#What is Rosh Chodesh
yhebrew · 10 months
Maui Tragedy 22 av - 8.9.23 - 2nd Fire IN 10 YEARS
Who is the Remnant to be saved into eternity? Maui gods. Have they blessed the nations of the world. Should they be restored?
What Is The Remnant? The Remnant will remember the dark nights of Rosh Chodesh! I bear my soul in this article of seeing God real in human tragedy. I write this on August 13 2023, my mother’s 95th birthday if she were alive. Our parents raised six children in what they thought was a safe Midwest small town. Turns out pedophiles ruined many lives then and still now. I lived amongst all that sin…
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24 December 2022 - 30 Kislev 5783
Today is Shabbat! Shabbat shalom!
Today is also the sixth day of Chanukah!
Today is also also the Rosh Chodesh Tevet- the beginning of the month of Tevet!
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seven-saffodils · 1 year
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magnetothemagnificent · 2 months
A cool Dvar Torah I read:
Parshat HaChodesh, the New Moon, and Eclipses!
This Shabbat we read a special section from the Torah called Parshat Hachodesh. It is the story of the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh, that we track, observe and celebrate the new moon each and every month. Since the day that G-d commanded Moshe regarding this Mitzvah, two weeks before the grand Exodus from Egyptian slavery, we have kept a close eye on the moon, looking out for that celestial monthly moment of rebirth that G-d showed Moshe that early evening in Egypt. In the Torah, our holidays - Passover, Sukkot, Yom Kippur etc. - are prescribed to happen on a certain day following the new moon: "the fifteenth day after the new moon", "the tenth day after the new moon" and so on. Meaning, that if we wish to celebrate these festivals, we need to keep track of the lunar cycle, even if no one else on Earth gives it a second thought. Along the way, the Jewish people have come to identify with the moon. We can empathize with the moon's ups and downs, so similar to our own history. One moment we're shining bright, the next moment we're so oppressed and persecuted that casual observers have often written us off, predicting our extinction, G-d forbid. And yet the next moment, to their disbelief, we're back, reborn out of the darkness, and growing stronger every day. It's notable that G-d interrupted the flow of events leading up to the Exodus to tell Moshe about Rosh Chodesh. Not only because it seems to be unrelated to what was happening then, but also because by giving that Mitzvah right then, it meant that it would given in Egypt, the darkest spiritual locale in the world. G-d could have waited a couple of weeks until we were out of that spiritual wasteland and told us about Rosh Chodesh in the desert. Why the rush? * Everyone's talking about the eclipse happening Monday afternoon - The Great North American Eclipse. It's a major event that will have millions of people looking up to the Heavens, an event that will not happen again in the USA until 2044. Now, solar eclipses only happen around the new moon. Monday night and Tuesday, Jews will observe Rosh Chodesh. And not just any Rosh Chodesh, but the annual Rosh Chodesh of all Rosh Chodeshes - the first Rosh Chodesh of the year. This means that Monday is the day before rebirth, the day when the moon is at its very lowest, darkest point, the moment that symbolizes the most difficult, challenging times of the Jewish People. And so it turns out that precisely in its smallest, weakest moment, the moon looms largest: it can even eclipse the mighty light of the sun. Is this not our story exactly? Is this not precisely why G-d told this to Moshe in Egypt, in our place of misery and suffering? During the last new moon of our centuries-long sojourn in Egypt, G-d shows Moshe the truth about the miracle of Jewish rebirth and eternity. In the place of our pain, before the redemption, in the midst of the uncertainty, G-d stops everything and tells us to look up at the moon, see our story in the moon's story, and discover in the moon a solid friend, an eternal gentle reminder that it will be okay, that no matter what, Am Yisrael Chai forever. And better yet, as Monday's eclipse shows, our darkest moments are when we shine brightest and loom largest, as we begin the great turnaround, the journey from darkness to light. This Monday will be the 3,336th anniversary of the day G-d showed Moshe the moon. How perfect. During these painful days of antisemitism, the sun, 400 times bigger than the moon, is eclipsed by it. Far from tottering or faltering, the Jewish People are stronger than ever. Precisely when casual observers report us missing, that's when we shine. L'Chaim, brothers and sisters. Our best days lay just ahead. So in the words of the Lecha Dodi which we'll all be singing in just a few hours: "Wake up, wake up! Your light is coming, rise and shine! Time to wake up and say your song, because G-d's glory is revealed upon you."
by Rabbi Eli Friedman, Chabad Calabasas CA
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garlic-and-cloves · 4 months
I love that since I started paying more attention to the Jewish calendars and marking each Rosh Chodesh I always know what phase of the moon we're in
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kimchicuddles · 25 days
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tiferet b'tiferet, for my mishpocha who are counting with me… Thank you so much for supporting my work! patreon.com/kimchicuddles
The Omer is counted every nightfall starting the 2nd night of Passover until the night before Shavuot (marking when we received the Torah). This yearly cycle of counting lasts 49 days and every nightfall has its own opportunity for reflection. Each of the 7 weeks has its own focus and each of the 7 days within each week has its own focus within that focus. During Sefirat Ha'Omer, we are invited on a mystical journey, a journey that spirals us deeper and deeper into discovering what exists within our psyches and souls…text reads:
Tiferet b'tiferet... Beauty and harmony within beauty and harmony.
I started keeping track of the cycle of the moon so that I can go to the mikveh on Rosh Chodesh.
Rosh chodesh is the new moon, which is when the new month begins on the Hebrew calendar.
Being linked to this cycle gives me a feeling of alignment within myself and the world.
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girlactionfigure · 11 months
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18 Tamuz - Moshe’s Second Ascent - 1313 BCE
On this day in the year 1313 BCE Moshe ascended Mt. Sinai for the second time. In the aftermath of the Golden Calf, Moshe ground the idol into a powder, added it to water, and had the people drink. In the morning, all of those who had participated were found dead. The number totaled 3,000. 
Moshe then returned to the mountain to plead with the Almighty on behalf of the Jewish people that He should give them another chance. After 40 days of debate, Moshe returned to tell the people that the Almighty would not abandon them. This was the last day of the month of Av. Moshe then ascended for the third time on Rosh Chodesh Elul. This time to receive the second set of tablets and to relearn the entire Torah for the Almighty. When he would return to the people on what would become Yom Kippur, they knew that they had been forgiven for the Golden Calf, and Yom Kippur was established as the Day of Atonement. 
Rabbi Pinchas L. Landis
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Jewish Holiday Tournament
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Jumbr, it's time to decide which holiday has what it takes to win!
Round 1 will be posted tonight or tomorrow. The matchups are as follows:
Purim vs. Yom Yerushalayim
Tu Bishvat vs. Shemini Atzeret
Seharane vs. 17 Tammuz
Hoshanah Rabba vs. Fast of the Firstborn
Sukkot vs. Yom HaZikaron
Rosh Chodesh vs. Tisha b'Av
Yom Kippur vs. Lag BaOmer
Mimouna vs. Pesach Sheini
Pesach vs. Yom HaShoah
Shavuot vs. 1 Elul
Shabbat vs. Purim Katan
Tu b'Av vs. Chag HaBanot
Chanukah vs. Yom HaAtzmaut
Sigd vs. 10 Tevet
Simchat Torah vs. Fast of Esther
Rosh Hashanah vs. Shushan Purim
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jinglejanglemornings · 4 months
tagged by @joanieebaez thank you!!!!
last song you heard: romulus by sufjan stevens
favorite color: red!!
what show/series did you last watch: i'm relatively sure that it was red band society... that's been my comfort show since high school 😂
spicy sweet or savory: sweet!!!
relationship status: single and NOT ready to mingle but kind of hopelessly crushing on my friend :)
last thing you googled: blue swirly candy images... all my playlists have candy for the covers and i was looking for a good picture
current obsession: been very into jeff buckley lately
last book you read: almost done with tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by gabrielle zevin... to be honest it's NOT good but it was a very easy read which is kinda what i was looking for
something you're looking forward to: ooooh well... truth be told... i'm looking forward to being able to legally buy myself weed in like a week 😂 um but also looking forward to seeing my friend this week... looking forward to rosh chodesh adar, i know calendars are arbitrary but i'm increasing my joy if i have to drag myself kicking and screaming
mmm i'll tag @youngtambling @chicken-delight @mascgf @alamedamp3 and literally anyone else who wants to??? no pressure or anything etc
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
“When Adar enters, joy increases” - Talmud
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Chodesh Tov (Happy New Month)! Today is Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the Hebrew month of Adar. According to the rabbis of the Talmud, Adar is a month of miracles. It is a particularly propitious time for the Jewish people. The month begins with a spirited Hallel - songs of thanks and praise - and gets more joyous by the day, reaching maximum merriment on the 14th of the month, the holiday of Purim.
Why does the jubilance of Purim extend to the rest of the month? Other Jewish holidays don’t influence an entire month. To understand this four weeks of joy, let's examine what Purim is all about. The holiday commemorates the Jews’ victory over Haman, the dastardly consigliere of the Persian king, who tried to exterminate the Jews 2500 years ago. As described in the Book of Esther, the Jewish Queen of Persia and her relative Mordechai saved their people and foiled Haman’s evil plan.
At the time of the Purim story, the Jews were in exile after enjoying hundreds of years of freedom in their own land. The Holy Temple - God’s resting place on earth - had been destroyed and Jewish morale was low. Taking advantage of their perceived weakness, Haman, the archetype of Jew haters throughout history, planned a “final solution” to finish the Jews off once and for all. His only question was, when to do it? Using a superstitious lottery system, Haman determined that Adar was the most inauspicious month for the Jews, so he scheduled his genocide for Adar. But the joke was on Haman; he was defeated in spectacular fashion and the Jews triumphed, showing that even at our lowest, God is with us and performing miracles. Haman foolishly believed there was a month when the Jews were weak. He didn’t understand the strength of our eternal bond with the Holy One. Staying happy for the entire month of Adar - not an easy feat! - demonstrates our faith in God and proves Haman (and those like him) wrong.
May you have a happy, silly, yummy, meaningful and musical month of Adar!
Accidental Talmudist
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longeyelashedtragedy · 8 months
wish bereshit weren't today's parsha...like. God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. what is there even to say as a Community Leader. why is it rosh chodesh, the new month...i don't want to add fuel to anyone's fire, i don't want to say anything cheesy or faux-inspirational bc what the fuck inspiration can be taken from all this. i just want to be with my community, as i discussed in my insta story a few days ago. but maybe there's a power and honesty in a Leader not having anything to say yknow? idk...my heart is just truly broken at this point
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avoidingdestiny · 11 months
Marketing department outing today at a baseball game. Off work at 11:30 but get paid through the rest of the day, free lunch at the stadium, fun stuff like that. I can’t go because it’s Rosh Chodesh Av, so I have to just be at work while almost everyone else is having fun. A bummer, but I can read Animorphs at my desk I guess.
What makes it more annoying is the designers are forced to miss the outing to make a deadline, and the other proofer (whom I don’t like) volunteered to stay back from the game explicitly to help them. To make it fairer, the head designer brought in pizza so they can have a free lunch too. But no one invited me and I couldn’t even find them, so I’m just by myself feeling left out.
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brightgnosis · 9 months
It's going to be a bit before it actually happens because I need to ease myself into Shabbat. But I think after I really get into a routine with Shabbat, and get into something that I'm comfortable with ... I want to start forming a personal celebration for Rosh Chodesh, and performing Kiddush Levana next.
In thinking of what I'd want that to look like for me, I know I definitely don't want to do the whole thing- at least not at first; like Shabbat, it's something that I definitely feel, as a personal observance, should be eased into. So slow and steady, definitely, and without being too worried about all of the traditional observances, prayers, and laws (and then easing into them over time- especially as I have access to a Synagogue regularly; if we ever actually wind up moving to an area that's possible for us).
Kiddush Levana can't technically be performed until the 3rd day of the month, but I think I'd like to ignore that? It seems right to welcome the month by the moon and sanctify the moon at the same time to me. Especially since Birkat HaLevana is also technically a thing as well?
(Unless those are different words for the same thing. It's difficult to tell, honestly; regardless, there's still some debate about when you can recite Kiddush Levana anyways).
I think I'll definitely include the traditional Birkat ha-chodesh and Psalms 104 and Psalm 148 (obviously). But I saw someone who buys a new vase of flowers for the Full Moon each month, and someone else who said they write love letters to the moon, and I really like both of those ideas as First-of-the-(Jewish) Month practices? I'd definitely like to make that a thing for me.
It's also a modern "Women's Holiday" where they get the day off of housework; the justification for this is usually tied back in to the story of the Golden Calf, when Women refused to give up their adornment for its creation (the same reason Women are considered more spiritual, and why they're encouraged to "Adorn themselves"- two things I've spoken about before that mean a lot to me). The abstainment from work fits in nicely as an extension of my Esbat practices, so I think I'd include that. But I think I'd also like to include taking extra care in my appearance on that day, as well, and dressing up more nicely. I don't think I'd do anything nicer for dinner, though.
Kind of ... Treat it like both a smaller type of Shabbat, and an extension / extra day of my Esbat; a two-in-one. Especially since there's a lot of overlap between the three of them ... We'll see, though. It's a long way off still. I'm not even going to try my hand at starting Shabbat observances until after the High Holy Days are over, ha. It's just too much, otherwise.
This account is run by a Dual Faith «(Converting) Masorti Jew + Traditional NeoWiccan» & «Ancestral Folk Magic Practitioner» with 20+ years of experience as a practicing Pagan and Witch. If that bothers you, don't interact.
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shainachantake2 · 2 years
Anyway, in other news or not news, the 3 weeks have once again snuck up on me. And I just realised that all those prohibitions for redoing your house that we skipped over every year are super relevant this year. 😌 Also, we have to delay the move-in till rosh chodesh Elul.
Secondly, the thing against getting medical procedures has also thrown a span in the works. I will be 14 weeks IYH before Tisha b'av, and this means both my booking appointment and my 12 week scan are scheduled during the 3 weeks! I had to figure out what exactly we should do, as per the rav who said to avoid any medically unnecessary tests. So the current plan is to go to the booking appointment as normal so that I'm "in the system", take the haemoglobin blood test to see how I'm doing and the infectious diseases blood tests because otherwise we're being quarantined basically (never mind we just got all those checked before IVF 🙃). Avoiding the antibodies and blood disorders ones if they're even offered as it's not my first time.
The ultrasound is trickier - they would do the NT measurements then. Also they want to do dating at that point. Dating is not important as I know the age of my embryos super well, haha. Decided against the NT simply because most of those things will also be examined at the 20 weeks one (as long as that one doesn't get scheduled during the freaking yomim noraim!!!!! Uggghhh), so I guess we'll just push that off till after 14 weeks! Not a fan I won't have any idea how my pregnancy is going until then, though 😢 Guess I gotta have more bitachon that things are going well.
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dfroza · 2 years
A new november moon
(A beautiful mystery)
The next moon phase milestone will be the New Moon, which will occur on Nov. 23, at 5:57 p.m. EST (2257 GMT).
The new moon is the so-called "invisible phase of the moon," according to NASA because the illuminated side of the moon is facing away from Earth, toward the sun. The moon is also in the sky during the day, and without its Earth-facing side illuminated by the sun, observers can't really see it.
A new moon points to beginning (inside, Anew) in the rebirth of the heart (spirit) as the place of conception (the instrumental womb)
knowing the rebirth of the Son in (A new covenant of grace) promises rebirth of the body, now physical and temporal, to be made eternal
and the promise of earth’s rebirth in (Anew, genesis)
for the moon simply mirrors the Light of the sun (in humility) just as we do from the heart (holding the invisible and silent Spirit in the inner room becoming a part of our thought-lives, the inner voice)
giving expression on earth through writing and speaking and doing (initiated by Love) as the acts of the Body as we are each made of (silence & sound)
and it truly matters what we come to “believe…” in the heart and speak since each of our lives are being documented in a book contained in a heavenly Library
do you see the significance of this?
what we are carrying in the Temple is the most precious message in all of earth, greater than any work of fiction.
(to be sure)
Are you brave enough to carry this within you? to guard the space of the heart and the pure genesis of grace that is unadulterated by man?
the seed of the Church is pure in heart even though people have marred its image over History.
A post by John Parsons that points to the new Hebraic month of Kislev:
This evening at sundown marks "Rosh Chodesh Kislev" (which occurs for two days this year, including Thanksgiving Day). On the Biblical calendar the month of Kislev (כִּסְלֵו) is the ninth of the year (counting from Nisan), and it is also one of the "darkest," with the days progressively getting shorter and the nights getting progressively longer. Kislev is perhaps best known for the eight day holiday of Chanukah (חג החנוכה) which begins on the 25th of the month (Sun. Dec. 18th) and runs through the third day of the following month (of Tevet). Since there is always a new moon during the season of Chanukah, it is no wonder that this holiday represents an appropriate time to kindle the lights of faith, and especially to recall the advent of Yeshua the Messiah, the Light of the World (אוֹר הָעוֹלָם).
Chodesh Kislev is sometimes called the “month of dreams” because the weekly Torah portions for this month contain more dreams than any other in the Scriptures. No less than nine dreams (of the ten in the Torah) appear in the four portions of Vayetzei, Vayishlach, Vayeshev, and Miketz - all of which are usually read during the month of Kislev. In the Torah, the primary figure connected with dreams is Jacob’s son Joseph, who was nicknamed by his brothers as "that dreamer" and who was later named "Decipherer of Secrets" (Tzofnat Paneach) by Pharaoh (Gen. 41:45). Joseph was able to authentically mediate the spiritual and the physical realms through the Spirit of God within him (Gen. 41:38). Prophetically Joseph represents Yeshua the “disguised Egyptian” who likewise was rejected and hated by his brothers but who later became their savior (for more see “Mashiach ben Yosef”). [Hebrew for Christians]
Psalm 104:19 Hebrew reading:
Hebrew page:
More on the month of Kislev:
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­11.23.22 • Facebook
the discovery of gold in earth can spark a gold rush, but are people willing to seek (to “unearth”) the True and purest gold through the heart being “refined” in Light?
this is how we mine the eternal words conserved for us to see clear as daughters & sons of our beautiful mysterious Creator
we have to see that the pride and vengeance of man that has stained earth’s History will at some point be fully cleansed. the peace will be restored (there will be recompense) to start new after all the wars of mankind, healing the curse of sin and death that now exists in this world.
Love will rule in perfect Justice.
for those who fail to see that we have an eternal King, there is no Light at all. people who make themselves into their own “god” will not last forever.
but Love never ends…
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Do jews pray to the moon on Rosh Chodesh or honor the moon?
Jews don’t pray to anyone or anything except Hashem. Monotheism is THE most fundamental principle of Judaism.
Rosh Chodesh is important because Hashem told us that it’s how we determine the start of a new month, not because the moon has any kind of power. It does what it does because Hashem made it that way and it doesn’t have free will. What’s to honor?
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