lesbianfakir · 1 month
I seem to have found a piece of media to hyperfixate on that’s even MORE obscure than princess tutu how do I keep doing this
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cream-and-tea · 4 months
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finally listened to the newest silt verses eps.
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crimeronan · 8 months
still thinking about a horror-tragedy AU where hunter kills belos and frames luz or eda for it. i was Gonna say that my best hope of making this work is in a non-hollow-mind timeline, but Actually i think my best hope of making this work is.... if hollow mind DID happen.... but hunter promised belos his loyalty anyway, in a fit of panic. and belos didn't kill him. and brought him back to the castle
hunter managing to kill belos in his desperation after finding out exactly what's going to happen on the day of unity, belos having his guard down because if hunter promised his loyalty despite knowing what happened to the golden guards, then surely the complete eradication of witchkind would be fine, right.
hunter realizing that killing belos is a death sentence for himself AND will mean politically fracturing the isles, so he finds a way to twist it around on luz or eda. how this works would depend on a bunch of logistical questions i don't feel like answering right now, but. oh god if it was luz. how fucking Wretched that would feel after hollow mind. hunter's like hey i know i stabbed you in the back and chose your worst enemy over you when you were nothing but kind to me always, anyway now i'm about to make your life So Much Worse for no fucking reason except my own fear and selfishness because i'm a coward i've always been a coward and i ruin everything i touch. um. BAIIII
i have. no idea how to resolve this. i'm just.
i'm Thinking About It.
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murderandcoffee · 5 months
heyyyyyy audio fiction/horror podcast enjoyers. I want to flood my feed with audio fiction/horror podcast content. so if any of y'all wanna be mutuals or friends or just want me to follow you, lemme know. I want more friends who are absolute freaks about podcasts, so if you interact with this post (reply, comment, reblog and leave weird tags, etc.) I'll check out your blog!
more info about which podcasts I've listened to below the cut:
I have listened/am listening to:
the magnus archives
the white vault
archive 81
the black tapes
the bright sessions
the penumbra podcast
wolf 359
the six disappearances of ella mccray
the deep vault
welcome to night vale (I listened to it back in high school--I'm WAY behind)
podcasts on my to-listen list:
the silt verses
down below the reservoir
old gods of appalachia
stellar firma
hello from the hallowoods
re: dracula
nowhere, on air
so if you're normal about any of these things and want to be normal about them with me, hmu
also if you have any recs please let me know I am always on the hunt for new things
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thesiltverses · 10 months
Hello hello! I just wanna share that in the first few minutes of Faulkner’s trail, he made me wanna push my face into the mud. Love him and The Silt Verses to bits. Carpenter is the best.
Yeahhh, he does have that effect on people. (Thank you so much for listening!!)
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all-seeing-ifer · 10 months
Hey what's the silt verses? Should I watch/read it? It looks really cool and I could ask Google but you seem very excited about it and I wanted to give you an opportunity to talk about it if you wanna!
aaaaa ok ok ok!!!! i am SO glad you decided to come ask me about it - the silt verses is like. probably one of my favourite pieces of media ever and I am always excited to have a chance to just Scream about it! and since I'm currently on 48 hour tsv lockdown with the first episode of season 3 dropping it's the perfect time for me to get this ask.
so the silt verses is a horror audio drama podcast set in a fantasy world where everything is controlled by different gods. so there's gods of industry, gods of agriculture, gods of natural phenomena, even down to incredibly specific gods like the call centre god we meet in one episode. some are seemingly harmless or benign, some are seemingly malicious, but all of them are capable of acting in the world through miracles or the creation of saints (ordinary people who are transformed into.... something else by the gods' power) and most of them have their own religions following them and offering sacrifices to feed their power.
the twist in all of this is that in the world of the silt verses the gods have become completely controlled by the government and corporations, who decide which religions and gods are legitimate and should be condoned and which should be banned. the two main characters (at least in the first season, the main cast expands a fair bit in season two) are sister carpenter and brother faulkner, two worshippers of an outlawed river god on a sacred pilgrimage searching for revelations from their deity. along the way they encounter other religions and gods of the region, witness miracles that test their faith, and try to stay on the run from law enforcement.
tsv has SO much going for it and i do think anyone with even a passing interest in horror as a genre should check it out! fair warning it can get really disturbing (seriously season 1 episode 4 has some of the freakiest body horror i've ever heard in an audio drama, and that's just the tip of the iceberg) but if you check out the content warnings and think you can handle it, then please PLEASE do!!! the characters are so complex and rich and compelling, the relationships between them are also really compelling and evolve in unexpected ways, the voice cast are all incredible, the worldbuilding is super interesting and well thought out, it has that amazing balance of both serialised narrative and some really amazing out there "monster of the week" style episodes that i think a lot of people miss from modern tv, the soundscaping.... well, it does start off a bit wonky, but by the time you get up to the most recent episode it sounds honestly gorgeous, it has this really wonderful poetic-at-times writing style that feels both fitting with its eerie surreal tone and will also just hit you with some of the most incredible lines ever written that will get stuck in your brain and not leave for months!! it's about religious trauma and capitalism and living and dying in a broken system and burning that system to the ground and devotion and sacrifice and monstrousness and getting to choose the thing that eats you. with one season left to go it's perhaps slightly too early to call it a masterpiece, but.... yeah TO ME it's a masterpiece <3
so yeah this got a lot longer than i meant it to but tl;dr if you're into horror or even if you just don't mind horror please please listen to the silt verses. it's weird and gross and freaky and funny and rough around the edges at first and it's worth every second of your time
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wifegideonnav · 8 months
hello! are you listening to any podcasts right now? and if so, which?
hi! im in a total podcast slump rn to be completely honest 😭 i keep trying to listen to mabel and then flaming out. im gonna get there eventually tho!! I also wanna give i am in eskew and the silt verses another shot, although neither grabbed me the first time i tried listening.
also you didn’t really ask but im going to take this opportunity to recommend all my favorite podcasts:
wolf 359: sci-fi comedy about a group of people and a sentient ai stuck on a space ship 7.5 light years from earth. capitalism is evil. aliens are real. there’s a plant monster in the air ducts. if you haven’t listened go listen rn. it takes a bit to get going but once it does it’s so fucking good.
the adventure zone: balance: mcelroy dnd podcast. it’s all dick jokes and shenanigans right up until you’re crying. my pro tip is to listen to it on 1.5-2x speed.
the magnus archives: this was the first podcast i properly got into and it will always have a special place in my heart. horror anthology with an overarching plot. martin blackwood i love you.
king falls am: i struggle to actually rec this podcast bc of how problematic it is at times and how it’s unfinished (bc of infighting among the creators lmaoo). however if you’re willing to wade thru sporadic racism and sexism, stupid overarching plots, and general tasteless jokes, it’s got a genuinely great cast of characters and a super fun vibe. it’s night vale but there are two radio hosts, a believer and a skeptic. the town is super wacky, it’s really funny, and it’s got a delightful cast of quirky background characters. plus a musical episode. lily wright i love you.
directive: super short sci-fi about a man charged with taking care of the sleeping/hibernating passengers on a long haul space flight with only an ai for company. don’t wanna say more than that, you should just go listen for yourself. it’s quite good, made me cry, and you can knock it out in an afternoon.
shoutout to welcome to night vale as well though everyone already knows about that one.
also shoutout to lexicon valley (rip) and my brother my brother and me, my favorite nonfiction podcasts
anyway if any of these sound interesting (to anyone!) im happy to say more about them!!
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4th-make-quail · 9 months
Listening to the final ever episode of Unwell at my desk at work was a Bad Decision!! Literal tears pouring down my face lmao, I was distraught. What an episode. I'll miss you, Unwell. 😭😭😭
Tomorrow is new Silt Verses time and I am EXCITED!! This season so far has been knocking it out of the park, I can't wait to hear what they have in store!!
I also have been relistening to SAYER cos of the new episode, but I really need to finish The Hobbit cinematic audiobook so I've been working on that more this week. Did get to episode 42 of SAYER tho, so that's nice! I need to basically stop getting urges to relisten to things??? Especially since I also wanna get the Stitch in Time audiobook (didn't realise it was read by Andy Robinson AHHHH??), so I gotta crack on with the Hobbit lol
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siltslut · 1 month
I feel it's safe to assume that the silt verses is your fave podcast, but do you have a second fave? if so what is it?
tma cause i’m basic but it’s super fucking good so can you really blame me? i wish i listened to more pods but i’m always busy and never have time. shoutout to red valley who probably gets #3 podcast for me
i’m also currently listening to woe.begone and wanna relisten and fully catch up to malevolent at some point but that might be a while
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theheartpyre · 9 months
Happy #AudioDramaSunday everyone! I’m finally back home and had time to listen to shows again, and I sure listened to a bunch of them (6 to be exact). So, strap in for the ride!
First up Small Victories (@wgc-productions) came back for its second season and oh boy did it nosedive straight into chaos and drama. This show is so well written but it also stresses me out much more than all the horror shows I listen to lmao Can’t wait for the powder keg to explode in the upcoming episodes
Then we have another return, The Silt Verses (@thesiltverses) is back for its third season, and what a start! Genuinely one of my all time favourite shows and Carpenter is definitely one of my favourite characters from across all media. I’m so happy to have her back. Amazing performances from everyone around!
I also finally finished Two Flat Earthers Kidnap A Freemason (@goodpointepodcasts) and I just wanted to mention that that was a great finale! This was genuinely such a hilarious show and I hope there will be more of it.
Next up is the new episode from Shadows at the Door, written by Jamie Flanagan who’s worked on the Midnight Mass and The Haunting Of Bly Manor tv shows (isn't that just so neat?)! Great episode, less scary horror, more a reflection of human nature as we age. Really makes you think. Also loved the discussion after the episode (it gets depressing about the state of being a creative in our day and age 🫠)
We’re almost at the end of my list, but there are two more interesting shows I wanna talk about. First up, I’ve caught up with After The Gloaming, which is an anthology of gothic horror stories, and I’ve been really enjoying it, especially Night of the Rider and Arsenic & Old Men. Looking forward to hearing the rest of the season. There can never be enough horror anthologies!
And finally, I listened to the first episode of Levian (@levianpod), which I adored! Queer epic fantasy about the seas with family conflict! So up my alley! I know the rest of the show won’t release until next year, but I am eagerly awaiting it. They are currently crowdfunding to make the rest of season 1 a reality, so if you like epic fantasy and pirates definitely check it out (it only runs for a few more days!)
And that was it, folks! I haven’t decided yet what I’ll listen to next week, so if anyone has any recs, I’m all ears!
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rox-and-prose · 10 months
Audio drama post questions:
8, 15, 19, 20
i am READY babe
8. If you could have a crossover between any two shows which would it be?
I've answered this before and said Midnight Burger showing up in any show would be great and I stand by that, but I wanna give another possibility as well.
Well I started to flip through what I've listened to and an idea struck me that was so silly and involved shows with two such WILDLY different tones that I had to share the idea: The Amelia Project and The Silt Verses. I'm not tagging either show in this because I'm not sure they'd find it as amusing as I would, but it would be very funny to me to hear the Interviewer try to work out how to fake a death in such a way as to hide it from a body horror god. Oh ohhhh my god what if he was trying to fake the death of a Saint. Okay sorry this is so silly and it probably would have to be comedic all the way through to work so it would take away from the weight of TSV but also it would be so funny.
15. Uno reverse! What’s a question YOU want to ask everyone else about audio drama?
I'm not sure actually. Um. Mostly I ask people about like, hey have you listened to this show or was this bit as poorly done as i thought or what are your thoughts on dropping people who purposefully put wet mouth sounds into their audio-only medium into a pit of broken glass and lemon juice.
I guess maybe I'd ask what kind of things they let audio dramas get away with. Subpar acting or writing or sound design that sort of thing. Idk why that interests me but it does. I like audio dramas on their merits and I find it interesting that I don't often worry as much about their faults as I would in other mediums.
My other question would be if the podcast company Realm makes people as irritated as it makes me, but that's probably just a personal thing.
19. Which podcast do you think would make a great TTRPG book?
This is another one I've answered before and said Valence, but I'm gonna try to think of another real quick.
I'm ignoring actual play podcasts and ones based on existing ttrpgs because that seems fair. I'm also gonna disqualify improvised shows because they're halfway there already and that feels like cheating a little.
I could say the reallt easy answer a bunch of people probably already know, but instead I'll say probably The Beacon ( @thebeaconpodcast ).
20. Which podcast character do you think would have their own podcast in an AU?
I'm not entirely sure if I've understood this correctly but I think there's a world where Mrs Sheffield from Oz 9 has a spinoff series.
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cream-and-tea · 2 years
hi what is the silt verses about and should i listen to it
hi! hi nico hi!!!
to answer one of your questions: yes absolutely you should listen to it it’s so damn good.
to answer your other (probably more important) question: the silt verses is a horror podcast set in a world fairly similar to our own that revolves around the very real very terrifying gods that can be willed into existence by peoples belief in them, reinforced through tradition and sustained through ritual sacrifice that permeates every aspect of society. one way to explain it that i really like comes from one of the creators in a q&a, who said that the idea for the world was partly inspired by a line of thinking that went what if whickerman logic worked? as in: what if you burned someone alive in a whickerman, or sacrificed them to a sun god, or any number of things, and it had actual, tangible results? what if it really did make your crops grow better? or actually blessed your family? or gave you real protection against your enemies? what would that society look like?
the main plot of the series centres on carpenter (exhausted, bitter, and beginning to have doubts about the god she was raised with) and faulkner (younger, fervent, a new convert absolutely convinced of his powers as a prophet), as they make a pilgrimage to find more followers of their outlawed river god the trawlerman. along the way they make enemies (followers of other gods and the law) and allies (dubiously kidnapped marketing agents) and find far, far more than they could ever have bargained for.
it’s one of my favourite podcasts right now and (as i might’ve said) probably one of my favourite modern horror works in general. the way the inherent horror of existing in this world is used as commentary to explore ideas of faith, devotion, autonomy and relationships is done incredibly well, and the characters exist as an extension of that while also being distinct and vibrant and utterly fascinating. i’m at least a little bit obsessed with every character in this show and could probably spend HOURS dissecting them and their dynamics w other characters/role in the story/how they work to defy and/or reinforce the status quo of this world they live in. it’s pretty heavy in terms of trigger warnings, especially on the body horror front, so if you wanna get into it i’d recommend checking the episode descriptions (just in case). it has a completed first season and is currently releasing s2!!
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mellifera38 · 2 years
First Impressions of 17 different Podcasts
So chasing the high I got from finishing Wolf 359 I’ve been cruising through a bunch of podcast recommendations but only listening to the first episode. There’s a few I’ll probably explore further (✔). I thought it would be fun to sum up my thoughts in 10 words or less. Disclaimer: I’m well aware lots of podcasts get better with time. If you think I should give some of these another go or if you wanna recommend other podcasts go wild. Fiction only tho & no more sci-fi I’ve got my fill thanks lol.
List under the cut.
 ✔ The Strange Case of Starship Iris A really strong start narratively. I'm interested.
The Orbiting Human Circus Bizarre but not bad. Idk if it hooked me.
✔ Micro-Cosmos I like the premise. Character tropes remind me of W359.
Hello from the Hallowoods Is he trying too hard to sound like Cecil Baldwin?
✔ The Silt Verses I'm captivated. I want to know more of the setting.
Archive 81 The tape itself did not interest me much.
Girl in Space I wanted to like it but I kept zoning out?
Spirit Box Radio Nightvale vibes but doing its own thing. I like it.
✔ I am in Eskew One of the weirdest things I've listened to. 10/10
✔ EOS 10 Polished. Pretty funny actually. Like House in Space.
✔ Mabel I had to listen to ep 2. These cliffhangers, dang.
Moonbase Theta, Out An 8 minute episode with only 3.5 minutes of show???
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality I liked it. I prefer long-form narratives tho.
✔ Windfall I can already smell the emotional damage. Strong storytelling.
Wooden Overcoats Kinda funny. Had a hard time staying focused on it.
✔ Primordial Deep I'm already invested. First thoughts: "oh hey Doug!---ohh.. nvm..."
Startripper A very silly sounding narrator but I did enjoy it.
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bimboredfield · 3 years
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Listen to the silt verses oooo you wanna listen to the silt verses so bad
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siarven · 3 years
Hey, you mentioned that you like all those queer hopepunk horror podcasts in some tags and I wanna know: which podcasts are you talking about? Ever since tma ended, I've been looking for a podcast that could fill its place
Hello!! :DDD
So (in true fashion of a Good Memory™) I suddenly forgot Everything, so I enlisted a friend's help! ( @followthatgoose, who has also listened to all of these, some multiple times. I'm still kind of working on them because I hit sudden No More Podcasts™ a while back sadly, and am currently back to audiobooks for the most part. But I'd trust Soren's podcasting taste with my life, sooo :D) So the proper premise-descriptions are mostly provided by them <3
- Hello from the Hallowoods (kind of like how I'd originally hoped Welcome to Night Vale would be! It's a radio broadcast-esque story about queer survivors at the end of the world, really nice mix of following the characters as they live and also their fight against the horrors of the hallowoods. It also has some of the Best Quotes and the narrator has a fantastic voice <3 fantastic vibes overall)
- The Sheridan Tapes (found footage horror (with very nice music and soundscaping), following a detective as he tries to piece together what happened to a missing horror writer. monster of the week type recordings mixed with what is happening 'real time' to characters. a lot of Very Good emotional moments. also very queer)
- The Mistholme Museum (monster of the week format combined with 'real time' moments too, an audio tour guide takes you on a tour of the mistholme museum's exhibits. there are canonically queer characters, though so far it is not as Queer™ as the others. set in australia)
- Kane and Feels (in the words of Soren, "can best be described as a Vibe that is really good to zone out to and just exist in (liminal space my beloved). it's done in a noir style (which is IMPECCABLE) and the main characters are an academic who studies the supernatural, and his ex cop friend who punches the supernatural when it is causing problems. other than having canonically stated queer characters there is also Very Nice queer subtext around the main characters (particularly kane). also the academic is named lucifer kane, i feel like that speaks for itself xD")
- The White Vault (this one isn't as queer sadly, (though it does have Two Gays later on) but it has the most fantastic creepy-horror vibes that kinda feel similar to tma's horror vibes, and it's fairly short and really cool! It's about a multi-national group (the cast being from those nationalities as well, it feels amazingly real in that sense <3) sent to an arctic outpost to repair a broken radio, and then a blizzard keeps them from returning and everything escalates in the most deliciously terrible way. I've binged it two or three times so far >:D It's currently on hiatus but we'll get a fifth (final?) season staring in October!)
- I can always and forever recommend Rusty Quill Gaming as a honorary mention, just because it's partially the same people and it's fantastic and even though it doesn't start out as horror, alex has been knew (that man just can't help himself from putting horror everywhere, it's GREAT). It's a very good time and has made me cry and there's a lot of content to listen to with familiar voices, and I love it a lot even though I'm usually not a ttrpg listener <3
Apart from these I've also heard that Old Gods of Appalachia is good (though I personally didn't like the vibes), I've listened to a big chunk of I Am In Eskew which had some extremely nice episodes and some I didn't vibe with quite as much (it also lacked the queer, if I remember right), and by the same people (and apparently very queer?) The Silt Verses, though I haven't listened to that yet. I think that one has a lot of body horror, from what I've seen, and an aro character, which makes me go very :hypereyes:, but yeah :)
I hope these help!
If anyone wants to add recs, please do!!
Also Soren / @followthatgoose wants to find other people to scream with about the sheridan tapes so if anyone following me has listened to that pls message them xD <3
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radiosandrecordings · 3 years
Do you have any podcast recs for shows that are shorter? (maybe ones with less than 50 episodes, or about that number anyway?)
Death by Dying is one of my all time favourites and is about an Obituary Writer in a small town called Crestfall, so if you like the Weird Town style podcasts and some absurd humour so should like it. It’s currently 5 main episodes and a few bonuses, with a second season on the way. It’s one of those ones that’s immensely funny until it’s suddenly immensely sad, told in a mix of first person narration and dialogue.
Kane and Feels is tied with it. Definitely not for everyone because it gets Quite Weird and it’s openly acknowledged that even Kane and Feels fans do not understand what happened in Kane and Feels. It’s about two paranormal detectives in London and the weird stuff they get into. Each episode is basically it’s own mini-arc. Currently at nine episodes with more potentially on the way soon (Technically two are ‘mini-sodes’ but they’re basically the same as usual). It has some of my favourite moments of soundscaping, and I hold it up as my favourite two person dynamic dialogue-wise. Also told in a mix of narration and dialogue. 
I haven’t listened to the second season of Directive because personally I felt like S1 was best stand-alone, but it’s 6 episodes and one of those ones you just wanna go into with no knowledge and listen to in one sitting 
Kaleidotrope is....... It’s not a good podcast but it’s a bit of fun if you suspend your need for quality or a coherent plot for a few episodes. It’s 10 episodes about a college radio show in a town where everyone is supposed to have a fanfic style ‘meet cute’. One radio host is incredibly into this and wants everyone to fall in love, the other is jaded and thinks it’s all fake, you see where this is going 
Time Bombs is from the W359 team but can be enjoyed without having listened to it! It’s 3 episodes about a Bomb Disposal Team working New Year’s Eve and very funny 
Everyone will recommend you Silt Verses recently but I cannot recommend it enough. Currently 8 episodes, going up to about 30 I think?  
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