#a lot of musing and rambling
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to you (unfinished, off the top of my head) x Fall Out Boy lyrics
in order: (Coffee’s For Closers), Sugar, We’re Going Down, CFC, Thriller, Miss Missing You, w.a.m.s., I Am My Own Muse, w.a.m.s., Favorite Record, CFC
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apollos-boyfriend · 3 months
haii could you give me a summary of c!purpleds characterization ???
oughhh i always struggle w questions like these because for me it has become almost second nature but. i will try my best (≧∀≦ゞ fellow cpurpled enjoyers feel free to chime in with ur own suggestions if u so wish
purpled is selfish. this feels like a pretty obvious aspect of his character but Oh the amount of people i’ve seen get it wrong. he does not feel guilt over his selfishness. he will take and take until there’s no more left to steal, and he will blame the other party for his loss. he’s a survivalist before all else, a businessman before a person, and he’s proud of it. he’s manipulative and cunning and, honestly, a total asshole most of the time. it’s part of his charm
he’s been used. a lot. being used is kind of a key aspect of his character and his behavior. i think it’s important to note though that his experiences are never portrayed in a way where he’s meant to be pitied. his story is more focused on rage, on revenge, on a burning anger that will burn everything in its path. his story is tragic, yes, but he Refuses to let it be a tragedy (he is not consciously making this choice, which i’ll go into later)
he’s VERY prideful. he’s good at a lot of things and he knows it. i think a lot of people see his character type of smug, confident asshole and jump to the conclusion that it’s a front for him to cover up his insecurities but. i cannot stress enough. he is Genuinely Just Like That. he is almost fully incapable of self-doubt. if he ever encounters a situation where he has fucked up he will instantly find a way to shift that blame to others. he’s hot shit, he knows it, and he WILL make it everyone’s problem
something i think is really important is that, when it comes to seeing others, he sees most people at a neutral. he has very few people he strongly likes or dislikes, and is more uninterested and unconcerned with most people. he looks down on them, but not in a negative way, per se. that’s just how purpled sees people. if they can’t provide him with something, they’re unimportant to him. it’s not personal, it’s just fact. quackity is the only person purpled has a true hatred towards, as well as technically tommy, but that was more as a one-sided rivalry, and much, much lesser. it’s worth noting he did NOT hate slime, seeing him as a nuisance at best. he only attacked slime because he knew it’d be the way to hurt quackity the most, he held no real animosity towards him otherwise. ponk, hannah, jack manifold, tubbo, and technically boomer are the only people i’d really classify of being people purpled enjoys being around/sees on the same level as him
i know a lot of these points are somewhat bleak and serious, but he does have a silly side!! he likes pranks and scams. his best friend is his dog, who he regularly talks to as if he was another person. he has a flair for the dramatics and likes showing off, even if doing so is risky, and even if no one but him will see it
this is less of a character analysis but he talks like if you introduced an angry victorian orphan to youtube shorts. he has a very specific cadence of more sophisticated, verbose language mixed with modern-day slang and memes. it’s. very strange. i really can’t begin to properly describe it
there is zero self-awareness in that boy. he cannot see past his anger and spite and realize possible mistakes. 95% of what i’ve mentioned here he is completely unaware of. he can’t see his flaws, he can’t realize his wants, yet he always sees himself as on the right and on top. he is playing 4D chess completely unaware that everyone else is playing checkers, and is prone to unintentionally self-sabotaging himself due to being unable to recognize his true wants. he has 0 self-awareness of any of this. the way i write purpled is to make it Blatantly Obvious to the reader that his mindset and worldview is wrong, but make him completely blind to these points. he should not know things are wrong, but the reader should be able to pick up on it
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queen-scribbles · 5 months
Massive sigh of relief as my last teal pen held on just long enough to finish the Ardrali fic😅
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goldenchocobo · 5 months
Been having a few Ventus thoughts™ lately, and one thing I landed on was;
You ever think that Ventus acts 'immature' for his age because- with the memory loss, time travel, comas and stifling by Eraqus he's endured, he hasn't been allowed to mature? Although he's the same age as Sora and Roxas, he's still gullible/too trusting/Head Empty because he's had years of his life stolen from him.
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avelera · 10 months
As the weird mythology-obsessed kid growing up, I have countless times been disappointed by how little most people know about mythology, even in spaces where I thought people SHOULD know a bit more than the basics. (Namely, college level writing classes. Not just the students, but the teachers. At a top 20 liberal arts college. Literally just. Actual literature professors of mine not knowing relatively known stories like that Aphrodite cheated on Hephaestus with Ares. Reader, I was gobsmacked.)
The fact is, at least in the US, your average person on the street, NOT ON TUMBLR, but I mean like actually outside this bubble, doesn’t know much mythology. They might know Zeus, or Hercules, or “Mighty Aphrodite” based on recent TV shows or the Disney movies or the aforementioned song.
I’m reminded of this XKCD comic which really nails it:
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This also applies to mythology. More people than you, the reader of this, probably don’t know who Orpheus and Eurydice are than you might think. Hadestown returned those names to the sort of mainstream and even THAT niche of musical theater is still, well, pretty damn niche.
Thor 3 has Zeus in it, and Hercules, and obviously Thor. But the Thor franchise is wildly inaccurate to actual Norse mythology is probably the biggest influx of mainstream knowledge of mythology where you MIGHT be able to talk to the average person about who, say, Loki is. But it’s doubtful they’d know a single historically accurate myth, unless MAYBE they’d also played God of War. But again, these are still very nerdy niches within the general mainstream culture.
I dunno. Maybe there’s no point to this. Just that sometimes I see people on here, especially in the Sandman fandom, kind of surprised by mythological knowledge not being more widespread. But in my personal experience, even in very nerdy circles, it very often really, REALLY isn’t.
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fazedlight · 2 months
Apparently discord has me in ramble mode today, but given how often I talk about how I love the complexity of the Rift, I figured I'd bring it here too.
We all have kneejerk moments and blind spots and overreactions. It's a very normal part of being alive. It also means that two people with good intentions can absolutely hurt each other without meaning to - conflicting traumas, conflicting needs, conflicting expectations, lack of understanding can cause something to blow up.
I felt that from my very first work - "You hide things so you don’t lose people. I run from people who hide things." - and it still is critical to most of my writing. They both screwed up in some very understandable ways.
And ultimately... when people forgive each other, it doesn't happen in a rational way.
Certainly, it helps when someone apologizes or makes a gesture of good will. It helps to figure out why people lash out and what's driving them. But you can never guarantee forgiveness. But if there's genuine love and mutual desire to build something better, you start seeing the beauty in someone else's flaws and are able to realize your own.
That's the only way to really connect someone.
That's the entire point of the Rift.
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snickerdoodlles · 22 days
there's a lot of things people blame for why fandoms feel like ghost towns these days, but no one's really talked about the way discord's contributing to it
#its like#people are trying to force fit discord's chatrooms into forum boards#except discord is just. really really *really* poorly setup for that#and theres no way to archive or share it so everything said in it is easily lost despite personal export or community pins or search option#and like#vaguely hearing about the way some people are unsatisfied with them/feeling unfufilled in the response to them#a lot of people would be better off posting those things to places like tumblr#where there isnt a time limit on when people see or respond to them#part of what's scary/frustrating on tumblr rn is some fandoms arent good about reblogging to posts or tag rambling#like with bad buddy a large part of the fun was the enthusiastic and in depth tag rambles and the way responses built on each other#vs something like kinnporsche which feels much more like-oriented#like? its not like theres any one way to fandom#and there's nothing actually wrong with likes or quiet reblogs#but vaguely hearing about the way some people were/are really upset with some servers im just kinda like#idk#feels a bit like people trying to force a square thru a circle or that they're looking in the wrong spaces for what they want#.......this is not a complaint for my space ajkds i think i've carved out a pretty happy space for myself!#im just checking the reblog graphs of some old vs new stuff and thinking about a convo other cookie and i were having over the weekend#i have a lot of friends around and i love everyone who's happy to ramble with me#but i do feel a slight case of DM burnout rn where mostly people reach out to me via DMs instead of reblogs#which is a very different dynamic#its like. hmmm words#i love DMs but the pressure of responding to a lot of individual messages#vs something like reblogs which is more open forum for everyone and feels more communal#if that makes sense?#the difference between visiting one person at home vs casually hanging out with a group at a cafe#and the lovely thing about tumblr specifically is that i can set down a reblog chain for several days if i need#before returning to it later when i have more time/energy#its got Longevity that discord lacks u know#........okay enough tag musings from me ajkfhjdgfhj BYE
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dnangelic · 4 months
i just woke up so idk how coherent this'll even be but last night i practically fell asleep thinking abt the trend of dai being confronted by his youth and feeling out of place for it in one way or another. on one hand he definitely can recognize himself as still young and having lots of space still to grow, so he's more than willing to defer to and obey adults or seek guidance and lesson from them, but at the same time this is a kid with an extremely bizarre and intensely demanding upbringing. daisuke has been raised right at the cusp of death all the time. he's gotten nearly fatal injuries just from his training. within his more intimate circles, he's used to everyone constantly counting on him as 'the only one' instead of setting him aside. his father has been absent essentially up until recently, his mother absolutely adores him but is also the one overbearing him on the family destiny and his 'duty' as a phantom thief, and even his grandfather strictly emphasizes how daisuke, as the sole niwa child, was the only one that could do become dark. there's so much responsibility placed onto him all the time, which, again, lucifer thematic. child-king sized burdens that connect him immediately to dark's decision to betray the hikari and take responsibility for the artworks after the cultural revolution.
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diiviineray · 4 months
I think about Jiang Cheng and how hard it has to be to continue to keep moving forward everyday.
He lost everything, quite literally everything. That man has trauma up to his head. But imagine having to not only rebuild your clan from the bottom but waking up every day in the home you love more than anything and reminded that it’s never going to be the same.
Always having those memories flood back. That’s major PTSD. Always having to relive it.
When your nephew is the spitting image of your sister and his father.
When you can’t go back to those memories or moments. When you remember fond times but also the death of your family.
He probably sleeps in his parents room.
Like usually when you experience something like that you wanna move away. A change in scenery but he has to live there. For the rest of his life. Imagine how hard that has to be? I’d be a walking ball of rage too.
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unironicallycringe · 2 months
Idk if I mentioned it before, but one of the Hashtag Themes™️ I want to embed into TMM is the spirit of the saying "the only way out is through", and uhhhh BIG EMOTIONAL EXHALE CAUSE DAMN I'M GETTING A REMINDER THAT IT SURE IS TRUE
For real though, been thinking of that quote for the past few days again. Grief makes you want to squirm out of your skin and escape to a place where your reality isn't true. But that is impossible, and you have to walk with your grief and feel all the heartache instead in order to fully heal from it.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 3 months
Astarion and Karlach are perfect foils showing how trauma from having autonomy ripped from you, your body forcibly changed, and then used as a pawn serving a master can present wildly different, but still with that same under layer of RAGE.
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apollos-boyfriend · 9 months
I think that’s the fault with most fandoms when they try to focus on women characters. They’re almost always… girlbossified? And with q!Jaiden she’s cool for sure, but gang… she isn’t a Girlboss, she’s a girlflop. She’s got flaws, she’s clumsy, she’s nervous.
I mean look at dsmp and how almost every gal that was a part of it was girlbossified. The only one I can’t think of that wasn’t was c!Tina.
Can’t really speak for other smps, but it’s a trend I’m starting to notice. But hey at least it hasn’t happened to Bagheera yet :,D
yeahhhhhhhh,,,,,,, i've talked about it a lot with the dsmp women too, it's just. tiring to see ig. especially because it's either unintentional on the op's part, or intentional with good intent. i know a lot of people think they're pushing back against the misogyny of girl characters often being portrayed as weak and helpless, so by making them a strong girlboss they're doing a good thing, but it's still sexist. it's still harmful. it implies that a female character that isn't those things, or that is vulnerable/flawed is bad, or that any female character that isn't perfect and palatable and the smartest in the room and unbeatable is bad. because god forbid women have flaws or fuck up or show emotion. it's just the same issue to the other extreme.
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astorichan · 6 months
soooo like bug romance right?
I have literally never thought of bug game in romantic terms, especially not between the higher beings
It’s always been a lot of…familial bonds, and how they’re messed with/exploited
you seem to have bug romance on the brain
and I wanna know
I wanna know how that recontextualizes this game
I’m so sorry for bothering you so much your rambles are just so cool
bug romance hehehehe
i kind of went in with the same view: came for the sibling dynamics between Hollow & Ghost (mainly) + Hollow & PK family dynamics. Then I happened upon a single line in another fic that ripped my heart out and sent me into a recontextualisation night-long spiral. (misread the tags on it, oop) The line was "And it felt terribly alone without her." Hollow @ Radi.
So yeah, that was the first ship I got into. It resonated with me very hard due to some history, so I was able to really... care about it and the dynamics at play. (my aro ass needs to get very invested to ship characters lol)
BUT enough intro, let me actually ramble:
RadiHollow is the first of my two ships. It's based on several factors, first of them being that those two spent an indefinite (I personally headcanon 300-400 years) amount of time completely isolated from the world. Alone with only each other for company. We know that Radi is horrible at loneliness, her history/the entire thing with Higher Beings requiring worship to live alludes to it a lot: the whole reason the infection broke out was that she'd been forgotten by the moths. Left behind. Left alone. The next factors are my own view of their characters. Radi as I write her is an extremely self-centered person, incapable of ever admitting any fault, incapable of ever being wrong, incapable of ever not being in control. She's manipulative and very emotionally abusive in an... insidious, "you just can't appreciate my love", way. So not "hehe torture fun". Hollow is someone who never viewed themself as a real person. Their feelings, wants, thoughts are not important. They have not experienced kindness for who they were. They also tend to blame themself for anything bad that happens. Couple those two in complete isolation (which, isolation is one of the first steps an abuser will take to gain control over their victim), with Radi showing Hollow genuine kindness despite their failure, despite them being her enemy, despite everything. She has an "I will fix you" mentality; she sees them as a poor, downtrodden person who only needs to be loved enough to fall on her side. To see that she was right all along. They hate each other, of course. They want to watch each other burn. They want to burn together. Radi wants to enter the new dawn together with them. They want to go down in flames together with her. They hate her, but the kindness makes it hard to only hate her. She hates them, but their empathy and responsiveness, their presence and pushback make it hard to only hate them.
Grollow is the second one, and it has direct relation to all the stuff I've said up there. I headcanon Grimm and Radi as siblings (""? as much as beings of pure magic can be siblings. their relationship is definitely familial), which means that Grimm is very intimately familiar with all of Radi's antics: the gaslighting, the manipulation, the blame-everyone-around, the disregard for his feelings, the blindness to what her love does to him. He's someone that understands Hollow, post-Radi. He's someone that knows what they've gone through. He's someone who's had similar experiences and had time to heal from them. He's someone who hates watching them suffer at her hands. And he's someone who sees them for the absolute mess that they are, knows most of what Radi could've done to them mentally and is willing to stay by their side. And somewhere along the way, they fall for each other. Somewhere along the way, Hollow grows comfortable with showing themself, with being themself. They stop clinging to their history with Radi, they grow past their (frankly, awful) learned responses. They realise just how much he's done for them, and they want to be the best version of themself, to be his support - if he will let them. He draws out the best in them. They draw out the best in him. They're mirrors of each other. They're pillars of support for one another. They're both willing to do anything for each other. Even if that anything is growing past spiteful pride and unwillingness to admit to fault. Even if that anything is opening up your heart to a potential knife, dropping a mask of playfulness and detachment, showing the vulnerable skin underneath.
My two ships. Proudly waving them around. There's more stuff to Grollow, namely PVxGrimm pairing (so, pre-Temple). Moon expands on that a bit (I think it's in the already posted chapter, even) and Dreams has it because of shared interests, shared character traits and, again, Grimm's unwillingness to coddle them or evade them for any reason. Means a lot to them.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN SORRY don't you sorry me /lh I'm so glad for the opportunities to talk about my stuff. I love sharing my thoughts, headcanons, anything connected to the creative process honestly. It's a special kind of heartwarming. So no sorry, thank you for asking!
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ionlytalktodogs · 3 months
Sometimes I think there’s two sorts of people in the world: the lovers and the beloveds. The lovers desperately chase the beloveds grasping at straws for scraps of affection. That’s definitely me. I don’t understand things from the other end. I wish I did.
I just often feel like my romantic relationships are always lopsided. I’m so deeply invested in them but they return the feeling. Worst of all, they know I’ll always be there so they don’t have to work to keep me.
I think I understand why middle school age me obsessed over the hanahaki disease.
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malboraslihan · 1 year
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serendipity. the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
mobile vers.
trigger warnings and disclaimer: the verse will mostly surround the death of a close friend as well as many triggering themes such as depression, illness and such. please beware of that before applying/reading the plot.
           july 2016 marks the graduation of claudia madeira and her friends. the group of teenagers was known around the small town of harbor springs for their constant loud celebrations, rebellious ideas and even more, for having dreams that became too big for the city limits. it was a known fact, by their parents and anyone who could hear them daydreaming at the coffee shop, that they would leave town eventually. or at the very least, they would try to. so when the time came, the night after graduation, they followed their own paths and promised to never forget the memories they created in that small magical town from connecticut. 
            seven years later, things haven’t been good, for anyone. those who left, somehow ended up sucked back into town; by a relative who became ill, after losing their perfect job one day, after a break up completely broke them down.. the reasons are endless. and, of course, there are always those who never managed to escape, whose dreams were tucked into under their bed and plans stayed as just that, plans. 
            mrs. dolevan said it best, the town shifted the day the last one of them stepped foot into town. something was in the air, things weren’t working as well as they once did anymore. the town had grown old, there was no big group of teenagers running around and celebrating the life they were about to have. most kids had ended up finishing high school in the neighboring town, which made their parents move down there eventually. harbor springs was now a ghost town. with only the memories and echoes, family they left behind and childhood rooms that still held pictures of people they haven’t seen in years. 
            and claudia, of course. holding the promise she made to never leave harbor springs, and hiding the truth of her autoimmune disease from her best friends as they toasted to the last night together. she held the fort and kept their memory alive. and then, she saw each and every single one of them crawl back into town. 
              the doctors said it was bound to happen any day, the gossipers said she couldn’t handle another day of living with the fact they had all failed.
summary: a skeleton discord group verse based on the life of teenagers that were born in a very small town called harbor springs and grew up close experiencing traumatic things together but promised to get out of town (or at least try) once they graduated high school. seven years later, they’re all back to town for different reasons and one week after the last one of them arrives, claudia madeira, class president and their valedictorian, passes away from unknown reasons, causing them all to sit in a room together for her funeral. check out the pinterest board.
1. your usual rp etiquette: no god modding, try to interact and plot with everyone. please, no ooc drama and if there’s any issues contact me or leesh privately so we can handle it directly.
2. muns and fcs must be over 21, the age range for muses is 25-27. no problematic fcs, the usual banned: no dead fcs, minors, people who have stated before they don’t want to be used in rps, all that jazz. i also reserve the right to deny any fc that makes me or anyone else uncomfortable.
3. please don’t join if you’re not planning on being active. i understand school, college, work and all that can get in the way and that this is only a hobby but in order for a group to work people must be present at least once or twice in the day or a few hours a week.
4. this won’t be first come first serve, each mun can apply for ONE MUSE. i know there’s no way i can know for sure so this is basically based on trust and a suggestion but i’d love if we could bring new/undeveloped muses to the verse. the plot is heavy on development and in character building to i feel muses that haven’t been completely fleshed yet would benefit more from this setting. 
the allegiant.  the black sheep. considered the disgrace of a family or group. the insurgent. rebels, stirs up conflict, goes against the norms. the facade. someone who hides behind a mask. the connard. the fallen angel. someone who fell from a high point in their life. the lothario. / the vixen. the luminary. the leader the icarian. spontaneous and adventurous; a free spirit. the pristine. pure, innocent, unspoiled, uncorrupted.
(you can find inspo posts for each label on the pinterest board.)
if they left town: ( faceclaim, age, gender, pronouns ) can you honestly believe FIRST LAST NAME is back in town? they’re probably around AGE IN LETTERS now and i think they became a OCCUPATION. god, it was only a few years ago they were screaming about how they would PLANS ONCE THEY LEFT TOWN, right? i don’t know what changed but i heard some rumors that REASON THEY CAME BACK. either way, we should all be glad we got our local LABEL back on our streets, who knows what they’ll do next. ( alias, url, tmz, age )
if they stayed in town: ( faceclaim, age, gender, pronouns ) can you honestly believe FIRST LAST NAME never left town? they’re probably around AGE IN LETTERS now and i think they became a OCCUPATION. god, it was only a few years ago they were screaming about how they would PLANS ONCE THEY LEFT TOWN, right? i don’t know what changed but i heard some rumors that REASON WHY THEY DIDN’T LEAVE. either way, we should all be glad we got our local LABEL on our streets, who knows what they’ll do next. ( alias, url, tmz, age )
the app can be sent through my submit and while it’s not mandatory, i’d love if you could attach a pinterest board or a small paragraph about your muse or how they relate to their label. nothing fancy, no need to write a full on bio, just a bit more info if possible! 
the allegiant: omar apollo (barbie) the black sheep: steph mandich (adri) the insurgent: nico haraga (amanda) the facade: rish shah (jana) the connard: sophie thatcher (ron) the fallen angel: teresa seco (lina) the vixen: jamilla strand (leesh) the luminary: drew starkey (bee) the icarian: ange jose (marie) the pristine: sabrina carpenter (ivy) 
+ camila morrone (kate) and michael cimino (dj)
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byanyan · 4 months
thinking about how one of byan's nicknames was originally supposed to be yanyan, hence the url byanyan, but it never caught on/stuck bc it was supposed to be specific to only certain people... so it just hasn't been a thing for three whole years but i haven't had the energy to come up with a new url
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