mmani-e 9 months
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Just some of my favorite danganronpa ships! Hehe <3
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Hifumi Yamada Shipping Poll Results
馃挋 Shiromada wins! 馃┒
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togafuka 4 months
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I don't really have anything here, one person who submitted just really wanted to never see it again, and like, I guess they had that one line? This is really riding on Teruteru being the Worst and the fact Nekomaru just has more popular pairings.
I could have SWORN someone submitted this but now I can't really find it so maybe it got grandfathered in? We needed more THH regardless. Anyways Celeste actively tricks Hifumi into murder by faking being a victim of sexual assault. Which like, girlboss, but also girlno.
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immajustreblogthis 8 months
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whalepxls 7 days
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do-you-ship-it-polls 1 month
Do you ship it?
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catgirl-catboy 1 year
Me shipping YamaCeles because of the toxicism they had:
But you are right, fandom and Kodaka doesn't even think Hifumi deserves a romance plotline too if we need to add that fact too
Yeah, like there's a good story there, that we could have gotten if the romance was taken even a little seriously.
They have a lot more in common than Celeste wants you to think, and maybe from a Watsonian perspective, the reason she allowed that stupid-ass Robo Justice suit to be made is so Hifumi could experience his dream before she killed him.
Bit her in the ass though.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc 2 months
are there any ships you hate? (or just don't like?)
Y-yeah, there are......... a lot. 馃 But I won't write the specific ship names because sometimes I suddenly like a ship that I thought I didn't like or would never understand because of some fanart or fanfic.
Incidentally, YamaCele (Hifumi/Celestia) is a good example of such a case. (I prefer to call it CeleYama, but YamaCele is the established name of the ship, and the person who wrote the fanfic that made me fall in love with this ship described it as YamaCele, so I'll just write it that way.) At first I thought it was absolutely impossible to see these two as a ship, but when I read a fanfic about how Hifumi found out Celeste's real name before the killing game, I realized that this ship is very nice.
The fanfic went something like this: Hifumi had to go to Celeste's parents' house for some reason (I think it was to deliver an important school letter or something, but I can't remember), and that's when he learned Celeste's real name and that her family was very poor because Celeste's father is a gambler and in debt. Celeste was bullied a lot when she was little because her real name was so lame and her family was poor, so she expected Hifumi to make fun of her, but Hifumi didn't care about that. Because he himself was bullied as a child for being an otaku and for his body shape, and he knows how uncomfortable it is to have people laugh at something. Then Celeste's view of Hifumi changed a bit.
In this fanfic, Celeste and Hifumi don't really hook up, they just end up sharing some secrets about their backgrounds, but when I read this, I thought they could relate to each other in some way. In fact, in the main story of DR:THH, I think it is kind of a mystery why Celeste chose Hifumi as the person to have her tea prepared. Because Hifumi is not Celeste's type in terms of looks or personality, right? I would not be surprised if she did not want to be in the same room with Hifumi. After reading the fanfic, I have come to believe that this is because Celeste is actually dependent on Hifumi, and it may not be a romantic feeling, but I have come to believe that Hifumi is a special part of Celeste. :)
Well, sorry for the long answer 馃槄 Anyway, if you ask me if I like or dislike a particular ship, I will give you my own opinion, but I will not write which ship I dislike overall, in case I might like the ship in the future 馃槍
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Hello another YamaCeles liker
howdyy i just find them. it hurtts.... idk i love them
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mmani-e 3 months
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Part 2 of the DR1 Demix Series! Here we have:
Hifumi as the Ultimate Pop Sensation
Celestia as the Ultimate Baseball Star
Saku(ra) as the Ultimate Programmer
Chihiro as the Ultimate Fighter
Touko as the Ultimate Fanfic Artist
and Yasuhiro as the Ultimate Gambler
As always, some design insights below the cut.
Celestia: Unlike Leon, Celes loves being the ultimate baseball player. She loves the fame, the attention, and the fact it makes her feel special, and far from the boring life she grew up in. She wants to start life over after hope's peak not as Taeko Yasuhiro, but as Celestia Ludenberg.
Hifumi: Hifumi is a body-positive pop sensation who got his position because he submitted a recording of himself singing a song he wrote as a dare to a radio station, aftwards his career started after a kind agent saw the potential in the big boy. Enough for a career.
Touko: Toko I imagine is not very hard to put in the role of fanfic author, in this au she never goes full psycho because she was picked up by a gaggle of anime nerd women her first school so while she lives a shitty life in her parents place she has at least had people to hang out with and bond to. So instead of a psycho, she's just her unpleasant self + anime gatekeeping.
Yasuhiro: If you had a 33% chance guarantee of winning every bet you place at a casino you should always be gambling. Even if you're not that good and a huge moron, a 1 in 3 chance of winning every bet is crazy and that's what Yasuhiro managed to be born with, a 33% chance to win any bet or call he makes, making him stupid rich... or at least he should be, if he wasn't an idiot and manage to still rack a huge debt up.
Saku(ra): Sakura in this AU is known as "Saku" to most of the public, as the only successor to her family's business, in the stead of her father's teachings, she agreed to operate in public as a man in order to save her family's business from falling to malevolent forces in her distant family, who all but disallow the idea of a woman taking over the family business... the Ogami IT Consultancy firm...
Oh the muscles are normal, she's an Assembly programmer.
Chihiro: Essentially a Karate Kid story where all the bullying Chihiro suffered caused him to hit back at one point, causing him to bloody up a bully's face so bad he had to be suspended temporarily. In this suspension, Chihiro's father enrolled him into a dojo, and then shenanigans would ensue causing him to get sent to more and more prestigious institutes of martial learning until he would eventually beat the once-ultimate fighter and earn his title
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malkaviian 2 years
Para el bingo: Kirigami/Togiri, Celeshiro, Yamaceles y Pekohina聽uwu
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te quiero mucho makoto, pero me da gracia que shippeen a los dos con los que m谩s lo shippean a 茅l entre ellos y a 茅l lo dejen de lado (? no s茅 si los considerar铆a una crackship, quiz谩s m谩s una rarepair? ni idea. adem谩s de que los veo como una ex pareja poliamorosa que terminaron y se pelean por qui茅n se queda con makoto lol. igual en s铆 no tengo muchas ships con byakuya m谩s que el odiado por el fandom togafuka, so thats it.
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No sab铆a si te refer铆as a Celestia/Chihiro o Celestia/Yasuhiro, as铆 que el primero es para Celes/Chihiro y el otro para el otro(? el primero me da ternura, pero no hay mucho que decir. el otro me da gracia simplemente, pero me da gracia cualquier ship con hagakure lol
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Digo que deber铆an estar alejados por Hifumi, pero siento que a 茅l no le joder铆a ser usado como esclavo por Celestia lol. Tambi茅n ser铆a chistoso si fueran de esas parejas que salieron en primaria o algo y uno se qued贸 re enganchado (Hifumi) mientras el otro trata de tapar a toda costa lo que pas贸 (Celestia) askjdnkjdnsaj
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Nunca me la puse a analizar, as铆 que no puedo decir mucho. No me niego, pero tampoco es que me enloquece la ship
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I feel like a lot of people really like Hiyoko's character development over the course of the game, while she died before it could be complete, the fact they have a very genuine history that we actually somewhat learn about is something rather interesting and could be really fun to expand on.
I feel like this ship probably has elements of beauty and the beast? Or they just liked their murder dynamic enough and went "eh sure why not." Maybe they just like degradation, who am I to judge.
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immajustreblogthis 4 months
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whalepxls 15 days
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inspired by crimson court darkest dungeon vampire dlc
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