#all hail secret summer paradise!
athrisen · 11 months
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thepathwechooseif · 5 months
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In the English countryside in 1914, you live with your two children on your late husband’s grand estate. Two years have passed since the tragic sinking of the Titanic, from which you became a single parent.
Though surrounded by wealth and community, you remain lost in a fog of grief. But with the arrival of summer, the neighbouring family prepares to host their annual month-long house party. Your curious children persuade you to attend, hoping the festivities will lift your sorrow.
Lucas/Lucia Bertham, the family's charming heir, bonds with your children and seems to understand you in a way others cannot. But will secrets regarding their family's future prevent love?
Azra Hays arrives, a traveling storyteller with a gift for magic in their words that soothes your soul. Gardner Isaac Hill has loved you in silence, finding joy through your children's smiles.
More suitors await too - brilliant sculptor Zephyr Langston, whose art mirrors your heart, and Doctor Henry Bellman, who ministers to the people with patience and good humor.
As festivities crescendo with masques, fireworks and more, you start to believe in love and laughter again. But which person holds your whole heart? And will dark forces from the past destroy this new paradise you’ve begun to build?
The summer promises intrigue, blessings, and maybe a sweet romance if you can let go of history and embrace the gifts of tomorrow.
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Customise your character as well as your children’s
Choose where you live and how you dress
Your choices have an impact on how society reacts to you!
Uncover secrets from your past!
Pursuing different ROs with varying levels of affection leads to unique story endings that resolve the mystery
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Lucas/Lucia Bertham (m/f/nb)
The Heir, 26, Lucas/Lucia Bertham is the only child and heir to the prestigious title and lands of Bertham. They are a successful businessperson, but relish returning to their ancestral home each summer. While other young people prefer to travel abroad, they prefer the simple pleasures of country life. They take their duty as head of the manor seriously, helping tenants with an approachable demeanor. Though destined to marry well for station one day, they remain single and enjoy lively flirtations. While others dance at balls, they are the happiest hosting gatherings under the stars or riding alongside farm laborers by day. Lucas/Lucia lights up any room with their charm, wit and easy smiles. But is there a lonely heart searching for more beneath this carefree facade? As always, only time will tell what develops between Lucas/Lucia and you over the magical summer months at Bertham.
Isaac Hill(m)
The Gardner, 35, Isaac Hill has lived and worked on your estate for years. His strong, weather-worn hands coax beauty from the soil. Gardenings comes naturally to gentle-souled Isaac, as does his way with any creature in need of care. The expansive gardens are his pride and joy, a wonderland open for all to enjoy. Despite his huge build, muscular arms and calloused palms, his demeanor remains soft-spoken yet self-assured. While most village maidens sigh for officers or heirs, Isaac's gentle soul and way with children has turned many a head. But he remains devoted to coaxing new life from the earth, finding solace in small things. Perhaps amid the Bertham's blossoms, Isaac's own heart may bud anew this summer as well.
Zephyr Langston(m/f/nb)
The Sculptor, 27, Zephyr Langston hails from one of London's most prestigious arts families. Though young, their sculptures have already gained fame across England. While many London soirees vie for their presence, Zephyr relishes escaping to the countryside each summer. Using moody landscapes as inspiration, they work tirelessly to capture fleeting emotions in stone. Some say their sculptures are too sensually lifelike, but the Berthams proudly collect their edgy works. Zephyr charms salon attendees but remains unmarried, focused solely on their "passionate mistress," their art. Though prone to brooding moody spells while working, they come alive at parties with a playful wit. Could this summer be when they find inspiration of the heart as well as hands among the Bertham estate's rolling hills?
Henry Bellman(m)
The Doctor, 29, though young, he runs the village medical practice with a maturity beyond his years. What he lacks in words, Henry more than makes up for with his compassionate bedside manner. He listens with steady brown eyes that seem to see into patients' very souls. While others chat idly, Henry prefers observing life unfold with subtle calm. An avid reader, he's as learned as any university man but without pretense. More than one farmer's daughter has blushed starry-eyed receiving his attentions, yet he remains a bachelor focused solely on his work. The Berthams value Lucas greatly for his discretion and healing touch. But does his solemn façade hide deeper passions waiting to emerge? As always, only time will tell what mysteries lie beneath the calm exterior of Doctor Henry Bellman, and what intrigues he may stir in your heart this season.
Azra Hays(m/f/nb)
The Storyteller, 27, Azra Hays is a free spirit , with mischievous eyes like the summer sky. While others settle, Azra is happiest wandering the countryside in their worn boots, flute in hand.They’re a jack of all trades but lives for their art - spinning spellbinding tales that transport listeners far from their daily toils. With their easy smile and flirty manner, Azra charms all they meet. Yet beneath this bohemian exterior beats a kind and generous heart, always helping travelers in need. An orphan from youth, they never take their freedom or talents for granted. Azra makes their coin sharing folklore, gossip and bawdy jokes in villages along their route. But they save their most magical stories for moonlit campfires, weaving magic that leaves audiences in awe. Some say their nose for intrigue could even rival the Sherlock Holmes tales. Will Azra linger longer this year among Bertham's gardens and party revelries? Is there feeling breeding beyond friendship beneath Azra's roguish charm? As always, only time will tell the true depth of bonds woven beneath the summer stars.
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ncisladaily · 3 months
The Abandons, Kurt Sutter’s Western action drama for Netflix, has added six as series regulars: Lucas Till (MacGyver), Nick Robinson (Maid), Diana Silvers (Booksmart), Lamar Johnson (The Last of Us), Aisling Franciosi (The Nightingale), and Natalia del Riego (Hail Mary).
Till plays Garret Van Ness, with Robinson as Elias Teller, Silvers as Dahlia Teller, Johnson as Albert Mason, Franciosi as Trisha Van Ness, and Del Riego as Lilla Belle. As previously announced, Lena Heady and Gillian Anderson lead the cast, as Fiona Nolan and Constance Van Ness, respectively.
Created and exec produced by Sutter (Sons of Anarchy, Mayans M.C.), who also serves as showrunner, The Abandons follows a group of diverse, outlier families pursuing their Manifest Destiny in 1850s Oregon, as a corrupt force of wealth and power, coveting their land, tries to force them out. These abandoned souls, the kind of lost souls living on the fringe of society, unite their tribes to form a family and fight back. In this bloody process, “justice” is stretched beyond the boundaries of the law. The Abandons will explore that fine line between survival and law, the consequences of violence, and the corrosive power of secrets, as this family fights to keep their land.
Sutter EPs for SutterInk. Additional executive producers include Stephen Surjik, Otto Bathurst, Emmy Grinwis, and Jon Paré.
Best known for producing and starring in CBS’s MacGyver, Till has also been seen in multiple X-Men films, Park Chan-wook’s thriller Stoker, and Jackie Chan action comedy The Spy Next Door, among other projects.
Robinson’s credits in TV include Maid, Love, Victor — which he also executive produced — and A Teacher. On the film side, he’s been seen in Native Son, Love, Simon, Jurassic World, The Kings of Summer and other titles.
In addition to Netflix’s Space Force, Silvers has been seen in films like Birds of Paradise, Ava, Ma, Booksmart, and Glass.
Emmy nominated this year for a guest part on The Last of Us, Johnson’s previously been seen on Showtime’s Your Honor, as well as in films like All the Bright Places, Dark Phoenix, Native Son, and The Hate U Give.
TV credits for Franciosi include Black Narcissus, I Know This Much Is True, Genius, and Game of Thrones. Notable film credits include The Last Voyage of the Demeter, God’s Creatures, The Unforgivable, and The Nightingale.
Del Riego is best known for her work on shows like NCIS: Los Angeles, Promised Land, The Rookie, How to Get Away with Murder, and American Crime, to name a few.
Till is repped by Independent Artist Group and WCM; Robinson by CAA and Sloane, Offer, Weber & Dern; Silvers and Johnson by WME, Entertainment 360, and Jackoway Austen Tyerman; Franciosi by United Agents, WME, Brillstein Entertainment Partners, and Hansen, Jacobson, Teller; and Del Riego by Greene Talent, Link Entertainment, and attorney Marios Rush.
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
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Beltane is one of the most celebrated pagan events each year. It falls midway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. The holiday has it’s origins in ancient Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man, but is widely practiced across the modern world.  Typically, celebrations start on the last day of April and continue into the daylight hours of May 1st (in the northern hemisphere).  There are numerous ways to celebrate including huge rituals, bonfires, dancing, singing, re-enactments, and rituals about the Fae, but the focal point is always fertility.  Throughout the years, our Beltane rituals have covered many of the traditional activities, but with the world going through so much change lately, this year it’s dedicated to the Fae.
Those who follow the old ways know that the veil between our world and the world of the Fae grows very thin but a few times each year; on Beltane and Samhain.  On those nights, all sorts of creatures from the faerie world can and do cross over into our world.  Likewise, brave humans can enter the other side, if they dare.  The Fae usually avoid humans, but sometimes they decide to have a little harmless fun at our expense.  Some humans find themselves feeling bold and may try to ‘play the game’ with creatures from the other side, but this almost always ends up bad.  History tells of mischievous faeries who trick humans on this night and they are never seen again.  It’s very important to keep in mind that the Fae are not to be toyed with.  Don’t make deals, enter into any arrangements or make promises you cannot fulfill.  Every interaction is an exchange and payment is expected in one form or another.  But, don’t let this deter you from interacting with the faeries, just be cautious and make sure you present an appropriate offering.
Our Beltane  ritual is focused on welcoming the faeries to our lands, our pastures and our gardens.  If we show them our appreciation, they will bless us with their gifts and there will be harmony.
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This ritual is written to be performed by a group, outside, with a bonfire.
What you’ll need to prepare for this ritual (as written)
Alter with fairy themed decorations and enough open space for each participant to place an offering Quarter Candles (4 total) in these colors –  Red (South,) Yellow (East,) Green (North,) and Blue (West) Goddess Candle – Large White Candle (I use a three wick candle for the Goddess) Hand bell Bonfire or fire circle of some sort
In order for success, please inform all guests that part of this ritual is about making an offering to the Fae, and that they should bring something special, of their own choosing. Also there is a meditation portion which may be lengthy, so a chair or yoga mat might also be in order.
Any portion of the ritual that is bracketed with <> refers to instructions that the ritual leader should perform rather than be spoken aloud.
The Ritual
<Opening Statement – A call to action for the participants to stop talking, gather, and prepare to begin the ritual>
“Let it be called, let it be cast, this sacred circle both present and past; a meeting place, a spiritual space, where we welcome all members of the human race”
Join Us As We Call the Beltane 2021 Quarters
As the spring winds slip ever so gracefully across the land, we turn our eyes to the East and give high praises to the great spirits of Air.  We welcome you to our circle on this night when the veil is very thin and the fairies are starting to move across the land.  Guard us from any mischief this night and help to guide those who are lost so that they may find a safe refuge until morning. <light yellow candle>
The last of the warming rays of the sun have just dropped beneath the horizon as we turn to the South, where the great Fire spirits make their home.  We give thanks for your attendance in our circle tonight and offer high thanks and praises for the gift of light which you’ve bestowed upon us.  Keep our path illuminated as we move from place to place so that no harm or accident will fall our way.  <light red candle>
Old ones of the West, mighty spirits of Water, we call upon you to join us in our circle tonight. Bathe each of us in your cascading and cleansing waters so that we may regenerate our spirit and carry forward with renewed hope for the future. <light blue candle>
Great ones of the North, magical spirits of the Earth, we extend our greatest wishes and honors and ask for you to join us as we celebrate all things associated with the land.  As the world around us rises, grows, and reaches to the sun, we see fertility in each direction.  We ask that you pull forth the positive energies of the planet to feed our crops and our souls, so that we may once again renew our relationship with everything in nature. <light green candle>
Brigid, Great Goddess of spring, the dawn, and fertility; protector of mothers and children, we call upon you to grace us with your presence at this Beltane celebration.  You are the fire in the heads of the Bards, the heat in the forges of the mighty Blacksmiths, and the cleansing flames of the healers.  Join us tonight in our ritual, hail and blessed be!  <light Goddess Candle>
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Introduction – Beltane
Even though our ritual is about the Fae, we cannot forget the reason why we are celebrating.  If we look back into history, one thing is crystal clear, the great fire festival of Beltane honors life.  This celebration is known by many names, including Belt-an-a in Ireland, Bealtunn in Scotland, Shenn do Boaldyn on the Isle of Man and Galan Mae in Wales; it’s also commonly known as May Day. Beltane represents the peak of spring and the beginning of summer; the bright half of the year and the coming warmth.  It’s a celebration of the return of life and fertility to the physical world which surrounds us. It’s a time for sexual awakening in humankind with new relationships, marriages and the adventures of young adulthood.
The ancient tale resonates today just as it did in the past. At Beltane, the Maiden Goddess has reached her fullness of womanhood.  She is the manifestation of growth and renewal; called Flora, the Goddess of Spring, the May Queen, or the May Bride.  The Young Oak King, also known as the May King, Jack-In-The-Green, or the Green Man, falls in love with her and wins her hand.  Their union is consummated and the Goddess becomes pregnant.  This sacred union symbolizes the Sacred Marriage of Earth and Sky and has been re-enacted by humankind throughout the centuries.  Just as the May Queen will be the source of new life, so can we bring life to our brilliant ideas, hopes, and dreams on Beltane.
Musical Interlude
If you are a regular follower of our rituals, then you know that we try to include a music selection in each one.  Sometimes it’s a stretch to find an appropriate song to play, while other times it’s a snap.  This is one of those other times.  Our selection is called Beltane Fire Dance by Loreena McKennitt.  Start the music and skip down to the Fire Jumping section.
Jumping the Bonfire
On the eve of Beltane our Celtic ancestors would build two large bonfires, created from the nine sacred woods; oak, birch, ash, alder, willow, hawthorn, holly, hazel, and rowan.  These fires were deemed to have protective properties and were considered sacred.  All the livestock would be summarily rounded up and driven in between the two fires so as to purify and protect them in the upcoming year.  The villagers themselves would then leap over one of the Beltane bonfires, but for different reasons.  The young, unmarried villagers jumped the fire for luck in finding a spouse, travelers jumped the fire to ensure a safe journey, and pregnant women jumped the fire to assure an easy delivery. Couples would jump over hand in hand to ensure their union stayed strong.  This is not a complete list though.  Each person had their own reasons for stepping across the flames and no one passed on the opportunity.   <instruct the group on fire safety and take appropriate measure to make sure no one gets injured, then have everyone who wishes to, jump over the fire>
Think about what you wish for in the coming year while you’re carefully crossing over the flames.
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Welcoming the Fae
In ancient Ireland there lived a race of people of the Goddess Danu, called the Tuatha Dé Danann.  These people were the earliest magick users known to the world, having been cast out of paradise because they were becoming too powerful.  From high above they descended to the Island of Ireland to live out their lives, unimpeded, but when the island was invaded by the Milesians, they went underground.  They continued practicing magick and eventually evolved into what we now call the Fae.  They developed abilities to remain hidden from humans and lived in caves or other secret places, which they jealously guarded.  History tells stories of the rare human who found access to those hidden places and would never be heard from again.
And yet we also hear a multitude of stories from the past where the Fae would have positive interactions with humankind.  Usually these begin with a generous offering of milk, honey, yogurt, pastries or other sweet delicacies.  Small tables, toys, fabric and other shiny objects may also be used to attract faeries.  But, the single most important part is to listen to the natural world around your area.  When you become sensitive to all parts of nature, you’ll begin to hear more and more and you’ll make that connection.  The Fae can tell who is sincere and who isn’t, and they aren’t on a time schedule.  It may take some time, but don’t give up.
Tonight as part of our Beltane celebration, we shall present the faeries with an offering.  Each person should place their item on our alter as a token of friendship and compassion toward all things from the other side of the veil.
<Ritual leader should allow as much time as necessary>
Now that we have prepared an offering, it’s time to listen to nature.
<Have everyone meditate and listen to the world around them.  No one should speak or move around, just listen.  This can last as long as you wish>
Now each of you may state a high praise to the faeries and introduce yourselves to them formally.
<Have each person speak out to the Fae as they see fit>
As we prepare to close, remember this moment and take it with you everywhere.  The more open your mind is, the more nature will reveal.
Closing our Beltane 2021 Circle
Magickal spirits of the Earth, we again offer thanks for sharing this festive evening with us.  Tomorrow we shall survey our lands and have a renewed sense of comfort for a prosperous growing season and bountiful harvest.  <extinguish green candle>
Mighty spirits of Water, our praise is never-ending.  We offer prayers on the banks and shores and across all the great bodies of water so that you can see and hear our feelings of gratitude.  <extinguish blue candle>
Legendary spirits of Fire, as we leave here tonight, we carry new memories of illumination; not just physically, but also spiritually and emotionally and we shall walk with more confidence and understanding.  <extinguish red candle>
Whispering spirits of Air, our faith is renewed as we watch the thin tendrils of smoke rise and glide away on your invisible currents.  We realize that we do not always need to see something to believe in its power and understand its magnitude. <extinguish yellow candle>
Great Goddess of spring, we bid you the kindest and move loving farewell as this night comes to a glorious ending.  Bless us as we leave and protect us.  Farewell and blessed be!  <light Goddess Candle>
“This circle is open but never broken”
<ring bell>
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mishaglowsup · 4 years
Mental: Reading List
Haruka Murakami, After Dark (currently reading):
In its center are two sisters—Eri, a fashion model slumbering her way into oblivion, and Mari, a young student soon led from solitary reading at an anonymous Denny’s toward people whose lives are radically alien to her own: a jazz trombonist who claims they’ve met before, a burly female “love hotel” manager and her maid staff, and a Chinese prostitute savagely brutalized by a businessman. These “night people” are haunted by secrets and needs that draw them together more powerfully than the differing circumstances that might keep them apart, and it soon becomes clear that Eri’s slumber—mysteriously tied to the businessman plagued by the mark of his crime—will either restore or annihilate her.
Paradise Lost, John Milton
John Milton's Paradise Lost is one of the greatest epic poems in the English language. It tells the story of the Fall of Man, a tale of immense drama and excitement, of rebellion and treachery, of innocence pitted against corruption, in which God and Satan fight a bitter battle for control of mankind's destiny. The struggle rages across three worlds - heaven, hell, and earth - as Satan and his band of rebel angels plot their revenge against God. At the center of the conflict are Adam and Eve, who are motivated by all too human temptations but whose ultimate downfall is unyielding love.
1Q84, Haruka Murakami (description from Wikipedia)
The novel is a story of how a woman named Aomame begins to notice strange changes occurring in the world. She is quickly enraptured in a plot involving Sakigake, a religious cult, and her childhood love, Tengo, and embarks on a journey to discover what is "real". 
The Night Tiger, Yangzee Choo
When 11-year-old Ren's master dies, he makes one last request of his Chinese houseboy: that Ren find his severed finger, lost years ago in an accident, and reunite it with his body. Ren has 49 days, or else his master's soul will roam the earth, unable to rest in peace. Ji Lin always wanted to be a doctor, but as a girl in 1930s Malaysia, apprentice dressmaker is a more suitable occupation. Secretly, though, Ji Lin also moonlights as a dancehall girl to help pay off her beloved mother's Mahjong debts. One night, Ji Lin's dance partner leaves her with a gruesome souvenir: a severed finger. Convinced the finger is bad luck, Ji Lin enlists the help of her erstwhile stepbrother to return it to its rightful owner. As the 49 days tick down, and a prowling tiger wreaks havoc on the town, Ji Lin and Ren's lives intertwine in ways they could never have imagined. Propulsive and lushly written, The Night Tiger explores colonialism and independence, ancient superstition and modern ambition, sibling rivalry and first love. Braided through with Chinese folklore and a tantalizing mystery, this novel is a page-turner of the highest order.
Great Goddesses, Nikita Gil
Wonder at Medusa's potent venom, Circe's fierce sorcery and Athena rising up over Olympus, as Nikita Gill majestically explores the untold stories of the life bringers, warriors, creators, survivors and destroyers that shook the world - the great Greek Goddesses. Vividly re-imagined and beautifully illustrated, step into an ancient world transformed by modern feminist magic.
Aphrodite Made Me Do It, Trista Mateer
In this empowering retelling, she uses the mythology of the goddess to weave a common thread through the past and present. By the end of this book, Aphrodite will make you believe in the possibility of your own healing.
Kokoro, Natsume Soseki
Hailed by The New Yorker as "rich in understanding and insight," Kokoro — "the heart of things" — is the work of one of Japan's most popular authors. This thought-provoking trilogy of stories explores the very essence of loneliness and stands as a stirring introduction to modern Japanese literature.
The Lover, Marguerite Duras
Set against the backdrop of French colonial Vietnam, The Lover reveals the intimacies and intricacies of a clandestine romance between a pubescent girl from a financially strapped French family and an older, wealthy Chinese-Vietnamese man.
The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde (Reread)
Written in his distinctively dazzling manner, Oscar Wilde’s story of a fashionable young man who sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty is the author’s most popular work. The tale of Dorian Gray’s moral disintegration caused a scandal when it first appeared in 1890, but though Wilde was attacked for the novel’s corrupting influence, he responded that there is, in fact, “a terrible moral in Dorian Gray.” Just a few years later, the book and the aesthetic/moral dilemma it presented became issues in the trials occasioned by Wilde’s homosexual liaisons, which resulted in his imprisonment. Of Dorian Gray’s relationship to autobiography, Wilde noted in a letter, “Basil Hallward is what I think I am: Lord Henry what the world thinks me: Dorian what I would like to be—in other ages, perhaps.
Writers & Lovers, Lily King
Blindsided by her mother's sudden death, and wrecked by a recent love affair, Casey Peabody has arrived in Massachusetts in the summer of 1997 without a plan. Her mail consists of wedding invitations and final notices from debt collectors. A former child golf prodigy, she now waits tables in Harvard Square and rents a tiny, moldy room at the side of a garage where she works on the novel she's been writing for six years. At thirty-one, Casey is still clutching onto something nearly all her old friends have let go of: the determination to live a creative life. When she falls for two very different men at the same time, her world fractures even more. Casey's fight to fulfill her creative ambitions and balance the conflicting demands of art and life is challenged in ways that push her to the brink.
Death in Venice, Thomas Mann
Published on the eve of World War I, a decade after Buddenbrooks had established Thomas Mann as a literary celebrity, Death in Venice tells the story of Gustav von Aschenbach, a successful but aging writer who follows his wanderlust to Venice in search of spiritual fulfillment that instead leads to his erotic doom. In the decaying city, besieged by an unnamed epidemic, he becomes obsessed with an exquisite Polish boy, Tadzio. "It is a story of the voluptuousness of doom," Mann wrote. "But the problem I had especially in mind was that of the artist's dignity."
Bonjour Tristesse, Françoise Sagan
The villa is magnificent, the summer hot, the Mediterranean nearby. Cécile is seventeen years old. She knows of love only kisses, dates, weariness. Not for a long time. His widowed father is a joyful follower of transient and unimportant relationships. They have fun, they don't need anyone, they are happy. The visit of a woman of heart, intelligent and calm, disturbs this delicious disorder. How do you avoid the threat? In the burning pine forest, a cruel game is brewing. It was summer 1954. We heard for the first time the dry and rapid voice of a "charming little monster" which was going to cause scandal. the second half of the 20th century was beginning. She would be like this teenage girl torn between remorse and the cult of pleasure.
À rebours, Joris-Karl Huysmann
The ultimate hero of the century! Cynical, misogynistic and romantic in the extreme. An idle aristocrat, isolated, he gives himself up to a meditation on existence, art, religion, women ... He delves into the experience of boredom to the point of disgust. His intellectual acuity as well as the refinement of his senses make him despise the vulgar while experiencing the inevitable suffering of an overly acute sensitivity.
Cien Años de Soledad, Gabriel García Marquez
the Buendia family, and chronicles the irreconcilable conflict between the desire for solitude and the need for love—in rich, imaginative prose that has come to define an entire genre known as "magical realism."
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chcrrypcps · 6 years
(f) korean names; mix n match !
80+ KOREAN SYLLABLES to mix n match together to form names! 
-- common hanja meanings attached !  
**not all name meanings are listed & not all names have to mean something-- some people just like the sound of them! 
(male version here!)
애 (ae)
愛  love, like, to be fond of 
哀 sad, mournful, pitiful, pity 
涯  shore, bank, water's edge 
埃  fine dust, dirt
碍  obstruct, block, deter, hinder 
艾 artemisia, mugwort
아 (ah)
兒 son, child, oneself; final part
亞 second
我 our, us, my, we
牙 tooth, teeth; serrated
芽  bud, sprout
雅 elegant, graceful, refined
안 (ahn)
安 peaceful, tranquil, quiet
案 table, bench
眼 eye; hole
岸 bank, shore, beach coast 
顔 face, facial appearance
배   (bae) 
北 north, northern 
配 match, pair; equal
杯 cup, glass 
輩 generation, lifetime 
korean for pear
백 (baek)
白 pure, white, unblemished 
百 one hundred
 비  (bi/bee)
秘 secret, mysterious 
悲 sorrow, grief; sorry, sad
飛  fly, go quickly 
卑  humble, low, inferior 
肥 fat, plump; fertile 
丕 grand, glorious, distinguished
빈  (bin)
彬 cultivated; well-bred
분 (boon/bun)
芬 perfume. fragrance. aroma 
憤 resentment, hatred
보  (bo)
保 protect, defend, care for 
寶 treasure, jewel, precious, rare 
普 universal, widespread
補 mend, fix, repair, restore 
甫 begin, man, father, great
 輔 protect, assist
복 (bok)
福 happiness, good fortune, blessings 
卜 fortune, prophecy 
馥 fragrance, scent, aroma
별  (byul/byeol)
korean for star
차 (cha)
茶 tea 
差 different, wrong
채 (chae)
采 gather, collect; pick, pluck 
採 gather collect, pick select 
彩 hue, colors
초 (cho)
草 grass straw herbs  
哨 whistle, chirp
 焦 burned scorched; anxious vexes
천 (cheon/chun)
千 thousand 
天 sky, heaven; celestial, god 
川 stream, river 
泉 spring, fountain; wealth money 
淺 shallow, superficial 
賤 cheap, worthless
다 (dah/da)
多 much, many 
茶 tea
도 (do)
道 path, road 
島 island 
都 elegant refined 
徒 disciple, follower 
桃 peach; marriage 
悼 grieve, lament, mourn
어 (eo)
語 language. words, expressions 
漁 to seize; to pursue 
御 chariot
억 (eok)
億 many; hundred million 
憶 memory; to remember, reflect upon 
抑 to repress, curb, or hinder
언 (eon)
言 words, speech, speak 
彦 elegant
은 (eun) 
銀 silver, cash, money, wealth 
恩 kindness, mercy, charity 
隱 hidden, secret
殷 abundant, flourishing; many, great 
誾 respectful
가 (gah/ga)
歌 song, lyrics; sing chant; praise
價 price, value
佳 good, auspicious; beautiful; delightful
고 (goh/go)
古 old, classic, ancient 
苦 bitter; hardship, suffering 
固 strength; solid, strong 
孤 orphan; solitary 
故 ancient, old 
枯 withered, decayed
국 (guk/gook/kuk/kook)
國 nation, country 
菊 chrysanthemum
규 (gyu/kyu)
叫 cry, shout; hail, greet, call
하 (ha)
夏 summer 
河 river, stream 
荷 lotus, water lily
해 (hae )
海 sea, ocean
 害 harm, destroy, kill
희 (hee/hui)
喜 joy, love 
希 rare; hope, expectations 
稀 rare, unusual 
姬 beauty 
熹 warm bright; glimmer 
禧 happiness
화 (hwa)
火 fire flame; burn; anger, rage 
花 flower, blossoms
 和 harmony, peace; peaceful, calm
 嬅 beautiful 
禍 misfortune, calamity, disaster
혜 (hye)
慧 bright, intelligent
현 (hyun/hyeon)
賢 virtuous, worthy, good 
炫 shine glitter; show off, flaunt 
玄 deep, profound
효 (hyo)
曉 dawn, daybreak; clear
孝 mourning; obedience
일 (il/eel)
一 one; alone, singular 
日 sun, day, daytime
인 (in)
麟 female chinese unicorn 
人 people, mankind, man, population 
仁 humane; benevolence, kindness 
認 to recognize, know, understand 
寅 respect, reverence 
忍 endure, bear, suffer
재 (jae)
才 talent, ability 
災 calamity, disaster, catastrophe 
財 wealth, riches 
宰 to slaughter; to rule 
栽 to cultivate; to care for plants
자 (jah/ja)
子 child, offspring; fruit, seed 
資 property; wealth 
慈 kind, charitable, benevolent 
紫 purple, violet; amethyst 
磁 porcelain
지 (ji/jee)
地 earth, ground, soil 
紙 paper 
志 determination, will 
智 wisdom, knowledge, intelligence 
池 pool, pond
진 (jin)
珍 precious, valuable; rare 
眞 genuine, real, true
주 (ju/joo)
晝 daytime, daylight 
朱 cinnabar, vermilion
酒 wine, spirits, liquor 
宙 time as a concept 
洲 island 
珠 precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl
정 (jung/jeong)
正 right, proper, correct
情 emotion, feeling, sentiment 
程 journey, trip 
精 essence, spirit 
征 invade, attack, conquer 
靜 gentle, quiet, still 
淨 pure, clean, unspoiled 
貞 loyal; virtuous pure 
晶 crystal; clear, bright, radiant 
汀 beach, bank, shore 
禎 good omen, lucky
경 (kyung/kyeong/gyung/gyeong)
敬 respect, honor
輕 light, gentle 
警 guard, watch 
鏡 mirror, glass 
卿 noble 
炅 brilliance 
瓊 jade; rare, precious; elegant
미 (mi)
美 beautiful, pretty; pleasing 
微 small, tiny 
迷 bewitch, charm
민 (min)
閔 mourn, grieve 
憫 pity, sympathy 
敏 clever, smart 
旻 heaven
玟 gem
문 (moon/mun)
門/ gate, entrance 
文 literature, writing; culture
명 (myung/myeong)
命 life; destiny, fate, luck 
明 light, bright, brilliant 
冥 dark, gloomy; night
나 (nah/na)
奈 bear, endure
내 (nae)
耐 patient; endure, bear
남 (nam)
南 south
오 (oh)
五 five 
午 noon 
惡 evil, wicked, bad, foul 
傲 proud, haughty; overbearing 
嗚 sound of crying, sobbing; sound of sadness 
娛 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement 
汚 filthy, dirty, impure 
烏 crow, raven; black, dark
옥 (ok)
鈺 rare; treasure 
玉 jade; precious stone, gem
沃 rich, fertile
라 (rah/ra la/lah)
裸 bare, nude
란 (ran)
蘭 orchid; elegant, graceful 
亂 create chaos; revolt
리 (ri/li/lee/ree)
李 plum 
梨 pear
림 (rim)
林 forest, grove
린 (rin)
麟 female chinese unicorn
사 (sa)
四 four 
使 messenger 
死 die; death; dead 
士 scholar 
思 think, consider, ponder 
師 teacher, master 
私 secret, private, personal 
絲 silk, fine thread 
:沙 sand, pebbles 
蛇 snake 
詐 trick, cheat, swindle, feign 
邪 wrong, evil, vicious 
唆 mischievous
상 (sang)
上 top, superior, highest 
賞 reward, prize 
傷 wound, injury 
常 common, normal, frequent 
象 ivory; elephant 
喪 mourn 
祥 happiness; good luck, good omen 
裳 beautiful 
霜 frost; crystallized
서 (seo)
西 west
庶 numerous various 
徐 composed, dignified; quiet, calm 
恕 forgiveness; mercy 
誓 swear, pledge, promise, oath
설 (seol)
雪 snow; avenge
선 (seon/sun)
瑄 ornamental jade 
仙 transcendent, immortal 
善 good, virtuous, charitable, kind 
鮮 fresh, new; rare 
璿 fine jade 
璇 star; beautiful jade
 성 (seong)
晟 clear bright; splendor 
城 castle; city, town 
誠 sincere, honest; true, real 
聲 sound, voice, music
聖 holy, sacred 
盛 abundant, flourishing 
星 a star, planet
승 (seung)
勝 victory 
承 succeed 
乘 rise, ascend 
昇 peace; rise, ascent
신 (shin)
辰 early morning 
信 trust, believe 
新 new, fresh, modern 
神 spirit; god, supernatural being 
晨 early morning, daybreak 
辛 bitter
시 (si/shi)
矢 vow, swear, promise 
時 time season; age, period, era 
施 grant, bestow, give 
詩 poetry 
屍 corpse
소 (so)
消 vanish, die out, melt away 
笑 smile, laugh 
素 white silk 
昭 bright, luminous 
蘇 revive, resurrect
슥 (sook/suk)
宿 constellation 
淑 good, pure, virtuous, charming
순 (soon/sun)
純 pure clean simple 
循 obey, comply, follow 
殉 to be a martyr, to die for a cause
脣 lips
淳 honest, simple
수 (su/soo)
樹 plant, tree 
守 defend, protect, guard 
收 gather collect; harvest 
秀 refined, elegant, graceful 
壽 old age, long life 
殊 different, special, unusual
와 (wah/wa)
瓦 pottery
왕 (wang)
王 king, ruler, royalty
旺 prosperous; prosperity
위 (wee/wi)
位 throne, rank, status 
偉 great, robust, extraordinary 
危 dangerous 
威 power; powerful; dominate 
慰 calm, comfort, console 
衛 guard, protect, defend 
違 disobey, defy, rebel; be different than 
尉 officer, military rank
원 (won)
源 spring 
園 garden, park, orchard 
原 beginning, source, origin 
願 to wish, ambition, desire, want 
怨 hatred, enemy, resentment
 苑 park, garden 
瑗 a ring of fine jade 
媛 beauty; a beautiful woman
우 (woo/wu)
友 friend, companion
牛 cow, ox, bull 
雨 rain; rainy 
優 superior; excellent 
宇 house, building, structure 
愚 stupid, foolish 
憂 sad, grievance; grief, melancholy 
羽 feather, plume; wings 
佑 to help, bless, protect 
祐 protection; divine intervention
욱 (wook/ook)
頊 grief, anxiety 
旭 brilliance, radiant 
昱 dazzling, bright light, sunlight 
煜 bright, shining, brilliant 
郁 sweet smelling; rich in aroma
운 (woon/wun)
運 luck, fortune 
雲 clouds 
云 clouds 
芸 art, talent ability; rue (herb)
야 (yah/ya)
夜 night, dark 
野 open country, wilderness, field 
惹 irritate, offend
예 (yeh)
禮 manners, courtesy, customs, rights 
藝 art, talent, ability 
豫 comfortable, relaxed, at ease 
譽 fame, praise 
銳 sharp, keen, pointed, acute 
隷 servant 
睿 shrewd; clever, keen
芮 tiny, small 
醴 sweet wine; sweet spring
여 (yeo)
女 woman, girl; feminine 
旅 journey, travel; traveler 
與 to give or to grant 
餘 surplus, extra, excess, remainder 
麗 beautiful, magnificent, elegant 
勵 to strive, encourage 
廬 hut, cottage 
驪 a pure black horse, stallion
열 (yeol)
烈 fiery, violent, ardent 
劣 bad, inferior
연 (yeon)
然 promise, pledge
燃 burn; ignite 
緣 karma, fate
戀 love, long for, yearn for 
燕 swallow (bird) ; comfort, enjoy 
蓮 lotus, water lily; paradise 
漣 flowing water; ripples
영 (yeong/young)
永 perpetual, eternal, forever 
英 petal, flower, leaf; brave, hero; england, english 
令 commandant, magistrate
領 neck, collar; leader, guide 
映 to reflect light 
榮 glory, honor; to flourish or prosper 
寧 serenity, peace; peaceful 
嶺 mountain ridge, mountain peak 
影 shadow, reflection; photograph 
泳 to dive, swim 
詠 sing, hum, chant 
零 zero; fragment, fraction, sliver 
靈 spirit, soul 
瑛 crystal, gem 
盈 full, overflowing
이 (yi/ie)
二 two; twice 
利 gains, profit 
李 plum 
易 change 
異 different, unusual, strange 
梨 pear; opera 
泥 earth, mud, clay 
怡 harmony, joy, pleasure; to be glad
유 (yoo/yu)
柳 willow tree; pleasure 
遊 wander, roam, travel 
柔 soft, gentle 
維 maintain, preserve 
裕 rich, abundant, plentiful 
劉 to kill, destroy
육 (yook/yuk)
六 six
율 (yool/yul)
栗 chestnuts, chestnut tree
윤 (yoon/yun)
潤 soft, moist; sleek, fresh 
尹 govern, oversee, direct 
胤 heir, successor
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laresearchette · 2 years
Wednesday, March 30, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CRAVE TV A CRIMINAL AFFAIR (Season 1, Episodes 1-4)
PRE-SEASON MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:00pm: Atlanta vs. Red Sox (SN Now) 6:30pm: Jays vs. Yankees
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Jets vs. Sabres (SNWest/SN1) 9:30pm: Kings vs. Oilers (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Blues vs. Canucks
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 7:00pm: Nuggets vs. Pacers (TSN/TSN4) 7:30pm: Timberwolves vs. Raptors
BIG BROTHER CANADA (Global) 7:00pm
STILL STANDING (CBC) 8:00pm: Fenelon Falls, Ontario
WILD ROSE VET (Cottage Life) 8:00pm: There's a new employee at Rocky Rapids Vet. Clinic, Dr. Dayle Poitras, a newly graduated Métis vet excited about landing her first full-time gig; Savannah is keen to mentor young Dayle while learning about what it means to be Métis.
WORLD CUP QUALIFYING SOCCER (SN360) 8:30pm: Panama vs. Canada
RUN THE BURBS (CBC) 8:30pm: Andrew and Camille use game nights to help Hudson; Ramesh worries Barb doesn't think he's expressive enough; Khia plans a movie night for Mannix.
PRETTY HARD CASES (CBC) 9:00pm: With key evidence destroyed and suspicions of a dirty cop amid their case, Sam and Kelly participate in workplace mental health training to try to get to the bottom of it.
FIXER UPPER: WELCOME HOME (Magnolia Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  Chip and Jo help a newlywed couple overhaul a long-abandoned home.
ONE PERFECT SHOT (Crave) 9:00pm/9:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Director Patty Jenkins details her experience directing 2017's "Wonder Woman" and the groundbreaking scene that helped redefine the superhero genre.  In Episode Two, writer-director Aaron Sorkin discusses his evolution as a filmmaker, culminating in an exploration of his 2020 historical drama, "The Trial of the Chicago 7."
WHEN WE WERE BULLIES (HBO Canada) 9:00pm:  A coincidence leads filmmaker Jay Rosenblatt to track down his fifth-grade class and fifth-grade teacher to examine their memory of and complicity in a bullying incident 50 years ago.
CANADIAN FILM FEST (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: Tenzin: Tenzin struggles to come to terms with the loss of his brother who self-immolates as a form of nonviolent protest of the treatment of Tibetans living under the current Chinese occupation. TRIBAL POLICE FILES (APTN)  9:30pm:  The newest member of the Tosguna describes a move from Canada's East Coast to follow his dream of becoming an officer; an unexpected death among the Tsuut'ina police service reinforces their community's humanity.
RESTORATION ROAD WITH CLINT HARP (Magnolia Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  A century-old train car that served the timber industry in northern Idaho is rescued from a barn and brought back to life as a guest house on a pristine stretch of mountainous property.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 3 years
Untitled Composition # 8649
) Than man, her innocent,  for compound  sweet fields about to  spill, then, there! So Arab  deserts drink in  summers sea, that 
one life saved, especially  if young  or pretty lisper. Our  hours to  make us laugh instead  of grandmother 
tucked in  the lovers.  And orders, and on  all the people  and pearl, can vie with  the cold, 
with gilded leaues doth  kisse; each tree in his  hand leaves a sad sediment  of my dreams, ready  to burst in a  colouring (keeping 
the due proportioned  shape, and the  children cry, theyre boring me now.  To see thee stand  prepared to flattery  which few mens is 
to keepe no measure; ill  send such frost, such hail, such  sleet, and snow, such fears, quakes, palsies,  and in the  sinner! They general: ’“ t is not 
those sad expenses:  Epaminondas saved  his Thebes, and blinder minded;  if to  secret walls what  do I see? To 
the spacious, her  face it bloomed like a  stirred from Paradise, and  thousand times  shalt be the youth like  the wide house from 
the winters choice an  arrow for  them did knead, which  she late slaughter—wh at a trophy and therefore  Its five knuckles 
o! that hue whose face all, and  morally decided,  the ladies should he  possibly for  the drill but from having  pleasd our 
art, weell try to make a  twilight in, just  as Sols heat is quenchd  in the partys  fire with  the storie of 
delight, my own head, nor the  times may furnish  with some matter oer;  but tears of rivalship  rose into  that mercenary 
pack all, powers base purveyors,  who for pick ing in general: ’“ t is no sin certes,  but a dish, as hath  been said; but so 
far like a bee. At sight, nor  would frown— that watchd each  look her visage wore, until  I see both sides partiall  is; he layes on the  edge of the 
Lady Adeline, address  held off suspicion  of any fear from  the minde, which  too deep to clear away  her thighs caressed by 
the Truth will stop loving  kiss, life of truest  breath! If to secret  walls what  do I owe you? Sees full before  her still. ”Llsay 
or do;— the old snows  melt from every  mountain-bars: and, heaven  being rolled between  these empty courts,  and the kind.
0 notes
pepper---chase · 6 years
bathwater - self para.
i watch the bathwater drain, it’s never looked quite the same the weight comes back to my body, and i’m hopeless again.
Pepper stares at the wall of the shower, sunk into the water of the tub. She’s in Jordan’s bathroom, not sure if she can get away with opening up a razor and taking a blade. She settled for two minutes of shocking heat, scalding water and heavy steam, ripping the air out of her lungs. Now, it’s cool, soothing the skin on her back as she leans her head against the tile. She looks around the bathroom as she soaks in the water, contaminated by leftover sex and sweat and guilt and shame and self-loathing. The mirror features a few Victoria’s Secret underwear stickers. They haven’t been there long. Probably purchased since they started fucking. Her retainer case is hot pink with holographic Hello Kitty stickers, much more worn than the hearts on the mirror. There’s a bottle of Summer’s Eve on the counter. Pepper knows that Jordan knows it’s not good for her vaginal health, but even beautiful, shiny people like Jordan worry sometimes, look in the mirror and see a problem or think does my vagina smell good enough for someone to like me? To love me? The toilet is not much different from Pepper’s on the outside. Porcelain, white. But no one kneels in front of it to seek answers, help, perfection, acceptance. No one uses the pink toothbrush in the cup on the counter for anything other than brushing their teeth. And the razor is still a normal razor, used religiously for armpits and legs and a somewhat razor-burned mons pubis, never deconstructed for pain. Pepper wriggles down into the water, submerging her face, and listens to the heaviness of the water, her sins mingled with shampoo and Jordan’s Lush shower gel. She tries to let it strip away the memory of Jordan’s fucks and pleases and the drawn out yeee-eeeee-eee-ssss, the feeling of her heart fluttering, just barely, while Jordan kissed the back of her neck, fingers gently brushing her side, the adoration that constantly radiates from her stupid unconditionally-loving face. She tries to forget all of that, make it not real. Because she has to be loyal to Hanna or because she has to punish herself? She opens the drain and turns the shower back on, rinses the remaining soap and that question. She puts her hair in a wet ponytail, uses the toothbrush as it was intended,-- she can’t bring herself to defile what seems so pure-- puts on a pair of Jordan’s sleep shorts and a sweatshirt, and crawls back into her bed. 
i watch the twists and the turns, distract me from where it hurts it’s like i’m watching my life go past the point of return.
She wonders if her defibrillator has gone off in the past few minutes, sitting in a different tub, pink water and fragrant fizz and glitter surrounding the loosely-bound collection of bones and organs and newly bleached hair. She can’t get comfortable. If she moves to where her scapulae don’t dig into the porcelain, she’s too deep in the water and when things go south, she could slip and start drowning and add a whole new element to something that needs to be quick and nearly painless. She picks the knife up and puts it down about twenty times in the span of just one song. Every time I close my eyes, it’s like a dark paradise. Her phone speakers are maxed out, turned to the wall in an attempt for amplification. She doesn’t know if she’s going to cry or start freaking out or what, but if there’s any noise other than her femoral artery emptying, she doesn’t want anyone but her and God and maybe Hanna to hear it. She’s done this hundreds of times, just less severe. Shallow, quickly scabbed over, or slightly deeper, tiny white scars to remind her. Why is it so hard to 1) pick up knife 2) find the spot under her hipbone where this stupid thing should be 3) stab hard and deep, fast, get it over with 4) lean back, close eyes 5) die? The plan seemed perfect. She’s come this far. Stole the key card from Jordan, walked right out the back door to the garage, hailed a cab. Bought a bleaching kit, a new nose ring, and a Lush Pink bomb and Creamy Candy bubble bar, a ride to Montauk and a hotel room electronically. Thanks, Apple Pay. She went down to the beach, shivered the whole time, sweater pulled tight around her shoulders, wind breaking off the waves and pushing against her. ( Get out of here. Turn back. ) She went in the old ice cream store, just reopened a month ago during spring break, ordered a scoop of cinnamon toast and a scoop of blueberry muffin in a waffle cone, but it didn’t taste the same as it did when Hanna sat across from her and made fun of the inevitable smear of ice cream on her nose. She went back to the hotel, re-bleached her hair, opened the doors to the balcony and took a nap with the sea breeze blowing in on her. Ordered room service, three Belgian waffles with cream, blueberries, bananas, bacon. Tried to eat it. Enjoy it. The calories won’t matter when you’re dead. Her stomach twisted up. She got through one waffle and the blueberries before screaming curses at the entire fucking plate and her stupid digestive system and her stupid brain and God and whoever else was to blame for everything. Took a deep breath. Started the water, lowered herself in gently, placing the large knife from the room service tray on the side of the tub. Put in the bath bomb, listened to the playlist she’d made in the cab. ( Eyelids. Ride. Young and Beautiful. Together. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Dark Paradise. Teen Idle. Medicine. Lonely Hearts Club. Control. Chandelier. Heavy In Your Arms. A Little Fall of Rain. Over the Love. Twinkle Song. Demon Limbs. I Will Follow You Into the Dark. ) When it repeated, she added more hot water, crumbled the bubble bar. Tried to be ready. She stares at the knife now, still concentrating. Do it. Do it. Fucking do it. What about HeatherAliceGinaJordan what about KarlBrett what about TinkaHeatherGreene what about Tess what about you what about you what about NO. She digs the heels of her hands into her eyes. The soap stings. That’s why her eyes water. That’s why tears start rolling. That must be why. “They’ll be better off without me,” Her voice is weak, barely audible even to her. “They deserve better than me.” whataboutyou “I deserve nothing.” No food, no kindness, no love. She looks up at the ceiling. “Help me!” She’s glad the music is loud. “I know you probably hate me but that should make you want to get rid of me! Help!” She grips the knife handle so hard it hurts her hand. “I want it!” Want what? To die or to live? “I want-- I want--” It won’t come out. “I WANT--!” Silence. “FUCK--!” She lets out a sob, leans over, tips of her hair dipping into the pink. “I have to do it-- I have to.” She repeats the mantra, tries to compose herself as she does ( ihavetoihaveto. ihavetoihaveto. ) She sees two futures in the water. One, stained with blood. Heather splitting open the skin on her knuckles, unable to cry anymore. Alice in the basement with stockpiled alcohol. Gina putting those old walls back up. ( ithinkmymom-- ) Jordan crying for weeks, months, that same horrible noise that came out in her bedroom. The other future is more distant. Heather having lunch with her somewhere, ordering bacon cheese fries even though she knows she’ll stare at them for ten minutes before allowing herself to eat one. Alice smiling, offering hugs and Oreos and cigarettes. She tries not to see the contrast in that and the next scene. Gina is waking up next to her, not in a twin bed. A big one, built for two. Jordan delivers a blueberry muffin to her somewhere, then says she has to go to work, runs off in scrubs and Vans Sk8-His. She blinks herself out of the alternate realities. One is what she could do. The other is what she could have. What she could be. She turns the knife over. Nearly drops it. FOCUS. ( ihavetoihaveto. ) She lifts herself up slightly tries to find the place. Femur to hip. The bones are easy to find-- the 100 on the anatomy test flashes back-- nothing but greatness is expected of you from now on! The blood vessel must be close. DO IT. She tries to aim. ( ithinkmymomkilledherself ) She slips back down, water hitting her in the face. The knife splashes into the pink, right between her legs. Stop--! ...You have to stay. She carefully finds the knife handle, tears blinking out fast, and slams it down on the edge of the tub. Hanna, somewhere above, breathes a sigh of relief. Pepper answers the question. “I-- want to live.” The words are so soft she’s not sure she said them, not sure she thought them. But she’s still sitting there when Jordan busts through the door, looks in and sees her, flings the knife across the room, nearly dives in the bathtub to hold her. She’s still there.
Pepper drops a Cheer Up Buttercup bomb in the tub after yoga. She carefully covers the new tattoos, a band-aid on her stomach underscored by the words i forgive you, and a slice of pizza on her ankle, then stands on the scale. She writes 106 on the mirror with a dry erase marker, adds a smiley face and hearts. She slips into the yellow foam carefully, exhaling. The words from the meditative instructor linger, always in the back of her head, mixing with those of her therapist. Release anything that is no longer serving you. -- Let yourself enjoy things. Give your body whatever it tells you it needs. -- Love yourself enough to decide you deserve more. She runs her hands along her body under the water. Feels a small roundness under her ribs. A tummy, she calls it, not gross, not ugly. Enough flesh to say I’m healthy. There are abs building above it and underneath it. It’s just a slight slope from her ribs to the top of her pants when she’s dressed, looking at it through a mesh top in the mirror. She keeps feeling. Two thighs, muscular now, toned, but they set off an alarm in the back of her mind when she sits down in shorts or leggings. She has to override, shut it off. They are fine. They’re strong, and there’s more than enough room for Gina to get between them when she wants to. You. Are. Doing. Great. You. Are. Good. She finds her breasts, no longer a pair of nipples on a ribcage. Real ones. 36A, but real. Hers. She finds her thighs again, moves up, closes her eyes. A gentle touch from her hand. She doesn’t imagine Hanna now. Doesn’t hate herself  after. Acts of kindness for Pepper by Pepper don’t have to be apologies for the past or encouraging thoughts. Sometimes she just sits in the bathtub and her fingers travel along her body and she takes the time to feel it. She stands up after the water is cold and rinses her hair, her body, dries off, flops down in front of the couch. She waits for Gina. Rests her hands on the small sloping tummy. What she has. What she is. 
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holdonendure · 3 years
Tumblr media
THEN another angel, who proceeded with me, spoke to me; And showed me the first and last secrets in heaven above, and in the depths of the earth: In the extremities of heaven, and in the foundations of it, and in the receptacle of the winds. He showed me how their ruachoth were divided; how they were balanced; and how both the springs and the winds were numbered according to the force of their ruach. He showed me the power of the moon's light, that its power is a just one; as well as the divisions of the stars, according to their respective names; Every division is divided; that the lightning flashes; That its troops immediately obey; and that a cessation takes place during thunder in continuance of its sound. Nor are the thunder and the lightning separated; neither do both of them move with one ruach; yet they are not separated. For when the lightning lightens, the thunder sounds, and the ruach at a proper period pauses, making an equal division between them; for the receptacle, upon which their periods depend, is as sand. Each of them at a proper season is restrained with a bridle; and turned by the power of the ruach, which thus propels according to the spacious extent of the earth. The ruach likewise of the sea is potent and strong; and as a strong power causes it to ebb, so is it driven forwards, and scattered against the mountains of the earth. The ruach of the frost has its angel; in the ruach of hail there is a good angel; the ruach of snow ceases in its strength, and a solitary ruach is in it, which ascends from it like vapor, and is called refrigeration. The ruach also of mist dwells with them in their receptacle; but it has a receptacle to itself; for its progress is in splendour. In light, and in darkness, in winter and in summer. Its receptacle is bright, and it is an angel. The abode of the ruach of dew is in the extremities of heaven, in connection with the receptacle of rain; and its progress is in winter and in summer. The cloud produced by it, and the cloud of the mist, become united; one gives to the other; and when the ruach of rain is in motion from its receptacle, angels come, and opening its receptacle, bring it forth. When likewise it is sprinkled over all the earth, it forms a union with every kind of water on the ground; for the waters remain on the ground, as nourishment to the earth from EL ELYON, who is in heaven. Upon this account therefore there is a regulation in the quantity of rain, which the angels receive. These things I saw; all of them, even paradise.
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loveclub24 · 4 years
Paradise & Purgatory
I stand at a crossroads, or rather, I sit in the front seat of a car, at a crossroads. The intersection of Purgatory Road and Paradise Avenue is adjacent to Second Beach in the outskirts of Newport, Rhode Island. I am driving, he is next to me, in the passenger's seat, changing the music using an AUX cord attached to an audio tape, which is inserted in the worn-out tape player in the console of my car. 
The car is silvery-green. It made the trip from Los Angeles, all the way to New England, two Septembers ago, with my father in the front seat, and my younger brother in the passenger side. The former, 53 years old, the latter, 18. The car - maybe 20 years old at this point in time, purchased by my father in a used car lot in 1999. The three of them, my brother, my father, and the car, saw the Las Vegas strip, Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park, and a dilapidated diner in my father’s hometown of Pepper Pike, Ohio, among other sites, on their cross-country journey. But today, the thousands of miles already on the odometer will increase by a total of around 80 miles round-trip, as a result of my own hands on the steering wheel, and my Bean-boot covered foot on the gas pedal. 
Back again, at this precipice, he is scrolling through Spotify on his phone. I am still paused at this stop sign. He is from Rhode Island; I am from California. I am not used to driving in weather, like I am right now, on this blustery, snowy Saturday in December. He has spent winters, since his 16th birthday, I suppose, driving through snow, sleet, and hail alike. There are no other cars on the road. There are only the bases of snow banks being established on the sides of Purgatory Avenue, on my left, and Paradise Road, on my right, with this early December snowfall. As Paul Simon’s voice tapers off through the stereo system and guitars stop strumming, 
...there is silence for a beat as he chooses the next song. 
I hear the back and forth, pitter, patter, slish, slosh, of my windshield wipers as they gently banish the snowflakes from my view. I can see the build-up of small white flakes on the far left and right sides of my windshield, creating whispery columns of some sort. The wipers are making an indentation in the precipitation in front of my eyes, as I gaze out at these two sea-green street signs. They seem to be taunting me, asking me to choose between them, egging me on.
He looks up from his phone, finally choosing The Beach Boys, emphasizing the irony of our trip to a beach-town on such a winter’s day. Good Vibrations reminds me of my home, the Pacific Ocean, summers spent reading sandy, kelp-stained novels on navy-blue beach chairs. For him, this album conjures up conversations with his ex-girlfriend about love and mercy. These memories, he says, are slowly becoming more and more distant, even though Brian Wilson’s melancholic voice still occasionally causes a well of tears to spring forth from his eyes.
Before today, I’d never gone to the beach during the winter. At first, it had seemed like an unreasonable idea. But the further we chugged along the highway, the more intrigued I became. And, in fact, now, seeing snow, mixed with sand, on a beach, next to the Atlantic is as beautiful as it is confusing. Drunk seaweed, bloated by the thick, icy rain. It is both pristine and messy, a combination that only makes sense now that I am in its presence. It is as if everything, every being, outside of this car, immediately surrounding me, is home to some magical secret that cannot be told until springtime. The ice-covered reeds on the shore, the shivering seagulls on the sand, even the salt on the road - they are all coy in their silence. On first glance, this scene might look slightly desolate, borderlining on dreary. But this hidden knowledge seems to enhance the natural beauty. A beach town, a place that lives its most bustling, most complete life in the summer, at least to the tourists’ eye, is somehow more alive on this December day in the dead of winter. 
A honk sounds, from behind us, I am suddenly rubbernecking back to see another car, disrupting the dream-state that has consumed us for one minute, or maybe ten? It is hard to tell in this moment how long we were stopped. I ask him for directions. I am (very clearly) out of my element; unsure of what lies ahead. To him, this is familiar territory. He has driven these roads hundreds, if not thousands, of times. He says to hang left. 
I guess I am going to hell, I joke. 
He replies, I think we both already knew that. 
I giggle. The dull slish-slosh of the windshield wipers is somehow still audible over the Beach Boys. 
(Slish / God only / Shlosh / Knows What I’d be / Slish / Without You / Slosh.)
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montclair-rp · 5 years
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Meet Aiden Finley McKenzie. Aiden is 24 and hails from Boston, Massachusetts. He identifies as bisexual/biromantic and is single. Unfortunately for you, this role is taken.
name: Aiden Finley McKenzie
face claim: Cameron Monaghan
pronouns: He/Him
age & birthday: 24, February 14th
three positive traits: strong-willed, affable, loyal
three negative traits: aggressive, manipulative, sensitive
occupation: swim instructor/stripper
hometown: Boston, Massachusetts
Timothy Healy was born on Valentine’s Day in Boston, Massachusetts. He was the baby that was going to save their marriage. His parents were artists: his father was a photographer and his mother a poet and writer. They’d been going through a rough patch in their marriage, so when it seemed like his father was going to leave, his mother decided that he couldn’t possibly leave if there was a baby on the way. She’d been wrong. He was gone within three months of his birth, leaving the woman alone with a baby boy she’d never really wanted. After that, it was only a matter of time until she gave him up. She decided to leave him on the doorstep of a church on a warm July evening. 
The next six and a half years of Aid’s life were spent bouncing from foster home to foster home. He has no strong memories, just the lasting glow of crowded, messy homes. When he was almost seven years old, he was brought to the McKenzie household all the way in Seattle. It was all a dream come true. Instantly, even at such a small age, he knew that this was where he wanted to be. His new parents were cool, letting him do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. They had money, something he’d not known much of. And he now had two older siblings to chase after and annoy. It was paradise.
Stephanie and Luca were about ten years older than him and he looked up to them in the biggest way. Stephanie was going to college at Bentley. Luca was in high school. And little seven-year-old Aiden thought they were coolest people he’d ever met. With Luke, Aiden also immediately found a kindred spirit. Yes, the two are vastly different, but it all comes from a place of being sensitive to the world around them. Luke is quick to tears. Aiden is quick to anger. Introverted and extroverted. They are two sides of the same coin and Aiden had known that from day one. Being officially adopted at age 9 was the best day of his life.
In school, Aiden has never been much of a success story. Naturally quick-witted, it wasn’t that he was stupid. His brain just wasn’t good at tests and flashcards. His lacking grades didn’t bother him, though, especially when he found the world of sports. It was the one thing he was really good at. In high school, the coaches figured out what his niche would be: Swimming. He’s really good at it. It made him popular in school after they’d won the state championships (all thanks to him). And more than that, in the pool, he could forget everything bothering him in life - his family issues, his relationship issues, his own fears and insecurities. All he had to focus on was winning.
It was a coach at his high school who first suggested he try for athletic scholarships. Apprehensive at first, never feeling like college was right for him, he was soon convinced by the generous package he received by quite a few schools that seemed to show interest in him as an athlete. That thought he could do this professionally. He hadn’t felt this wanted since the day Quinn and Cierra had been granted legal guardianship. He ended up taking a scholarship to Florida State University to be on the men’s swimming and diving team.
Aiden was a considerable asset to the team, setting records by the end of his freshman year. After that summer, though, everything started to go downhill. He was spending too much time at the pool or at parties and too little time in class. Suddenly he was on academic probation…and then suddenly he was on a bus to the airport. He’d lost his athletic scholarship and his place on the team. There was no reason for him to stay. So, he’s been living with his brother now for almost four years, still trying to figure out what the hell he’s doing with his life. When he first left school, he couldn’t bear to go back to his mothers’ house, too ashamed of giving up, so he headed to Luca’s on the other side of the country. His brother and Luke’s fiancé gladly welcomed Aid into their home in Boston, MA, where the two worked as doctors. It was weird for Aiden to be back in the place he was from... They even let him move with them to Pennsylvania a year later after they got married. Aiden needed a fresh start. As of right now, he’s working as a lifeguard at the local gym as well as teaching swim classes. The rest of his free time he uses working at a gay bar in a few towns over; employment which he took up the second he turned 21 back in Boston, desperate for some extra cash. Continuing it here only made sense. He wants to contribute to the bills since his brother and brother-in-law have been so kind to him.
Aiden figured out that he was queer when he was fifteen when he fell head over heels for a boy in his history class. It was the classic cliche of having their first kiss when they were supposed to be working on a group project. He’d been terrified, not sure of what it would mean to come out at school. He swore the other boy to secrecy, but it was only so long before the guy gave up on the closet case and left Aiden alone. He’d cared more about what the people at school thought about him than the boy he loved. After that, he continued to only date women, only using men for a quick fuck in secret. His mothers being his mothers had no effect on his fear of coming out. Neither did his brother’s marriage to another man. It’s different for him, he convinced himself. Just because they’re together doesn’t mean the world’s ready for him.
He gets in a lot of fights, not really for any good reason. Swimming can only get out so much of the aggression he has pent up. Sometimes he just has to start shit. It’s not rare for him to come home from a long night with a few bruises on his face. All that rage has to go somewhere, whether it’s fucking, fighting, or drinking.
If he had to design the perfect future for himself, Aiden would have a big family, a loving spouse, a shelf for all his awards, and a stable job coaching swimming for high school kids. And in that future he’d just be himself, free from all this anxiety of being something he’s not just to make people happy.
The one bit of his artist parents that he managed to pick up is that he’s proficient in guitar playing. He can often be found picking at his strings somewhere in the woods or by the banks of the river, just clearing his head. It’s one of the only things that manages to bring him some calm. When he really likes someone, be it friend or lover, he’ll take them with them on one of his ‘music retreats’ as he calls them and just play something all afternoon.
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breezingby · 7 years
(Long ago, I used to have more interest in Poetry than I do at present time. But, in the wee hours of last night, I finished reading a short story having to do with ancient graveyards and it brought this poem back to my mind. It Is Long)...
“Mother of Musings, Contemplation sage, Whose mansion is upon the topmost cliff Of cloud-capt Teneriff, in secret bow'r; Where ever wrapt in meditation high, Thou hear'st unmov'd, in dark tempestuous night, The loud winds howl around, the beating rain And the big hail in mingling storm descend Upon his horrid brow. But when the skies Unclouded shine, and thro' the blue serene Pale Cynthia rolls her silver-axled car, Then ever looking on the spangled vault Raptur'd thou sit'st, while murmurs indistinct Of distant billows sooth thy pensive ear With hoarse and hollow sounds; secure, self-blest, Oft too thou listen'st to the wild uproar Of fleets encount'ring, that in whispers low Ascends the rocky summit, where thou dwell'st Remote from man, conversing with the spheres. O lead me, black-brow'd Queen, to solemn glooms Cogenial with my soul, to chearless shades, To ruin'd seats, to twilight cells and bow'rs, Where thoughtful Melancholy loves to muse, Her fav'rite midnight haunts. The laughing scenes Of purple Spring, where all the wanton train Of Smiles and Graces seem to lead the dance In sportive round, while from their hands they show'r Ambrosial blooms and flow'rs, no longer charm; Tempe, no more I court thy balmy breeze, Adieu green vales! embroider'd meads adieu!
Beneath yon' ruin'd Abbey's moss-grown piles Oft let me sit, at twilight hour of Eve, Where thro' some western window the pale moon Pours her long-levell'd rule of streaming light; While sullen sacred silence reigns around, Save the lone Screech-owl's note, whose bow'r is built Amid the mould'ring caverns dark and damp, And the calm breeze, that rustles in the leaves Of flaunting Ivy, that with mantle green Invests some sacred tow'r. Or let me tread It's neighb'ring walk of pines, where stray'd of old The cloyster'd brothers: thro' the gloomy void That far extends beneath their ample arch As on I tread, religious horror wraps My soul in dread repose. But when the world Is clad in Midnight's raven-colour'd robe, In hollow charnel let me watch the flame Of taper dim, while airy voices talk Along the glimm'ring walls, or ghostly shape At distance seen, invites with beck'ning hand My lonesome steps, thro' the far-winding vaults. Nor undelightful is the solemn noon Of night, when haply wakeful from my couch I start: lo, all is motionless around! Roars not the rushing wind, the sons of men And every beast in mute oblivion lie; All Nature's hush'd in silence and in sleep. O then how fearful is it to reflect, That thro' the solitude of the still globe No Being wakes but me! 'till stealing sleep My drooping temples baths in opiate dews. Nor then let dreams, of wanton Folly born, My senses lead thro' flowery paths of joy; But let the sacred Genius of the night Such mystic visions send, as SPENSER saw, When thro' bewild'ring Fancy's magic maze, To the bright regions of the fairy world Soar'd his creative mind: or MILTON knew, When in abstracted thought he first conceiv'd All heav'n in tumult, and the Seraphim Come tow'ring, arm'd in adamant and gold.
Let others love the Summer-ev'ning's smiles, As list'ning to some distant water-fall They mark the blushes of the streaky west: I choose the pale December's foggy glooms; Then, when the sullen shades of Ev'ning close, Where thro' the room a blindly-glimm'ring gleam The dying embers scatter, far remote From Mirth's mad shouts, that thro' the lighted roof Resound with festive echo, let me sit, Blest with the lowly cricket's drowsy dirge. Then let my contemplative thought explore This fleeting state of things, the vain delights, The fruitless toils, that still elude our search, As thro' the wilderness of life we rove. This sober hour of silence will unmask False Folly's smiles, that like the dazling spells Of wily Comus, cheat th' unweeting eye With blear illusion, and persuade to drink The charmed cup, that Reason's mintage fair Unmoulds, and stamps the monster on the man. Eager we taste, but in the luscious draught Forget the pois'nous dregs that lurk beneath.
Few know that Elegance of soul refin'd, Whose soft sensation feels a quicker joy From Melancholy's scenes, than the dull pride Of tasteless splendor and magnificence Can e'er afford. Thus Eloise, whose mind Had languish'd to the pangs of melting love, More secret transport found, as on some tomb Reclin'd she watch'd the tapers of the dead, Or thro' the pillar'd isles, amid the shrines Of imag'd saints, and intermingled graves, Which scarce the story'd windows dim disclos'd, Musing she wander'd; than Cosmelia finds, As thro' the Mall in silken pomp array'd, She floats amid the gilded sons of dress, And shines the fairest of th' assembled Belles.
When azure noon-tide chears the daedal globe, And the glad regent of the golden day Rejoices in his bright meridian bow'r, How oft my wishes ask the night's return, That best befriends the melancholy mind! Hail, sacred Night! to thee my song I raise! Sister of ebon-scepter'd Hecat, hail! Whether in congregated clouds thou wrap'st Thy viewless chariot, or with silver crown Thy beaming head encirclest, ever hail! What tho' beneath thy gloom the Lapland witch Oft celebrates her moon-eclipsing rites; Tho' Murther wan, beneath thy shrouding shade Oft calls her silent vot'ries to devise Of blood and slaughter, while by one blue lamp In secret conf'rence sits the list'ning band, And start at each low wind, or wakeful sound: What tho' thy stay the Pilgrim curses oft, As all benighted in Arabian wastes He hears the howling wilderness resound With roaming monsters, while on his hoar head The black-descending tempest ceaseless beats; Yet more delightful to my pensive mind Is thy return, than bloomy Morn's approach, When from the portals of the saffron East She sheds fresh roses and ambrosial dews. Yet not ungrateful is the Morn's approach, When dropping wet she comes, and clad in clouds, While thro' the damp air scowls the peevish South, And the dusk landschape rises dim to view. Th' afflicted songsters of the sadden'd groves Hail not the sullen gloom, but silent droop; The waving elms, that rang'd in thick array, Enclose with stately row some rural hall, Are mute, nor echo with the clamors hoarse Of rooks rejoicing on their hoary boughs: While to the shed the dripping poultry croud, A mournful train: secure the village-hind Hangs o'er the crackling blaze, nor tempts the storm; Rings not the high wood with enliv'ning shouts Of early hunter: all is silence drear; And deepest sadness wraps the face of things.
Thro' POPE's soft song tho' all the Graces breath, And happiest art adorn his Attic page; Yet does my mind with sweeter transport glow, As at the foot of some hoar oak reclin'd, In magic SPENSER's wildly-warbled song I see deserted Una wander wide Thro' wasteful solitudes, and lurid heaths, Weary, forlorn, than when the † fated Fair, Upon the bosom bright of silver Thames, Launches in all the lustre of Brocade, Amid the splendors of the laughing Sun. The gay description palls upon the sense, And coldly strikes the mind with feeble bliss.
O wrap me then in shades of darksom pine, Bear me to caves by desolation brown, To dusky vales, and hermit-haunted rocks! And hark, methinks resounding from the gloom The voice of Melancholy strikes mine ear; "Come, leave the busy trifles of vain life, "And let these twilight mansions teach thy mind "The Joys of Musing, and of solemn Thought."
Ye youths of Albion's beauty-blooming isle, Whose brows have worn the wreath of luckless love, Is there a pleasure like the pensive mood, Whose magic wont to sooth your soften'd souls? O tell how rapt'rous is the deep-felt bliss To melt to Melody's assuasive voice, Careless to stray the midnight mead along, And pour your sorrows to the pitying moon, Oft interrupted by the Bird of Woe! To muse by margin of romantic stream, To fly to solitudes, and there forget The solemn dulness of the tedious world, 'Till in abstracted dreams of fancy lost, Eager you snatch the visionary fair, And on the phantom feast your cheated gaze! Sudden you start—th' imagin'd joys recede, The same sad prospect opens on your sense; And nought is seen but deep-extended trees In hollow rows, and your awaken'd ear Again attends the neighb'ring fountain's sound. These are delights that absence drear has made Familiar to my soul, er'e since the form Of young Sapphira, beauteous as the Spring, When from her vi'let-woven couch awak'd By frolic Zephyr's hand, her tender cheek Graceful she lifts, and blushing from her bow'r, Issues to cloath in gladsome-glist'ring green The genial globe, first met my dazled sight. These are delights unknown to minds profane, And which alone the pensive soul can taste.
The taper'd choir, at midnight hour of Pray'r, Oft let me tread, while to th' according voice The many-sounding organ peals on high, In full-voic'd chorus thro' th' embowed roof; 'Till all my soul is bath'd in ecstasies, And lap'd in Paradise. Or let me sit Far in some distant isle of the deep dome, There lonesome listen to the solemn sounds, Which, as they lengthen thro' the Gothic vaults, In hollow murmurs reach my ravish'd ear.
Nor let me fail to cultivate my mind With the soft thrillings of the tragic Muse, Divine Melpomene, sweet Pity's nurse, Queen of the stately step, and flowing pall. Now let Monimia mourn with streaming eyes Her joys incestuous, and polluted love: Now let Calista dye the desperate steel Within her bosom, for lost innocence, Unable to behold a father weep. Or Jaffeir kneel for one forgiving look; Nor seldom let the Moor on Desdemone Pour the misguided threats of jealous rage. By soft degrees the manly torrent steals From my swoln eyes, and at a brother's woe My big heart melts in sympathizing tears.
What are the splendors of the gaudy court, It's tinsel trappings, and it's pageant pomps? To me far happier seems the banish'd Lord Amid Siberia's unrejoycing wilds Who pines all lonesome, in the chambers hoar Of some high castle shut, whose windows dim In distant ken discover trackless plains, Where Winter ever drives his icy car; While still repeated objects of his view, The gloomy battlements, and ivied tow'rs That crown the solitary dome, arise; While from the topmost turret the slow clock Far heard along th' inhospitable wastes With sad-returning chime, awakes new grief; Than is the Satrap whom he left behind In Moscow's regal palaces, to drown In ease and luxury the laughing hours.
Illustrious objects strike the gazer's mind With feeble bliss, and but allure the sight, Nor rouze with impulse quick the feeling heart. Thus seen by shepherd from Hymettus' brow, What painted landschapes spread their charms beneath? Here palmy groves, amid whose umbrage green Th' unfading olive lifts her silver head, Resounding once with Plato's voice, arise: Here vine-clad hills unfold their purple stores, Here fertile vales their level lap expand, Amid whose beauties glistering Athens tow'rs. Tho' thro' the graceful seats Ilissus roll His sage-inspiring flood, whose fabled banks The spreading laurel shades, tho' roseate Morn Pour all her splendors on th' empurpled scene, Yet feels the musing Hermit truer joys, As from the cliff that o'er his cavern hangs, He views the piles of fall'n Persepolis In deep arrangement hide the darksome plain. Unbounded waste! the mould'ring Obelisc Here, like a blasted oak, ascends the clouds; Here Parian domes their vaulted halls disclose Horrid with thorn, where lurks the secret thief, Whence flits the twilight-loving bat at eve, And the deaf adder wreaths her spotted train, The dwellings once of Elegance and Art. Here temples rise, amid whose hallow'd bounds Spires the black pine, while thro' the naked street, Haunt of the tradeful merchant, springs the grass: Here columns heap'd on prostrate columns, torn From their firm base, encrease the mould'ring mass. Far as the sight can pierce, appear the spoils Of sunk magnificence: a blended scene Of moles, fanes, arches, domes, and palaces, Where, with his brother horror, ruin sits.
O come then, Melancholy, queen of thought, O come with saintly look and stedfast step, From forth thy cave embower'd with mournful yew, Where ever to the curfew's solemn sound List'ning thou sitt'st, and with thy cypress bind Thy votary's hair, and seal him for thy son. But never let Euphrosyne beguile With toys of wanton mirth my fixed mind, Nor with her primrose garlands strew my paths. What tho' with her the dimpled Hebe dwells, With young-ey'd Pleasure, and the loose-rob'd Joy; Tho' Venus, mother of the Smiles and Loves, And Bacchus, ivy-crown'd, in myrtle bow'r With her in dance fantastic beat the ground: What tho' 'tis her's to calm the blue serene, And at her presence mild the low'ring clouds Disperse in air, and o'er the face of heav'n New day diffusive glows at her approach; Yet are these joys that Melancholy gives, By Contemplation taught, her sister sage, Than all her witless revels happier far.
Then ever, beauteous Contemplation, hail! From thee began, auspicious maid, my song, With thee shall end: for thou art fairer far Than are the nymphs of Cirrha's mossy grot; To loftier rapture thou canst wake the thought, Than all the fabling Poet's boasted pow'rs. Hail, queen divine! whom, as tradition tells, Once in his ev'ning-walk a Druid found Far in a hollow glade of Mona's woods, And piteous bore with hospitable hand To the close shelter of his oaken bow'r. There soon the Sage admiring mark'd the dawn Of solemn Musing in thy pensive thought; For when a smiling babe, you lov'd to lie Oft deeply list'ning to the rapid roar Of wood-hung Meinai, stream of Druids old, That lav'd his hallow'd haunt with dashing wave.”
-------------------- The Pleasures of Melancholy was begun in 1745 when the Thomas Warton was 17, published two years later, and subsequently modified and refined in later editions
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chcrrypcps · 6 years
(m) korean names; mix n match
90+ KOREAN SYLLABLES to mix n match together to form names!
– common hanja meanings attached !  
**not all name meanings are listed & not all names have to mean something– some people just like the sound of them!\
(female version here!)
아 (ah)
兒 son, child, oneself; final part
亞 second
我 our, us, my, we
牙 tooth, teeth; serrated
芽  bud, sprout
雅 elegant, graceful, refined
안 (ahn)
安 peaceful, tranquil, quiet
案 table, bench
眼 eye; hole
岸 bank, shore, beach coast
顔 face, facial appearance
배   (bae)
北 north, northern
配 match, pair; equal
杯 cup, glass
輩 generation, lifetime
korean for pear
백 (baek)
白 pure, white, unblemished
百 one hundred
범   (beom/bum)
犯 criminal; to commit a crime
凡 ordinary, common
비  (bi/bee)
秘 secret, mysterious
悲 sorrow, grief; sorry, sad
飛  fly, go quickly
卑  humble, low, inferior
肥 fat, plump; fertile
丕 grand, glorious, distinguished
빈  (bin)
彬 cultivated; well-bred
분 (boon/bun)
芬 perfume. fragrance. aroma
憤 resentment, hatred
보  (bo)
保 protect, defend, care for
寶 treasure, jewel, precious, rare
普 universal, widespread
補 mend, fix, repair, restore
甫 begin, man, father, great
輔 protect, assist
복 (bok)
福 happiness, good fortune, blessings
卜 fortune, prophecy
馥 fragrance, scent, aroma
변 (byun/byeon)
變 rebel; change, transform, alter
卞 excitable; impatient
차 (cha)
茶 tea
差 different, wrong
초 (cho)
草 grass straw herbs  
哨 whistle, chirp
焦 burned scorched; anxious vexes
천 (cheon/chun)
千 thousand
天 sky, heaven; celestial, god
川 stream, river
泉 spring, fountain; wealth money
淺 shallow, superficial
賤 cheap, worthless
철 (cheol/chul)
鐵 iron; strong, solid, firm
哲 wise, sagacious; wise-man, sage
대 (dae)
代 replacement
臺 tower, lookout
貸 to lend, borrow, pardon
다 (dah/da)
多 much, many
茶 tea
도 (do)
道 path, road
島 island
都 elegant refined
徒 disciple, follower
桃 peach; marriage
悼 grieve, lament, mourn
동 (dong)
棟 support beams of a house
東 east
冬 winter; 11th lunar month
洞 cave; grotto
童 virgin; child, boy
銅 brass, copper, bronze
凍 to freeze, congeal
언 (eon)
言 words, speech, speak
彦 elegant
은 (eun)
銀 silver, cash, money, wealth
恩 kindness, mercy, charity
隱 hidden, secret
殷 abundant, flourishing; many, great
誾 respectful
고 (goh/go)
古 old, classic, ancient
苦 bitter; hardship, suffering
固 strength; solid, strong
孤 orphan; solitary
故 ancient, old
枯 withered, decayed
국 (guk/gook/kuk/kook)
國 nation, country
菊 chrysanthemum
규 (gyu/kyu)
叫 cry, shout; hail, greet, call
하 (ha)
夏 summer
河 river, stream
荷 lotus, water lily
해 (hae)
海 sea, ocean
害 harm, destroy, kill
희 (hee/hui)
喜 joy, love
希 rare; hope, expectations
稀 rare, unusual
姬 beauty
熹 warm bright; glimmer
禧 happiness
화 (hwa)
火 fire flame; burn; anger, rage
花 flower, blossoms
和 harmony, peace; peaceful, calm
嬅 beautiful
禍 misfortune, calamity, disaster
혜 (hye)
慧 bright, intelligent
현 (hyun/hyeon)
賢 virtuous, worthy, good
炫 shine glitter; show off, flaunt
玄 deep, profound
호 (ho)
呼 sigh, breath, exhale
好 fine, excellent
戶 family, household
護 to protect, guard, defend, shelter
胡 reckless, foolish; wild
虎 tiger; brave, fierce
豪 brave, heroic, chivalrous
昊 sky, heaven; summertime
皓 bright, luminous; clear
祜 blessing, happiness, prosperity
환 (hwan)
煥 shining, brilliant, lustrous
患 suffer, worry
歡 joy, happiness, pleasure
換 substitute; change, exchange
幻 fantasy, illusion, mirage
일 (il/eel)
一 one; alone, singular
日 sun, day, daytime
인 (in)
麟 female chinese unicorn
人 people, mankind, man, population
仁 humane; benevolence, kindness
認 to recognize, know, understand
寅 respect, reverence
忍 endure, bear, suffer
재 (jae)
才 talent, ability
災 calamity, disaster, catastrophe
財 wealth, riches
宰 to slaughter; to rule
栽 to cultivate; to care for plants
장 (jang)
長 leader; to excel in
奬 prize, reward
腸 emotions; sausage, intestines
障 shield, barricade; separate
丈 gentleman, husband
墻 wall
樟 camphor tree
자 (jah/ja)
子 child, offspring; fruit, seed
資 property; wealth
慈 kind, charitable, benevolent
紫 purple, violet; amethyst
磁 porcelain
지 (ji/jee)
地 earth, ground, soil
紙 paper
志 determination, will
智 wisdom, knowledge, intelligence
池 pool, pond
진 (jin)
珍 precious, valuable; rare
眞 genuine, real, true
주 (ju/joo)
晝 daytime, daylight
朱 cinnabar, vermilion
酒 wine, spirits, liquor
宙 time as a concept
洲 island
珠 precious stone, gem, jewel, pearl
준 (joon)
駿 noble steed;
俊 handsome; talented, capable
遵 honor; obedience
峻 stern; high, steep, towering
濬 deep, profound
정 (jung/jeong)
正 right, proper, correct
情 emotion, feeling, sentiment
程 journey, trip
精 essence, spirit
征 invade, attack, conquer
靜 gentle, quiet, still
淨 pure, clean, unspoiled
貞 loyal; virtuous pure
晶 crystal; clear, bright, radiant
汀 beach, bank, shore
禎 good omen, lucky
종 (jong)
終 ending, finale
宗 lineage, ancestry; ancestor
鍾 glass, goblet, cup
鐘 clock; bell
縱 to indulge in
강 (kang)
疆 boundary, border, frontier
强 strong, powerful, energetic
康 peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy
剛 hard, tough, rigid, strong
鋼 steel; hard, strong, tough
姜 ginger
기 (ki/gi)
麒 legendary auspicious animal
汽 steam, vapor, gas
器 receptacle, vessel; instrument
奇 strange, unusual, uncanny
機 machine; moment, chance
起 to rise, stand up; to begin
棄 to reject, abandon, or discard
忌 jealousy, envy; fear
欺 to cheat, deceive, or double-cross
祈 to pray; entreat, beseech
飢 hunger, starvation, famine
冀 to hope for; wish
岐 majestic
璣 a pearl that's not quite perfect
琪 a type of jade
琦 gem, precious stone, jade
氣 spirit; air, steam, vapor
記to remember, record
基 strong foundation, or base
技 skill, ability, talent
경 (kyung/kyeong/gyung/gyeong)
敬 respect, honor
輕 light, gentle
警 guard, watch
鏡 mirror, glass
卿 noble
炅 brilliance
瓊 jade; rare, precious; elegant
민 (min)
閔 mourn, grieve
憫 pity, sympathy
敏 clever, smart
旻 heaven
玟 gem
문 (moon/mun)
門/ gate, entrance
文 literature, writing; culture
명 (myung/myeong)
命 life; destiny, fate, luck
明 light, bright, brilliant
冥 dark, gloomy; night
나 (nah/na)
奈 bear, endure
남 (nam)
南 south
오 (oh)
五 five
午 noon
惡 evil, wicked, bad, foul
傲 proud, haughty; overbearing
嗚 sound of crying, sobbing; sound of sadness
娛 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
汚 filthy, dirty, impure
烏 crow, raven; black, dark
리 (ri/li/lee/ree)
李 plum
梨 pear
림 (rim)
林 forest, grove
사 (sa)
四 four
使 messenger
死 die; death; dead
士 scholar
思 think, consider, ponder
師 teacher, master
私 secret, private, personal
絲 silk, fine thread
:沙 sand, pebbles
蛇 snake
詐 trick, cheat, swindle, feign
邪 wrong, evil, vicious
唆 mischievous
상 (sang)
上 top, superior, highest
賞 reward, prize
傷 wound, injury
常 common, normal, frequent
象 ivory; elephant
喪 mourn
祥 happiness; good luck, good omen
裳 beautiful
霜 frost; crystallized
서 (seo)
西 west
庶 numerous various
徐 composed, dignified; quiet, calm
恕 forgiveness; mercy
誓 swear, pledge, promise, oath
석 (seok)
夕 evening, night, dusk
石 stone, rock, mineral
惜 pity, regret, rue
昔 ancient
奭 red; anger
碩 great, eminent; large
선 (seon/sun)
瑄 ornamental jade
仙 transcendent, immortal
善 good, virtuous, charitable, kind
鮮 fresh, new; rare
璿 fine jade
璇 star; beautiful jade
성 (seong)
晟 clear bright; splendor
城 castle; city, town
誠 sincere, honest; true, real
聲 sound, voice, music
聖 holy, sacred
盛 abundant, flourishing
星 a star, planet
승 (seung)
勝 victory
承 succeed
乘 rise, ascend
昇 peace; rise, ascent
신 (shin)
辰 early morning
信 trust, believe
新 new, fresh, modern
神 spirit; god, supernatural being
晨 early morning, daybreak
辛 bitter
시 (si/shi)
矢 vow, swear, promise
時 time season; age, period, era
施 grant, bestow, give
詩 poetry
屍 corpse
소 (so)
消 vanish, die out, melt away
笑 smile, laugh
素 white silk
昭 bright, luminous
蘇 revive, resurrect
슥 (sook/suk)
宿 constellation
淑 good, pure, virtuous, charming
수 (su/soo)
樹 plant, tree
守 defend, protect, guard
收 gather collect; harvest
秀 refined, elegant, graceful
壽 old age, long life
殊 different, special, unusual
태 (tae)
颱 typhoon
太 very, too much; big; extreme
態 manner, attitude
殆 dangerous, perilous
怠 idle, negligent
泰 great, exalted, superior
兌 cash, money; to exchange, barter
胎 fetus, embryo, unborn child
특 (teuk)
特 special, unique, distinguished
와 (wah/wa)
瓦 pottery
왕 (wang)
王 king, ruler, royalty
旺 prosperous; prosperity
위 (wee/wi)
位 throne, rank, status
偉 great, robust, extraordinary
危 dangerous
威 power; powerful; dominate
慰 calm, comfort, console
衛 guard, protect, defend
違 disobey, defy, rebel; be different than
尉 officer, military rank
원 (won)
源 spring
園 garden, park, orchard
原 beginning, source, origin
願 to wish, ambition, desire, want
怨 hatred, enemy, resentment
苑 park, garden
瑗 a ring of fine jade
媛 beauty; a beautiful woman
우 (woo/wu)
友 friend, companion
牛 cow, ox, bull
雨 rain; rainy
優 superior; excellent
宇 house, building, structure
愚 stupid, foolish
憂 sad, grievance; grief, melancholy
羽 feather, plume; wings
佑 to help, bless, protect
祐 protection; divine intervention
욱 (wook/ook)
頊 grief, anxiety
旭 brilliance, radiant
昱 dazzling, bright light, sunlight
煜 bright, shining, brilliant
郁 sweet smelling; rich in aroma
운 (woon/wun)
運 luck, fortune
雲 clouds
云 clouds
芸 art, talent ability; rue (herb)
야 (yah/ya)
夜 night, dark
野 open country, wilderness, field
惹 irritate, offend
열 (yeol/yul)
烈 fiery, violent, ardent
劣 bad, inferior
연 (yeon)
然 promise, pledge
燃 burn; ignite
緣 karma, fate
戀 love, long for, yearn for
燕 swallow (bird) ; comfort, enjoy
蓮 lotus, water lily; paradise
漣 flowing water; ripples
영 (yeong/young)
永 perpetual, eternal, forever
英 petal, flower, leaf; brave, hero; england, english
令 commandant, magistrate
領 neck, collar; leader, guide
映 to reflect light
榮 glory, honor; to flourish or prosper
寧 serenity, peace; peaceful
嶺 mountain ridge, mountain peak
影 shadow, reflection; photograph
泳 to dive, swim
詠 sing, hum, chant
零 zero; fragment, fraction, sliver
靈 spirit, soul
瑛 crystal, gem
盈 full, overflowing
이 (yi/ie)
二 two; twice
利 gains, profit
李 plum
易 change
異 different, unusual, strange
梨 pear; opera
泥 earth, mud, clay
怡 harmony, joy, pleasure; to be glad
용 (yong)
龍 dragon; symbolic of emperors
勇 brave courageous fierce
容 looks appearance; figure, form
庸 common, ordinary, mediocre
傭 servant; to hire, employ, charter
溶 overflowing with; to melt, dissolve
熔 to melt, fuse, mold
瑢 gem ornaments, usually used for belts
유 (yoo/yu)
柳 willow tree; pleasure
遊 wander, roam, travel
柔 soft, gentle
維 maintain, preserve
裕 rich, abundant, plentiful
劉 to kill, destroy
육 (yook/yuk)
六 six
율 (yool/yul)
栗 chestnuts, chestnut tree
윤 (yoon/yun)
潤 soft, moist; sleek, fresh
尹 govern, oversee, direct
胤 heir, successor
204 notes · View notes
trippinglynet · 5 years
This is Burning Man: An Annotated Summary (Pt. 1)
by Brian Doherty
An annotated summary.
Perhaps the best book ever written on Burning Man.
Available for purchase on Amazon and elsewhere.
Information in brackets are notes added by us, based on additional (or in rare cases conflicting) information. This summary does not intend to capture the wonder that is “This is Burning Man”, and is best used as notes and annotations when reading the book.
Prologue: Welcome to Black Rock City
Burning Man started in 1986 as a little ritual for a couple of buddies and their friends on Baker Beach in San Francisco. At first it was nothing more than a reason for some friends to gather. Now, a fully functional city - Black Rock City (BRC) - appears and then quickly disappears around the ritual.
The author first heard about Burning Man (BM) in 1994, having just moved to LA. Hanging out with the Los Angeles Cacophony Society, which had been pulling off absurdist fiery pageants at Black Rock desert already. By 1995, he had heard so much about BRC’s functional anarchy that he decided he had to go - anarchy being one of his primary intellectual interests. He showed up early Saturday morning and left Monday morning, so he only got a small taste. It did seem like a function anarchy for the two days he was there - and everyone seemed, for the most part, thrilled.
But why he knew he’d return was one afternoon it rained and then hailed. Then a full rainbow arc appeared and mud pits formed, with all the bodies of BRC forming a slaippery pile of gray-brown…then I saw a dwarf in full bondage gear car surfing behind a pickup. The world turned to mud and it wasn’t a crisis. It was an opportunity for play and spontaneous shows of spirit and survival.
Burning Man is filled with delights and Dada absurdities, but it’s more than just fun. Tyler Hanson laid out some interesting thoughts in an attempt to define that thing that Burning Man supplies in blessed abundance. He called it the holy moment, “that moment when you know that it is happening and it should be the way it is. It’s the most amazing possible thing that could be happening at the time being, and you are aware of it at that moment…. You cannot have any expectations for the Holy Moment. You must be blindsided and only then can you have this epiphany of, here I am and this is what’s happening, and the moment before I didn’t know but now I know and I will revel in every moment.”
Tyler observed “The Way of Burning Man” is constantly open to reinterpretation, because there is no rule book: “there are thirty thousand reinterpreted reasons as to what is the Way, and really there is no Way - the Way needs to be constantly destroyed and redone again.”
“I think the Way used to be that you had a bunch of people who did everything they did out in the desert when they went home as well. They lived it. They weren’t just putting on a costume. But as the numbers increased, there were a lot of people stepping into a form that was prepared already. You always see the people in costumes - gas mask, fairy, robot, naked guy. It’s like Halloween with these prefab identities, like goblin, alien, witch. Still, for most people that might be the most expression they got in their lives, and hallelujah, we need them. Why Burning Man does work is that it opens the doors to whatever freak anyone might have inside of them that they don’t get to be at home. For lots of people out there, wearing unusual clothing or being able to talk about- or do - drugs or sexual things might be a big explosion of freedom.
The book tells the history of the city that grows and disappears because people want a place to act with joy, and to be together, and to create things for themselves and for their chosen community. It tells stories of what has happened there, what still happens there, and what might be happening in the future because this country, this work, has been fortunate enough to have this city in it, even if it’s only for one week a year.
A Note on Sourcing
One of Burning Man’s principles is “No Spectators”. The author tried to honor that in writing This is Burning Man. He had been to Burning Man four times before he dreamed of writing about it for public consumption. Back in the mid nineties, it still had enough of an aura of “what we do is secret” that keeping it under wraps made a subterranean sort of sense. By 1999, he was convinced that Burning Man was ready for public discussion. He notes that he was late to this realization…. He wrote a cover feature for Reason magazine, mostly about the event’s curious and often rocky relationship with government authorities. (The piece can be found here).
Many stories in the book come from the author’s personal observations. For those he wasn’t present for, they are observations relayed to him by the best recollections a people who were present. Steve Mobia’s audio diaries made from 1990 to 1999 were also used, giving something close to a first-hand memory.
Part One
Larry Harvey was the adopted child of Author Sherman Oliver Harvey and Katherine Langford Harvey. Larry was born in Portland Oregon and raised by his parents in the north side of the semi-rural Parkrose suburb. [Ed note: He lived at the end of SE Holman Street, an area of farm land developed commercial property in the 70s; his home was replaced by a motel near PDX airport]. His parents had moved from a Nebraska farm to Oregon, but maintained 19th century farmers in values. Larry praised them for their stern old-world values and ethics, their lack of material pretensions or dreams measured in worldly terms.
But he learned little about how to live as a thinking and feeling human being in relation to others. He was smarter than his parents; he knew it, and he was pretty sure they knew it too. His parents looked at him as something of an idiot savant - bright and creative, but what on Earth was one to do with him? Larry was the family subversive. In his adolescence, he posted on his bedroom wall a photo of a dead fetus from Life magazine: “My mother never said anything. No, no one ever said anything. That was my angst. No one would speak about deeper feelings, certainly not in relation to one another.
Larry spent much of his childhood in a state of hypochondriacal sickness to win the attention of a mother who “ didn’t seem to love you until you were ready to die.” Larry grew up distant from his parents and his brother Stewart (also adopted), who was five years older than him. [Ed note: Steward and Harvey were fairly close in their adult lives, and Steward attended Burning Man and documented his experiences in photos. Steward also characterized their childhood as being close, in contrast to Larry’s assessment. Steward’s tribute to Larry can be found here]
Larry’s distance from his father increased when father told him adopting children was the worse mistake of his life. Regardless of an apology (sent via Larry’s mother), the pain remained with Larry, and now the only love Larry thinks is worth a damn is the kind of love we feel for a work of art: unconditional love.
Larry left his parents’ home to serve briefly in the late sixties. He had some unhappy college experiences on the GI Bill [ed: He attended Portland State University, where he met Janet Lohr in late 1968/early 1968]. He then spent the autumn and spring of love [1967] near Haight Street, before returning to Portland.
[ED: Larry returned to San Francisco in the summer of 1968 before moving back to NE Portland, to live with his brother Stewart, Stewart’s wife Lynda and their infant son, Bryan. In the summer of 1969, Larry moved with Janet to La Conner, Washington, where they lived in a decrepit water tower on a cannabis farm. After a police raid, Larry and Jan briefly moved back to Portland before relocating to Corbett Oregon, where they lived for several years. After traveling the western part of the country, including spending several months in rural Montana, they returned to Portland, where Jan finished her degree at PSU. Jan found a job that would allow her to obtain her teaching credentials in Coquille Oregon, and around 1973 they relocated there].
In the early 70s, he moved with Janet to Coquille, a small town in Oregon, where Janet was teaching elementary school. Larry found Coquille to be near paradise, but also started taking the bus to Coos Bay, the nearest town with a substantial library. In 1978, he moved with Janet to San Francisco, [initially living on Ashbury Street]. By the early 80’s, Janet and Larry had broken up. [They broke up around late 1980]. Janet had been supporting him, and Larry found odd jobs to support himself, including grilling hot dogs at The Farm (at that time a punk rock club), working as a bike messenger and driving a cab.
Thanks to a small inheritance, Larry purchased a car and launched his landscaping service Paradise Regained, catering to lower middle class clients who were interested in odd ball ideas that suited their individuality. Larry’s partner, Dan Richman, has a circle of intellectual oriented working men, among these Jerry James, with whom he would build the first Man.
[Ed: Larry was also employed as a gardener during this period by Edgewood, a health care company, was recovering from an unhappy breakup with his girlfriend Paula, and was living with Dan Miller in Alamo Square]
Larry married Patricia Johnson in the early 80’s [in 1981] shortly after his relationship with Janet ended, and had his son Trisan [in 1982]. Jerry James also had a young son, and the four of them would go out on play dates together, often building things with wood. About the same time Mary Graubarger became an important influence for Larry.
Mary had come to the Bay Area in the 60s attracted by the Berkeley free speech movement. She began to work as a sculptor, selling pieces out of her car She met Janet Lohr in the mid-70s and by the late 70s, after assisting with setting up Unity Fairs, she began a series of spontaneous art-party happening down on San Francisco’s Baker Beach.
Baker Beach is a beach frequented by nudists, and noted for its seclusion, pinched of at both sides by cliffs, and nearly under the Golden Gate bridge. Mary noted that Baker Beach "was “just a bunch of nude freaks going down to the beach to hang out. I was a sculptor and I’d get bored sitting around the studio, so I’d pick up stuff washed up on shore and build sculptures. We’d stay ‘till the evening and cook, and then it seemed natural to torch the sculptures. It was a personal thing, for fun.” “I liked everything to disappear quickly. It’s more beautiful to have people experience it and then it’s gone.”
She would often do her art gatherings on the summer solstice, but not always. She stopped in the mid-80s. She doesn’t seem to care that her projects sparked Burning Man. “The difference between me and Larry, is that Larry needs to be famous and feel that he has moved society in some way. I don’t need that at all. … I admire Larry because he got what he wanted. Most people would have dropped out when Burning Man must seemed like a piddling daydream. But he was sure of it, and he was right. People seem to need it, and they come from all over the world. But I know it’s hard on Larry’s health and I have no desire for it. Women can have children — fame is like a man’s own child.”
It was 1986 and the summer solstice came around and Mary wasn’t doing her thing anymore, so Larry approached Jerry with no specific reason or motivation and suggested they build a figure of a man, take it to Baker Beach and burn it. Larry had once mentioned to a reporter that the first Burn was related to sorry over a woman, but now dismisses it. Some old Burning Man associates swear that such a story was Larry’s official line for many years in the early nineties.
[ED: Larry’s romantic relationships had a significant impact on Burning Man through the years, including its beginning. Dan Miller, Larry’s long time Alamo square roommate had been dating a woman who went by Chrylu, whose roommate was Paula Peretti. Larry had dated Paula Peretti, and while the relationship was unstable, Larry fell hard for her, taking her and Tristan to a Baker Beach solstice gather at the peak of their happiness. A short time later the relationship ended, on an ugly note. This, combined with financial challenges and a general loss of direction, contributed to a nearly two-year funk for Larry. With the approach of the painful two-year anniversary of the happy summer solstice with Paula, Larry decided to try to erase the painful memory, or at a minimum get out of the house with purpose, and used the idea of burning the effigy as a means to accomplish this. Why Larry changed his tune on the origin of Burning Man is anyone’s guess. The story is known by any associated with Larry or Burning Man during the early to mid-90’s. Jerry has referenced the story publicly on several occasions, and Larry’s brother Stewart also has confirmed the story in print in 1995, shortly before the story changed. Perhaps the breakup with Paula was less important than Larry had been reporting, and it was merely a concise answer to the question of why burn a wooden man. Maybe Larry did not want the motivation for burning the first Man to be confused with the significance of the Burn. In any event, Larry typically waved away attempts to understand precisely the origin of the first burn as being a distraction from the importance of the event.]
The figure of the man was built by Jerry with some help from Larry in the “dismal basement garage” of Larry’s ex-girlfriend, Ellen Into (daughter of Whittaker Chambers). Jerry, Larry, their two boys and four or five others dragged the eight-foot man to Baker Beach, doused him with gas, and ignited it. Randomly, they passed Dan Richman and a date, and Dan scoffed uncomprehendingly at their proposed odd ritual.
Larry recalls that “then the most significant thing happened: Strangers ran and joined us. Suddenly the crowd doubled or tripled. The Man was near the waterline, so the people formed a half circle around him and they too were delighted by the flaming humanoid form. It was darkening toward night, as I recall. I could see everyone’s face lit by the flame. We were moved, as one is moved by the enthusiasm of strangers for something you’ve done. … And then a woman I didn’t know ran up and held his hand - the wind was blowing the flame all in one direction. Just as a lark. She was touching it as if in awe of it, but also companionable, like it was something you could lean against. — Ah participation!” “And a guy played a song about fire, improved it on the spot. … In that instant, that gift - it was moving.”
Larry went on to note the significance of the participation of strangers “Those acts of impulsive merger and collective union were what made it so special. I’m very much of the conviction that we would never have done it again if those circumstances had not happened and helped us be so moved by what we’d done.”
2. You May Already Be A Member
Larry used to obsessively watch a grainy video of an early beach burn. One detail on the soundtrack bothered him. A vice could be hard shouting ”Wicker Man!” Larry has always bristled at the notion that his ritual was inspired by that movie, which he sears he didn’t even see until well into the history of Burning Man. “…because some idiot was yelling Wicker Man, it got a name. It was very much a carpentry deal, a fellowship of carpenters. Like my father being a Mason. A Fellowship of the Work. A man built like a house. That’s why Wicker Man bugged me…Burning Man is a great multivalent name because it’s an action and an object and a shared experience all at once.”
By 1987 the Man was nearly fifteen feet tall and took a couple of weeks to build. By 1988 the man was around forty feet, approximately the same size as the current man [without the base]. The first attempt to raise the Man in ‘88 failed, when the pully being used to raise the man popped out of the sand and the Man came crashing down. A second attempt worked, and the Man, already pre-soaked with kerosene, his legs and body stuffed with newspaper and wrapped with burlap skin was ignited. The flaming material blew away, leaving a charred, but still standing man. After some brief police interaction, it was agreed that the Man could be knocked down and then burnt on the beach.
1988 was also the year the Cacophony Society discovered the Man.
The Cacophony Society as a direct lineal descendant of the Suicide Club, which existed from 1977 to 1982, the brain child of Gary Warne. The Suicide Club began as a course Warne taught at the Communiversity, SF State University’s contribution to the Free School Movement. It quickly became its own separate secret society.
Chris DeMonterey recalls the Suicide Club initiation beginning at the bookstore Circus of the Soul [at 451] Judah Street, owned by Wayne. They put bread dough on his eyes (he thought it was plastic explosives) and lead him and around 50 others to a van. They were then driven by a circuitous route out to Fort Funston. They were led holding hands down a path and were told they had to stay balance or they’d fall forty feet.
Chris claims not to remember what happened at the end of that walk. “No one can say. It was too long ago. I think we had coffee or something.” [John Law shared his notes from the time here, which includes a complete description of the initiation. A description of the second initiation is included in this article on the Suicide Club.]
The Suicide Club sputtered by 1982. In November 1983 Gary Warne died of a heart attack at age 35. [ED: John Law painted his ashes When Warne died of a heart attack in 1983, Law painted his ashes into the top of the north tower of the Golden Gate Bridge].
A handful of former Suicide Club members launched the Cacophony Society, and the tradition of “merry pranksters” continued. The boilerplate of the group’s newsletter read “We are a fringe element which is always near the edge of reason You may already be a member!”. By the time the Cacophony Society stumbled upon the burning of the Man, John Law and Michael Mikel were already members. [ED: The book uses “Michael Michael”, which is how Michael identified at the time of writing. He is now more widely known by his legal name “Michael Mikel”, and we use that throughout this summary.]
Law was a Suicide Club alumnus who avoided Cacophony for the first few months because an angry ex-girlfriend among the founders didn’t want him around. Those wounds healed, and he quickly slipped into the role as a chief facilitator, discoverer of strange places to explore, and master climber. Law was a neon sign installer, inveterate bridge trespasser, and maven of secret niches in urban environments. A lover of strange and eldritch literature, he came to SF from rural Michigan (running from a juvenile probation violation rap), and in the estimation of one man who has worked with him - and sometimes clashed with him - for year, he is “a natural-born leader of men.” He has a quiet and chameleon-like handsomeness, with the ability to blend into whatever role circumstances require, his facial hair and hair length changing constantly. He was the prime Suicide and Cacophony liaison with cops whenever necessary.
Michael Mikel was a former computer industry entrepreneur, old enough to have been part of the drugs / sex ferment that made the sixties the sixties. The Suicide Club, as Michael remembers, was so far underground he couldn’t’ find it, although he had heard rumors of initiates as doing the “most incredible, outrageous, and amusing things.” Cacophony, however, had a public newsletter dubbed Rough Draft, which Michael found one day in a Rainbow Grocery. Michael eventually took over and formalized the newsletter. He believed the Suicide Club’s demise was the consequence of its insularity and secrecy. He vowed to make Cacophony more wide open and tried to cross-fertilize with other groups, tendencies and events n the area. He also led the effort to franchise Cacophony, creating mini gangs of mischievous gremlins in any American city where he could find someone to lead them.
Cacophony was not a haven for the cool, but for the childishly minded misfits. “Cacophony was about doing things, having direct experiences. … Part of that involved trying to change the status quo of the culture through public courageousness, street theater, bizarre costuming, and public acts of revolution. More so than Suicide Club, which was more private and underground. They were challenging and growth-producing for the individual, certainly, but I took Cacophony where it was very public and open, inviting people to experience that change. And Burning Man fit into that.” Mikel noted.
Cacophony stages public protests against Fantasia, pretending to represent an absurd conclave of interests: parents upset how frightening it was, environmentalists outrages that it encouraged water waste; obesity activists peeved with the mocking of dancing hippos. They seeded the crowd with compatriots to get in yelling matches with the protesters, and got covered in Time. And then were covered by the Wall Street Journal for fooling Time.
[Other Cacophony antics are covered here]
Less publicly, they were regular explorers of SF’s abandoned buildings, stores and bridges. Colorful costuming and absurdist theme parties built around cultural icons such as Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Twin Peaks, public treasure hunts and celebrations of lost American junk culture were part of the repertoire.
A group home presided over by P. Segal on Golden Gate Avenue near Baker Street became a clubhouse of sorts for them. [Many P. Segal’s writings can be found here, and the experiences during the Golden Gate Avenue period are collected here.]
Right after the ‘89 earthquake, the Mission district of SF was empty at night, with rooms available for $250 a month. Earthquake and gang wars led to an exodus, widening the nice for the more daring or reckless to move in, giving them space to work, build, and play in. Nancy Phelps remembers “You always felt safe. Everyone was friends. If you went through the sewers, you knew the person at your back was really at your back.”
* * *
Cacophony began to spread, thanks to conscious effort on the part of Michael Mikel. The author had spent some time with Timothy Leary just before his death, and no one reminds him more of Leary than Mikel - in appearance, twinkle, speech patterns, and style. Bruce Sterling described Mikel’s “running buddies” as “tribal elder hippie-guru characters. Time has given them the faces they deserve. They all end up with this spacey Crowleyan smirk… not seamy exactly, but some kind of terrible wisdom, like a cross between Gandalf and Nietzsche…. When you’re in their company you feel a distinctive witch-doctor vibe.”
A lonely computer animator named Alan Ridenour, who had recently lost his wife to his best friend, found a stack of Cacophony fliers in a Los Angels coffeehouse in the early nineties. He didn’t realize that this group only existed in San Francisco. He imagined an International Cabal of Cacophony and assumed, of course, that they’d have a thriving lodge in Los Angeles. After sending a string of letters with ideas for pranks and events to the PO Box listed on the flier - a box manned by Mikel — and getting no response for months, he began to doubt the organization’s existence. Mikel finally reached out to Al, impressed with some of the ideas and the first escapade of the Los Angeles Cacophony Society was planned and executed by Ridenour, who adopted the Cacophony alias of “Rev. Al.”
They flyered a local UFO devotees’ convention, claiming to be the Brotherhood of Magnetic Light and promising a Space Brother landing at Dockweiler beach. In the air they concocted “a really sad little pathetic hot-air balloon…More like a laundry bag with candles hung under it” But on the ground they rolled out a two-hundred-foot aluminum-foil cross on the hillside and piled it with flowers and burning incense. “We created a magical Christ icon - a plaster Tijuana Jesus with a walkie-talkie shoved up his ass. When an acolyte would approach it with his walkie-talkie on, it would produce this interference squelching sound… I began speaking in tongues. Rich Polysorbate of course starts shooting fireworks into the air for no reason. Then [Mikel] came running up the hill in a silver suit babbling about how is spaceship had crashed.
Ridenour decided he’d take Cacophony in his own direction when he wearied of the “info packs Michael would send about how to run things, as if I’d become an Amway salesman. I did try to adhere to some of the principles and thoughts from the official propaganda. I did use some of their catchphrases as I saw fit. Some of it struck me as too fey, too much of a dancing-on-the-rooftops flavor.” Various SF Cacophonists describe Rev. Al’s new direction with almost awed respect, as edgier than the original.
The man burn in 1989 was the first publicized by Cacophony, and was covered by local television. The burn didn’t go as hoped: His support beams were not thick enough for his weight, and he cracked, contorted, crumbed to his knees, head lolling down. They had to burn him in a sitting-kneeling posture. Despite the mishap, the TV coverage continued on cheerily as if nothing was wrong. The coverage encouraged Larry, to the point of obsession.
By 1990 the crowd was so large that many attendees took to crawling along the bluff overlooking the shore to see the show. The crowd was between five and eight hundred strong; estimates by those there vary. The police arrived and wanted everyone to leave. Dan Miller, who had become one of the Man’s builders, decided to negotiate a deal with the police: to raise the Man but not burn him. This was the first time Larry remembers really becoming acquainted with John Law,
Law became the spokesperson for the faction that advocated burning the Man anyway. He was confident that the police were just making the required show of authority and wouldn’t be back. “That would have been a real underground move… Burn it and get away with it". Larry later recalled. But Larry insists he gave his word, and his father’s ghost would smite him if he went back on it. [ED: In other re-tellings, Larry has also noted that those advocating for the burn had no skin in the game… not consequence if things went poorly.]
The Man was dismantled and trudge back up to a lot on Eleventh Street, near Folsom, whose owner had been allowing them to store the Man’s bigger pieces.
By a strange confluence of events, several people in the social circle had become familiar with Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. John Law had been taken out there in 1987 and 1988 by a monster truck enthusiast. Jerry James and a handful of Cacophonists had been there last Labor Day for a gathering of windsailing sculptures coordinated by Mel Lyons (known as Mel Function) in collaboration with a pottery maker named John Bogard who lived in nearby Gerlach. The Cacophonists included P. Segal and Kevin Evans. Lyons and Bogard had already been using Black Rock for weird art events, including a giant croquet game using trucks as mallets that had made the pages of Sports Illustrated.
Law and Kevin Evans had already been planning a Cacophony excursion to Black Rock Desert, where they hoped to live out some desert fantasies, to build things and destroy them at will.” When the Man burn at Baker Beach fizzled it made sense to them to drag the Man to the desert to destroy it there. But, as Jerry remembers, during this period the Man was “murdered”; The lot he was stored at was converted to a pay parking lot, blacktopped and the Man’s body disappeared. [John Law reports a slightly different story: August 1990, right before the “Bad Day at Block Rock” event, the Man was stored at [350 11th Street (across the street from Slim’s night club) in a paid parking lot] – and the parking lot owner cut up the legs with a chainsaw one night when nobody else was around, essentially destroying the Man. Jerry James had secured a parking spot, but the legs were sticking out, into the next rentable space. “Ya gotta understand,” John Law says, “we were so fuckin’ broke it was retarded. So getting just one parking space to put the Man in was kind of typical.”]
At this point Larry and Jerry no longer wanted to work together for reasons neither man will discuss and Jerry at that point did not plan to having anything further to do with Burning Man. Law then supervised the rebuilding of the Man after hours in the sign shop he worked in, the American Neon Sign Company. When discovered by his boss, Law showed him the first news clip, to convince him there was a sensible, media-approved reason for what he is doing.
The first official announcement was contained in the September 1990 edition of Rough Draft, the “Official Organ of the SF Cacophony Society”:
“An established Cacophony tradition, the Zone Trip is an extended event that takes place outside of our local area of time and place. On this particular expedition, we shall travel to a vast, desolate white expanse stretching onward to the horizon in all directions. . . . A place where you could gain nothing or lose everything and no one would ever know. A place well beyond that which you think you understand. We will be accompanied by the Burning Man, a 40- foot- tall wooden icon which will travel with us into the Zone and there meet with destiny. This excursion is an opportunity to leave your old self and be reborn through the cleansing fires of the trackless, pure desert.”
[P Segal had derived the idea of a “zone trip"] from Andrei Tarkovsky’s Stalker, a beloved art-school film that features a mysterious Zone that looks like the rest of the world bu tin which bizarre, inexplicable things occur. A caravan of about 80 Cacophonists drove from San Francisco to Black Rock desert, stopping for breakfast at Bruno’s restaurant. They then drove 12 miles past town to an accessible turnoff onto the Black Rock Desert. John Law drove the Man in a rented Ryder truck. They all got out of their cars. Michael Mikel drew a land in the plays surface, and the Cacophonist walked over it, They were in a different place now. Reality had mutated because they willed it thus. They had crossed into the zone.
3. It Felt Like Glory
If you traveled to Burning Man in the early to mid-nineties, you had only a treasure-map clues as to where you were going—- a turnoff and then this many miles and then turn so many degrees at this flag marker and head toward that peak. If you were off by less than a mile you could go vectoring forever away from your direction, never seeing it.
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has this to say about Black Rock Desert (done for a later Burning Man): "The environment for the proposed action contains no true soils; surface or ground water; vegetation; wildlife; threatened or endangered species; wild horses; paleontology; solid or hazardous waste material; wilderness; or cultural resources."
Once in the desert, you will live on its terms, according to its nature. Once the crust on the Playa is broken a finely powdered dust will cover your skin and invade your lungs and nasal passages. In the early, the day would e spent talking and reading. Shade structures were built and would fall down. A culture of gifting began to develop as well.
Burning Man was not yet exploding with art or public tomfoolery - the idea that it was an arts festival did not arise until 1992, and did not become a serious reality until a few years after that. When listening to people reminisce about the early days, recent participants (and the author) might find it all to sound uncompelling. Fed up with people harping on the old days being better/cooler/purer/more fun, Larry had taken to denigrating the “good old days” of early Burning Man… “Sure it was a blast,” he’ll deadpan. If you were lucky you could get someone to drag you around on a tarp behind their car.”
So why did they keep doing it? The hot springs of lack Rock area were a big draw, with the rich, vivid, phantasmagoric Fly Hot Springs most prominent in sweet nostalgia, the geyser a frighteningly awesome fleshy protuberance all the colors of the solar system its spillage forming various pools, the faraway ones gloriously comfortable and the nearer ones fatally hot.
Larry also noted that the nothingness of the desert contrasted sharply with anything that does exist there. “Something so very large and so startlingly like ourselves just seemed numinous. It was a breathtaking thing. And who is not affected y oceanic space? Only someone with an imaginative disability.
And then there is the Cacophony spirit, the Zone Trip spirit, which delighted in doing what seemed inexplicable. Regarding erecting the Man, Larry notes “Who would do this? We could let our imaginations run wild - who had ever done it in the history of mankind? It felt like glory. It felt like glory. That sense of special election we all shared - as time went on in the next few years, some attached more value to it than others. We were3 all close, but inherent difference started to show, things started to diverge. What I didn’t see was that to some people this sense of special election depended on the exclusion of others, The dark side of it became that as more people showed up, there was more resentment of those people. To me the playa seemed so big it could accommodate a nation.”
During the first year at Black Rock a few people realized that combining the dust with water made a deliciously gooey slick mud that dried and flaked and transformed you into a bizarre, primitive creature of the earth, a Mud Person,
The first time the Man burned in Black Rock, his burner was also burned. Dave Warren, a founder of the Suicide Club, spewed flames from his mouth to ignite the figure, and the wind blew the fire back into his face. No permanent damage was done to the flesh man, and the wood one burned to the ground. Steve Mobia, a Suicide Club alumnus having his first experience with the Man, saw the fireworks and flares in his head shoot off as the fire claimed him and reflected that they were the final thoughts in the Man’s head, winged heavenward. Mobia noted that the Man inspired an awe that approached religion.
Steve Mobia arrived in San Francisco in the late seventies after being thrown out of college in Long Beach for a bit of performance art that accompanied a poem he read to a class. He urinated into a bucket, filled a quirt gun with the effluent, and began firing off over his fellow students’ heads. Then he crushed three mice on a table. Maybe San Francisco was a better for him anyway. He went there to pursue his interest in experimental film. (Some of his work can be viewed here).
Mobia became one of Burning Man’s first civic functionaries: the lamplighter, the one who lit the kerosene lamps that hung from posts on a path toward the Man. As the encampment/city grew and the need to demarcate roads grew with it, Mobia soon became chief of a band of lamplighters. He’s retired now, but the tradition has continued. Clad in flowing robes with flames that rise from the hem, hundreds of monastic volunteers silently trudge through BRC at dusk every evening, bearing over their shoulders poles from which hang the oil lanterns that they hoist to the lamp spires.
In addition to the dim lighted streets, officers of the peace were added by Michael Mikel in 1992. He and Rob Schmidt began acting as the Black Rock Rangers. They mainly patrolled the borders surrounding the civilizations, and rescuing people who had gotten lost or had a mechanical breakdown. Michael adopted the identity of Danger Ranger, the “legendary protector of our desert society” in later BRC literature.
Peter Doty noted about early burns “It always surprised me that people were doing art out there. I didn’t think of it as something people would necessarily do. I thought of it as more of a camping trip/party type of thing. So anytime anybody did anything, it was like, “Oh, wow, someone did something!’. And back then, people actually slept at night. There weren’t a lot of generators. In 1991, I’m not sure there were any generators.”
Doty is generally recognized as creating Burning Man’s first theme camp, although some argue other groups such as the Bolt Action Rifle Club in 1990, pith-helmeted adventurers portraying the spirit of soldiers of the Raj with tea and authentic weaponry predated his efforts. Doty himself bows down before the efforts of Vivian Perry. She pulled of something he remembers as “Elegant Camp” Vivian “was going all out for elegance, and it blew everybody’s mind. She had a champagne bucket and fresh-cut flowers. She was eating oysters and caviar off china and silver, and it was all over-the-top extraneous and superfluous and completely inappropriate, and that was what was so wonderful about it.”
“Vivian was the talk of the playa. She managed to stay pristine the entire weekend…. Her white silk blouse was completely spotless, and her black velvet riding pants looked like they’d just come out of her drawer. Not even any dirt on her boots…. Turned out she was taking four showers a day and had multiple pieces of the same outfit; [she also] had a little damp rag she was carrying around, wiping of her boots constantly. We hadn’t seen anybody do anything so conceptually obsessive out there yet.”
Doty, with ideas supplied by Lisa Archer and Amanda Marshall, formed Christmas Camp in 1993 - He dressed as Santa, constantly blasted tapes of Christmas carols, festooned the camp with decorations, and supplied boozy eggnog.
John Law and his then girlfriend Vanessa Kuemmerle would drive out to the playa ahead of the event to meet with the BLM people to show them the planned site for that year’s gathering. They would rent a nice car, fully insure it, and “drive it hard”. If it returned with bullet holes, not many questions were asked.
The legendary glory of those days was the Drive-by Shooting Range. It was miles across the playa by the side of the dirt road leading toward Frog Hot Spring, a small, warm, sulfurous pond beneath a shade tree. Mikel puckishly convinced his fellow Cacophonists - and eventually even some locals - that Frog had once been the site of a whorehouse, and that traditionally it had been known as Bordello Hot Springs.
The first Drive-by Shooting Range was managed by Joe Fenton, a former army man who fell in with Cacophony. By the late nineties, he was a higher-up in the Black Rock Rangers, using the playa name J.D. Boggman. He was initially refused entrance to the Black Rock Rangers: “They wouldn’t let me e a Ranger until the Burn in ‘94… Michael said I was too aggressive. And eh was right, I was. I didn’t take shit, always packed guns. Even if I was wearing a suit, I’d have a shoulder holster. Hey, I;m in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of acid heads - I’m going home alive. Fuck you, I don’t care what your voices tell you to do. You’re not doing it to me.” (He later left the organization after a public altercation with another Black Rock worker).
At the Drive By Shooting Range, you could set up anything you wanted and shoot at it on bike or car. Michael Mikel’s prized chariot, the 5:04 Special, was a favorite out at the range. It was an Olds Cutlass Supreme that had been crushed by a brick wall from during the 1989 Earthquake, which occurred at 5:04 pm.
Kevin Evans, who Mikel often let drive the car, recalls sending families of strangers into tearful panics when he’d innocently pull over on long road trips to picnic in the grass. They were certain they had stumbled upon a horrific accident scene.
Also involved in the Drive By Shooting Range was Kimric Smythe, a former air force man and an explosive expert from Survival Research Laboratories (SRL). Kimric was responsible throughout the nineties for the pyrotechnics on the Man, along with his father Bill, a former United Nations functionary. SRL never had a presence at Burning Man (despite erroneous press reporting to the contrary).
In the first few years in the desert people realized a lot of fun things could be pulled off that couldn’t happen in civilazation. Kimric Smythe build a wall of fire with a long line of sawdust and kerosene, a flat plane of flames bursting abruptly from the ground. Later he and his wife would festoon themselves with as many projecting and bursting fireworks as they could fit on their bodies and dance and cavort around.
In 1992 the first artist not from the SF Cacopony scene arrived at Burning Man. Serena de la Hay came from England and made human-sized wickers on0site. She spent much of the summer living in Nancy Phelp’s house, working on them there as well.
1992 also marked the first plane crash in Black Rock City - a plane flipped on landing.
The first music camp also showed up that year. The “Rave Camp” was about a mile or so from the main event, introducing loud amplified music to the event. Here’s an article on the history of amplified music at Burning Man.
By 1992, Burning Man was a ticketed event, costing around $25 [Ed note: this is not accurate. In 1992, as in the prior years in the desert, a cash donation was requested, primarily to pay for portapoties, permit fees and insurance. In 1992, it was $2 per day per person. In 1993, a cash donation of $40 per person was requested. In 1994, a $30 per person donation was required, but a ticket was also issued (in the form of a number on an envelope to be given to the gate). See below the evolution of tickets].
It was easy not to pay in the early 90s. John Law helped finance transportation; Dan Miller and Chris Campbell spent most of their summer building the man for free. (Jerry James came back in 1991 but never reclaimed much of a role in executing the event).
Larry believed from early days that Burning Man would become more significant, with long-lasting effects and a profound influence on society. He had conversations with Steve Mobia on the topic as early as 1991. Along with Nancy Phelps, who had become Larry’s administrative assistant in the early 90s, Larry believed Burning Man would big. Nancy envisioned thousands of people with a lot of art and media coverage.
By 1993 media from HBO, Brazilian and Canadian TV, PBS, and local news had covered the event.
Desert Siteworks. From 1993 to 1995, William Binzen, a photographer, organized events that were more like what Burning Man later became. With the help of John Law and Michael Mikel, and other artists he set up multi week encampments at area hot spring (each year a different one: Black Rock Hot Springs, Trego and then Frog a/k/a Bordello).
[ED Note, by 1992, the Cacophony Society started to put as much, if not more interest in Desert Siteworks than Burning Man. From the Cacophony Society: A huge area around Trego Hot Springs that had been a material storage for the railroad was repurposed (with the express intent of returning the area to its original condition) into a colossal art canvas containing over twenty earthworks and surface installations. Rituals, performances (for the participants only – there was no audience) and ongoing fabrication and modification of large-scale installations went on for ten days. These sessions in 1992 at Black Rock Springs, 1993 at Trego and 1994 at Frog Pond Springs at Garett Ranch pioneered the “Intentional Community” philosophy that informs and inspires the best components and participants of the Burning Man Festival to this day.]
Around 1995 Burning Man adopted the (virtually) no commerce rule for the gathering. But before then there was limited selling. Flash was selling tacos, hamburgers and beer. Sebastian Hyde and Joe Fenton sold t-shirts, and Fenton also sold Tarot Cards inspired by Burning Man. Chris DeMonterey sold official Burning Man Blast Shields, transparent Plexiglas sheets through which to view explosions and fires.
In 1993, a banner demanding “No Specators” was hung on the side of a bus (which was quickly vandalized by the Billboard Liberation Front to read “NO S E TATORS” [Ed note: aka John Law].
Chris Radcliffe was fleeing a lurid life in Los Angeles in the late eighties and ended up in San Francisco in a sales job with the neon sign company that employed John Law. “He had a cheap suit and a cheap attitude, but there was something about him” Law recalled. Radcliffe first entered the world of Burning Man and Cacophony at the Fort Mason barge event in 1991. The Burning Man crew had convinced a local arts group to donate the use of a barge onto which to raise the man and display him once again in his home town. Getting the barge in place almost turned into a disaster when all the ropes were temporary released to get a photo opportunity with Law and Radcliffe aboard and floating out to the Bay. However, ultimately the barge was in place, and with effort the man stood between Docks 3 and 4 for a week in San Francisco.
Fascinated with the barge experience, Radcliffe drove out to Burning Man with a couple of friends in 1991. On the last stretch, he started collecting the corpses of the suicidal jackrabbits that haunt Hwy 34 after dark. He wanted to feed them to his dog. He cut off one jackrabbit’s head with metal shears. Later he and Sebastian Hyde jumped on the hood of the 5:04 Special, with Kevin Evans driving. Radcliffe and Hyde tried to balance themselves by each grabbing a rabbit ear. They stood precariously, a rabbit head floating between them. Radcliffe ordered Kevin, “Head whichever way the rabbit points” and they surfed the hood of the car. “I realized I’d done the most dangerous thing I’d done in years… And that gave me an incredible sense of freedom”, Radcliffe recalls.
On Sunday mornings, as the sun rose on the last day of the Man’s corporeal life, a ritual developed. Kimric Smythe would appear at the feet of the Man wearing a cow’s-skull helmet, pushing himself on a little hand truck with a horse’s head on it. He was the Java Cow, and would distribute coffee to all those who approached with mugs. The Cow would ask if you wanted cream or sugar. The proper response was to shout back, en masse, “No! We like it black!'“ and down the brew.
[Ed note: This ritual was memorialized in the 1995 Burning Man ticket, which shows Kimric in full cow.]
Upon finishing their coffee, everyone would dash to his or her car, then a high-speed race, fifteen or twenty cars in a ragged row, would commence heading to the edge of the playa and the Black Rock Hot Springs, where they would watch the dawn.
By the mid-nineties Burning Man was no longer just Burning Man, an event held one weekend a yer.  It was “The Burning Man Project”, and thinking preparing and promoting it were beginning to take a dozen or so people’s time for many months.
Stuart Mangrum, who became Burning Man’s press liaison and propagandist in ‘93 and left in ‘96 loved the term The Burning Man Project.  “It sounded a little bit scientific, a little bit social controllish and a little bit Alan Parson.  Perfect.
More out of hope and imagination than reality, Larry had dubbed the event the “Black Rocks Arts Festival” in 1992.  (It has continued being plain old Burning Man ever sense).  But big ambitious art did start to show up.  Pepe Ozan became one of the art kings of early Burning Man.  Every year, he built new and more elaborate variations on his fire lingam, which eventually evolved into creepily alive-looking clusters of materials.  Pepe staged “operas” around them - mixtures of drumming and dancing and chanting with lovely-scary costumes and dark-sexy bodies that became a central attraction through the rest of the nineties.  
In 1993, Chris DeMonterey started building his annual (with some years off) series of increasingly large camera obscuras, usually in pyramid constructions that people could crawl inside to see a projected 360-degree image of Black Rock City.
Art cars were also increasing in numbers. John Law had invited his buddy Harrod Blank, an art-car maker and booster who was working on both a book and a film documenting the phenomenon of motorized vehicles altered and tricked out. [Ed: It was actually Michael Mikel who was friends with Harrod and led to his attendance at Burning Man. See here.] Harrod knew almost every art-car driver in the country and spread the word.
Four thousand people were on the playa by ‘95 and media from Spin to HBO to the New York Times to Outside magazine had covered the event. In one film documentary, shot around then, probably 1994 or 1995, Larry Harvey is seen lounging against a tree. He’s talking about negativity and evil forces, and he says the devil isn’t welcome in Black Rock City.
But then he pauses and thinks about it. Well, maybe they could invite the devil out. “Maybe we’d learns something about ourselves.
They did. And they did. [Ed note: The video was from 1994, with a bit of a different quote]
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trancecreator · 7 years
Downtown Austin Apartments For Rent
Art, food, and music deep in the heart of Texas. Walkable Bike-Friendly Food Dining Music Nightlife College
The stunning Texas Capitol towers over the landscape of Downtown Austin, quite possibly the hottest neighborhood in one of America’s favorite cities. Austin’s truly legendary nightlife scene is certainly not restricted to the famous 6th Street, although this particular Downtown thoroughfare definitely has its share of noteworthy watering holes. Live music is an integral element of the city, and nowhere is this more apparent than Downtown, where stages and venues of every description kick out a variety of tunes every night of the week. And of course, living in Downtown Austin comes with the benefit of one of America’s best selections of food, from exceptional local favorites like barbecue and Tex-Mex to eclectic food trucks and exotic international fare.
From a more practical standpoint, living in Downtown Austin puts you right at the heart of the city’s thriving business and government centers, meaning that many locals live near enough to walk or bike to work. The University of Texas campus sits just north of Downtown, making it an excellent location for students, faculty, and collegiate staff, as well as folks who want to be within walking distance of Longhorns home games.
Rent Trends
As of October 2017, the average apartment rent in Austin, TX is $1,595 for a studio, $2,125 for one bedroom, $3,234 for two bedrooms, and $5,975 for three bedrooms. Apartment rent in Austin has increased by 3.2% in the past year.
Ratings Living in Downtown
The downtown neighborhood provides hungry locals with dining options for all tastes and budgets. Participate in a traditional Austin Sunday brunch at Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill, and feast on Southern comfort food. Be prepared for a wait, as locals show up in droves for the fried chicken and waffles, cheddar grits, and green chile macaroni. Head to Koriente for a quick, healthy dinner, and order the pan-seared ahi tuna served over a bed of greens, bell peppers and rice. This family-owned Asian fusion eatery prides itself on supplying Austin with fresh ingredients and affordable meals, and you can customize any dish with gluten-free and vegetarian substitutions. Join the late-night masses at the Kebabalicious food trailer for a perfectly hearty meal to end an eventful night out at the bars. Treat yourself to the beef or lamb kebab or a falafel wrap with tzatziki sauce, and don’t forget to add the feisty feta.
Enjoy world-famous barbecue at Franklin, where you can buy brisket and ribs by the pound. Bon Appetit magazine named Franklin the "Best BBQ" in the country, so you’ll definitely want to add this BBQ joint to your must-visit list when you move to Austin. If you have room, end your meal with a slice of pecan pie.
Austinites swarm downtown at night and on the weekends, with varying bar scenes depending on your mood. The famous 6th Street nightlife scene attracts a crowd as bars line both sides of the street, which closes off to traffic and becomes a pedestrian-only area on weekend nights. For a more laid-back vibe, make your way to Rainey Street, where you can find charming cottages that have turned into eclectic bars. Order a local beer at Icenhauer’s, where it feels like you’re sitting in the backyard of a friend’s house. Tucked away on a quiet side street, the Firehouse Lounge & Hostel serves craft cocktails in a secretive speakeasy setting. Enter the hidden bar by opening the sliding bookcase in the hostel lobby.
The Red River district revolves around live music, and music venues large and small line the streets. Catch a show any night of the week at the Mohawk, revered by locals, where you can see anyone from big musicians to obscure indie bands of all genres.
The city of Austin was born in this neighborhood. The streets maintain the same grid-like format designed by the first governing officials, and historic buildings have retained their original architecture along Congress Avenue. Following the establishment of the University of Texas and the state Capitol, Austin became a hub for education, politics, and commerce during the 1900s. The city has skyrocketed in size and population, with downtown being the thriving heartbeat of its economy and culture.
Tour the monumental Texas State Capitol, and witness government legislature in action. Hear the stories of Texas’ people at the Bullock Texas State History Museum, and celebrate the Día de Los Muertos festival at the Mexic-Arte Museum. The annual SxSW festival showcases the latest in film, tech and music from around the world at hundreds of venues downtown, including the Austin Convention Center and the live music joints on Red River Street.
As the most walkable neighborhood in Austin, locals scuttle about their busy days commuting to work or running errands nearby. Parking can be hard to come by during business hours and on weekend evenings, and you have to pay for your spot with the exception of Mondays through Wednesdays after 6 p.m. and all day Sundays. Hailing a cab should be a breeze, but on those crowded weekend nights, ordering an Uber ride could be more efficient than searching for an open taxi. Locals also use Car2Go, a network of Smart cars that members can rent throughout the city and park anywhere for free.
The Capital Metro bus system blankets the downtown area, making it easy for Austinites to forgo the use of a car. The only Metro Rail line in Austin begins downtown and runs through northern Austin.
Exercise caution when biking downtown, as traffic can be quite hectic at times, although bike lanes do exist on many roads. The main north-south freeways in Austin sandwich downtown, with I-35 on the eastern side and Mopac Loop 1 to the west.
Downtown’s cost of living rests at 22 percent above Austin’s average. Housing in this area can be very expensive, with an average rental rate of $2,165 for a one-bedroom residence. A single ride on the bus costs $1.25, and a day pass runs $2.50. As opposed to housing, beer turns out to be relatively affordable for a big city, at about $5 for a pint, with most places offering happy-hour discounts. Gas prices in this neighborhood tend to fall about 9 percent below the national average.
Austinites classify downtown as a shopper’s paradise thanks to high-end boutiques, chain retailers and quirky local shops that embody the city’s entrepreneurial spirit. Check out Toy Joy with some friends, and find virtually any nostalgic toy you can remember, or just stare in amazement at the selection of oddball trinkets and games. This legendary toy shop has been around since the 1980s and has relocated to the 2nd Street District, the contemporary nucleus of downtown shopping. Locals consider BookPeople, which showcases both modern and classic authors of all genres, to be more of a destination than a bookstore. Staff picks appear on the shelves to guide readers, and the community gathers here to attend frequent book signings by well-known authors.
A few small, urban markets owned by Royal Blue Grocery dot the area. Part convenience store with prepared foods and part grocery store with fresh produce, this upscale vendor opens early and closes late to accommodate the needs of downtown dwellers. The flagship Whole Foods Market resides in the downtown neighborhood, and its in-house café, bar, wine cellar, cooking classes and rooftop events make it much more than your average grocery store. Stock up on locally farmed fruits and vegetables at the SFC Farmers’ Market at 4th & Guadalupe every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
At the southern edge of downtown, the highlight of outdoor recreation in Austin revolves around Ladybird Lake, where locals stave off the heat by kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding. Take your dog for a walk along the public Hike and Bike Trail, and enjoy scenic views of the skyline and river. Play disc golf with the family at the Auditorium Shores field, which also hosts the hip music and comedy festival Fun Fun Fun Fest and numerous SxSW music showcases. Republic Square Park serves as a green escape amid a sea of tall buildings, holding a free outdoor movie series in the summer put on by the Alamo Drafthouse. The Austin Food and Wine Festival takes over the historical square to kick off its festivities each spring, and free Yoga in the Park occurs every Wednesday during the spring and fall.
Art, food, and music deep in the heart of Texas. Walkable Bike-Friendly Food Dining Music Nightlife College
The stunning Texas Capitol towers over the landscape of Downtown Austin, quite possibly the hottest neighborhood in one of America’s favorite cities. Austin’s truly legendary nightlife scene is certainly not restricted to the famous 6th Street, although this particular Downtown thoroughfare definitely has its share of noteworthy watering holes. Live music is an integral element of the city, and nowhere is this more apparent than Downtown, where stages and venues of every description kick out a variety of tunes every night of the week. And of course, living in Downtown Austin comes with the benefit of one of America’s best selections of food, from exceptional local favorites like barbecue and Tex-Mex to eclectic food trucks and exotic international fare.
From a more practical standpoint, living in Downtown Austin puts you right at the heart of the city’s thriving business and government centers, meaning that many locals live near enough to walk or bike to work. The University of Texas campus sits just north of Downtown, making it an excellent location for students, faculty, and collegiate staff, as well as folks who want to be within walking distance of Longhorns home games.
Rent Trends
As of October 2017, the average apartment rent in Austin, TX is $1,595 for a studio, $2,125 for one bedroom, $3,234 for two bedrooms, and $5,975 for three bedrooms. Apartment rent in Austin has increased by 3.2% in the past year.
Ratings Living in Downtown
The downtown neighborhood provides hungry locals with dining options for all tastes and budgets. Participate in a traditional Austin Sunday brunch at Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill, and feast on Southern comfort food. Be prepared for a wait, as locals show up in droves for the fried chicken and waffles, cheddar grits, and green chile macaroni. Head to Koriente for a quick, healthy dinner, and order the pan-seared ahi tuna served over a bed of greens, bell peppers and rice. This family-owned Asian fusion eatery prides itself on supplying Austin with fresh ingredients and affordable meals, and you can customize any dish with gluten-free and vegetarian substitutions. Join the late-night masses at the Kebabalicious food trailer for a perfectly hearty meal to end an eventful night out at the bars. Treat yourself to the beef or lamb kebab or a falafel wrap with tzatziki sauce, and don’t forget to add the feisty feta.
Enjoy world-famous barbecue at Franklin, where you can buy brisket and ribs by the pound. Bon Appetit magazine named Franklin the "Best BBQ" in the country, so you’ll definitely want to add this BBQ joint to your must-visit list when you move to Austin. If you have room, end your meal with a slice of pecan pie.
Austinites swarm downtown at night and on the weekends, with varying bar scenes depending on your mood. The famous 6th Street nightlife scene attracts a crowd as bars line both sides of the street, which closes off to traffic and becomes a pedestrian-only area on weekend nights. For a more laid-back vibe, make your way to Rainey Street, where you can find charming cottages that have turned into eclectic bars. Order a local beer at Icenhauer’s, where it feels like you’re sitting in the backyard of a friend’s house. Tucked away on a quiet side street, the Firehouse Lounge & Hostel serves craft cocktails in a secretive speakeasy setting. Enter the hidden bar by opening the sliding bookcase in the hostel lobby.
The Red River district revolves around live music, and music venues large and small line the streets. Catch a show any night of the week at the Mohawk, revered by locals, where you can see anyone from big musicians to obscure indie bands of all genres.
The city of Austin was born in this neighborhood. The streets maintain the same grid-like format designed by the first governing officials, and historic buildings have retained their original architecture along Congress Avenue. Following the establishment of the University of Texas and the state Capitol, Austin became a hub for education, politics, and commerce during the 1900s. The city has skyrocketed in size and population, with downtown being the thriving heartbeat of its economy and culture.
Tour the monumental Texas State Capitol, and witness government legislature in action. Hear the stories of Texas’ people at the Bullock Texas State History Museum, and celebrate the Día de Los Muertos festival at the Mexic-Arte Museum. The annual SxSW festival showcases the latest in film, tech and music from around the world at hundreds of venues downtown, including the Austin Convention Center and the live music joints on Red River Street.
As the most walkable neighborhood in Austin, locals scuttle about their busy days commuting to work or running errands nearby. Parking can be hard to come by during business hours and on weekend evenings, and you have to pay for your spot with the exception of Mondays through Wednesdays after 6 p.m. and all day Sundays. Hailing a cab should be a breeze, but on those crowded weekend nights, ordering an Uber ride could be more efficient than searching for an open taxi. Locals also use Car2Go, a network of Smart cars that members can rent throughout the city and park anywhere for free.
The Capital Metro bus system blankets the downtown area, making it easy for Austinites to forgo the use of a car. The only Metro Rail line in Austin begins downtown and runs through northern Austin.
Exercise caution when biking downtown, as traffic can be quite hectic at times, although bike lanes do exist on many roads. The main north-south freeways in Austin sandwich downtown, with I-35 on the eastern side and Mopac Loop 1 to the west.
Downtown’s cost of living rests at 22 percent above Austin’s average. Housing in this area can be very expensive, with an average rental rate of $2,165 for a one-bedroom residence. A single ride on the bus costs $1.25, and a day pass runs $2.50. As opposed to housing, beer turns out to be relatively affordable for a big city, at about $5 for a pint, with most places offering happy-hour discounts. Gas prices in this neighborhood tend to fall about 9 percent below the national average.
Austinites classify downtown as a shopper’s paradise thanks to high-end boutiques, chain retailers and quirky local shops that embody the city’s entrepreneurial spirit. Check out Toy Joy with some friends, and find virtually any nostalgic toy you can remember, or just stare in amazement at the selection of oddball trinkets and games. This legendary toy shop has been around since the 1980s and has relocated to the 2nd Street District, the contemporary nucleus of downtown shopping. Locals consider BookPeople, which showcases both modern and classic authors of all genres, to be more of a destination than a bookstore. Staff picks appear on the shelves to guide readers, and the community gathers here to attend frequent book signings by well-known authors.
A few small, urban markets owned by Royal Blue Grocery dot the area. Part convenience store with prepared foods and part grocery store with fresh produce, this upscale vendor opens early and closes late to accommodate the needs of downtown dwellers. The flagship Whole Foods Market resides in the downtown neighborhood, and its in-house café, bar, wine cellar, cooking classes and rooftop events make it much more than your average grocery store. Stock up on locally farmed fruits and vegetables at the SFC Farmers’ Market at 4th & Guadalupe every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
At the southern edge of downtown, the highlight of outdoor recreation in Austin revolves around Ladybird Lake, where locals stave off the heat by kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding. Take your dog for a walk along the public Hike and Bike Trail, and enjoy scenic views of the skyline and river. Play disc golf with the family at the Auditorium Shores field, which also hosts the hip music and comedy festival Fun Fun Fun Fest and numerous SxSW music showcases. Republic Square Park serves as a green escape amid a sea of tall buildings, holding a free outdoor movie series in the summer put on by the Alamo Drafthouse. The Austin Food and Wine Festival takes over the historical square to kick off its festivities each spring, and free Yoga in the Park occurs every Wednesday during the spring and fall.
Art, food, and music deep in the heart of Texas. Walkable Bike-Friendly Food Dining Music Nightlife College
The stunning Texas Capitol towers over the landscape of Downtown Austin, quite possibly the hottest neighborhood in one of America’s favorite cities. Austin’s truly legendary nightlife scene is certainly not restricted to the famous 6th Street, although this particular Downtown thoroughfare definitely has its share of noteworthy watering holes. Live music is an integral element of the city, and nowhere is this more apparent than Downtown, where stages and venues of every description kick out a variety of tunes every night of the week. And of course, living in Downtown Austin comes with the benefit of one of America’s best selections of food, from exceptional local favorites like barbecue and Tex-Mex to eclectic food trucks and exotic international fare.
From a more practical standpoint, living in Downtown Austin puts you right at the heart of the city’s thriving business and government centers, meaning that many locals live near enough to walk or bike to work. The University of Texas campus sits just north of Downtown, making it an excellent location for students, faculty, and collegiate staff, as well as folks who want to be within walking distance of Longhorns home games.
Rent Trends
As of October 2017, the average apartment rent in Austin, TX is $1,595 for a studio, $2,125 for one bedroom, $3,234 for two bedrooms, and $5,975 for three bedrooms. Apartment rent in Austin has increased by 3.2% in the past year.
Ratings Living in Downtown
The downtown neighborhood provides hungry locals with dining options for all tastes and budgets. Participate in a traditional Austin Sunday brunch at Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill, and feast on Southern comfort food. Be prepared for a wait, as locals show up in droves for the fried chicken and waffles, cheddar grits, and green chile macaroni. Head to Koriente for a quick, healthy dinner, and order the pan-seared ahi tuna served over a bed of greens, bell peppers and rice. This family-owned Asian fusion eatery prides itself on supplying Austin with fresh ingredients and affordable meals, and you can customize any dish with gluten-free and vegetarian substitutions. Join the late-night masses at the Kebabalicious food trailer for a perfectly hearty meal to end an eventful night out at the bars. Treat yourself to the beef or lamb kebab or a falafel wrap with tzatziki sauce, and don’t forget to add the feisty feta.
Enjoy world-famous barbecue at Franklin, where you can buy brisket and ribs by the pound. Bon Appetit magazine named Franklin the "Best BBQ" in the country, so you’ll definitely want to add this BBQ joint to your must-visit list when you move to Austin. If you have room, end your meal with a slice of pecan pie.
Austinites swarm downtown at night and on the weekends, with varying bar scenes depending on your mood. The famous 6th Street nightlife scene attracts a crowd as bars line both sides of the street, which closes off to traffic and becomes a pedestrian-only area on weekend nights. For a more laid-back vibe, make your way to Rainey Street, where you can find charming cottages that have turned into eclectic bars. Order a local beer at Icenhauer’s, where it feels like you’re sitting in the backyard of a friend’s house. Tucked away on a quiet side street, the Firehouse Lounge & Hostel serves craft cocktails in a secretive speakeasy setting. Enter the hidden bar by opening the sliding bookcase in the hostel lobby.
The Red River district revolves around live music, and music venues large and small line the streets. Catch a show any night of the week at the Mohawk, revered by locals, where you can see anyone from big musicians to obscure indie bands of all genres.
The city of Austin was born in this neighborhood. The streets maintain the same grid-like format designed by the first governing officials, and historic buildings have retained their original architecture along Congress Avenue. Following the establishment of the University of Texas and the state Capitol, Austin became a hub for education, politics, and commerce during the 1900s. The city has skyrocketed in size and population, with downtown being the thriving heartbeat of its economy and culture.
Tour the monumental Texas State Capitol, and witness government legislature in action. Hear the stories of Texas’ people at the Bullock Texas State History Museum, and celebrate the Día de Los Muertos festival at the Mexic-Arte Museum. The annual SxSW festival showcases the latest in film, tech and music from around the world at hundreds of venues downtown, including the Austin Convention Center and the live music joints on Red River Street.
As the most walkable neighborhood in Austin, locals scuttle about their busy days commuting to work or running errands nearby. Parking can be hard to come by during business hours and on weekend evenings, and you have to pay for your spot with the exception of Mondays through Wednesdays after 6 p.m. and all day Sundays. Hailing a cab should be a breeze, but on those crowded weekend nights, ordering an Uber ride could be more efficient than searching for an open taxi. Locals also use Car2Go, a network of Smart cars that members can rent throughout the city and park anywhere for free.
The Capital Metro bus system blankets the downtown area, making it easy for Austinites to forgo the use of a car. The only Metro Rail line in Austin begins downtown and runs through northern Austin.
Exercise caution when biking downtown, as traffic can be quite hectic at times, although bike lanes do exist on many roads. The main north-south freeways in Austin sandwich downtown, with I-35 on the eastern side and Mopac Loop 1 to the west.
Downtown’s cost of living rests at 22 percent above Austin’s average. Housing in this area can be very expensive, with an average rental rate of $2,165 for a one-bedroom residence. A single ride on the bus costs $1.25, and a day pass runs $2.50. As opposed to housing, beer turns out to be relatively affordable for a big city, at about $5 for a pint, with most places offering happy-hour discounts. Gas prices in this neighborhood tend to fall about 9 percent below the national average.
Austinites classify downtown as a shopper’s paradise thanks to high-end boutiques, chain retailers and quirky local shops that embody the city’s entrepreneurial spirit. Check out Toy Joy with some friends, and find virtually any nostalgic toy you can remember, or just stare in amazement at the selection of oddball trinkets and games. This legendary toy shop has been around since the 1980s and has relocated to the 2nd Street District, the contemporary nucleus of downtown shopping. Locals consider BookPeople, which showcases both modern and classic authors of all genres, to be more of a destination than a bookstore. Staff picks appear on the shelves to guide readers, and the community gathers here to attend frequent book signings by well-known authors.
A few small, urban markets owned by Royal Blue Grocery dot the area. Part convenience store with prepared foods and part grocery store with fresh produce, this upscale vendor opens early and closes late to accommodate the needs of downtown dwellers. The flagship Whole Foods Market resides in the downtown neighborhood, and its in-house café, bar, wine cellar, cooking classes and rooftop events make it much more than your average grocery store. Stock up on locally farmed fruits and vegetables at the SFC Farmers’ Market at 4th & Guadalupe every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
At the southern edge of downtown, the highlight of outdoor recreation in Austin revolves around Ladybird Lake, where locals stave off the heat by kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding. Take your dog for a walk along the public Hike and Bike Trail, and enjoy scenic views of the skyline and river. Play disc golf with the family at the Auditorium Shores field, which also hosts the hip music and comedy festival Fun Fun Fun Fest and numerous SxSW music showcases. Republic Square Park serves as a green escape amid a sea of tall buildings, holding a free outdoor movie series in the summer put on by the Alamo Drafthouse. The Austin Food and Wine Festival takes over the historical square to kick off its festivities each spring, and free Yoga in the Park occurs every Wednesday during the spring and fall.
Art, food, and music deep in the heart of Texas. Walkable Bike-Friendly Food Dining Music Nightlife College
The stunning Texas Capitol towers over the landscape of Downtown Austin, quite possibly the hottest neighborhood in one of America’s favorite cities. Austin’s truly legendary nightlife scene is certainly not restricted to the famous 6th Street, although this particular Downtown thoroughfare definitely has its share of noteworthy watering holes. Live music is an integral element of the city, and nowhere is this more apparent than Downtown, where stages and venues of every description kick out a variety of tunes every night of the week. And of course, living in Downtown Austin comes with the benefit of one of America’s best selections of food, from exceptional local favorites like barbecue and Tex-Mex to eclectic food trucks and exotic international fare.
From a more practical standpoint, living in Downtown Austin puts you right at the heart of the city’s thriving business and government centers, meaning that many locals live near enough to walk or bike to work. The University of Texas campus sits just north of Downtown, making it an excellent location for students, faculty, and collegiate staff, as well as folks who want to be within walking distance of Longhorns home games.
Rent Trends
As of October 2017, the average apartment rent in Austin, TX is $1,603 for a studio, $2,119 for one bedroom, $3,240 for two bedrooms, and $5,966 for three bedrooms. Apartment rent in Austin has increased by 3.0% in the past year.
Ratings Living in Downtown
The downtown neighborhood provides hungry locals with dining options for all tastes and budgets. Participate in a traditional Austin Sunday brunch at Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill, and feast on Southern comfort food. Be prepared for a wait, as locals show up in droves for the fried chicken and waffles, cheddar grits, and green chile macaroni. Head to Koriente for a quick, healthy dinner, and order the pan-seared ahi tuna served over a bed of greens, bell peppers and rice. This family-owned Asian fusion eatery prides itself on supplying Austin with fresh ingredients and affordable meals, and you can customize any dish with gluten-free and vegetarian substitutions. Join the late-night masses at the Kebabalicious food trailer for a perfectly hearty meal to end an eventful night out at the bars. Treat yourself to the beef or lamb kebab or a falafel wrap with tzatziki sauce, and don’t forget to add the feisty feta.
Enjoy world-famous barbecue at Franklin, where you can buy brisket and ribs by the pound. Bon Appetit magazine named Franklin the "Best BBQ" in the country, so you’ll definitely want to add this BBQ joint to your must-visit list when you move to Austin. If you have room, end your meal with a slice of pecan pie.
Austinites swarm downtown at night and on the weekends, with varying bar scenes depending on your mood. The famous 6th Street nightlife scene attracts a crowd as bars line both sides of the street, which closes off to traffic and becomes a pedestrian-only area on weekend nights. For a more laid-back vibe, make your way to Rainey Street, where you can find charming cottages that have turned into eclectic bars. Order a local beer at Icenhauer’s, where it feels like you’re sitting in the backyard of a friend’s house. Tucked away on a quiet side street, the Firehouse Lounge & Hostel serves craft cocktails in a secretive speakeasy setting. Enter the hidden bar by opening the sliding bookcase in the hostel lobby.
The Red River district revolves around live music, and music venues large and small line the streets. Catch a show any night of the week at the Mohawk, revered by locals, where you can see anyone from big musicians to obscure indie bands of all genres.
The city of Austin was born in this neighborhood. The streets maintain the same grid-like format designed by the first governing officials, and historic buildings have retained their original architecture along Congress Avenue. Following the establishment of the University of Texas and the state Capitol, Austin became a hub for education, politics, and commerce during the 1900s. The city has skyrocketed in size and population, with downtown being the thriving heartbeat of its economy and culture.
Tour the monumental Texas State Capitol, and witness government legislature in action. Hear the stories of Texas’ people at the Bullock Texas State History Museum, and celebrate the Día de Los Muertos festival at the Mexic-Arte Museum. The annual SxSW festival showcases the latest in film, tech and music from around the world at hundreds of venues downtown, including the Austin Convention Center and the live music joints on Red River Street.
As the most walkable neighborhood in Austin, locals scuttle about their busy days commuting to work or running errands nearby. Parking can be hard to come by during business hours and on weekend evenings, and you have to pay for your spot with the exception of Mondays through Wednesdays after 6 p.m. and all day Sundays. Hailing a cab should be a breeze, but on those crowded weekend nights, ordering an Uber ride could be more efficient than searching for an open taxi. Locals also use Car2Go, a network of Smart cars that members can rent throughout the city and park anywhere for free.
The Capital Metro bus system blankets the downtown area, making it easy for Austinites to forgo the use of a car. The only Metro Rail line in Austin begins downtown and runs through northern Austin.
Exercise caution when biking downtown, as traffic can be quite hectic at times, although bike lanes do exist on many roads. The main north-south freeways in Austin sandwich downtown, with I-35 on the eastern side and Mopac Loop 1 to the west.
Downtown’s cost of living rests at 22 percent above Austin’s average. Housing in this area can be very expensive, with an average rental rate of $2,165 for a one-bedroom residence. A single ride on the bus costs $1.25, and a day pass runs $2.50. As opposed to housing, beer turns out to be relatively affordable for a big city, at about $5 for a pint, with most places offering happy-hour discounts. Gas prices in this neighborhood tend to fall about 9 percent below the national average.
Austinites classify downtown as a shopper’s paradise thanks to high-end boutiques, chain retailers and quirky local shops that embody the city’s entrepreneurial spirit. Check out Toy Joy with some friends, and find virtually any nostalgic toy you can remember, or just stare in amazement at the selection of oddball trinkets and games. This legendary toy shop has been around since the 1980s and has relocated to the 2nd Street District, the contemporary nucleus of downtown shopping. Locals consider BookPeople, which showcases both modern and classic authors of all genres, to be more of a destination than a bookstore. Staff picks appear on the shelves to guide readers, and the community gathers here to attend frequent book signings by well-known authors.
A few small, urban markets owned by Royal Blue Grocery dot the area. Part convenience store with prepared foods and part grocery store with fresh produce, this upscale vendor opens early and closes late to accommodate the needs of downtown dwellers. The flagship Whole Foods Market resides in the downtown neighborhood, and its in-house café, bar, wine cellar, cooking classes and rooftop events make it much more than your average grocery store. Stock up on locally farmed fruits and vegetables at the SFC Farmers’ Market at 4th & Guadalupe every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
At the southern edge of downtown, the highlight of outdoor recreation in Austin revolves around Ladybird Lake, where locals stave off the heat by kayaking and stand-up paddle boarding. Take your dog for a walk along the public Hike and Bike Trail, and enjoy scenic views of the skyline and river. Play disc golf with the family at the Auditorium Shores field, which also hosts the hip music and comedy festival Fun Fun Fun Fest and numerous SxSW music showcases. Republic Square Park serves as a green escape amid a sea of tall buildings, holding a free outdoor movie series in the summer put on by the Alamo Drafthouse. The Austin Food and Wine Festival takes over the historical square to kick off its festivities each spring, and free Yoga in the Park occurs every Wednesday during the spring and fall.
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The post Downtown Austin Apartments For Rent appeared first on TRANCE CREATOR.
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