#a snippet from a fic I'm not writing lol
mppmaraudergirl · 10 months
so yeah... remember that thing I was thinking about writing with no build up? well there’s a bit more build up than expected (shocking)...
There was still the faintest hint of dungbomb smell in the air of the staff room, and despite the fact that Lily’s morning (really, all day) sickness had subsided substantially, it still felt prudent for James to head her off before she made the mistake of going there for her mid-afternoon tea.
(He ignored the overwhelming urge to investigate the smell further, as every odor removal and masking spell he could think of—of which he knew many, from his time at school—did not work as well as he’d expected. He idly wondered if there was a new brand of dungbomb on the market that was stronger than ever—not that this was important.)
It was Tuesday and Lily had the afternoon free from classes, which usually meant she dedicated herself to marking assignments until her eyes crossed. A few gentle knocks on her classroom door later, he found her exactly as he expected: sat at her desk, several tall stacks of parchment around her, a quill scribbling away in front of one of her massive inkpots.
“One sec,” she called as she worked.
James didn’t feel the need to reply as he ambled over to her desk, slipping his hand around the back of a chair and sliding onto it once he reached the front of her desk. He was met with a studying glance, the startlingly green shock of her eyes searching him in between pauses in her writing, and he felt a little jolt in his stomach that was growing more difficult to ignore every time he was with her now.
Eventually, he’d have to face it head-on, to muster up the courage that he was severely lacking, and tell her how he felt about her, a prospect that also grew more intimidating the more he thought about the child growing inside her.
“Making yourself at home, are you?”
James bit back a grin at her teasing tone. “Sorry. Quite rude of me, wasn’t it? Inviting myself in?”
“I might be open to forgiving you if you have a good reason for doing so.”
“The picture of mercy, you are, Evans. I did not mean to intrude but I wanted to warn you that there’s a fairly pungent dungbomb smell hanging around the staff room before you experienced it yourself.”
Lily pulled a face. “Thank you for the warning. I’ve been so focused on these essays that I hadn’t made my way down for tea yet. That certainly would have been an unpleasant discovery.”
“Feeling unwell today?”
She shook her head, sending the red waves at her shoulders swaying. “I think I’m through the worst of it now. The occasional smell will get to me, but I suppose that’s to be expected considering the vast number of ingredients I’m handling daily”—James held his tongue, as much as he wanted to bring up a conversation about potion limitation for the hundredth time—“but nothing unmanageable. I haven’t even needed any anti-nausea potion since last Thursday.”
“That’s great,” James said, and he meant it earnestly. “Getting through the constant feeling. Brilliant.”
She glanced between him and the parchment, paused, then reached for her quill again, redness starting to build at her neck as she continued, “Yes. Seems I’ve moved on from the constant state of nausea to the constant state of horniness.”
A shock shot down his spine, directly into his groin as these words registered. “Oh?”
Lily chewed her lip. “Sorry. That was a bit of an overshare.”
“No—no need for apologies. I think we’re past the point of oversharing now, aren’t we? I mean… considering everything that’s to come.”
“That’s true. It’s nice to have at least one person to confide in,” Lily said, mouth twisted in a wry smile as she reinked her quill. “Besides, this is sort of your fault.”
“My fault? Y’know… usually when a woman tells me it’s my fault she’s horny, it’s far less bruising to my ego.”
“Well… it is at least half your fault,” she said, in the way she said things at times, as if hidden within her tone were the words: it’s not personal, love, it’s simply the objective truth. “You could show some sympathy, you know!”
“Yes. It’s—oh, it’s maddening, feeling this way. I’ve wanted sex all the time over the last few days. Every spare moment I’m daydreaming like a teenager—not to mention my real dreams about it! It’s inconvenient at best, embarrassing at worst! In fact, just a few minutes ago I was losing concentration while marking because all I could think about was slipping my hand between my thighs for some relief and…”
Her voice trailed off the moment she looked up at him. It wasn’t difficult to guess why, based on the rising pulse in his trousers that he was confident was clearly spelled out on his stupid face. Before he could stop himself, a pained, “Evans,” came out.
She chewed her lower lip in a way that made him want to do the same. “What?”
“That’s—fuck that’s one of the hottest things I’ve ever heard.”
“Is it?” She exhaled the words, now setting down the quill he suspected she’d long forgotten about. “What if you had walked in during?”
Something in her soft almost meek questioning changed, a curl coming to her lips that he associated with mischief, with confidence. It was sexy and it was not helping the situation in his trousers.
“You look pained, James. Why is that?”
He realized her hands were no longer visible on top of the table. “You know why.”
“Tell me. Please. Just this one time.”
One time? One time? Is that all you want from me?
“What do you want, Lily? What do you need?”
She closed her eyes, held tilting back slightly, and if he didn’t already know with certainty, her next words removed all doubt about what she was doing, “Watch me.”
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wikiangela · 7 months
last line tag
tagged by @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 @lover-of-mine @hippolotamus @disasterbuckdiaz 💖💖
It’s a good few weeks, and it feels like everyone’s back on track, settling into their lives again, figuring everything out one day at a time. Buck’s happy. He has his awesome girlfriend, his best friend seems finally more at ease, even if the divorce is adding some stress, and his other best friend is happier than ever with his mom around. Everything’s finally starting to go great.
And then it all gets disrupted again.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @gaydiaz @diazass @thebravebitch @silentxxsoul @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @arthursdent @diazblunt @911onabc @spagheddiediaz @housewifebuck @gayhoediaz @rogerzsteven @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @eowon @exhuastedpigeon @weewootruck @loserdiaz @evanbegins @steadfastsaturnsrings @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @pirrusstuff @theotherbuckley @911-on-abc @spotsandsocks @hoodie-buck @giddyupbuck @wildlife4life @fortheloveofbuddie @nmcggg @diazpatcher @jeeyuns
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Seven Fic(s) Sunday
@mellaithwen had a moment of sheer insanity and decided that instead of doing seven sentences from one fic she'd do a sentence (or two) from seven different fics!?
(Amy, blink twice if this is a hostage situation.)
But I'm also unhinged so I thought hey why not, surely I have seven WIPs lying around. And sure enough I do! So here we are:
1) F&F AU:
“How’d you get up here so quickly?” an officer asks him when taking Buck’s statement. “How’d it take you so long to get here?” Buck fires back.
2) The Xedgin Fic That's Giving Me Fits:
“You probably won’t be able to save him,” Holga points out. “You’ll just be killing yourself, too.”
3) The Gang Plays D&D
When Chim shows up with a whole notebook of backstory relevant to the actual world Bobby’s constructed, they all get the very disconcerting sight of Bobby trying not to cry with joy. Athena mutters he hadn’t even looked so happy at their wedding.
4) Platonic Sugar Baby AU:
“Let me get this straight,” Maddie says. “This guy doesn’t treat you like a piece of meat and you’re… unhappy about it?”
5) Star Trek AU:
“Your girlfriend took a job on an archeological dig halfway across the known galaxy,” Hen points out. “Women flee you?” Ensign Panikkar looks both dismayed and weirdly impressed, which is depressing. “Routinely?”
6) Jingle Bells I'm in Hell and Nobody Cares (AKA the Mystery Pairing Fic You All Will Be Subjected To):
Here’s the thing, because—as previously stated—Jamie Winter is not jealous, or envious, or concerned, or anything else in regards to DI Ben Jones. It’s just that while he knows Barnaby might’ve forgotten, Sarah Barnaby is the reigning Midsomer Quiz Night Champion and one hundred percent did not forget, which means this can only be one thing: This is an ambush.
7) It's Only Six Months Until Halloween:
“What do you mean?” Buck asks, picking up the crumpled receipt and handing it back to Eddie. Eddie stares at Buck. In fact, everyone’s kinda staring at Buck.
And yes, Chim is the only one of the D&D group who shows up prepared with a plot-relevant character backstory. Which, as any DM will tell you, is plenty of good reason to burst into tears. XD
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jichanxo · 2 months
sunday six :D
taking the initiative for a change.... so i'm going to boop @four-white-trees @passthroughtime @skysquid22 @overdevelopedglasses
chipping away at sensei fic this week! here's kitakata and yagami making out lol excuse my bluntness... don't feel obligated to read if you're not into that o7
Yagami reached for Kitakata’s arm, found his hand, and guided it to his hip. Yagami pulled away from the kiss.
“Touch me, would you?”
Kitakata’s breath was warm on his lips. “Where would you like it?”
“Figure it out yourself.” He said and kissed him again. Kitakata didn’t seem to complain. His fingers slipped under the hem of Yagami’s shirt, meeting skin. He touched along the base of his spine, and Yagami couldn’t suppress the slight shiver that went through him. He could only imagine how gratifying this was for Kitakata. Hell, just seeing Yagami checking him out probably made his whole week, now this. He’d never be able to stop him from flirting now.
Yagami leaned into Kitakata’s hold, into his mouth, against that eager tongue. He was about to make Kitakata’s whole damn year.
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kenobihater · 3 months
WIP Wednesday Friday
“How're you coping?”
Cody snorts at the bluntness, staring down at the neon-drenched countertop.
“With work,” he says, instead of fine, or terribly, or I'm not. “He always shoulders… shouldered more than his fair share of the flimsiwork, always took on more responsibilities than he should’ve. Until the Council assigns another Jedi, that work falls to me. So, I wake up, I do flimsiwork, I read datapads til my eyes burn, and I go to bed. Can't sleep very well, but I try. I… I hate that everyone's walking on eggshells around me, waiting for me to fall to pieces. I can't. I have too much to do.”
Fox hums.
“I have no room to judge you for your work-life balance, but you're on leave, Codes. You need to take some time, or you're risking a breakdown in the field. If you don't take a breather now, you might fall apart later,” he says. Cody frowns. Fox is right, and he hates him a little for that.
“I don't wanna take some time. I can't.”
“Why not?” Fox asks, no judgment in his voice.
Cody runs a hand down his face, then looks at his brother.
“That makes it real. This can't be real. He's-” Cody cuts himself off. He was going to say he's alive, but is aware that's a bad idea for several reasons, and he's not even sure he believes that anymore.
Fox places a hand over his own, squeezing gently.
“I'm sorry. I know you were close. It's… fucking miserable, being the one that survives. It's even worse when the death is senseless.”
Cody sighs, resting his head on the bar and looking up at Fox. His brother's hair is grayer than he remembers it being, and there's a new blaster bolt scar on the side of his head. His eyes hold sympathy and pain, pain on Cody's behalf, and the unshakable certainty of Cody's loss that he's displaying is hard to look at. Cody shuts his eyes. He aches.
Cody feels the last spark of hope in his chest flicker out, and a dark grief rears its ugly head in its place.
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alwaysxlarrie · 10 months
i never thought i’d say it’s been a while since i’ve posted a snippet but i also never thought i’d write a cult leader louis fic, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but here it is !!
“The moment he’d heard about the event, he signed up. Harry loved his college, but unfortunately they didn’t prioritize the music department the way he wished they would, which made being a music major a slightly more lonely experience than he would’ve liked. So, while he’d never heard of Louis Tomlinson or his organization before this, that was okay. Those were just mere details. What mattered was that there was an event. For music. In all his nineteen years, he’s never been so excited for a school event.
“Harmonic Haven is my most important life mission. Bringing people in, instilling confidence in them, encouraging them to be their best, always readily available lessons, improving your skills — all of it is essential to the heart of this organization.” Louis saunters around the stage, confident and raspy voice booming smoothly from his microphone.
Harry watches raptly as Louis makes eye contact with people in the crowd and sends an alluring grin their way, enticing them to continue listening. His eyes are hypnotizingly sparkly; a unique blue that Harry could spend days writing songs about. They draw you in and make you constantly want their undivided attention; Harry has had them on him twice now and has been actively fighting the urge to do something ridiculous to get his attention again. He can tell that even just having a single conversation with Louis about their passion for music would reignite the spark in him.
His fingers are itching to take notes, but he doesn’t dare to look away for too long — it’s too much of an risk to miss anything Louis' saying, let alone miss the chance of Louis' eyes on him again.
But Harry knows he needs to do something memorable before Louis' presentation is over, needs Louis to recognize him when Harry goes down to talk to him afterward. There will be tens — likely hundreds, really — of students lined up to talk to Louis and Harry can’t risk not getting a chance. He needs to do something now that will make Louis remember him. And quickly.”
i am nothing if not consistent with long-ish snippets, no matter how long it's been lol. anyway i've edited this to absolute smithereens so hopefully it's decent!! not entirely sure who’s working on a fic at the moment so i’ll just tag a few people lol @loveislarryislove @allwaswell16 @lululawrence @londonfoginacup @jacaranda-bloom @kingonafiftymetreroad @crinkle-eyed-boo @greenblueish @beelou @disgruntledkittenface
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lunar-years · 9 months
🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 👀👀👀👀👀
A tinge of annoyance prickled over him; Roy could’ve fucking warned a person. Then, Jamie would have woken up in Richmond to the humming doorbell, Roy on his doorstep with a box of chelsea buns. Suddenly that felt exactly like where he ought to be instead of here, and exactly what he ought to be doing instead of whatever this was: talking over the phone, trying, in lieu of even Roy's limited range of expressions, to pull meaning out from empty static. Facing the endless drive home alone, podcasts not enough to bat down swirling thoughts, and nothing to be done for it in the end but fill in the blanks with dreams of his own making, all the reasons Roy might have come to visit him that Jamie had no business hoping for.
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birlwrites · 1 year
developing Opinions about poetry in prose works
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Hey, would you be cool with other people writing fics in the specific universe of tief? With Fortune Lavorre?
Hello! I just realized I had half-typed up an answer to this and completely forgot to finish it, so apologies that this is deeply, deeply overdue!
I am absolutely cool with it, with a few caveats but only of the disclaimer sort. (And that's not even to say that they're necessarily things that pertain to you, but I figured if I was commenting now I should just lay my thoughts out there, in case anyone else goes looking.)
I'm personally of the mind that transformative works of a transformative work are just as fine as the original transformative work itself, though I know that not everyone agrees. I'm not going to begrudge anyone their own personal rights for how their writing is used, but I have always felt that it would be hypocritical of me to consider it in any other way. (I'll spare you my deconstructive essay on the nature of transformative works in modern culture or I'll take another month to answer lol.)
That being said, the disclaimers! First, I will probably write more in that universe, and as such I will... probably not read other folks' dabblings in it. Not because I would be uninterested, but because I do take the author-ly point of view in that I want your works to be yours, and mine to be mine, so I don't want to find that I've inadvertently snatched up a plot from someone else without realizing. And in a similar vein, attribution of what you're riffing off of would be nice, but at the very least please don't, I don't know, claim that I've totally vetted it and it's definitely fully canon to the original work, or something of the sort. Both because of the aforementioned, I will write further things and I don't want to garner any confusion, your works are yours and mine are mine, and also because if anyone for any reason wanted to come complain to me about a fic, I'd much prefer it was indeed my fic.
(Like I said, I don't presume you need any of that noted in particular—just figured I should note it, since in general I am pretty laissez-faire when it comes to transformative works as a whole haha.)
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For every 🌹 received in my inbox I’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP I’m currently writing:
He had no lips, not really, and he’d grieved the fact that he’d never be able to experience a proper kiss. But even still, he froze and went rigid as you pressed your lips to his teeth. As if afraid to disturb or dislodge you; as if he wanted the kiss to last as long as possible, even if he couldn’t properly return the gesture.
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bigdvmnhero · 1 year
writing original fiction for literary journals is like SUBMISSIONS CLOSE IN 30 SECONDS! oh u made it? i'm soweeeeee.....,,, you have to wait a million years for a response 🥺 also no you can't share it anywhere else okay
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raetttriestowrite · 2 years
The plot is dodging all attempts to write it. You can have an absurd amount of subplot and random sideways development instead.
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adreamingrevenant · 22 days
Like Lark Notes from The Sky, Act I, Scene V Sneak Peek
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Hollowing Bones - Snippet
I don't need another wip~ I'm just going to blame @mokulule and her new Dead on Main Discord for this~ (deff very much back burner fic but my are there brain weasels for it) edit: apparently this will now be an intertwined series Moku and I will be co-writing. She has some great Danny and Constantine stuff planned. I'll prob start in... May lol.
Danny sucked in a breath through his teeth as the world stabilized around him into white walls and gleaming metal. The sound echoed again. A mechanical voice announced something.
A portal.
He had just been shoved through a portal.
He could still feel the hum of of it running along his skin like echoes of electricity.
A hand landed on his shoulder and Danny spun with a growl. Constantine took a step back, hands raised, palms out.
The sound again.
Batman 02, the voice said.
The shadow of a man stepped out of the contraption as Danny sucked in another ragged breath. He glanced around them at the collection of heroes. He was in the Justice League.
“We had a deal, John,” Danny hissed as he rounded on Constantine again. He stabbed his pointing finger at the other. (He was surprised his hand didn’t shake.)
“Excuse me—”
“Fuck off, Superguy,” Danny snarled, not looking away from John. Holy shit that was Superman.
“Nightingale,” Batman started.
“There was one rule, Constantine!”
“Okay! Geesh, Kid, I get it, but, um, maybe tone down the magic show, yeah?” Constantine asked. Nervously. Why was he nervous?
Danny glanced down at the flower and whirls of ice that were forming under his feet.
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thatdeadaquarius · 10 months
🎊🎉🌿Eldritch! Reader AU🌿🎉🎊
Just a small annoucement for the winner, though I'm sure we all saw the results lol
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Have a snippet, hope you enjoy!
*disclaimer: subject to change, this is a draft, no finalized version yet.
At least, you were pretty sure of where you were now. But that didn't mean it made any more sense. You hadn't recognized it at first, but the Irminsul was unmistakable after a minute of looking at it and the surrounding blue. The lights were incredible, with sparkles and stars floating up from the ground. Strange, nearly mechanical patterns flared out from its branches. The only difference between the Irminsul in-game versus the real one you see now is the rapid swelling and filling out of its trunk. As you had woken up more and more, ignoring the strange state of your body for now, it had let out weirdly nostalgic noises. Like a computer booting up, and a million other digital pings or tunes as it grew. As you tentatively reach a hand out to touch the trunk, a familiar book materializes. The dark blue pages flip to the first page instead of to the middle of the book. ...isn't this usually the really obscure "Archives" animation from the Paimon settings page? What's it doing here?? In gold writing that hovers slightly above the pages, your (presumed) stats display. The eerily familiar Genshin Impact font rapidly types itself out from left to right. /gamemode: admin *Executing... *Executing... *Loading... *Loading... *... *...Success! *Your gamemode has been changed. " Player." [ADMIN.] EXP: 1000000#%$+??? DEF: ?%@****+~?? ATTK: ??*!!%^<=+? POWERS: - ??";*&%[]\/%? - &%#@?<_++}] - ~`*(-_+}|\\!!??^& ...you decide to stop looking at your... stats, for now. Because more importantly, as you pull your hand back from the book (letting it float in place in front of the Irminsul trunk again), you notice something even more off. Your hand. It's... wrong. As you trail your eyes up your arm, you choke back a sense of panic. Sure enough, when you bring the right arm over to poke and try to smear the seemingly black paint that drenches your left arm, it too is covered in black. Your arms are pitch black. And as you attempt to touch your forearm for more answers, only to phase through it... you begin to think maybe this is not, in fact, paint. And as you realize you are hovering, instead of standing in place, you begin to think this is, in fact, the very real world of Genshin Impact. ...you decide to lay back down on the weird blue ground (?) and take a nap.
Maybe start today over.
I'll be working on asks in the mean time!
But this'll be higher priority/posted soon bc I'm worried I'll forget abt it otherwise lmao
Idk if anybody cares that much, but I'll go ahead and ask just in case:
I hope you guys are having a great week, wherever you may be!
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr
@yomilyy / @0rah-s / @idontknowwhatimdoingbutweball / @blackstar-gazer
(^^^ dw you'll still get tagged when the actual piece is out! :)
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ohimsummer · 6 months
Based on jjk, can you write a oneshot featuring Gojo and a female reader in an Aladdin AU with humiliation please? In the fic, Gojo and the reader are a prince and princess who are organizing a royal party. But the reader fondles Gojo throughout the party which leads to him orgasming in his pants. So now he has to continue attending the party while trying and failing to hide his cum stain. What do you think?
okay I changed this up a little, hope u enjoy it regardless! :3
— minors dni, prince! satoru x princess! reader, exhibitionism, royal! au, satoru x reader, fondling/groping, handjob, gojo cums in his pants lol
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Gojo doesn’t know what’s worse: what you just put him through, or the utter embarrassment afterwards.
He finds his hand lingering over the stain in the crotch of his pants. Even if it’s not that noticeable, it feels like everyone is looking. Every time he catches your eye, you give him some cheeky, innocent smile and the tips of his ears start burning all over again. He’s certain you’re enjoying this, watching him obviously try to hide something so humiliating from so many people.
It's more than a little amusing watching guests of different status inquire about the wet patch on his pants. You can only imagine the excuses Satoru come up with, but no one's caused a scene over his display or cast you any strange looks yet, so you assume he's got things under wraps. You don't regularly take joy in watching your prince of a boyfriend squirm and flounder, but consider it payback for all the times he's done the same thing to you.
It started out as a small caress of his thigh under the table, you working back a grin at the way Satoru side-eyes you in the middle of his conversation. He discreetly shoves your wandering hand away, but that only eggs you on further. It’s only a couple minutes before you’re fully massaging his cock through his slacks, your own pussy growing wet at the feel of the hardening bulge beneath your palm. And it’s just your luck that there’s a crowd sitting at the table waiting to talk to you both. Satoru is stuck there with you toying with him, muttering filthy nonsense under your breath that only he can hear. “I’m so wet right now.,” you basically whine in his ear. “Really want you to touch me, Satoru.” All this between snippets of casual dialogue with other people. It’s all so exciting, especially when you accidentally edge him because his best friend, Geto comes from behind for some small talk. Gojo’s dick twitches against your hand, now placed on his thigh because of course neither of you want his friend to suspect anything, right? And the second Geto turns his back, you return to rubbing Satoru’s painfully aching cock, thoroughly satisfied at the way he can’t stop the occasional moan from slipping into his conversations.
“No, I’m alright.,” he reassures someone again. “It’s just the heat, p-pretty warm in here. Hope I'm not getting, u-uh, sick.” You begin jerking him off through his pants, and Satoru’s fist clenches so tight, you think the glass in his hand might break. “I- I might need to go change actually–“
There’s a celebratory commotion nearby that draws everyone's attention, and Satoru is grateful their heads turn right as he messily shoots cum into the fabric of his underwear. A long groan regains the some of their attention, and they stare at him with wide eyes.
Satoru interrupts before they can ask him yet again if he’s okay. “This heat is really gettin’ to me, I’m gonna go outside for a couple minutes.”
You softly grasp at Satoru's sleeve as he moves to get up, savoring the way he tenses beneath your gentle touch. "Everything okay, Satoru?"
Your boyfriend hesitates, letting out a shaky gasp, before slowly turning his head towards you. "Yup. Fine."
Head tilting, you smile gracefully at him, as if you're not the cause of his current stress. "You don't look fine, should I accompany you?"
He lowers himself to your level so that his mouth brushes your ear. Before he speaks, Satoru glances around just to be sure there's no one within earshot for what he's about to say.
" 'm so gonna fuck you up later.," he mutters in your ear.
“Sure you will, love.,” you taunt, totally nonchalant and swirling the red liquid in your glass.
“And you’re damn right I will.,” he hisses immediately through clenched teeth, before straightening his back and heading through the crowd to the direction of your shared bedoom. You know it’s a promise, but you also choose not to worry about it right now. It was definitely worth the fun.
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