cure-typhoon · 2 years
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Alright time to talk about my fankids, I wanted to wait until I did them in digital with the mspa style and updated their designs but Homework/School is not going to let me soon so lol
The three fankids I was talking in this post, yeah they came from a joke but I got invested so here is some info about them
Louise - 16, oldest of the three, he is an "acts older for their age". Popular kid at school, he is in the cheerleader squad, likes to paint to calm down, acts like he is a relax dude but gets anxious really reaally easy.
Protective older brother type, tries to helps everyone, ends up burning himself out but "i'm totally fine what are you talking about dad", he is a Knight as you can tell, it runs in the family, sadly/jk
Prospit - Knight of Heart, might change - Color: Raspberry - He/Him and They/Them
Ophelia - 13, middle child, really shy and kinda creppy girl who likes dolls, a lot. His older cousin do outfits for her and the dolls, doesnt really have friends at school, has problems socializing because of her shyness. Loves singing when is alone at home.
The one to tell Louise to "calm down", he doesnt listens to her most of the time, sadly. Likes to makes story for her and her dolls, wants to try for the theather club but is scared to go so for now she just waits for the "right time"
Derse - Maid of Light, also might change - Color: Teal/Mint - She/Her
Aeverie/Avvy/AJ - 8, youngest, she has many names but "no one can stop me when I am on a roll!" Whatever that means. The kid with the most energy you have ever met, likes going outside and play in the dirt, fly and be "freeee!!!" In their own words, has a really creative mind to create mess, but it's fine, she can clean it! (They can't).
Just an energetic kid tbh, except that she bites, a lot, tries not to. Doesnt have friends but is "fine with it" (she is not), really likes the fauna and nature in general. Wants to be like older brother when growing up, might be a little jealous.
Prospit - I don't really know lol - Color: Lime - She/Her/ They/Them
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ask-mysterious-muses · 4 months
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Aevery really enjoys spending time with mom. They weren't related by blood, and she was made just to keep him safe and not much else. Truly, they had only known each other for a single day before everything went wrong. But that didn't matter to him. He had known, from the moment he woke up and saw her, that she was his mother. And, maybe, that was the same moment Nancy had accepted the role that was so much more than just caretaker and protector.
Being able to just be here with her and not worry about the future, even if just for a few "months"... Nancy still isn't too happy about the decision. Spending so much time in Zeight like Melia did and messing up mental clocks. But she'd accepted if only because he was using this to rest instead of to work himself even more.
He was able to rest as long as he wanted, was able to nap under the tree terminal with his mom and sometimes his sort of ghost brother Aevis. He could let his mask fall and cry out all his fears and frustrations and everything that had just became too much and overwhelmed him to the point of cracking. He could let himself be held, and told that everything was going to be ok, instead of being the rock that had to reassure everyone else.
Nancy understood because she was his mother. Understood that he was just a child with the weight of a universe thrown on his too small shoulders. Understood that he was just a child that never was given the chance to even ever be one. Understood that her son needed someone who could comfort him.
Aevis understood because they were connected. Understood because he was allowed to feel every emotion and thought that wasn't kept under lock. Understood because even if he couldn't always interact, he could see every dream and nightmare. Understood that it was his own refusal of Variya's offer that led to Aevery being chosen instead. Understood that his little brother needed someone who could hold him up.
Aevery understands that he can't stay in this space forever, that he would need to leave eventually. Understands that he needs to stay brave for just a little longer. Understands that, eventually, he will need to tell his friends how he often feels. Understands that all he needs to do is let go. Understands that everyone will catch him when he falls.
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i want to compile a list of horror media that people need to watch before they call genloss groundbreaking incredible material. like yall are soooo so deeply entrenched in copium toting this thing around like its the best piece of horror media in the world when like. theres no horror. there has literally been no horror. how are we watching the same thing. go watch gemini home entertainment or marble hornets or daisy brown or unedited footage of a bear or this house has people in it and then come back to me. dont fucking talk to me until youve consumed some horror media thats actually good first!!!!!!!!
#sorry i KNOW i said i wouldnt genloss post too much but it just makes me so fucking angry#as a very very very long term horror enthusiast and aspiring horror creator#i feel fucking insulted every time i see genloss being listed as something incredible . when.#theres no horror or comedy in your horror comedy that was originally advertised for two goddamn years as an arg n then analog horror and th#like. pick a theme. give me literally anything. its so bad. im so angry. and i DONT get angry at media.#i actively try not to grt angry at media and legitimately havent since veryyyy early middle school.#so the fsct that this thing is making me so mad is a huge deal.#anyone who has known me for any number of years knows like. i dont get mad about shit!!!#especiallt shit that doesnt rlly matter like fictional media!!! i dont like to expend the energy on that!!!#so when i say genloss makes me so angry to the point where i was literally#sweaty and out of breath after aster and i got off the phone talking abt it the other day#i need you to understand i am not a hater#like#ughgrrghrggghghh#go fucking watch saw (2004) youll have a much better time than watching whatever bs this is#ranboo makes this big long post about how his project is better than aevery other horror short film#and doesnt deserve to be put on a shelf with the rest of them as if theyre beneath his genius vision#and then gives us this cheap heartless garbage that isnt even unique in its badness.#hes just using ideas from other things but doing it worse!!!!!! theres nothing new!!! theres nothing unique!!!#two years of promotional content and like 5 hours of livestreams and they have not given me a single#character or story beat that is interesting enouhj to care about. you cant have horror without first#giving your audience something to care about and then snatching that thing away from them. urhhggghghghgh#reaction time#genloss neg#genloss crit#sorry. im trying to keep the hater posting to a minimum but im so. exhausted
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regretful-kishin · 1 year
A couple years ago I came across an amazing plush artist on deviantart that does commissions.
I've commissioned 4 plushes so far and have just been so incredibly happy each time. (One of them some of my followers might recognize as my Rejuv OC, who she did such an amazing job bringing to life in plush form)
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I know I don't normally promo stuff, but I know how it feels to wish for a plush of a favorite character or OC, and the quality of these could almost be official. (Of course as to be expected there's a bit of a price and wait, but it was so worth it every time)
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hatilavellan · 10 months
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headshots of my dao oc aeverie tabris & dai oc luwalhati lavellan 🫶🏻
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rhs-nathaniel · 3 months
Hello, Nathaniel! I hope that you're having a very splendid day. :) How is it like guarding the entrance bridge now? It gets a little boring working everyday without seeing you!
- @a-last-note-from-your-narrator
It’s… a little boring, if I’m honest! I really miss the banter between all of us guards. I can totally understand why they changed it up, though. The castle’s heart is such a huge open space, y’know?
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4pplec0re · 6 months
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talked about the unclear guard ages on my twt priv…… if u care……..
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★ Introduction Post ★
Hello, I'm Faelynn or just Lynn for short. This is my writing sideblog for my writing project that has gotten a little out of hand; I will be posting about my worlds, my world building, and the stories of those in these worlds.
I would describe my works as Fantasy Solarpunk, with interesting magic systems and lovable characters. I'm aiming to publish for a 12+ audience so about 30,000 to 35,000 words per book, but I hope that anyone at any age can enjoy my works.
Feel free to ask questions! I love to answer them!
Below the keep reading is the world's I have currently, and a short blurb about them, along with some of the tropes.
The start of this crazy multiverse is Sigor! Home to Rosemary and her friends, it is my most chaotic world being so chaotic that there is actually chaos children. Luckily Rosemary has the kind hearted dragon Robin and her best friend Mila to help her adjust after escaping a cruel facility that wanted to take what made Rosemary so special away from her.
★found family.
★fish out of water.
Aesthetic: Solarpunk
A world much like earth, but with the same magic system to Sigor. Join Rune as he goes on a quest to discover why his new orphanage is so strange and what the headmistress has to do with it.
★secret world.
★found family.
★fish out of water.
Aesthetic: late 20th century
Penore is a world of Harpies, Centaurs, Brownies, etc, who lost the secret to their magic to invaders. Lavender finds herself in this strange world well trying to find her mother, she must journey with Apple, Berry and Hope, if she ever hopes to get home and find her mother.
★found family.
★fish out of water.
★the heros quest(?)
Aesthetic: 20th century/Solarpunk.
Aevery is still in the early stages of development, it is a world about learning ai, the relationship the ais have with each other, their relationship with their creator, and individuality.
★ghost in the machine.
Aesthetic: unknown.
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slutdge · 2 years
on all levels except physical i am face down in a pile of dirt
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cure-typhoon · 2 years
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Sleeping (or trying to)
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ask-mysterious-muses · 5 months
"I'm OK, really!"
Updated character reference for Aevery
UPDATE! Added Mega Keystone Hairclip post ch 15
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Name: Aevery Lumin
Nicknames: Little Dove (Karen), Clover (Marianette), Aev
Age: 10
Residence: Terajuma (Unofficial), League HQ
Gender: Male (He/They)
Orientation: Friend
Occupation: Pokémon Trainer, Interceptor, Ace Commissioner (Unofficial)
Family: (Mom) Nancy [Unknown]
Good Traits: Strong Trainer, Resourceful, Great at making friends
Bad Traits: Can be too trusting or forgiving, Will run head first into danger whether he scared or not, Literally 10, Poor sense of self worth
Interceptor trait: Healing
Likes: Libraries, Adventure, The color green, Shenanigans
Dislikes: Arguments, Betrayal, Death
Extra: Has nightmares that get more frequent and more vivid as his journey goes on. Able to communicate quite well using facial expressions and body language to make up for non speaking, but when he gets real emotional, it's like flipping a switch and all he can do is talk. Started to make more of an attempt to be conversational after a certain Terajuma sidequest.
Main Team:
Echo (Rowlet ☆)
Sylveon (Mom's Sylveon ☆)
Daniel (Chandelure)
Sparks (Boltund)
River (Walking Wake)
Billy (Banette (Can Mega))
Extra Details:
Aevery thought he was just a kid moving to a new region with his mom, looking forward to meeting new friends and pokemon. Now, so much of what he knew was a lie, and he doesnt know exactly who or what he is anymore.
With a journey full of tragedy, miracles, and mystery that gave him more questions than answers, he can only try to keep his head held high with hope that he can save the future for his friends. Even as his own future, and past, become more uncertain, he can't let them know how scared he is.
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magic-to-write · 1 year
Hi buddy, Athena here. Popping in to say hi and see how you're doing, fellow writeblr. How are things going? Feel free to info dump
Hello! I'm doing well. Things are going well for the most part.
Here are some things about my oc Rune!
Rune is feisty and full of determination, he's still learning this whole trust thing and is going to have some slip ups, but he can be really sweet.
He has black hair and striking green eyes. With a dark academia style wardrobe.
Rune is friends with the stubborn Finch, Evan and Clover; though Rune will swear up and down the group is more trouble then it's worth, you can barely find him without one or more of the group around.
And now here is some info about Aevery; my newest world!
I have separated the stages of the ai to make it easier to read;
Phase 1: phase 1 ai only have two needs food and water, the ai will develop it's own way of walking to satisfy these needs. When the needs are full the ai gets rewarded with an happiness boost, if the bar gets too low then the ai will get sad and eventually die of hunger or dehydration (depending on which bar hits 0 first)
Phase 2: it has the same needs at phase 1, but it also needs to satisfy play and social, failing to meet these needs will cause an AI to become sad, but it will not kill it.
Phase 3: the pattern continues having the same needs as the previous two phases, with the added need of continuing the species, usually in the form of taking care of other ais that may be struggling in their evolution.
Phase 4: phase 4 once again has the same needs as previous phases, but this phase is when the personality traits that have been developing through the past stages really start to shine through as the ais begin to form opinions on each other, their surroundings, and their beliefs on how they came to be.
Phase 5: phase 5 is the most human like in thought, feeling and action. Towns form and they begin to adventure for new horizons as they wonder where their world ends and the real world begins.
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regretful-kishin · 2 years
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Jumping on the wing train. I think if Aevery had wings, they'd match an owl's. Of course since he's still just a kid they'd mostly still be covered in down and not nearly ready to fly yet
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ace-the-arts · 2 years
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Hey, don't jump on the couch!
Literally my favorite scene in all of rejuv. It's about time I put it on canvas
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aeveryinfo9 · 2 years
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neunhofferart · 20 days
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Happy Jurassic World Chaos Theory Day!!! It was truly a privilege opening the show with Rianna, Aevery and the rest of the Chaos Crew. Hope you all enjoy the ride.
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