alfilcalvia · 2 years
Llegó el verano y permaneceremos abiertos, dando el mejor servicio en material de oficina, escolar, regalos, fotocopias, etc. Te lo vas a perder.... estamos en calle savina, 3 07160 / Peguera #papeleriaonline #papelería #alfil #calvia #paguera #empresas #office #papeleriaofficeproducts #summer #alfilofficeproducts #baleares #abiertoalpublico #palmademallorca #alfilcalvia @alfil.be @franquiciaalfil.be https://www.instagram.com/p/CP4w0DPKKPS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sudaca-swag · 6 days
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hi! citizen of the world here, casually carrying guns and weapons on yourself in public places is actually very frowned upon in non american cultures because it symbolizes a potential threat, hope it helps!
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microfeelings · 5 months
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Sketch (muy muy basico) de lo que me imagino que seria Katara si fuese basada en tribu Mapuche. Algun dia hare un dibujito mas bonito en computadora pero ese dia no es ahora 👍 (o quien sabe me agarra la inspiracion y hago bien un dibujo tradicional)
@knivesofnostalgia es lo mejor que puedo dar ahora 😔
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satoksa · 6 months
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Jabal Alfil (Elephant Rock).
Super cool place! The mountain itself is HUGE and there are places to sit and enjoy the view. They play some music at night and there's a restaurant, shisha vendor and coffee shop as well. Pretty good experience, especially since we were there as the sun went down.
Not that far from town either, took us about 20mins to drive there in the work bus.
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12endigital · 6 months
XI Gala Premios Alfil 2023: Un Talk Show con la sociedad alicantina anuncia que “El Futuro es mañana”
La Asociación Terciario Avanzado celebrala XI gala de los Premios Alfilen el Auditorio de la Diputación de Alicante (ADDA) y consigue reunir a los principales representantes de la provincia de Alicante donde, bajo el lema “El futuro es mañana”, se reconoció a empresas y entidades a través de un formato innovador que buscó huir de los cánones tradicionales. “La innovación está en nuestro ADN y qué…
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Diccionario mundifinista parte 39:
Adversidad: Momento de tu vida que te regala tu ex, tu jefe o tu presidente. // El punto exacto en el que descubres que la meritocracia es mentira.
Alegría: Hermana menor de la felicidad, mucho más cauta y conservadora que su hermana mayor.
Alejado: El lugar exacto donde está tu ex.
Alergia: Reacción que sufren los dictadores el día de las elecciones, también aqueja a quienes prefieren no opinar.
Alfiler: Aguja que no se deja atar por nada ni nadie.
Alga: Planta incapaz de ahogarse.
Alianza: El primer eslabón de la cadena del matrimonio, tiene forma de anillo.
Alunizaje: Aterrizar sobre un lunes luego de que saliste a volar todo el fin de semana.
Ambiguo: Sí pero no.
Amputar: Extirpar a tu ex de tu vida con precisión quirúrgica.
Analogía: Ciencia que estudia la semejanza que hay entre distintas personas que se llaman Ana.
Apodo: Antídoto o veneno contra cualquier nombre, según el caso.
Aspiración: Drogarse.
Atención: Concentrarse en algo más extenso que una publicación en twitter. // Ver el capítulo de una serie o una película sin poner pausa ni fijarse en la barra para ver cuanto falta para que termine. // Actitud que implica abordar cualquier actividad sin interrumpirla para revisar tu teléfono.
Ausencia: Estado vital perfecto de un ex.
Auténtico: Mentiroso convincente.
Eneamigo: Enemigo que alguna vez fue tu amigo.
Excusa: Mentira que te decís para volver con tu ex.
Injusticia: Punto ciego de la meritocracia y del karma.
Mariposas: Eso que sentís en el estómago cuando te enamorás, o en el esófago cuando te traicionan.
Podcast: Cualquier audio más extenso que un minuto y que no es canción.
Política: Nadie sabe exactamente qué es, lo que sabemos es que el concepto abarca tanto a quienes opinan de política como a lxs ingenuxs que están convencidxs de que por no opinar ni decidir no forman parte. El sistema satánico está perfectamente diseñado para encerrar a todxs dentro, eso incluye a quienes creen estar afuera.
Político: Parásito del Estado y/o de nosotros.
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Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
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panchicha · 1 year
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watchandlearnchess · 2 years
All Fairy Chess Pieces in one Game | 23 Fairy Chess Pieces | Fairy Chess...
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
Picture of the Day
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Yesterday, El Alfilled a cargo plane with 20 tons of supplies for IDF soldiers, displaced families, and hospitals in Israel. Pictured here are 200 seats on board that were also filled with supplies and pictures of the hostages still being held by Hamas. It sends chills down my spine, to see the enormity of how many they have taken from us. 
 and Phoenix Insurance partnered to help with this flight.  source: DansDeals
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jartitameteneis · 11 days
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"Excelente, maravillosa representación que llamaría ‘La ignorancia’ y les explico por qué: el peón es la primera pieza que inicia el juego y la más numerosa.También es la única pieza que no puede retroceder. Además, tiene un poder oculto: puede transformarse en una pieza más valiosa al llegar al final de la fila. La promoción permite que el peón se convierta en dama, alfil, torre o caballo.
Los peones se vuelven más valiosos a medida que avanzan. Los peones centrales y los que ocupan casillas importantes son cruciales. La cadena central de peones puede dar ventaja de espacio y determinar un plan estratégico a seguir.
Los peones son humildes y son los primeros que se ‘sacrifican’, al igual que sucede con el pueblo en el tablero de una nación. A pesar de eso, son las piezas más importantes, incluso más que un diputado, un senador, un presidente o un funcionario, porque todos estos cumplen funciones en un tiempo determinado, mientras el pueblo siempre estará allí a lo largo del tiempo.
"Como en el ajedrez, el valor real no siempre está en las figuras más visibles, sino en la base que sostiene todo." (El pueblo).
La imagen adjunta me hace ver la manera en que los diputados, senadores, ministros, funcionarios e incluso el presidente se suben los sueldos 27 y hasta 30 veces el salario mínimo, vital y móvil, así como la mínima de la jubilación, mientras el resto (los peones) estamos en medio de la tormenta, buscando la manera de seguir adelante mientras los hospitales carecen de insumos, las universidades no pueden costear sus gastos y los colegios no pueden pagar el gas. Desconozco autor.
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alfilcalvia · 2 years
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Servicio de imprenta en Calviá a mejor precio y calidad , pide tu presupuesto os esperamos … #imprenta #alfil #alfilbe #calvia #inpresionante #flayers #tarjetas #baratas #calidad #imprentadigital #paguera #rapido (en Papelería Alfil.be Calviá) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdsTFx9Dobi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cartas-de-luchi · 1 year
Carta 4.
Para ti A, estés donde estés:
El lunes te pensé, también pensé en todo lo que queríamos hacer en un futuro. Pensé en muchas cosas mientras miraba llover. Llueve a raudales aquí ahora, tanto que ni mi corazón lo soporta. Me encanta la lluvia aún así, por ti.
Pensé en tus canciones ñoñas y en las aleatorias, creo que debo crear una lista con tu nombre y escucharla cada tanto.
Pensé en tus audios a horas imposibles y que me gustaría poder volver a escuchar, pero no puedo.
Pensé en los hijos que nunca tendremos y en cómo decorar un salón que ya no verás.
Pensé en poner ese color que tanto odias por todos los sitios posibles, para en mi cabeza escuchar como te quejas.
Pensé en el perro que ya no tendré contigo y que no saltará de emoción al verte.
Pensé en las guerras con las nerf para rifarnos las tareas, no creo que vuelva a coger una sin pensar en ti la verdad.
Pensé en las partidas a la play que ya no habrá, donde mi mal perder haría que me enfadara a rabiar.
Pensé en el ajedrez y en qué nunca me llegaste a enseñar a jugar, para mil veces perder y tírarte un alfil a la cabeza.
Y, joder, pensé en nuestra canción, esa que me enseñaste hace tanto y que siempre llevará tu nombre. A veces la escucho para sentirte un poco.
Pensé en tanto que se me fue la cabeza, mi mente maquiavélica diseñó una realidad en la que si conseguimos esas cosas y más, una en la que tú aún estás.
Te echo de menos amor, pero estoy aprendiendo a vivir sin ti y tus desvaríos. Y, aunque me cuesta y me duele, lo estoy consiguiendo. Espero en otra vida encontrarte y amarte como lo hago en esta.
Siempre tuya, Lucía.
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Se habla de que las heridas cicatrizan, estableciéndose un paralelismo impreciso con la patología de la piel, pero no ocurre tal cosa en la vida de un ser humano. Lo que hay son heridas abiertas; a veces se encogen hasta no parecer más grandes que un pinchazo causado por un alfiler, pero siguen siendo heridas. Las marcas que deja el sufrimiento se deben comparar más bien a la pérdida de un dedo o la pérdida de visión en un ojo. Puede que en algún momento no notemos que nos faltan, pero el resto del tiempo, aunque los echemos de menos, nada podemos hacer.
Pura maldad ❄️
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the-fiction-witch · 3 months
Media House of Anubis
Character Jerome Clarke
Couple Jerome X Reader
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Writers notes: Hey little bats! I am on a bit of a nostalgia kick at the moment, and I watched this show when it first came out and it was... like legit my childhood. Now I'm rewatching is with friends for nostalgia so.... Yes. I'm gonna be making some jerome fic's along the way, much like the lancel fics I don't imagine these being that popular but really... I'm just doing this for funzies so if you like them I'll do more, if you don't... well... I'm sure I'll have some other stuff coming soon too.
I stood in the main lobby of Anubis house, the wood-lined walls around me, the black and red stone floor below me, and the chandelier hung from high enough it wouldn't be hit when people came down the stairs. I leant against the bannister for the stairs, my black shoes a little dirty from the rain yesterday, my grey trousers pulled up high with my hands in my pockets, my crisp white button down, my red and gold tie done up tight, my grey button down jumper buttoned up completely both my shirt and jumpers sleeves rolled up to my elbows, My green and leather messenger bag over my chest the body of my bag on my hip with my blazer hung over it.
Everyone else had gone on the way to class already, I would have gone with Alfie but he was snuggled with Amber on the walk so I'd only be a third wheel, and... I know she would be walking alone too or as a third wheel too so I always wait for her.
Well, I have other reasons for wanting to walk with her but... I did my best not to think about it knowing it would make me blush,
"You should be gone by now Mr Clarke," Victor glared as he walked down from his office,
"I'm waiting for y/n." I told him,
"Umm... well make sure you both get gone." He said as he headed elsewhere in the house,
I sighed and checked my multistrand watch, we would be late if we didn't hurry, I crossed my arms over my chest I tapped my foot impatiently, I heard the footsteps and the corner of my eyes caught the flash of red and grey. "There you are, come along little sloth girl," I laughed as I turned on my heels to look up the stairs to see her but I was taken back immediately,
Y/n shuffled and trudged down the wooden stairs, in her little black plimsolls, her grey knee-high socks at mismatched heights, her black tights, her little grey pleated skirt, her white button down not fully tucked into her skirt, her tie loose, her blazer around her, her bag over her shoulder, and her hair messy even if she did still have her spare tie as a bow in her hair, she had no makeup, her skin pale, dark rings around her eyes, her lips pale, I could tell just from looking at her she was struggling with pain, and even just at catching her breath, "Yeah... Sorry Jerome." Her voice weak and breathy, she was barely even able to get her words out.
"Christ Y/n, You're looking utterly ghostly," I chuckled trying to lighten the mood but I frowned, "Are you alright?"
"I... I may... I may be dying,"
"You're not joking with me are you?" I asked immediately concerned, "What's wrong?"
"I don't know, my head hurts my stomach hurts, I can't breathe very well, and I've been throwing up all night"
"All night!"
"Mhm," She nodded as she reached the bottom of the stairs our height difference was now obvious, as her forehead was now lined with my chin,
"Are you even able to walk?"
"Not well no..." she answered, "But I'll be okay we have that biology test today,"
"Biology tes- Y/n. Look at yourself, for Christ's sake. you're white as a ghost! I'm not going to just stand here and let you faint right in front of me,"
"I'll be okay once I get some fresh air and some structure I'll be fine"
"You need to go see the nurse."
"I don't want to be a bother..."
"You're not a bother when you're actually sick. Alfile is a bother to the nurse when he does his phoney nosebleed, Amber is a bother to the nurse when she goes in becuase she chipped her acrylics, and you y/n are actually sick."
"I'll be okay," she nodded as she tried to walk to the door but could barely walk let alone keep herself up, "I just need to get to class."
"Are you crazy? the nurse's office, now." I told her, I tried to tug her arm but that knocked her balance and sent her tumbling to the floor, I immediately froze up, stopping dead, guilt overflowing that I'd hurt her. I immediately went to my knees and looked over her "shit, Shit. Are you- are you okay!" I asked trying not to freak out!
"...Oouch..." She whined,
I sighed and checked her forehead with the back of my hand and she was beyond burning up her body shivered even if my own hand on her was shaking, "I know... you said you're dying... but I'm serious. do you feel like you're going to die?"
"I feel like I may pass out,"
"Right now or when you move?"
"When I exist."
"You're going to the nurse," I told her as I got to my feet and very carefully helped her up even if she tumbled a few times but I did my best to catch her,
"Jerome I'm-"
"You are going. I'm gonna drag you to the nurse if I have to. I am not leaving you here to die. Now... there is no way you can walk all the way there and I am concerned about leaving you alone when I fetch the nurse... So, what do we do?"
She looked down accepting I wasn't going to let her get away with his so she wrapped her arms lazily around my neck, "Carry me."
"... You uhh... You sure you want me... to do that?" I asked looking down at the top of her little head unable to hold back a smile at the thought of carrying her in my arms like her knight in shining armour,
She nodded barely able to do much more then move her head and even that was making her dizzy, I was hesitant for a moment but I picked her up as gently as I could one arm under her knees and the other around her back, her arms kept around my neck and shoulders,
"You hold on tight y/n." I told her and she nodded, "I'll take it nice and slow." I told her carefully I headed out of the dorm keeping her as steady as I could over the gravel and dirt. I couldn't help looking down at her unable to hide my worry, I kept a sturdy grip. For a moment just the image of having her laid in my arms with her head now resting against my chest was enough to make my heart skip, for a little while I just stared at her unable to hold back a smile, she was barely conscious her eyes barely open for longer then a few seconds at most, even if she's sick... she still looks adorable. She grumbled a little readjusting her face against my jumper, I shook my head and looked away trying not to smile. as it just kinda occurred to me that happily smiling while carrying a deathly ill girl in my arms may look... a bit serial killerish.
As soon as we got to school I rushed her to the nurse's office they merely needed one look at her before getting her set up on a bed, I told her everything Y/n told me about how she was feeling, how she had been acting, even if having to explain it all in words just made me even more worried vocalizing the extend of the situation my voice getting shaky as I spoke,
"Ohh My, alright, You get yourself to Class Mr Clarke, We'll make sure Miss Y/l/n gets what she needs," The nurse said clearly eager to get rid of me,
I know why but at the same time as I looked at her in that bed with the second nurse desperately looking over her with panic in the nurse's eyes, I knew... I can't do it and my emotion ran over. "Wait. No. I'm not leaving her here on her own."
"we will ensure she gets what she needs,"
"You sure she's going to be alright? can't I just stay please just let me stay with her to make sure she's okay."
"Head to class Mr Clarke, we don't have room for visitors I'm afraid, I'm sure you'll hear from her as soon as she's feeling better,"
"Are you really just going to make me leave? I'm the only one who knows about her symptoms and she's borderline comatosed, and she's in an awful state."
"Mr Clarke Please." She said,
"I need to stay with her," I begged,
"I know you're worried about her but you're going to just be in the way of things,"
"Can't you just let me stick around the hallway, Just so I'm close by but not in the way of things." I pleaded, "Please." I asked on the nerve of tears at the mere idea of leaving her alone.
"Mr Clarke. Go to class before I call Mr Sweet." The Nurse warned,
I gulped, I know that's not an ideal threat, and Mr Sweet already has it out for me, "Fine." I groaned, "But Can you please keep me updated? I can pop by after each class until she's okay."
"we'll see what we can do,"
I nodded and went to leave but I couldn't just leave, I looked back to the nurse again, "I... I really care about her okay? I'm... I'm really, really worried about her. Please, just do what you can for her as fast as possible."
"We will, Get to class, Mr Clarke."
I nodded and headed to class for the rest of the period.
I took my seat and did my best to focus but it seemed almost impossible, I could barely think straight wondering about y/n, how she was, if she was okay, I could barely keep her from my mind, I couldn't listen to the teacher say a single word, hardly wrote a word, all I did was watch the second hand on the clock praying for it to get faster so I could go and check up on her. When the sudden silence of the classroom was interrupted by a sound that froze me to my core, the sound of a siren.
Everyone in class raised their heads like prairie dogs curiously but I looked out the window my eyes locked onto the ambulance coming into the car park and up to the doors closest to the nurse's office. And I know it can only mean one thing this early in the morning...
I forced back my chair grabbed my stuff and darted for the door.
"Uhh Mr Clarke Sit down." The teacher demanded,
I didn't even bother to give him an answer, as I went to the door,
"Mr Clarke if you don't sit down, you'll get a detention."
"Do it Teach," I told him as I forced open the door and bolted through the empty corridors, given it was the middle of class time the halls were empty, so I could dash through the halls to the nurse's office but the bed she was in was empty, so I rushed to the front doors that were now open wide as they loaded Y/n in a bed onto the back of the ambulance, As soon as I saw her like that my heart was racing, my hands shaking, my breath shallow, I tried to get in the back with her but the paramedic threw me back.
"What are you doing kid!"
"Where are you guys taking her!?"
"what are you doing here kid this is an emergency we don't have time for this,"
"Answer me! Answer the question!" I gritted my teeth, "Where are you taking her?"
"Eastfield emergency hospital." He said,
"Emergency Hospital!"
"Why? We need to get going."
"Is she stable?!"
"Not if we don't leave now."
"Then I'm coming."
"Comin- Kid! We can't just take you with us. There's a lot of paperwork, we can't just take you out of school, there's permissions, and details, look kid we could get in a tone of trouble we can only take you if your her brother."
I grabbed his arm before he could go pleading with him, "Please! I'm not her brother, but she's really sick. and I need to be with her. She's my best friend. she practically lives with me. Please! Just let me come with you to the hospital just so I can stay with her!"
"She'll be able to contact you when things are more stable,"
"You're really going to just leave me with no idea how she is! She could be dying in there!"
"she is. That's why we need to go now."
"Then I'm coming with."
"Kid you're only preventing us from getting your friend there faster."
"You will let me come with you, you will let me climb in the back with her or I will climb on the back myself I am not going to stay here in the dark!"
"Mr Clarke Enough." Mr sweet warns as he forces me away from the man, "Return to your class immediately,"
My voice shaky, my tears welling up, "This. Is the most important thing in the entire world to me. I'm not going back to class without knowing what's going on I need to go with her."
"Take Her Now." Mr Sweet demanded as he held me by my arms forcing me to remain no matter how much I argued and pleaded with him, the paramedics closed the doors, and I saw the last image of Y/n lying deathly ill, pale, and distant, her hand hung off the bed almost lifeless as the doors where closed and they quickly left at speed.
Watching the ambulance go, knowing she was inside, my heart sank, my blood boiled, my hands shook, my vision blurring, I felt like my legs would give out, to not know if she was okay...
"Return to your class, Mr Clarke."
I turned to him my face stained with tears, forcing myself out of his grip, "Make me. Sir."
"Go. Or detention,"
"Go Now. Or suspension."
"I will happily take the suspension." I stared back,
"Go back to your class or you will be expelled!"
"... So be it. do your worst." I told him fixing my bag on my shoulder and making my way marching off campus to follow the ambulance to Eastfield Emergency Hospital, ignoring all the consequences, anything else I don't care.
I need to make sure Y/n is okay. 
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apricotprincess2 · 7 months
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["El alfiler de gancho se utiliza para sujetar cosas que no tienen ningún dispositivo especial de unión o para reparar cosas de forma provisional. Es fuerte, seguro y duradero."]
A medida que fui creciendo tuve que encontrar y formar "herramientas alfiler de gancho", aquellas que iban a cerrar mis heridas (al menos de forma provisional hasta que pudiera sanarlas). Al principio no encontré buenas herramientas, pero aunque me lastimaban cumplían una función en mi supervivencia. Mis primeras herramientas fueron:
-reprimir recuerdos para sobrellevar el día a día,
-usar drogas para escapar de la realidad y sentirme feliz,
-aceptar amores a medias para tener aunque sea algo de amor,
-elegir entornos violentos para seguir moviendome en lo conocido,
-tomar pastillas para dormir y soportar el dolor,
-comer en grandes cantidades para sentirme menos vacía.
Es fácil perder la noción del tiempo cuando vivís en caos constante, por eso soy de esas personas que se sorprenden al ver que pasaron tantos años desde x suceso. Crecí "a los ponchazos", avancé en la vida cayendo, rodando y golpeándome.
Me parece mentira cuando veo atrás y veo, por ejemplo, que consumí drogas duras por 7 años, y que es el mismo tiempo que llevo sobria. Crecí lastimándome, buscando que me lastimen, dejando que me lastimen; una y otra vez.
En los últimos años pude elegir cambiar mis "herramientas alfiler de gancho". Ahora:
-Ya no reprimo mis recuerdos de ese pasado aterrador, los busco para analizarlos y aprender de ellos.
-Ya no uso drogas para escapar de mis sentimientos, los pinto o los escribo; sin miedo de afrontarlos.
Estoy aprendiendo a elegir con consciencia de quiénes me rodeo y a no exponerme a ese tipo de dolores que quitan el sueño. Estoy priorizando mi salud física y mental por sobre mis impulsos.
Me estoy enseñando que puedo aspirar a vivir, en lugar de solo sobrevivir.
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escribí esto recién, por si alguien quiere leer:
"la vigilia de un mundo por una cabeza que reposa sobre el calor del concreto a media mañana.
el ruido es la colisión de los mil vuelos de mariposas digitales que desprendiéndose de mis dedos buscan sacarle filo a la punta del aire.
el tacto es un alfiler hueco el cuerpo se reúne, el abrazo perfora.
la gentileza en los lamentos, la devoción intacta por el mañana y la promesa de un cielo que no conozco que ofrece recolectar la pena que llevo dentro.
máscaras son silencio los bordes, un precipicio donde la caricia ignora tanto la firmeza, como la caída.
enjambre, templo vivo pulsión constante de oleadas divinas ante el peligro inminente.
las alas pellizcan pedacitos de cielo.
el espacio construyéndose sobre sí mismo superpone nuestras memorias.
en los sueños somos lo que perdimos.
los ojos no solo buscan, huyen o temen de igual manera en la que aman."
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