#all i gotta do is file 4 million things of paperwork and get work to pay for it lol
solardee · 1 year
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So this lil guy was attempting to camouflage in my room by hiding on my loft ceiling today lol
Saved him from a kitty related death thankfully
Also look at my new pressure canner!! I canned soup for the first time and I'm so happy c:
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I didn't take any pictures of the process because I was too nervous using it but I got a better idea of how it works now
My sister also gave me some seeds so soon I'll be trying an indoor garden this year that's smaller and less likely to be eaten!
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Also bonus Rune for good luck
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themilky-way · 4 years
Connections {s.r}
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gif credit: nobravery on tumblr!
pairing: spencer reid x female! reader
summary: you work at the BAU and are best friends with everybody, except spencer. you think he just doesn’t like you until one day, he proves you wrong. 
warnings: just some minor hints of sadness, reader going through something, nothing major or specific. 
author’s note: ah yes I did miss writing and spencer reid has my heart entirely. stay safe guys! ALSO I’M BARELY ON SEASON 3 SO YA’LL BETTER NOT SPOIL ANYTHING ISTG LMAO
working in the BAU, your job was never boring. five months in had changed your outlook on almost anything and everything in your life, and had your mind now racing at what seemed like a million miles per minute. it was an exhilarating  experience, regardless of how crude the crime scene could be, and it was about time you came to terms with that. 
the BAU team was just as thrilled to have you with them as you were to join. nobody expected-or wanted- a new member, and were ready to reject your application when they finally met you for the interview. however, after you demonstrated to everyone that you could profile a serial killer based on only the amount of blood at the scene and position of the victim, everyone basically wanted to give you the “welcome tour” of the headquarters. 
after you finally got an opportunity to get used to the layout of the job and your training ended, the team always looked forward to your “good morning” notes on their desk. being an early bird, you got there before everyone so you could get ahead on your reports, and always left small notes of encouragement on the person’s desk. it was a small and sweet gesture, and very much needed for the severity of the job. 
“seriously, this girl must be doing some type of hypnosis or something to everybody here. why is it that every time I see her, I just wanna hug her, huh?”
“not hypnosis, morgan. just plain ol’ appreciation,” jj said. they were huddled around his desk as they all read a note that said: “always keep your head up, champ. we appreciate the work you do around here :)”
by then, he was the last of the bunch to read his card. however, he didn't have a gold star attached to it, which meant he wasn’t the “agent of the day” as you liked to phrase it. derek flipped the sticky note over and attempted to find it, but stopped when he realized he wasn’t it. 
“wait, guys, so if I didn’t get a star, who did?” morgan asked, clearly puzzled. garcia shook her head and pouted, jj simply put a thumbs down, and prentiss muttered a “nope.” everyone knew hotch didn’t get it, because they figured he would call you in privately to thank you. everyone turned to look at you work in the conference room through the window. you were scribbling something on the whiteboard and had papers scattered everywhere on the table, unaware of the team’s puzzled expressions. at that moment, spencer walked through the double glass doors of the bureau and headed over to his desk as he normally would. as he did so, he found the team huddled together and looking at something, and when he followed their gaze he knew what this was about.
in truth, spencer never really cared for having a friendship with you. he looked at you as a coworker and just that, and developing a platonic relationship with you just wasn't anywhere in his mind. he did enjoy the words of encouragement and motivation every morning, though, and no matter how many phases of denial he went through, he looked for it as soon as he reached his desk. 
“hey, guys, wanna hear something I discovered about dolphins last night?” spencer teased as he made his way over to morgan’s desk. nobody turned their heads from your direction, and it wasn't until reid mentioned your note that everyone stopped profiling you and turned their attention to him.
“you guys wanna hear-yeah that’s what I thought-wanna hear my note (y/n) left me?” he held up the sticky note and everyone nodded eagerly. he turned the note so he was able to read it, and began. “ ‘the world is smart, but you’re smarter. have a great day, reid!’ how cool is this!” he smiled and at that point so did everyone, when they realized that the note still had more to it. 
“oh my god, reid! you got the gold star! congratulations sunshine,” garcia pointed out as she gave him a light punch on the shoulder. spencer’s mind started bouncing back and forth between thoughts when he looked at the tiny gold sticker below your comment. did this mean anything? should he mention it? 
the answer to that was yes, he should, but was he going to? probably not. pats on the back were given as the team got up from morgan’s desk and headed to their own when hotch came out of his office and told everyone to meet in the conference room in five to look over a new case. reid, as he walked back to his pile of reports, looked at you working on your own. he never really thought of you as a friend, and didn't want to for that matter. but the longer he looked at you he started to realize that maybe befriending you wouldn't be so horrible. as everyone entered the room and gave you a hug or cheery greeting, spencer opted to sit at the other end of you. but one thing was for sure: his smile was the brightest one in the room. 
the next few weeks went by quickly, and included a variety of new “agents’ of the day.” after reid, there was morgan, who practically wanted to kiss you after that. emily followed, who was beginning to turn into one of your closest friends. jj and garcia came next, and soon the four of you founded a girl’s night out every weekend. 
however, them being the best profilers in the entire bureau, they noticed that the notes progressively stopped. the team realized something was off with you, and they noticed that your demeanor was different. you began to come later than you usually did, at one point even later than derek. your hairstyle changed to a messier bun, your desk was worse than reid’s, and no more cute notes were seen for almost two weeks. 
“something’s wrong, you guys. she’s been here for months and she’s never once frowned or even forgot to put the cap back on her pen,” emily said, packing her files in her briefcase. jj nodded her head, “yeah I know, and I want to ask but I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. I mean, what if we’re reading too much into it?”
“reading into it? jj, we profile murderers who we’ve never even met, I’m pretty sure (y/n)’s going through something,” morgan stated, standing up from his chair and pushing it in adequately.
“we know one thing: when she’s ready to vent, we’ll be here. in the meantime, we should go home and get some rest. we fly out to oregon tomorrow,” hotch said. everyone agreed, and they stood up and gathered their belongings and headed for the exit door. they waved and said their goodbye’s to you, who was seated at the other end of the room. 
you were the only one left at the bureau, and you were more tired than usual due to your lack of sleep recently. you closed your eyes, took a couple of deep breaths, and began to massage your temples with your pointer fingers. it’s been tough for you, taking care of your grandparents ever since they came to live with you. arguments with your mother always lead to the same thing: leaving. you loved them, and you adored having family with you, especially in a job like the one you had. but you had to sacrifice your sleep and wellbeing in order for them to be safe. 
you were so concentrated in your thoughts that you didn’t hear footsteps coming down the stairs, moving towards your direction, and finally coming to a complete stop next to your desk. it wasn't until a soft voice broke you from your thoughts, or more so from your nap at that point. 
you lifted your head rapidly, and looked up to find the source of the voice, and when you did, you managed to slur, “reid, what the hell, I, uh, thought I was the only one left.
“no, I was just catching up on my reports and was about to go home. by the looks of it, you should too.”
“alright, catch you in the morning, spence. I still gotta finish this case file,” you were looking at him now, and as you spoke you gave a tiny nod to your opened manila folder. “wait you’re staying later? do you know how dangerous it is for girls of your type to be out at these hours of the night? I read a study once that determined women who wandered at night suffered the most danger between the hours of 1 a.m. to 4 a.m.. I mean you don't want to put yourself-”
“I'm not gonna be long, dr. reid, I think I’ll be fine,” you cut him off mid fact. you returned to your paperwork and picked up your pen to write some notes on the margin, and when you looked back up a couple minutes later, you found reid staring at you, confusion clearly manifesting over his features. 
‘I suggest offering you a seat, sir. that way you can look at me in distress as long as you like,” you let yourself chuckle a little bit, and even though it made spencer want to laugh too, he restrained himself and asked you what had troubled him for weeks now. 
“(y/n), what’s going on? you’re not the same since garcia got the last morning note from you. seriously, I-I’m here to help you.”
dropping your pen, you swiveled your chair so you were in his direction and looked up at him to answer him. “in all honesty, and by no means full offense, I don’t think you care what’s going on with me.”
in his mind, reid was going nuts, and his silence? not helping very much. all he could do was look down at you with a shocked expression and his mouth opened and closed before he finally rebutted your statement.
“(y/n), I’m sorry I made it seem that way. I really am and the truth is I didn’t really care for your notes at first until I stopped receiving them.” he crouched down now to level with your height on the chair, a hand laying on his knee and the other on the ground for balance. 
“I didn’t really care for a friend, until I realized I wanted your friendship. I never even thanked you for giving me the privilege of being ‘agent of the day.’”
you realized he meant it, and it wasn’t some cheesy reponse you were so used to getting. he felt it, and you began to realize you could also trust him even a little.
“thanks, reid. sorry for lashing out too, it’s just things haven’t been so easy back home. do you mind?” 
“of course not. I’m all ears, (y/n).” you nodded and thanked him, standing up from your chair and kneeling down to ultimately sit down criss cross on the ground. he did the same as you, and his attention was fully yours.
you told him everything that had happened; the fights with your mom, your grandparents moving in, your lack of sleep and how you felt. you vented to him about almost everything in your life and he listened like his life depended on it. at the end, you were crying a little no matter how hard you tried not to. amidst everything, he had pulled you into an awkward sort of hug, considering your position and the fact he doesn't give much physical affection to people. nonetheless, he gave you the comfort you needed and you valued it. 
he pulled away suddenly, and lifted himself off the ground a little to get his phone from his pocket. he asked you to get yours, and you did so by reaching over to the top of your desk. the both of you exchanged phones and he wrote his rather rapidly, you still trying to think about your own area code by the time he was finished. 
you exchanged phones again, and when you grabbed yours from his hand, he held on to it as well. before he let go, he looked down at the ground and then landed on your hand on the phone. 
“you can call me whenever you want. even if you don’t have a reason too.”
his eyes flicked up to your semi-red eyes, and he smiled softly. you did as well, and he felt small butterflies forming in his tummy when you did. spencer reid didn’t care for affection, nor for personal connections with anyone. but perhaps you were beginning to turn into the only exception. 
and he didn't really mind it at all. 
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mcwriting · 7 years
Arrested Development
Okay so I just want to apologize to every Arrested Development fan that saw this and was expecting post about that or something but... nah. This is an AU about Tom Holland (but if you’re an AD fan and would like me to write something about AD, hit up my asks fam)
So, as I said above, this is a Tom Holland AU where Tom and Harrison are cops and they meet you and ~sexual tension~ ensues (#spicy). Tbh I was so excited for this y'all don't even know.
Fandom: Marvel-ish
Ship: (Cop!)Tom Holland x Reader and (Cop!)Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Setting: A diner-style burger place lol
Word Count: 1,381
Warnings: Sexual references (and major tension obviously)
Rating: High T, to be honest
Tom, Harrison, and reader are in late 20s in my mind
y/f/n: Your friend’s name
y/l/n: Your last name
“Boy is that one fine piece of meat,” you commented to your best friend who sat across from you at the booth. 
You had been sitting with both of your meals in front of you talking when a pair of cops sat down at a table diagonal of yours, burgers in hand. Both officers were incredibly handsome, but your eyes were focused on the one closest to you, a thin but muscular young man with gorgeous brown curls that sat messily atop his head.
The problem is, you didn't realize how loud you had been.
Your friend turned to look at the boy you were referencing when the officer finished chewing his bite and turned to you. His eyes took on a determined, sexy look when they met yours.
“What was that, ma’am?” He questioned, causing your face to heat up. You kept a straight face as you answered.
“I’m sorry, sir, but I was only talking about that juicy burger you have there. It looks like a fine piece of meat.”
The officer turned to his sandy-blonde haired partner, one eyebrow raised. He slowly set down his lunch and stood, meandering his way to your table. He stopped and set his palms on the edge, leaning forward a bit to look at you closer. 
“Y’know ma’am, it’s a crime to lie to an officer of the law. Now is there something you should tell me?” He asked, a sly grin on his lips.
Your eyes narrowed before widening in fake innocence.
“Why, Officer,” you paused, squinting to read his name tag, “Holland, I’ve done no such thing. I simply believe that nice hunk of meat over there looks quite... delicious”
Officer Holland turned to his partner once again, and they seemed to have a silent exchange with one another. Once turning back to you, he kept a serious expression on his face, but his eyes glinted with a playfulness that made your stomach flutter.
“You know, when someone breaks the law, I have to take them downtown,” he explained, leaving you at a loss for words, yet you recovered quickly.
“I don’t believe you'd be able to handle someone like me, though blondie over there might be able to take me,” you challenged, jutting your chin towards the other officer who had been watching your conversation intently.
“Oh don’t drag Harrison into this, he'd never be able to handle you like I could,” the brunette explained before the other officer, Harrison, you presumed, appeared behind Officer Holland. 
“Well you see, Tom,” Harrison, whose name plate read Osterfield, began, “I’ve actually taken quite a few women downtown, and I don't recall having any complaints. So you see, I believe out of anyone, it should be I that takes this lovely civilian.”
Your eyes widened, surprised at the events that were unfolding in front of you. You had come into the diner on a simple Friday afternoon to dine with your best friend, and now this was happening. 
The young men bickered, trying to show dominance to impress you, when words you never thought would come out of your mouth slipped out unexpectedly.
“How ‘bout you both take me together?”
At that moment the two stopped and stared at you, unsure of what to say. Thankfully, they didn't have to answer, because it was at that very moment that your best friend cut the thick tension like a seamstress rips fabric: violently and effectively. And by that, I mean, she promptly slumped forward onto the table, causing a loud thud and the silverware next to her to clink loudly against the table.
The low murmur of the restaurant came to an abrupt halt as the patrons all looked at you, wondering what the conundrum was.
You looked at the officers, your friend, and back to the pair again.
“Oh my God! What do we do?” Officer Holland, or Tom, asked.
“Excuse me? You're the police officers! Do something!” You gestured to your unconscious friend. 
The officer scanned the table, eyes settling on your soda. 
“May I borrow this?”
“Uh, I guess... What does a Coke have to do with helping y/f/n?”
“I’m going to use the cool condensation from the outside to cool my hands down and hopefully draw any heat from her forehead,” he explained, wrapping his hands around your glass before holding your friend’s head up and patting her cheek.
Soon enough, Tom's plan worked, and your friend’s eyes fluttered open slowly as she drew a hand to her forehead.
“What happene-” she stopped, staring at the scene before her.
“Oh my God it wasn't a dream was it?” she asked, looking between the three of you.
You nodded your head solemnly, a bit embarrassed that your friend witnessed what happened. Her face flushed again and she quickly reached into her bag, hands shaking as she fumbled with her wallet.
“Uh, um... hey, I, uh, gotta go. I’ve got that date with that guy I told you about, and well, uh, a girl can never be too prepared so um... I’m gonna go home and get ready,” she stuttered, pulling a ten dollar bill out.
You looked at your watch before replying.
“Y/f/n, your date isn't until 5 tonight, and, it’s only 1:50,” you mentioned, unsure of what to say.
“Well, like I said, can't be too prepared. Here’s ten bucks,” she handed you the money, “to, um, cover my meal... I guess if it isn't enough you can let me know at church Sunday... But uh, yeah. See you around,” she finally finished, sliding out from the booth. 
“Ma’am are you sure you’re alright?” Harrison asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“Haha yep don’t worry ‘bout me. Uh, you two have a great day, nice to meet you,” she looked at you one last time, “and, see you later.”
She rushed to the door, only making the situation worse when she accidentally hit the doorframe on the way out, crying “I’m okay!” before rushing out the door and hopping in her car, peeling out as soon as the key hit the ignition.
“Sooo...” you started, stunned.
Just then, a staticky and monotonous voice came from both officers’ walkie-talkies, saying 
“Holland! Osterfield! Chief needs you back in ten!”
The boys looked surprised, replying with an ‘Of course” before looking back at you.
“Oh hey wait,” you called, reaching into your own bag. 
“Uh, what time do you all get off work?” You questioned as you dug around your purse.
“Well we end patrol at 3, but we usually have to stay and file paperwork until about 4 or 4:30,” Tom answered.
You nodded and let out an “aha” when you finally found what you were looking for: a Walmart receipt and a pen that had both found their way to the bottom of your purse.
You quickly scribbled a few things onto the back and handed it to Tom before grabbing a $20 from your wallet.
“What is this..?” Tom asked incredulously, peering back at Harrison who was reading the paper over his shoulder.
You couldn't believe the confidence you exuded in your following sentences.
“Well my offer was serious, and definitely still stands. There’s my number and address. Come around 8 tonight?”
Both boys’ jaws went slack once again, and you smirked to yourself for your little victory. 
“Oh and,” you lowered your voice to a sultry tone, “bring your handcuffs.”
You stood, throwing your $20 and your friend’s $10 on the table, knowing full well it was more than enough to cover the price of you and your friend’s meals along with a tip.
“See you downtown, boys,” you commented in the same voice as before, looking up at both men who each held quite a few inches on you.
You threw your hair over your shoulder when you turned to leave, swaying your hips slightly as you headed towards the door. Your hand was on the door handle when Tom snapped out of his reverie.
“Wait, we don't even know your name!” he called, reaching a hand towards you.
A sly grin played on your lips.
“Y/n, y/n y/l/n.”
Both boys smiled before Harrison replied,
“See you tonight... y/n.”
And with that, you strutted out of the building feeling like a million bucks.
And yeah, they both took you downtown.
A/N: Wooooohoooo! Was that fun or what? Would you believe I’ve never written anything this sexual before? (You can probably tell lol). Sorry if you think it sucks, but I liked the concept. Once again, hope you enjoyed, and if you haven’t, read my other stories! So far they are all Tom stories, but I might start writing other stuff too. I have another in the works called “The Baker and the Brit,” so be on the lookout for that.
See y’all later!
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cosmosogler · 7 years
today i got almost everything done!
my mother woke me up at about 5:45, and then again at 6:20. i was super angry. then my brother and sister were in both the upstairs bathrooms so i had to go all the way downstairs and across the house just to go to the bathroom before i went back to sleep.
i dreamed that i was getting annoyed with a conspiracy theorist. “video games are downloading scientific theories into your brain!!!” it was the science that scared them apparently. and the computers. the person wasn’t even present, i was just hearing their voice as i played dream mario, which is only slightly like nintendo mario. i told the voice that video games are just another way to tell a story. i pulled a children’s book out of somewhere, i think it was “goodnight moon” actually. except the cover was wrong. but i was telling the voice that there wasn’t nothin wrong with telling a cute or simple story.
sometimes the story is “i got really good at jumping over hills and across floating spinners and on turtles.”
i only put on the snooze for five minutes because i really, REALLY didn’t want to get up with less than like seven and a half hours of sleep. i got up anyway and showered. i didn’t get to spend long in the shower though... i really need to shave but i haven’t had much time at all the last five, seven days. i shower every other day since it’s a little better for your hair and skin...
anyway as i was heading out to go to therapy dad decided to start asking me to do some chores. i sort of started one, i let eve outside, but i seriously didn’t have time to wait for her to take a sunbath and let her back in. then someone (not naming names, because i’m not 100% sure) decided to park their car in a way that made it impossible for me to pull out of the garage. so i had to go back inside, get that car’s key, move it to the other side of the driveway, go back inside to drop off that key, and then i could get in “my” car and get going. then people on the freeway kept cutting me off without using their turn signals and also were generally going below the speed limit so i would have to stand on the brakes. this happened more than once. then i almost hit someone trying to get over to the exit because as i passed them apparently they sped up while passing through my blind spot so they were farther up than i thought they would be when i started changing lanes. cool!!!!!!!!
in individual therapy i brought up a bunch of emotional problems i had started to explore a little bit in group therapy. i ended up talking for the whole 45 minutes straight basically. like, my therapist asked a few questions, and reassured me a few times, but it was like a huge information dump so hopefully in the coming weeks i can start addressing each problem individually. i also got my semester refund paperwork sorted out with her. i’ll be able to pick it up next week. i mostly focused on how none of my problems feel “big enough” unless they are unsolvable since i really didn’t get to talk about it in group yesterday. i said one thing that i kind of liked though. i said “i feel like if i didn’t have so many problems, i wouldn’t have so many problems.” 
what i meant to say was “if i didn’t have so many mental and personality problems, i wouldn’t have so many life problems,” but the vagueness was silly enough that my therapist made a face and laughed. i said i didn’t know what to focus on first and she said “you’re already working on everything.” i had listed the multiple projects i am trying to keep up with therapy wise... i dunno. i feel like if i can get over that big “problems have to be impossible” hurdle things will start feeling a little more manageable and i’ll be able to make progress more quickly.
guess i gotta spend more time thinking about that. i’ll keep you posted as things come up.
after that i picked up my paperwork from my physician’s office since i was on that side of town and got the number for the radiology lab that wants to do the last test. when i got home i shoved some leftovers in the microwave and called the lab and scheduled my “hida scan,” which is a gall bladder test i guess where they put a bunch of glowing stuff through your digestive system and see if it goes through normally. the scheduler said it normally takes two hours unless they find something, in which case it will take longer. luckily my next therapy appointment is 4 hours after my procedure... i hope that will give enough time. i will have to let her know. i definitely wouldn’t be able to do it on a group therapy day and the lady seemed pretty keen on doing it as soon as possible. and i can’t do it in the afternoon in case it goes long and dad isn’t able to get to work.
so 8 am next tuesday it is.
so i had my ravioli and went upstairs and then after a short break i watched the iron giant with oz. the movie is even better than i remembered. then we talked about physics stuff while i worked on gathering study materials with my classmates. i had a great time, and i hope oz did too. it felt nice to do an activity with someone that took up all our attention, so i didn’t have to, like, feel self conscious about not baring my soul or something.
i think when asher gets back i will talk to him about maybe spending an afternoon at the pottery lounge thing by the amc. it’s not cheap, but last time i checked i didn’t think it was too expensive at least. and i still have the ceramic dog i painted like 15 years ago so the stuff lasts. basically you pick out a little ceramic statue and you get to paint it using a selection from like 200 different shades. and i think you can stay as long as it takes to paint it. the smaller stuff wasn’t too bad cost-wise.
got sidetracked. after i hung up with oz and got all my emails and google docs in order i went and got groceries for mom. she was making quesadillas for dinner. i unfortunately had to pay for them with my own money, and it felt weird buying meat after all these years. but i guess i buy dog treats often enough that it’s not really, like, a compromise of my morals or something. i noticed that the dogs really went wild over the chicken strips i bought last time, so i tried to expand to “turducken.” (spoiler: they loved those too.)
so i dropped off the vegetables and stuff with mom, checked on the cactus mouse, and watched a couple of the videos i had loaded up while talking to oz. i try not to spend too much time reading or watching videos while talking to people because i get super focused on what i’m looking at and don’t hear what they say any more haha.
then i went downstairs and had my veggie quesadilla. it was... ok. i was still a little hungry afterward, but i also felt kind of ill so i didn’t want to eat any more. eating with mom was the WORST. she breathes loud and chews with her mouth open so it’s just a constant avalanche of awful squishy mouth noises. it made me so angry and annoyed that i think that’s what made me sick more than the food. i kind of abruptly stood up and put my plate away and took the dogs outside after trying out the new treats. i tried to play fetch with wiley but he was having none of it today. which is very odd... maybe it was just too hot for him to want to run around. 
i have been experiencing kind of horrible pain between my shoulder blades. i’m pretty sure it’s not my bra pinching anything because it’s way above the strap... probably a pinched nerve. i tried stretching my arms and shoulders and that seemed to help a lot, so i’m thinking i slept in a bad position.
then i went back upstairs and whined to myself about my therapy homework. i did more “self care” research and added a few more posts to my queue. and i talked with some discord guys a little bit. then i caught up on my self esteem journal and picked out one of my “short term goals” from my hospital-issued treatment plan. i used that as a base to expand on for my goal worksheet. i finished all that around 11 so then i got started on the owl picture for 40 minutes or so. now i am 35 minutes into my journal entry, which puts me at a comfortable time to finish up and try to sleep. i got another 10 minutes before i hit my target “get ready for bed” time.
my group mates and therapist expressed interest when i let slip that i like to draw on monday. the therapist asked what i draw. i wasn’t sure how to answer... “furries” isn’t really something i wanted to get into. and i haven’t drawn my own characters except for a reference for one of the art trades in a long time. i suppose i should post the uncolored version of that since i scanned it in and haven’t worked on it with the tablet yet.
so i just said “characters and people.” i like landscapes, but i have trouble spending enough time on them to really get into the details. i’m hoping the coloring pages will help loosen up my patience so i might start feeling like spending a million hours on one picture again. it’s been a couple years since i did anything complicated.
i’m thinking about maybe taking my sketch book... but i don’t want to spend a lot of time on explaining what the picture is of when i have more urgent things to work on.
tomorrow i have more things to do! i NEED to work on the welcome packet for ufl. i need to scan in a bunch of stuff, like my immunization records and my doctors’ notes for my refund file. i need to send an email to the preliminary test coordinator to figure out how to proceed with my studying... i need to know how much to panic about this. then after group therapy i need to drop off my sister’s old prescriptions at the police station. that won’t take too long. if i got energy i’d like to organize my desk and maybe also tidy up my room a little bit. write some things down to put in the jar. then i will work on my self esteem journal, continue reading through the self care resources i’ve got open in a million tabs, and work on the coloring page a little bit. that sounds good. and at some point i need to write my 1- to 2-paragraph essay for the refund. and also i gotta email my apartment complex about stuff like the bed size and some cupboard dimensions and whether there’s a microwave and stuff like that. some of those things i’m pretty sure i can just look up somewhere.
i think i can manage those things. the student orientation videos might have to wait until thursday but i can compile the paperwork and read the faqs and stuff. none of these tasks take long by themselves. so as long as i remember to take little breaks and stay motivated i think i can get it done and not have to worry about it so much any more.
ok, it is 12:30, which is only 5 minutes after my target time! i’m gonna do the daily pokemon stuff for 2-3 minutes and then get ready for bed. gotta practice giving myself credit for reaching/working on goals and stuff, even when i don’t want to.
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canaryatlaw · 4 years
alright, well today was pretty decent, better than yesterday at least. Since I didn’t have any morning court I slept till 6:30 which was nice. there was pretty much nobody on the morning court call because the date 3 weeks prior was a court holiday and the majority of the cases just get set for the 3 week date. my hearing was set for 11, but we weren’t sure what was going to happen because the regular judge was out. my client came in around 9:30 and we went over her testimony, she sent me some more text messages to print out and we gathered everything to go upstairs. once we got to the courtroom we were told we were going to be heard in the courtroom next door, so we went to that one, which had a decent amount of people waiting around. I asked the clerk if she knew if he planned on doing the hearing or not, but she said she didn’t know. The dude on the other side (I’ll resist the urge to just refer to him as abusive asshole and just say dude for now) didn’t want the hearing to go because there was some crap about his job and upcoming meetings about employment because it was somewhat related to part of the case. we ended up going up and down from the bench several times, at one point I thought I had messed up and never actually filed the amended affidavit, but thankfully I found proof I did cuz I was going to like have a heart attack haha. the dude was getting like, MAD that we wouldn’t just agree to a continuance, but I held my ground. we ended up like, ready to start the hearing and about to swear people in when he was just like “fine, I’ll agree” and he agreed to the order and I was like alright I mean that makes my life easier but you couldn’t have done that an hour and a half ago when we got here? lol but I wasn’t going to push my luck at that point. so everything worked out and I was very happy for my client because she had been dealing with the uncertainty over this for months now and now she finally has resolution. So we went back downstairs and I made her a bunch of copies of the order and made sure she knew she could always call me if she needed anything before they headed out. so that was a satisfying result at least. I felt like we kind of frustrated him into agreeing, but I mean hey I’ll take it, and I was pleased with myself for not caving in and holding my ground with him and glad it paid off. the rest of the day was pretty low key, upon returning to the office I immediately started reviewing paperwork for clinic, then did some stuff and did our case acceptance meeting. mostly just fixing up stuff for the rest of the day. we had to coordinate cases for tomorrow morning because my one coworker has another day of the most awful hearing that’s on its like 5th court date now so she’s gotta deal with that, and then we have a case up in criminal court too so we had cases in 4 courtrooms with 3 available lawyers, so we had to pull in one of the other lawyers in the office that doesn’t have a case load right now to take one and clinic is just going to remain closed until whoever gets down first can open it. the case I had up was the easiest, so that one ended up going to the other lawyer and I ended up with the case in criminal court, which I had to laugh about because it’s like it’s not even intentional but whenever there’s a matter in criminal court I just so happen to be the person who gets sent to deal with it, and this is like the fourth time it’s happened so I hope I’m at least somewhat getting the hang of it?? I guess we’ll see haha. the case is up on a weird status so we’ll have to see what happens. and yeah, I stuck around the office for a bit after 5 before heading to my dentist’s appointment, which I had a little time to kill before so I grabbed some food at the little coffee shop next door before heading up. it was just a regularly scheduled cleaning, and for the first time in my life I actually have dental insurance because it came with the job, so that’s wild (my parents just always chose to not have it and pay out of pocket for it) and it’s wild how much cheaper everything is with insurance?? like I was used to spending like $200 for an appointment so this is much better. it mostly went well, apparently one of my (many) fillings is becoming unsealed (or something like that) so they need to replace that which is just like ughhhhhhh I hate all of that shit but at least we’ll get it done and then I can be good for another 6 months at least. so we made an appointment for next week for that. headed home after that, had a bowl of cereal and I watched Gotham for a while before deciding to make a recipe for a small batch of brownies (like you use a loaf pan instead of a normal full one) that I had a random hankering for and they turned out good so I was pleased with that. After that I watched another episode of Gotham. Around like 10:30 I went to shower and start getting ready for bed, then of course I wasted time doing a million other things and now it’s just past 12:15 am and I definitely need to do a 6 am wake up tomorrow so I should definitely be getting to bed now, so that is what I am going to do. Goodnight dearies. Stay beautiful.
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