lastoneout · 1 year
I will say it's kinda hilarious that Nintendo went "you know the most annoying characters from the original game? the ones that 90% of the fans hated so much that it became a whole meme?? the ones where the reward for finding all nine hundred of them is just a pile of shit??? yeah in the sequel let's make it so the players can glue them to rockets and bombs"
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cypresstrees · 5 months
extremely hilarious that the admiralty not only sent laurence and temeraire to brazil in hopes they’d smooth over the whole “the tswana are reclaiming their ancestors and oh no our slaveholder allies are struggling” situation, but they also pardoned laurence over it
yes, they have by far the most experience with the tswana, i do get that, but in what world did they expect william “son of a famous abolitionist, literally committed treason to save the lives of foreign beings looked down upon by dominant society” laurence and temeraire “radical free thinker, notoriously does not believe in authority and hates injustice” dragon to actually do what they wanted?
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jenna-louise-jamie · 8 months
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this is so fucking funny
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bloodbank4050 · 1 year
My Parent’s meet-cute
My mom joined the Army after graduation from High School (1983), got sent to basic and eventually ended up at Fort Stewart. As my mom describes- the Barracks sucked, and she didn't want to live there. The only way to live off base was to 1) get approval from the CO (which was very uncommon), or 2) be married. So my mom's then boyfriend (Ted) liked the idea, they took a quick trip to South Carolina to get married (because there was a 2 week wait in Georgia because you needed to have a blood test done), then found a house and settled in. 
A year into married life, and Ted is getting ready to leave, and both had decided months before that the relationship wasn't good anymore- so my mom bought a bottle of cheap champagne, and divorce papers to the house on their 1 year anniversary (1986).
My father joined the Army Intelligence (Legacy; my Grandfather was an A.I. vet), married a woman (Stacy) that he thought he loved that his family approved of (Jewish); got sent to New Mexico, found out he didn't like that so much, and hopped into the Army Medic system. He got transferred to South Korea for a year (1983), and it took him four months to save up to bring Stacy over to live while he was in South Korea. But surprise(/s), Stacy had been unfaithful since the beginning. Dad drops Stacy quickly, and gets Transferred to Fort Stewart in '85.
Now, in '86, my mom is newly divorced and has just gotten orders to report back to the barracks within the week. Since Ted (now ex-husband) had already left, and since my mom was the only owner still in-country to sell it she decides to go out with a bang: hosts a house-selling party, and invites her friends and friends of friends to have some fun and maybe find a buyer for the house too. 
My dad was a friend of a friend, and he shows up to have fun- everyone's getting drunk and grouping off. And (as my mom describes the event) my mom is coming back from the bathroom, my father attempts to have a conversation that went roughly like.. "This is a great house, it's a shame you have to sell... got any offers?... No.... Hey, wanna marry me and we can keep living here?" My mom thought he was joking because he was stupid drunk. But the next morning he was still adamant. And my mom agreed to the idea with the stipulation that either one of them could walk at any time. 
Mom says she fell in love with the idiot about three months after they got married. They're having their 36th wedding anniversary this year
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sherbetyy · 1 year
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How do I even get this shit on my fyp
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Got a new dog. Daisy Crockett is still unsure about us lol
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moonrver · 2 years
My cousin got interviewed about Boris Johnson's situation on his way to work yday and he said "this is almost as good as the day thatcher died" whdjqdhwkd they obvs didn't broadcast it lmao
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spirallingstarcases · 9 months
top five men?
like in a row? or do i get breaks
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sweet-popplio · 3 days
I've been told "You seem to avoid confrontation"
Like yeah, because it's repeatedly been proven that either a) Other person gets violent or b)I'm ignored and told its not their problem.
I get walked over or yelled at. Neither of which sound great. Not that I enjoy the alternative of being walked all over, but what do you even do? Are there classes on doing well with confrontation that I missed?
Within the last 5 years have learned to say NO to things. But even then I still struggle at times.
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mysunangel · 4 months
you'd think that someone who started the ship polls again would be able to handle the heat as seen in the previous ones
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no-face-no-shame · 2 months
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Locking in seconds before doing the most insane thing possible
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spitblaze · 3 days
I guess Chilchuck has brought us right back to 'adults who are short are child-coded and if you like them you're a pedophile' discourse huh
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bloodbending · 1 year
someone please help me find that quote about how someone was overwhelmed with the weight of the world and their problems when they were physically alone, but that weight felt like nothing in the presence of a friend and good conversation
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hugeegosorry · 3 months
Marriage headcanons - James Wilson x Fem!Reader
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He cheats on you
You divorce
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egophiliac · 2 months
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IT WAS ERIC AFTER ALL!!!! I'm so glad we got to meet him (before Vil snaps him away with those Infinity Gauntlets) (can't wait to see what happens when we get the matching Infinity Tiara to go with them, there will be no survivors)
(sorry to be so slow/rough lately, just got a lot of stuff on the ol' brain at the moment! alas, if only I could spend all my time drawing incredibly stupid characters I mean I do but)
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emil1863 · 2 months
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Adding onto the Cora lives and Law still gets tattoos train
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