icepower55 · 1 year
What You Know Is Wrong: Chapter 2
Beautiful art by the amazing @asta-blackwart
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marleyyandme · 3 years
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what you think is right by @icepower55 
Six years after the war, Hermione’s parents are dying and her marriage to Draco is crumbling. Nothing seems logical in her life anymore. Her healer tells her to start writing about it, so she does, as a way to figure things out, and remind herself along the way.
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forgotten-traveler · 2 years
Since I got coerced into doing this by @icepower55 I guess here’s me answering some questions about my writing (even though I haven’t written anything in months oops)
1. Your favorite story that you’ve written this year and why Ohh A Quota of Bad Luck. First, that story means a lot to me because it’s related to the field I’m working in and I can write/talk about that forever. I was super emotional when writing that, and I think the plot works really well cohesively with pretty much every chapter being about him going through a different stage of grief. I put Draco through the ringer in that one (Wife dying and mother dying of progressive diseases at pretty much the same time equals a no good very bad day) Plus I love exploring themes of masculinity along with grief (how does a man want to grieve? How does it actually come out when they’re trying to stay masculine and not show emotions? How does any of that change when they have to be a caregiver for their spouse?) and I loved juxtaposing his journey of grief with Lucius’s journey of grieving his wife.
2. A story with a reception that surprised you (either because it did better or worse than you anticipated) My GILF stories. I wrote the first as a dumb joke and I really didn’t think anyone else was going to find it funny, but the fact that a lot of people actually enjoyed them is so funny to me.
3. The story with a character most like yourself I’m probably the closest personality wise to how I write Draco. Him in Hermione: a History is probably the closest to my real life humor and personality.
4. The story you would edit most if you had the chance Can I say all of them? My ADHD is so bad that I constantly find typos in every single thing I write. I can’t focus enough to notice them. But if I have to pick one I’d pick. A Quota of Bad Luck. While I totally stand by most of that fic, there’s a little bit of the medical stuff I’d like to adjust now that I’ve had more clinical experience working with dementia.  I’d have also like to have had a couple more scenes between Lucius and Draco in it, but I was on a time crunch for the death fest so I had to push that bad boy out.
5. The story that you would most want to turn into an Original Work A Quota of Bad Lucky is only Harry Potter related if you squint, so that would probably be the easiest one to turn into original fiction and it’s my favorite so I guess it’s that one. 
6. The story that you would most like to experience in real life (i.e., which of your plots would you want to step into?) Give me Gary Johnson’s Johnson Guzzler or give me death.
7. If you were to be gifted a story, what would you want it to entail (listen, we got a lot of fandom birthdays coming up, so let’s leave this here for posterity) Bittersweet smut is my jam. I want it to be extra horny and extra sad at the same time. I need some catharsis with my porn.
8. Your favorite line that you’ve ever written in a fanfic “Sometimes when I kiss her, I think of you. Sometimes when I kiss her, I don’t think of you. I don’t know which one is worse.” From Self-Pity Dealer.
9. The reader response that touched you the most Someone left a comment saying that reading A Quota of Bad Luck helped them grieve the death of a relative which made me cry.
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icepower55 · 2 years
What You Know Is Wrong: Chapter 1
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Oh, Draco. All these years, and I'm still trying my best. I promise.
A sequel to What You Think Is Right
For @forgotten-traveler, @ash-ling-ook, @canttouchthis87, and millie1213––thank you for reading, always.
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icepower55 · 2 years
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icepower55 · 2 years
That scene in WYTIR where (SPOILER) Draco shouts "look at what it's done to me' and then starts apologizing and crying lives in my head rent free 24/7 and I can't stop myself from tearing up whenever I remember it . Such a raw and powerful moment oof!
I was wondering if you could give us some meta about that scene. I feel like it was a breaking point but also sort of a "learning curve" for them. Like, he HAD to say something that brutal and cruel so that they could start communicating properly.
Love and adore everything you write!
Hey anon! Sorry for how late this is, but I wanted to give this some thought. Spoilers below
I agree that it was his breaking point in a lot of ways. It was the dam of resentment bursting open. Part of what had eroded their marriage so much was pride, which both of them contributed to. Draco had too much pride to communicate to Hermione his 1) frustration 2) hurt 3) loneliness, and the accretion of these emotions calcified into resentment. In that moment, it all comes rushing out. His injury, to him (and to readers, probably) symbolized all that he felt he had given up for her, and I think he felt further frustrated by the fact that she was still keeping things from him, at that point.
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icepower55 · 3 years
What You Think is Right: Finale (Chapter 13) NOW COMPLETE
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Thank you to @micbonbon​ for this BEAUTIFUL graphic. 
“How did you know I’d be here?”
“You act like I don’t know you, Hermione Granger.”
Friends, today feels like quite a moment for me. I honestly can’t believe we’re at the end of this journey with Hermione & Draco. It is extremely bittersweet for me to say goodbye to them (though–frankly–those two were decidedly very unhelpful during my multiple bouts of writer’s block). Today is actually my 24th birthday, and it feels right to release this chapter now, because I’m so proud and grateful for all the work my Alpha / Betas did on this piece. They are a truly amazing and special bunch, and I am extremely grateful and beyond thrilled to call them my close friends as well.
@mightbewriting was the first friend I made in fandom, and it’s been such an amazing journey with her. Amanda, you are wonderful and such a lovely presence in my life. I’ve learned so much about writing from you, and I’ve been honored to work on your fics as well. I’m very glad that I reached out all those months ago with the Tumblr DM. Look at us now! I have so much love and respect for you, and I am blown away by your talent. I can’t wait to see your future writing. From “Bone Mortar” to B&E, you are a joy. 
@endless-musings Ash! You are such a source of light and humor in my life. I’m so lucky I got to meet you through Amanda and that I’ve had the amazing opportunity of having you as an Alpha / Beta. It’s truly an amazing thing to meet someone (online, no less!) that understands you that way you do me. I’m such a fan of you and your writing, and I feel privileged every day to call you such a close friend and to have the opportunity to read your writing and work with you on “Secret of the Moon” (which, btw, you all should read!).
@pargcool You are such a wonderful editor, and I’m so glad you took a chance of my fic and helped me whip it into shape. You are one of the sharpest readers I’ve met and an incredible writer to boot. I honestly think you could do this for a living, if you wanted. You are such a wonderful presence in fandom, and you were a constant source of support with WYTiR. Truly, this fic would not exist without you.
Lastly, thank ALL of you amazing readers. Thank you to every single person who left kudos, comments, or recommended this fic. I am blown over by the support I’ve received, and I’ve been so blessed to have entered this community and to exist in this space where I’ve met so many amazing people, including @amurray @heyjude19-writing @pacific-rimbaud @smozark @blankfishxx​ @megamegaturtle @badcouldbeverse​ and many, many more.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. 
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icepower55 · 3 years
Chapter 4:
“Theo’s the only friend I don’t quite understand. The way he looks at me sometimes, like he’s waiting for me to do the wrong thing.”
I have soo much questions! Hermione says it took some time in the beginning for them, I’m wondering has Theo always been weird with her since the start of her relationship with Draco? Or was it around the time when Draco confided in Theo about his marriage?
I imagine Theo was always wary of their relationship, but his suspicions depended once Draco confined in him!
Happy to answer any other questions as well!
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icepower55 · 3 years
Did Hermione’s mum ever forgive her? I feel like Hermione didn’t get any closure from her mum ☹️
very good question, anon! I’m sorry to say my answer is less than satisfactory. I meant for that lack of reconcilliation to be purposeful, for the plot to reflect that…Hermione can’t ever really know what her mum felt because of what happened. That’s one of the biggest tragedies of the situation and something H will probably grapple with for the rest of her life.
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icepower55 · 3 years
What You Think Is Right: Chapter 10
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If she tries to revisit last year, the walls of the hospital close in on her. The ventilators. The doctor. The nurses. There are other memories, she’s sure of this, but she can’t remember them. She remembers her mother; she remembers watching her mother die. She remembers her father; she remembers forcing her father to die. But the people that she lost along the way. Those instances blur together: Harry, Ron, Ginny, Molly, Arthur, Fred, Bill, Luna, Hannah, Seamus, Dean. She stopped responding to owls. She didn’t always show up for events. She hid, often. But there was supposed to be more time. The human brain can only process one cognitive task at a time; Her approach was logical: fix her parents, and then she’d have all the time in the world to fix everything else.
SO sorry for the delay. Let me know what you think. I’m so glad this next chapter is up and that you guys have stayed with me on this journey.
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icepower55 · 3 years
Hi, sweetie. Here I go again. These days, I have looked for some works of the same type as what you think is right, but I found that you wrote the best. I have been looking through them several times recently. You explain to me last time why Theo was so hostile to Hermione. According to your explanation, I put myself in Theo's emotions to understand this plot, I will relatively less hostile to him, but I still feel sorry for Hermione's isolated state, so I do not forgive him!
This time I have some new question to ask you, 1. In chapter 12, when Hermione hears Draco's friends come to the Manor looking for him, Draco and his friends are happy and in harmony until she arrives at the conservatory. Extrapolating from the later episodes, were Pansy and Theo then explaining to Draco the things they had threatened Hermione while he was in hospital? Is Theo's friendliness to Hermione at that time genuine? Or is it just because Draco was there at that time? As well as the next chapter, the three of them wrote to Hermione in the hope that they can meet with Hermione this behavior, but also because they have changed their mind about Hermione?
2. We all know that Hermione who was not involved in them, in part because of her own, she have to go to parents' home to pack up something, I read another meaning, is Hermione don't want to destroy the atmosphere of joy, because she felt Draco and his friends will be very happy, with her together always very pain, After all, the two of them haven't been communicating well for a long time. I think the two of them are just hiding from each other, from their problems. I don't know if this is accurate?
Last question~ Again from chapter 12, which I really have a lot of questions about this chapter, sorry. Hermione turned down Theo and Blaise's invitation because she was going to her parents' house, at that time Draco ask her “Do you need me to come with you?” Heimione rejected, Draco also did not retain her further, Personally, I felt that Hermione was at her most vulnerable, alone in a house full of her parents' life, and that the memories were extremely painful for her. If Draco really loved her, why didn't he go with her? Was he still subconsciously angry with Hermione at the time? I wonder what Draco was thinking at that moment?
I hit a long list, really very sorry, hope you don't dislike me too much talk🥲But I SUPER like your work. Thank you for your wonderful creation~😘🥰💪
Hey there! I'm so sorry this is so belated. My real life has been crazy lately, but I hope to do your wonderful questions justice:
1. I actually figured Pansy and Theo were just trying to cheer Draco up at that moment, possibly with Hogwarts-era memories (the early years!) or something of that sort. I did not imagine that they were talking about their behavior towards Hermione in that moment. If they had confessed to Draco what they had said to Hermione, he would have been furious.
Theo's behavior towards Hermione is an olive branch of some sort. Both Theo and Pansy had been friends with Hermione prior to Draco's accident, but when push came to shove, there was a clear division of alliances...for Theo, Draco always came first, as a brother, and Hermione was someone who grew to care about because he loved Draco. Hence, his loyalty–though perhaps misguided–was always with Draco, and in his mind, his actions towards Hermione are justified because his ultimate goal was to keep Draco alive, at whatever cost.
However, once Draco moved back to the manor to convalesce, Theo had some more time to reflect on the situation, which in turn allowed him to see Hermione's situation with much more empathy. His latent contrition in that scene is genuine. Pansy's as well. They really do want to repair their relationship with her.
2. Yes, you're spot on. Hermione feels like an interloper in that scene. For the first time in a very long time, Draco seems to be enjoying himself. She doesn't want to ruin that.
3. I'm not sure if what Draco felt at that moment was anger, but maybe dejection. I think he was exhausted, in pain, and unsure of how to proceed with his wife. I think he would have accompanied her, for sure, without complaint, but I think he no longer knew if his presence was helpful for her. He no longer knew if she wanted him around, and she no longer knew if he wanted her around. This really is a story about the poverty of language, I think, and the ways we lose each other because of that.
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icepower55 · 3 years
Hello Sweetheart!!! I wanted too tell you that your fanfic What You Think Is Right had a big impact on me and in a good way actually....
You are such an inspiration for the Fandom and your work has touched me in ways I didn't think was possible.... Thank You...
I felt everything that these characters went through ( mostly Draco and Hermione..)
What you see here is no communication in a marriage between then and Draco is trying his HARDEST but Hermione shut him out and that's were they have problems....
This fic has made me cry ugly tears but in a good way because there only been 2 other fanfics that has made me cry....
1.) I will say this that I did not like Draco friends in this because they were very shady...
Hermione father was dying and she already lost one parent and about too loose the next and I do not appreciate how they walked all over her....
I also didn't like that Draco didn't stick up for his wife either....
Can we get a one shot can we please have Hermione putting Draco friends in there spots and letting Draco friends feel like shit as well as not being consider an father dying or losing both parents as well...
2.) Did Draco say that he didn't love Hermione anymore or it was hard too love her when they fell too sleep together on the bed crying too one another...
What was Draco and Hermione thought process after he said it....
3.) In the series WYTR do you plan on writing one I'm Draco POV...
I just wanted too say you are brilliant in what you do and I love your work...
So so so sorry for how belated this is!! Spoilers below!
1. I'm open to the idea of doing some one-shots in that universe, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to. This year has been really crazy for me, in good and bad ways, and I'm just trying to stay on top of my life right now haha.
2. I saw it more as that he was admitting their relationship had been hard, that it had been difficult to care for her in the ways he wanted to, because he felt she didn't want that care for him. I do truly believe Draco had always loved her; that he himself felt he would always love her. Part of why I think they are able to reconcile is that the whole trauma of the story makes it clear to them that love means showing up and actively choosing the person you are with, every single day. I think his speech to her indicates that he's all in on that, on showing up and choosing to be with her, despite the challenges they still face.
3. I am not sure that I have it in me to do an entire story from his PoV, but never say never!
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icepower55 · 3 years
What You Think is Right: Chapter 12
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@mightbewriting​ made me this awesome cover--she’s the best!
“Please stop saying that.” The moment is a blister, and her nail is poised above, flirting. If she punctures the sac, the wound will either heal or fester. “You’re angry, Draco. You can say that you’re angry.”
Recommended readings:
"The Conditional" by Ada Limon, a beautiful poem. I'll leave the thematic connections up to you :)
"poem on my fortieth birthday to my mother who died young" by Lucille Clifton 
I promise the next and last chapter will be up soon! Please let me know what you think!
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icepower55 · 4 years
What You Think is Right: Chapter 9
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“I’m not going to sit here and convince you to save your husband.” Theo leans back, arms still crossed, a picture of repose save for the way his fingers dig into the fabric near his elbows. “But you’ll make your choice. You’ll decide if your husband is worth saving, and then I’ll know exactly the type of person you are.”
AHHH. I know what you’re thinking: where have you been? Why are your updates taking so long? Are you alive? To that, I say: I have no excuse, I just suck. But I’m working on sucking less.
In all seriousness though, I do fully intend to finish this story. We’re looking at 13 chapters total, which means we get closer and closer. I hope you all stick around for the ride, and please do let me know how you felt about this chapter. 
Thanks to you for all your patience! And thanks to @mightbewriting for this amazing graphic / cover. 
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icepower55 · 3 years
FRIENDS! Translation alert!
The amazing @asta-blackwart has started translating “What You Think is Right” into RUSSIAN. I am...in awe. It is so exciting to see this baby become multilingual. Check it out here
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icepower55 · 4 years
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Look what the amazing @ectoheart made for WYTiR!
So many things to fangirl about: the red thread connecting them, Hermione’s hair, their wedding rings, Draco’s suit (and posture)!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for making this!! It gave me the creative inspiration to work on the next chapter today.
I am in awe & love
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