demyxblogs · 11 months
What do I post on tumblr...
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penhive · 1 month
Prof. Umberto Ego and Borges Lexis are touching the globe and using their fingers and manipulating them on the countries and continents. Both of them wished in their hearts that they could possess them. Together they formed the Cabal Templar Transactions. Templar Transactions uses the social media and manipulate the feelings and emotions of the people. They also have a stake in the major banks of the world called Sephiroth coming in from Cabala. They use software called Psycho-Tonic to eavesdrop on the political bigwigs of countries. A midnight ritual is taking place in the secret chamber of the group Templar Transactions. A nude woman is lying on the altar having a bronze statue of Goddess Minerva.  The members of the cult do the ritual of the pentagram and draw it symbolically on the vagina of the woman. When it is over they take turns to copulate with her. Umberto ego and Borges Lexis run a press called Superego. And they take huge sums of money from mediocre authors to publish their works. They have published a book by Colonel Skunk called the history of the Knights of the Templars. It is from the Templars that they got the inspiration to name their Cabal Templar Transactions. They are addicted to conspiracy theories. They have also intervened in the politics of many countries. They are the ones who plot the politics of the cold war.  In the country of the idols and idol worship, through electoral manipulation they instituted the political party the Vedas and Vedas are persecuting the people of a minority religion having a monotheistic God. They have also infiltrated the banking of many countries and they have dollarized it. They are instrumental in bringing out a conflict between North Coral and South Carol making one a communist country and the other a capitalist one. They are also engaged in the arms trade, and sell weapons to guerilla-infidels to fight mainstream governments. It was at their instigation that the country Ambrosia invaded a neighboring country Elixir.  They are turning the world into a Geo-political conflict. They are the mastermind behind many conspiracy theories. They know that a world takeover lies in the hegemony of clandestinely manipulating the minds of the people through social media. They look up to an unknown monotheistic God Einsof.  The pierce their hands and offer blood to their God Einsof. They have a special aficionado for women and women are a part of their sexual rituals. They through their rituals celebrate nudism and heterosexuality. They have their mad aims and whims for a world takeover. Their Templar crusade is the electronic and social media, and through it they manipulate people through the politics of propaganda and brainwashing.  The members of this CABAL are breakaway groups from the Freemasons and the Illuminati. For those who want to vent their feelings, those who are lonely, they have created the blog: libido.
In the end they realize all this is fiction that they have fed into a computer.
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greenysnarl · 2 years
Credits: indepth_mbti (Instagram)
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Guess this is gonna be a one-way trip. THANKS GARL.
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YOU. I have a bone to pick with you.
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Nuh nuh nuh do not give me any more cryptic shit. You and I? Our trust is broken. Probably gonna be three wizards.
And a warlock.
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I. Would have hoped that we did. Given we wanted to travel it by raft and all.
Holy shit, we dodged a bullet with that one. Maybe ten years of going to your room to think about what you did wasn't such a bad punishment after all.
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I've been here five minutes and I'm about to get ganked by time/space assassins. This isn't fair.
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Honestly, this has been a fairly relaxing trip so far. Ran into some monster ants and goblins chucking bombs but it's nice here.
I think this island's got it pretty good.
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This island has a dragon.
...oh! Is that the "Sleeper" that Garl was talking about? Huh, I didn't figure he'd get to meet them this soon.
..."Sleeper Island". Right. I guess that was obvious.
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NEW FRIEND. Probably. Hello, new friend! I hope this is not too forward but WILL YOU JOIN MY PARTY IMMEDIATELY because your hair is a-ma-zing. The pink and green go together nicely to make this calm and comforting aesthertic.
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We should ask for a guide.
I think she's some kind of archaeologist, judging by how intently she's studying those runes.
Probably a bad archaeologist, given how much of her attention is being paid to a straight line with none of the interesting markings found elsewhere on the obelisk.
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OUTVOTED 2 to 1, we're pestering the intensely focused science lady.
Can't imagine why anyone would hire time/space assassins to gank me. I'm so likable.
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Garl is pouring on the charm. If there's one thing that's always been true about smart people, it's that they are eager to have someone to infodump on. Nothing gets a scientist talking like basic questions about their field of study.
We're practically besties already.
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Hold up. Can Garl read these runes? He did a double take at us.
You got something to share with the class, bruh?
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So the answer is yes, she is an archaeologist. We should probably leave her alone to study these old rocks with the world's oldest script engraved on them.
We will not.
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TEAKS. It's a little goofy but, shit, my name was supposed to be Valerie but I accidentally misplaced my I. Garl felt bad for me so he discarded one of his own.
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Trust me, we've got plenty of food even if you don't count Garl's infinitely-replenishing bag of apples.
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So. To clarify. When you said "This is the oldest writing known to us, the Traveling Historians", what you meant was "This is the oldest writing I've personally ever seen in my career."
That's an important piece of qualifying context, thank you.
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So. It's. Like psychometry but it's another object that utilizes psychometric powers and then writes it all down for ease of reference. Honestly, that's better than psychometry. You don't have to deal with fuzzy interpretations of events you barely got a glimpse of.
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So really it's the book that's the historian, and you're more like its transport mechanism? I take it back, that's way shittier than psychometry. Imagine having to play second-fiddle to a pen. My utmost sympathies.
That's okay, a lot of great heroes have "skills" that become less and less impressive the more attention you pay to how those abilities actually work.
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DEAL. If we find any interesting-looking things I'll have Vale hold them until we can pass them off to you. I'm already excited to hear what kinds of stories you'll have for us. :D
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Oh, so you just started doing this, then?
So. To clarify. When you said "This is the oldest writing known to us, the Traveling Historians", what you meant was "This is the oldest writing I've personally ever seen in the five days or so I've been studying things."
That's an important piece of qualifying context, thank you.
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wielderofthechainsaw · 3 months
i feel so period (FOLLOWER ANME REVEAL REAL)
my followers will now be called the girlypop gucci gang :aesthertic:
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Top 10 Vampire Films Aesthetically
For @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark ,told ya I could do a list of my favorite Vampire films aesthertically
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9.Interview with a Vampire
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8.Near Dark
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7.Dracula Prince of Darkness
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6.Nosferatu Symphony of Terror
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5.Lost Boys
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4.From Dusk Till Dawn
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3.Black Sabbath
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2.Nosferatu the Vampyre
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1,Bram Stokers Dracula
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@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @filmcityworld1 @angelixgutz @amalthea9
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mirky-tea · 4 years
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denimfurby · 4 years
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new1984-v · 4 years
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megaroniandcheesin · 5 years
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request for @astropedantic
virgo moon
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serafimafern-blog · 6 years
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hahahysteria · 6 years
took this video during a beautiful shoot.
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robertcaterson · 6 years
New Music Video from Rap Villain’s Alley Rocket, “LEVEL UP”!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥
Find us on all platforms, just search/google, “Rap Villain”❗️❗️❗️❗️
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iheartliquor · 4 years
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saltyalienmilk · 7 years
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you are my galaxy
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shoujosanctuary · 4 years
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Who claims the wind?
The Wind Rises. 
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