spotty-is-slumberous · 3 months
Oooh, emojis, can you try, and picking completely at random here,... 🦚🧿🍜?
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What a gal!
Potential Names: Sleekfeather, Plumespots, Longtuft
XXY calico, also known as a cat with “Klinefelter syndrome”… She’s trans!
Outwardly, a very “damsel in distress” type. She is constantly getting herself into trouble just for the sake of making sure that others know she “can’t care for herself” and “needs looking after”.
She’ll just bat her eyes and fluff out her fur, claiming that oh, she meant no harm! She just lost her way! Perhaps she should just stay in camp next time… Best not to make trouble that way!
Really, she could do just fine on her own, and thrive… But why should she waste her energy when her Clanmates can care for her? It takes a lot of effort looking as good as she does! Surely that’s job enough for her!
Secretly incredibly cunning and analytical. Extremely observant. Always has the best gossip.
A bit of a food snob, though at the end of the day, she’ll really eat anything that’s presented to her. That being said, she’s a fine hunter, and could make a name for herself as a great food preparer if she actually wanted to… But so long as there are starry-eyed toms mooning after her, so eager to take care of her, why should she? She’s better off tucked up safe in camp… Oh, but do be careful as you go on your next patrol! And bring something tasty back for her, so you both can share, alright? ♡
[All of the emoji designs are mine unless specifically said otherwise! Please don’t use them. However, many will be offered as giveaways or will be for sale, so if you’re interested in a specific one, keep an eye out for them!]
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jaggedpeak · 1 year
Can you do... Jayfeather with 8 perhaps?
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+ bonus because this one doesn't have lyrics
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badgerstep · 1 year
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(re: tawnypelt and blackstar)
@aerial-jace so!
presenting my thoughts in the form of a numbered list with some elaboration. under a readmore bc holy shit this is long
1. tawnypaw chose shadowclan out of practicality
i think there’s this assumption that tawnypaw was stupid for defecting to shadowclan since shadowclan was led by tigerstar and she was tired of being in his shadow. this definitely isn’t a wholly undeserved read considering the text never really elaborates on it. however! given that only recently has switching clans been explicitly permitted in the code, and the one example of clan switching tawnypaw would have been aware of would have been graystripe to riverclan because he had blood relatives there (his kits), and given that riverclan and windclan would both have no reason to want to accept her, it makes practical sense for her to defect to shadowclab. her father would want her there, and might potentially be bad optics for him not to accept his chid, and it would be a way for her to escape thunderclan.
i also think that she may have actually been offered blackfoot as a mentor. why wouldn’t tigerstar try to do that? he wanted his kin to be leaders, after all. but, setting up what i believe to be an ongoing thread for her character, she rejected this. she doesn’t want special treatment, she doesn’t want the same shit she was getting in thunderclan but a different flavor. she wants to have a normal upbringing.
this, i could see striking a chord with blackfoot. he’s only ever followed orders, and followed them faithfully. he’s stepped as close to power as the system would let him his whole life because what else is there? it’s something to chew on.
2. tawnypaw stays in shadowclan post tigerstar’s death
this is also interesting to me. she technically had nothing left actually tying her to shadowclan. there’s nothing stopping the new leader blackstar from telling her to fuck off and go back home because all she’ll ever be is tigerstar’s kin, right? or anyone else in shadowclan, for that matter.
nobody does that. she stays. she just fits in. shadowclan is her hone, and might as well have always been. it’s almost never even commented on post-tnp that she used to be thunderclan anyway, iirc.
blackstar’s not a father to tawnypelt, and in all honesty, considering the one she had, it’s probably for the best. he’s not her mentor, either. but she’s definitely well-respected, and enough that she’s chosen to represent all of shadowclan on the journey.
3. she never takes the deputy position
i think this is so interesting. as readers we’re already drawn to tawnypelt as a character and have an attachment to her, we want her to succeed. we kept waiting for tawnystar to happrn, right?
see my first point though. i don’t think she’d want that, not really. (i know canonically she has served as deputy a few times but in all honesty i haven’t read those books yet fkjfjdjd)
but i could definitely see her having an aversion to power. tigerstar’s whole thing was power. one of her sons looks just like him. she’s haunted by him and his ideals and she wants to prove that she’s the one in charge of the narrative, not him. so she names her child tigerkit and just tells blackstar that if he lives to be a warrior to never call him tigerclaw. anything else. and she doesn’t want power because she thinks she can do more good for herself as a regular warrior, unburdened by the thought of assuming power over others. she’s seen firsthand how damaging that can be, she was there for tigerclan.
again, a move baffling to blackstar. he uses his power to try and do what he thinks is the most good and he’s constantly led astray. tawnypelt? she’s consistent. he admires that. and i think every so often he’ll ask what she thinks and she’ll give an honest if guarded answer and that’s it. and choosing her mate specifically as deputy? well. that’s one way to ensure her input remains valuable to the clan without giving her power directly, isn’t it?
but they’re always sort of hovering near each other’s lives. it’s hard not to when you live in a clan but even harder considering, well. [gestures vaguely] both their everything.
and again, i think it’s more interesting if it’s nothing romantic or familiar or mentor/mentee. it’s just that sort of gravitational pull between people who are entwined by circumstance and also so ideologically different from one another and are forced to live together.
(i also like to think she tried to convince him not to stay in the shadowclan camp during the flood in brambkestar’s storm. i don’t recall that book well, only that blackstar stayed behind in their camp. i just picture it as this deeply somber moment, blackstar thinking his fate is sealed and that he can finally be judged between his rights and wrongs, and tawnypelt trying in vain to convince him to keep living because what is her life supposed to look like with half that push and pull missing?)
i just. i find them very interesting and i am 100% rambling on zero sleep but !!! them. no easy words for any of it but i rotate it in my mind
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henrybelly · 6 months
So with a leaderless RiverClan do you think factionalism would develop? Along which lines? What kinds of mechanisms do you think could be in place to resolve them?
👀 it probably would, from time to time -- under periods of high stress, or where important decisions have to be made and the Clan is split, there would definitely be a risk of factionalism.
I believe kinship would be a big determinant of who sides with who, but I think to solve that we could lean harder into RiverClan's old lore about mentor/apprentice relationships. maybe one existing power that the leader does have is assigning mentors and apprentices. their role is more peacekeeping and balancing the dynamics of the clan.
that way, each RiverClan cat has a web of relationships spanning kin, mentor (and mentor's family), and possibly mate --- all cats they (ideally) respect, to promote discussion and teamwork instead of echo chambers forming.
that's what's handy about the Clans being small group; it's feasible to personally know the majority of your clan.
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wander-wren · 6 months
🧛 Trick or treat!
ack! i missed you last night! hang on, i’m sure i have some leftovers in here….
you can have a handful of skittles and a silly picture of my cat looking really buff in her harness
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doritopaw101 · 7 months
How's about you give me... 1, 24, and 25?
1. Which labels do you use?
Trans masc, trans, enby, non-binary, aro, lesbian, queer
Definitely feel like I'm between the lines of masculine and just some creature of androgyny.
Romance is a weird thing for me and I’m just floating in the aro spectrum and well women are nice.
24. Do you practice any religion, if so how does it play into your LGBT identity? Do you feel welcomed by your spiritual community?
Not really religious, was kinda raised Christian but that dropped off a while ago aside from saying grace.
More Agnostic than anything else.
It definitely played into into me being less open about my identity and me not feeling welcomed with how some used God to say I was going to hell.
I’ve definitely grown from that but man was that something young middle school me didn't need to hear.
25. What queer discourse frustrates you the most?
The acephobia and arophopia, I won’t lie, it definitely got me at first and I fed into it (it made me feel like I was kinda broken, Ik im not but damn people are insane) as well saying that aces and arose don’t have to worry about being killed or attacked and it made me lose my mind.
Also just the pronouns and gender thing.
A trans man can use she/her and a trans fem can use he/him, if they want, it's there life and want they feel comfortable with, who are we to dictate what they go by.
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iamfabiloz · 1 year
Oh, birth? Hap birth! 🎉🎂
THANK YEW!!! :] 💖💖💖🎉
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mallowstep · 2 years
[Insert bmlap ask here because I don't know what to ask that isn't massively spoilery for the general public.]
you think i know? i don't remember what's been published half the time.
uh, let's see...i can share a fun fact from the past maybe? we're around bluestar's death, yeah?
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i think this is funny
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fencesandfrogs · 2 years
Can you tell me more ablout your headcanons for the kid alter in the MK system?
he just goes by Kid/the Kid, no name. he initially thinks they died in the cave, and has to be really caught up to the rest of his life.
he and marc don't get on for possibly obvious reasons?
i haven't decided if he gets on best with jake or steven.
marc is really embarrassed about the idea of layla meeting Kid, but layla (excellent wife) is cool with it.
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embersoftheforest · 1 year
Ooooh, can you tell me more about... Dacepaw perhaps?
Dacepaw was named for the dace that live in the shady parts of the river, to match Shadekit at the time.
She is the first-born kit of Mallowtail and Stonefur, and littermate of Shadepaw.
One thing we're excited to explore with her is her sensory processing disorder! Dacepaw is especially sensitive to loud noises and too much noise, which makes Gatherings a nightmare for her.
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strelles-universe · 2 years
🐰 You're just so nice and friendly, my bunny friend. Once I got past the initial shock of knowing I inspired you and the awkwardness of asking about what you thought of my work it ended up being surprisingly easy to just fall into talking with you!
Your work was just pretty awesome :D
I like to think I lose all of my intimidating points the second I start rambling about cats
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queerhollyleaf · 2 years
YIPPE!! and Science but specially YIPPE!!
thank you 💜
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badgerstep · 1 year
How's about...
💛: Favorite character?
tawnypelt my FUCKING beloved!!!!!! i have been irrationally attached to her since like, midnight came out. i love her. i'd kill god for her.
🪺: First book you read?
into the wild! picked it up at the bookstore one day and i loved it so much that as soon as i finished it, i opened it back up and started it over right away.
🚷: Least favorite character?
also crowfeather. i hate that fucker.
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
How about... 7, 8, 20, and 21 perhaps?
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
“Why? Why? Breezepelt, because you love him,” she says.
Her words unearth something in him. No, unearth isn’t quite the right word - they disturb something, like a fast-swimming fish kicking up twigs that had long since settled on the bottom of the lakebed. Does he love his father? Should he? If he was asked directly, he’s not sure he could really answer yes to either of those questions, even now.
(that^ will probably take me forever to finish, if I ever do, but I fucking love this bit :3)
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
well sorry to you jace bc I think you don't keep up with brighter fires but it's On The Brain tonight and I rarely get to talk about my sequel ideas so. here's my current working title & summary for said sequel:
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and on a sillier note just cause this is really funny to me, here's a note from my brainstorming doc for the TNP era of the AU:
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20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
Definitely AU, at least for Warriors. Even in pieces which are meant to be canon compliant, I usually can't help but introduce small fix-it aspects to make a better story. But I suspect that's also related to the fact that Warriors is both poorly written and also happens to have worldbuilding that makes it a lot more fun to play around in the space than a lot of other fandoms, if that makes sense. Now that I'm thinking about it, a lot more of what I've written for Zyxx, by comparison, is more or less canon compliant because the draw of that fandom is the characters & relationship dynamics. I haven't finished much of anything for Riverdale yet but what little I do have falls into a similar category. Warriors is kind of unique in that it's so sprawling and huge and that the actual blorbos tend to matter a lot less to people than the plots and the world.
21. Do you prefer writing chaptered fics or one-shots?
Oh god don't make me choose.
For real, I honestly think novels and short stories are such different beasts that I find it difficult to say I prefer one over the other.
It is nice to have a finished product in a much quicker time span with one-shots/short stories though :P (i love brighter fires with my whole heart but sometimes working on the same thing for 2.5 years and having it STILL not be done is crazy-making.)
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dawnfinchh · 2 years
I'm so sorry you've had to endure all this for a take that should be pretty uncontroversial. The Crowfeather apologists are just exhausting sometimes.
For the sake of spreading some positivity, how about you tell me, what are some of your favorite ideas you've come up with while planning your rewrite?
thanks jace. it doesn't really bother me all that much, just more annoying than anything because of the constant spam. the crowfeather apologists know no rest
my favorite ideas for the rewrite... i'm working on a lot of stuff i really like! i know right now i've only really been sharing the lil headshots with the pre-/early-tpb family tree stuff, but i do have a lot more going on behind the scenes, just like working on revising it and stuff and don't want to share too much to be major spoilers?
a few things i can share: cinderpaw trains as a warrior. she moves to windclan permanently after meeting and bonding with deadfoot. her warrior name is cinderpath.
bramblepaw becomes thunderclan's cleric, named bramblebloom or brambleblaze (i havent decided). his deal is... interesting
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doritopaw101 · 1 year
Can I get a lil'
Yes you may.
There’s just so much.
You are one of my main inspirations to write and how I look at characters.
How clan life can be structured and just general amazing stuff about po3.
I absolutely love your writing and your ideas just hit that spark in such a way that I love and find so amazing.
It’s a honor to have you as a mutual and a fellow writer.
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