#aahhh do you guys like this simple style of coloring?
ask-teenage-luka · 5 years
luka !! hello! what are your favorite things to do during the summer time :o
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“Ah, hello! Well... there are a lot of things I like to do in the summer, (like talk into a fan to hear my robot-voice with Luki) but my favorite thing to do is go down to the beach! Normally I have Luki or Meiko and Kaito with me, but sometimes I like to go by myself. Sometimes I’ll swim, and other times I’ll just sit underneath an umbrella and enjoy the cool breeze.”
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kookiecupid · 5 years
The Color of Love
Friends to Lovers Au
Pairing: TaehyungxReader
Category: Very Fluffy :D and some attempt at comedy
Summary: It’s Valentine’s day and in an effort to comfort you after a break up, your best friend, Kim Taehyung, takes you on an mini adventure.
Word Count: I’m not sure, I know it’s more that 3000
Please enjoy the following cringe
~~ 9 years earlier during some random playdate~~
“Why are there some things that like mean something and other things not?”
“That doesn’t even make any sense, Y/n-ah….”
“AHG I mean like why on valentines day everything is the color red or pink why not like BRIGHT BLUE!?”
“Because that’s weird, Y/n-ah.”
“I don’t like you, Tae.”
“Well that’s too bad.”
“Why? HMMM???”
“Because I like you.”
“HAHAHA. Oh I know! On valentines day I will give you a blue valentine instead of a pink one.”
“OKAY I will make you one too, that way we can like change the world or something.”
“Okay… Bluey.”
~~ Present Day ~~
“Y/N! It’s been like 2 weeks since you’ve left your room!” Taehyung whined over the phone.
You sighed. Taehyung was right. Ever since you broke up with your now ex-boyfriend, you just couldn’t bring yourself to do much other than watch Netflix and make an occasional trip to the kitchen to eat something small.
“Y/N-ah,” Taehyung called. “This is our last year before Uni. Tomorrow is Valentine's day and I don't want you to be alone. Plus, once we start uni, who knows when we will actually have time to hang out! All I’m asking is that you get your butt out of bed and join me on one adventure! Maybe it will get your mind off things!”
“UUUGHHHHHH!” You groaned in reply. You paused. Taehyung was right….You didn’t want a stupid break up to get in the way of having a good time with your best friend when when next year you will be going to different schools. Not to mention you really didn't want to be alone for Valentine's day. A year ago from then would be the anniversary of when you and hour ex had gotten together. But after almost a year of dating, your ex just decided to break up with you. He had said that he had just “fallen out of love with you.” You needed a good distraction.“Fine, Tae. But ONLY because you’re my best friend and I hate you.”
“Tae… I know you’re doing you’re stupid little victory dance.”
“Whaaaaaaaaattt….,” Taehyung replied. “Aish who am I kidding, you know me too well hahaha!” A giggle escaped you causing Taehyung to gasp dramatically. “Y/N!!”
“What is it now, Tae?”
“Nothing…. It’s just the first time I’ve heard you laugh even a little in a long time.”
Smiling you brought your phone down from your ear. He was right. But Taehyung always made you smile even if he didn’t know. “Okay, Tae. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
The next day got off on a pretty exciting start to say the least.
“AAHHH!!! Tae!!! What the heck are you doing in my room, in my FACE and so early in the morning?!?” You had rolled over in your sleep causing you to wake up a bit when you realized a certain brown haired boy was staring at you a little too close for comfort.
“Dude, first of all it’s like 1 in the afternoon. Second of all it’s been 2 weeks since you last let me see your beautiful face AND I wanted this masterpiece to be the first thing you see on this oh so glorious day,” he said motioning to his smiling face. He continued smiling his boxy smile and wiggled his brows for effect which had you throwing a pillow directly at him. “aHHG!” You immediately hid under your blanket knowing what was coming.
“Y/NNNNNN!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!!” Was Taehyung’s battle cry as he tackled you. There was kicking and tickling and lots of laughing. Taehyung finally uncovered your face and grinned. “Ah, there she is! My beautiful smiling girl!”
“Tae!! Don’t say stuff like that!” You squealed covering yourself with the blanket again.
“Ah, Y/n-ah. Are you blushing now??” He teased.
“Tae, if you don’t get off me I will kill you right here and now,” you growled from under the sheets.
Rolling your eyes you laugh to yourself. There he went, bolting down the stairs and you let him go. Revenge was right around the corner.
(in the distance)
“Oh Taehyungie! You haven’t been to see Y/n in so long I almost forgot how handsome you are!”
“Thank you, Mrs. (Y/l/n).”
“Now come over here and try this Hongeo I’ve been learning to make!”
“Oh, Mrs. (Y/l/n) I didn’t know you were so capable of creating such fancy foods….”
You couldn’t help but snort at the conversation. You could practically hear Taehyung trying not to gag. That boy would do anything to make a good impression on your mom. Despite the fact that you knew he could be an absolute devil, you had to admit it was super sweet and you appreciated it.
Come to think of it, Taehyung had always been there for you and making sure everything in your life was as good as it could be as long as it was in his power to do so. For that you were always thankful for him and you tried to do the same whenever you could. You guys were inseparable to the point that even in your first year of high school people thought you two were dating. Back then you puked at the mere thought of dating your best friend, but now you knew that anyone would be lucky to have him.
Reaching the kitchen you managed to arrive just in time to save Taehyung from the dreaded hongeo dish. “Sorry, Ma!” You said motioning for Taehyung to follow your lead. “Looks like Tae doesn’t have time to try your uh… food.” You two quickly ran out the door and you slammed it shut as you heard your mom calling to you.
“Y/n!” Tae scolded. You stuck your tongue at him and the two of you laughed.
Getting into the car you turned to your best friend. “Thanks for doing this Tae, I know I’ve been a buzz kill lately.”
Taehyung looked at you fondly. “It’s okay, Bluey. I’m happy to.” You blushed at the old nickname.
“Why did you bring me to the mall??!! You KNOW I hate the mall,” you pouted.
“Ah, c’mon, Y/n-ah!” Taehyung whined. “I promise we are gonna have so much fun!” And with that and a light ruffle of your hair, Taehyung jumped out of the car and started walking off without you.
You slumped as low as you could in your seat making a small tantrum. “This kid….”
As you approached the entrance you saw that Taehyung had waited for you.
“HAH! I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me,” Taehyung teased leaning into your face. You looked at his stupid expression unamused… and slapped it. “Y/N!”
The two of you wandered about a bit. You forced Taehyung to buy you a pretzel first to which he rolled his eyes but indulged nonetheless. You didn’t know what he had planned, but you followed him consciously trudging along hoping he would give up on you and just take you to get ice cream instead. But Taehyung continued with the stupid, handsome grin on his face every time he faced you. Every time he did that you had to look away; it made you feel weird for some reason.
“A-HA!” Tae said stopping suddenly in front of you. “Yah, Y/n look where you’re-“
“TAE!!!!!! MY PRETZEL!!!!”


You two paused and looked around to find some old lady who was on the phone giving you the death stare. It was near impossible trying to control your laughter as you ran into the store you had stopped at.
“HAHAHA! Did you see that lady?!” You said a little out of breath.
“OH my god, she was horrified!” Taehyung was laughing so hard he had to wipe a tear from his eye. “Dude, that was too good.”
“I know.. damnit I missed this so much, Tae,” you admitted.
Taehyung punched you lightly in the arm. “I promised you we would have fun, didn’t I?” You rolled your eyes. “Okay, enough of this. Now it’s time for some makeovers!” He grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the back of the store.
“I present to you, the CleArAnce SecTIoN! OOOoooo!”
“I know what a clearance section is, stupid.”
“ I know you do, but this one is special,” Taehyung said as he placed a finger to the side of his nose.
“Please enlighten me, oh wise one,” you said bowing.
“ Okay, so,” he began. “This is how it’s gonna work. Each of us will choose a complete outfit for the other person that we think the other will look amazing in. Then we have to go to the bathrooms and change into them and wear them for the rest of the day. ”
You pursed your lips trying to hide your emotions. Taehyung had the best sense of style you had ever seen and you didn’t know if you were nervous because you didn’t think you could do justice to his looks or excited because you knew you were about to look great.
“Just do it!!” He encouraged you. “I’m gonna love whatever you pick for me and I promise I won’t make you look like a clown. And even if I did, you’d still be a cute clown.” He winked.
“FINE!” You said pushing him.
“YES! Okay, so you go over there and I’ll stay here and NO PEAKING!”
“Tae, you know I would never…”
“Yeah right, Y/n. We all know you find me irresistible.”
“…,” you were blushing. “Okaydeallesgedditbye.” Turning on your heels you ran to the men’s section. Hopefully Tae didn’t see your blush. This was the third time he had flustered you today and you kept getting a weird feeling in your stomach. What the actual heck was up with you today???
“Meet me at the restrooms in half an hour!” He called.
“This is the MOMENT OF TRUTH, Y/n!” Taehyung said clapping his hands together.
“Bro, you probably won’t ever wear what I chose you in real life, but here goes nothing,” you said as you exchanged the bags of clothes.
Once you got to the bathroom and you opened the bag you squealed in excitement. It felt more like Christmas than Valentine’s day. Taehyung had chosen simple pieces, but they were quite chic. The outfit consisted of a pair of high waisted mom jeans, a dark turquoise striped tank and beige cardigan. It matched well with the booties you were already wearing. You felt cute!
You heard a knock at the door.
“Y/n-ah! Are you ready??” Taehyung called from the other side.
“Yeah just a second!”
“YAH! I know you’re just looking at yourself in the mirror, stop being so narcissistic and let me see!!!”
“AHG! Let me LIVE, Tae!”
“Okay, Tae. You ready?”
“I was born ready.” You scoffed and opened the door.
You were looking at the ground but when your gaze fell on a pair of sneakers in front of you, you reluctantly looked up taking in everything before you. You had chosen a pair of loose, dark jeans and an oversized white button down shirt. You couldn’t really afford more than that and at first you thought it would be underwhelming, but you were very very wrong.
“Y/n-ah…,” Taehyung said. He looked equally as flustered. “Wait- Y/n, are you checking me out??”
“WHat?! Tae, don’t be ridiculous,” you said shaking your head. Taehyung simply smirked.
“Phew, it is really hot in here suddenly, maybe I should take off the sweater for now.” You started to take your cardigan off when Taehyung suddenly stopped you with his hands on your shoulders.
“What are you doing! You can’t do that here, woman!” His face was beet red.
“Tae, it’s fine I won’t get too cold, don’t worry.”
“No… its too much…… skin.” You just looked at him.
“No one cares, it’s fine, Tae,” you said sighing.
“I care,” he replied with a concerned look on his face.
“Tae, you’ve literally even seen me in my pjs just this morning if you don’t recall being on top of me… in….. my bed……” You both paused as your faces got even redder.
“ Okay, I don’t wanna talk about this anymore,” Taehyung said hurriedly. “Time for part two of the makeovers!” Taking you by the shoulders, he turned you around and rushed you away trying to move away from the conversation.
You didn’t know why you were literally having butterflies in your stomach at this point. Why was Tae acting so flustered? Heck he’s even seen you in your swimsuit! But why today of all days is this happening? What is even happening??
The next thing you knew you two were in a beauty salon. It was the typical mall salon, but it looked really high end. Suddenly you got excited.
“OMG are we getting our makeup done??” You turned to Taehyung.
“Oh god… never, Y/n,” He said having flashbacks to the time you did his make up and he felt like a doll. He had only agreed to that because you were so cute begging him to let you, but he had other plans.
“You’re no fun,” you pouted.
Taehyung scoffed. “Excuse you, you’ve been having the time of your life, missy. Don’t give me that bs.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Aish, you know me too well,” you retorted, quoting him from the night before. “So what’s the plan, Tae?”
“Follow me,” he replied and you two walked up to the front desk.
“Good afternoon! How can I help you?” Greeted the lady seated there.
“Hello, Miss. I was wondering if you could take 2 walk-ins right now?” Taehyung asked her.
“Oh, of course! Today has been a bit of a slow day, so head right in, he will be out in a second and take all the time you need, sweethearts.” She smiled.
“Thank you,” you replied and the two of you went to stand by the waiting area.
“Taehyungie!!” A voice called from behind you. A tall, handsome man in all black strutted right in on hearing that he had some customers. “Oh, how rude of me. Hello, name is Jin,” he said shaking your hand. “I’m Taehyungie’s friend! You must be Y/n, right?” He elbowed Taehyung in the rib. “I’m sure he’s mentioned me before, he sure mentions you… a lot.” This time it was Taehyung’s turn to elbow him in the rib.
“Ahaha… no I can’t say that he has..” You giggled at the look of annoyance on Jin’s face.
“Well… no matter, this brat can’t be taught,” Jin replied. He was a sassy one. “So, what can I do for you guys today?”
“Well hyung, remember that idea I told you about that one time?” Taehyung said enthusiastically.
“Oh yes… that crazy insane idea that no one would do because you’re impulsive and need to be held captive for the sake of the human race?” Jin replied. “Then yes. Yes I do.”
Taehyung glared at his hung for a second before continuing. “Well, today is the day!”
“What are you talking about, Tae. This is scaring me,” you knew Taehyung was up to something crazy. Jin was probably right.
“Well, Y/n-ah,” He began turning to you. “ First we picked each other’s outfits and now we are going to choose each other’s hairstyles! It can be anything and everything, just has to look good.” He finished with a giant grin.
“OH nooo!!!” You laughed at his big dumb grin despite the anxiety that this idea imposed. “Tae, you’re insane!”
“Y/n, just do it! Break out of your comfort zone! You had fun picking out clothes didn’t you?” He asked raising an eyebrow at you.
“Ugh… yes I did.”
“See! I promise I won’t ask Jin to shave off your head or anything, but please let us do it!” He begged you.
“Fine!” You gave in. “But I’m only doing this because YOU are desperate!”
“Stop laughing like that, Tae.”
After some whispering exchanged between Taehyung and Jin, Jin sat you down at his station and got to work. He had turned you around so that you wouldn’t be able to see your own reflection in order for the final product to be a surprise which gave you lots of nerves, but you endured it. Taehyung on the other hand had opted to sit directly in front of you recording you every so often.
“Tae, stop taking videos of me! I look like an egg with a smock on right now!” You whined.
“Yah, but you look like a cute egg, Y/n-ah! Anyone would think you look delicious,” he winked.
“If you two don’t stop flirting I will literally puke on top of Y/n’s head,” Jin interrupted causing the two of you to blush once again. But Taehyung just giggled and continued to take videos of you while you hissed at him to stop.
Finally Jin had asked you close your eyes as he did the finishing touches and when you were done, he took a step back.
“Okay, Y/n. You’re all set! You can look now!” Jin said.
You tentatively opened one eye and then the other, not exactly sure what to expect. When you saw what he had done you couldn’t help but gush.
“Oh my gosh, guys, this is beautiful! Jin, I’ve always wanted an ombré look but I’ve always been too much of a coward to actually try it and it looks amazing!”
“Hey! I chose it, don’t I get some credit too?” Taehyung teased you.
“Yes, yes, Tae. Thank you so much,” you said sticking your tongue out at him. He was looking at you with complete and utter adoration and you couldn’t help but feel so vulnerable there. You felt the most you you’ve ever felt and you felt the most loved you’ve ever felt. Unlike your ex, Taehyung always knew who you were and always kept it in mind. It might have just come from being best friends, but you loved the fact that Taehyung never tried to change you but took you as you were. What did you do to deserve him in your life? Thinking these things, you realized you knew exactly what to ask Jin to do for Taehyung’s hair. Your  spinned in your chair and turned to face Taehyung springing to your feet. “Okay, now it’s your turn!”
“Aigoooo…. I don’t know, Y/n,” Taehyung said and shrugged. “Maybe we should just go home now”
“Kim Taehyung, you dragged me out here and did all of this to me.” You motioned to yourself. “You have to do the same or else.”
“You know, Taehyungie. I actually really like this girl,” Jin said nodding his head. You laughed and turned to Taehyung.
“Okay, okay! I was just teasing!” He said. “Why is everyone against me now all of a sudden?” He took his seat and waited as you and Jin discussed his new look.
“Are you sure about this, Y/n?” Jin asked. “It’s a little…. Out of the ordinary.”
“Yes, I’m sure,” you replied confidently.
“Taehyungie, you sure you’re up to this?” He asked his friend.
Taehyung nodded. “Hyung, Y/n’s wish is now your command.”
“Okayyy…” was Jin’s response as he quickly went to work.
“Okay, Tauhyung. Are you ready?”
“As ready as I’ll every be!”
Jin turned Taehyung around to reveal a new, bright blue head of hair. At first it took him by surprise but he actually loved it. You could tell by the way he was flipping his hands through it that he was enjoying himself very much. It was so cute.
After a few strokes to his own hair, Taehyung looked up at you from in the mirror to thank you but was taken aback by the way you were smiling at him. His heart just melted to see you like that because it reminded him of the way he knew he always looked at you. He turned around to face you and sat there and smiled back at you for a second. To your surprise, he suddenly hopped out of his chair to kneel in front from where you sat. You didn’t expect such sudden moves and your heart was racing so fast and so hard, you were just praying Taehyung couldn’t hear the cacophony inside your chest.
Placing a hand on yours, Taehyung looked up at you. “You chose bright blue,” he said softly, his huge smile reaching to even the corners of his beautiful eyes.
“Mhmm,” was your only reply. He reached up and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear and gazed into your eyes. He seemed so taken with you and at the same time, you realized you were just as taken by him.
“Did you know, that I love you?” He asked in as much as a whisper. You could only nod now, but as Taehyung may or may not have been expecting an ‘I love you’ in return, the kiss you gave him was all the response he needed.
I hope you all liked it! Even if it sucks I had fun writing it :)))
Tagged readers:
@serengeti-serenity @blueygooey13 @simplykiersten love you guys
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