#Water temperature
whydidoth · 1 year
Absolute pettiest reason for why I have to stop reading a book is because the main character is supposed to be really good at brewing teas which, aside from them only being described as brewing herbal teas (which are not technically tea but I am willing to overlook) the teas that get described just sound awful. Like huh?! You're brewing a citrus base herbal for only four minutes (not long enough for full bodied flavor) but you're also adding a tbsp honey (this will totally overshadow the weak ass tea base) but also milk (will also completely hide the tea flavor and the little bit of citrus that does come through will be awful because CITRUS and MILK)?!?!?!??!?!
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oaresearchpaper · 2 months
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zarawest · 3 months
Making Hypothermia Real
When writing a challenging character experience that I have not had directly, I always start with my personal experience, then I consult the facts, and last, I try to talk to someone who has experienced it. Being Cold I have never had hypothermia, thank heavens, but I have been very cold. I farmed for years in the North. We had four hundred sheep and thirty goats that needed care no matter the…
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lilybrown127 · 5 months
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Temperature of Water Maybe Damaging your hair and scalp!
🚿Even though we often ignore it, the temperature of the water you use to shower may significantly influence the condition of your hair and scalp.
However, there isn't a single perfect shower temperature. The kind of hair you have, what it requires, and how healthy your hair is will all influence your ideal water temperature. ☺️
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Doing personal care tasks is a part of every person’s activities of daily living. Observing proper hygiene is essential in grooming and in protecting wellness. By doing so, people are less likely to experience health problems and seek home care services in Peoria, Arizona. Most people can do these tasks effortlessly while the rest struggle a little more. This is evident among those who have frail conditions
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breezingby · 8 months
Dermatologists say skin health and hygiene depend much more on how, not when, you’re showering.
~ Temperature, shower length matter ~
"Because the body naturally begins to cool down as it approaches bedtime, this may help you fall asleep, she said." . . . Maybe for Normal people, but I must not be Normal !!!
~ Pick body-friendly products ~
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rodspurethoughts · 10 months
Adapting to Water Temperature Changes: The Smart "Coat" of Yangtze Finless Porpoise
Credit: Water Biology and SecurityFigure 2« Adapting to Water Temperature Changes: The Smart “Coat” of Yangtze Finless Porpoise Newswise — In a study using B-mode ultrasound imaging, a team of researchers in China monitored the blubber thickness in Yangtze finless porpoises (YFPs) over different seasons. They made a fascinating discovery – the thickness of the blubber changes with the water…
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the1beardedgent · 11 months
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unsupervisedweirdo · 1 year
I had a random thought today about water and how some people likes it to drink it at different temperatures sooo
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Which is healthier, drinking plain water for a long time or drinking tea for a long time?
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Which is healthier, drinking plain water for a long time or drinking tea for a long time?
Water is the 'source of life'. Once the human body lacks water, various parts of the body may stop functioning properly. Blood flow decreases, oxygen supply is insufficient, nerve function weakens, skin becomes fragile, metabolism slows down, and the body's operation is hindered, which can lead to abnormal organ function. Therefore, many people pay great attention to hydration, especially middle-aged and elderly people who like to carry water bottles wherever they go.
As many people's favorite drinks, plain water and tea have sparked controversy over "which is healthier?":
◎Some people think that plain water is one of the simplest and healthiest drinking water;
◎Others believe that tea can provide a variety of nutrients and is better for health~
So, who is better in the end? Today, let's explore it together~
Plain Water
"A Water Drink with No Taboos"
Plain water contains no additives such as sugar, caffeine, or colorants. Therefore, there are not many restricted groups of people who cannot drink it. Anyone, regardless of their health status, can drink it in moderation.
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And maintaining adequate daily water intake is crucial for the health of the human body's skin, blood vessels, and intestines.
①Maintaining Healthy Skin: Sufficient skin moisture and fast metabolism reduce the appearance of wrinkles, spots, etc., making you look younger.
②Reducing Respiratory Diseases: The respiratory mucosa is relatively moist, and the secretion of mucus helps reduce the invasion of pathogens.
③Improving Blood Flow: Adequate water intake helps blood flow smoothly and reduces the risk of blood clots.
④Preventing Constipation: Adequate water intake prevents dry stool and constipation.
⑤Protecting the Stomach Mucosa: Boiled and cooled plain water, known as "Taihe Soup" in traditional Chinese medicine, is a "stomach tonic" that can help prevent stomach mucosal damage and reduce intestinal fermentation.
Drinking Water in Proper Amounts
For plain water, it is more important to pay attention to the amount you drink.
"The standard of drinking 8 glasses of water a day" is widely circulated, and many people insist on following it. However, this standard is not suitable for everyone.
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Standard water intake for the general population
The "Chinese Resident Dietary Guidelines (2022)" states that adult men with low physical activity levels should drink 1700ml of water per day, and adult women should drink 1500ml of water per day.
If the weather is hot, the air is dry, or you sweat a lot, you should increase your water intake accordingly.
You can pay attention to the color, clarity, and quantity of your urine. If it is light yellow, clear, and sufficient, your water intake is adequate. Otherwise, you need to drink more water.
Special populations need to control water intake
①Patients with gastric ulcers undergoing medication: The medication contains substances such as sucralfate and aluminum hydroxide gel that protect the gastric mucosa. If you drink too much water, it may reduce the efficacy of the medication and hinder the recovery of the disease.
②Patients with chronic kidney disease: When kidney function is impaired, the water you drink cannot be excreted normally, so water intake needs to be controlled.
In general, the appropriate daily water intake (including water intake from drinking and food) is 500ml plus the amount of urine from the previous day.
③Patients with uremia: At this time, the amount of water intake needs to be based on changes in body weight.
You can weigh your weight at a fixed time every day (preferably after urination and before breakfast), and the daily weight gain should not exceed 0.5% of your body weight. In addition, the weight gain between two dialysis sessions should be less than 3% to ensure the effectiveness of dialysis.
④Patients with heart failure: Drinking a large amount of water will increase the cardiac output and increase the heart's workload, worsening the condition. For patients with severe heart failure, the water intake may need to be controlled to less than 800ml, based on medical advice.
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"Regulator" of the Body
Tea contains various medicinal ingredients such as tea polyphenols, tea polysaccharides, and alkaloids. Among the 86 essential elements required by the human body, tea contains 28 of them. Therefore, drinking tea frequently can serve as a "regulator" of the body, helping to reduce some disease risks.
①Reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases
A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology included 100,902 subjects aged 18 years or older and followed them for 17 years. The study found that people who drank tea at least three times a week had a 20% lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases and a 22% lower mortality rate than those who drank tea less than three times a week. The overall risk of death was reduced by about 15%.
②Assisting in lowering blood pressure
The American College of Cardiology summarized 21 effective studies involving a total of 1,323 subjects. The study found that compared with non-tea drinkers, tea drinkers had an average reduction of 1.8 mmHg in systolic blood pressure and 1.4 mmHg in diastolic blood pressure, and the blood pressure-lowering effect was more pronounced for those who drank tea for more than 12 weeks.
③Helping with weight loss and lipid-lowering
The Tea Research Institute of Zhejiang University found that the complex catechin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), in tea can consume excess energy by increasing the production of brown fat, thereby assisting in weight loss. At the same time, it can also inhibit microglia cells, reduce hypothalamic inflammation, improve body weight, and regulate the normal function of the central nervous system.
Drinking Tea, Paying Attention to the "Four Nos"
Not everyone can drink tea, and not every time is suitable for drinking tea:
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People who are not suitable for drinking tea
Patients with neurasthenia, insomnia, hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, heart disease, gastric disease, and intestinal ulcers are not suitable for drinking tea, especially strong tea. Nursing or pregnant women and infants and young children are also not suitable for drinking tea.
Do not drink tea in the morning or before bed, and do not drink before or after meals
Drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning will dilute gastric acid and reduce digestive function. Tea has an exciting and diuretic effect, which can affect sleep quality if consumed before bed. It is recommended to drink tea around 10 am.
The caffeine in tea can inhibit gastric acid secretion, and drinking tea before a meal is not conducive to digestion and absorption. Drinking tea immediately after a meal can affect the body's absorption of protein and iron due to the tannic acid in tea. It is therefore recommended to drink tea one hour after a meal.
Do not drink tea while taking certain medications
People who need to take sedatives, sleeping pills, or antiarrhythmic drugs should not drink tea because the caffeine and other components in tea can reduce the medication's effectiveness, which may be disadvantageous for controlling the condition.
Do not drink too strong tea
Strong tea contains high levels of fluoride. Frequent consumption of strong tea can damage the kidneys, increase gastrointestinal burden, and easily cause "tea-fluoride poisoning."
Therefore, a daily intake of about 12 grams of tea for healthy adults, with each serving of 3 grams brewed with 150 ml of water, is appropriate.
In summary, drinking tea and drinking plain water are equally good. The most important thing is to consume an appropriate and moderate amount.
Remember these four points to hydrate correctly and stay healthy
Whether you are drinking tea or plain water, you need to pay attention to these four points:
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Drink proactively
Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water because thirst is a clear sign of dehydration. As the body loses more water, the urine color deepens, the skin becomes dry, the mouth becomes dry and cracked, the voice becomes hoarse, and the body becomes weak.
It is best to replenish water every half an hour.
Sip slowly
Even if you are thirsty, do not drink water in large gulps. Drinking too much water in one go can cause the water to enter the bloodstream quickly. After absorption in the gut, the blood will become diluted, increasing the circulation volume suddenly, which can easily increase myocardial oxygen consumption and aggravate the heart's workload.
The correct method is to sip slowly, especially for people with cardiovascular problems, who should drink in small amounts and frequently.
Avoid water that is too hot
Water that is too hot (above 65℃) can scald the esophageal mucosa. If this happens repeatedly, it can cause inflammation or even cancer.
Choose the right variety
There are many types of tea, and you need to learn to choose the right one according to the season:
①In spring, when the yang energy is vigorous and can lead to liver yang hyperactivity, it is suitable to drink green tea to regulate the liver and relieve depression.
②In summer, when the weather is hot and the incidence of cardiovascular events is high, it is suitable to drink fully fermented black tea.
③In autumn, when the weather is dry and fluid consumption is high, it is suitable to drink white tea to clear heat and moisten the lungs.
④In winter, when the weather is cold and the kidneys need to store essence for winter, black tea is suitable because it enters the kidneys.
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cord-comic · 2 years
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chaoskreeves · 1 year
I can't believe oceangate doesn't know that you can go to a titanic museum for CHEAPER than a graveyard tour right? Like a museum built in the shape of the titantic with lots of recreated items and portions of the ship right?
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aquanutart · 5 months
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lord-of-the-ducks · 4 months
Apologies to everyone who follows me because you’re about to be subjected to SO much Lisa Frankenstein posting, I am so deeply abnormal about this movie and I would not be surprised if it ended up being one of my top ten favorite movies of all time.
My only wish is that my theatre could have been more crowded, it was a pretty dead audience (pun intended) which meant I spent a solid 60% of my energy trying not to cause a scene every time there was a needle drop or anything that felt like it was specifically calling me out for being a weird little goth.
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
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20.12.23, wednesday
My main hobby is just procrastinating in any way I can. The plan was to make a cup of coffee and then start working. What actually happened is that I watched a 3 part video series (by james hoffmann ofc) on Aeropress coffee and made a few cups with different variables. Still not sure if I found The Recipe for me, but it’s getting better (tho I don’t love the coffee beans I have)
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babyblueetbaemonster · 5 months
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"If your Nord friend jump into cold water, would you?!"
"Yeah man."
"No! Don't jump into the cold water!!!"
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