#VOITTO: when will this blood on my hands be washed away?
line-of-fire · 8 months
Anyways Wolf and Voitto are absolutely borderline cryptids as far as Shadows go.
Wolf is basically never seen (for long) and just. Tends to basically just fucking appear and disappear seemingly at will without anyone fucking noticing
Voitto’s case is a little less extreme where he’s a medic, but he still has the same Spooky mannerisms purely out of habit.
The red eyes + their ability to communicate with each other without saying a word does not help anything
There’s a hundred theories that get sent around regarding where the hell they’re from and how they wound up with Shadow Company but well. They’re not confirming or denying anything, and at this point some people are scared to even ask after seeing Voitto just casually catch a knife Wolf tossed his way to look at without even looking
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line-of-fire · 8 months
Alkka: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Borealis? Borealis: You, easily. Alkka: What the fuck, man. Borealis: Well, Phoenix would be too easy. She'd probably be into it. Phoenix, now standing in the doorway: What the fuck, man!? Borealis: And I wouldn't feel like handling you without your moral compass Voitto: A safe decision
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line-of-fire · 8 months
Anyways I’m still up and it’s 0330 and all I can think about is the twins (partially blame this on something I came across earlier but anyways)
Thinking about that cabin they grew up in; where they spent twenty years of their lives. How *home* and *prison* had the same effective meaning for the two of them because of what Thurston put them through within those walls. How their blood has stained its metaphorical bones.
Nearly all of their significant memories growing up are in that house, or in the direct vicinity of it. For twenty years, it was their prison, and it wasn’t until Alkka killed their father that they knew anything different.
It’s been a year now, and to say either of them have fully adjusted would be the overstatement of the century. But what they regard as ‘familiar’ has changed to include their barracks room and the harsh concrete structures of base. That cabin has slowly begun to fade from their conscious memory; devolving into a cruel whisper that only returns to full volume on their worse days.
Neither of them have even thought about returning to that cabin, full of the ghosts of their past.
To Voitto, it’s the physical representation of all he’s trying to leave behind; of everything he’s so desperately trying to make up for. To return would be to break down, to remember where he came from.
And for Alkka… She wasn’t unaffected by her upbringing, no matter how much she tries to act like it never changed her. She just got good at burying things, staying quiet and shouldering the damage for her brother’s sake. To return to that cabin would be to finally force herself to look in the mirror and acknowledge what was done to her as well. To face what happened, what she’s spent years ignoring, and it’d be sickening.
Not to mention the all too present fact that Alkka’s and Voitto’s father’s body lays in the very lake that cabin stands across. To return would be to visit their father, a man both Alkka and Voitto couldn’t leave behind soon enough.
That cabin isn’t home, even if so much of their blood sweat and tears have been soaked up by its wood. It’s a gravesite for a man who they take comfort in the fact is burning in hell. It’s a memorial for the childhood they were never allowed to have. An artifact of a past they’re more than happy to leave behind them, even if it’s already been ingrained in their bones.
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line-of-fire · 7 months
One week where I'm not going absolutely insane over the twins would be pretty dang neat.
Just, the tragedy of never having a choice for so long that the very concept is completely foreign to them in adulthood. Of not knowing how much of their identity is who they truly are, and how much of it was formed either as a defense mechanism or in response to the years of training, neglect and abuse from their father. Wondering now if the discomfort from deviating from the norm is because it doesn't feel right for them, or if it's an ingrained fear response because to deviate was to risk punishment; a hardwired instinct they can't shake even now.
It's a little easier for Voitto. Alkka did what she could to preserve his gentle nature, helped him hide it while fostering it behind their fathers back. The medical textbooks hidden beneath floorboards, cover ups for his "failure", blame that was intentionally taken off him.. It was for his protection, ultimately, and it was more of a success than a failure. He has some grasp on who he is beyond what he was raised to become, and has found hobbies and interests he can find genuine peace and solace in.
But Alkka... She intentionally made herself conform to their fathers standards; not letting herself consider any other option because this was the option that preserved her twin. She learned how to act to get the results she wanted (Voitto safe and unharmed), even if it was at the cost of her own health and mental wellbeing. She became the closest thing to a 'golden child' in Thurstons eyes, even if it was everything she didn't want to be. Until she had been 'performing' for so long she became the role she took out of necessity; became what he wanted her to.
She's always let herself and her identity be defined by her ability to (seemingly) carry out her father's orders while also protecting her brother from his rage. She let herself be the forged blade to be wielded by someone else; an attack dog trained to obey, self taught to protect a single person. She doesn't know who she's supposed to be outside of that, even after she killed her father and joined Shadow Company. She is unable to see herself doing anything but kill and truthfully?
She still judges herself based on how safe and happy she's kept her brother and how skilled she is compared to her fathers standards. She's tried, but even now, anything that can't be utilized in the field somehow or in some tactical setting doesn't feel quite right. The few 'deviations' from that she's been able to get herself to take are more expressions of her gender identity- something that, oddly enough, is easier for her to grasp and understand than her identity regarding who she is outside of her role as a killer.
Just. Alkka needs some domestic hobbies and a sense of self that doesn't revolve around the concept of her being something to be commanded and/or used.
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line-of-fire · 8 months
A key difference between Wolf and Voitto is that while Voitto feels intense, unreasonable guilt for something that was entirely out of his control and is in no small part driven by his need to 'make amends' for the harm he was forced to do; Wolf in fact has very little guilt and is more troubled by how similar she is to their father, and how there's no way of truly knowing just how close the apple fell from the tree.
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line-of-fire · 11 months
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Commission I got from @frukmerunning for Voitto and Wolf a while ago! If you haven’t already go check her out I can’t recommend it enough! She was an absolute joy to work with and I love how it turned out!!
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line-of-fire · 1 year
Something that's absolutely critical to understand about Wolf and Voitto is just the simple fact that agency and self-determination were things that weren't even conceivable for them to have growing up, not until incredibly recently when they joined Shadow Company. And that there's almost no swaying them from their loyalty to the Shadows specifically because of what they feel they owe to the Company, and to Graves specifically, for what he did for them.
For Voitto, it was the first real time he could trust that he'd never have to murder again, that he could focus on healing others like he felt he was meant to do, even if those he was healing were military contractors with no shortage of blood on their hands and questionable morals. It was a place where he could figure out who he was without a weapon being forced into his hands.
And as for Wolf? It was more than that for her. She had figured her gender identity out by the time she was 14, but well. That was well before her and her twin would be freed from their fathers control, and she knew damn well the topic wouldn't be well received by him. And when she turned 18? Her only focus was getting Voitto and herself away from their father as quickly as possible through enlisting in the Finnish military. There wasn't time, and quite honestly she didn't know where to begin with the bureaucracy of it all outside of just getting hers and Voitto's last names changed on paper.
Shadow Company was really the first place she was able to truly be herself, both as Alkka Salo and as Wolf. It's still a struggle, she's still learning, still getting used to it all, but the improvement is still there. She's still fighting to reclaim her autonomy.
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line-of-fire · 3 months
I like to think that Voitto would be inclined to use terms such as 'dear', 'beloved', and 'love' as pet names (when speaking English) if he were to grow close enough to someone. It's less about the romantic connotations and more the expression of (not necessarily romantic) love and affection.
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line-of-fire · 5 months
repost and fill in the words you most associate with your character !
ANIMAL:   doe.
COLOUR:  light blue.
MONTH:   april.
SONG: what i've done by linkin park.
PLANT: lavender.
SMELL : oak wood and disinfectant.
SEASON:   winter.
FOOD:   doctors office lollipops.
DRINK: hot cocoa.
ELEMENT: earth.
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line-of-fire · 5 months
What is your soulmate like?
a good dream
some people dream vivid dreams--some people don’t dream at all. i’ve always dreamt when i sleep, sometimes good and sometimes bad. the good dreams, though often nonsensical, are clouded with this happy haze, one that makes me feel like all my problems have disappeared. your soulmate is your happy dream, goofy and silly and most of all--a reminder to you that there’s so much in life to be happy about. what is that quote, the one that’s like “whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same?” i wish for you, the dreamlike love that matches your beautiful soul.
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line-of-fire · 5 months
Pixie's new years resolution is to improve her relationship with her mother and spend more time with her daughter.
Only one of those things is happening and it isn't the first one. Not to say it won't last long. They'll be on okay speaking terms up until March at the latest and will just be inevitably shut down when she accidentally leaves her mom on read for a little too long or gets deployed (especially if she requested the deployment for her own mental health)
Voitto's main two are to get his sister to (finally) attend at least one therapy session, as well as get re-enrolled in 'proper' medical school at least part time so he can get his civilian license.
Alkka isn't crazy about the whole concept, but Voitto did convince her to at least pick one. So she's going to try and find a 'hobby' that isn't just a crudely disguised form of training.
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line-of-fire · 6 months
in the Phoenix verse, Wolf and Voitto are still part of shadow company. Phoenix just gets on with those two like oil and vinegar for various reasons (Phoenix getting vaguely reminded of things still locked away by Voitto; Wolf being... Wolf).
It's a major TBD regarding how they'd fair in a combat environment and well. It might be best to leave it at that for now
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line-of-fire · 6 months
What type of symphony are you?
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The Elegy: The Blooming of the Rose
You are the crescendo, a never-ending strength which arouses great power and love within. You feel immensely, intensely, and every surface you touch is laiden with love-- but beware, one must not cross you. Your ardor knows no bounds and your symphony echoes on. You bring tears to one's eyes when they look at you too long and you inflict hope within tragedy. You are the end-all-be-all, but you are not to be mistaken in fear-- people cannot help feeling everything at once when they meet you, for you are the cosmos which blinds the oblivious and gifts the shadows light. Your song: Elegies of Thule No. 3 by Tonu Korvits
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line-of-fire · 7 months
Crime Drama Archetype Aesthetics
bold what applies to your muse , italics for things that apply situationally and / or only in certain verses .
a small home full of medals // the scent of justice // the adrenaline rush before busting a crime scene // trusting in the team // sworn oaths // the city’s skyline from the roof of the police station // radio chatter // protecting those who can’t protect themselves // a last stand // crime scene tape
a revolver resting in the drawer // the taste of cheap whiskey // constant reminders of past mistakes // a shadowy figure in the alley // being known in every bar // a fight in the backroom // blood on leather gloves // your name whispered in the underworld // broken laws for the greater good // an act of defiance against the system
a drawer full of candy wrappers // an unexpected knack for solving cases // a fascination with the improbable // the comfort in eccentricity // midnight oil burning for a case // chaotic notes leading to the truth // a genius in their own world // the thrill of a new challenge // the final piece of the puzzle falling into place // a colorful scarf among the grey suits
worn out gloves from punching the bag // a growl in the voice // a reputation that precedes you // a fist through the wall // harsh words with a caring undertone // a cigarette burning in the ashtray // the anger that fuels everything // a grudge held too long // begrudging respect from colleagues // an unexpected show of loyalty
working late nights // a plan that doesn’t include going home // being unable to return to the way things once were // a whiskey bottle in the bottom drawer // the cold touch of a gravestone // silence in a room once filled with laughter // old photographs gathering dust // the echo of a voice no longer there // a past that refuses to be forgotten // knowing that nobody knows what to say
a flask of strong coffee // a siren in the distance // the familiar smell of gunpowder // a smoker’s cough // secrets buried deep // a sigh of frustration // a heavy sense of cynicism // crime scene photos that haunt dreams // a stare that has seen too much // a cold case reopened
the sharp smell of chemicals // a doctor’s coat stained with blood // hands that have tried to mend too many // the solemn silence of the dead // the precision in every movement // the precise language of medicine // a race against time // the responsibility of life and death // blood spatters on white walls // an oath never to be broken
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line-of-fire · 7 months
Wolf and Voitto are codependent because after everything, the other is the only one they can wholeheartedly, 100% trust with their life, no strings attached. They're united in the blood they've spilled, both "because of" and for each other; mirror images and living failures of a dead mans dream- a dream they couldn't burn soon enough.
Mira and Magnum Opus are codependent because nobody else can understand their meaning of existence and it's implications and have been united in their emotional and metaphorical isolation that's always been in the name of 'science' and the benefit of others, by a 'father' that meant well but always had other priorities.
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line-of-fire · 8 months
If the twins do exist in the Val verse. Thinking about how fucking funny it would be if like.
Pix knew them from that brief hired killer stint she had as Sparrow. Either ran into them trying to kill the same guy or something similar along those lines. But anyways.
Ended up being pretty easy for her to figure out b the situation regarding her father and well. The rest of her life was awful and completely out of her control; but she could help with this.
Not saying she found an excuse to meet up with their father but well. I’m not saying that didn’t happen either.
Either way, Pix nudged Alkka and Voitto towards a prepaid apartment for rent + a conveniently timed job opportunity. TLDR on that; security job didn’t last long for Alkka between her past catching up to her and well. Being herself. But Voitto started school to work towards his paramedic license, or something along those lines.
Anyways this is just a comedic set up for Pixie running into Alkka on some protocol thing and instantly going into big sister mode bc ‘wtf Wolf what are you doing here who’s blood is that jfc you better have a good excuse for this mess why are you still killing people’. With nobody having any context.
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