#alex gaskarth imagines
fangirl94stuff · 1 year
Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low)
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Alex had been extremely busy with All Time Low since their latest single dropped, which you dealt with because it was all a part of dating a band member and it made you smile to see your boyfriend enjoying what he did every day. Even though your relationship was secret from the public, the other members knew along with the label and they supported the two of you.
Ironically you met at an All Time Low signing event, where you gifted each member a hand-drawn portrait since you took art in school and it was actually Rian who recognised your signature and gushed over your fan art of not just All Time Low but other bands along with photographs you had taken over the years and put on your Instagram. Alex joked that you could take a photo of him any day, and you took the brave step of stating he should name a time and a place.
Alex did get in touch with you after the signing and asked you to take some photos of him for Instagram which you agreed to. During the shoot the two of you hit it off, learning you liked similar things but had enough differences to intrigue the other person. After that day the two of you continued to chat and call one another.
You were hanging out at Alex's one day when your phone kept blowing up and Alex had enough and took it off you. Your ex-boyfriend was begging to get back together since you’d started to get more attention online because of the photos you took of bands. Luckily Alex didn’t judge you and instead asked you out on a date.
That was a year ago and today you were surprising him at a signing which was being held in the same location as the one you met in last year. it was Valentine’s and Alex had spoilt you rotten because he would be busy, but you had yet to give him the special gift you’d made for him.
Everyone but Alex knew you were showing up, so the label ensured you were the last in the line for the ultimate surprise. You eventually make it up to the long table where the band is sitting and Zack makes a heart with his hands and points to Alex, who is sitting next to him blissfully unaware you were up next.
‘Fancy meeting you here,’ you say proudly, standing in front of Alex who looks up with shock written across his face.
‘y/n...what are you...how?...why didn’t you tell me?’ he stutters, fumbling over the words that wasn’t really like him.
‘Let me get this on camera,’ Jack insists, pulling out his phone.
You open your bag, pull out a small photo album and place it in front of Alex, ‘I never got to give you your gift this morning, and you are my favourite member of All Time Low after all.’
Alex blushes a little picks up the album and starts to flip through it, ‘oh my god when did you take these y/n?’
You loved taking photos of people in general because you loved capturing emotions, and the best photos came when the person didn’t know they were being captured. There was a mixture of photos of the two of you, and photos you’d taken of Alex when he wasn’t looking.
‘Do you like it? Happy Valentine’s,’ you say, whispering the last part in case anyone around you heard and assumed something was happening between the two of you.
Alex nods, ‘I love it y/n, if I could get up and kiss you I would.’
This time you blush, and next to Alex, Jack and Rian make kissing sounds and gestures since the fans in front of you have left.
‘You can kiss her later,’ Zack calls out.
Alex smirks and winks at you trying to be seductive, ‘Oh I intend to.’
You laugh, ‘name a time and place.’
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27-royal-teas · 8 months
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THINKING OF HIM!!!!!!!!! 🌹🧡👁️
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Pissed Off Biersack
Summary: After not being able to be the flower girl for her godmother’s wedding, Addison Biersack felt an emotion that she never had before.
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‘How is she?’ The text came through from the concerned mother.
‘She’s resting. When I checked her temp last, she was still sitting at 101,’ Heather responded, running her fingers through her grandbaby’s dark brown curls.
‘Should we take her to the doctor?’ Amber texted. This was day three of Addison being sick, and of all days for her to come down with whatever bug she had- on the day of her godmother’s wedding.
The one she was actually super excited for since she was actually around to be a flower girl.
‘If her fever doesn’t break by tonight, then yeah. But she’ll be okay honey. Tell Ella and Alex I said congratulations 😊’
“Gamma?” Came the croak from the three year old laying her head on her grandmother’s lap.
“Yes princess?” Heather answered, moving curls from her flushed and clammy face.
“Can I still be a flower girl?” She asked and what Heather had to say broke her heart.
“Not when you’re sick like this Princess,” Heather soothed, to no avail though because big fat tears welled up in the three year old’s eyes.
“Why?” Her voice cracked and Heather gave her a sympathetic smile.
“Because you’re sick. You wouldn’t wanna get Auntie Ella and Uncle Alex sick, would you?” Heather asked, hoping desperately that Addison was sick enough not to stick to her guns.
“No?” She crossed her little arms across her chest before a coughing fit took over her small body.
“Gamma, it hurts,” she whimpered when the fit ended.
“I know baby. Do you wanna watch some cartoons while I make you some soup?”
“Can I have red juice?” She asked.
“Yeah, but you have to have water too honey,” Heather pressed a kiss to Addison’s forehead before heading into her kitchen to make the soup and grab a little bottle of Gatorade for her. She poured half of the bottle in her sippy cup and topping it off with water.
After the wedding, Andy and Amber came by to pick up their little princess, who’s fever slightly broke during the wedding. She was asleep when the pair pulled up to Heather’s house in the Hills.
“My mom texted me like an hour ago and said her fever broke. But we’ll wanna keep an eye on her tonight,” Amber whispered while they stood at the door. After a few moments, Heather answered with a sleepy Addy dressed in her footie pajamas and curly hair in pigtails braids.
“How has she been?” Amber asked, making sure her temperament didn’t change.
“She’s been normal,” Heather told her with a smile. She finally got a look at her own baby girl and son in law. Amber was dressed in a floor length flowy champagne colored dress, and Andy stood beside her with a black tux that had a matching champagne colored handkerchief in his suit.
“Heather, is her stuff in the living room?” Andy asked softly.
“Most of it is in Amber’s old room. But her sippy cup, bear, and baby blanket are in the living room,” she told her son in law.
“No honey. Just take Addy. I’ll grab her stuff. She’s a daddy’s girl,” Amber told him softly, putting her hand gently on his arm.
“Addison, come here sweetie. Daddy’s got you,” he told her gently, taking the toddler from Heather.
“I feel like I just passed off Amber,” Heather laughed.
“Amber was this big as a toddler?” Andy questioned. He knew that his wife inherited her father’s height. But Addison seemed so much bigger than other kids her age.
“Yeap. She’ll probably be the same height as her, maybe a little taller since you’re taller than Tommy,” Heather told him as Addison snuggled against her dad’s chest, the vibrations from his baritone voice helping soothe her.
“Daddy? Can you sing me to sleep?” She asked drowsily.
“When we get home, I will honey. Do you want me to put on one of my cd’s in the car on the way home?” He asked and she nodded. He kissed her forehead and a smile pulled at Addison’s lips.
“I’ve got her stuff. Thanks again mom,” Amber pulled Heather into an awkward hug since she was trying not to spill or drop anything.
“Of course honey. Keep me posted on how she is,”
“We will,” Amber promised, kissing her mom on the cheek.
“Thanks again Heather,” Andy told her with a smile, before taking Addison to the car and buckled her in.
“Beary? Blankey?” Addison croaked and Amber gave both things to her.
“Here you go baby. I’m putting your sippy cup next to you,” Amber told her before pressing a kiss to her forehead and climbing into the passenger seat while Andy picked Addison’s favorite of his albums to play on the way home.
After just over a week, Ella showed up at the Biersack home.
Mainly to show pictures from the honeymoon, but also to check on Addison.
It broke her heart that her godbaby couldn’t be at the wedding when she was so excited.
“Addy, Auntie Ella’s here,” Andy told her when he answered the door.
The three year old, who was almost completely back to normal, let out a huff, making sure to whip her pigtails as she went to her playroom to go play.
She was still mad that she couldn’t be a flower girl.
Her auntie/godmother promised.
“Everything okay with her?” Ella asked as she entered the home, Persephone, the family’s golden retriever, coming up to greet the newlywed.
“She’s been like that since the wedding. She’s mad that she wasn’t a flower girl,”
“But she was sick,” Ella’s eyebrows knitted together.
“Doesn’t matter. You promised,” Amber shrugged.
“Yeap. She definitely got your personality,” Ella told her cousin, who gently shoved her.
“Alright, let’s see pictures,” Amber told her, leading her to the couch where Persephone curled next to Ella.
“Just scroll through the album. I’m gonna go talk to Amber’s mini me,”
“But she looks like me!” Andy objected.
“Looks like you Biersack, but acts just like her mama,”
“Hey!” Amber called out as Ella walked towards the playroom. She knocked on the door, hearing her niece’s voice pitch low as she was playing with one of her male dolls.
“Hey munchkin. How are you feeling? Mommy said you were sick,” Ella asked her and Addison pointedly ignored her aunt.
“Alright, what’s up? Normally you plow into me when I come over, and now? Not a peep?” Ella sat on the futon and Addison continued to ignore her.
“Come on Addy. What’s wrong honey?” She questioned, her voice getting much softer.
A small tear streaming down Addy’s cheek betrayed her. Ella gave her a sympathetic smile.
“So how was August at doing our job?” She asked, a note of venom in her voice that Ella never heard from the toddler.
“I really wanted you there sweetheart. But you were sick Princess,” she told her and opened her arms for a hug. That was what caused the damn to burst.
“August replaced me,” she walked into her aunt’s open arms and tried to wrap her tiny arms around Ella as tight as possible.
“No Addy. Nobody could replace you. I promise. You’re my first niece. And my very first godbaby. Do you know what that means?” Ella asked her with a smile, as tears threatened to spill from her emerald orbs. Addison shook her head.
“That means that I love you more than any other kids,” Ella told her, lifting her cheek, and moving some baby hairs from her ivory forehead.
“Really?” Addison asked, wiping her face with the sleeve of her sweater.
“Yeah Munchkin,” Ella told her and Addison wrapped her arms around Ella’s neck.
“I love you auntie,” Addison whispered in her ear, and a beaming smile came over Ella’s lips.
“I love you too Addy,” she told her while rubbing her back soothingly.
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baevillier · 1 year
hey bae is there any chance u would ever continue your alex gaskarth series??? Ik it probably doesnt get the most engagement since everyone is out of their emo phase but i saw them live recently and im down bad again x 😓
OMG HELLO I’ve been continuing it on Wattpad! But yes yes yes I can definitely start uploading the chapters here again.
I really love you so much. You have no idea how happy this made me 🖤🖤
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meadowsofmay · 1 year
there's something so heart-wrenching in a way alex sings why is our flame dying? on 2:31 as an adlib in the drop of 'back to you'.
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“They Hate Each Other” Masterlist
do you want me (dead?) (ao3) - cliffakitten michael/luke M, 12k
Summary: Michael and Luke are flatmates who can't stand each other, so the two of them having to spend the Christmas break with just each other could only be a bad thing, right?
Hello, How May I Help You? (ao3) - xdistorted_cliffordx luke/ashton T, 61k
Summary: Employees can fall for their costumers, right?
If Walls Could Talk (ao3) - orphan_account past michael/calum, michael/luke M, 23k
Summary: “Don’t even fucking say anything about me, Wave. You have no fucking idea why I left the team, and you have no clue how much I lost after it,” Luke says surging forward, eyes glowing bright white and causing the electricity in the room to crackle with his true emotions coming out.
or the Don't Stop AU where everything fell apart.
I Hate You (ao3) - Shipalltheships (Destielshipper100) michael/luke M, 1k
Summary: Michael had a bad day and just wants to relax, but can't because the person he hates most is in his apartment. Hate sex ensues.
i scream and wave my arms but you don't understand me (ao3) - dancingmalum michael/luke, jack/alex N/R, 3k
Summary: Luke stares at Michael from across the room, but it seems like the older boy has no idea. He keeps laughing at things Alex Gaskarth (!!) says, and Michael seems cool, he's talking smoothly to the Alex Gaskarth and he's not freaking out about it, his voice isn't shaking, he doesn't even seem nervous. Luke's jealous of both Alex Gaskarth himself and the way Michael isn't freaking the fuck out.
Michael never even glances at Luke, he's looking around at everyone in the room but him, it's painful. Luke's not saying much, there's nothing for him to say, except the occasional add in about a song they're writing.
"We could have some part about hooking up with hot girls," Calum grins, and Luke feels like sinking into the couch.
"Luke, you should know about that, right?" Michael asks, a smirk on his face as he stares back at Luke for the first time in a few days. "Wait, never mind, you're gay as hell."
The guys all laugh, and Michael's already done staring at him. Luke's heart is burning, along with his flushed cheeks, and he wants to hide and never see Michael or the incredibly cool Alex Gaskarth ever again.
Michelle (ao3) - sleepymuke michael/luke, calum/shton G, 1k
Summary: Luke hates Michelle, and Michelle hates Luke. That's the way it's always been.
No Chance (ao3) - iCheeseYou (EHkook) michael/luke, calum/ashton T, 72k
Summary: So Ashton's going on a road trip with his friend, Calum, and he invited me to tag along. Being the adventurous shit I am, I said yes, but I wouldn't have if I knew that Luke Hemmings was going as well. God, I hate that guy, and the feeling's mutual. Why does that annoying brat have to come along? And Ashton and Calum expect us to be friends? Yeah, right. There's no chance that Luke Hemmings and I, Michael Clifford, are ever going to get along.
she wears short skirts (ao3) - loafers michael/luke E, 3k
Summary: Probably is a bit of a joke, getting off with your unofficial arch nemesis.
Tell Me Why (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 1k
Summary: "Why are you acting this way? Why do you hate me? What have I ever done to you?"
Luke looked away, scratching his neck. "I just do, okay."
"No, not okay. Tell me why."
That Line Between Love and Hate is Thinner Than You Think (ao3) - everythingididntsay michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: the biggest fucking idiot would have to be luke. i've never hated someone so much. i hate him almost as much as i want to shove my penis down his throat.
the thing is with luke, i can't understand what it is i actually want from him. one second i want to shove a knife into his gut and then the next second i'm imagining what it would be like to have him push me up against a wall and suck the blood from my neck.
that'll do the trick (ao3) - heartbreakgirl michael/luke G, 802
Summary: “Oh my God, just kiss already!”
And Luke’s surprised to find out the idea doesn’t even remotely disgust him. Besides, kissing is a genius and proven way of shutting a person up and right now Michael’s yelling about how utterly gross and impossible the suggestion was and how he’d rather have his balls chopped clean off, and Luke can't think of a better way to get him to put a sock in it.
This Should be Fun (ao3) - HellishHerondales michael/luke E, 489
Summary: Michael hates Luke, so that totally explains why he's touching himself, calling out Luke's name.
Torturous Electricity. (ao3) - smokeynights michael/luke N/R, 198
Summary: Luke and Michael hate eachother a lot of the time.
we are perfect (Lashton version) (ao3) - loserpolarbears (orphan_account) luke/ashton, michael/calum, calum/ashton M, 8k
Summary: „You’re an asshole.” The boy glared at him, eyes sparkling with anger. „And I’m Ashton, you seemed to remember last night when you fucked me, but I guess your memories vanish as soon as you come, right. Bye.” He said and by the time Luke realized he was talking he was already out of his apartment. Luke rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen to make some coffee.
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kinghotboy · 1 year
alex reading out that sign about that person getting engaged or whatever and being like all touched and sweet about it xagdfsvsgxsgxvsfdfxedcdvsfxvsfsgdfx scream. imagine going to alex fucking gaskarth about ur happy news. king of commitment over here wishing u their best
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capricioussun · 2 years
Some random singing headcanons for you
I want to make a voice claims post about all the boys but tbh I haven’t even come close to picking all of them, however. I do at least have a good idea of how I imagine the main Papyri boys to sing.
Stretch - I always imagined he sounds a bit like the lead singer for Hippo Campus and/or Cage The Elephant. The slightly raspy, tired quality of their voices really suits Stretch in my mind, and even their music in general just gives me major Stretch vibes. I could easily imagine him singing Poems (HC) or Come a Little Closer (CtE), and having kind of…laid back indie taste in music.
Rus - I’ll be frank, I’ve always liked the headcanon that Papyrus cannot sing to save his life, but this could also be split with another headcanon of mine, that he can sing well, just doesn’t usually because he prefers to sing enthusiastically rather than purposefully. That being said, if Rus could sing and put effort into it, I think he’d sound a bit like the singer for Jukebox The Ghost. I think he’d love to sing bouncier, almost dramatic kinds of music, and he’d really be able to belt out a wild rendition of Jumpstarted (JtG) or Don’t Stop Me Now (Queen). He’d be into musicals probably, and breakcore.
Copper - tbh I don’t imagine Copper to really sing, so much as just kind hum a little, or mutter along a line or two to something he’s listening to. But, if he did, I think he’d sound sort of like a pitched down Alex Gaskarth (All Time Low), or a little like the singer from Gang of Youths. I think he wouldn’t really be too picky about music at all, so he’d likely sing whatever was popular on the radio at the time, though he may have a tiny preference for classic rock and folk. The song that jumps to mind for him is actually Painting Flowers (ATL) for some reason
Ghost - he really honestly and truly probably has zero desire to sing, ever. That aside if Chara asked him to sing them a lullaby or something, he probably would, low and gravel for how underused his voice goes. I’d imagine him sounding similarly to the Gang of Youths singer as well, or Hozier but raspier. Wasteland Baby (Hozier) or his cover of The Parting Glass would be good examples of Ghost’s vibes, though as far as listening goes, he’d probably prefer music that doesn’t have vocals at all
Edge - similarly to Rus, I always lean a little closer to him not really being able to sing, but this might not even wholly be from lack of ability but just disuse, like Ghost. That, and the fact he wouldn’t let himself be caught dead singing under most circumstances, aside, I think he’d actually sound a bit like Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters), or a little like a pitched down, less twangy version of the Black Keys singer. And if he did commit to the bit, so to speak, I could easily hear him singing something like Pretenders or Dirty Water (FF). Though I think his own tastes might honestly lean a little more mild, like classical or acoustic, maybe some rock and metal, maybe.
I also wanna note I tried to aim for voices that sounded similar and had similar qualities to them, because I am of the opinion their voices would all sound similar being, ya know, alternate versions of each other lol, so just know that, in my head anyway, their voices wouldn’t sound too dramatically different from each other’s
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clumsyclifford · 1 year
2022 Writing Evaluation
hi i dug this up from the archives of this time last year because it was fun to do and i wanted to give other writers a chance to reflect if they’re so inclined! so here is my 2022 writing self-evaluation. point of order, i’m mostly filling this out specifically for my bellawritess ao3 and all the rpf stuff i write, not my other secret ao3 where i put fics written about fictional media. okay, onward. 
1. number of stories posted on ao3: 23!
2. word count posted for this year: 117,763
3. fandoms i wrote for: 5sos, atl, and 1d (but also teen wolf, mcu spiderman, hawkeye, and daredevil)
4. pairings: cake, lashton, malum, jalex, narry, halex (you know that very popular harry styles/alex gaskarth ship), and mirry.
5. story with the most kudos/bookmarks/comments: the answer to all three of these criteria is a change of heart and a silver lining, my winter 2021-22 fic exchange fic, which makes me very happy. i cannot believe that fic was from last year, january feels like forever ago but i love love love that specific work so much, in large part because of how much i was able to tailor it to meg as reciprocation for all the times and ways she tailored things to me.
6. work i’m most proud of (and why): i’m gonna say a three-way tie between (1) i got a radar for trouble (and you’re a renegade), (2) between all the gasping i finally breathe, and (3) play it again and again and again. #1 is the cruel summer prequel fic that i always half-jokingly said i would one day write and then surprised myself by actually writing, and i am incredibly proud of how well i managed to recreate the vibes of cruel summer fic but also write a prequel that made sense with the direction the actual cruel summer story took. #2 was one of the first legit fics i wrote to break myself out of this big 5sos fic slump i had been in (consequence of a perfect storm of a lot of small things), and i may have gotten lost in the metaphor sauce but i maintain that the metaphors are really fucking good which was gratifying to me as a writer who had felt like maybe i’d lost my real writing skill before then. #3 is the christmas fic i wrote for hazel, and what i’m most proud of there is that i fuckin actually wrote that. my love for my friends carried me through the warfields of attempting to romanticize christmas, and in so doing i think i actually learned something about christmas, ugh i feel like i’m getting less jewish every second i spend talking about this but i really am proud of myself for writing that and even moreso because i think i tailored it pretty well to hazel’s taste and that made me happy. it was like an extra challenge i set myself and then i did it well.
7. work i’m least proud of (and why): pretty much all the prompt fics from this year’s batch, tbh. this malum roommates one is really funny if you imagine you’re a fly on the wall of mine and megs’s dorm room but it’s the most nothing fic on the planet otherwise, and you’re my whole house is cute but again, literally nothing. unfortunately these were written while i was binge watching seinfeld which probably contributed to how much they were About Nothing but that’s no excuse.
8. share or describe a favorite review you received: i’m super terrible at remembering comments and stuff that people leave me but a few days ago i got a comment on yssdf saying it was one of the best love stories they’d ever read and that just about knocked my socks off
9. a time when writing was really, really hard: from aboutttt february to september, which is pretty obvious when you notice that i didn’t post a fic (on this account) between march 18th and september 27th of this year. i hit that aforementioned slump in a big way and i was also busy with life stuff and i was also just. unmotivated and uninspired! but in that time i wasn’t really doing a lot of writing to struggle with. something that was actively hard to write was definitely parts of the jet lag songfic i wrote for the fest. megs and hazel both experienced various aspects of my intense battle with Plot and Characters. it was not pretty.
10. a scene or character you wrote that surprised you: luke in the muke college beach fic!!! he was so much more gutsy than (a) he’s usually written and (b) i expected him to be. and tbh, michael in that fic also kind of surprised me, although less so because he was based on a real guy i know, so it was more like trying to delve into the fictionalized mind of a real human being i go to school with and understand what it is that makes him only APPEAR to be an asshole and in reality maybe actually have a heart of gold. if that makes sense. character work but the character is based on a real person who is based on a real person. meta af.
11. a favorite excerpt of your writing: ill be the first to admit im a sucker for when there’s a song playing in the in-universe fic scene and then the lyrics tie into the moment. i have that in two fics that i can think of, so here they both are:
(1) from everywhere, everything:
Luke is trembling when he looks up at Ashton, but he only nods. Tilts their foreheads together.
Say it’s me that you’ll adore— Sinatra sings, and then there’s a scratch and a crack, and the whole record player crashes through the glass tabletop.
(the end of that lyric is “for now and evermore” !!!! HOW FUCKED IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(2) from faith in a stolen car (the jean jacket songfic i just wrote for the fest):
Calum’s rumbling laugh shook both of them as Springsteen vowed I’ll love you with all the madness in my soul, and Ashton sang along in a silly voice so Calum knew he meant it with everything he had.
He turned up the music, and ‘No Surrender’ blared out of the surround sound. The lines that had been stampeding around Ashton’s brain since Calum had first swept him up in tonight’s teenage delinquency now screamed against the wind in his ears.
Ashton smiled wider than his face could handle and screamed right back.
“WE MADE A PROMISE WE SWORE WE’D ALWAYS REMEMBER,” Calum’s voice joined his, and together they beat back the deafening gales; “NO RETREAT, BABY, NO SURRENDER!”
12. how did you grow as a writer this year? this year i learned the importance of conflict. “hey bella, didn’t you learn that in seventh grade english?” YES but then i IGNORED it and now i have relearned it in a fanfiction context and in the broader sense that i now understand every story has a conflict and more than that, a story needs a conflict, because that’s what drives it. after i finished writing those prompt fics, i thought, damn, these are fun but nothing is fucking happening in any of them. i wonder why that is! and then i realized. there was no conflict. i was writing “scenes” but nothing interesting within those scenes, so there was nothing pulling the characters from point A (the start of the scene) to point B (its conclusion) and as a result they all became meandering blocks of text with no goal or direction. anyway. point being that i have embraced conflict as a necessary factor in storytelling and i hope this will mean no more seinfeldian fics, prompt or otherwise.
13. how do you hope to grow next year? yes <3 jk but i sincerely have no idea, i don’t have any current ideas on how i plan to grow next year i just very much intend to grow. how it happens is anyone’s guess
14. who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)? gotta be a tie between megs @igarbagecannoteven and hazel @allsassnoclass. obviously megs is my #1 rubber duck roomie, whether she likes it or not, and she has helped me solve more problems than i am comfortable admitting. actually i’m very comfortable admitting it megs has untangled a myriad of fic knots on many occasions this year she is the best rubber duck in the world. and hazel has become my virtual rubber duck which is great because it means i have all my bases covered! truly these two are a dynamic duo because they will both just let me sit there and complain and yet always have the right thing to say.
15. anything from your real life show up in your writing this year? as always, a great many things. make the same mistakes ‘til the morning breaks and the muke college beach fic are both inspired by things that happened with this one guy i know from school (yes, the same guy, and yes, he is represented by michael both times, and no, i do not know why it happened like that). the latter came from just a single snap i saw on his snap story, and none of the fic is actually based on real events, but the former is HEAVILY based on real events between this guy and one of my good friends at school. lmao! 
i’ve been wishing i could breathe underwater is based on my experience scuba diving, which is to say, pure unmitigated terror, 1/10, do not recommend except to say that you did it. tequila shots from the dark scene of the crime is chock-full of baseball talk, specifically about Worst Team In Baseball the Washington Nationals (affectionate), so those feelings are straight from my heart. the concept of tell me what to see has not happened to me but it was very much inspired by my experience of getting in the habit of working out and realizing your muscles are literally increasing in size. the christmas fic has all my jewish disdain for christmas. that’s the shortlist, i think!
16. any new wisdom you can share with other writers? honestly, nope! i think other writers are thriving on their own fic journeys, as i am on mine. you guys seem to have a handle on things. i can reiterate my vehement loathing of comma splices or otherwise incorrectly-placed commas, but other than that i don’t have much to offer in the way of wisdom.
17. any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year? yes!! i am really excited to (hopefully) finish this fic ive been intermittently writing that is based on back together by tss. well, actually it’s based on the specific energy that was created in the world when back together and 2011 were released on the same night. it’s a tss!5sos au. it’s going to be really good okay. it’s tasty. and as always i hope to finish summer camp au i am dead fucking set on finishing that fic there is no question in my mind that it will be completed someday sooner rather than later i hope but definitely eventually. aside from those, i can’t think of any other fic plans i have! just gonna see where the winds of fic fate take me.
18. tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: @igarbagecannoteven @allsassnoclass @kaleidoscopeminds @burstingsunrise @cringeycal (?) <3
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neon-danger · 6 months
Hey friend! I really enjoyed your new story 💜 The concept was awesome and not the kind you read everyday so that made it even better. I really love how you write every story just pulls me in and I never want it to end. I loved the storyline and how it ended up with them running away together. Who wouldn’t fall in love with Alex
Imagine listening to all time low and not falling in love with Alex Gaskarth
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idfk-im-bad-at-names · 8 months
First sticker (designed purely for myself)
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I'm pretty proud of this one. The quote is from Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low. The colors of the pattern on the dunce hat come directly from their albums :D
Decided on a simpler design around the edges because trying to trace around all the words and keep the hat together for a sticker was becoming a pain and I can only imagine it'd be a bitch trying to cut off the excess paper without ruining it would be lmao
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dxsturbia · 10 months
Honestly back in my day off All time low fans were like mad disrespectful
They made up a whole legend about Alex’s brother Tom except they have no idea what they were talking about so for years everyone called him Daniel and the amount of heat and bullshit Lisa Gaskarth took for absolutely no reason
It’s still absolutely absurd to me and I can only imagine that Alex had to be like well she doesn’t even have a license Lisa
Y’all were doing the most
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jackinalex · 1 year
I feel like Lisa is using Alex and his name at this point to say she's any sort of an influencer. Imagine if Alex didn't crawl back. Then what would she do? She wouldn't have the audience she thinks she does.
Eh idk. I definitely think she enjoys being Mrs. Alex Gaskarth, but I don’t think she’s using him for clout, especially not now with the allegations lmao.
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fangirl94stuff · 3 years
All Time Low: Alex Gaskarth
You and Alex had come back to England to spend time with your family, after you'd been living with Alex in the states for the past year and had little contact due to both your jobs. Alex was a lead vocalist while you were a graphic designer who mainly designed band merch. You loved your family so were shocked and excited when Alex surprised you with plane tickets and two whole weeks in England.
Fall was your favourite time of year, the brown and yellow leaves crunching under your feet, and of course, Halloween which had become a tradition for the two of you since you started dating four years ago. Alex had proposed to you on Halloween during one of their tours, and a year after the proposal you two got married on Halloween surrounded by family and friends. This time of year was special to the two of you.
The two of you were staying in a cabin quite close to your parents but gave you enough privacy because there were some things parents weren't meant to see between married couples. The cabin was cute, it had a beautiful wood fire the two of you sat in front of almost every night and drank a lot of hot chocolate while Alex played the guitar with you in his arms.
Today you'd been out shopping with your mother and had purchased an oversized grey knitted jumper that when you curled up could be pulled over your knees to make it look like you were in a cocoon. Alex had been off doing something with your father and older brother, which meant when you got back to the cabin you lit a fire and curled up on the sofa with one of your favourite books enjoying the tranquillity.
'y/n I'm home,' Alex calls out, and you hear him close the front door.
'In here,' you call back, never once lifting your eyes from the page.
The sofa dips next to you and before you can turn the next page you feel Alex wrap his arms around your waist and bury his face into your jumper.
'Err Alex what are you doing?' you ask, confused.
Alex cuddles you tighter, 'if you're gonna wear a soft jumper, you're gonna get hugged.'
You roll your eyes, 'I don't think that's how it works.'
'Yeah, it kind of his,' Alex replies, a little joke to his tone.
'No, it--yeah, it kind of is,' you chuckle, realising you were wrong and there was no point fighting a losing battle.
Alex's hands move to rest on your stomach, 'when are we going to tell people y/n?'
You put your book down and place your hands over Alex's, stroking his knuckles, 'after the next scan and we know we're out of the woods you can scream from the rooftops that we're having a baby.'
Alex whoops, 'we're going to be the best parents y/n. Plus you make baggy clothes look hot so I'm not complaining.'
Of course, he'd find some way to let his horniness slip into the conversation, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You were playing everything by the book so had told Alex no sex until the scan gave the all-clear, but that wouldn't stop your playful husband from trying to bend the rules. 
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descentintobandom · 4 years
“I Don’t Wanna Know” - Alex Gaskarth Blurb
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Alyssa was woken up by the sounds of cabinets opening and closing. She panicked for a second thinking someone had broken in, but then remembered that Alex had had a video shoot the day before.
Did he seriously just get home?
Alyssa groaned and sat up in bed, grabbing her phone.
It was seven o’clock on a Saturday morning.
Normally Alex would have fallen into bed with her.
Alyssa got out of bed and pulled on her house-shoes. Despite currently living in L.A. instead of their house in Baltimore, Alyssa was still cold. She entered the kitchen and stopped.
Alex was sitting on the counter in some type of animal suit. He had a bowl of cereal in his hands. “Hey!” he said, noticing her.
“What are you...? Never mind. I don’t wanna know”. Alyssa walked over to the Keurig and started to make herself a cup of coffee. “You just get home?”
“Yeah. Shooting ran late...or early I should say”.
“So I’m guessing you haven’t slept?”
“Okay, well make sure you take that off before you go to sleep. There’s enough hair in our bed due to the dogs”. Alyssa started to walk off when Alex made a whimpering noise. She turned around to see him giving her puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes and walked up to him, pecking him on the lips. “Finish eating and then go to bed.”
“Yes, mother”.
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aweirdkindofyellow · 4 years
The Royal Invitation, Pt. 7
Aerowyn Matilde George Rothchester might seem like a very long name, but it definitely is not for a royal in the Kingdom of Dalewin.
After her grandfather, the beloved king, passed away, Aerowyn (also known as Winny) is called back from her art school in New York. She’s thrown back into her royal duties, expected to know what to do.
But with the Royal advisor on tour with the new king, Winny is left to figure things out with his stepson. The only problem, he has no idea what he’s doing, after all he’s only the lead singer in a band.
Co-written story with @scream-tears.
Chapter 7
Winny’s POV:
“Alright, Mr. Gaskarth, what’s up next,” I asked Alex as we walked back inside through the front doors to the castle. My heels clicked loudly against the marble.
He looked down at the clipboard in his hands. “Well, it seems your schedule is open until dinner, Miss. Rothchester.”
“Very delightful.” I clapped my hands together in satisfaction and gave him a forced smile. “But it is actually Her Royal Highness, Princess of Dalewin, or Princess Aerowyn.”
“Well I’ll be damned,” he shook his head and scanned his document as if he had missed an important point, “I’ve got a princess on my hands.”
“A princess with a shitload of free time all of a sudden,” I snorted. My dad was getting ready to go on his tour and slowly but surely I was getting all these responsibilities that I had to take over now. There was no time for myself.
“What will she be doing with this time? Maybe some sowing or playing the piano?” Alex suggested in a horrible posh accent.
“Hmm, no… she thinks she’ll go out in the sun and play some tennis.” My high heels continued to echo in the hall as I started towards the stairs. “Oh, and she requests your presence.”
“My presence?”
“Yes, your presence.” I stopped to turn around and nod at him before stepping up the stairs. “I’m done talking in third person. See you outside at the tennis court in fifteen minutes.”
“Wait! I don’t know where the tennis court is!” He shouted out.
I went up to my bedroom to get changed. My feet were more than glad to leave the cage that was my heels. I used to be able to wear them for ages without feeling a thing. It was like I had trained them. But New York has softened me in that aspect. Sneakers were my go to there for everyday attire. Heels weren’t exactly the best to paint in either.
Usually, I had somebody who would lay out the clothes I needed to get changed into, even if it was just getting into pajamas or changing out of formal clothes. The thing was, for somebody to do that, they would have to know. I was assuming that Alex hadn’t notified anybody. I only gave him fifteen minutes to meet me. Given how panicked he was about not knowing where the tennis court was, I guessed he wasn’t going to waste any time.
Not that I minded. I had gotten very used to doing things all by myself and I really enjoyed it. Privacy, who knew it was a thing?
I had a very nice generic tennis outfit to wear. Pretty sexist, if you asked me. You know, the white skirt, white t-shirt, white long socks, and white shoes. Oh, and don’t forget the white visor cap. Although... I was pretty thankful for that one, it was quite sunny outside.
I brought two rackets with me to the court. Alex wasn’t there yet. Granted, I was two minutes early, and he probably had more than just changing to do beforehand, but I still didn’t know what to do. Everything was already set up to my surprise. Two towels, two bottles of water, and even a sunshade with two chairs available.
I wandered around the court aimlessly, only holding my racket. It was in the position you’d expect a guitar or ukulele to be. Although it obviously wasn’t an instrument, I still let my nails rake against the strings as if I was. It made some awkward scratching noise. Nothing like a nice melody.
“Wow, you’re good at playing the guitar,” Alex said behind me, catching me off guard.
I turned around and smirked at him. “I am the lead singer of the world-famous band All Time Low!” I ‘strung’ the strings again dramatically. “The crowd goes wild!”
“Well, aren’t you funny.”
“I know, I’m hilarious,” I agreed and started holding my racket normally, pointing towards the right side of the net. “Your racket’s over there.”
He walked over and picked it up, twirling it around. “Thanks, but I must warn you, I have no idea how to play tennis.”
“You at least know how to hold it, right?”
“Yeah?” He nodded and clumsily put his hands around the handle.
I took a peek at his grip and sighed. “It’s good enough, let’s just play. Rules don’t matter. Yet.”
Alex went over to the otherside of the net as I went to grab a ball. I bent over and bounced it a few times before I got to serving. It always helped me focus on the ball and track it easier. When I looked back up at Alex, I saw him staring right at my but with a hint of amusement on his face.
“Ay!” I called him out and pointed my racket at him aggressively. “Disrespectful!”
“What?” He quickly redirected his eyes back to my face and held his hands up in defense.
“I’ve worked hard for this ass, it deserves to be appreciated, but I’m a princess. That’s the highest level of insult!”
Alex whistled lowly. “Well, I apologise.”
“You better!”
I served the ball, making it wizz across to Alex’s side. He was unprepared and jumped out of its way to avoid getting hurt. The funniest part was the weird yelp he let out as he noticed the ball was zooming right towards him. I couldn’t hold back my laughter.
“I wasn’t prepared!” He whined.
“That’s what they all say.”
I went easier on him afterwards. There was a fine line between messing with him and it being funny and messing with him until it turned into borderline bullying. I actually did need a partner to play with, even if he had no idea what he was doing. The ball went out more often than not and I was racking up points like it was nobody’s business. It was so bad that we had to get rid of the entire point system.
Technically, the game would have gone forever like that, but Augustus interrupted us by simply showing up.
“Somebody told me a pathetic match was being played.” He opened the gate and came sauntering in.
“Umm, excuse me,” I scoffed, “we’re just playing for fun.”
“You’ve just gone soft.”
“You wish!”
“I am feeling a competition coming on.” Alex slowly backed away over to the shade, “so I’m just going to take a break now.”
Augustus and I did not turn down the offer of playing against each other. It was one steamy dramatic game. There was one sport we played avidly in our family and that was tennis. Why? I don’t know. It wasn’t some prestigious sport, but our parents got us started early on. Technically, I had a 4 year headstart on Augustus, but I didn’t play back in New York.
We were going head to head. I would get a point, then Augustus would. It was a constant battle between who would break the tie. There was a heightened suspense all the way up until match point. It was all or nothing.
I served the ball, throwing it up high into the sky. It managed to go back and forth between us for quite a while. We both tried to trick the other, making us run all over. My heart was pumping so quickly. The beat of the ball hitting the ground was drumming in my ears. And then Augustus was the last one to hit it.
“Yes!” He screamed out.
“That was out.” I shook my head.
“No it was not.”
“Umm, yes it was.”
“You’re just a sore loser,” he mocked.
I crossed my arms and gave him a disappointed look. “Am I? Am I really, Gus-Gus?”
“Well, then, why don’t you just let me win if you’re the better loser?” I challenged, to which he looked at me with wide mad eyes. “Maybe you are the sorer loser.”
“No, no, no, you aren’t tricking me! I’d win this easily whether or not that point was given to me.”
“So you’d be down to ignore that point and redo?”
“Umm, yes.” He rolled his eyes as if it was the obvious answer.
I put my hands on my hips and turned to Alex in one swift jump. “You wanna play the winner?”
“I think I’m good,” Alex declined with a small wave of his hand. “Watching you is entertainment enough.”
“We’ll see about that.”
I reserved the ball and the game started again. Augustus was so focused, I could just see it. He kept his eyes on the ball. It was like a puppy following a treat. Part of me wanted to let him win. But what was the fun in that? I couldn’t simply do that. He was the one that agreed to a redo.
I swung harder than I had the entire game, causing the ball to zoom right past the end of Augustus’ racket. It loudly slammed into the metal fence behind him, stopping the ball from rolling down into the gardens, and bounced back towards us.
“What. The. Fuck.” Augustus panned his eyes from the ball to me with his mouth open wide.
I shrugged and gave him a smile. “I was holding back the entire time, sorry.”
“That’s unfair!” He whined and kicked the tennis ball. “You tricked me!”
“It’s all about making your opponent think they have a chance and then swooping in for the kill, Gus-Gus. You should know that by now.”
He repeated my last sentence in a high pitched mocking voice.
“Who’s the sore loser now.”
He glared at me. I had learned to deal with losing, Augustus hadn’t that much. He was more taught to deal with it the same way all kids were. Just told to get over it. I was drilled about it. You can’t have some butthurt queen, can you?
“It’s okay, though,” I decided to cheer him up a little, “you’ll always be better at sparring.”
“I fucking destroy you in that,” he emphasised.
“Okay, now don’t go murdering me in my sleep like some power hungry second born,” I told him sternly while simultaneously brushing him off. I had something much more important to ask Alex. “Wanna play again?”
“Umm,” he frowned with uncertainty.
“We can play as a team against Augustus.”
“I will most definitely make you lose.”
“Why do you think I just got myself a win?”
Alex couldn’t continue to argue with me. I knew he secretly liked playing, so he didn’t need that much convincing. He may have been trying to hide it, but I saw that he was having fun while it was just the two of us playing.
So, we started a new match. The plan was for me and Alex to switch position occasionally, while Augustus just did as he usually would do by himself. I started out in the front and Alex started in the back. Alex was right, we were losing by a lot. The ball would often hit in his zone, and he wouldn’t be able to reach it fast enough. But it didn’t matter.
The longer we played, though, the more focused I got. Good thing for a normal game, not so good when I wasn’t really properly playing in teams. Usually, it would work out perfectly. But, with Alex, it was just a bit all over the place. The ball was flying towards the other side of our half of the court. I rushed towards it, but rather than my racket colliding with the ball, it was my body that collided with Alex’s. I tripped over and found myself on the floor.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry!” Alex quickly apologised.
I just laughed and rolled over on my back. “That was all me.”
“Everything good? No broken bones?” He immediately started worrying.
“I’m all good,” I continued to giggle and sat up, brushing off all the sand on me. “Calm your tits.”
“I’d love to, but if you get hurt, it’s on me.”
“Live a little, Gaskarth.” I slapped his leg and stood back up.
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