braziliangifs · 3 months
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mitosmitosis · 4 months
By your lovely host @mitosmitosis
Its was a stormy night in Vila Xurupita, rain hit hard on the sheet roof and thunder hit the ground harder, which of course two little birds were not so very happy about.
Usually the don’t have problem sleeping throughout storms, if anything it was better, so there was something off, so there was 2 choices presented to them.
1. Stay in bed and force themselves to sleep.
2. Go to Jose and Panchitos room.
They were already up and going at the bare thought of number 2.
In quick little steps they were already facing their door and slowly opened it revealing the couple in the bed, Jose hugging a pillow and Panchito hugging him while snoring, the children thought how could Jose even sleep like that, the children approached the bed and nudged Jose to wake him up.
“Uncleeeee we can’t sleeeep” Zico said while nudging Jose even harder “Kids? W- what are you doing up?”
Jose tried to sit up but Panchito wouldn’t let him “we don’t know, would you please let us sleep with you?” Zeca knew what he was doing, that puppy eyed look, still Jose didn’t take the bait “ha! Fat chance! Everytime that happens two of us end in the floor somehow” Jose still struggling to get up forcefully removed Panchitos arms making him wake up “huh!? Wha- what is happening!” Jose just sighs as he feels a great weight being removed from him.
“Kids? What are you doing here?” Panchito said getting closer “we can’t sleep and uncle won’t let us sleep with you guys” Zico pouted maybe panchito will be nicer and spoil them “ well…you guys do tend to throw us out of the bed.” Jose just looked smug “ you really thought didn’t you?”
The kids kept trying to get in the bed but they were unsuccessful, they were just too energetic, Jose was very tired and Panchito had a great idea!
“I know! Why don’t I tell you a story!” He said enthusiastically, but the others looked at him like he was dumb, of course because that was some gringo type stuff, they didn’t do that, but it seemed it was the only choice, “whatever takes them to their bedroom again” Jose already leaving the room and the children followed, and got to their beds.
“So dear author, what story are you telling us tonight?” Jose said smiling to him, but not to his surprise panchito was blank, he didn’t think that far out “uh well I just thought I would freestyle it…” he laughed nervously “ well then go ahead!” The children encouraged. “Hmmm well…
Once there was a lonely cowboy who traveled far and wide to find his true love, but everyone he met turned him down.
“ you are two shabby” a swan spat.
“You are too dangerous!” A robin yelled.
“You are too boring…” a roadrunner sighed.
They always turned him down! He had so much love to give! But no one seemed to give it back!
“well then just live alone!” Zico said “ but how would you feel if nobody loved you!” Zeca retorted, they went back and forth until Jose interrupted “alright let panchito continue the story" they settled down in their beds again and waited for Panchito to resume
One day a very VERY old man told the cowboy.
"en el desierto de Noso, You Will find what you seek, there is a beast of light and if you defeat it, all of your wishes will come true"
The cowboy was hesitant, but he was still determined and willing to do whatever it takes.
"Aguas..." The old man warned "Many have tried and most came back blind, it’s a huge sacrifice to pay”
But it didn’t dis encourage the cowboy, he went straight to Noso’s desert to defeat the beast and find his true love.
“WAIT! STOP!” Zico yelled startling everyone “I have to pee.” Then just left running, Jose who was near Zeca’s bed felt something around his arm, and saw to little hands grasping his arm and pulling him to the bed.
“If I was as lonely as the cowboy, and nobody loved me, would you love me?”
“Of course Zeca, I will always love you…”
Zeca gave Jose the purest smile ever, and hugged him tightly, and Jose was internal crying and dying of cuteness, but nobody needed to know that “IM BACK! GO ON GO ON!” Zico said throwing himself in his bed “ alright where were we?”
The cowboy was riding his trusting steed straight to Noso’s desert, he crossed from town to town but he never gave up.
“What was the horse’s name?” Zico said “señor Martinez” Panchito replied.
Once the cowboy was there he looked everywhere for a sight of the beast and had his pistols ready,and suddenly he saw a white light not so far from him, so he grabbed the reins and galloped at Al speed towards it, the closer he got the bigger the light, squinting his eyes but they were starting to hurt.
“WAIT panchito!” Zeca interrupted “yeah Zeca?” Panchito saw how Zeca had a worried expression on his tiny face “make him turn around…”
Zeca was looking at Panchito while hiding behind Jose, panchito was a new addition to the small family and the children were not accustomed to have him around much “I don’t want him to get hurt…” panchito just snickered at him “ okay then, the cowboy suddenly grabbed the reins and stopped his horse.”
The cowboy was thinking “what if it isn’t worth it? What if I just fail?” So close to the light, but he remembered what his dad once told him.
“Son, you have to try new things to live in this world, it’s better to try them now than regret it later…”
Zeca got out and stared at Panchito slowly getting close to him.
“And it’s okay if you are a bit scared, even I get scared at times, just remember that if you tried something and it didn’t work, at least you still tried, and you should be proud that you did”
Zeca smiled at him with sleepy eyes and panchito covered him up with a light blanket “he can go now” Zeca said with a raspy voice as he was slowly drifting to sleep.
finding Confort in his father’s words,the cowboy speeded to the light once again, and as he got closer the harder and harder it was to see, but he was not going to give up, and As light consumed him, there he saw…an Angel.
Its was a beautiful sight, a body made of pure light, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen,he could hardly believe it.
“Who are you?” The cowboy asked
The angel just smiled at him “I am your true love” it came forward and cuped the cowboy’s face.
“You are beautiful” he leaned towards the soft touch “and I swear by my own life, that I would forfeit my every possession, and even my soul if that’s what you desire”
“But what do you desire, meu amor?”
“What I most desire in the whole world, is a kiss from you”
“That’s gross…” Zico said already falling asleep, the couple just laughed and went back to their bedroom.
“And they lived happily ever after”
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pumpkinskull27 · 1 year
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Águas passadas do rio Meu sono vazio Não vão acordar Águas das fontes calai Ó ribeiras chorai Que eu não volto a cantar
Zeca Afonso
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iamkrisis · 17 hours
Centenas de galegos juntaram-se para cantar, a uma só voz, um dos hinos da Revolução de Abril, na localização exacta onde o tema foi cantado publicamente pela primeira vez por Zeca Afonso, em 1972.
25 de Abril de 2024, Santiago de Compostela. [Cá estive eu].
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rebatomorg · 2 years
Coro Magnus - Zeca, Jul.22
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polisena-art · 3 months
Part 5
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Zico and Zeca's plan to drive Panchito away continues, if only he could take A HINT!!! 😠
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ducklooney · 1 month
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Happy Patrick's Day!
Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is celebrated on March 17 and is the Day of Ireland and Irish Culture. Anyway, here are pictures from the Duckverse of our favorite green-suited, Irish-related characters and leprechauns and four-leaf clovers. May all the luck follow you!
Happy Ireland Day everyone! Feel free to like and reblog this if you're a fan of these characters in green!
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acsrandomstuff · 10 days
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✨Buzz in Boots✨
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braziliangifs · 3 months
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ducktoonsfanart · 3 months
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The Three Caballeros as the Three Wise Men along with their nephews as shepherds visiting the Savior - Duckverse in History - My Version
 "And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh."(Matthew 2:11)
I haven't done Three Caballeros for a long time, but since the survey showed me to draw Three Caballeros, it will be.
Yes, in the Bible, more precisely in the New Testament and the Gospel according to Matthew, three wise men (according to some three kings) who are supposedly astrologers and magicians, went to visit the Holy Land to bring gifts to the Savior, that is, Jesus Christ who was born in Bethlehem, in stable, swaddled in a manger by his mother Mary. The three wise men brought them gold, incense, and myrrh. And those wise men are called Gaspar (or Caspar), Melchior, and Balthasar. The symbolism of the three is very well known so I used that for our heroes the Three Caballeros to be in those roles. Except in the Bible, they are not mentioned anywhere else, so it is uncertain who is who. Donald is Gaspar and wears gold, Panchito is Melchior and wears myrrh and Jose is Balthazar who wears incense, at least in my version or how they play the part. And they take it to the Savior Jesus Christ. I drew them wearing traditional clothing as worn at the time of Jesus' birth (1st century BC and 1st century AD) in Judea, in the Middle East. Donald is said to be from Persia, Panchito is from Yemen or Arabia, and Jose Carioca is from Ethiopia, which is where the three wise men supposedly came from.
Besides them, I also drew their nephews, Donald's nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck and Jose's nephews Zico and Zeca Carioca as shepherds, that is, they play the role of shepherds. Luke's Gospel from the New Testament mentions that the angels told the shepherds to come and worship the Savior and the shepherds went to the Savior and worshiped him. So both Donald's and Jose's nephews will go and they are wearing shepherd's clothing as worn at the time (yes even though they are teenagers and these versions are from my version of the Quack Pack, they are still wearing the clothing of Jesus' time). There are also sheep and lambs from the Middle East accompanying them, and the wise men riding a camel and an elephant standing behind them. And there is the Angel Duck (to take from Donald's Better Self who is Donald's conscience and Donald's guardian angel) who leads them to the manger where the Lord Jesus Christ is. Glory to God who was born and who came to save us from our sins! Amen.
And I'm sorry if I offended you with something and it's not my intention to do so, this is just a drawing and some alternative and playing cosplay. Yes, the Three Wise Men are celebrated on January 6, ending the Christmas season, and with this I also marked the 800th anniversary of the Christmas Nativity tradition, which was introduced by the Catholic saint Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan order, who did it in 1223. Once again I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as well as a Happy Epiphany! And sorry about some things I did wrong in this drawing and just to say that I am a believer and I believe in God the Savior! And yes, I'm not the only one who drew the Three Caballeros as the Three Wise Men, there are already those drawings on the subject, I just did it in my own way.
I hope you like this drawing and feel free to like and reblog this!
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27-orange-lily · 5 days
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50 ANOS 🌹🇵🇹 25 de Abril Sempre 💕 O povo unido jamais será vencido!
For those who don't know, the 25th of April is the date of the Carnation Revolution, in which the Portuguese people came together to overthrow the oppressive f𝗮scist government. This year marks the 50-year anniversary of that achievement! Here's to 50 more years of freedom!
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mr-cactis · 5 months
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vozperiferica · 8 months
Nos recantos das grandes cidades, onde o asfalto cede lugar ao concreto e a vida pulsa com intensidade, surge uma teia cultural rica e diversificada: a cultura periférica. No entanto, é triste constatar que essa expressão vibrante da criatividade e identidade muitas vezes é marginalizada, relegada às sombras pela cultura mainstream. Neste blog, vamos mergulhar na temática da marginalização da cultura periférica, entendendo suas causas, consequências e a importância de dar voz a essas manifestações artísticas e culturais.
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"Enquanto a lata chacoalhar E a ilusão for a sensação de ser mais poderoso (Vários vai memo se arrastar) E a Cracolândia 'tá lotada de curioso" - Cracolândia, MC Hariel, MC Ryan SP, Alok, MC Davi, Salvador da Rima
O que é Cultura Periférica?
A cultura periférica engloba uma gama de manifestações artísticas, musicais, literárias e visuais que emergem das áreas urbanas marginalizadas. Ela é uma resposta à complexidade da vida nessas regiões, e frequentemente reflete questões sociais, políticas e econômicas. Hip-hop, graffiti, literatura de cordel, danças urbanas e outras formas de expressão nascem e evoluem nesse contexto, trazendo consigo as vozes e experiências das comunidades periféricas.
Artistas como Racionais MC's, Tim Maia, Ludmilla e outros cantores periféricos desempenham um papel fundamental na valorização da cultura brasileira ao trazerem à tona histórias autênticas, promoverem a diversidade e o diálogo social, e empoderarem as comunidades periféricas através da música.
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"Se a escravidão acabar pra você Vai viver de quem? Vai viver de quê? O sistema manipula sem ninguém saber" - Periferia é Periferia, Racionais MC's
As Causas da Marginalização
A marginalização da cultura periférica decorre de diversos fatores, incluindo preconceitos sociais enraizados, falta de acesso a recursos, discriminação e o poder dominante exercido pela cultura predominante. A mídia e a indústria cultural muitas vezes favorecem narrativas que não refletem a diversidade das culturas periféricas, perpetuando estereótipos e ignorando a riqueza de suas expressões.
A marginalização da cultura periférica não é apenas uma questão artística, mas também social. Ela perpetua a exclusão, reforça a desigualdade e limita o acesso a oportunidades para os indivíduos dessas comunidades. Além disso, há um empobrecimento cultural global quando não se dá espaço para as vozes periféricas, pois perdemos a chance de enriquecer nosso entendimento coletivo da sociedade.
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"Que ela mora no meu peito E eu moro vizinho a ela E eu fico desse jeito Pensando nos beijos, nos carinhos dela" - Carolina Carol Bela, Martinho da vila
Dando Voz à Cultura Periférica
É crucial que reconheçamos e valorizemos a cultura periférica, não apenas como um reflexo autêntico da vida nas margens da sociedade, mas como uma contribuição valiosa para o panorama cultural mais amplo. Iniciativas como festivais de arte urbana, projetos comunitários e plataformas de mídia independentes têm o potencial de ampliar essas vozes e promover uma mudança de paradigma.
O Exaltasamba, Zeca Pagodinho, Thiaguinho, Pixote e Raça Negra são muito importantes e significativos na cultura brasileira de todas as idades, especialmente no contexto do samba e do pagode. Eles ajudaram a popularizar esses gêneros musicais, unindo diferentes gerações com suas músicas cativantes e letras marcantes. Sua influência se estendeu além da música, promovendo valores como a celebração da vida, a identidade cultural e a conexão entre as pessoas. Suas carreiras contribuíram para manter viva a tradição do samba e do pagode, influenciando artistas contemporâneos e futuros, e deixando um legado duradouro na história musical do Brasil.
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"Moro num país tropical, abençoado por Deus E bonito por natureza (mas que beleza) Em fevereiro (em fevereiro) Tem carnaval (tem carnaval)" País Tropical, Jorge Ben Jor
A marginalização da cultura periférica é uma realidade triste, mas não irremediável. Ao aprendermos sobre, apreciarmos e apoiarmos as manifestações culturais das áreas periféricas, podemos desafiar os estigmas e preconceitos arraigados. É hora de iluminar as riquezas da cultura periférica e reconhecer que, ao abraçá-la, enriquecemos nossa compreensão da humanidade como um todo.
centralperiférica.org labdicasjornalismo.com politize.com.br celacc.eca.usp.br jornal.usp.br
Todas as imagens foram retiradas do site/aplicativo Pinterest
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polisena-art · 10 months
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Cowboy never misses the target  🤠
orrr Panchito realizes too late he aimed at the wrong thing.
Next: x
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men4mepleasure · 2 years
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