notapaladin · 1 year
Acamapichtli: “I can make him better” this “I can make him worse” that, listen I have a knife I can make him dead
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thedegu · 6 months
some thoughts about ale (my oc)
god so ale, love of my life, blorbo of all time. one thing I want to talk about dearly with them is their issues of identity. now due to backstory stuff, they've considered themself dead for the past decade, give or take a year or two. because the person they were before someone tried to kill them and the person they were after are just, to them, completely different beings.
Now they are a binder (a 3.5 class that I highly recommend), meaning they bind to vestiges. Small bits of power from powerful dead beings such as gods, heroes of the past, liches, and fiends, to name a few. Now, part of that is that whatever vestige (lets say Naberious) they bind to takes a ride inside their body. so that the vestige can have something like being alive again. Not in the driver's seat, mind you, but having some influence on Ale and their interaction in the world- it isn't a one-way thing.
With ale being at 9th level, that means they can bind to two vestiges. so inside their body, they have their own soul plus two temporary, passengers. only echoes of these once powerful beings but very much present.
So functionally, ale has three souls inside their body. well, actually they have five; due to story reasons and magic item finds, they are permanently bound to two additional vestiges. one who is just a tiny echo, barely there but still providing some amount of power, and Delvar-nar, who is just a guy that ale can speak to and get advice from. Delvar-nar is fully within ale's body (heh) and a terminate fixture to the meatsuit.
Ale's soul, the one that they thought was their own. is actually a reincarnated hero from another multiverse who chose to be in this current world to save it like they saved their previous home. Now, this previous incarnation, Acamapichtli, ale considered a completely separate person from themself, but they are getting more and more memories filtered into their head from their time as this great hero that those lines are being blurred.
ale presents themself with a very strong personality (16 cha). They fill up rooms with their presence and let people know who they are. they are never Not 100% themself, even when one of the vestiges they've bound to is trying to take control. mostly because they are afraid that if they slip even slightly, they will lose their grip on who they are, they will be lost entirely.
which, depending on the day of the week, might not be the worst thing ever. like if one of the vestiges takes complete control, or Acamapichtli, turns out to be a completely different person, well, its not really Ale's problem anymore. not exactly a win-win as ale likes existing and generally prefers that, but its a 70/30 thing, and if it does happen then so be it-- it won't be their problem.
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artstar1997 · 1 year
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Here’s what I thought of what would Jak and Jakleen’s mom look like. I can see Hera as a daughter of an aristocrat who was a disowned heir of a clan from the far off lands, which is revealed to be Aeropa. Hera’s father was considered an outcast among his Spargan family members but with dedication to diplomacy and political talents, he succeeded in rising up the political ranks of his clan and become a member of the Spargan council after he aided Damas in overthrowing the last king. During Damas’s time in Spargus, he fell in love with Hera and they got married. 
Name: Hera Hobbies: Singing, dancing, fashion designing, painting, hairdressing, cooking, baking, and organizing Parents: Acamapichtli and Coszcatl Personality: Motherly, confident, hardworking, generous, open-minded, optimistic, caring, ambitious, protective, short tempered, aggressive, vain, and arrogant
Friends: Sig (he is her second cousin twice removed), Drake, Strife, Deimos, Phobos, Dora, Chel, Maya, Masawa, Hex, Kursed, Krystal, 
Siblings: Mazatl, Ixchel, Cuauhtlequetzqui, Cuahtémoc, Eloxochitl, Iktan
Spouse: Damas (she’s taller than him)
Children: Jak and Jakleen
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kammartinez · 2 months
It was something that ran in the family, maybe an occupational hazard. Past a certain age, the descendants of King Acamapichtli got a little beaten down, developed fears and sorrows. Men who were used to setting temples ablaze, crushing cities, and ripping hearts out like tomatoes one day awoke and thought twice before picking up a precious stone from the ground. No, they said, not another war, because then there will be no room in the temples to keep all the young men for sacrifice; talk to the rebels, double their tribute if you want to humiliate them. And then they moved on to the next thing. They died younger than they should have, from illness or killed in ridiculous accidents, seized by sadness and imperial rancor—some strange malady, some paralysis, maybe caused by having known no limits until their own bodies were beset by them.
from You Dreamed of Empires, by Álvaro Enrigue, trans. Natasha Wimmer
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kamreadsandrecs · 2 months
It was something that ran in the family, maybe an occupational hazard. Past a certain age, the descendants of King Acamapichtli got a little beaten down, developed fears and sorrows. Men who were used to setting temples ablaze, crushing cities, and ripping hearts out like tomatoes one day awoke and thought twice before picking up a precious stone from the ground. No, they said, not another war, because then there will be no room in the temples to keep all the young men for sacrifice; talk to the rebels, double their tribute if you want to humiliate them. And then they moved on to the next thing. They died younger than they should have, from illness or killed in ridiculous accidents, seized by sadness and imperial rancor—some strange malady, some paralysis, maybe caused by having known no limits until their own bodies were beset by them.
from You Dreamed of Empires, by Álvaro Enrigue, trans. Natasha Wimmer
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solnunquamoccidit · 2 years
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El Exmo. S. D. Joseph Sarmiento Valladares Conde de Moctesuma 31 Virrey y Cappn. Genl. (detail)
by unknown artist of the Novohispanic court oil on canvas, c. 1697
Castillo de Chapultepec
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ghostwise · 2 years
18? 👀
18. flinders (indulgent AU content ahead.)
Zeferino does not look up from his books when his wife glides into his study.
His glasses are perched on the tip of his nose, eyes fixed on the sprawl of words and numbers, but he sees her clear as day in his mind’s eye:  the way she very slowly turns the doorknob so as to not disturb him, the swish of her skirt, the click of her boots drawing nearer to him, so that he knows just the right moment to glance up and catch her appearing from behind his bookcase.
Zeferino slides his glasses back into place and looks at her. He sits up and sets his pen back into the ink well.
“Is it suppertime already?” he asks.
“No,” Ahtziri says, and she surprises him, for she wastes no time walking around his desk to stop at his side. She leans against the edge of the desk, her full skirt shifting stacks of paperwork, her arms crossed.
“It is Arlathvhen season,” she says.
Zeferino thinks. Damn his memory; it is good for numbers and not much else. He remembers, only, that he should know what that means.
“Been a while,” he says, finally.
“I should say it’s been a while,” she replies. “It is held only once every ten years, remember?”
“Ah… yes, yes,” he says, though truthfully, he does not know much about these things. He is a city elf through and through, at least five generations back. However, he knows his wife, and after another moment’s thought he peers up at her. “Will you go?”
“Yes,” Ahtziri says. “I have not seen my sisters in ages. It’ll be good catch up, to talk other than in letters. And besides, Zevran needs to see his cousins.”
Zeferino thinks, and thinks some more.
“Might be what the boy needs,” he says finally. “Get his mind off things.”
“Zeferino,” Ahtziri says sincerely, “I think it’s what we all need.”
He blinks at her. Finally, it clicks.
“Ah! Me, too?” he asks.
Ahtziri nods, her smile wide like a crescent moon. He’s caught on quicker than she’d expected.
“But the mill…?”
“One of the managers can run it for a little while!”
“But it’s our busiest season…”
“You say that every season!”
“And I have a meeting with a client…”
Ahtziri laughs warmly. “He can wait!”
Ah, but she has him around her finger as thoroughly as the day she’d first smiled at him. Zeferino looks pleadingly at his wife, knowing it’s a lost cause.
“How long?” he asks finally.
“It lasts a month,” she says. And here, she finally relents, with a sigh, “But you and Zevran can leave early if you wish. I, however, will be content to stay with my clan for as long as it lasts.”
She glances out the window. A wistfulness crosses her features, masked so quickly that Zeferino can only catch it after decades of knowing her.
As she is still perched upon the edge of his desk, it is easy for him to reach out and set a hand on her waist. He guides her smoothly into his lap, where she smiles again, wistfulness dispelled.
“You work too hard,” Ahtziri says, running her fingers through his dark curls. She laughs when, proving her point, fine flinders of wood shake loose from his hair. He’d left before dawn that day, and had spent all morning in the mill. The smell of sawdust clings to him hours later.
He thinks about his life’s work. It is not easy for an elf to accomplish all he has accomplished; though they still must live in an alienage, he deals with merchants and nobles every day. His little family lives comfortably. They are respected by many. He is proud of all of this.
Most of all he is proud of Zevran. The boy is more than capable of taking over the business after he retires. But he has been melancholic lately, spending too much time indoors.
“A month,” Zeferino says finally, and Ahtziri woops in delight, and tugs him into a kiss.
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Miradme, he llegado. Soy blanca flor, soy faisán, Se yergue mi abanico de plumas finas, Soy Nezahualcóyotl…Aquí en México, Donde en las obscuras aguas Se yerguen los blancos sauces, Aquí te merecieron tus abuelos, Aquel Huitzilíhuitl, aquel Acamapichtli. ¡Por ellos llora, oh Moctezuma! Por ellos tú guardas su estera y su solio. Él te ha visto con compasión, Él se ha apiadado de ti, ¡oh Moctezuma! A tu cargo tienes la ciudad y el solio…
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deetvar · 4 years
Since we're talking feudalism and this is my blog, let's chat Triple Alliance Era governance.
On the top is the tlatoani (speaker). Most translations goes with King and that's a fairly accurate descriptor. The Tlatoani was both a religious and military, personally leading troops into battle but also making decisions on which monuments to honor which gods. Tlatoani Axayacatl of Tenochtitlan got in major trouble once for making a poorly designed aquadect to Tlaloc. Oops.
The Tlatoani was elected from a pool of four candidates by a council of nobles, high priests, and elders. However this did not mean outside influences would often try to sway the council to an elect a tlatoani favorable to them (see Moctezuma I who "bought" the appointment of his nephew Moquihuix of Tlateleloco).
Because tlatoanqueh were encourage to take up multiple wives (and numerous consorts) there was hardly ever an issue with finding a suitable heir. But this did mean there was the lingering fear of civil war since it's always not clear to the council who the tlatoani's preferred heir might be, or feeling that an heir by another noble women might be more suitable. Itzcoatl being a special case being by traditional European rules as a "bastard." No such concept existed in Nahua society, albeit he wasn't highly placed in the minds of the council for eligible heirs. Itzcoatl was recognized as Acamapichtli's son through slave woman of Azcapotzalco, and only his status as a distinguished warrior (and swaying his nephews with the promise of unifying their lines at some point and passing back rulership to them after his death) secured his appointment as tlatoani.
Next I'll talk the military of the Triple Alliance.
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Mi blog.
Mi nombre es Michelle Alejandra Torres Serrano, nací el 07 de Septiembre de 2004 en la Ciudad de México. Tengo un hermano llamado Iker Alejandro nacido en 2006. Mis padres se separaron al poco tiempo de nacer mi hermano y mi mamá quedó con la custodia. Viví 11 años de mi vida en el Estado de México en Cuautitlan Izcalli. Mi primaria se llamaba Acamapichtli y es una de las mejores escuelas en las que he estado. En 2016 termine la primaria y ne fui a vivir a el estado de Veracruz, en donde viví 9 meses y cursé mi primer año de secundaria, ahí fue en donde conocí a mis mejores amigos. En mayo de 2017 me vine a vivir a Querétaro debido al trabajo de mis padres. Entre a la secundaria técnica 36 en el turno vespertino para segundo de secundaria, y en la misma escuela pero en turno matutino en tercero, ahí también conocí a amigos que nunca olvidaré. Mi papá está viviendo en Brasil y viene de vez en cuando a visitarnos. Entre a la prepa Cesba y me siento cómoda ahí con mis compañeros, aunque odio a Carlos pero pues ya ni modo.
Mi deporte favorito es Voleibol ya que se me hace fácil y muy divertido, no le voy a ningún equipo pero realmente me gusta. Al lugar a do de voy a jugar nos hacemos llamar "el equipo WAKANDA" la verdad no se por qué pero suena gracioso.
Los principales avances tecnológicos consideraría que son:
1. La confirmación de la existencia de agua en la Luna
Me gusta mucho la música pop, de disney y caricaturas, como bien podría ser Steven Universe que a mi parecer es el mejor programa que existe (además de Hora de Aventura) ya que tiene una animación y trama espectacular, y ni hablar de su música, es una joya. De Disney amo todas las canciones y la mayoría me las se, y pop soy muy fan de One Direction, a decir verdad no conozco muchos grupos de ningún tipo de género, pero si una canción me gusta la guardo. No tolero la musica de banda, el reguetón ni el trap, son los peores géneros musicales a mi parecer, fue un tonto quien los inventó, solo me causan dolor de cabeza. Mi artista favorito como bien ya mencioné es One Direction y Rebecca Sugar (creadora de Steven Universe).
Pese a no ser como tal un avance, este hecho sí que propiciará nuevos avances tecnológicos. El descubrimiento y la consiguiente confirmación de la existencia de agua en la Luna va a ser un elemento clave de cara a la posible colonización de nuestro satélite.
Lo que va a generar un nuevo interés lunar, y con ello, una nueva carrera aeroespacial.
Repásalo aquí
2. El Falcon Heavy, el cohete más potente del mundo
Aunque ya de por sí es una verdadera conquista poner en órbita el cohete más potente del mundo; la importancia del hecho radica en la incursión en la carrera espacial de inversión privada.
Hasta ahora, la única fuente de información espacial provenía de los diferentes gobiernos, como la NASA (EEUU), o Roscosmos (Rusia). Por lo tanto, la entrada de capital privado va a suponer un crecimiento exponencial en el ámbito galáctico.
3. Boston Dynamics nos acerca el futuro de la robótica
Uno de los avances tecnológicos del año ha sido la presentación por parte de Boston Dynamics de sus prototipos de Atlas y SpotMini.
Robots que simulan el cuerpo humano y el de los cuadrúpedos, como los perros, que saldrán a la venta en 2019.
4. El asentamiento del IoT
El Internet de las cosas es una cuestión crucial a la hora de entender el mundo que nos viene.
Este 2018 se ha producido la confirmación de esta tecnología, que será puntera de aquí a pocos años, y supondrá una nueva industria tecnológica al alza.
EL potencial y las cifras de esta tendencia impresionan. Revísalo aquí.
5. La computación cuántica
Se trata de computadoras mucho más rápidas y eficaces que a las que estamos acostumbrados, y pueden solucionar problemas en un tiempo récord. Y es que, tienen una capacidad de procesamiento mucho mayor.
Este año ha sido clave para su presentación en sociedad, y se espera que dentro de poco tiempo sea una de las tecnologías más usadas.
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notapaladin · 8 months
Acamapichtli: Something’s off. Acatl: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people. Acamapichtli: No, but that’s funny.
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gerardocamachod · 5 years
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Acamapichtli https://ift.tt/2MQuMtt
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portaldiario · 5 years
Danza prehispánica, legado de los antepasados
Marcela Moreno 
El grupo de danza Otom Tekutli se reúnen en el centro de la capital mexiquense para mostrar a la gente los bailes prehispánicos y con ello parte de las costumbres y creencias ancestrales, aseguraron miembros del conjunto.
Los miembros de la agrupación aseguraron que en toda la entidad existen diferentes etnias como otomís, nahuas, matlatzincas y mazahuas, los cuales aún conservan varias tradiciones originales, a pesar de ello, gran parte de la población desconoce sobre el tema, lo cual, representa una gran pérdida de identidad mexicana.
Afirmaron que en cada paso celebran a la madre tierra por medio de la danza prehispánica, por ello lamentaron que muchos ignoran todo sobre el tema y los ven como entretenimiento
“Se acercan como espectadores, saben poco del valor o los significados, son contados los que se involucran, queremos que se acabe esta idea, pueden no participar pero al menos que en algún momento de sus vidas se informen o que les dé curiosidad, ¡es sus historia y muchos la desconocen por completo!; en esta danza en particular queremos mostrarles la forma en que se agradecía a la tierra los alimentos y la vida que otorga” 
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Invitaron a la gente a investigar sobre el camino que recorrieron sus antepasados y que sientan orgullo de saber de dónde vienen  “realmente es algo que llevamos en la sangre, lo tenemos en el ADN, algo hay en nosotros del señor Cuauhtémoc, Cuitláhuac, Acamapichtli o Chimalpopoca, lo llevamos dentro de nosotros”.
Para concluir, los provenientes de Ocoyoacac, Zinacantepec, Toluca, Metepec, etc., honran a la tierra para agradecer lo que ofrece por medio de la danza.
“Los movimientos reflejan todo lo que la naturaleza nos da, simbolizando los 4 elementos, reconociendo que habitan dentro de nosotros y vivimos gracias a ellos pues todos los días los tenemos: el agua que bebemos, el aire al respirar, la tierra que nos da alimentos, nuestros hermanos animales que nos acompañan, el fuego con que cocinamos y el sol que nos alumbra y calienta”. (Foto: Especial Portal)
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listinsemanal · 5 years
Tiene algo de descortesía que me confundan con Acamapichtli en plena Gran Vía de Madrid (sólo por el pasaporte mexicano) y algo de descortés se filtra en el hecho de reclamarle disculpas a un Borbón por las atrocidades de los Habsburgos. Lo que yo tengo de tlacuilo lo heredé de la Escuela de Traductores de Tlatelolco, donde un séquito de frailes hicieron legible en alfabeto todas las…
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bitacoraqro · 5 years
*** Prevención del Delito de la SSPM-SJR, visita comunidades, colonias y planteles educativos.
Durante la presente semana, el área de Prevención del Delito, de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Municipal de San Juan del Río (SSPM-SJR), ha estado visitando distintas comunidades, colonias y planteles escolares, a fin de promover, el programa “Vecinos Vigilantes y Gestión Educativa”. Del 28 de enero, al 1 de Febrero, personal adscrito a la Jefatura de Prevención del Delito, visitó a autoridades auxiliares de las comunidades de El Organal, Santa Rita, San Francisco y La Estancia. De la misma manera, se acudió con vecinos de las colonias La Floresta, La Rueda, Loma Alta, y Bosques de San Juan. Y se reunió, con estudiantes del Jardín de Niños “Acamapichtli”, la escuela Primaria “5 de Mayo” y la Telesecundaria “Manuel J. Campos” Cabe resaltar que durante las reuniones con las Autoridades Auxiliares en las Comunidades mencionadas y con los Presidentes de las Mesas Directivas de las Colonias visitadas, la Jefatura de Prevención del Delito, dio seguimiento y evaluación puntual a las problemáticas planteadas con anterioridad. En el caso de los Planteles Educativos -el personal policial que acompañó estas jornadas encabezadas por el titular del área Walter Godínez- impartió, con ayuda de profesores y docentes, pláticas sobre Prevención Integral Infantil, Violencia Escolar y Violencia de Género respectivamente.
“Vecinos Vigilantes y Gestión Educativa” recorre municipio sanjuanense *** Prevención del Delito de la SSPM-SJR, visita comunidades, colonias y planteles educativos. Durante la presente semana, el área de Prevención del Delito, de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Municipal de San Juan del Río (SSPM-SJR), ha estado visitando distintas comunidades, colonias y planteles escolares, a fin de promover, el programa “Vecinos Vigilantes y Gestión Educativa”.
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agencianotimexico · 6 years
Estudiantes chimalhuacanos estrenan aulas
Estudiantes chimalhuacanos estrenan aulas
Estudiantes chimalhuacanos estrenan aulas
El Gobierno de Chimalhuacán concluyó la construcción de aulas en las escuelas Primaria Acamapichtli y Preescolar Elena López Ruiz, ubicadas en los barrios San Pablo y Pescadores, respectivamente, beneficiando a más de 400 estudiantes de educación básica.
“Nuestro compromiso es que los niños y jóvenes chimalhuacanos sigan preparándose en mejores…
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