#ab workouts for women over 50
The Best Workouts for Women: Top 5 Picks
Discover the ultimate collection of ab workouts for women that cater to all fitness levels. Achieve your dream of a toned midsection with our carefully curated routines. From beginner-friendly exercises to intense sessions, we've got you covered whether you prefer to work out at home or the gym. Sculpt your abs, target lower belly fat, and tackle love handles with expertly designed routines. Embrace the best ab workouts using weights to challenge yourself and see real results. Whether you're a beginner, over 50, or seeking quick results, our diverse range of effective exercises will help you achieve a strong core and a confident, fit physique.
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nardo-headcanons · 9 months
My Roommate can't possibly be Sasuke Uchiha!
tags: crack fic, abusive neighbors, slight angst character(s): Sasuke Uchiha Chapter 1 - Arrival and Departure
I looked at my mobile phone. Five o'clock already. "Shit," I cursed to myself as I hastily gathered my sports clothes. Well, good start to the new year. After refilling my water bottle, I looked around for a suitable bag. After a moment's consideration, I decided on my black, large training bag with the Naruto logo, which I had bought at a GameStop with my miserable pocket money when I was 13. While I put on my shoes, I glanced at my report card from last year's semester, which was full of A's and B's. It was ironic that I had so little control over my life after being at the top of my class in several subjects. I think, when I had bought my Naruto sports bag, I had hoped for more.
I had to hurry now or I would miss the bus. To be honest, I wouldn't mind taking the bike either, however, my last one was stolen by some wankers after a few days. And it was already a goddamn piece of junk. To make matters worse, I saw the bus already turning at the intersection. I briefly considered if I should run.
Sitting on the bus completely out of breath, I took my headphones out of my bag and turned on my commuting playlist. Bless the inventor of noise cancelling.
The workout at the gym was pure torture. All around me were wiry musclemen with six-pack abs giving me unsolicited weight loss advice and women in fancy sports bras who had more strength in their little finger than I had in my arm. While I pedalled my legs off on the gym bike, telling myself that the fact that I was panting like a coati was good for my heart, I looked at the TV on the wall. "Inflation in Europe is at a record high. In this quarter alone, food prices have risen by an average of 10%," the presenter began. My headphones had unfortunately gone dead during the journey, which is why I listened to this depressing news channel to distract myself. "The Putin regime has not commented on the renewed bombings in Odessa. There were a total of 22 people killed" I switched to the leg press. This workout will reward me with some serious muscle soreness.
After the workout, I bought a protein bar at the counter. I especially liked the ones filled with peanut butter. At the price of 4 euros for a measly bar that weighed less than 50 grams, my guts tightened. Maybe I should start making these things myself.
Freshly showered and changed, I made my way back home while the moon watched me clamber awkwardly up the stairs to my flat. The whole way home I somehow had the feeling that I was being watched. However, I couldn't see anything in my surroundings.
I went to sleep with the same queasy feeling.
I couldn't believe it. It was Sunday morning and some arsehole dared to ring me out of bed at 7am. Was it my neighbours? A repairman? Actually, I hadn't made an appointment, so it couldn't be. I wasn't expecting any mail either. While still wearing my pyjamas and bonnet, I looked through my peephole and opened the front door. "What's up?"
Standing in front of me was a young man, around 16, with night-black hair and brown eyes. He reminded me a little of Sasuke from Naruto. However, his clothes looked like he picked them up from the nearest dumpster. "I am Sasuke Uchiha. You must help me."
After two seconds of processing what I had just heard, I closed the door as quickly as I had opened it. It couldn't be. He's probably a cosplayer or something. The doorbell rang again. The guy was still standing there. "Hey, open up please!" He drummed on my door. Armed with my pepper spray, I opened again. The man looked me in the eye. His jet black eyes had turned a red colour. "That looks fancy," I replied, unimpressed. It was only when the black tomoe moved that I realised what kind of situation I was in. "What the hell? Why isn't my genjutsu working on you! Are you immune?" I quickly sprayed the entire contents of my pepper spray in his face. Frantically, he rubbed his eyes and cried out. "Bloody hell, what was that all about?!" I opened the chain-secured security crack of my door. "What do you want from me! Aren't you supposed to be in Konoha?!" I was stunned. Was this reality right now? Is this the real Sasuke Uchiha? What is he doing here? What does he want from me? This has to be a dream, right?! While I counted my fingers and painted one clock face after the other, Sasuke groaned from the pain and Mr Kaluschke, my neighbour from the mezzanine, opened his door. Even though I couldn't see him right now, I could picture him waltzing up to his door in his boxers and singlet. " Landmann!" he yelled "Now will ya shut the fuck up or do ya want me to come the fuck on up there?!!" The Sasuke imposter piped up. "You're the only one who can help me here!" Without much thought, I took him by the sleeve and pulled him to me in the flat. Trouble with Kalushke was the last thing I needed in this situation.
To keep a clear head so I could think about how to deal with the fact that I might have Sasuke Uchiha himself in my flat right now, I had locked him in my bathroom and backed myself up against the door. "You know I could break out of here at any time, right?" he spat sarcastically. "If you do, I'll throw you out in the streets," I hissed. Silence. "I want you to put water in the bathtub and stand on it. If you really are Sasuke, then that shouldn't be a problem." Sasuke did as instructed and I soon heard water running into the bathtub.
After a while I heard a dull rumble. A glance through the door slit told me that Sasuke had sat down in the bathroom leaning against the door. "Why are you here in this world?"
"Kakashi sent me here. He was going to use a jutsu on me and apparently something went wrong."
"You mean Kamui?", I asked, trying to make a connection.
I pulled my knees closer to my body. "And why did you follow me?"
"I looked around and realised from your bag that you were from Konoha."
Now it hit me. My sports bag, which I had taken to the gym, must have been his only clue. Silence again. Sasuke said no more. I felt sorry for him. Having been taken to a completely different universe without warning, no one with him that he knew. "I'm so sorry, I'm actually not a Konoha shinobi. There is no Konoha in this world, and no shinobi either." He turned off the water. When I opened the door of the bathroom, I saw him standing on the surface of the water. "Is that proof enough?!" he barked offendedly. Now there was no doubt. In front of me was the real Sasuke Uchiha. Perplexed as to what to do now, I placed two towels and a bottle of shower gel before him. "Take a bath first, okay? Then we'll figure it out."
In the kitchen, I sat down at the kitchen table and typed "Sasuke Uchiha favourite food" into Google. Narutopedia immediately provided me with ideas: Onigiri and tomatoes. Therefore, I dug out my rice cooker from the kitchen cupboard and washed some sushi rice while Sasuke was still in the bathroom. Afterwards, I cut some leftover tomatoes into bite-sized pieces and put them on a big plate. Sasuke was surely starving. After filling and shaping the onigiri, I placed the plate on a tray along with a large cup of green tea with the corny inscription "Happiness is what you make". To be honest, I only got it because it can hold a whole can of tea. I then knocked on the bathroom door. There was no answer. "I have made you something to eat. Take all the time you need." I put the tray down next to the door and went into the living room. There, I sat down to my lab report, which I had been putting off for a week now. After two hours, I heard the bathroom door close. The plate and the cup had been emptied. As I went to open the bathroom door to get my toothbrush, I realised he must have locked it. "Sasuke? Will you please pass me my toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash?" No answer. I sighed. "You'll find spare toothbrushes in the cupboard above the sink." Once again I heard the bathroom door and before it stood my tumbler of toothbrush and mouthwash. After brushing my teeth over my kitchen sink, I continued to work on my lab report. There was still a lot to do. Just as I was groaning in despair because I had once again forgotten an equal sign in my Excel spreadsheet, Sasuke came into the living room. I looked up from my table. He said nothing else and sat down on the couch. Looking around, he saw something on my shelf. "Why is my face on there?" It was a dusty Naruto manga. I hadn't read that one in years. Before I could stop him, he grabbed the book and flipped through it. "I remember this," he began, but then stopped when he saw the drawings of himself as a Ge-Nin, riddled with Haku's ice needles. "Naruto became a fox after I was unconscious?" I nodded.
"Does that mean," he quivered, "in this world I'm just a manga character?" His hands trembled. I looked sadly at the ground. There was nothing I could say. No words of mine could have comforted him. He sank to the ground. "All the things I had to go through, all the pain, is fictitious, for entertainment?"
Sasuke spent the rest of the day on the couch, buried in my old manga. Along the way, I tried to get advice on social media. Unfortunately, all I got were questions like "What would his perfect girlfriend look like?" and "Does he actually have a thing for Naruto?" As a result, I quickly abandoned the search for guidance. Towards the evening, I feverishly considered where Sasuke could sleep. "Unfortunately, I only have one bed…" Sasuke folded his arms. "That shouldn't be a problem, should it?" Then an idea hit me. "Wait, actually..!" ... He made himself comfortable on the couch. I handed him a T-shirt I had once borrowed from my grandpa. "Here, you can wear this to sleep." Before I disappeared from the living room, he called me back. "Hey!" I looked at him. He peered straight down at the carpet. "Thanks for all this" "Just don't break anything, will you?" With those words I left the room.
In bed I tossed and turned, my thoughts on Sasuke. How had he gotten here? What was there with Kakashi's Kamui? What would happen next? By two o'clock in the morning, the realisation that brooding now would not provide me with any answers had finally entered my head and I fell asleep.
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annynunez69 · 5 months
Lose Belly Fat Sitting Down | AB WORKOUT For Women Over 50!
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littleharpethcrossfit · 6 months
Thursday, 14 December, 2023
A 60 degree afternoon, but with a sudden chill when the sun set.
3 Rounds
10 PVC Shoulder Dislocates
10 PVC Overhead Squats
Run 100m
Clusters: 1 Rep X 7 (Progress)
Robert/Ed/Larry=175 Aiden/WG/Chase=165 Dana=145 Tim=135 Herb=125 Rodney/Tom=105 Coach=100 Elisa=85 Sue=80 Sabrina=60 Kayla=55 Polk/Sandy=45 Faith (The Kid)/Linda/Average Dave/Joe/Emily/Alicia and others=Did something
10 Rounds
5 Thrusters (95/75/55)
10 Ab-Mat Situps (GHD)
25 Double Under's / 50 Single Under's
Sue=13:06 Elisa=13:13 Robert*=14:22 Faith (the Kid)=14:29 Linda=14:30 Ed*=14:41 Dana**=15:32 Sabrina=15:48 WG*=16:16 Kayla=16:18 Larry*=16:26 Polk=16:27 Rodney=17:05 Tim*=18:10 Tom=18:20 Herb=19:00 Sandy=19:50 Coach=22:30 Chase=23:24** Aiden=GLOW*::18 Joe/Average Dave/Alicia/Emily=PJ Aiden's score was blurred by a "Glow".
Wine and snacks to followed. It was rumored that the after-party would be more of a Holiday-Hoot-Nanny than usual. A party of dominant women had taken control and our LHCF Management was not responsible for the outcome.
Somehow the entire menu of Chuy's showed up on long tables around the picnic table. The only problem was that since the darkness was upon us, we needed headlamps to see what we were eating. Consultation with a local Rabbi representative gave his/her imprimatur endorsing the accidental consumption of non-kosher Mexican food in a drunken darkness. All the food was consumed. Also there were fancy cookies, fancy cupcakes, and other snacks.
Alcoholic beverages were well represented. Approximately 4 good white wines and 10 good red wines were available. (The menu at North Italia has toasted Italian Bread and GOOD Olive Oil. Can we ask for BAD Olive Oil)?? Tom brought some expensive old wine but I barely got a taste. Ed was kept busy with his big-ass blender making Icy Margarita's with top-shelf Tequila. In spite of everyone's best efforts, there was a tiny bit of wine left over for next week.
The fancy cupcakes were in fact a variety of small birthday cakes intended for a belated celebration of Sweet Shannon's 36th birthday (Armando said). We sang an unbelievably harmonious birthday song and she blew out her candles. Shannon gifted me a good book for her birthday. I love her.
Several non-WOD people came for the after-party. Larry's kiddo's and the lovely Crystal came (Howards Daughter). Chase's glowing Anna came (after sending Anna's home-made bread and butter). And naturally Sammy D somehow interrupted his trades of Bitcoin and high-commission annuities, drawn to the scent of free booze, Mexican food, and very fit women. Cherrita missed another good one.
Bill P came for his 2nd workout. He performed admirably but with humility (2+). He had purchased new CrossFitting shoes and left with a borrowed Jump-Rope he wanted for practice (2+). He totally skipped out on the after-party (-1), but spontaneously inquired as to the time of the early Saturday workout (+1). With a total score of +4, odds are that he will return at least one more time.
Saturday at 0730 and at 0930.
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pablice · 7 months
10 Minute Beginner Core Workout for Women Over 50 at Home
What is Core Training? Core training is a form of exercise that focuses on strengthening and stabilizing the 'core' of your body. This includes the abdominal muscles, lower back, hips, and other muscles in the lower body. Core training helps improve your everyday activities, such as walking, running, and even getting out of bed. Core training increases stability and helps to prevent injuries. Many core exercises use your own body weight to strengthen the muscles, while others may require the use of additional equipment. Core training is important for both men and women over the age of 50, as it helps to improve balance and coordination. Benefits of Core Training for Women Over 50 Women over 50 benefit tremendously from core training. Core exercises, also known as core strengthening exercises, not only help to improve posture and balance, but they can also help reduce the risk of developing serious medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Increased core strength can also lead to better performance in various activities, including sports and everyday activities. By strengthening their core, women over 50 can benefit greatly from having increased stability and balance which can help to reduce the chances of falls. Core exercises can also help prevent back and spine injuries as well as common aches and pains. Additionally, targeting and strengthening the core can improve posture, reduce low back pain, and decrease stress. All of these benefits can help to improve quality of life, enabling women over 50 to stay active and healthy. What Equipment is Needed? The most basic equipment needed for core training is a stability ball. This piece of equipment will help you balance and target those deep core muscles. Bodyweights and resistance bands are also commonplace in core training exercises. You can also use props such as medicine balls, balance discs, and foam rollers to increase the difficulty of the exercises and provide more benefits. If you are serious about core training, it’s a good idea to invest in a full home gym. This will allow you to perform a variety of exercises that will target your core and other muscles, providing the most overall benefit. With a full home gym, you can make sure you are always challenging yourself and taking your core training to the next level. Warm-Up Exercises Starting a core workout routine is key to getting the most from your exercise session. Therefore, it is essential to begin with a warm-up to ensure that you are properly prepared for the main activities. Warm-up exercises generally focus on increasing blood flow and preparing your muscles for the physical exertion ahead. A combination of dynamic stretching, light cardio and strengthening will help you to achieve this. Dynamic stretching can include shoulder circles, spinal rotations, hip circles and arm swings. This works to improve the flexibility in your muscles. Light cardio such as walking, cycling or jogging will help to increase your body temperature and warm up your muscles for activity. Finally, a few strengthening exercises such as squats, lunges and calf raises will help to activate your core muscles and get them ready for the workout ahead. Core Workout Routine A core workout routine focuses on the muscles of the torso, especially the abs, obliques, and lower back. These exercises can help to strengthen and tone the abdominal wall, improving posture, looking more toned, and also help reduce the risk of injuries. There are many different core strengthening exercises that you can perform, from beginner core exercises to more advanced variations. Some of the most popular and effective core exercises for women over 50 include planks, ball crunches, side planks, mountain climbers, and Russian twists. Planks are great for strengthening the core muscles and stabilizing the spine, while ball crunches can help to target the deeper abdominal muscles. Side planks help posterior muscles, mountain climbers target the hips and obliques, and Russian twists are great for getting deeper into the abs. Be sure to use good form for all exercises to get the most benefit from them. Modifying the Workout for Different Levels It is essential to tailor each workout to meet the individual needs of a woman over 50. Beginners should start slowly and consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise routines. Intensity and repetition can be adjusted to suit the individual's level of fitness. A key concept is to progress the workout as your fitness level improves. Working with a fitness instructor or personal trainer can be helpful in creating a customized routine. For those with more advanced levels of fitness, the workouts can be more challenging. Raising the intensity of the workout can be done by increasing the reps, using more power or adding weight. One can also modify the equipment used to challenge the body further. There are many advanced options available such as weighted medicine balls, kettlebells, foam rollers and suspension trainers. Have fun pushing yourself towards achieving your fitness goals. Cool-Down Exercises It is essential to end your workout session with a cool-down routine. This will help your body to slowly transition to a resting state while reducing the risk of cramping or lightheadedness. Cool-down exercises typically involve stretching and light cardio such as walking or jogging. It is important to take your time when cooling down, as a rushed cool-down can be detrimental to your physical state. Focus on deep breaths while releasing your muscles and joints. Hold each stretch for a few seconds and eliminate any pain or discomfort. Cool-down exercises should also be tailored to your own goals, as many people have specific areas that need extra attention. Spend a few extra minutes focusing on any cramping muscles with gentle stretching to prevent any lingering tightness. This will help your body to return to its pre-workout state and help to replenish any lost energy. Take your time and enjoy the end of your workout. Advice for Staying Motivated Finding the motivation to stay committed to a core training regimen is a challenge for many people. It is important to have a plan for keeping motivated and staying on track. One key element to staying motivated and sticking to the plan is setting specific, achievable goals. It is important to choose realistic goals that can be maintained and then gradually adjust those goals as progress is made. Another way to stay motivated and on track with a core training plan is to track progress. Keeping a journal of workouts that have been completed, or tracking progress through apps on phones or devices can help people set goals and record successes, developing a sense of accomplishment and inspiring people to keep going. Regular check-ins with a personal trainer or a friend can also provide additional motivation and encouragement. What is the best way to stay motivated when doing a core training workout? Setting realistic goals and tracking your progress can help you stay motivated. Knowing how far you’ve come and how much you’ve achieved can help keep you motivated to continue with your core training routine. It can also be helpful to have an accountability partner or join a class or group to help you stay motivated and on track. Read the full article
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eazy-group · 11 months
10 Minute STANDING ABS Indoor Workout For Women Over 50 | Burn Belly Fat!
New Post has been published on https://eazyfitness.net/10-minute-standing-abs-indoor-workout-for-women-over-50-burn-belly-fat/
10 Minute STANDING ABS Indoor Workout For Women Over 50 | Burn Belly Fat!
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heathermehf · 1 year
Burn Belly Fat Fast! 🙌 [Video]
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gotolundon · 1 year
The BEST Resistance Band Workout For Women To Lose Weight
Resistance band workouts are all the rage these days, and for good reason. They’re both effective and relatively easy to do at home. In this blog post, we’ll recommend the best resistance band workout for women to lose weight. Try this routine three times per week and see how quickly the pounds start melting away. Not only will you look and feel better, but you’ll also be doing your part to help save the planet!
Resistance Band Workouts for Women Over 50
Resistance band workouts are a great way for women over 50 to lose weight and improve their overall fitness. Resistance band workouts are simple, quick, and easy to do, and can be done at home with little equipment. To get started, divide your body into two parts: the upper body and the lower body. Begin by doing light resistance band exercises for the upper body only. Then progress to doing heavier resistance band exercises for the lower body only. For more challenging workout options, try combining some of these Resistance Band Workout For Women Over 50 options: 1) Resistance Band Triceps Dip: Start by lying on your back with a resistance band around your neck. Bend your elbows and lift your head and shoulders off the floor so that your chest is close to the ground. Slowly lower your arms until your triceps are fully extended. Reverse the motion and press back up to the starting position. Perform four sets of 10 repetitions each. 2) Resistance Band Crunches: Lie facedown on a flat surface with feet flat on the ground and hands stretched out in front of you shoulder-width apart. Keeping your back pressed firmly against the surface, use your abs to slowly curl both legs towards your butt while keeping your core engaged (this is also known as a reverse crunch). Reverse the motion after completing eight repetitions each leg. Perform three sets of 12 repetitions total. 3) Resistance Band Hammer Curls: Position one end of
How to make the resistance band workout more challenging
If you're looking for a challenging resistance band workout, here are five workouts to try. 1) The Swiss Ball Resistance Band Workout: This routine targets your core and obliques with moves like the ball roll-out and Swiss ball knee-ups. 2) The TRX Resistance Band Workout: This style of workout uses suspension training bands to provide resistance to movements like pull-ups, squats, and lunges. 3) The Circuit Resistance Band Workout: This circuit features exercises that use both the upper and lower body, such as pushups and squats. 4) The High-Intensity Resistance Band Workout: This high-intensity routine is perfect if you're looking to burn fat quickly. Moves include jumping jacks, medicine ball slams, and Farmer's Walk reps. 5) The GHD Resistance Band Workout: This intense routine works all your major muscle groups simultaneously with resistance band exercises like Farmer's Walk rows and stability ball leg lifts.
Resistance band workouts are the perfect way to get fit and lose weight. Not only do they provide a great-quality workout, but they’re also easy on your joints. Plus, because you can vary the difficulty of your exercises, resistance band workouts are suitable for all levels of exercisers. And if you have children or pets at home who might be tempted to join in on the fun, resist the temptation and keep them safely entertained while you work up a sweat – that’s what Resistance Band Workouts For Women is all about!
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tonkimedicine · 2 years
Nourish move love 10 min abs
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Nourish move love 10 min abs plus#
The workout program has two phases, plus maintenance: The Dirty 30 21-Day Fix workout includes strength training, muscle training, and cardio workouts.
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Books and TV Get a Prime woman’s take on the latest best seller, new author or television series.You’ll also find great recipes and learn about interesting wines. Read reviews on the latest best sellers, plays, TV and movies. Entertainment Entertainment makes life richer.These articles give you the do’s and don’ts of finding a marriage partner. Marriage & Divorce Finding a mate is something many Prime Women are seeking as a result of death, divorce or even for the first time.Prime Women share how they are navigating the dating scene today and finding new love after 50. Dating - New Love The rules and ways of dating have changed dramatically over the years.Relationships Whether it’s dating, bouncing back after divorce, caring for aging parents or making the most of friendships, our editors share their experiences and help you navigate relationships in our prime.Second Acts In Second Acts you’ll discover topics like pursuing your passion and discovering a purpose after retirement, advice on continuing your personal growth and tackling the new surroundings of life in your prime.Fashion If you’re in your PRiME, you’ll love the selections in our shop!.Shop If you’re in your PRiME, you’ll love the selections in our shop!.Make Stress a Thing of the Past With The Help of This Wellness App February 20, 2022
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vitaminlong · 2 years
Nourish move love 10 min abs
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Nourish move love 10 min abs plus#
The workout program has two phases, plus maintenance: The Dirty 30 21-Day Fix workout includes strength training, muscle training, and cardio workouts. Vacation Homes Interested in buying a vacation home? Read where other Prime women have chosen to invest and why.Spas From mountainside retreats to seaside spas overlooking the Mediterranean, Prime Women review the exceptional in hotel and destination spas.Featured Destinations Our featured destinations articles cover everything from the exotic to the familiar with don’t miss travel tips for the seasoned traveler.Get reviews from other women with similar tastes and expectations. Cruises Luxury cruises are increasingly a top vacation choice for Prime women.We also share tips for getting there and making the most of your experience. Travel Our Travel guide is written for the those looking for upscale, luxury vacation ideas and accommodations around the world.Theatre & Opera Planning a trip to New York? Read a Prime Woman’s review of Broadway plays and operas before you go.Food and Wine Try one of our truly unique recipes or read the latest on food and wine pairings, new vineyards to visit and restaurants to try when traveling.
Nourish move love 10 min abs tv#
Books and TV Get a Prime woman’s take on the latest best seller, new author or television series.You’ll also find great recipes and learn about interesting wines. Read reviews on the latest best sellers, plays, TV and movies. Entertainment Entertainment makes life richer.These articles give you the do’s and don’ts of finding a marriage partner. Marriage & Divorce Finding a mate is something many Prime Women are seeking as a result of death, divorce or even for the first time.Prime Women share how they are navigating the dating scene today and finding new love after 50. Dating - New Love The rules and ways of dating have changed dramatically over the years.Relationships Whether it’s dating, bouncing back after divorce, caring for aging parents or making the most of friendships, our editors share their experiences and help you navigate relationships in our prime.Second Acts In Second Acts you’ll discover topics like pursuing your passion and discovering a purpose after retirement, advice on continuing your personal growth and tackling the new surroundings of life in your prime.Fashion If you’re in your PRiME, you’ll love the selections in our shop!.Shop If you’re in your PRiME, you’ll love the selections in our shop!.Make Stress a Thing of the Past With The Help of This Wellness App February 20, 2022
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bowendale3 · 2 years
Multifunctional Revoflex Xtreme For Fitness
Moving ahead increases the strain in the assisted bidirectional energy bands, producing higher resistance and a extra strenuous workout. For multiple train choices, Revoflex Xtreme is Suitably designed for each genders, this train pack incorporates different varieties of tools needed to perform a quantity of steps in train. A regular work out with these instruments allow you to to increase your chest, again, arms, shoulders, and abs in a single motion, and give an ideal form to your physique inside a short while. The compact nature of this train pack makes it travel-friendly. After 14 days have handed, your preorder shall be cancelled without any prior discover and refunds is not going to be issued. Ensure each step of your corporation with industrial provides and instruments. The shop is also answerable for any discounts they want to supply. We are not able to verify whether discounts can be found when buying in bulk as we do not promote directly. We advise you to additionally affirm inventory availability with the merchant before bulk buying and whether or not a reduction might be granted. We don’t store your cost particulars, they're safe with Peach Payments. You can select between 6 completely different training ranges and forty four different exercises. When purchasing on PriceCheck's Marketplace purchase clicking the Add to Cart button, the amount restrict of the product on supply relies on the inventory levels as set by the store. This belt, suitable for men and women, will increase body warmth to promote perspiration all through the day. Maximize your burn and stomach fat loss quick by preserving body warmth and shedding excess water weight, especially in the abdominal area with this stomach wrap. Expansion of the chest, back, arms, shoulders and abdominals. As you progress ahead, the stress of the two-way force-assisted elastic bands increases, offering extra resistance and a more intense exercise. Make your body match with Revoflex Xtreme Fitness Workout Training Equipment. All you want to do is put in the effort and work for it. Free transport is relevant on noon specific orders over 50 SAR. 12 SAR shipping payment shall be utilized at checkout when the order worth is lower than 50 SAR. Will usually ship within 1 business day of receiving cleared payment. Once you could have a mobicred account, merely choose Mobicred as your fee choice when you checkout. These are indicative values primarily based on popular product prices. Develops your chest, back, arms, shoulders and abs in a single movement. The Revoflex Xtreme AB exerciser is good for abs, chest, again, arms, shoulders, thighs and glutes. We offer worth for your cash as we make certain you smile by providing you the best from renowned manufactures to offer comfort to your child and make rising up fun for your kids. With this Revoflex Exercises, you probably can tone your abs, chest, arms and almost every different part of your body conceivable with an all-encompassing exercise package. Shape & tone abs, chest, arms, shoulders, thighs and buttocks with one gear. Shop for multifunctional Revoflex Xtreme machines that can be utilized for core muscle workouts to shortly and effortlessly form the physique in areas such as the abs, shoulders, back and arms. The adjustable length band presents the ultimate resistance and has a material on the knee pad to provide consolation for the knees. Revoflex exercisers avail a flexible vary of exercise ranges that one can choose from primarily based on the exercise needs. Alibaba.com presents an intensive feature choice of Revoflex Xtreme equipment with distributors' instructions to provide residence and health club fitness gear perfect for all patrons. We do not retailer credit card particulars nor have access to your credit card data. Once your return is received and inspected, we are going to send you an e mail to inform you that we now have received your returned merchandise. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. revoflex xtreme The Revoflex Extreme takes benefit of bidirectional energy for the nice. Through the rubber bands elevated resistance is set up on the entrance pressures and thus achieves a extra intense workout. When sliding back the built-up tension is released slowly. This returns you to simply return to your starting place. Enjoy perfect bodybuilding, residence exercise and indoor play with the assistance of versatile Revoflex Xtreme machines obtainable on Alibaba.com. They are excellent for leg and hand utilization fitness because of a TPR tube that gives good elasticity and sturdiness.
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javajournalism · 3 years
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07.06.2021 - my workspace
today’s schedule: 
10:30a-12:55p - work
1:00p-4:00p - online political science class + lunch
5:00p-9:30p - work (again!)
9:45p-10:15p - workout; cardio + abs today
10:20p-10:40p - shower + dinner
10:50+ - finish class work + homework
+12:00a - go to bed! 
- finish Deserted Island Simulation worksheets
- Murray, “Libertarianism;” ch. 15 & 16
- Kaus, “New Republic”
- social policy vocabulary quiz
- update notes
- make studyblr post
current fav songs to study to: 
Life on Earth by Tiny Vipers
Exit Music (For a Film) by Radiohead
i was all over her by salvia palth
featured books: 
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen
The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (current read!)
Manifesta by Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards
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puckngrind · 4 years
What’s In a Name: 3 - J Toews
Chapter 3
Where we left off: Bekah dropped Jon off at the airport after the 2015 All-Star game but how was he going to see her again before the end of the season when they lived over 300 miles apart...
Warnings: Smut, swearing
Word count: 3,370
Series Masterlist ) Puck ‘n Grind’s masterlist
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Bekah‘s brain would go from shock to denial every time her phone would vibrate and she would see a text from Jon. It was unexpected each and every time. Mostly his texts were random and out of the blue but with the intention of making sure she remembered him. Bekah never thought she would hear from him after dropping him off at Port Columbus airport in January if she was being honest with herself. It was three weeks later and there were hundreds of mini conversations between the two of them.
“So have you requested off for our trip?” Brynn leans into Bekah’s office with lunch in hand. Bekah tries to wipe her smile off her face but her best friend catches it. “Whoooo are you texting?”
“No one. Wait, what trip?” Bekah places the phone down but sees the notification that Jon has messaged again.
“Chicago with the Lady Jackets? Please tell me you remember this from Christmas? My gift to you was the trip. We will go shopping and catch the Blackhawks playing the Jackets. Have some girl time.” Brynn sits the food on Bekah’s desk and tucks her feet under herself.
“Oh! I kinda forgot with the whole being dumped thing but that actually sounds fun.” Bekah eyes her phone as it buzzes again. The thought of if she should tell Jon or not crossed her mind.
“You actually seem to be doing okay with the whole being single thing...” Rin starts taking in the way her friend was looking at the message and had a look of confusion now. “What’s that look for Bekah? What did you just think of? Who are you texting?” Brynn breathes in ready to ask more questions.
“Rin. Stop. Please. I was just thinking about the time I need to take off and the accounts I have. Let’s eat lunch m’kay?” Brynn stops the line of questioning but her expression is one of inquiry. “So is there an agenda for the trip or just the girls hanging out? Hotel reservations?”
“We have some things planned. It’s the WAGS and some of the wives from the staff and women who work for the team. You will have your own room. I‘ll be with Derek...”. Brynn stops and looks at Bekah’s contorted faced.
“WAGS?” Bekah asks with her eyebrows furrowed trying to place the term.
“Wives and girlfriends...of the players. Despite public opinion they aren’t all blonde models and are all very sweet. You’ve met a few before.”
“WAGS. Interesting.” Bekah’s eyes dart to her phone again. “Public opinion. Hmm.” Bekah takes a bite of her sandwich.
“I don’t know how to read that but you can google it if you want.” Brynn points to the laptop on Bekah’s desk. “There are whole social media accounts devoted to each team.”
“Oh, I was just processing that’s all. I’m sure I’ll remember them when we get together.” Bekah continues eating her lunch.
“Well, take off and I’ll see you later.” Brynn pops up and as soon as she rounded the corner Bekah was typing ‘Blackhawks WAGS’ into her search engine. Several pictures down she sees a picture of Jon with his hand wrapped around a blonde who could easily be in any magazine. She huffed out the breath she was holding then cussed softly. Realizing she was at work she checked to see if anyone was in ear shot. Bekah decided then and there as the heat filled her face that she was not going to tell him she was coming into town. Her phone buzzed again.
Jon: 🤪
Jon: Was that not funny?
Jon: how was lunch with Rin?
Bekah: always funny. the usual and learned the term WAGS.
Jon: OH! I would pretend not to know what the hell you are talking but I won’t. Please don’t read too much into the public perception of the NHL type
Bekah stared long at Jon’s text before answering. He kept doing that in their conversation. Anticipating what she was thinking without her saying anything. She couldn’t decide if she liked it or not.
Bekah: Rin was just saying the CBJ girls are nice that’s all. We were talking about our next game.
Jon: I know a few. I would agree with Rin.
Bekah goes to question who and why then realizes she noticed during the All-star game they all seemed to know each other even being on different teams.
Bekah: I still haven’t told her about All-Star weekend or this texting thing we do btw.
Bekah wasn’t sure why she felt the need to tell him this now.
Jon: maybe you should. She’s your best friend but that’s up to you. Need to go workout. Later Beks.
March came. Bekah realized she was more nervous about the trip than expected. She packed and repacked her bag. Considered just telling Jon then the picture of the girl with her arm around him and his hand resting on her ass was enough to convince her not to.
Her phone vibrates as soon as starts walking down to the hotel bar to meet the ladies.
Jon: are you in Chicago?
Bekah: how do you know that?
Jon: on the plane back from Philly and I see a post that the Lady Jackets are headed to Chicago and I’m sure that’s your braided hair at the top of the steps.
Jon sends her the pic. Bekah’s face floods red as her hand combs over her go to travel braid.
Bekah: yeah. I wasn’t sure if I’d have time to see you.
Jon: are you fucking kidding me Beks?
she goes to text back and her phone vibrates again
Jon: I’ve been trying to figure out how to see you before playoffs.
Bekah: really? What about the blonde model I saw in a picture tagged as your girlfriend? I know we said no expectations but I’m not that kinda girl.
Jon: Is that why you’ve not texted me back as much? You think you are just some side piece? Come on! There is no other girl. Scroll up. Look at our conversation.
Bekah stares at his words and before she can even text him back he’s calling. She looks around and answers.
“Hhhh...” Bekah nervously starts to answer.
“Don’t fucking make me use my sources to find your hotel room! That’s not beneath my need to see you.” This makes her smile at his tone. She can feel his desire and sheer annoyance through the phone.
“Maybe I should.” She giggles and he huffs out his disapproval but gives him the information anyway.
“I’ll see you in one hour. One hour Beks.” With that he hangs up the phone.
“Who are you talk to?” Brynn hands Bekah a drink from the bar.
“My mom.”
“I call bull shit. One, I know your mother is asleep. Plus, I see the look on your face and the pink in your cheeks...but if you don’t want to tell me right now that’s fine. I’m just glad you are getting back out there.” Bekah looks down at her best friend and sips.
“I’m not...” Bekah tries to combat the statement but stops.
“That was a statement not a question. And we don’t have to talk about it.” Brynn sips her cocktail taking in her best friend’s demeanor.
“Thanks Rin.” The ladies chatted and Bekah was thankful about 50 minutes after Jon announced he would be there the group decided to head to their respective rooms.
Just like after the All-Star game, the man was clock work, ten minutes after Bekah shut her hotel room door there was a knock. Her heart skipped a beat and she slid open the door to find Jon just as handsome with a small bag in hand. “Hi Beks.” He walked in and drops his bag.
“Hi Tae.” She breathes out before his lips were on her. His weight pressing Bekah against the wall a slight whimper escaped her lips.
“I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about kissing you again since the moment I left your car.” His lips ghost her pulse points.
“Beks, we aren’t doing this again. Yes, I find you smokin’ hot and have been thinking about this moment for too long.” He slides his hands under her thighs and carries her to the bed. “I’m slightly pissed you didn’t tell me and we could have started this an hour ago.”
“Sorry. I got in my own head. The google search.” Her breath hitches in her throat thinking of the perfect blonde.
“You didn’t click on the post, did ya? You missed the time stamp, Babe. She was my girlfriend two years ago and that’s been long over. Remember our conversation about being used for my status? She was one of those.” Jon looks deep into Bekah’s eyes. “The internet doesn’t just delete it even if you break up.” His hand cups her cheek as he kisses her lightly.
“Well I decided not to google you at all just so you know.” Her hands re-familiarizing themselves with his abs. “How was your game?” She kisses him sweetly and he smirks.
“We lost. More sex then we talk, kay?” Jon pulls off his sweater then unbuckles and slides his pants off.
“Did ya score?” Bekah follows his lead and pulls off her clothing.
“No and I wasn’t planning on it tonight and look who showed up in my city.” His body was pressed against hers then he kisses down her body making Bekah moan with each move Jon makes. Jon slips his fingers between her folds and laughs. “Your body says you’ve missed me.” He smirks and Bekah’s hands fly over her eyes.
“Well I have thought about you a lot since January too...and the hour waiting got me all worked up...just come here.” She lifts and pulls at his neck. He follows her lead and slowly presses into her core. Kissing each other with so much need that when their teeth knock together laughter erupts.
“Fuck I’m sorry.” Jon kisses Bekah again.
“I think that was both of us. But you gotta move Tae.” Bekah pulls her legs up and presses her heals into his ass. Jon finds a rhythm that makes both of them find their highs quickly. Panting as he rolls off her and pulls her to his chest.
“Seriously, so glad you came to Chicago.” Jon lifts up and kisses the top of Bekah’s head.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just don’t know what this is and I saw the flawless girl...and I just...” Jon adjusts Bekah’s body so he can stare deep into her hazel eyes.
“You are exactly what I need, you know? Also, did you say you haven’t googled me Beks?” Bekah nods and he continues. “Well I don’t care if you do or don’t just so you know.”
“Thanks.” Bekah winces. “I don’t care about the hockey stuff but the social stuff just makes meee....I don’t know. Feel weird.” Bekah admits honestly.
“Not that I think you will see this if ya did but I will admit I’ve been on a date since we were together but you, Beks, are the last person I’ve slept with. You don’t have to believe me but it’s only been you.” Jon kisses her lips sweetly.
“Well, I went on a horrible date for Valentines Day. Rin was on this getting me back there train and I tried to say no.” Bekah draws circles on Jon’s chest and closes her eyes thinking of the horrible date. “It was actually the 15th and you were on the damn television. I was distracted and the man was boring as hell.”
“I was on the tv?” Jon questions kissing her cheek and trying hard not to laugh.
“Yeah, you had an assist and scored in the shoot out. I cursed my body that night for how watching you made me feel and then we texted all night which made it even worse.” Bekah admitted.
“I’m not against sexting Beks.” He flinches ready for her reaction and she just eyes him. “And you’ve been watching hockey?” Jon laughs.
“The man took me to a sports bar and the game was on. I have watched some highlights to see your dumb face.” Bekah buries her face in Jon’s chest.
“That’s adorable.” Jon whispers.
“It is not. We are what? Friends with benefits? Me watching Blackhawk highlights to catch a glimpse of you is ridiculous.”
“Friends with benefits? Hmmm... I definitely consider you a friend now and this is definitely a benefit... but I don’t know if I’d call this that.” Jon’s hand grazes her back and Bekah arches into him.
“What would YOU call this? Fuck buddies?” Bekah sits up and Jon busts out laughing.
“No... I don’t know what to call it okay but I like this. All of it. The texting, the sex, the convo...” Jon goes to stand up.
“Are you leaving?” Bekah stares at his perfect body as he crosses the room and pulls the sheets up her own in a moment of insecurity.
“I’m staying tonight. Did you see the bag? I was thinking a shower sounded nice.” He keeps walking. “Aren’t you coming?” Bekah leaps out of the bed and follows him into the bathroom.
Jon kisses her hard then sneak out for morning skate while Bekah heads down to the lobby to meet up with the ladies.
“I just heard the group over there buzz that Jonathan Toews just left this hotel.” Brynn leans into Bekah.
“Oh really?” Bekah wills her face to not flood red.
“Any reason that man would be leaving super early from a hotel in the city he lives in, especially when he was in Philadelphia yesterday for a game?” Brynn stares at her now bright red best friend’s face. “Yeah, your face tells me all I need to know. I know you don’t want to talk about it now but we WILL be talking about your little secret Beks.” The use of Jon’s nickname rolls off Brynn’s tongue.
“Did you just call me?” Bekah’s mouth hangs open.
“Oh I heard him call out to you at the game. I’m not sure why you have been hiding this from me?” Bekah pulls Brynn away from the group.
“Because how do you tell your best friend that you spent two nights with a man you hardly know and have been texting since?”
“Wait, 2 nights? I’d clap for you if we weren’t in public.”
“Rin. Seriously. I don’t know what this is with him.”
“It’s good clearly because it looks like you didn’t sleep a wink.” Brynn’s sly smile makes Bekah’s face flame again.
“Well are you seeing him tonight? They have the night off.”
“Yes, dinner at his place.”
“Find your answers then friend. If ya want them.”
Jon picked Bekah up around 4 after a day of shopping in all the go to places in Chicago. His car starts heading in the direction of his place.
“You live in Lincoln Park? Isn’t that a drive to work?” Bekah takes in the surroundings and direction they were heading.
“Yeah...wait, how do you know the neighbors so well? Most tourists know know the Mile and such.” Jon’s eyes drift to Bekah.
“Didn’t look at my diploma on my wall huh?” She clicks her tongue.
“Noooo....” Jon tries to recall if he noticed a diploma on the wall.
“DePaul. I went to DePaul for school.” Bekah giggles flicking her finger towards the direction of campus and Jon slams on his breaks at the light.
“Wait. What the hell? Seriously. So that means...when did you graduate?” Jon’s eyebrows are knit together processing.
“09.” Bekah answers with a smirk forming.
“So that’s two seasons we were in the same damn city! Fuck.” Jon’s jaws flex at the realization.
“First of all, I had my nose in a book for four years which is why I have only one real friend from college. Two, unless you were riding the L way too late avoiding your junior year roommate’s sexcapades, I didn’t get out much. Three, you wouldn’t have even noticed me if we did meet. Remember...average.” Bekah pulls her legs up onto her seat and wraps her arms around them.
“Beks, I would have fucking noticed you and now I feel like an idiot when we first talked how this girl knew so much about Chicago.” Jon takes another glance at Bekah before turning. “Townhouse is this way.” He points and Bekah’s mouth drops open.
“This is not a fucking townhouse Toews. It’s a damn mansion in Lincoln Park!”
“I just bought it so the decorations aren’t really me. Let’s just head in.” Jon ignores her shocked face and rounds the car to hold out his hand for Bekah.
“And I’m pretty sure five maybe more of my apartments could fit in it!” Bekah’s assessment was accurate of the place Jon called home in Chicago. After a small tour the two headed up to the rooftop where Jon prepared dinner.
“Could you come back here after playoffs?” Jon shoves food in his mouth and looks over at Bekah.
“You are making the playoffs?” She winks at him.
“Well, it looks to be that way. We can hang out before I head home. Plus, I’m gonna need to um...release some tension post playoffs. Damnit, that sounds worse coming out than it sounded in my head.” Jon pinches the bridge of his nose.
Bekah chokes on the wine she was sipping on. “Shit what? Like the whole athletes don’t have sex during playoffs is really a thing?”
“Well they either have a ton of sex or release or none...I tend to fall in the none category.”
“And this works?” Bekah clears her throat and takes another sip.
“Well, I’ve been to the playoffs every year I have been in the league but the first and have two cups.”
“You have TWO Stanley Cups?” Bekah’s hands hit the table and Jon laughs loudly.
“Yes Beks. And please don’t look it up. My beard is unattractive.” Bekah makes a mental note to ask Brynn. “Let’s head to bed. I’ve got a game tomorrow.”
The game was great for the Jackets and not so much for Jon and his team. He did score and it took everything in Bekah’s being to not stand and cheer when he did. Brynn eyed Bekah when it happened. Her knowing Bekah’s secret was a good and bad thing.
Jon: meet me in front of the locker room please. I know you are coming down here.
Bekah: you sure?
Jon: I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t sure.
Bekah smiles.
Jon: I mean you are the one keeping this a secret.
Bekah: Rin knows.
Jon: yeah?
Bekah: I’ll see you in a minute.
Bekah followed the rest of the Ladies to the United Center locker room area. “He’s that way.” Brynn points to the home locker room where Jon stood freshly showered and in a suit. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning...ish.” She laughs and gives Bekah’s ass a little love tap as she starts walking.
“Nice sweater.” He pulls on the strings of Bekah’s new thirds jersey the Lady Jackets bought each girl. “It doesn’t have another man’s name on it, does it?” Jon almost growls and Bekah goes to show him the blank back while biting her lip. “You would look much better in a red Blackhawks one in my opinion.” Jon’s finger runs down her sleeve.
“Sorry you lost but I got to see you score!” Bekah lifts up to kiss him and then drops down to the ground realizing they were in his world. His lips press against her forehead before she even looks back up.
“Let’s get out of here Beks.” Jon puts his arm around her and leads her to the car. It was in that moment she became even more confused about what they were. He clearly didn’t care who know knew or saw their exchange but yet they weren’t dating. And they established that a relationship wasn’t a good idea back in January. Now the lines were very blurry and she wondered if it was timing or something else.
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real-sex-ed · 4 years
are there differences between clitoral orgasms and vaginal orgasms?
So while researching this, I found some other orgasm types! I added information on those as well in this post. 
Clitoral Orgasm
What it is: If the clitoral orgasm were ice cream, it'd be vanilla -- not because it's bland, but because it's the standard. These orgasms result from direct stimulation of the clitoris and are described as "localized, sharp, bursting, and short-lasting," according to a study published in the journal NeuroQuantology.
How to get more: Go solo at first, suggests Janet Wolfe, a New York City-based sex therapist. Masturbation allows you to figure out what works best for you, and you'll know better how to direct your partner, Wolfe says. You'll also feel more comfortable helping yourself achieve orgasm during sex.
The Vaginal Orgasm What it is: Also known as the controversial "G-spot" orgasm, these don't happen for all women. According to that same NeuroQuantology study, vaginal orgasms are achieved more through intercourse than clitoral stimulation and are described as "whole body" and longer-lasting than clitoral orgasms. Women who report having vaginal orgasms may also be more likely to experience multiple orgasms.
How to get more: Just because you've never had a vaginal orgasm doesn't mean you can't. Researchers say the G-spot may be located on the front wall of the vagina. So the next time you're getting it on, have your guy target that spot by entering you from behind. But don't be scared to change things up once you're in the groove. According to a study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the longer sex lasts, the more likely you are to experience the big O. Changing positions can help your partner last longer.
The Blended Orgasm What it is: A blended orgasm happens when both a clitoral and vaginal orgasm occurs simultaneously. These twin orgasms have been known to last anywhere from 1 to 15 minutes, ending in a "giant" orgasm (yes, the medical literature actually uses the word "giant," so you know it's got to be good). (If menopause has taken the fun out of your sex life, The Natural Menopause Solution can help you get it back.)
How to get more: You need to put in double the effort if you want double the reward. "Some women find that the best position for orgasm is missionary because their clitoris is also being rubbed through penetration," says Jane Greer, Ph.D., a New York-based marriage and sex therapist. But woman-on-top can also be beneficial since it gives you a little more control over which of your spots are receiving the most attention.
The Coregasm 
What it is: An orgasm triggered by exercise. (Seriously.) But this isn't necessarily one of those toe-curling O's, according to Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., a sex researcher and author of the new book, The Coregasm Workout. Women who have experienced these orgasms describe them as "less intense," but still pleasurable. (Hey, if it gets you to the gym more frequently, go for it.)
How to get more: You're going to need to get your heart rate up for an orgasm described as "exercise-induced." After you've got some good cardio in, it's time to get to work on your core, Herbenick suggests. She says exercises like hanging leg raises are the most beneficial for an exercise O since they work the lower abs. (Coregasms seem to start in your ab muscles before moving down to your lady parts.) But just one set of crunches isn't going to cut it; you want to work your muscles to the point of fatigue, and then keep going once you start feeling some excitement, Herbenick says.
Skin Orgasms
What it is: All you need are some tunes. You may have already experienced a skin orgasm while listening to a favourite song or other powerful pieces of music. You probably just brushed it off as "chills" or "goosebumps." The real name for these feelings? "Frissons," which are "a musically induced effect associated with a pleasant tingling feeling," according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. Researchers believe the sensation is brought about by unexpected changes in the music, like sudden key changes or quick jumps from soft to loud--anything that forces the mind to abruptly switch gears.
How to get more: The only music linked with this phenomenon--at least thus far--is classical, where crescendos and chord changes abound. But the study authors say people are much more likely to have physical reactions to music that's familiar to them. Our personal pick: Sara Bareilles's hit "Gravity." The moment her voice breaks away from the background music around 2:50 is truly skin-titillating.
Hope this helped! If you have any more questions, don’t be scared to send in another ask!
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grown-clone · 4 years
Listen up pals, because I am slightly concerned. I was trying to look up some weight loss tips on tumblr, and ended up stumbling into the proana and promia tags. I decided long ago that while I was recovering from my anxiety and depression and going through therapy, I would never look into the ED tags or ED posts of tumblr. 
Well, I’ve been doing really well this past year and decided I would just give them a look. The first red flag is that a Tumblr Support page pops up. The next red flag is people (but mostly girls and women) are talking about how 120 pounds makes them want to kill themselves and how they need to loose more. I know I can’t make much of a difference, but maybe I can say something to one of you and help you have a change of heart. 
Starving yourself for a number is not healthy. Lower number does not equal good health. Skinny or Thinspo does not equal being totally physically fit and being the image of perfection. I’m not going to write another post of “Oh you are all so beautiful no need to worry about weight please eat” Because I know for some of you its not about that. Sometimes its about the number, sometimes its food itself, sometimes its and outside source making you feel these feelings. So I am hoping this next message will really speak to you.
If you are feeling exhausted constantly and/or are fainting often, Please drink some water (at least) and eat something small. If you value a number, value your blood sugar level number. Remember if you must keep the number down, you can do it tomorrow. But if you go too hard to fast you might not wake up from a fainting spell for a long time, or maybe not ever. 
If you feel pain from being hungry, then please consume something. Your body does need food and water to survive, that is just a fact. I had a friend who tried to survive on water with some lemon juice and salt to loose weight, and I cannot describe the feeling of dread in my stomach when she fainted in school and wouldn’t wake up. 
If you are thirsty then DRINK WATER!!! Water has no calories if you are concerned about it, but dehydration WILL KILL YOU. And if you want to gently introduce more food and energy to your body, then try smoothies with greek yoghurt and fresh fruits or vegetables. Speaking of fruit,
Eat the fruit over drinking the juice! I know that you want to keep the weight off, but juice will have MUCH MORE SUGARS in it than the actual fruit! Sugars will not be good for your metabolism. 
Gatorade will give you energy yes, but Gatorade is MEANT or people who need that energy and sugar replacement after they have been working out for long periods of time. Gatorade is FULL of sugars and electrolytes that will do more harm than good if you drink it undiluted. If you have just completed a HITT workout, then yeah chug the Gatorade. But if you have just been walking around the house or doing a light job, dilute the Gatorade in a 50 water 50 Gatorade solution. You extend the Gatorade and trick yourself into drinking more water! I do this all the time at work (I work in a hundred degree food truck and sweat like crazy) and I kept two-three pounds off when I did. 
Water does not replace food. Please please please remember that. You have to know that there is always time tomorrow to loose that next pound if you have too, it doesn’t have to be today. Focus on keeping yourself alive. The Earth has given you her bounty to pick from and eat. 
Remember that having fat is also a good thing! it protects you!!!! Y’all wanna know some REALLY COOL STUFF okay quick tangent. Mermaids would be fat. WHy? Because they would have more bodybuilder/weight lifter type bodies. The ocean is cold, so mammalian animals would need blubber to keep themselves warm. A mermaid is part mammal, so would need a thick layer of fat/blubber to keep themselves warm and alive! Plus, they would have HELLA muscles from swimming and moving in water. Basically a mermaid could one hit-kill anybody with a single punch because of how string they would be. Tangent over. FAT IS NECESSARY in life. Females! You have a pouch! Your uterus pushes your stomach out and makes that little bump before your stomach dips down into your pelvic area. That is not fat, the outer layer is actually your abs! Everybody has abs, but most people have a thicker layer of fat over them. Then your stomach is there, and finally your uterus! 
More female anatomy things to know... it is normal to gain three-five pounds before your period of hormonal weight. That weight WILL go away, never fear! Another friend sent herself to the hospital because she got really upset over that hormone weight. She ended up gaining a lot of weight back and it sent her down a dark spiral on anorexia again. Your body is simply preparing for a sudden increase in energy usage and is storing away that energy. (also it is easier to loose weight on your period with proper exercise but I can’t find my exact sources on this fact). 
And again, remember that a number is not worth your life. the number also takes time, and fasting will not help. I love you guys and i’m not trying to be rude but I think you guys need to hear this. If a lot of people really don’t like this post then I will take it down, but I have lost people and friendships to ED’S and to people valuing a number over their life. I tried to stay away from the “YOUR BEAUTIFUL PLEASE STOP AND EAT” because you constantly hear that. That isn’t because I dont think you are beautiful though, because I do. But I want you to eat because facts and your body tell you too, not because you feel the need to be beautiful. Remember that food is a NECESSITY, and that it not something you can argue. I hope that I have inspired at least one you  to take it a little bit easier on yourselves when doing those calorie calculations, or deciding whether to chew gum or eat a brownie. I hope I’ve gone so far as to inspire on of you to stope caring about the number all together and just focus on what makes you AND your body feel good. My asks are open for you to talk and vent or even get angry at me, and I will meet each on with love and kindness, I promise you. I might not respond right away but I will respond
I love you, and you deserve wellness and happiness. All of you.
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gladysjordan776655 · 3 years
Strengthening our abdominal muscles and developing a solid core is so important for healthy ageing, though there a few caveats to keep in mind. If, like me, you trained your core in the hopes of losing belly fat around your middle, you we’re probably disheartened to see little to no result. That’s because we can’t spot reduce our fat, meaning exercising and training in one focused area won’t burn fat in that area alone.
Another pitfall I fell into when first training my core was completing a high number of reps in each movement, which only burned me out. Training our abs is really no different from training other body parts. We don’t train arms exclusively every day of the week, with a target of hitting 100 reps each movement, so why should we expect that of our abs training?
I’m so excited to share with you this abs workout for women over 50 that will work your core to its fullest. It’s doable, energizing and most importantly fun!
Before we get started, this workout will be mostly performed on the ground. To protect our backs, place down a yoga mat if you have one handy or a towel.
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