#When you find out that your 'secret' relationship isn't as secret as you thought: 😬
astrologylunadream · 4 months
Is this a healthy connection? 🤔⚠️✂️ (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream🖤 This will be a more honest reading, so keep in mind the messages will be straightforward regarding your person and there might be some harsh/sensitive subjects mentioned within these piles. We will see if they are healthy for you or not, remember that you come first always.🤗 hope you find your message⭐️
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🖤
Pile 1🔗
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Pile 2🎞
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Pile 3🫙
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Pile 4🔦
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> ✂️
Pile 1🔗
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Sign energy: Despair, Pluto, Innovation, Want, Closure, 12th house, Mars, Moon, Taurus, Leo,🪝🧨🎡👈
👤Your person's energy: This is someone in a tight situation right now, like things are crazy in this connection omg. A lot of negative thoughts and feelings especially about themselves, they want to change I'm hearing. Your person may not be happy with themselves right now, feeling out of place or not good enough.😞 Prominent signs are Pisces, Aries, Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus and Leo a lot of signs in there. They want closure so maybe something happened between you guys, it could have been the truth or someone said something. For some of you this person's mother figure could be involved, or they have a tense relationship with their mother or family. Maybe their family had a problem with you.🫢💥 They have chaotic emotions and find it hard to show how they are feeling. Some of you may feel obsessed with this person I'm hearing like you're hooked on them or they are hooked on you. I feel like your person is just like going in circles, they may make the same mistakes again and again. Yeah this person really isn't happy with themselves or this connection I'm hearing it's them not you.🥺🌧 Of course your person is really attractive mostly a higher level, their aura is magnetic and deep. They are intuitive and come up with many new ideas in their head. There is a lot of confusion surrounding your person, secrets and things gone unsaid. There is so much you guys don't know about eachother and what is going on.🤯🔍👤
🤔Are they healthy for you: Universe, Kabedon, Avoidance, Food, Sadness, Leo, 8th house, North node, 4th house, Lilith,🎎📱🏎🍫 Wow okay this is a lot to take in. So your person is definitely causing some pain for the both of you, things are just so deep and intense right now. You have such an intimate connection and it's a little stressful actually very stressful. There is just such a tense energy to you guys.😬😮‍💨 I feel like... the situation they have you in is just not the best for you I'm sorry. The universe is honestly saying you may not have a future with this person, like you should avoid them. They could be kind of pushing you to a corner in some way, like they are causing you to be stuck in a situation you shouldn't be.🫸This could be a cycle like hole you've been shoved in. For some of you this person is a narcissist or have those traits, they may not realize what they're putting you through or put you through.😔 You may feel comfortable or familiar with this person but a lot of times comfort isn't the healthiest in the end change is what you need especially in this situation. You have control over yourself or just walking away if you feel the need to, of course take what resonates but I feel like you shouldn't contact this person anymore.📵❌️ Leave them on read I'm hearing, the choice is yours to decide. There is symbolism here like you know when you have that chocolate and you may want to take a bite but you know it's bad for your health, you may feel it's much easier to have the candy when you're having a tough time but it is only gonna be bad for your health. This person is like the bar of chocolate. There is a vicious cycle from this person, I feel like it's something they can't really control. I'm getting that they really want to change and feel terrible about everything, it's causing them sadness and they would want you to be set free.😓❤️‍🩹
📞Messages from your person: I went too far, Right now, I want to keep this private, I hate when they act like they own you, I want to steal your kiss. (They may feel guilty about their feelings for you as it may not be the best for you.💔) Extra cards: Tight, Obsession, Blush, Innocence, Consume (This person is really into my pile 1's even to an unhealthy extent, but I feel like they hate themselves for it. Like they really want to hold on to you but they know deep down they should let go.😢😰)
Thank you my pile 1's. If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message.🖤
I hope you this reading provided clarity on your situation ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If it did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the chain emoji~🔗 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Take care of yourself and see you in the next reading🫂
Pile 2🎞
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Sign energy: Mutable, Mind, Skill, Suspicion, Fine, 6th house, Eros, 9th house, Virgo, Jupiter,🐙🎧🪄🦀
👤Your person's energy: This is a very bright and well rounded person. They have a really attractive mind lol the way their mind works may turn you on.😳❤️‍🔥 They're good at many things, may multitask well. (Especially with the octopus symbolism) I just heard magic worker, like they may be unbelievably good at a lot of things. Signs in their chart may be Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces but a lot of Sag/Virgo energy in here. Mutable signs may be significant so think Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces. They have a lot of hobbies, try out new things often.🚀⭐️ You may have certain suspicions about them, like jumping to conclusions and stuff. There is a lot you wonder about them, but they don't mind if you're suspicious of them for whatever reason. It doesn't bother them I'm getting. They just sort of shrug their shoulders, because to them they feel like they have nothing to hide.🤔🤚 This person is pretty talented and into a lot of different things. You may learn a lot from them, probably a good teacher too. A lot goes on in their mind, so many random thoughts lol.😂🧠💡 You may feel really attracted to the way they speak, listening to them carry a conversation. They do it well too, your person is really good at handling anything that's thrown at them. Improvising is one of their specialties. They can work with anything I'm hearing, maybe they have had many different jobs? Take what resonates, they seem like the type to job hop lol. Because they like testing themselves with new things.😎💫
🤔Are they healthy for you: Capricorn, Guidance, Innovation, Work, Unafraid, Scorpio, 10th house, 11th house, 12th house, 3rd house,🩲🧐💜⛪️ Okay so your person provides a lot for you guys, like this is a very beneficial connection for my pile 2's. They help you through your fears and setbacks, you may easily discuss your career plans with them. Maybe some of you share religion with eachother.🤝 I am definitely picking up on this being a healthy and successful relationship, there is a lot to learn from this person. They communicate new ideas and ambitions with you, dreams and desires that seem out of reach will seem much more achievable with the help of this person.✨️💡 I just love the nature of this connection, it's so helpful and reliable. They will help you through tough times and things that may scare you. You will feel successful with this person. If this is a friendship it is definitely a healthy one, a wonderful companionship. You two would also make great business partners take what resonates.💼 For those that this is a romantic connection they definitely teach you a lot, intimacy may bring you a new perspective and will be very successful. I feel like you guys just work together. (maybe some of you are actual coworkers with this person haha😂) There is just so much provided with this person, a bright and uplifting relationship. They will help keep you focused on what you really want and get it. You will no longer be afraid of failure with this person, and they will help you accept it and move on to greater things.😊🏆
📞Messages from your person: Ever heard, There's people who want to hurt you, I want to be your ex, You let me, You're too pretty to be sad. (They won't have you feeling down at any point, they wanna help you pick yourself up and keep going!🌟) Extra cards: Sensitivity, Routine, Bite, Disturbance, Swim (Some spicy messages too so interpret that any way you'd like😏❤️‍🔥)
Thank you my pile 2's. If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message.🖤
I hope you this reading provided clarity on your situation ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If it did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the film emoji~🎞 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Take care of yourself and see you in the next reading🫂
Pile 3🫙
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Sign energy: Soul, Lilith, Mouth, Lose, Treasure, Earth, 5th house, Neptune, South node, Pluto,🔍🕹🏚🆕️
👤Your person's energy: This person has an attractive demeanor, I sense a lot of people are curious about them. They like to play around and have fun, indulging in some bad behavior even.🙊❗️ Prominent signs are Leo, Pisces, and Scorpio. Earth energy is present. Some of you may have a past with this person, you lost them or they lost you. Someone feels like they let go of a prize, I'm feeling regret from that person. Your person is mysterious and alluring, they have a dark soul.😈🖤 They tend to want a lot of power in relationships, they may date around or that's something they wish to do. They like finding new things to entertain themselves, taboo hobbies are possible. Indulging in spirituality or shadow work even. Your person has a magnetic presence about them, and so many charms😫❤️‍🔥 Their mouth may be a prominent feature that draws attention, you probably fantasize about it too🙈 I'm getting siren vibes from your person, they just draw you in mysteriously. Captivating looks and aura. They can be very playful and fun, they seek pleasure at all times. Definitely don't like being bored, they hate it.😂 But your person is actually really observant, they look into things. Very mindful and curious. I feel like they enjoy placing bets, maybe you lost to them at something? That could be something that happens between you two.
🤔Are they healthy for you: Valentine, Lose, Comfort zone, Care, Self reflection, Neptune, Venus, Taurus, Eros, 6th house,👿🫗🗯💔 So you may see this person through rose colored lenses instead of the full picture. You look over the realistic version of them and only see them as the old them or the version you're used to.😟🪞 I feel like this person teaches you self love in some way, maybe you had to go through a lot to finally love yourself. You are more vulnerable in the relationship, as your person has the upper hand. They may hold things over you like you owe them or guilt tripping you.🙏🥺 Yes you may feel really attracted to this person but you need to ask yourself if they are a good person or not. Think about the way they treat you or others. They may not be out for your best interest, ulterior motives may also be present.🤨 The advice is for you to let go of what you're comfortable with and shift your perspective, you may feel used to thinking they are the one and that you love them. But maybe you are making yourself believe what was only true in the past.⏳️ Everyone changes and so does this connection, your person may want to do things you aren't comfortable with and if so say no!❌️ You come first, don't let anyone push you to do things that aren't good for you. The advice is for you to focus on your well-being and self care, don't let others manipulate you with love or anything else to get their way. If you set clear boundaries you can make your relationships healthy and safe. Don't be blinded by others words that could be lies.✋️✂️ That may not be this person but other people in your life, take what resonates.
📞Messages from your person: This is all my fault, There's distance between us, Close your eyes, I know you, Keep going. (Your person wants you to stay strong, and find worth and respect in yourself because you don't deserve to be treated unkindly💓) Extra cards: Meant to be, Aura, Consume, Warm, Play
Thank you my pile 3's. If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message.🖤
I hope you this reading provided clarity on your situation ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If it did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the empty jar emoji~🫙 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Take care of yourself and see you in the next reading🫂
Pile 4🔦
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Sign energy: Play, Defensive, Pluto, 7th house, Community, 8th house, 5th house, Mercury, Air, 6th house,🍓🗞🍑👆
👤Your person's energy: Lol so the first thing that came up is that your person is more plump, they may get a lot of attention to their behind😂 Main energies are Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Gemini, and Leo. People talk and think about this person a lot, they may have a crucial role in their circle of people. They contribute a lot I'm hearing, so much news I'm hearing "talk of the town". For some of you this person made the news take what resonates. I feel like this person is good at acting maybe it's their calling.🎭✨️ They may have a sweet smell to them, and often wear a nice perfume/cologne. People may talk behind their backs a lot, so they have their guard up. Your person may be more closed off or defensive, they don't want to openly trust those who could be out to get them. They may have a nice behind or that's something attractive about them😂😂 If they're working I feel like their coworkers are on the toxic side tbh. They are all up in everyone's gossip, some people talking really good about them and others talking trash😱 But I feel like they've been really sweet to some of you guys, take what resonates. They're a very attractive person overall people may secretly be kinda obsessed with them🫢 A lot of people are actually romantically interested in this person but like I feel like they hide it. Your person is good at coming up with solutions and ideas, very helpful I'm hearing.
🤔Are they healthy for you: Cutie, Control freak, Shoes, Universe, Reckless, Neptune, 8th house, Earth, Moon, 12th house,👨‍🍳🩻🪫🫰 So your person is a little clingy in some way, maybe they tend to depend on you with things. I feel like pile 4 is smart though like you see through this person and their intentions, you may be seeing a power struggle between the two of you. There is a lot of daydreaming and avoidance of reality in this connection, omg for some of you this person has a problem with substance abuse only some!!😭 I'm seeing ways to detach themselves so any kind of coping for that, escapism may be an issue here in the relationship.💭 To you this person may feel very distant right now, like physical/emotional distance take what resonates for you, something feels out of touch. Like it feels like there's nothing you can do, you feel helpless in this connection.😞🔧Also this person drains a lot of your energy and emotions that is a message the universe wants you to be aware of. Now your person definitely has some unhealthy fantasies that they shouldn't act on, it feels like the relationship itself isn't necessarily unhealthy but rather the desires for it are unhealthy. Soo your person is a little bit of a freak😂 They may want to do a lot of bad things with you even hurtful to themselves or you. Just be careful that you or your person aren't going off the deep end with the intimate side of things.🔪👿😬 I can see that going to a dark place if they don't get control of their wild fantasies. Yeah so your person takes a lot from you mentally, emotionally even physically for some of you. This connection is a very draining one and it takes a lot from both of you. Maybe that is the unhealthy part is how consuming this connection can be for you two. I get the vibe you both are still young and reckless in some way, and if this relationship is a mature one and both parties are responsible it can definitely be a healthy one.🤗💌
📞Messages from your person: Don't be sad, I was wrong, You might get scared, Something is pulling us together, Tell me what's bothering you. (Yeah okay so you may be shocked with how much of a freak your person is lol maybe you've seen this side of them but like it is intense wtf🤯) Extra cards: Achievement, Read, Body, Music, Tea (I am getting a sense that this person does really care about you tho. There is a deep desire to be with you guys my pile 4's, I think they're willing to work on themselves and this connection for that♡)
Thank you my pile 4's. If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message.🖤
I hope you this reading provided clarity on your situation ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If it did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the flashlight emoji~🔦 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! Take care of yourself and see you in the next reading🫂
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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vex91 · 11 months
Shon Seungwan - A secret
Pairing: Shon Seungwan x Female Reader
Fandom: Red Velvet
Summary: You are Joohyun's little sister who is really close with all Red Velvet's members, especially Seungwan with who you are in even more close relationship.
A/N: I'm so down bad for Wendy, it's not even a joke anymore like-😬
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3rd's POV
Being pressed up against Seungwan in her closet wasn't a situation you thought that you would be when you came to Red Velvet's dorm.
Your girlfriend told you that all her members are going to be out and she's going to be the only one home. That's why you both decided to finally spend some time together after not seeing each other for months since Red Velvet were on a tour and came back a few days ago.
You and Seungwan were dating for 4 months now. You met through your older sister, Joohyun who introduced you to her members with hope that you get close with them and well you got close with them all, especially Seungwan.
You both decided to keep it a secret for 2 reasons. One, you wanted to make sure that it's a serious relationship that wouldn't end after 2 weeks and two, you didn't knew how your protective sister will react.
That's why you only showed each other affection when you were alone, just like today.
But it seemed like the girls decided to come back earlier since they were already home. And it seemed like they were looking for something in the room that you were hiding in.
"Ugh, where did Seungwan put that remote" Sooyoung grumbled while searching around the room. You lightly glared at your girlfriend for forgetting to put the remote back since then the girls wouldn't be here and you would be able to get out of the closet and put on your clothes that you took off during your intense and hot make out.
Finally they found the remote and were about to leave until Joohyun saw something.
"Hm? Isn't that Y/N's shirt?" Your eyes widen at that and you saw that Seungwan's did too. "You sure?" Seulgi asked and Joohyun nodded. "Maybe she left it here the last time she was here or Seungwan borrowed it from her" Yerim suggested and the rest of the girls nodded, feeling convinced that it may be it. The only one who was still a little suspicious was your sister.
Fortunately the girls left the room not long after.
You and your girlfriend walked out of the closet and she quickly ran to the door to lock it. "T-That was... close" She mumbled and you agreed.
"Good thing that they didn't saw your shirt because it would be too suspicious to ignore" You pointed at her shirt and she went to grab it. You both put on your clothes and quietly left the room. You slowly and carefully went to the front door and left the dorms.
After waiting for a few minutes you both entered while acting like you just came back from a walk.
"Hey guys" You greeted them when you walked into the living room, earning a greeting back. They all turned around and Joohyun eyed you carefully, making you gulp. She was smelling something's off and you didn't liked that one bit. "Where were you?" Joohyun asked you and you quickly answered "On a walk with Seungwan. Why do you ask?"
"Well because the shirt that you're wearing was in her room not that long ago" You and your girlfriend both froze, realizing that she was right. How could you made such a stupid mistake?
You tried to find words to explain it until you heard her sigh and place her hand on your shoulder. You looked up to meet her soft gaze "You don't have to say it now but know that you can come to me when you're ready to tell me the truth. I won't be mad" She said and started walking to the kitchen with other girls but before Joohyun disappeared she added "Plus I think Seungwan is a good choice"
You and your girlfriend both blushed at that before she chuckled and back hugged you tightly while you wanted to disappear from the Earth. But you still were happy that your sister accepted your relationship even if you didn't told her about it yet.
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lilithbasically · 3 years
Pt. 4
(Bakugo x Reader)
Warnings: Just cussing, bit of angst, bit of fluff
< Prev. | Pt. 4 | Next >
Never one to miss an opportunity to sleep in, you woke up around 9:30 Sunday morning. Anxiety and excitement coursing through you about your lunch with Shoto, you were quick to eat a light breakfast and get ready. While you waited for your bus, you texted Layla to let her know you would be in after lunch. Still looking at your phone, you got on the bus and got a text. When you opened it, you saw a picture of you, waiting at the bus stop.
Pissy Pomeranian
11:15 AM
> Attch: 1
> So are you a closet goth or some shit?
What the actual fuck lol <
If it was anyone but you, I'd be hella creeped out. <
Also not really a secret my guy. I thought it was obvious😗 <
Do I look bad? 😬 <
11:25 AM
> Nah. I like it. Fits you.
> See you later today?
Thank you 🥺 and def <
Okay he's acting cute as fuck today.
You locked your phone as you stepped off the bus. The cafe was right next to the bus station and you saw Shoto right away thanks to his unmistakable red and white split hair.
"Y/N, hi. It's nice to see you. Shall we?" Shoto asked.
"Oh, yeah, of course, Shoto. It's nice to see you too!"
Shoto led you to an outside table and pulled your chair out for you. Of course, you caught several people staring, stealing glances, and sneaking pictures. After the waiter took your drink orders, you noticed people still staring. You turned to Shoto and asked, "Hey, um...is this okay? You know the staring and pictures?"
He chuckled and said, "I'm used to it. I didn't consider the fact you may be uncomfortable with it though, I do apologize. We can leave if you'd like."
"No, Shoto! I don't really care, honestly. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it." He hummed in response and you found yourself in comfortable silence. After a few minutes, you looked to Shoto and found his eyes already locked on you. You simply cocked an eyebrow and gave him a small smile.
"I'm sorry, I know it's rude to stare. You're just exceptionally beautiful, Y/N," he said. While making unwavering eye contact, mind you. And you could do nothing but blush and try to hide it behind your hands.
"Ahh, Shoto, thank you but there's no need to lie," you giggled.
"Oh, I don't waste time with lies. I very much meant it," Shoto replied.
"Okay not to be weird or anything but have you seen yourself? You're one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen in my goddamn life. No joke." Shoto laughed and assured you he didn't think it was weird.
You both asked and answered questions back and forth over your meals and found a pleasant friendship forming. As your lunch ended, you found yourself incredibly anxious and not wanting to waste any more time; you finally said, "Hey, Shoto, I do very much value you as a friend but someone put a thought into my head that I need to get out. This isn't a date, right? Before you answer, please let me clarify. My last relationship was absolutely horrible and I'm just not in the right headspace for dating right now. It's...difficult to explain, but I hope you understand and don't hate me for it?"
Shoto looked at you with a small smile for a moment before saying, "This is just a friendly, platonic lunch. However, make no mistake, I would love to go on an official date with you in the future. If that's how life plays out, I surely won't complain. If you find someone else before then, I'd love to stay friends. You're interesting and nothing short of lovely. I'd hate to lose that regardless."
*Bakugo POV*
Is that...is that Y/N?? Holy fuckin shit I could die. Why does she look so damn good? Is she doing that for the half n' half asshole? Wait. She was dressed like that when she went out with Deku too. I gotta know though. Oh shit. I didn't think sending her a pic would be creepy as hell what the fuck is wrong with me???
Oh, she doesn't think it's creepy. Okay uhhh...fucking hello? Brain? Come up with something?? PLEASE??? Compliment her, dumbass. You're trying to make your move, right? Make sure you'll see her later too. When did you get this dumb about women? Okay full disclosure, not women. Just this one woman. I'm rambling. I'm rambling in my own goddamn head. Oh my god.
Bakugo was relieved you'd be coming in but that also meant he would be with Deku AND Kirishima for half a day since they both had the day off and they weren't volunteering at their own places. Finishing his patrol and leaving his agency, Bakugo decided to do something a bit uncharacteristic. He was going to get you a gift. True, he hadn't really given himself a lot of opportunities to get to know you or your favorite things, but he had always been a very observant person. Not many people realized this, but Bakugo didn't talk much because he wanted to listen to those around him. Doing this let him learn almost all of your favorite things by listening to your conversations with Layla and Deku. However, as important as that information was, Bakugo wanted this gift to be bigger. He wanted his interest and affection to be voiced. Since he didn't gift anyone anything often, this was already a huge deal. But, he wanted you to know how important you were becoming to him.
Seeing Deku and Kirishima waiting outside, Bakugo rolled his eyes and groaned, but knew this would be a good opportunity to bounce his ideas off the pair so he sucked it up. As the trio started walking to a restaurant for lunch, Bakugo asked, "Oi, Deku, what would PITA enjoy more; a trip to a museum or one of those botanical butterfly garden things?"
"Oh, um, probably the garden. When her grandmother was alive, she used to keep a ton of flowers and plants in their backyard. Shit, it was basically their own mini botanical garden. They even planted specific things to make sure the butterflies would hoard there during migration. Her and her grandmother were really close so it may be a bit emotional for her, but she'd love it regardless, why, Kacchan?" Deku asked.
"Obviously I wanna take her there, dumbass."
"So manly, bro. I'm glad you finally stopped being an idiot about your feelings. But why do you call her PITA?" Kirishima asked.
Bakugo chuckled and with a slight smile said, "First, shut up, shitty hair. Second, because she's a pain in the ass."
Kirishima and Deku exchanged glances, both noticing the small smile on their friend's usually scowling face. Neither daring to say anything to the blonde, they simply enjoyed lunch and went their separate ways.
Walking to the shelter, Bakugo's thoughts were rife with worry that you wouldn't accept his offer.
Ah, fuck. I didn't even think about her not wanting to go with me. Not like I've given her many reasons to want to. Shit. Shit shit shit shit.
Reading his childhood friend's inner conflict with ease, Deku tried to reassure Bakugo.
"Kacchan, you know she likes you right? She's not obvious about it but she has reasons for that. I think your idea is perfect and I'm actually impressed you thought of such good date ideas. I mean, since you haven't known her that long. Seriously, don't worry. She'll be happy to go with you," Deku said.
"I'm not a fuckin idiot, Deku. And I'm not fuckin worried."
"Oooookay, Kacchan," Deku said sarcastically. As the pair walked through the shelter doors, he could have sworn he heard Bakugo mumble the quietest and rarest thank you.
I just thanked Deku. Oh my god, this woman has done something to me.
Deciding to pass the time until you arrive, Bakugo and Deku took Abyss and Daybreak to the play area. It had been about 20 minutes before Bakugo heard a giggle that made his skin flush and his body shiver.
"Oi, the fuck you laughin at, PITA?"
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hi hello foxy!! This is super late but I after like 5 read throughs of the last chapter of flux I have so many thoughts and I wanted to send them before u posted the next chapter!! I think what stands out to me the most right now is how much JK is hiding/messing up while also doing incredible well at taking care of Sasha. Like he’s had so many good boyfriend moments in the past couple chapters (helping with panic attacks, I love you so I stay, I’ll say for me you say for you, etc.) but also …
…he’s made so many mistakes (that he’s kept hidden)!! Like I’m shook that he still hasn’t told her about his time during the break (and I already mentioned how he keep saying he knows she hates secrets while keeping a big one) but also last chapter when he was telling his hyungs all that stuff about Sasha like 😬😬😬 AND THEN he sees her and Michelle fighting because Michelle was dumb & told someone things Sasha had told her in confidence and he thinks oh oops 🤦🏾‍♀️ BUT DOESNT SAY ANYTHING grr
Tbh I feel like JK may be using Sasha fragility as a way to escape having to have tough conversations/face some of the things he did and I’m not looking forward to the eventual explosion 💥. Also Michelle and Joon?!? who would’ve thought. OH also I know a lot of people think the hyungs were out of line (and they were!!) but I’m also not surprised. If my friend got their heart brutally broken, spiral and then get back with the person who did the heart breaking I would be very 🤨🤨🤨 as well - 🛸
oh and one final thing!! I don’t agree what JK did during his break isnt relevant to his relationship with Sasha esp because he’s still interacting with someone he slept with on a daily basis at work. I feel like with how jealous Sasha is and how fragile she feels right now that’s going to go over like a lead balloon when she finds out - 🛸 oh ps the last like 3 were from me but I think I forgot to sign the first two (pps sorry if my rambles don’t make sense!! It’s late & I am sleepy sleepy😴)
Your commentsa ll make sense to me despite the late hour! You are very much not alone in this take on things. You know me, I love to write complicated situations where there isn't an easy "you're the bad guy and she's the good guy" takeaway. I especially love "people's intentions are good but they fuck up the delivery" because i think that is a lot of human interaction.
It's interesting to me to read too the disagreement in the readers about whether the hyungs are overstepping/infantalizing or have a justified reason to be worried and insert themselves.
If Jungkook and Sasha were both all grown up after one month apart, there wouldn't be five books in this series 😂They definitely both have some mistakes ahead of them!
Hope you like the new chapter once it's up!
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