#You're so cool how dare you /pos
creakincreek · 29 days
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@hatekawa quick rushed 3 months fanart/panel redraw(?)
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the-milk-monarch · 5 months
hello there milk! really love your writing, I want to eat it very badly /pos :D. can I please request a Mike, Mal and Scott x reader with very noticeable stims? like clapping, chirping, flappy hands ect? totally cool if not!
☣︎ Hey Anon! Tysm, it means a lot! I hope It's alright.
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Summary: General headcanons.
☢︎ | Total Drama | 621 words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Mike | Mal| Scott ⚠ | Mal being an ass
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I believe he has some knowledge about those.
I mean, he's not an expert, but he understands that stimming is a calming method.
With that in mind, he wouldn't make any comments about it.
At most would ask how it feels like, out of curiosity.
"Well... it calms me down. Sometimes I do it out of excitement as well." You explained simply. "...So... You're like a puppy who wags their tail?" He tried to joke lightheartedly, hoping it's not offensive or ignorant. "That's a first time I hear this comparison." You truthfully responded, a bit amused and not offended at all. "Is it bad?" His voice hesitated slightly as he got more worried about your reply. "No- It's actually kinda cute." And so, he immediately calmed down.
His only repetitive movement (and point of reference) is scratching his arm when stressed, but he doesn't do it on the daily, unlike you.
Would never make fun or think of you weird, and is ready to throw hands if anyone is planning on that.
Well, okay, not literally, but
He'd make sure they're not bothering you to the best of his abilities.
Unless you don't want to, which he'll also respect.
It also never bothers him.
He doesn't stim, like, at all, so he doesn't get it.
But you do you ig.
He's aware about what it is and why you do it, but he doesn't care much. /pos?
He might get a bit annoyed if he's trying to focus on something and you start doing it, though.
His first instinct isn't to be nice to people, so prepare for some rough reactions at first.
"Will you shut up for a minute?"
He'll learn to tone it down.
"...Can you stop for a moment, I'm trying to think."
But he will not tolerate other people saying that.
Only he has the right to be mildly mean to you sometimes /affectionate
Even if someone were to look at you the wrong way.
He's not the one to infantilize you, as he knows you're capable of protecting yourself, but if he's feeling particularly spicy that day, there might be some domination display on his part.
"Are you looking for something?" He stared daggers at the person who dared to show any sort of negative opinion towards you. "...To get hurt, perhaps?"
Now this poor guy has no idea what autism/adhd even is.
Like, never heard of it.
So he'll just bluntly ask you what you're doing.
"Why are you... clapping?" He asked, tilting his hands. You immediately stopped, feeling a bit put on the spot. "Uh... I'm excited?" You responded casually, although you weren't sure of Scott's opinion on the topic yet. You wished he's gonna grasp it. "Oh." He said as you saw a bit of cogs turning in his head. You decide to spare him the figuring out by himself and explained further. "It's a stim." You calmly concluded. "You do drugs?!" His face turned into a surprise, concern and disbelief. You got thrown off your trail of thoughts, so a chuckle escaped your lips. "No- It's a stim. Not a stimulant." You elaborated once more. "Of course. I obviously know what that is." He didn't.
Be prepared for a long list of questions.
It doesn't really bother him, plus he has the benefit of now knowing your body language.
If he can make you make those movements, he won!
In case your stimming stems from stress.
Which he also gotta learn is a thing.
If anyone dares to point your stimming, he's ready to protect your honor like the hero he is.
"Hey! If you make fun of their flapping, you get the- slapping!" He was really proud of that one.
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starr-finn · 1 year
Hi okay so for ur first tf2 req, I will go with something that isn't too specific lol
- So this can be for all, but you don't have to include Pyro and Heavy if you don't wanna do all
- So the prompt is, Medic has either become sick and can't participate in the fight, or he got an assistant medic (in the case for writing for Medic)
- And Reader is the replacement/assistant medic!
- She's kinda like a medic gf but in a /pos way
- So she's got the med gf outfit (blighted beak, das fantzipantzen, long pleated skirt) with a quick-fix (so she can follow rocket-jumpers and sticky-jumpers)
- She's also very nice and always compliments/thanks her team ('That was an amazing kill/shot' + 'Wow that was impressive' + 'Thanks so much for the dispenser/sandvich') bc yippee kindness
- You know the perennial petals effect? That's her-core (also yes, if needed can reader be fem)
- Here's some her-core photos
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I will 100% write this for you! This is such a cute request, as per usual! hope you like this one bestie! I won't add pyro because I really don't know how to write pyro lol, also to everyone reading, I'm trying to color code things now! helps me keep focused
TF2 Mercs with a medic GF!
Author's note: all of the Mercs without Pyro because I just can't write him so yay! Hope Y'all like this! I tried to make it super cute, also, just to point this out here too, Fem!Reader, and mentions of food in Heavy's part (Sandvich ofc) PRobably mistranslated russian, and german, the french is pretty damn obvious
Buddy boy here thinks you're super cool, and he loves having a medic GF!
You're always there when he gets hurt, and he loves it
he loves your constant compliments
"Wow Scout! Nice shot!"
He chuckles softly and smiles "Thanks cutie!"
Scout loves how gentle you are when you patch him up, he thinks its adorable
any time you mention anything about being proud of him for some crazy ass shot he pulled off he almost cries
Full on adores you
Calls you stuff like Cutie and Baby doll
Bro gets into so much trouble it's not even funny tbh, dude stresses you out so much
He comes to you for everything because he enjoys how soft you are with him
He loves getting compliments from you, he just loves it
"Wow! great shot!" You smile, nodding softly at him
"Thank you Dearest" he salutes at you and then runs off to kill more people
Soldier will always drop everything to keep you safe (Defend your medics kids)
He gets hurt far to much for your liking but you honestly can't blame him in your job (and brain damage)
he is far too protective over you
Calls you Dearest and love
Bro gets hurt sometimes, just because of his explosives, and you're always right there with him
He rambles about how much he loves you and how much he loves how gentle you are when he's drunk
He always basically drops dead when you compliment him
You smile over at him "Nice shot, dear!"
Demo looks down, lightly kicking at the dirt "Aww...thanks love..."
Demo will physically fight anyone that even dares to try anything with you
He loves how you're always there when he's far to drunk to move
Calls you stuff like Love and Darling
Sniper doesn't get as hurt as often, he still gets injuries though
He'll keep you in his line of sight all the time and kill anyone that tries attacking you, super protective boy
as an introvert, homie almost loses it everytime you say something nice to him
Like pulls his hat down over his face flustered
"Woah!!! You're really good at that Snipes!" you smile softly and look up at him
Sniper blushes and covers his face with his hat "W-Well thank you"
now, dude will actually go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe
Healing his ass is super easy cuz this hoe stays still the whole time
Rambles about you to anyone who listens
Calls you stuff like "Roo" and "Little Koala"
Engineer (I absolutely adore this fucker)
Engie here is super easy to heal, still as a fucking stone
He likes to keep you safe, he absolutely loves you too much to let you get hurt yourself
He smiles softly and gets all blushy everytime you thank him or say something nice
"Thanks for the dispenser, love!"
He smiles and gently rubs the back of his neck "Awee thanks honey bee!"
Engie will hold your hand every time he's healing you
Helps you patch up some people
Brags that he managed to pull 'The sweetest damn woman alive"
Calls you 'Honey bee' and 'Sugar'
He's a doctor himself, so you both patch each other up!
actually tortured a guy for shooting at you
He always gets so damn cocky when you get all sweet with him
"Thanks for the heal Doc!" You smile and nod at him before running off
Medic chuckles softly and yells after you "You're welcome Engel!"
He likes when you help him with checkups!
He likes having you as a nurse around the infirmary
He doesn't really brag about you, unless he's like, SUPER drunk
Calls you 'Engel' and 'Schatz'
Ok so Heavy gets hurt more than soldier does, he is heavy weapons guy after all
Like all the other mercs, he's super protective
Takes all the thanks, and praise so gracefully
"Thanks for the sandvich dear!" You smile happily chomping down on the sandvich
Heavy gently ruffles your hair before walking off "You're welcome Ангел'
stands in front of you in fights
Definitely towers over you btw
likes when you heal him up after a fight
Calls you stuff like 'Ангел' and 'Родна́я'
This old ass man is a tryhard with not getting hurt, it still happens
Protective, again
another cocky one with praise and thanks
"Wow! Impressive kill Dearest!" You smile softly looking over at him
He chuckles softly and nods "Thank you, Mon amour"
Shows you off constantly
Brags more than scout does
you're really one of the only people he lets touch him
Calls you 'Mon amour' and that alone
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fairytale-poll · 9 months
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Mod's own propaganda under the cut:
Sasha as Red Riding Hood:
During submissions, I became so absolutely excited when I saw this pop up. I don't know who decided to submit it, but they unlocked some childhood memories for me. Back when I was a child, my family visited Pakistan (my parent's country of origin) for the entire summer. One day I, bored, asked for some movies to watched and my parents and uncle brought back some clearly bootlegged DVDs dubbed in Hindi/Urdu, and Bratz Kids Fairy Tales was one of them. I watched it so many times, you have no idea- I think that I might have wrecked the whole DVD with how much I watched it. (A similar thing happened later on when I obtained a clearly bootlegged copy of Bratz Fashion Pixie too but that's another, non-Red Riding Hood related story.) I wasn't surprised that it was eliminated right off the bat, but my childhood nostalgia dictated I put it here, or else I would be betraying the 7-year-old in me.
Shang, Tao, and Paotze:
Another childhood favorite of mine. This picture book has such beautiful art and I remember being very surprised by the story as a child. I found a PDF of it online to reread when the contest started and honestly it still holds up. The three sisters that are the Red Riding Hood in the story I feel are genuinely very clever. And for nothing else, look this one up solely for it's beautiful art which is just breath-taking whether you're a child or an adult!
Not going to lie I never played this game. My good friend who I adore submitted this to the poll and it immediately got eliminated and I just felt bad lol. But it does look cool & I trust their taste so I do think that this game is great. I want to play it but I am really bad at getting myself to play games.
Samurai Jack is a CLASSIC and I dare you to not watch this clip and crack up. Mako was a gift of voice acting and I miss him so much. Also this episode is just pretty amusing.
Amy Lee:
My sister was actually the one to submit this and I will use her own propaganda here: "Evanescence was a voice of a generation." Honestly this song is kind of just okay, there are better Evanescence songs, but got to respect the effort they put into the music video. Who can resist to choose Amy Lee anyway?
The Path sisters:
Like many people who know this game, I know it through Izzzyzzz's two video essays on it. I didn't play the game afterwards, but I did watch some play-throughs since I don't play many games + it seemed mostly like a walking simulator anyway so I felt like I got the same effect. It is AMAZING and has so much story and analysis and I love shit like that... In particular, Scarlet, Ruby, and Rose are my favorites whose stories really resonated with me, even if I haven't exactly gone through their life experiences. Ginger too. And there's some really horrific imagery in Robin's...I would recommend everyone find a way to experience this game-- whether that's playing it, watching Izzzyzzz's videos, or finding a walk-through/analysis of it, it's worth it!
So this manga is sort of obscure but it is also sort of nostalgic to me. Well, nostalgic by proxy. My sister read it when I was younger and told me some details about it and for some reason it stuck with me. Like??? For no reason. It's not even that good lmao. The first chapter right off the bat is pretty edgy & handles sensitive topics very badly. But goddamn if I do not think about random elements of the story for no reason. I don't really remember shit about Lisette but hey this picture of her looks really cool.
If you notice a theme among these being "nostalgia" you would be right, as this was another nostalgic offering from my childhood that I would watch semi-annually. I was also fond of the sequel, though I thought it felt like a different series than the first one. (Which isn't unusual with animated sequels to popular movies, but the fact that the sequel was set-up by the ending of the first one implies it was planned? Weird). But anyway Red is iconic and funny and voiced by Anne Hathaway and also her sad emo song "Red is Blue" sometimes still gets stuck in my head, so take that as you will.
I know absolutely nothing about this series. But it looks very cute so I like it. I love cute magical girls they deserve the world. Also I looked it up and apparently the Studio who did the Akazukin Chacha anime would later do the Yu-Gi-Oh animes from the 2000s and 2010s, so there's the obligatory mention of nostalgia.
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pastel-rights · 9 months
Rate your friends
oh this anon finally decided to come around [insert tracy happy here]
uhhh it'll be underneath the cut because it's gonna be. long as hell BWAHAHA apologizing ahead of time if I get sappy 😶‍🌫️
Rina [ My first real internet friend 🫡]
RINAAA I see you. I see your art. I perceive you.
And, even if we don't talk as much as we used to in the past, you'll always be the first of many great people I've met. And, I really love and appreciate your presence in my life. Dare I say it was life-altering!!
Ocean, Shamia, Arella, and all your other ocs, I'm cradling them in the palms on my hands so so lovingly. I have so many things I need to tell you to be honest !! But goddamnit I have work every night so I'm always busy doing something wahhhh
New Shamia reference when? I need to draw her and her blonde bitchass dog [ jack ] again they're so funny and I miss them 😭
Blue [ My lifelong irl to internet friend ]
From an IRL friend to now an online friend, we just can't get rid of each other. You're so cool...
You don't use tumblr so, I won't talk much further... but I do appreciate you. And all your silly Itto shrine moments.
Tae [ My Beloved Wife 🫶🏼]
She's the Cro to my Lee.
The Shuichi to my Kaede.
The President Barbie to my Stereotypical Barbie.
The Kafka to my Bladie [ unfortunately /lh ]
Theeeee Raiden Ei to my Yae Mikooooo.
My wife is many things to me!! I really really love your art and your writing, and you're always so kind and funny and I just wanna grrrrr I just want to hold all your ocs and all your muses so close I love them all 😭😭😭
I HOPE YOU FALL THROUGH THE SKY, JOHN. KER-FUCKING-SPLAT, BITCH. I think you've driven me insane. A little bit.
We're so good we are so good. Don't even WORRY about it.
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Sam [ My Infamous Brother-in-Tumblr Law ]
Sam you're so. /pos
I think the Immortalpheus AU has permanently altered my perception on life.
Your writing is. well. it's painful /pos
You're so cryptic and really funny yet you and your sister make me say some weird shit during work. Like the uno cards and the Dazai shenanigans and Immortalpheus moments and whenever you drop some life shattering fics and shit you drop on others.
You're a very nice and fun person, all jokes aside!! You're very cool and very amazing and a delight to game with and just fun to be around??? your AU lore and your bots and everything is just so.
good friend good friend!!
french /j
Piano Immortalpheus forever immortalized isn’t that funny
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Navi [ My detective in arms ]
Your art and your way of expressing your characters and your son in your writing are just soooo good I rotate them in my head so often.
Whenever I see you posting about your crimes to Tumblr, I simply giggle. Get em, Navi!!
We don't talk very often but like. I'd love to talk more. plot. commit shenanigans. heart hands.
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Fifi [ fucking fifi /lh ]
I want to clasp my hands around your neck and rattle you violently /lh /pos
How are we friends /lh
We've been friends so long, it's kind of insane??? I remember first talking to you during Amy's opening event and everything just sort of spiraled from there... and every day with you is. an experience!! /pos
Still waiting for the Tower Bifty interaction fr fr [ they try to murder each other within the first five replies /j ]
Carrie [ my favorite mike enjoyer ]
Number One Mike enthusiast the real Mike enjoyer.
Im always so giddy whenever you occasionally message me, even if it's just to check on me or show me how you torment Sam /lh and your writing and way of interpreting differing IDV characters and skins is so good??? I love reading them they make me so giggly.
Overall 10/10 friend would ramble to given the chance
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Pins [ my boss /ih ]
pink enthusiast
My actual best friend, dare i say the bestest friend in the world???? every moment I spend with you is a blissful and amazing moment, and you've been through so much with me and the fact you stayed throughout it all????
I'm just... really glad you chose to stick with me this long. I can be a very abrasive and impulsive person, and yet you care for me, even with all my flaws and I think that just... says a lot about you.
You're the Jade to my Chiaki.
The Rook to my Epel.
The Deuce to my Ace!
Also your art just solos everything I glow whenever I see it
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Skye [ my twst buddy !! ]
Grabs you
Holds you
Rattles you
Is friend.
Is friend shaped.
Approved /lh
Four [ floyd kinnie moment ]
Stop tormenting me with the take a break floyds you SCARE me
Never will be over the fucking
Ghostbusters Floyd edit
I flex my Beans Floyd in memory of you
You’re not dead I think you’re just somewhere in the distance squeezing someone like your life depends on it
10/10 friend when we ignore the four imposed breaks /j
Beth [ my favorite aesop and naib enjoyer ]
Holds you gently.
The Aesop player
The Panda Naib haver.
The beloved
The silly.
✨ Beth ✨
Your art? Immaculate. I such a adoration for your art, and whenever I’m able to catch your drawing streams??? I’m just in awe!! Your colors and outfit inspirations are just so cute so nice so well done???
You’re so. You’re so cool uwahhh
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MarioGuy [ where do you keep coming from I know damn well it isn't the door /lh ]
I feel like you kind of just break into my house sometimes and make yourself known before randomly disappearing through a non existent back door /pos
You’re a delight to be around!! Every match with you is a bit. It’s uhm. Something!! /lh
Please stop breaking into my home
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Rice [ i occasionally remember that Mi Bianca thing and cry a little ]
Every time I see you pop up in my notifications I just smile and giggle.
We don’t talk often but you’re just so cool and awesome and your muses are so funky fresh and your art is so good and ????
Klai [ you. ]
Chaos gremlin.
You never learn.
But you’re funny so I guess it’s okay.
Your art is so. It’s like a shiny gem 💎 and I WANT it. Holding it hostage.
My precious friend’s doodles.
Never trusting you to prime a cipher though. No hard feelings /lh
10/10 friend!! 0/10 decoder though /j
Orange [ ORANGEEEE my favorite chaos gremlin ]
So funny
So talented
So cool
So so cool
Your art is so good, you’re so funny and talented and a wonder to talk to. Your ideas are so creative so unique and yet so unequivocally you and I just…
I love it!!
Orange stop being so cool /j
Clown [ the greatest step-parent on the scene!! ]
This is utter insanity Clown you can’t be EVERY MUSE’S step parents there has to be a LIMIT!!!
A LINE in the SAND!!!!
But also your art.
I’ve talked so much about everyone’s art
Yours reminds me of the feeling of waking up on a snow day and realizing school is canceled.
It’s always such a delight to see!!
And while every time you open your mouth, I get a little more worried about you, you’re so so cool /lh
Lupi [ you. x2 ]
imagine arson? imagine it no more im approaching your house at rapidly increasing speeds with my hello kitty lighter /j
Sleepy [ 🫡 ]
Sleepy!! 🫂 so cool,,, you’re so cool,,, /pos
Emma [ Sorry. Only one monster lover can exist in this server peacefully. GET EM. - emma ]
The caption says it all.
Also Tatya stop accidentally seducing all the muses or nearly getting stabbed or exploded or hypnotized you are worrying the GIRLIES! /lh
Al [ you have the vibes of the drunk wine family member in a /pos way ]
I don’t talk to you often but whenever you come around, it makes me so giggly. You’re very funny and your art slaps!!
Joe [ joe the silliest ]
Your art? Funky fresh.
The lore? So interesting I love the little snippets I see floating around.
You’re so creative
Your Embrace is so funny they scream sacrificial lamb uncle who’s kind of fun at parties /lh
They’ve also got a really nice and warm personality, chaotic yet chill and relatable.
Kind of reminds me of Sam but without the entities 🫶🏼
Nakki [ you. x3 ]
Grabs you like a squeaky toy
That’s it that’s everything tbh
Kory, Boris, Brian [ and the rest of the McMun's Hut /lh ]
And this goes out to all my friends and acquaintances in the McMun’s hut! What is wrong with all of you /pos/lh (except you Boris, you’re an Angel)
Everyone there is super chill and super nice, and they’re a lot of fun to be around. So many differing personalities yet it’s always a vibe somehow.
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angstintensifer · 2 years
Camp fam incorrect quotes again, but with some ships
Kenji : But what about Ben? He was my SOULMATE!
Darius : You said that about a ball of yarn once!
Kenji : You can track Darius ?
Ben: Of course I can. If the NSA can do it, so can I.
Darius : And here we see Kenji and Ben in their natural habitat. Texting eachother variations of the word "garlic bread" to try to make eachother laugh.
Kenji : Gaelic bread.
Ben: Grueling brad.
Kenji : Ha ha, glamorous beans.
Yaz : I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Ben: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Kenji walks in*
Ben: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Kenji : Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Ben: I wrote you a poem.
Kenji , already crying: You did?
Kenji : Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Ben: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Kenji : ...
Kenji : You mean ring bearER, right?
Ben: ...
Kenji : Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Kenji : Hey, Ben, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Ben: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Kenji : No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Ben: Can't really say I have.
Kenji : You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
Ben: Sorry, Kenji . For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
Kenji : I still have no idea how I’m attracted to you...
Ben: Yeah, well, you’re stuck with me, and no take backs, honey.
Kenji : I think I'm falling for you.
Ben: Then get up.
Ben: What’s up? I’m back.
Darius : I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead
Ben: Death is a social construct.
Darius: *sneaks into camp fam house after being late w Dinos*
Ben: *turns in a swivel chair* care to explain where you here?
Darius: I was with… Uh … Kenji!
Kenji: *also turns in swivel chair* Care to- *keeps spinning* Ben- I can’t stop the chair-
Yaz : Why is Brooklynn crying?
Sammy: They saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Yaz : Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Brooklynn : Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons!
Yaz : Bet you I can!
Sammy: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper*
Brooklynn: Can you cut me some slack, Darius? I’m sort of in love.
Darius: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem.
Brooklynn: I’m in love with you.
Darius: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Darius: You have to apologize to them Brooklynn.
Brooklynn: Fine! But I must warn you that this might make me a better, nicer person and that is NOT the person you fell in love with!
Darius: So what’s for dinner?
Brooklynn , staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Darius: Bro-
Brooklynn: No, no, hold up, rewind.
Brooklynn: My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
Yaz: I didn't drink that much last night.
Brooklynn : You were flirting with Sammy.
Yaz: So what? She’s my girlfriend
Brooklynn : You asked if she were single.
Brooklynn : And then you cried when she said she wasn’t.
Brooklynn : Ooh, somebody has a crush
Yaz: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Sammy I just think they’re cool, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about them.
*Later that night*
Yaz, very much awake: Uh oh.
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
Alright I've decided to take you up on your dare :›. So. Tell me: what would the octo-agents do if they found you were having a bad day?
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He's a little socially awkward (aren't we all), but if he noticed you weren't having a great day he'd try to very subtly fix it. He'd try cheering you up with things that would cheer him up—like, he'd start rambling to you about water (how fast that river was flowing, how big that storm was last night, etc), or offering to make some Paani Patties with you. If these don't work, he might ask the Octonauts for advice, and then do whatever Whoever He Asks tells him to do.
There's probably a Polar Scout lesson for "cheering up your sad friend" somewhere out there, and he definitely has the badge for it. He likely wouldn't do anything at first (he doesn't wanna intrude on your personal life), but if you mention to him; "man my day kinda sucks :(" He'll be ON IT in a heartbeat. It'd be pretty generic stuff though, like, whatever comes up when you Google "wikihow to cheer someone up" is what you'd get from him. He WILL hug you, and it WILL be awkward. He's trying his best.
He is not usually a feelings-talker. Where d'ya think Barnacles gets it from? He will hug you too, if you're comfortable with it, and it'll be nice. Barnacles also gets his top-tier pep-talk skills from him, and yes yes, you will be crying afterwards (in a good way). I believe with all my heart that he's the Great Life Advice flavour of old man, so whatever you're dealing with—he might be a bit blunt, but you will have 99 less problems when he's done with you. He somehow manages to say exactly what you needed to hear, and you will literally not have another bad day for at least a month after.
Calico Jack
Oh, he has had his fair share of bad days. Does this mean he's an expert at dealing with them? Absolutely not <3
He might not be able to relate to anything you're dealing with, but he will try his best. He wants to help you, he really does. He'd move the oceans for you. He's actually pretty emotionally in tune, and knows a great deal of psychology. He'd literally become your new therapist. He'll mostly just sit and listen to you rant, occasionally chiming in with some advice he hopes is helpful (if you want it). I feel like if you were REALLY sad he would share some of his treasure with you. Can't be sad with pirate gold in your hands, it's impossible.
Ranger Marsh
He will drag you through the swamps /pos.
He is such a dad™, you will not end the day without a dad hug (unless you don't want one, then he'd just pat you on the shoulder. you can't avoid that I'm sorry). He'd literally drag you around the Everglades to run errands with him, and introduce you to his critter friends along the way. You'd just get a nice, relaxing day in nature, and if you're still upset by the end of it, he'll show you pictures of Tweak as a kid to make you laugh. Don't tell her.
You're probably gonna end up slimy/covered in algae by the end of the day, so hopefully you're into that. She makes you babysit Peri for a few hours, and that alone makes you feel better, but when she comes back she goes into Big Sister Mode and takes you out on a "fun day" (cue the algae), or a mini vacation somewhere in the world, or back home in Scotland. She teaches you a bunch of stuff about plants, and it's actually really cool. You basically end up forgetting about whatever was wrong in the first place.
I can see her pulling out a random old map from Who Knows Where and just. sending you on a quest. She'd plan a whole adventure for you to go on, like some RPG or LARP—she'd lay puzzles, and call Inkling to ask him to send some creature pals to act as passing travelers in need of rescuing, there'd be treasures to collect along the way, and an ultimate reward at the end. She'd go all out (it would actually take a couple days for her to plan tbh), and it would be REALLY fun.
Would she notice that you're having a rough day? Maybe. Would her first instinct be to help? Maybe not-
I think she's not really a ""Feelings Person"" unless you're really close, but even then she's awkward about that kind of stuff. But! If you specifically WENT to HER for help, I think she'd at least try. She'd look at it practically, and try to solve whatever/any problem(s) you're having. She'd tell you wild cave diving stories (maybe take you on one if you appear interested), offer you weird food, and maybe gift you a free copy of her book (signed, of course).
*cough* bonus Inkling because I forgot him in the last one:
Such a grampa, he will absolutely read you stories and feed you biscuits. He'll play chill music in the library, dim the lights, and give you some space to read or simply relax for a while. He'll share his tea with you, if you want some. The Vegimals will visit you a couple times, and put on little shows or sing for you, and make you feel less lonely during your alone time. If you decide you want to talk out your feelings with someone, Inkling will be right there, ready to listen.
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seelestia · 2 years
i'm holding this au close to my heart that is adorable shsjdjsjdh zhongrin in a nutshell LMAO now i'm wondering what ayalia's (what is your ship name??????) dynamics is. hmmmmmm..... suave bf x hopelessly-in-love gf? lol
where would ayato be in this hp au.... i'm seeing prefect!ayato helping a junior!reader and a romance blossoming from there hehe maybe you're friends with ayaka and he sees you struggling to write your essay in the library, so he comes over to help, and the rest is history? throw in a dash of "kamisato clan is one of the revered noble purebloods in the wizarding world" for the conflict and a dash of nobleman!au into the mix? :D
🎤 *taps mic* *clears throat* yes i feel very accomplished at the great deed that i have done and i would first and foremost thank my husband for his neverending support- /j the theme is super pretty and calming! matches ayato perfectly with his elegance and all <3
ehehe thanks~ and yea i hope so too hskdjsjf my luck with 50/50 are so bad. itto was the only one who's super kind and came home early sobs
omg...... slow dancing with zhongli.... foreheads touching…. his arms on your waist and yours around his neck….. with jazz music in the background...... i....... i am weAK...........
..... does rex incognito count as liyue music? /is bonked/ gosh that is a HARD choice to make. liyue's music is just *chefs kiss* i adore the battle themes (gallant challenge & rapid as wildfires) bc they're so energetic (the guzheng(?) omgggg) and gets you going "!!! time to be badass !!!".... wangshu inn ost has a special place in my heart bc the first time i came to liyue that's the first area that really made me go "oh my god WHAT????".... but i think my favorite of all has to be "liyue" hahah it's just. idk. there's just something about it. i'm not the type to hum along a song but man. i swear you can put almost any of the liyue ost on and i'll automatically hum along!!
oh oh and i found this orchestral mix of zhongli and raiden's theme and it's soooo gooooooood!!!
speaking of al haitham.... i just met him in game and i-uh-i might be simping. hard. i mean. gosh. 😳🫣🙈❤️💗 his eyes….. his voice..... and those….. muscles….. *lays on floor and kicks feet giddily*
the new dendro elemental reactions are so fun!! i tried to switch up some artifacts for zhongli yesterday to bump up his crit + geo dmg, and i tried him as dps along with lumine, xingqiu, and shinobu to do the combat quests of the current event. possible second team mayhaps hehe and when al haitham is released i can replace lumine with him-
i mean he could just rotate it so it goes over his feet & head and that should be good?? zhongli cmon be creative-
invitation to a marriage 🤣 random brainrot when it comes to marriage scenario: imagine ayato in fully decked suits or traditional japanese kimono extending his hand towards you, smile so gentle and his eyes a little (juuuust a little) glassy because of how overjoyed he is to finally be able to marry you <3
t-rex machine bad. gotcha. imma avoid at all cost : )
i can imagine you seeing that coming in and be like "who are you and who hurt you" lol skdjlsdjlsjf i just saw that omg that's adorable wahhhhh i'm so so glad you had fun with that request!!! NO BUT THAT'S THE CHARM SEE they're always so composed and seems unshakeable..... so to see them suffer bc of you? shows how important you are to them <3 cut their last thread of sanity and make them b r e a k hehe <3
ps. ☆ starlight anon, dear, i am watching and waiting :D
THERE'S SM AYATO BRAINROTS IN THIS ASK, OML. rin jie, i think you're trying to assassinate me... so i'm just going to 🕳️🚶 real quick. (/lh)
but you are not wrong !! ayalia is defined by the suave bf x hopelessly-in-love gf + simp who doesn't hide their love x popular and cool who has a soft spot, maybe??? >:)
AND PREFECT!AYATO. how dare you chip in that bit of pureblood nobleman!ayato in this au, i will scream. (/pos)
but he'd totally lean over your shoulder with a smile as you scribble away at your notes in the library — to see what you're working on and partially to see the way you wince so adorably in surprise. killing two birds with one stone is a form of fun a man like ayato can't refute. he'd speak to you with such composed cadence, knowing that each word he says would entice you to fall deeper and deeper for him. but ayato can't say that he doesn't expect it to backfire on him... after all, you're just the cutest little thing, how can he not fall for you in return? ha, perhaps, this would count as killing two birds with one stone too; except he's one of the birds yet also the one throwing the stone, and he doesn't mind.
(if prefect!ayato ever does that to me, i'd dig my own grave by accidentally headbutting him like an idiot from shock LMAODOAO — okay, so maybe, ayalia is also cool and popular who does charming tricks x flustered clumsy simp who accidentally ruins said tricks /j)
is it finally time for us to become the sorting hat for genshin characters??? 🔍 hm, what do you think ayato's and your main trio's hogwarts house would be??? 👀 speaking of, i previously assigned heizou as a slytherin but after some more thought, i think he'd be a gryffindor instead! free spirit, courage, chivalry, some recklessness which sounds a lot like our detective here.
as for ayato, i actually keep getting hufflepuff vibes from him, vv surprisingly??? he may be cunning and a bit of a rascal, but i don't think he is the type to desire getting ahead thru questionable means nor are his ambitions exceptionally grand like a slytherin's; ayato seems to lean more towards being a fair and responsible leader to me, which just screams hufflepuff. gryffindor is out of the question because he lacks recklessness and that free spirit <//3 i'm vv curious abt what you'd think! which house would you assign him, rin jie??? >:)
OFC, IT'D BE REX INCOGNITO, OFC IT WOULD. and to be completely honest??? vv valid. why does the beatdrop go so hard like why am i suddenly floating to celestia (/j) AND OML, THE ORCHESTRAL VER FT. RAIDEN'S THEME, HELLO??? TYSM FOR SHARING <3 atp, i am ascending beyond celestia and i do not complain. orchestral versions are another level of beauty, i sweaaaar 😭
the alhaitham wave is dawning on you... it seems he has reserved a spot in your future pull list! manifesting for us both >:) his voice is super duper calming, helppppp. and i find his character interesting too because he's so serious and frigid like loosening up is a whole crime for him or smth, but we still love him either way! (/j) i hope you're having fun with the bloom and superblooms reactions !! AND THE DPS ZHONGLI !! HOW IS THE OLD MAN FARING !! sorry, xiao, we gotta try smth new so, you are now permitted to get some rest fjkskdke <//3
WEDDING DAY WITH AYATODKORWO. the corners of his eyes dampen a little because he has called you his multiple times before, but why does today feel so different? ah, he sounds a little sappy there; ayato assures you that it's because your beauty just astounds him and that is not a lie. but the existence of today is a confirmation the commissioner never knows he would've needed; that you are his and he is yours. how trivial of him to tear up over something he already knows, especially in front of a crowd... but perhaps, he'll grant himself this brief moment of silliness just for today.
if i open up requests again in the future, idk what sort of pain i should be expecting from you. (/j) NOOOO, as someone who falls for the composed ones, that is my curse. but what do you have to say about yourself, rin jie??? last time i checked, zhongli, kazuha, and xiao are all people with quite the composure, hMMM?? 🤨 why do i have to suffer alone (/j) but those three already had their broken in kiss me with your eyes closed as per your request, you angst consumer. <//3
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“you know what happens if you don’t come home from work harry….” up to you! just thought it was a cool sentence starter
"You know what happens if you don't come home from work, Harry~"
Harry was already giggling nervously, hands balled into fists and arms tucked into his chest. He knew very well what would happen if he decided to stay late at Oscorp and continue to overwork himself. Despite being completely aware of the consequences, he'd gone and stayed late anyway. "Wehell? Got anything to say, Haz?"
"IhIhI'm sohohohorry?" His giggly apology sounded less genuinely apologetic and much more cheeky. Y/N raised their eyebrow, and he squirmed, body overcome with nervously excited butterflies.
Their eyes flashed with a look that said 'you are going to absolutely get it,' before looking toward Harry's office door and placing a hand on the side of their mouth. "Oh Peterrrrrrrr~!
Harry's heart skipped a beat, eyes shooting open entirely at the calling of his friend's name.
"W-Wait! Waitwaitwaitwaitwahahait! Nohohooo! Youhouhou ahalways d-doho thiHIHIHIS!" His voice spiked when Y/N poked his belly, and he let out a giggly whine.
Peter poked his head in the doorway only seconds later, the biggest mischievous grin on his face. "You called~?"
"Seems like Harry's wanting us to tickle him to bits again, considering he stayed LATE FOR THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK."
"Ohohhh, you're in big trouble, Har~" Peter sang, walking over and teasingly wiggling his fingers in Harry's direction.
Harry couldn't stop his hands from rapidly moving back and forth with giddiness at Peter's teasing tone of voice and the air tickling. He was in big trouble, but in this case, 'big trouble,' meant getting tickled into a happy, giggly mess of joy by the two people he loved the most... and that's exactly what he wanted.
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FELIX- YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND /gen /p (how dare you- /j 😖 I'll be thinking about lee!Harry for the rest of the week 🥺💚 /lh /p)
I just want the cinnamon roll that is Harry Osborn to be happyyyyyyyyyy 😭 I hope you enjoyed the surprise cameo from Peter 😈
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sunkissed-mogai · 2 years
!!!! What mew anon and ghost anon are explaining is fascinating!!!!! /gen | They DO!!! Have y'all ever read warrior cats :0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! or wings of fire which is dragons!!!!!!! hhhh books /pos /pos /pos /pos | You're a genius Mara :0 Maybe I'll make her one that's red and white with purple at the ends, and then one that's just purple!!! You're so smart /gen | Darling, I KNOW you will. You would slay in anything ofc, but goth? Oh my stars /pos If you ever need a hype man, I'm here bc I know for sure that you are going to look ridicolously stunning. | Gasp! I do have awesome opinions on shapes, but my other opinions are perfectly amazing! /lh nm. I love the formula for area of a triange (1/2 bh) with b being base, and h being height. It's just. It scratches brain in the way /pos. It sounds nice and looks nice and is nice. It's the same way for Pythagorean theorem!! | I have amazing opinions! How dare! /lh nm | I've been listening to The Village by Wrabel for no reason (/srs) for like. An hour now. It is very nice. Gay + nice sounding = :DDDD | I like cowboy hats. I couldn't pull one off, but they look kind of cool! Not as cool as gnome hats tho. Point. -⭐
isn't it?? it's so cool!!
i've read both of those things actually!! well, not me-me, but i have memories of the hosts reading them!! we used to be OBSESSED with warrior cats. not as much with WoF but it was still super cool!! i wanna reread wings of fire. i love those books.
that's a great idea!! i bet they're gonna look so good!!
your shape opinons are stellar, my love. and that's so true!! also the quadratic formula!! a(x squared) plus b (x) plus c!! and factoring equations!! and polynomials!! i would die for polynomials. today and yesterday we had this assignment that was just a bunch of polynomial work and one of the answers had eight terms and AHHHH i love them so much dude i am such a nerd. anyway.
i've never heard of that! what is it? what's it about??
point indeed! you'd rock a gnome hat, beloved.
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fluffy-papaya · 3 years
Hey hi hello you've drawn more in the last 24 hours than I have all month so
2. From Team ZIT hug to 3rd Life pain hOW DARE YOU who gave you the right /pos
3. Is your wrist okay (stretch it maybe)
4. Is your you okay
5. Thank you for giving all of us the opportunity to look at cool art for free it's amazing and you're so skilled
That's all have a nice day
1. legend might be stretching it, let’s go for beast :3
2. you gave me the right first when you challenged me to draw more hugs, and then solar with 3L drabbles, so I think none of this is my fault >:)c
3. yes! I’ve recently been doing more wrist stretches, and I’ve found a grip on my stylus that works from the arm
4. physically? yes. emotionally? I’m watching rens stream right now I am [vibrates] THRIVING this is my first mcc
5. thank you for the opportunity to make new friends and share my art with people who always say such nice things, it’s so incredible to find such a wonderful community with equally skilled people, including yourself
have a wonderful day as well!
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pepart · 3 years
How fucking dare you with the c!Dream art, it's so ueueueue
I love your art style and I'm now going to explain the entirety of the dsmp lore to my friends, thank you
(all /pos btw, I'm drunk, sorry if uh anything came across as rude, I genuinely love and enjoy your art, you're cool! ❤️)
aww thank you so much!! i'm glad you like my art!!
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Venus turned my affections into a joke in the discord server so I decided I'd come here and be nice
I just want to remind you that you're amazing, and very talented and I'm beyond happy to have met you! I look forward to everything you post and joining your server has given me confidence that I've never had before. I appreciate you writing your funky little story and overall being really encouraging, you've become one of my favorite people and I feel like I should say that more often
Alright now that that's over I'm gonna go compile a new cursed list, I need to repent for being a soft mf
how dare she not appreciate your affection, rat affection is to be treasured
I will cry, you are literally so sweet and I'm so glad you joined my silly little server bc you are so nice and you give ME confidence in how encouraging you are and you hype me up so much :( /pos you are such a good friend and so funny and a great writer and amazing and ilysm /p
I love when you're sappy it's so >:)))))) but I understand you need to keep up your cursed angst reputation 😔
(also ur one of my favorite people too you're pretty epic and cool and sick and funny hehehh)
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moderngirlmp3 · 3 years
same as you! sometimes ice cream cake is really awesome and then other times it's just. e h. RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT !!! when you’re just kinda starting to be friends and then you hear something that’s so them and. amazing. that’s such a good feeling !!
inVENT A TIME MACHINE FOR ME OH MY GOD /pos. dude. i. anc{bk(73&2!bfjsn
A ROAD TRIP. A ROAD TRIP LIKE THAT AAAAHHH !!! your description is so beautiful w hat. “having conversations about everything and nothing, just to pass the time because there’s so much of it… seeing the light stream through the window of the car and it hits their hair perfectly and you just love them all so much and you know these are your favorite people in the world” WTF HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO MANY EMOTIONS OVER THIS LINE. god. i hope you get to do that some day, and i hope it’s just as amazing and wonderful as you’re describing it now <3
WAIT YEAH I LOVE THAT!!!! Being Known enough that someone can adjust their own schedule and habits to help someone else… incredible. that’s such a love language holy shit.
mushroom emoji on discord !!! honestly so valid of you, it’s so nice and lively and !! absolute Vibes.
probably sharing books. like. i trust you enough not to damage this book, and now !! read it so we can share the story between us. yknow? take this book that i have read and loved and maybe even cried over, and go through that same ride. and they can show you their favorite lines and you can share yours and y eah. plus seeing someone enjoy a book, or get further along in a series, that’s so nice! just like you were saying, making other people happier is great :).
random thing i think. people are very cool but. sunsets. and ghosts. i don’t want to look like an actual sunset, but i want the Energy. and it’s more than just thinking it’s pretty, i want to have that same power and radiate the same Vibes. i’d say in the middle? not a super light sleeper but i do wake up fairly easily. favorite room is probably mine, because it just belongs to me in the way that i have clutter and junk in the corners and only i know what they are and where they came from. i also have a window seat !! (although it’s mostly taken up by my plant and books,, so i don’t do much sitting there lmao).
ideal vacation,,, hm. i love your idea of a road trip, so maybe a road trip to a beach of some sort? i’d go with friends so that it wouldn’t be awkward, and we would end up doing the stupidest things just for fun. !!! at some point i want to have it rain so that we can park the car and dance and run around in the rain until we’re all soaked and out of breath with laughter. and then we realize just how dumb that was, because we can’t get back in the car like this, but it would be so worth it. and then when we get there, we could relax and hang out and everything. at nights walk around where the world is calmer, and hear the ocean as we talk about nothing, because really, it’s the perfect time to just exist and not have to worry about the real world outside of this moment.
ideal vacation for you/more details about the road trip? what’s your favorite form of art? (poetry, drawing, painting, etc.) do you have a favorite fruit? if you made a moodboard of you/your blog, what kinds of pictures would you have? - 🌵
yes invent a time machine im very bored at this point and it's not like i have anything else to do let's be real
hhhhh thanks i hope i get to do that as well lmao
exactly!! and just... someone else's quirks becoming built into your own routine, you account for them like they're part of you (because they are lol)
thank you yes i agree it is such a vibe!!
BOOK SHARING AHHHH SO TRUE BESTIE. once again your words win. "take this book that i have read and loved and maybe even cried over, and go through that same ride." YEAH. EXACTLY. and like it's so much trust you're placing in them, and sort of vulnerability as well? like, this book is meaningful to you and you're sharing that with them when there's a possibility it won't have the same impact on them.
sunsets and ghosts omg such a vibe. and yes omg sunsets ahhh so true tho. yes. window seat!!! that's amazing :D so iconic !!! your room sounds amazing
oh my god your lil vacation sounds fucking amazing shut up right now. i love that SO much. all of those words and descriptions are just. absolute perfection.
bestie dont get me fucking started on the road trip because i can and will ramble about it forever. hmm okay i guess just a couple more things with it: spending tons of time preparing and writing schedules and having "organization" even though you know you're gonna end up winging it, just so you can have the feeling of rebellion and spontaneity and freedom. having too many snacks in the car, passing them around to each person and seeming to never run out. stopping at every gas station to stock up again. curating tons of new playlists on the way, making one "master road trip playlist" but never really listening to it because it's more about the process of making it than the thing itself. stopping on the side of the road randomly when it's darker and just getting out to walk around and take pictures and sit together and ahhhh. okay.
favorite form of art... well i can't do any of these but i guess i really love painting it's so so so cool. also poetry hhhh poets break my fucking soul and i admire them so much.
my favorite fruit is definitely oranges !!! the vibes and the taste >>
oooo a moodboard about me call that a meedboard (no) uhh. i guess it would have pictures of fairy lights and flannels and cloudy skies and the netflix logo and earbuds and stuffed animals and idk. vibes.
do you have a favorite and/or least favorite meal of the day? what do you consider your "aesthetic" to be? what would your meedboard (sorry) look like ?? if you could choose where you lived and with whom... where and whom would you choose ? lmao that is awfully worded.
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kaweeella · 2 years
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I posted 1,710 times in 2021
890 posts created (52%)
820 posts reblogged (48%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.9 posts.
I added 664 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 137 characters
#because if you’re talking about a character you don’t like for whatever reason you wouldn’t want the post in the tag for primarily people
My Top Posts in 2021
A3! Performance of Willy wonka and the chocolate factory
Muku is Charlie
Yuki is veruka, taichi is violet, and others to be thought of later
80 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 19:07:35 GMT
minecraft mod where endermen can pick you up
86 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 01:20:29 GMT
Gimme lazy morning cuddles with OM! Boys 🥺 please...
Of course!
He rarely has any time off.
Even when he does, he has his brothers to worry about.
So one morning he starts to get up but you drag him back down.
Or at least try to.
"I've got to get up, dear."
"No." You then cling onto him.
He lets out a sigh. "Alright."
He could easily get you off.
You both know that.
But he doesn't because he really does want to stay in bed with you for a little longer.
He is always willing to cuddle.
So when you softly mumble "cuddles" While making grabby hands at him, how could he say no?
"Alright, y-you better be grateful, human."
Mammon.exe has stopped working.
Whatever plans he had for the day are now thoroughly out the window.
Today he's spending time with his human.
He rarely goes to bed.
You knock on the door and give him the password.
Then go immediately to his bed-tub.
"What are you-"
"Nap time."
You grab him and pull him close.
He is very warm, which is a nice contrast to the cool tub.
"It's nap time."
The fish tank makes the perfect background noise.
"I-I guess I'll sleep a little bit..."
When he starts to get up, you tug on his sweater.
"Come on, just a little longer? Pleeeeaase~?"
He laughs and lays back down.
And then one of the cats come and lay on both of you.
"I hope you're happy now, we're trapped."
"I am! >:3c"
Cuddles with Satan would never be complete without at least one cat.
Later Lucifer comes to scold you two for staying in so late.
"Get up."
"Sorry, we can't."
"Just move the cat."
*dramatic gasp*
"How dare you ever suggest such a thing!"
He loves you.
But he has a routine to follow.
"We can cuddle in a moment, love~"
"But I wanna cuddle now!!!!"
"Me too, but if I don't do this I can't be my normal beautiful self."
"Bull you're always beautiful."
Will make up for the delay with lots of kisses!
Morning cuddles?
Sure, but you both have to be up for breakfast.
It's the most important meal of the day!
Big teddy bear man holds you delicately.
Will carry you into the dining room if you want him to.
After lay on his back while he does push-ups.
He makes sure not to jostle you too much.
Every morning is a lazy morning so long as he can help it.
And cuddles are always a must.
So if this is your ideal, Belphie will provide.
His bed is so soft and comfortable.
The rest of the brothers are gonna have to PRY you two out of bed.
98 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 01:47:18 GMT
Hey, here’s some writing advise:
Once you’re done, go back and read it again. If you aren’t enjoying it, change it.
I mean this. Write what makes you happy. If you feel like it’s a pain to go through and read your own work then adjust it to where you do enjoy reading it.
And this doesn’t mean to ignore any flaws, but it’s kind of a policy for me to not post something I write until I personally enjoy it.
And before anyone says it: I know that it can be hard to enjoy your own work. No matter what you’ll find a problem with it and you know what? That’s fine. Seeing your flaws means you’re improving.
I wish everyone a good day/night.
111 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 04:01:28 GMT
Toga, fighting Dark Shadow: Hey, what are your pronouns?
Dark Shadow: What’s a pronoun?
Toga: Indicative but not exclusive to your gender identity.
Dark Shadow: Stop swearing at me.
Toga: Can I refer to you as they/them?
Dark Shadow: But my name is Dark Shadow.
Toga: Hey, what are the shadow’s pronouns?
Tokoyami, fighting Spinner a few feet away: I use he/him for him, but he doesn’t really care.
Toga: Ah! Thank you!
117 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 03:39:09 GMT
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