#a theory of butterflies and other insects
themissakat · 2 years
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i have been going absolutely feral at @calamity-unlocked​ with doodles of the Blight in their atobaoi au... 
and the latest chapter of A Theory of Butterflies and Other Insects has only made it worse ofc 
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calamity-unlocked · 4 months
Whatever happened to "A Theory In Butterflies and Other Insects"? Noticed it's at 19/20 and hasn't been updated since last year.
Apologies if you've been asked this before
It's been asked before, but I don't mind!
Two things happened to atobaoi; first my gap years were over, I moved out, went to college, the whole shebang. I have considerably less time for personal projects than I did back then. The other reason is that my mental health took a nosedive and I've been suicidally depressed for over a year now. Little hard to focus the creative energy into such a huge chapter of a show I am not really invested in anymore.
Process is about 20% - I have everything outlined and the first two scenes are fully written. It'd probably be about 20-25k when finished. I do still plan on finishing it.
Honestly, now that my previous hyperfixation has mostly died down, there's a big chance i'm picking it up again soon. Writing is surviving for me, and atobaoi is my dearly beloved. Can't say when, though. Might be two months, might be two years.
If you, or anyone else for that matter, don't want to wait that long, feel free to DM me and ask about my outline, I'll happily give you the details for how it will end.
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jaekaicx · 2 years
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Guess she didn’t need to hold their hands anymore
A Theory of Butterflies and Other Insects by @calamity-unlocked
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anshiel · 2 years
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obsessed with a theory on butterflies and other insects fanfic by @calamity-unlocked and the concept of gem traits combining, gods it's always inresting 2 see peoples roleswap au takes for these 3
anyways sketches i made while still thinking about scenes from the latest chapters
i am still looking through amphibia fanworks 2 cope
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fatehbaz · 7 months
[E]very [interspecies] meeting in fact reminds us that the being we meet is and always shall be strange to us […]. When beings meet there is a distance between, such that in encountering the slug we also encounter something beyond the slug – a multitude of life we cannot sense. [...] So despite shared histories and the close proximity in which slugs and [humans] live, the slug retains a certain darkness as a creature apart; something is held in reserve […]. And so fleeting awareness of the irretrievability of the lives of others intensifies poignancy, such that despite a gulf separating the [human] from other creatures, some connection, however fleeting, is made to something – however strange. Refusing to dismiss the everyday and the banal is an ethical response. […] Slugs are there: sliming, chomping, and oozing around quietly and that should be enough to give them consideration.
[Text by: Franklin Ginn. “Sticky lives: Slugs, detachment and more-than-human ethics in the garden.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Volume 39, Issue 4. 2013. Bold emphasis added by me.]
So, can an insect speak? And if yes, do we understand it? Wittgenstein maintained that ‘if a lion could speak we would not understand him’, by which he implied that we do not share the ‘form of lion-life’ that would make lion language fully transparent to us […]. A similar insight was [...] expressed by [...] [a twentieth-century] honeybee researcher [...]: Beyond the appreciable facts of their life we know but little of the bees. And the closer our acquaintance becomes, the nearer is our ignorance brought to us of the depths of their real existence. But such ignorance is better than the other kind, which is unconscious and satisfied.
[Text by: Eileen Crist. “Can an Insect Speak?: The Case of the Honeybee Dance Language.” Social Studies of Science, Volume 34, Issue 1. 2004. Bold emphasis added.]
Animal studies scholarship tends to emphasize animal-human relations, encounters, and similarities. […] Jellyfish and other gelatinous creatures [...], however, float at the far reaches of our ability to construct sturdy interspecies connections [...]. Uexkull’s theory […] insists upon multiple worlds […], a capacious admission that a multitude of other creatures dwell as part of worlds that humans cannot readily or completely access or grasp. Three-quarters of a century later Terry Tempest Williams wonders what it would be like to be a jellyfish. […] [She] writes: “Perhaps this is what moves me most about jellies – their sensory intelligence […] the great hunger that is sent outward through the feathery reach of their tentacles. Imagine the information sought and returned.”
[Text by: Stacy Alaimo. “Jellyfish Science, Jellyfish Aesthetics: Posthuman Reconfigurations of the Sensible”. In: Thinking with Water. 2013. Bold emphasis added.]
Although we cannot ‘speak’ with nonhumans in any straightforward way, what we can and more importantly do do is become articulate with them in various ways. [...] If there is a way out of this historical impasse [alienation, climate crisis, global ecological degradation], [for some] it is not to be found in attributing some of ‘our’ qualities to ‘them’. It “would not be a matter of ‘giving speech back’ to animals […]. Perhaps the task is not to seek to compare the dance language of bees […] with human language, the ‘intelligence’ […] of Monarch butterflies with human intelligence, […] but rather (or at least in addition) to find a way of thinking about these ‘remarkable things’ that grants them positive ontological difference in their own right. […] [It] is concerned with what is always a multitude of others rather than a singular other […]; and it is radically nonanthropocentric […].
[Text by: Nick Bingham. “Bees, Butterflies, and Bacteria: Biotechnology and the Politics of Nonhuman Friendship.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, Volume 38, Issue 3. 2006. Bold emphasis added.]
Starfish may seem to be still, but longer attention [...] shows them [slowly] moving, changing. [...] Then there are beings [like some insects] that experience hundreds, thousands of generations within a human lifetime. For such beings, the memories, learnings and modes of passing on experience are, it almost goes without saying (yet it must be said as it is so often not), radically different from any human’s in terms of the ways they experience change. The immensity of the alterity is, literally, incomprehensible to humans. We can't know what these beings know. But we can be aware that they have knowledges and experiences beyond us. [...] [W]e should know they live and experience and think beyond us. We should seek respect and be aware of how our lives are entangled […]. It is not abstract, or empty.
[Text by: Bawaka Country et al. “Gathering of the Clouds: Attending to Indigenous understandings of time and climate through songspirals.” Geoforum Volume 108. January 2020. Bold emphasis added.]
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yoghurtsoup · 7 days
Milgram characters as bugs(and some other invertebrates)
Haruka is a pine precissionary moth
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I mostly chose this one for his metamorphosis imagery and also the peculiar features of pine precissionary moths. These insects build a nest out of silk in pine needles as caterpillars and move in a straight line when they get out to find food, such as in the photo below. This species is pretty fitting for his dependant nature I think.
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Yuno is a red admiral butterfly
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They are usually pretty calm and indifferent for flying insects. Yuno is similar in the way that she does not care for others much and does her own thing.
Fuuta is a fire ant
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Fire ants are venomous aggressive insects. Just like Fuuta! Also, if you squint your eyes, his colour scheme looks kind of like a fire ant. I tried to find a picture of a fire ant alate, which look different, but all the ones I saw were of dead ants, and some people might not want to see that.
Muu is an Asiatic honey bee
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Shidou is a Eurpoean medicinal leech
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Shidou and leeches have the shared trait of people being creeped out by them, but keeping them around for their medicinal properties. Also, I know leeches are worms, but most people use the term ''bug'' for any invertabrate, including spiders and millipedes.
Mahiru is a black widow
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Speaking of spiders, this one's for all the Mahiru cannibalism theories out there/nsrs Besides that, the way she has trapped her lover and herself in an abusive relationship to the point the guy saw death as an escape is really spider-like. I wouldn't be surprised if they give her a spider motif in her t3 mv.
Kazui is a hummingbird hawk-moth
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I chose this one, because they are pretty flashy animals and Kazui has a lot performer imagery. Also, they look like an animal that they are not.
Amane is a toe-biter
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''Aw, what a cute bug. I wonder if it-'' BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU
Mikoto is a termite
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Specifically, he is a worker termite, as he loves his horrible job so much. John is also a termite, but he is a soldier termite. I couldn't choose a specific species, so he is any of the termite species.
Kotoko is a wolf spider
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I also could not choose a spcific species for her and grabbed any public domain wolf spider picture I could find. If you think about it, she kind of looks like a wolf spider in this screenshot. I was initially going to choose a type of jumping spider for her, but I decided on this one because of its name. Also, wolf spiders don't weave webs, but stalk and chase their prey.
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peachdues · 11 months
The Wind and His Moon: Part 2
A/N: ok, I lied. I decided to finish writing/edit this instead of studying -- all 3500 words of it.
The first half is pretty heavy on dialogue/exposition, since I need to set up the rest of the story. The second half brings all the emotional gut punches you all seemed to love from part one.
Massive CW: canon-typical violence, graphic violence, mentions of gore and child death. Swearing and later smut. MDNI.
The Butterfly Mansion had been prepared for the party's arrival, thanks to a pair of crows who had managed to fly ahead of the rushing Hashira to give Kocho the warning. When Sanemi and Rengoku skittered into the manicured courtyard of the Mansion, its mistress was already waiting alongside a small group of Kakushi and her mouthy second. Sanemi's feet had no sooner come to a rest before Kocho's attendant — Aoi, he remembered her being called — delicately plucked the unconscious girl from his arms and placed her on her side on a stretcher before rushing her inside, barking orders at the other Kakushi.
Kocho had lingered behind for a moment to get a more detailed account of how the Wind and Fire pillars had found the girl, before she too, disappeared back into the Mansion, eyebrows drawn and eyes serious. Sanemi had not missed how the Insect Pillar's staple serene smile had slipped from her face as he and Rengoku had posited their theory of the girl's assault.
It was only after Kocho left that Sanemi unleashed his pent-up rage on the Kaksuhi who had accompanied them back from the decimated village, not allowing them courtesy of a moment's rest after the frantic journey back to the Butterfly Estate.
Sanemi had screamed at them until his vocal cords twinged, his voice turning hoarse from the strain. How, he had sneered at them, could they possibly claim that they were capable of rendering lifesaving first aid if they couldn't distinguish between someone dead and someonewithafuckingheartbeat.
In fairness, Sanemi had thought bitterly later, after Tengen had all but dragged him off of the Butterfly House's grounds, it wasn't as though he or Rengoku had bothered checking the girl for a pulse either. They were all equally guilty of nearly burying alive the only surviving member of the Lunar Breathing Clan.
But it was far easier to take it out on those who had been closest to her. The ones who should have seen what he had not.The ones who should have caught his failure.
His failure continued to plague him as the days bled into weeks without any sign of life from the girl. Before long, a month had passed since that horrible day.
One month since they had thought her to be dead, only for her to claw and pull her way out from the sodden earth.
The Hashira had gathered with Oyataka-san for an emergency meeting, called to discuss the brutal annihilation of the girl's village and the decimation of the Lunar Breathing Clan. By the end of the meeting, both the Master and the other Hashira knew only two things:
First, there was no question that the girl was the sole survivor of the Lunar Clan. And until she awoke, no one would be able to use Lunar breathing against Kibutsuji and his parade of horribles.
The girl had survived, but not without great effort. Kocho had been able to stabilize the girl after several, long hours, but she admitted it had been touch-and-go for a while. The girl's blood loss, combined with internal injuries sustained from either final selection or whatever confrontation that took place at the Manor, plus the early stages of infection resulting from attempts to bury the girl alive had severely complicated Kocho's medical intervention. It had been well past midnight that evening before Kocho had emerged, sweaty and tired, resignation pulling at her features. But the girl had lived.
Kocho's exhaustive efforts to save the girl brought them to the second key takeaway: apart from a fractured wrist likely sustained during final selection, the rest of the girl's wounds had not been caused by any demon. Neither claw nor tooth mark had been found on the girl.
What was found, however, was a deep slice between the girl's shoulders that was about an inch deep. The wound was a single, long gash, estimated to be about four inches in length. Kocho said it had been caused by a blade of some sort, and she breathlessly admitted she had been shocked that the girl's spinal cord had not been severed.
Framing the wound were smaller punctures, ragged at their edges, and deep, as though whatever had caused them had been dragged down the girl's skin before they were removed. The Master had inquired whether those wounds could have been the work of a demon, but Kocho was adamant they were not. Those wounds had been too even, too precise to have been anything natural (however natural demons could be).
Kocho's conclusion: the girl's injuries had been caused by weapons. Though Sanemi had anticipated the explanation, it did nothing to soothe the chill that rolled over his skin.
The Master had been uncharacteristically grim throughout Kocho's assessment, his lips thinning as Kocho confirmed what Sanemi and Rengoku had feared — the girl had been subjected to some form of bodily assault either before or after she had been wounded.
Kocho clarified she had not found evidence requiring her to use any — preventative — medication. Rather, bruises along the girl's wrists and legs suggested an attempted assault, further proven by the state of her clothing. An assault that likely had been interrupted by the Hashira's arrival.
The news that their arrival may have prevented the girl from being subject to the sick pleasures of lowly bandits did little to soothe the rage toiling beneath Sanemi's scarred skin. If anything, it only added oil to his fire.
At the end of the day, the girl's monsters had been human, not demons.
An uneasy silence had fallen over the group as Kocho conceded that she did not know when — or if — the girl would ever awake.
The Master had made no movement, save for the tap of his finger against the hand folded in his lap.
"I won't pretend that the idea of asking the girl to join our ranks once she regains consciousness doesn't cause me great discomfort," the Master had said quietly after a long moment. "But I am also not unaware of the implications for our cause should we completely lose the Lunar Breathing technique entirely."
"Lunar Breathing has been an invaluable asset to the Demon Slayer Corp, more so because it is a hereditary form of breathing," Iguro's voice was low, serious. "We would be doing ourselves a disservice if we allowed those techniques to die with the girl."
"Had the Head of the Lunar Clan not also have been slaughtered, I would suggest we urge him to take a wife and produce new heirs," Uzui had agreed, though to Iguro's scowl, "but we're not left with many options besides training the girl."
"You say 'training' as though the girl has not survived final selection," Iguro shot back, "It's not as if we would be starting from scratch. At the very least, she has some training under her belt."
"You know what I mean," Uzui waived his hand dismissively, "even if she were to wake up at this moment, she would require intensive rehabilitation." Uzui had looked pointedly at the Insect Hashira. "Right, Kocho?"
"Precisely. If she awakes." Kocho replied, voice dangerously soft. "And I would not discount the time it would take for her mental injuries to heal. To send her directly into battle would be needlessly cruel."
Uzui's slammed his fist on the polished wood of the Master's floors. "But we don't have the time to waste. What do you think Kibutsuji'll do once he learns that she survived his little game?" The Sound Hashira's eyes were cold, calculating. "Do you think he'll just leave her be? The last heir of the Lunar Breathing Clan?" Uzui scoffed, folding his trunk-like arms across his burly chest. "Especially not once he gets wind that she was already training to be a Slayer."
A vein in Kocho's forehead ticked at Uzui's brashness, but before she could open her mouth to snap back, the Master raised his hand. All fell silent and bowed towards him.
"I'm curious as to why we haven't heard from the two who found the girl. What are your thoughts on the matter, Sanemi? Rengoku?" The Master turned towards the pair.
Rengoku spoke first. "Master, please do not think that I underestimate the girl's heritage and its value to our cause," Rengoku bowed deeply, his nose nearly touching the floor. "But I do know that the carnage in the Merchant's village was unlike anything we have ever seen." Rengoku grimaced, struggling to find his next words. "I fear what the girl may have endured may be more than any of us can fully comprehend, and it makes me hesitant to send her into battle."
The Master nodded. "I also fear the risk of sending her into combat too soon." The Master turned his unseeing gaze to the direction of Uzui, who hastily bowed. "While I agree with you, Tengen, that Kibsutsuji will stop at nothing to seek the girl out to achieve his goal, I also wonder whether the girl herself won't try and seek revenge at the expense of herself and her comrades." The Master paused for a moment, considering. "That is, I wonder if sending her out too soon won't be a liability to our cause, rather than an asset. And it's as Shinobu said — we don't know whether she will wake up at all."
The Master turned towards his Wind Pillar, a curious smile tugging at the corner of his ruined mouth. "What say you, Sanemi? It is rare for you not to have an opinion on such matters and not make it known."
Sanemi felt his cheeks heat slightly, and he was sure he felt the tips of his ears turn red in his mollification.
"The caliber of demon slayer recruits has been in a steady decline, and we lose more rank-and-filers now than can pass final selection. There is no doubt that we are desperate for some sort of reprieve." Sanemi began, his voice sounding gravelly and foreign as he spoke to his revered leader with a formality he did not know he possessed.
"But I have to agree with the sentiments shared by Kocho and Rengoku," he continued. "There's too much risk with forcing the girl into combat right away. We don't even know if she can even use Lunar Breathing, let alone master it."
"Isn't that the point of training, Shinazugawa? For the girl to learn?" Tomioka's pathetically quiet voice rose over the heads of the other Hashira, causing Sanemi's nostrils to flare as he loosed an annoyed huff.
Had the Master not been present, Sanemi would have had no qualm in shooting back some biting, sarcastic remark; but because Sanemi respected the Master far more than he hated the insipid Water Pillar, he held back, his fists clenching in his restraint.
"Response, Sanemi?" the Master asked him, pointedly, as though he were prodding Sanemi into objecting. As if he wanted Sanemi to protest, as if he wanted an additional reason to spare the girl from a decidedly shortened and violent life with the Demon Slayer Corps.
Sanemi suppressed a smirk. "Master, tell me – how long has it been since the Corps last had a Lunar Breathing user?"
The Master returned Sanemi's soft, knowing smile. "Nearly fifty years."
Sanemi's eyes flitted over to the dull, azure gaze of the Water Hashira. "I dunno, I'd say the Corps has made it this far without Lunar Breathing. No sense in changing things now." His smirk deepened to something more antagonistic as the Water Hashira turned his gaze away from Sanemi, instead fixing his stare on the wall before him.
The Master nodded in agreement. "Then the matter is settled. We will not approach the girl about continuing with the Corps as a slayer should she awaken. That decision is to be left with her – even if it means the death of the Lunar Breathing technique."
Sanemi relished the grinding sound emanating from his right as Uzui ground his teeth together, his jaw clenched impossibly tight. Sanemi knew that the ostentatious Sound Pillar would rather reduce his teeth to dust than argue with the Master.
"Now, onto other matters. I've been made aware of an incident--." The Master began before a pair of Kakushi came spilling into the meeting room, tripping over one another in their hasty, frantic effort to bow before the Master.
"Please forgive us, Oyakata-sama!" one of the Kakushi spoke up, forehead nearly touching the tatami beneath them. "But you asked us to inform you immediately if --!"
The Master's face turned solemn and grave. "Has she awoken? The Lunar heir?"
Sanemi felt his stomach lurch in surprise. From the corner of his eye, he saw Kocho shoot up from her crouched position, her eyes shining.
"Yes, Oyakata-sama!" the Kakushi answered in unison.
The Master nodded. "Shinobu, please – go check on her." Kocho nodded once and disappeared in a flash, darting back towards the Butterfly Mansion to aid the now-conscious heir. "I will dismiss this meeting until we can all gather together once more. Please, my children, take care of yourselves. I hope to see you all again soon." The Master concluded, his children flanking his sides as they helped him stand and retreat to the room beyond the antechamber in which they had gathered.
Sanemi rose alongside the other Hashira and locked eyes with a pair of crimson eyes threatening to burn a hole through his skull with their intensity.
"You thinkin' of heading over there too, Rengoku?" Sanemi asked, already making his way toward the entryway of the Master's mansion.
The Flame Pillar nodded. "I would like to know at least what happened to the girl upon her return from final selection. If there are any details she may be able to provide about the attack, then we may be able to seek justice for her."
Sanemi grunted, and the pair fell silent as they began to make their way down the little rock path leading out of the Master's sprawling manor grounds and towards the direction of Kocho's estate.
Though the outside grounds of the Butterfly Mansion had been tranquil as the Wind and Flame Hashira arrived, with fat wisteria blooms lazily shifting against the frigid night breeze, the inside of the Mansion was anything but calm.
Specifically, a small group of Butterfly Mansion staff and Kakushi had gathered in a semi-circle in the hall, outside of one of Kocho's recovery rooms, all clamoring over one another in a desperate attempt to catch a glimpse through the thin sliver of glass of whatever was going on behind the firmly shut door.
"Move, you vultures! Don't you have work to do?" Sanemi barked, the gaggle of them moving quickly out of the Wind Pillar's way the moment his gruff voice had cut through their anxious tittering.
The hallway now empty, Sanemi and Rengoku took up the position in front of the room's doorway, both alternating in sneaking furtive glances through the door's small window.
Peering through the small glass pane in the door, Sanemi first saw Kocho standing at the side of a messy, empty bed. Kocho's arms were raised slightly, palms turned up in supplication as she spoke gently to something near the window he knew was on the other side of the room.
Not something; someone. Sanemi craned his neck slightly in an effort to see what had drawn Kocho's attention away from the haphazard bed and towards the window across the room.
That was when he saw her.
Truthfully, she looked like shit. The top of whatever sleeping kimono the girl had been dressed in had been pulled away from her torso, clinging loosely around her hips and obscuring her legs from view. Her shoulders and collarbone were both exposed, but her chest and lower torso were completely covered in tightly-wrapped medical gauze and bandages that extended down past her stomach, disappearing from sight under a loose-fitting drape of her kimono.
There were additional bandages wrapped around one of her biceps and one of her wrists –one Sanemi suddenly remembered had been snapped into a grisly angle when he had found her behind the fountain. Though clearly in the later stages of healing, Sanemi could see deep bruises dotted nearly every inch of her exposed skin. Her long, dark hair was unbound, falling to her waist in an unkept tangle.
Sanemi's gaze lifted to rest on the girl's face, and once he did, he was unable to look away. Her silvery eyes were wild, distrustful, just as they had been when she had so desperately tried to crawl through the blood and snow away from them – from him – all those weeks ago. Her eyebrows were drawn close together, as though skeptical of whatever it was Kocho murmured to her.
"She's barely standing," Sanemi said quietly to Rengoku, who tried to peer over Sanemi's head in interest. Sanemi watched as the girl dug the fingers of her good hand into the grain of the window pane, clutching for dear life to hold herself upright despite the violent trembling of her limbs as they struggled under the effort. The girl's shoulders were curved in, and her chest was rising and falling rapidly, as though she struggled to regulate her breathing. Her other arm was wrapped tightly around her torso as though she were literally trying to hold herself up.
"Tell me where they are!" Sanemi's ears pricked at the sound of the girl's voice, hoarse from a month of non-use.
Kocho shook her head. "Please, your injuries are still healing – let me help you back into-."
"Tell me where you put the others you found at the Manor!" The girl demanded, her voice cracking slightly. "Are they here? Have they been cleared?"
Kocho's eyebrows drew close together, her eyes flashing with a glint that Sanemi knew meant she was irate. "If you continue to stand, you risk tearing the stitching in your back." She said crisply, deftly avoiding the girl's demands.
The girl shook her head vigorously. "There was a little girl – Suzuna – she is eight years of age. She is about this tall," the girl removed her hand from its iron grip on the windowsill to quickly gesture to her hip, returning it to its previous position before she could lose her balance. "And I need to find her. I need to go to my sister. Now."
Sanemi's mouth went dry as dread filled his gut, heavy and nauseating. Beside him, Rengoku softly swore.
Because there had only been one child discovered amongst the carnage of the Lunar Merchant's estate.
Only one child had been found – torn in half – and crushed beneath the weight of her family's fountain.
No. No.
Sanemi felt as though he had disconnected from his body, helpless only to watch Kocho from afar as the Insect Pillar's face softened, remorse filling her eyes. The girl seemed to have noticed the shift in Kocho's expression as well, her panic seizing at her features. The girl's head began moving side to side, shaking her head as though she could stave off whatever would come next.
Kocho took one small step towards the girl, who now cowered against the window, her grip on the sill slipping. The girl's argent eyes, which had previously been so fierce, so cold, now filled something else, something desparate and pleading.
"Let me help you sit," Kocho said gently, taking another step towards the trembling girl.
"Please," the girl whimpered, as though begging Kocho to spare her of the truth that loomed, "please. My sister."
My sister.
Sanemi felt the nausea settling in, as his mind flashed back to the grisly discovery he had made beneath the stone that day, the little girl's broken body a stain on his memory he knew he could never remove. Only now, the child's face – frozen scream and all – morphed into that of the familiar, scarred face of his brother. His Genya.
Get the fuck out, get the fuck out, Sanemi chanted in his mind, the words becoming a prayer that he desperately clung to as he sought to escape the sterile halls of the Butterfly Mansion.
Because Sanemi knew what the next words out of Kocho's mouth would be. He knew that she would be the harbinger of calamity for this girl, for she bore the news that was his own greatest fear, the image of his brother's lifeless form flashing through his mind.
Backing away from the door, his hands shaking, Sanemi sought to escape. He sought to escape the catastrophic storm brewing just beyond the recovery room door, to escape the roaring in his head. As he retreated, Sanemi became distantly aware that Rengoku was calling out to him, but he could not stop his feet, could not stop his body's instinctive need to get away from the Mansion and to get away now.
So, Sanemi ran, and he ran as fast as he could without destroying the Insect Pillar's pristinely kept estate, desperate to avoid the weighty truth that would doom this girl to a life of revenge and solitude.
Sanemi supposed he would have succeeded in running if it had not been for his ears, cursed with a level of hearing beyond that of an average man's.
And so, even with the wind he had summoned howling at his heels, Sanemi still heard the words that fell from Kocho's lips.
And, even hours after he had returned to the silent sanctuary of his own estate, Sanemi could still hear the girl's anguished scream as it tore through the night sky.
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doublethetheories · 2 months
New Symbolism Notes (Panel #0168)
With Ava's Demon being back, I think now more than ever it'd be fun to re-analyse the earlier segments with our new knowledge. This theory is basiclaly just bullet points to get my ass back in the game.
Panel #0168 has been topic for discussion since the DAWN of Ava's demon, but with the context of the last few years of updates, it'd be interesting to take a look back and re-examine this frame's contents.
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It establishes symbolism; This post for the most part, will be me recording these connections for public use since they will likel be helpful in the future.
Maggie — Green/Triangle: Association with butterflies. (Confirmed in her cast image; Not much to say here but it may come into play down the line.)
Gil — Diamonds/Blue, he's represented by the fish to the right (as also seen in cast image), but what on earth does it mean that they're in crystals??
Erios — Lime green / Stars, the creature here is bizarre... will they also become a monster of failure? Most of the others are clearly identifiable beings but this one isn't... makes me worried Gil isn't the only one we need to worry about.
Veevra — Crescent, red (connection to scavengers) is represented here by an insect looking creature? A wasp perhaps? (RE: Hivemind theory.)
AngelicPurr — Pink/Hearts, we're seeing them connected to a snake here? I'm curious how that may come into play later, especially with its fangs being bared here...
Also a bonus connection that isn't established here but is consistent throughout the comic is that Pedri is HEAVILY associated with dragonflies, and his presence is almost always proceeded by them. We've discussed this already heavily on this blog so I won't dig into it much more until we have new info on this.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 2 months
The demonic bargain of the Storm
I think that the most accurate interpretation of Max's nightmare in general and the character of Other Max in particular is that it symbolizes an internal struggle of Max against her fear, self-doubt and self-loathing. I think that interpretation most likely corresponds to what the writers intended and is most firmly rooted in the game.
Having said that, I think there's also a different interpretation that fits the events of the game quite well. Not a psychological, but a metaphysical interpretation of Max's nightmare and the final choice. In which Other Max is not just a figment of Max's mind and the Storm is not just a meteorological phenomenon. Rather, they are both facets of an independent, conscious and malicious entity. An entity of the kind that we usually call demons.
Now, one might say that a demon would be out of place in Life is Strange. Would it really be, though? In Season 1 and BtS there's plenty of metaphysical events already.
Max's reality bending power that despite the best efforts of Max, Chloe and Warren cannot be explained away using "chaos theory". Chaos theory could only be used to explain the reverberating effects of rewinding time. But it most certainly doesn't explain how Max is manipulating time with a flick of her wrist.
Rachel's fire and/or wind based power, which was only teased and never thoroughly explored, but definitely seemed to escape any rational explanation.
Numerous sightings of various "spirit animals".
Rachel's ghost, in the form a doe, guiding Max to Rachel's grave.
Chloe's visions of William, which may have been just nightmares, but may also have been her communing with the dead.
The blue butterfly, which may have been a guardian angel, or another spirit animal, or something else entirely, but most certainly wasn't just an insect.
Life is Strange has always had a strong undercurrent of spiritualism and mysticism. Just listen to one of Samuel's talks.
So with all that already present in the game, is a demon really that far out?
Let's imagine that just like Samuel said, there's a powerful spirit lingering in Arcadia Bay. However, that being is anything but benevolent. You could call it a demon, you could call it a vengeful local deity. Maybe it has always been always hostile. Or maybe it is just a reflection of the hearts and souls of Arcadia Bay's dwellers. And as the dwellers became more and more hateful, cruel and greedy, they tainted the town's spirit too, making it malevolent.
Whatever it was and however it came to be the way it was in October of 2013, the spirit had acquired a taste for evil.
And the dwellers of Arcadia Bay provided a steady supply of it. Sadists kidnapping and tormenting others for their sick "art". Bullies driving others to the brink with their hatred. Drug dealers preying on minors.
But evil acts done by evil people quickly become predictable. Boring.
And that's when Max came back to town. Someone unique. Someone with a beautiful heart. Full of love, strength and courage, even if Max herself didn't realize it yet.
Just like Jefferson wanted to turn the "innocence" of his victims into "corruption", to taint, despoil, contaminate, brand them, the spirit wanted to do the same to Max. It wanted to empty her heart of love. To break her strength. To replace her courage with doubt. And that would be achieved by tempting Max, the genuinely good, kind and well-meaning person, into commiting the worst sin of all.
In the interpretation I'm proposing, the final choice represents Max being tempted to sin. The sin she is being tempted to commit is the rejection of love. Just like love (both romantic and platonic) is the root of everything good in the world, the rejection of love is the ultimate sin, in which all other sins are contained - hatred, greed, cruelty, disdain. Max is tempted to reject Chloe's love, to take back her own love, to erase it, to make it so that it never even happened.
One could say it's unfair to maintain that sacrificing Chloe would be a sin on Max's part, because she would do it to save the town. But that's the whole point! Temptation is not about presenting someone with a choice that is obviously evil, both at its core and at the surface. Temptation is about presenting someone with a choice that is evil in its essence, but is dressed up as something else. Usually it's dressed up as something alluring, something pleasurable.
But the best kind of temptation (and by "best" I mean the most insidious and most effective) way of tempting is to present something evil as something that would lead to "a greater good". To present something evil as a "necessary evil". To make someone consciously commit an act of evil by inducing in them a mistaken belief that there's no other way forward but to commit this act of evil.
That's precisely what Max is being tempted with. She is told to become an "everyday hero". To save her hometown. But to do that, she must commit the ultimate sin - reject love. This is truly a demonic bargain.
In my mind, by tearing up the photograph, Max defeats her tempation. She sees through the rotten, sadistic deal she has been offered. She chooses not to commit an act of evil. Rejecting love and friendship, taking back the hope you've given someone, leaving them to die alone, abandoned and afraid - it's always an act of evil. Always a sin. No matter what it would accomplish on the physical plane.
There is no such thing as a necessary evil. EVIL IS NEVER NECESSARY. And a lesser evil is evil still. You are only responsible for the things you choose. So if you choose evil, you are responsible for it. Even if it's a lesser evil, even if you've deluded yourself into thinking that it's a necessary one.
If you're presented with a choice to stop a greater evil at the cost of commiting a lesser evil and you refuse to do so, that doesn't make you responsible for the greater evil. On the contrary, it shows you chose no evil at all.
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im-a-regular-joe · 11 days
The most obvious place to start upon analysing such a character would be to start with his name: Valentino. One of the most popular things associated with this is the designer brand of the same name. Said brand is often known for its high prices, which could translate to Valentino himself having expensive taste.
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This is confirmed as we find out soon enough that he almost certainly overworks his employees likely paying less than they deserve. This could also lead to the idea that other peoples opinions are very important to him. By wearing expensive clothing and high fashion, he may be hoping to appeal to others he sees as being higher than himself, and with his overlord status that cannot be very many. This then offers the possibility of an inferiority complex and lack of true self worth if he still feels the need to try so hard to appeal to everybody despite being of equal power. It could also reference a sensitive nature and fear of rejection due to not being good enough.
Another symbol within Valentino’s name can easily be its close resemblance to Valentine. Valentine's day, of course, being the celebration of love, is often associated with hearts, which Valentino displays on the fur collar around his neck and in the shape of his glasses. All these things can easily combine to not so subtly present a man who enjoys the idea of being loved and presents a possibly needy character if he feels he must go so far out of his way to show how much he likes the idea. It presents us with a character that may feel that he needs an excuse to be loved, just as Valentine's day is no more than an excuse to show affection to those you should show love to regardless of the day. But that could also completely miss the point. Alternatively, it could be a reference to the Valentine's day that it really is: one day a year where people pretend love is simply shown in a card or a box of chocolates. By many is seen as an overly advertised cheap ideal of romance. Valentino could therefore possibly be the kind of character that enjoys a short-lived good time with little effort rather than somebody willing of commitment and resilience in a relationship. This isn’t surprising, given his profession related primarily to sex and lust over romance and commitment. We know this to be a fact as we look further into his on again off again relationship with Vox, who he appears often abusive towards. There must be an excessively good reason that the other overlord keeps returning, and I personally doubt it's for a long time given the apparent dynamic. Valentine’s day is only for one day a year, which can represent Valentino’s quickly changing emotions. We see he is easily angered by things, but this day could possibly show that he is also easily won over again by the simple gestures on valentine's day. His love appears to be purchasable with gifts rather than genuine acts of kindness. Or perhaps, he sees it as the other way around. We are quite aware that Valentino keeps his workers under contract that they likely aren’t allowed to leave, so perhaps he believes he can buy their commitment with just one special day. Either way, the audience are still inclined to believe that he is a shallow person and continue to feel he is not a character that they would like to romanticise.
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Moving on from the name, Valentino’s species is a sensible place to continue from. Being a moth demon opens up a lot of possible symbolism, so expect a few paragraphs. Let's start off with the fact that moths are often overshadowed by other animals in society. They are often seen as pests, which many people see Valentino as anyway. In comparison to the largely considered more beautiful butterfly, moths are often considered to be quite ugly insects too. This could possibly emphasise the previously mentioned inferiority that Valentino feels, which he makes up for with his designer fashion labels. It could also refer to how, morally, Valentino has committed
some excessively “ugly” acts both in life and death. Children are taught more about butterflies from a young age rather than moths, which also symbolises how Valentino is the kind of guy you don’t talk about to children. However, by teaching children only of butterflies so they later discover moths makes them, even as adults, often see a more beautiful moth but instantly consider it a butterfly because of simply learning that it is the more beautiful species.
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This can show that, even if Valentino were to do good things, a large majority of the audience watching already have these views built into their minds about him and will ignore the act or find some sort of ulterior motive behind it. Valentino may have only gained this reputation in Hell, or when he became a pimp, but if you take a moment to consider that he may have grown up with those attitudes towards him, then you may start to understand that he had to take that societal role. A lot of people headcanon that, before his death, Valentino was a person of colour, and if this is true then it is quite possible that he was subjected to systemic racism and was forced into this role from childhood and is a product of what a cruel society forced him to be. But that is just a theory, now back to moths. In the wider food chain, moths are right at the bottom. Many don’t even eat at all, but an immense number of other animals feed on moths as a main source of food. If demons have instincts related to their species, it's unlikely that Valentino could be around other demons without at least feeling unnerved. This may be the source of the feeling of inferiority I have previously discussed to the point where it's probably boring you, but I’m not skipping over it. Valentino’s closest companions, from what we have seen so far, are Vox and Velvet: neither of which are animals above him in the food chain, being a tv and a doll.
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It wouldn’t be surprising if he feels more comfortable around these two because they are not naturally a threat to him. However, Angel Dust being a spider, one of the most famous predators towards a moth, may now be cast to be his eventual demise. But there is no way of knowing such so far. It all represents Valentino as quite a vulnerable character despite everything else, which may create sympathy or he may simply be used to show the weaknesses of people such as Valentino, as it is simply poetic justice to see his failures in the end.
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More about moths, but different enough to warrant a new paragraph, is that they are nocturnal creatures, notably attracted to light. Night is often a euphemism referring to sexual activities, demonstrating that area to be one Valentino is not only made to be in, but most comfortable in. However, the true symbolism behind this is that Valentino is clearly more comfortable in the dark, though attracted to light. Considering the connotations, it's quite clear that Valentino, while possibly aspiring to be good, will forever be much more comfortable in the more sinister side of things. Moths have evolved to be in the dark, which fits in with the previous suggestion that systemic racism forced the evil nature onto Valentino, to the point where he feels he can no longer go back. Alternatively, it could be that Valentino was raised in an environment similar to the one he now runs, as moths adapted to stay in the same sort of environment and not change. This implies that he likely has trauma, or more specifically, possible sexual assault at a young age. But this is still simply a theory. Another implication about the moths coming out at night is how light is naturally painful to them. Valentino notably wears tinted glasses, and it is highly likely that these have a more practical purpose than simply being fashion, and likely defend his eyes from the daylight. Vox, being a tv demon, has a natural light. It's possible that this hurts, or at least irritates Valentino, to the point where he feels he must lash out on the other to make him feel equal pain. This is no justification for what he does, but it's possible that it is a reason he feels the need to attack someone with such power. Alternatively, the pain of the light could symbolise how morally good acts hurt Valentino. It's unlikely that it is physical pain, but Angel Dust being rehabilitated will definitely hurt Valentino economically, and possibly emotionally despite how cruel he is to him at the studios. Living in darkness and shying away from the light, however,  not typically what the crowd wants in a show with the primary goal of redemption, which easily paints Valentino as the antagonist we know him to be.
A final thing we can possibly gain from Valentino’s species is development. Moths famously go through the transformation from a caterpillar, just as butterflies do. An evolution to something more beautiful could foreshadow a positive redemption arc for the pimp throughout the series, but it quite possibly could show that it will never happen. Valentino is already a moth, which is the end of the transformation. It’s likely we will not see further development of his character, or at least nothing significant. This is most likely his final form which will not change, as depressing as that may be. Audiences should see that this man is past the point of change and will lose the hope that they may have once had that he could improve, which makes his character even less appealing to those watching, confirming Valentino as a primary antagonist.
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Now let's focus on his design. Red is the most prominent colour shown on Valentino, in his coat and his hat. Red is stereotypically a colour representing stereotypical and romance, which reiterates the earlier statement of Valentino’s attraction to the depiction of a romantic relationship. It can also represent anger, presenting him to be a character that will be easy to make angry and be a threat during the series. Red can also symbolise danger, or a lack of inhibitions, relating once again to anger but also the impulsive abuse he shows to those around him. Red is also the colour blood, therefore has connotations including murder and violence. The use of blood is famously used in the play Macbeth, where it is shown to be unable to be washed off of characters hands. This could represent how Valentino is not a character who will change his ways and will forever be damned to Hell. Red is a strong colour made to stand out from the crowd, which may be a way of showing that Valentino feels the need to be noticed while also displaying that he himself is strong and bold. It shows that he fits into Hell easily as he matches the colours, just as how a moth's wings are often used to camouflage them in their habitat. The entire outfit reiterates how Valentino believes fashion and looks to be very important for status and control. The dangerous colour instantly opposes people to the character and makes them feel threatened by his existence, exaggerating that he is a primary villain.
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Valentino’s skin is shown to be a muted blue colour. Due to it being skin, this is not something that can easily be changed or hidden in any way, so is likely to be truer to his genuine character. Blue has connotations primarily around the motif of sadness, which may suggest that Valentino isn’t so carefree in his afterlife as he appears. It may show a better, more caring side to the pimp, despite the harsh exterior he displays. “Muted” suggests that it is certainly a side to him that wouldn’t be voiced, so true or not we are unlikely to see it. This may cause a slight bit of sympathy from the observer despite the current opposition. However, often in official images released of Valentino, his skin appears closer to purple. This is famous for being a royal colour and is generally used by those who want to give off an impression of superiority. It is possible that, due to the light in hell being mostly red, that the blue naturally appears purple, or it may be that, specifically for the Instagram posts, Valentino edited the lighting to give him the more regal look so he could demonstrate his superiority. It shows a self-conscious side to him, as he possibly is embarrassed of the blue undertone, knowing its symbolism of sadness, so as often as he can he covers it to look more purple. Yet it may just be a coincidence. Either way, it once again confirms that Valentino is important in Hell.
Arguably, pink, although only a very small part of Valentino, is the truest colour to him. His eyes are something that cannot easily be changed colour either, especially since it is the entire eye, which makes it one of his most true colours. Pink typically represents self-love and passion in literature. It could be that in Valentino’s eyes we see what he truly wishes for, in this case a strong sense of self appreciation and love from others. More simply, passion could refer more so to sex, which we know already firs his character. Valentino’s teeth, all but one, are also pink. This could represent that he feeds off of passion and love others give to him, exaggerating the possibly neediness mentioned before. Alternatively, being a pimp, it could show how he feeds off of others passion in a more literal way, by getting money from the sex industry. It could also show a more feminine side to Valentino, which can sometimes be seen in official content released. It adds an element of confusion, making the character unpredictable and a source of danger to the observer.
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A minor colour on Valentino that can be seen is gold. Obviously, this represents power and wealth, so may be a fashion statement to try and prove superiority. However, gold teeth specifically are used in the media to show criminals and those who would rather spend money on things that needn’t be so expensive rather than helping others, showing him to be selfish. Being a tooth, it could represent that he feeds off of wealth and craves more money as part of his business, emphasising the idea. A similar gold tooth is owned by Angel Dust, likely showing Valentino’s possession of him with a sort of trademark. This causes him to be viewed as antagonistic as modern society views people as much more than property.
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The final colour to discuss is black. This is used on Valentino’s hands, or possibly gloves. Black is known as a colour to represent evil and fear, so being on Valentino’s hands gives the impression that he has done undoubtably evil things with them which we know to be true. They are clearly shown as impure, to which nobody has doubts that they are. It causes an instant dislike towards him and unnerves the audience at the things he could have done. There is the chance that these are gloves, and not the true colour of Valentino’s hands, but that can either be simply to give the impression that he does horrible things to make others fear him, or he considers what he does to be too evil to physically touch, so continues to demonise him to the audience.
Another thing that is difficult to miss when looking at Valentino is his height. Even compared to the other tall demons we have seen, Valentino has a significant height advantage, standing at around three metres tall. This means he literally looks down on those around him, which is an obvious symbol of power. This could prove the inferiority complex wrong, and perhaps he does feel superior because of this, though it could simply mean he has more of a reputation to hold up and more eyes on him. Being so tall creates a literal and metaphorical distance between him and others, making it impossible to be close to people without having to lower or humble himself, which doesn’t seem something he’s likely to do. It shows Valentino being likely to be a very large and obvious obstacle in the show, specifically for Angel Dust, who will have to find some way to get around him to succeed in redemption.
Finally, the fluff around Valentino’s neck. Primarily it is white, which shows comfort and purity, but can occasionally be classed as weakness. It is possible, being so close to his head, that it is more of a quick retreat to hide away from Hell in somewhere soft and pure for a short time. Or, it being such a pure colour, it may show his pure emotions, because who doesn’t want to see it go all poofy when he’s mad? Either way, it slightly softens his character to the audience, though doesn’t necessarily cause any sympathy. The fluff is known to have red hearts on it, which further reiterate that Valentino’s comfort is the stereotypical idea of romance, which he seems to find appealing and safe within. This, of all things discussed, is likely one of the only things that will truly soften the audience towards the pimp, making him seem more than the purely evil villain he is perceived as. Then again, it's unlikely that a ruff will redeem the whole character to the audience, especially regarding his other aspects and actions.
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What do you think ??
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lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
I was thinking about butterflies and food. If offered, most will consume blood, waste from corpses, and other such matter. They are very opportunistic creatures, despite being so delicate. Most species are slow, but the skipper skipper butterfly can fly almost 40 mph, about 60 kph
tw for: mentions of death and corpses, insects eating corpses, graphic depictions of injury, character death (c!sam)
The pickaxe ripped through Sam's face, a waterfall of blood and teeth scattering across the floor like wet marbles. The flesh offered more resistance than Dream expected it to-- did Techno also have to deal with this carnage? He pulled the tool forward, hard, and when Sam's body dropped, it dropped towards Dream.
Heavy, limp, and still weeping with warm blood, Sam's corpse collided with Dream's torso.
Hooking an elbow beneath Sam's arm, Dream was able to catch him. With his knees failing and his bleeding head resting on Dream's collarbone, Sam seemed more like a drunken man than a dead one. How many times have they held this position, but in reverse? Blood soaked quickly into Dream's clothes, sliding down his armor and absorbing into his cloak.
But it wasn't long before Sam's weight proved to be too much, and Dream let him fall the rest of the way to the floor. He landed in a leap of limbs and metal.
Dream wasn't sure what he expected this moment to feel like. He's been planning it for a few days now, and he knows from many experiences that the actual sight of a body brings next to no personal satisfaction-- rather, the concept and theory behind the death brings its meaning. You have to think about it poetically. But poetry is hard to contemplate when you're looking at a freshly dead body (even harder as it ages), and Dream found himself feeling rather calm. At peace. Satisfied that the plan had worked, glad to see Sam on the ground before him, but far from exuberant.
He let the pickaxe drop from his grasp. It fell with a clatter, spreading more dots of blood across the floor and his boots. His breathe was deep, but steady. Sam, whose breath was usually loud behind the gas mask, was silent.
What do you do in moments like this?
The first butterfly to land on Sam was an elegant white one. Its wingspan was massive; when it perched on his cheek, right on the edge of the wound, it covered much of the injury. A new, lovely, living mask for the warden. Dream watched as her proboscis unfurled and landed on a nearby spot of blood.
More joined her. A cloud of color descended onto Sam, decorating his head and the puddle of blood that spread around him, a stark contrast to the dark lobby around them. As their wings shifted and folded, they'd obscure or present the injury. One landed on a stray tooth, her weight rolling it a bit and making a scraping sound.
His hands were shaking. More than usual, anyway. Adrenaline.
An orange one landed on Dream's forehead, stretching a wing downward and covering his right eye. 'Stop looking.'
He often forgot they could do this. Insects aren't picky eaters-- blood and gore had much of the same sugars and nutrients as they'd find in flowers. A number of butterflies descended onto Dream's armor, lapping at the blood that poured onto him when Sam rested there.
"Are we that hungry?" He asked, his voice low. "I've bled in front of you plenty of times-- you should've told me. I'd let you--" his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat, "I'd let you."
A purple butterfly landed on a rubbery-looking piece of gore. White-ish in color. Part of Sam's eye, probably.
Another landed on Dream's browbone, a white wing reaching down to cover his other eye. 'Stop looking.'
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themissakat · 2 years
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me, drawing more atobaoi inspired art? preposterous.
once again, inspired by Chapter 17 of @calamity-unlocked ‘s A Theory of Butterflies and Other Insects
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calamity-unlocked · 2 years
1 year 🎉🎉🎉
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jaekaicx · 2 years
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I don’t want to leave you
A Theory of Butterflies and Other Insects by @calamity-unlocked
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oldshrewsburyian · 1 year
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Illustrating the existence of a middle ground between the Magical Self-Maintaining Habitat and Terrible Soulless Lawn of the hellsite’s discourse is my yard, which you can see here flourishing next to my neighbor’s newly-shorn one. (My neighbor actually does have a Terrible Soulless Lawn.™) And here are violets and feverfew and dandelions and purple vetch and star-of-Bethlehem! But -- as the dandelion stems attest -- this does require vigilance, a grass whip, and selective weeding in order to satisfy both local birds, butterflies, and other insects... and the heartless enforcers of the city code which declares anything higher than 4 inches to be anathema. They shaved my meadow last summer and are now my nemesis. But now I own a scythe to cope with the summer grass. And my theory is that if I plant more colorful things that the city code enforcers recognize as intentional gardening, the rest of my little wilderness (which is certified as a National Wildlife Habitat) will be likelier to survive.
Here endeth the gardening saga nobody asked for.
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almadesarrollo · 6 months
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Well, let's start with origins, this chapter is the most important of all because it begins the entire story and the first pieces of the puzzle, we have to be attentive to everything because THERE ARE CLUES IN EVERYTHING ok let's get to it.
The chapter already starts strong, a narrator tells us about the miraculous, what they are and that they were used to help humanity and here this sequence says a lot.
1 Who created the miraculous? According to the New York special comics, "the Miraculous were created and manufactured by a magician", (THIS ACCORDING TO THE CONVERSATION WITH MARINETTE), so I ask who of all the Miraculous characters gets the nickname of magician? aha Felix, MOTE THAT COMES FOR THE FIRST TIME IN "FELIX" IN T3, BUT THIS IS NOT THE ONLY INTERESTING THING, IF WE ANALYZE THE NAME of Master FU, it also begins with "F" like Felix, meaning that through Fu They tell us about Félix (in the same way that through Chloe we are sometimes told about Kagami and Zoé about Marinette as a teenager) and, to confirm this, in the chapter PRINCESS FRAGRANCE, WHEN SHE HEALS TIKKI, SHE CALLS HIM A WIZARD, SO IT'S CLEAR.
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2 the voice of the narrator, THE VOICE of the narrator is nooro, and this is important, if we think about it, it takes us to Gabriel and therefore to Adrien, who will be the future villain, but it also takes us to Adrien Felix wears it because Adrien was born from Felix and from Adrien, the current Felix that we all know was born, So in some way it gives us to understand that this story is being told? read? BY FELIX.
AND THE OTHER, which IS the theory of MARINETTE'S DIARY.
"MARINETTE'S DIARY THEORY, is a very popular theory that tells us that since she is going to lose her memory, and is currently writing a diary, the series itself is the memoir of Marinette's diary that Adrien would be reading to her. the adult Marinette so that she would remember, that is why the series is titled The Adventures of Ladybug, like a story or a story."
-ADRIEN CAN'T BE THEN, Adrien is going to be a villain, So it wouldn't make sense for it to be him.
-WE HAVE THE CLUE ABOVE, that it was a "wizard who created the miraculous", the wizard is Félix, so if he created the miraculous, he created this universe, if we are reading Marinette's memories, that has to be Félix , because with it the creation of these jewels begins, logically including the ladybug earrings.
-The voice is somehow related to someone close to Felix (POINT 2)
-If we don't say well, the insect that nooro represents is a butterfly, a mixture of a winged being and an insect, this speaks a little about the fusion of ARGOS WHICH IS A BIRD AND LADYBUG AN INSECT, therefore this leads us yes or yes to Felix, what's more, if we think about it, nooro is purple, how is purple formed? mixed RED AND BLUE, COLORS OF ARGOS AND LADYBUG
-And finally, the topic of reading is something that suits Felix more than Adrien, since he loves to read.
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So they may be giving us a very subtle clue (remember that it is the beginning of the series) that yes, this series is a story told by Félix himself based on what he experienced and Marinette's diary. (THIS IS FELINETTE PER 1000)
The next image that appears is several ancient characters carrying miraculous and using their powers, this is important because here it already tells us a little about the series.
"Miraculous are magical jewels that grant powers and must be used for the good of humanity"
and then in those lines these two images appear
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Well, these images already tell us what kind of attitude those chosen should have, first of all they must be brave and protective (something that can be applied to FELIX and MARINETTE, since they are more the ones who protect than the protected) but their ways are very different In the 1st image we see how instead of attacking the enemy, he directly stops him, while in the 2nd he opts for action and combat, this images is telling us about ladybug and chatnoir in action AND MARINETTE AND FELIX, they are those chosen to wear these miraculous because they have a good system of values, therefore, THE AUTHENTIC PROTAGONISTS OF THIS SERIES, that is why this chapter is titled ladybug and chatnoir, because with this sequence, they are saying why, who and what attitudes they should have these 2 boys to carry such great power, but this would also conform to what we said above, they are role models and leaders.
1 image we are told about ladybug, we see that the wearer has the shape of a fawn or deer, deer live in forests where there is a lot of vegetation, and they feed on it, the earth with which of our four protagonists is it connected? with Marinette, she loves vegetation, flowers, this has to do with life, the flowering of it, but we also know how protective and loving she is, and we know that before entering into conflict in any battle she prefers to think and analyze.
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The animal that stops is an ox, Who is an ox?
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That's Ivan, he is the bearer of the ox that represents the concept of "action" which brings us to Adrien, why? To begin with, through Iván we are told about Adrien, first of all because he likes rock, who else likes rock? Jagged Stone, who also dresses like one, and who is the next of the 4 male protagonists? ?, Adrien, but also, notice that this chapter begins the ivan-mylene ship…this couple starts it all, what is the first ship we see here?, ADRINETTE then, what is this scene telling us? that in the future there is going to be a fight between these two, it is predicting Adrien's villainy, Adrien is not fit to be a superhero, he is too impulsive and brute, and with that attitude he hurts others, with this we confirm what we said In the song of the series, it is not destiny that he is a superhero, and as we progress in the series, you will see how they are becoming clearer, since here we are only going at the beginning.
2 image tells us about chat noir and Felix, through Hercules.
(We know that it is HERCULES because of how he is dressed, this mural is a reference to the myth of Hercules in which he kills the Nemean lion, and tears off its skin, then he puts it on as clothing and a shield, but in this universe Hercules obtains the power through the miraculous of the lion)
We see how he is protecting the Greek women, so the first thing we have to do is notice that this bearer carries the miraculous of the lion, and the lion is a feline, just like the cat, but the difference is that the lions They are bigger and stronger, and we know that clearly Felix is stronger than Adrien because he was created for that, but also, lions are related to the sun and light, an element that we will see is associated with Felix, in fact. , lions live in Africa, precisely a desert place with a lot of sun, so this is also telling us about the counterpart of the ying, the yang, which is the active part, the light, the sun, the action… thus referring to chatnoir, for me it is clear, FÉLIX IS CHATNOIR
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but also the fact that this miraculous is the lion's is confirmed in the Feast chapter, in which we are precisely told about Master Fu's past, how what happened to him happened to him, so this information takes us to fu and therefore to Félix, Fu used the peacock miraculous, LIKE FELIX, the sentiser that I believe is called feast, begins with"F" just like Félix, but also, in this chapter we see how the senti that is created, It is indigo blue, and the bearer of all of them has this color, aha Argos, that is, Felix, so here we are talking about Felix with the miraculous of the cat, who also, if you notice, carries a spear like the staff of chatnoir, we see how instead of stopping him, he is attacking unlike ladybug, demonstrating his yang energy, one thinks, the other attacks, one is active, the other passive…etc…
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Now we look at who is trying to kill, this creature is a fusion of a lion, EAGLE OR BIRD AND A BEING CALLED MEDUSA, HE CARRIES WITH HIM A TRIDENT, LIKE THAT OF NEPTUNE. This could be telling us that in the future Felix is going to have to face his cousin, and the Tsurugi, it makes sense since Felix joins Ladybug, and Adrien will be a villain, so let's break this down
-LION-TIGER: referring to that feline part that the creature has, if he is partly feline, and Hercules carries a lion with him, this is a FELINE VS FELINE, cat against cat, it would be indicating to us that when Adrien becomes a villain , the cat's miraculous is going to be used for evil purposes, another option is that he akumatizes in Chatblanc and destroys everything and Felix has to stop him, so whatever this may be, it would be giving us the clue to something like that.
-EAGLE: this can refer to the fact that they are clearly telling us in the face, on the one hand, that Adrien is a sentiser, since the wings are related to the feathers and the feathers to the sentisers, but this can also indicate to us that in a future, Duusu's miraculous is going to fall into Adrien's hands, this could make him realize the truth, and want to have it for fear of disappearing just like Felix. SO WE WOULD HAVE a confrontation between Adrien as a peacock and Felix as a chatnoir.
-MEDUSA-if we look closely at the creature's face, we see that it has one similar to a jellyfish, I will tell you who it is since it is important
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This could be referring to Kagami, since she is called the ice queen, and the queen of that story could freeze people, that is, petrify them like a jellyfish, but also, guess what state the senti feast was in, aha HE WAS PETRIFIED, IN STONE!! and who frees him?, who wakes up this sentiser, Mayura, HOW DOES MAYURA'S NAME BEGIN?, with "M" as Marinette, this could be telling us that at some point in the series Kagami and Félix are going to face each other I don't know if Kagami will be akumatized or not, but the point is that this battle Felix will end up seriously injured, or frozen or petrified, his life will be at risk, but Marinette will save him, this clue will be confirmed. later in the series.
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So basically Felix as chatnoir will have to face Kagami and Adrien, who are the villains.
"Two of this miraculous are more powerful than the rest"
This is telling us how powerful our heroes are and therefore more leadership and responsibility, so in a group of many carriers, they COMMAND AND LEAD, THEY MAKE SURE THAT THINGS DO NOT GET OUT OF CONTROL, CONFIRMING US A LITTLE BIT MORE ABOVE, ONLY THIS IS MORE FOCUSED NOT SO MUCH ON THE WEARER THEMSELVES, BUT ON THE HERO. They are a great team, they are strong when they work together, they are both a unit, yin and yang
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1 image, HE TALKS CLEARLY ABOUT LADYBUG AND ARGOS AS A TEAM, how is that, well let's first notice that the young woman is clearly Ladybug because of the costume, but the detail is that she is riding a horse, and then I ask what she is wearing relate the horse, aha with MAX and what letter does MAX end with, like Félix, MAX WHEN HE TRANSFORMS IS CALLED PEGASUS, A FUSION OF BIRD WITH HORSE, who is the only male character who rides a horse and looks like a bird? , aha felix/Argos
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so this can be interpreted as that in some way Felix is ​​going to guide Ladybug, that is, he is going to be a great help, a true companion, what we already said in the song and the intro, this confirms it for us.
We see that he is trying to kill a dragon, and here the clue is clear, we have to look at what type of dragon that is, IT IS A EUROPEAN DRAGON, NOT CHINESE, OR JAPANESE, AND I EMPHASIZE THIS BECAUSE MANY PEOPLE THINK IT IS THE SAME TYPE AND NO, THEY ARE VERY DIFFERENT PHYSICALLY
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- Well we will see it in this season 1 in the akumatization of Jagged stones, When he becomes GUITAR VILLAIN RIDES ON A DRAGON OF THIS TYPE
- We see it in Crocoduel, where Captain Hardrock faces off, through Anarka they tell us about adult Marinette, so this last piece of information would confirm the confrontation.
-If you look at Jagged's name, it has 2 "G", Gabriel's initial is "G", 2 G, 2 GABRIEL, 2 MONARCHS, FATHER AND SON.
- we see him in Marinette's nightmare at the end of season 5 where it turns out to actually be Gabriel, so with THIS he is no longer saying that it means that we see him in the mural, This is Adrien villain, LADYBUG AND FELIX ARE GOING TO FIGHT AGAINST ADRIEN, Through Jagged Stone they tell us about Adrien, the doubt remains whether he is akumatized or is directly a villain with the butterfly miraculous, but I tell you, it is the 2nd option, since the last appearance of this type of dragon It is effectively how Gabriel and Gabriel is a monarch apart from the "2 G" track, so it is clear, MONARCH IS ADRIEN
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2 image, (this one is more complicated so if you see something that I don't, leave it in the comments, the idea is that we all do it together)
Felix is ​​going to save Marinette from her akumatization, how is that? Let me explain, to begin with we see that the woman is Japanese, and is wearing an eagle mask, and that she also has the powers of the same, she looks like a "human bird"
The only Japanese woman is Kagami, if we think of Kagami it automatically takes us to Felix.
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We see that both eagle, argos and sparrow are "human birds"
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But also, we see that his mask is very similar to that of Jess from New York when he transforms into an eagle, if we analyze the power of that miraculous, what does he use in his favor?, feathers, and who else uses feathers? , Argos, that is, Félix, if or if Argos or Félix is ​​represented through that woman.
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Now we are going to look at the creature, it is a kind of winged monster, this can tell us that it will have the ability to fly when it is akumatized, but do you know where the biggest clue is? That this monster is marine, Aha, it comes out of the sea, but not only that we see how the whole sea is stirred up.
What name is connected with the sea and sea creatures?, MARINETTE, marinette descends the name "Marina" which descends in turn from the sea and ocean, the ocean is in turmoil, marinette is in turmoil, marinette's emotions are chaos and When there is chaos that occurs, it clearly becomes akumatized.
If we return again to the character of Jess as an eagle, what did she say to contain the villains who were out of control? He said "calm down", since when Techno was akumatized, he released all of their freedoms and they had New York destroyed with his powers, in the same way Argos is going to try to calm Marinette down so that she deakumatizes....Aguila contains the villains, through eagle they tell us about Argos, Argos is going to contain MARINETTE, to calm her down when she gets out of control, to me it is clear this mural is Argos trying to help akumatized Marinette, the mural is Japanese therefore it tells us that Kagami She is going to be behind this, she will be the one who causes Marinette's akumatization (we will see this later, the show gives clues to that, don't worry)
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[now, another possibility is that the akumatized person is also Argos, and I say this because in one of the photos in the book we see, the former bearer of the eagle, with a hairstyle similar to Marinette (more specifically when she the mouse miraculous) but this doesn't make sense to me, since I don't see Felix akumatized, because he has proven to be resistant, however, Marinette, we have already seen how he has been on the verge of being akumatized twice, so for my Marinette has more possibilities.]
"Ladybug's earrings that possess the power of creation and Chatnoir's ring that possesses the power of destruction.
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Here we have a clear presentation of the most important miraculouses and what they are for, clear and simple, the ladybug earrings create anything while the chatnoir ring destroys anything.
Now, one says, of course this is very obvious even if you see the chapters in disorder and you don't see this one, but the thing is not that, if they are presenting them to you, not only because of what they represent but because of their shape and color.
I have said in previous posts that they rely on this many times to give clues about what is going to happen, right? Here is a clear example since it is the beginning, so based on that we are going to analyze this entire sequence.
To begin, we have to observe the base on which the miraculouses are located, there are several floors in the box and these are in the first and in the center of the entire box, which confirms not only that they are the most powerful. If not, they rule, THESE MIRACULOUS MOVE EVERYTHING, SINCE THEY MOVE BOTH LIFE AND DEATH, so when these bearers are chosen, they must fulfill this role and the responsibility it implies.
The basis on which they are represented are two concepts of Taoism, which are used to represent or refer to the two opposite and complementary, but interconnected, fundamental forces that are found in all things; and that this philosophy attributes to everything that exists.
yin and yang, life and death, darkness and light, etc. all of them are equal but different, they are independent but in need of each other, they complement each other and together form harmony, a perfect balance. Now knowing this, which is which? , clearly ladybug is yin, it is CREATION and chatnoir is yang, IT IS DESTRUCTION and with them their respective jewels, kwamis and POWERS AND EVERYTHING THEY REPRESENT.
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Now let's focus on the SHAPE AND COLORS. -COLORS
Creation earrings: the colors that stand out on the base are black and red, these coincide with the colors of the earrings, which are also red and black, which tells us that, these are the colors of ladybug and also about Marinette and therefore we will see it in everything related to her, clothing, accessories, objects, etc...
Ring of Destruction: the colors of the base are white and gray and black, while unlike Ladybug's, the base does not completely match the jewel, it is black, gray and neon green, this tells us that These are the colors of Chatnoir, Felix and Adrien, that's why there is so much variety, unlike Ladybug, because there are 2 candidates, we will see these colors in everything related to them, clothing, accessories, objects, etc...
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-the earrings: they are shaped like a circle with polka dot prints, everything is round, so the polka dot prints are representative of ladybug and marinette (which we can see in her clothes, whatever press she wears) we will see this print in everything related to her, clothes, accessories, objects etc...
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Now if we look at the number of polka dots, there are a total of 10, 5 in each earring, giving us to understand that 5 is an important number, if we join the points together we obtain a square, a square has 4 sides, and 4 points, 4 is the number of Marinette and Ladybug, well remember that the 4 comes after the 3, and the 3 is Kagami, which represents the arts classroom, who is similar to Kagami and is Asian, Marinette, so when we see the 4 it also refers to her.
The numbers 10,5,4, 8 and the circles are from Ladybug and Marinette and therefore we will see them in various parts of the series, both in conversations, places, etc...
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-The ring: okay, the ring is more complex, to begin with it is shaped like a circle whether you look at it from the side or from the front. but we are interested in the front. We see that it is a black circle with a cat's footprint in the center, neon green, this circle is surrounded by some kind of spikes, 4 to be more exact.
Let's start with the cat's footprint, if we add the number of figures, we have 5, just like the earrings, which have 5 polka dots, this on the one hand is telling us that the number 5 is as important as in the jewel next to it, They are the same, there is a coherence and a harmony...that is why those who wear the ring must have similar features to the one who wears said earrings...of course it is more complex because there are 2 candidates, both have similarities with Marinette but not entirely .
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Now the footprint is divided into 2 parts, on one side 4 points at the top, and on the other the base that is more different from the ones above, the 4 represents Marinette and therefore in theory it should resettle Adrien, but also Felix because well As we have said, Adrien tells us about Felix, one was born from the other, so when this number is presented we will have to look for other elements that relate it to know which of the two it refers to, since it represents the two. 2.
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If we look at the figure below, it looks like a triangle, triangles have 3 points and 3 sides, 3 and 3, 33 arts classroom, kagami, and who does Kagami connect with? with Felix so this number is representative of Felix, also notice that part of the footprint is a bit amorphous, asymmetrical? With whom does he connect the asymmetric figures?, ahaha with Felix, so we have that the triangles asymmetric figures can be connected with him and this will be seen in all the elements, objects, clothes, etc.,...
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Now if we look at the peaks that are in the circle and put them together, what do we get? It's a square, just like Ladybug's earrings, but here we see spikes. What shape do the spikes have? Rhombuses, right? So then the simple and basic RHOMBUS AND square would be a representation of Felix, more than Adrien, remember one thing, Felix plays chess, which figures on the board form chess, squares. but everything would be to see the sequence in which this happens, many times they do that in the series.
Therefore the numbers 4 and 3 and 33 are from Felix Chatnoir and Adrien.
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So once we have all this analyzed, this would be the scheme to play, and the first clues, through this pattern of colors and numbers, is what the series will start with. HERE YOU HAVE THE SCHEME, KEEP IT IN MIND BECAUSE WE ARE GOING TO ALWAYS USE IT AS A REFERENCE AND THUS FIND OUT WHO THEY REFER TO AND WHAT THEY WANT TO TELL US.
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(If not, I assure you that it is a mess, since although I have explained it with geometry, and such can be confusing) keep in mind that it WILL be updated AS WE PROGRESS IN THE ANALYZES, now we are at the beginning and we cannot add further.
"Whoever controls both jewels will obtain absolute power."
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Well, we are shown this image that would be a representation of what total power will look like when you use both miraculouses, although it may seem like nothing, this image tells us a lot.
The clues are in the background of this mystical man, look what color he is, he is purple, the color of MONARCH, but he also has 6 peaks that come out of said circle, this for me is a very subtle clue that surely the person Whoever Adrien becomes a villain is Kagami, something is going to happen to her, we still don't know what, but something is going to happen to her, I feel like the same story of Gabriel with Emilie is going to be repeated, but this time with Adrien and Kagami .
Let's analyze it, purple is clearly Hawmoth's color but also representative of Adrien (according to the scheme) so it is confirming more of the same that he is going to be a villain, now let's notice that there are 6 peaks, right? If we divide 6 by 2 we have 3 and 3, that is, 33 and therefore the arts classroom, kagami, so the reason will be related to kagami.
Ok let's leave it here, since I want to take it and analyze it in order, in the next post we will see our protagonists and the villains of this wonderful story.
Thank you very much for your support and love, see you.
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