Temporary fun wasn't enough for him when Y/N arrived in his life. Not anymore.
At the time of meeting, Y/N had a boyfriend that wasn't Jake. She was a journalist who was commissioned to create the book 'The Trials and Tribulations of Catherine Spencer Racing - A New Age' (Catherine came up with the name) and had been hanging around the crew to get the inside scoop. The crew had their own Trent Crimm - The Independent, on their hands and was thrilled to have someone around to publicise their deeds. Obviously, once Jake heard that Y/N was off the market, he kept his flirting to a minimum. Yeah, he was bummed that the really hot chick who was nice to him at work couldn't be his, but hey, what are you going to do? Steal her away? No, no way! He knew the devastation that cheating can have - hell, he'd never forgive his father for exactly that reason - and Y/N didn't deserve that, even as an implication.
Three or so weeks into the job, they broke up. Jake couldn't say he was disappointed with that development. He waited an appropriate time - well, he waited twenty whole days and had planned to wait a whole month but he got far too impulsive one day - and just went for it. Originally, she said no. It's not professional to fuck one of the subjects of your story prior to the book the publication. That's a conflict of interest. And would seriously interfere with the integrity of her position. Once the book came out, however, that was a completely different story.
All she did was leave him a copy of her book - that was so fresh off the printers it may as well have been still warm - with a note that read 'Still up for that date?' and that was, what they call, history.
"Go, babe, you should go do your job," Y/N urged, barely hiding the smile on her face that came whenever he acted this dopey.
With another push, Y/N did manage to get Jake away from her. Only a little bit. Probably about two feet. He regained his balance and moved back towards her, smiling so goofily as his palms came up to her cheeks and his thumbs swiped against her cheekbone before he was kissing her like there was no tomorrow. She went to say something else but was silenced by another kiss. Then another, And another. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, and her fingers tangled in his hair, curling her fist at the crown of his head.
Finally, she pulled back to rest her forehead against his, looking straight into his eyes as she whispered playfully, "Go before you get me in trouble."
"See you as soon as I'm done?" he asked hopefully. They both knew what the answer was going to be.
"Why don't you find out?" she suggested mischievously, enjoying the way he pouted for a fraction of a second before placing a gentle peck on the tip of her nose. Her face crinkled up in amusement and a giggle escaped her lips. She watched as Jake turned on the spot and jogged away in search of his coworkers, his hands stuffed in his pockets, and looked over his shoulder to give his girlfriend a wink just as he was going to turn the corner.
He did, in fact, find out that he would see her after all of his duties had been done. Kevin remarked that Jake seemed very excited - he's just got a really good race position so that was understandable but this was more than usual post driving hype that Jake felt - and had to tug him away by the sleeve so he didn't make a fool of himself aad say something wildly inappropriate on camera.
This shit was tiring! Driving and talking and being all professional takes a lot of energy, and by the time the couple were by each other's sides again, Jake was starting to feel sleepy. He managed to stay awake for an hour or so as the crew went out for celebratory drinks, but they called it quits as soon as his head slumped on Y/N's shoulder.
"You wanna go to bed, pretty baby?" she whispered softly to just him as everyone else around the table was engaged in their own conversations, stroking the soft curls that rested on the top of his head. This earned her a hum from him. "Okay, let's just say goodbye to Beth and Kevin and everyone, yeah?"
Sluggishly, he gave her a nod and allowed her to take the lead as they said their farewells to everyone. No matter how many pats on the back or loud congratulations he got, there was barely any energy left so all he could muster was a weak "Aw, yeah. Thanks, dude" and a floppy wave which everyone acknowledged with an understanding chuckle before letting the pair leave.
"You okay, hot wheels?" Y/N murmured as she led him through the crowd of people towards the exit of the bar, occasionally acknowledging people who were praising Jake for him so he didn't seem rude.
"I'm so tired, baby," he slurred.
"Our room isn't that far away."
She wasn't lying. Within 5 minutes, they were in their hotel's lift and Jake was pressing his nose in the crook of Y/N's neck to muffle the sound of constant yawning, his palm moving lazily along her forearm in a desperate attempt to not to fall asleep standing up. His eyelids started to flutter and close every few seconds; a deep sigh escaped from his lips as his head sank further into Y/N's shoulder.
"Just a few more steps, sweetie. Just a few more minutes and we're there," she reassured him quietly, running a hand gently down his chest and then wrapping her arm around his waist to pull him upright. The lift doors opened at the third floor and Y/N was dragging her boyfriend to their room.
Soon, it was comfortably quiet as Y/N helped Jake undress, chuckling at how soft he looked when he pouted and lifted his arms for her to take off his shirt. He flopped onto the bed as soon as he was in his underwear and waited until she crawled underneath the sheets and snuggled in to him like a cat, wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him flush against her as she nestled her chin on his shoulder to watch whatever movie was available on the hotel tv/
Just before he drifted off, he repeated what he'd heard on the tv. "I don't have friends. I've got family," Jake mimicked, going so far as putting on a terrible Vin Diesel type voice that made Y/N laugh. She tried to keep the sound of her amusement to a minimum but couldn't help the shaking of her body.
The entire night was spent with Y/N stroking his hair as she watched a few of the Fast and Furious movies - she had no idea which ones and if she'd watched them in the right order - and soothed him whenever the sounds of the loud car chases started to wake him up. At some point, he even started repeating a few of the lines from the movie that he heard whenever he toed the line between awake and asleep. Parts of the script were subconsciously in his brain now, whether he knew it or not. He referenced it all the time. And he wouldn't find out that fact for a while.
Catherine had allowed him a few weeks off because the season was over and Jake spent as much of time glued to Y/N as possible. She'd begun to start doing her work on a Google Doc so she could use her phone instead of a clunky laptop just so her lap would be free for him to rest his head on.
"My new article is about that new Vin Diesel movie, you wanna come to the premiere with me, Jakey?"
"Yeah, love to."
"Thought you might," she said, leaning over to press a quick kiss to the end of his nose. "Apparently, Mr Diesel's head is supposed to be even shiner in person."
"Which one is Vin Diesel again?" he asked curiously.
There was a bunch of stuff that he said that left her bewildered - whenever he said something so wildly stupid, she was always left lovingly shocked that this doofus was somehow still alive and independent and functioning - but this was probably the most bewildered she'd ever been. Not only because Vin Diesel is a hugely popular actor that has been prevalent in pop culture for over two whole decades, but because he was in a franchise related to cars and racing, and Jake was all about that shit.
The Disney Cars franchise. Herbie. Speed Racer. Talladega Nights. Any Hot Wheels related stuff. That Dreamworks movie about the snail that's basically just Cars but with an anthropomorphic snail instead of a vehicle. Gran Turismo. Baby Driver. And the racing scene in the first Charlie's Angels movie (although she was sceptical if he liked that movie for the cars or how incredibly hot Drew Barrymore and Lucy Lu are). Each of these had a special place in Jake's heart.
"The Fast and Furious guy."
"Never seen it."
"Bald guy? Deep voice. He's always saying shit like 'Family...' and 'I live my life a quarter-mile at a time'."
Y/N blinked. Yet, it did make sense: if he saw those movies, he probably would talk about them every chance he got. No part of his face indicated that he had any idea what she was talking about.
"He's Groot in those Marvel films."
"Oh shit, I love Groot! Hell yeah! I didn't know that was a real guy!"
The most unflattering snort to ever snort came out of Y/N's nose as she laughed, trying desperately to stop herself before Jake thought she was laughing at him. She was. Although, she didn't mean it in a patronising 'haha, look at him, he's so stupid' kind of way, she adored Jake for being a himbo. Her eyes got all soft as she looked into his green eyes. He was smiling and watching her intently. "What's funny?" he asked shyly with a blush, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand.
"You. I love you."
His cheeks grew pinker, and Y/N swore she'd never seen anything so cute before. Yeah, he was ripped and classically handsome, but whenever he was all shy and bashful - something that rarely happened since confidence radiated out of him like a beacon - he looked positively angelic.
A small smirk crept its way across his lips. "So..." he began tentatively, his tone low yet suggestive, "You love me because I'm funny and I don't know this celebrity man?" That smile widened as Y/N rolled her eyes playfully.
"Good. Cause I love you too. Mostly for your boobs, though. They're nice to look at." He gave her an impish grin as he reached for the empty bowl on the coffee table. "And when you go get me another bowl of popcorn? My legs don't work anymore."
"Lazy boy," she teased, ruffling his hair as she did exactly as he asked.
When it was eventually time for Jake to get back to work, all of his coworkers were gathered for a meeting so Catherine could begin yapping on about what new sponsors she was trying to reach out to in front of what she assumed would be a captivated audience of her subordinates.
Kevin was rolling his eyes whenever her back was turned to him. Beth could see a reflection of herself in the back of Catherine's laptop and was trying to get one unruly curl back in its place. Chuck was busy eating a whole leg of BBQ chicken like he was King Henry VIII despite the fact it was 9.30 in the morning. Amir was trying to look as if he was paying attention but there was a bee buzzing around his head and he was allergic to their stings. Jessie and Jake were sitting down at the table and were poking and kicking each other at every chance they got. Nearing the end of Catherine's speech, Jessie managed to wobble the table enough to send Jake's water bottle flying off the table and directly at his dick.
"Oh my god," he groaned, clutching at his crotch and letting his forehead drop to the table. Everyone but Catherine had watched the collision and were all trying not to burst out in laughter.
"You okay, Jake?" Catherine asked. He regained his composure for a second before she added, "Did you want to say something?"
"Did I... Yeah, uh, yes I did," he said, surprising himself with the words coming out of his mouth. "I, uh, I wanted to say that... that it doesn’t matter whether we win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning and a top 5 was definitely a win. Let's do that again. Doing that again would be good."
They all looked at him with a sense of confusion for a minute. He'd strung together a fair competent inspirational sentiment. Weird. That had never happened before.
"We're family, you know? If we've got a problem, we deal with it together and... yeah, that's all a driver needs really."
Then, the penny dropped. "He's just saying lines from Fast and Furious!" Amir exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Jake like a drama queen.
"Oh, I didn't know that."
A groan went across the room because, in their minds, of course he would watch a movie like that. They would've bet so much money on the fact that he liked that franchise because duh. Fucking duh!
"You're telling me that you've never seen this very popular series of films that is literally car porn? I don't believe you," Kevin argued, raising an eyebrow sceptically at Jake who shrugged.
"I've never seen them!"
More and more arguments were raised between everyone. Jake had unexpectedly started a shit storm of his coworkers raising their many grievances with each other, and he hadn't really meant to. It was Jessie's favourite day ever - she's a messy bitch who lives for drama.
He got home that day and watched slumped down on the sofa, yelling out to Y/N who was somewhere in their apartment, "Babe, we're going to watch all the Fast and Furious' tonight."
Who would've guessed but he fucking loved em'.
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thebatbites · 6 months
i want more laurance thoughts pretty please
My thoughts on Laurence Zvhal
soft warning for aaron slander. im not really slandering him im just sharing my conspiracy theories. ALSO THIS BITCH IS LONGGGG AND THERES SO MUCH RAMBLIGN GOD HELP
god i love him so bad... thats the main thing i wanna get cleared up right the fuck away. i love him SOSO bad and i think jesson uses him completely inappropiately and im stealing him. okay? hes my oc now.
this is also a warning, i havent refreshed completely with my mcd knowledge and mystreet is more fresh in my mind so if i say something wrong about a plot point be nice to me im doing my best im a little guy with a dissociative disorder so i forget shit
aaalllrighty where the hell do i begin?
okay so first off, right off the bat: when he got back from the nether in mcd, he should've been blind. because
disability representation. blindness isnt something that can just be cured unless you get touched by jesus christ himself (im not religious but i think thats in the bible lol) and it something that impacts millions of people on the daily. exposing that to young kids can introduce them to the fact that not everybody is just like them and that people come in many different shapes and sizes. and it ofc helps anyone who happens to be blind have a chracter to relate to and project on.
do YOU KNOW HOW COOL IT WOULD BE FOR A BLIND KNIGHT? like fighting is a very visual skill for the most part you need to see your opponents sword to properly dodge it or you are good and truly fucked. so taking something integral to fighting and ripping it away gives another great chance for character development as well as some really sick ass scenes where laurence goes all toph and uses his senses that are now firing at all cylinders and kicks total ass
ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST!! like. laurence is a very visual guy, right? he sees pretty ladies to flirt with, he's a knight, he cares about his looks. so now he has all of that pretty much ripped away from him in an instant. what the fuck is he supposed to do? he flounders. hes a shell of his former self, in a way. like hes still there, hes still alive, but is he even laurence anymore? its something he has to learn to embrace and come to terms with. the main cast could also be super encouraging for him and basically is like "hey dude youre still the same fuckin awesome guy and you can still do all these fucking awesome things you just gotta learn how to do it again"
itd make for some cool relationship building between him and garroth or him and zoey or him and aphmau or even like him and cadenza. it gives him external relationships outside of just aphmau's love interest
i think giving laurence (in both mcd and mystreet) jealousy/possessiveness issues is lame and a total turn off. like its such a gross thing to tell to kids, no? like "hey kids if you love someone they are ENTITLED to love you back and they CANT be in love with someone else"
obviously this behavior is still shut down but still... like why include it? especially because, prior to him falling in love, he seemed to be just a completely chill dude who only gets angry if he needs to. but suddenly hes mass slaughtering people at weddings (mcd), stalking his love interest because he saw her talking with another guy (mystreet), giving aphmau the cold shoulder because she is either indecisive or loses interest in him (this goes in both series i believe)
like it just gives you such an ick and obviously i know why they did this. i will say this until the day they put me in the damn ground its because of motherfucking aaron becoming a love interest. i have zero issues with aaron as a character and i even like him as a character (i have redeemed myself. i used to hate him) but as a love interest i think hes the worst thing to happen to every series because he just simply destroys any male character who had the potential to be shipped with aphmau which was all of them
were moving to mystreet here because mystreet is the best and most glaring example of this because mystreet was after they had decided to make aarmau canon in mcd and you can tell because of the way they set up laurence and garroth.
lemme explain and yes i know this is deviating from strictly laurence a tad but stay with me
im not going to use pdh because pdh was written after mystreet based off of the fact that for some reason travis doesnt know aphmau???? despite them being best friends in pdh??? WHATEVER WHWATEVER NOT THE POINT OKAY. were also going to completely disregard the undercurrent of grooming for aarmau and were going to pretend like this relationship is normal and not at all weird. okay? okay.
so from the moment you first meet laurence and garroth, you can tell their vibes are off. theyre openly hostile with each other (even if its playful theyre still "competeing" for her), theyre trying to shove each other out of the way. it makes them seem unlikeable. every time theyre on screen theyre talking to her or about her (often times planning on stalking her or getting irrationally jealous because they heard something through the grapevine) and it just turns the viewer off. if youre a first time viewer without any preconcieved notions of these character you're thinking "wow thats creepy. why would she stay friends with them? why would she bother sticking around her if all they want is a relationship out of her and not a genuine friendship?" and if you happened to watch mcd first youre thinking "wow is this how theyre really like? wow i dont like them at all anymore" and then you go to mcd and see their worst traits being ramped up and amplified to make them even more unlikable
and then you see aaron
in mcd hes a silent protector. hes always by aphmau's side. hes her one true loyal knight even when she does something he doesnt like. they understand eachother in ways that laurence and garroth just dont
in mystreet hes her guard dog. hes always there to step in when shes uncomfortable. hes her secret best friend her home away from home. he makes her feel loved in such a way that laurence garroth never could since theyve only ever cared about her superficially and not in any way that really, truly mattered
it makes the audience cling to him. it makes them think "well fuck why did the other guys even try hes obviously perfect for her" it blinds them of any other potential option because jesson just didnt give any other opportunity to shine through.
and thats fine. thats completely fine they can do whatever the hell they want to with their series because as one creative to another sometimes you just gotta make your bed and lie in it knowing that not every bitch out there is going to like every creative decision you make.
as a viewer it just.... it just makes you feel dissatisfied. leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, especially given the fact that in mcd you were basically told "these are your two options for love interests" and then a third love interest swoops in seemingly out of nowhere, gets her pregnant, and then he fucking dies.
in mystreet it just like... ugh. i dont know. i guess i feel happy for them because i can see their development. but like me personally i cant really feel shit for ms aarmau simply because of pdh and the FUCKING WEIRDNESS OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP
sorry this, once again, turned into a rant about how aaron's introduction as a love interest fucking ruined everything (my words, not anyone elses)
to sum up this long, long, long post my thoughts on laurence are as follows: i think hes written very poorly in mystreet and severely mishandled in mcd. i think that he had the potential to be very interesting in both series if used properly and he couldve had more intersting things happen to him in terms of the love interest department.
i think hes a character that gets the a lot of the character assassination tirade that jesson went on and i wish we got to see more of him but unfortunately we never will since you know his va left.
but most importantly:
hes my pookie wookie booboo bear and i love him so bad and im going to shake him and bite him and rip him to shred
well... i hope you got what you wanted. i have emptied all of my thoughts about laurence
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rosetheex-editor · 7 months
[Video transcript begin.]
[The transcript begins from a bedroom floor, someone can be heard hammering nails into something. Before propping the phone up to show a metal torso, with one arm. And a lady sitting on the floor. The woman doesn't speak but a voice is heard in the background.]
?: Rose? How long have you been up?
[Voice identified: Henry.]
[The other person responds with something out of frame, causing Henry to gasp.]
[A sharp knock can be heard, along with giggling.]
[The other person speaks pointing at the metal torso. Her voice sounding like it was put through a cheese grater.]
R: h- hide buddy…
H: Yep.
[Rose grabs the phone and slowly gets up, grabbing two crutches before moving to the door.]
R: o- ow… my throat…
[Rose opens the door slowly.]
[Behind the door stands a group of women. All smiling. Ness is there with the leader, who happens to also be the tallest.]
?: OMG! Hey girl!
[Voice identified: Ophelia.]
R: tall…
?: Yeah… she's very tall and a lesbian… Brain why?
[Voice identified: Ness.]
R: n- nobody in… pr is straight.
O: Damn straight! I mean. Um. Damn gay!
[Ophelia giggles, the volume of her voice increasing. Seemingly by accident.]
O: So! May I come in?
?: Before you do, can I just say, Rose. Your voice sounds like shit.
[Voice identified: Eden.]
O: Eden! Be nice!
R: hi… evely-
[Rose cuts herself off, Ness looking worried by the second.]
R: eden.
Ed: Yeah. Thanks for getting it right this time.
[Eden clacks her teeth together, showing off the fangs that had sunk into Rose’s arm just over a month ago.]
R: t- that reminds me…
[Rose lifts her arm into frame, slowly removing the bandages and showing the scar to the PR members and Ness.]
R: s- still alive bitch
?: Woah! Eden, you can just. Give scars like that now? Awesome!
[Voice registered, awaiting name…]
Ed: Oh, shut up, Becky!
[Name registered: Becky.]
Be: Fine! We’ll be talking about this later though. That’s cool as fuck!
R: not so… c- cool when you’re in a hospital bed… f- for almost a month.
Ed: I’d do it again in a heartbeat, dicknips.
R: a- and i'd be happy to bash… y- your fuckin head in bitchlips.
O: Okay, I totally love mixing swears together as much as the next gal, but we have a few things to work out, don’t we?
R: eden… isn't coming in.
Ne: Rose just.
R: Eden. i- isn't. coming. i- in.
Ed: I didn’t want to, anyway. Lived here for weeks, I’ve seen enough.
[Before anyone can delay her entry any longer, Ophelia steps in, grabbing Ness and Becky, pulling them in after her. Her grip on Ness’ arm is tighter than her grip on Becky’s hand.]
Ne: OW! Ophelia my arm-
O: So! Where’s Adam? I’ve been so curious about him since I heard about the little guy!
R: d- don't know. nice dress tho-
[Rose is cut off by Henry screaming and a cat meowing.]
H: MY TOE!!!!
R: i- ignore him. nice dress ophelia.
O: Aw! Thank you! I actually… Oh, where is my bag! Adelia? Where’s my suitcase?
[A distant voice is heard, presumably Adelia.]
Ad: Right here girl! Sorry, I had some trouble with it.
[A suitcase is rolled into the apartment. Ophelia grabs it and opens it up. Revealing a ton of shopping bags.]
O: I felt bad about taking Ness out of the country without permission. So I got you some things to make up for it!
[Ophelia beams at Rose. Almost eerily. But the rest of her face and tone is friendly.]
R: n- none of this is gonna… spy on me right?
O: Of course not!
R: a- and speaking of ness… i… s- see y'all gave her… a b- bit of a makeover?
O: Yep! She bought that on her own, though. Amazing what a Showfall company card can buy you!
[Rose turns to only face Ness, She has on a long purple dress with red roses, a red bow is placed on her short green hair. as well a fancy necklace is placed around her neck.]
R: y- you good ness?
Ne: Oh yeah! They took care of me, don't worry! Right Ophelia?
O: For sure! Yeah! Ness was a great addition to girls night.
R: d- don't hurt her and… m- maybe if you want she can tag-
[Rose is cut off by another scream, causing her to scream in return.]
[Rose coughs.]
R: keep her safe… she c- can tag along again i guess… just don't hurt her.
O: Of course, Rose. Why would we ever hurt her?
R: give me a minute!
Ne: Wait what's on henry's-
[Rose sets her phone on a counter in a way everyone is visible, before running off.]
Ne: -foot.
O: She’s nice!
[Ophelia elbows Ness, a smug grin on her face.]
Ne: Ow! what was that for!
[Ness laughs, clearly joking.]
O: You’ve gotta shoot your shot, girl!
Ne: WHA- I- UM-
[Ness' face turns a bright red, she hides it in her arms.]
Ne: I… was already gonna do that actually.
O: Well hurry it up, buttercup! You’re going to lose her to some other girl if you don’t act fast!
[Ness cuts herself off before falling to the ground, As soon as that happens A brick comes flying through the window being caught by Ophelia. Attached is a piece of paper.]
[Ophelia stares at it, before showing it to Ness.]
O: Look. Seems like your secret admirer wants to give you a gift.
Ne: 'You won't get the chance, you'll lose your head'? What the fuck?
O: Oh well. Doesn’t matter.
[Ophelia grabs the note and shoves it into her mouth. Swallowing it.]
Ne: God… I really hope y'all find this person… But um yeah… I was gonna give Rose a literal Rose tonight and do this whole thing…
O: Awww! That's so adorbs! Let’s get this wrapped up so you can go do that, eh?
[Rose can be heard sighing.]
R: s- sorry… a project of mine… f- fell on henry's foot.
Ne: IS HE OK???
R: y- yeah… laying with luna right now.
Be: Hate to interrupt. But… Adam? Can we see him?
[A man sneaks far behind the women, fire extinguisher in hand.]
Be: And Leon, you can put the fire extinguisher down.
?: How the fuck?
[Voice identified: Leon.]
Be: Hey! These enhancements aren’t just for show!
[She motions to her mechanical antennae.]
R: ugh… I'll get him. he's not moving though.
O: Wonderful, bring him here.
[Rose slowly walks out of frame, returning after almost a minute with Adam.]
R: h- here… j- just don't hurt him.
[Before Ophelia can take the arm, a robotic voice rings out through the apartment.]
[Voice identified: Adam.]
O: Oh?
[The arm whirs into motion. Moving each individual part one at a time. Before turning to face Ophelia.]
[Rose's voice stops as she enters a coughing fit, coughing blood visible on her bottom lip.]
A: You.
O: Hm?
[Adam lunges at Ophelia, wrapping himself around her neck. She yelps in surprise.]
R: a- adam no! stop!
[Ness tries to remove Adam only to fail.]
[Rose coughs some more.]
[Ophelia laughs, seemingly unaffected by Adam’s attack. Until he curls the tips of his fingers inwards, and she stops laughing. Instead grabbing for the base of the prosthetic.]
[Rose coughs even more.]
Ne: Adam now!
[Ophelia yanks the arm off of her neck, red now dripping from a few spots down onto her dress, she pouts a little, and holds Adam away from her.]
[Rose makes a noise that barely sounds human, Ness turns pale and starts screaming at the people in the room.]
[Ness runs out of the room.]
O: Now, what was that for?
A: You know. Bitch.
R: a- adam… what are you talking about…
A: PR. Virus.
[Ophelia rolls her eyes. And stares at Adam, smiling slightly.]
O: You’re upset about that? Jeez, dude! Way to hold a fuckin’ grudge!
R: adam. bat.
[Rose slowly stands up, using her hand to wipe the blood from her mouth.]
O: Don’t.
R: w- what's stopping me?
A: Me. Sit. I need to. Converse.
R: f- fine…
A: Thank you.
O: I feel a little goofy holding you up like this. Can I put you down or are you going to attack me again?
A: Please place me down.
O: Alright.
[The arm is set down, Ophelia tilts xer head at him.]
A: Why.
O: Why what?
A: Why put the virus. In there.
O: Buddy, I don’t know the reasoning, I’m not the one who did it.
A: Caused me to hurt. People. Immensely. Why would you do that.
O: I’m trying to think like Cass, here. A distraction? But from what? Hm. Yeah, I have no clue.
R: j- just a guess… m- maybe from… eden
O: Maybe. But you don’t have to say her name with such disgust, Rose. That’s mean. She was just doing her job, you know.
R: i… t- trusted her… t- thought of her like m- maybe a sibling… a- and she put me in the… h- hospital for almost a month.
O: That’s on you for doing that, girl. There were tons of people warning you. I remember seeing all of that and sweating bullets, but you just wouldn’t believe them.
R: i… i g- guess i've always… d- done that…
O: Mhm. You need to trust people way less. I learned that the hard way 75 years ago. Anyway. Adam. I have no idea what to tell you, dude.
A: Liar.
O: Hm.
[She leans in, and whispers something that the phone can’t pick up. Her volume lowering to a near silence. Despite being metal, Adam seems to tense up.]
A: I hope you explode.
O: Alright, man. Uh, so… can I get some water? Please? If you wouldn’t mind.
[A friendly smile can be seen plastered on her face, she looks directly at Rose. For just a second too long. And then looks back at her suitcase.]
O: Oh! Right! Gifts! Hold on, I’ll get them out!
[Rose continues coughing, out of frame enough where it isn't visible what's happening. She speaks, her voice now even more messed up.]
R: f- fine. g- get a glass… g- get the tupperware of food… too.
O: Alright!
[Ophelia bends down to rummage through the suitcase with one arm, and the other extends over to the cupboard, which is fairly far away, and out of frame. The tap can be heard turning on. A few moments later, it turns off, and her arm retracts with a glass of water in hand.]
Be: I keep forgetting you can do that. Scares the shit out of me every time.
O: Ha! Yeah, sorry, Becks! Now, where did I put that…
[Ophelia pulls out a few bags. And hands them to Rose, not getting up.]
O: Open it! I made sure to get you something you’d like.
R: g- give me a second…
[Rose seemingly points at something out of frame.]
O: Do you need help cleaning that up? I’m an expert, you know. I’d be happy to clear all of that up for you.
R: w- we have a mop… w- where? uhhhhhh s- shit where did dad… put the mop…
[Ophelia looks at Rose for a few seconds, her expression softening for a small moment, before snapping right back into place. xe gets up and starts looking for the mop.]
R: d- don't worry about it… j- just… i- I'll open the bags…
[Rose opens the bags one by one, pulling out multiple shirts and jackets. Each one looking as if they were taken from the 80s and 90s, many of them having pastel colors. Rose sets them back in the bag before slowly standing up.]
R: t- thanks… i guess…
O: Do you like them? I really hope you do, I’d feel terrible if they weren’t to your liking.
R: i… like them…
[Rose coughs again, this time the blood falling from her mouth is visible. As Ness walks back into frame.]
Ne: Hey adam. Uh Ophelia I got the first aid kit.
O: Thanks!
[Zey extend their arm to Ness, grabbing the first aid kit, and retracting it back. Beginning to bandage her neck.]
O: Today’s visit has been wonderful, thank you for having me over!
Ne: Um… Did anyone get Rose water? Like I asked?
O: I took care of it, don’t worry.
[Rose drops to the floor again, the coughing continuing.]
R: s- son of a BITCH!
Be: Ooooh. That doesn't look good. Does she have tuberculosis? We have a bit of experience with that. Remember when Cass had it? That wasn’t fun.
Ne: No um… I actually don't know…
R: n- none of your business… j- just know s- showfall t- tried and f- failed… t- to get me back…
O: Hm. Ness, keep an eye on her, not like you haven’t been, but… yeah.
Ne: I mean… It probably doesn't help that she screamed bloody murder for god knows how long… When Edgar… Y'know and um…
O: We should get going, but before we do, I have another thing for you guys!
[Xe takes another bag out, and places it on the counter, closing her suitcase. Before rummaging around and grabbing a tupperware container. She takes a step towards the door.]
Ne: What's that?
O: We forgot you didn’t have your ears pierced… so we got these. They’re real diamonds, by the way. So don’t lose them!
Ne: Huh?
Be: Ophelia, you can tell them upfront!
O: But that’s no fun!
Be: Ugh. We got you diamond earrings, but we forgot you don’t have your ears pierced. So we had to get you the necklace.
Ne: Oh um…
[Rose can be heard seemingly talking to herself.]
R: m- mai… y- you really couldn't wire anything right… i said that outloud…
O: That’s a little deeper than I want to go today! There’s a few more pieces of jewelry in there, too. Just as a fun treat. Some of that stuff is from my own jewelry box!
Ne: Oh um… Thanks!
O: Only the best for our very own honorary PR member! Now, we should really get going, have fun, you two!
[With that, the PR members finally leave the apartment, their giggling can be heard retreating down the hall, along with a few giddy shrieks. Possibly from gossip. They finally fade. Leon stands up straight, having been crouched in the corner for the whole visit.]
Le: ‘Honorary PR member’? Ness. You have some explaining to do.
Ne: I know I know! Right now can one of y'all get Rose her medicine while I find the mop?
Le: Alright. [Aside.] Coast is clear! Y’all can come out now!
[Leon goes to rummage through some cabinets while Liam and Katherine emerge from a room.]
R: h- hi… m- mom… l- liam…
?: Hey, I heard the commotion from in there, are you okay?
[Voice identified: Katherine.]
[Liam waves, but says nothing.]
R: B- besides the blood… and whatever e- else… y- yeah… j- just wish that wasn't one of the side effects from… y'know the night that task m- manager tried to get me back…
K: I know, you’re going to be fine, though. You’re going to have some medicine, and maybe a bit of rest. Alright?
R: a- alright… i w- was… working on buddy all n- night so…
Ne: [Distant.] Who the fuck is "Buddy"?
R: r- robot me and henry a- are… w- working on for sparrow…
[Katherine walks over and picks up Adam.]
K: You’ve caused a lot of panic in this apartment, you know.
A: Do not. Focus on me. Other issues. All software and hardware is in perfect condition.
Le: Found it!
[Leon walks back into frame and hands something to Rose.]
R: t- thanks…
[Rose takes something out of the bottle, presumably medicine.]
R: s- soda?
Le: Won’t the carbonation hurt your throat?
R: d- damnit… kool-aid?
Le: Yeah, of course. I can do that.
[Leon walks back out of frame. Just as Liam walks over with a piece of paper.]
R: 'I’m g- glad the blond one wasn’t here. b- but I don’t like that any of them were in here in the first place… t- they killed my dad. I d- don’t like them'… i k- know liam… i k- know…
Ne: [Distant.] Sorry about all of that by the way…
[Without saying anything, Liam hugs Rose. Then retreats back into his room.]
R: i… feel so b- bad for l- liam… g- god…
Le: Yeah. He’s just a kid. He hasn’t even graduated… high school– FUCK WAIT. HE HASN’T BEEN GOING TO SCHOOL.
R: o- oh… fuck…
[Liam’s hand pokes out of the room in a thumbs down.]
K: Leon, calm. It’ll be fine.
R: i n- never got… t- to graduate… a- and i turned out f- fine.
[Liam pokes his head out, a neutral expression on his face. He goes back in and then returns with another note. A linear equation written out on it. He hands it to Rose.]
R: s- seven times five… equals fifteen… um… um…
Le: Rose.
R: Um… x equals… um…
[Liam grabs the paper, and writes something down on it. Showing it to Rose.]
[Rose coughs again.]
R: ow.
[Liam shakes his head, then walks over to Leon, the two of them having a conversation via Liam’s paper. It fades into the background.]
[Ness runs in with the mop and a bucket.]
Ne: Katherine I'm really sorry about PR coming in I swear on m-
[Ness cuts herself off.]
Ne: On Mari's mother. I didn’t mean for any of that!
K: It’s fine. We’re just mad that you let them take you to the fucking Bahamas without even CHECKING IN FIRST.
Ne: In my defense. Alcohol blood loss and 5 hours of sleep do NOT mix well.
K: The hell even happened on that trip?
Ne: Apparently I sang 'Copacabana' on top of a table… Uh I don't remember much else.
K: I’m going to guess we’ll get a detailed description from one of them on that blog.
Ne: Yeah probably… Um…
[Ness shows Katherine her hand, missing ring finger and all.]
Ne: That happened.
[Katherine shrieks, grabbing Ness’ arm and inspecting it.]
K: What the fuck did they do? Was this during the trip? Is it infected?
Ne: Me and Eden got in a fight in the park. I'll explain if you ask. No. And also no.
Le: Oh yeah! There was a transcript!
[Katherine turns to where Leon’s voice was heard from, a look of disbelief on her face.]
K: This is why you shouldn’t confiscate my phone, LEON. I would’ve liked to know about that!
Le: Sorry!
Ne: I did more damage to her than she did to me… Stabbed her with a spear and almost broke her nose.
K: Your finger is missing! We– hold on, what's in that bag on the counter? Have you opened it yet?
Ne: No? But Ophelia said it was filled with jewelry.
K: I… we should open it, I think.
[She grabs the bag and opens it after walking back over to Ness. She yelps, and nearly drops the whole thing. Shoving the bag into Ness’ hands.]
Ne: What?
[Ness looks in the bag and slowly turns her head.]
Ne: Oh… There’s my finger…
Le: Guess it’s not missing, then! Sorry.
K: Of course they’d do that.
[A loud metal crash coming from one of the rooms, followed by a cat meowing.]
H: [Distant.] Buddy fell again!
R: t- torso is like… a foot tall i think? and made of three inch thick metal… s- so yes it can.
K: Henry, you’re weak as fuck. You can walk. Don’t make me drag you out here.
[Henry walks into frame with a limp, His hair is messed up and his eyes are red.]
H: What?
K: Ness is missing a fucking finger!
H: Oh god damnit… Ness what school jock did you piss off this time?
[Henry cuts Ness off with a cough.]
H: You went to the school nurse almost every day FOR A WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR! fighting the school football team. It was more than one.
Le: I had a friend like that back in the 80s!
K: Who?
Le: … Do I really need to say.
R: d- dad?
Le: Yeah, it was always something with that guy. One time he broke a water fountain after tripping into it. They gave him ice and he was back in class within 30 minutes.
Ne: Sounds like edgar. Anyway this is nothing! One time one of the members of the school football team hit me so hard into a locker, Like three of my ribs cracked!
K: Ness you’re missing a finger.
Ne: I still have nine more!
K: God, you guys are impossible! Since you won’t take your injury seriously, let’s change the damn topic before I bite one of them off. What day did you say those tickets were for?
Ne: The 28th? O H S H I T-
R: i- I'll get changed… e- end the transcript. wait… that's not the command…
Le: Wh– did you have one going on PURPOSE?
R: n- nope. i just know it's recording… b- because when the fuck is it not?
A: On. it.
[Adam skitters up to the phone.]
A: Goodbye chat.
[Transcript end.]
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tricornonthecob · 8 months
Oh shit here we go
LK 101 - Boston Spilling the Tea Party (part one)
pt pt2 pt3
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Lets be honest, the real reason this series exists: Walter Cronkite as Benji Franx.
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why is there only one dude on what appears to be a fucking *frigate* I mean I know why, animation budget, but my point stans
Also fuckin seizure warning on the Atlantic, brah.
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Cluny the Scourge just hanging out on what I'm assuming is Sarah's bed? Or is that just her pet. Did she have a beloved pet rat?? Was she a rat girl??? This has caused more questions.
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Is this her room?? Why is there a bed belowdecks like this? why is her room so massive?? Am I looking too hard into a DIC cartoon?
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I love how this girl just canonically vibes with chaos. Alone, 15 years old, going to the colonies, in a fucking storm that even the grizzled sailors are freaked out by, and she's writing to her mom how exciting everything is. She's either dissociating like a champ or she's a legend. Also how are you not seasick??? Oh right you're an accomplished rider and horse girl you got that inner ear
Not gonna lie though, listening to this girl talk about her dad coming home from the wilderness and how they're all gonna have an awesome life is kind of sad. Oh, honeyyyyy. No. Can you imagine being her mom and getting all these letters? Oh god now I've made up more headcanons.
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she really has the worst luck with ships, doesn't she.
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SuCh SyMbOlIsM
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This dork. Also why is his collar so fucking open jfc.
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In this house we stan Exasperated Dad!Moses
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"When someone wants to know what's on my shirt I can sell 'em a newspaper!" is the kind of idea I'd expect from an ADHD/PTSD madlad. I feel like both Sarah and James vibe and thrive off chaos, but only one of them has a balanced inner ear.
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Gotta love Eager Beaver getting knocked down a peg by Exasperated Dad.
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The *flair.* The *drama.* The *exasperated and slightly amused adult*
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aaaaaaaaaaay the French Fry! The Brains! The feral younger sibling! The one I vibed with the hardest as a feral younger sibling!
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Henri: Bitch I'd do it again!!!!
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Dear writers: why the fuck did you set up an enemies-to friends-to lovers pipeline so hard like this.
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oh my gOdD Moses is such a dilf
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Ok is it just me or did they design her as a redhead in the beginning and slowly lighten her to strawberry blonde later on, or am I just losing my mind.
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do you think they boinked. Dirty Old Man Franklin absolutely tried to make a move on Lady Phillips.
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We all worry about your feral daughter, Lady Phillips.
AND WE'RE ON NICKNAME TERMS? Yeah they boinked.
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Sir. SIR. Two of those associates are children.
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They'd absolutely get hammered and watch a Pats game, I'm a little disappointed the directors didn't tell the voice actors to lean into the New England accent. Also why does the guy on the left look like Peter Griffin.
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It can't be Boston, there aren't nearly enough maniacal drivers with homicidal intent
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*there* it is.
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Damn this dude got REAL into it.
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He just. Hops over tea chests and pulls himself up over a ship. To interview people. Fucking madlad.
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Henri is getting *into it* feral frenchman child.
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I don't think that's a normal response. That abandonment/orphandom PTSD does things to a brain.
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well somebody sure had fun discovering After Effects transitions.
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Yeah your ship's cool and all but does your ship have a meetcute that involves blunt force trauma with weaponized literature.
To be continued because of the 30 image limit
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evillovelust666 · 5 months
Fictional World Role Play: "For Whom The Memories Toll The Truth Will Be Revealed To Thee"
My friends and I had just come back from our trip in Maine (note: that part is true I've been away to Maine for 3 days from September 6 to the 8) after settling down coming home on September 8 I put away my souvenirs in my room then giving my babies Neko, Gambit, and Buneary lots of loving they're beside themselves surprise to see me back home the next day September 9, 2023 I decided to pay a visit to one of my master in Hell so I open the portal and went through it walking down the sidewalk when I see my Master Blitz getting kick out from the coffee shop Blitz: "Look lady, it's not MY fault if you only know how to make coffee that tastes like piss!"
I ran towards him and help him up me: "Are you okay Master Blitz?" Blitz: "Yeah I'm fine those schmucks don't know how to make a good coffee here" me: "If you want I could help you find a much better coffee shop from my world then here" Blitz: "Thanks but I'm good you can treat me to coffee some other time how about we take a scroll down the sidewalk while we chat?" me: "Sure I'm cool with that" we walk while we chat for a bit Blitz: "That sounded nice you went away to Maine for 3 days too bad I didn't tag along would've a great time there with you"
I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly laugh because I was with my friends if he did tag along it would've been a battle from there me: "Yeah I would've invite you I'll make it up to you another way just feels great to be back from 3 days in Maine" I'm that kind of person on both my B.F.F'S and my masters I always think of them not make them feel left out he place his hand on my shoulder and smile as I looked at him Blitz: "You were about to be apologetics weren't you?" me: "You read my mind didn't you? You know me too well" Blitz: "That's why you're my cute lucky rabbit always being generous and thinking of others" he noogie my head I laugh while he laugh playfully teasing me me: "Hey (giggle) quit it! you're messing my hair (laugh)" after I fixed my hair suddenly we both saw something coming down the sidewalk at full speed towards us it's Fizzarolli on roller skates blasting down with his 9 hell dogs of quieves on leashes when he saw us he becomes shocked, and hits the brakes on his skates, while Blitz stammers in fear Blitz: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA! (covers his face)" I stood in front of Blitz protecting him from the impact only to be halted by the quieves sniffing me noticing this I kneel down at their levels petting them making them feel at ease me: "Nice quieves good sniffing I smell like my pets huh?" they were wagging their tails making noises while being all over me as they settle down the tension I felt when Blitz see his ex friend Fizzarolli begin to intensify
Fizzarolli: "Oh, wow. Lookee who it is?" he wasn't happy seeing Blitz but change expression when he saw me he flirty grin at me Fizzarolli: "Hey there Stacy (purrs)" me: "Hi Fizzarolli" Blitz: "Oh, fuck… You again…" Fizzarolli: "Stalkin' me now, huh?" Blitz: "Oh, don't fuckin' flatter yourself, clown. I have my own life, y'know, without YOU in it" Fizzarolli: "Uh huh, sure! Blitzo" Fizzarolli walk towards me seeing me interacting with his quieves Flzzarolli: "Looks like they took a liking to you" me: "I have a way with animals it's my passion" as I got up he ignore Blitz and started flirting with me Fizzarolli: "Ya know I'm in a mood on having some fun how about it?" he was behind me placing his hand under my chin gently moving his finger up and down making Blitz shock at seeing this me: "Fizzarolli wait I can't do it not here and not in front of your pets please" he grin and stare at Blitz and thought up of something to make Blitz's blood boil Fizzarolli: "How about we tell Blitzo on what we did together in the nudest pool?" I gasp while Blitz's eyes went wide remembering that time I told him about what Fizzarolli did to me (insert flash back from  “I Regret For The Sin I’m About To Commit”) Fizzarolli: "You should've seen it Blitzo how her body feels when I touch her my cock in her mouth as she drank every drop of my cum her cunt dripping sweet nectar as I stick my tongue in her fucking her ass and cunt in every position I gave her and she's an excellent kisser"
Blitz's hands clench into fists listening to every sexual detail Fizzarolli throws at him Fizzarolli: "As her heart belongs to me" he place his hand in my shirt and place it on my chest were my heart is I quiver at the sensation trying to stop him me: "That's enough please stop Fizzarolli" and caught me off guard kissing my lips having enough of this Blitz grab me and held me in a protective embrace continuing his conversation with Fizzarolli from earlier Blitz: "The "O" is silent now, bitch! And gee whiz, we've been in each other's relative vicinity TWICE, in the last FIFTEEN YEARS! That would make me, THE SHITTIEST STALKER IN HISTORY!" continuing their intensive anger rant Fizzarolli pets his quieves
Fizzarolli: "Twice… IS ALREADY WAY TOO MUCH" Fizzarolli shoves Blitz out of the way while staring at me flirty and walks off Blitz dusts himself off and glares at Fizz Blitz: "Yeah, well at least I'm still actually working for my shit. And not getting everything handed to me like some pampered attention whore!" feeling that it's best to leave I place my hand on Blitz's shoulder me: "Come on Master Blitz we should go" as we walked off Blitz has struck a nerve in Fizzarolli as he growls in anger he calms down when his albino quieve rubs against him and hands him a bone Fizzarolli moves the bone to show the leash, with gold lettering saying "From Ozzie with 💛" Fizzarolli: "Yeah, well… Guess that's what resilience and talent gets ya. (chuckles) Plus, my horns were always bigger than yours. Weren't they?" we stop midwalk as Blitz stands in anger I growl from hearing Fizzarolli's insults on my Master Blitz before Fizzarolli walks away, we both began charges at him
me: "FIZZAROLLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and we started to get into a street fight a group of sinners hear the ruckus and watch in a circle cheering and shouting as we're beating the aboslute shit out on each other me: "Take it back Fizzarolli!!! (punch) I will not tolerate your insult on my Master Blitz anymore! (kick)" we kept on fighting for a while when out of nowhere a lasso caught all 3 and hauld us into the building slaming us against the wall I groan from the impact when I heard a familiar voice Crimson: "Hired! (laughs)" a drop of sweat went down my face when I see him I was panting quietly being trapped against the wall from Crimson, his mafia, and Stricker Striker: "Funny to run into ya again, "Blitzy!" Striker pulls out his knife and slides toward Fizzarolli, pointing it under the chin
Striker: "And with a famous friend…" Blitz: "Oh, fuck me" Fizzarolli: "For the record, we are not friends" Blitz turn to see me shaking in fear panting when Crimson saw me his grin grew more sinister and stood in front of me Crimson: "Long time no see Stacy" I clench my fist staying quiet Crimson: "I wasn't expecting that you show your pretty face here to me again I still remember the punch you gave me my cheek is sore from that some left hook you got there"
I stare at him still staying quiet as he continues Crimson: "What was the last thing you said to me? Oh yeah "you will never cage this coniglia bitch" Fizzarolli watch me as I'm continuing clenching my fist Crimson: "Looks like my coniglia is cage to me because she's right here in front of me (darkly laugh)" Blitz: "Hey Stacy what's wrong?" me: "………" Crimson: "My cheek is still sore how are you going to make up for it?" I slowly walk on all 4 and went to Crimson slowly Blitz: "Stacy what's gotten into you?" me: "I'm sorry Master Blitz I never thought I'd be seeing him again" as I crawled away Blitz mind began to put the pieces together hearing voices of Moxxie and Millie echoing from 6 months ago and then it hit him
Blitz speaking in thought: "Oh shit you fucked Moxxie's dad!" I'm in front of Crimson as I lean against his cheek placing a gentle kiss on it he smile evilly looking at me me: "You wanted more then just a peck on the cheek don't you?" he quietly smile more sinister as he place his hand on my cheek and lean in deepen the kiss moaning as his tongue wrapping around mine his other hand going under my shirt gropping my breasts under my bra string after string of saliva drips from our mouths Blitz looked on in shock while Fizzarolli blush from this
Fizzarolli: "She's turning me on so hard" Blitz: "You had to get a boner at a time like this!" Crimson: "Alright boys we got preparation to set up get these 2 tied up as for her" he place his finger under my chin to make me looked at him Crimson: "She stays with me (evilly chuckle)" my eyes quivering as he had me where he wanted meanwhile Asmodeus had a meeting with Stolas when he got a hellphone call from Fizzarolli only to be a ransom message from Crimson as the message continue he sees Fizzarolli getting tied up and mouth taped by Stricker seeing Fizzarolli scare and tied up enrages Asmodeus then at the part of "And, oh yes, I know. The weakest and most non-threatening of the Sins. The king who will do whatever it takes to save the worst-kept secret in all of Hell" as Crimson continue on when they'll have a meet-up with one of his lawyer and at what time he started to end the message
Crimson: "Hueheheheheheheh! Now, cut" but not before the desk suddenly was split in two scaring the shit out of Crimson, Fizzarolli, and Stricker Crimson: "WHAT THE….!!!!" the filming on the hellphone went to me using my copycat jutsu summoning vectors Asmodeus and Stolas react in shock that I'm in it Asmodeus: "Rare Gem!" Stolas: "Stacy?! what is she doing there?" Alessio grab both my hands putting them behind my back and making me sit down on both knees me: "TAKE IT BACK CRIMSON!!!!!! Master Asmodeus is not the weakest sin he's more then that and you shouldn't underestimate him how dare you insulting The King Of Lust like that!" Asmodeus was moved of hearing me standing up to Crimson while Stolas was astonished of my defense Crimson walk towards me with one knee and ask Crimson: "So Asmodeus is your master huh?" me: "Yes"
Crimson: "And you're standing up for his reptuation and title hmmm?" me: "That I am" Crimson: "You hurt me and you know what happen when someone cross me" me: "Yes I'm aware of that" Crimson: "What should I do to make you obedient?" he grab my neck choking me leaving Fizzarolli and Stricker more shock at Crimson's work me: "(anime grunt noise)" he squeeze my neck tighter as I struggle when there was a noise from the sinner filming this the sound of the unzipped pants made Crimson turn to look while letting go of my neck I'm coughing and breathing he see the sinner that's filming the message with his pants down about to masturbate Crimson: "I SAID CUT IT, YA FUCKIN' MORON!" the message end with the hellphone falls back on the table the whole room shakes and Asmodeus ignites in rage Stolas backs away as Asmodeus roars, making the whole room glow with a beam of fire somewhere inside the building I'm naked except my socks I'm tied up by the rope from both my hands while hanging my mouth taped and blindfolded I wiggle around trying to find a way out while Crimson grin twisted walking around me Crimson: "You hurt my feelings I thought we had something special after 6 months ago I couldn't stop thinking about you"
I muffle trying to tell him as he continues Crimson: "I'll give you punishment for that rebel act you put out on the ransom message" I struggle the sound of the rope keeping my hands disable Crimson: "Let's see what should I do to make you obedient" Alessio gave him a case open it and it show a japanese Deba Knife he pick it up and playfully with his fingers walk towards me Crimson: "This will do perfectly endure on what I'm about to do to you Stacy" I muffle as he darkly chuckle and began slashing my body me: "(screaming) MMNNNNFFFPPPHHHHHHH!!!!!"
he continue every slash he inflicted at me hitting my back to my legs my arms and my stomach every part of my body I continue screaming muffle he stop for a moment and place the knife down marvel at his work seeing the blood from the slash on my body he sniff the blood and got arouse from the smell Crimson: "I can't take it I must have more of you!!" he took off his pants and underwear he lift my slash leg over his shoulder and thrash his cock inside while licking the blood on my neck me: "(muffling)"
Crimson: "Oh fuck! your blood so exotic I miss this sensation your cunt so warm inside my cock enjoying every second of this!" he kept on going until he came then craving more of me he bite down on my left shoulder tearing a chunk of flesh off I scream in pain feeling part of my shoulder ripped off Crimson: "Deliziosa not only your blood taste so sweet your flesh taste even sweeter" he took the blindfold off of me as I see the inside of my shoulder almost seeing my bone there me: "MMMMNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!" he laugh evilly seeing my reaction and pick back up the knife and playfully on my neck making its way down to my chest
Crimson: "Your heart must be fragile how would it feel to have more scares on it?" I muffle as he grin evilly enjoying this Crimson: "Let's find out shall we?" his laugh almost sound like my Master Zim as the blade went further into my chest more blood gushing out from the knife nearly hitting my heart my eyes almost started to teared up as I close them tightly me: "(screaming loudly while muffling)" his knife was at my heart only to be interrupted by Stricker Stricker: "Sorry to bother you sir but everything is all set and waiting for your next plan" Crimson: "Aw I was just having fun with my coniglia" he pull the knife out with blood cover on it licking it enjoying the sweet taste while ordering Alessio to untie me I'm on the floor with lashes all over me a giant tear wound on my shoulder and the gash open my chest Crimson pull out a handkerchief and took the tape off my mouth wiping the tears off my eyes sinister smile at me me: "I swear it wasn't intentional I just don't like your insult on my Master Asmodeus I'm not crossing the line with you"
he kneel down in front of me placing his hand on my lash cheek he enjoy seeing me like this vulnerable and exposed he lean into my ear his voice lace in lust and manipulation I shiver feeling his hot breath Crimson: "I know you are but this is a reminder of who you belong to now be a good coniglia and don't give me anymore hard times okay Stacy?" me: "Yes Master Crimson" he grin hearing that I call him master while he pat my head gently I gasp quietly Crimson: "Good girl that aroma from your blood brings back memories how Millie slit your hand that smell was so tempting I crave to have you only to restrain myself when getting interrupted by my maid I'm surprise that Blitz and Moxxie didn't go crazy smelling your blood must be distracted from all that shit with Chaz and all" he held me in an embrace evilly nuzzling my neck licking the spill blood coming down me: "Mo io yamete"
Crimson: "To finish this punishment you'll stay in your bra and panty you can have your sneakers back" Alessio handed me my bra panty and sneakers back after putting them on he had my hands handcuffed behind my back with a pink fluffy kinky handcuffs Crimson: "Take her to the cage with the other imps Stricker and I'll be right with you" he put his underwear and pants back on and watch as I'm being taken away Crimson: "Oh Stacy" Stricker stop me as I turn around to listen Crimson: "Will continue more of this later don't stop thinking about me (evil chuckle)" I nodded as we left Stricker escorting me back to the cage that's hanging from the forklift as we hear Blitz and Fizzarolli arguing Stricker punch the door to shut them up while using the key to open it and throw me in closing the door and continue Striker: "WOULD YOU TWO SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY?! Bicker like a couple of teen skanks…" he steps down onto some boxes, then leans towards their cage Striker: "As far as I'm concerned, you two are BOTH embarrassments to our kind for meddlin' with blue-bloods to begin with. sighs But at least loud-mouth here has the sense to only fuck his rich bitch, instead of bein' a little purse dog" Blitz: "Oh, great. The fuckin' supremacist is on my side, wonderful" Fizzarolli: "Neither of you filth bags know what you're even talkin' about. If you think you're superior to ANYONE, then you're no better than any royal…"
Striker grows agitated at Fizzarolli's words before he can continue, he grabs Fizz by the neck to stop him from talking Striker: "DON'T. You. Dare… Finish that sentence, clown…" the cage moved around as I grunt hitting my body at the bars Crimson hearing this looked up and shout at Stricker Crimson: "HEY! Hick-for-hire! I said watch 'em, not fuck 'em. Keep ya hands off the merchandise!" I struggle getting up and see Crimson grinning menacingly Crimson: "Especially my special merchandise"
I gasp quietly as we made eye contact Striker frowns at Fizzarolli one more time, squeezing his neck before jumping off the cage Fizzarolli: "Eaugh! Ever heard of mouthwash?! FUCK FAAAACCCE!" as Crimson and Stricker walked off Blitz and Fizzarolli were shock seeing me cover in lashes and blood all over my body and a huge gash on my shoulder and chest Blitz: "Oh fuck! Crimson lashes the shit out of you! are you in pain anywhere?" me: "No I'm fine just a lot of blood spilling out" Fizzarolli: "So you had sex with Crimson huh?" I looked away blushing Fizzarolli: "Do you have feelings for him in an evil sexual way?" I nodded and answer honestly me: "Yes" Blitz: "(groan) Let's talk about this later right now we need to find a way to get the fuck out of here" we began to looked around as Fizzarolli struggles to escape his imprisonment, while Blitz just watches it all happen
Blitz: "Ya know? You're really bad at this" Fizzarolli grunts, and falls down again Fizzarolli: "Hmmm, ya know? Last time I checked, I was a FUCkING JESTER, NOT an escape arti…" Fizz's struggling gets him zapped due to rubbing his arms together in his wrap he shoots up, his head slams the cage, leaving an indent, and he falls back down Fizzarolli: "(sniffles) I just wanna go home…" Blitz: "Hmm… You want me to get you out?" Fizzarolli: "(whimpering) Y-y-yes…" he smiles as he stands up, raising his foot to extract a knife from under his shoe Fizzarolli: "(angered) You had a knife this whole time?!"
Blitz cuts the ropes off himself, then grabs Fizzarolli by the shoulder, startling him, with the knife pointed in his direction Fizz whimpers, thinking he's going to stab him, but Blitz actually cuts the tape off him, freeing his arms he gave him the knife Fizzarolli use the knife and pickpocket the handcuffs off me while Blitz ripped off part of his coat and use it to wrap it around my shoulder Blitz: "Do you feel dizzy or anything?" me: "No I should be ok but I'm going to use my powers little at a time without draining myself from it judging by the lashes all over my body and the two wounds I'm going to say I'll have to use my gift 3 times" Fizzarolli: "So you can't regenerate your wounds?" me: "No my body has it limit" Blitz: "Let's see how to get out of this cage"
from below, Blitz observes his surroundings an imp on a forklift, goons playing on a pool table, a muscular imp stacking a card tower, and a few more demons lounging from there, he spots the cage's remote control Blitz: "Ahhh, bingo!" Fizzarolli: "So what now, genius?" Blitz: "(points down) See that remote?" me: "(nodded) Mm-hmm" Fizzarolli: "I mean, I could stretch down there…" Blitz: "No, no… I have a better idea" he shakes the cage, causing some boxes to fall the cage moving side to side I fumble and hold on to Fizzarolli blushing from hanging on to him the boxes creates a domino effect, as the boxes collapse nearby a few demons, throwing his beer mug in the air as the muscular imp finishes his card tower, the rest of the demons cheer, but the moment is quickly ruined as the beer mug knocks it all down causing the muscular imp, in a fit of rage, to pull out a gun and shoot nearly everywhere and everyone as the gunfire continues, the imp on the forklift gets shot, causing the truck to spin out of control, knocking everything in its way the forklift knocks him in the air in slow motion with a few pool balls in motion, while me, Fizzarolli, and Blitz are observing the whole situation, while Blitz enjoying popcorn amidst the explosion, the white cue ball lands on the scaffolding and rolls closer to the far end of the warehouse Blitz, with a drink, shifts Fizzarolli's head to see where this goes, as I follow seeing the cue ball making a stop, right above the remote as it falls over, it hits the "DOWN" button—but nothing seems to happen
Fizzarolli: "Well… That didn't w…" At the last second, the cage containing me, Blitz, and Fizzarolli immediately drops down and collapses as the smoke subsides, Fizzarolli coughs while Blitz dusts himself off while smirking, knowing his plan to free ourselves had worked Fizzarolli just flips him off and I'm groaning while getting up Fizzarolli: "Show off…" I turn to look and see a large group coming me: "Uh guys"
suddenly, Crimson and his goons come in upon hearing the commotion Crimson lifts up a cucumber slice to see me, Blitz, and Fizzarolli have freed themselves and caused a mess in the process me: "(quietly) Shit!" Crimson: "THE FUCK?! GET THEM!" one of the goons fire a net gun at Fizzarolli, but Blitz pushes him out of the way while I dodge from the net he grabs his hand to escape from the rapid gunfire Blitz spots a couple of Tantō, Sai daggers nearby a gun pass the Tantō, Sai daggers to me and takes cover from behind the table while fires back as Fizzarolli makes a run for it, two of the goons push down some boxes to prevent him from escaping, causing him to run back where he came from as a bigger demon approaches him, he throws a juggling stick, and blowing an airhorn but he still gets caught, then throws a banana peel, but no one slips on it Fizzarolli: "Augh, this usually works! (struggling to break free) Goddammit!"
I jump on the goon and attack it with the Tantō, Sai daggers stabbing it from the jugular freeing Fizzarolli from it's grasp one of the Mafia Imps approach him, about to hit him with a cane Fizzarolli: "FUCK!" before he can get hit, Fizzarolli manages to slip away, as the bigger demon gets hit instead Fizzarolli then bumps back to Blitz landing his face on Blitz's ass Blitz: "What the fuck, Fizz?! How is someone this flexible, this useless in combat?!" we kept on continuing attacking and dodging bullets Blitz dodges every one of the mafia's attacks with Fizzarolli beneath him and I'm kicking the goons damaging their mouths Fizzarolli: "I'm a performer! I sing, I dance, I promote products that I don't actually use… I don't do danger!" With a few of the demons out for the count, me, Blitz, and Fizzarolli make a run for it finding a place to hide
Blitz: "Well good to know you're still a wimpy circus puss" we climb up a ladder while Blitz quickly shoots a mafia member aiming for us me: "We should lay low from these shelves and come up a plan to escape the building" I see the tension again with Blitz and Fizzarolli Fizzarolli: "(growls) I'd give you a comeback, but that'd imply I give a shit what you think" Fizz turns away from Blitz on the ladder and nearly falls over before I grab the ladder pulling it up saving him from the fall Blitz: "You always cared what I thought!" Fizzarolli: "(chuckles) After what you did to me?" Blitz: "I didn't do anything! It was an accident!" Fizzarolli: "AN ACCIDENT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" he looked at me and went from behind me while Blitz react about to move but was too late to stop him
me: "What are you doing Fizzarolli?!" Fizzarolli: "It's time you see the truth on what really happen!" he cover my eyes with his hand while the other place on the gash wound on my chest of my heart I began to see his memories projecting from his robotic hand I see his flashback showing a younger Fizzarolli on a circus ball, while balancing spinning plates on sticks Fizzarolli: "You always had it out for me, because people liked me better!" there I see a younger Blitz looks from the side of the tent with jealousy then in the next flashback I see Blitz and Fizzarolli as teenagers, where Cash Buckzo hands teen Fizzarolli a birthday card, with the front reading, "Wish you were my son" I'm sadden seeing Blitz left out and hurt
Fizzarolli: "You wanted me gone, because you were jealous! Just wanting the spotlight!" Teen Fizzarolli looks over to Blitz with a smile as he waves to him, but teen Blitz glares at him with envy and hatred as he turns his back on him with the curtains flapping at his wake suddenly, the curtains ignite with green fire Fizzarolli: "I looked up to you, I thought you were my best friend…" The fire spreads quickly as the other circus performers including Cash Buckzo scream and run for the nearest exits while Teen Fizzarolli is knocked to the ground and quickly scrambles away to escape from the advancing fire Fizzarolli: "YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" and that brief moment of a box full of fireworks mislabeled "FIYAWOIKS" and Teen Fizzarolli opening a flap in hopes of a way to escape from the burning tent, but he's instead met with the fireworks with no time to react, the fireworks explode before Fizzarolli's eyes and the whole circus burst into flames with his clown nose flying
Fizzarolli: "And then you just left me…" I then see a mangled and nearly lifeless Fizzarolli dragging his bloody body desperately towards Teen Blitz who was standing in front of him with his right hand covering the right side of his face after the explosion Fizzarolli: "I lost so much because of you" his broken horns disintegrating and chipping off, Fizzarolli's eye watering with pain and desperation as a silhouette of Teen Blitz in his pupil turns his back on Fizzarolli Fizzarolli: "And you selfish piece of shit…" Teen Fizzarolli stretches his hand out desperately for help from his brother-in-arms while the flesh melts off his still burning and bleeding arm, showing his bones and through Fizzarolli's eyes he watches Blitz run the opposite direction away from Fizzarolli towards another blazing tent while Fizzarolli slowly closed his eyes his hand gripping my gash wound tighter hurting me the memory ended he let's me go as I'm one knee at this pain I turn and looked at Fizzarolli me: "This can't all be true I'm sure there's a reason why Blitz run off instead of helping you there must be more to this!"
Fizzarolli: "YOU DIDN'T EVEN CARE!" then Blitz suddenly breaks down started to tear up Blitz: "I DID CARE!" we were both taken aback at Blitz's revelation as he continue Blitz: "It WAS an accident! IT WAS!" suddenly one of Crimson's henchmen climbs up from a nearby aisle with his gun pointed at our direction, Fizzarolli reacts quickly and grabs Blitz as his robotic limbs extended to avoid the numerous bullets the henchman was shooting at us while I attack the henchmen with the Tantō, Sai daggers injuring him I follow pursuit while Fizzarolli swings himself and Blitz under one of the shelves I caught up with them just as another henchman crawled up next to his comrade Blitz: "Ok, you're right, it was all my fault, ok?"
as we all lay low taking a breath while taking cover behind some boxes I listen to Blitz as his voice full of pain and sadness continue on with his apology Blitz: "I… I should've done more to help, I was… I was TRYING" I was sad seeing him like this Fizzarolli slowly grows less agitated as he listens on to Blitz's explanations Blitz: "There was so much going on… I was trying to get help, Fizz! I just…" I place my hand on his shoulder he looked at me as I softly smile nodding to let him know it's ok he calm down looks down with sorrowful sigh Blitz: "It was still my fault…" me: "Master Blitz…" Fizzarolli still gives him a look of disapproval Fizzarolli: "Glad you could admit it. Want a medal?" I looked at Fizzarolli trying my best not to get mad
me: "He's starting to tell us what really happen from his side of the story the least you can do is listen to him before jumping to conclusion" I place my hand out to Fizzarolli he looked at my hand and back at me me: "I can show you his memories by linking my hand with yours it's time you see his point of view" he was hesitant at first so I ask nicely me: "Please Fizzarolli it's time we put all of the grudge and hatred aside and see the truth together" he accepted and place his hand with mine as Blitz put his hand in my other hand my eyes glow as a projection began to play out Fizzarolli can see in Blitz's memories what really happen on that day Blitz: "Look, I'm sorry, Fizz…" the memory shows him turned away from brother-in-arms and gazed down at a letter with a rose in his hand which was meant for Fizzarolli, marching off with angry tears as Blitz shoves aside an imp with a birthday cake, causing him to drop the cake and set aflame to the circus tents Blitz: "I am so sorry you got so hurt…"
Fizzarolli was shock seeing his memories as it continue showing teen Blitz throws the letter along with the rose to the ground aggressively while the imp that was holding the cake attempts to put out the flames as the trio of purple, green and pink hellhorses chilling on the other side, before the fire startles the green one, causing it to shriek and making the other spooked horses flee Blitz: "I'm sorry for what you lost, and I… I know I can never make it right" there was chaotic mayhem with imps running and screaming for safety as Blitz looks around in a state of shock in front of the SAME tent that Fizzarolli was in that the fireworks exploded the impact causes him several burning scars, covering his right eye Blitz: "But you have no idea what I lost in that fire…" when directing his fellow circus performers, Blitz turns over to one specific tent that was entirely engulfed in flames, he shows pure fear on his face as he rushes over to the tent on the ground a photo of him and Barbie Wire hugging their mother as the fire burns up the photo Fizzarolli quickly remove his hand from mine panting heavily from seeing that as my eyes were back to normal from his memory ended I finally understood from both their perspective realizing at Blitz's feelings and the shock of Blitz's mom death
me: "Holy shit you had a crush on Fizzarolli he's more then a friend it's more then that" Blitz let go of my hand and looked at Fizzarolli Blitz: " I mean it's… it's all my fault. I'd hate me too. (shedding a tear)" I lean my head against his cheek letting him know that I understand now about everything Fizzarolli looks up at Blitz with a sorrowful expression, but Blitz quickly wipes away the tear before Fizz can acknowledge it me: "I understand now from both your memories I'm so sorry for both of you" they were both surprise especially Fizzarolli hearing how sorry I am for them from the pain and loss they been through Blitz: "I mean, I do hate— SHIIIIIIIIIIT!" A goon appears out of nowhere and holds Blitz in a headlock with a smug grin but it's short-lived as Blitz pulls the gun under his captor's chin and blow off his head with Fizzarolli witnessing it happen as we started making a run for it scampered through the shelf hurriedly Fizzarolli: "So, why didn't you try to tell me any of this? Or come see me? Even once would've been fine!" Blitz: "I tried… You were all I had left, Fizz. But they told me you didn't want to see me"
Fizzarolli: "I never told them that!" Blitz: "Bullshit… You didn't?" Fizzarolli: "No! And no one told me you came!" after looking back at their memories I thought of something me: "Hey you don't think that…" they both thought about it and they both share a look of realization Blitz & Fizzarolli: "Oooohhh…" Blitz: "(panicked) WAAAOOOHHH, CHRIST ON A STICK!" a goon climbs up the ladder and attempts to attack us Blitz uses his gun to blow up the goon's head were all looking down the ladder staring at the dead demon on the floor below us Fizzarolli: "TRYING TO HAVE A FUCKIN' EMOTIONAL MOMENT, HERE!" we began to jump from shelve to shelve dodging and attacking Crimson's goons Fizzarolli throws a goon far, and he was back-to-back with Blitz as more of Crimson's goons were running at us Fizzarolli: "Look! Misunderstanding or no, it's hard to just forgive you" me: "I get it it's going to take time for you to accept Blitz's apology now that you seen and understand what you both been through this takes a while" Fizzarolli grabs Blitz and pulls him closer to the goons as Blitz kills them while I blind the other goons slashing their eyes out Fizzarolli: "It's been fifteen years and… That's so much time… But!" Fizzarolli continues to fling Blitz around as Blitz continues shooting goons Fizzarolli: "I guess you didn't really ruin my life" Blitz: "What, you're telling me getting blown up didn't ruin your life?" Fizzarolli: "It was painful… (hits a goon with Blitz) and challenging, and y'know (puts Blitz down) FUCK YOU STILL, BUT… It's not like I'm broken and I now have someone who understands me and…" Fizzarolli: "HYAH, HYAH, FUCK YOU!"
I throw both the Tantō, Sai dagger at the goon hitting it's throat while blood gurgling from the mouth and falls on the floor Fizzarolli and Blitz fight more goons before we made our landing to the ground while Blitz put away his 2 hand guns Fizzarolli: "My life has actually been pretty great" Blitz: "Yeah, that's lovely you got a good thing going with that horny rooster fucker, don't ya?" Fizzarolli: "Oh yeah, it's been… (blushes) Fantastic… (flustered) UH, CUZ YOU KNOW, IT'S A GREAT GIG! And, hehe, and he's got the BIGGEST COCK! You know? LIKE (stretches arms to form shape of testicles) MASSIVE! I mean imagine, like (stretches arms to sides) THE BIGGEST! JUST A (makes arms into circle) GIANT, HUGE, LIKE A KAIJU! But it's a cock, ya know what I mean? LIKE A BIG MONSTER! It's BIG, (motions handjob with hands) it's HUGE…"
my face went red as Blitz smile seeing my reaction I been with Asmodeus before and I seen how big his cock is I compose myself and try to politely stop Fizzarolli me: "(ahem clears throat)" Blitz: "Yeah yeah yeah, I get it, I get it! (puts hand on his shoulder) I'm happy for ya, Fizz" I blushfully smile and admit to Fizzarolli me: "And I'm happy for you too Fizzarolli" he smile hearing this while Blitz's hand on his shoulder and smiles at him when I sense something and look until I see Crimson and his goons start to slowly corner us me and Blitz stand in front of Fizzarolli protecting him he was surprise seeing me with my arms in a protection stance he blush seeing my expression while Striker pushes the goons aside and walks forward Crimson: "If ya wanna prove yourself, cowboy, here's your chance!" Striker grins and walks towards us
Striker: "You been a pain in my ass long enough, Blitz" Striker's eyes glows menacingly I growl at him and the goons Striker: "NOW, I'm gon' break you like a FUCKIN' HORSE!" he grabs his rope and pulls it Fizzarolli looks concerned as I spread my legs in defense stance not letting them come closer at Fizzarolli Blitz: "Ohhhh, don't you dare talk sexy to ME" Fizzarolli: "You're still on the horse thing?!" Striker laughs as he, Crimson, and the goons corner us more Crimson stare at me evilly as I made a quiet anime noise Fizzarolli see this and Blitz saw this too then Blitz had come up with a plan
Blitz: "Fizz! Remember how you used to distract my dad so I could steal his booze?" Fizzarolli: "I mean, yeah? Why?" Blitz: "Yeah well, I need to get up to that window there to bust us out" he points at the window as Striker continues to uncannily and slowly corner us Fizzarolli looked at me and ask Fizzarolli: "Care to help me with this gig?" he lend his robotic hand out as I blush me: "I'm ready whenever you are dance partner" I place my hand in his as they intertwined me: "Neh?" he got excited at the sensation in my hand and the tone of my voice Fizzarolli: "Ohohooo! One distraction, comin' up!" we made everyone besides Blitz look at him as he began to sing his song "Look At This" he gets up and is in between three goons, looking at both of them with his arms around them both at the next line, Fizzarolli grabs onto Crimson we both dance around him he goes somewhere else and grabs onto it with his flexible arms he climbs on top of it slides on the floor in front of the goons, Striker, and Crimson he climbs on the boxes, which in this case is his one of many "stages" Blitz climbs on a box and throws small things of trash like banana peels and candy wrappers, which is being used as confetti, over Fizzarolli then he grab Blitz and started to dance on top of the boxes doing their circus moves then Fizzarolli had Blitz in a dip the way they stare at each other I can feel their lust and crush on each other only for Fizzarolli to take out Blitz's keychain pushing him aside showing the golden unicorn figurine on it Blitz then sneaks around as Fizzarolli gets out a treasure map as I'm doing flips and moves he saw Blitz and stretches to above the mob and turns the heads of two of them in the direction opposite of Blitz Fizzarolli then gets out from the boxes a funny looking hat and puts it on his head he takes the hat off and twirls while in the background Blitz scoots across Striker begins to turn his head but Fizzarolli stretches his hand out to him and turns him back to him Fizzarolli rolls down a projector screen that first shows an Illuminati sign, then an add for Bitcoin a computer screen with his silhouette then passes as Fizzarolli then does the Squidward interpretive dance he stretches towards one of the mafia members and gives him a gold coin, making his eyes sparkle he leaps in between the members before landing in between Striker and Crimson gives Striker and Crimson two gold coins Striker looks at his blankly whilst Crimson bites into his then stretches up to see Blitz create a tower of cardboard boxes to the window Fizzarolli leaps to the mafia gang's left and holds up the Necronomicon Fizzarolli uses his limbs to constrict the whole gang like a snake he stretches into Crimson's face, random colors appear in Fizzarolli's eyes before going into Crimson's I lean against his cheek purring seductively he blush while smiling as Fizzarolli see me flirting with Crimson he releases the mafia gang, whilst making them spin rapidly in place then grab me as we dance hand in hand doing kickass moves Fizzarolli holds a flashlight up to his face making rabid sounds, as his shadow becomes a massive beast making unintelligible growling noise he sits on a pile of boxes while still holding the flashlight while I'm posing on top of Fizzarolli he shouted for Blitz as we leaps atop of a massive case study and looks to Blitz who is trying to open the window with a blowtorch
Fizzarolli: "BLITZO, HURRY THE FUCK UP!" as we continue our moves Fizzarolli ask Blitz in his singing tune Fizzarolli: "🎶 I don't know how long we can do thiiiis! 🎶" Blitz: "I'm gonna need another sixty seconds!" me: "(quietly) DAMN IT!" Fizzarolli: "AW, FUCK!" we both stand up as the goons look up to us Fizzarolli: "🎵 Okay, the thing I'm trying to say, I will say if you look this waaaaaayyy… 🎵" he points them all to a large corner of boxes there I began using my first gift projecting an illusion of an Umbrella U.S.S. Squad Soldier getting devour by a group of rats
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the goons looked on disturb Stricker place his hand under his chin while Crimson scratch his head at this
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Fizzarolli grows anxious, his armpits sweating, and wiping his forehead with a string of hankies as he thinks of something Fizzarolli: "Uh, y-ya know, it's-it's uh… Just as-a Nonna (Grandma) Fizzarolli used to say…" everyone looked back at us as the illusion wore off I began using my second magic turning my arms and legs into elegant rabbit parts then I summon rabbit ears and a tail while Fizzarolli leaps down, grabbing a wig and fluffy boa as he proceeds to sing in crude Italian Crimson, being a mob boss and therefore fluent in Italian, is disgusted by what Fizzarolli is saying the reptilian goon becomes lovestruck over Fizzarolli singing in Italian as I'm doing sexy moves the goons cheer and wolf whistle Crimson looked on as I'm making my way down Fizzarolli walks passed Crimson and Striker the former has his hands up and does a "are you kidding" gesture as he looks to Striker, who is equally as confused I did poses while showing my expression like for example being shy the goons aww at how cute I'm doing Fizzarolli stretches his arms and pulls Crimson in as he puts his boa around Crimson's neck Blitz tries to break the window with the blowtorch, but he drops it and it falls to the ground Fizzarolli sheds his wig as he sings atop a pile of boxes, some of the mafia goons (including Alessio, who has a tear in his eye while still unfazed) cry at his Italian, clearly not knowing what they mean as I lean towards Crimson asking if he would like to dance he nodded as we both dance around me: "Like my year of the rabbit look Master Crimson?"
Crimson: "Mmmm I'm liking what I'm seeing" we twirl around continuing our dance me: "I hope this will make up for my rebel act" I place my hand into his coat pocket and made bills of dollars silver and gold coins fill up he looked and grin sinister Crimson: "If you keep this up we'll have our fun in a lustful sexual way as your reward" I lean my body against him kneeing in-between his legs making his cock erect Crimson: "(purrs) good coniglia make me feel more arouse by your touch" I place my elegant rabbit paw on his face and deep kiss him while he's distracted I see the japanese Deba Knife sticking out from his back pants pocket I turn my other hand back to normal and prick my finger on it as I'm continuing kissing him I held his hand and written on it protect 守る in japanese a string of salvia left from our mouths as I slowly backed away staring at Crimson while he's entertained of my moves I'm showing for him meanwhile Blitz looks to a box across from him labeled dynamite and grabs a stick he smirks as he shoves the dynamite into the window at the same time, Fizzarolli gets out a cake and shoves his face into it then he stretches up to Striker with a bouquet of flowers that spray at him, while earth pigeons fly out of his sleeve he grows more and more upset, as he grabs Striker by the collar and holds his hands on his head as Blitz walks the columns above him carrying a push trigger Fizzarolli juggles while balancing plates atop of sticks he stretches up to them revealing smudged makeup, making everyone back away Fizzarolli cries as he is atop a stack of boxes Blitz throws a stick of dynamite at Fizzarolli, which not only he notices, but the mafia goons who look up to Blitz, who flips them off, causing them to draw their guns the gang fire at Blitz he dodge the bullets when suddenly the column beam to the ceiling starting to break away he saw a ceiling lamp and jump off the falling column beam hanging on to the ceiling lamp which Fizzarolli notices he winds up his left arm into a spring before punching Striker in the face Blitz pushes down the trigger, and the window explodes into a massive escapable hole then Fizzarolli slither his robotic arm wrapping it around me to be on his back and started stretches up, allowing Blitz to leap onto his back Fizzarolli leans back, and slingshots forward into the hole with me and Blitz riding on his back, with the mafia gang watching Fizzarolli and Blitz flip everyone else off as we head out as that happens, the whole building starts caving in Striker stands there wide-eyed in shock, one of the goons puts his hat to his chest, and Alessio puts his hand in front of a visibly confused yet surprised Crimson only for Crimson to see his hand glow he looked at his hand as the syllable 守る protect began to take effect as the magic started to shield him he grin darkly
Crimson: "You cunning lucky coniglia" he close his eyes letting the magic protect him as the entire warehouse collapses on top of them all, and catches fire outside, Fizzarolli, Blitz, and me run free, laughing I'm rabbit jumping side to side of the pile of dump running along side with Fizzarolli laughing as Blitz smile seeing us running together I see Blitz and ran alongside with him we both stop, panting the last of my magic is done as my legs and arm started to go back to normal while the rabbit ears and tail disappear Fizzarolli: "You know, you're actually pretty good at this action-hero bullshit!" Blitz: "And you two really know how to put on a show! (Gasping) Which is almost as impressive as the thing you said I was good at!" Fizzarolli: "And your moves on the goons were really something especially how you were all over Crimson you really have the hot spots for him huh Stacy?" making me fluster Blitz snicker at my reaction as I shout in japanese me: "Mo io yamete kurei!" Fizzarolli laughs, then stops when we both find a broken truck they both give each other a smirk Blitz breaks the window as we both head over to the truck and jury rig it Blitz climbs over the front of the car falls on his face I help him up and he opens the door for Fizzarolli Blitz: "I guess, royal jesters first?"
Fizzarolli bites his lip a little while looking away and somewhat covering his mouth before heading into the passenger's seat until he is dragged away by a rope abruptly I grab both his robotic hands to save him only to be dragged along with him Blitz screams and looks out the window he hears us screaming Blitz gets on the roof of the car and points his gun out Blitz: "Get… Your… FUCKING shit-stain claws off him!" the smoke clears to show Striker with us in his arm, laughing manically with his blessed revolver in his other hand Striker: "You think I'm just gon' let you get away after all this?" me: "MOTHERFUCKER LET US GO YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!" he spins the revolver in his hand then sticks it in Fizzarolli's cheek I gasp seeing that Striker: "I'm THROUGH losin' these fights! This worthless little pet REEKS of his over-bloated master… I'll at least enjoy gettin' rid of 'im" Fizzarolli smiles nervously Fizzarolli: "Okay… Is it bad that I'm getting hard?" me: "(quietly) Fizzarolli…." Striker digs the revolver deeper in Fizzarolli's cheek, I growl at Stricker Striker: "SHUT THE FUCK UP! WHY'S IT ALWAYS A SEX THING?!" as Blitz looks over at two gasoline cans behind him he sweats a little and shoots the gasoline cans, which catches fire Striker slowly turns away with a scared look and then the gasoline can explodes we both fly, hitting a billboard and falling to the ground surrounded by green flames Striker frantically rolls around on the ground to put out the flames on him, making distressed critter noises before running off Blitz looks at us, surrounded by flames like he was many years ago in the circus fire he tries to use his robotic limbs to reach a car and swing to safety, but his arms are too damaged and malfunction, sparking as he starts crying I embrace him shielding him with my own body Fizzarolli stop crying and looked at me Fizzarolli: "Stacy why?"
me: "I used up all my magic the only thing I can do is shield you from the flames my body is too weak after that explosion but it's ok I'm right here I'll protect you I won't leave your side" I feel the flames hitting my back Fizzarolli grip my side with his other robotic hand when we both hear his screaming Blitz: "FIIIIZZZZZ!" I looked as Blitz jumps on a barrel and rolls through the yard, jumping and grabbing onto swinging bars and springboarding off cars he runs across the crane arm and uses his tail to hang onto the crane hook, reaching out for Fizzarolli with little strength I had left I picked up Fizzarolli hold him up as he successfully grab hands and get flung in the air as I'm holding on to Fizzarolli's waist they grab onto each other as we are about to fall until Fizzarolli stretches his robotic arm and grabs onto the crane, making us land safely I cough from the smoke catching my breath while Blitz tries to comprehend on what just happened until Fizzarolli angrily and violently shakes him while yelling Fizzarolli: "YOU BLEW ME UP AGAIN, YOU FUCKIN' PRICK!" Blitz: "I did… But this time, I stuck around" Fizzarolli moves away from Blitz, holding his broken arm and frowning, then smiles and wraps him in a hug with his working arm Blitz, who wasn't expecting it, hugs him back while crying a bit I watch smile quietly seeing Blitz and Fizzarolli hug
me speaking in thought: "I'm glad to see there reconciling that means they'll put aside their differences from their past and restore on their friendship I'm happy for them I really am" Blitz: "Wooooould iiit… Fuck up the moment if we made out right now?" I nearly fall off the crane hearing this my cheeks blushing red me: "(quietly) Taku seriously" Fizzarolli leans away and glares at him, his arm still wrapped around them Blitz gives him a nervous but smug smirk Fizzarolli roll his eyes over at me as I looked away he smile Fizzarolli: "Only if she joins in" Blitz and Fizzarolli both stare at me I looked but quickly turn away blushing they show their impish grin and slowly crawl towards me Blitz lace his voice in seduction leaning against me Blitz: "Come on Stacy you know you want to have a threesome makeout" he purrs against my ear I shudder at his hot breath me: "Demo…." they had their hands around my neck and bring me in a threesome makeout feeling Blitz and Fizzarolli's tongue in my mouth while they french kiss each other then return back to me moaning and strings of salvia left our mouths they saw the fresh cut on my finger and they each took turns kissing and licking it drinking the blood from it then they both drank the lashes of my blood all over my body placing kisses every part on it I moan feeling their tongues licking at my lashes (note: this short scene inspire from "The New Adventures Of Kimba The White Lion episode 10 Freedom")
Fizzarolli went to my chest and place his mouth on the wound I flinch from the pain I felt clenching my hand me: "Itai" he looked at me concern Fizzarolli: "Does it still hurt?" me: "From the way you were showing your memories to me while gripping my heart I say yeah it really hurts a lot" his smile soften and lean up against my lips ghosting them while speaking seductive Fizzarolli: "Then I'll make it up to you by being more gentle" he kiss my lips then went back to my chest his tongue lathering around my chest then slowly putting his mouth again inside my chest being more gentle were my heart is continue drinking my blood I breathe slowly feeling Blitz's hand intertwine with mine me: "Just don't take too much of my blood I'm trying to stay awake from the blood loss with little energy I had left I need to make sure that you're both safe" he smile and lean against my cheek nuzzling me as they both continue drinking my blood meanwhile in Asmodeus's office Stolas is asleep with a contract on his head, snoring like an owl contracts litter the table, and Asmodeus is exhausted and pissed he checks his watch again as the lawyer takes another sip from his coffee, then Asmodeus stands up and slams the table, immediately waking Stolas up Asmodeus: "THAT'S IT!" he grabs the lawyer by the shirt as his flames grew higher and his face became redder
Asmodeus: "I'm going to fucking END YOUR LIFE!" Suddenly they hear the curtains they turn to see me helping Fizzarolli holding his malfunction arm over my shoulder using my body for him to lean on he's panting heavily while wiping his mouth Asmodeus shoves the Lawyer into the chair and heads to Fizzarolli Asmodeus: "FIZZY!" I nodded while I let Fizzarolli go to him clenching his arm and tears up happily Fizzarolli: "OZZIE!" Asmodeus scoops Fizzarolli up as they twirl around for a moment, before Fizzarolli starts smooching Asmodeus affectionately I smile seeing them reunited while Stolas smiles before noticing the lawyer gathering up all the contract papers before leaving Stolas: "Hmm get fucked, little one" when he see's me cover in lashes and wounds on my chest and shoulder he walked up to me worry and concern Stolas: "Oh my are you hurting anywhere?" me: "I'm alright just drained from the blood loss trying to stay awake (weakly chuckle)" there he see on my shoulder the piece of Blitz's jacket wrapped around my shoulder worry he ask Stolas: "Was Blitz there?"
I looked at my shoulder then reassure him me: "He's safe he's back at home he tear a piece of his jacket to wrap the huge gash I got from Crimson" his sigh of relief knowing he's safe he place a kiss on the leather jacket on my shoulder while placing his hand on my cheek Stolas: "You were very brave back there" realizing that he's talking about the ransom message from earlier he continue leaning against my ear and whisper sexy Stolas: "You have my admiration my noble star warrior" and kiss my neck causing me to gasp and blush then he walk away waving his hand goodbye while continue walking he left then I heard someone and look seeing Fizzarolli chuckling before seeing the lawyer and Asmodeus standing above him they smirk to one another before advancing on the shark demon who backs away to the chair I looked on disturb and staying quiet as they commence on murdering the shark demon me speaking in thought: "It was at this moment that this demon knew he fucked up" Lawyer: "OH, MY SATAN!" lightning strikes as they kill the shark demon blood splatter everywhere guts flying sighing quietly I was about to make my leave me: "Guess I should go home then" as I grab the doorknob I felt the functioning arm of Fizzarolli placing his hand on my shoulder I turn to looked and see Asmodeus and Fizzarolli smiling Fizzarolli: "Stay here for the night you're in no condition of leaving"
Asmodeus: "And besides you deserve the treatment after saving my Fizzy I insist" I let go of the doorknob as Asmodeus place me over his shoulder making me gasp while carrying Fizzarolli in his arms, closing the door behind him and leaving demon blood on it and leaving the office Asmodeus: "(sighs) I'm so glad you're okay, babe…" he nuzzles Fizzarolli, then snaps, which causes the lights to turn off Asmodeus: "You ain't never leaving the palace without protection, AGAIN" Asmodeus walks down the hall with Fizzarolli while doing some romantic but not sexual actions like nuzzling I blush seeing this then notice all the succubi workers give them shocked looks me: "ēto ano" hearing my voice Fizzarolli blushes from embarrassment seeing everyone staring at them Fizzarolli: "Oz… You know there's eyes around…" Asmodeus: "I know. I don't care. Cuz they know, if they tell anyone, I'll…BREAK THEM!!!" he punches a statue of a nude succubus right in the dick, causing a large crack and large chunks to fall off the statue they hear and see that, they immediately leave the room Fizz laughs while Asmodeus presses a buttons on the elevator Fizzarolli: "Well, don't worry, today I learned that I hate going outside!" we get on the elevator as it start to go up Asmodeus: "You won't have to again"
I mmm quietly hearing this concerning me as Fizzarolli leans against his chest, somewhat frowning and looking down the elevator stops as Asmodeus walks forward taking us to his workshop helping Fizzarolli sit on a table while placing me beside him Fizzarolli: "I'm sorry… I got a little messy…" I looked on quietly Asmodeus sets down a box and opens it, and gets out a new arm to replace Fizzarolli's broken one as they continue their conversation Asmodeus: "You don't have to apologize for getting banged up, babe! I'm just sorry I couldn't be there…" me: "Master Asmodeus…" Fizzarolli gives a smile Fizzarolli: "It's okay, Oz… Guess I'm just not used to this kind of thing" both of them sigh while Asmodeus taken aback of me calling him because what he said about couldn't be there and failing to come and save him hearing my voice sounded sad and hurt Asmodeus: "It's been an intense day. Just take it easy, okay?" I nodded Fizzarolli: "Oh, it's fine! I'm FINE! REALLY! You know I bounce back fast!" he giggles but then winces in pain over his broken arm, I held him making sure he doesn't fall off but he still manages a thumbs up Asmodeus shaken his head at this but smile and search the shelves Fizzarolli: "Soooo… besides my whole scary hostage thing, how was your day?"
Asmodeus sets down a box and grabs some scissors which causes Fizzarolli to get nervous of seeing sharp things as Asmodeus began his work Asmodeus: "Well, I was stuck with Stolas the whole time, who, by the way, asked me, to give him one of my crystals, as a gift for that guy you hate! So! I told him… "NO!" Mhmm!" I looked down at hearing the mention of Blitz Fizzarolli see me concern thinking about him he was deep in thought about it as Asmodeus cuts the sleeve from Fizzarolli's broken arm, then takes a moment to contemplate after putting in a lot of thought he decided Fizzarolli: "Meh… Fuck it. Let him have it" I looked surprise hearing this as Asmodeus was surprise as well Asmodeus: "Excuse me?" Fizzarolli: "Yeah, why not? You could say… he earned it" me: "Fizzarolli…" he smile at me with a wink while Asmodeus looked out the window then accepted his request Asmodeus: "Alright then… 🎵Anything for you…🎵" I blush hearing his singing voice as he began installing Fizzarolli's new robotic arm, which activates as soon as it's attached Fizzarolli starts stretching and jumping around while trying out his new arm Asmodeus turn to me and grab the first aid kit
Asmodeus: "Now I'll tend to your wounds Rare Gem" he took off my bra, panty, socks, and sneakers that were cover in blood then focus on removing the tear piece of Blitz's jacket there he use a cloth that's dip in peroxide and medicine and place it on the gash on my shoulder I was swearing quietly while grabbing the table as he's done he prepare the needle and thread and stitch my shoulder then he wipe me down with peroxide and medicine on the lashes all over my body then lastly he handed me a towel to hold onto my chest seeing that stitching will not work on how deep the wound is after he's done he smile softly at me seeing the wounds on my naked body he place his hand on my arm about to say something when Fizzarolli lands in Asmodeus's arms and decided he'll talk about that later while Fizzarolli use his now repair arm and pick me up and place me on Asmodeus's shoulder we began to go to the other room Fizzarolli: "Now! I don't know about you, but having a violent brush with crime has given me a whole mess of new kinks! You wanna go… "make a mess?"
Asmodeus: "You really think that's a good idea right now, Fizz?" Fizzarolli: "Sure, don't you?" he place his hand on his cheek making him blush then holding his hand he lean against his head and seductively answer Asmodeus: "Well… Obviously" I blush redder as this played out Fizzarolli laughs as he snuggles with Asmodeus, with the doors closing he place Fizzarolli on the bed while I'm being place on the love seat of the couch and watched them get into their kinky sexy and hot action after there taking a breather Fizzarolli still full of energy invited me to the bathroom that's right here and prepare the tub pouring bubbles in it I went in the warm water by the waist because my chest where the gash wound is burn from the warm water gripping on the towel tightly Fizzarolli sat next to me and chat for a while Fizzarolli: "Man that's been a hell of an action huh Stacy?"
me: "Yeah it's intense um Fizzarolli?" Fizzarolli: "Yeah?" me: "I know this is going to take time for you on reconciling with Blitz but I just want to say thank you for hearing him out" he place his hand with mine over the tub Fizzarolli: "Well after all of that I'm just shock after what I seen his memories everything" I almost started to dozed off when he notice Fizzarolli: "Hey you look like you could use some sugar how about my tropical punch fizz to help you stay awake?" me: "That would be nice thank you" he went to the cooler and grab me the can with a straw that said bitch on it I took the can and began to drink while were chatting I was unaware that Asmodeus was behind the bathroom door listening in Fizzarolli: "So your going to tell me on you and Crimson?" I choke on my drink while Asmodeus growl under his breath me: "I can't go into details on account of personal information" Fizzarolli: "Ok you respect your masters boundaries I get it but at least tell me on how you meet Crimson" me: "It was 6 months ago Master Blitz got a called on business that wanted to be discussed in the Greed Ring so me, Master Moxxie, and Millie went and that's all I can tell you" Fizzarolli enjoy listening about villains business as we kept chatting I kept on drinking until the can is emptied
Fizzarolli: "Is Crimson going to be in one of your list?" Asmodeus was about to rage when he calmed down hearing my reason me: "To be honest that's up in the air and I don't think I'll let him live in the Top Villains Hotel on account of personal reasons like Valentino and Vox I can't let them come to the Top Villains Hotel either" Fizzarolli: "Is it because of your masters and their enemies?" me: "Yes and others that I can't go into detail about for their safety" Asmodeus lean closer hearing this Fizzarolli: "So if Crimson, Valentino, and Vox are not on the list then what are they too you?" me: "I'm their sex slaves lust is a very powerful temptation to me so I actually enjoy being pleasure by them" me: "But I called them masters I rather say that then "daddy" makes me uncomfortable (yuck!)🤬 " me: "However…." Fizzarolli: "However?"
I looked at my drink quietly tapping my fingers on the can me: "When the ransom message went I'm sure Master Asmodeus is not pleased after seeing you tied up and tape over your mouth and after the insult he said about him I don't think he'll want to see Crimson in the Top Villains Hotel after that" I was honest but nervous thinking what Master Asmodeus would think if I put Crimson in any of my lists me: "I'll be a sex slave to Crimson I just hope that Master Asmodeus won't be mad at me for that" Fizzarolli sadden for me being afraid of Asmodeus thinking that it's a betrayal but it's not like that Fizzarolli: "I don't think Ozzy will get mad of your lust for Crimson sure he's pissed of the insults and having me held hostage but I don't think he'll be mad at you for your connection with certain villains you met" me: "How can you be sure of that?" then the door open and Asmodeus was walking inside kneeling beside the bathtub Asmodeus: "Because of your loyalty and devotion to those you kept inside of your heart"
I looked away scare and nervous me: "Master Asmodeus I swear I'm not betraying you I know what he did to Fizzarolli is unforgivable but I….I……" he took my drink place it aside and picked me up while drying my body with the towel holding me in his embrace Asmodeus: "I know you have your connection and I won't be mad at you for that but thank you for protecting my title and reputation from Crimson and standing up to him from his insults I'm very grateful for that" he place his finger under my chin to make me looked at him Asmodeus: "What you did back there was honorable and noble" I blush as he impishly smile Asmodeus: "That's why you'll be rewarded for protecting me and saving Fizzy" he carrying me back to the bedroom with Fizzarolli following behind he lay me on my back on the giant bed throwing the towel aside seeing the giant gash wound on my chest he can almost see my heart there beating at a normal pace Asmodeus: "Aww shit Crimson did a number on you I can see the inside of your gash wound on your chest and seeing your heart cover in scars of stiches it pains me" me: "Master Asmodeus what I said about Crimson it's not intentional it's just that…." only to be stop by a deep kiss feeling his hand on my cheek until a drip of saliva left my mouth Asmodeus: "Say no more right now enjoy your reward I'm about to give you" Fizzarolli aware of this pulls out the syringe and looked at me before he start me: "I accept and Fizzarolli I'm sorry for being mad at you about my Master Blitz and everything else that happen" he smile and place his hand on my cheek
Fizzarolli: "I'm glad you come around for me thank you for that Stacy" he kiss my lips while putting the syringe in my neck pushing the lust drug in my eyes gone blank as Asmodeus position his giant cock inside me Asmodeus: "Receive your reward my lovely Rare Gem" he thrash his giant cock inside my cunt fucking me while Fizzarolli entangles my body with his robotic limbs like tentacles he place kisses on my neck going down to my shoulder as I'm moaning and gasping from their touches then Asmodeus picks me up and place his mouth on my chest where the gash wound is his hot breath of neon blue going in feeling the warmth of his breath inside the wound began to scarred up patching the gash on my chest he kept going until we hit our climax then laying me on his chest his giant cock came out and spurt out cum on my ass Fizzarolli lay on Asmodeus chest right beside me as they cover us in the blanket after the drug wears off I see Asmodeus was snoring and Fizzarolli staring at me softly smile me: "Hey Fizzarolli?" he lean his close hand on his cheek looking at me in interested gesture Fizzarolli: "Hmmm?" I blush feeling awkward after everything that happen today I was flustering me: "Uh nevermind you been through a lot today I'll tell you some other time" and close my eyes resting Fizzarolli leans against me and kiss my cheek there he see Asmodeus watching the whole thing with his flirty smile as Fizzarolli return with his mischievous smile Fizzarolli: "Did you see what she was about to say?" Asmodeus: "I certainly did" they both chuckle and place both their hands on my back watching me doze off asleep Fizzarolli & Asmodeus: "Cute"
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super unhinged rainbow magic post 8 of 12
Ok me and the pal were making this at about 9pm which is late for us considering we’d been studying all day and it shows. We’re having unhinged and frequently louder opinions, and here is where our tiny lil brains go into overdrive and begin the Headcanons. Brace yourselves.
a couple generic points before we begin - all these ladies Understood The Assignment. There are no fuckin necklaces (FINALLY). Also, these bitches gay! Good for them!
Also honourable mention to Shona the Scottish Country Dancing Fairy, never published but never forgotten
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Bethany She looks like a bit of a bitch but apart from that I’m not getting any personality here The outfit is on point - tutu is cute, leotard is cute (chest cinching is so accurate it hurts) She isn’t wearing pointe shoes! WHY IS SHE ON POINTE THEN THIS IS DANGEROUS Legwarmers!!!! Accurate!!!! but should also be wearing cardigans tho Adequately petite as the ballet world demands Her hand position is not correct but her head position is HEADCANONS:
Bethany is a closeted lesbian, she loses a major role to someone else in the company (homoerotic rivalry that takes over Bethany's life), she has a breakdown at the age of 26 and a quarter-life gay crisis. She shoves herself violently back in the closet, which is tied to the toxicity of the heterosexual dancing life - super ironic because like nearly everyone is gay but everything’s a secret. Then Bethany is forced to retire because of mental health/physical health issues (probably from fucking pointe shoes or the lack thereof), so she moves to a small town and opens a laidback dance studio for cute lil kids (baby ballet!) She then falls in love with the aunt of one of the kids who’s the costume designer, when she’s gluing glitter on a costume for a recital. This costume designer is a punk because SHE WAS A PUNK SHE DID BALLET WHAT MORE CAN WE SAY
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Jade OMG she’s Rocking That Shit! NO notes She has the 70s hair and it is OUTSTANDING She has face paint of a green star! Iconic! We stan Everything is working so well yessss -  low waist groovy flares, chunky wristbands, party top halter neck The shoes are sliders but heeled which idk is sus Life of the party Jade! She’s a popular girl who’s actually nice, just look at her you know she has massive personality
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Rebecca The lil shoes and socks! (heart eyes) Finally the motif is cool! She’s got records! The skirt is just so perfect (polka dots!!!) You can see her dancing! She has movement! The scarfffffff is so beautiful Scoop-neck 3-quarter length sleeved top! Could be darker but i love it anyway! We’re letting it slide! We’re petty so this is big for us! She has a personality! Severe fringe and high pony is so iconic (we’ll overlook the volume issue in the hair) She’s swished, no notes
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Tasha Holy fuck we are getting FED TODAY She’s bisexual, no notes The bows on her shoes are adorable! Even though we think tap shoes ought to be the traditional black and white ones but other than that she’s good Re. the waistcoat cropped sleeveless collared corset looking thing: how does she manage to pull off such chaos so well? Answer: disaster bi Skirt and leggings combo coming BACK WITH A STEEL CHAIR THE CANEEEEEEEEEEEEE WE LOVE A PROP (side note: is this the first prop that’s not a living creature?) The HAAAAAIR - this is what avril lavigne wanted to look like, Tasha could be a skater girl Enormous top energy (it’s the cane and pose and look and smirk) and yes we would
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Jessica I have those exact shoes but in black so she’s got taste We appreciate the merging of the 1920s flapper and the 2000s energy but lmaoo what are the belt, the neckline, and the shoulder straps doing with themselves  The boa is INSPIRED even if it does make her pose look a bit fucked up - bitch needs some physio stat Marilyn Monroe is that you? If so congrats on the lesbian energy They’ve finally cracked the blonde hair! Give your warm blonde fairies pink-toned skin for the love of god
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Saskia (or Serena i guess but Saskia is a way cooler name ngl) Most important thing first: FRECKLESSSSSSS Hair needs to be shifted to the left slightly but other than that it’s a really gorgeous hairdo - a little too much shine but at this point the fairies are singlehandedly shooting herbal essences’ profits sky-high The colour-grading on the outfit is delightful and perfect, the sleeves and the skirt are beautifully complimentary Fire motif for bad bitches! The heels are not high enough though, we want you to give this bitch some ankle issues - that being said, you KNOW she’s the woman who can run in stilettos She is SO intense everything is cranked up to 11 at all times and honestly? Good for her!
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Imogen  Skirt looks like ice crystals! We like it! But we do wish there wasn’t such a harsh waistline - i want continuation (e.g. the lines go up and then spread out into crystals) Crystals at the neckline are niiice but we don’t want the little spaghetti strap thanks just tape it down Half up half down hairstyle is beautiful - it hits her in the face when she spins but she’s dealing, girl is a performer, the show must go on. And she IS the show Hair and outfit FINALLY complement each other, well done for having the best blonde hair yet - also her boots are to DIE FOR She winking! She cheeky! You think she’s gonna be aloof but she’s so friendly
HEADCANONS: Gay and out babey Fuck the heteronormativity of figure skating man - she has a male partner and they’re best mates, but she also has a female partner (not allowed to compete internationally yet but they’re rioting)
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thegeminisage · 1 year
tlou tv show thots (under a cut for spoilers):
GOOD: sarah opening section 11/10. absolutely brutal to put things in her pov for an extended section and then have her be the one who died. i thought you know ive seen this a zillion times it wont get me! but it got me. also like. the rising dread with the coughing and people showing symptoms because you know and she doesn't?? ooouuggghhhh
GOOD: tommy hot. sorry it must be said
GOOD: the thing with the blurry old lady scared the shit out of me. i got like horror movie scared
BAD: don't like the tendrils. apparently they are using these instead of spores and there's no biting off chunks of people anymore. they look like vampires drinking blood. really loses something imo
BAD: again, i was constantly anxious about no gas masks. AIRBORNE PANDEMIC AND NO MASKS? you all deserve to get eaten by zombies
GOOD: the 60s show set at the beginning. when they said that thing about the earth getting warmer CAUSING IT i nearly spat out my dinner. like legit screamed. that was the scariest part of the whole show. some jerkoff in 68 going well what if for some weird reason the earth became warmer? then cordyceps could be real. FUCK YOOOUUU
BAD: the exposition. it wasn't like. THAT bad but it got a little annoying. especially when the characters pointedly called each other by name to introduce each other lol. be more subtle
BAD: some of the edginess was a little over-the-top. why a plane crash instead of a car crash? why the big production about the public execution? you don't need big shit like that to shock audiences. tlou is a thing built on subtlety. let it breathe
MIXED: i wish tess had gotten to shoot robert bc that's so cool and fun and sexy of her but i understood why they sped through it. he truly is just the tutorial
MIXED: joel looking for tommy??? i feel like this really glosses over the "this ain't boston lay your hands on me again and i'll fuck you up" thing. why is tommy even still hanging out with him. it's good shorthand for the whole thing with the car battery i GUESS but like :/
GOOD: ellie and joel are both perfectly cast. ellie's potty mouth and joel's gruffness are both perfect. also i LOOOVE that marlene's VA gets to play her irl too i love when they do that shit. she is so beautiful as well it must be said
GOOD: radio smuggler's code. i love how quick ellie figured it out and i loved ending on funky 80s music. was not expecting that at ALL
BAD: ik a tv show can't throw you directly into the action the way a game would, but some of the pacing felt absolutely GLACIAL. i feel like what they were doing was worldbuilding maybe but then why rush through the robert section? even the sarah section was just the teensiest tiniest bit too long. this was an hour and 20 minutes. let's trim some of this down, people!!
GOOD: marlene like you don't have a fuckin ear on your fuckin head kim. so true she literally doesn't. i feel like tlou the game relies on ellie for most of its comic relief and since she wasn't in most of the episode they had to find it in other ways but they did and thats good
BAD: ellie wasn't in most of the ep??
GOOD: they had my tilted building which i love sooo much. i hope they go in it next week
anyway don't let this post fool you while i did have a few notes i mostly had a great time. ABSOLUTELY relieved let me tell you
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topknotstrunk · 1 year
Review Everything 24 - Evangelion 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon A Time:
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It’s the little details I love. Mari signing her song for her own entertainment while she waits to be deployed, the Grip Shoes literally having Grip Shoes printed on them, Mari’s blast impact crosses being pink, little things that make the world feel real and lived in. It’s one of my favorite details about eh original show, too.
Kinda cool getting to see everyone in their plug suits, but I do miss when the boys also had boobie armor.
Seeing other locations besides Middle of the Ocean, the whole earth, and Tokyo 3 was pretty cool. I dislike the red wash that literally everything has but that color is from the 3rd impact and hey, Post-Apocalypse gonna Post-Apocalypse. It’s really cool seeing normal color restored when the red gets wiped out, but the red is difficult to look at while it’s there.
I didn’t realize how much I missed the high-octane Eva battling things that weren't other Eva with the pilots all verbally sparring with each other until Mari’s fight at the beginning of this movie. Watching her pilot her injured Eva like a driver in a Fast and the Furious scene was incredibly fun. I really like Mari a lot, and I’m glad we get some screen time where she’s the feature this time.
At the same time I cannot get over how goofy the Wunder and half the enemy robots are. It really lives up to its name of being a Wunderwaffe with how goofy it is and all the shit its expected to do. Wunder being a battleship plus an arc to hold a backup of all the living material is… weird. Why would you bring your arc into battle where it could be easily destroyed? I guess having it be able to protect itself is smart, but its secondary nature, and the thing we see it spend most of its time doing benign fighting feels like bad strategy. At least they launched them into space for the final battle.
Speaking of big, silly robots I wonder if the row of walking robots in the Paris scene were meant to be an on purpose reference to the Can Can or not. Because if it’s not, that’s pretty funny, and if it is that’s hilarious, and either way it makes the enemy a little difficult to take seriously as a threat
I don’t know if this is actually true or if this is a thing I’ve picked up from Japanese media as a trope and am now projecting onto this movie, but my understanding is that Japanese culture has a much stronger “it takes a village” mentality when it comes to kids than the US has. And overall they seem, from an outsider’s perspective, to value the safety and comfort of everyone as a whole as highly or maybe more so than personal safety and comfort. If that is true it really does shine through in the way everyone is treating Rei in this movie. Sure, she’s a fuckin’ weirdo, but who isn’t these days? What’s more important is to answer her questions, teach her some stuff, and get her up  and working as a valuable member of society who can take care of herself and contribute what she can rather than mock or shun her. One thing benefits your personal emotions in the short term, and the other has the potential to benefit all of Humankind in the long term, with the guarantee of helping the person directly and those around her in the short term. Like one small example of this attitude is when Rei is helping plant rice seedlings and when she trips and falls backward onto all the hard work they’ve just done the ladies helping her learn to plant rice have a chuckle at her fall and then help her fix the issue. She isn’t scolded, she doesn't get in trouble or get punished, because Rei being comfortable and confident in her rice planting skills and everyone getting along is more important. It was cool to see that element of Japanese culture I’ve come to expect be true.
The depth of Shinji’s grief and trauma really hits in this movie. The joke in the fandom is that he’s a screechey little baby but he’s gone through a lot of shit, and this time it really feels real. Like this is how someone in that situation would actually react. It’s difficult to watch, but that’s part of what makes it work so well.
Most of the rest of the animation was either gorgeous to watch or impressive. A lot of the CG heavy scenes were not to my taste but I could recognize the skill that went into making them.
The one thing I was really hoping for from this final Rebuild movie was some forward movement. I want the story to go on, not loop back in on itself and start over again. Just because Shinji spends a lot of his time navel gazing doesn’t mean that the whole franchise should. I wasn’t looking for a good ending, or a bad ending, or even really an ending at all. I just want the story to start to move on, a hint that there is something more for these characters then to be stuck in a perpetual hell of Eva and Angel battles. And that’s pretty much what I got. Of course, I have been burned before, but until something comes out that argues this isn’t the ending of this version of Eva’s reality, I will believe that the ending we’re presented with is the true one.
I like the return, at the end of the movie, to Shinji talking to his Dad. The flashes of still images and sketches were a cool Homage to the original series that didn’t stick around long enough to become too corny. In this show based on inspiration from Christianity it made sense that Shinj’s Father was like Shinji in many ways, that Shinji had to atone for the sins of his Father, that Shinji had to sacrifice himself to rescue everyone. Being as big a Madoka Magica nerd as I am, it felt a little weird to have Shinji have his Madoka moment, but it worked, so that was all right. Seeing parallels in this version of Eva to two of my other all time favorite media, Madoka Magica and The Dark Tower series, that obviously says more about me and my interests then it does anything about Eva, but still. Indomitable Human spirit rising over and over from the ashes, ready to try anew once more, hoping for each result to be just a bit better than the last time. That’s the good shit. And man was getting to see those blue ocean waves at the end of the movie cathartic.
A criticism that has nothing to do with the movie but I want to complain about it anyway: Amazon’s X-Ray feature needs a retool. At 8:11 into the movie X-Ray is crediting Kaworu as being in the movie which, for me, was spoilers. I want the feature to either only ever show actors that are actively on screen [which I believe was the original intention] or for it to have to wait to show actors until AFTER someone says their name in the movie. I have this same complaint with  Closed Captioning. A character should be labeled something like Unknown until the audience actually sees who it is. Don’t tell me the reveal until the audience not using CC would also get it, geeze.
In summary: I think I liked this movie best out of all the Rebuild series. We really needed some time for Shinji and Rei to develop as characters, and Shinji was able to carry that growth forward through the movie. I am sad this is all there is to watch, but happy that I finally sat down and watched the movies, because now I’ve seen all of Eva.
Overall: 8/10
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Okay so I leveled up a bit and figured out I can repair my CowBoy Repeater with more CowBoy Repeaters, explored some more and now things don't kill me as easily. I still hate bugs thou. They don't stay FUCKIN STILL.
Anyhoo, I now have a floating robot following me and Boone, both of which are cool but I've already lost ED-E at that Station Charlie place. He for some reason went back INSIDE the building while I was outside. Weird but okay. I activated one of his trigger words, I need to somehow figure out how to activate Posideon or Navajo or some other one. Maybe when I rescue that lady in the Vault she'll say somethin. Pretty sure she's probably dead or gone crazy from the plants and I'm gonna end up fighting her, which she will then be dead.
For some reason the old lady didn't activate anythin when she said HELIOS. Oh well. His quest is also bugged cause bringing him to the ScrapeYard doesn't actually do anythin.
Boone is a damn beast, he says he doesn't do good in close combat and to keep the enemy away from him but TWICE he's one shot killed a human enemy before I could run up to said enemy and use my lovely Chance's Knife. Gotta save bullets. 50cal and 357 aren't easy to find. Also I haven't given Boone anythin, he still has all his standard gear. I need to get him a badass rifle thou.
ED-E who's name I'm not sure how to pronounce, like Eddy or E D E, has insta killed a RadScorpion and somethin else. Also he keeps playing music when I go in combat? Also also he makes an annoying fuzzy static sound when he's nearby. But killing scorpions with a laser is pretty cool so I'll take it.
I still don't know how to fix or mod my guns. My repair is at like 40 and at this point I can't get JuryRigging cause the repair skill needed for that is WAY too high for my playstyle and gun repair kits are very hard to find. I'm near the level cap of 30, I'm at like 20 now and I'm gonna sink the rest of my points into speech, guns and somethin else. I love speech checks. I should have put more points in Intelligence at the begining. I need implants. I'm all vanilla so I can't cap out at 50 with all the DLC. I can't download the DLC cause the Xbox 360 doesn't connect to the internet anymore. Yes I am playing on a second hand XBox, I am amazed it still works. Thou I have noticed loading times are getting longer, considering I've barely explored the map.
I also got ahold of the ANTI MATERIAL RIFLE HELL FUCKIN YEAH! I'M GONNA SNIPE SO MANY BUGS WITH IT!!! I'm poor again but nothing a trip to GoodSprings and exploiting can't fix.
I'm still tryin to find 357 for my CowBoy Repeater thou. Now that I have the AMR I need to stock up on 50cal. I don't like how much the gun sways thou when you hold it. It's not like I don't have the strength needed for it, I have 6 and it requires 6. Maybe I need more guns skill, idk. It's pretty high thou, like 70 maybe. I also don't use VATS alot cause my chances are pretty fuckin low and I've sniped things farther away just using the sights on the CowBoy and Varmit Rifle. No scope cause I still don't know how to make shit. I haven't made anythin for my guns, I would love to make scopes, silencers, longer barrels and lighter stocks, but I really don't know how to do any of that and at this point in the game, I think it's too late. I invested too many points in Melee thinking I was gonna use that more often, cause I was in the begining. I sneak attacked a man with a god damn kitchen knife in GoodSprings and killed him in one hit, yet SOMEHOW my silenced .22 in VATS couldn't take half health off in sneak either. Which is why I put so many points in Melee, (55), cause I thought I was gonna use it more often. So I'm tryin to do that now.
I have a single house, the motel room at Dino-DeeLite in NoVac. There's another house I can get I think that's non faction but eh. I got my nice cheap little motel room, I'm good.
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claymorexpunisher · 1 year
She Might Be Your Girl, But She's Calling Me Daddy (18+ Fic) (Ch. 2/3)
I've accepted the fact that some ideas just have to be fleshed out into multiple chapters...Harper appears in one of my other fics, Liberacion, but I'm excited to write more for her. The possibilities are endless! Hope you all love her stupid ass. 💙
As always, I appreciate the support. Anyway, enjoy Harper and Rhea's messiness!! Sorry to leave yall on a cliffhang-... No I'm not! �� 💋
Disclaimer: All of the characters in this work of fiction are consenting adults. If the type of content I make sure to tag isnt your cup of tea, do not read it.
Pairing(s): Rhea Ripley/OFC
Summary: Harper and Rhea have gotten themselves into a messy arrangement that threatens to tear them apart... Will either of them get their shit together?? CERTAINLY NOT IN THIS CHAPTER, PENDEJOS BAHAHAHA!
Tags: 18+, maaaybe some Daddy kink cuz like... have yall seen Rhea?? I haven't decided yet, though... consensual sex, friends with benefits, friends with benefits to lovers, angst. Looots of angst. And stupidity between two adults who are too chickenshit to just talk things through. You've been warned...
Word Count: 934
I 100% didn’t wanna go to dinner with Rhea, Danny, and everyone else.
I’ve had this sinking feeling in my stomach since I agreed to Rhea’s invitation, and that feeling has only grown since.
Something in Rhea’s demeanor made me feel like things could go south at the dinner real fuckin quick…
And again, I questioned things.
I couldn’t even begin to fathom why Rhea seemed a bit snarky when it came to Daniel, but it was beginning to get on my nerves.
In the last few days, I couldn’t bring Danny up without Rhea having some bullshit to say even though she claimed that we were cool.
Two seconds away from texting Rhea and coming with an excuse to cancel the whole thing, I saw my phone light up on my bedside table with a text from Corbs.
As of late, he’s been thoroughly enjoying the drama that has ensued.
Just by looking at him, I knew he was saying ‘’I told you so’’.
But I couldn’t think of that.
I couldn’t think that Rhea could even possibly feel the same way I did.
Why? I don’t know.
But the thought terrified me as much as it filled me with happiness.
It was a fuckin weird position to be in.
Sometimes I wished that I could fess up to Rhea, but something always held me back.
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Laughing to myself, I did just that and slept a little bit more soundly.
As much as we liked to bust each other’s balls, Corbs and I trusted each other with our lives and I knew that despite him acting like a gossiping ole lady, he always had my best interest at heart.
If shit hit the fan at this dinner, I’d deal with it.
As I got dressed earlier, I felt like I was in a bit of a haze.
I didn’t wanna overdo it since we weren’t going to a particularly fancy restaurant, so I settled for a Motionless in White muscle tee, some ripped jeans, lipstick, a cute purse and some cute heels.
I didn’t even think as I was getting dressed, but I wasn’t going to make that mistake again…
‘’Why are you so nervous? They’re not meeting you for the first time.’’ Danny chuckled and rubbed my thigh affectionately as he drove us to Applebees and my knee bounced anxiously up and down.
The closer we got to the restaurant; I felt a shred of that anxiety return.
This felt wrong.
Just wrong.
But I wanted things to work out with Danny.
I really did… I think?
No, I liked Danny.
And naturally, I wanted my friends to like him too.
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‘’I’m not nervous! I’m just hungry.’’ I lied, sticking my tongue out playfully.
‘’Goin as fast as I can, babe.’’ Danny chuckled again as he spun the steering wheel smoothly and made a left. ‘’Are they there already?’’ He asked before I pulled my phone out from my purse to ask my friends just that.
My stomach flipped a little when I looked at my phone to see that Rhea and Corbs were already there.
The second we arrived, the fuckshit began…
As Rhea eyes scanned my body up and down, and I saw her eyes zero in on my slightly oversized tee, my stomach sank.
There was recognition in her eyes.
A realization that made me realize my silly mistake.
The smirk on her face was very much like the cat who was just about to eat the canary and I immediately put 2 and 2 together, but it was too late.
‘’Oh! I was wondering where that shirt went. Good to know its in safe its in safe hands,’’ she said and winked at me before she settled back into the booth and lazily sipped her drink.
I could feel my face heat up and Danny’s grip on my hand went a bit slack.
I gave it a squeeze, but I said nothing.
The shirt was just fuckin comfortable, okay?
Her comment was completely unnecessary.
‘Oh, shut up. You know you love wearing something of hers. You always have. It makes you feel… hers.’’ That pesky voice in the back of my head piped in for the 28248438th time in the last few months.
‘’We already ordered drinks since we got here a bit early.’’ Baron said to Danny and me after he introduced himself to fill the silence.
‘’Oh ok!’’ I replied and I awkwardly slid into the booth next to Danny and across from Rhea.
When the boys arrived, the agony continued.
‘’So, you guys met on the road?’’ Dom asked, looking between me and Danny who stood almost rim-rod straight in the booth.
The tension between him and Rhea could be cut with a chainsaw, and I wanted nothing more than to run out of there and go home and cuddle with a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
‘’We did. When you guys came to Missouri, Harper and I ran into each other at a bookstore. I was there shopping with my little sister. She actually recognized Harper,’’ Danny laughed, and I blushed.
Rhea’s eyes went to me before landing back on Danny.
‘’We got to talkin’ and here we are.’’ Danny smiled at me.
I gave him a small smile that I tried to mean, then I focused back on my food.
‘’Harper didn’t mention that. So modest.’’ Rhea said while Finn, Corbin and Dom sat back and pretty much watched this all unfold.
This was starting to feel like a trainwreck I couldn’t stop.
‘’Are you fan of pro wrestling?’’ Damian asked Danny.
His tone or demeanor weren’t unkind, but I could see him observing Danny closely.
Damian was as easygoing as he was observant, not much went past him.
‘’My little sister is more so than me. I haven’t watched any of the shows in a minute. Sorry!’’ Daniel cringed playfully, making everyone laugh softly.
Except Rhea, of course.
‘’Really? That’s odd… your Instagram says that you were at the last years’ Rumble. And the year after that… and the one after that too. Seems a bit much for not being a fan.’’ She said, raising a brow slightly as Daniel stammered before he recovered.
“Well like I said, my sister loves watching. And her birthday usually falls around that time. So, I took her to a couple Royal Rumbles,’’ he shrugged.
But Rhea wouldn’t let up and I had had enough.
‘’So why isn’t she in any of those pos-‘’ She started to go back in until I held a hand up.
‘’Rhea, can I talk to you for a sec?’’ I smiled politely, getting up with her and dumping my napkin onto the table.
Danny’s flustered reaction did raise some alarm bells, I’ll admit.
But I still thought that Rhea was outta order.
‘’What the hell’s your problem with Danny? Ever since you’ve known of his existence you’ve done nothing but act like a complete douche about him. What is wrong?’’ I asked, crossing my arms over my chest, and leaned against the wall of the hallway leading into the ladies’ bathroom.
‘’I don’t trust him.’’ Rhea shrugged and I scoffed.
‘’On what grounds? Because his little sister isn’t plastered on his Instagram? She’s a child, Rhea! Maybe her parents don’t want her face all over the internet. Ever thought of that?!’’ I exclaimed before I remembered we were in public, and I lowered my voice.
‘’He’s a gym bro, he’s been to a couple shows- and not just Rumbles- and he’s claiming that he doesn’t watch any of it? Gimme a break, Harper. You can’t be this dense…’’ Rhea said impatiently, shoving her hands into the pockets of her jeans.
I squinted at her, jolting back a bit.
‘’Are you implying… are you implying that Danny’s only with me to get a foot in the door in the business?’’ I asked, my jaw dropping a bit at her bluntness and a little bit hurt.
Seeing the hurt in my eyes, Rhea grabbed my hand.
Just that small touch felt like heaven despite how irritated I was, and I once again remembered where we were.
And more importantly, with whom.
‘’Babe, I’m only looking out for you. I’m not getting good vibes, that’s all… but if you want me to back off, I’ll back off.’’ She murmured.
I knew some part of her did mean well.
But she wasn’t going about it in the best way, and I wasn’t about to let that slide.
I’ve let too much slide from her as it is.
Though I’ll admit I felt like a giant hypocrite.
Deep down I knew that I was only defending Danny this hard because I wanted to keep living this bullshit lie.
But nobody had to know that.
‘’Good. No more snide shitty comments, no more incessant questions… just, no more. Okay?’’ I demanded.
Rhea nodded, agreeing to behave for the rest of the evening.
And she did.
Little did I know things were about to come to an explosive halt soon…
(Next Part)
(Prev. Part)
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yibennianyaji · 9 months
In which I liveblog Beyond Re-Animator so you don’t have to.
Spoilers: this movie is an absolute hoot. You can see the exact moment when I begin realizing I’m actually having a good time
Oh it starts with a fakeout jump scare, that’s fun. And the murder of a babysitter. Cool, cool. 
I mean, I guess, that’s on canon with Herbert not keeping track of his zombies, but even Bride tried to start with some class. 
Please tell me this small, sad child is going to grow up to try to murder Herbs. I feel like that’s where this is going. 
TIME SKIP AHOY (go back movie, I demand to know what Herbert was doing in the suburbs, and was this before or after Dan tried to leave him for the umpteenth time)
Oh my God Herbert you can’t just steal peoples’ pet rats, this is how you start prison riots. 
Holy shit is vengeance kid played by BABY EDWARD NORTON?
Yes this is our DEATH wing of the prison where we bring DEATH down on condemned inmates and they sure do stay DEAD yessir no problems with the DEAD here
Ah, and I see the warden will be playing our Doctor Hill for the evening
To this movie’s credit at least it’s moving at a quick lil pace
Norton are you here to play an angrier Dan. Did they literally just say “okay we still want to do the same thing but we’re scared of having two older dudes in the lead.”
Oh, baby Graham is just dispensing with the backstory aaaaand he is totally on board with Herbert I AM INTRIGUED WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT. 
“Yo I saved this reagent for 13 years and got it past the guard with no trouble so, here you go.”
Herbert “short term memory loss” West doesn’t bother to watch the zombie for longer than a minute
Well at least he learned, don’t approach the violent dead. 
EYYYYYYY is this lady character actually going to get to have plot agency? NEAT
OH HERBERT NO. YOU REALLY ARE TRYING TO USE HIM AS A REPLACEMENT DAN. This does not end well for you. Just ask James Sunderland.
(And HOW COLD IS THAT, move. Not even flashbacks, just one line about Dan giving testimony for the prosecution. COLD).
Wait, so the zombie that killed bby Norton’s sister was from the Miskatonic morgue…which means it would have to be from the original film because it would take some REAL SWEET TALKING to undo Bride….ARE THEY TRYING TO DECANONIZE THE MIDDLE MOVIE. SHAME. 
Okay I don’t remember either of you you kids’ names but you’ve got some cute chemistry
Herbs do not use the puppy eyes on the kid it’s not the same
Ah, it’s not a ReAnimator movie without some real awkward fuckin. 
“He doesn’t seem human anymore.” Because his precious assistant turned him over and broke his tiny sociopathic heart, baby Will Graham. A future version of you will understand (Imma go down with this ship, internet. Keep spinning in that grave, HP).
Ooh, reporter gal is real good at her job
Aw Herbert, you’ve worked your way up to sciencing the soul! I’m very proud
Okay, ngl, the prison yard scene is the most Herbert thing and I love it. 
Aaaaaaand demonic rat. Of course
Whoa. Not-Hill got his ear bit off AND THEN TOOK IT BACK
Ohhhhhhhh Herbs has his “lol ethics” hat on
Also bby Norton’s raw rage is a touch harder to buy than Dan’s was. She was a nice girl, but they’d only had a few dates.
Oh yeah, untie her. Good plan. 
Kuds to this gal, she’s giving it her all. 
Wow, this prison allows a fuckton of leniency on its mad scientist inmates
YES GOOD. Cross shot murders
Wow, it seems like opening all the prison cells should be harder than that
Ugh, so hard to get a patient to give good feedback huh West
Aaaaaaand the soul carries the personality of course it does. YOU GAVE THE ASSHOLE DUDE NEW LIFE
Kudos again to this gal though (Elsa Pataky, I see - seems to be known for the Fast and the Furious movies?), she’s getting some fun stuff to play (although as “herself” mostly for the character that means screaming and cowering)
Vengeful Herbert is my favorite Herbert
Okay I lied, sassy Herbert is my favorite
And ohhhh there’s still half an hour of this left. Hurm. 
Hey where did bby Nor- oh, there he is. Still making poor life decisions I see
Ey, seems like the Warden is a famous giallo actor? That’s neat
Awwwww, I was totally wrong about that being baby Ed Norton, too. I am saddened by this fact. No disrespect to Jason Barry, I just mourn all the Will Graham jokes
Oh bro, bro are you gonna reagent inmates just so you can kill em again? Dude. That’s….dude.
Aaaaaand the addict fellow found the reagent. Well, at least he’s having a good time.
That…is a weird place to include boobs, movie. THIS IS WEIRD ALL OVER
“That dude is DEAD THOUGH.”
Ohhhhh my God they just pulled an I Spit On Your Grave with the blowjob thing HOLY SHIT. I CAN’T EVEN
Bifurcated hanged man. Of couuuuuuuur he’s swinging it like a dead cat good lord
“This is mine” Herbert ARE YOU FIVE
I sense more intestine exploding coming
Herbert: holds up flashlight because FUCK IF HE’S GONNA MISS AN OPPORTUNITY
The rat is rolling the severed penis I’m kind of running out of words what is even
Herbert is done and he has a cane. There is a CROSS CUTTING BEAT DOWN
And the fight choreography is from the UFC WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING BACKFLIP CRAB CRAWL?
Goopy electrocution aaaaaand the rat drops the penis in slow mo because OF COURSE
Aaaaaand he just takes his ID card and leaves like NOPE NOT DOIN THIS AGAIN
Everyone’s laughing, CLEARLY A HAPPY END
And then he wandered off into the night. To find Dan and have a talk (HUSH it’s the only thing that can make this more perfect)
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