penhive · 3 hours
A Feminist Study of Eve, Sappho, Xanthippe, and Mary
Eve is the first woman who became a philosopher.  She became a feminist when she ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge by tempted by Satan. Eve’s violation of a sacred taboo makes her the first feminist philosopher.  She used deduction and this implies that she turned down God’s injunction: though shall not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and turned it down when Satan gleefully said: if you eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge you will become like God. Eve’s defiance has given birth to the Freudian Ego. Eve also gave rise to rational thought.
Sappho is a poetess belonging to ancient Greece. The poems that she wrote were lesbian in content. She is the pioneer of differently abled sex. Her poems are lyrical, poetic and sublime. She charmed the feminist amour with the seductive nectar of love. She blazed the culture of sex with poetic adages. She has given birth to queer philosophy.
Xantippe is the wife of the Philosopher who has been marginalized in the history of philosophy. She is sole bread winner of the family while Socrates went preaching sermons without caring for the family. Her shrewishness can be attributed to the beginning of pragmatism.
Mary the mother of Jesus deserves a special place in the History of Philosophy. She followed astutely the divine visitation of an angel who said a son will be born and you are to name Jesus, a person who will save the world from their sins. She blended the spirit of reason and faith and submitted it to a metaphysical belief. She can be considered to be the progenitor of idealism
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penhive · 3 hours
A Pastiche of Don Quixote
It is noon time and Don Quixote is looking through the window and he is seeing damsels bathing. It’s a pleasant thing to watch and he is closely following their undulating bodies dance in the afternoon sun.  For a closer look he takes a binoculars and he is scanning. Oh how he would love to fuck all of them. Some were thin with breasts like grapes and others were buxom having melon breasts. The women in order to cover their nudity were wearing a towel and from it he watched their breasts and sexy thighs playing an erotic song. When evening comes he tries to count the hair on his head. During night time, he takes a Bible and goes to the pub and sermonizes with the prostitutes and the boozers to turn away from their sins.  The bouncers of the Pub throw him away. Night has come and he is at home He thinks his maid is a princess.
Oh Princess
Prime of life
You night of charm
You body for desire
He garlands her with a gold necklace and she invites him to sleep with her but being moral and pure he declines the offer. Don Quixote reads postmodern fiction and tries to live the life of characters. He is in a state of literary mania and he has the flair of writing and for writing he blends fiction and philosophy.  He rapes texts with meta-fiction. He is thinking of Camus myth of the Sisyphus and Sisyphus is condemned by the Gods to roll a boulder uphill to find out only to his consternation that it rolls down and he is forced to this meaningless task.  From it Camus framed that life is absurd, meaningless, chaotic and crazy. Don Quixote wants to become a philosopher and he rewrites the myth of Sisyphus by saying that Sisyphus is creative and each time he rolls it up and down he does it creatively avoiding monotony. For the new Don Quixote life unlike Camus absurdity is the celebration of meaning. For him everything is nature is a metaphoric nuance. The sun is heaven, the star eyes,  the brook a song, the birds sonnets, the moon love, the butterfly psyche, the waves sperm, the rooster Eros,  the bees music, the night dark hair,  the muse an epiphany, the elephant a Goliath, God a metaphor, infinity a beauty, the crickets a cacophony,  the lake a watery carpet, the birds a melodious music, windows pop art, the scars on the wall cubic art,  time a streams of consciousness,  art a mirror of life, feelings the soul of passion, the tempest a cage of frenzy, honey the nectar of Gods, enigma a passion of meaning, the body a temple to adore, literature a song of the morn, truth a fiction of meaning, love the language of flowers, orgasm the language of music, life a celebration of meaning,  truth a presence of meaning, being an awareness of meaning,  the body as love’s celebration, ecstasy the flower of meaning, fear a carpet of worry, the soul a hope for the future, rain a watery needles, passion the flower of meaning, flower a blossom of love, tropes are  read ecstasy, gossip a nonsense a gossip of speech, catharsis a beauty of passion, prosperity food in the wallet,  luck a lake to swim, passion the heart of a flower, letters the meaning of love, feelings poems of passion,  pot a smokers paradise, love a meaning of a flower.
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penhive · 1 day
Types of Sentences
Sentences can be classified into grammatical, semantic, and Philosophical sentences.
Grammatical Sentences are:
Simple Sentence
Simple sentence is the one which consists of one independent clause. Example is she dances well.
Compound Sentence
Compound sentences consist of 2 independent clauses joined by and, for or so. Example is I have done my homework and I am going home.
Complex sentence is  the one in which one dependent clause is joined by an independent clause using unless, until, and so on Unless you pay me money, I won’t let you go
Semantic Sentences come from culture and they are historical, cultural, and aesthetic sentences.
Historical Sentence
A historical sentence bears a historical aspect. For example: the holocaust bears witness to the sad plight of the Jews. Through Ahimsa Gandhi won the freedom of India.
Cultural Sentence
Cultural sentence is a cushion of connotation. An example is Coca Cola has become a piece of art for pop art.
Aesthetic sentence
An aesthetic sentence has a figurative meaning. For example: Eternity flies as Sadhus in white unveiling time on mystic flight. Here Sadhu is a metaphor for birds and times stands for streams of consciousness.
Philosophical Sentences
Philosophical sentences are synthetic sentences, analytical sentences and Meta-sentences (coined by me)
Analytic sentence and synthetic sentence comes from the philosopher Kant.
Analytic sentence
Analytic sentence is the one where the predicate depends on the subject. Example is all bachelors are unmarried men is analytic statement.
Synthetic Statement
A synthetic sentence is the one where the predicate need not depend on the subject. For example in the statement all women are blondes is only partially true and blondes need not necessarily depend on women.
Philosophical Sentence
A philosophical sentence carries an idea that is philosophical. An example: is Plato’s theory of forms is reference to an ideal world that exists with the physical world of the sentences.
A meta-sentence is a combination of semantic meaning and a metaphysical truth. An example is: life given by God is a gift to live a life of celebration.
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penhive · 1 day
Fictapor comes from fiction and metaphor and I am mentioning it and relating it to the ancient Greek Philosopher Thales. He said magnet is a soul which attracts iron. This statement though scientifically misleading is metaphorically true and so I have named it Fictaphor.
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penhive · 3 days
Meta-construction comes from Derrida’s philosophy of deconstruction. In deconstruction there is a term Binary Divide: and it means the privileging and marginalizing of texts: for example God vs. the Devil, man vs. woman.
I have invented a term called Binary Fusion where a text is neutral. For example: Wo/man, His-her-story.
Now what is meta-construction? Meta-construction is the cocktail of earthly and heavenly wisdom.
For example: I take Plato’s allegory of the cave known as his theory of forms. There is dark cave and it are people and there is a beam of light emanating from outside. What Plato meant was there is a super sensible  heavenly world and an  earthly world of senses. In this meta-construction, the super sensible world is the ideal world the cave of dark is the sensible world. I am also using Nietzsche’s theory of art. In his theory of art there are two facets one the Apollonian and the Dionysian. The Apollonian stands for harmony and melody and the Dionysian stands for rhythm and beat. In Meta-construction, the Apollonian stands for the beauty and melody in life and the Dionysian stands for life’s ecstasy
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penhive · 4 days
Postmodern Existentialism
The progenitors of existentialism have been the literary and philosophical heavyweights like Heidegger, Sartre and Camus. What I have done here is to revise their contributions and through it I would like to lay down my own interpretations.
From the ontological point of view, Heidegger defines being as Dasein (meaning being there). He also mentions that being is throwness of meaning. I contradict him by saying that being is the possession of meaning. And being possesses meaning as:
Cognition and Perception
Appropriation means to take hold or to possess and it’s a way of authenticating the presence of meaning. Reality becomes qualitative as lived presence of meaning.
Catharsis is the most beautiful state to experience meaning of being. Catharsis from the Aristotelian meaning of purging or cleansing the soul has also the modern meaning of beatific experience. We are in the state of beatification and beautification.
Negation as a presence of meaning is to express Sartre’s ‘nothingness’, a technique to annihilate negativity. Negation is the broom with which we sweep the dusty corridors of the human mind.
My existential view unlike Sartre and Camus is life is the celebration of meaning meant to live with cheerful optimism. Life is the carnival of heaven and poem of celebration on earth.
Cognition and Perception
Cognition and Perception are the intellectual tools for gaining data from the world of senses. It is a process which I call as transcendental realism. It is a blend of the concrete and the abstract idea. It is the pedagogy of living experiences.
For Camus existentialism meant that life is chaotic, absurd, meaningless, monotonous and repetitive. He compares absurdity to the myth of Sisyphus and in it Sisyphus is condemned by the Gods to roll a boulder uphill only to find that it rolls down and he is forced to do this meaningless task. For me Camus’ metaphor of the Sisyphus is to be rewritten and  as each times he rolls the stone, Sisyphus does it creatively and differently and this way he avoids repetition and monotony. Sisyphus is a hero who celebrates life’s meaning.
Sartre in his enigmatic statement said: ‘we are condemned to be free’ as we are sole responsibility for the choices that we make. If we put our responsibility on others or on God we are acting in bad faith. He terms the obstacles that we face as facticity. Revising Sartre, I would like to say we should we wise and prudent when we make choices with the keenness of perception and discernment so that our choices don’t fall to folly and ruin. I say that the choices we make in life makes privileged beings.
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penhive · 6 days
Theoretical Perspectives on Post Colonialism
Post colonialism is a philosophy of protest launched by the colonies that were annexed to colonial empires. In this article, I would like to develop certain conceptualities and frame works to theoritize an explication of postcolonial discourse.
I have developed the following terms and they are:
(a Othering
(b Binary Fusion
c) Freud Cerebration
d)Lexical Transference
What can othering mean in postcolonial discourse? Sartre says that Hell is the other. Othering creates a political, economic, and psychological distance of the other. The colonist rates the colonized as something inferior. Othering is a narcissism and xenophobia of the colonized. Othering is a malevolent political spirit.  It is the red-light of political wrath. It is the prostituting of the other’s culture into a morbid ghetto. It is the symptom of political despotism wreaked with the infusion of dominion and hegemony. It is the sword of Damocles desecrating the elements the colonized is reproach, hatred, and fanatic for the colonist. During British colonialism in India, Indians were asked to bow down in opublic and this was an act that became a humiliation.
Binary Fusion
Binary Fusion is a term invented by me and it comes from Derrida’s binary divide. In binary divide: some terms in a text are privileged and others are marginalized, for example light vs dark, woman vs man. In binary fusion there is no marginalization or privilege. Let’s examine how Binary Fusion worked in Indian society. Binary Fusion is the positive aspect of colonialism.  For example the British abolished sati (a Hindu custom where the wife was burnt with the husband), polygamy, and making Indian soldiers travel abroad (it was a sin for them to cross the seas). From the Binary Divide of prejudice the British Colonists paved a parchment to liberate India from demeaning customs and traditions.
Freud Cerebration
Freud cerebration is a psychologistic perspective of colonialism. I would like to use the terms:
Oedipal Politics
Fetish Complex
Mirror Stage
Political Gaze
Now what is oedipal politics? It is the politics of subversion, sabotage and subservience. With the influx of colonialism there led to a change in the customs, traditions and habits of the people. The intermixing of both isms created a breaking out of a new culture. The colonists were subversive scribes and they wanted dominate the ethos of the culture of the colonized.  The ID, Ego and the Super Ego were subject to a ruthless political exorcism.
Now what is the Fetish Complex? The colonists romanticized the culture of the colonized. For example in British Colonial India, the colonists translated the Indian literary canon of Sanskrit into English and they also embarked upon archeological excavations which led to the discovery of the Indus Valley Civilization. Fetish from psychology became a political act.
Now what is the mirror stage?  Mirror stage coined by the psychiatrist Jacques Lacan is the stage where an infant recognizes himself as dual entity a self and an image and comes to experience the lack in the unfolding of desire.  The colonists through the mirror stage led to the impoverishment and poverty of the colonized. The colonized were economically, politically and culturally subject to the mirror of the colonized.
Lexical Transference
Lexical transference is the Logos bequeathed by the colonized. Taking the Indian context, it was the British who gave the gift of English which paved the way for the modernization of the Indian society. People started thinking outside the boxes. The British also went to the extent of distributing Bibles in schools, colleges, prisons and hospitals. Lexis became the object of cultural dissemination and that was something not entirely bad. Again the British nullified the caste and creed of the Indian society. In railways coaches all people irrespective of caste were to travel together.
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penhive · 6 days
The Poltergeist
I am writing the poltergeist for the sake of story-telling. I want to make it as anecdotal and unimaginable and I am advising the readers to take it with a pinch of salt.
The poltergeist has got certain preferences and likings.  He goes bonkers when visiting his favorite clients.  He visits couples especially gay and straight and becomes madly in desire wanting them.
Now he is in the bedroom of Romeo and Juliet and is watching their nude exhibition.  Both Romeo and Juliet are fondly admiring their bodies. After this they get into foreplay with kissing and tongueing. Now when they start copulating the poltergeist raps on their bed with a he haw he haw he haw sound. The couple hearing the noise comes to their senses wondering what happened. It is the ploy of the poltergeist to wreck copulation.
Another idiosyncrasy that the poltergeist likes is visiting women and girls having their menstruation. The poltergeist loves to see their pubis with the blood soaking tissue. When they go to sleep at night, he disturbs their privacy by knocking their beds with humpra foofra humpra foofra humra poofra sound.
The poltergeist is also an aficionado of virgins. He simply loves virgins. During night  he makes visitations of virgins  and disturbs their sleep by rapping oooolala ooooolala ooooolala. The virgins wonder what has happened.
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penhive · 9 days
Selfosophy is a new religion invented by me and it comes from self and Sophia (wisdom). I have come to this conclusion after experiencing religions which are conservative, puritan, moralistic and conformist.
a) Selfosophy promotes self-interest and self-interest is the best interest.
b) Selfosophy gives the freedom to experience drugs and alcohol for achieving altered states of consciousness.
c) Selfosophy promotes a promiscuous life.
d) Selfosophy celebrates life’s meaning
e) Selfosophy has the inclination to lead a life of hedonism.
I use the quote of Alister Crowley who founded the religion Thelema: ‘Do what though will and that’s the whole of the law. I also use my quote: Deify the ID, Glorify the Ego and subvert the super ego.
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penhive · 3 months
A Sensual Narrative
Darling, your body is a flower of meaning and my lips and tongue dance on it with erotic joy. I seek your orifices with passionate splendor. The muse on my body wants to insert you with love and soak you with the joy of exaltation. Together we become flowers of poetry.
A True life story
A pastor came to our house and started praying for the sale of our house and school. Immediately after finishing prayers, the smell of incense came from nowhere and it became so strong and then I came to a realization that there is a supernatural world and it is so real.
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penhive · 3 months
Stimulus For Art Writing
For the purpose of Art writing, I have coined four types of stimulus and they are: Stimulus from Nature, Stimulus of Things and stimulus of Ideas and stimulus from Art
Stimulus from Nature
Stimulus from Nature is picking up cues from Nature: some examples are the moon beamed in the dark night, the sun woke up with a pleasant face, brook of beauty running through gurgling moksha all the way through, the dew on the grass twinkled as sperm and so on.
Stimulus from Things
Things are still life objects and they have a written narrative. Examples are the bra on the clothes hangar made me loins water for sex.  The nighty made me water with desire.
Stimulus from Ideas
Ideas refer to Philosophy and I am rewriting the existential philosophies of Sartre and Camus who proclaimed that life is absurd, monotonous, and man is condemned to be free. I revise their thoughts by saying life is the celebration of meaning and the choices we make in life make us privileged beings.
Stimulus from ART
Here I would like to use Picasso’s treatment of women. Picasso though being a celebrated artist denigrated violated the body of women a mental and psychological rape. Women’s faces were made grotesque, the bodies warped, and their whole became a projection of tastelessness.
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penhive · 3 months
Manakedu Mukku
Manakedu Mukku (idlers junction) is used to describe our village. People idle there and waste their time.
Manekedu Muku as an idiom stands for wasting and idling time.
There are many Memekledu mukus in the world.
Santa’s Bag
Santa’s bag as an idiom stands for money coming in from unexpected quarters.
Yes, I would like to receive Santa’s bag.
Sara’s Laughter
Sara is the wife of Abraham the Old Testament patriarch and when an angel said she will give birth, she laughed.
Sara’s laughter as an idiom stands for the happening of a pleasant unexpected.
Yes, I would like to experience Sara’s laughter.
Healing on the Sabbath
When Jesus healed on the Sabbath, he met with a barrage of criticism from the scribes and Pharisees. Jesus very skillfully maneuvered their caustic remarks by saying which of you, will not lift your goat fallen in the well.
Healing on the Sabbath as an idiom means responding to criticism.
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penhive · 3 months
Journal Dated 25th Jan 2024
Recently a pastor came to our house and he prayed and then he told, that I had a relationship with a grandmamma in the village and I felt shocked at his disclosure and to make matters worse, he said my father also has been sleeping with her. I felt aghast, repulsive, repugnant and sad. Whatever he said is actually true
I am running a small school, my father’s dream pet. Now it has come to a point where the school is incurring losses. Sometimes we might need to sell it but I have a sentimental value attached to it.
Recently I was having problems to upload material on to my publishing site. I was wondering whether they have deleted my content and then I wrote to them and they said: sorry the site is having repairs and that is why I could not upload material.
Still Life prose
Saw the night’s eye, smiling at me, so serene, tranquil, and so melodious. Saw fairy on wings gallivanting music in the air.
Law of Attraction
I was reading some posts on the law of attraction and to my surprise they were telling that the universe has a language and that is not thought. Then I wondered what the bloody fuck is that language and if the person who made the post was able to manifest why the fuck should he advertise it. Then in another post, I read that it is brain waves that bring the law of attraction into completion. Yes it’s a bloody fucking hoax.
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penhive · 3 months
Picasso freaked out on the body of women.
Reason is the fornication of innocence.
Ecstasy is the fruit of passion.
Patience is a dream lying close to destiny.
The ammunition of the soul is love.
When Adam and Eve sinned God cursed them by saying Adam work hard and till the soil and to Eve he said you will have birth pangs. The Adamite curse is still active and we should ask God to annul it.
Becoming the self is a celebration of life.
It’s better to laugh with tears of joy.
Mind buys reason and feeds on passion.
Ghostaddiction from Ghost and addiction is the liking for Ghosts.
I am opening the door of opportunities with the key of belief.
The self forgets yesterday, lives today and hopes for the future.
For Christianity the serpent is a malefic entity who beguiled Adam and Eve. It’s a curious fact the Serpents are worshipped in India. How can a repulsive creature a bloody reptile be paid homage and devotion?
Flowers are the music of colors.
 The philosopher Judith Butler’s exhortation that gender is a historical and social construct is pleasing to LGBT community but is invalid for the people with straight sex.
Are we condemned to be free as Sartre has said because we are responsible for the choices we make. I am revising Sartre by saying we are privileged to be free.
Looking at astrology, reading the tarot, consulting numerology, divination, séance, sorcery, and witchcraft are all an abomination for God and brings a severe curse on all who indulge in it. These sins are the sins against the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
A writer’s institution is himself or herself.
There is no middle way as espoused by Buddhism there is only one, a narrow way and that is Christ who said I am the way, the truth and the life.
The Historicity of Christ is reason and his divinity is belief.
Museaphoria from muse and euphoria is the joyssance of emotion.
The trinity is a divine mystery.
Museocrat from muse and aristocrat is a person who is creative.
A flower has a lyrical, poetic, metaphoric meaning in language.
In contemporary society women becoming masculine and men are becoming feminine.
Nietzsche’s will to power is to optimize language and secure a stable, prosperous, and happy meaning.
Its passion and not effort to do something you like and mine is writing.
Gandhi the father of Indian independence is an idiom for nonviolence.
A celebrity waving her hands and smiling like chocolate has no affection or regard for the audience but is a person who is promoting herself as an icon.
Kundalini is crazy and crappy. How can in meditation raise a serpent coiled in the pubis to the forehead. It is a devilish and fiendish act.
I am manifesting a Rothschild into my bank account.
India is famous for its naked pot smoking fakirs and why can’t the government make it legally available to all. Democratize pot. I love the Ginsberg held placard: Pot is Fun.
The heart has many stories to tell.
Sex is the surrender of bodies to passion.
The ego is vulnerable in intimacy.
Embrace uncertainty with optimism.
Celebrate life: celebrate meaning.
Victory is round the corner.
The ones whom I have loved have hurt me the most.
Sex is the music of ecstasy.
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penhive · 3 months
Tumblr media
Strip Art is an avant-garde art where the word Strip is deconstructively read as a noun and as a verb. In this work, light is falling on the ground and creating art.
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penhive · 3 months
Attributes of the Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd is a pastoral metaphor used by Christ to explain himself. Christ said I am the Good Shepherd and the Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep. Here in this article, I would like to explain the attributes of the Good Shepherd.
a) Finding and Searching and Reclaiming the Lost
In the scriptures it is said: the shepherd had 100 sheep and one got lost. The shepherd left the 99 and went in search of the lost one. No matter what our state is, Christ till loves is unconditionally and it is his wish for us to be saved.
b) Guide
The Shepherd is our guide, the one who shows us the way. He is always at the entrance waiting patiently for us to open up to him. We are free to discuss our problems, trials and tribulations. He becomes a loving Shepherd guarding and cherishing his beloved sheep.
c) Friend
Christ’s relationship with us is that of a friend. We are free to open up and vent our problems to him. He is a shoulder on whom we can lean. We can talk all our problems to him and leave it on his shoulder to lean. Christ is merciful and gracious slow to anger and quick to love. He is an intimate spiritual friend.
d) Sin Cleanser
Jesus the Shepherd offered his life by shedding blood on Calvary and every drop of blood he paid was for the remission of our sins. The divine Christ became an incarnation as a man and gave himself for us so that we might be saved and have life as eternity.
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penhive · 3 months
Being after Sartre, Camus and Heidegger
Now what is being? Heidegger introduced being as the throwness of meaning. I revise his statement by saying that being is the receiver of meaning. Meaning is not thrown but received. I also give my definition of meaning of being as an experiential state of meaning. The experiential states are:
a)  Admiration
Admiration as a state of being  and can be conceptualized as looking up to, creating a wonder, and  thoughts of fancy. Admiration can be related to objects, works of art or to people.
b) Affirmation
Now what is affirmation and being? It is an experiential state making an intention to do something positive. It is intentionlizing the will to achieve a desired state of reality.
c) Possession
Possession suggests ownership of the acquiring reality. It relates to our wants and desires. The will is a manipulative mechanism to acquire the objectives our choices and wants.
d) Catharsis
Now what is Catharsis and being? For Aristotle it meant the purification of emotion. We in Catharsis purge our souls from negativity and experience a reality that is sublime and poetic and lyrical.
e) Celebration
My existential state of meaning of life is, unlike Camus and Sartre (life is absurd, chaotic and meaningless) is life is the celebration of meaning and we are privileged beings to make our choices in in life.
f) Ecstasy
Now what is ecstasy and being? Ecstasy is the erotic pleasure of the body. Sexuality is the music of the language of flowers. For a brief moment of passion we experience an Eden of Joy.
g) Negation
Now what is negation and being? We become denouncers of things that are uncomfortable to us. Negation occurs when things in life are not going according to our way.
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