#Yoo Oh Sung
yourann · 5 months
"Don't resent Mi-ja."
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Welcome to Samdal-ri (2023) | 웰컴투 삼달리 Episode 15
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swiftletinthecloud · 3 months
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Knight Flower 밤에 피는 꽃 (2024) | antagonists
@asiandramanet january - february bingo: BLACK & WHITE (insp)
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namjhyun · 6 months
DRAMA REVIEW | Perfect Marriage Revenge (2023)
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There’s an argument to be made about how Perfect Marriage Revenge had a perfect execution because it was a 12 episodes long drama and didn’t waste time for unnecessary conflicts. Everything took its right time and was resolved in a cohesive way with the characters development.
Both leads were compelling and had amazing chemistry, but the secondary characters were equally interesting to watch. All the performances outstanding and you can tell the actors are enjoying themselves in their respective roles.
On a story about a woman looking for revenge against her own family, this kdrama had a perfect balance between makjang and romcom. Making it an easy and fun watch. I highly recommend it!
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conscbgb · 14 days
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Alchemy of Souls (Seasons 1 & 2)
Year : 2022 | Country : KR | Nb of episodes: 30
My rate: 9/10
Synopsis :
Set in a fictional country called Daeho that does not exist in history or on maps, it is about the love and growth of young mages as they overcome their twisted fates due to a forbidden magic spell known as the "alchemy of souls", which allows souls to switch bodies.
It follows the story of an elite assassin named Naksu, whose soul is accidentally trapped inside the weak body of Mu Deok—Jang Uk's servant from a powerful and noble mage family in the country. The young master of the Jang Family, Jang Uk, holds a dark secret about his scandalous birth. He wants the formidable assassin to help change his destiny.
Main cast :
Lee Jae Wook as Jang Uk
Jung So Min as Mu Deok
Hwang Min Hyun as Seo Yul
Shin Sung Ho as Go Won
Yoo Joon Sang as Park Jin
Oh Na Ra as Kim Do Ju
Arin as Jin Cho Yeon
Yoo In Soo as Park Dang Gu
Go Youn Jung as Naksu/Cho Yeong/ Jin Bu Yeon
My thoughts on this drama :
I hadn't loved a Korean drama so much in ages. Wow! Everything is so so good in this one. The casting is amazing, for both seasons. Although I understand their choice to switch actresses for the main lead in season two, it still felt a bit jarring at first.
The story is fantastic, and the actors all aced their roles. The season two felt like the opposite to season one (Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow is the subtitle of the season/part 2). It was sometimes a bit hard to follow, but the story is amazing and very satisfying.
A Favorite ?
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joanyio · 2 years
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seoul vibe (2022) dir. moon hyun sung
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passionforfiction · 3 months
Perfect Marriage Revenge
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This series is based on the webtoon with the same name. I read the webtoon before watching the series and I must say that I liked the adaptation. It didn't drag the situations, the changes they made worked and I liked the story line.
I liked this series.
Poster from Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Marriage_Revenge
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wovenstarlight · 2 years
that's all i got gang :P I have no real plans right now for writing anything beyond that last chapter. this last post isn’t a real chapter, but more just a collection of information and lore I didn’t manage to fit into the Chapter™ chapters.
(on ao3)
general life stuff
Regarding the Dodam upper ranks, Yoojin is the guild leader, obviously. His right hand (and the assumed deputy guild leader) is Kim Sunghan, but Kang Soyoung—who immigrated from England basically the second she learned about Yoojin/Dodam’s existence—is being trained as Yoojin’s personal protégé, and will inherit the guild if/when he steps down as leader. Soyoung was really close with Yoohyun, Yerim, and the others. She’s also the head of one of the first kiseungsu-riding units that Dodam ever put together, leading the charge on her dragon partner. Soyoung and Yoojin fighting side-by-side is a sight to behold. A terrifying sight, that is.
Yoohyun attends college as a part-time student. He’s not too worried about his career—hyung encourages him to do as he likes, since he can support them both. Dungeon diving is kind of a part-time job for him—risks to his life aside, the experience boost does ensure he’s strong enough to withstand any threats he faces for being Yoojin’s brother.
Kim Sunghan usually goes along with him as his bodyguard, swapping out with some of the other Haeyeon high-rankers whenever he’s got a raid to participate in. Yoohyun’s generally well-liked by the Dodam high-rankers for being pretty straightforward and seemingly immune to fear. (Like with Yoojin, it’s just that he’s used to being scared.)
Besides college studies and dungeon diving, he occasionally helps out with Dodam stuff, particularly the kiseungsu, with whom he spends a lot of time for company. They all know him and are fond of him. A lot of them were hand-reared by Yoojin when they were young, so Yoohyun would sometimes feed them and groom them. They remember him as adults and still obey his commands. 4 out of 5 times he encounters a random kiseungsu, it’ll probably recognize him and be delighted to see him.
Hyunjae’s the son of some rich family who have a business deal with Dodam. He accompanies Yoohyun to dungeons partly as a part-time thing, partly as a business contract thing, and partly as just… Well, he’s Awakened, and the increasing stats from leveling up do help. Plus there’s no safer place to do this than by Yoohyun’s side, under Yoojin’s helicopter-parent protection by extension. (Also he’s grown fond of Yoohyun, and of Yerim, and of Soyoung, and also of Yoojin himself.)
Taewon was the chief of a team in his police department, but he stepped back from the job ever since Awakening. I guess the public isn’t too keen on having Hunters deal with regular criminals. Some concerns there about the use of skills on Unawakened people. He considered trying for a job in the Awakened People Management Office instead, or perhaps the Hunter Association. When he was offered a job in security at Dodam besides his usual job of accompanying Yoohyun on raids, he gave up the government job search and became a full-time Dodam employee. Everyone still calls him Chief Song, for whatever reason (for a specific reason) (Hyuna started it). He doesn’t really mind.
Hyuna’s the leader of a team of F/E-ranks (her neighborhood tennis team; they all Awakened at the same time). She’s known for being pretty good at her job for a low-ranker, and particularly good at skill manipulation, just as in canon. She usually works with them, only accompanying Yoohyun & co. on raids occasionally. Despite the fact that she doesn’t hang out with the guys and Yerim as much as she does her own team, she still really likes them all. (Some of her team had suffered severe injury in the years that they regressed; Hyuna checked on them after the meeting with Yoojin immediately post-regression, and was incredibly relieved to see them alright again.)
Yerim had it real bad for a while there after her parents died, but after meeting Yoohyun, Yoojin was like “[perspective of a guy who’s just seen an animal placed in an unsuitable enclosure] RATING: NOT CUTE! We gotta get you out of there.” They probably either got Yerim legally emancipated or adopted by Yoojin himself; in the end, it works out that she basically lives with them, working with Dodam’s kiseungsu. The newer generation of kiseungsu know/like her just as well as they do Yoohyun. Yerim sometimes gets yoinked away for a girls’ night with Soyoung and Hyuna, or Hyuna and her team. She gets parented a lot by HYJ, SHJ, MHA, and STW.
specific plot stuff
Yes, Yoohyun & co. regressed to the exact day that Yoohyun’s campus suffered a dungeon break and Yoohyun Awakened. Specifically, to about 10 seconds before Yoohyun Awakened. Myeongwoo found him in the middle of a really horrific meltdown, barely able to move let alone defend himself, and sheltered him until Yoojin got there, at which point Yoohyun launched himself at Yoojin, started bawling, and absolutely refused to let go. Yoojin freaked out and barely said anything to Myeongwoo before carting Yoohyun back home as fast as possible, only to be sneak-attacked by Yerim’s ice bomb on the way back. Noticing them was the first thing that got Yoohyun to chill out even slightly, so Yoojin was like, “Ah, fuck, sure. Fuck the security protocols. Just let these guys in already. This day’s already been weird enough how much worse could it get”
And then he found out he died, so, uh
Honestly all things considered he was pretty chill about learning he died. He was like “I went down protecting you? Checks out. I’d definitely do that. Oh no Yoohyun-ah you JUST stopped crying don’t start again!!!!!”
Way more panicked about learning that they were ever attacked like that in the first place, honestly. He doesn’t mention it to the others, but he suspects active interference from his filial duty addict contractor. And he thought he didn’t trust them BEFORE…
…Yeah, you probably already guessed from Yoojin breaking into the dungeon to save Yoohyun & co., but he did have a contract with one of the filial duty addicts. Not sure which one, because that would determine 1. the nature of the monster that attacked Yoohyun & co. 2. the nature of the title they get afterwards
Let’s suppose it’s Diarma like in canon—but I want to say it’s not the Lauchtas that attacked the gang in that last battle pre-reg, it’s a different poison-curse dragon, because
wouldn’t it be so cool if post-regression Yoojin later went into a dungeon with Yoohyun & co. and the Lauchtas appeared to kill them + he killed it instead + received the Dragon Slayer title + it granted him a dragon transformation skill like the Luires got
It would also grant him Curse Resistance, which would let him break his contract with Diarma, so fuck yeah killing and violence
On the flip side of things, Myeongwoo a.k.a “Furnace” is the one the immoral people chose as their representative on Earth, like how they chose Yoojin/Honey in canon. He’s got steel/fire attributes—no flight skill, but his metal manipulation abilities allow him to strap bits of metal onto himself and then manipulate those to float, granting him indirect flight abilities.
And the only person he really considers a friend is Yoojin, but shortly before Yoohyun Awakened, the immoral people brought up Yoojin’s filial affiliations (affilialtions…?) and floated the idea of hampering his way or possibly blackmailing him through his weaknesses, namely Yoohyun
And Myeongwoo epically blew up at them; internally he was like I would rather die than hurt the one person I feel any hint of human connection to, especially hurt him through the number one thing he cares about. Externally he was just like THAT’S THE STUPIDEST IDEA I’VE EVER HEARD. FUCK OFF. (…Drawing a lot from canon!SHJ for Myeongwoo here, and Yoojin’s very much his STW/HYJ in that respect! He’s. Very lonely. He’s never connected with anyone before. Yoojin is his first (and only) friend, yes, but he’s also the first and only person Myeongwoo’s ever felt fond towards. Myeongwoo’s been depressed basically his entire life, and Yoojin is the most fascinating person in the world to him and the only thing that holds his interest beside his work. Maybe even the only thing, period.)
After he shut the immoral people down, Myeongwoo stormed off. The regression happened shortly after this conversation.
Pre-regression, when he next spoke to them, they tried to reason with him and convince him that it was better to just neutralize Yoojin than have to actually kill him, and besides it was just a contingency plan, he didn’t have to ACTUALLY do it!!!! Myeongwoo was like “Who the fuck cares. You’d want me to actually go through with it, that’s why you suggested it in the first place. I’ve had it with y’all.” and kept contact REEEEALLY minimal with them after that. Basically refused to cooperate most of the time. They hoped that if they kept Yoojin safe and prospering, Myeongwoo would eventually come back, but he never did.
Post-regression, with the second chance the F-ranks conveniently handed them on a silver platter, they hastily went OH YEAH NEVER MIND. WHO GIVES A SHIT. WE LOOOOVE YOOJIN!! WE LOOOVE HIS BROTHER!!! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING SHOULD HAPPEN TO THEM!!!! and begrudgingly connected with Yoohyun to help him out more directly. With both of the immoral people’s only Earth representatives now insisting on Yoojin’s safety, they had to ensure it or they were… kinda fucked for good this time! So Yoohyun and Myeongwoo were assured he’d be safe, and continued to work with the immoral people. Once Yoojin broke his contract with Diarma everyone was significantly happier, but now the immoral people get lectured about Yoohyun’s safety every time they tune in to Yoojin when he’s in a dungeon, and Yoojin’s safety wherever they speak to Yoohyun or Myeongwoo. They don’t even care about the Han bros that much. Worst comes to worst, they’re extracting Myeongwoo. They’re really having a time of it in this universe…
That initial suggestion of using Yoohyun as a point of blackmail or potentially harming Yoohyun is also why Myeongwoo was watching him strangely back when Yoohyun first Awakened. The dungeon break on his college campus was pretty unexpected, and given how soon it happened after Myeongwoo’s argument with the immoral people, he suspected they might have triggered it on purpose (they didn’t, but still). Also, the conversation the Han brothers were having was a reminder of just how much Yoohyun meant to Yoojin, and Myeongwoo was wondering just what it was about Yoohyun that made him so special.
Going back to that conversation with Yoojin post-regression, the F-ranks all play hot potato with Who Gets To Tell Yoojin About All That for a while. Eventually he gets the full story (probably in large part from Yoohyun, signing from under the desk).
(Speaking of under the desk, it’s been one of Yoohyun’s favorite hiding spots since childhood. He likes being tucked away safely, especially when Yoojin’s sitting at the desk and he can lean on/hug his legs. Back when he was a little kid, he fit down there just fine, but once he hit his growth spurt it got too cramped. He was really upset about that. So when Yoojin got the new building and the new study, he commissioned a particularly long, particularly large desk with Extreme legroom and a little shelf on the inner back panel, then outfitted the area underneath with a soft carpet, lots of pillows, and a power strip. Yoohyun uses that little shelf to put stuff on while he’s down there, like snacks or whatever.) (They added some more cushions once they realized Peace likes to curl up there, too.)
After the regression conversation is over, Yoojin is like “well, it’ll be easier to follow up on this and manage any repercussions of the time travel if you guys have the same jobs you had pre-regression”, and grants the adults their jobs at Dodam back. Yerim is offered some internship thing Yoojin makes up on the spot, probably regarding kiseungsu care. She gets to work under Soyoung, who quickly grows fond of this excitable little kid.
Yerim’s parents are incredibly confused but enthusiastic at their daughter’s new job opportunity. Taewon’s brother, Song Cheolmin, is similarly bewildered but really excited. He texts Yerim’s parents sometimes, asking for advice or just to chat (or to go is your daughter acting weird again? because hyung is, and it’s freaking me out). They’re friends now, which no one expected but Yerim’s happy about, because now Chief Song gets dragged over for dinner every other weekend.
Yoohyun is mildly annoyed that the regression took away his college degree, though he can’t be too angry since it brought back his hyung. All the same, he slacks off on his studies a lot. Yerim’s similarly pissed about being 15 again and having to go back to school, not to mention all the hormones and growth and her emotions going haywire all the time. She drags Yoohyun to study together a lot, because it’s the only way either of them get any work done.
Yerim and Yoohyun’s inherited skills didn’t come up, but:
Yoohyun’s Do As I Say, usually just called the “command skill” or named in full, allows one to command lifeforms lower than one’s own rank, with variable results depending on their Mentality, which allows them to resist the command. With enough Mana, you can adjust the strength of the command. Yoojin mostly uses this skill to beam BEDTIME FOR BABIES into Yoohyun’s head every time he thinks he’s up too late. And also to stop all monsters in their tracks and have them spontaneously die/kill each other/kill themselves anytime he’s in a dungeon or dungeon break, of course, but mostly that first thing.
Yerim’s Unity Is Strength, a.k.a. Unity, allows one to buff another person’s skills in direct proportion to how close she is with them. Not sure of the exact measure by which this works, or if it has a keyword like canon!Yoojin’s Caregiver, but that’s the general idea.
As for the others, they were pretty clearly depicted, but still, some more specifics:
Hyuna’s In The Family, a.k.a. Family, acts as a version of Terrifying Hatchling Class Teacher, allowing her to tag people “into the family”. This pools all stats and skills from Family members, allowing any member of the Family to draw on the communal stat-skill pool. By default, all stats and skills are split evenly among all Family members, but people can consciously pull any ability/abilities towards themselves to use it at higher/full strength. Unless the others actively resist this pull, they’ll lose the ability in equal measure as the others gain it.
Family members can also forcibly keep skills to themselves to prevent the others learning about them. You can’t open an Information Window for a shared skill that’s not your own; this keeps Family members from actually learning anything about the skill they’re not already aware of. E.g. if canon!Yoojin shared Promising Sprout through Family, canon!Yoohyun would only be able to use it to check other people’s system windows, but he wouldn’t know about the optimized Awakening.
There’s a range limitation on how far a Family member can go before being dropped from the connection, and the person has to be in contact with the Family skill holder to be invited in. As shown in the chapter 7 case of two Families existing, if one skill holder is invited to join the other’s Family, the Families merge.
Family doesn’t actually allow telepathy or magic communication between members. You can vaguely sense the number of people in the bond, and who’s in the bond if you’re familiar with the feel of their magic; it feels like they’re standing very close beside you. Hence Yerim mentioning the “mind-presence” of her ahjussis.
Hyunjae’s Under The Skin, a.k.a Skin, lets him feel the movements and bodies of lifeforms equal to/lower than him in rank. The skill is usually limited to targets within one’s line of sight—but since Yoojin’s line of “sight” is expanded through Brother’s Keeper, he can use Skin on targets he’s not actually seeing with his eyes.
The “mirroring” from Chapter 6 is something Yoojin also experiences to a lesser degree, and happens when a user focuses on a single target too strongly with Skin. The user generally experiences lingering aftereffects of connecting to anything with Skin, usually just feeling a phantom sense of “I’m taller than this, aren’t I?” or “have to accommodate for my fangs—wait, the monster has fangs, I don’t”, etc. but mirroring happens if that connection runs too long or too strong. It’s what Yoojin was feeling back during MHA’s introduction in Chapter 5—hence the not-fangs and keeping his “claws” away from Yoohyun.
Mirroring also gets worse when the user doesn’t have high enough Mentality to maintain a strong sense of self :( High Mentality generally also helps with the sensory overload of having a “second body” (or third, or fourth…).
Taewon’s Brother’s Keeper, a.k.a Keeper, is the lifeform-tracking skill and not restricted by rank at all. It’s honestly kind of a headache and incredibly overwhelming in crowded places. Smaller lifeforms like bugs are generally faint enough to be ignored, but not entirely absent from this sense. Microorganisms are definitely small enough presences that they’re functionally absent, unless you burn Mana to strengthen your perception.
Both Skin and Keeper are assisted by high Mentality, naturally, due to the mental overload of tracking that much Stuff. It also helps to have them in tandem, rather than solo—once you track a familiar target using Keeper, you can latch onto it with Skin and focus on that, which will muffle everything else. To make sure they can manage without Yoohyun sharing his S-rank Mentality through Hyuna’s Family, Yoojin makes Taewon and Hyunjae repeatedly mark the team as “familiar” targets, focusing on them to the exclusion of everything else in the skill. Eventually, being aware of the team fades into something like white noise due to overfamiliarity—but since they are still focusing on those targets and therefore maxing out their skills, Taewon and Hyunjae can enjoy relative peace.
The individual S-rank stats for the F-ranks kind of backfired! Yoojin didn’t foresee that part. Oops. I headcanon Stamina as being the Constitution equivalent, especially given the Korean word being physical strength as opposed to Strength’s muscular strength. So when Yerim tried to run for her mom with S-rank Agility, her F-rank ankles just… couldn’t keep up with that speed, and sprained right away. The same for Taewon, who—in his surprise—crushed his phone with S-rank Strength only for the glass and metal to cut through his hand like butter; and Hyunjae, whose high Mana will eventually leave him with almost permanent lightning scarring. Yoohyun got off the easiest, having high Mentality, since that’s entirely an internal thing.
The skills also suffer from this. Taewon/Hyunjae’s skills are mentally taxing, as in literally taxing on their brains, so they got the headaches/nosebleeds of all time trying to make it through SS/S-rank skill usage without proper Stamina and Mentality.
Since the gang can draw on such insanely high Mana, I imagine they can shape it without caring about actually… having a skill for it. Which is why, when provided with raw Mana, they naturally create their innate attributes. SHJ can create lightning/electricity, BYR can create ice and water, HYH creates flame, MHA has limited control over air, and STW has a sort of void attribute? He muffles everything around him and nullifies skills. Anyway, that’s how they made the ice bomb/firework. A spark of SHJ’s lightning inside a shell of BYR’s ice, set to explode harmlessly.
I’ve since discarded the idea, but at one point I also considered having the inherited stats transform into skills.
SHJ’s Mana would turn into the Charge skill, making him into a sort of Mana battery—giving him a ridiculously high Mana regeneration rate, allowing him to transfer Mana to others etc.
STW’s Strength would turn into the Force skill, allowing him to manipulate forces and their strength—this would let him manipulate gravity ⇒ weight like in canon, as well as possibly skill strengths, to parallel Looting.
I ditched the idea mostly because What The Hell would HYH’s Mentality/BYR’s Agility/MHA’s Stamina turn into that would be functionally useful while also paralleling their canon S-rank abilities??? I didn’t want to just start making shit up, honestly. I have a lot more fun making AUs that reflect canon or canon storyline in some way.
[LATER-STAGE S-RANKS SPOILERS] I personally imagine Noah as being the equivalent of canon!SHJ, being planted by a transcendent who intends on using him to disrupt/destroy/replace the source somehow. He’s, uh. He’s not doing too good!
Riette’s relationship to him… is a lot like canon!pre-regression!Yoojin’s relationship to his Yoohyun. Very strong inferiority complex. Riette’s an A-rank now, but she grew up severely, severely outmatched, and Noah would barely even look at her. She hates him, a little bit; is scared of him, a decent amount; but most of all, she admires him. Nowadays he mostly only sees her as something useful, and she’s keenly aware that if she outlives that usefulness, she’s out in the cold.
Think canon!SHJ if he never met STW and HYJ, and was therefore entirely apathetic to the world at large.
He and Yoojin actually butt heads quite a bit, on the rare occasions they meet up. Yoojin thinks it’s ridiculous that he doesn’t care about his fucking family(!!!) and Noah thinks his love for Yoohyun is holding Yoojin back. Not to mention, Noah’s abilities include healing… as well as anti-healing, leaching vitality from his attack targets and transferring that to his healing targets. And since Yoojin can feel with intimate clarity what that feels like on the attacking end, he thinks it’s unreasonably cruel. He often kills Noah’s attack targets just to stop their pain, even though it cuts off the flow of vitality to any healing targets and leaves them still-injured. Yoojin thinks that if you’re going to kill monsters, the least you can do is make it fast, since that’s better for the monster itself as well as the people who the monster could potentially attack before it dies for good. Noah wonders what the point even is in caring about the monster’s experience before it dies. If it’s already killed and caused damage, what does it matter if it suffers in return?
…Yeah, Noah in this world is… a lot sadder than his canon version.
And that’s all, folks! If anyone has questions, feel free to put them in the replies or comment on the AO3 version of this post, and I’ll do my best to respond! I can’t think of anything else I’d put down right now, but I’m forgetful plus I’ve definitely not covered everything there could be to learn about this AU.
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stuff-diary · 1 year
Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area (Part II)
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2022
Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area (Part II, 2022, South Korea)
Director: Kim Hong Sun
Writers: Ryu Yong Jae, Kim Hwan Chae & Choe Sung Jun
I feel like I was one of the few people that really enjoyed Part I and actually preferred it to the original. I hated the writing in the original show (I am a native Spanish speaker) and couldn't make it past the first few episodes, even though I found the story interesting. Now, thanks to this Korean remake, at least I can see how said story develops. Just like in the first part, this is a really fun and entertaining thriller with great acting, even if it requires you to suspend your disbelief a lot of the time. I'm really glad the writers wrapped up pretty much every plot thread, cause it makes the show a very satisfying watch. Like I said, the cast is amazing, but special kudos go to Park Hae Soo, who's clearly one of the best actors in the world.
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camyfilms · 1 year
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오징어 게임 2021
You have a reason to get out of this place, but I don’t. I thought hard about what I’d do, if I were the one who got out, since you asked me earlier. No matter how hard I thought, though, I got nothing. The one who has a reason should get back out there... that’s what’s right. You can do it. Don’t die in here, okay? And go meet your mother. Go get your brother too. And go to Jeju island. 
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sheilajsn · 2 years
Alchemy of Souls - Primera temporada
Alchemy of Souls – Primera temporada
Alchemy of Souls (2022) es uno de los dramas que más me han gustado en lo que va del año. (more…)
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korelist · 2 years
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8 Benim puanım: 7
Drama: Squid Game Hangul: 오징어 게임 Director: Hwang Dong-Hyuk Writer: Hwang Dong-Hyuk Episodes: 9 Date: 2021 Language: Korean Country: South Korea
Casts : Lee Jung-jae , Park Hae-soo, Yeong-su Oh, Anupam Tripathi, HoYeon Jung, Wi Ha-joon, Heo Sung-tae, Kim Joo-ryoung, Yoo Sung-joo, Lee Yoo-mi
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Yayınlandığı tarihten itibaren gündemden düşmeyen dizi, büyük bir kitleyi Kore sineması ile tanıştırmayı başardı. Üzerine birçok ödül alarak bu kadar gündemde kalmasının bir nedeni olduğunu da kanıtladı.  Güney Kore'de maddi sorunlar yaşayan kişilerin para ödülü için oynadığı çocuk oyunlarını anlatan Squid Game; birçok sorunu da masaya yatırıyor. Yalnızca bir oyun distopyası yaratmakla kalmayıp, toplumsal birçok sorunu ince ince işliyor.
Bana kalırsa; birçok eleştirmenin de dediği gibi 2 saatlik bir film olabilecekken dizi olmasına gerek yokmuş. Okuduğum kadarı ile yönetmenin de en başta isteği bu yönde olmasına rağmen kimseyi ikna edememiş. Edebilseymiş, balon bir şöhretten ziyade kült bir film ortaya çıkabilirmiş. Dizi belli bir dönem patlamış olabilir ancak, uzun süre hatırlanacağını sanmıyorum. İçerdiği bütün oyunlar, kıyafetler sosyal medyada epey gündem olmasına rağmen zaman içinde oyuncuları dahi hatırlanmayacak gibi görünüyor.
Dizi borç üzerine inşa edilmiş, uyumlu birey yaratma fikrinin altını çizerek hayatta ikinciye yer olmadığını gözümüze sokuyor. Mevki kaybetme, statü düşme gibi metaforları bol bol işlemişler. Sürü psikolojisi dediğimiz, istemese de topluma uyum sağlamak zorunda kalan baş rolümüzün daha ilk saniyeden çaresizliğinin boyutlarını izliyoruz. Onun yanı sıra dizide şansı yaver gitmediği için dibe vuran, yanlış tercihler yaptığı için dahi olması bir işine yaramayan, erken yaşta geçimini sağlamak zorunda kalan birçok karakter görüyoruz. Bu karakterleri o kadar ağır ağır anlatıyorlar ki izlerken bir tık baygınlık geçirebilirsiniz.
En başta oyunlara kabul edilme merasimi Gong Yoo ile başlıyor. Bu aşama dizide gizlenmiş 1.oyun olarak düşünülebilir. Net bir şekilde işe alım sürecini eleştiriyor. İnsan kaynaklarının ne kadar acımasız olabildiğini az çok deneyimlemişsinizdir. İşe girmek için, kendinden ödün verilmesi her ülkede çok yaygın. Her oyuna bir alt mesaj eklenmiş.
İlk oyunun mesajı ‘uyum’. Herkes kendi bacağından asılır, kalabalığın düzenini bozmadan bireysel başarı elde etmek zorundasınızdır. Dur dendiğinde duracak, yürü dendiğinde yürüyeceksiniz. Emirlere itaat etmek zorundasınız.
İkici oyunun mesajı ‘yükselmek’. Şekerden şekli çıkartmak için kullanılan yöntemler aslında, şirkette yükselmek için neler yapabilirsin sorusunu soruyor. Başrolümüzün şekli yalayarak çıkartması da hepimize bir şeyler çağrıştırıyordur.
Üçüncü oyunun mesajı ‘takım’. Her ne kadar bir iş yerinde bireysel başarılar ön planda olsa da bulunduğunuz takıma uyum sağlamak zorundasınızdır. Bazı durumlarda, sizin ne kadar iyi olduğunuzun hiçbir önemi yoktur. Takım olabilirseniz, karşınızdaki rakip sizden güçlü bile olsa bir adım öne geçebilirsiniz.
Dördüncü oyun bir öncekini çürütme üzerine bir mesaj içerir ‘kurnazlık’. Yeri geldiğinde takım olarak zafer kazansanız da hayat mücadelesi içinde yanınızdaki kişi her zaman rakibiniz olacak. Aynı koltuğa iki kişi oturulmayacağını biliyor olmanız gerekiyor. Yanınızdaki en yakın arkadaşınız dahi olsa, sizin hep bir adım önde olmanız gerekiyor. Dizide burada yalnızca kendini düşünmemiz gerektiğini suratımıza çarpıyor.
Beşinci oyunun mesajı ‘risk’. Çalışma hayatınızda ne kadar risk alabiliyorsunuz. Başkalarının aldığı risklerden kendinize pay mı çıkartıyorsunuz. Attığınız her adım sizi dibe de indirebilir, zirveye de çıkartabilir. Bunu için sizden önce o adımı atmış insanları bilmeli, rakiplerinizi iyi gözlemlemelisiniz.
Ve son, altıncı oyun zirve mücadelesi.
Dizide bir nokta da bütün oyunlardan vazgeçilip oyuncuların hayatlarına dönmesine izin veriliyor. Oy birliği ile oyunlar iptal edilip, yaşamayı seçiyorlar. Ancak bu çok uzun sürmüyor. Başta bilmeden para için geldikleri bu ölümcül oyuna, ikinci kez davetiye aldıklarında bile-isteye kendi ayakları ile dönüyorlar. Hepimizin çalışma hayatı da böyle değil mi?
Sonuç olarak; dizi en başta dediğim gibi kült bir film olabilirmiş. Bu kadar detaylı ve kalabalık toplumsal kavramların doldurulduğu 9 bölümlük seri olmasına gerek yokmuş. Bu kadar çok ödül almasına rağmen, benim fikrim fazlaca ve bilinçsizce popüler olduğu yönünde. Kaç kişi gerçekten bu kadar mesajı anlayarak izlemiş olabilir.
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