feltcreature · 8 months
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yayyyyy amanda
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chromateclipse · 4 months
✨We’re best friends because we both know what it’s like to have people be jealous of us✨
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elipri · 10 months
So there's this doc that's making the rounds now which is basically a compilation of receipts of a certain individual's behavior in the sxf fandom. I already knew some of the stuff (most notably the DamiAnya server infiltration), but I wasn't aware of the full extent. I took screenshots of the doc for those who don't want to view it.
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Also this was her reaction to shiny deactivating
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More under the cut
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There's more but I already reached tumblr's image capacity 😅
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
i think oc/character artists and self-insert writers should hold hands.
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rocket-220 · 3 months
Aight, where are my pre-order/"don't have the book yet" homies at?
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king-magppi · 7 months
Where are all my fellow Fishman likers???
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moonlights-thoughts · 6 months
Trolls on an anatomy and scientific level gives me an existential crisis
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Marketing for books is so wild because it's acceptable to say "Dracula retelling where the bride kills Dracula" but not so acceptable to say "deconstruction of the way Twilight gave me violent brain rot but set in 1600s Hungary"
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junipum · 2 years
every day i scour the depths of house tumblr to find and like that one new post. wake up, spam post a few things of calling wilson my bbg, go to sleep, then repeat. it may not be a very societally accepted cycle, but it works and i would not change a thing
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voyage-inferno · 5 months
Natlan Coquito. Send post
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Hello I am actually obsessed with the daytime future post (broken day AU? Like daybreak?). I adore light as vile in fiction because it's so different and fascinating. The dark hides horrors and plays on the fear of the unknown, the anxiety of knowing something could be after you. But daylight horror is in front of you, and you cannot hide from it. Violence and agony on full display. And of course the over abundance of a good thing becoming sickening, turning life into toxin.
Maybe the servants are Helioptiles/Heliolisks (they get Solar Power and are sun themed in general). If you want to replace Dusknoir, he could be a water type and that's part of how he rose in rank to be Dialga's personal servant. Inteleon could be interesting because of the spy motif, or Slowking for the intelligence, or a fully evolve water starter for the imposing vibes. Carracosta is a good option too.
Light as a force that can be just as harsh and brutal as it can good is so underutilized and I agree, it's a super cool concept with a lot of potential for horror and cruelty!
Those are some super good ideas for the servants, intelleon and slowing are especially good 😭😭😭😭 I could see both being dialga's main servants - with slowking as the brain of their operations and intelleon as their (probably rather brutal) sniper and master of disguise.
I could see Intelleon heading back to the past to pose as an explorer in pretty much exactly the same way dusknoir does in canon - which then results in the very funny situation of having TWO separate renowned explorers in town giving completely contradictory stories while the townsfolk struggle to decide which to trust 😂
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k00ldino · 7 months
So, the mooned trailer for vector short film. Have you seen this? he looks so cool here
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he really is my pookie wookie bear, huh? <33
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luckyagain · 9 months
Why do you think they broke up in 2016? I was a fan then and there was nothing to show they weren't together, especially with Jay's illness, Harry doing his album and doing Dunkirk and going to see her in between breaks, etc
i feel like there must have been some relationship issues occurring to account for the narratives in hs1 and walls. now i took a fandom break in 2016 so i’m not familiar with the ~vibes~ and what was happening during that time, but i felt like they were together in 2015 especially since the bears were around until early 2016. then we got hs1 in may of 2017 so songs like meet me in the hallway and from the dining table had to have been written and recorded in 2016 or early 2017.
** i wanna clarify that i do think they are currently together **
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egg-on-a-legg · 1 year
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synthelle · 2 years
so a realiable leaker confirmed alhaitham for 3.4... childe is in the 2nd half of 3.2, scara is in the 1st half of 3.3. currently i have 167 wishes.
definitely going to get childe even if i lose his 50/50 first. it's his 4th rerun, he might not show up for another year.
so my possibilies are:
win both childe and scara's 50/50 = definitely will be able to get alhaitham
win childe's 50/50, throw everything at scara = frantically farm primos for a chance at alhaitham's 50/50
throw everything at childe, lose scara's 50/50 and cant farm enough to win guaranteed scara = guaranteed alhaitham
throw everything at childe, win scara's 50/50 = frantically farm for a chance at alhaitham's 50/50
send primos help
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openquotes · 2 years
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THANK YOU. meanwhile i didnt know what mikey was wearing until THIS FUCKING MORNING
i feel so bad for all you mikeygirls. yall are really going through the trenches
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