#Unbalanced AU
cryptidblue1 · 11 months
So that Unbalanced AU idea...
So, I had a thought that if I ever had the spoons to write this idea in a proper story and not just make up snippets and such that each chapter would have like these excerpts from scholarly papers, journals, letters, etc. that would take place like far in the future when Hallownest is really gone and people are you know, piecing together its history. Before it goes into the actual, you know story of everything going sideways because of Vessels surviving and having a hivemind and stuff. *sparkle hands* so I'm just going to put those random excerpts here since I'm fighting enough as it is with the spoons for the one fic I started and trying to be motivated to keep going. So yeah, dumping ground time for fic bits and snippets.
A word, a symbolism, a place of home, or a place of awe. There are many connotations connected to what seems to be a simple word. How this world has become such an important word for many, especially among bug kind is ambiguous at best; unknown at worst. All that is known is that Kingdom has become a word one attaches to a civilization that has transcended the boundaries of simple clan and groups squabbling for survival in harsh climes and dangerous locales.
Ah, but one can not just band a group together and call themselves a kingdom. No, while there are those who attempt such; creating clans and groups of villages under one rule. The title of Kingdom has always been of Sacred connotations. For every great Kingdom that has risen and whose name has been whispered among travelers and pilgrims, it has always had a touch of Divine to them. Whether it be by blessings, by the founding be from one of holy dispositions, by one with ichor flowing in their shell, or even by a god themselves taking interest in the realm of mortal affairs. These places imbued with sanctifying power have always risen higher and greater than any purely mortal civilization has ever achieved.
Yet, what causes these beings of higher and seemingly astronomical power to set foot onto a land and decry it to be under their domain?
A question that will likely be one of the questions pondered by scholars for decades to come.
It is these questions that have made many a scholar turn their gazes, and hone their blades towards a Kingdom that boasted not one, but at least five different gods through its rise, fall, and rebirth. A Kingdom of great renown and growth, and thus an even greater tragedy when its fall would show us why when Gods feud, all shall suffer. For who does not know of the great Kingdom of Hallownest? One whose origin seems tumultuous and mired in conflict and possessive grips of gods from times far older than even we may truly understand. The hints and findings of those brave enough to enter into the depths below the ruins of what had once been the great palace of the Pale King. The records of before the Pale King, where the Radiance had ruled, and even the scattered remnants that showed the rise of Hallownest under the Pale King’s gaze, and the plague that would bring it low. Each excursion into the depths, and the findings of those who had lived through this era of uncertainty and conflict have created a tapestry that each new thread only adds vibrancy and clarity to what we know of this Kingdom of Gods.
What is unclear in all of our findings of this kingdom from so long ago, the question that haunts every chronicler and history seeker wishing to know the truth of the path that led to its rebirth…
What stopped the Radiance’s curse for a time?
In all findings and piecing of a timeline of this city, there seems to be a blatant attempt to hide away the time period when the Pale King found a way to stop the plague riddling his subjects and when the plague returned somehow even more terrible than before. Even the means in which the plague was completely eradicated from the paths and depths of this kingdom is contradictory and purposefully shrouded from the attempts of history to record the ruins of this kingdom finding its footing once more and rising again for a time. Even the journals of those who had sought out answers when survivors of this time were alive and aware, can not seem to agree on what happened. The frustration in the words and pen strokes of these seekers of the truth is clear to any to see as they list the many ways that citizens refused, were clearly unaware, or obfuscated the answer to the main question being asked during the clean up at the plague’s end.
Perhaps there are answers hidden amidst artifacts that are rarer than the most precious of gems. Artifacts of the royal family, and of those that are only ever called Vessels when written about. A title only ever seen in passing within the few documents that point to there being more than just a battle of Gods in that era of Hallownest’s history. A title and speculations from a more radical branch of scholarly pursuit that have taken on the notion that there was another God involved in all of this.
An even more radical faction within the Studium has even begun believing that this tumultus time was the birthing of new gods.
This scholar finds these hypotheses fairytale-like and outlandish with how little evidence there is to support these theories of just what happened during the era of the Dreaming Plague. Thus, they shall only be mentioned as proof that every avenue was listened to at the time of the writing of this report. However, as this is meant to be a postulation of historical facts presented from actual evidence and records found and excavated from the depths of Hallownest, these theories will not be given more than a passing mention as we delve into the history and mystery that was a Kingdom considered to have been one of the greatest of Kingdoms to have ever risen.
May the blessing of Argos, They who have given us, of the Kingdom of Aeldum, the gift of Knowledge, find favor in my report of the Kingdom of Gods.
—Tirchel, Professor of Archaeology and Scholar of Divine History. Citizen of the Kingdom of Aeldum. Season of Rain Year 785 A.P.
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dryemiddi · 5 months
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Okay but like what's with all the brit energy in this image
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exx-bee · 7 months
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(alt versions of vik under cut! plus a silly potato doodle i did on my phone LMAO)
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in this au potatoified vik would b . in tha potato but have a little hologram 2 annoy jayce with. gay people behaviors yk
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bakawitch · 3 months
Update on the Hazbin au!
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It's Yami Bakura as Vox!
Originally, I was gonna call their group the Three Bees, but I decided to rename them and call the trio the Three Zees.
So Velvette/TK now goes by Zenith, and Vox/YB goes by Zed. With this out in the open, Valentino's stand-in is probably not gonna be a surprise at this point lol
Also, huge thank you to @sesshy380 for helping me come to a compromise with TK's scar!
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fizzycereal · 7 months
Here take more of me trying to draw humans 😎
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Tee hee funni idea for au 😎
Basically when I first created Atlas he was going to be very different. This is how he would of been. Poor Bj 😔
@homobrainjuice 😊
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x-i-l-verify · 8 months
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Complicated, indescribable Overrated, undeniable Tell yourself whatever you want to believe But your fate still lies in me I took your everything Took it for myself My enjoyment and no one else You’re mine…
Little bit of art for my DSMP vampire AU, where, among other things, c!BBH is owned by a vampiric c!Technoblade as a living food source (since they're both Netherborn and all). Bad... doesn't have a great time, let's just say.
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okay so I know I said I’d have a post for Monday but stuff happened (nothing bad don’t worry) so this is late and also not what I had planned. but it’s something at least while I’m working on drawing and trying to actually finish a drawing for once in my life
anyways without further ado: more Voltron dragon prince AU shenanigans because that is still very much a thing that I want to do and am going to at least have some “official” art done for at some point in the year.
I only have an idea for Shiro’s design right now, but I have so much more to talk about in this post.
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Shiro doesn’t really have a direct parallel to anyone in the dragon prince, but he’s still important (obviously) and he still goes missing. I can’t really say too much about him because of story and plot reasons but there is gonna be Cool Stuff happening. I decided to make him a moon shadow elf because it makes the most sense, and also I just thought he would look cool as one. He’s still engaged to Adam, and he still goes missing with Sam and Matt Holt.
That’s all I can say about Shiro for now, but I still have other characters to talk about.
Adam is going to be playing an active role in this because I want him to and also he won’t fucking die because I think he should live. As a treat.
In this AU, Adam is human. A huge part of his whole deal is that he will be looking for a Shiro and Keith alone because they’re the two most important people in his life and he wants to find them.
Also, Adam and Shiro’s relationship is secret, only Keith knows that they’re together and that’s a huge motivation as to why Adam goes searching for them alone since he’s kinda trapped since he can’t exactly go out and get help finding Shiro and Keith. Anyways, that’s enough about those two, let’s get on to everyone else I’m talking about today
I’m just going to make a quick bullet point list of characters I don’t have much to say on in this post but I still wanna say what their deal is in the AU:
Coran is going to be Opeli (the like, advisor in TDP). He’s the royal adviser, but he also helped raised Lance and Allura. I don’t really have much to say about him other than he will still very much be himself and I love him
Matt is a scholar or something of that type along with his father, and they meet Shiro while doing research and end up befriending him (thank you Aeon for this suggestion your brain is great)
Romelle is going to be the equivalent of Ellis (the kid with the wolf). Also trans Romelle because I am a trans Romelle truther
Veronica is going to be this AUs Amaya but not going to be exactly like her (also, please let me know if you guys think that I should make Veronica deaf like Amaya since I would like having a deaf character in this but idk if it should be her or another side character that would most likely be an OC)
Krolia is going to be missing/MIA
The BoM are going to be the moonshadow elf assassins, but without the whole knowledge or death deal since. I just don’t want them to have that and it’s my AU I get to do what I want
Honerva is dead lol
Zarkon will be Viren
Ezor, Zethrid, Narti and Axca are still Lotor’s Lesbians and I have Several Ideas for them
I still have a lot that I wanna do, like learn how to draw dragons because Whoops I made an AU that has dragons and a lot of them but I don’t know how to draw them, and I have a lot to talk about when it comes to certain decisions I made for this, like Zarkon and Honerva and some things I have in mind for them. This is probably going to be a project that will take a long time to even officially get started because I don’t know how to write but I so desperately want to tell the story I have in mind and have it be enjoyable.
I’ll make another post soon with more in-depth descriptions and ideas for Zarkon, along with something I like to call the “kill-die scale” and also some ideas I am still struggling with
Also as always, thank you to @deuxaeonn for the help, your brain is so good and ik this hasn’t been worked on for a while but still lmao
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phoenixcatch7 · 8 months
I'm making a persona 5 au of svsss (au in that it was the modern world that was the au, and sy brought something along with him), and I'm having a lot of fun with it!
Sy dies the same way as in canon, but this time as the leader/a member of the Chinese branch of phantom thieves (when and how a Chinese branch was made can be handwaved). He's a fellow wild card, a fool arcana, he's got third eye and a fully realised but unawakened persona.
When he awakes in sqq's body, he starts on as canon, but starts to notice strange fluctuations on qj that indicate the presence of the meta verse - and not only that, but a palace. The system notices the mysterious appearance of a new program it can't delete - the meta nav.
Without the key words, however, Sqq can't get in. He can't find who it belongs to, nor what it might be. One thing is for certain though: lbh cannot find out. The blackened protagonist with free reign of the meta verse? An undoubtedly powerful persona of his own?? It'd be the breakdown incidents all over again! He wouldn't stand a chance!
It takes a lot of arguing with the system about narrative directions and plot holes for it to not direct him to the nearest ripple in reality. In dreams, igor agrees (he has a lot to say about his new situation, but Sqq kinda ignores it).
Then, one day, he finds a fluctuation strong enough to fit a human, and slips right through, his scifi fantasy ninja outfit appears in flames, and he is faced with the distortion of qing jing peak - roiling dark clouds, bamboo towering impossibly far over his head, brown leaves thick on the ground and a thunderous gong ringing from somewhere down the path.
A coliseum.
Screams ring out, metal clashes, beasts roar.
And standing in front of the metal grill gate, tall and bedazzled in riches and more unmarked than shen yuan has ever seen him, is shen qingqiu.
What is persona if not themes of the inner self and fighting literal inner demons and learning to love, both yourself and others, and overcoming tragedy?
There are some things I'm still unsure of, but I really want to explore the idea of the ghost of sj lingering on, still haunting the narrative and how that affects everyone. Normally, when a palace ruler is killed, their palace crumbles as well, but with Sqq still walking around and the systems intervention with his soul (having not died then in canon) the original goods wouldn't be fully gone.
The soul is! It's not sjs ghost, but rather his shadow. Real souls cannot live in the meta verse. But with the real deal gone, sy would be unable to affect him in order to make his way through the palace to the treasure the way a normal heist would go. Instead, he'd have to learn about sj himself, uncovering secrets and dispelling rumours. As the new Sqq, he would have to change his perspective and uncover the story behind the scum villain in order to progress. Remove the distorted perspective from himself.
Mini bosses would be a bad faith interpretation of yqy from sjs perspective, qiu haitang as she was at the manor. Enemies would be the coliseum guards and jailers, the shadow populace qj disciples in general misery, often forced to fight each other or monsters as sj watches on from the top seat. Nyy would sit with him. Poor shadow lbh would be a prime gladiator slave, suffering constant defeat. Sin: envy. I really want to focus on the fact he is both abuser and survivor, and his 'I suffered, thus so should you' thing. A bit like p5 strikers in that.
The plot would be basically Sqq handling both the canon events of svsss and also his investigation into sj, tracing paper trails of slave documents, hunting for potential secrets in the bamboo house, learning about the ghost backstab incident from lqg (which leads him to airplane), building up the courage to go down and talk to the brothel ladies, carefully teasing bits of history out of yqy. Also beating up shadows with a jojo stand and a .7 calibre sniper rifle he can fire like an automatic in his spare time. (if you don't know, persona lets you hold shadows at gunpoint for cash and items, but also flirt, threaten and bribe. Also you can ambush them and sometimes collect them like pokemon it's fun.)
The final battle would have the palace ruler sj transform into his final form (I'm thinking something with chains) but there absolutely has to be a human duel for the first phase, xiu ya to xiu ya. The surrendering of the crown would end in a hug, and sj performing a sincere but bastardised version of the peak lord crowning ceremony before he dissipates, and the coliseum starting to crumble and burn. As for the treasure... In the distorted world, an elaborate peak lord ceremonial crown, in the real world, an old, worn hair ribbon.
If I wrote it, I'd probably keep it shorter. Just the one palace, maybe sqh awakens his persona by virtue of being squirrelly and getting on his last nerve™. I'm thinking of the 'what don't I dare when it comes to you?!' because if that isn't a persona awakening scene I don't know what is. Conquering the bamboo palace would free qj from some 'unnamable' dark cloud and just in time to push lbh in the abyss (the palace time limit bring that sjs spirit would cruelly push lbh into the abyss rather than sy doing it (and being kinder about it)).
If it was longer, more persona users would awaken, despite sqq's best attempts. Liu qingge, ning yingying, shang qinghua obviously, gongyi xiao, zhuzhi lang maybe (they'd both live). A real motley crew. There'd be more palaces along the journey, each with it's own deadline - old palace master, lbh (though his palace would have the gimmick of being actually xin mo's), tianlang Jun, qiu haitang. Sj would still be the overarching palace, this time being the only one without a deadline maybe, and the story would end with a 'not sj' reveal for the new phantom thieves (with a side order of 'we already know and care for you anyway').
A sequel would be shorter: sy visits qiong ding for the first time since its all calmed down and realises that the distortions of a palace are still there, that they weren't a product of the bamboo palace. Yqy has a palace (because you can't tell me that man is mentally well). For a side of angst maybe the sy reveal was more open secret for the need to knows rather than strictly 'whoever witnessed two identical versions of Sqq trying to kill each other' and Yqy develops the palace as a result of not taking that well.
In comparison to the others, Yqy is the strongest cultivator alive, has been sitting on a soul deep distortion and trauma for decades since childhood, recently went through a heartbreaking reveal pointed directly at every single one of those issues, and oh yeah, has his soul directly bound to xuan su.
His palace's difficulty level is nightmarish. The corrupt version of the lingxi caves is a terrifying subterranean crawl through blood soaked caverns and bottomless pits. The gimmick is that near everything wants to suck your soul out. The only saving grace is that distortions are not inherently malicious, and they manage to lever that to their advantage. Unlike the others, yqys palace does not focus on him abusing his power over others - quite the opposite, in fact.
Through murals, echoing voices, and what sy and sqh remember, they piece together his own heart demons. It's scary - outwardly, the sect leader is fine, clear headed, going about his days just fine. The bloodied caverns he sees the world through tell a different story. To gain access it's a long process of easing out stories, working through his deeply ingrained self reliance, helping him work up to confessing the truth of xuan su. Not only to xiao jius shrine, but to his closest martial siblings as well, allowing him to be vulnerable and protected as he never has been.
But Yqy follows them into the palace, curious as to why they visit his peak every day. It's unstable, very dangerous for a person to meet their shadow, but it's too late. Yqy meets his shadow self, small and furious and stuck through with a thousand swords he uses to his advantage, and does the impossible.
A palace ruler awakens a persona.
Even as a trained group, the life force powered xuan su boosted shadow is too strong - they've already failed to defeat it once. Yue qingyuan, breathing grief like air but finally ready to heal, stands for himself. Rips off the smiling mask he's been hiding behind since he was five years old and freshly a big brother. His persona is magnificent.
And just in time, too, because, uh, turns out the meta verse is the systems doing, this time. And it's evil. I'm thinking a giant brainwashing vr-esque super computer. And they defeat it with the power of friendship and also lucifer.
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turianspeedjunkie · 2 years
Siska watched Cato leave as he shrugged into his jacket with a sinking feeling in his gut. He hadn’t counted on this happening when he came here. He hadn’t counted on a lot of things, when he got here. Dius mated. And sure, he’d been lonely, hooking up with the boy had seemed like a good idea at the time... Siska hated that Dius had been right. The drell shoved his hands back in his pockets and went for the elevator, making sure Cato wasn’t anywhere in sight before he headed up towards the medbay and that private room in the back. 
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bamboorocket · 2 months
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World cold and bleak, LANCER fun and exciting.
Some little gesture doodles of Sōjōbō (Onmyōji's mech), seeing as this silly AU idea has somehow graduated in being used for an Actual Big Boy Campaign. (Though honestly if anyone was going to somehow have the crossover goof become their main pilot in this tabletop, I'm not surprised it ended up being me).
This campaign is gonna kick my ass into figuring out how to draw mecha, even if it's a very silly spindly tengu-looking bastard.
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homobrainjuice · 6 months
hows Unbalanced Breakfast goin 4 u currently?
It’s going pretty good :D (I haven’t even been working on comics just basic lore shit and character designs with help from @fizzycereal) I do really wanna start working on comics and such! I genuinely find the world that we’ve made fun and I think you guys will to! If anyone wants to see/ have a ref sheet for fanart of the characters then here!
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This is just how I draw them personally
Also in this undercut I’ll give a basic rundown of each character
Atlas- engineer and graphic design major, silly guy who kinda needs to work on himself Ngl
BrainJuice (BJ)- a theatre/ graphic design major, very expressive idiot who sometimes does random shit without explanation
Noxx- one of Atlas’s friends with some long ass longs 😰 very tall
Park- BJ’s coworker at the job they work at, kinda shy and overworked but still a fun guy to be around
Midas- Atlas’s older cousin, helped Atlas in a very dark point in his life and now just kinda hangs around
Kade- another one of Atlas’s friend, he’s your local DM and nerd. He’s very gay (dating Midas)
I’munique- A theatre major and kinda acts as BJ’s rival. She’s very entitled and narcissistic, we love to hate him 😊
BoB- a demon Atlas summoned and chose to stick around for the chaos.
that should be everyone :D
go crazy guys I’ll make comics soon I swear
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Primary Characters in the Previously Unmentioned Riftfall AU:
(Quick explanation, this is something @sparguscityangel and I kept throwing back and forth at each other until one day it grew a Plot and legs and now its just sitting here, looking at us ominously.)
The premise is that when the Rift Rider blew up at the beginning of Jak 2, where each person fell out determined what year/location they actually landed in.
Daxter landed one year before they were supposed to, but falling one year back through the timestream undid his ottselification so he's as confused as you are. He ends up befriending Ximon and becoming the unofficial third member of Ximon and Osmo's family. He learns to drive, to shave, to pay taxes...and just how messed-up life in Haven City is. Osmo teaches him how to support the resistance when it's not safe to openly rebel. Daxter gets very very good at talking his way out of most security checkpoints. And all the while he wonders where everyone else landed.
Samos landed the same year, and got arrested on suspicion of being The Shadow. While he doesn't sell out Jak exactly, he does mention his existence. This will come back to bite everyone later. He also begs them to tell him if his daughter is alright, assuming they've all been found like last time. He tells them she studies dark eco, in order to make them interested enough to spare her.
This will also come back to bite everyone.
Keira fell out second, after Jak, so she lands further back. She crashes into the agricultural sector as a skinny twelve year old and immediately gets stuck in a tree. Ashelin Praxis is the one who finds her, and when the Baron realizes a year later that the "inventor orphan" his daughter brings food to out of pity is the sage's kid, he starts Plotting. Keira is brought into the palace and offered "sage" training, made to believe she's the only survivor of the crash. Devastated, the thirteen year old turns to Ashelin for advice and comfort. Considering Praxis's similarities to Samos as a cranky, strict, "I'm doing this to save the world" guy, the poor kid ends up being manipulated into seeing him as a surrogate father.
Dark eco is slipped into her food and drink, little by little, in an attempt to build her tolerance to it. Likewise, the kind of propaganda Ashelin has bought into is also slipped into her daily life until Keira, sheltered from the reality of life in Haven, believes it. She's praised and thanked for her inventions, told she's helping the war effort. When she begins to show dark eco symptoms, they're brushed away as a particularly gnarly puberty and she begins combat training. Keira is paraded around upper class schools to spur recruitment for the Junior Krimzon Guard cadets. Posters spring up around the city: "Our Girl Genius is Helping the War Effort, What About You?" and "Darling Dark Angel says, "Many Hands Make the Work Light! Let's Make our Quota Together!"
She's called Girl Genius so many times that when the KG start jokingly calling her Little G.G. Praxis, she doesn't correct them. It's something to distract her from the sorrow connected to her own name and her past for a while. She can't have Jak and Daxter and her father back. But she can make darned sure nobody else in this city will lose their loved ones to metalheads like she must have. Praxis is right: now it's her turn to be the hero.
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Jak was the first to fall out of the Rift Rider, and was knocked five years back through the timestream. He also fell straight into the ocean. It was not a good day for Jak. Lucky for him, a fishing boat was trawling those waters that day, and when the captain found a shivering ten year old clinging to one of her buoys, she immediately hauled him aboard. It takes an hour or two to find enough common signs between them to have a conversation, but even so it leaves Captain Phobos with more questions than answers.
Unbeknownst to Jak, who -- like Keira -- believes himself to be the sole survivor, he's right between what used to be Misty Island and a place called Spargus. There are more warriors there than he's ever seen in his life, and nobody's heard of his friends. But the woman who found him introduces him to her husband, who is shockingly kind for a complete stranger.
Damas and Phobos have been trying for a child for two years at this point with no success, so when Jak literally falls from the sky into their lives, it doesn't take long for them to start wondering if he's been sent as an answer to their prayers. Jak is bewildered and a little freaked out by this at first, having absolutely no experience with present and intentional parental figures outside of vicariously via Keira and Samos. But after a year or two, he settles into calling them mom and dad. In his heart, however, he still longs for closure about his friends and what happened to Sandover.
When Jak is about to turn thirteen, Phobos becomes pregnant at last. Half the time Jak worries he's being replaced, the other half he worries about whether his new brother or sister will like him. And then little Mar is born and Jak cries, because all he wants is to share this moment with his best friends, and he can't. So he devotes himself to his baby brother. And it goes great! Until it doesn't.
Until he's almost 15 and Count Veger sends spies disguised as monks into Spargus to snatch the Child Heir and "dispose of the spare". Jak barely survives the aftermath of Mar’s kidnapping, and despite his parents growing increasingly protective, he vows that he'll bring his brother home no matter what.
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(Next Character is on loan from @sparguscityangel )
Ru has no grand lineage or powers. She's not afraid of blood, buuuut this is primarily because she's a vet tech at the only veterinary office in North Haven. Whether or not that strong stomach extends to human blood is yet untested. Ru, like Daxter, lives the day to day life of a Havenite civilian. She dodges the bullets of bored Guards like everyone else, but where some run missions for the Underground and engage in covert and not so covert warfare, Ru is just trying to get through the day without getting scratched or bitten at work.
She hates walking home in the dark, but her loving parents, grandmother, and slightly pesky little sister are always waiting with a warm meal and a sense of safety. Ru wishes the outside world felt as safe as home. But even home feels a little less safe from the concerns of the city when Girl Genius posters are tucked into her sister's backpack on the way home from school.
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Disclaimer: all images I made out of existing Disney faces with a lasso tool and a generic free art app on my phone
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yuridovewing · 6 months
This is gonna sound kinda shitty but tbh I'm only interested in exploring DarkTiger in a romantic angle if you go at it as a doomed unhealthy relationship. It's kinda like AshWhite to me where I do not think its a good pairing or a desirable one, it's more of a character exploration thing.
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fizzycereal · 5 months
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@homobrainjuice heheheh 😊
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halain · 9 days
I honestly need to give alcyone another class, preferably one melee-heavy, because having him & shads in the same party especially this early with limited spell slots is actually nightmarish. what I get for following the crowd and making a selûnite tav to romance her
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tinyetoile · 2 years
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Farore’s Favourite
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