corelex · 4 years
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I just like how we all think about the same thing when we saw the figurine.
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where-s-all-blue · 4 years
In the actor AU, what's the relationship between Cavendish and Bartolomeo?
So far, they're only workmates as this is the first time the two have actually met one another. At first glance it seems like Cavendish doesn't like Bartolomeo too much, but overtime he starts to warm up to him and the duo even share lunch together with Viola and Law during which they talk a lot about health related issues. After all, none of them are strangers to some form of mental health issue and they end up forming a tiny support group.
As time passes, both Cavendish and Viola find that their health has improved a lot.
Cavendish also starts to spend more time with the eccentric Bartolomeo as he finds his presence oddly calming and safe.
So I guess that they're very close friends at this point, their bromance being on the level of people mistaking them to be a couple. Neither of them mind though as this means that they can have a lot of fun on the expense of the theorists.
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ask-human-kaard · 5 years
🎀 Rouxls, how many fans or fangirls do you have? 'Cause lest I one of them.
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*I am currently blessed with over six hundred of you lovely and wonderfule people!
*Most gracious thanketh thou all.
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super-firepaw119 · 5 years
Happy Birthday!
aaaa Thank you! 
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perth2548 · 4 years
Well this for @alecscharm
I just draw Skylar....In dress.. Ah!
You just draw—-
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lazypastry · 4 years
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Damn it took me days to finis this
characters were suggested by: @alecscharm @reesepuffs69 @mrs-scarlettvonhook   
thank you for your patience ^^
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gundamcalibarney · 4 years
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the something in return for @alecscharm
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the-kaida-family · 4 years
@thefightisntoverme You made me do this
Three facts about me? Well:
1. Jackie Kaida is my oldest OC, being created first back in 2012.
2. I enjoy reading and writing, but never publish original works as I fear they will be plagiarized and I won’t be able to prove that they are mine.
3. I use Jackie to cope with my depression. I send her on mystical adventures when I feel trapped and I give her loving friends and family when I feel lonely. If I have a frustrating day, she helps me fight the nasty emotions. This is why I love Black Rock Shooter. They are similar in purpose.
Sorry it got angsty there. Those are the only truths I feel comfortable sharing.
As for who I’m tagging, @ice-demigod-skrael , @goddessofpathos, @ask-the-arisato-twins , @alecscharm
That’s all I got
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paneritas · 4 years
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Thanks for showing me your ocs <3 I made quick doodles.
Roxy (c) @textrifecta
Ebbeth (c) @alecscharm
Kailani (c) @askcupbon
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reesepuffs69 · 5 years
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Lil meme I did
Barry @lazypastry
Sugar @abandonment-is-my-story
Karma @alecscharm
Thimble @ask-thimble
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corelex · 4 years
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where-s-all-blue · 4 years
Wano characters of your Actor AU?
You are most likely a new here so you weren't aware of me taking a break from this AU for a while, correct? (it was very draining to make headcanons for because of lot of askers didn't read the posts through before asking and thus I ended up with a lot questions about same things along with questions about ships).
I will make sure to inform people when I decide to come back to the Actor AU.
Err... When you say "Wano", which characters do you mean, exactly?
When you only send me the name of the arc, especially one that I am not fully caught up with, it complicates things as I do not have full picture of what characters are important for the plot yet. Especially since in this arc, a lot of bif reveals are happening weekly not to mention the new characters that are pouring in non stop. (This was part of the reason why I stepped back about this AU actually).
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Rose Garden in Hell: Day 4, 5 and 6
“Okay, seriously though, what in the actual fuck was with the red carpet and paparazzi bullshit outside!?” Calavera hated being the center of attention, especially when there were cameras involved. “Ugh, I’m just glad I managed to bypass all that stupid fuckery and get in!” Her annoyance clear in her voice as she made her way through to what looked to be the main area. After looking around at some of the other guests, she quickly went from being annoyed to irritated, as some of them seemed to be either high class pompous snobs or a petty jackass in a suit.
She soon noticed that some guests were going up on stage and began to perform, whether it was singing, playing an instrument or simply just karaoke. The first two she saw out on stage looked as if they might’ve been drinking beforehand; she couldn’t honestly tell, but they were clearly enjoying themselves and they more than likely won’t remember it either. After they were done a few different guests had their own fair, albeit poor attempts at some karaoke, but soon another pair was on stage, however this time she recognized these two demons.
“Barry and Karma! OMG! They both look amazin’!” Calavera gasped, seeing the two voodoo boys she had grown fond of on stage together almost made her giddy with joy. ‘Hmm, I wonder what those two are gonna sing together?’ Her question wouldn’t be left unanswered for very long, as she recognized the song rather quickly; Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing! Honestly, Calavera couldn’t believe her ears, their voices melded together almost perfectly as they sang. However, the song soon came to an end and the entire room fell silent, except for Calavera, who could be seen floating around ten or fifteen feet in the air, clapping wildly. “THAT WAS FUCKIN’ AMAZIN’!!” She shouts as other demons begin to join in with her applause.
Calavera made her way back down to solid ground and made sure to pick up three roses each for both Barry and Karma, since she was going to run into them before she had her own go at entertaining everyone. “ ‘Ey Barry, Karma! Y’all both look fuckin’ incredible and y’alls singin’ had me damn in trance!! Ahaha, sorry if my accent is comin’ out a bit stronger than normal, just a touch too excited I’m guessin’!” She says as she begins to regain her composure before speaking again. “I got somethin’ for the both of ya! I actually made these awhile ago, but I didn’t know when would be a good time to give ‘em to ya.” Calavera reached her left hand into one of the inside pockets on the right of her vest, “And no, they ain’t some tiny little shits, fuckin’ trust me, I put some damn thought into this!” She explains, having pulled her left hand free now, clearly holding something, as she now uses her right to look for something else in the opposite pocket inside of her vest.
“Got it!” She extended both her hands, showing that what she had was two very high quality detailed skulls carved from gemstones; the skull in her right hand was made out of smoky quartz and the one in her left was made out of jasper. However, she didn’t stop at just the skulls, she soon then placed a crown of three roses on both of the skulls; one black, one yellow and one red. “I hope ya like ‘em! I made these havin’ y’all in mind so here!” She says as she hands over the rose crowned skulls to the two voodoo demons she grew to care so much about; giving Karma the smoky quartz skull and Barry the jasper one. “I just felt like makin’ y’all somethin’ extra damn special, because the both of ya are such beautiful and unique souls and I love ya both so freakin’ much and ultimately I’m just so fuckin’ happy to call y’all my friends!”
Having finished explaining her gifts, she gave each of them a hug and went onward towards the stage to sing. “I’m gonna show those rich fuckheads in the crowd what real damn talent is!” She made sure to tell whoever it was that was in charge of the karaoke to only play the audio and not to ask questions, as she chose her song.
Calavera figured that while having fun singing, she may as well have the whole thing come off as veiled threat.
Event By: @moymoy-w-rat
OCs mentioned: Barry by @lazypastry and Karma by @alecscharm or @the-infortune-siblings
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inkstormtoystory · 5 years
I don't think I can make your request because I'm not into requests, sorry. I hope you understand.
?? what? what request? i dont remember asking u for a request.. for what???? sorry im lost
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lazypastry · 4 years
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Looks like the two will have an interesting night thanks to Barry's present
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( Karma/ @the-infortune-siblings belongs to @alecscharm )
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reesepuffs69 · 5 years
Get to know your oc better
Ill be doing sehc my HH oc
What is their favorites songs or if not genres: Rama lama bang bang and come and get your love
Favorite food: extra rare steak
Favorite snack: ants on a log ( peanut butter on celery with raisins on top)
Favorite dessert: shortcake
Nicknames: shorty, shortstack, sehc, Crandall
Height: 4’5
Weight: 45 pounds ( he has the thing eugina cooney has sorry if I butchered her name)
Favorite color: burgundy
How many lovers has he/she had: 4
Best friends: Barry jhekrl and sugar ( some more to come hopefully)
I tag @lazypastry @alecscharm @ask-thimble @t-j-gangster-but-good-man @abandonment-is-my-story @dreugalp and well anyone who wants to do it
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