#alba baptista fans
bookishtheaterlover7 · 6 months
Boycott albitch
Oh, believe me, An🫶n... I am. And so should her fans, and everyone else(Yes, even dear Christopher 👀☕)...
And this has nothing to do with throwing hate or shade. AB/Albitch really isn't a good person or a good role model...
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And there's plenty more where that came from... So, just ask if y'all need more proof/receipts ❤️
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doctortwhohiddles · 9 months
Friendly reminder that no celebrity has to stay single just so his fans can keep fantasizing about him. That celebrities do not need their "fans" approval when chosing a partner. That self-insert Mary-Sue fan fics are just that, fiction. Most actors will end up with an another actor, not a barrista or a librairian.
Unless your under 16, being sad and hurt that a stranger got married is not a normal reaction. And throwing insults, making up lies and harassing people over it is even worse.
Being a fan of someone does not give you a say in their personal life. Ever. Celebrities are not your friends, they're not family, they are strangers. Stop acting like they owe you something. They don't.
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mirwallas · 1 year
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i cant stop thinking about them
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simplykorra · 4 months
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endless alba 69/∞
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terrornothorror · 1 year
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living dead girl !
Click for higher res
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areiton · 9 months
I know you’re sick of the age gap argument but it’s never not going to be remarkable to me that so many men, especially men in Hollywood, can never seem to meet women their own age. There may not be a pattern with Chris, as perfect as we all think he is up there on his pedestal, but there is a pattern of young women being groomed and taken advantage of by older men. Am I saying Chris is doing this? No. But its a conversation worth having, even if the catalyst of this conversation this time is our untouchable, perfect, cinnamon roll Mr. Evans. 16 years is considerable. There is a power imbalance. They have always been at completely different life stages and always will be. Alba may not be a victim but to shut down the conversation just seems callous to women who actively get taken advantage of both in Hollywood and out.
There is a pattern and a problem in Hollywood of men in power grooming and preying on younger people, primarily women. That is not a thing I said anything about ignoring. I am talking about a specific pair of people. Chris who has no history of problematic dating or using sex/relationships to groom or create power dynamics. And Alba who is not a child.
You (and other fans) can project whatever issues you want onto them but there is not a power dynamic that I am aware of--him being older does not actually automatically create a power imbalance. CAN IT? Sure and when there is a standing history of grooming and problematic relationships (Leo DiCaprio. John Mayer. Jake Gyllenhaal. Joe Jonas.) then I'd be like oh hey we should look closer. There isn't in this case. An age gap doesn't mean the relationship is fatally flawed and doomed to fail, it means they have to work to make it work which--is true of any relationship???
But I am not and was not talking about OR silencing all discourse about Hollywood problems??
This. Case. Is what I'm talking about.
Do I know there are problems in Hollywood FUCKING YES because I pay attention. But Chris--who I don't think is perfect but tends to be fairly unproblematic--is not what you're talking about. They are apples and oranges. He has not dated a litany of underage girls or girls significantly younger than him. So. sure let's have the convo but lets do it in a separate place than a guy who just got married because making it about systematic Hollywood problems when it's mostly just fans pissed he married someone is...a stretch.
Also friendly little aside--fuck off with "i know you don't want this but" bullshit. It's rude. You come into my ask box trying to pick a fight, at least own what you're doing.
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littleskrimp · 2 years
Of course, Alba, who plays bisexual Jesus decided to do a Q&A for an hour on a SUNDAY. 😂
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and today on The Bird App -
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What a genuinely hilarious first thing to like on Twitter since 2020. I love both of these women so much 💗
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evansbby · 3 months
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 4 months
So, I see the fan accounts are getting all the latest news...
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Remember when I said that using Dodger is a fucked up thing to do? Yeah.
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doctortwhohiddles · 7 months
To all the Alba haters out there, answer me this: if there's so much evidence of her being a full blown racist, then why isn't the media talking about it? Tabloids would have a field day with something like this. I can just imagine the headlines "Captain America married a Nazi". But yet, the only people talking about are those who are mad Chris got married. So, if you guys have evidence to back your claims, then show it. Prove to us that you are right without telling people to go kill themselves, or sending death threats, etc. Come on, I dare you.
What's that I'm hearing in the background? Crickets? Chris and Alba are married. Acting like assholes is not going to change that fact. You can try and justify your hatred of Alba all you want, to only thing you've proven is that you're immature, childish, over entitled "fans" that can't deal with the fact that a stranger got married. Chris was never going to marry one of you. He's never going to marry one of you. It's high time you learn to accept that. Your behavior isn't normal or healthy. It's annoying and creepy as fuck.
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mirwallas · 1 year
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little warrior nun drawings because im still not over it (and also some sketches that didnt make it in the end 🫰🏻)
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simplykorra · 8 months
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endless alba 50/∞
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mysadcomedylife · 2 years
what an amazing feeling it is to see Ava's growth throughout this show and when i say she's one of the best protagonists of television i'm not joking.
it's been a long time since I've seen such a good female lead in a show like this. the writing of this character is truly formidable.
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Super quick edit today for this song request (Holy by Zolita) and Avatrice via @mymintyness
Also up on the 'tok.
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areiton · 9 months
I can not TELL y'all how tired I am of parasocial relationships and infantilizing grown ass adults, like jfc what is wrong with y'all, you need to step away from the internet and I mean that so sincerely.
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