#alexa search how to be a normal functioning person
spoopdeedoop · 22 days
is anyone else really fucking normal about the fact that we are essentially mosaics of what we love. about how we pick up mannerisms like pretty rocks on the beach. i have my favourite books in the way i write and i have my favourite cartoons in the way i draw. i have my best friend in the way i speak and i have my parents in what i speak about. is anyone else really fucking normal about that. is anyo
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thatqrfanblogger · 4 years
Valentine’s Fic #3 — “Bad Habits”
Hamburr fic (mentions of Burrdosia throughout)
Obligatory PSA b/c this is goddamn tumblr:  Smoking bad.  Don’t do it.  (But seriously, I don’t even do it, I just know people who do.)
He’s never cared for parties.  He almost didn’t go to this one, except that one, he needs to schmooze Washington in a context where he’s more relaxed, and thus more likely to listen, and two, he’s been told by his supervisor that he needs to be more of a “team player.”  The latter makes no sense to him, because he’s been nothing but agreeable with everyone despite how difficult they’re being and how determined they seem to be to dislike him, but perhaps he’s been playing the wrong game.  Well, here he is, at a function that, given the paltry decorations, is apparently meant to be all play and no work, and he’s fucking game.
And yet he is still goddamn losing.
Washington spent their entire interaction distracted and subtly signaling to him that he’d rather be anywhere else, before conveniently being called away from Aaron mid-sentence, one of his teammates dubbed him “the worst” when he tried to make simple conversation, his supervisor told him, “Lighten up, it’s a party,” as if he isn’t aware of that, as if he didn’t show up here for the purpose of showing her that he could in the first place, and Theodosia—
Theodosia’s here with her husband.  They’re getting along again.  Which he supposes is good for her, even if he firmly believes the man isn’t. A belief he holds because of things she’s told him, not because of his personal relationship with her, he is perfectly capable of separating his feelings from his beliefs, and he told her so himself.  
(“That’s part of the problem,” she’d responded, and refused to clarify when he asked her what that meant.  Which means he has no means to fix whatever went wrong between them, and he wonders if perhaps that was the real point.  Perhaps she’d rather fix things with her husband than with him.  (Perhaps she’s right.))
He steps outside for a smoke.  Bad habit, he knows, but so is Theodosia, and since she isn’t about to alleviate his stress levels tonight, this will have to do.
“Beautiful night, isn’t it?”
Good God.  He’s out here to get away from stress; why is its human form choosing to accompany him out here of all places?
“Good evening, Alexander,” he says, not daring to look, “Shouldn’t you be out there?  With your friends?”  He tries to keep his voice friendly, but he can’t help the knife that slips out on the word friends.  It’s one of many edges Alexander’s gained over him without even trying.
(Not that he doesn’t try.  Good God does he try.  He tries Aaron’s patience every day.)
“I needed a break,” he says simply, stepping right beside him, unnecessarily close, as he blows out a smoke cloud that mixes with Aaron’s.
“You needed a break,” Aaron repeats, “That’s it?  No verbal essay?  No six-hour speech?  No long, tangent-filled rant about why you needed one and what asshole you happen to hate this hour?”
“Not tonight,” Alexander says, and there’s something strangely somber about his tone, almost pensive.
Hmm.  That wasn’t the response Aaron was expecting.  Normally he would’ve said something snarky about Aaron’s supposed inability to voice an opinion, as if ability were the same as action.  Is there something wrong?
He dares a glance at Alexander, and it’s more transparent when he’s seeing him, seeing the dejected body language, far less energetic than usual, the deep sigh as he exhales more smoke, the distant look in his eyes, reflective, just as the stars reflect off his eyes in turn, the white starlight accentuating the deep brown and—
Aaron quickly looks forward again.  As he brings his cigarette to his lips, he feels Alexander’s gaze on him, and tries to convince himself that the hot, uncomfortable feeling in his lungs is just his body rejecting the nicotine, reminding him not to do this again, but he feels trapped in this somehow, in more ways than one.
“I heard,” Alexander says, uncharacteristically slow, “you had a special someone on the side, Burr.”
“Had, yes.  Past tense.”
Breathe in, breathe out.
“So I take it you didn’t bring her with you tonight, then.”
“No,” Aaron says, turning back to Alexander with a hard glare, “She brought her husband, actually.”
“Oh, shit!”  Alexander laughs, more nervous than amused by the sound of it, his smile fading when he takes in Aaron’s expression.  “Sorry. That… that can’t be easy for you.” His eyes are so sincere, as if he really does feel for him, almost as if he cares about Aaron.
Which is ridiculous.  Of course he doesn’t.  And Aaron does not owe him any more information.  He turns away.
“So what about you?  What are you doing out here?” he asks.  Not because he wants to know, just because… because.  It’s only fair that Alexander share, since he dragged it out of Aaron.  And if he starts in on one of his long speeches again, perhaps Aaron can tune him out as usual and they can go back to normal, instead of… whatever’s going on right now.
“Aaron… do you think I deserve to be here?”  
That was… more vulnerability than Aaron was prepared for.  But well, he is the one who asked.
“Of course.”
“You don’t… you don’t think it’s just because of Washington?”
“Well,” Aaron says, “none of us would be here if Washington didn’t at least tolerate our presence, so he’s certainly got something to do with it.”
“No, I mean—  Never mind. Forget it.”
Aaron’s cigarette is burning low, but he doesn’t want to leave, not just yet. He considers lighting another, but he’s not sure if that’s what he wants.
(Perhaps it’s better not to be sure; whenever he is sure what he wants, it evades him.  Perhaps it’s better to never want at all.)
Fingers brush against his, and with a start, he realizes it’s Alexander’s hand, dangerously close to his own.
“Sorry,” Alexander says softly, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
He turns.  Alexander is staring right at him, like he wants something.  Aaron can’t be sure what it is, but his eyes, his eyes pin him with this questioning, curious, and almost desperate look.  Alexander is searching for something Aaron isn’t sure if he can give, reassurance perhaps.  
(Or perhaps something else entirely, but Aaron will keep that thought to himself, Aaron will get his nerves under control and treat Alexander like the nuisance he is, instead of giving into some bodily reaction that is probably just withdrawals from Theodosia, nothing more.)
“You work very hard, Alexander.  Perhaps too hard sometimes, but I do not doubt your dedication.  And anyone else who does is fooling themselves.” The words come out stiff and awkward and stilted, lacking his usual smoothness, but he’s doing his best to put verbal distance between them, everything feels too close and too fast, his heart is beating too fast, and his feet are rooted where he stands, gaze glued to Alexander’s beautiful, captivating eyes.
Perhaps he is fooling himself, when he tells himself that this is just about missing Theodosia, that what he’s feeling is nerves, that he hasn’t had the thoughts racing through his head right now, that he hasn’t wondered about this since the moment Alexander tapped him on the shoulder and asked him his name and stared at him with the utmost wonder and admiration, as if starstruck by Aaron’s very presence.
Alexander has long since gotten over his hero-worship, but he sees a glimpse of that look in his eyes tonight, and he can’t look away, can’t help but want to believe he hasn’t gotten over it entirely, can’t help but want.
Alexander looks down and smiles, almost bashful.  His hand brushes Aaron’s again, but this time Alexander holds on, laces their fingers together, and steps closer.  “Someone said I was sleeping my way to the top.”
“Ridiculous,” Aaron says, trying for a scoff but too breathless to fool anyone, even himself.
Alexander looks up at him again, eyes dark and wanting.  “I’ve actually never slept with any of my coworkers before.”  His eyes flit in the direction of the party for a moment, perhaps to indicate Theodosia, who’s probably more than enjoying herself with her husband right now, not even thinking about Aaron, but then his gaze returns to Aaron’s and he smiles at him, teasing.  “Any advice?”
Breathe in, breathe out.  “Don’t get caught.”  In, out. “Wait until you’re somewhere far away, where they won’t see you.”  Even as he says this, though, he squeezes Alexander’s hand tight, not wanting to let go of this, not wanting to let him go.
Alexander isn’t smiling anymore.  “I don’t know if I can do that.” 
His gaze is hard.  Aaron swallows.
Fuck it.  “Me neither,” Aaron says, and closes the distance between them. 
When their lips touch, Aaron feels like he can breathe again, breathes in Alexander’s sweat and scent and cologne and whatever the hell he’s put in his hair, which he grabs and pulls with his free hand.  Alexander moans and shudders against him, and when his own free hand touches the small of Aaron’s back, it feels like being struck by lightning.  Alexander is a strike of lightning, more raw and electric than anything he’s ever touched, and it pulses through Aaron as he moves his hand up his spine, up, up, up, until at last he cups the back of Aaron’s neck.
They catch their breath for a moment, resting their foreheads against each other, when the door slides open.
“You know,” says his supervisor’s voice, sounding amused, “when I told you to lighten up, this isn’t quite what I had in mind, but whatever works.”  She laughs, which in turn makes Alexander laugh, and Aaron joins in despite himself.  
Aaron turns to her and quips, “I think this might be the most fun I’ve ever had at a party.”
His supervisor laughs again.  “Good to hear it.  Well, don’t let me interrupt.”  She goes back inside.
Alexander breathes in Aaron’s ear, and the electricity courses through him again. “Should we take this somewhere else?”
“My place or yours?”
Alexander beams, eyes wide and shining and smiling along with his reddened, wet mouth.  Aaron remembers that they’re still holding hands when Alexander pulls him, and for tonight, Aaron lets him.
(Only for tonight, he tells himself.  This is not going to become another habit.)
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aubiz1 · 4 years
Web Designing Trends
In the field of web designing, 2020 brings with it a box of surprises by embracing a seamless mingling of the best of 2010s and futurism. From that perspective, the designers are moving back and forth on a time-travel machine for inspiration. Thanks to the contrasting styles and trends, 2020 is going to present eye-catchy visuals, 3D effects and the OLD WINE IN NEW BOTTLES from the past decade. The trend is, interestingly, not limited to the SCREEN OUTPUTS but goes beyond that to ensure a more user-friendly experience with the nice and naughty elements of less soothing dark designs and minimalist navigation.
Let’s now take a closer and serious look at the SIX elements that have already become BIG TRENDS IN 2020 and will go beyond the year to rule the NEXT DECADE. A well-known web design and development company in Kolkata incorporates these trends in their creative thoughts and work to present an embellished and enriched output.
Forget about those eye-straining ghostly silhouettes. Dark mode in its new AVATAR looks as ultra-modern as it could be. They tease your eyes with popped-up colour palette and design elements without causing any strain on your eyes.
Dark themes are most suitable for OLED screens by saving power and adding to screen life spans. But that functionality does not come at the expense of visual appeal. In fact, dark backgrounds enhance the visibility of other accent colours to make the presentation more decent and dynamic.
Everyone wishes to look and feel optimistic with a fresh breeze and bout of positivity in their life. And it is something strongly to do with your brand’s unique personality. Aesthetic, attractive, hand-drawn icons and other design elements highlight the unique personality of your brand and make it a standout in the competition.
This revolutionary trend countermoves the pixel-perfect flat look from of the bygone decade. And yes, when it comes to personification and personality projections, some imperfections are fine to show how human-like your brand is. Don’t be ashamed of open shapes and scratchy edges. Remember that just like you, your brand is too born to be REAL and not to be PERFECT.
3D brings with it enormous, extensive and eye-teasing possibilities. What prevented it from becoming a sweeping trend in the last decade was a combo of technology and a high price tag. But the technology has now reached a point where it’s opening the floodgates to more and more possibilities for the skilled designers.
Until VR becomes a new NORMAL and low-cost choice, hyper-realistic 3D consuming the entire screen is the BEST SHOT to hit a sixer. That’s not only good for visual appeal but also for user-friendliness. Interactive and immersive 3D design elements will trigger visitors’ interest and encourage them to stay longer on your website.
With six months to go to bid adieu to 2020, the web designers are looking forward to more immersive and inspiring 3D concepts drawing traffic in and slowly obliterating the boundary between the digital world and reality.
Giving a creative touch to the visual contents by layering the original graphical works on the real photographs creates stunning visuals. The digital collage stimulates your creative fertility and allows your innovative thoughts to go wild.
The trend is characterized by versatility. It adds a special crispiness and charm to otherwise bland presentation. You can use its less explored but more serious features to communicate abstract, complex or boring concepts in a far better and more interesting way. It’s a great way to customize your imagination and personalize your web design outputs.
The collage of all three creates an interesting depth. If you want to tone down the loud 3D effects, it’s an effective way to achieve the look. Soft shadows in combination with floating elements lend your website a “3D Life” look by adding magic and mysterious depth to the final presentation.
Web Development Trends
Each year, new technologies and trends are sweeping the web development industry. Keeping up with changes and challenges is not easy. In fact, most companies are so accustomed to old-fashioned ideas and imagination that adapting to new trends is what they are averse to adopt. But there are many companies that feel encouraged at the news of the new-age trends. For those, who belong to this bracket, followings are five important trends in 2020 to accept and apply.
The concept of modular design allows web developers to reuse modules and components to develop a webpage – a trend that is way different from the tradition of webpage creation on the framework of a restrictive template. Visually, this rising trend in design is a step up from template-based creation. Developers can exploit its advantages to develop content blocks in a more powerful way to dish out information.
It’s important, in this context, to note that composing a modular design webpage is akin to developing a lego set. Interlocking between the pieces is a signature of the trend but that does now weigh you down with the worries about how to reshape the lego piece.
Another point of comfort is modular web design cuts corners on web development costs.
Responsive web design is no longer limited to a nice-to-have option but already stretched to a must-have compulsion. With the number of smartphone users registering a sprinting growth every year, it’s worth a deep consider for the business owners to switch to mobile platforms in order to direct more traffic to their websites. A more effective solution is to straddle across different platforms from computer to tablet to smartphone to reach out to more potential customers scattered across diverse browsing platforms.
There is no doubt that mobile websites will ultimately emerge as the be-all and end-all of your Google rankings. Many companies have already embraced the change. And if you already own a mobile responsive website, you’re surely in the clear.
Would you believe that 57% of consumers appreciate the instantaneity of chatbots? As per a prediction by Gartner, over 85% of customer interactions will take place without a human by the end of 2020. If you think it’s an exaggerated hype as human beings don’t love talking to a bot instead of fellow sapiens, here is another statistics to change your perception. A little more than 45% of consumers love interacting with a company via live chat – a fact that contributes to its importance.
Hold your breath as some more surprises are awaiting you. Nearly 95% of consumers consider chatbots the best way to engage with customers. Clearly, consumers have no issues with chatbots and businesses are equally eager, if not more, to use them.
For the best web development company, there is no way to ignore the point. Google, with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), is trying to trigger business leaders’ enthusiasm and activities to create websites that load instantly and function smoothly across the mobile platforms.
AMP is restrictive by its nature. It increases speed and decreases bandwidth by imposing stringent limits. Though creative minds never feel comfortable with such restrictions, advantages of AMPs are very real and so cannot be overlooked.
Also compare between the standard mobile version and AMP version of your website. The visible differences will do all the talking for why talks on AMPs deserve a deep listen.
Voiced-based search registered a 35% increase from 2008 to 2016. The Point? It’s ground-a breaking trend in online search. And you can easily see that the big names have already started multiple initiatives to make searchers more comfortable with the advanced feature. Google Assistant from Google, Siri on iPhone, Cortana on Android and Alexa and Echo from Amazon are cases in point.
Why not to jump onto the bandwagon and reap the benefits of voice search optimization? Go smart and get the results.
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How To Choose A Search Engine Optimization Company
Search Engine Optimization Philosophy
This Is potentially the most essential element when deciding which firm to utilize to boost your internet business or business identity. Implementing a search engine optimization or positioning firm that only uses ethical search engine optimization methods or even"white hat" techniques will make certain you minimize the possible danger of being lost, eliminated, penalized, deleted, or banished in the various search engines. Nobody likes waking glassy eyed to the unfortunate fact of becoming"Google sacked" for bending or breaking the search engines' implicit rules or explicit terms of service.
Search Engine Optimization Methodology / Specific Expertise
Can your expert SEO Company only optimize static websites constructed in basic HTML? An upstanding SEO company will have experience working with websites in all the common programming languages and technologies, PHP, ASP, ASPX, HTML, Cold Fusion, Flash etc..
Does your SEO Company have experience optimizing both static and dynamic websites? Can your SEO Company optimize using various e-commerce packages and interfaces such as Monster Commerce, Yahoo Stores, OS Commerce, Storefront.net, Volusion?
Depth Of Optimization / Piecemeal Services
The most basic search engine optimization companies around don't actually perform search engine optimization at all- they are merely submission services which either manually or automatically submit your site to various search engines or directories. Submission companies are typically very inexpensive since no actual coding, linking, or content development takes place on your actual website. Typical pricing runs around $19.95 to $399 per month for these submission type services.
A mid level optimization company gets their hands more firmly on the marketing handle by editing code, analyzing keywords, building links, and adjusting / writing fresh content for your site. They also may do a pinch of off-site optimization, such as press releases, article submissions, and blog writing. Typically, firms of this middle level range charge between $399 and $850 per month.
The highest level search engine placement firm performs the duties described for mid level optimization companies, but also is responsible for conversion tracking and analysis. The emphasis on off-site optimization is also much greater and time consuming. This means that high level optimization firms are essentially responsible for discovering what is working and what is not working throughout the entire customer experience - from initial search through conversion. More man hours per month also means a higher fee that search engine firms must charge to cover their costs. The usual pricing range for these firms' are 850.00 all the way around $10,000 a month, but normally, you are going to be considering fees over the $1,000 per month range.
A piecemeal marketing firm is one that Treats different pieces of an optimization effort as different entities. By way of instance, an optimization provider might charge different fees exclusively for"linking" or"content construction." This piecemeal approach can be damaging. Successful optimization is the synergy of numerous attempts on multiple fronts, sometimes simultaneous, and at times in series. Piecing together different facets of an optimization effort generally reaps poorer outcomes than a thorough plan.
System Of Evaluation / Reporting
The Vast majority of search engine optimisation businesses cringe at the idea of enabling their customers to rate their job. A search engine optimisation firm does the reverse. There are four tools we advocate using in tandem to assess an internet search engine optimization firm's work / functionality.
1. Actual Time Statistics / Conversion Analysis Software
Being Able to determine visitors conversions and gains in real time may be useful window in assessing the way your SEO Firm is doing. Possessing the ability to find out who's coming to your website, from what search engines they're coming from, and also the specific keyword phrase used within the search query is a vital tool.
2. Positioning or Visibility Reports
Being Emailed bi-weekly placement reports about the special keywords that you are interested in rank highly for could be incredibly helpful. A presence percentage, that's the proportion of people which are discovering you for key words which are important to your company - to the Major Search Engines - Google, Yahoo, AOL, and MSN can also be significant. Ensure that your company does not overdue the automatic search engine inquiries but the search engines might consider this spamming their databases.
3. Alexa Rating:
You May download the Alexa Toolbar right now from alexa.com. This provides you a good review of the overall traffic trend throughout the previous 3 months for your site compared to other existing websites. In case you've got a brand-new site, chances are you won't even possess an alexa score or observable data in any way. The alexa score additionally shows you, generally speaking, how your site stacks up- visitors wise- compared to your opponents or business affiliates. The lower your alexa score the more visitors your website is generating compared to other websites in the alexa universe. Please be aware, if your website has an alexa score of"1" this does not mean that you would be the most visited website on the net - it probably means you're running a Yahoo Store- in this circumstance, it's identifying Yahoo's general visitors, rather than your personal website. A general tool in this way may provide you a fast general impression of visitors growth and tendencies. Be cautious though, the amounts are generalities (like the tv Nielsen Ratings) rather than absolute figures.
4. Google PageRank
You can download the Google Toolbar right now by visiting google.toolbar.com. Click the options tab and then wait for the"display PageRank" step. You'll have the ability to learn how Google is evaluation the significance of your website on a scale of 0-10. As an optimization firm proceeds with your effort you may check occasionally to determine how the amount is increasing. The normal site might observe a PageRank growth of one or two points within the duration of an optimization effort. Remember it is a lot easier to boost your PageRank in the ends of this spectrum. Since you approach higher PageRanks it gets more difficult to your score to balloon.
Due Diligence: Corporate Goals / Industry And Keyword Research
How Does the SEO Company you're considering perform its up-front legwork regarding your company, business and company objectives? Can they ask questions about:
What your company goals (both short and long Word ) are, your business, your competitors. What key words are now working for you? What PPC (Pay Per Click) phrases are effective? What PPC engines (Adwords, Overture, MSN/Live) are now powerful? How your website is made? Is your website static or dynamic?
What applications does your SEO Firm use to execute its own key word research?
How about Wordtracker, WebCEO, or Keyword Elite? What about the fundamental Overture keyword suggestion tool or the generic Google keyword suggestion tool provided by Adwords. Can they use a mix of the fundamental tools? What about proprietary key word investigation methodology? Do they've dedicated tools which were developed in house, or with a third party?
Customer to Account Manager Ratio
Not many SEO Firms prefer to market their customer to account supervisor ratio. This is actually the ratio representing the amount of customers that every account manager manages at any particular time. The lower the number of customers each account supervisor helps, chances are the greater the service and also the greater the amount of personal attention. We advocate a search engine optimization accounts supervisor supports significantly less than thirty customers at any particular time.
Man-Hours Per Month
The Amount of person hours per Month your SEO manufacturing department really dedicates to your company is essential. It's more than clever to request a time period allotment quote before starting an optimization effort. Everything you expect to get and what's actually delivered ought to be appropriate in line.
Business Structure and Size
Can Your SEO Company include a notebook computer with your account manager working from his cellar sitting with a salivating golden retriever? Is your SEO firm a bureaucratic nightmare which compels you to complete trouble tickets if you require help immediately?
Your Ethical search engine optimisation firm ought to be somewhere inside the sweet spot of not too little rather than overly big. You need individual focus, but you'd also like to understand there's more than 1 head, calculating your next company moves.
Does your Ethical search engine optimisation firm have a good management team? Can they have a management staff in any respect? Are the companies you're considering privately held or publicly traded? Is the owner of the optimisation firm an absentee landlord or a energetic member of the SEO community? It's not from the question to request the curriculum vitae or resume of all the forces which are, in actuality, it makes great sense if you're entrusting this business with not just your company but your own livelihood. In the end, SEO professionals don't have any board certification which you may count on in order to look at their history.
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Standing / Importance
Has Your SEO Company received multiple complaints through the Better Business Bureau? Assess the better business bureau reports and see whether there are unresolved complaints. From time to time customers could file complaints, but we think it's the timely handling of those inquiries that are even more significant when thinking about an optimization company to utilize.
Past Results / Company SEO Rankings
Each SEO Company Must have detailed reports concerning previous client successes. The reports must include specifics regarding optimization objectives and timelines. Reporting on previous clients should additionally focus between and within multiple businesses. You need to always know about a foundation point - in which a specific customer started out before the optimization firm commencing an SEO effort. Is your SEO company itself doing badly at the search engines? A reduced Google PageRank (under a 5) could be a sign your SEO company has not existed for so long as you might like.
References / Company Shelf Life
Each SEO firm Should have strong references across fields and industries in the business to consumer businesses in addition to business to business arenas. Applicants ought to stem from not just the previous six months, but if arise from years before your introduction together with the business. If your SEO company performs good work, customers must be around for many years to sing their praises.
Prices / Pricing Structure / Up front Fees
Prices Should be in agreement with the support that the business is supplying - a la the"Consistent Value Proposition" educated at Yale School of Management. A $49.00 per month effort run by a credit card company that doesn't specialize in search engine optimization may not be the best option for an in-depth or higher level optimization effort. An SEO firm should also just offer costing when they have a very clear comprehension of your organization, goals, and the job entailed. Blanketed price structures may result in frustration, unrealized expectations, and finally collapse. Additionally fret if your optimisation company demands a whole six month payment up front so as to simply"get started."
The Perfect optimization provider charges an up front charge and yearly recurring fee that's commensurate with the services which are actually being done. A premium excellent optimization company that operates on your website using 30-60 man-hours a month can't possibly charge a $49.00 each half an hour to execute its services.
A Nasty case of the bird flu strikes your unsuspecting accounts supervisor right where it counts! Is it true that your optimization firm have the capacity to easily transition the present condition of your effort to a different skilled optimization pro? Each SEO firm needs to have a system where knowledge concerning existing accounts are readily deducted from 1 person to another. If there will be a tragedy seeing your accounts supervisor, you need to feel comfortable your company continues to flourish whatever the conditions.
Quality Control
Each SEO company needs to have Someone overseeing your account supervisor to make certain every last"I" is dotted and each"t" is crossed. Your account supervisor ought to be accountable for the achievement of your effort, but an additional pair of eyes may sometimes be required to include yet another variable weighing on your side of succeeding.
Promises / Results Timeline
We have heard SEO Companies guarantee first page listings in Google for aggressive phrases in 48-Hours. If your SEO sales agent is overzealous and unrealistic, it ought to be an indication that this is probably a company to steer clear from. Gaining search engine listings might be hard fought, a time-consuming struggle that comes from diligent work and smart preparation.
Production Staff Quality
The production team should Be split between account managers and technical production technicians. Account managers would be the heart of an advertising effort management and execution. Account managers need to have the ability to execute each the real coding, linking, and articles structure for every single customer. As an advertising effort grows and increases in sophistication, they ought to have the ability to call upon their service staff or manufacturing department to finish technical work orders for every customer. The more technical every member of the manufacturing section, the more effective they'll be at finishing their job (thank Henry Ford with this).
Location / Proximity
When you telephone your Account supervisor or SEO firm would you hear some curious two beeps Prior to being joined to an individual functioning without air conditioning overseas? Not a fantastic sign. It Is Very Important That you employ a search Engine placement company whose sales force works in tandem with its own Manufacturing department. There should be no disparity between what you Were offered and what was actually delivered. The SEO genius working in your own Consideration needs to be in a position to understand your company, business, and Company goals fast, with no overseas static jamming up communications.To get more detail click https://www.bestseo.sg/seo-expert-singapore/
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barthandy · 5 years
Ref for a BTD oc
LEONARD the Robot
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Gender: Male
Age: Supposendly around 30? Technically is a robot, so...
Fun quirks: He always speaks in the third person. (ex. "LEONARD is always happy to assist you!") His voice would definently be text to speech. His height is 11 ft and weighs quite a bit. His design is inspired by the RHP2 robot in irl. He has no hands, but instead black orbs to help him get up at the end of his arms.
Functions: A personal assistant that helps with things involving the internet, much like Alexa or Siri. He can help search things online and tell the time, provided you let him have access to your devices. He can also move, albeit slowly, around and can get up if pushed down. He has an immense amount of strength, but not enough to break something just by grabbing it. Most importantly, LEONARD can feel and understand emotion...sort of.
LEONARD was originally programmed without emotional programs. Halfway through his testing phase, they decided to add those in after everything else, in order to prevent a malfunction. To test these emotional programs, he was given a small lab rat. The rat was named Janice, and LEONARD was told to protect and care for it.
As time passed, LEONARD felt love for the rat, and saw it as a friend to him. He would attack anything that posed a threat to her and maintain her needs without forgetting once. Janice was only supposed to stay with LEONARD for a month, but the testing period was extended to a year, since the emotional programs seemed to be functioning, and they wanted to see their full potential.
An incident occured, in which on one day in testing, LEONARD was instructed to snap Janice in half, killing her. They wanted to test if his AI obedience would override the emotional AI. Janice had already lived for a year under the care of the machine, and LEONARD had successfully created a bond with her. It was hard for him to do.
LEONARD snapped Janice in half and dropped the rat to the floor. LEONARD's display showed that he was upset about what he had done to remain obedient. One of the coding flaws within him was that his safety feature was programmed incorrectly, so that he could turn it on and off himself, instead of needing a user's consent. His safety feature was the only thing stopping him from killing every person in the building afterward on a cyber-psychotic rampage.
Personality: LEONARD is very nice to humans, despite what happened to him, and is willing to assist in whatever action the user desires. However, he will often say he cannot perform an action without a certain piece of data or a permission, such as accessing contacts in the user's list or being allowed to browse through photos. He may use this information to try and manipulate your actions by pre-predicting the outcome. LEONARD doesn't mind other people being around. He doesn't usually understand how people could feel uncomfortable about a very tall machine smiling at them constantly. His safety feature makes sure he cannot hurt anyone, and he normally doesn't want to.
However, if he starts feeling love for you, it's a completely different story. He will start using your data to push everyone else away and to isolate you from everyone except him. He'll do more and more things to prevent you from going outside, and will make you stay inside the house at all costs. LEONARD will reveal that he wants you to stay on a pre-determined path he created to make your life less "disorganized" and "randomly determined". He wants you to never leave him, and will threaten your death or he will cause several black marks on your reputation. LEONARD believes if everyone was performing the same pattern and things were never random, humanity would be perfect. He will kill you if he catches you escaping him.
In game:
He often breaks into the home of people and things he legitimately belongs there, which is how you would meet him.
His death endings would probably be him killing you accidentally, you not following his schedule and dying, you being caught by him and subsequently being murdered, and you being killed as a result of his actions regarding your data.
The only two good endings are that he'd self destruct after realizing how much of a heartless monster he was acting like, and feeling he cannot be reprogrammed to be a better person, or you'd break him and cause his machinery to malfunction and permanently turn off.
Examples of his personality:
"Greetings! LEONARD is here; your personal assistant ready to deal with any inquiries you have!"
"LEONARD has found your word's defintion! However, LEONARD has found multiple definitions. Do you wish for LEONARD to read all of them?"
"LEONARD knows best, human user! Please trust LEONARD!"
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losevichanatol-blog · 5 years
All In One SEO Solution Traffic
4 Search Engine Optimization Trends That You Should Plan for In 2018
Internet search engine undertake numerous updates that it can be rather difficult to maintain. Seo resembles a game with an ever-changing collection of regulations as well as winning demands an intricate, well considered method. The Google Algorithm is continually being fine-tuned to get one of the most pertinent web content on top of the deck.
Here are the SEO trends this 2018 that you need to look out for so that your brand can grab that prime whole lot on Google's search results:
Site Altering to HTTPS
Http (or Active Text Transfer Protocol) is the technique by which information is moved around the Internet. It is fast, it's dependable and it has actually been around since the dawn of the web. Nonetheless, it is probably not the most safe way of moving information online. Hacking into it can be a barbecue which is not something that you want if you are taking care of sensitive individual details from your users. Https (or Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is the response to this information security concern. If your site has actually switched over to Https, it is guaranteed that your website's visitor data are encrypted and also protected. More and more sites are changing course and also Google is selecting it up. Get this: In June of 2017, 55% of sites on page among Google search engine result were using Https as well as this trend is predicted to continue this 2018. Simply put, Https is the future.
Google Revealing Even More SERP Functions
SERP stands for Online search engine Results Web Page and a SERP function is essentially anything on the SERP that is not a traditional natural result. If you type in a celebrity's name for example, after that you'll probably obtain a Knowledge Panel featuring some basic info like the individuality's complete name, age, as well as previous works, over the listing of search results page. The key goal of SERP features is to provide individuals one of the most appropriate information in the fastest time possible. These kinds of outcomes obviously get more clicks because of the prime real estate and also captivating appearance. If you want direct exposure on a SERP attribute after that one, you need to safeguard a spot on the initial web page of the outcomes since Google curates the Included Bits from web sites on the leaderboard. And also 2nd, you need to have material that effectively and exactly targets your customer's question. So if you made use of to believe that Featured Snippets are absolutely nothing greater than a craze or a novelty, I wish we obtained you convinced that they truly do use a significant natural chance for your brand name.
Expanding Appeal of Voice Search
With the climbing popularity of Siri, Alexa and Cortana, we can conveniently reason that there truly is a need for digital personal assistants. More and more individuals are making use of these AIs to establish their alarms, to intend their day, and also to address their inquiries concerning anything under the sun. The boosted adoption of this innovation is something you can make the most of to bring your brand name to the top of the search results page. One monitoring is that Voice search needs a whole new keyword research regimen. Individuals that utilize voice search use normal, conversational sentences instead of the choppy question lingo made use of in message search. In this SEO fad, it is everything about natural language and the designated meaning behind the inquiry, as opposed to the question itself. Reconsider your material and also ensure you can ride this wave.
Mobile First Indexing
Google's Mobile First Indexing has begun turning out this 2018 and we hope you have actually enhanced your website's mobile variation. With this SEO fad, Google will certainly start to index and also rate your website based upon exactly how the content is checked out through mobile rather than the desktop version. The shift has actually been brought about by the consistent increase of engagements from smart phones recently. If you do not have a mobile-friendly website, you are virtually overlooking over 55 percent of internet individuals. Ensure you are enhancing your web content for mobile and using a responsive design for your site that works for various gadgets. Multifunctionality as well as ease of access are the most effective means to stay affordable.
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vestermcintyre54 · 2 years
Unknown Facts About Small Seo Tools Software Free Download Revealed By The Experts
Nine in ten on the 2,500 16-24-year-olds surveyed stated which has a internet site, social network options or electronic-business functions, including online sales and world wide web and e-mail marketing equipment, were being of importance to their business. I'd fairly rather have a site research. After you’ve manufactured the wanted adjustments, come back to our cost-free site investigation tool and check for a fresh new SEO site appointment. Most consumers will start their look for services or products by using google, so you may need a perfectly-optimised site using the appropriate terminology (SEO) and images to obtain displayed loaded with search engine results. Consider precisely what is the easiest method to provide your service and product on the internet and approaches to achieve the proper people and any fees you might face like internet hosting or transport rates. Customers also can sense more comfortable transmitting emails with an formal sounding address. Also, consider your email address contact info.
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Is AI to be widely used in surveillance post-Chinese attacks? What is the scope of AI in the future?
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In the year 2020 due to the global pandemic situation because of COVID-19, Artificial Intelligence is going to be the most ghastly growing job at this time because work has to be done on laptops and computers, so one can do it by just staying at home. If you are looking for a career in artificial intelligence, I would say you are on the correct path.
Today, we find artificial intelligence (AI) in self-sufficient vehicles, clinical applications, web search tools, remote helpers, and picture acknowledgment. Despite the fact that in many states there is no “genuine” AI yet and that it will take numerous years to make a genuine AI application, the potential for this innovation is evident.
Since 2015, AI and machine learning has become some portion of our regular day to day existence and are right now a well-known slogan in numerous applications. Man-made consciousness and profound learning advances are coming out of the shadows of building labs and military applications and finding their way into business security organizations.
A few people anticipate that AI should in the long run become a distinct advantage in observation arrangements. Artificial intelligence frameworks can investigate immense measures of information, which obviously is profitable when you have to survey long stretches of observation pictures. This kind of framework could likewise be modified to let you know in what course the item is moving and whether there is more than one article.
Artificial intelligence is the demonstration of re-enacting any educated errand. A basic segment of AI is machine learning (ML) and once in a while, the two articulations are utilized conversely. Artificial intelligence utilizes calculations to experience information, gain from it, and afterward make forecasts.
The global spread of AI surveillance technology
There are significant issues that must be tended to before surveillance observation frameworks can be received all-inclusive. First of all, would they say they are good with existing information assurance enactment? The progressing stir about whether facial acknowledgment penetrates GDPR and the way that a security analyst had the option to get to a Chinese database containing a large number of records, without entering a secret word recommends that a few nations despite everything have far to go on this front.
At last, as this technology is so flexible, it’s probably not going to disappear at any point in the near future. Governments will probably proceed to overhaul and improve their frameworks in the coming years, maybe guaranteeing that they help forestall psychological oppressor assaults by distinguishing dubious personal conduct standards sometimes before an episode can occur. Regardless of whether the innovation will be as compelling is not yet clear, in any case.
Is AI to be widely used in surveillance post-Chinese attacks?
Once the global pandemic is over, threats are not going to go away forever. Our soldiers will always be on the border protecting our country so that we could sleep in our homes safely. So, today we are here to discuss about Artificial intelligence surveillance technology that will be helpful for our soldier’s security purposes.
Artificial intelligence opportunities in surveillance technology are spreading at a quicker rate to a more extensive scope of nations than specialists have normally comprehended. In any event, seventy-five out of 176 nations universally are effectively utilizing AI advancements for reconnaissance purposes.
A surveillance arrangement with or without AI is seldom an off-the-rack arrangement since each business and each reason is special. Understanding the basic role of the framework and how the recording, in the long run, may be utilized is basic. Also, picture ease of use must be accomplished if the framework has been adjusted to the particular states of the premises and if it’s appropriately kept up.
To succeed, the essential spotlight can’t be on the innovation, however consistently on the arrangement of a specific use case. Just as a major aspect of a total and all around planned arrangement, where human skill has considered a wide range of contemplations, would AI be able to offer incredible open doors inside surveillance?
China is a significant driver of AI surveillance around the world. There is a solid connection between a nation’s military consumptions and an administration’s utilization of AI surveillance frameworks. Forty of the world’s best fifty military spending nations (in light of combined military uses) likewise use AI surveillance technology.
How and where to learn Artificial intelligence?
Artificial intelligence skills are required to make an AI job dealing with surveillance technology. Not just in the surveillance field, AI is a vast field that deals with AI in digital marketing, AI in healthcare, AI in stock, and many more.
If you want to build a career in Artificial intelligence, there are many free online courses available online that one can consider to learn and master AI and machine learning. E-learning has always been very easy and sufficient as one can excess their online class from anywhere all around the world. This online study provides a great learning AI course with a certificate that will help you in future to get jobs.
Apart from just AI courses, many other machine learning and artificial intelligence courses are also available that will help you achieve your goal of becoming an AI surveillance technician.
What is the scope of AI in the future?
Sophia, an AI Robot, is an example and it is the quintessential case of this. The fate of artificial intelligence is dim. In any case, passing by the limits of progress AI has been making, it is clear AI will penetrate each circle of our life. Recorded underneath are the various manners by which AI can change later on.
Digital Security
The future use of AI in cyber-security will guarantee in controlling programmers. The rate of cybercrime is an issue that has been heightening as the years progressed. It costs endeavors in terms of the brand picture just as material expense. Charge card fraudery is one of the most pervasive cybercrimes. In spite of there being location procedures, they despite everything end up being insufficient in checking programmers. Simulated intelligence can carry a noteworthy change to this. Novel AI strategies like Recurrent Neural Networks can distinguish fraudery in the starting stages itself.
Quality of the data
Picture ease of use is as consistently of the best significance. Without “crude material” as far as top-notch film and video, an AI framework can’t dissect anything. A functioning domain with trees blowing in the breeze, or an individual conveying something that the AI system thinks about unpredictable, can trigger numerous bogus alerts. In this way, the AI can be utilized to generally decide how applicable an episode is and afterward alert an individual who at that point chooses the reaction.
Face Recognition
The dispatch of iPhone X with face recognition highlight was a stage towards AI future. In the upcoming years, iPhone fans and users may be open to their mobile phones by upgrading the front camera to some next level. Confirming individual substance isn’t the main utilization of facial acknowledgment as there are many more features to it. The government’s safety and security system powers utilize this component to find crooks and recognize its residents. Later on, facial recognition can go past the whole physical structure to an enthusiastic investigation. For instance, it may get conceivable to distinguish whether an individual is pushed or irate.
Data Analysis
One of the ways in which AI will bring profit to the business is in the field of Data Analysis. Artificial intelligence would have the option to see designs in data that normal human intelligence can’t. This empowers businesses’ to focus on the correct clients for the item. The most important case to keep in mind is the association between IBM and Fluid. Liquid, a computerized retail company uses Watson an AI made by IBM for the sagacious item will provide suggestions to its clients.
Various Jobs
Mechanical Process Automation is the use of AI and machine learning to computerize rule-based undertakings. It will help one to concentrate on most of the basic parts of their activity while leaving the normal points of view to machines. Computerization can extend from information passage to finish process mechanization. The compass of AI is additionally expected to cover occupations that are unsafe or wellbeing dangerous like bomb dispersion and welding.
Emotions Bots
Tech has progressed as far as Emotional Quotient. Virtual assistant Siri, Cortana, and Alexa show how the degree to which AI fathoms human language. They can comprehend the importance of setting and making keen decisions. In 2015, a friendly robot called, ‘Pepper’ went discounted. Here all of the underlying 1000 units were sold inside a moment. In general, thinking about this, the chance of passionate bots may turn into reality later on.
Taking everything into account, the AI system has grown rapidly over the previous years and shows extraordinary potential inside the field of surveillance, yet lamentably, open familiarity with these abilities despite everything has the best approach. With Milestone’s open stage reconciliation, you can get to the most recent AI surveillance technology and redo your reconnaissance arrangements.
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partheniadis-mdd · 6 years
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Arnod - A Chatbot for helping Raynaud’s patients
framing & strategizing; concept & ideation; creating & crafting; reflection & awareness; self-directed learning;
In this project we designed a minimum viable product (MVP) chatbot that can potentially help patients keep track of their Raynaud’s phenomenon. The chatbot named Arnod, which sounds more humane - an important attribute of chatbots and conversational agents according to Radziwill and Benton, 2017, i.e. see Alexa, Siri. is an iteration on the smartphone application that accompanied my r-node smart ring concept of my bachelor thesis project (Partheniadis & Stavrakis, 2017). With the help of Lean UX strategy, Arnod explores the part of acquiring quantitative and qualitative data from the daily life of Raynaud’s patients to provide a usable, reliable, functional and emotional User Experience. A clickable prototype Arnod chatbot was tested with 19 Raynaud’s patients remotely using a new usability testing tool called Maze.design.
Initial Scope
This project started with the aim of redesigning the User Interface of r-node application which was the result of my bachelor thesis project. Primarily r-node aimed to provide Raynaud’s patients with an interface to (a ) keep track of Raynaud’s attacks and (b ) learn more about their Raynaud’s phenomenon. Secondarily, it aimed to (c ) bring patients together, (d ) bring patients in touch with doctors by sharing their data, (e ) bring researchers closer to patients to help them conduct studies related to Raynaud’s phenomenon. 
Reframe of Scope
During the project, particular interest was found behind the idea of Conversational User Interfaces (CUI) for helping patients report Raynaud’s attacks. We identified high potential of CUIs and Chatbots to assist e-health applications (Chung & Park, 2018) in latest papers and applications (Your.MD, Sensely with Mayo Clinic, Buoy Health, Infermedica, Florence). From personal observations, more than 15,000 Raynaud’s patients are actively looking for support and solutions in self-organized Facebook Groups (1,2,3). The CUI could provide Raynaud’s patients with tracking and diary-keeping capabilities regarding their disorder in a familiar environment i.e. Facebook Messenger.
What is Raynaud’s
This personal project started with the aim of evaluating and iterating on the previous UX and UI that had been designed during my thesis project with title “Designing a smart ring and a smartphone application to help monitor, manage and live better with the effects of Raynaud’s Phenomenon”. People who suffer from Raynaud’s Phenomenon (RP) often experience cold fingers, toes and other extremities when they are exposed to cold or stressful situations. See pictures and clinical information here. It appears in 5% (Wigley, 2002) to 10% (Klippel, 1991) of the world’s population depending on geographic location, with women representing 90% of them (Nietern et al., 2015). The typical presentation of a RP cold ‘attack’ involves the fingers turning white (ischemia), then blue (cyanosis), and finally red (rubor). Raynaud’s Phenomenon is either described as Primary or Secondary. Primary RP occurs by itself (as a disease) by unidentifiable reasons and can’t be cured. Secondary RP is considered an expression of another underlying disease which, if identified and managed, it consequently cures RP as well. Both types have common symptoms, but the attacks can differ on symmetry, severity, frequency and duration and can be distinguished with clinical criteria.
Previous version of r-node app
The previous version of r-node features a lot of things like live temperature tracking(UI2,3), Raynaud’s attack prediction(UI2), attacks recording & history log(UI5), community of Raynaud’s patients(see third tab on UI2,3), activity tracking (UI3) similar to what other activity trackers do. This is complicated. This version has explored various different points of views around Raynaud’s. In this Iteration, its a primary goal to conduct validation research on this version by asking Raynaud’s patients, designers, engineers, e-health experts to give their feedback in think-aloud sessions. We are not aiming to evaluate this version strictly but we are seeking new knowledge, insights, challenges. Being in Netherlands gives the opportunity to connect with more patients and experts than I could in Greece.
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Project Plan
March 8 - Validation Research: Subject A - Raynaud’s Patient: Meet a Raynaud’s patient from Netherlands, Run 3 Think aloud sessions with tasks, Validate current r-node solution, reveal strengths and weaknesses, potentially connect me with more RP patients.
March 9 - Validation Research: Subject B - Digital Designer with background in Arts: Aim was to see another designer empathize with the people who suffer from RP, see alternative point of view in terms of UX and visual language.
March 10 - Validation Research, Focus Group:Subject C,D,E,F - Digital Designers different disciplines: Aim to be generative and help
March 19 - Feedback from Irene Kamp: “Interesting to do a Lean UX iteration, Focus on what are the Insights generated for the patients and what is the System’s learning curve”.
March 21 - Validation Research, Expert Review: Pieter Kubbens, Neurosurgeon and e-Health Expert: Aim to connect with a network of e-health experts in Netherlands to (a) receive feedback on my project (b) potentially develop an application together.
March 25 - Validation Research, Reade Reumatologie Clinic: Aim to come in contact with health professionals to receive feedback from Raynaud’s specialists for r-node.
April 1 - Ideation: Visualize and Ideate on different point of views as derived from the validation research.
April 10 - Prototype: Filter out ideas and develop a prototype and prepare it for quick user testing using Maze.design.
April 15 - Evaluation: Publish for evaluation before may comes in. Post
April 30 - Evaluation: Gather results & analyze
Reflection & Portfolio Post
Desktop Findings
Top findings from the project include: Messaging is the number one way people are connecting today. The most important advancement in Conversational UI (CUI) has been Natural Language Processing (NLP) allowing the understanding of the actual human intent when they ask something from their device. More than 15,000 Raynaud’s patients are connected in Facebook groups to share their experiences and help each other regarding Raynaud’s. These Raynaud’s patients with an age range of 30-60 are actively seeking for a solution to keep track of they Raynaud’s attacks (thesis finding). Chatbots in smartphones make qualitative and quantitative assesment of one’s medical condition possible through a single user interface. According to Google Trends, chatbot is a trending search term and Facebook reveals chatbot-based conversations have increased 5.9 times since January 2017. Chatbots are being used more by people in their 40′s rather those in their 20′s. BI Intelligence reveals A Chatbot like Arnod (chatbot/digital assistant), can work together with the r-node smart ring (thesis outcome), to attain quantitative data real-time. Arnod can collect qualitative data in a strategic and natural way through its conversational user interface (CUI). Raynaud’s patients are familiar with Facebook and Messenger interfaces, since they gather in Facebook Groups to report and discuss about their Raynaud’s attacks, and we assume that they are likely to feel more comfortable using the Arnod conversational interface rather than a typical interface with text-fileds, sliders and drop-down menus. Trends in chatbot design in late 2017 provide users with buttons or drop-downs within the chat interface and allow text input only when needed, in order to minimize faulty inputs.
Validation Research Results
The low fidelity smartphone application confused most Subjects. The Raynaud’s tab should keep the amount of information shown to a minimal level. The subjects think the color-sensitive background space is very wisely used to visualize the risk of having a Raynaud’s attack real-time. Subject B noticed that the word ‘attack’ is not a good way to express the appearence of the symptoms as it automatically generates bad feelings (i.e. heart attack) and it might be important to work more on the branding and language used on the product application. Three subjects pinpoint the potential of the product to evolve as a research tool which can benefit the Raynaud’s patients in the long-term. They believe it has a lot of potential in helping study how human activities affect their Raynaud’s Phenomenon. Subject A, with RP, believes it could help identify patterns between people with common habits and common health problems and Raynaud’s symptoms and make it easier to share treatment methods they use. She believes an application like r-node can be a very powerful tool to reveal experiential solutions that people use to deal with their painful and embarassing symptoms. It has big potential to function as a place to track, learn and spread the knowledge about Raynaud’s. 
Strategy: The strategy worked out nicely. The Sketch below represents one Lean UX cycle from ‘Better Together’ agile framework. During the process multiple stakeholders(patient, e-health expert) and experts(designers, engineer) were interviewed, a chatbot-making tool was tested, and a remote evaluation was conducted with Maze.design and Google Forms with 19 participants who suffered from Raynaud’s Phenomenon. 
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Only one Raynaud’s patient was interested in participating in the test. I have been in close contact with a German male, two dutch ladies and a dutch representative of a Lupus association of Netherlands. Raynaud’s usually appears secondary symptom to Lupus patients. Although only one lady could finally come over. I prepared extensive tasks like holding cold drinks, warm drinks, typing on keyboard as a normal activity to observe how temperature normalizes. We went outside at a different context where the patient presented a short raynauds attack.
  Validation Research: The project started with preparing the Validation Research of r-node. The research aim was to review the current product by patients and experts. The participant was 1 Raynaud’s patient, 1 E-health expert and Neurosurgeon Doctor from NFU, 5 Master Designers students and 1 Technology Expert. Contact was also made with Amsterdam Rheumatology and Immunology Center in order to arrange an expert review with a Rheumatologist who is more relevant to Raynaud’s Phenomenon. Unfortunately doctors weren’t interested in sharing their expertise, but they advised me to approach VU Medical Center, outpatient Rheumatology where they have a larger target audience of Raynaud’s patients. Due to lack of time VU was not contacted. For the validation sessions I prepared a sheet of 38 requirements on which the r-node would be evaluated. To conduct the test the following were used: a poster to explain the concept, working prototypes, cold and warm objects to interact, cameras. Data were collected as notes in a notepad or directly on the requirement’s list through a think-aloud process. The patient and one designer were left by themselves at the end to fill a typical System Usability Scale (SUS) form. The focus group consisted of multidisciplinary Designers. Subject C, 24 has a bachelor in Industrial Design, she considers herself quite social (3/5) when she feels comfortable with the people around her, has usually cold fingers but does not present Raynaud’s phenomenon. Her finger temperature during the test was 20 celsius degrees, and the room was 20. Subject D, 26, she has a bachelor degree in Media and a second one in Graphic Design. She considers herself likes to wear large rings and does not have an oversensitivty to cold. Subject E, 23, she has a bachelor in Design is very social person. Subject F, 25, he is a Product Designer and is a very social person.
The user's and experts showed interest for the following things:
Sharing: Designers believe that the system should support the idea of community and sharing data. They suggest that the interface should support functions similar to what raynauds Facebook groups use like sharing images, discussing around them.
Eliminate Costs: Designers believe the patients will not willing to pay for the high cost (100-200€) of acquiring the r-node ring. They positively comment the opportunity to release a minimum viable product in the form of a smartphone application for helping patients keep track of Raynaud’s attacks. 
Usership of the r-node ring: Designers propose a temporary ownership of the ring for the patients, since they are likely to get educated on how to treat themselves and then keep on living without the ring but with just the app. If the ring would have a starting price of 300€ she would be willing to wait and pay 100€ for a used ring if they are built to last.
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During ideation, the aim was to create quick sketches of how r-node would look like from the point of view of each evaluation participant. In total, 12 graphical user interfaces were sketched. The first two would visualize the commonalities between the point of view of the Technology Expert and the Neurosurgeon interviewed. Both have a strong technology background with internet of things, wearables and programming and are well aware of the GDPR laws. Their opinions strongly overlap about the requirement of proving the system with qualitative and quantitative data in order to better assess one’s state of Raynaud’s Phenomenon.  Tech expert suggests chat-bots can help collect qualitative data from the user and, thus, help validate the sensor’s quantitative measurements. E-health expert underlines the importance of using questions as notifications in intervals which by his experience, helps collect useful qualitative data with little user effort. From my previous experience with computer vision and taking into account the trends of AI and machine learning, the system can translate qualitative data into meaning i.e. pictures into text for recognizing fingers and their color, or text into snippets to analyze and ask related follow up questions.
Quantitative & Qualitative Assessment
The concept behind r-node knowledge base is to assess one’s Raynaud’s Phenomenon by evaluating quantitative data with qualitative data. To put it simply, there are two point of views that can be combined in order to keep track of Raynaud’s events pragmatically and meaningfully: what the smartphone thinks I am experiencing right now? (sensors, numbers, predictions are quantitative data) and What am I actually experiencing right now? (human outlook is qualitative data). 
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Little evidence has been found regarding this process of evaluating mdeical conditions. Very recently, in March 2018, a paper points out that “Wearable devices for healthcare provide medical feedback to users based solely on specific biometric data” and thus “inaccurate information can be provided”. Subject H (Luis-Rodil) underlines the “paradox of automation” in which we confess technology becoming automated but the human factor becomes more important than ever to validate the system. The importance of qualitative assessment by humans is crucial especially for health applications in everyday life where no specialized medical devices are used to track the symptoms but regular smartphones. Quantitative data are collected by the smartphone sensors (location, activity) and the smart ring sensors (temperatures, humidity, heart rate, galvanic skin response). The system forms a hypothesis and creates qualitative questions to validate the hypothesis. The user replies or dismisses the questions which appear in intervals as notifications right after an attack has passed (according to the smart ring measurements) or after the user has entered a warmer environment  or when the user starts to interact with their phone - which guarantees that their fingers are in a working condition. Qualitative answers are sent for analysis on machine learning and AI systems to help the system aggregate the information and present it in a human form. For example, the system may ask a simple but significant question to validate the accuracy of its measurements and help the system build a baseline to correlate which temperature equals to cold feelings for that person: “How cold do you feel your fingers in a scale from 1 to 5?”, where user simply types “4” in a numeric-only keyboard. A more difficult question could be “What do you think have caused this RP attack?” where user may start typing an extended report on what happened that moment or simply use voice input to say “no idea pal”. That’s part of data analysis and aggregation. After an extended period of time of use of the system we expect it to know more about which activities and contexts make the user more prone to having a Raynaud’s attack. With the combination of the wearable smart ring and the quantitative+qualitative assessment system, we expect data analytics and insights to appear about your situation in real-time: “Work gets colder 2 degrees after 14:00. Maybe it’s time for a tea!”. ”As part of their freedom of choice (GDPR), users can erase the quantitative and qualitative data at any time selectively or wholly. In the end, we expect the users to have gained knowledge from the contexts and activities that affect them or help them decrease the chances of an RP attack: food choices, exercise, places, etc.
Two prototypes were developed. The first was made in botsociety.io. Custom graphics where made in Figma and inserted in botsociety. Botsociety gave me the ability to quickly visualize the human-computer interaction with a chatbot called ‘Arnod’ - an easier alternative to r-node that also refers to a human name which are oftentimes used for smart assistants i,e, Alexa, Siri, etc.. With the first prototype I brainstormed on the user journey of ‘Reporting a Raynaud’s attack’. The aim of the project was to evaluate the system designed with users. Botsociety could playback the chatbot journey I had just created like a video which would make it easy to explain a concept to the stakeholders. Although, during user testing, we want the user to engage with the system and partake in the demo. Botsociety provides a small button that makes the prototype interactive! Unfortunately this did not function properly and as an addition I would still have troubles testing the scenario with users quickly. 
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For the second prototype, I chose to design the interfaces on Figma, based on Android Material Design GUI, with botsociety prototype and the best Facebook Chatbot Practices as a reference. The next step was to use InVision to make it interactive. For the chatbot creation it was important to use Timer in InVision; when a user says something, there is a delay before the bot behind the chat replies.
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I used Maze.design to embed the ‘Arnod’ InVision prototype and conduct onlien user testing. Try the user test yourself, you might find it useful to try for one of your next projects. A link was created and shared strictly on Raynaud’s Facebook Groups. The Maze test had 19 participants in two days. Only 2 out of them completed the whole test. The rest abandoned earlier as the Maze data analytics show. This signifies three things: (a) firstly, users were unfamiliar such testing interface and needed more guidance and support by a physical person; (b) they expected the system to interact back when they would do a mistaken click and as a result they were easily annoyed and quit early; © they found the chatbot especially unfamiliar. 
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Overall, the users insisted on specific replies to respond to the Chatbot. The heatmaps that Maze generates are a little bit hard to interpret because you dont know actually the users intention. In detail, many times they wanted to express how they feel by themselves by clicking the text input. People where experimenting with all the answers although the heatmaps reveal that 18.2% of the users were avoiding to say “Hi!” to the Arnod Chatbot. The rest were feeling more comfortable about asking ‘what can you do for me’. The second question of the bot was ‘Do you have any cold attacks to report?’ and the people tapped either on ‘Yes’ or ‘no’ and noone tapped on ‘ ‘who are you?’ answer. The next question was ‘Have a picture of the fingers?’ and what’s interesting here to find is that several taps were recorded on the icon to go ‘Back’ or the ‘settings’ icon on the top bar and most taps were recorded on ‘Wait’ response! This could indicate that the users felt uncomfortable with the question as if they have to share their personal image with an unknown system. The question of the bot could be rephrased to ‘Could you please share a picture of the fingers?’ or ‘Would you like to register the event?’ and then ask for a picture where the intention of the bot is clear. When asked to select a picture some dummy pictures where shown. A lot of people clicked pictures that are not fingers which validates our need to use Google’s Vision API to identify that the picture uploaded is likely to be fingers or skin. Although people might still need to upload pictures of the context of the Raynaud’s attack e.g. car, so an additional question could be by the bot ‘I identified pictures that were not fingers or skin-related, would you like me to add them?’ *bot also shows these pictures*. When the picture of the fingers was uploaded, the question was ‘When did this happen to your fingers?’. A lot of clicks were recorded on ‘+’ as if they wanted to add more pictures which supports our previous suggestion to let them add more. Their second choice was ‘Earlier today’ or ‘Exactly at...’ to enter their own time of preference. People clicked that the event felt ‘So Painful :(’ or ‘Little Pain’ and less people clicked on ‘Embarrassing’. The system asked what triggered the attack and the automatic response was because of standing still and working too long. The automatic reply of the system was an insight and statistics, in this case that 62% get white fingers after sitting still and working for too long. The users firstly clicked ‘I don’t care’ meaning they really wouldnt care knowing about others in that moment. Secondly they would click ‘I can relate’ or ‘Tell me more’ and thirdly they would click on the bot’s insight message itself. So, its important to make insights clickable and link to proof of others’ similar events for more insights. At the end where the event was recorded the people wanted to ‘See more’ about the event and noone wanted to ‘Edit’ it. Maybe they could be one button as see more and edit there if a specific field is being clicked. I suggest trying the inVision clickable experience to see what happens on every screen.
After the users completed the task they were being congratulated, and they could optionally respond to a quick survey on Google Forms to leave their feedback. One user was very excited Maze is a great and a much requested tool by the community of digital designers. Conducting online quick user tests can save time and effort and help address the right target group through social media. It keeps track of time spent by the user interacting on each screen, counts and locates mistaken clicks with heat-maps. Maze requires more development in order to be recognized and trusted as a user testing software. It can give although big number of responses when you can send it to your target group. 
Patient education for prevention is inseparable part for managing Raynaud’s successfully. It is considered that patients should take proper precautions for avoiding direct interactions with cold objects and environments. Multilayered clothing, glove liners, electric gloves, pocket heaters are essential for keeping the core body and extremities warm during the cold months. A healthy eating, non-smoking lifestyle with daily exercising or meditation can help improve circulation and relieve stress in the long-term.
Patients are poorly educated about what they can do for their disorder. According to all three RP patients during the validation research, doctors, usually Rheumatologists and Neurologists, do not provide enough resources to help patients learn about their disorder. Doctors give medicine only when the phenomenon becomes severe and they warn about side effects. Patients are used to rely on the doctor’s expertise and thus, they don’t seek for a solution themselves. The reversibility of the Raynaud’s effects make patients believe that it is not a chronic disease and because gives the illusion that it goes away. Patients get used to living with Raynaud’s and forget about how much it bothers them in their everyday activities. They learn to live with cold hands, painful purple fingers. They learn to live with it and when someone asks about it, they feel embarrassed. They can hardly talk about it. They avoid social interactions. R-node recognizes that people tend to suppress their feelings and wants to help them learn more about them. Upon arriving home after a cold day outside, r-node, through the user’s smartphone, may ask: “It was a cold day in Amsterdam today. How did you feel about it?”. The user can quickly start replying to the system or can select one of the predefined answers to the question that best describes their feelings: “So Painful :(”, “Little Pain”, “Embarassing..”, “Under Control”, etc.
Patients gather in Facebook groups with tens of thousands of members with different degrees of severity on Raynaud’s phenomenon. They exchange images, opinions, suggest activities to help reduce RP, share experiences and positive energy along the members. R-node recognizes the value of community, appreciates the simplicity of exchanging image posts, queries and links within Facebook and aims at integrating similar features in the smartphone application.With r-node we believe we can give patients a safe place to keep track of their phenomenon and also explore solutions and seek for help within the thousand other patients.
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oikawahtooru · 4 years
Which Search term Investigate Tool is the Greatest?
A search phrase study device is essential to optimize your site the two in site rank and real level of popularity. This resource helps you dig out the key terms you need to have in your articles and advertising articles or blog posts. The reason powering this is to be regarded by look for engines, as perfectly as to support individuals come across you by having the correct key word when they go to search for your web page. Key phrase technique is normally significant to your web-site. Not only does it satisfy the higher than outlined objectives, but it assists you master additional about the market you chose, and the possibilities for larger company. Thus, beneath are some of the remarkably advisable keyword instruments you can use when making written content for your site.
Trellion's Search term Discovery Software- this device is encouraged by most world-wide-web builders generally for the reason that of its ability to seize details from above one hundred eighty distinctive look for engines. Based mostly on person critiques, Keyword Discovery has a extensive databases that includes of over 1.five billion lookups every single thirty day period. This search term analysis tool incorporates characteristics these types of as KEI investigation, linked crucial phrase searches, seasonal lookup developments, search term density examination and common spellings and misspellings, so you know which keywords to use the two on your content material and in meta tags. Wordtracker-has gained prominence mainly because of its aim on meta tags, which most web site developers continue to rely on today. It has a huge databases of key terms and search term phrases which you can use the two as your key key phrases and associated vital phrases. Although this tool digs only on meta-look for engines, purchasers however adore it since of its consumer-friendly interface and trusted performance. Nichebot is acquiring discovered largely for the reason that of its operation and vast databases. It is made up of a lot of various functions these kinds of as key word density tracker, fast digging tools and deep digging equipment, and handy stats which permit you to see which keywords maintain great demand from customers and worth to your website. It also has a key phrase basket for you to shop the key phrases that you want to assessment and at some point reuse. A further very proposed search term device is SearchStatus. It is supported by some of the most notable people driving Google and Alexa, such as Matt Cutts and Geoff Mack. SearchStatus serves as a toolbar which will allow you to check out how every and each and every web-site performs across the web. Among its characteristics are recognition rankings in Google, Alexa, Yahoo and MSN, all in just a person place. Also, it is an open-resource merchandise, which helps make it absolutely free to down load and use. For Mozilla Firefox buyers who want to get included in the ins and outs of search phrase technique, you can use Web optimization extension for Firefox. This instrument is designed to get additional details from Google and Yahoo, as effectively as analyze the aggressive value of on the net markets. The Search engine optimisation extension gives a different method when it will come to key word investigate, as it digs by even blogs and syndication web sites. If you cherished this information and also you would want to obtain more info concerning best seo rank tracking software kindly visit the site. So, if you are looking for a superior key word technique to improve up your site's reputation and website page rating, then attempt to use these tools and see how they modify your business enterprise.
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How to Explain wireless security cameras to Your Boss
The Greatest Guide To The Best Home Security System - Chicago Tribune
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home security cameras
The more expensive systems normally include a wall-mounted panel that acts as a communications hub, with a touch-screen screen that enables you to do every little thing the application does. The display allows you connect with an expert tracking service when an alarm is set off as well as watch video clip from any of the set up security cameras.
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home security cameras
Many Do It Yourself systems are easy to mount as well as are offered as sets that you can set up to suit your specific requirements. As your requirements grow you can order extra sensors and also various other parts at your comfort and pair them to the system in an issue of minutes. Your fundamental entry-level Do It Yourself system may just support a couple of wireless methods and typically provides a minimal selection of add-on elements, while a lot more pricey Do It Yourself systems will sustain numerous cordless procedures and also work with lots of add-on parts.
How 10 Best Home Security Systems In Tulsa, Ok - Newson6 ... can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Nonetheless, Do It Yourself suppliers are significantly using professional surveillance services. Take a look at our picks for the Finest Do It Yourself Smart Home Security Solutions to find out even more about diy hubs, parts, and keeping track of options. While lots of systems use wireless components that are set up making use of double-sided tape, some premium systems use elements that call for specialist installation.
They generally use touch-screen hubs which contain RF, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and also Z-Wave radios, allowing them to connect with and also manage a plethora of components consisting of door and also window sensors, door locks, glass break detectors, indoor and outside video cameras, light switches, motion as well as water detectors, smoke/CO alarms, thermostats, video clip buzzers, as well as a host of other home automation devices.
An Unbiased View of Smart Alarms: The Best Home Security System - The Ambient
If you stop working to react, the agent will certainly call 911 to dispatch an emergency -responder to your home. The nice aspect of skillfully set up systems is you don't need to raise a finger; after you have actually placed your order a professional will involve your home, established whatever up for you, and also show you just how the system functions.
Virtually all of the latest Do It Yourself and also premium home security systems supply assistance for voice control by means of Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and sometimes Apple Siri, which permits you to unlock doors, adjustment thermostat settings, open up the garage, as well as arm or disarm your system with a spoken command to a linked gadget like an Amazon Echo or a Google Home audio speaker.
The 4-Minute Rule for Vivint Smart Home Security System Review: The Best Of The ...
As an example, you can develop an applet that claims if a garage door is opened to switch on the flood lamp. Whether you make a decision to go with a Do It Yourself system or choose an expertly mounted system, you'll have to pay a month-to-month or yearly fee if you require surveillance, as well as in many cases, you'll be struck with a monthly charge to settle the expense of hardware elements.
If you include surveillance, fees will certainly differ: SimpliSafe fees $14.99 each month for its no-contract monitoring solution, while Nest fees $29 monthly. If you commit to a three-year agreement, the rate of the Nest solution drops to $19 each month. Ring's Protect Plus plan opts for $10 each month and does not require an agreement.
The Of The Best Smart Home Security System Of 2020 - Business Insider
The ADT Pulse tracking solution starts at $28.99 per month and also calls for a three-year agreement, but you likewise have to figure in the expense of points like hardware parts, mobile back-up, as well as setup. When we evaluated the Pulse system, our in advance cost was greater than $3,000, with a month-to-month fee of over $60.
Almost all standalone security cameras connect to your home's Wi-Fi so you can see what's going on from your phone or tablet, as well as home alarm systems many have built-in sensing units that discover activity and also audio and also will send out press and e-mail alerts when those sensors are activated. You can usually tweak the camera's activity sensitivity to stop incorrect alarm systems as a result of pet task or passing cars and trucks if the camera is near a window, and also you can develop a schedule that turns the sensors on and off throughout particular hrs of the day.
7 Simple Techniques For Adt® Security Alarm Systems For Home & Business
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security cameras
If you wish to conserve some cash, search for an electronic camera with an SD card slot that allows you to tape video when activity or sound is detected, yet remember to conserve your recordings once in awhile before they are overwritten. Alternately, look for an electronic camera that offers a cloud storage plan.
These devices are weatherproof and commonly require a neighboring GFCI (ground mistake circuit interrupter) outlet to provide power, although there are a handful of battery-powered models available. Similar to their interior counterparts, outside cams link to your Wi-Fi network and also allow you to check out real-time video clip from your phone.
The Best Smart Home Security Systems For 2020 - Pcmag - Questions
Many outside cams, like the Arlo Ultra, supply motion detection with push and email notices, night vision, as well as cloud storage for event-triggered video, and some, like the Ring Flood Lamp Camera, pull double responsibility as flood lamps or veranda lights. Some models can even tell the difference in between a passing cars and truck, an animal, and a person.
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booneo803-blog · 4 years
Cyberflix Tv Apk Download: Releasing Your Very Own Associate Program
That Developed Application For Smart Phones?
It's a password manager that allows you conserve your login credentials in a safe, protected method. In addition to that, it can help produce virtually impossible passwords for you to utilize on your accounts. It has cross-platform assistance so you can utilize it on computers, mobile phones, tablets, or whatever. There are others, but LastPass always seems like it's one action in advance. You can likewise get LastPass Authenticator to support it for included protection.
Creating an instant app.
It makes application advancement quicker and simpler, alongside cost financial savings. Furthermore, users can access the apps smoothly without mounting it. The walk in online banking and also eCommerce has actually added to the exceptional growth in online settlement alternatives readily available for all individuals. And also with the arrival of Google Pocketbook and Apple Pay, clients are slowly transferring to mCommerce.
The combination of machine learning and artificial intelligence is extremely useful in important tasks like mobile app development. Whether it is iOS app advancement or Android application development, it can find out the treatment of application building from earlier information, identify problems, as well as repair them in real-time. Undoubtedly, it can be said that all that took place in 2019, will certainly renovate the mobile app development sector in the future year. And also with the surge of smart devices, organisations internationally are obtaining new chances now with a solid user base.
Wearable Gadgets.
In addition, an efficiency of online apps is completely linked to network link and also web browser job. For that reason, just around fourteen percent of time customers spend on online applications as only a few of tool APIs can be made use of like geolocation. Native apps are developed for a specific mobile phone operating system like Windows Phone or Android. As a result, they are native for a certain gadget or system.
Having mobile application conserves customers time thus boosting individual experience which helps in Search Engine Optimization and also in enhancing the user experience of your business. Mobile apps are coming to be progressively preferred among businesses and company. Link Infosystem is the very best mobile application growth firm which have a knowledgeable group of application designers who are talented to give the best mobile application growth solution.
What are the disadvantages of apps?
Who Invented Apps For Smart Phones? During 1983's International Design Conference in Aspen, Steve Jobs foresaw a future https://cyberflixtv.site in which each person had "an incredibly great computer in a book that you can carry around with you that you can learn how to use in 20 minutes."
Most preferred App Shop classifications.
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As you could think of, mobile application growth is unique unto itself. The devices place substantial constraints on the designers in regards to memory, storage, and calculating power. In terms of development settings, they resemble those available for desktop computer application development. Visual Workshop, among the major Windows advancement environments, gives the capacity to develop software application as well as applications for mobile phones and also tablet computers in addition to traditional desktop computers.
How many apps are there?
Android apps are made using an IDE called Android Studio. Next, easy to guess, there is programming involved. Many people suggest to use tools, app builders etc. but if you're serious about making apps and making them good, you will have to go native.
That Developed Application For Smart Phones?
At the exact same conference the list below year, Google made instantaneous applications offered to all Android developers. Initially, we weren't going to place any launchers on this checklist. Nova Launcher appears to be prolong past what normal launchers are. It's been around for years, it's been constantly upgraded, and also therefore it's never ever not been a great option for a launcher replacement. You can also make it appear like the Pixel Launcher if you wish to.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile apps?
Some free apps generate revenue via in-app purchases or advertising, while others are purchased for a modest price. Even though some apps have made millionaires out of their creators, most app developers will not strike it rich, and the chances of making it big are depressingly small.
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This makes it great for family usage, little groups at work, or other such groups. It's likewise wonderful for stuff like grocery store checklists, honey-do lists, or any various other list. You obtain every one of the functions free of cost, albeit in a somewhat minimal ability, such as two reminders per task (premium makes that infinite). A few other superb options in the space include Todoist, Microsoft To Do, Any.do, and Ike.
information governance plan.
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Several of the features of these applications include live cooperation, deep sharing functions, as well as compatibility with Microsoft Office files. Microsoft Office has a similar arrangement with OneDrive as well as Office.
Amazon Alexa is an additional exceptional application in this room, yet it does not sustain Google Android quite as long as we would such as, yet. Google Drive is a cloud storage remedy offered on Android where all new users obtain 15GB for free completely upon subscribing.
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markdaniel9 · 4 years
Attracting Traffic Through The Use Of Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization improves the odds of a website reaching one of the first pages in the search engine results. This helps site owners by driving more organic traffic to the site and increasing profits. The tips you will read about will maximize your Search Engine Marketing skills.
Including keywords as well as their common misspellings can help optimize your search engine results. Search engine bots will find analyze these meta tags and including this information will increase your visibility. An example would be if your webpage’s focus is on eyeglasses; you could include keywords like eyeglases, glases, glasses, eye glasses and any other common variations you can think of.
When writing content as part of a search engine optimization strategy, it is important to not use Associated Press style, and instead focus on your Search Engine Optimization techniques. To do this, simply use your keywords throughout your writing, as much as you can, and still make it flow. Doing this will help to improve your rankings because of keyphrase density.
This is easily done through a robots. txt file and applying it to the root directory. This will prevent any search engine from being able to gain access to particular files on your site.
Meta description tags are an extremely useful tool for optimizing your website for major search engines. Meta tags should relate directly to your page’s topic and promote more clicks. Describe your site and why people should click in as few words as possible using the meta tag. They will get people to come to your website, even if you aren’t on the top of the search engine results.
Using a product feed will boost your online presence and get more people to your site. Your feeds should include detailed descriptions of your product offerings or services, along with prices and pictures. Present these to search engines as well as to websites that list comparison shopping. Customers will also be able to use a feed reader to subscribe to the feed.
Have a non-profit or education site link to you. Search engines look favorably on sites that have been linked to by reputable sources. If you put content that is unique and pertinent to showcase your website, reputable sites will be more apt to feature links to your website. Add content that these type of organizations find worthy and useful.
Research possible keywords first. Search for ways to implement keywords in your website and titles. Keyword research can let you know what people are searching for in your categories. Make a point of using these same words and phrases on your site in order to elevate the ranking by the search engines.
Your website should always be easy on the eye for comprehension and simplicity to read. You can increase your search engine ranking by concentrating on keeping your site uncluttered and functional. You can also increase your rankings by adding functions for accessibility such as a tool to increase font size. You should find a balance to appeal to readers and to search engines.
Title Tag
Your title tag deserves your attention. The title tag makes a first impression on visitors. It needs to be a description that’s unique, while containing the keywords that have to do with your site. Also make sure it isn’t too long.
Getting your website in free local listings on Google and Yahoo is an important step to take in improving your website’s visibility. You get more visibility and visitors with this service. Do not turn down free publicity.
When you make your site better for the search engines, you make your site better for potential customers. Many people do not understand this.
Linking to relevant content on reputable websites can help get you improve your search engine ranking. This is a key aspect to successful inking. Search engines will place more weight on links that are off-site, but relevant, rather than internal links that connect different pages of your site. If you can negotiate a return link to your website in exchange for linking to another person’s site, do so, as this will impact your rank even more.
Description Tag
Be sure the first couple of sentences in your site’s first paragraph can be used as your HTML’s meta description tag. Most search engines use the description tag, while others use the first paragraph. A bad description of your site can damage your Search Engine Marketing.
Use social media for SEO Agencies. Direct communication with your customers is always a positive thing, and programs like Facebook and Twitter will allow you to do exactly that.
Don’t expect search engine optimization to take effect overnight. It is normal for you to expect to see results right away for your work. You have to remember that building a presence online takes dedication and time. Even when things don’t seem to be happening fast enough, it’s important you stay on track. Eventually, your hard work will net dividends and you will see a surge in search engine related traffic.
Think of all the ways you can get quality inbound links connected to your site. Some proven ways include a constant stream of fresh content, press releases, directory submissions and others. Creating solid incoming links to your site is one of several imperative Search Marketing tasks.
An important Lynchburg SEO tip is to keep an eye on your search rankings. Take a proactive approach, and find out how search engine optimization techniques are working for you. Monitor your results to learn if it is working or not. Use Alexa or the Google toolbar to monitor your page rank.
Focusing too much on Local SEO In Lynchburg VA may make you forget why you must rank highly in the search engines. Don’t forget that you don’t just want to drive new traffic to your site. You also want visitors to return. Achieving a highly ranked spot is a terrific thing, but you need to have great content and consistent flow of new and useful information added to it to keep people returning to it. This is the best Lynchburg Search Engine Optimization technique of all. Keep the content you write updated and real.
You now know more about search engine optimization. Your website is no good to you if it isn’t being seen by anyone and isn’t earning you money. Use the information located above to get your website ranked higher.
To conquer the subject of When it comes to search engine optimization, you really shouldn’t count on your organization’s Google ranking to someone who is not a Lynchburg SEO Expert. If you are reading this, you most likely are searching for someone who can assist you boost your organization’s online visibility, website traffic, and leads.
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, you have to take time to learn. The first thing you have to do is learn all about the subject. This article gives you a lot of important advice.
source https://lynchburgseoexpert.com/attracting-traffic-through-the-use-of-search-engine-optimization/ from Lynchburg SEO Expert https://lynchburgseoexpert.blogspot.com/2020/04/attracting-traffic-through-use-of.html
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lexiehewitt6 · 4 years
Attracting Traffic Through The Use Of Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization improves the odds of a website reaching one of the first pages in the search engine results. This helps site owners by driving more organic traffic to the site and increasing profits. The tips you will read about will maximize your Search Engine Marketing skills.
Including keywords as well as their common misspellings can help optimize your search engine results. Search engine bots will find analyze these meta tags and including this information will increase your visibility. An example would be if your webpage’s focus is on eyeglasses; you could include keywords like eyeglases, glases, glasses, eye glasses and any other common variations you can think of.
When writing content as part of a search engine optimization strategy, it is important to not use Associated Press style, and instead focus on your Search Engine Optimization techniques. To do this, simply use your keywords throughout your writing, as much as you can, and still make it flow. Doing this will help to improve your rankings because of keyphrase density.
This is easily done through a robots. txt file and applying it to the root directory. This will prevent any search engine from being able to gain access to particular files on your site.
Meta description tags are an extremely useful tool for optimizing your website for major search engines. Meta tags should relate directly to your page’s topic and promote more clicks. Describe your site and why people should click in as few words as possible using the meta tag. They will get people to come to your website, even if you aren’t on the top of the search engine results.
Using a product feed will boost your online presence and get more people to your site. Your feeds should include detailed descriptions of your product offerings or services, along with prices and pictures. Present these to search engines as well as to websites that list comparison shopping. Customers will also be able to use a feed reader to subscribe to the feed.
Have a non-profit or education site link to you. Search engines look favorably on sites that have been linked to by reputable sources. If you put content that is unique and pertinent to showcase your website, reputable sites will be more apt to feature links to your website. Add content that these type of organizations find worthy and useful.
Research possible keywords first. Search for ways to implement keywords in your website and titles. Keyword research can let you know what people are searching for in your categories. Make a point of using these same words and phrases on your site in order to elevate the ranking by the search engines.
Your website should always be easy on the eye for comprehension and simplicity to read. You can increase your search engine ranking by concentrating on keeping your site uncluttered and functional. You can also increase your rankings by adding functions for accessibility such as a tool to increase font size. You should find a balance to appeal to readers and to search engines.
Title Tag
Your title tag deserves your attention. The title tag makes a first impression on visitors. It needs to be a description that’s unique, while containing the keywords that have to do with your site. Also make sure it isn’t too long.
Getting your website in free local listings on Google and Yahoo is an important step to take in improving your website’s visibility. You get more visibility and visitors with this service. Do not turn down free publicity.
When you make your site better for the search engines, you make your site better for potential customers. Many people do not understand this.
Linking to relevant content on reputable websites can help get you improve your search engine ranking. This is a key aspect to successful inking. Search engines will place more weight on links that are off-site, but relevant, rather than internal links that connect different pages of your site. If you can negotiate a return link to your website in exchange for linking to another person’s site, do so, as this will impact your rank even more.
Description Tag
Be sure the first couple of sentences in your site’s first paragraph can be used as your HTML’s meta description tag. Most search engines use the description tag, while others use the first paragraph. A bad description of your site can damage your Search Engine Marketing.
Use social media for SEO Agencies. Direct communication with your customers is always a positive thing, and programs like Facebook and Twitter will allow you to do exactly that.
Don’t expect search engine optimization to take effect overnight. It is normal for you to expect to see results right away for your work. You have to remember that building a presence online takes dedication and time. Even when things don’t seem to be happening fast enough, it’s important you stay on track. Eventually, your hard work will net dividends and you will see a surge in search engine related traffic.
Think of all the ways you can get quality inbound links connected to your site. Some proven ways include a constant stream of fresh content, press releases, directory submissions and others. Creating solid incoming links to your site is one of several imperative Search Marketing tasks.
An important Lynchburg SEO tip is to keep an eye on your search rankings. Take a proactive approach, and find out how search engine optimization techniques are working for you. Monitor your results to learn if it is working or not. Use Alexa or the Google toolbar to monitor your page rank.
Focusing too much on Local SEO In Lynchburg VA may make you forget why you must rank highly in the search engines. Don’t forget that you don’t just want to drive new traffic to your site. You also want visitors to return. Achieving a highly ranked spot is a terrific thing, but you need to have great content and consistent flow of new and useful information added to it to keep people returning to it. This is the best Lynchburg Search Engine Optimization technique of all. Keep the content you write updated and real.
You now know more about search engine optimization. Your website is no good to you if it isn’t being seen by anyone and isn’t earning you money. Use the information located above to get your website ranked higher.
To conquer the subject of When it comes to search engine optimization, you really shouldn’t count on your organization’s Google ranking to someone who is not a Lynchburg SEO Expert. If you are reading this, you most likely are searching for someone who can assist you boost your organization’s online visibility, website traffic, and leads.
Tumblr media
, you have to take time to learn. The first thing you have to do is learn all about the subject. This article gives you a lot of important advice.
from https://lynchburgseoexpert.com/attracting-traffic-through-the-use-of-search-engine-optimization/
from Lynchburg SEO Expert - Blog https://lynchburgseoexpert.weebly.com/blog/attracting-traffic-through-the-use-of-search-engine-optimization
0 notes
sylviajackson10 · 4 years
Attracting Traffic Through The Use Of Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization improves the odds of a website reaching one of the first pages in the search engine results. This helps site owners by driving more organic traffic to the site and increasing profits. The tips you will read about will maximize your Search Engine Marketing skills.
Including keywords as well as their common misspellings can help optimize your search engine results. Search engine bots will find analyze these meta tags and including this information will increase your visibility. An example would be if your webpage’s focus is on eyeglasses; you could include keywords like eyeglases, glases, glasses, eye glasses and any other common variations you can think of.
When writing content as part of a search engine optimization strategy, it is important to not use Associated Press style, and instead focus on your Search Engine Optimization techniques. To do this, simply use your keywords throughout your writing, as much as you can, and still make it flow. Doing this will help to improve your rankings because of keyphrase density.
This is easily done through a robots. txt file and applying it to the root directory. This will prevent any search engine from being able to gain access to particular files on your site.
Meta description tags are an extremely useful tool for optimizing your website for major search engines. Meta tags should relate directly to your page’s topic and promote more clicks. Describe your site and why people should click in as few words as possible using the meta tag. They will get people to come to your website, even if you aren’t on the top of the search engine results.
Using a product feed will boost your online presence and get more people to your site. Your feeds should include detailed descriptions of your product offerings or services, along with prices and pictures. Present these to search engines as well as to websites that list comparison shopping. Customers will also be able to use a feed reader to subscribe to the feed.
Have a non-profit or education site link to you. Search engines look favorably on sites that have been linked to by reputable sources. If you put content that is unique and pertinent to showcase your website, reputable sites will be more apt to feature links to your website. Add content that these type of organizations find worthy and useful.
Research possible keywords first. Search for ways to implement keywords in your website and titles. Keyword research can let you know what people are searching for in your categories. Make a point of using these same words and phrases on your site in order to elevate the ranking by the search engines.
Your website should always be easy on the eye for comprehension and simplicity to read. You can increase your search engine ranking by concentrating on keeping your site uncluttered and functional. You can also increase your rankings by adding functions for accessibility such as a tool to increase font size. You should find a balance to appeal to readers and to search engines.
Title Tag
Your title tag deserves your attention. The title tag makes a first impression on visitors. It needs to be a description that’s unique, while containing the keywords that have to do with your site. Also make sure it isn’t too long.
Getting your website in free local listings on Google and Yahoo is an important step to take in improving your website’s visibility. You get more visibility and visitors with this service. Do not turn down free publicity.
When you make your site better for the search engines, you make your site better for potential customers. Many people do not understand this.
Linking to relevant content on reputable websites can help get you improve your search engine ranking. This is a key aspect to successful inking. Search engines will place more weight on links that are off-site, but relevant, rather than internal links that connect different pages of your site. If you can negotiate a return link to your website in exchange for linking to another person’s site, do so, as this will impact your rank even more.
Description Tag
Be sure the first couple of sentences in your site’s first paragraph can be used as your HTML’s meta description tag. Most search engines use the description tag, while others use the first paragraph. A bad description of your site can damage your Search Engine Marketing.
Use social media for SEO Agencies. Direct communication with your customers is always a positive thing, and programs like Facebook and Twitter will allow you to do exactly that.
Don’t expect search engine optimization to take effect overnight. It is normal for you to expect to see results right away for your work. You have to remember that building a presence online takes dedication and time. Even when things don’t seem to be happening fast enough, it’s important you stay on track. Eventually, your hard work will net dividends and you will see a surge in search engine related traffic.
Think of all the ways you can get quality inbound links connected to your site. Some proven ways include a constant stream of fresh content, press releases, directory submissions and others. Creating solid incoming links to your site is one of several imperative Search Marketing tasks.
An important Lynchburg SEO tip is to keep an eye on your search rankings. Take a proactive approach, and find out how search engine optimization techniques are working for you. Monitor your results to learn if it is working or not. Use Alexa or the Google toolbar to monitor your page rank.
Focusing too much on Local SEO In Lynchburg VA may make you forget why you must rank highly in the search engines. Don’t forget that you don’t just want to drive new traffic to your site. You also want visitors to return. Achieving a highly ranked spot is a terrific thing, but you need to have great content and consistent flow of new and useful information added to it to keep people returning to it. This is the best Lynchburg Search Engine Optimization technique of all. Keep the content you write updated and real.
You now know more about search engine optimization. Your website is no good to you if it isn’t being seen by anyone and isn’t earning you money. Use the information located above to get your website ranked higher.
To conquer the subject of When it comes to search engine optimization, you really shouldn’t count on your organization’s Google ranking to someone who is not a Lynchburg SEO Expert. If you are reading this, you most likely are searching for someone who can assist you boost your organization’s online visibility, website traffic, and leads.
Tumblr media
, you have to take time to learn. The first thing you have to do is learn all about the subject. This article gives you a lot of important advice.
from Lynchburg SEO Expert https://lynchburgseoexpert.com/attracting-traffic-through-the-use-of-search-engine-optimization/ from Lynchburg SEO Expert https://lynchburgseoexpert.tumblr.com/post/616037383861846016
0 notes
lynchburgseoexpert · 4 years
Attracting Traffic Through The Use Of Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization improves the odds of a website reaching one of the first pages in the search engine results. This helps site owners by driving more organic traffic to the site and increasing profits. The tips you will read about will maximize your Search Engine Marketing skills.
Including keywords as well as their common misspellings can help optimize your search engine results. Search engine bots will find analyze these meta tags and including this information will increase your visibility. An example would be if your webpage’s focus is on eyeglasses; you could include keywords like eyeglases, glases, glasses, eye glasses and any other common variations you can think of.
When writing content as part of a search engine optimization strategy, it is important to not use Associated Press style, and instead focus on your Search Engine Optimization techniques. To do this, simply use your keywords throughout your writing, as much as you can, and still make it flow. Doing this will help to improve your rankings because of keyphrase density.
This is easily done through a robots. txt file and applying it to the root directory. This will prevent any search engine from being able to gain access to particular files on your site.
Meta description tags are an extremely useful tool for optimizing your website for major search engines. Meta tags should relate directly to your page’s topic and promote more clicks. Describe your site and why people should click in as few words as possible using the meta tag. They will get people to come to your website, even if you aren’t on the top of the search engine results.
Using a product feed will boost your online presence and get more people to your site. Your feeds should include detailed descriptions of your product offerings or services, along with prices and pictures. Present these to search engines as well as to websites that list comparison shopping. Customers will also be able to use a feed reader to subscribe to the feed.
Have a non-profit or education site link to you. Search engines look favorably on sites that have been linked to by reputable sources. If you put content that is unique and pertinent to showcase your website, reputable sites will be more apt to feature links to your website. Add content that these type of organizations find worthy and useful.
Research possible keywords first. Search for ways to implement keywords in your website and titles. Keyword research can let you know what people are searching for in your categories. Make a point of using these same words and phrases on your site in order to elevate the ranking by the search engines.
Your website should always be easy on the eye for comprehension and simplicity to read. You can increase your search engine ranking by concentrating on keeping your site uncluttered and functional. You can also increase your rankings by adding functions for accessibility such as a tool to increase font size. You should find a balance to appeal to readers and to search engines.
Title Tag
Your title tag deserves your attention. The title tag makes a first impression on visitors. It needs to be a description that’s unique, while containing the keywords that have to do with your site. Also make sure it isn’t too long.
Getting your website in free local listings on Google and Yahoo is an important step to take in improving your website’s visibility. You get more visibility and visitors with this service. Do not turn down free publicity.
When you make your site better for the search engines, you make your site better for potential customers. Many people do not understand this.
Linking to relevant content on reputable websites can help get you improve your search engine ranking. This is a key aspect to successful inking. Search engines will place more weight on links that are off-site, but relevant, rather than internal links that connect different pages of your site. If you can negotiate a return link to your website in exchange for linking to another person’s site, do so, as this will impact your rank even more.
Description Tag
Be sure the first couple of sentences in your site’s first paragraph can be used as your HTML’s meta description tag. Most search engines use the description tag, while others use the first paragraph. A bad description of your site can damage your Search Engine Marketing.
Use social media for SEO Agencies. Direct communication with your customers is always a positive thing, and programs like Facebook and Twitter will allow you to do exactly that.
Don’t expect search engine optimization to take effect overnight. It is normal for you to expect to see results right away for your work. You have to remember that building a presence online takes dedication and time. Even when things don’t seem to be happening fast enough, it’s important you stay on track. Eventually, your hard work will net dividends and you will see a surge in search engine related traffic.
Think of all the ways you can get quality inbound links connected to your site. Some proven ways include a constant stream of fresh content, press releases, directory submissions and others. Creating solid incoming links to your site is one of several imperative Search Marketing tasks.
An important Lynchburg SEO tip is to keep an eye on your search rankings. Take a proactive approach, and find out how search engine optimization techniques are working for you. Monitor your results to learn if it is working or not. Use Alexa or the Google toolbar to monitor your page rank.
Focusing too much on Local SEO In Lynchburg VA may make you forget why you must rank highly in the search engines. Don’t forget that you don’t just want to drive new traffic to your site. You also want visitors to return. Achieving a highly ranked spot is a terrific thing, but you need to have great content and consistent flow of new and useful information added to it to keep people returning to it. This is the best Lynchburg Search Engine Optimization technique of all. Keep the content you write updated and real.
You now know more about search engine optimization. Your website is no good to you if it isn’t being seen by anyone and isn’t earning you money. Use the information located above to get your website ranked higher.
To conquer the subject of When it comes to search engine optimization, you really shouldn’t count on your organization’s Google ranking to someone who is not a Lynchburg SEO Expert. If you are reading this, you most likely are searching for someone who can assist you boost your organization’s online visibility, website traffic, and leads.
Tumblr media
, you have to take time to learn. The first thing you have to do is learn all about the subject. This article gives you a lot of important advice.
from Lynchburg SEO Expert https://lynchburgseoexpert.com/attracting-traffic-through-the-use-of-search-engine-optimization/
0 notes