number1mongrel · 2 months
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chaoticgenders · 2 years
(part 3)
names meaning horror/terror: fasa redsel aegill/egill enno
pronouns: fri/fright fear/fears scare/scares dread/dreads terr/terror
Enno 👀
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444names · 8 months
french, irish and tolkienesque forenames BUT beginning with "a" and excluding "h"
Adalas Adaven Adella Adiar Adileme Adilín Adomán Adorc Adorine Adratren Aegil Aegno Aelbartimon Aellande Aelronnar Aelyn Aendomán Aerualir Affra Affraolm Affriellas Afratte Agduirí Aglor Aglán Aglúk Agnaolóise Agnèseatrí Agolait Agole Agolin Agondréas Agormare Agoron Agran Agung Agóid Aiait Aidurisín Aigne Aigín Ailianca Ailie Ailirí Ailmin Ailíniel Aimic Aimuis Aindil Aindin Aindomór Aindran Aindás Aingol Ainiquel Ainne Ainnán Ainnín Ainrist Ainsiara Ainvatrean Ainwë Aireclas Airgeam Airine Airylvaliob Aisad Aisicien Aistiú Aitien Aitione Aitiú Aitre Aitriën Aiwen Aiwenclie Aiwenriona Aiwenwë Aladorwent Alaent Alagonnge Alail Alaimered Alait Alanma Alanán Alaodreg Alasmaglan Alaug Alaugaétion Alaur Alcwin Aldard Aldary Aldbertín Aldic Aldidis Aldil Aldon Aldoregoir Aldug Alembas Alennas Alfabry Alfine Algalexan Algalgric Alganait Algrón Aliamille Aliane Alielion Alieno Alinnie Allaciard Alladûn Allen Allenta Allessaev Allor Almain Almorik Alocédran Alombreann Alonn Alorna Altigne Aléalaitlín Aléminwë Amadian Amain Amann Amara Amarier Amatren Ambar Ambor Ambri Ameil Amele Amelvalann Amence Amiast Amice Amiceancaos Amicien Amickalie Amielmë Amieu Amildë Amine Aming Amire Amirin Amiry Amiríosant Amlacán Amlirion Amlit Amondur Amrace Amratán Amron Amuin Amuir Amuliann Amurice Amuruair Anaine Anair Anais Anait Analmor Anaodre Anaornais Ancaline Ancasafra Ancel Ancilia Anclíne Anclís Andelearda Andidin Andier Andil Andildand Andiliamûl Andill Andilíne Andinnal Andis Andistië Andocelear Andoin Andon Andorin Andorne Andran Andrangwë Andre Andric Andrien Andrilín Andrimin Andriob Andrónán Anduine Anduistoil Andur Andóm Angerondri Angon Angwait Angérômerië Aniasnort Aniel Anien Anilimeric Anineale Aniquenria Anlann Anmaitlín Anmarles Annard Annarice Annette Annimick Anniquerre Annla Annluirgoll Anntat Annya Annárd Anonev Anoît Anpali Anpie Anpienne Anpieu Antang Antarr Antaráil Antine Antië Anton Antoraman Antán Antárostan Antóirette Antóirë Anuen Anuir Anuis Ançoiberin Ançoilís Ançoine Ançoir Ançoirië Aodael Aoddarmala Aodeacis Aodice Aodwine Aodwing Aodóilinès Aodómil Aoibéarce Aoibûn Aoifung Aoigneleg Aoilde Aoimargelwë Aoinait Aoinborm Aoine Aoirette Aoiris Aoirment Aoiréag Aoirë Aoisaor Aoise Aoiseagla Aoisir Aoislán Aoiste Aolenne Aoliel Aolis Aolle Aolort Aolwë Aonnev Aonorole Aorardar Aoris Aornán Aorod Aoste Aracán Aradien Aradong Arain Arainrine Arair Aramélicia Arana Arandile Arane Araneleste Aranièlegor Aranlane Arann Arant Araolug Araonóratán Arasméa Aratare Aratríd Aratrídís Aratán Araul Aravormean Aravric Arbar Arceane Arciene Arcán Ardaglórwin Ardaitlín Ardalia Ardamie Ardir Ardraire Ardrégin Aregliaming Areglondil Arfin Arfine Argil Arguel Arienglóire Arienjann Arienéan Arind Arindán Arine Arineston Arinto Arion Ariondor Arior Aristíos Arlaine Arliele Arline Armadan Armeirë Armerice Armlim Armon Armoncaine Armoneara Arnadûn Arnail Arnaild Arnaistín Arnatar Arnue Arnuil Arnán Arnárdil Arnír Arodannette Aroibeoge Aroimrane Aroiric Aronn Aronor Arorlairy Arred Artin Artius Artië Artrië Artín Aruadeór Aruan Arveg Arvel Arvelcaroce Arves Arwend Arwent Arwentán Aryttelle Arímas Asfalfwis Atamir Atandionne Ataragair Atarn Atraitinen Atrattelien Atrine Atriú Atuard Audel Audelentán Audiniard Audog Audor Audreglás Audriel Augabal Augas Augloc Auglor Aulal Aulauguy Aulwiseárd Aumavoran Auragóirie Aurcán Auregal Aurettona Aurgall Auris Auriën Auruain Aurual Aurée Avalivien Avelle Aviamador Avidrégorn Avinbolán Avion Avirine Avore Azagant Azanniar Azoge Aínes
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444namesplus · 11 months
Aabam Aaben Aaber Aabil Aabim Aabin Aabom Aabul Aabun Aacham Aachar Aachel Aachem Aachen Aacher Aachil Aachom Aachor Aachul Aachur Aadal Aadam Aadan Aadem Aader Aadim Aadin Aadir Aadom Aador Aadul Aafan Aafar Aafel Aafer Aafin Aafir Aafom Aafon Aafor Aaful Aafum Aafun Aafur Aagal Aagar Aagil Aagim Aagir Aagol Aagom Aagon Aagor Aagul Aagum Aagun Aagur Aahal Aahan Aahar Aahel Aahen Aahim Aahin Aahol Aahom Aahon Aahor Aahum Aajal Aajam Aajan Aajel Aajem Aajen Aajer Aajil Aajim Aajin Aajir Aajol Aajon Aajor Aajul Aajum Aajun Aajur Aakal Aakam Aakar Aakel Aaken Aakil Aakim Aakin Aakir Aakom Aakon Aakun Aakur Aamam Aaman Aamar Aamel Aamem Aamen Aamer Aamil Aamim Aamir Aamol Aamor Aamul Aamun Aamur Aanal Aanam Aanan Aanel Aanem Aaner Aanil Aanim Aanin Aanom Aanor Aanul Aanum Aanun Aapal Aapam Aapan Aapel Aapem Aapen Aaper Aapim Aapin Aapol Aapon Aapul Aapun Aaral Aaram Aarem Aaren Aarer Aaril Aarim Aarin Aarir Aarol Aarom Aaror Aarul Aarum Aarun Aarur Aasal Aasam Aasan Aasar Aasem Aasen Aaser Aasim Aasin Aasir Aasol Aason Aasul Aasum Aasun Aasur Aatan Aatar Aatel Aatem Aaten Aater Aatim Aatin Aatol Aatom Aaton Aatul Aatur Aaval Aavan Aavar Aavem Aaver Aavil Aavol Aavom Aavor Aavul Aavur Aawal Aawan Aawar Aawem Aawen Aawer Aawil Aawim Aawin Aawir Aawol Aawom Aawul Aawum Aawun Aawur Aaxal Aaxel Aaxem Aaxen Aaxer Aaxim Aaxin Aaxol Aaxom Aaxum Aaxun Aaxur Aazam Aazan Aazar Aazel Aazen Aazer Aazim Aazir Aazol Aazom Aazor Aazum Aebam Aeban Aeben Aebim Aebin Aebol Aebom Aebor Aebul Aebum Aebur Aechan Aechar Aechel Aechen Aecher Aechil Aechim Aechin Aechir Aechom Aechon Aechul Aechun Aechur Aedal Aedam Aedel Aedem Aeden Aedin Aedir Aedol Aedom Aedon Aedul Aedum Aedun Aefam Aefan Aefar Aefem Aefer Aefil Aefim Aefin Aefir Aefol Aefon Aefor Aefum Aefun Aegam Aegan Aegar Aegel Aegem Aeger Aegil Aegim Aegin Aegol Aegom Aegon Aegor Aegul Aegun Aegur Aehal Aehan Aehar
Aehel Aehem Aehen Aehil Aehin Aehir Aehol Aehom Aehon Aehum Aejal Aejel Aejem Aejen Aejer Aejir Aejom Aejon Aejor Aejun Aejur Aekam Aekar Aekem Aeker Aekil Aekol Aekom Aekon Aekor Aekul Aekum Aekun Aekur Aemal Aemam Aeman Aemel Aemem Aemen Aemer Aemil Aemim Aemin Aemol Aemom Aemon Aemor Aemun Aemur Aenal Aenam Aenan Aenar Aenel Aenem Aener Aenil Aenim Aenin Aenir Aenom Aenon Aenur Aepam Aepan Aepel Aepem Aepen Aepil Aepin Aepir Aepol Aepom Aepor Aepul Aepum Aepun Aepur Aeral Aeram Aerel Aerem Aerer Aeril Aerim Aerin Aerir Aerom Aeron Aerum Aerun Aerur Aesan Aesar Aesel Aesen Aeser Aesin Aesir Aeson Aesor Aesul Aesum Aesun Aetal Aetan Aetar Aetel Aetem Aeter Aetil Aetim Aetir Aetol Aetom Aeton Aetor Aetul Aetum Aetun Aeval Aevam Aevar Aevel Aevem Aeven Aever Aevim Aevom Aevon Aevul Aevum Aevun Aewal Aewam Aewan Aewar Aewel Aewem Aewen Aewer Aewil Aewim Aewin Aewir Aewol Aewom Aewor
Aewum Aewun Aewur Aexan Aexar Aexer Aexil Aexim Aexir Aexol Aexum Aexun Aezam Aezel Aezem Aezer Aezin Aezir Aezol Aezom Aezon Aezum Aezun Aibar Aibem Aiben Aiber Aibil Aibir Aibom Aibum Aibun Aibur Aicham Aichan Aichar Aichel Aichem Aichen Aicher Aichil Aichir Aichom Aichor Aichum Aichun Aichur Aidam Aidan Aidar Aidel Aidem Aiden Aider Aidim Aidin Aidir Aidon Aidor Aidul Aidum Aidun Aifam Aifan Aifar Aifel Aifer Aifil Aifim Aifir Aifol Aifom Aifon Aifor Aiful Aifum Aifur Aigal Aigam Aigel Aigem Aigen Aiger Aigil Aigim Aigin Aigol Aigor Aigum Aigun Aigur Aiham Aihar Aihem Aiher Aihil Aihim Aihin Aihol Aihom Aihon Aihor Aihul Aihun Aihur Aijal Aijam Aijan Aijar Aijen Aijer Aijil Aijim Aijin Aijir Aijol Aijom Aijon Aijul Aijun Aikam Aikan Aikem Aiken Aiker Aikim Aikol Aikom Aikon Aikor Aikul Aikur Aimal Aimam Aiman Aimar Aimem Aimen Aimil Aimim Aimin Aimir Aimul Aimum Aimur Ainal Ainan Ainar Ainen Ainer Ainil Ainin Ainir Ainom Ainon Ainor Ainul Ainum Ainun Ainur Aipal Aipam Aipan Aipar Aipen Aiper Aipin Aipir Aipol Aipom Aipon Aipor Aipum Aipun Airal Airam Airan Airar Airel Airem Airen Airim Airin Airir Airol Airom Airon Airor Airul Airum Airur Aisal Aisar Aisem Aiser Aisol Aisom Aison Aisul Aisum Aisun Aital Aitar Aitem Aiten Aiter Aitil Aitin Aitom Aitor Aitul Aitun Aitur Aival Aivar Aivel Aivem Aiver Aivil Aivin Aivir Aivol Aivom Aivor Aivul Aivum Aivun Aivur Aiwal Aiwan Aiwar Aiwel Aiwem Aiwen Aiwil Aiwin Aiwol Aiwom Aiwon Aiwor Aiwul Aiwum Aiwur Aixal Aixam Aixan Aixen Aixer Aixin Aixom Aixon Aixor Aixum Aizal Aizar Aizel Aizen Aizer Aizil Aizin Aizol Aizom
Aizor Aizul Aobal Aobam Aoban Aobar Aoben Aobil Aobim Aobir Aobol Aobom Aobon Aobul Aobum Aobun Aochal Aocham Aochar Aochel Aochem Aocher Aochil Aochir Aochol Aochom Aochon Aochum Aochur Aodan Aodar Aoden Aodil Aodin Aodol Aodun Aofal Aofam Aofel Aofen Aofer Aofim Aofin Aofom Aofor Aofum Aogal Aogan Aogem Aogen Aogil Aogir Aogol Aogom Aogon Aogum Aogun Aoham Aohan Aohem Aoher Aohil Aohin Aohir Aohol Aohom Aohon Aohor Aohul Aohum Aohur Aojal Aojam Aojar Aojel Aojem Aojen Aojil Aojin Aojol Aojom Aojon Aojor Aojul Aojum Aojun Aojur Aokel Aokem Aoken Aokil Aokim Aokin Aokom Aokon Aokor Aokum Aokun Aomam Aomel Aomem Aomen Aomer Aomim Aomir Aomon Aomor Aomul Aomum Aomur Aonam Aonan Aonar Aonel Aoner Aonil Aonim Aonin Aonol Aonom Aonul Aonur Aopal Aopam Aopem Aopen Aoper Aopin Aopir Aopol Aopul Aopum Aopun Aopur Aoral Aoram Aoran Aorar Aorel Aorem Aorer Aoril Aorim Aorir Aorom Aoror Aorul Aorun Aorur Aosal Aosam Aosan Aosar Aosel Aosem Aosen Aoser Aosil Aosim Aosin Aosol Aoson Aosor Aosul Aosum Aosur Aotal Aotam Aotan
Aotar Aoter Aotil Aotim Aotin Aotom Aoton Aotor Aotum Aotun Aotur Aoval Aovan Aovar Aovel Aovem Aoven Aover Aovil Aovin Aovir Aovol Aovom Aovon Aovul Aovum Aovun Aovur Aowal Aowam Aowar Aowem Aowen Aowil Aowin Aowir Aowol Aowom Aowon Aowor Aowul Aowun Aoxal Aoxar Aoxel Aoxer Aoxim Aoxin Aoxir Aoxom Aoxon Aoxor Aoxul Aoxur Aozam Aozan Aozar Aozel Aozem Aozer Aozim Aozin Aozir Aozol Aozom Aozon Aozor Aozul Aozum Aozur Aubam Auban Aubar Aubel Aubem Auben Auber Aubil Aubin Aubir Aubol Aubom Aubor Aubul Aubum Aubun Aubur Auchal Auchan Auchar Auchel Auchem Aucher Auchil Auchim Auchin Auchir Auchol Auchom Auchor Auchul Auchum Auchun Audal Audam Audem Auder Audim Audin Audir Audol Audom Audon Audor Audul Aufan Aufar Aufel Aufem Aufer Aufil Aufin Aufir Aufom Aufor Auful Aufum Aufun Aufur Augan Augar Auger Augil Augin Augir Augom Augun Augur Auham Auher Auhim Auhin Auhol Auhom Auhon Auhor Auhul Auhum Auhur Aujam Aujar Aujel Aujem Aujen Aujim Aujin Aujir Aujol Aujom Aujon Aujor Aujul Aujum Aukam Aukan Aukar Auken Aukim Aukir Aukol Aukom Aukor Aukum Aukur Aumal Aumam Aumen Aumer Aumil Aumim Aumin Aumir Aumor Aumul Aumun Aunal Aunam Aunar Aunel Aunem Aunen Auner Aunil Aunim Aunin Aunom Aunum Aunur Aupal Aupam Aupan Aupar Aupel Aupen Auper Aupil Aupim Aupin Aupir Aupol Aupom Aupum Aupun Aupur Aural Auram
Auran Auren Aurer Auril Aurin Aurir Aurol Aurom Auron Auror Aurum Aurun Aurur Ausal Ausam Ausan Ausar Ausil Ausim Ausin Ausir Ausor Ausul Ausum Ausur Autam Autar Autel Autem Auten Autil Autim Autir Autol Autom Auton Autor Autun Auvan Auvem Auven Auver Auvil Auvim Auvin Auvir Auvol Auvor Auvul Auvum Auvun Auwal Auwam Auwel Auwem Auwim Auwin Auwir Auwol Auwom Auwor Auwum Auwun Auwur Auxal Auxam Auxar Auxel Auxen Auxer Auxil Auxim Auxir Auxol Auxor Auxul Auxum Auxun Auxur Auzal Auzam Auzan Auzem Auzen Auzer Auzil Auzim Auzin Auzol Auzom Auzor Auzul Auzum Auzur Eabal Eabam Eaban Eabar Eabel Eabem Eaben Eabir Eabol Eabom Eabor Eabul Eabum Eabun Eabur Eachal Eacham Eachan Eachar Eachel Eachem Eachen Eachim Eachin Eachir Eachol Eachon Eachum Eadal Eadam Eadan Eadar Eadem Eaden Eader Eadil Eadim Eadin Eadol Eadom Eador Eadul Eadum Eadur Eafam Eafan Eafar Eafel Eafem Eafim Eafin Eafir Eafol Eafom Eafon Eafor Eaful Eafum Eafur Eagal Eagan Eagar Eagel Eagem Eagim Eagin Eagir Eagol Eagor Eagur Eaham Eahan Eahel Eahem Eahen Eaher Eahil Eahim Eahir Eahom Eahon Eahor Eahul Eahum Eahun Eahur Eajam Eajar Eajel Eajem Eajen Eajer Eajil Eajin Eajom Eajon Eajor Eajum Eajun Eajur Eakel Eakem Eaken Eakil Eakin Eakir Eakol Eakom Eakon Eakor Eakul Eakum Eakun Eakur Eamal Eamam Eaman Eamar Eamel Eamen Eamer Eamom Eamon Eamor Eamul Eamum Eamun Eanal Eanan Eanel Eanem Eanen Eaner Eanin Eanir Eanol Eanom Eanum Eanur Eapal Eapan Eapem Eapen Eaper Eapim Eapin Eapir Eapol Eapom Eapon Eapor Eapul Eapum Eapun Eapur Earal Earam Earan Earar Earel Earen Earil Earin Earir Earol Earom Earul Earum Earur Easam Easan Easar Easel Easem Easen Easer Easil Easim Easin Easir Easom Eason Easum Easun Easur Eatal Eatam Eatan Eatel Eatem Eaten Eater Eatil Eatim Eatin Eatol Eatom Eaton Eatul Eatum Eatun Eatur Eaval Eavan Eavar Eavel Eavem Eaven Eaver Eavil Eavim Eavin Eavir Eavol Eavom Eavon Eavor Eawal Eawam Eawan Eawar Eawel Eawem Eawen Eawer Eawil Eawim Eawin Eawol Eawon Eawor Eawul Eawum Eaxal Eaxam Eaxar Eaxil Eaxim Eaxir Eaxol Eaxom Eaxon Eaxul Eaxum Eazel Eazem Eazen Eazer Eazil Eazim Eazin Eazir Eazol Eazom Eazon Eazor Eazul Eazum Eazur Eebal Eeban Eebel Eebem Eeber Eebim Eebin Eebir Eebol Eebom Eebon Eebor Eebul Eebum Eebun Eebur Eechal Eechan Eechar Eechen Eechil Eechin Eechol Eechom Eechon Eechor Eechul Eechum Eechur Eedal Eedar Eedel Eeden Eeder Eedil Eedir Eedom
Eedon Eedor Eedul Eedur Eefal Eefan Eefar Eefel Eefem Eefen Eefer Eefil Eefin Eefir Eefom Eefon Eefum Eefun Eegam Eegan Eegem Eeger Eegil Eegin Eegir Eegon Eegor Eegul Eegum Eegun Eegur Eehan Eehar Eehel Eehil Eehim Eehol Eehon Eehul Eehum Eejal Eejam Eejan Eejem Eejen Eejer Eejim Eejin Eejir Eejom Eejon Eejor Eejul Eejum Eejun Eejur Eekam Eekel Eekem Eeker Eekil Eekim Eekin Eekol Eekom Eekon Eekor Eekul Eekun Eekur Eeman Eemar Eemel Eemem Eemen Eemer Eemil Eemin Eemol Eemom Eemon Eemor Eemul Eemun Eemur Eenal Eenam Eenan Eenar Eenem Eenen Eener Eenim Eenin Eenom Eenon Eenor Eenum Eenur Eepal Eepam Eepan Eepel Eepem Eepin Eepir Eepol Eepor Eepul Eepum Eepun Eepur Eeral Eeram Eerar Eerel Eerem Eeren Eeril Eerim Eerin Eerol Eerom Eeror Eerul Eerum Eerur Eesam Eesan Eesar Eeser Eesin Eesir Eesul Eesum Eesun Eesur Eetam Eetar Eetel Eeten Eeter Eetim Eetir Eetol Eetom Eetor Eetul Eetum Eetun Eetur Eeval Eevel Eevem Eever Eevil Eevim Eevin Eevom Eevon Eevor Eevul Eewal Eewan Eewar Eewem Eewen Eewil Eewin Eewir Eewom Eewon Eewor Eewul Eewum
Eewun Eewur Eexam Eexan Eexar Eexem Eexer Eexin Eexir Eexon Eexor Eexul Eexun Eezam Eezan Eezar Eezel Eezem Eezen Eezer Eezim Eezir Eezol Eezon Eezor Eezun Eezur Eibal Eibam Eiban Eibel Eibem Eiben Eiber Eibim Eibir Eibol Eibom Eibon Eibor Eibum Eibun Eibur Eicham Eichan Eichar Eichel Eichem Eichen Eicher Eichil Eichim Eichin Eichir Eichol Eichon Eichor Eichul Eichum Eidal Eidan Eidar Eidel Eiden Eidil Eidim Eidin Eidol Eidom Eidon Eidor Eidul Eidum Eifal Eifam Eifar Eifel Eifem Eifen Eifer Eifim Eifin Eifir Eifol Eifom Eifon Eifor Eiful Eifum Eifun Eigal Eigam Eigel Eigem Eigen Eiger Eigil Eigim Eigir Eigol Eigom Eigul Eigum Eigun Eigur Eiham Eihan Eihar Eihel Eihem Eihen Eiher Eihim Eihin Eihir Eihol Eihom Eihon Eihor Eihur Eijal Eijam Eijel Eijen Eijer Eijil Eijim Eijin Eijir Eijom Eijor Eijul Eijum Eijun Eijur Eikal Eikam Eiken Eiker Eikil Eikim Eikir Eikol Eikon Eikor Eikul Eikum Eikun Eikur Eimal Eiman Eimem Eimen Eimer Eimil Eimim Eimin Eimir Eimom Eimor Eimum Eimun Eimur Einal Einam Einar Einem Einen Einer Einin Einir Einol Einom Einon Einul Einum Einun Einur Eipam Eipan Eipar Eipel Eipem Eipil Eipin Eipom Eipon Eipor Eipum Eipun Eipur Eiral Eirar Eirer Eiril Eirin Eirir Eirol Eirom Eiron Eiror Eirul Eirum Eirun Eirur Eisal Eisam Eisan Eisel Eisen Eiser Eisin Eisir Eisol Eisom Eison Eisul Eisun Eisur Eital Eitam Eitan Eitar Eitel Eitem Eiter Eitil Eitim Eitin Eitir Eitol Eitom Eitul Eitum Eitun Eitur Eivam Eiven Eiver Eivim Eivin Eivir Eivol Eivom
Eivon Eivor Eivul Eivun Eivur Eiwal Eiwan Eiwar Eiwel Eiwer Eiwim Eiwin Eiwir Eiwol Eiwom Eiwon Eiwor Eiwun Eiwur Eixal Eixar Eixem Eixen Eixim Eixin Eixol Eixom Eixon Eixor Eixul Eixum Eizal Eizar Eizem Eizin Eizom Eizon Eizul Eizum Eizur Eobal Eoban Eobar Eobel Eobem Eoben Eober Eobil Eobim Eobin Eobir Eobom Eobon Eobul Eobum Eobun Eochar Eochel Eochem Eochen Eocher Eochim Eochin Eochir Eochon Eochor Eochul Eochum Eochun Eochur Eodam Eodan Eodar Eodel Eodem Eoder Eodil Eodim Eodin Eodir Eodol Eodom Eodon Eodum Eodur Eofal Eofem Eofen Eofer Eofim Eofir Eofor Eoful Eogam Eogan Eogel Eogem Eogen Eoger Eogin Eogol Eogon Eogor Eogul Eogun Eoham Eohan Eohel Eohem Eoher Eohil Eohim Eohin Eohir Eohom Eohon Eohor Eohur Eojal Eojam Eojan Eojar Eojel Eojem Eojen Eojer Eojil Eojin Eojir Eojon Eojor Eojul Eojum Eojun Eojur Eokal Eokan Eokar Eokel Eokem Eoken Eoker Eokil Eokim Eokol Eokom Eokul Eokum Eokur Eomal Eomam Eoman Eomar Eomem Eomen Eomer Eomil Eomim Eomin Eomol Eomom Eomon Eomor Eomum Eonal Eonam Eonar Eonel Eoner Eonil Eonim Eonin Eonol Eonon Eonor Eonul Eonum Eonun Eonur Eopal Eopan Eopar Eopel Eopem Eopen Eoper Eopim Eopin Eopir Eopom Eopon
Eopul Eopun Eopur Eorar Eoren Eorim Eorom Eoron Eoror Eorul Eorun Eorur Eosal Eosam Eosar Eosel Eosil Eosim Eosin Eosol Eosom Eoson Eosor Eosul Eosun Eosur Eotar Eotel Eotem Eoten Eoter Eotil Eotim Eotor Eotul Eotum Eotun Eotur Eoval Eovam Eovan Eovar Eovel Eoven Eover Eovil Eovim Eovin Eovol Eovon Eovum Eovun Eowam Eowan Eowar Eowen Eower Eowin Eowol Eowom Eowon Eowor Eowul Eowum Eowun Eoxal Eoxam Eoxan Eoxel Eoxem Eoxer Eoxil Eoxim Eoxin Eoxir Eoxom Eoxor Eoxun Eozal Eozan Eozar Eozel Eozen Eozer Eozil Eozim Eozir Eozol Eozun Eozur Eubal Eubam Eubel Euben Euber Eubil Eubin Eubir Eubol Eubon Eubor Eubul Eubum Eubur Euchal Eucham Euchan Euchar Euchem Euchen Eucher Euchin Euchir Euchol Euchul Euchum Euchun Euchur Eudam Eudan Eudar Eudel Eudem Euder Eudil Eudim Eudir Eudom Eudon Eudor Eudum Eudun Eudur Eufal Eufan Eufar Eufel Eufem Eufen Eufer Eufin Eufir Eufor Eufum Eufun Eufur Eugal Eugam Eugan Eugel Eugem Eugen Eugir Eugol Eugom Eugon Eugul Eugum Eugun Euham Euhem Euhen Euher Euhil Euhim Euhin Euhir Euhom Euhon Euhor Euhul Euhum Euhun Euhur Eujal Eujan Eujem Eujen Eujer Eujil Eujim Eujin Eujir Eujom Eujor Eujul Eujun Eujur Eukal Eukar Eukel Euker Eukil Eukim Eukin Eukir Eukol Eukom Eukul
Eukun Eukur Eumal Eumam Euman Eumel Eumem Eumen Eumer Eumim Eumin Eumir Eumol Eumon Eumor Eumul Eunal Eunam Eunan Eunel Eunem Euner Eunil Eunim Eunin Eunol Eunor Eunul Eunum Eunun Eunur Eupam Eupar Eupem Eupen Euper Eupil Eupim Eupol Eupom Eupon Eupul Eupur Eural Euram Euran Eurar Eurem Euren Eurer Eurim Eurir Eurol Eurom Euror Eurul Eurum Eusam Eusan Eusar Eusel Eusem Eusen Euser Eusil Eusol Eusom Euson Eusul Eusun Eutal Eutam Eutan Eutem Euter Eutil Eutol Eutom Euton Eutor Eutum Eutun Eutur Euval Euvar Euvem Euvil Euvim Euvin Euvir Euvol Euvom Euvon Euvor Euvul Euvum Euvur Euwal Euwam Euwel Euwen Euwer Euwil Euwin Euwir Euwol Euwom Euwon Euwor Euwul Euwum Euwun Euwur Euxal Euxan Euxel Euxil Euxim Euxin Euxol Euxom Euxon Euxor Euxul Euxun Euzal Euzam Euzan Euzar Euzel Euzem Euzil Euzim Euzin Euzon Euzor Euzul Euzum Euzur Iabal Iabam Iaban Iabar Iabem Iaben Iabil Iabin Iabir Iabom Iabon Iabul Iabun Iabur Iachal Iacham Iachan Iachel Iachen Iacher Iachil Iachim Iachin Iachir Iachol Iachom Iachul Iachum Iadam Iadan Iadel Iadem Iader Iadil Iadim Iadin Iadol Iadom Iadon Iador Iadul Iadum Iadun Iadur Iafam Iafan Iafar Iafel Iafem Iafen Iafer Iafin Iafol
Iafom Iafon Iafor Iaful Iafun Iafur Iagam Iagar Iagel Iagem Iagen Iagil Iagim Iagin Iagom Iagon Iagor Iagul Iagun Iahal Iahan Iahel Iaher Iahil Iahim Iahir Iahol Iahom Iahum Iahun Iahur Iajal Iajam Iajar Iajel Iajem Iajen Iajer Iajil Iajim Iajin Iajol Iajom Iajor Iajum Iajun Iajur Iakan Iakar Iakem Iaken Iakil Iakim Iakin Iakom Iakon Iakul Iakum Iakun Iakur Iamal Iamam Iaman Iamar Iamem Iamen Iamer Iamil Iamim Iamin Iamir Iamol Iamom Iamon Iamul Iamum Iamun Ianam Ianan Ianar Ianem Ianen Ianer Ianil Ianim Ianir Ianom Ianor Ianum Ianur Iapal Iapam Iapar Iapem Iaper Iapim Iapin Iapir Iapol Iapom Iapor Iapul Iapum Iapun Iapur Iaral Iaram Iaran Iarar Iaren Iaril Iarin Iarir Iarol Iarom Iaron Iaror Iarul Iarum Iasam Iasan Iasar Iasem Iasen Iasil Iasim Iasin Iasir Iasol Iasom Iason Iasul Iasur Iatal Iatar Iater Iatil Iatim Iatin Iatir Iatol Iatom Iaton Iatul Iatum Iatun Iavam Iavan Iavar Iavem Iaven Iaver Iavim Iavin Iavir Iavol Iavom Iavor Iavum Iavur Iawam Iawan Iawar Iawel Iawen Iawer Iawil Iawim Iawin Iawom Iawul Iawum Iaxam Iaxar Iaxel Iaxem Iaxer Iaxil Iaxin Iaxir Iaxol Iaxom Iaxor Iaxur Iazam Iazan Iazar Iazem Iazen Iazer Iazim Iazin Iazir Iazol Iazom Iazon Iazor Iazul Iazum Iazun Iazur Iebal Iebam Ieban Iebar Iebel Ieber Iebil Iebim Iebin Iebir Iebol Iebom Iebon Iebor Iebul Iebun Iecham Iechan Iechin Iechir Iechom Iechon Iechor Iechul Iechum Iechur Iedar Iedel Ieder
Iedil Iedim Iedin Iedir Iedol Iedon Iedor Iedul Iedun Iefam Iefan Iefar Iefel Iefen Iefil Iefim Iefin Iefir Iefol Iefon Iefum Iefun Iefur Iegal Iegam Iegan Iegar Iegel Iegen Iegil Iegim Iegin Iegir Iegom Iegon Iegor Iegul Iegum Iegur Iehal Iehan Iehel Iehem Iehen Iehin Iehir Iehol Iehom Iehum Iehun Iehur Iejal Iejan Iejar Iejel Iejem Iejer Iejim Iejin Iejir Iejol Iejor Iejul Iejum Iejun Iejur Iekal Iekam Iekan Iekar Iekel Iekem Ieken Iekir Iekol Iekom Iekon Iekum Iemal Iemam Ieman Iemar Iemen Iemer Iemin Iemir Iemol Iemom Iemon Iemor Iemul Iemun Iemur Ienal Ienam Ienan Ienar Ienem Ienen Iener Ienil Ienin Ienir Ienom Ienor Ienun Iepal Iepel Iepen Iepim Iepin Iepir Iepol Iepom Iepon Iepor Iepum Iepun Iepur Ieral Ieram Ieran Ierar Ierel Ieren Ierer Ieril Ierim Ierin Ierir Ierom Ieror Ierul Ierum Ierun Iesan Iesar Iesem Iesen Ieser Iesil Iesim Iesin Iesol Iesom Ieson Iesor Iesum Iesur Ietal Ietam Ietan Ietar Ieten Ieter Ietim Ietol Ietom Ieton Ietor Ietun Ietur Ievam Ievan Ievar Ievel Ieven Iever Ievim Ievir Ievom Ievon Ievor Ievum Ievun Iewar Iewem Iewen Iewer Iewil Iewin Iewir Iewol Iewon Iewor Iewul Iewum Iewun Iexal Iexam Iexar Iexel Iexem Iexer Iexil Iexim Iexin Iexir Iexol Iexon Iexul Iexun Iexur Iezal Iezam Iezel Iezer Iezim Iezin Iezir Iezor Iezul Iezum Iezun Iezur Iibal Iibam Iiban Iibar Iiben Iiber Iibim Iibin Iibom Iibon Iibor Iibul Iibum Iibun Iibur Iichal Iicham Iichar Iichel Iichir
Iichol Iichom Iichum Iichun Iichur Iidal Iidam Iidan Iidar Iidem Iider Iidil Iidim Iidin Iidol Iidom Iidon Iidor Iidul Iidum Iidun Iidur Iifal Iifam Iifan Iifel Iifem Iifen Iifer Iifil Iifin Iifol Iifom Iifon Iiful Iifum Iigam Iigan Iigar Iigem Iigen Iigil Iigim Iigin Iigol Iigon Iigul Iigum Iigun Iigur Iiham Iihan Iihar Iihel Iiher Iihil Iihim Iihir Iihom Iihon Iihul Iihum Iijam Iijar Iijel Iijem Iijen Iijer Iijim Iijir Iijom Iijon Iijor Iijul Iijum Iijur Iikam Iikan Iikar Iikel Iiker Iikil Iikim Iikin Iikol Iikon Iikor Iikun Iimal Iimam Iiman Iimar Iimel Iimem Iimen Iimer Iimim Iimol Iimom Iimon Iimor Iinan Iinar Iinel Iinen Iinil Iinim Iinir Iinol Iinom Iinor Iinur Iipal Iipam Iipar Iipem Iipen Iiper Iipil Iipin Iipir Iipol Iipon Iipor Iipum Iipur Iiral Iiram Iiran Iirel Iirem Iiren Iirer Iiril Iirim Iirom Iiror Iirul Iirum Iirur Iisal Iisam Iisan Iisar Iisel Iisem Iiser Iisil Iisin Iisol Iisom Iison Iisul Iisum Iisun Iisur Iital Iitam Iitel Iitem Iiten Iiter Iitil Iitir Iitol Iitom Iiton Iitum Iitun Iitur Iivar Iivel Iivem Iiven Iiver Iivil Iivin Iivir Iivol Iivom Iivor Iivum Iivun Iiwan Iiwel Iiwem Iiwen Iiwer Iiwil Iiwin Iiwir Iiwol Iiwom Iiwon Iiwor Iiwum Iiwur Iixal Iixam Iixan Iixar Iixem Iixer Iixil Iixin Iixir Iixol Iixom Iixon Iixul Iixur Iizam Iizar Iizel Iizen Iizer Iizil Iizim Iizin Iizol Iizom Iizon Iizor Iizul Iizur Iobam Ioban Iobar Iobel Iobem Ioben Iobil Iobim Iobin Iobol Iobom Iobon Iobul Iobum Iochar Iochel Iochem Iochen Iochim Iochir Iochol
Iochon Iochor Iochul Iochum Iochur Iodal Iodan Ioden Iodil Iodim Iodin Iodir Iodol Iodom Iodon Iodor Iodul Iodun Iofam Iofan Iofar Iofem Iofen Iofer Iofil Iofin Iofir Iofom Iofon Iofor Ioful Iofum Iofun Iogal Iogam Iogar Iogen Iogil Iogim Iogol Iogom Iogon Iogul Iogum Iogun Iogur Ioham Iohan Iohar Iohen Ioher Iohil Iohir Iohom Iohor Iohul Iohum Iohun Iojal Iojam Iojan Iojar Iojel Iojem Iojen Iojil Iojin Iojir Iojom Iojon Iojor Iojul Iojun Iokam Iokar Ioken Iokim Iokin Iokir Iokol Iokom Iokon Iokor Iokul Iomal Iomam Iomel Iomen Iomer Iomil Iomim Iomin Iomir Iomol Iomom Iomon Iomor Iomul Iomum Iomur Ional Ionam Ionar Ionel Ionem Ionen Ioner Ionil Ionin Ionir Ionom Ionor Ionum Ionun Iopal Iopan Iopar Iopel Iopem Iopen Ioper Iopin Iopir
Iopol Iopon Iopor Iopul Iopum Iopur Ioral Ioram Iorar Iorem Ioren Iorer Ioril Iorin Iorir Ioron Ioror Iorum Iorur Iosal Iosan Iosar Iosel Iosem Iosen Ioser Iosil Iosir Iosom Iosum Iosur Iotam Iotan Iotar Iotel Iotem Iotil Iotim Iotin Iotir Iotol Iotom Ioton Iotor Iotul Iotum Iotun Iotur Ioval Iovam Iovar Iovem Iovil Iovim Iovin Iovir Iovol Iovom Iovor Iovul Iovum Iowal Iowam Iowar Iowel Iowil Iowim Iowir Iowom Iowon Iowor Iowul Iowur Ioxal Ioxel Ioxen Ioxim Ioxir Ioxom Ioxon Ioxor Ioxul Ioxun Ioxur Iozar Iozel Iozem Iozen Iozer Iozil Iozim Iozin Iozir Iozol Iozon Iozor Iozum Iozun Iubal Iuban Iubel Iuben Iuber Iubil Iubin Iubir Iubom Iubon Iubor Iubul Iuchal Iucham Iuchar Iuchel Iuchem Iuchen Iucher Iuchil Iuchim Iuchin Iuchom Iuchon Iuchul Iuchun Iudal Iudar Iudel Iuden Iuder Iudil Iudir Iudol Iudon Iudor Iudul Iudum Iudur Iufal Iufam Iufar Iufel Iufem Iufen Iufer Iufil Iufin Iufir Iufol Iufon Iufor Iufum Iugal Iugam Iugan Iugel Iugem Iugen Iuger Iugim Iugin Iugol Iugom Iugon Iugum Iugun Iugur Iuhal Iuham Iuhar Iuhel Iuhen Iuher Iuhil Iuhim Iuhin Iuhir Iuhol Iuhom Iuhon Iuhul Iuhum Iuhur Iujal Iujar Iujel Iujen Iujil Iujim Iujol Iujon Iujum Iukal Iukam Iukan Iukel Iukem Iuken Iuker Iukim Iukin Iukir Iukol Iukom Iukon Iukor Iukur Iumal Iumam Iumem
Iumen Iumil Iumol Iumom Iumon Iumor Iumul Iumum Iumun Iumur Iunal Iunan Iunar Iuner Iunil Iunim Iunin Iunol Iunon Iunor Iunul Iunur Iupam Iupar Iupel Iupen Iuper Iupil Iupim Iupon Iupum Iupun Iupur Iural Iuram Iurar Iurem Iuril Iurim Iurir Iurol Iuron Iuror Iurum Iurun Iusal Iusam Iusan Iusel Iusem Iusen Iuser Iusil Iusim Iuson Iusul Iusum Iusun Iusur Iutal Iutam Iutan Iutel Iutem Iuten Iutil Iutim Iutin Iutir Iutol Iuton Iutum Iutur Iuvam Iuvar Iuvem Iuvim Iuvol Iuvon Iuvum Iuvun Iuwal Iuwan Iuwel Iuwem Iuwen Iuwer Iuwil Iuwin Iuwir Iuwol Iuwul Iuwur Iuxal Iuxam Iuxan Iuxem Iuxen Iuxer Iuxil Iuxim Iuxir Iuxor Iuxul Iuxum Iuxur Iuzal Iuzan Iuzel Iuzem Iuzen Iuzer Iuzim Iuzin Iuzol Iuzom Iuzor Iuzul Iuzun Oabal Oabar Oabel Oabem Oaben Oaber Oabil Oabim Oabin Oabir Oabon Oabor Oabul Oabum Oabun Oabur Oachal Oacham Oachar Oachel Oachem Oachen Oachim Oachir Oachol Oachon Oachor Oachul Oachum Oadam Oadan Oadar Oadel Oadem Oaden Oader Oadim Oadin Oadir Oadom Oadul Oadum Oadun Oadur Oafan Oafar Oafen Oafer Oafin Oafir Oafol Oafom
Oafon Oafor Oaful Oafum Oafun Oagal Oagam Oagan Oagar Oagel Oagem Oagen Oager Oagim Oagin Oagol Oagom Oagon Oagul Oagun Oagur Oahal Oahel Oahem Oaher Oahin Oahir Oahom Oahon Oahun Oahur Oajal Oajam Oajel Oajem Oajen Oajer Oajil Oajim Oajol Oajor Oajul Oajum Oajur Oakam Oakar Oakem Oaker Oakim Oakin Oakir Oakol Oakom Oakor Oakul Oakun Oakur Oamam Oaman Oamar Oamel Oamem Oamen Oamer Oamil Oamin Oamir Oamol Oamom Oamor Oamul Oamum Oanal Oanam Oanan Oanar Oanem Oaner Oanil Oanim Oanin Oanor Oanul Oanum Oanun Oanur Oapal Oapem Oaper Oapil Oapim Oapin Oapir Oapol Oapon Oapul Oapum Oapur Oaral Oaram Oaran Oarar Oarem Oaren Oarer Oarim Oarin Oarir Oarol Oarom Oaron Oaror Oarul Oasal Oasan Oasem Oasen Oaser Oasil Oasim Oasom Oason Oasul Oasun Oatal Oatam Oatan Oaten Oatil Oatim Oatir Oaton Oator Oatul Oatum Oatun Oavam Oavan Oavar Oavel Oavem Oaven Oaver Oavil Oavim Oavin Oavir
Oavom Oavon Oavor Oavul Oawam Oawan Oawar Oawem Oawen Oawer Oawil Oawin Oawir Oawol Oawom Oawor Oawul Oawum Oawun Oaxar Oaxel Oaxen Oaxer Oaxil Oaxim Oaxin Oaxol Oaxom Oaxon Oaxum Oaxun Oaxur Oazal Oazam Oazan Oazar Oazel Oazem Oazin Oazir Oazol Oazom Oazon Oazor Oazul Oazum Oazun Oazur Oebam Oeban Oebil Oebim Oebin Oebol Oebom Oebon Oebor Oebul Oebum Oebur Oechan Oechar Oechel Oechen Oechil Oechim Oechin Oechol Oechom Oechor Oechul Oechun Oedam Oedan Oedel Oedem Oedim Oedin Oedir Oedon Oedor Oedum Oedun Oefal Oefam Oefan Oefel Oefen Oefer Oefim Oefin Oefol Oefom Oefon Oefor Oefum Oefur Oegam Oegel Oegem Oegen Oeger Oegil Oegim Oegin Oegir Oegom Oegon Oegor Oegum Oegun Oegur Oehal Oehan Oehar Oehem Oehen Oehil Oehim Oehin Oehir Oehom Oehon Oehor Oehul Oehum Oehun Oejal Oejam Oejan Oejar Oejel Oejem
Oejil Oejim Oejin Oejir Oejom Oejon Oejur Oekal Oekam Oekan Oekar Oekel Oekil Oekim Oekom Oekul Oekum Oekun Oemam Oemar Oemel Oemem Oemen Oemil Oemim Oemol Oemor Oemul Oemum Oenam Oenar Oenel Oenen Oenil Oenim Oenir Oenol Oenon Oenor Oenul Oenum Oenur Oepal Oepan Oepem Oepen Oepil Oepim Oepin Oepol Oepom Oepon Oepul Oepum Oepun Oerar Oerel Oerem Oeren Oerim Oerin Oerom Oeror Oerul Oerum Oerun Oerur Oesal Oesam Oesar Oesel Oesem Oeser Oesim Oesin Oesir Oesol Oesor Oesun Oetal Oetan Oetar Oetem Oeten Oeter Oetin Oetir Oeton Oetor Oetul Oetum Oetun Oetur Oeval Oevam Oevel Oevem Oever Oevim Oevir Oevol Oevom Oevon Oevum Oevur Oewal Oewam Oewan Oewar Oewem Oewen Oewer Oewil Oewin Oewir Oewom Oewon Oewum Oewun Oewur Oexal Oexam Oexan Oexar Oexem Oexen Oexer Oexil Oexim Oexin Oexir Oexom Oexon Oexor Oexul Oexum Oexur Oezal Oezam Oezan Oezar Oezem Oezen Oezil Oezim Oezin Oezir Oezom Oezon Oezor Oezun Oezur Oibal Oibam Oibar Oibel Oibem Oiber Oibol Oibon Oibor Oibul Oibum Oibun Oibur Oicham Oichem Oichen
Oichim Oichin Oichir Oichol Oichom Oichon Oichul Oichum Oichun Oichur Oidam Oidan Oidar Oidel Oider Oidil Oidim Oidin Oidir Oidon Oidul Oidum Oidun Oidur Oifal Oifan Oifar Oifem Oifen Oifim Oifin Oifol Oifor Oiful Oifun Oifur Oigal Oigam Oigar Oigel Oigem Oigen Oiger Oigir Oigol Oigon Oigor Oigur Oihal Oihel Oiher Oihim Oihin Oihon Oihor Oihun Oihur Oijal Oijam Oijar Oijem Oijen Oijer Oijil Oijim Oijin Oijir Oijol Oijom Oijon Oijul Oijum Oijur Oikal Oikan Oikar Oiker Oikil Oikim Oikir Oikol Oikom Oikon Oikor Oikum Oikur Oimal Oiman Oimar Oimel Oimem Oimen Oimer Oimil Oimim Oimin Oimir Oimom Oimon Oimor Oimul Oimun Oimur Oinan Oinar Oinem Oiner Oinil Oinim Oinin Oinol Oinom Oinun Oipal Oipan Oipar Oipel Oipem Oipen Oiper Oipim Oipin Oipir Oipol Oipom Oipor Oipul Oipum Oipur Oiral Oiram Oirar Oirel Oiren Oirin Oirir Oirol Oirom Oiron Oiror Oirun Oirur Oisan Oisar Oisem Oiser Oisil Oisom Oison Oisor Oisum Oital Oitam Oitan Oitar Oitel Oiten Oitil Oitim Oitir Oitol Oitom Oiton Oitor Oitun Oival Oivam Oivan Oivar Oivel Oivem Oiven Oivil Oivim Oivir Oivol Oivon Oivor Oivul Oivum Oivun Oiwal Oiwam Oiwan Oiwar Oiwel Oiwem Oiwen Oiwil Oiwim Oiwin Oiwir Oiwol Oiwon Oiwor
Oiwum Oiwun Oiwur Oixal Oixan Oixar Oixel Oixem Oixil Oixim Oixin Oixir Oixol Oixon Oixor Oixun Oixur Oizal Oizar Oizem Oizer Oizim Oizin Oizir Oizol Oizom Oizon Oizor Oizul Oizun Oizur Oobam Ooban Oobar Oobel Oobem Ooben Oober Oobil Oobin Oobol Oobor Oobum Oochan Oochel Oochem Oochen Oochim Oochin Oochir Oochum Oochun Oochur Oodam Oodel Ooden Ooder Oodil Oodim Oodin Oodol Oodom Oodon Oodum Oodur Oofal Oofam Oofan Oofar Oofel Oofem Oofer Oofim Oofin Oofom Oofon Oofor Oofun Oogal Oogam Oogan Oogar Oogel Oogen Ooger Oogil Oogin Oogir Oogon Oogor Oogul Oogum Oogun Oogur Oohal Oohar Oohel Oohem Oohen Ooher Oohil Oohim Oohin Oohir Oohol Oohom Oohon Oohor Oohum Oohun Oohur Oojam Oojar Oojel Oojer Oojin Oojol Oojom Oojor Oojum Oojun Ookal Ookam Ookar Ookel Ooker Ookil Ookir Ookor Ookul Ookum Ookun Oomel Oomen Oomer Oomil Oomin Oomir Oomom Oomon Oomur Oonal Oonar Oonel Oonem Oonen Oonil Oonim Oonon Oonor Oonul Oonum Oonun Oopam Oopan Oopar
Oopel Oopem Oopen Ooper Oopil Oopim Oopin Oopol Oopom Oopon Oopum Oopun Ooral Ooran Oorar Oorem Ooren Oorer Ooril Oorin Oorir Oorom Ooror Oorul Oorum Oorun Oosal Oosan Oosar Oosem Oosen Oosin Oosol Oosom Ooson Oosor Oosul Oosum Oosun Oosur Ootal Ootam Ootem Ooten Ooter Ootil Ootim Ootin Ootir Ootom Ootul Ootum Ootun Ootur Ooval Oovam Oovar Oover Oovil Oovin Oovir Oovom Oovon Oovor Oovum Oovun Oovur Oowam Oowan Oowar Oowel Oowem Oowen Oower Oowil Oowim Oowin Oowol Oowom Oowon Oowor Oowul Oowum Oowur Ooxal Ooxam Ooxan Ooxar Ooxer Ooxim Ooxin Ooxol Ooxom Ooxon Ooxul Ooxum Ooxun Oozal Oozam Oozar Oozem Oozer Oozin Oozon Oozul Oozum Oozur Oubal Ouben Ouber Oubil Oubir Oubol Oubom Oubon Oubul Oubur Ouchal Oucham Ouchan Ouchem Ouchen Oucher Ouchim Ouchin Ouchir Ouchol Ouchon Ouchor Ouchum Ouchun Ouchur Oudan Oudar Oudel Ouden Ouder Oudil Oudor Oudul Oudum Oudun Oudur Oufam Oufar Oufel Oufer Oufil Oufim Oufol Oufon Oufor Oufum Oufun Oufur Ougam Ougan Ougar Ougel Ougir Ougol Ougon Ougor Ougum Ougun Ouhal Ouham Ouhar Ouhel Ouhem Ouhen Ouhil Ouhin Ouhol Ouhon Ouhor Ouhul Ouhum Ouhun Ouhur Oujam Oujan Oujar Oujem Oujer Oujin Oujir Oujol Oujon Oujor Oujul Oukal Oukam Oukan Oukar Oukel Ouken Ouker Oukil Oukim Oukin Oukir Oukom Oukon Oukor Oukul Oukum Oukun Oukur Oumam Ouman Oumel Oumem Oumen Oumer Oumil Oumin Oumir Oumol Oumom Oumul Oumum Oumun Oumur Ounam Ounel Ounem Ounin Ounir Ounol Ounom Ounon Ounul Ounur Oupam Oupan Oupel Ouper Oupil Oupim Oupin Oupol Oupom Oupon Oupor Oupun Oupur Oural Ouran Ourar Ouril Ourim Ourin Ouror Ourul Ourum Ourun Ourur Ousal Ousan Ousar Ousel Ousem Ousen Ouser Ousil Ousin Ousol Ousom Ouson Ousor Ousun Outal Outan Outar Outel Outer Outil Outin Outir Outol Outon Outor Outul Outum Ouval Ouvam Ouvar Ouvel Ouvem Ouven Ouver Ouvil Ouvim Ouvin Ouvol Ouvom Ouvon Ouvor Ouvul Ouvum Ouvun Ouvur Ouwal Ouwam Ouwan Ouwar Ouwel Ouwem Ouwer Ouwim Ouwin Ouwir Ouwom Ouwon Ouwul Ouwum Ouwun Ouxal Ouxam Ouxan Ouxem Ouxer Ouxin Ouxol Ouxom Ouxon Ouxor Ouxur Ouzal Ouzam Ouzan Ouzar Ouzem Ouzer Ouzil Ouzim Ouzol Ouzom Ouzor Ouzul Ouzum Ouzun Uabam Uabem Uaben Uabim Uabin Uabol Uabon Uabul Uabun Uachal Uacham Uachan Uachar Uachel Uachem Uacher Uachil Uachim Uachin Uachon Uachun Uachur Uadal Uadam Uadan Uadar Uadel Uaden Uader Uadil Uadin Uadir Uadol Uadom Uadon Uadul Uafal Uafar Uafel Uafen Uafil Uafim Uafin Uafir Uafol Uafon Uaful Uafur Uagal Uagam Uagar Uagel Uagen Uagol Uagom Uagul Uagun Uaham Uahan Uahel Uahem Uaher Uahil Uahim Uahin Uahir Uahol Uahom Uahon Uahor Uahul Uahum Uahun Uahur Uajal Uajam Uajan Uajar Uajel Uajem Uajil Uajim Uajin Uajol Uajom Uajor Uajul Uakal Uakan Uakar Uakel Uakem Uaken Uakil Uakim Uakin Uakon Uakor Uakur Uamal Uamam Uaman Uamel Uamem Uamen Uamer Uamil Uamim Uamin Uamir Uamol Uamom Uamon Uamor Uamum Uamun Uamur Uanal Uanam Uanan Uanar Uanem Uanen Uanil Uanin Uanol Uanom Uanon Uanul Uanun Uapal Uapam Uapan Uapar Uapel Uapem Uapen Uaper Uapil Uapim Uapom Uapor Uapul Uapum Uapun Uapur Uaral Uaran Uarel Uarem Uaren Uarer Uarim Uarin Uaron Uaror Uarul Uarum Uarur Uasal Uasam Uasan Uasar Uasem Uasen Uaser Uasil Uasim Uasin Uasir Uasol Uasom Uason Uasor Uasul Uasum Uasun Uasur Uatam Uatan Uatar
Uatem Uatil Uatim Uatin Uatir Uatol Uatom Uatul Uatum Uatun Uatur Uaval Uavar Uavem Uaver Uavir Uavol Uavom Uavon Uavor Uavul Uavum Uavur Uawal Uawan Uawar Uawel Uawem Uawer Uawim Uawin Uawol Uawom Uawor Uawul Uawum Uawun Uawur Uaxal Uaxan Uaxel Uaxem Uaxil Uaxin Uaxir Uaxol Uaxon Uaxor Uaxul Uaxum Uaxun Uazal Uazam Uazan Uazel Uazem Uazen Uazil Uazim Uazin Uazir Uazol Uazom Uazor Uazul Uazum Uazur Uebal Uebam Uebel Uebem Ueber Uebil Uebim Uebin Uebir Uebon Uebul Uebum Uebur Uechal Uecham Uechan Uechar Uechem Uechen Uecher Uechil Uechin Uechol Uechon Uechor Uechul Uechum Uedal Uedam Uedan Uedar Uedem Ueden Ueder Uedil Uedim Uedin Uedir Uedol Uedom Uedon Uedor Uedum Uedun Uedur Uefal Uefan Uefem Uefen Uefer Uefil Uefim Uefin Uefir Uefol Uefor Ueful Uefum Uefun Uegam Uegan Uegel Uegen Ueger Uegil Uegom Uegon Uegul Uegum Uegun Uehal Uehan Uehar Ueher Uehil Uehim Uehin Uehon Uehor Uehul Uehun Uehur Uejal Uejam Uejem Uejen Uejer Uejil Uejom Uejon Uejor Uejul Uejum Uejun Uekal Uekan Uekar Uekel Ueken Uekim Uekin Uekol Uekon Uekor Uekul Uemal Ueman Uemel Uemer Uemil Uemim Uemir Uemom Uemum Uemun Uenam Uenan Uenel Uenem Uenen Uener Uenim Uenin Uenom Uenon Uenor Uenul Uenum Uepam Uepan Uepar Uepel Ueper Uepin Uepol Uepon Uepor Uepum Uepun Uepur Ueral Ueram Ueran Uerar Uerem Uerer Ueril Uerim Uerin Uerir Uerol Uerom Ueron Uerul Uerun Uesel Uesem Ueser Uesil Uesin Uesol Uesom Uesul Uesum Uesur Uetal Uetam Uetel Uetem Ueten Ueter Uetin Uetir Uetom Ueton Uetum Uetun Uetur Uevam Uevan Uevar Uevem Ueven Uevim Uevir Uevon Uevum Uevun Uevur Uewal Uewem Uewer Uewol Uewom Uewon Uewum Uewun Uexam Uexan Uexel Uexem Uexen Uexer Uexin Uexom Uexon Uexor Uexul Uexum Uexur Uezam Uezan Uezar Uezel Uezen Uezer Uezir Uezol Uezom Uezon Uezul Uezur Uibam Uiban Uibar Uibel Uibem Uiber Uibol Uibom Uibon Uibor Uibul Uibum Uibun Uibur Uichal Uicham Uichan Uichar Uichen Uicher Uichil Uichim Uichin Uichir Uichol Uichon Uichor Uichum Uichur Uidal Uidan Uidel Uiden Uider Uidil Uidim Uidin Uidol Uidom Uidum Uifam Uifan Uifel Uifen Uifim Uifon Uifor Uifur Uigal Uigan Uigar Uigel Uigen Uiger Uigil Uigim Uigir Uigol Uigom Uigul Uigur Uihal Uiham Uihan Uihem Uiher Uihil Uihim Uihir Uihol Uihon Uihor Uihul Uihum Uihun Uihur Uijal Uijam Uijan Uijar Uijem Uijen Uijer Uijil Uijim Uijin Uijol Uijom Uijor Uijun Uijur Uikal Uikam Uikar Uikel Uikem Uiken Uiker Uikil Uikim Uikin Uikir Uikom Uikul Uikum Uikun Uikur Uiman Uimar Uimel Uimem Uimen Uimer Uimil Uimin Uimir Uimol Uimom Uimon Uimul Uimum Uinam Uinar Uinel Uinem Uiner Uinim Uinin Uinom Uinon Uinul Uinun Uipal Uipam Uipel Uipen Uiper Uipil Uipim Uipin Uipom Uipon Uipor Uipul Uipum Uipun Uipur Uiram Uiran Uirel Uirer Uirin Uirol Uirom Uiron Uirul Uirum Uisal
Uisam Uisan Uisar Uisem Uisen Uiser Uisim Uisin Uisir Uisol Uisor Uisul Uisum Uisun Uisur Uital Uitam Uitan Uitar Uitel Uiten Uiter Uitil Uitim Uitin Uitir Uitol Uitor Uitum Uitur Uival Uivam Uivar Uivel Uivem Uivin Uivir Uivor Uivul Uivun Uiwal Uiwam Uiwan Uiwar Uiwel Uiwem Uiwen Uiwer Uiwil Uiwim Uiwin Uiwir Uiwol Uiwom Uiwul Uiwum Uixam Uixan Uixar Uixel Uixem Uixen Uixer Uixir Uixol Uixom Uixul Uixum Uixur Uizal Uizam Uizan Uizar Uizem Uizer Uizil Uizim Uizin Uizir Uizol Uizom Uizul Uizun Uizur Uobal Uobam Uoben Uober Uobil Uobim Uobin Uobom Uobor Uobun Uobur Uochal Uocham Uochan Uochar Uochel Uochem Uochen Uocher Uochil Uochin Uochol Uochom Uochon Uochun Uochur Uodal Uodam Uodan Uodar Uodel Uodem Uoden Uoder Uodil Uodin Uodir Uodol Uodom Uodon Uodul Uodum Uodur Uofal Uofem Uofen Uofer Uofin Uofir Uofom Uofon Uoful Uofun Uofur Uogal Uogam Uogar Uogel Uogen Uoger Uogil Uogim Uogir Uogol Uogon Uogor Uogul Uogum Uogur Uohal Uoham Uohan Uohel Uohen Uohil Uohim Uohir Uohon Uohor Uohul Uohur Uojal Uojan Uojar Uojel Uojem Uojen Uojer Uojin Uojir Uojol Uojom Uojor Uojul Uojun Uojur Uokal Uokam Uokan Uokar Uoken Uoker Uokil Uokim Uokin Uokir Uokol Uokom Uokon Uokor Uokun Uokur Uomal Uomam Uoman Uomem Uomen Uomer Uomin Uomir Uomol Uomon Uomum Uomun Uomur Uonam Uonan Uonen Uonir Uonon Uonor Uonul Uopal Uopam Uopan Uopar Uopel Uopen Uoper Uopil Uopim Uopir Uopol Uopom Uopor Uopum Uopun Uopur Uoram Uorer Uoril Uorin Uorir Uorol Uorom Uoron Uoror Uorul Uosam Uosan Uosar Uosem Uosen Uoser Uosil Uosim Uosin Uosom Uoson Uosul Uosun Uotam Uotan Uotar Uotel Uotem Uoten Uotil Uotim Uotin Uotir Uotol Uotom Uoton Uotor Uotul Uotum Uotur Uovam Uovan Uovar Uovel Uovem Uoven Uover Uovim Uovin Uovom Uovum Uovun Uovur Uowam Uowan Uowel Uowen Uower Uowil Uowim Uowin Uowom Uowor Uowul Uowum Uowun Uoxal Uoxam Uoxar Uoxel Uoxem Uoxim Uoxin Uoxir Uoxol Uoxom Uoxon Uoxul Uoxum Uozal Uozan Uozem Uozen Uozer Uozir Uozon Uozor Uozul Uozum Uozun Uubal Uuban Uubar Uubem Uuben Uubim Uubin Uubir Uubom Uubon Uubum Uubun Uuchal Uucham Uuchem Uuchen Uuchil Uuchin Uuchir Uuchon Uuchul Uuchum Uuchur Uudal Uudar Uudel Uuden Uudim Uudir Uudon Uudor Uudul Uudum Uudur Uufal Uufam Uufan Uufar Uufem Uufen Uufer Uufin Uufir Uufol Uufom Uufon Uufun Uugar Uugel Uugem Uugim Uugin Uugir Uugol Uugom Uugul Uugum Uugun Uuhal Uuham Uuhan Uuhar Uuhel Uuher Uuhim Uuhir Uuhol Uuhom Uuhon Uuhor Uuhun Uuhur Uujal Uujan Uujar Uujel Uujem Uujer Uujil Uujim Uujol Uujom Uujon Uujor Uujul Uujun Uukal Uukam Uukan Uukar Uukel Uukem Uuken Uuker Uukil Uukim Uukin Uukol Uukor Uukum Uukur Uumal Uumam Uuman Uumar Uumen Uumer Uumim Uumin Uumir Uumol Uumom Uumon Uumul Uumum Uumun Uumur Uunal Uunam Uunan Uunel Uuner Uunil Uunir Uunol Uunom Uunor Uunul Uunum Uunun Uunur Uupal Uupam Uupem Uupim Uupin Uupir Uupol Uupor Uupul Uupum Uuram Uuran Uurar Uurel Uurem Uuren Uuril Uurim Uurin Uurir Uurol Uurom Uuron Uuror Uurum Uurun Uurur Uusan Uusar Uusen Uuser Uusil Uusim Uusir Uusol Uuson Uusor Uusul Uusum Uusur Uutal Uutam Uutan Uutel Uuter Uutil Uutim Uutin Uutom Uuton Uutor Uutul Uutun Uuval Uuvam Uuvan Uuvar Uuvel Uuven Uuver Uuvil Uuvim Uuvin Uuvol Uuvom Uuvon Uuvor Uuvul Uuvun Uuwal Uuwam Uuwan Uuwel Uuwem Uuwil Uuwin Uuwir Uuwol Uuwom Uuwon Uuwor Uuwul Uuwun Uuwur Uuxal Uuxam Uuxan Uuxel Uuxem Uuxil Uuxim Uuxin Uuxol Uuxom Uuxul Uuxun Uuxur Uuzal Uuzam Uuzan Uuzar Uuzem Uuzer Uuzil Uuzin Uuzir Uuzol Uuzum Uuzur
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auffimuasi · 2 years
Mammut Aegility Pro Mid
Mammut Aegility Pro Mid
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jeffreystewart · 3 years
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Norsery Rhymes from A to Z Happy Thorsday – Ailrun, Swan Maiden Valkyrie Princess - V2 Well here we are another Thor’s Day and another 20 min sketch of a Norse (and Germanic) mythological characters.  This week it’s another version of character I missed when I was doing the A’s Alirun / Ailrun / Alruna / Ailruna / Ölrún. The Swan Maiden Valkyrie Princess mentioned in the Völundarkviða and Thidreks sagas.
Her name means some variation of house of secret knowledge. Or where the secrets reside.
She is the daughter of a mythical Roman emperor Kiár of Valland, and the foster sister to two other princesses Hlathguthr Svanhvít (The Swan White) and Hervör Alvitr  / Swanhilde  (The All Wise, Strange Creature). Each Swan maidens and possible Valkyries themselves.  
Each are described as helmed as Helmed as Valkyries, fair, young, stately, and foreign to the northern lands being from the south. Each capable of transforming into a swan, and are fierce warriors. 
They flew into the north after their father disappears. And on meeting three Princes each falls in love and marries one of them. Spending 9 years together before the Swan Maidens are compelled to leave to follow fate. Ailrun’s Husband Being  Egil / Aigil / Aegil / Aligaz the Archer (Fear his Arrows blades)
I’ll draw the sisters when I get to the H’s, but I’ll try my hand at another more roman version of Ailrun for next week maybe.
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byte-dumps-photos · 3 years
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ember-atelier · 3 years
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Aegil Pharmacy - Belfry City.
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omegacrystalmaiden · 4 years
The names of my bettabois, since I'm starting to forgetting them but I refuse to.
I think there was other 2 bettas... But i'm not sure since I cant recall them at all.
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lunamagicablu · 5 years
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Quae Fert Lucem by Aegils
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danafraedrich · 2 years
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Lots to celebrate, but also some changes are happening around the site. A super quick set of updates and a cute and helpful guide for anyone interested in traditional publishing. You can read that post here: https://ift.tt/3FIhlFQ . Enjoy! . . . . . . . #author #authorsofhinstagram #authorsoftumblr #books #booksarelife #booksaremagic #bookstagram #bookstagramcommunity #bookstagrammer #blog #authorblog #blogpost #indieauthor #read #reading #writer #writerscommunity #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writersoftumblr #tradpublishing #traditionalpublishing #writingadvice #publishingadvice #publishingguide #aegill @a.e.gill #authornews
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444names · 8 months
russian forenames and cities + cornish names + tolkienesque and irish forenames + norwegian fjords BUT excluding "j"
Abatán Abdalir Abillinsk Abiri Ablask Adyur Aegil Aegord Agdarysk Aidomás Aigha Aisuz Aitsk Algol Algornog Alick Aminsk Amovo Andachean Anden Anidanwë Aoddam Aogorsman Aoilligh Aoloy Aplait Arachen Aracinsk Arana Aranne Arbayeven Arisenden Arishkar Arkemper Arkhlín Artyuza Aurthord Avden Avelendak Aviding Avinowne Aviston Avleboaar Avlye Avredov Avtovo Avvann Bagovo Bakhîm Bakinsk Baramer Baratcher Bathan Baych Belendil Beltebav Belwë Berewarsk Bertha Blinnarne Bokha Borden Borodalsa Braglin Breya Buglass Bushch Bytrev Calesta Calic Calidh Calyurm Carsk Carvock Cassundy Ceensk Cekhyon Celia Cempen Ceock Chagin Chaidh Chelo Cherkoye Chnevolë Choli Chovoc Chylsk Ciaha Cirah Clebas Clinst Clomo Colvsk Colyordy Comabilsk Condir Conov Cothissa Cowels Cowenorsk Crovsky Cundres Cyrkha Círina Dakanlann Dalen Dallen Dameigh Daray Davdir Defrænal Deidund Dinsk Diyelovsk Dmirnetha Dochos Dondil Dopytras Dordensk Dorytert Dovgus Dregoll Dubhi Dubolán Duranna Dursk Dyard Dzendan Dzhielinm Eacán Eapiya Earask Eardensk Ebeartin Edhna Einiki Einnansk Eldarsk Elebsk Eleki Eleyko Elisil Ellemvay Elras Enskoluy Eochta Ernsk Ervelemay Erzha Estarden Eäregel Fanto Fausha Fensk Feock Feyev Fiangoboy Finsk Floghacek Foncek Forsk Fotoghery Frewan Frivan Fryacha Féidhghsk Fétaylovo Fíleidh Gafogeley Gandilros Gavod Gelmov Genbul Glino Godeth Goolch Gorden Gornín Gorsk Gramhar Grana Graparsk Grine Grionne Grídensk Gudon Gukhovsk Gullavlyë Gulyur Guran Gursk Gushal Gutsy Hagal Hagrien Halas Halews Hegov Helen Holsk Honovok Hubielew Iniil Insky Ishlín Ivdim Ivyanteka Izhsk Kamith Kanielew Kardevo Karkise Kartardia Kedul Kharastir Khosk Kinsk Kirbinsk Kithrán Kolya Kordegrós Kosladhóg Kronne Kulkhôr Kurbh Kuymyzh Labha Ladimran Lannárov Laorsk Lavga Lebonovo Lemeth Lexeyshki Lgoth Limord Linsach Linsk Logán Lukht Luynovsk Lyorsemes Léodensk Maelgarr Maghin Maiarnyë Maighsk Maitherr Maithevka Malokudon Malsk Manin Mannt Mansk Maommov Maonach Maximalsk Mazen Mearis Meiginín Mendich Menwynov Merven Mikalg Milerny Mirever Mirodher Molord Monche Monnaith Mosobrsk Mulioch Naish Nesnoar Netsk Niniaca Novick Novka Novrosa Novsk Nóinsky Obluki Ohentha Okarsk Okhorsk Ordan Osalsk Osian Osibhin Oslavl Osnovo Ozhin Ozlaomona Palsk Patkin Pavlich Paykshuna Perail Perearrd Perelen Petama Petsk Pilkhon Pinsky Plansky Pochyov Polzhum Potha Povetsk Proman Puccaith Pudzhnar Pusha Rachinnad Radonansk Ramhín Riann Roillum Ropovgrí Rovil Rovka Rovsk Ruchia Rudana Rudnyevsk Rushuksk Rzhuor Rórinya Sainovodh Sarinsk Sauscord Saynerny Selygano Shair Shkorsk Sialdon Sipersk Siysk Skozylov Snovsk Soldubna Sonsk Splyansk Sregon Strel Sundorsky Surmassal Svaitsar Sykoleán Sykovy Séaden Séalavsk Séaliysk Tadonnien Taith Talaolór Taralsk Tarchth Teler Tetukanil Thersk Tikhov Tinovsk Tirsk Togán Tombard Torne Toshlago Tranda Trant Traoldsk Treccata Trefter Tregeosta Tregin Tregoncht Treiríma Trella Tremar Tressk Treth Trets Trevotka Trevsk Trezhnan Trinoy Trovo Trowen Trænairsk Tríonn Tupiko Tursk Tushallo Tyorden Udogor Ufisk Uirovo Urybna Ushinin Usilim Usokha Usteles Uzubar Valdan Vanámax Vedav Vellin Vensk Verch Verth Vetsy Vetylkaz Viargor Vikovobel Villy Vimikovsk Vlysk Vokhar Volen Vovolts Vudov Vybysk Vænath Wessia Yazmana Yazovo Yevektres Yevinov Ytkoyl Yupionwë Yurmfhon Zadanárth Zakovsk Zavsk Zelynese Zenka Zergala Zimbrele Zuborden Zvetley Éabilín Éimir Óreth
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Chapter Nine
WE LEFT ODYS early the next morning on the ferry to Ibhloko. The weather had continued to behave; it was sunny and warm, with just a little bit of a breeze. And I was on the sea again. That was enough to lift my mood.
As we sailed across the channel between Minos and the mainland, I leaned against the side of the boat, thinking. I could hear all their songs today - Crystin’s and Nioc’s and Erik’s and those of the man ferrying us across the sea, softly but as clearly as if they were being played aloud. None was even strong. It was a pleasant day and we had done good work in Odys; they were all gently content. A week ago I’d have had to strain to hear any of them.
And I wondered about Aegil. If I was right, if she was my mother, what did that mean? All I really knew about my mum was that she'd died not long after I was born. My father hadn't liked to talk about her, and neither of us had liked talking to each other; it had always been more trouble than it was worth trying to press him for information. If my mother was a Faerie…
It would probably explain a lot, I thought wryly. Like why I could see ghosts and Astrians and Erik's phantom wings. Why I disappeared so easily in the trees; why I could do little magics – especially glamours – even without a god’s favor. But it was such a strange idea. What did it mean?
My mind was going around in circles, distracting me to the point that when the guy at the helm started talking, I didn't notice until Crystin nudged me. Then I nearly jumped out of my skin and hoped I wasn't flushing as I started paying attention.
"…Word is there's a beauty of a ship in town just sitting there with no one using her." He smiled knowingly. We thanked him for taking us over and got off the boat.
Ibhloko was a busy port town, bright and full of people from all across the Basin and even beyond. The sounds of conversation and trade flew over our heads and across merchant's booths, mixing with the calls of the seagulls and the crashing of waves against the harbor wall. I smiled. I loved this place.
Crystin glanced longingly at some of the wares the merchants had out for sale. "I wish we had a bit more money," she murmured. "I doubt I'd buy anything, but it would be nice."
Erik had paused and was examining a sturdy-looking shirt. I noticed then that his own looked ragged, and I wondered how long it had been that way. I bit my cheek meditatively.
"Well," I said, "we could earn some. I need to pay a healer for another supply of hormones anyway. As I've seen so far, there are plenty of people, but no minstrels aside from Crystin and me."
Crystin's eyes brightened. "And I'm sure a bit of entertainment would be welcome!"
I grinned and looked at the boys. "Would either of you be willing to help? I’d love to play a girl for once."
Nioc raised his eyebrows. "You don’t get a chance to usually?”
"Sometimes," I said. "But if we sing a duet and the men’s part is anywhere below a tenor, Crystin can’t do it. Or if the woman’s part is an alto – just above my range and too low if I go down the octave."
“So?” Crystin asked. "Who wants to help?"
"I do not perform," Erik said, seeming uncomfortable just with the idea.
"I've never even tried," Nioc admitted.
"Doesn't mean you're no good," I said. "What d'you reckon? Want to give a song or two a practice go before you try anything in public?"
Nioc hesitated, and then shrugged. "Why not?" he said. "Just don't kill me if I'm terrible."
I laughed. "Don't worry," Crystin said. "I won't let them." She smiled. "We can hide out in the inn while we're practicing. I'm sure no one will mind."
So, we soon found ourselves at a table in the common room of an out-of-the-way, nearly empty inn. Crystin had announced that she would play the flute to go along with mine and Nioc's singing, if I'd do the same for her when she danced; Erik just sat there, clearly uncomfortable in the little world of performance we'd started creating. I rolled my eyes at him. "You know, if you don't want to deal with this, you can find some other way of earning money."
"I would not even know where to begin," he muttered, folding his arms and looking away.
I rolled my eyes again and turned my attention to Nioc. "So, do you know any songs?"
He shrugged. "A few," he said. "Mostly ballads."
"Any duets?" I asked. "I know loads, but it'd be easier if we choose one you’re familiar with already – less rehearsal, you know."
"Em…" He looked away, thinking. Then he smiled and looked back at me. "Well, I know one…"
Ibhloko’s market lasted until the traders’ lamps burned out, so when we headed out of the inn to start performing that evening, there were still loads of people out and about. Erik left as we reached the little place we'd agreed on for the performance. "I shall seek out the ship that the man from the ferry spoke of. It could be quite useful to have access to one of our own." More quietly, so Nioc and Crystin (a few steps ahead of us) couldn’t hear, he said, “And I must search for Ibhloko’s Guardian.”
"All right," I said. "We'll either be here or at the inn, I suppose. Or maybe not." I made a face. "With the number of people there are here today, it might be a better plan to bivouac outside the city."
Crystin laughed. "Yeah, if all these merchants are staying in town, I don’t fancy our odds of finding any open rooms."
"Well," Erik said, clapping his hands uncomfortably. "I shall be off, then. Good luck."
"You don't say good luck, you say break a leg!" I called after him. He raised an arm in acknowledgement and didn't turn.
Crystin laughed. "It's funny how you think he cares."
"Shut up," I replied, grinning.
We set up quickly. We didn’t have the time to build a balcony, but a small wooden bench on the edge of the square did the trick. Crystin pulled out the flute and began to play a few notes to warm up while Nioc and I did the same, running through the scales a few times. It served the dual purpose of getting everyone ready to perform and attracting a bit of a crowd. Crystin and I had learnt that quickly.
When we were all ready, Crystin started playing the introduction. I leapt onto the bench and began to pace. Nioc paused about three feet away.
And when I heard my cue, I began to sing.
It was "Aderyn and Madoc" again, but it felt a little odd singing Aderyn’s part. Even so, I knew the piece better than I did the back of my own hand. And Nioc's voice really wasn't bad at all. He'd known the song by heart before we began, which surprised me a little; it was quite long. But he did it well, and even the leap and the stage kiss at the end – which even with all the practice we’d done that afternoon, was the hardest part – went without a hitch. We pulled back up and bowed. I was smiling again.
Crystin and I changed places and Nioc moved off to the side. I had a fairly simple tune in mind to play along with Crystin's dancing, but when I put the flute to my lips, that wasn't what came out. Instead, it was the song that went along with the beautiful emotion.
I didn't know where it had come from – some trick of the subconscious, I supposed. And it wasn't nearly as rich as it had been in my head. But I ignored that and decided to play on. After all, I knew the tune – the music that I'd heard never really faded. It was always there in the back of my mind.
As I played, I glanced over at Nioc. He was watching Crystin dance, warm eyes following her every motion. I looked back at Crystin and saw her through the emotions Nioc was seeing her with. It was heightened by the music – simplified as it was, it still carried that strange feeling I didn’t quite understand – but I could tell that most of it was him, not the song. How did I not see that before?
We hadn’t been travelling with him long, and things like that were far removed from anything I knew about except through stories, songs, and empathy. But I thought maybe, just maybe, it had been long enough to start caring for someone – really caring for them. I almost smiled, and then realized it was a bad idea if I wanted to keep my embouchere. So I just played on,
At the end, Crystin curtsied and smiled at the applause. As she joined Nioc and me over to the side, she asked, "Where in the world did you learn that song? It was beautiful."
"Honestly I don’t remember,” I lied. “Heard it somewhere, I s’pose.”
“You’ll have to teach it to me sometime,” Crystin said.
"Once we get a moment of peace, I will,” I promised. “Shall we pack up for the night or stay a bit longer? I've a few stories I could tell if we hang around."
Crystin glanced over at the crowd, who were looking at us with interest. "I think we can afford to linger," she said. "They still seem pretty eager."
"Let's hear a story," Nioc said, and grinned. "Crystin and I will sit by and listen.”
“Okay," I said, and walked back out into the clear area serving as our stage. Then I turned to face the audience.
"This is an old, old story from the part of the Basin where I grew up," I said. "It’s a story I’m sure you all know well, but we’ve held on to a few details which I think the rest of the world has let slip away." As I spoke, I felt myself start to drawl a bit, the quicker, blended accent I'd picked up while traveling fading back into what I'd grown up with. I hadn't recited this story since before I'd left home, but I still remembered every word.
Now I had the audience's attention. I repressed a smile as I began the story.
"It was two hundred years ago now, and the Basin was deep under the oppression of the Anglin Empire. Most were too downtrodden to fight back, isolated from our history, our languages, even from each other. But there were areas of resistance. One of those places was the village of Wrymlin, crafted into the side of the volcano by the same name in the east. If any other place had been so outspoken against the Anglin Empire, they would have been destroyed in an instant, but Wrymlin was so far away that only the faintest of rumors reached the ears of those few in the empire who had true power, and the village was nearly impossible to reach except by magical means. The seas around it are rough and crash against cliffs which no man could scale without help from above, and a deep canyon separates it from the rest of the island upon which it sits. And so for many years – generations – the people of Wyrmlin were able to resist without fear of retaliation. When the Anglins destroyed Ward, the other village on the island, Wyrmlin rose in furious protest. Knowing that such an outspoken place would have to be completely obliterated in order to quiet it, the Anglin king sent out the most feared of all the empire's warriors: Carnylyn, the red dragon."
The sun had sunk low enough that the only light now came from the traders’ lanterns and bonfires that had started up around the city. A flash of silver reflecting the firelight caught my eye for a second, and I blinked in acknowledgement as Erik inclined his head my direction and then joined Nioc and Crystin over to the side.
"The villagers received no warning. Carnylyn could fly faster than even the swiftest of messengers could travel. And so when, in the middle of the night, he came upon the village, there was no way to prepare.
"Half of Wyrmlin was destroyed the first time the dragon passed over, obliterated by the cruel magic that the king had personally woven into Carnylyn’s flames. Men and women, young and old, those who were openly rebellious and those who wanted no part of it – all were killed without discrimination. Those who survived escaped into the network of tunnels on the inside of Wyrmlin volcano.
"For weeks they struggled to survive inside of the mountain's fiery belly. They knew that Carnylyn was waiting for those who ventured outside – he made no secret of the fact that he was still there, roaring and belching flame at every opportunity. Only a few were brave enough to leave in search of the resources the villagers desperately needed. Some never made it back. The people of Wyrmlin were brave, but they knew that against a dragon, they would have no chance. So they were forced to remain inside the volcano while the threats of dehydration, starvation, and heatstroke pursued them from every side.
"Finally, as even the most determined of the rebels were nearly ready to admit defeat, there arose from within their number the most outspoken of all against the Anglin Empire: Prynypal, a warrior fond of the drink and of the skies.
"He rallied the defeated villagers, fiery passion in his every word against the Anglins. Together with the best minds of the village, he devised a plan to throw Carnylyn from his reign of terror atop the Wyrmlin and win the village back.
"The next day, he left the tunnels alone and roared at Carnylyn to come down from his lofty perch and do battle. Enraged by the villagers' insolence, the dragon did just that. He tried to destroy Prynypal, but the warrior's shining gray armor and piercing blades allowed him to fight back as none ever had before. And then finally, as the battle brought them to the very peak of the Wyrmlin, Prynypal delivered a death blow to the red dragon, who fell down into the crater and was utterly destroyed by the fires deep within.
"Disheartened by the loss of its most fearsome warrior, the Anglin Empire never returned to Wyrmlin. Prynypal became known as the Hero of Flames as his battle against the red dragon became legend, and he led the people to overthrow the Anglin Empire.”
I looked out over the faces of the crowd, lit dimly in the flickering light of the bonfires. I knew that the light must have made my face look just as dim and strange, and I smiled slightly. That would help with this next part.
"This," I said, "is where details have been lost. All agree that Prynypal never became a king. Some say that, valued too much for his fighting skills, he became a military leader rather than a political one. Others say that he was killed in the final battle with the Anglin Empire, for if a leader could take them as far as he had, why would he not become king when the battles were won? I've heard versions where Prynypal lives but chooses to return to Wyrmlin and live out his days there with his people…and his favorite drink, a potent local brew. Even this version is rare anywhere west of Jawahra.” I smiled and knew that it would have an eerie effect in the flickering firelight.
"But what I heard long ago – what I’ve never heard anywhere else – are the stories which say that Prynypal lives still, and that his home is on top of the Wyrmlin, the same place where he defeated Carnylyn all those years ago. It shouldn’t be possible, of course. No man can live for two centuries. But the oldest stories say that Prynypal was not a man at all. Ask a Warder – if they’ll talk to you, that is – and they will tell you that the battle between Prynypal and Carnylyn was a wheeling, skybound affair, a sight to strike terror and awe into the hearts of mortal witnesses, because Prynypal, too, is a dragon.
“Now, this is almost as unlikely as him being a man alive for the past two hundred years, because with the exception of Carnylyn the dragons died out almost a millennia ago. But then again, this world is a strange place. You never know quite what's possible and what's not until you've seen it with your own eyes." I smiled wider, exposing my teeth. "Just a little food for thought."
I bowed and stepped away as scattered applause began. Crystin grinned. "Nice story," she said. "I hadn't heard that version before."
"That's the whole point of the story, isn’t it?" I replied. "Was waiting for the right time to tell my version, I suppose." I grinned. "And I think it went pretty well. Dusk is a good time for it."
The crowd was starting to disperse. I heard clinking as some coins were passed our way. There were a few muted whispers about the story – I distinctly caught the words "Prynypal" and "another dragon" several times. We gathered up our stuff and left to set up camp outside the city.
"But do you believe it is true?" Erik asked as we set up.
I shrugged. "Do I believe in a hero named Prynypal who led a revolution against the Anglin Empire?" I asked. "Yeah. That’s just history. Do I believe he was secretly the last living dragon not under the Anglins’ thrall and that he hid out for all those lonely years on top of the Wyrmlin?" I shrugged again. "Dunno. Not long ago I would have said no. But I've found that my capacity for belief has stretched a little – you know, what with curses and ancient knights and these offerings scattered about the place." I grinned. "That story gives me just as much food for thought as it does the audience."
That night, I didn't visit the Faerie wood in my dreams, but I heard Aegil's voice in the blackness of sleep.
Next chapter
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tachtutor · 3 years
Aegile Fernandez, a friend to Bangladeshi migrants, no more
Aegile Fernandez, a friend to Bangladeshi migrants, no more
Aegile Fernandez, the co-founder and director of human rights group Tenaganita and a dear name to the thousands of Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia, passed away on Tuesday afternoon. The outspoken advocate for women, migrant and refugee rights was 72. Mohammad Harun Al Rashid, a Bangladeshi and former colleague of Fernandez at Tenaganita in Kuala Lumpu, told The Daily Star yesterday that…
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jeffreystewart · 3 years
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Norsery Rhymes from A to Z Happy Thorsday – Egil The Legendary Archer Well here we are another Thor’s Day and another 20 min sketch of a Norse (and Germanic) mythological characters.  This week it’s Egil / Aigil / Aegil / Aligaz. The legendary archer mentioned in the Völundarkviða and Thidreks sagas.
 Hi name has been translated to ‘Awe’, or ‘Fear’, or ‘dread’ combined with ‘edge’ or ‘point’ or ‘sharpness’ of a weapon. Which unlike the farmer Giant Egil who shares his name, where the meaning had the context of being afraid of the sword. Egil here, much like Egill Skallagrimson, and Egil One-Arm, is meant to imply the use of a sharp edge, and that others should be afraid of his arrows.
 Egil is the middle brother of a trio of Finn (Lapland) princes. Along with the older Slagfiðr / Slagfithr (The Beating), and the younger Völund / Wayland / Velent (The Master Magical Smith).
The brothers build and live in a house on the lands of Ulfdalir (Wolf Dale) by a house on sea shore called Ulfsjar (Wolf Sea)
 All three of the brothers one early morning come across Swan Maiden Valkyries in their swan forms by the Ulfsjar shore, bathing and spinning flax, falling in love with them as they reveal themselves to be human. Each of the Brothers going on to marry one of them.
 Egil marries the Swan Maiden Valkyrie and Princess Alirun / Ailrun / Alruna / Ailruna / Ölrún, whose father Kiár of Valland, is a mythological Roman Emperor.
 At some point the cruel Germanic King Nidung / Niðhad captures Volund after several. Having Volund hamstrung, and locking him up in a smithy dungeon. He sets forces Volund to smith all kinds of beautiful and amazing things for him from goblets, to weapons and jewelry.
 Eventually Egil hears of this and goes to find his younger brother. On arriving in the court of Nidung. The King on hearing that Egil is a master archer forces him on pain of torture to show his skills. The test is to shoot an apple off the head of one of his many Prince sons, without harming the Prince. And that if he misses or if any harm comes to the Prince Egil will die.
 Egil surprises the King by readying two arrows in his hand, nocking the first and shooting it without any apparent effort into the apple above the Prices head. When the King asks what the second arrow was for, Egils says that if he had missed with the first arrow, the second would have been to kill the King with.
 The King laughs and compliments Egil on his skill and his cunning. Welcoming him to his court. Likely to join him on his hunts and as a protector.
 Egil finds Volund, who had so far managed to seduce the Princess, who was now with his child, and trick and kill two of the older Princes, and hide their bodies by magically smithing them into various items. But was no closer to escape.
 The two begin a plan. Egil would go out hunting for animals, providing an ongoing feast for the King. But while out hunting Egil would collect all of the feathers from the birds he’s caught, and the bladder and blood from a boar.  
 Egil brought all this back to Volund so that he could add the feathers to a set of wings he’d created, while filling up the bladder with blood.
 Once everything was completed Volund and Egil put their plan in motion. Egil let him out of the Smithy, and Volund now wearing the working wings on his back and the blood filled bladder around his waist begins to fly away.
 Egil however alerts the King to the smiths departure. The King commanding Egil to shoot him down. Egil shoots an arrow and despite how har away the flying man now is, it flies true. Sending a rain of blood down, as the winged man appears to fall in the far distance into the trees.
 The arrow of course hitting the bladder filled with blood and the fall being a performance the King believes there is no reason to suspect Volund survived. Volund using his wings to fly low and then away back home.
 Egil eventually takes his leave of the king, Whether to find the body or just to go on his way. But never returns.
 Another time Egil and his wife Ailrun were beset by an large number attackers, fighting a battle at the river Ilz and while defending a keep together. The two of them successful in their defence. With Egil sending a seemingly impossible barrage of arrows at the attackers Ailrun cutting down anyone that got close.
 Defending a keep #relationshipgoals.
Eventually after nine years, the Valkyries feel the pull of their fate and leave for the Myrkwood. Egil and  Slagfith leaving to find them, with Volund staying behind making arm rings and jeweled chains for his wife’s return.
Some have suggested to a link with the archer God Ullr, either as a direct substitution. Given that their stories, personalities and the like to not over lap apart from their archery connection. I like to think it’s more of worshiper/god relationship, possibly with Ullr as a patron.
 Not much else is known about Egil the Finn Prince, Master Archer, and husband of a Swan Valkyrie.
That’s it for Egils. I’ve run out. So next week I’ll do Ailrun as I think I missed her when going through the A’s.
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