#alien whump
oliversrarebooks · 3 months
chemical imbalance
You know that trope where horrifying things are treated as mundane? You know that trope where the whumper is talking around the whumpee like they aren't even a person? This is that story.
TW: alien abduction, alien parasites, body horror, brainwashing, mind control, restraints, tentacles, forced drugging, forced medical examination, complete dehumanization, condescension, defiant whumpee
The receptionist was young and lovely, their skin a fetching shade of blue-purple, and their human host was healthy and smiling, with the dazed, glassy expression that indicated it was well taken care of.
5X2 couldn't help the wave of intense jealousy. Their own human host's gut churned in panic. It was lucid enough to know it was being brought to the doctor, and didn't like the idea at all, stress hormones flooding its fragile body. 5X2 pumped out chemicals to soothe it, beamed calming imagery into its mind, even tried to reassure it through its psychic connection that it was just the doctor, the doctor was going to help it, and hopefully they'd both be feeling better. 
All of their efforts only put the smallest dent in the distress their host was feeling. Well, no wonder -- 5X2 couldn't even remember the last time their poor host had properly slept. They took a deep breath, reassuring their human host that they weren't angry at it, not at all. They loved their host and knew it wasn't its fault it was struggling so hard. The host thrashed mentally, adrenaline rising, coming dangerously close to waking fully as 5X2 wrangled its consciousness back under control.
"I'm 5X2-YLL, and I'm here for my 3100 appointment," they said to the receptionist, hoping they couldn't tell how much trouble they were having with their human.
Sympathetic waves rolled from the receptionist as they looked 5X2 up and down. Oh, they could tell. 5X2 knew their human looked an absolute mess, with a wild expression, deep bags under its eyes, and poor hygiene. The past few days, 5X2 had even taken sick leave from work, embarrassed to go out in public in this state -- that's how they knew they had no choice but to make a doctor's appointment.
"Right this way, 5X2. The doctor is running a bit behind, but if you'll just go into this examination room, they'll be with you shortly. Please have your host change into this medical gown... if you're able."
"Yes, thank you." The door clicked shut behind the receptionist as 5X2 looked around the small examination room. It looked like any other doctor's office, but they couldn't help but notice that the examination chair had formidable looking restraints on it. They supposed it was to be expected for a doctor who specialized in disorders of host control.
The far too lucid human noticed too, and all of its muscles tensed as it signaled to every corner of its body to escape, escape, escape. 5X2 had no choice but to inject yet another low dose of paralytics into its bloodstream, just to make sure it couldn't actually act on that misguided impulse. 
The paralytics kept the human from moving, but also meant that 5X2 had to do much more manual work puppeting its body, and they were so, so tired. With their host's clumsy fingers, they pulled off their shoes, shirt, and pants, and slipped on the flimsy medical gown. The human was expressing distress at having their physical form exposed, of all the ridiculous things. Sometimes 5X2 wished that its constant fears at least made sense. Instead, it was scared of the doctor, of being nude, even of the everyday, ordinary sight of other human hosts with their passengers atop their heads, tentacles nestled neatly in their ears and euphoric expressions on their faces.
I'm trying to help you, 5X2 conveyed through their psychic connection for what seemed like the billionth time this cycle.
All they got back in return was terror, anger, and the intense desire to go home.
We can go home after the appointment, 5X2 reminded it, beaming soothing images of their quarters, the cheery artificial sun lamp, their collection of exotic plants, their vibrant fiber arts, the beautiful view of stars from out of their window. Their host had always been calmed by these things in better days, but it wasn't working now. It didn't make any sense to 5X2 -- if it wanted to go home so badly, why didn't it respond to sensory landscapes of home? 
Surely it wasn't lucid enough to desire its human habitat...? The human habitat was a death world compared to the safety and comfort of the space station.
There was a knock on the door, and the doctor walked into the room. They carried an air of authority about them, perched on top of a petite human who moved with unusual grace. "Hello, 5X2," said the doctor in a kindly voice. "I understand you're here because you're having difficulty in controlling your human host. Is that correct?"
5X2 looked anywhere but at the doctor, pretending to be very interested in a cabinet full of jars of multi-colored fluids. "Ah, yes, that's correct."
"There's no need to be ashamed. There's a lot of unfair stigma attached to host difficulties, but I assure you that it's a far more common problem than you think. There's no judgement here. Please, tell me about what you've been experiencing."
"My human host is almost completely lucid for most of the cycle," 5X2 confessed, trying to suppress their waves of shame and sadness. "I can't keep it fully entranced, I can't soothe it, I can't even put it to sleep. It's constantly scared and stressed and won't stop filling its body with adrenaline."
"I see."
"I have to spend so much of my energy just keeping it from fully waking, and it's affecting my work and my social life. I can't even relax on my days off, because every time I let my guard down, it decides it's a good time to fight me," they said. "I love my host, but I'm at my limit. I can't go on like this. It's sick all of the time from stress hormones, and I'm constantly fatigued. If there's anything you can do, anything at all that would help..."
The doctor's host nodded sagely. "There's a number of common conditions that could cause symptoms like you're describing. If you don't mind, I'd like to take a blood sample from your host so we can run some lab tests while conducting the examination."
"Of course," said 5X2, holding out their host's arm while the doctor prepared a needle for the blood draw. As the needle grazed the host's skin, the human managed to wrest enough control to jerk backwards, irrationally panicked at the sight of the needle. "I'm so sorry. It's been especially determined to fight me on everything today."
"It's nothing to worry about. I see it all the time. Hosts can be smarter than we give them credit for -- it's probably realized that the doctor's appointment is for putting it back under."
"But why does it fight that? That doesn't make any sense -- doesn't it want to be calm and happy? Why would it want to be stressed and miserable?"
"Oh, it's not that it wants to be stressed and miserable. It's just the natural state of hosts that aren't fully entranced. It's not its fault that it's acting this way -- it just doesn't know any better," said the doctor. "To make the examination easier, it might be best if we strapped your host into the chair, if you don't mind the restricted mobility."
"Not at all. It'd be a relief to not have to suppress their impulses," said 5X2. Their human predictably howled with displeasure, scraping and clawing for any bit of control over its limbs as 5X2 fought its body into the chair and tried to hold it still as the doctor restrained it. It was even managing to resist the paralytics, utterly desperate to escape.
If this doctor couldn't help them, 5X2 was going to lose their mind.
With the host's body securely restrained, the doctor was finally able to take a blood sample. The human's consciousness was thrashing like a wounded dust-moth, but with their body secured, 5X2 could devote their whole efforts to dampening their mental distress.
"If you'll excuse me a moment, I'll bring this to the lab. We should get results in around ten deciclicks."
5X2 tried to relax in the chair as the doctor left the room, but of course their exhausting host was having none of it.
Why are you fighting so hard? they asked.
The answer was always the same.
I want to go home. I don't want to be a host. I don't want to be hypnotized again. Please let me go.
Incoherent nonsense. The poor, confused thing.
"All right, that's taken care of," said the doctor, entering the room and perching on a nearby stool. "Now, may I ask you some questions? How long have you been noticing these symptoms?"
"About a quarter star turn."
"I see. And have you previously sought help for them?"
"...No. I really should have, before it got to this point, but I was ashamed. I thought it was temporary, and that I could fix my host myself."
"At least you're here now. You're doing the right thing," said the doctor encouragingly. "How often does the human sleep?"
"Only once every few cycles, and for only a few clicks at a time. I can't keep it to anything resembling a schedule, either, and it doesn't seem to respond to sedation at all. The only mercy is that it often sleeps while I'm at work."
"And how do you normally soothe it?"
"I think I've tried just about everything. Before this all started, it was so easy -- a quick wash of sedative and neurotoxin, some soothing hallucinations, a little gentle urging of slumber, and it was out in a milliclick. It would normally sleep for half the cycle. But now, nothing works. Not toxins, not hallucinations, not psychic compulsions. It doesn't matter what I do, I simply cannot put it to sleep.  The only reason it sleeps at all is because its own consciousness turns itself off when it becomes too exhausted."
"You say it was easily controlled before?"
"Very much so. It took very well to deep trance, especially if I was listening to music. It enjoyed art and scenery and was calm as can be. I never imagined it was capable of so much anxiety."
"How close is its consciousness to the surface?"
"...Very. It's listening to everything we're saying. It might even be able to understand us. Well, as much as any host is capable of understanding."
"Has it ever become fully awake?"
5X2 hesitated.
"Please, don't be ashamed. I'm here to help you, but I need you to answer my questions honestly. Has it ever become fully awake?"
"...A handful of times," 5X2 admitted. "It didn't get very far before I was able to paralyze it and return it to my control, but... it was so terrifying, to feel my host wake, to take full control from me and do what it wished with its body."
"That's a very traumatic experience," said the doctor sympathetically. "Once we have the main issue sorted out, I recommend a visit to memory alteration to remove the unnecessary fear generation."
"Won't they judge me for losing control of my human?"
The doctor seemed lightly amused. "5X2, it's the memory alteration department. Don't you think they've seen far worse than that?"
"You're right, just a silly insecurity on my part," said 5X2, mirroring the doctor's amusement.
"Let me perform some quick examinations on your host's body while we have you here," said the doctor. "Your host is partially lucid and fearful right now, correct?"
"Extremely so," said 5X2, feeling the horrible squirm in their host's gut at the mention of the doctor examining it.
The doctor waved a small light in front of the human's eyes. "Pupils are very dilated. It's focusing clearly on my light, indicating a high degree of responsiveness. Dark circles indicate a dangerous lack of sleep, and the skin seems unusually flaky and dry. This all matches the symptoms you've described."
They moved around to 5X2's side, using the light to peer into its host's ear. "Everything looks healthy and normal here," they said, giving a slight tug to 5X2's left connector tentacle. "Connection seems firm. I assume it's enmeshed with the correct portions of the brain? You have at least six tendrils on each side of the frontal lobe, three in the parietal, and two in the occipital?"
"Of course, doctor."
"I know it sounds obvious, but I have to ask. Believe it or not, I've had more than one patient that neglected to enmesh the frontal lobe entirely. You can imagine what kind of a state their poor host was in."
"I'm amazed that anyone in this age is so ignorant. That sounds like torture for them."
"You're not wrong," said the doctor, clicking off their light. "From the outside, there doesn't seem to be any issues, but if we can't resolve the problem, we may need to do some scans to check that all of your tendrils are properly connected. It's uncommon, but there are certain disorders that prevent proper cohesion of tendril to host brain."
"I'll subject myself to any tests if it will help."
"I know how intensely uncomfortable it must be to have your host so wakeful, for both you and it," said the doctor. "I'm certain we can help you. It's extremely rare for this sort of problem to be beyond the reach of modern medicine."
A knock at the door, and the receptionist entered the room. "I have the results from the lab for you," they said, slipping out again quickly.
The doctor's host took the readout and looked it over, as 5X2 waited in anticipation and 5X2's host trembled in terror. Finally, there was a wave of satisfaction from the doctor. "I have good news for you, 5X2. The lab results may have given us an important clue to your problem."
"Truly? What is it?"
"You see here..." The doctor placed the readout in front of 5X2. It was full of miniature graphs and jargon that they didn't have a hope of understanding. "Most of the toxin levels in the human's blood were highly elevated -- no doubt due to your efforts to keep it under control -- but one in particular was abnormally low, almost undetectable."
"And that is?"
"In basic terms, it's a powerful hypnotic, the primary toxin used to keep the human mind asleep and docile. Without this important chemical, your host's mind is far more alert than it should ever be. That makes it less receptive to all of your efforts to soothe it, allows stress and fear hormones to build up in its delicate brain, and causes it to resist being put to sleep."
"And that's what's missing?" said 5X2, feeling waves of relief at having an answer.
"It would seem so. The absence of this hypnotic would make it next to impossible to keep a healthy human under trance. It's no wonder your efforts to sedate and entrance your host were fruitless. I'm honestly impressed you were able to walk into my office."
"Is there a cure?"
"There are a few different conditions that can cause this. To start with, I'm going to give you a prescription for a course of medication that should help promote the natural release of this chemical from your toxin glands. It has a few minor potential side effects, which the informational packet will describe."
"No side effects can possibly be worse than what I'm going through now. How long will that take to have an effect?"
"It should be at full strength in eight to ten cycles. We can see how you're responding, then, and I can advise you on a further course of treatment."
5X2 steadied themself. Eight to ten cycles. They could endure eight to ten more cycles.
"But in the meantime, we can simply inject your host with a big, healthy dose of the chemical cocktail it's been missing."
5X2's elation was almost drowned out by its host's panic and despair. "You can do that? You can do that right now?"
"Certainly," said the doctor, pulling a jar of translucent blue liquid from a shelf. "Let me prepare the injection. It's all natural and safe for both of you. I'm sure you're both eager to get some reprieve from fighting each other."
"And I'll be able to put my host to sleep? To keep it under trance?"
"With this extra strength, time release formula, it should be well out of it for the next few cycles, exceedingly simple to control. You can both finally get the rest you need."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, you don't know how much of a relief that is."
No! No, no, no! the human was screaming through their connection. Don't let them inject me with that! Let me go! I want to go home! I need to wake up -- I need to --
"I need to wake up!" 
5X2 felt their consciousness suddenly cut off from their host's body as the human woke. It pulled at the restraints, trying to get its hand free.
"Please let me go! Don't do this!" the human yelled, as the doctor looked on with curiosity.
"Oh, you're awake? Now, now, we're only trying to help you," said the doctor. "Aren't you tired of fighting? Aren't you scared and hurting?"
"I'm scared and hurting because of what you're doing to me! This isn't right! Humans aren't meant to live like this -- you've taken my entire life from me!" Tears streamed down its face. "You're a doctor -- if you have any compassion at all, please listen to me! We don't want to be hypnotized and turned into puppets. We don't want to spend our whole lives sleeping and hallucinating and floating along in a mindless trance. We want to be free!"
The doctor patted its head. "I know this must all seem so scary to you, but it's only because of a chemical imbalance. That's why your passenger brought you here to the doctor, to help you. Your passenger loves you very much and only wants the best for you. Do you understand?"
"No, I don't want this. This is wrong -- please listen!"
"You're going to feel so much better in just a few minutes. I promise. Just trust me," said the doctor, their host easily pinning down 5X2's host's restrained arm and administering the injection. 
"No, please!" 5X2's host struggled uselessly against the tight restraints, its panic reaching a fever pitch, as 5X2 sat in their own mind and watched. "Please! Please listen! Let me go! Let me... go..."
The human host's body relaxed, sagging against the restraints as its control over itself suddenly diminished. 5X2 could feel a lovely sense of peace wash over their host, a sensation they hadn't felt in a quarter star turn. 
5X2, eager to take back its host, sent deep, hypnotic compulsions to fog its host's mind, to sink it into a pleasant daze, to pull it back under their control, and they were delighted when the host responded swiftly and easily. All of that fight, that fear, that anger began to evaporate like mist as 5X2 gently soothed its host into a trance.
You want to be a good host, 5X2 coaxed. You want to stop resisting. You want to weaken your feeble mental defenses and let me in.
I want to... Their host's thoughts were faltering and slow, easy to manipulate, just as they should be. I want to be a good host... want to let you in... want to drop my defenses... stop resisting...
Yes, that's right. Lower those defenses. You're safe, completely safe. You can relax now.
There was only a slight hesitation before the response. Safe... relax...
 5X2 felt the human's resistance melt away, leaving its mind like soft clay in their grasp.
5X2 rewarded their host's compliance with a pleasant vision of the ship's recreation district, filled with laughter and games and live music, one that their host used to be fond of before it became impossibly defiant. Their host latched onto the familiar, mollifying hallucination right away, like a young one with its comfort-toy.
Fun... pretty...
Yes, it is fun and pretty, said 5X2. You deserve it, because you're being very good right now. Aren't you glad I took you to the doctor?
Feels... hazy...
And isn't that good?
Mmhmm... good... so good... thank you...
"How is it feeling now?" asked the doctor. "Any better?"
"Oh, yes, that was absolutely brilliant," said 5X2. "It's completely docile and enjoying its favorite hallucination right now. I can't thank you enough."
"Excellent. I'm just glad that worked. I'll make an appointment for you ten cycles from now, and give you the prescriptions for the medication I recommend, along with a course of injectables to keep your host nice and compliant. It shouldn't give you any more trouble."
"That sounds perfect."
"I recommend putting your host to sleep for the next cycle. It must be so fatigued after all of that pointless struggle, and a prolonged period of rest will help it to reacclimate to your control."
"I don't think I need to worry about the last part," said 5X2 gleefully. "It seems so relieved to be back under. But I agree that it needs sleep. Maybe I can get some sleep too."
5X2's host was already flooded with the injected sedative, so they sent a simple but strong compulsion to lull it asleep. Its exhausted mind responded right away, filling it with a deep, irresistible drowsiness, its remaining thoughts dulling and fading as it drifted away peacefully. The cheerful hallucination of the recreational zone would give it pleasant dreams. 5X2 couldn't remember the last time their host had been so quiet, not a hint of stress or nightmares.
It was so charming to feel their delightful host curling up comfortably in its own mind and going to sleep. It reminded 5X2 of how much they loved their host, before everything had gone wrong.
"It worked," said 5X2 in awe.
"Asleep already? I thought so. It was so worn out."
"Thank you again, doctor, for all of your help. My host wanted to thank you, too, before it fell asleep. I can tell that it already feels so much happier."
"It's my pleasure." The doctor released 5X2's host from the chair. 
5X2 stood up, shedding the medical gown and putting the host's clothes back on its body. Control was simple and seamless now, the host's body moving exactly in accordance with 5X2's wishes. They could hardly believe what a difference a little chemical persuasion made. With their newfound freedom, a part of them wanted to go out and indulge in all of the fine pleasures they had missed out on for so long -- but really, they knew it would be far more prudent to go home and sleep.
They'd do that after they picked up those prescriptions, of course. They weren't going to let a simple chemical imbalance ruin their life any more.
It's always the weirdest things you need to get out of your system, right? I don't know where this came from, but I'm tempted to write more about this alien parasite society. Like how they acquire humans, and how other pairs are doing...
What would you do if you had a passenger of your own?
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loonybun · 2 months
hi back again with more whump ideas for you guys!! this time i’m gonna focus on settings in whump because there are a ton of things i’d love to see more of!!!!
- morgues. i’ve brought this one up before and ill say it again. morgues. you can keep your whumpee on a slab!! in a dark and confined space!!! embalm ‘em! drain ‘em! they’ll be fine!!!
- on that same note, a funeral parlor! have them down on the table and pretty them up for a burial! doesn’t matter if they’re still breathing.
- operating theaters. you people do not understand how perfect operating theaters are. as someone who had a hyperfixation on victorian medical practices trust me when i say they are fucked up. for those unaware, operating theaters are kind of circular rooms that have rows of seats similar to an amphitheater that all point towards the operating table!! imagine a whumpee getting a fun little painful and unsedated surgery in front of a live audience! are the onlookers nobles who just wanted to watch a fun, gorey show? or are they fellow doctors/surgeons/scientists or training to become one?
- forests. cold, cold forests. frostbite and hypothermia are enough of a threat to keep whumpee from running off.
- restaurants! because of course the person who loves fictional cannibalism has to put it on here!!! serve them up!!!!!!!! maybe limb-by-limb as not to be so wasteful. keep them waiting in the freezer while you pick em apart!
- space. it’s called the final frontier for a reason. and unlike the other places, you can’t really escape space. once you’re there, you’re kind of art the mercy of whoever else is there. aliens im talking about aliens. i need more aliens.
- pirate ships. that’s all. that’s the prompt. once again, you can’t really escape the ocean. you’ve just gotta wait until another ship finds you and hope they’re on your side.
- labrynths. regardless of how many turns whumpee makes, they always find themselves right back at the start. maybe it’s been rigged from the beginning. maybe something else is in there with them. hunting them down.
once again if you use any of these tag me please i’d love to see
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rainydaywhump · 3 months
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parasiticwhumpee · 8 days
Here’s my submission for @species-whump-weekly alien week!!!
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poor little slime boy :(
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torture-themed · 18 days
To my beloved enjoyers of alien pet whump (which seems to be gaining some traction):
I have a movie recommendation for you!
Fantastic Planet is an animated film from 1973 about "oms" being kept as pets by the giant Traags. An om manages to escape his captivity with a traag learning device, and brings it to the feral oms. Together, they change history.
It's a wonderfully weird movie full of stunning visuals and fantastic whump. Dehumanization, poison gas, the works. I'd highly recommend giving it a watch!
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(I genuinely have no clue how to describe these last two or I'd add image descriptions. I'm sorry!)
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mj-iza-writer · 6 months
Whumpee jolted awake, the last thing they remembered was a bright light, then they remembered getting really tired and falling asleep. They remembered floating though.
They seemed to be laying on something hard and metal. The room was bright and sterile.
"Where am... ", they tried to sit up, but was quickly stopped by bindings holding them down, "wha-what's happening?", they pulled at the bindings.
A door opened, Whumpee glanced up.
Whumpee panicked at the sight of what walked in. Several creatures now gathered around the metal table Whumpee lay on.
Whumpee let out a small whimper, "help", they managed to whisper.
"Do you understand English?", one of the creatures leaned in close.
Whumpee timidly shook their head yes.
The being then looked up at the others and said something in a different language, nothing Whumpee had heard before.
"My name is Naxu, you are on an alien space shuttle, going back to our home Piohner", Naxu explained, "I learned English from a friend. You will be able to meet him once we arrive. We are going to examine you and make sure you are healthy, we do not wish to bring any harmful illnesses to our human population on our planet. I will interpret everything going on, we do not wish to harm you, so let me know if something is uncomfortable or hurts."
"What do you mean? What do you want me for?", Whumpee looked around again, "please I want to go home, I don't want to go to wherever you said."
"Piohner hosts a small group of humans, all different types. Um genders, ethnic groups, and so on. We don't have someone like you", Naxu explained, "we just examine you all, nothing painful, just out of curiosity."
Someone said something again.
Naxu looked up at them and said something back.
"I'm sorry, but they need to get started they want to make sure you are okay to bring onto the planet", Naxu looked down at Whumpee, "I will be right here to help you."
Whumpee unwillingly nodded, assuming they weren't getting out of this.
"What language are you speaking, and how do you know English?", Whumpee sighed trying to ignore the examination.
"I speak in my own language Piogne, it's the language of our planet", Naxu smiled, "one human on our planet is a teacher, and taught English to those of us who wanted to learn it. We believed it would make the human population have an easier time with us if they can understand us. A few humans even learned Piogne as well."
Whumpee grimaced when someone jabbed something into their side.
Naxu saw it and quickly told them to be more gentle.
"Sorry they tripped a little and tried catching themself", Naxu looked back down at Whumpee.
Whumpee nodded, and looked down at what they were doing.
"Can I just admit this is not a fun experience", they sighed and looked at Naxu.
"Yes I'm sorry, Caretaker tried his best to teach us how to take take care of humans, I'm afraid we are still learning."
"Caretaker?", Whumpee looked in shock.
"Yes, Caretaker was one of our first humans, and he came willingly. He says he wanted a new adventure. On one condition, he could learn about us as we learn about humans", Naxu grinned, "he tried to teach us English, but was happy when the professor was grabbed next. Caretaker is a doctor and will take care of your health needs for the most part."
"Oh", Whumpee looked back down at the others.
Someone said something, causing Whumpee to look back at Naxu.
"They said you passed", Naxu grinned, "and just in time, we are arriving to Piohner."
Another creature came in carrying a suit.
"Piohner lacks oxygen, so you will have to wear this when you leave the safe zones", Naxu started to unbuckle the straps, "our scientists created a synthetic form of oxygen that is safe for humans to breath, and we on Piohner don't rely on breathing elements to survive."
Whumpee sat up and looked at the other creatures, 'or aliens I guess', Whumpee thought to themself.
Naxu helped Whumpee into the suit, and lastly fitted the helmet on.
"Can you hear me?", Naxu tapped on the glass.
Whumpee nodded, "yes."
"Our planet does have a gravitational pull, but it's a little different then earth's", Naxu explained, "you will feel a little light, but don't worry, you won't float away."
Naxu led Whumpee through the shuttle, and into the exit room, "this is the last place you'll be able to breath without that suit. Do not take it off until I say so. The base, where the human population stay, is a safe zone. Do you understand?"
"Yes", Whumpee nodded.
The shuttle landed.
When the doors opened, a group had gathered to meet the new human.
Naxu smiled back at Whumpee, "they get excited when a new friend comes to our planet."
Naxu led Whumpee through a hanger and outside.
"This is my planet", Naxu looked around happily.
Whumpee looked around also, "I wasn't expecting this."
"No one really does", Naxu laughed.
"Okay let's get you to the base, that suit only holds so much breathable oxygen, the scientists are working to make it longer so you can explore the planet more", Naxu grabbed Whumpee's hand, "it's been a difficult trial for them though. The suit beeps as a warning if you are low."
Naxu was carrying Whumpee by the time they made it to the base.
They entered one door, closed it. Then went through another, and closed that one.
Naxu quickly pulled off the helmet, "take some deep breaths for me. I'm going to report the tech that didn't check the oxygen before giving you that suit", Naxu looked at the suit.
Whumpee hunched over trying to catch their breath.
"That was scary, I was starting to black out", Whumpee finally stood up.
"I'm sorry", Naxu frowned, "that shouldn't have happened, and I'll deal with it."
"What happened?", a voice came from behind.
"Oh Caretaker, they gave out new human a suit with limited oxygen, they almost blacked out."
"Oh, let me check vitals really quick and ma....Whumpee", the voice stopped.
Whumpee quickly turned to the voice, "so it is you", Naxu said Caretaker, but I wasn't sure."
"You two know each other", Naxu eyed them.
"Yes, we were neighbors, and I did some doctor check ins for Whumpee and their family", Caretaker smiled, "you've grown up."
"Until he disappeared", Whumpee looked at Caretaker.
Caretaker did a small assessment on Whumpee, "I couldn't help it, they offered me a new adventure. I wanted to get out of our boring neighborhood."
"So did I, I went across the country for college", Whumpee sighed.
"Our neighborhood was really boring, we were the goofballs, and played pranks on each other", Caretaker talked to Naxu.
"I think you're going to like it here Whumpee, we gave a lot of fun", Caretaker smiled.
"What about being studied?", Whumpee looked down, "I didn't much enjoy the one I already had on the shuttle."
"Nah, now that you're here, I'll take care of your medical needs, they only really look you over once in a while", Caretaker smiled at Naxu, "mostly they just spend time with you and document behavior."
"So we are lab rats?" Whumpee crossed their arms.
"Essentially yes, but it's once a month. The rest of the time we do whatever we want", Caretaker grinned, "plus they get amused by pranks, so they don't mind if we play some."
Whumpee couldn't hide a grin.
"Okay", Whumpee agreed, "I'm so happy to have my prank buddy back."
Caretaker reached out for a hug, in which Whumpee excepted.
"Me too", Caretaker frowned at Naxu, "me too."
Later Caretaker caught Naxu and pulled them aside.
"What are the plans with Whumpee?", Caretaker questioned, concern written on their face, "I noticed your failed suit trick didn't work, and they survived. They should have lost oxygen and died on the walk over, yes."
Naxu sighed, "yes it didn't work, but that's a good thing right", Naxu smiled quickly, "it would have been a painless death, for the most part. Just blacking out, going into a permanent sleep, you know it's true"
Caretaker looked at Naxu worryingly.
"Relax Caretaker, they won't be harmed. They will be like you and Professor, and just kept here", Naxu promised, "I explained your relationship with Whumpee to the board, Whumpee is on the don't harm list. We will find a different human to fill in the space we need for a cadaver body to study. You know the other one had to be removed because of rot."
Caretaker looked down sadly, but sighed in relief, "out of all the people on planet earth, you find them."
"I promise, they will be just fine. Just like you told them", Naxu looked down the hall, and noticed Whumpee, "nothing is to be mentioned to them, everything is fine, we agree."
"Yes", Caretaker sighed.
"What's going on?", Whumpee hurried down the hall, "you both looked frightened."
Caretaker froze up.
"Nothing is wrong, Whumpee, just something personal for me and Caretaker", Naxu promised, and gave a look at Caretaker.
"Yes, nothing is wrong", Caretaker sighed, "let's go play a prank."
"Okay", Whumpee smiled excitedly.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened
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generic-whumper · 9 months
I cannot write a “normal” whump story for the life of me. Every attempt has failed so far. (Yet I can read and enjoy human whump perfectly fine?)
Either my characters (whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers) are aliens/ non-human; or the whumpee is going to be a human with supernatural abilities because super-powered whumpees are apparently my weakness? There’s just something extra spicy about adding some mystical, magical, paranormal, and supernatural elements to a story that really scratches an ever-present itch in my brain.
Bonus points for supernatural elements and powers being allegories or symbols for the human experience, mental illness, or man-made issues like society and culture.
Please share your favorite non-human whump stories, I want to read them all!
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species-whump-weekly · 6 months
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i-eat-worlds · 11 months
Alien whump thingy. If anybody thinks this is cool I’ll continue it. CW: alien abduction, mention blood and bodily fluids, this is just an intro and no real whumpy.
Xorya looked through the one way window into the containment cell. Xe had been returning home from a research expedition when xe’d received a transmission from the commander of Galactic Navy Cruiser Axodi.
Apparently, the ship had found a small vessel trespassing outside of the Defined Zone, and when it had been boarded, they’d found Whumper, former (fired) scientist, wanted for a wide variety of Species Rights violations. When the boarding crew had explored further, they’d found a blood covered human, curled up in the corner.
A human. Earth was well outside the contacted zone. The discovery had caused a major shake-up all the way up the ranks to the top. And now Xorya, the closest thing they had to an expert, was watching the poor human, still covered in bodily fluids, curled up and crying in the corner.
Xorya turned away from the window. As xe walked away from the room, xe made a list of all the things that would be needed. One of the cruisers isolation suites for sure, and a bio safety suit. Care needed to be taken to find suitable food for the human. And of course, xe would need to look at what ever whumper had done, and provide what ever treatment they could offer. Xorya growled quietly. Xe hopped they were up to this, for the humans sake.
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3-2-whump · 25 days
WoW Birthday Whump Day 6
Non human whumpee
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This is Rinnico from that fiction revamp idea I talked about here
He’s a reptilian alien of some sort. This is what ten year old me used to draw, now redrawn by nearly-30 year old me. I won’t dare show you what ten year old me’s reptilian aliens used to look like.
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midwinter-whump · 10 days
LD Lab Rats Pt. 8
Blood, Blaster shot wound, dehumanization, muzzle
"Liithal. Come on, kid. Say something."
Teeth sinking into her shoulder, pinning her to the ground.
"Whatever he did to you, you're stronger than this."
Her breath leaking out slowly as her muscles lock up.
"You have people counting on you."
A sharp thread being pulled from deep in her chest, as if her very soul is being extracted. The world becomes a little darker, and her awareness dims.
Liithal finally turned her gaze to Jay, but she felt numb and disconnected.
"There you are. You were starting to worry me, kid." By the look of his face, he was still worried. But Liithal was guessing since she couldn't sense his emotions anymore.
Her own voice was much more flat and rough than normal when she spoke, "I'm.... okay."
Jay frowned and scrunched his eyebrows. "I hope so. While I was out today I overheard the pirates talking about their sensors going off. I think we need to be ready to go soon."
While parameter sensors could go off at storms, wildlife, a particularly big wave, Liithal deeply hoped that meant her friends were scouting out a way to break in. The prospect lifted her spirits. "Even if they get to us, these cells are locked. Look what happened when I tried to break you out!"
"Which is why we will be keeping tabs on Nordue and his tablet. I have been keeping notes on places he sets it down. And if one of us is with him when they break in, we'll steal it."
"It... isn't much of a plan."
"I know. But there are a lot of unknown factors. We will have to improvise based on where we all are, and on the escape plan of the rest of your squad. For now, we focus on being able to get that tablet and get back here to free everyone. We'll meet our ride on the way out."
Yeah. Unknown factors. "But what about the droid?"
"You'll have to learn how to use the Force enough push it away."
That was... Not ideal. "But I'm not talented with that. I have always been able to feel the flow of the Force through other creatures, but I can't wield it like a Jedi. And I have tried."
"Being able to feel it is usually the hardest part. You just have to feel the flow through objects as well, and-" he cut himself off when the door opened.
Nordue strode down the hallway and paused between Jay and Liithal. The tension could be cut with a knife. He pointed to Jay, "Move that one to chamber twenty."
Liithal's breath picked up, anger and fear boiled in her. She stood and kicked the barrier, "You can't do that!" She couldn't lose the only person she had to talk to. Her only source of comfort and connection.
Nordue gave her a cold look, "I am removing an uncontrolled element in your environment. A subject needs specific conditions to achieve the desired results. And an element conspiring to alter your abilities? Well we can't have that."
Of course! Why would Liithal not assume Nordue could listen to them? "You can't control us! Whatever you want me to be, you'll fail! I will never give in!"
"If you feel so strongly, then I supposed you are strong enough for another session to prep for your role." He opened her cell and gestured for her to follow.
There was a short moment with both cells open where Liithal and Jay made eye contact. The droid was dealing with him, and Nordue with her. They didn't say anything, didn't need to. They just acted.
With his cuffs magnetized to the droid, Jay pulled himself up and in a single motion used his momentum to flip them both over and slam the droid into the ground.
At the same time, Liithal lurched forward and sank her teeth into Nordue's thigh. He shouted and kicked her off, but she came right back and kicked the side of his leg as hard as she could. He fell down to his knee, which made him finally short enough for her to yank him by his shirt and headbutt his face.
Jay took the tablet and ran to the next cell to free whoever was inside, "Change of plan. We move now!"
Jay had the doors open quickly, although they quickly realized many of the prisoners here were going to need physically dragged out. Liithal's heart dropped because they didn't have time for all of that.
"FU-03!" Nordue choked out, "Intervene!"
The twi'lek stepped from his room. He dashed forward to Liithal, and she dodged away. "Kes! Stop! I won't fight you."
Jay grabbed Kes from behind and restrained him, "You're not going to break through to him! Just go! I'll catch up."
Liithal's eyes welled with tears. The last thing she wanted was to leave anyone behind! A blaster shot hit the wall next to her head and everyone froze. Nordue stood, blood trailing from his nose. "Move again and I'll do more then a warning shot."
Liithal's mind raced. She wasn't fast enough to get the blaster before she was shot. Could she talk her way out of this? "You- You can't shoot me. You need me."
Without a word, Nordue swung the blaster over and shot Jay in the leg.
"NO!" Liithal was at Jay's side by the time he hit the ground. He softly swore, his breath carefully controlled and his energy focused on handling the pain.
"While you are my main subject," Nordue said calmly, even as blood from his bite wound spotted the white tile floor, "The others are disposable. And as I noted earlier, you are soft. You will be eaten by guilt should you cause of one of these other specimens be killed because of you."
Jay gripped Liithal's wrist, "Just go."
She looked up at Nordue, who seemed to be basically daring her to try it. And she knew if she did people would die. She stood slowly, her hands out where they could be seen, "I surrender. Don't shoot."
Nordue grinned, and retrieved his tablet. Barriers over the rooms went back up, "FU-03, take FU-14 to chamber twenty. FU-15, with me."
Liithal bared her teeth at him, "Fuck you." He grabbed the back of her jumpsuit and dragged her along.
"We really must do something about that mouth of yours," Nordue spoke.
He took her to the exam room, and strapped just one of her arms to the table and left her standing next to it. He stuck a stimpak into his leg, then opened a drawer. "I had this made special for you. It should cure your little biting problem, and as an added bonus, just you up." He turned around and Liithal saw some kind of cup-shaped metal cage with straps on it.
"What is that?"
"See, this is what I am talking about. A good weapon doesn't question or talk back. It does what its owner makes it do."
He stepped closer and Liithal pulled away as far as she could with her arm stuck. He reached up to hold her face and she shook her head violently and swatted his hand away, "Don't!"
Nordue ignored her. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and shoved the cage over her snout and buckled the straps behind her head. The device was snug. She couldn't open her mouth more than a tiny bit, she knew she wouldn't be able to eat with this. She pulled at it with her hand, which Nordue snatched and stuck her cuffs together, "None of that now. If you want to act like an animal, I will treat you as one."
Liithal tried to retort, but the only sound that came out was slurred beyond understanding. It was a very specific way to humiliate her, robbing her of her speech. Liithal had spent months when she first got to space unable to speak to anyone without a translator. There were few things that made her feel more helpless than not being able to communicate.
Nordue clipped a lead to the muzzle before freeing her hands. He clicked his tongue and tugged the leash like she was some kind of animal. And she stumbled and caught herself on her hands.
"There you are. You're starting to really look usable now."
Liithal felt shame burning her up. She silently prayed for Sol to find her and get her out of here soon.
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I love alien whump!! My favorite scenario is an alien crashes on earth and is badly injured. Taken by human scientists, they have to wait for rescue in a primitive human lab, unable to communicate with a strange species. They are injured, but humans don't know how to care for their species. The combination of cultural and language barriers, lack of medical knowledge, and the physical pain, alien whumpee is left scared and untrustful. I love nonhuman whump, medical whump, language barriers, and captivity stuff!! Anything along those lines is like crack to me lol
Yes!! Definitely!! It's similar to other types of nonhuman whump, plus the added element of being on an entirely different PLANET
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
16 and 18 for the ask :)
(from this ask game)
16. Underrated trope?
ALIENS IN WHUMP. i wanna see whumpee get abducted by aliens more!! the language barrier, the fear of being taken from earth by strange new creatures and being COMPLETELY defenseless against them!! not knowing what’s happening or where they are or where they’re going! knowing they’ll probably never be rescued by humans because they just aren’t on earth anymore and have no way of escaping without suffocating in space. plus the obvious lab whump potential of aliens studying and doing experiments on the human, maybe they don’t know what humans need to survive so they don’t provide the care they need or enough enrichment. so so so many possibilities and i hardly ever see it on here
18. Biggest sin in whump (magic healing, non-lasting injuries)?
hmm i’d say when the actual whump is just implied or skipped completely and doesn’t go into detail. but ALSO when the recovery is skipped or there’s just,, no recovery or comfort at all. i like it when the hurt and comfort is 50/50 if that makes sense
thanks for the ask!
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whumpers-gonna-whump · 7 months
Do you have a favorite/much loved whump movie/tv show/book/etc?
It varies on my hyperfixation tbh! But it's probably no surprise that said hyperfixations tend to lean more towards the whumpy things in general. I was always fond of action cartoons and such, like justice league and marvel avengers, and a niche example would probably be me rewatching all the Ben 10 series when I was younger because the premesis is Ben turning into different aliens (that come with strengths and weaknesses) and the whumpiest episodes were the ones where say, the fire alien gets doused with water, or the water-breathing alien is forced to stay on land and suffocate on the air. These are both examples of things that actually happened in the show btw. Very big whump inspo for me when I was little!
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whumpacabra · 1 year
Aleko rescues an infant god from its crashed chariot, and plans to consult an acolyte for advice. It’s the most exciting his life has ever been.
Ray’s life has been saved by a giant, terrifying alien creature half the size of a city block, and he’s lost a leg. He’s having a really bad day.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Alien week
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Sunday: Holographic World - Abduction- "Whatever you do, don't get caught. Humans will dissect you at first opportunity."
Monday: UFO Sighting - Ray Gun - "Looks like we caught ourselves a live one. Wanna call it in?"
Tuesday: Vivisection - Otherworldly Parasite - "Who should we ally ourselves with. India? America? Russia? There are so many nations for such a small world."
Wednesday: Memory Wipe - Undercover - "Don't worry. You won't remember a thing."
Thursday: Crash Landing - Radiation - "Humans carry diseases that have wiped out whole worlds. Fuck, they eat poison for fun. I can't believe you want to study them up close."
Friday: Teleportation Mishap - Gravity - "Their anatomy is so strange. Perhaps vivisection could help us out."
Saturday: Mind Control - Black Hole - "Our haul is about to breach. We need to make an emergency landing."
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You have a week to prepare. Have fun ♡♡♡
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