#WOLF: I broke my chains; I'll break you too
line-of-fire · 8 months
Alkka: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Borealis? Borealis: You, easily. Alkka: What the fuck, man. Borealis: Well, Phoenix would be too easy. She'd probably be into it. Phoenix, now standing in the doorway: What the fuck, man!? Borealis: And I wouldn't feel like handling you without your moral compass Voitto: A safe decision
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yakumtsaki · 8 months
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-Oh Sunset, I'm so lucky to be in a loving relationship with such a kind, loyal and non-criminally insane person such as yourself!
You're so on the money, buddy, the only thing you missed was 'sexually repelled by cousins'.
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She's right, Ty, and to top it off your last name isn't Union, it's like you're not even trying!
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Bruh.. This chain of interactions from the hugging to the insulting to the making out took place in about 1 minute, I can't believe Stacy and Julian of all couples produced Sunset. Why can't you be more like your parents?? They were my cutest, healthiest couple ever!!
-They only thing they cared about having sex 50 a times a day! Aunt June basically raised me!!
Omg I'm looking at the pics of the spare updates I never posted because I suck and YA SHE DID, that explains so much, June is truly the platonic ideal of the hot-batshit combo.
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Speaking of batshit-
-And hot!
If you say so, Barth is putting the moves on Marla Biggs, whomst we last saw when June (there she is again) used her to dump Erik-
-Yes, and that one wolf whistle from June turned me gay for all eternity, so don't even bother!
-UGH. So I guess I have no choice..
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-..but to sleep with another one of my second cousins! -Oh Barth, I can't believe this is finally happening!!! -I know, Cyan, it took way too long!
We've been here for a week.
-Don't worry, nothing will interrupt this magical moment-WHAT THE FUCK I'M BEING CHEATED ON GOTTA RUN SORRY CYAN CATCH YOU LATER
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Ok apparently I was laughing too hard to take a decent pic, but yes, BARTHOLOMEW CAUGHT HIS COUSIN 'CHEATING' ON HIM AS HE WAS HOOKING UP WITH HIS OTHER COUSIN. I HATE MY GAME.
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I gotta hand it to Ty, he's in it to win it, whatever it is one could possibly 'win' when it comes to Sunset.
-Oh Sunset, you're the queen of my heart! -Gross!🥰
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-Aw baby, I love spending all our awake time woohooing and doing nothing interesting, huhu!🌞 -It really is the best, thanks to your horrific LTW we don't even have to try! It's so awful people are bound to vote for us just to watch the trainwreck!
Ya I wish I had a counter-argument but you two really have this thing figured out, even I wanna watch me have a mental breakdown trying to raise your 6 asshole kids.
-Our kids are not gonna be assholes!🌞
LOL YA OK MEADOW, whatever helps you sleep at night.
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-Meadow and Felina are not the only ones with a perfect relationship! Britannicus and I are also deeply in love!! I'm writing a novel about it as we speak!!!
Jimmy no offense but I literally forgot you live here and I can barely remember who Britannicus is half the time.
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Oh Britannicus here you are, thank God, you're so indispensable to this legacy!
-All you main-houser bitches look down on me but I have a lot to offer!! I'm grandpa Gunther's heir!!!
Of course you are, now give us the pizza so the people who matter don't die.
-I'll show you! I'll show you all!! >:(
Yes yes, it's been lovely catching up-
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-and now it's time to get serious and break Cyan and Barth up! Hit us with your best shot, Marg, we've been on a winning streak lately with those matches, please don't go back to Cyn's leftovers.
-Got you, say no more..
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-Here's Kennedy Cox!
-Well it's very hard to find someone Cyneswith hasn't banged!
Ok ya that's very true but Cyan is understandably like 😬 so let's try this again, here's another dollar.
-Alright, you didn't want Cyneswith leftovers..
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-How about Sandy the Zombie leftovers??
I hope I don't have to explain to you why that's SO MUCH WORSE
-And I hope I don't have to explain to you that you get what you pay for when you give a dollar for a date!
Fucking touche, Marg, get out of here.
And now for another sequence of events so absolutely ridic I'm just gonna describe it with no dialogue:
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So I send Cyan inside to check the college directory thing and see what available bachelors we might booty call up, but there's no one that I like for her so I send her back out to ask Margaret for another dollar date-
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-once outside, we find BRITANNICUS SERENADING BARTHOLOMEW, to which Cyan has no reaction as she's probably too shocked-
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-poor dumbass loved up Jimmy has no clue and is inside getting high-
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-Cyan asks Marg for another date as Barth is performing the Second Cousin Vagina Monologues-
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-Margaret gives us Neon Vest Zomb AGAIN and I'm like wtf-
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-at which point Britannicus, who just one moment ago was serenading Barth, WOLF WHISTLES AT CYAN-
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-I told you! >:D
Ok you know what, at least with this I feel we have peaked and there is simply no way the situation in this house can get more insane and degenerate-
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-Think again!
-I know but there's something almost genetically inherited drawing me to Cyan! -Yes, It's almost like our parents were into each other but there was some invisible force separating them!
-Oh please, it was the extended family mod and we no longer have to function under its oppression!
NOTHING IN THIS HOUSE IS REMOTELY FUNCTIONING. You know what, enjoy this while it lasts because I'm breaking every single one of you mofos up, istg I feel like I'm fighting the Hydra, I chop one semi-incestuous head off and two others pop up. WELL I'LL WIN LIKE HERACLES
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I'd like to end this disgusting update with this image of the rose Ty left for Sunset next to the flaming shitbag Neon Vest Zombie left for Cyan. What is this world coming to that men no longer appreciate you cheating on them with 2 of your cousins during a date?? Chivalry is dead!
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
*walks on in tiredly while utilizing high heels, stares at the chaos, shrugs, offers you tea then sits down with biscuits to watch the world burn* I have zero context about what I just walked into, but darn it if it ain't entertaining after a long week of bull, hope y'all are doing good and getting enough rest plus doing good today! May existence treat you decently.
I would honestly feed you more mythological lore right now but it's unfortunately the middle of a storm with lightning and my brain is tired, so maybe in another ask, but a fun little factoid here: Cú Chulainn once broke a divine sword made by the gods themselves after using it precisely two times, so I personally find it funny if the reason Fi breaks down in TOTK is because Fia/Seraph pushed her too much and didn't take her to a smith before he died and then she just ended up in Wild's hands which wasn't any better, unintentional and probably not a true parallel but just thought I'd share. Plus an excerpt of what he looked like during the Riastrad according to Thomas Kinsella's Tain:
"The first warp-spasm seized Cúchulainn, and made him into a monstrous thing, hideous and shapeless, unheard of. His shanks and his joints, every knuckle and angle and organ from head to foot, shook like a tree in the flood or a reed in the stream. His body made a furious twist inside his skin, so that his feet and shins switched to the rear and his heels and calves switched to the front... On his head the temple-sinews stretched to the nape of his neck, each mighty, immense, measureless knob as big as the head of a month-old child... he sucked one eye so deep into his head that a wild crane couldn't probe it onto his cheek out of the depths of his skull; the other eye fell out along his cheek. His mouth weirdly distorted: his cheek peeled back from his jaws until the gullet appeared, his lungs and his liver flapped in his mouth and throat, his lower jaw struck the upper a lion-killing blow, and fiery flakes large as a ram's fleece reached his mouth from his throat... The hair of his head twisted like the tangle of a red thornbush stuck in a gap; if a royal apple tree with all its kingly fruit were shaken above him, scarce an apple would reach the ground but each would be spiked on a bristle of his hair as it stood up on his scalp with rage."
Just some fun facts.
Lora fic is 45% complete, song of choice is under wraps but I can send in an excerpt when it's not storming outside?
Player's Newly Gifted Wolf Vs Wolfie for the role of best doggo, fight! That or the wolf and horse are immediately Player's besties and help them get up to shenanigans, Legend being overly suspicious? Horse pushes him down with their head and the wolf walks on by at the precisely convenient time, Player wants to play a prank on Wild? Wolf is there as a distraction while the horse helps Player get away with the promise of sneaking them meat bits during dinner, plus I can see Seraph/Fia just LOSING it in the afterlife. On another note, Seraph/Fia noticing neither Wild nor Hyrule are teaching Player how to handle weapons, sighs and immediately goes "Fine I'll do it myself" by pulling a Hero's Shade and teaching them whenever they're in fairly isolated areas, look he respects their view and approves of it, but he also was a Gladiator and had to kill his shield brother so I feel like him teaching anyone self defense is a must, next time Dink comes by the Chain he just gets immediately shanked by Player who at least learned how to use daggers efficiently, or throws down hand to hand with Dink on the ground while Seraph is practically hollering proud comments like a coach or something, or lends them a bit of his strength/magic in a semi-Riastrad state temporarily to help, idk I'm tired, might dive into it later.
Also I have discovered what's arguably a rare Link variant, and that'd be Sir Raven aka Legend's Ancestor, double agent hero of Labrymna from the OOA Manga and Time's descendentant
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My sleep deprived self personally thinks it's important more people know he exists.
Something something, au where everything is the same but Player is a Herscherr, or more aptly has a Herscherr personality that's either more like HoV or HoS from Honkai, or au where Player is basically Shin Shin Yuseung from ORV. I only have half an idea how that would work, but let's just say Dink would have a bad day either way, FD would probably be intrigued and First and Sky would once again be divine bait.
Anyway that will be that for today, hope you're having a nice time of the day and existence!
-A Very Awkward and Tired Summertime Musician.
He's such a handsome man.
The idea that the reason Wild breaks weapons so much is passed down from Fia/Seraph makes me cackle- like ancestor like descendant I guess OIBDEWOICEI.
ALSO HERO'S SAHDE SERAPH TYPE BEAT I LOVE IT- sure he's gotta deal with Player screaming the first time they see him but it's a very enlightening experience seeing someone dead in your dreams so mans just gotta suck it up. At least Player gets to shank Dink, that's all they care about.
Wolf and Horse duo! We love to see it! Player's little buddy with too much sharp teeth and the horse who people wish wasn't a predator! Their main focus being Player is cute too.
I'm not very informative about Honkai, other than what my friend has info dumped on me but I do slightly remember a herscherr so good luck with that Dink OHBEOIEO
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So the notification I got for your most recent post read as follows:
“Whumper conditions Whumpee to only eat after …”
and my brain autofilled "… after being hurt."
I didn't click the notification immediately, so that sat in my brain for a bit, and now I have a whole scenario:
They only get actual food shortly after being freshly hurt. Food eaten any other time (if given) is brutally punished/they get kicked in the stomach/made to throw up/contains something to make them throw up (or other toxic unpleasantness), or is otherwise unfit for human consumption. But they get genuinely decent meals right after a "session".
After being rescued, they won't eat. the sight of even simple stuff seems to make them a bit sick. everyone's worried, because half the methods for getting nutrition into someone who won't willingly eat are nearly as bad as what they just went through.
It's an entire rollercoaster of a day when they eat their first whole meal (like a starved wolf), and their caretaker(s) find out later in the day that they'd badly self-harmed right beforehand. It takes them a while to scale down to doing things that don't draw blood. and/or to get good at hiding it.
(I also have things to say about Betrayal story but everything I write at you seems to turn novella length, so I'll do that separate, later. cheers. 💜)
Damn that's brutal ...I love it :3
Okay but seriously, this broke my heart while making me smile, so that's something lmao
I was just gonna comment on it because what a beautifully cruel scenario but I felt like writing something last night and your idea wouldn’t leave my mind so... well, this happened. I didn't use everything because my heart couldn't take it all at once :') but here it goes, I hope you like it ♥
CW: starvation, torture, intimate/creepy whumper, conditioning, poisoned food, emeto, begging to be hurt, idk y'all it's pretty much what the ask says so be careful if food is a sensitive subject for you
“You know what you have to do if you want to eat, Whumpee.”
Curled up on the floor as tightly as they can, Whumpee whines and closes their eyes the exact moment their stomach growls again.
“Come on now, baby, it pains me to see you this hungry,” Whumper murmurs, crouching down in front of them to brush back a matted strand of hair from their forehead.
But Whumpee’s voice cracks before they can go on, breaks along with their spirit when the rest of the words form but refuse to fall out of their mouth.
“Please what, Whumpee?”
Their lip trembles as they open their eyes to find Whumper way too close to their face. Close enough they don’t have to speak above a whisper to be heard. “Please, leave me alone.”
Whumper sighs in disappointment. “Another day without food then. What is it now, fourteen days? You won’t last much longer, little one.”
Whumpee doesn’t know exactly why the tears start to fall as Whumper leaves the cell – if it is because they have to dig their nails into their palm to keep from pleading for them to come back or if it’s the hollow pain in their stomach that seems to have engulfed every single breath they take.
They stare at the bread on the desk and don’t even stop to consider the punishment for taking it.
It isn’t theirs. Wasn’t given to them, wasn’t made for them, it was just… forgotten. Left on Whumper’s desk when they were called to solve a problem before taking the first bite. It is a miracle and a mirage, and Whumpee hasn’t felt a burst of energy like this in weeks but at the sight of food, they scramble to their feet and stumble to the table, the chain connecting their ankle to the wall just long enough for them to reach it.
They swallow it all in seconds. Barely feel the taste, too despaired to chew or think.
A moment later, they place their hand on the wall and furrow their brows. 
It starts more like a certainty than a feeling.
There’s something wrong.
It takes only seconds, too, for them to fall to their knees holding their stomach.
“You disappoint me, Whumpee.”
“W-whumper?” the world swirls around them, and lifting their head feels like moving way too fast and way too slow at the same time – as if they are underwater but also not. Heavy but also way too light. Here, and also elsewhere, someplace where things have halos circling them and the air presses against their skin, the bread that tasted like salvation a minute ago twisting and biting inside their belly like the Trojan horse it really is. Was. Where are they?
“I said that you only get to eat if you hurt first,” Whumper barks, too loud too loud too loud. “This is what happens when you disobey. The only food that’s safe for you is the food you’ve earned, understand?”
Warm fingers under their chin, tilting it up to meet cold eyes that stare straight at their cracked soul. Whumpee whimpers and nods, desperate for the hand to retreat.
“It hurts, please, p-please make it stop.”
“When I hurt you, baby, it won’t be like this. If only you had chosen the right kind of hurt… This will get worse before it gets better, and it’s all on you. Let’s see if tomorrow you’ll be more willing to behave.”
They cry as they hear the distant sound of a door closing. When they throw up, it feels like a part of them, the part that smiles and dreams and hopes, is flooding out along with the poisoned bread and bitter bile.
“Please hurt me.”
The answer is fast, as quick as the thrumming of Whumpee’s heart.
Whumper smiles at them, and Whumpee doesn’t even tremble as a knife is unsheathed.
Later, when a plate filled with food is placed in front of them, they barely even feel the dozens of cuts all over their skin. It’s nothing compared to their empty stomach. And nothing compared to the utter relief of eating – real food, tasty and nutritious.
Once they finish, they look up at Whumper with wide eyes and say as softly as they can. “Hurt me again. Please.”
“Still hungry?” Whumper chuckles, drinking in their teary eyes, half hope and half disgust Whumpee can’t conceal. “You can’t eat too much after going so long without food, little one, or you can be sick. But we can go again later if you behave.”
Something sticky and invasive fills their veins as Whumpee nods frantically, but they can still feel the pain of hunger hovering over them, and it screams louder than any pride they’ve already given up on.
“Good morning, Whumpee.”
“Good morning, Whumper. Can you please hurt me today?”
“Of course, baby. How about pancakes after?”
“I’d love that, thank you very much.”
The twist of shame and revulsion is only a memory by now. One that dissolves each day that goes by as they are fed while their blood is still running. As long as there is food, the pain is worth it.
(part 2)
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kassies-take · 3 years
If You activated the Werewolf curse after saving Lena Luthor from an assassination attempt
A/n: A TVD and Supergirl crossover. This can be read as its own but for a greater understanding of the situation: Saving Kara
You: Hey Jess *looks at phone, walks past Jess's desk, doubles back*
Jess: *unconscious on the floor*
You: *rushes to Jess, checks pulse, sighs in relief* Mom! *rushes into Lena's office and pulls out collapsible knife*
Office: *trashed*
Lena: *chained to her chair*
You: *throws knife past assassin's head*
Assassin: *chuckles* oh ho. you must be the daughter. I suggest no sudden movements, while we are waiting for the whole *mocks* I need the access codes from Lena Luthor, can I make you a drink *pours whiskey into a cup*
Lena: (Y/n) it's okay I can handle it
Assassin: You should really listen to your mother.
You: you think she's going to give you the access codes chained to a chair.
Assassin: *sips* yeah. She's the monster here after all.
You: she's not a monster
Assassin: agree to disagree *throws glass at you*
You: *rolls out of the way, pulls belt out from loops, and extends to make a sword.*
Assassin: *pulls the knife from the wall* can I ask you a question. Are you trying to fit in someone else's shoe because something is missing here *swings knife around* oh I got it, there isn't any blood
You and Assassin: *fights*
Assassin: *gains the upper hand*
Lena: *breaks the chains*
You and Assassin: *gets distracted*
You: *power side kicks*
Assassin: *groans and clutched stomach*
You: *leg swipes*
Assassin: *falls on his neck and it snaps*
Lena: *stares at the dead body*
You: *runs to Lena* are you okay? How, how did you get out of that? *checks her body* are you okay? Mom? *creases eyebrows together, chokes, and groans*
Lena: (Y/n)
You: *kneels in pain* what is happening to me *groans, pants, and eyes turn gold*
Lena: *kneels and hugs you* it's going to be okay baby. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. *signals for Kara*
Superfriends: *sits around*
Kara: *wraps her arms around you*
You: *poker face*
Lena: (Y/n), triggered the werewolf curse
Jamie: the what curse?
Lena: *sighs, looks at J'onn and Brainy*
J'onn and Brainy: *nods*
Lena: the werewolf curse runs in our blood. It is triggered by taking the life of a human, intentionally or accidentally. Every full moon we involuntary and unwillingly transform into hostile wolves.
Lucas: we've seen you on full moons
Lena: I wear a moonlight ring, as long as I wear the ring I can control my transformations.
Liam: did you know? *looks at Kara*
Kara: when we considered having kids, Lena was reluctant. She told me then, we were always very careful so you guys wouldn't trigger it. Then Lucas killed one of the Cadmus agents 5 years ago and it didn't trigger it.
Lena: Because I had the ring and there was no way for you guys to trigger it, we kept it from you... I was scared.
Brainy: Kara's Kryptonian genetics is blocking the werewolf gene.
You: *quietly* That's why you didn't want us to get rid of our powers for Jeju
Liam & Lucas: and why you didn't want us to use our powers
Supercorp: *nods*
Lena: anger is a strong emotion among our kind.
Lucas: I just always assumed that was a Luthor thing.
Lena: Believe me I wouldn't be a surprise if it was a Luthor thing. My eyes turn gold whenever I am angry or scared.
You: How did we never notice before?
Lena: *smiles* you guys were always a lot more interested with your Kryptonian side than you were with the human side.
Liam: what about investors, shitty businessmen, and just downright awful people.
Lena: normally just look away and calm myself down.
You: are there any perks to being a werewolf
Lena: We have access to super speed, super strength, enhanced agility, durability, regenerative abilities, and enhance senses. These are all accessible after the curse is triggered, in human form and in wolf form where these powers are stronger.
You: I’m sorry there’s more of us?
Lena: when I was trying to figure out this wolf stuff more, I ran into a couple of packs on the east coast. Met my friend Hayley, she helped me understand more about myself and in return, I helped her with a wolf problem in Mystic Falls. I wanted out of the Supernatural World and Hayley gave me the only Moonlight Ring we knew of. Haven't been back since.
Nia: Says the girl who married an alien, has half-alien children, and a friend group that is 70% not human.
Jamie: Is this on the Luthor side?
Lena: Oh god no! Can you imagine what Lex would've done if this was in his genes.
Alex: I asked that question too. *proud mama smirk*
Lena: my grandfather was from New Orleans he had the gene, when he moved to Ireland he met my grandmother and the rest is history.
Kelly: How did you trigger the curse, again?
Lena: Veronica Sinclair always had this fancy yacht party, I was drunk and accidentally killed someone. Two weeks later every bone in my body contorted, broke reshaped itself to make the wolf skeleton.
You: *winces*
Lena: It lasted hours luckily I locked myself in the apartment I had. Went to the Luthor Manor to see if I could find anything. In Lionel's study, I found a letter from my mom. Explaining the whole thing to me. *takes off the ring and hands it to you*
You: mom but you'll...
Lena: I don't want you to go through that *smiles at you*
You: I don't want you to go through that again, we will do it together
Lena: *smiles and kisses your forehead* I'll work on finding someone to make you a moonlight ring.
You: El Mayarah
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child-of-hurin · 3 years
Are there any songs that remind you of the Narn, just out of curiosity
Okay I made a list of the ones I had fresher in my mind, might update it later, THERE ARE SO MANY I'm sorry but this was so much fun actually....... These are the songs that when they come up on shuffle, they immediately send me into Narn mode. I'm a little sad to see I don't have any specific for Húrin :'( my man...
ONE CONDITION: I want to know which songs YOU associate with the Narn! You and everyone reading this send me your Narn music… I demand
Some instrumental ones:
Tchaikovsky’s Marche Slave reminds me of the First Age Edain as a whole, I think the musical narrative of that piece of music fits so well
Porpora’s Second Lesson from Darkness
The whole Shadow of Colossus OST
The track “Anger Towards God” from the videogame Okami
The Shadows, “Man of Mystery” (makes me think of Nienor specifically)
Empyrium “A Pastoral Theme”
whole family:
Miranda Sex Garden, “A Fairytale About Slavery”, which I also use as a meta tag occasionally
How long have you been lost down here? How did you come to lose your way? When did you realize that you'd never be free?
The Bravery, “Bad Sun”
We are liars like the summertime, Like the spring, we are such fools, Like fall we are false prophets, Like winter, we are cruel (...) Someday back when we were young, I guess something just went wrong The two of us are hung from the same twisted rope
Chet Baker, “Always You”
Whenever it's early twilight I watch 'til a star breaks through Funny, it's not a star I see It's always you
Wild Nothing, “This Chain”
And I don't know just what I got myself into All I know is I can't let go This chain won't break Because of you
Cocorosie, "Westside"
I'll wait for you until the streets become sand And all the ceilings in New York have come down I'll wait for you until the stars dominate the skies again
Chelsea Wolfe, “Spinning Centers”
When the minute goes by faster than the feet When the winter passes slowly as defeat When the face of death is after me spinning Only dream of me, only dream of me
Death Cab for Cutie, "I Will Follow You Into The Dark"
The time for sleep is now But it's nothing to cry about 'Cause we'll hold each other soon In the blackest of rooms
Siversun Pickups, “Kissing Families”
It's everything that is connected and beautiful And now I know just where I stand Thank god your heart is too close This can be the bitter end I know it won't
Skeeter Davis, “The End of the World”
Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine cry? Don't they know it's the end of the world? It ended when you said "Good-bye"
For Túrin/Nienor
Chico Buarque, “João e Maria”
It was fated, now, that the make-believe would end like this Beyond this backyard was a neverending night, Since you left this world without a word of warning. And now I was a madman, asking of life What more would it yet make of me
Lana del Rey covering “Goodbye Kiss”
Doomed from the start, We met with a goodbye kiss When I broke my wrist.
Bjork, “Joga”
Emotional landscapes, they puzzle me Then the riddle gets solved and you push me up to this State of emergency How beautiful to be State of emergency Is where I want to be
Skeptor, “No Alarms and No Surprises”
James Blake, “Barefoot in the Park”
I call off the chase Who needs balance? I'll see you everyday
Peter, Bjorn ad John “Young Folks”
If you knew my story word for word Had all of my history Would you go along with someone like me?
It doesn't matter what you did Who you were hanging with We could stick around and see this night through
Chelsea Wolfe, "Green Altar"
In this house of rapture I am fit to love The language of nature in sine curve The shimmer beating heart of universe I'd been waiting, I've been waiting long Such love could make an atheist turn to god
Florence and the Machine, “Heavy in your Arms”
My love has concrete feet My love's an iron ball Wrapped around your ankles Over the waterfall
King Dude feat. Chelsea Wolfe, “Be Free”
Your face like a painting in your historic mind But you barely survived, and you're barely alive Those rules of lost days that we buried in time I carried the baby, it felt dead inside
Gillian Welch, “Annabelle”
When I'm dead and buried I'll take a hard life of tears From every day I've ever known Anna's in the churchyard she got no life at all She's only got these words on a stone
Semisonic, “Secret Smile”
Nobody knows it but you've got a secret smile And you use it only for me
Yo La Tengo, “Speeding Motorcycle”
Juliano Holanda, “Ouriço”
How careless of me, to step on your quills It’s that habit of mine, of gazing at the sky, My mind unfixed, soaring with no wings. Sometimes I bump into the furniture; And other times I trip on the paths themselves. How careless of me, to step on your quills.
Chelsea Wolfe, “The Mother Road”
Guess I needed someone to break me Guess I needed someone to shake me out It was you
Anna von Hausswolff, “The Mysterious Vanishing of Electra”
My feet are not enough to save me His search is not enough to find me You search through the forest and the bottomless sea And you cry Push the trees, push the sky, push the air aside You look at their faces and their meaningless loss And you cry Who is she to say good bye?
Loney, Dear, “Harm / Slow”
Time didn't pay attention to me at all Time didn't show kindness to me at all I fell asleep in the lion's mouth
That's how I fell for you That's how I fell from the top of twelve stories to the ground For the reasons I have, The ones I know, the ones I don’t, For all I forgot That is all I could do That is how I want you
Beach House, “I Do Not Care For The Winter Sun”
Snowflakes that fall across my eyes Cannot compare to a dark surprise What's new becomes old, what's old is new When I first laid my eyes on you
Wild Nothing, “O Lilac”
Lilac, I feel your last lies come straight from her eyes Tonight, should you rise above, I regret love, I regret love And you have ghost hands on, that can't hold you up And you have ghost hands on, I can't hold you up
Daughter, “Run”
I don't know what we're doing I don't know what we've done But the fire is coming So I think we should run
Tokyo Police Club - “The Nature of the Experiment”
It's not the way my mother talks It's not the people that she mocks It's the nature of the experiment It's the patterns of my temperament
Wild Nothing, “Pessimist”
Boys don't cry, they just want to die Stumble and cough, grin or lie
Joe Cocker “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood”
I'm just a soul who's intentions are good Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood
Portishead, “Wandering Star”
Wandering stars, for whom it is reserved The blackness of darkness forever
Portishead, "Roads"
I got nobody on my side And surely that ain't right Ohh, can't anybody see We've got a war to fight
Albert King, “Born Under a Bad Sign”
Born under a bad sign Been down since I begin to crawl If it wasn't for bad luck You know I wouldn't have no luck at all
Tom Petty, “Refugee”
Tell me why you wanna lay there And revel in your abandon Honey, it don't make no difference to me, baby Everybody's had to fight to be free
The Prodigy, “Spitfire”
Nina Simone, “Sinnerman”
MorMor, “Heaven’s Only Wishful”
You could kiss the lips of fate The less we know the less it drains us
Cibelle, “Green Grass”
Lay your head where my heart used to be Hold the earth above me Lay down in the green grass Remember when you loved me
Fauré, “Le Secret”
Would that the morn were unaware Of the name I told to the night, And that in the dawn breeze, silently, It would vanish like a tear. Would that the day might proclaim it, The love I hid from the morn, And poised above my open heart, Like a grain of incense kindle it. Would that the sunset might forget, The secret I told to the day, And would carry it and my love away In the folds of its faded robe!
Silent Hill songs that work too well imo:
- Alex Theme (Machinehead remix)
- Hell Frozen Rain
- Shot Down in Flames
- You’re not Here
Ratatat Minimix [youtube link]
1. We can't be stopped 2. Nostrand (Morwen) 3. Gettysburg (Túrin) 4. Falcon Jab (Nienor) 5. Biddang (Sunset at the Stone of the Hapless) 6. Seventeen Years (Húrin) [Hiden track: Wildcat]
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
Ch 2
Lost Gilbert and Forbes wolf
@tyrionsprincess29 co author
At mystic high Y/n was walking to her locker when she saw a bunch of popular guys picking on some 9th graders so she decided to teach them a lesson "Hey didn't you know it's wrong to pick on kids younger than you ?" The guys looked over at her. She could tell one of them was a supernatural being but she couldn't use her weapon at school so many people will see. The boy walks over to her . "You must be new here because everyone knows not to pick a fight with Tyler Lockwood.
" Y/n laughed and crossed her arms . "Ok and what that gives you the right to pick on others ?" He was about to punch her when another girl stepped in with blonde hair stepping in between us she crossed her arms over her chest. "Back off Tyler or I'll tell my sister you're causing trouble again." He rolled his eyes before the blonde turned to me, sticking her hand out introducing herself. "Hi sorry about him. I'm Y/n Forbes. What's your name?" Y/n stuck her hand out shaking back with a smile that reminded the Forbes girl of someone but she wasn't sure who. "I'm Y/n, Y/n Saltzman."
"As in Alaric Saltzman? '' the girl asked. "Yeah that's me alright why is everyone shocked about it ?" "Will we never knew he had a daughter but welcome to mystic high . Y/N nods "thanks and thank you for stepping in when you did i mean i would stop him but don't need my dad yelling at me on my first day " . She felt something was different about y/n forbes. But didnt say anything, they just went to class . And from there it was a chilled day . By the end of the day y/n went to the grill to do homework she sat down having something to eat and drink she looked up and saw the vampire Damon from this morning. "Can I help you Damon ?" He leans back looking at her . "Why didn't your dad tell us about you?" She sighs rubbing her forehead ''I don't know, maybe he didn't want people to know. I mean he's a hunter Damon ok like i dont keep track of my fathers reasons to hide me." . She picks up her stuff and pays and leaves the grill .
Damon leaves when he sees Ric walks over to him and punches him . "You had to go behind my back to Liz to look up my daughter ? " Damon scoffs "I wouldn't have to if you would be honest with me Ric. " Ric then punches him again and a big fight breaks out and Ric is taken to the Station so was Damon. Elena walks in looking at Ric . "Are you nuts? What are you thinking, you guys aren't teenagers, you know ." Elena sighs looking at Damon. He shrugged "Don't look at me i didn't start it" Elena rolls her eyes. "Let's go both of you." Ric leaves the room till his daughter walks in and sees Elena. "Who are you ?" Ric sighs directing his hand between the two "Elena this is my daughter y/n . Y/n this is Elena ." Damon looks to the doppelganger. "What's up?" Ric and his daughter leaves and elena looks at damon "Why does she look like me?" Damon sighs "i don't know i was trying to find out but he wont tell me " he walks past her but Elena stops him . "Don't go after her damon " he looks at her . "Why, you broke up with me so why do you care if i go after her . I know one thing if she's in danger i won't let her get hurt "
Y/n Forbes ran around her room knowing that a full moon was to happen tonight. “Sis, let me come with you.” Caroline tried to persuade her sister but she declined. “Care, it's too dangerous. You’re a vampire and if you get bitten...then you’ll die.” Caroline brushes her hair from her eyes sighing in frustration knowing that you were right. A werewolf bite could kill her and they hadn’t found a cure yet. Not even a witch like Bonnie could fix it. Y/n put her backpack with chains, wolfsbane and a change of clothes over her shoulder. She left the house running as fast as she could towards the woods hearing a wolf already howling in the distance. Her ankles broke as she drank the painful liquid before her eyes glowed gold. She’d learned that if you just let it happen then the pain wouldn’t be so horrible. Once she had transformed she looked at her grey wolf coat in a puddle of water on the ground. Twigs snapped, making her growl, sticking her claws out. The stranger she saw was dressed in a suit but didn’t go near her as she smelt vampires blood. The man simply resumed his walk without a care.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
The Wolf (Chapter 12)
Warnings - Drugs, Needles, Attempted Sexual Harassment, Gruesome Death
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“Y/N! Wake up please!”
Yuta shook his cage, Taeko tying Y/N to a chair. Leann was placed in a cage with Jisung, cradling her stepson in her arms.
“Yuta, don’t anger him. Shindong will come get us,” Leann rubbed Jisung’s back while attempting to keep Yuta’s anger down, watching as Taeko caressed Y/N’s cheek, licking his lips.
“It sucks she had to be a human. She’s a quarter wolf, right? Maybe she has the Omega trait,” the old man trailed his finger up Y/N’s thigh, Yuta roaring, taking his attention off of Y/N.
“You hurt her, I swear the fuck to Go-”
“Shut up, mutt,” Taeko pointed at Yuta with the same rebar that Y/N used to defend herself earlier, “You don’t want another shot, do you?”
Taeko used the metal to tilt Y/N’s chin up to him, his face inches away from her unconcious lips. Yuta felt the fury in his body growing as he watched his grandfather taunt his mate. The growls in his throat unleashed themselves, Taeko having enough and pulling a needle out of his pocket jacket.
“That’s it!” Taeko made his way to Yuta, Leann holding out her hand to comfort Yuta comfort, the Alpha whacking her hand with the metal spear, a crunch heard as Taeko plunged the needle into Yuta's neck, his howl enough to wake up Y/N and alert his friends to his whereabouts.
"Oh, she's awake, how lovely," Taeko took the rebar, trailing it on Y/N's thigh, "I like a challenge."
Yuta shook the cage while Doyoung and Taeyong called out for him, Johnny and Shindong hoping the distraction would be enough from them to rescue Leann and Jisung. Playing with the lock, Taeko came over, reaching between the two and unlocking it himself.
"With the dosage I gave Yuta, he'd tear you apart," an evil smile appeared on his face, "why should I let the woman and boy live?"
The group watched Yuta change into a feral beast, his strength enough to break the steel bars holding him in. His growls causing Leann to cover Jisung with her body, Y/N wiggling in her chair out of fear and the others grabbing anything they could find to defend themselves.
"Excellent, he loves the smell of fear."
"Y/N, your necklace!" Leann shrieked, Yuta stalking towards Y/N, his eyes with an indescribable feel to them.
Yuta circled the chair, his tail hitting Y/N's chest, the necklace burning his tail. His whimpers caused Taeko to stomp over, Y/N being able to pull one of her hands out of the restraints, the bond between Y/N and Yuta perfectly in sync due to their proximity. Taeko noticed the change in Yuta, the power he felt in his body draining. Y/N stroked Yuta's fur, the content smile on his snout worrying Taeko.
"Impossible! You're not strong enough, you're a huma-"
"You said yourseld, she's quarter wolf!" Jisung broke out of Leann's grasp, Y/N untying her other hand, freeing herself, "the drug affects her because of the bond."
"Doesn't matter," Taeko tried to hold his confidence, changing into his Alpha form, growling at Yuta to scard him back in submission.
The young wolf bowed to his grandfather, his grunts ordering Yuta to stalk Y/N, backing her into a wall. Yuta's growls were demonic as she accepted her fate.
Back in his human form, Taeko watched Yuta swing his paw up, only to be knocked away by a silver wolf, Yuta and the unknown wolf getting into a tussle. The group looked around to see Jisung was gone, Leann crawling out of the cage to try and get her stepson.
"Leann, no. It's too dangerous," Shindong hid her back, Jisung and Yuta in a stand-off.
"Enough," Taeko lifted the piece of rebar, hitting the youngest pup, "I'm not going to let you ruin my plan! All half-breeds will be seen as feral and killed, wiping them from the face of the plan-"
Shindong threw the bottle of wolfsbane at Taeko, his skin melting, Leann gesturing Y/N's necklace.
"Right in the neck! Come on, Y/N!"
Y/N broke the chain around her neck, Yuta turning to fight her, his human side trying to break through, resisting the urge to attack her.
Plunging the silver into Taeko's melting neck, Y/N fell to the floor as his body collapsed on top of her. With the drug out of Yuta's body, he transformed back into a human, pushing his grandfather's body off of his mate.
"I'll be ba-back," Taeko perished, his final words echoing in Yuta's head, Y/N landing one last kick to his head.
"Jisung," Leann and Shindong ran to the youngest wolf, a trio of slashes on his side as his breathing gets weak, "You'll be okay, don't worry, we'll take you to the hospital right now."
Shindong picked up his son, Johnny and Taeyong helping him race to the van, Doyoung and Leann staying with Y/N and Yuta. The dead body now a puddle on the floor, bones the only thing left.
"Should we bury them?"
"No, let his ghost haunt this factory," Leann told the younger wolf, Doyoung slowly backing away as Yuta and Y/N embraced, the nightmare finally over.
"Let's go make sure Jisung's okay," the group left the room on Leann's order, Yuta rubbing Y/N's shoulder before she broke away, grabbing the silver necklace from the mushy goo that was Taeko.
"Now we can go."
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haven-raven012591 · 5 years
Her living Nightmare
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Art work by @wrestling-edits-af
Attention: This one may be a little rough for some, yes it is a cliffhanger.
Raven laid on the floor panting hard as her father walked slowly toward her. "Why?" Raven breathed. "You're the key my little bird." Chad cooed. "I am just a witch." Raven protested. Chad laughed and injected her with more sedative. "My own special blend, it'll help you remember things, my beautiful daughter!" Chad smirked. Raven fought it but was soon claimed by the drug running through her veins. She closed her eyes and desperately wished for Balor and Dylan to be there when she woke up.
Tears ran from the corners of her eyes as the dreams started.
She was running down the hallway toward her mom's room. When she opened the door her mom was asleep so Raven crawled into bed with her and snuggled close. Her mom woke up and stroked her hair. "More bad dreams little bird?" Sara asked. "No, but mommy, is the man in my dreams bad?" Raven asked. "Balor is your protector, he's there only to make sure you are safe." Sara said. "Daddy called him a monster." Raven said. Sara lifted her chin and turned on the light. "Would you like to meet him Raven, I can summon him and you can see for yourself." Sara said.
Raven nodded and Sara smiled softly as she got up. "Balor!" Sara called. He appeared in an instant. "Raven wanted to meet you." Sara said. Balor turned and looked at the wide eyed six year old on the bed. He crouched down as she got up and went to him. "Hi." Raven whispered. "Hello little one, yer up very late." Balor said. "Mommy said I could meet you." Raven said. He put out his hand and she put her little one in his. He kissed the back of it and moved the hair from her face.
She took in his appearance and she backed up clutching the stuffed wolf to her chest. "I'll never hurt ya, Raven yer special and I am bound ta you." Balor said. She licked her lips and touched his face softly. He closed his eyes and knew when she was older her touch would calm and set him on fire. Sara heard a noise and ran out of the room. "Mommy?" Raven called. Balor scooped her up and held her to his chest. "Little bird!" Chad yelled. "Let me down daddy's back!" Raven said. "Not yet Raven." Balor said.
He put her face into his chest and stroked her hair. "No!" Sara said. Raven put her arms around Balor's neck. "Save her please." Raven sobbed. He kissed her cheek. "As you wish." Balor said. He put her down and went to the living room changing. Chad threw him into the wall and grabbed a knife. Balor broke the hold and ran after Chad as he ran for the bedroom. "Balor, save her!" Sara screamed. Chad stopped and turned smiling. Balor stopped inches from him and Chad smirked.
"Be gone demon!" Chad said as he stabbed Balor. "No!" Sara yelled. Balor vanished and roared in anger! "That bastard!' Balor roared! Willow appeared and looked at him. "Save them Willow!" Balor said. Willow appeared and Chad growled. "How fitting it's the wisp!" Chad said as he stood up. Willow looked at Sara. His white eyes filled with rage. Willow threw him from the house and went to Raven. She was in the closet crying. "Come with me little bird." Willow said. She went to him. "Mr. Willow." Raven sobbed.
He took her to Sara's side and laid her down in her mother's arms. "Be brave always my little bird, I'm so sorry for leaving you." Sara panted. "Mr. Willow save mommy, you teached me how to!" Raven balled. "Shh my beautiful Raven, shh you'll be safe from harm Willow and Balor will see to that." Sara said. Raven snuggled close and kissed her mom. "I love you Mommy." Raven said. "I love you too, always remember that my Raven!" Sara said. She closed her eyes and Raven cried harder.
Willow picked her up and she clung to him. "You will remember this only when you need to." Willow whispered and wiped her memory. Raven gasped awake and curled into a ball on the floor. "You remember now." Chad said. Raven looked over at the wall and tried to cast a spell but was hit with immense pain. She screamed and Chad laughed. "Try all you want Raven you're powers are useless!" Chad said. She sat up and tried again only to taste her own blood this time. She wiped it on her sleeve and tried again.
This time she felt something break. Her right leg went limp and she tried a simple healing spell but that resulted in a splitting headache. Chad got up and walked toward Raven. She tried a shield spell to protect herself but it failed. Her body contorted in shear agony. Her scream pierced the inky black night and Chad laughed. He picked her up by a stone collar around her neck and smirked. "Keep using magic my little bird, as you do I grow stronger!" Chad laughed. "Wha...what?" Raven breathed. Chad drug her by the collar and threw her against a full length mirror.
"Look at yourself, Raven." Chad said. She looked at the white streaks in her hair now, the sunken cheeks, the dark circles under her eyes. "How long have I been here?" Raven asked softly. "At this point, a month." Chad said. Raven looked at herself and then him. "Why?" Raven asked. "Once that collar turns bright purple I'll be invincible and once I am your husband will feel my wrath." Chad said. "Mo rí demon would never lose to a man like you!" Raven said and spat on him. Chad back handed her into the mirror and it broke.
She lay there bleeding from her back and head. Her body was so tired that when he picked her up she offered no resistance. He laid her on the bed face first and healed her. "Once you are drained of you magic you will die." Chad said as he stroked her hair. "Balor will stop you, Dylan will find me I know it." Raven murmured. He let her sleep without the drug. She curled up on her side facing the stone wall as her body gave out. These dreams weren't dreams at all. "Raven my beautiful daughter it is time I told you the truth!" Sara said.
"He's killing me mommy and Balor hasn't come!" Raven sobbed. Sara held her tightly and stroked her hair. "Chad is not your father, little bird." Sara said. Raven pushed herself away and looked at her mother. "Who?" Raven asked. "Willow." Sara said. "What, how is that possible, does he know?" Raven asked. "Yes he knows that's why he's kept you safe, he swore a vow he'd never tell you." Sara said. Raven looked at her and tears ran down her cheeks. "That's why he can calm my magic down because he is my father." Raven whispered.
Sara stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. "That's why he knows you so well my little bird." Sara said. "You loved him but married Chad?" Raven asked confused. "Chad and I were betrothed, but I fell in love with Willow and ran away with him, your grandfather made me come back and I married Chad." Sara said. "Willow let you marry him?" Raven asked. "He had no choice it was allow me to marry Chad and continue to be near me or die." Sara said. "How are you so sure I'm Willow's?" Raven whimpered. "I have only to look into your beautiful hazel eyes and see the depth of soul and magic that is reflected in his!" Sara said.
"Does Balor know?" Raven breathed. "If he does he won't care as long as Willow is good to you." Sara said. "He's always good to me he's my only teacher." Raven said. Sara held her close and Raven sighed. "Mom, he's not a monster." Raven whispered. "I'd never promise you to a monster little bird." Sara said. "He's gentle and loving, I mean he's a demon and I'm not scared of him mostly." Raven said. "Balor is the demon king yes, but you're the one he's waited for Raven." Sara said. "I'm in love with him." Raven said.
"I knew you would be, I saw your future when you were very little." Sara said. Sara vanished and Raven opened her eyes seeing Chad walking toward her. "You're awake, good now we can continue." Chad said. Raven sat up and spat at him. "You won't break me!" Raven said her eyes as cold as ice. Chad just laughed. "Your mom told me that too and I killed her." Chad said cockily. "But you never broke her!" Raven said. "That's not entirely true little bird." Chad said. Seth stepped into the room and Raven shook her head.
"Seth." Raven whimpered. "It's ok little bird." Seth said. "You almost killed her!" Raven screamed. "Almost!?" Chad roared! Seth looked at her and she gasped as he doubled over in pain. "Stop!" Raven screamed and ran to Seth. "I never wanted to hurt you or Dylan." Seth panted. "Stop it please you'll kill him!" Raven cried. Her body exploded in pain and she curled into a ball. "Raven." Seth breathed. She looked at him and reached for him. "He k...killed m...my mom." Raven panted hard. "No." Seth said.
Chad laughed and Seth locked eyes with him. Seth changed into his wolf form and attacked him. Raven got up and ran from the room trying to find her way out. She heard a loud howl and she froze. "Seth." Raven breathed. In a split second arms wrapped around her and she was against Chad's chest. "You've killed him!" Chad said. Raven fought him and sobbed. "You're next little bird!" Chad said. She stopped moving as her whole body froze. He was right, no one was coming for her. Balor and Dylan had forgotten about her.
They'd just left her here with this man and god if he ever found out she wasn't his daughter he'd do worse. Chad threw her to the floor and backed away from her. "You're not mine?" Chad said. She looked at him and blinked. "You heard my thoughts?" Raven breathed. "Who do you belong to?" Chad growled. "I do know." Raven lied. He picked her up by her throat and she let her mind go blank. "No, you know and if your mouth won't tell me your mind will!" Chad growled. He chained her to the wall and took out a whip.
@thegloriousdisaster @kittysilver86 @scuzmunkie @team-elias @alexnine @lauri3strode @hardyfangirl3 @balorbj @balordominion @loveroflive78 @wrestlingxbalorxrollins @adriennegabriella @soulofaravenheartofawolf @ladylucksposts @livelifebeautifully81 @calwitch @briqueenofthenorth @2sweetqueen @meremaidqueen @queenofthearchitect @dolphinpink310 @mohawkmama @alternateafterthought @susanleann1
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line-of-fire · 7 months
One week where I'm not going absolutely insane over the twins would be pretty dang neat.
Just, the tragedy of never having a choice for so long that the very concept is completely foreign to them in adulthood. Of not knowing how much of their identity is who they truly are, and how much of it was formed either as a defense mechanism or in response to the years of training, neglect and abuse from their father. Wondering now if the discomfort from deviating from the norm is because it doesn't feel right for them, or if it's an ingrained fear response because to deviate was to risk punishment; a hardwired instinct they can't shake even now.
It's a little easier for Voitto. Alkka did what she could to preserve his gentle nature, helped him hide it while fostering it behind their fathers back. The medical textbooks hidden beneath floorboards, cover ups for his "failure", blame that was intentionally taken off him.. It was for his protection, ultimately, and it was more of a success than a failure. He has some grasp on who he is beyond what he was raised to become, and has found hobbies and interests he can find genuine peace and solace in.
But Alkka... She intentionally made herself conform to their fathers standards; not letting herself consider any other option because this was the option that preserved her twin. She learned how to act to get the results she wanted (Voitto safe and unharmed), even if it was at the cost of her own health and mental wellbeing. She became the closest thing to a 'golden child' in Thurstons eyes, even if it was everything she didn't want to be. Until she had been 'performing' for so long she became the role she took out of necessity; became what he wanted her to.
She's always let herself and her identity be defined by her ability to (seemingly) carry out her father's orders while also protecting her brother from his rage. She let herself be the forged blade to be wielded by someone else; an attack dog trained to obey, self taught to protect a single person. She doesn't know who she's supposed to be outside of that, even after she killed her father and joined Shadow Company. She is unable to see herself doing anything but kill and truthfully?
She still judges herself based on how safe and happy she's kept her brother and how skilled she is compared to her fathers standards. She's tried, but even now, anything that can't be utilized in the field somehow or in some tactical setting doesn't feel quite right. The few 'deviations' from that she's been able to get herself to take are more expressions of her gender identity- something that, oddly enough, is easier for her to grasp and understand than her identity regarding who she is outside of her role as a killer.
Just. Alkka needs some domestic hobbies and a sense of self that doesn't revolve around the concept of her being something to be commanded and/or used.
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line-of-fire · 7 months
What does your heart look like?
iced over, out of the sun
Your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw
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line-of-fire · 8 months
A key difference between Wolf and Voitto is that while Voitto feels intense, unreasonable guilt for something that was entirely out of his control and is in no small part driven by his need to 'make amends' for the harm he was forced to do; Wolf in fact has very little guilt and is more troubled by how similar she is to their father, and how there's no way of truly knowing just how close the apple fell from the tree.
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line-of-fire · 8 months
It's easier for Wolf to think her father was solely irredeemable; that he was always that awful. That he never even had the potential to be a good man, or even a good father.
The first time she willingly took a life was when she killed him. There's no getting around that, his blood is on her hands and at the end of the day, she did what she had to to protect her brother, to give both of them a better life.
But sometimes she does wonder if there ever was a small part of him that could be redeemed. If he was corrupted, instead of always being like that. Because truthfully, there's a lot of days where she looks in the mirror and she doesn't see much of a difference between herself and what Thurston was trying to turn her into growing up. And on her worse days, it makes her scared for herself, her ability to move past his influence.
Because the fact of the matter is, she was at least partially molded in the image of his goal for her and Voitto. With Shadow Company, she has absolutely no isssue with getting more blood on her hands for a 'mission' she doesn't even personally believe in, not really. She's willing to do what she has to, but that exact willingness, and how little it effects her most days is what scares her.
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line-of-fire · 1 year
Something that's absolutely critical to understand about Wolf and Voitto is just the simple fact that agency and self-determination were things that weren't even conceivable for them to have growing up, not until incredibly recently when they joined Shadow Company. And that there's almost no swaying them from their loyalty to the Shadows specifically because of what they feel they owe to the Company, and to Graves specifically, for what he did for them.
For Voitto, it was the first real time he could trust that he'd never have to murder again, that he could focus on healing others like he felt he was meant to do, even if those he was healing were military contractors with no shortage of blood on their hands and questionable morals. It was a place where he could figure out who he was without a weapon being forced into his hands.
And as for Wolf? It was more than that for her. She had figured her gender identity out by the time she was 14, but well. That was well before her and her twin would be freed from their fathers control, and she knew damn well the topic wouldn't be well received by him. And when she turned 18? Her only focus was getting Voitto and herself away from their father as quickly as possible through enlisting in the Finnish military. There wasn't time, and quite honestly she didn't know where to begin with the bureaucracy of it all outside of just getting hers and Voitto's last names changed on paper.
Shadow Company was really the first place she was able to truly be herself, both as Alkka Salo and as Wolf. It's still a struggle, she's still learning, still getting used to it all, but the improvement is still there. She's still fighting to reclaim her autonomy.
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line-of-fire · 4 months
Are you a Soldier, a Poet, or a King?
The King
"There will come a ruler Whose brow is laid in thorn Smeared with oil like David's boy" Duty. Strength. Resignation. You were told to do things and you did them. The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will. You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture ? You don't know. You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs. Your love is where you breathe. Come on, breathe. In. Out. It starts now.
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line-of-fire · 5 months
Pixie's new years resolution is to improve her relationship with her mother and spend more time with her daughter.
Only one of those things is happening and it isn't the first one. Not to say it won't last long. They'll be on okay speaking terms up until March at the latest and will just be inevitably shut down when she accidentally leaves her mom on read for a little too long or gets deployed (especially if she requested the deployment for her own mental health)
Voitto's main two are to get his sister to (finally) attend at least one therapy session, as well as get re-enrolled in 'proper' medical school at least part time so he can get his civilian license.
Alkka isn't crazy about the whole concept, but Voitto did convince her to at least pick one. So she's going to try and find a 'hobby' that isn't just a crudely disguised form of training.
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