#ah.. they went through so much...
todoggukie · 10 months
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“ Why didn't you go see Jungkook? Don't you know what you mean to him? ”
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worstloki · 7 months
Thor 1 has so much banger dialogue and visuals that are that way because of the very specific context they’re in and I love that for them despite all the tilted angle shots 💯✨👍
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love-is-dean · 1 year
One of many thins that's been bothering me about the show is the constant comparison between Rang's truamatic childhood and other characters'. It's been like that since Season 1, done by both the writers! and the fans and guess what? it is still being a thing even now in the second season!! And honestly that's so upsetting and unfair in all the ways considering the fact that the circumstances were never the same and Rang's tragic life, sufferings and his traumatic experinces were totally different from other characters'.
1- Comparing Rang's trauma to Jia's, saying Rang wasn't as strong as jia even tho they both grew up alone!
True that they both grow up lonely with no parents to take care of them but unlike Lee Rang, Jia was never an unwanted/ unloved child. She had this loving parents that she never gave up on even after 20years since they went missing and their love and memory was enough for her to be strong and keep fighting for them. She wasn't abused by people, beaten to death and abandoned to die while growing up. She was never a despised creature and never felt like she didn't matter or that she didn't belong. She sure never felt betrayed by people she loved and trusted. See? totally different from what Rang went through since before he was even born.
2. And now even comparing Rang's childhood to Yeon's too? Again true that Yeon's childhood weren't all love and rainbows and had this abusive father who would treat him sh*t for his fun but the thing is... even such an irresponsible asshole of a father who didn't care about his own kid never really wanted Yeon dead; didn't call him a monster and didn't treat him like a monster he should get rid of. And he left Yeon's care to Taluipa before disappearing so unlike Rang, Yeon was never really left alone on his own, helpless and defenseless to face the world's cruelty. He had Taluipa and also besties to count on. He was literally raised by powerful gods and as a kid he never felt what it was like to lose his home-like Rang did when villagers burned his home- to kill his friend-like when little Rang had to put blacky out of its misery and it damaged him so bad- and lose his only loved one in the world- Rang losing Yeon as a kid and later nearly dying by his sword- Yeon was not betrayed and abandoned by his loved ones and the most important he's a powerful full gumiho. Rang had a vulnurable human side so ofc he would feel things more intensely than a full gumiho. And the thing is what made Rang finally lash out and go wild on humans was not his shitty mother being cruel to him but the humans who just couldn't let him be. Long after Rang left the village with Yeon he was still this caring innocent child until humans burned his home and wanted to kill them all. So saying that Yeon didn't use his childhood as an excuse to go dark is unfair to Rang's character coz Rang wouldn't either if... only if... humans just let him live his life in peace and not try to kill him any chance they got. Just saying🤷‍♀️ and mind me remind you of the fact that 1938 Yeon isn't living the best life either. You know?
3. Rang vs imoogi.
Now their childhood have many similarities. both unwanted children, unloved by their parents, treated like monsters by people and left to die by their family.
I would've really liked it if the show had explored the tragic side of imoogi too coz what he went through was horrible and sure it would make fans interested in his story on why he turned out the way he was! but here's what differs his story from Rang's: unlike Rang, Imoogi never knew love. He grew up cold and bitter with no heart. Unlike Rang he never craved love or family. All he ever wanted was power and only power. There was no one who he really cared about. He even betrayed his only friend, the only person who cared about him coz he didn't like to see him happy-compare him to Lee Rang who sacrificed himself for his brother's happiness- Nothing could really hurt imoogi, he had no feelings, no emotion, no weakspot. He had no one to care about and didn't need them either. But Rang was different. He was shown love too. He knew love and so the loss, heartbreak and the feeling of betrayal too. He had a heart. A very soft one. We saw adult Rang couldn't even kick his hungry ghost mother away coz seeing her hurt him, coz probably he still cared. He was a very emotional boy with a lot of wounds but still had his heart no matter what and he gave love so much more than what he got. That's why he'd never end up being an evil like Imoogi. Not bc he had people to save him from his inner monsters. No. Imoogi had one too and he betrayed him. It's bc Rang cared. He always cared. he loved his people and they loved him back. He'd earned their love with his good heart and unlike imoogi he'd rather die than losing them and that's what makes his story different. Bc he loved even so much more than he was loved and that's his strength. If anything he's been so strong, struggling for hundreds of years alone and surviving the unkind world that had nothing for him but endless pain, loneliness and nothingness. All of it while he was just a broken lonely boy ignored by his loved ones and hated by the world who he really never felt like belong to and yet he still kept his heart and love and at the end he was the one who suffered to give everyone a happy ending at the expense of his own life and happiness! Lee Rang, The one who suffered the most... and deserved happiness more than anyone but never got it! Words can not explain how unjust, unfair and cruel that ending was! He deserved so much better.
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ozziesdisco · 4 days
honestly the scene where Ji Ah finds out that Yeon killed her in her past life and her subsequent reactions to it provides so much of an insight into her character and her abandonment issues and her absolute devastation when the first person she opened up to after so long turned out to have been hiding things from her (esp something as big as that)
Like woman lost her parents at the age of nine, nobody believed her when she said that something supernatural sent them away, she was sent to a mental hospital, which she escaped, and then she presumably lived mostly alone with little to no friends and put all her energy in her job and finding her parents again so she wouldn't be alone anymore
and then Yeon turns up and saves her and protects her and cares about her and believes her for the first time- she can't help but open up to him because of all of this because she isn't used to this- she starts out not trusting him, but as time goes along, she slowly starts to get attached
for the first time, she doesn't have to deal with the world on her own- for the first time, she has someone who doesn't invalidate her feelings and is willing to bear the burden of the weight of the world together- someone who has proved multiple times that he will always be there for her, and that she can trust him-
how can she not get attached?
and when she finds out he killed her in her past life... and when he tells her it was all an act-
that's what's happened to her all her life, hasn't it? anyone she cares about just leaves, and she grew to prefer being alone because that's only way you won't get hurt. and her view just gets proved when she sees what Yeon has done to her. Yeon, the man who she gave up so much for, and who gave up so much for her, and it was all an act
of course it was all an act. of course she believed the lie the second she heard it because all her life, she was left alone by everyone. why would it be any different this time?
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emmenai-kalliston · 2 months
I have to start my job tomorrow and I'm TERRIFIED
I have never had a stable job before (it's in customer service) and idk shit about what I'm actually going to do... I mean I can imagine it and I will be explained things but I'm afraid of everything basically :') also like. I'm not out as transgender there, they interviewed me and hired me as a woman and I've never corrected them for safety but like... I plan on starting HRT in the next months and if it goes well (and I hope it does) I will still be working there and idk how that could go... I'm happy because I'm going to have money of my own, and even if my parents will give me shit for my transition (likely) I could pay rent and such, but everything else feels like such a shot in the dark ;-;
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Some of you haven’t cried while listening to Chords by The Amazing Devil and it shows
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reneesbooks · 4 months
last line tag
ok confession i suck at this game. i always want there to be context and i always post way more than i should. anyway i was tagged by my love @oh-no-another-idea and i will be posting a few more than just the last line bc it's my blog and i make the rules. meja is being sheltered after fleeing reijmor and stian catches up with her in kinesehas, a settlement of hass refugees.
“Do you know where she went?” Every syllable is clipped and furious, the kind that usually were punctuated with projectiles.
“I don’t care to tell you.”
“Why the hell—“
“Because I suspect your intentions towards her are malicious.”
Several men speak angrily at once and Meja adjusts her hold on Reijka, covering her ears better.
The other voices quiet and Stian's bites out, “She is my wife.”
“All the more reason to doubt your honor. I saw the baby in her arms. She loved an outsider more than you and now you want to take her to Bjerkja, where she'd be killed and you would be allowed to destroy her child.”
“She stole my daughter.”
Joni laughs. “Her daughter, too. Get out. This isn't the homeland, and you have no right to that woman anymore, nor her children. We will certainly not help you hunt them. Go to the harbor if you wish, ask the dock workers who has seen her. You'll have better luck asking the fish in the market when the tides will come in.”
salt and brine taglist (ask to be added <3!): @oh-no-another-idea @k--havok
tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks @lyssa-ink and @avrablake and anyone else who would like to join in <3
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
vettonso duh (mwah)
C!!!! You know me so wel!! 🤭🤭😘
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It's so funny to call them a comfort ship when they're also pretty toxic(positive) 😭 it's just such a fun ship bcs like on one hand, going through the trenches of 2010-2013, but then also like, the softness of the 2020s thus far 🥺🥺
Also I don't know why I keep doing these right before I need to go to class LMAO
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mountmortar · 2 years
literally i love red in gsc soooo much he is just the former kid champion who went missing for literal YEARS because he went to live on top of a mountain without telling anyone and he is still wearing the same weirdly-high-collared vest + black shirt + pants tucked into shoes combo that he was when he went to live up there because he either does hella laundry or no laundry and he’s literally just chilling and training and then some fucking kid appears and because he has absolutely no social skills anymore because he denounced society like some sort of preteen pokémon monk his first thought is NOT saying hello or anything like that. it’s Throw My Pokémon At Them! he’s not even wearing a COAT and he’s on top of a fucking MOUNTAIN and it’s not like he fucking keeps charizard out of its ball. how is he not dead. absolutely feral mountain boy. he’s my baby
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birdietrait · 1 year
lol now i miss my old legacy <333
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hoonclub · 1 year
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#....................................#everyone please look away .. ha.. i just need to save this somewhere#ha.. jongseong-ah. happy birthday#happy; happy birthday#my jongseong who has grown so much who has worked so hard who went through so much#jongseong who i have loved for a long time#jongseong who is unapologetic with everything he does.#jongseong-ah.. i love you. thank you for making me happy thank you for being born thank you for always working hard. thank you for always#trying to be a better version of yourself#jongseong who thinks his iland self is embarrassing and shameful and doesnt want new engenes to see him then.. i will never understand how#it was for you and all i can do is be sad and upset with you. but iland is how i got to know the jay that was so selfless so hardowrking#so kind and so thoughtful... i think it's sad and somewhat ironic that the version that you dislike is the one i fell in love with first#jongseong i hope you continue to live your life without regrets. i hope you always have courage and strength to carry on no matter what#happens. i hope you dont think so little of yourself and gain more confidence. i hope you know that so many people love you#i hope you continue to do all the things you love with the people you love and those who love you. i hope youre surrounded by people that#take care of you as much as you take care of them. i hope you spend your days with a light heart#jongseong who's born in the spring whose love is so warm and sincere who's like a light that makes my heart bloom#i love you. let's be happy let's be together for a long time. take care and eat well.#happy happy birthday jongseong-ah.#0420
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tenebrius-excellium · 4 months
I uh.
Rummaged through a solid 5 years of my own writing just now
And the contrast is a little...um... well, see for yourself:
2020, probably:
"Ocean ate me
I rock in thickest ink, forth and back, where no soul can find and
reach me anymore [...]
I sit in ink, forever buried and it's fine.
- selah, my girl -
You've been so strong. Too strong. Hold out, my girl, for there is light at the end of the tunnel."
"Hey baby :) ❤❤❤❤ welcome back :) you are LOVED here. You are WANTED here. I missed you, little one. Your body likes you, your soul does too :) hello little mouse, finally you're back :) it's okay to be a little shy, you've lost a lot. It's ok, you can take your time and take your place whenever you're ready. Here, have your favorite flower."
Times got better. T_T I repeat, TIMES GOT BETTER
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sysig · 1 year
The uh
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The first play session went rather well
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sergeantsporks · 4 months
“Even worse than-I give up what is it.”
You shall simply have to wait 6 weeks to find out :)
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somegrumpynerd · 2 years
Not to get emotional on main but watching this is reminding me of watching Uno the movie when it came out and starting to really get involved in the fandom and now it’s been 6 years and I have so many friends and we’re all drawing cards for people and actually interacting with the cast and it’s like
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
Love your art (always)!!! Do you have a backstory/bio for the dark haired anemo catalyst user in your new post? They look so cute/cool! :00
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Hello, anon! Thank u for asking!
I think I've posted briefly before about Jun here, but it was part of an ask game and I didn't give his entire backstory (or what I've come up with, anyway, ehe)
He is Jun Ogura, from Inazuma, and has been living in Liyue for quite some time as of late. He is strange man, of a friendly enough attitude, but a cold and ruthless nature.
Was at one point a relatively sweet young man and oldest son in a merchant family. He gained his vision when trying to save the person he loved most from falling to the abyss, but he did not know how to use it and so failed to recover them. He has a grudge against the archons over this and is out for revenge... and the desperate want to become powerful enough to find and rescue his darling.
His despair and pain over his own failure to save them and his desire for vengeance seem to have afflicted him with some sort of immortality - he himself does not know if this is a blessing or a curse: he now has plenty of time to become strong, hunt down and challenge the archons but he is also very certain that as the years have passed, so too has the lover he was so determined to find and rescue.
(Not that he would know it, but that very same love he is missing so much is afflicted with their own curse and mysteriously long life - but that's @reddish-yellowish 's tale to tell as that is HER oc ehehe.)
Kinda got kicked out of Inazuma for some (he'll call it petty) disagreements (read: murder attempts) with the archon there, but this will only be important much later.
He speaks politely, quietly and with a low voice, and just LOVES to talk during combat. A cruel catalyst user who carries a few knives on his person and prefers to get close to his opponent and chat while he cuts them up. Has a tendency to suddenly become aggressive but back off if bored or his attention is caught by something, but is by no means lazy or foolish enough to lose track of his opponent. Good in one on one fights but starts to lose advantage in big groups.
A wanderer who has decided to stay in Liyue for some time and has recently become intrigued by the strange Traveler and their mysterious little floating companion. Makes them both very uncomfortable. Also makes that odd redheaded fatui boy who calls himself a harbinger uncomfortable, and finds it vastly amusing. Will later decide to accompany the Traveler to Inazuma because he has decided he likes them and they make for good fun and less boredom, but also to stir up some trouble because that's just what he likes to do :)
Oh, don't worry, spending time around the Traveler will be good for him. He'll start to change for the better. Become a little more domesticated.
It's not the most detailed or nice backstory, but it's what I've got for him right now. ♡
#oc art tag#genshin impact art tag#reply#answered#again thanks for asking about jun!#he was one of those rare instances where i was like 'that's it i NEED to make an attractive but absolutely awful person of a character NOW'#and girlfriend was like 'oh but also i want to make an oc and they should be in love BUT make it TRAGIC'#and so that is where we went!#jun who is out for blood and causing problems! timaethus who has been turned into an abyss mage-like critter!#oh the drama! oh the longing! oh the 'wait wtf that's my boyfriend my boyfriend is some sort of creature????'#also yes the family name ogura was chosen in connection w the inazuma textile guild people#i want this also to be one of those weird little points of trouble when he finally goes back#also somewhere... SOMEWHERE i think i have half a comic about one of his encounters w childe#bc while i was like 'yes terrible person oc' i also thought 'i havent done a proper ridiculously OP type character in a while'#ah the thoughts that went into this man. none of them good.#but he is rather pretty so just ignore. the other things ok.#he shall continue to be worked on and refined in story and in character as time passes and i decide how i want him to fit in#and if i want to actually do a few little comics or something with him in them#much to consider#anyway thank u again for the ask and also suffering through reading my attempt at putting his backstory down on here on mobile shsgshhsgsh#mm.. it is embarrassing to put down a character's story in writing when theyre on the edgy side isnt it#hehehe
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